Diesel Mechanics: Fuel Systems
DOCUMENT RESUME ED' 220 6,31 CE 033 516 AUTHOR Foutes, William TITLE Diesel Mechanics: 9uel Systems. INSTITUTION Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Stillwater, Okla. PUB DATE 82 NOTE 284p.; For related documents see tb 149 162 and CE 033 514-515. AVAILABLE FROMMid-America Vocational Cuiriculum Consortium, 1515 West Sixth Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074. EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Auto-. Mechanics; Behavioral Objectives; Curriculbm Guides; *Diesel Engines; Job Skills; Learning Activities; Performance Tests; Postsecondary Education; Trade and Industrial Education; Transparencies IDENTIFIERS *Fuel Systems ABSTRACT This publication is the third in a series of three texts for a diesel mechanics curriculum. Its purpose is to teach the concepts related to fuel injection systems in a diesel trade. The text contains eight units. Each instructional unit irjcludes some or all of these basic components: unit and specific (fiFtormance) objectives, suggested activities for teachers and students, information sheets, transparency masters, assignment sheets, answers to assignment sheets, job sheets, pencil-paper and performance tests, and answers to tests. Introductory matei.ia,ls include description of unit components, instructional/task analysis (psychomotor and cognitive skills to be learned), listing of needed tools and equipment, and reference list. Unit titles are Introduction to Fuel Injection Systems, Fuel System Components, Distributor Type Injection Pump, In-Line Injection Pump, Unit Injector, Pressure Time (PT) Fuel Systems, Injection Nozzles, and Governors. (YLB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** DIESEL MECHANICS : FUEL SYSTEMS by William Foutes' revised by Bill Guynes Joe Mathis Marvin Kukuk Developed by the Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Inc.
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