Available online freely at www.isisn.org Bioscience Research Print ISSN: 1811-9506 Online ISSN: 2218-3973 Journal by Innovative Scientific Information & Services Network RESEARCH ARTICLE BIOSCIENCE RESEARCH, 2019 16(4):3372-3386. OPEN ACCESS Why is Trust worthiness Critical for the Food Security System of Sama Bajo in Coastal area of South-east Sulawesi Indonesia? La Ola T1, Wianti, N.I2, Tadjuddah, M3, Suriana1and Zani, M3. 1Department of Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Faculty, University of Halu Oleo, Agricultural Faculty Building 2nd Floor, Earth Tridharma Green Campus Anduonohu Kendari, 93132, South-east Sulawesi Province,Indonesia 2Department of Capture Fisheries, Fisheries, and Marine Science Faculty, University of Halu Oleo, Marine Science Faculty Building 2nd Floor, Earth Tridharma Green Campus Anduonou Kendari, 93132, South-east Sulawesi Province,Indonesia 3Department of Agribusiness, Agricultural Faculty, the University of Halu Oleo, Agricultural Faculty Building 2nd Floor, Earth Tridharma Green Campus Anduonou Kendari, 93132, South-east Sulawesi Province,Indonesia *Correspondence:
[email protected] Received 10-06-2019, Revised: 18-08-2019, Accepted: 29-09-2019 e-Published: 26-10-2019 Trust is one of six dimensions of social capital; it refers to the complexities of feelings that people have about their relationships. This article addresses the issue of trustworthiness between Sama Bajo and Bagai Land-dwellers in different social contexts related to the food system and survival in times of financial turbulence. The Bajo are minority groups often referred to as sea gypsies and who are also landless. This research was undertaken in two Bajo villages: (1) MantigolaSama Bajo in Wakatobi Marine National Park (from March until May 2017); (2) KangkunaweSama Bajo in Tiworo Strait (from July until September 2017).