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Find sources: South-East Sulawesi - News newspaper (en) book scientist JSTOR (Learn how and when it's time to remove this template message) PlaceTemplat:SHORTDESC:PlaceSulawesi TenggaraProvince in IndonesiaSultra From top right: Masjid Al-Alam, Ex-Monument MTH, Blue Lake, Moramo Bendera WaterfallLambangMotto: Inae Konasara Iye Pinesara Inae Iye Pinekasa Bahasa Tolaaki - Bolimo Caro Somanamo Lipu Bahas Volio - Hansuru hansuru badha sumano konouru hans liwu Bahasa MunaPeta : 15City: 2Population: 209Dil: 2272 Government - GovernorAli Mazi - Deputy Governor Lukman Abunavas - Chairman of DprDAbdulrahman SalehAs - Total38 140 km2 (14 730 sq m) Population (2019) 95%Christian 2.42% - Protestant 1.84%-Catholic 0.58% Hindu 2.04% Buddhist 0.04% Other 0.27% - Tolaki Tribe 36% Bouton Tribe 26% Moon Tribe 19% Moronin Tribe 10% Waiiwon 9% Other 10% - Bahasa , Tolaca, Moronin, Chia Sia, Volio, Muna, Kulisusu, Baggio , Akatobi, Kulambaku and IPM▲ (70.61) Dari 0402 - 0403 - Raha 0404 - Wanchi 0405 - Kolaka 0408 - Unaaha City ISO 3166 codid-SGNumber TNKBTToSsing Law No. 13, 1964-3'DAURp981,035,741,000,00 (2013) (Tolaaki), Wonua Mekong (Tolaki), Lamarambi (Tolaki), Peya Tawa-Tawa (Tolaaki), Molulo (Tolaaki), Notusolo Riringgu (Tolaki) Nunoa Bombana (Moronin), Campo Tangkeno (Moronin), Tina Orima (Moronin), Otampo (Muna), Capusuli Kadea (Muna), Lemo Nipi (Muna), Kyomo Mogae (Muna) , Ngcururio (Bouton) Tana Volio (), Kkai Disaku (Bouton). Sope-Sope (Bouton), Bentena Volio (Buton), Botuki Pojanjita (Bouton), Campaga Kapalute (Buton), Nana Maelo (Buton), Kasamea (Bouton), Inka Motobori (Bouton), Porae (Buton), Kamba Tepandon Matamu (Bouton), Konoviana Ahadi (Bouton), Kaliva-Lovu Kampu Kampu (Buton), Hune (Buton), Lalala (Buton), Kambah Yi Massiaka (Buton), Bara Mpempea (Buton), Baralala (Buton), Apokaxia Upara-Para (Buton), Lagu Volio (Buton), Bula (Buton), Canturu Mainava (Buton), Manku Namakes (Buton), Lowana Anto (Butmo), Campo Tangkeno (ButmFloraAnggrek seratFaunaAnoaASitus Sulawesi Tenggara ( short for Sultra) - province in Indonesia located in the southeastern part of Sulawesi Island. with the capital Sulawesi Province is located on the southeastern peninsula of Sulawesi Island, Geographically located at the southern equator between 02'45' - 06'15' south Latitude and 120'45' - 124'30' Eastern longitude and has a land area of 38,140 sq km (3,814,000 hectares) and water (sea) 110,000 sq km (11,000,000 hectares). The history of southeastern Sulawesi was originally named one of the districts in the southern and southeastern province of Sulawesi (Sulselera) with Baubau as the district capital. South-Eastern Sulawesi was designated an autonomous region under the Perpu No. 2 Act 1964, No.13 of 13 June 1964. During the sultanate - Kerajaan Nusantara southeastern Sulawesi during the reign of the Sultanate State - The Nusantar Kingdom before the formation of the southeastern Sulawesi in 1952, formerly Afdeling. This onderafdeling became known as Onderafdeling Boeton Laiwoi with its government center in Bau Bau. Onderafdling Boeton Laiwui consists of: Afdeling Boeton, Afdeling Muna, and Afdeling Laiwui. Onderafdling is conceptually an administrative area of the Cavedanan level ruled by (Dutch vedan) called Kontroleur (this term later called Patich) during the colonial rule of the Dutch East Indies. Onderafdeling consists of several landschap led by hooves and several districts (kedemangan) led by districthoofd or district chief level assistant wedana. Onderafdeling's status was granted by the Dutch East Indies Government to areas of genuine power and sovereignty, respected even by the Dutch East Indies government. This recognition of the authorities was granted because these areas were not Dutch colonies, but areas that had links with the Netherlands. In some assumptions that Onderafdeling was a colony may not be true, because in the case of Onderafdeling Boeton Laiwoi there was quite a great domination of the relationship of the Dutch as a superpower party at the time with the Sultanate and the Kingdom in the southeastern part of Sulawesi especially Sultanate Bouton, thus granted the status of Onderafdeling Boeton Laiwoi. The Afdeling Kolaka at that time was under Onderafdeling Luwu (South Sulawesi), then with the government regulation No 34 of 1952 the became one regency, namely southeast Regency Sulawesi with its capital Baubau. The regency of south-eastern Sulawesi includes former Onderafdling Boton Livei and former Onderafdeling Kolak and became part of the southeastern province of Sulawesi with its government center in Makassar (Ujung Pandang). The following period of the old order with the law No. 29 1959, the southeastern Sulawesi Regency which was blooming in four districts, namely: Regency, , and . The four second-tier regions are part of the southern and southeastern provinces of Sulawesi. How difficult it was to convey relations at that time between the Level II region of south-eastern Sulawesi and the provincial government centre in Makassay, thereby impeding public duties as well as development responsibilities. In addition, the failure of DI/TII at that time seriously hampered its basic development objectives in the State. The area of south-eastern Sulawesi consists of a large area of land and islands containing various types of mining products, namely asphalt and nickel, as well as a number of other excavations. Similarly, the potential of agricultural land could well be developed. In addition, there are also various forest products in the form of rattan, resin and various other forest products. For this review, the leaders of the south-eastern community of Sulawesi formed the Committee of Prosecutors of the First Autonomous Region of South-East Sulawesi. The committee's task is to fight for the establishment of the Sulawesi Autonomous Region in Jakarta's central government. Thanks to the Grace of God Almighty, the ideals of the people of southeastern Sulawesi were achieved with the exit of Perpu No. 2 1964 of south-east Sulawesi was assigned to Level I autonomous region with the capital Of Kendari. The first level of the south-eastern Sulawesi region was implemented on 27 April 1964, when the territory was handed over from colonel Infa, Governor of the south-eastern province of Sulawesi. A. Rifai elected governor of the southeastern province of Sulawesi J. At that time, the province of the first level of south-eastern Sulawesi began to stand apart from the province of the First Level region of southern Sulawesi. Thus, April 27, 1964 is the birthday of the province of the first level of the region of southeast Sulawesi, which is celebrated every year of the new period of about 1995 formed one city, namely Kendari City, the expansion of Kendari Regency, now (August 3, 1995). An early reform period was formed by one new city, namely the city of Baubau, the expansion of the Regency Bouton (June 21, 2001). The reform formed several new districts: , expansion (December 18, 2003) , Buton Regency expansion (December 18, 2003) , Kolaka Regency expansion (December 18, 2003) , Konawe Regency expansion (February 25, 2003) , Konawe Regency expansion (January 2, 2007) , expansion of Muna Regency (January 2, 2007) East Colac Regency, expansion of Kolaka Regency (December 14, 2012) Konawe Islands Regency, blossomed from Konawe Regency (April 12, 2013) , blossomed from Buton Regency (July 2014) South Buton, blooming from Buton Regency (July 2014) West Muna Regency, bloomed from Muna Regency (July 2014) After expansion, southeast Sulawesi has 15 districts and 2 cities. Currently, in the southeastern province of Sulawesi, there is a south-eastern communications office of Sulawesi Province in the Global Tower building located in Jalan Gatot Subroto DKI Jakarta. The population of demography in 1990 is about 1,349,619 people in southeastern Sulawesi. It then increased to 1,776,292 in 2000, and the National Social and Economic Survey of the Central Statistical Agency in 2005 amounted to 1,959,414. From the publication of the Indonesian population forecast for 2010-2035, it is noted that that the population of south-east Sulawesi sequenti sequenti (in thousands) 2,243.6 (2010), 2499.5 (2015), 2.499.5 (2015), 2.2.5 4 99.5 (2015), 2.499.5 755.6 (2020), 3,003.3 (2025), 3,237.7 (2030) and 3,458.1 (2035). The population growth rate of the south-eastern part of Sulawesi in 1990-2000 was 2.79 per cent per annum and in 2004-2005 it was 0.02 per cent. (quote is necessary) Population growth by region between 2004 and 2005 in The Kendar and Mun districts alone showed positive growth, namely 0.03% and 0.02% per year, while in other areas negative growth was shown. The population structure of the southeastern part of Sulawesi population in 2005, the population under the age of 15 700 433 people (35.75%) population, while the female population reached 984,987 (20.27%) и мужское население достигло 974 427 человек (49,73%). Население 1971-2010 Год 1971 1980 1990 1995 2000 2010 Население 714,120 942,302 1.349,619 1,586,917 1,776,292 2,232,586 юго-восточной истории населения СулавесиИсточник: По данным Языкового агентства, на 2019 год на юго-востоке Сулавеси существует 14 региональных языков. Четырнадцать языков: (1) Баджо, (2) Бали, (3) Сиа-Сиа, (4) Куламбаку, (5) Ява, (6) Кулисусу, (7) Ласалиму-Камару, (8) Морунене, (9) Муна , (10) Pulos, (11) Sasak, (12) Sunda, (13) Tolaka and (14) Volio. Agricultural commodity economy, Includes: cocoa, cashews, coconuts, cloves, coffee, walnut peppers and vanilla forestry, including: logs and sawmills, including: fishing and sea fish farms, including: cows, buffalo and goat prey, including: asphalt, nickel, marble, half of gems, onyx, limestone and clay Of King Mykeg's tomb Kolaka Makan Raja Sangia Ngginoburu, Old Mosque Konave Kab. Logia, Lohia District, Laik Mbu'u Traditional House of the Moon Regency, Conave Conavee Mekongga Raha Bokeo, Kab. Conave Laika Aha, Conave Cave Skull Lawolatu, North Cave Kolaka Sorong (tomb) Ancient tribe tolaki, Kab. East Colaca Wiwirano Skull Cave, North Conave Cab. Live Royal Palace, Kendari City Lapadi Fort, South Conave site Bende Vuta Fortress, Kab.Colaka Liang Kobori Archaeological Monument of Muna Regency Moon Complex Muna Traditional House, Muna Regency Tivoro Royal Fort, West Moon Regency Kulisus Palace Fort, North Buton Royal Cemetery Complex Waworete / Wawonii Kingdom, Conave Island Kamali Baadia Palace, in the city of Baubau, which is the palace of the 38th Sultan la Ode Falihi and the 39th Sultan Dr. Salvor maliga, in the city of Baubau with typical Bouton architecture and is a traditional building that does not use Kamali Kara Palace in Baubau, located inside the buton palace fortress; Kamali Bata Palace in Baubau, which adjoins the Kamali Kara Palace; Kasulana Tombi, in the city of Baubau, which is a former flagpole of the Sultanate of Bouton, which is more than three centuries old; The Great Mosque of Keraton Bouton (Masigi-Ogena) in the city of Baubau, which was the first mosque established in the south-east of Sulawesi; Campua, in the city of Baubau, which is the currency of the Kingdom and the Sultanate of Bouton; Container Palakka Arung; who was the hideout of Arung Palacca when he took refuge in Bouton's Land; Moronin Kabaena Royal Fort (Tangkeno Castle Fort and Tontontari Fort) on The Island of Kabaena Bombana Regency Tindoi Fort Festival on The Island of Wangi-Wangi, Wakatobi Wakatobi Wave Regency (Wakatobi Wonderful Festival) in Wangi-Wangi, usually held November 11-13 Ironman Festival held at the Binongko Tomia Marine Festival Conave and Kolaka Traditional ceremonies Mosehe Wonua (State Purgatory) Tribe tolaki, Conave and Kab. Colaka Traditional Ceremony Monk Nda'u (Rice Harvest Ceremony) of the Tolaca Tribe, Kab. Conave and Kab. Colaka Motasu Traditional Ceremony (Opening Farm) Tolaaki Tribe, Cub. Conave and Kab. Colaca Festival Lulo Ngganda, South Conave Festival Mepae-pae Festival, Cub. Konawe Regency, and Cub. Colaca Ritual Cleansing Konawe Royal Relic 1 Muharam, Kab. Konave weaving Tolaka, Ameroro Kab. Conave and Lalombaa Cab. Kalaka Festival Tangkeno, Kab. Bombana Meleura Festival, Kab. Muna Weaving Bouton in Baubau, Buton Regency; Iqat Weaving in Akatoby Regency; The traditional Mataa ceremony, from Buton Regency; Pekande Candea, traditional ceremony of the Budon Raya people (Buton Regency, North Bouton Regency, Baubau City, Wakatobi Regency); IronSmith, in Binonco, Akatobi Regency; Traditional Ceremonies of Posuo, Tanzaki and Posusu The Great Bud); The traditional Ceremony of Kabuenga, from the Regency of Akatobi; The traditional ceremony of Karia, from Wangi-wanga to the Regency of Wakatobi; The traditional Ceremony of Turangian Andals from Makassar Island in Baubau; The traditional Hagati snake, from Muna Regency; Horse complaint, from Moon Regency; Cabana Racecourse, from Bombana County; Religious ceremony of Goraana Oput, only Sultan Bouton; Religious traditional ceremony of zunua, the people of Bouton Raya; Gambus and Dhole-Dhole, typical musical instruments of the Budon Raya people; The traditional Bhangka Mbule Mbule ceremony at the Wakatobi Regency; Barat Caledup Festival in Caledupa, Vanessao Regency Ceremony (rice harvest) in Ligon; Lulo Dance Attraction (Molulo) Tolaaki Dance, from Kendari, Kab. Conave, North Conave Cab. South Conave Cab. South, East Colaca Cab. Colaka, North Colac Cab. Dingu Dance (Modinggu) Harvest Dance from the Tolaaki tribe, in Kendari City, Kab. Conave, North Conave Cab. , Colaka County, East Colaka Regency, South Conave, North Conave, and Kendari City Lulo Sangia Dance, from the Kolaka district of Lariangi Tolaaki Dance, the ancient dance community of Tolaca in Kab. Konave and Kolaka Dance Mondotambe, a pickup dance of the Tolaka tribe, from Kolaka Regency, East Colac district of Lumense Dance, from Kab. Bombana Dance Lulo Alu, from Kab. Bombana Taree, from North Buton Cub. Balumpa Dance Akatobi Regency; Dragon Boat attraction in Baubau; The Momani Attraction (Moronin Military Dance), at the Caben Bomban Regency; Lulo Alu Dance, from Cabardino-Bomban Regency; Galangi Dance, The Great Bud; Mangaru Dance, Great Bud; Lumense Dance, from Cabena to Bombana Regency; Dari Dudenge, from Kabala in Bombana County; Posepaa, held by Leah Togo Fortress Complex, Wanci, Wakatobi Regency. Natural tourism of Gatatoby National Park, in the state of Wakatobi, which is the underwater paradise of the coral triangle in the world, which has 750 species of corals out of 850 species of coral world; Sombu dives to the scented island of Basilica Underwater Tourism, in South Bouton Regency Moramo Falls, in the southern Konawe Regency island of Bokori, in Konawe Regency (Mini Maldives) Toronipa Beach, in the Konawa district labengki island, in North Conave Regency (Raja Ampat Kesil Sultra) Taipa Beach, in North Conave Regency Wawolesea Hot Spring, in North Conaue Regency Senja , with dozens of showers lined up parallel to the Ofromi , The beauty of the pine forest above the Yanf Mountains is located in the Eastern Kolaka Regency Mowewe Peak, The Beauty of Rice Field View of Puncak Ketinggian is located in the Kolaka Regency East Tamborasi River, which The shortest river in the world, located in the Kolaka area; Blue Lake, at North Kolaka Regency Nambo Beach, in Kendari City Mangrove Forest Bungkutoko, in Kendari City Kendari City Nirvana Beach, in Baubau; Lakeba Beach, in Baubau; Puncak Ahuawali, in the southern Konawe Kaburaburana Regency, a multi-storey waterfall in Buton Regency; Moko Cave, in Baubau; Lacas Cave in Baubau; Kamali Beach, Baubau; Wantiro, in the city of Baubau; Tirta Rimba Forest, Baubau; Poaro Stone, in Baubau; Kaisabu Cave in Baubau; Napabale Lake, in The Liang Kobori District of Cave Muna in Muna Gua-Metendano District in Muna Valencabola Beach district in Napabalano Lake Muna District in Muna Lagavuna County, Baubau; Samparona Falls, in Baubau; Sagori Island, in Bombana Regency Cave Batu Buri in Kabaena Bombana Regency; Lambusango Forest, in Bouton County, which has high biodiversity. North Buton Wildlife Sanctuary in North Buton County; Vaconti Nature Reserve, Baubau; Bani Bungi, in The City of Baubau; Kaley Baubau, Baubau; Colagana, in the city of Baubau; Sulaa, in Baubau; Funds for the infrastructure of higher education Univeristas HalouOlo (UNHALU), Kendari Universitas Dayanu Ihsanuddin (UNIDAYAN), Baubau Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari (UMK), Kendari Universitas Muhammadiyah Bouton (UMB), Baubau Universitas Islam Budon Nusantara (UMB), Baubau Universitas Islam Budon Nusantara (UMB) UNISBUN), Baubau UPBJ Academy of Obstetrics Baubau Buton Regency (AKBID Bouton), Baubau Bouton Raya Academy of Obstetrics (AKBID Bouton Paradise), Baubau Academy of Obstetrics YAPENAS (AKBID YAPENAS), Baubau Raha Academy of Obstetrics , Muna High School of Islamic Religion (STAI) , Baubau University Southeast Sulawesi (UNSULTRA), Kendari Institute of the Islamic State (IAIN), Kendari College of Informatics and Computer Management (STIMIK Katur Sakti), Kendari State University9 November (UNSN), Kolaka AIK Millennium Count School of High Islamic Religion Sjarif Muhammad Raha (STAI Syarif Muhammad Raha) Raha High School of Agricultural Sciences (STIP Wuna Raha) Kolaka Islamic School (STAI Kolaka) POLTEK Indotec Kolaka STIK Avicena Kendari Konave Kebidayan Academy (AKBID KONAWE) , Conave Universitas Lakidende (UNILAKI), Conave College of Islamic Religion (STAI) Wakatobi College of Medical Sciences Mandala Valuya (STIKES MW) Kendari Academy of Computer Informatics Management Katur Sakti (AMIK CATUR SAKTI) High School of Computer Science Management Catur Sakti (STMIK CATUR SAKTI) Airport Airport Wakatobi Tomaya Airport, Wakatobi Sugimanuru Airport, West Muna-Totombari Airport, Baubau Sangia Nibander Airport, Kolaka Murhum Baubau Port Nusantara Kendari Pangulu Belo Port , on The Island of Wangi-Wangi Kolaka Ocean Port Nusantara Raha Ferry Port (ASDP)Kolaka Port Ferry Tampo Muna Port Ferry Lagasa Muna Ferry Port Pure Muna Port Maligano Muna Port Fery Wamengkoli Buton Central Port Fery Batulo Baubau Ferry Port Tondasi Muna West Port Liana Banggai Buton Central Port Simpu Buton South Port Transito Talaga Raya – Central Buton Port Antam Pomalaa Port ASDP (Kendari - Wawonii) State Road: Provincial Road: City/District Road: Government List of governors Main article: List of governors of Southeast Sulawesi No Photo Governor Starting The Final Position of Prd. Ket, Vice Governor 1 J. Wayong April 27, 1964 July 18, 1965 1 2 Laode Hadi July 28, 1965 October 5, 1966 2 Jacob Silondae Konggoasa — Single Panca Team October 5, 1966 October 19 , 1966 — Eddy Sabara October 19, 1966 April 1, 1966 7 — 1 April 1967 24 April 1967 3 24 April 1967 23 June 1978 3 4 Abdullah Silondae 23 June 1978 1981 4 [ket. 1] — Eddy Sabara (Acting) 1981 23 September 1982 [ Кет. 2] 5 Alala 23 September 1982 23 September 1987 5 Zainal Arifin Sugianto 23 September 1987 23 Desember 1992 6 6 Laode Kaimoeddin 23 Desember 1992 23 Desember 1997 7 D. Muhiddin 23 Desember 1997 18 Januari 2003 8 [ket. 3] Hoesein Effendy 7 Ali Mazi 18 Januari 2003 2006 9 Yusran Silondae — Yusran Silondae(Pelaksana Tugas) 2006 2007 (7) Ali Mazi 26 Juli 2007 18 Januari 2008 [ket. 4] — Zainal Abidin 18 Januari 2008 18 Februari 2008 — [ket. 5] 8 Nur Alam 18 Februari 2008 18 Februari 2013 10 Saleh Lasata 18 Februari 2013 6 Juli 2017 11 — Saleh Lasata(Pelaksana tugas) 6 Juli 2017 18 Februari 2018 [ket. 6] — — Teguh Setyabudi(Penjabat) 18 Februari 2018 5 September 2018 — [11] (7) Ali Mazi 5 September 2018 Petahana 12 Lukman Abunawas Catatan ^ Meninggal dunia saat menjabat ^ Penjabat Gubernur ^ Masa jabatan diperpanjang akibat terjadinya kerusuhan pasca pemilihan Gubernur ^ Diaktifkan kembali melalui Keppres N.059/P/2007 pada jabatannya semula sebagai Gubernur Provinsi Юго-восточная Сулавеси (Султра) доказывает, что Али Мази никогда не лгал общественности и народу Султраси Главная статья: Региональный представитель Совета юго-восточной провинции Сулавеси Сулавеси -2019 Пан Председатель Партии 9 Голкар Партия 7 Демократическая партия 6 PDI-P 5 MCC 5 Gerindra Party 4 Hanura Party 3 PPP 2 PKB 1 Всего 45 на парламентских выборах 2014 года, DprD юго-восточной Сулавеси насчитило 45 человек с представителями восьми политических партий. Каждые пять лет выборы избираются парламентом юго- восточной части Сулавеси, в составе 45 членов. Руководство ДНР на юго-востоке Сулавеси состоит из 1 председателя и 3 заместителей председателя от политических партий, которые имеют наибольшее количество мест и голосов. Члены парламента Сулавеси Currently in office is the result of the 2019 elections sworn in on October 7, 2019 by the President of the Supreme Court of southeastern Sulawesi, Charis Mardianto, in the construction of the southeastern province of Sulawesi. The composition of the DNR in the south-east of Sulawesi between 2019 and 2024 consisted of 11 political parties, where the National Mandate Party was the most political party with 8 seats, followed by the Golkar Party, which won 7 seats, and PDI Perjuangan, the Democratic Party and the NasDem Party, each with 5 seats. Daftar kabupaten dan kota Artikel utama: Daftar kabupaten dan kota di Sulawesi Tenggara No. Kabupaten/kota Pusat pemerintahan Bupati/wali kota Luas wilayah (km2)[15] Jumlah penduduk (2017)[15] Kecamatan Kelurahan/desa Logo Peta lokasi 1 Kabupaten Bombana Rumbia Tafdil 3.001,00 136.582 22 22/121 2 Kabupaten Buton Pasarwajo La Bakry 1.212,99 114.596 7 12/83 3 Kabupaten Buton Selatan Batauga La Ode Arusani 509,92 94.727 7 10/60 4 Kabupaten Buton Tengah Labungkari Samahuddin 958,31 115.121 7 10/67 5 Kabupaten Buton Utara Buranga Abu Hasan 1.864,91 62.197 6 12/78 6 Kabupaten Kolaka Kolaka Ahmad Safei 3.283,59 228.970 12 35/100 7 Kabupaten Kolaka Timur Tirawuta Tony Herbiansyah 3.634,74 119.461 12 16/117 8 Kabupaten Kolaka Utara Lasusua Nur Rahman Umar 3.391,67 134.771 15 6/127 9 Kabupaten Konawe Unaaha Kery Saiful Konggoasa 4.435,28 253.659 27 57/297 10 Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan Langara Amrullah 867,58 34.226 7 7/89 11 Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Andolo Surunuddin Dangga 5.779,47 306.783 25 15/336 12 Kabupaten Konawe Utara Wanggudu Ruksamin 5.101,76 64.773 13 11/159 13 Muna Raha La Oda M. Rusman Emba 1,922.16 227.941 22 26/125 14 West Moon District Sawerigadi La Oda M. Rajun Tumada 1,022.89 78,630 11 5/81 15 Wakatobi Wangi-Aggi Argali Regency 559.54 110.303 8 26/75 16 Bau Bau City - AS Thamrin 221.00 154 487 8 43/- 17 Kendaria City - Sulkarnain Kadir 300.89 334 335 10 64/- Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) Year 2011 ADHB/On a valid price basis: Rp 32,113.1 billion. ADHK/On a permanent price basis 2000: Rp 12.698.1 billion Year 2012 ADHB: Rp 36,600.8 billion ADHK: 14,020.3 billion rubles. Such as the General Distribution Fund (DAU), the Special Distribution Fund (DAK), and the Tax/Non-Tax Income Share Fund: Rp 1.12 trillion other legitimate funds: Rp 344, 15 billion. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics as of August 2013, the surplus was 19.55 million U.S. dollars, imports reached 41.04 million U.S. dollars, and exports - 60.59 million U.S. dollars. The cumulative trade balance for January-August 2013 also reached a surplus of US$300.09 million, while as a comparison, imports amounted to US$285.21 million, and exports reached The 2013 Regional Expenditure Revenue Plan (R-APBD) is estimated to be 1.88 trillion euros more. Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita Nominal PDRB in 2013 - Nominal GDP in the first quarter of 2013 reached 9.56 trillion rupees. - Nominal GDP reached 9.93 trillion rupees in the second quarter of 2013. RevenueAbalance and Regional LevyTotal at Rp 417.11 Milyiar Balancing Fund - General Distribution Fund (DAU), - Special Distribution Fund (DAK), - General Fund share tax/non-tax income of 1.12 trillion rubles. Other legitimate income funds Fund to adjust the total special autonomy of 344.15 billion rubles. The cumulative trade balance for January-August 2013 also reached a surplus of US$300.09 million, compared with $285.21 million in imports and exports reaching $585.30 million. Exports and imports by the Central Statistical Agency of southeast Sulawesi in January-August 2013 accounted for about 66.24 percent of total non-oil exports of southeastern Sulawesi (Sultra), or $387.72 million, to China as the Netherlands' second largest export destination with 105.40 million U.S. dollars. Dollars and Korea came in third place in export destinations with a record $72.07 million. In August 2013, the export value of the two countries was US$105.40 million and US$56.50 million, respectively. Total exports, the largest of slag and ash metal ore, reached 67.20 per cent to $393.33 million, while iron and steel exports totaled $176.25 million, up from 30.11 per cent. As of August 2013, Deng's value reached $348.54 million, while the iron and steel industries totaled $160.68 million. The second and third importing countries occupied Malaysia, which reached $77.89 million, or 27.31 per cent, while Chinese imports reached only US$12.43 million, or 4.36 per cent of total imports. Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) Minimum Wage 2013 Center for Statistics Southeast Sulawesi 2013 Provincial Sector Minimum Wage in Mining to Rp1,192,720 or up to 10.05%. The UMP construction sector was Rp1,237,730 or 9% compared to 2012. Areas of the city and districtsList cities, districts and population growth No. Regents/Mayors Of the Area (km2) (km2) Logo Peta lokasi 1 Kabupaten Bombana Rumbia Tafdil 3.001,00 136.582 22 22/121 2 Kabupaten Buton Pasarwajo La Bakry 1.212,99 114.596 7 12/83 3 Kabupaten Buton Selatan Batauga La Ode Arusani 509,92 94.727 7 10/60 4 Kabupaten Buton Tengah Labungkari Samahuddin 958,31 115.121 7 10/67 5 Kabupaten Buton Utara Buranga Abu Hasan 1.864,91 62.197 6 12/78 6 Kabupaten Kolaka Kolaka Ahmad Safei 3.283,59 228.970 12 35/100 7 Kabupaten Kolaka Timur Tirawuta Tony Herbiansyah 3.634,74 119.461 12 16/117 8 Kabupaten Kolaka Utara Lasusua Nur Rahman Umar 3.391,67 134.771 15 6/127 9 Kabupaten Konawe Unaaha Kery Saiful Konggoasa 4.435,28 253.659 27 57/297 10 Kabupaten Konawe Kepulauan Langara Amrullah 867,58 34.226 7 7/89 11 Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Andolo Surunuddin Dangga 5.779,47 306.783 25 15/336 12 Kabupaten Konawe Utara Wanggudu Ruksamin 5.101,76 64.773 13 11/159 13 Kabupaten Muna Raha La Ode M. Rusman Emba 1.922,16 227.941 22 26/125 14 Kabupaten Muna Barat Sawerigadi La Ode M. Rajiun Tumada 1.022,89 78.630 11 5/81 15 Kabupaten Wakatobi Aromas Of Archavi 559.54 110,303 8 26/75 16 City of Smells - AS Thamrin 221.00 154.487 8 43 /- 17 Kendari City - Sulcarnain Kadir 300.89 334.335 10 64/- Help - Population data by Regency/City 1971 - 2020. Bps. Received 2019-12-21. - - Presidential No. 10 2013. 2013-02-04. Received 2013-02-15. The population of the south-eastern part of Sulawesi continues to increase from year to year. BPS Sultra. Received on October 1, 2010. The spread of the language in Indonesia. A map of language and language in Indonesia. Received on May 25, 2020. Language in the southeastern province of Sulawesi. A map of language and language in Indonesia. Received on May 25, 2020. Deyanu Ihsanuddin Baubau University. Received 2017-06-05. Ali Mazi proved he wasn't lying. July 28, 2007. Received on September 13, 2018. Teguh Setyabudi has been appointed acting governor of Sultra. Home Office. February 19, 2018. Received on March 1, 2018. Forty-five members of the Sultra parliament have been appointed for 2019-2024. 07-10-2019. Received 19-10-2019. Check the date value by: Access date, date (reference) - 45 members of the Sultra Parliament 2019-2024 are officially appointed. 07-10-2019. Received 19-10-2019. Check the date value by: Access Date, Date Member of DprD Sultra Appointed, Abdurrahman Saleh Terima Palu Sidang. 07-10-2019. Received 19-10-2019. Check the date by: Access Date, Date (help) - b c d District Code and Data (Permendagri No.137-2017) - Ministry of the Interior - Republic of Indonesia. Received 2018-07-12. External Relations (South Africa) Official Provincial Government (Indonesia) News site on Southeast Sulawesi (Indonesia) Full information on Southeast Sulawesi (Indonesia) News on Southeast Sulawesi (Indonesia) Demographic Profile Sultenggara (Indonesia) Economic Profile Sultenggara (Indonesia) Tourism Profile Sultenggara (Indonesia) Regional Economy Sultenggara (Indonesia) Regional Statistics Sultenggara (Indonesia) Central Bureau of Statistics: Southeast Sulawesi Received from peta provinsi sulawesi tenggara. peta kendari sulawesi tenggara. peta kawasan hutan sulawesi tenggara. peta wakatobi sulawesi tenggara. peta administrasi sulawesi tenggara. peta provinsi sulawesi tenggara lengkap. peta bombana sulawesi tenggara. peta geologi sulawesi tenggara

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