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IJHSRD-Volume-3-Issue-1-March 2021.Pdf 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) About Journal Indonesian Journal of health sciences research and development is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal. The frequency is monthly from 2019. It deals with all aspects of health sciences including Community Medicine, Public Health, Epidemiology, Occupational Health, Environmental Hazards, Clinical Research, and Public Health Laws, pharmacology biotechnology, health instruments, nursing, clinical psychology and covers all medical specialties concerned with research and development for the masses. The journal strongly encourages reports of research carried out within the Indonesian continent and South East Asia. Editorial Team Chief of Editor : DrPH. Tasnim, SKM, MPH Managing editor : 1. La Djabo Buton, SKM, M.Kes 2. Azlimin, SKM, MM 3. Noviati, SKM.,MPH 4. Muhammad Isrul, S.Si., M.Si, Apt 5. La Ode Hamrin, S.Si., M.T 6. Tiara Mayang Pratiwi Lio, S.Ked., M.Si 7. Putu Suri, A.Md.Keb, SKM, M.Kes 8. Lisnawati, S.Kpe, Ns., M.Kep 9. Iksan, SKM.,M.Kes 10. Jamal Buton, SKM https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 1/4 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) Editorial Board : 1. Ass. Prof. Lillian Mwanri (Australia) 2. Ass. Prof. Gouranga Dasvarma (Australia) 3. Prof. Dr. Rusli Bin Nordin (Malaysia) 4. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rachman Ayub (Malaysia) 5. DrPH. Tasnim, SKM, MPH (Indonesia) 6. Dr. Astha Sharma Pokharel (Nepal, India) 7. Dr. Vikram Nirajan (Ireland, India) 8. Dr. Ayesha AlRifai (Palestine) 9. Ass. Prof. Dr. Roy Rillera Marzo (Malaysia) 10. Fairuz Fadzilah Rahim (Malaysia) (/index.php/ijhsrd/about/submissions) Editorial Team (/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam) Peer Reviewers (/index.php/ijhsrd/reviewers) Peer Review Process (/index.php/ijhsrd/review) Focus and Scope (/index.php/ijhsrd/focusandscope) Publication Ethics (/index.php/ijhsrd/ethic ) Online Submission (/index.php/ijhsrd/about/submissions) Online Submission Guidelines (https://drive.google.com/open? id=1VPoaMbjwQ6pfDoGN9ngjKaMp-byyrRgc) https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 2/4 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) Plagiarism Check (/index.php/ijhsrd/plagiarism ) Article Processing Charge (/index.php/ijhsrd/apcs ) Open Access Statement (/index.php/ijhsrd/openaccess ) License Term (/index.php/ijhsrd/licence) Statistics (https://statcounter.com/p12104385/?guest=1) Template (https://drive.google.com/open? id=1Gi9fldp8iYF42T_CUxlESIfjJe_LuOB1) Cover letter and statement (https://drive.google.com/open? id=1SsGrdMikdelO5Uq85PzmEh66CsOx9TzO) History Jurnal (/index.php/ijhsrd/history) Information For Readers (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/information/readers) For Authors (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/information/authors) For Librarians (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/information/librarians) Current Issue (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/gateway/plugin/WebFeedGatewayPlugin/atom) https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 3/4 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/gateway/plugin/WebFeedGatewayPlugin/rss2) (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/gateway/plugin/WebFeedGatewayPlugin/rss) Address Jl. Jend.A.H Nasution No.G-37 Kambu, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia Contact Info +62822 3765 8472 [email protected] [email protected] © 2019 {International Journal Health Science Research Development}, All rights reserved. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Licensed under (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Site using OJS 3 PKP optimized (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/aboutThisPublishingSystem) https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 4/4 e-ISSN: 2715-4718 DOI: 10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol3.Iss1/X https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd CONTENTS Volume 3, Issue 1 March 2021 1. THE EFFECT OF GIVING CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus) TO DECREASE HEMOGLOBIN TROMBOSITE AND IMPROVEMEN IN PRE-ECLAMMED PATIENTS AT DEWI SARTIKA HOSPITAL ............................................. ..... 1 Novia Sarmiati, Erwin Azizi Jayadipraja, La Banudi 2. THE APPLICATION OF JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) METHOD IN IDENTIFYING THE RISK OF WORK ACCIDENTS IN CHARGED MANPOWER IN BUNGKUTOKO PORT, KENDARI CITY............................ 8 Muh. Yamin Samma, Erwin Azizi Jayadipraja, Azis Harun 3. FACTORS RELATING TO THE QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN BAHTERAMAS REGIONAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL SOUTHEAST SULAWESI PROVINCE............................................................................................................ 18 Putri Suchi Tulhikma Sarewo,Tasnim Tasnim,La Ode Kamalia 4. FACTORS RELATED TO EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION IN THE HOSPITAL PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCY OF KONAWE DISTRICT.................................. 24 Alisia Witanti, La Ode Saafi, La Ode Kamalia 5. THE IMPACT OF DEMOGRAPHY AND PERCEPTION ON MALE CONTRACEPTIVE USE IN INDONESIA......................................................... 31 Yunita Amraeni, SudijantoKamso 6. GIVING RED RICE (ORIZA NIVARA) TO CHANGE GLUCOSE LEVELS IN DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS IN KENDARI CITY........................... 38 Laode Ardiansyah, Nawawi 7. PROVISION OF SUPPLEMENTARY FOOD FOR SASIGO AND BISCUIT IN INCREASING THE WEIGHT OF CHILDREN: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN NAMBO PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN KENDARI CITY............................... 45 Mariyatni Rasyid, Timbul Supodo, La Banudi 8. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE BARK DREDGING OF THE JAVA WOOD TREE (LANNEA COROMANDELICA) ON THE DIABETIC ULCER HEALING PROCESS.............................................................................................................. 55 Dwi Wulandari Ningtias Purnama, Wa Ode Rahmadania 9. WASTE UTILIZATION TRAINING ABOUT STYROFOAM BECOME A BATAKO IN THE SCAVENGER WASTE COMMUNITY IN PALOPO CITY.. 61 Indra Amanah, Miftahul Jannah, Ishak ii e-ISSN: 2715-4718 DOI: 10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol3.Iss1/X https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd 10. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POTENTIAL OF VACCINE AND IMMUNIZATION SERVICES WITH QUALITY OF MEASLES VACCINE IN KONAWE KEPULAUAN DISTRICT.................................................................. 65 Afiat, Timbul Supodo, Sunarsih 11. THE EFFECT OF LEAFLET AND VIDEO METHODS OF HEALTH COUNSELING ABOUT INNECTICIDED GAMBUS IN MABODO PRIMARY HEALTH CARE..................................................................................................... 71 Zanuma, Timbul Supodo, Sanihu Munir, Anry Hariadhin Depu 12. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMPETENCY AND SERVICE OFFICERS ON THE ACHIEVEMENT OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING TARGETS IN KENDARI CITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT............................... 79 Asmawati, Tasnim Tasnim, Sunarsih 13. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF KNOWLEDGE AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT FOR ADOLESCENTS WHICH INFORMATION PROGRAMS AND TEENCES COUNSELING EARLY MARRIAGE IN STATE HIGH SCHOOLS IN KONAWE KEPULAUAN DISTRICT.................................................................. 85 Jumriah Abdullah, Tasnim Tasnim, La Banudi 14. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STIGMA AND JOB AND MARRIED ACCESSIBILITY IN HIV- AIDS PATIENTS IN KENDARI CITY.................. 91 Sri Zul Atmi, Tasnim Tasnim, Azis Harun. 15. RISK OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISK PARAMETERS NO2 AND COMPLAINTS OF RESPIRATION ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS (NEW CAMPUS-CITY) IN KENDARI CITY.................................... 97 Asri Manafia, Erwin Azizi Jayadipraja, Ridwan Adi Surya 16. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BENEFITS AND CONSTRAINTS THE FEELING WITH THE HABIT OF SMOKING HEALTH PERSONNEL IN LATAMBAGA SUB-DISTRICT KOLAKA DISTRICT..................................... 108 Martina Pingak, Tasnim Tasnim, Herianto Wahab 17. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INCOME LEVEL, PERCEPTION OF HEALTH SERVICES AND CADRES’S ACTIVITY WITH COMPLIANCE WITH PAYMENT OF INDEPENDENT NATIONAL HEALTH ASSURANCE IN KOLAKA DISTRICT...................................................................................... 115 Jumiati Bandu, La Ode Kamalia, Erwin Azizi Jayadipraja 18. ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF HEALTH EDUCATION TO IMPROVE MOTHER'S KNOWLEDGE IN PREVENTING STUNTING IN MASOLAKA RAYA SUB-DISTRICT, BOMBANA DISTRICT...................... 129 Yulfiah Suleman, Tasnim Tasnim, Herianto Wahab 19. THE RELATIONSHIP A BETWEEN LEADERSHIP STYLE AND WORKING CONDITIONS WITH NURSES 'WORKING SATISFACTION IN INPATIENT ROOMS, BAHTERAMAS HOSPITAL............................................................... 136 Nur Ardiana, La Ode Saafi, Tasnim Tasnim iii e-ISSN: 2715-4718 DOI: 10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol3.Iss1/X https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd 20. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING RELATE TO PERFORMANCE CLEAN AND HEALTHY LIVING BEHAVIOR IN CADRE IN THE WORKING AREA OF POASIA PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, KENDARI CITY.................. 143 Hasmariana, La Ode Saafi, Tasnim Tasnim, Anry Hariadhin Depu. 21. RISK FACTORS PULMONARYTUBERCULOSIS IN POASIA HEALTH CENTRES IN THE COASTAL REGION OF KENDARI CITY........................... 149 Ifon, Timbul Supodo, Sunarsih, H. Sanihu Munir, Abd Aziz Harun 22. ANALYSIS OF SMOKING HABITS AND MONOXIDE CARBON CONTENTS IN HOME WITH CARBOXIHEMOGLOBINE (COHb) IN ACTIVE SMOKING IN III ENVIRONMENT, KEMARAYA, KENDARI CITY.......................................................................................................................
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