TTC System Map – June 2021

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TTC System Map – June 2021 Additional fare required 68B to Major Mackenzie Dr 17A to Hwy 7 129A to Major Mackenzie Dr 102D to Major Mackenzie Dr Additional fare required Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Promenade north of Steeles Ave north of Steeles Ave Terminal Promenade Highway 407 Mall Yonge- 130 160 Steeles 102BC 53A Pioneer Village 953 53 960B 37B 68A Pacific Steeles Ave E 953A 45A 945 GtVillage 24A 924 Mall pm Steeles Ave W 60B 937 Steeles Ave W Steeles Ave W Steeles Ave E 11A Steeles Ave E 167 17C Steeles Ave E 21BC 129B Steeles Ave E 53B peak Rd 960D 960BD 960BD 17C 60D 60BD 60BD 960 60 60 53 953 53 953 53 Select Ave except 51 pm peak am 927B 165 York 25AC 925 953A 73C 96B 96AD 46 107 98 97F 98C Freshmeadow- 167 68 pm pm peak pm 46 45A 989 Black Creek University 960 51 am 953B peak Carrier Dr Carrier Dr Don Mills Baker Rd Passmore t Blvd Greenwin Freshmeadow Dr 53A peak Claireport Humber n Pioneer Macdonald Al Moore Park Ave Steeles 17B Milliken Passmore Ave Victoria Park Ave Park Victoria 927D o ness St Village Rd 953 Mc 945 Carpenter Nicoll Ave Summit Village Ian m Fenmar Dr Dr Signet Cr r 98C 11A Leslie St 21BC 129 pm pm except Ave 96B O 39C Wintermute Passmore Ave Goldhawk 130B 53B Petrolia Rd Petrolia 105 7 53 Dr Maybrook peak peak pm peak Park Rd Tapscott 165 Ave Warden Blvd Gordon 42C Staines Rd York University Rd Middlefield Hullmar Dr Hullmar Dufferin St Antibes 102B Highway 27 Highway 41 60 43A 57 Seasons Dr am Cr Toryork Dr The Pond Rd 107CD peak Cactus Ave Albion Rd 106 Rd Markham Norfinch Dr Dr Drewry Ave Milvan Dr 35B 35A Cummer Ave Keele St Keele 125 36F Dr Norelco 107D 107B 42 108 107AC Hillcrest McNicoll Ave 102BCD 96AD Dr Westmore 107C 107A pm Ironside 42 42A Rd Birchmount 42A 133 84D 125 peak pm 134B 107BD Rd Kennedy Dynamic Dr Dynamic Martin Grove Rd Old Cummer peak Kipling Ave 160 Seneca College: 939C Murray Ross Don Mills Rd Islington Ave Islington 36D See inset 42A Humberline DrHumberline 36DF 84C 939B Newnham 953A am Ave Willowdale Ave Pkwy Finch Ave W Centennial Yonge St Finch Ave E McNicoll Sentinel RdSentinel peak 96D Finch Ave W 36ADF 939B 939 939 24A Scarborough: 939C 96B 36AB 36 36AB 36AB 39 102C 96A 927BD 99 Bridlewood Birchmount 102BCD Reactivation Finch West 39C 134AD 53A 130 Blvd 107 North York Finch 116 Nashdene Rd Arrow Rd Finch Ave W 73C Care Centre York 941 General: 925 39 Ave Midland Rd Brimley McCowan Rd pm 36AB Humber Woods Stouffville GO Albion Rd 107 104 Branson Bridlewood Woodside 134B am 25AC Rd Tapscott wood College Hum Mall Finch Ave E Square Middlefield Rd Albion Driftwood Ave 41 Wilson Heights Blvd Old Finch Ave Van Horne Ave 939 939C ber Coll ege Blvd 98 97F 39AB 39AB Neilson 39B Humberwood John Garland Rd Weston 35 am Sewells 96 Grandravine Dr Dr Chesswood Blvd 924 Bathurst St 36B 927AC 996 108A 105 pm Rd Humber 57 129 130 96AD Allen Morningside until 3pm 37A Humber College: 118 84C Rd 10 169A 167 pm North York 39A after 3pm Toronto 85B North 984A Richmond Hill GO Rd Central North York Tr Morningview 37A 99 935 108B Arleta am 131 Etobicoke Blvd Downsview Leslie St Zoo 86A Thistle Down St Jane Pleasant Huntingwood Dr 996 Woodview Rd 102BCD General Rd Rivalda 7 Centre View 68 17 Tapscott Malvern McLevin Ave Oakdale Rd Oakdale Bayview Ave 73C Park Park Ave Wilmington 939AB Ave Rexdale Queens 99 106 Pleasant View Dr Ave Plate Dr Middlefield Westhumber Sentinel Bayview 51 Fairview 941 Rd Senlac 118 84D Jane/ 107 98C Village 10 Rd Rd Woodbine 96B Elmhurst Dr Sheppard 169A 169 937 Rd Albion 106 Sheppard West Fairview 85AB 130 Rd Ave W Rd Blvd Centre 108 Sheppard Ave E Bayview Bessarion Leslie 169A 132 84A Sheppard Mall Nugget Ave McLevin Ave Brenyon 86A Tandridge Cr 101 Sheppard Ave W 85 85 Sheppard Ave E 169 37B 84 Ave Pharmacy 984A Centennial College: 84 85 37A Rexdale 984 24B Agincourt Ave Midland 46 118 Downsview North York 43A 21BC 984B Bayview 131 burn Way Way Meadowvale Blvd Sheppard- General 167 24A Agincourt EB before 3pm am 120 169B Loop Downsview McCowan Woodbine pm pm Don Mills Agincourt 85 Kitchener GO Kipling Ave 96 WB after 3pm Yonge Carluke Cr Woodsworth Rd 7 min Markham 927 Park Sheppard Ave E Wash Sheppard Ave E Sheppard Ave E 985B 986 Racetrack Albion Rd am Giltspur Dr Mall 86C Highway 27 Highway Torbarrie Rd Torbarrie 85 85 85 165 115 Oriole 24B 167B 985 985B 985B 945 Toba Dr Bannatyne 130 35 St Keele 104 167A Consumers Burrows Hall 96 989 Upper 25AB 902 116 Rexdale 97F 78 131 Milner Ave 986 85A Bartor Rd Calvington Dr DuncanMill Rd 17 q 118 Canada Dr Rd S 132 Meadowvale Rd 120 Dr Ave Rouge Attwell 37A 89 120 Bombay Ave Village Green Milner Sheppard Ave E Barrie GO Barrie Additional fare required Dr Blvd 160 169 134ABD 78 11A Roywood Dr 132 133 National west of Pearson Airport Northern 61 102A Centennial Black Downsview Faywood Blvd 122 43C 985A 129 Urban Elms Creek 24 102BCD College: Brimley Rd Brimley Scarborough 134C Park Disco Rd 119 925 Lynedock Cr Progress 73C Wilson Ave Blvd Garratt Rd Maniza 97AB York Mills Rd Town 913 45B Rd Lesmill Neilson 52B to Westwood Mall Rd Clayson Wilson Wilson Ave 45A 996 996 119 96 29 996 115 122 Progress Ave Centre 134 52D to McNaughton Ave 165 118 165 95 995 95 995 67A 43B Rd Morrish 112C Ave Islington 96 118 165 96 913 Morningside Ave Morningside Humber Rd Canmore Blvd Warden Ave Warden 929 Hotspur Rd Rd Kennedy Progress Ave 102A River 120 York Mills Ellesmere- Armour Rd Birchmount Belfield Rd Union Pearson Express 935 Bridgeland Ave 97AB 97F 91 Brookbanks Midland Neilson Centennial 52BD 45B Heights Yonge 67A Etobicoke Rd Weston Yorkdale 109 am College: 927C 73D 400 Blvd McCowan 86AC North Mills Rd Morningside Rd Conlins Highland Shopping 47BC Baycrest Ellesmere Rd Ellesmere Scarborough Ellesmere Rd Oak St Gary Dr Doncliffe Dr Leslie St Scarborough Civic Centre 38 133 38 Creek Island Rd Centre Yorkdale Health Sciences 95 95AB 95AB 95A 95A Airport Rd 47B Bayview Ave pm Carlingview Dr 37 EB WB 61 74 Don 995 Centre 938 995 938 995 905A 59A 59B St Jane Yorkdale Rd Ellesmere- 95C 133 Military Tr Dufferin St Three Valleys Dr Highway 27 Highway 46 45 11A 905 938 Victoria Park Maryvale Morningside 85A 937 Orfus Rd Ranee Ave 400 902 995 59B 59A 47C Ave Pharmacy Park 900 Church St Maple Leaf Dr 57 16 Kingston Rd Starspray Blvd Kipling- 73CD 59 91 102 Rouge Valley 12D 41 38B 952 52A Dixon 89 109B 109C McCowan Rd Centenary 95B 38A 86B Dixon Rd Scarlett EB WB U of T: Yonge St 51 Brimorton Dr 905 Lawson Rd Port Union Rd 52ABD 52ABD Avenue Rd Scarborough Pearson 952 952 Weston Amesbury Barbara Frum Park Lane 24 68 17 43 21AC 29 9 54B 38A Ave East Airport (YYZ) Park 97 54A 109 Don Mills 116 Lawrence Ave W Lawrence Ave W Lawrence 86ABC 954 112C Dr 400 162 Skyway Ave DrUnderhill ry 52FG 52 52 52ABDF 124 Lawrence Ave E Scarborough: Scarborough Rd Club Golf 952 952 York U: The u Rd Ave Midland 59 54 General Rd Markham Port 900 b Cir Lawrence until 3pm r 32C 79 Lawrence Locke Glendon Edwards am 903 Union e 941 after 3pm t Sheffield St Bridle Path Bridle Kipling Ave 52F Weston Rd a East Weston 47BC 109 74 Gardens pm Lawrence Ave E Orton Park Rd Lawrence Ave E 927 The Westway West 403 Culford Rd Culford W The Westway 7 162 54 54 54 54A 54A International Blvd 52G Trethewey Dr 954 954 954 Glencairn Ave 91D 91 Highway 79 124 Rd Cedarbrae 171 59 14 McGregor 112C 73CD West Park 61 11C Railside RdCarnforthVictoria Village Mall 86D 11 Park Cedarbrae 86 Morningside Dr Beechgrove Longbourne Dr St Keele Glencairn 54 405 Healthcare 71 Sunnybrook 162 25AB Sweeney Bendale Rouge Hill Centre Tycos Dr 34B 34C 67A o Martin Grove Rd 171 Cor Gulliver Rd Ingram Dr Dr 102 12D n Sunnybrook Rd Manse a Richview e St 405 LaRose Ave Av 100 43 57 16 905 427 111 Rd Brimley tion Dr 73B tt 32C 407 Holland Park Dr 924 Emme Northern 902 986 ton Ave W Eglinton Ave W District Bloorview Toronto 925 Wynford Hts Cr Lakeshore East GO forth Dr ford Marlee Ave Marlee Centennial Avenue Rd 32A Rd Pleasant Mount Rehabilitation Wyn 21AC 32A 929 Leslie Sloane Ave Sloane College: Ren Eglin 71 Institute Aga Khan 11 Ashtonbee 45 32D 35 Forest Hill Museum 67B Highway 427 Highway Eglinton West Eglinton Eglinton Ave E 903 Eglinton Ave W Kennedy/ Renforth 73 405 51 Kingston Rd Guildwood Ave Morningside 32A Danforth Rd Bellamy Rd N 32AD 32 32AC 56A 34AC 54 56A 34AC 34AB Eglinton Scarlett Rd Mount Station 112B Jane- Rd Caledonia 100 70A 116 East Point Dennis 14 13 97 Vanderhoof Ave 403 Eglinton Ave E 905 986 Guildwood Pkwy Park 112 Eglinton Lambton Ave Maria A. 56B Ontario 34AB 116 86 Shchuka Chaplin Cr ondsey Rd Lloyd Manor Rd Manor Lloyd Evelyn Science 46 89 Mount 88B Eglinton Wellsworth 88A Flemingdon Guildwood Gregory 88 Centre Square 9 Guild Park Keele St Keele 33 Pleasant Wicksteed Ave Park Elmbrook Dr Kennedy 945 Berm 161 Vaughan Rd Eglinton and Gardens Park 989 41 29 Overlea- 88A 34C 70B 67 68 17 Rogers Rd Bayview Ave Thorncliffe Park Bathurst St Old Weston Rd Weston Old 63A 88B 91 Leaside Laird Dr 20 Islington Ave Islington Rd York Royal 168 Rogers Rd 79 11 28 McRae Blvd 102 Centennial 111 Anglesey 161 56 Rockcliffe Blvd Weston Rd Davisville Dr 935 O’Connor Dr Park 403 Rd Brimley Foxwell St 941 Oakwood TTC Customer r Overlea 113 Rathburn Rd PkwyOriole D 71 Village 90A Service Centre d 81 48 n Don Mills Rd 48 Blvd 47BC Moore Ave rla Curity Suthe Hollinger Rd 70AB 12AB Spadina Rd Spadina Kingston Rd The East Mall Thorncliffe 79A 74 Ave Welland 88 Hackberry St Rathburn Rd Deer 25AB Ave McCowan Rd 12D Dufferin St 97B Providence Park 16 Ave Midland St Clair/ 100 88A Ave Pharmacy 175 seasonal 127 Ave Park Victoria 48 Ave Oakwood 63B St Clair Ave W St Clair West 28 88B 93 Healthcare St Clair Ave E 9 46 79B St Clair
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