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Find sources: South-East Sulawesi - News newspaper (en) book scientist JSTOR (Learn how and when it's time to remove this template message) PlaceTemplat:SHORTDESC:PlaceSulawesi TenggaraProvince in IndonesiaSultra From top right: Masjid Al-Alam, Ex-Monument MTH, Blue Lake, Moramo Bendera WaterfallLambangMotto: Inae Konasara Iye Pinesara Inae Iye Pinekasa Bahasa Tolaaki - Bolimo Caro Somanamo Lipu Bahas Volio - Hansuru hansuru badha sumano konouru hans liwu Bahasa MunaPeta : 15City: 2Population: 209Dil: 2272 Government - GovernorAli Mazi - Deputy Governor Lukman Abunavas - Chairman of DprDAbdulrahman SalehAs - Total38 140 km2 (14 730 sq m) Population (2019) 95%Christian 2.42% - Protestant 1.84%-Catholic 0.58% Hindu 2.04% Buddhist 0.04% Other 0.27% - Tolaki Tribe 36% Bouton Tribe 26% Moon Tribe 19% Moronin Tribe 10% Waiiwon 9% Other 10% - Bahasa Indonesia, Tolaca, Moronin, Chia Sia, Volio, Muna, Kulisusu, Baggio , Akatobi, Kulambaku and IPM▲ (70.61) Dari 0402 - Baubau 0403 - Raha 0404 - Wanchi 0405 - Kolaka 0408 - Unaaha City ISO 3166 codid-SGNumber TNKBTToSsing Law No. 13, 1964-3'DAURp981,035,741,000,00 (2013) (Tolaaki), Wonua Mekong (Tolaki), Lamarambi (Tolaki), Peya Tawa-Tawa (Tolaaki), Molulo (Tolaaki), Notusolo Riringgu (Tolaki) Nunoa Bombana (Moronin), Campo Tangkeno (Moronin), Tina Orima (Moronin), Otampo (Muna), Capusuli Kadea (Muna), Lemo Nipi (Muna), Kyomo Mogae (Muna) , Ngcururio (Bouton) Tana Volio (Buton), Kkai Disaku (Bouton). Sope-Sope (Bouton), Bentena Volio (Buton), Botuki Pojanjita (Bouton), Campaga Kapalute (Buton), Nana Maelo (Buton), Kasamea (Bouton), Inka Motobori (Bouton), Porae (Buton), Kamba Tepandon Matamu (Bouton), Konoviana Ahadi (Bouton), Kaliva-Lovu Kampu Kampu (Buton), Hune (Buton), Lalala (Buton), Kambah Yi Massiaka (Buton), Bara Mpempea (Buton), Baralala (Buton), Apokaxia Upara-Para (Buton), Lagu Volio (Buton), Bula (Buton), Canturu Mainava (Buton), Manku Namakes (Buton), Lowana Anto (Butmo), Campo Tangkeno (ButmFloraAnggrek seratFaunaAnoaASitus websultraprov.go.id Sulawesi Tenggara ( short for Sultra) - province in Indonesia located in the southeastern part of Sulawesi Island. with the capital Sulawesi Province is located on the southeastern peninsula of Sulawesi Island, Geographically located at the southern equator between 02'45' - 06'15' south Latitude and 120'45' - 124'30' Eastern longitude and has a land area of 38,140 sq km (3,814,000 hectares) and water (sea) 110,000 sq km (11,000,000 hectares). The history of southeastern Sulawesi was originally named one of the districts in the southern and southeastern province of Sulawesi (Sulselera) with Baubau as the district capital. South-Eastern Sulawesi was designated an autonomous region under the Perpu No. 2 Act 1964, No.13 of 13 June 1964. During the sultanate - Kerajaan Nusantara southeastern Sulawesi during the reign of the Sultanate State - The Nusantar Kingdom before the formation of the southeastern Sulawesi Regency in 1952, formerly Afdeling. This onderafdeling became known as Onderafdeling Boeton Laiwoi with its government center in Bau Bau. Onderafdling Boeton Laiwui consists of: Afdeling Boeton, Afdeling Muna, and Afdeling Laiwui. Onderafdling is conceptually an administrative area of the Cavedanan level ruled by (Dutch vedan) called Kontroleur (this term later called Patich) during the colonial rule of the Dutch East Indies. Onderafdeling consists of several landschap led by hooves and several districts (kedemangan) led by districthoofd or district chief level assistant wedana. Onderafdeling's status was granted by the Dutch East Indies Government to areas of genuine power and sovereignty, respected even by the Dutch East Indies government. This recognition of the authorities was granted because these areas were not Dutch colonies, but areas that had links with the Netherlands. In some assumptions that Onderafdeling was a colony may not be true, because in the case of Onderafdeling Boeton Laiwoi there was quite a great domination of the relationship of the Dutch as a superpower party at the time with the Sultanate and the Kingdom in the southeastern part of Sulawesi especially Sultanate Bouton, thus granted the status of Onderafdeling Boeton Laiwoi. The Afdeling Kolaka at that time was under Onderafdeling Luwu (South Sulawesi), then with the government regulation No 34 of 1952 the southeast Sulawesi became one regency, namely southeast Regency Sulawesi with its capital Baubau. The regency of south-eastern Sulawesi includes former Onderafdling Boton Livei and former Onderafdeling Kolak and became part of the southeastern province of Sulawesi with its government center in Makassar (Ujung Pandang). The following period of the old order with the law No. 29 1959, the southeastern Sulawesi Regency which was blooming in four districts, namely: Kendari Regency, Kolaka Regency, and Muna Regency. The four second-tier regions are part of the southern and southeastern provinces of Sulawesi. How difficult it was to convey relations at that time between the Level II region of south-eastern Sulawesi and the provincial government centre in Makassay, thereby impeding public duties as well as development responsibilities. In addition, the failure of DI/TII at that time seriously hampered its basic development objectives in the State. The area of south-eastern Sulawesi consists of a large area of land and islands containing various types of mining products, namely asphalt and nickel, as well as a number of other excavations. Similarly, the potential of agricultural land could well be developed. In addition, there are also various forest products in the form of rattan, resin and various other forest products. For this review, the leaders of the south-eastern community of Sulawesi formed the Committee of Prosecutors of the First Autonomous Region of South-East Sulawesi. The committee's task is to fight for the establishment of the Sulawesi Autonomous Region in Jakarta's central government. Thanks to the Grace of God Almighty, the ideals of the people of southeastern Sulawesi were achieved with the exit of Perpu No. 2 1964 of south-east Sulawesi was assigned to Level I autonomous region with the capital Of Kendari. The first level of the south-eastern Sulawesi region was implemented on 27 April 1964, when the territory was handed over from colonel Infa, Governor of the south-eastern province of Sulawesi. A. Rifai elected governor of the southeastern province of Sulawesi J. At that time, the province of the first level of south-eastern Sulawesi began to stand apart from the province of the First Level region of southern Sulawesi. Thus, April 27, 1964 is the birthday of the province of the first level of the region of southeast Sulawesi, which is celebrated every year of the new period of about 1995 formed one city, namely Kendari City, the expansion of Kendari Regency, now Konawe Regency (August 3, 1995). An early reform period was formed by one new city, namely the city of Baubau, the expansion of the Regency Bouton (June 21, 2001). The reform formed several new districts: Bombana Regency, expansion buton Regency (December 18, 2003) Wakatobi Regency, Buton Regency expansion (December 18, 2003) North Kolaka Regency, Kolaka Regency expansion (December 18, 2003) South Konawe Regency, Konawe Regency expansion (February 25, 2003) North Konawe Regency, Konawe Regency expansion (January 2, 2007) North Buton Regency, expansion of Muna Regency (January 2, 2007) East Colac Regency, expansion of Kolaka Regency (December 14, 2012) Konawe Islands Regency, blossomed from Konawe Regency (April 12, 2013) Central Buton Regency, blossomed from Buton Regency (July 2014) South Buton, blooming from Buton Regency (July 2014) West Muna Regency, bloomed from Muna Regency (July 2014) After expansion, southeast Sulawesi has 15 districts and 2 cities. Currently, in the southeastern province of Sulawesi, there is a south-eastern communications office of Sulawesi Province in the Global Tower building located in Jalan Gatot Subroto DKI Jakarta. The population of demography in 1990 is about 1,349,619 people in southeastern Sulawesi. It then increased to 1,776,292 in 2000, and the National Social and Economic Survey of the Central Statistical Agency in 2005 amounted to 1,959,414. From the publication of the Indonesian population forecast for 2010-2035, it is noted that that the population of south-east Sulawesi sequenti sequenti (in thousands) 2,243.6 (2010), 2499.5 (2015), 2.499.5 (2015), 2.2.5 4 99.5 (2015), 2.499.5 755.6 (2020), 3,003.3 (2025), 3,237.7 (2030) and 3,458.1 (2035). The population growth rate of the south-eastern part of Sulawesi in 1990-2000 was 2.79 per cent per annum and in 2004-2005 it was 0.02 per cent. (quote is necessary) Population growth by region between 2004 and 2005 in The Kendar and Mun districts alone showed positive growth, namely 0.03% and 0.02% per year, while in other areas negative growth was shown. The population structure of the southeastern part of Sulawesi population in 2005, the population under the age of 15 700 433 people (35.75%) population, while the female population reached 984,987 (20.27%) и мужское население достигло 974 427 человек (49,73%). Население 1971-2010 Год
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