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IJHSRD-Volume-2-Issue-1-AUGUST-2020.Pdf 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) About Journal Indonesian Journal of health sciences research and development is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal. The frequency is monthly from 2019. It deals with all aspects of health sciences including Community Medicine, Public Health, Epidemiology, Occupational Health, Environmental Hazards, Clinical Research, and Public Health Laws, pharmacology biotechnology, health instruments, nursing, clinical psychology and covers all medical specialties concerned with research and development for the masses. The journal strongly encourages reports of research carried out within the Indonesian continent and South East Asia. Editorial Team Chief of Editor : DrPH. Tasnim, SKM, MPH Managing editor : 1. La Djabo Buton, SKM, M.Kes 2. Azlimin, SKM, MM 3. Noviati, SKM.,MPH 4. Muhammad Isrul, S.Si., M.Si, Apt 5. La Ode Hamrin, S.Si., M.T 6. Tiara Mayang Pratiwi Lio, S.Ked., M.Si 7. Putu Suri, A.Md.Keb, SKM, M.Kes 8. Lisnawati, S.Kpe, Ns., M.Kep 9. Iksan, SKM.,M.Kes 10. Jamal Buton, SKM https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 1/4 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) Editorial Board : 1. Ass. Prof. Lillian Mwanri (Australia) 2. Ass. Prof. Gouranga Dasvarma (Australia) 3. Prof. Dr. Rusli Bin Nordin (Malaysia) 4. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rachman Ayub (Malaysia) 5. DrPH. Tasnim, SKM, MPH (Indonesia) 6. Dr. Astha Sharma Pokharel (Nepal, India) 7. Dr. Vikram Nirajan (Ireland, India) 8. Dr. Ayesha AlRifai (Palestine) 9. Ass. Prof. Dr. Roy Rillera Marzo (Malaysia) 10. Fairuz Fadzilah Rahim (Malaysia) (/index.php/ijhsrd/about/submissions) Editorial Team (/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam) Peer Reviewers (/index.php/ijhsrd/reviewers) Peer Review Process (/index.php/ijhsrd/review) Focus and Scope (/index.php/ijhsrd/focusandscope) Publication Ethics (/index.php/ijhsrd/ethic ) Online Submission (/index.php/ijhsrd/about/submissions) Online Submission Guidelines (https://drive.google.com/open? id=1VPoaMbjwQ6pfDoGN9ngjKaMp-byyrRgc) https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 2/4 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) Plagiarism Check (/index.php/ijhsrd/plagiarism ) Article Processing Charge (/index.php/ijhsrd/apcs ) Open Access Statement (/index.php/ijhsrd/openaccess ) License Term (/index.php/ijhsrd/licence) Statistics (https://statcounter.com/p12104385/?guest=1) Template (https://drive.google.com/open? id=1Gi9fldp8iYF42T_CUxlESIfjJe_LuOB1) Cover letter and statement (https://drive.google.com/open? id=1SsGrdMikdelO5Uq85PzmEh66CsOx9TzO) History Jurnal (/index.php/ijhsrd/history) Information For Readers (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/information/readers) For Authors (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/information/authors) For Librarians (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/information/librarians) Current Issue (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/gateway/plugin/WebFeedGatewayPlugin/atom) https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 3/4 3/30/2021 Editorial Team | INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (IJHSRD) (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/gateway/plugin/WebFeedGatewayPlugin/rss2) (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/gateway/plugin/WebFeedGatewayPlugin/rss) Address Jl. Jend.A.H Nasution No.G-37 Kambu, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia Contact Info +62822 3765 8472 [email protected] [email protected] © 2019 {International Journal Health Science Research Development}, All rights reserved. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Licensed under (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Site using OJS 3 PKP optimized (https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/aboutThisPublishingSystem) https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd/about/editorialTeam 4/4 e-ISSN: 2715-4718 DOI: https://doi.org/10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol2.Iss1 https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd CONTENTS Volume 2, Number 1 August 28, 2020 1. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INCOME AND ACCESS WITH PAYMENT REGULATIONS OF HEALTH INSURANCE FOR SELF-FINANCING MEMBERS IN PUUWATU PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CENTRE IN KENDARI CITY .......................................................................... 1 Sri Mulyani 2. FACTORS RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE OF HEALTH WORKERS IN ABELI CITY HEALTH CENTER, KENDARI CITY................................... 9 Sartini Risky MS, Wa Ode Nova Noviyanti Rachman, Muhammad Ikhsan Akbar 3. DETERMINANT FACTORS OF UNDERNUTRITION IN PETOAHA VILLAGE: PATH ANALYSIS............................................................................ 15 Fitri Rachmillah Fadmi, La Djabo Buton 4. FACTORS RELATING TO THE UTILIZATION OF NCD INTEGRATED POST.......................................................................................... 22 Hadafiah, Sunarsih, Erwin Azizi Jayadipraja, Putu Suri Saraswati, Sartini Risky 5. COMMUNITY-LED HEALTH PLANNING MODEL FOR VILLAGE HEALTH TEAM :A CASE STUDY IN INDONESIA..................... 27 Tasnim Tasnim 6. RELATIONSHIP OF WATER AND WATER RESERVOIRS WITH THE PRESENCE OF AEDES AEGYPTI LARVAE IN PUUWATU PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER WORKING AREA KENDARI CITY............................... 33 Titi Saparina L,Noviati 7. THE EFFECT OF VIDEO AND SIMULATION COUNSELLING ON CHILDREN'S KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HAND WASHING USING SOAP IN THE PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF LAMBANDIA DISTRICT EAST KOLAKA DISTRICT............................................................................. 39 Nur Ahmad, Tasnim Tasnim, Herianto Wahab 8. THE RISK OF KNOWLEDGE, SMOKING AND PATIENT’S CONTACT ON TUBERCULOSIS DISEASE IN PUUWATU HEALTH CENTRE IN KENDARI CITY................................................................................................ 46 La Djabo Buton, Fitri Rachmillah Fadmi 1 Mulyani, S. DOI: 10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol2.Iss1/17 https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd e- ISSN: 2715-4718 Research Article Open Access THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INCOME AND ACCESS WITH PAYMENT REGULATIONS OF HEALTH INSURANCE FOR SELF-FINANCING MEMBERS IN PUUWATU PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CENTRE IN KENDARI CITY Sri Mulyani Department of Public Health Mandala Waluya Kendari Health Science, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia Corresponding Author: Sri Mulyani Email: [email protected] Abstract Background: The number of Health Insurance members in Puuwatu Primary Health Care Centre in 2016 contributed 204 people with arrears of Self-Financing In Health Insurance about 86 people (42.2%) and in 2017 driving membership was 246 people based on data up to June 2017 that arrears contacted 112 people (45, 5%). The purpose of the study was to study the relationship of knowledge and attitudes with regular pay in Self-Financing In Health Insurance membe rs in Puuwatu Primary Health Care Centre, Kendari City. Methods: This type of quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design. The population of all Self-Financing In Health Insurance members who work and have income inPuuwatu Primary Health Care Centre receives 106 people. Samples were taken by the Proportional Random Sampling technique taken 84 people. Results: The statistical test results use the Chi-square test, receive a value of ρ <a (0,000 <0.05) on income and improve efficiency, determine there is a relationship between income and access to the regular payment of contributions to participants in the Self-Financing In Health Insurance. Suggestions for in Puuwatu Primary Health Care Centre in Kendari City to provide counseling about the number of premium contributions, ownership of an account from a Bank approved by BPJS Health, access location for premium payment of Self-Financing In Health Insurance. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between income and access to the regular payment of contributions from Self-Financing In Health Insurance members K eywords : Payment, BPJS, Income, Access Indonesian Journal Of Health Sciences Research and Development Vol. 2, No. 1, August 2020 1 Mulyani, S. DOI: 10.36566/ijhsrd/Vol2.Iss1/17 https://ijhsrd.com/index.php/ijhsrd e- ISSN: 2715-4718 INTRODUCTION Health Insurance. If the 10th (tenth) day falls Regularity in paying Self-Financing on a holiday, then contributions are paid on In Health Insurance member's contributions the following business day. Arrears in is still one of the problems to date related to payment, i.e. contributions are not paid at Self-Financing In Health Insurance least for 3 consecutive months paid to Self- contributions, based on annual evaluations, Financing In Health Insurance (1). which are the most arrears from independent Self-Financing In Health Insurance participants or participants who register membership in Southeast Sulawesi in 2015 individually. Increasing membership of the amounted to 1,267,795 people (46.95%) of independent BPJS is still not in line with its the population and increased in 2016 to regularity in paying contributions. In 2015 1,324,000 people (49.03%) of the population Self-Financing In Health Insurance of Southeast Sulawesi, targeted in 2019 it membership in Indonesia totaled 145 million must be 100% citizens the state is included residents with the problem of 40% of the in the BPJS membership. One of the total irregular independent participants problems found was the regularity of paying
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