ED' 220 6,31 CE 033 516

AUTHOR Foutes, William TITLE Diesel Mechanics: 9uel Systems. INSTITUTION Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Stillwater, Okla. PUB DATE 82 NOTE 284p.; For related documents see tb 149 162 and CE 033 514-515. AVAILABLE FROMMid-America Vocational Cuiriculum Consortium, 1515 West Sixth Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074.

EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Auto-. Mechanics; Behavioral Objectives; Curriculbm Guides; *Diesel ; Job Skills; Learning Activities; Performance Tests; Postsecondary Education; Trade and Industrial Education; Transparencies IDENTIFIERS *Fuel Systems

ABSTRACT This publication is the third in a series of three texts for a diesel mechanics curriculum. Its purpose is to teach the concepts related to fuel injection systems in a diesel trade. The text contains eight units. Each instructional unit irjcludes some or all of these basic components: unit and specific (fiFtormance) objectives, suggested activities for teachers and students, information sheets, transparency masters, assignment sheets, answers to assignment sheets, job sheets, pencil-paper and performance tests, and answers to tests. Introductory matei.ia,ls include description of unit components, instructional/task analysis (psychomotor and cognitive skills to be learned), listing of needed tools and equipment, and reference list. Unit titles are Introduction to Fuel Injection Systems, Fuel System Components, Distributor Type Injection Pump, In-Line Injection Pump, Unit , Pressure Time (PT) Fuel Systems, Injection Nozzles, and Governors. (YLB)

*********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** DIESEL MECHANICS : FUEL SYSTEMS


William Foutes'

revised by

Bill Guynes Joe Mathis Marvin Kukuk

Developed by the

Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Inc.

Board of Directors

Merle Rudebusch., Nebraska, Chairman David Poston, Louisiana, Vice Chairman Amon Herd, Missouri, Parliamentarian

James Dasher, Arkansas "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS Bill Barnes, Colorado MATERIAL INMICROFICHE ONLY Les Abel, Kansas HAS BEEN GRANTED BY U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Pat Lindley, Texas EOUCA T1ONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION [pan Elwood, South Dakota CENTER ERIC) NflTho document has been reproduced as Bob Patton, Oklahoma ,eceNed from the Orson or organuabon Alan Morgan, New Mexico TO THE E8CATIONAL RESOURCES Of vna tog N CENTER (ERIC)" Maw), ;hangel have been made I0th,OrOve Larry Barnhiardt, North Dakota INFORMA ,ef),X1UCtiOn quality - Ann Benson, Executive Director

PoontsOf wore Or OthrsOrts stated el thn dOCu relent do not necessanN reennent offIclaINIE OOStIton or Wive,

82 C01010 , s

4 t



... tOPYRIGHT- 1982

Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Inc. > ,

1 - ..

/ alb

/ Printed by .02,

1 ,

Oklahoma State Department of Vocational and Technical Education '9 Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074


D: FS-1 Unit I Introduction to Fuel Injection Systems 1

Unit II ruel System Componems , ,D: FS-11

Unit III Distributor Type Injection Pump D: FS-41

Unit IV InLige I rijectiohl5Timp D: FS-85

'Unit V Unit Injector D FS-149 i 1 Unit VI PT Fuel'Systems D: FS.201

Unit VII Injection Nozzles D FS-253 ' o Unit VIII Governors D FS-275


The Mid-America Voational Curriculum Consortium (MAVCC) was organized for the purpose of developing instructional materials for its eleven member states. All member states establishing annual development priorities, and the need for curriculum in diesel mechanics truly reflects regional needs.

Diesel Mechanics was originally 'produced in 1977. Since that time, as related to equipment and methods has changed. To keep .abreast of these changes, MAVCC has revised this book into three shorter publications.

..Diesel Mechanics: Fuel Systems is the third publication ,. of a series of three texts dedicated to a diesel mechanics curnculum. Although it can be taught as a single text, it is desitned to be used in conjunction with Diesel Mechanics. Electrical Systems and Diesel Mechanics: Fundamentals to provide continuity in student training. Other MAVCC publica- tions entitled Hydraulics. and Trains will broaden the scope of the diesel training. Another use of this book is to supplement the training of an auto mechanics student who may later be working on diesel powered automobiles. It is hoped that this effort will provide industry with truly well trained technicians for the world of diesel and the varied skills it demands.

The success of 'this publication is due, hl large part, to the capabilities of the personnel who worked with its development. The technical writers have numerous years Of industry as well as teaching experience. Assisting them in their efforts were, representatives of each of the member states who brought with them:technical expertise and the experience relate'd to the classroom and to the trade. ,To assure that the materials would parallel the industry environment and be acceprted as a transportable basic teaChing tool, organizations and in- dustry representatives were involved in the developmental phases of the manual. Apprecia- tion is extended to them for their valuable contributions to the manual.

Instructional materials in. this publication are written in terms of student performance using measurable objectives. Thisis an innovative approach to teaching that accents and aug- ments the teaching/learning process. Criterion referenced evaluation instruments are pro- vided for uniform measurement of student progress. In addition to evaluating recall informa- tion, teachers are encou'raged to evaluate the other areas inclUding process and product as indicated at the end of each instructional unit.

Itis the sincere belief of the MAVCC personnel and all those members who served on the committees that this Publication will allow the students to become better prepared and more effective members of the work force.

Merle RudebtIsch, Chairman Board of Directors MicliAmerica Vdcational Curriculum Consortium o


Both the development and revision of instructional materials in diesel mechanics have been rewarding efforts because of the talented people who planned and wrote the materials. From the team of teachers, industry representatives, and trade and'industrial staff members whose combined years of experience in the diesel trade total over 260 years has come a series of texts which should offer diesel mechanics students an excellent opportunity for learnirfg required skills.

4 , The title of this third book of the series, Diesel Mechanics: Fuel Systems indicates,that this book is dedicated to teaching the concepts related to fuel injection systems in a diesel trade. Naturally, this book is designed to be used with other MAVCC books related to diesel. These include Diesel Mechanics: Electrical Systems, Diesel Mechanics: Fundamentals, Power Trains, and Hydraulics.

As complex .as some mechanical activities are, the MAVCC format presents the procedures in logically ordered objectives that facilitate a comfortable learning rate. The format also frees the instructor to concentrate on reinforcing classroom instruction with films, field it. trips, and other activities that serve to maintain student interest at a high level and motivate students to learn and do.

Despite careful planning and editing, we know that the text may perhaps contain a typo- graphical error or ,two. Letting us know when you find such items will be a great help in improving the prodtict before reprint time. But most of all, your input about the major elements in the book will be valuable help for changing or adding objectives when the materials are again revised and updated.

We respond to your suggestions, and we hope the quality of the MAVCC materials related to diesel will serve a positive role in the classroom and.provide industry with the skilled people , that are so needed.

Ann Benson Executive Director , Mid-America Vocational , Curriculum Consortium



Appreciation is extended to those individuals who contributed their time and talents to the development of Diesel Mechanics: Fuel Systems.

The contents of this pu,blication were planned and reviewed by:

Mid-America Vocational CurricuWm Consortium Committee

Cliff Olson Devils Lake, North Dakota Dean Carter Malvern, Arkansas John Dagel Watertown, South Dakota Charles Cramton West Wego, Louisiana Ken Condor Aurora, Colorado Ted Modica Albuquerque, New Mexico Gary Snelson Springfield, Missouri David Goodacre Drumright, Oklahoma Jim Thompson Beloit, Kansas Bin August Milford, Nebraska qarwin Hutzen Austin, Texas

Thanks are extended to Ron Simmons for representing teacher education on this committee and to Donnie Tuminello for representing state supervisory personnel.

Special thanks are-extended to Harlan Gjoraas of the Kearns Machinery Company and Doug. MacDonald of Technical Systems, Inc. for their representation of industry on the committee and to the numerous other companies who provided references and.technicai materials.

Gratitude is expressed to-Jane Huston and P.J. 'Colbert for editing and to Mary Kellum and Dan Fulkerson for their assistance in editing and proofreang.

The Graphics Division lof the Pklahoma State Department of Vocational ald Technical Education is deserving of much credit for typing, providing artwork, and printing this publication.

Special appreciation is extended to those who served on the original advisory committee representing the many MAVCC states. USE OF THIS PUBLICATION

Instructional Units a Diesel Mechanics: Fuel Systerni includes eight Units. Each instruCtional unit includes some or all of the basic'components of a unit of instruction: performance objectives, suggested activities for teachers and students, information sheets, assignment sheets, job sheets, visual aids, tests, and answers to the test. Units are planned,for more than ope lesson or class period of instruction.

Careful study of each instructional unit bi the teacher will help to determine:

A. The amount of material that can be covered in each class period B. The skills which must be demonstrated 1. Supplies needed 2. Equipment needed a. Amount of practice Deeded 4. Amount of class time needed for.demonstrations C. Supplementary materials -such as pamphlets or filmstrips that must be ordered D. Resource people who must be contacted


Each unit of instruction is based on performance objectives. These objectives state the goals of the course, thus providing a sense of direction and accomplishment for the student.

Performance objectives are stated in `two forms:unit obje,ctives, stating the subject matter to be covered,in a unit of instruction, and specific objectives, stating the student per- .formance necessary to reach t,he unit objective.

Since the objectives of the unit provide direction for the teaching-learning process, .it is important for the teacher and Students to have a common understanding of the intent of the objectives. A limited 'lumber of performance terms have been_used in the objectives for this curriculum to assist in promoting the effectiveness of the communication among all individt.i)is using the materials.

Following is a list of performance terms and their synonyms which may have been used in this material:

Name Identify Describe Label Select Define List in writing Mark Discuss in writing List orally Point out Discuss orally

, Letter Pick out I nterpret Record Choose Tell how Repeat Locate Tell what 6 Give Label Explain

xi -.:' "

, Order' Distingu ish Construct .Arrange Discriminate Draw Sequence Differentiate Make List in older c . ., Build k0 Classify , Design Divide Formulate Isolate Reproduce Sort \ _ Transcri e Reduce i . Increase Figure

Demonstrate ,. Additional Terms Used Show your work Evaluate Prepare Show procedure Complete Make Perform an experiment .' Analyze Read

.Perform the steps Calculate Tell Operate Estimate Teach Remove Plan Converse Replace Observe Lead Turn off/on Compare State / (Dis) assemble Determine Write (Dis) connect Perform ,

Reading Of the objectives by ihe student should be followed by a class discussion to answer any questions concerning performancerequirements for each instructional unit. da. Teachers should feel free to acid objectives which will fit the material to theneeds of the students and, community.When teachers add objectives, they should remember to supply ttie needed information, assignment and/or job sheets, andcriterion tests.

Suggested Activities,for the Instructor , Each unit of instruction has a suggested activities sheet outlining steps to followin accomplishing specific objectives. Duties of instructors will vary according tothe particular

... unit; however, for best use of the material they, should include thefollowing:provide students-with objective sheet, infOrmation sheet, assignment sheets( and job sheets; preview filmstrips, make transpafencies, and arrange for resource materials and people; discuss unit and specific objectivss and information sheet; give test. Teachers are encouraged to use any additional instructional activities and teaching methods to aid students in accomplishing the objectives.

Information Sheels -

Informatton sheets provide content essential for meeting the cognitive (knowledge) ob- jectives in the unit. The teacher will find that the information sheets serve as an excellent guide for presenting the background knoWlbdge necessary to develop the skill specifiedin - the unit objective. . 41P Students should read theinformatf ion sheets before the information is discussed in ,class. Stu1ents may take additional notes on the information sheets. .. ,

Transparency Masters

Transparency niasters provide informatidn in a special way. The students may see as well as hear the material being presented, thus reinforcing the learning process. Transparen- cies may present new information or they may reinforce information presented in the in- formation sheets. They are particularly effective when identification is necessary.

Transparencies should be made and placed in the notebook where they will be imme- diately available for use. TransParencies direct the class's attention to the topic of discus- sion. They should be left on the screen only when topics shown are under discussion.

..> Joel Sheets

Job sheets are an important segment of each unit. The instructor should be able to and in most situations should demonstrate the skins outhned in the job sheets. Procedures outhned in the job sheets give direction to the skill being taught and allow both student and teacher to check student progress toward the accomplishment of the skill.Job sheets provide a ready outline for students to follow if they have missed a demonstration. Job sheets ako furnish potential employers witil a picture of the skills being taught and the performances which might reasonably be expected from a person who has had this training.

Assignment Sheets

Assignment sheets give direction to study and furnish practice for paper and pencil activities to develop the knowledges which are necessary prerequisites to skill development. These may be given to the student for completion in class or used for homework assign- ments. Answer sheets are provided which may be used by the student and/or teacher for

checking student progress. \-*

Test and Evaluation

Paper-pencil and performance tests have been constructed to measure student achieve- ment, of each objective listed in the unit of instruction. Individual test items may be pulled out and used as a short test to determine student achievement of a particular objective. This kind of testing maY be used as a daily quiz and win help"the teacher spot difficulties being encountered by students in their efforts to accomplish the unit objective. Test items for ob- jectives added by the teacher should be constructed and added to the test.

, Test Answers , Test answers are provided for each unit.These may be used by the teacher and/or student for checkingstudent achievement of the objectives.


411 '<;

DIESEL MECHANICS: FUEL SYSTEMS 1NSTRUCTIONAL/TASK ANALYSIS JOB TRAINING: What the RELATED INFORMATION: What Worker Should Be Able to Do the Worker Should Know (Psychomotor) (Cognitive).


1. Terms and definitions

2,Functions of fuel injection systems

3.Types of fuel injection sys- tems V 4.Methods of injecting fuel

5.Facts about fuel injection systems

UNIT II: FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1, Terms and definitions

2.Parts and their functions

3.Fuel 'tank maintenance prob- lems

4.Types of fuel lines and their purposes

5.Purpose of fuel transfer pump

6.Stages of fuel filtration

7.Fuel filters and separators

8.Operation of dual filters


1.Terms and definitions

2.Parts and their functions

3.Op'erating principles

4.Fuel flow

5.Charging and discharge cycle operations

6.Delivery operation , i

JOB TRAINING: What ihe - r. RELATED INFORMATION:What. Worker Shduld Be Able to Do the Worker Should Know (Psychomotor)- (Cognitive)

7.Return fueloilcircuit func- tions

8.Functions of end plate

9.Optional features of distributor type pump ,

10.Remove a distributor type pump 4 from an engine ,

11.Bench test a distributor type pump

12.Install a distributor type pump on an engine


,.. 1.Terms and definitions

2.Parts of in-line pump

3.Fuel flow from supply tank to delivery , 4.Purpose of hand prinier

5.Purpose of fuel transfer pump

6.Operation of injection pump

7.Parts and design features of pumping element ,...... 8.Operation of control rack and sleeve

9.Purpose of delivery valv,e

10.Plunger and rack positiohs r

r 4 11.Tools for overhauling in-line injectiOn pump

12.Remove an in-line pump

13.Overhaulan in-Ine pump..

14.Clean and inspe t in-lin pump componen

15.Reassemble an in-line pump ,

xvi .


JOB TRAINING: What the RELATED INFORMATION: What Worker Should Be Able to Do a the Worker Should Know , (Psychomotor) (Cognitive)

16.Reassemble the R.Q.V.

17.Bench test an in-line pump


1.Terms and definitions

2.Parts of unit injector and their functions

3.Fuel flow through unit injector system

4.Differences between needle valve and crown valve

5.Differences between no injec- tion and full injection

.6. Remove unit injector from engine

7.Disassemble a unit injector N

8.Assemble a unit Injector

9.Test a unit injector

10.Install a unit injector k UNIT VI: PT FUEL SYSTEMS

1.Terms and definitions

2.Parts of PT fuel system

3.Functions of PT pump assem- bly units

4.- Operation of PT ioje system , ,, 5.Function of pUlsation damper

6.Operation of mechanical governor

o. 7.Types of PT 1 , 8.Operational steps of PT injec- tors and their descriptions If

"T.4 , ,

JOB TRAINING: What the RELATED INFORMATION: What Worker Should Be Able to Do the Worker Should Know

(Psychomotor) . (Cognitive)

? 9.Remove and install flange type injectors

10. Fisofp.Ove and install PT (Type B, C, D, and top stop) injectors

11.Adjust an injector plunger and using the tprque method'

12.Install a PT-R fuel pump and adjust high and low engine idle

1. Test and adjust a PT-G fuel pump

14.Adjust an injector using the dial . indicator method UNIT VII: INJECTION NOZZLES

1. Terms and definitions

2.Functions of injection nozzle

3.Moving parts in injection nozzle

4.Common types of nozzle valves

5.Nozzle characteristics

/ 6.Operation of injection nozzle

7.Nozzle opening pressure adjust- ment

8.Remove, service, 'and testin injection nozzle

9.Install an injection nozzle

10.Isolate a faulty injection nozzle


1.Terms and definitions

2.Purposes of governor

3.Types of governors using flyweights 15

xViii , a a


Worker Should Be Able to Do the Worker Should Know P (Psychomotor).., (Cognitive) A. t - 4.Differences between mechan- ical and hydraulic governors

5.Types of mechanical and GM - hydraulic governors 6.Functions of governors


8.Operation of governor on load increase and decrease

9.Position of flyweights for load increase or decrease

10.Characteristics of isochronous governor

11.Characteristics of limiting speed mechanical governor

12.Adjust a limiting speed mechanical o governor and injector rack control


.4 / -)


(NOTE. This is an alphabetized list of tools and materials needed to complete the job sheets am, in this text.) Appropriate service manual Appropriate service tool kit Basic hand tool set, including metric Calibrating nozzles adjusted to pump manufacturer s specifications Calibrating oil, as recommended Clean diesel fuel Clean line plugs Clean pans Clean parts tray Clean vise Clean work area Clean work bench a Cleaning solvent Comparator injector tester or appropriate cahbrator injector tester Crocus cloth Cummins engine, C.I.D. seriesV-378, V-504, V-555, or VT-555 Cummins engine using PT-R fuel pump Deep well socket Distributor type pump Drive shaft installation tool Feeler gauge Fuel pipe socket Grease Idle adjusting tool Injection line1/16" I.D. x 20" length Injection line3/32" I.D. x 20" length Injector nut socket wrench Injector-sprai, tip driver Injector tester Injector tube bevel reamer Injector vise and rack freeness tester Manufacturer's specifications Needle valve fuel injector 'Nozzle tester Oil can, hand type Pry bar PT-G fuel pump PT-R fuel pump, properly calibrated Pump specification sheet Pump test stand Pump tools Safety glasses Shipping caps Shop towels (lint-free) Solution for washing pump , hand type Tachometer, remote type 41. -/ Telt stand adapters Test stand manual 9 Torque wrench Torque wrench, inch-pounds Torque wrench, foot-pounds , Typical tools as recommended by appropriate manufacturer

, (NOTE: The tool numbers listed below are International Harvester.)

SE-2119--Rack gauge holder '.,. SE-2121--Dial indi.cator (itch reading) SE-2339--Wrench, holding, drive flange t - SE-2340--Remover, goverhor flyweight damper I SE-2341--Holder, tappet -0. 0t _SE-2342--Gauge, camshaft protrusion 4 ' SC-s2343-1-foldet, dial irSdicator . SE-2344--Remover and installer, camshaft cylindrical ni-Jt SE-2345--Remover and installer, tappet SE-2346--Remover and installer, barrel plunger , SE-2347--Wrench, tappet adjusting SE-2348--Wrench, governor spring adjusting SE-2349--Remover and installer, governor spring and adjusting screw $E-2351--Fixture, pump holding e



(NOTE. This is an alphabetized list of references used in completing this text.)

Dagel, Jqn F. Diesel Engine Repair. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982.

Detroit Diesel Allison, Service Manual. Detroit. Division of General Motors Corporation, 1974.

Foutes, William A. Diesel Engine Mechanics.Stillwater, OK. Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, 1977.

Fuel System. Fuel Injection PumpRobert Bosch "A" Type for 0 V-4628 2nd DV-550B Engines. Chicago: International Harvester Co.

Fundamentals of Service: Engines. Fifth Edition. Moline, IL. Deere and Company, 1980.

Kates, Edgar J., and Luck, William E. Diesel and High Compression Gas Engines. Third Edition.Chicago: American Technical Society, 1974.

Roberi. Bosch Corporation. Bulletin No. 221.1.03.. 4.131.A Directors Row, Houston, TX. Roosa Master. Operation and Instructional Manual: Model DP Pump. Hartford, CT: Stanadyne/Hartford Division/Roosa Master.

Schulz, Erich J. Diesel Mechanics. New York. Gregg Division, Mctraw-Hill Book Company, 1977

Service Bulletin No. 3379011-01: Injector Plunger and Valve Adjustments. Columbus, IN: CumminS Engine Company, Inc., December, 1975.

Service Bulletin No. 3379071-02. Injectors, All Types. Columbus, IN: Cummins Engine Company, Inc., December, 1975.

Svrvice Bulletin No. 3379084-02: Fuel Pump PT Rebuilding. Columbus, IN: Cummins Engine Company, 1980.

Service Bulletin No. 3379101-00. PT Fuel Pump Calibration. Columbus, IN:: Cummins Engine Company, Inc., December, 1975.

Service Bulletin No. 983535. Fuel Pump PT Rebuilding. Columbus, IN. Cummins Engine Company, Inc., 1975.

Servide Bulletin No. 983725: Calibration of PT-G Pumps. Columbus, IN. Cummins Engine Company, Inc., 1975.

Service Arnual, Detri

Technical Manual: John Deere Fuel Injection Equipment Robert Bosch. Moline,I L: Deere and Company, April 1974.

.Toboldt, William K. Diesel. Fundamentals, Service, Repair. South Holland, IL: Goodheart- Willcox Company, Inc., 1980. D:FS-1




After completion of this unit, the student should be able to select major functions of a fuel injecticm system and list methods of injecting fuel usipg a pump and injection nozzle. This knowledge will be evidenced by scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After completion of this unit, the student should be able to:

1. Match terms related to fuel injection systems with thek correct definitions.

2;Select major functIons of a fuel injection system.

3.Name two types of fuel injection systems._

4.Complete a list of methods of injecting fuel using the pump and injection nozzle.

5.Select true statements concerning facts about fuel injection systems. ,



4 U

b D: FS-3


N SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ....!"... I. Provide student-with objective sheet.

II. Provide student with informati\sheet.

-. III. Discuss unit and specific objectiVes.

iV. Discuss.information sheet. 14

V. Make a display of the different types of fuel, injection systems. - Demonstrate the spray patterns of various injectors. VI. _

VII. -Emphasize safety procedures to follow when working with fuel injectors. e Take a field trip to a f'Dti injection shop. VIII. o ,

IX. Give test.



.. I. Included in this unit:

A. Objective sheet

B. Information sheet

C. Test

D. Answers to test

II. References:

A. Kates, Edgar J. and Luck, William E. Diesel and High Compression Gas Engines. Third Edition. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1974.

Il B. Schulz, Erich J. Diesel Mechanics. New York: Gregg Division, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977.

Toboldt, William K. Diesel Fundamentals, Service, Repair. South Holland, IL: Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc., 1980.

D. Dagel, John F. Diesel Engine Repair. New York: joh-n Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982. - 21 INTRODUCTION TO FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMS UNIT I


I. Terms and definitions

4A. Injection-Methad of forcing fuel into a chamber for combustion -

B. Transfer pump-Mechanical device that brings fuel from the fuel tank to the injection pump

C. Fuelinjection pump--Times, measures, and delivers fuel under pressure to the injection nozzles

D. Ignition delay--Period of time from injection to actual ignition

E. Flash point-When fuelis heated to a point where it gives off a flammable vapor

F. Ignition-Combustion of fuel mixture in the combustion chamber

G. Cetane number--The rating of a diesel fuel's ignition

H. Atomize--Break down into small particles

I. Unit injector-Pump and fuelinjection nozzle combined into one Ligi

J. Fuel injection nozzle--Atomizes and distributes fuel evenly into the cgmhus- tion chamber

II. Major functions of fuel injection system

A. Supplies Vie correct quantity offuel

B. Times the fuel delivery

C. controls the delivery rate

D. Atomizes the fuel

E. Distributes fuel evenly throughout the combustion chamber

II I. Types of fuel injection systems

A. Common rail system

B. Jerk pump system

(NOTE: Almost all modern diesel systems are of this type.)

1. Unit injector

2.In-line 6


4 )1un 'bo'...t)f-try pe

!V Pump and inject,on ,iptnor4-, for injecting tuel

1 tiome fi'E'-'Lt Uri nozzle f(y- each cylirider

!NOTE Som,, Pr4P,2 ,iump inanufacturers who use this system are American Bosch, Br)si.n, C A V end Sims

B Combined pump and i'ilectionozzle for each (unit injector type)

i%0TESorrtl engirib do;. p,ump neliutacturers who use this system are General Motors Coroorat'ion and Cummins Eogine Company.)

C Pump in common frii-,usino,njection nozzle for each cylinder (in-line type)

(NOTE, Some eng ne and or ft.:mi.) manufacturers who use.this system are Bosch, American Bosch, C.A V , Sims, and Caterpillar )

D Ore Rump servingnjectinn nozzles for several cylinders (distributor type)

(NOTE Some e-g're aro, ci purnr; manufacturers who use this system are Roosa Master, American Bosch, Robert Bosch, C.A.V., and D.P.A.)

FacTs about fue' injection ,y.s',er"s

A The firs-t in)ecton S used air to force coal duv into the combustion chamber

B The first 'uei injector jsed airro force fuel into the combustion chamber


0 Fuel ntist be ever !y distr,buten throuqnout the cylinder

E Ali fuel injectors are meGhanicall/ op,r d

F Fuel is iniec'nd high oressure-2500 3000 psi or more D: FS-7




1.Match the terms on the right with their correct definitions.

a.Method of forcing fuel into a chamber for 1.Atomize cornbustion 2.injection b.Mechanicaldevicethatbringsfuelfrom the fuel tank to the injection pump 3.Fuel injection pump c.Times,measures, anddeliversfuelunder, pressure to the injection nozzles .Unit injector

5.Ignition d.Periodof time frominjection, toactual,, ignition 6.Cetane number'

e. When fuel is heated to a point where it gives' 7 Fuel injection off a flarnrnable vapor nozzle 16. f.Combustion of fuel mixture in the cornbus:, 8.Flash point tion chamber 9.Ignition delay g.The rating of a diesel fuel's ignition 10.Transfer pump h.Break down into small particles

i. Pump andfuelinjection nozzle combined into one unit

j.Atomizes and distributes fuel evenly ,into the combustion chamber

2.Select major functions of a fuel injection system by placing an "X" in the appropriate blanks.

a.Supplies the correct quantity of fuel

b.Pulls the fuel from the pump

c.Returns fuel to the filters

d. Atomizes the fuel

e.Distributes fuel evenly throughout the combustion chamber %


i 3.Name two 'types of fuel injection systems.

- / a.


VoZ, 1)Unit injector

2)Inline -., 3)Multi-plunger in common housing

4)Single plunger, distributor type

4.Complete the following list of methods of injecting fuel using the pump and injection nozzle. .

a. and injection nozzle for each cylinder

b. and injection' nozzle for each cylinder «

c. Pump in common housing, injection nozzle for each cylinder

d. serving injection nozzles for several cylinders

5.Select true statements concerning facts about fuel injection systems by placing an "X" in the appropriate blanks. fD

a.The first injection systems used air to force coal dust into the combustion chamber

b. The first fuel injector used air to force fuel into the combustion chamber


k ti.Air must be evenly distributed throughout the combustion chamber l

e.All fuel injectors are mechanically operated

f.Fuel is injected by very low pressure--1000-1500 psi or less

? ?,u

\ D:FS-9



1.a. 2 e. 8 h. 1 b. 10 f. 5 i. 4 3 g. 6 j. 7 d. 9


3.a. Common rail system 13Jerk pump system

4.a. Individual pump b. Combined pump d. One pump

5.a, b, c, e

7". D: PS-11



After completion of this unit, the student should be able to name the major parts of a fuel system end match the parts to their functions. The student should also be able to distin- guish between the operation of series and parallel dual filters. This knowledge will be evidenced by scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After completion of this unit, the student should be able to:

1.Match terms related to fuel system components with their correct definitions.

2.Name six major parts of a.fuel system.

3.Match the parts of a fuel system with their functions.

4.Name threEfuel tank maintenance problems.

5.Match types of fuel lines with their purposes.

6.Select true statements concerning the purpose of a fuel transfer pumP. . 7.Name three types of filters used during stages of fuel filtration on-a typical diesel fuel,system.

8.Complete a list of staternents concerning fuel filters and separators.

9.Distinguish between the operation of series and parallel dualfilter's.

' D:FS-13



I. Provide student with objective sheet.

II. Provide student with information sheet.

III. Make transparencies. 6

IV. Discuss unit and specific objectives.

V. Discuss informetim sheet. VI. Show students different high pressure lines.' VII. Demonstrate safety precautions on high pressure lines. VIII. Have a display of different types of filters.

IX. Give test.


I. Included in this unit:

A. Objective sheet

B. Information sheet

C. transparency masters

1. TM 1--Fuel System Components 2. TM 2--Detroit Diesel Fuel System and Final Filter on Fuel Injector

3. TM 3--Types of Fuel Lines

4. TM 4--Stages of Fuel Filtration

5. TM 5--Water Separetor and primary Filter

6. TM 6--Agglomerator Filter

7. TM 7--Spin-On Fuel Filter

8. TM 8--Series Dual Fuel Filters

D. Test

E. Answers to test

28" 14

II. References:

A. Fundamentals of Service: Engines. Fifth Edition. Moline, IL: Deere and Company, 1980.

B. Kates, Edgar J. and Luck, William E. Dieser and High Compression Gas Engines. Third Edition. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1974.

C. Detroit Diesel Allison: Service Manual. Detroit, MI: Division of General Motors Corporation, 1974.

D. Dagel, John F. Diesel Engine Repair .New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982. D:FS-15



I. Terms and definitions

A. Fuel lines--High and low pressure tubes that connect the fuel system

B. Primary filterFilters out initial impurities AP C. Secondary filter--The second filter in a fuel system; it has a finer filtering capacity

D. Final filterUsed as a safety factor, if coHects anything that escapes other filters

E. Micron--A unit of measurement that is used to rate the efficiency of filters; \ one micron equals one millionth of a meter or 0.000039 inch

F. Fuel transfer pump--Moves fuel from fuel tank to fuel pump

G. Water separator--A cup or bowl usually at the bottom of the fuel filter. that allows the heavier water to settle to the bottom to be drained off

H. Major parts of fuel system (Transparencies 1 and 2)

A. Fuel tank , B. Fuel transfer pump

C. Fuel filter

D. Fuel injection pump .

E. Unit injector

F. Fuel injection nozzle

'HI. Fuhctions of fuel system parts (Transparency 1')

A. Fuel tank--Stores fuel

B. Fuel filter--Cleans the fuel

C. Fuel transfer pumpSupplies fuel to injection pump at low pressure

D. Fuel injection pumpTimes, mea§ures, and delivers fuel under pressure to injection nozzles

E. Fuel injection nozzleAtomizes and distributes fuel evenly into combustion chamber

F. Unit injectorPerforms functions of *both the injection Pimp and nozzle ,a astme unit



. 16


IV. Fuel tank maintenance problems

A Leaks

B. Condensation


V. Types of fuel lines and purposes (Transparency 3)

A. Return low pressure lines-Transfer leak-off fuel from injectors to tank or pump

(NOTE The lines can be made from various materials.)

B. Schedule 80 high 'pressurehnes--Transfer fuel between injection pump and injector

C. Supply low pressure lines--Transfer fuel between tank and injection pump

VI. Purpose of fuel transfer pump

A. Draws fuel from supply tank through fuel filters

B. Forces fuel under low pressure through injection pump

VII. Stages of fuel filtration (Transparency 4)

A. First stage-Filter screen at tank or transfei- pump

B. Second stage--Primary filter

C. Third stage-Secondary-filter

VIII. Fuel filters and separators

A Fuel filter components (Transparency 6)

1. Cast aluminum head, has all fuel cOnnections

2.Aluminum filter base, has sediment trap

3.Treated paper element

B Water separator and primary filter (Transparency 5)

1 Has no resistance to fuel flow

2.Separates water from fuel by specific gravity D:FS-17


3. Has no moving parts

4.Is effective in freezing or waxing conditions

5.Can be drained c;f sediments

6.Mounted on suction side of the pump .

C. Agglomerator filter (Transparency 6)

1.Uses single bolt for filter change /." 2.Water drains without dismantling

3.Fuel flows in the inlet and through the paper filter where it separates the impurities

D. Spin-on filter (Transparency 7)

1.Gasket is part of the filter

2.Easy to change for more serviceability

3.Has no resistance to fuel flow

4.Fuel flows in the inlet and through the paper filter where it separates the impurities

Operati-o-n'of rfUal-firfer§' (Trar*56-ren6i-ar---

A. Series-All fuel flows through one filter before flowing through the other

B. Parallel--Parif the fuel goes through each filter

414 4 4) 0 T.


Fuel System Components

4- , Injection Nozzles .. y Combustioni

Chamber I


. Injection Pump (Distributor Type)

Fuel\ k , Transfer Pump Fuel Filters 0 , g cn _. 3 3 3 4 (.-8 'A

D:FS-21 7,-...

0 Detroit Diesel Fuel System and Final FilteronFuel Injector Fuel Pipes

--I- -_:- 1 i-7 =---- Out Fuel Injector \ Restricted Fitting i Fueli Pump Check Valve %,-....Erm......

. Fuel Filter Fuel Strainer-0- Fuel Tank N./ System Fuel Flow

.-: Filter 6p-0-


Final.. Filter a

Injector Body--1.- .,

.Location of Final Filteron Fuel Injector © General Motors Corporation &.- 30 TM 2 o e -

Types of Fuel Lines e

, Noale Leak-Off Lines Fuel Return Line

% Fuel Injection Lines , , -Fuel Supply Lille

, ,

Very High Pressure Low Presswe No Pressure


3 i 3 t3 *

Stages of Fuel Filtration




Filter Bo WI

Secondary Filter Primary Filter D rt Filter Screen 0 I Li, g cp it. 30 CA 3 3 . -, ,.... N .. ID:FS-27 , u

.., 0. Water Separator and Primary Fitter


- ,., 8edimenter Head


Conical Diffuser

Transparent Bowi

Sedimenter Chamber Drain Plug ,I


TM 5 ) 1 A )' 7 ) 7 D:FS-29 2 ..

)' Agglomerator Filter



,1 Filter Agglomerator Head )

Filter Paper Element ) )

- "' V


Transparent Bowl )

Sed imenter,ChaMber'


TM 6 D:FS-31

Spin-on Fuel Filter




General Motors Corporation

42 TM 7 4) ( , , i Series Dual Fuel Filters

Air Bleed Screws

Fuel Inlet


Cotton String Element- First Stage

Paper Element-

Second Stage ..

,. Bowls \Sediment Drain Screws , 43 D:FS-35




1.Match the terms on the right-with their correct definitions.

a.High and low pressure tubes that connect 1. Final filter the fuel system 2.Micron b.Filters out initial impurities 3.Primary filter c.The seconefilter in a fuel system; it has a finer filtering capacity 4.Water separator

d. Used as a safety factbr, it' collects anything 5.Fuel transfer pump lhat escapes other filters 6.Fuel lines e. A unit of measurement that is used to rate the efficiency of filters; one of these units equals 7.Secondary filter one millionth of a meter or 0.000039 inch

f.Moves fuel from fuel tank to fuel pump g. A cup or bowl usually at the bottorh of .the fuel filter that allows the heavier water to settle to-the bottom to be drained off

2.Name six major parts of a fuel system.






3.Match the parts of a fuel system on the right with their functions.

a.Stores fuel 1. Fuel transfer pump

-b. Cleans the fuel 2.Fuel injection pump c.Suppliesfueltoinjection pumpat iow pressure 3.Fuel filter

4j #

36 ,

d. Times,measures, anddeliver§feelunder 4. Fuel tank pressure to injection nozzles 5.Unit injector e.Atomizes and distributesfuelevenly into combustion chamber 6.Fuel injection nozzle f.Performs functions of both theinjection 10. pump and nozzle as one unit

4., Name.three fuel-tank maintenance problems.




5.Match types of fuel lines on the right with their purposes.

a.Transferleakofffuelfrominjectorsto 1.Supply low tank or pump pressure lines

b. Transfer fuel between injeotion pump and 2.Return low injector pressure lines

c.Transferfuel between tank and injection 3.Schedule 80 high pump pressure lines

6.Select true statements concerning the purpose of a fuel transfer pump byr5lacing an "X" in the appropriate blanks.

a.Draws fuel from supply tank through Nal filters

b.Forces fuel under high pressure through injection pump

7. Name three types of filters used during stages of fuel filtration on a typical diesel fuel system.

a. First stage--

b. Second stage--

c. Third stage-- .. 8.Complete the following list of statements concerning fuel filters and separators.

a. Fuel-filter components

1)Cast aluminum head, has all fuel connections

2) Aluminum filter base, has

3) Treated paper element ,

i D:FS-37


b. Water separator and primary filter ..

1)Has no resistance to fuel flow 4

2)Separates water from fuel by

3)Has no moving parts

4)Is effective in freezing or conditiOns

5) Can be drained of sediments

6) Mounted on suction iide of the pump , c. Agglomerator filter

1)Uses single bolt

2) pater drains without dismantling

3)Fuel 'flows in the inlet and through the paper filter where it separates the impurities

d. Spin-on filter

1)Gasket is part of the filter

2) for more serviceability

3)Has no resistance to fuel flow

4)Fuel flows in the inlet apd through the paper filter where it separates the impurities

9.Distinguish between the operation of series and parallel dual filters by placing an next to the description of series filters.

a.All fuel flows through one filter before flowing through the other

b.Part of the fuel goes through each filter

4 7 D:FS-39 ,


6 e. 2 0 3 f. 5 7 g. 4'


2.a. Fuel tank b. Fuel transfer pump c. Fuel filter d. Fuel.injeciion pump .% e. Unit injector l f. Fuel injection nozzle

3. 'a. 4

- b. 3 I C. 1 d. 2 e. 6 f. 5

4.a. Leaks b. Condensation i c. Dirt , 5.a. 2 b. 3

C. 1


7. 'a. Filter screen at tank or transfer pump b. Primary filter c. Secondary filter ,

8,a. 2) Sediment trap - b. 2)Specific gravity 4) Waxing- c. 1)for filter change d. 2)Easy to change


4 3 b:FS-41



After completion of this unit, the student should be able to identify the main parts of a distributor type pump and arrange in order the steps in which fuel flows during a complete pump cycle on a distributor type pump. The student should also be*able to remove, bench test, and install a distributor type pump. This Ilcnowledge will be evidenced by corredtly performing the procedures outlined in the job sheets and by scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After completion of this unit, the student should be able to:

1. Match terms related to a distributor type injection pump with their correct definitions.

2.Identify-the main parts of a distributor type pump.

3.Name three rotating parts of a distributor type pump.

4.Match the main parts of a.distributor type pump with their functions.

5.Select true statements concerning the principles of operation of a distributor type pump.

6.Arrange in order the steps in which fuel flows during a complete pump cycle on a distributor type pump.

7. Select true sta*ments concerning charging cycle operation.

8.Complete a list of statements concerning discharge cycle operation.

9.Select true statements concerning delivery valve operation.

10.Select true statements concerning return fuel oil circuit functions.

11.Name three functions of an end plate.

12.. Complete a list of optional features of a distributor type pump.

13.Demonstrate the ability to:

a. Remove a distributor type pump from an engine.

b. Bench test a distributor type pump.

c. Install a distributor type pump on an engine.

49 D:FS-43



I. Provide student with objective sheet.

II. 'Provide student with.information and job sheets.

III., Make transparencies.

IV. Discuss unit and specific objectives.

V. Discuss information sheet.

VI. Demonstrate and discuss the procedures outlined in the job sheets.

VI I.,Inform students this unit is written on a Roosa Master DP injection pump.

VI II. Color code fuel oil passages on transparency masters.

IX. Discuss disassgmbly of an injection pump.

X. Have students look up calibration data for an injection pump to usewhen bench testing. Xl. Take a field trip to an injection lab.

XI I. Give teit.


incIAed in this unit:

A. Objective sheet

B. Information sheet

C. Transparency masters

1. TM 1--Main Parts of Distributor Type Pump

2. TM 2-*-Fuel FloW 3. TM 3Delivery Valve Operation 4. TM 4End Plate Assembly with Transfer Pump

5. TM 5. Optional Features of a Distributor Type Pump 6. TM 6--Optional Features of a Distributor Type Pump(Continued)

0 44

D. Job sheets

1.. Job Sheet #1--Remove aDistributor Type Pump from an Engine

2. Job Sheet #2--Bench Test a Distributor Type Pump

3.Job Sheet #3--InstillDistributonType Pump on an Engine

E. Test

F. Answers to test

I I. References-.

A. Toboldt, William K. DieselFundamentals, Service, Repair. South Holland, IL: Goodheart- Willcox Company, Inc., 1980.

B. Kates, Edgar J., and Luck, William E. Diesel and High Compression Gas Engines. Third Edition. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1974.

C. Fundamentals of Service: Engines. Fifth Edition. Moline,I L: Deere and Company, 1980.

D. Roosa Master: Operation and Instructional Manual: Model DP Pump. Hart- ford, QT: Stanadyne/Hartford Division/Roosa Master.

E. Dagel, John F. Diesel Engine Repair. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982.

F. Foutes, William A. Diesel Engine Mechanics. Stillwater, OK Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, 1977. D:FS-45



I. Terms and definitions

A. Distributor type ict4 system-Normally uses one pump to distribute fuel to all cylinder

B. Annulus--Ring; a part, structure, or marking resembling a ring

C. Hydraulic--Operated or moved by liquid in motion

D. Registry--Oil passage that indexes vvith a port in a rotating head

E. Metering--Precision measurement of fuel,delivery

F. Retraction-Act of drawing back

G. Servomechanism--Automatic device for controlling large amounts of power with small amounts of power is a moved by fluid under pressure

H. Circuit--Complete path of fuel flow

I. Delivery valve--Provides retraction of delivery line pressure causing nozzle valve to return to its seat, preventing dribble of fuel into combustion cham- ber

Main parts of distributor type pump (Transparency 1) , 4

A. Drive shaft

B. Distributor rotor

C. Transfer pump

D. Pumping plungers

E. Internarcam-ring

F. Annulus in hydraulic head

G. End plate

H. Governor

I. Automatic advance

J. Housing

4, ,,



1 III. Rotating parts of distributor type pump (Transparency 1) A. Drive shaft

B. Distributor rotor

C. Transfer pump blades - ' IV. Functions of main parts (Transparency 1)

A. Drive shaft--Turns distributor rot& in the hydraulic head

B. Distributor rotor--Rotation of rotor causes pumping action of plungers which discharge fuel when passages index with appropriate passages' in the hydraulic head , C. Transfer pumpDraws fuel from supply tank through inletstrainer to pump

(NOTE: Vane type pump is attached to opposite end of distributor rotor.)

D. Pumping plungers--Provide pressure to transfer fuel from rotor to hydraulic al head to injection nozzles

E. Internal cam-ringActuates the pumping plungers

F. Hydraulic head--Contains the metering valve and the pore in whidh the rotor revolves ,

G. End plate--Houses the transfer pump pressure regulating valve and fuel i stra in er .., H. Governor--Regulates the sr:reed by positive mechanical linkage to metering valve , I. Automatic speed advance--Hydraulic servomechanism powered by oil pres- sure from the transfer pump which advances injection timing (NOTE: Not all pumps are equipped with an automatic speed advance.) ,.,

J. HousingContains all component parts .

V. Principles of operation of distributor type pump, (Transparency 1)

A. Drive shaft engages the distributor rotor in the hydraulic head (NOTE: Drive end of rotor has two cylinder bores, each containing two plungers.)

B. Plungers are adtuated toward each othei simultaneously by the internal cam-ring to pump fuel

C. As rotor revolves inside hydraulic head, the discharge passage in the rotor indexes with appropriate passage in the hydraulic head to lead to the injector nozzles

L D:FS-47


, VI. Fuel flow (Transparency 2)

A. Fuel is drawn from the supply tank into the pump through the inlet strainer by the vane type fuel transfer pump

B. Transfer pump pressure forces fuel through drilled passages in the hydraulic head into the annulus

C. Transfer pump pressure increases with speed

D. Fuel flows around the annulus to top of sleeve and through connecting, passages to metering valve

E. Metering valve regulates the flow of fuel into the charging' ring which incor- porates the charging ports

F. As the,rotor revolves, the twin inlet passages register with two charging ports in the hydraulic head allowing fuel to flow into the pumping cylinders

G. With further rotation, the inlet passages move oRt of registry and the single discharge port is opened

H. The rollers contact the cam lobes forcing the plungers together

I. Fuel trapped between the plungers is then delivered through delivery valve to the nozzle

VII. Charging cycle operation (Transparency 2)

A.When the rotor revolves, the angled inlet passages in the rotor line up with the charging ports qf the dharging ring

B. Pressurized fuel from the transfer pump, controlled by the opening of the metering, valve, flows tO the pumping cylinders forcing all plungers apart

C. The plungers move outward enough to supply the correct quantity of fuel for the engine load

(NOTE: 'At idle the plungers would move Very little, whereas at maximum load they would go into full fuel positioh.)

VIII. Discharge cycle operation (Transparency 2)

A. As the rotor continues to revolve, the angled inlet passages no longer line up with the charging ports

B. 'Fuelis momentarily trapped until the rotor discharge passage lines up with one of the head outlets

C. The rollers contact the cam lobes and are forced together 48


D. -ruel is then for'ced throUgh the:dxial passage of the rotor, then to the- . injection line _.. . , E. Delivery of the fuel will continue until the rotors pass. the high Point on the cam . .

F. The fuel pressure in the .#xial passage is then reduced to a point where the injection näzzle closes

Delivery valve operation (Tr-ansparendy 3)

-. A. Controlled -1,,ine retraction is. the most important job of the delivery valve; thrs is accomplished by reducing injection line pressure to a point lower than that of the nozzle closing-pressdre

B. The delivery valve is located in a drilled passageway in the center of therrotor

C. There is only' one delivery valve, so all cut-off points will be the same

D. As injection begins, fuel pressure moves the delivery valve off its shoulder to allow the volume of its diSplacement to enter the cavity that houses the delivery v.aliie Spring

E. This displaces a similarv olume of fuel in the spring cavity before.delivesy stens through_the valve ports

F. At the end of .injection, the pressure on the plunger side of the delivery valve is reduced, allowing the cam rollers to fall into the' retrktion step of the cam - lobes

, G. As the valve moves back, the fuel is removed from the spring ca vity and flows through the rotor discharge port; then, as the "rotor revolves, itis trapped

X. Return fuel oil circuit functions

A. Transfer pump pressure is discharged into a caiity in the hydraulic head

B. The upper part of this ca-iity has a vent passage connected to,it f - s CT Should air enter trhe t(ansfer pUrnii, it will be bled off and retdmed to the fdel tank

Xl. Functions of end plate (Transparency 4)

A. Provides fuel inlet passages and houses pressure reguratingnvalve

-43. Covers the fuel transfer pump

C. Absorbs end thrust of drive and govemor D:FS-49


XI I, Optional featuresf distributor type pump (Transparencies 5 and 6)

A. Viscosity compensator

B. Centrifugal governor

C. Automatic load advance

D. AutorTic speed advance

E. Torque control

F. Electric shot-off _


, 4001000.0.4.- 4


0 4) a ,

, Main Parts of DistriNitor Type Pumi)


Internal Cam-Ring-

Drive Shaft Annulus in Hydraulic Head - Fuel From Supply Tank i Inlet _Strainer

Pressure Regulating Valve Housing ------Governor End Plate Pumping Plungers Transfer Pump Distributor

\-Rofor 1 MB Automatic Advance Transfer Pump tilA? Drive Shaft -----N. litl., Blades ak

Distributor Rotor 0 lh 57 cn en 58 Fuel Flow

Charging Ring --metering He'ad Outlet Valve Discharge Passage Rollers Distributor Rotor, 1/41


, Passage Delivery Twin Annulus Transfer Valve Plungers Inlet in Hydraulic Purrip Passages Head Barrel Pres'Sure Delivery Valve Stop Charging Cycle DisChargé Cycle


6 -0 * io

Delivery Valve Operation

Head Outlet

Roller Discharge Passage

.. ,,-

k-si-"411111V Cylinder's .

4firi"tiir ,

lipAwl. ....___

Delivery Valve Rollers Delivery Valve Spring 1 Passage Delivery Valve Stop End Plate Assembly with Transfer Pump

"A" Inlet Screen Orifice Regulating Spring Adjusting Plug Pressure Regulating Transfer Sleeve Pump Blades Regulating Piston Piston Seal Transfer Pump Liner End Plate Pressure Regulating Valve t

Optional Features of a Distributor TypePump

Low Idle Sging Linkage Hook

.. Governor Shaft Spring Governor Arm L) .Metering Valve Pivot Shaft s: -77- Thrust-.(4-i-- Sleeve -:------"'

Flyweight Weight Retainer Centrifugal Governor Electrical Shut-Off t

A _ 6 j 66 Optional Features of a Distributor Type Pump


*Automatic Advance 7Torque Control Screw Mechanism Torque Screw

Pump Cam

Advance Pin Automatic

Piston Speed Advance . . Spring Trimmer Screw \AdvanceTrinirner Screw



67 63 D: FS-63 ,



1. Tools and materials , Distributor type pump

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Hand tool set

D. Solution for washing pump

E. Shop towels (lint-free)

F. Shipping caps or plugs for disconnected lines

G. Safety glasses

II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

(NOTE: Refer to engine manual and determine type puminstallation. If drive shaft is part of engine drive assembly, it remains with the e gine.)

A. Clean and wash down pump, fittings, and all Onnections to be broken to eliminate any chance of dirt entering thesy/stem when lines are discon- nected /- (CAUTION: All openings should be tennpoxparily plugged as linqi are discon- nected.)

B. Check the engine manual for proper tirhing position of

C. Bar the engine in correct direction of rotation until the engine timing mark is indexed and the no.1 cylinder is on compression

D. Remove the timing window cover frorn the outboard side of the pump (NOTE: The timing Ilne on the governor weight retainer hub should be directly opposite the lipe on the cam. Engine performance will be poor if these lines are not indexed properly.)

(NOTE: To record static timing, remove no. 1 injector line from no. 1 injector and rotate engine slowly in direction of Jotation; when a drop, of fuel comes out of line, check timing mark and see if it is within specifica- tion.)

E. Disconnect the fuel supply, return, and nozzle leak-Off lines and all high pressure line& plugging all openings 64


F. Disconnect throttle and shut-off linkage

G. Tie throttle lever in full fuel bosltion

H. Remove mounting nuts on the pump flange

I. Slide pump gently*from location

(CAUTION: 6ecareful..not to damage the pilot tube by cocking' puMp on removal.)




$ D:FS-65



I. Tools and materials

A: Distributor type pump

B. Appropriate,seryice manual

C. Hand toof.set

D. Injection line1/16" I.D. x 20" length -

E. Injection line - 3/32" I.D. x 20" length

F. Calibrating nozzles adjusted to pump manufacturer's specifications

G. Pump test stand

H. Adapters--pump to test stand

I. Recommended calibrating oil

J. Shop towels, flint-free)

K: Safety grasses

, -.3

4 ,-i ' £s 66



II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all 'shop safety procedures )

A. Cahbrate and test

1. Mount the pump securely with appropriate adapters (NOTE: If pump employs a steel pilot tube, do not support the drive shaftinthe housing. A drive adapter, usually with a ball bearing, supports the shaft. These pumps must be tested using an intermediate support bearing. See Figure1.)


Bearing Mounting

2. To Pressure Gauge \

2.Install high pressure injection lines using new gaskets

(NOTEInstall two .new gaskets, one on each side of fitting. Leave fuel line connector screws at pump and injection line nuts at nozzles loose.) /

-3Install inlet and return lines and transfer pump pressure gauge

(NOTE: Use a restriction fitting on the return line if the pump nor- mally uses one.) , 4.Determine proper direction of rotation from pump name plate ("C"-- Clockwrse, "Ct" -Counter clockwise)

., (NOTE: Rotation is determinedas viewed from drive end of pump.)

5.-Start stand at,:lowest speed, and move throttle to "full-load" position /2 6.AH,ow fuelto bleed for several seconds from loosened connector screws when transfer pump picks up suction D:FS-67


= _ 7.Allow fuel to bleed from loosened injection line nuts; then, tighten securely

(NOTE: If pump is factory tested on stands which measure fuel flow in cubic millimeters,itis necessary to convert the readings on other types of stands which measure in cubic centimeters. See Figure 2.)

FIGURE 2 (.2

00....y :6,.Y ^ Cub< .Ilone,,s 114413, p. s....6,....

,c 0 0

2D I 100 125 200 250 8:0 402 500 103)

60 8 5 4 3.3 2.5 2 1 (31 t 2 30 20 4 0 S 6 7 5 0 A 2

3 120 X 24 0 10 10 0 7 5 6 3 I A 160 60 32 20 6 33 10 0 8 A

5 200 , 50 40 25 20 16 7 I2.5 10 5

6 260 60 48 X 24 200 15.0 12 6

7 70 56 35 83 23.3 17.5 IA 7

I 320 80 64 60 32 26 7 20 .0 16 8

1 340 10 72 45 16 80.0 22.5 18 1

10 400 ICO SO 50 40 33.3 25.0 20 I0

20 200 140 103 ND 66.7 50 .0 40 20

X XO 240 150 170 132 0 75.0 410 30

60 400 320 830 40 133.3 100 .0

50 POO 250 ?CO 166.7 125.0 100 50

40 XO 240 200.0 150.0 1 20 40

70 150 20 233.3 I 75 .0 140 70

so co 320 246.7 300.0 IN) 10 ...-

340 883.0 225.0 IND 00 ..132 ICO 113.3 233.0 203 oa

(NOTE: The test stand tachometer registers pump speed. Some specifi- cation test data refers to engine speed.)

8.Operate pump at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes

9.Dry off completely with compressed air I

10.Observe for leaks and correct as necessary

11.Back out the high idle stop screw and torque screw (if equipped)

(NOTE: The inlet to the transfer pump should never be pressurized during bench testing.)

,J 68


12.Close valve in supply line

(NOTE: Check to see that transfer pump pulls up to manufacturers specifications.Ifit does not, check for-air leaks on suction side or malfunction of end plate and transfer pump parts.If the pump is equipped with an external by-pass,, it should be pinched off during this test.)

13. Fill graduates to bleed air from test stand and to wet glass

14.Observe return oil

(NOTE: Compare observable return with manufacturer's specifications. By-pass equipped pumps will return less fuel.)

15.Operate the specified speeds with wide open throttle and observe transfe? pump pressure

(NOTE: Adjust pressure regulating spring plug to raise or lower transfer pump pressure.) (CAUTION: Under no circumstances should 130 psi be exceeded. See Figure 3.)


4 (PC' Y.'.


16.Check for minimum delivery at cranking speed D:FS-69

JOB SHEET #2 it 17.Operate at high idle speed and adjust high idle scre'w to _obtain the specified delivery (Figure 4)



High Idle High Idle Screw Delivery Adjustment

18. Adjust the low idle screw to the correct low idle delivery (Figure 5)




Low Idle Screw

Low Idle Delivery Adjustment v

i ij 70


19.Adjust automatic advance

a. Adjust speed advance

1)Check the cam position at specified points in the speed . range

2)Adjust trimmer screw, or shim, as required to obtain proper advance operation (Figure 6) FIGURE 6".

run Advance / / / / / / / / r I

Cam Position Advance

Static Tumng 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000


b. Adjust load advance

1)Adjust the test stand speed to the specified part-load delivery

,'i 0 D:FS-71


2)Observe cam position and adjust guide stud for correct cam movement (Figures 7 and 8)


Load Advance Adjustment

FIGURE 8 OUT Retard IN Advance

Port From To Transfer Advance Pump Mechanism


20.Record fuel delivery at check points shown on the pump speCification

(NOTE: ROLLER SETTINGS SHOULD NOT BE READJUSTED ON THE TEST BENCH. Experience has proven that micrometer and dial indicator settings provide more consistent, accurate results in perform- ance. Variations In test benches, nozzles, lines, and 'fuels in different areas sometime result in inaccurate flow readings.). r



21.Set torque screw (if employed) to specified delivery while operating at full-load governed speed (Figure 9)



, 22.Recheck delivery at lowest speed checkpoint 23.Check governor at specified speed 4) .., B. Remove from test stand and assemble all sealing wires; pump is now ready for installation to engine (NOTE: If there is no drive shaft with the pump, wire the throttlelevel in "full fuel" position for shipment or until installed on engine.Otherwise, mount the pump on drive adapter with shaft.Check shaft seals with a pressure test on the housing.)

s 1

I D:FS-73



I. Tools and materials

A. Distributor type pump

B. Appropriite service manual

C. Drive shaft installation tool

D. Torque wrench

E. Safety glasses

II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

(NOTE: Pumps rparkd "Timed Start Inj." or "Timed End Inj." on the timing window cover al'e.fiFned according to procedures below.)

A. Remove outboard tii-ning window cover (name pla&

B.. Rotate the distributor rofor with a CLEAN, wide bladed screwdriver or the pump drive shaft inserted into the drive end of the pump until the timing line on the weight retainer hug registers with the line on the cam O.D.

(NOTE: The pump is now correctly positioned for assembly to the engine.)

C. Roll the engine in direction of rotation until the flywheel is correctly posi- tioned for fuel pump assembly (See engine manual)

D. Apply a coat of grease to the drive shaft seals

E. Compress the drive shaft seals wiih'the,drive shaft installation tool and slide the pump into position over the mounting studs

(NOTE; Make sure driye shaft and seals are properly positioned.)

F. Assemble and tighten the mounting nuts finger tight " 74


G. Rotate pump, firstin the direction of rotation and then in the opposite , direction until timing lines again register (Figures 1 and 2)

Weight Retainer FIGURE 1 Cam



H. Tighten nuts secwely to take up all back lash

(CAUTION: Drive shaft spline should engage with hand pressure. Do not attempt -to "draw up" the pump flange with mounting stud nuts: If spline does not engage, rotate pump slightly to locate timing pin.)

I. Back off engine at least 1/2 revolution and roll it again in the direction of the proper timing mark

(NOTE: Recheck line marks in, the pump arid Correct if necessary Repeat procedure to insure proper timing I

/ JOB SHEET #3 - , ,


J. Unplug open ends of high pressure lines, assemble with new fuel line connec- tor washers, and tighten to specified torque

K. Assemble and tighten fuel return and nozzle leak-off lines

L. Attach pump controls

M. Open bleed screw o n secondary filter, and operate hand primer(if equipped) or allow fuel to flow from tank until all air isdispelled from filter

N. Close bleed screw

0. Continue hand priming until a quantity of fuel flows "air-free" at pumpinlet' line

P. Fasten the inlet line to the pump ,

(NOTE: This procedure should also be followed without fail after every

A filter change. Refer to engine manual for starting instructions before S-tarting engine.)

Q. Provide means for emergency shut-off






it r 1

s., D: FS-77




.. , TEST

1. Match the terms on the right with their correct definitions.

a.Ring; a part, structure, or mar4dng resembling 1. Hydraplic a ring , 2.. Distributor b. Operated or moved by liquidin motion type injection system

.. c.Oil passage that indexes with a p rtin a 3.Retraction rotating head 4.Circuit d. ' Act of drawing baFk 5.Servomechanism e.Automatic device forcontrolling large amounts of power with small amounts of 6.Arinulus power as apiston moved by fluid under pressure 7. -Registry , A 8.Meterrng f.Complete path of fuel flow 9.Delivery valve g.Normally uses one pump to distribute fuel to all cylinders

h. Provides retraction of delivery Irne pressure

causing.nozzle valve to returp to its seat, -preventing dribble of fuel into" combustion chamber

i, Precision measurementoffueldelivery



4111 2. Identify the main parts of a distributor type pump. D.+8:79 r re,

3.Name three rotating parts Of a distrintOr Wipe pump.

,.. 4.Match the main parts of a distributor type pump on the right with their'itiriPtions.

, - ,- a.TurnsdistribUtor* rotoririthe- hydraulic 1. Purpping

head , plungers

Rotation of rotor causes pumping action -of- -2., Driveshaft plungers which discharge fuel \when passages index with appropriate passagei in the hy- 3.Distributor ,

draulic head rotor ,

'c. Draws fuel from supply tank through inlet 4. HoUsing strainer to purrip .5.Hydraulic head a. Provide pressure to transfer fuel from rotor to- hydraulic head to-injection-nozzles Automatic speed advance "e., 'Actuates the pumping,plungers, Governor f.Contains the tmetering vajve end thebore

in which the rotor revolves, 8.Internal

. S r carrvring 1g. Houses the- transfer pump pressure regulating ' yeive_and fuel's-trainer. 9.Transfer pump

b.Regulates the speed, by posiii,ve mechanical 10.End plate li rnetering-valve >

I. Hydraulic servomechanism poWered tby oil . pressure , fromth'e- transfer pump which advances injection timing

j.-Contains all component parts

5.Select true statements cOncerning the principles of operation of ad istributor type pump by placing-an "X" in th% appropriate blanks.

a.Drive shaft engages the distributor rotor in the hydraulic head ,

b. Plungers are actuated toward each other simultaneously by the internal cam-ring to pump fuel

c.As rotor revolves inside hydraulic head, the discharge passage iphrotor 'indexes with appropriate passage in the hydraulic head to lead to theJijector nlYzzles

4164r- - So

80 "/


16. Arrange in order the steps In which fuel -flows r.fii4ring a cdmplete.pump cycle on 'a, distribtltor type pump. .- . a. / ..5-----6- Fuel ,flows around te annulus to topof sleeve and through connecting' passages to meteringvalve . . , ,; b.Fuel trapped between the plungers isithendlivered through delivery valve to the nogle t Transfer pump pressure increases with speed

d. -"Fuel is drawh 'from the supply tank ito the pump through the inlet strainer by t,.. he vane type fuel transfe, r pUrn , 1. - '-' e. Metering yal-ve regulates the flow of fuel into the4arging ring which incor- porates the charging ports . , -, , :. . , - , . f.Transfer pump prissure forces fuel through drilled passages in the hydraulic head into the annulus ,. -: - ,, - , ',It 9.As the rotor revolves, the twin inlet 'passages register with two charging' ports in the hydraulic head allowingluel to flow into the pumpiiig cylindert

h. With further rotation, tlfe inlet passages move obi of registry and the-single discharge poFt iS opened,

i. The rollers colitaot the cam lobes forcing:the plungers together-

7.Select true statements concerning -61iarging cycle pperation -by placmg an "X" in 40 the appropriate blanks.

a. When the rotor revolves, the angled inlet passages, in thelotor line up with the-charging ports-of the charging Hng

b.Pressurized fuei from ,t1-ie transfer pump, controlled, by 'Vie Opening of the metering valve, flows to the pumping pylinders forcing" all plungers together

e. The plUngeh move outward enodgii tc; supply the correct 0/entity of fuel for the engine load

8.Complete the following list of statements concerning discharje cycle operation.

-a.'As the rotor t ontinues,to revolve, the angled,inlet passages longer line up with the

b. Fuel is momentarily/rapped until the rotor discharge passagbines up with one of the 0 . c. The rolles contact the cam-lobes and are forced together

d. Eitel is then forced through the axial passage of the rotor, then tb the

"-,..\ Q uU D:FS-81

e. Delivery of the fuel wi*continue until the rotors pass the on the cam

The fuel pressure in the axial passage is then reduced to a point where the injec- tion nozzle closes

9.Select true statements concerning delivery valve operation by placing an "X" in the appropriate blanks.

a.Controlled line retraction is the most important jo l? of the delivery valve; this is accomplished by reducing injection line pressure to a point lower than that of the nozzle closing pressure

b. The delivery valve is located in a drilled passageway in the center of the rotor

c.There is a delivery valve for every cylinder .

d. As injection begins, fuel pressure moves the delivery valve off its shoulder to allow the volume of its displacement to enter the cavity that houses the delivery valve spring. 0,

e.This displaces a similar volume of fuel in the spring cavity before delivery starts through the valve ports

f.At the end of injection, the pressure on the plunger side of the delivery valve is increased, allowing the cam rollers to fall into the retraction step of the cam lobes

-6.As the valve moves, back, the fuelis removed from the spring cavity and flows through the rotor intake ports then, as the rotor revolves, it is trapped

10.Select true statements concerning return fuel oil circuit functions by placing an "X" in tlie appropriate blanks.

a.Transfer pump pre'ssure is discharged into a cavity in the hydraulic Ar head

b. The lower part of this cavity has a vent passage connected to it

c.Should air enter the transfer pump, it will be bled off and returned tothe fifel tank

11.Name three functions of an end plate.



s. C. 82

12.Complete a list of optional features of a distributor type pump.

a. Viscosity compensator


c. Automatic load advance



f. Electric shut-off

13.Demonstrate the ability to:

a. Remove a distributor type pump from an engine.

b. Bench test a distributor type pump. r. c. install a distribytor type pump on an engine.

(NOTE: If these activities have not been accomplished prior to the test, ask your instructor when they should be completed.)


5 D:FS-83



1.a. 6 f. 4 b. 1 g. 2 c. 7 h. 9 d. 3 8 e. 5

A 2.a. Drive shaft b. Distributor rotor c. Transfer pump d. Pumping plungers e. Internal cam-ring , f. Annulus in hydraulic head g. End plate h. Goernor i. Automatic advance j. Housing

3. a. Drive shaft b. Distributor rotor c. Transfer pump blades'

4.a. 2 f. 5 b. 3 g. 10 c. 9 h. 7 d. 1 i. 6 e. 8 j. 4

5.a, b, c

6.a. 4 f. 2 b. 9 9. 6 c. 3 h. 7

d. 1 i. 8 e. 5

7.a, c

8.a. Charging ports b. Head outlets d. Injection line e. High point

9.a, b, d, e

10.a, c 84

a. Provides fuel inlet passages and houses pressure regulating valve b. Covers the fuel transfer pump c. Absorbs end thrust of drive and governor.,

12.b. Centrifugal governor d. Automatic speed advance e: Torque control

13.Performance skills evaluated to the satisfaction of the instructor .00 D:FS-85



After completion of this unit, the student should be able to match the main parts of an in-line injection pump and identify typical tools used for overhauling an in-line injection pump. The student should also be able to remove, overhaul, and reassemble an in-line injection pump. This knowledge will be evidenced by correctly performing the procedures outlined in the job sheets and by scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After comPletion of this unit, the student should be able to:

1. Match terms related to an in-line injection pump with their corrt definitions.

2.Match the main parts of an in-line pump with their correct names

3.Arrange in order the steps in which fuel flows from supply tank to delivery.

4.State the purpose of a hand primer.

5.Select trAe statements concerning the purpose of a fuel transfer pump.

6.Select true statemepts concerning the operation of an injection pump.

7.Identify parts and design features of a pumping element.

8.Complete a list of statements concerning the operation of the control rack and sleeve.

9.State the purpose of a delivery valve.

10.Identify the plunger and rack positions. 6 11.Identify typical tools used for overhauling an in-line injection pump.

12.Demonstrate the ability to:

a. Remove an in-line pump.

b. Overhaul an in-line pump.

c. Clean and intect in-line pump components.

d. Reassemble an in-line pump. r

e. Reassemble the R.O.V..governor.

f. Bench test an in-line pump. A




I. Provide student with objective sheet.

II. Provide student with information and job sheets.

Ill. Make transparencies.

IV. Discuss unit and specific objectives.

V. Discuss information sheet.

VI. Demonstrate and discuss the procedures outlined in the job sheets. VII. Provide appropriate service manual for pump used in your shop.

VIII. Show students how to use a service manual.

IX. Provide operation manual for test stand you will be using.

X. Advise students that International Harvester tools/numbers will be referenced in Job Sheets #2, #4, and #5.

Xl. Give test.


I. Included in this unit:

A. Objective sheet.

B. Information sheet

C. Transparency masters

1. TM .1--In-Line Injection Pump

2. °TM 2--Mairi Pump Parts

3. TM 3--Fuel Flow

4. TM 4--Injection Pump Operation

5. TM 5--Parts and Design of Pumping Element

6.tfA 6--Control Rack and Sleeve - 4 7. TM 7--Plunger Pations at Fuel Delivery

8. TM 8--Special Rebuild Tools .

9i 1 88

D. Job Sheets

1. Job Sheet #1--Remove art In-line Pump

2.Job Sheet #2:-Overhaul an In-line Pump

3.Job Sheet #3-Clean and Inspect In-line Pump Components

4.Job Sheet #4--Reassemble an In-lind Pump

5.Job Sheet #5-- Reassemble the R.Q.V. Governor

6.Job Sheet #6--Bench Test an In-line Pump

(NOTE: Illustrations which appear in Job Sheets 2, 4, and 5 of this unit are courtesy of International Harvester.)

E. Test

F. Answers to test A

II. References:

A. Toboldt, William K. Diesel Fundamentals; Service, Repair. South Holland, IL: Goodheart- Willcox Company, Inc., 1980.

B. Kates, Edgar J., and Luck, William E. Diesel and High Compression Gas Engines. Third Edition. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1974.

C. Fundamentals of Service: Engines. Fifth Edition. Moline,I L: Deere and COmOany, 1980.

D. Technieal Manual: John Deere Fuel Injection Equipment Robert Bosch. Moline, I L: Deere and Company, April_1974.

E. Fuel System: Fuel Injection Poop - Robert Bosch "A" Type for,DV-462B and DV-550B Engines. Chicago: 'I nternational_Harvester Co.

F. Dagel, John F. Diesel Engine Repair. New York:. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982. , G. Foutes, William A. Diesel Engine Mechanics. Stillwater, OK: *id-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, 1977. D:FS-89



I. Terras and definitions

dr A. In-lineinjection pumpUses an individual pump for each cylinder with Pumps mounted in-line (Transparendy 1) ,

B. Annular grooveMachined recess forming a ring on pumping.plunger

C. Vertical slot--Located at right angles to the plane of the supporting surface

D. Helix--Spiraled, machined recess on pumping plunger

E. Gallery--Long, narrow fuel or oil passage

F. Aneroid--Device which limits fuel supply to engine, preventing e moke

G. Transfer prp (supply pump)--Sends fuel at low pressure thugh filters to the injection pump

I I. Main parts of in-line pump (Transparency 2)

A. Aneroid

B. Individual pumping element 41 ,e1V C. Injection line

D. Leak-off line

E. Pump housing

F. Hand primer

G. Sediment bowl

H. Fuel transfer pump

I. Camshaft

J. Control rack

K. Governor

Fuel flow from supply tank to delivery (Transparency 3)

A. Fuel is drawn from supply tank through primary filte' by fuel transfer pump 90


B. Transfer pump forces fuelunde,c low pressure through secondary filter and through final stage'filter to each injection pumping element

C. Pumping element meters fuelat high pressure to each injection 'nozzle for dehvery to coThbustibn chamber

Purpose of hand primer Hand primer on fuel transfer pump carr be operated by hand to pump fuel when bleeding the system (Transpiirency 4)

V. Purpose of fuel transfer pump

A. Drawt fuel from J uppIy tank through primary filter

B. Assures fuel supply to injection pumping elements

iNOTE: Alifuel flows through a preliminary filter in the transfer pump sediment bowl.)

VI. Injection pump operation (Transparency 4)

A. Plunger type pump has engine dnven camshaft rotating at half engine speed

B. Roller cam followers, nding on cam lobes, "Opei-ate the plung'ers to supply high pressure fuel through delivery valves eo injection nozilesl

VII. 'Parts and design features of pumping element (Transparency 5)

A. Spill ports

B. Plbinger

C. Annula,r groove

D Barr&

E. 'Helix

Vertical slot

VIH Operation of control rack and sleeve (Transparency 6)

A. Governor Moves rack-to regulate speed of engine

.8. Th t?. sleeve, irC;tated h / the control rack, is fitted over the barrel and connects to the vanes on the plunger , C. ,Plunger rotation opens or closes the hehx which meters the quantity of fuel , for dehvery to cyhnder -

. D:FS-91



IX. Purpose of delivery valve--The'delivery valve creates a sudden pressure drop in the delivery line causing the injector nozzle valve to close instantly (Trans- , parency 6) *,

(NOTE: This effect prevents dribbling at the nozzle.)

X. Plunger and rack positions (Transparency 7) A. No fuel delivery !

B. Partial fuel delivery - C. Maximum fuel delivery

Xj. Typical tools used for overhauling an in-line injection-pump (Transparency 8) e (NOTE: The tool numbers listed below and on Transparency 8 refer to Interna- 4 tional,Harvester tools only and will be used in upcoming job sheets.) e A. SE-2119--Rack gauge holder

. B. SE-2121--Dial indicator (inch reading)

C. S-2339--Wrench, holding, drive flange

D. SE-2340--Remover, governor flyweight damper 1. / E. SE-2341--Holder, tappet .i

F. SE-2342--Gauge, caMshaft protrusion

G..SE-2343--Holder, dial indicator , H. SE-2344--Remover and installer, camshaftcylindrical nut

l.' E-2345--Remover and installer, tappet

J. S-2346,Rérnover and installer, barrel plunger

K. SE-2347--Wrench, tappet adjusting - .

L. SE-2348--Wrench, governor spring adjusting

M. SE-2349--R ver and installer, governor spring and adjusting screw \ -

N. . SE-2351--Fixture, pump holding In-Line Injection Pump

Lever Shutoff Fuel Ouilets To_ injection Valve Overflow Inlet Oil Fuel

Rack Control

, Operating Levtr, Fuel Supply Pump LubriCkinr

9 6 /0 4. . Main Pump Parts P \ Individual Pumping Element.InjectionLine Leak-Off Line , vr ow I %BM , Aneroid 1 - l

_ Pump Housing

.1, lf )

-0 ( ,)! iHand Primer @, osii .. .. ,Sedirhent Bowl Governor : .& i\ eA

7 --4 Control Rack Camshaft Fuel Transfer Pump. K r.) 9 ,z

: t.

t ., ..

, Fuel Flow.,-,


Nozzle Holder .. o .Bleeder Screw

4. 0-60 lbs. Gauge Final Stage Filter z,


-4-471 . . Drain Screw

.. Secondary Filter.. , i Primary Filter--*- .

,- I Supply Tank 0 % Drain Screw :41 u) cb j .,, .00,0

$ i , ..

< ) , , D:FS-9g


`. Inject Ofi Pump Operation

-. ..i

. Delivery Line

Delivery Valve


Barrel . , Plunger Control Rack

o f Control Sleeve Plunger Vane

n Spring Hand Primer - , Spring Plate .1 lk If h CT e

vs Cam Follower 9 7 I ..1 Tpaft .I. Cahi .

Fuel Transfer Pump ,

0 ; . Sediment Bowl .. t Ar , . 4. - TM 4 ./ A.'

Control Rack And Sleeve

Delivery Valve_ IL .ControlRack

Plunger Control Rack ICU I Barrel Control Plunger Sleeve Control Sleeve


,Plunger Rotation Mechanism. Contfol Rack, Sleeve, and DeliveryNalve (American Bosch AMBAC Industries, Inc.) P'

I Plunger Positions At Fuel Delivery

4 Wid


II, _


No Fuel Delivery Partial Fuel Delivery Maximum Fuel Delivery. 4 Rebuild Tookse


2346 2339 2341

234 5 2342

2349 to

11=141 2 3 43 2344 2 340 21 21

2119 2348 . 2347

1 0 j D:FS-109



I Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set, including metric

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Clean shop towels

D. Clean line plugs

E. Clean diesel fuel

II. 'Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

(NOTE: Engine should be static timed before parts are removed.)

A. Disconnect and remove accelerator rod and shut-off control cable from governor -

(NOTE: Before removing fuel lines, clean pump and connections with clean diesel fuel.)

B. Disconnect injection lines, low pressure lines, and lube oil line from pump

C. Remove any brackets necessary

D. Install protective caps on all fuel lines and pump outlets

E. Rerove pump stabilizing brackets

F. Remove adapter moun-ting bolts which hold pump adapter and pump hous- ing to rear of engine front cover

G. Pull pump _to rear to free.drive_flange tangs from mid.dle clisc

H. Lift pump from the engine D:FS-111




I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set, including metric

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Typical tools as recommended by appropriate manufacturer'

(NOTE: The tool numbers listed below are International Harvester.)

1. SE-2339 Wrench, bolding, drive flange

2.SE-2340 Remover, governor flyweight damper

3.SE-23411-lolder, tappet A

4.SE-2344 Remover and installer, caMshaft cylindrical nut

5.SE-2345 Remover and installer, tappet

6.SE-2351 Fixture, pump holding

D. Clean pans

E. Clean shop towels (lint-free)

F. Clean tools

G. Clean work area

H. Clean work bench

I. Clean vise


A. Disassemble governor

1. Clean the external parts of the pump thoroughly before disassembly

2. Drain fuel and lubricating oil from pump and governor housings

3.Cap or plug fuer and lube oil openings after draining

4.Clean the exterior of the governor and pump housing with clearviiesel fuel 112 4


5.Clamp holding fixture SE-2351 in the vise and secure injection pump with two bolts (Figure 1)


6.Use a 10 mm Allen wrench, and remove plugrf-rOm1.acl<1 link adjustment access hole in top of governor housing

7.Remove seal and remove rack mounting bolts on pumps with a control rack stop

(NOTE: On pumps with torque capsule, reMove seal wire, remove torque capsule cover and gasket, and remove torque capsule mounting screw bushings.See Figure 2.)



MT-9054 FIGURE 2 D:FS-113


8.Move ccelerator lever fully back against low idle stop screw

9. Re h through the rack link acceis hole with a small screwdriver (Fi re 3.) 10. Pry stop shackle aside lightly (right side ag viewed from the rear of pump) and disengage stop shackle from rocker arm pin (Figure 3)





11.Pull control rack stop or torque capsule to the rear to clear mounting studs

12.Rotate assembly approximately 45 de6rees counterclockwise and slide out of governor housing

13. Remove slotted screw guide i4-144 from governor cover (Figure 4)





14.Remove mounting screws and takeoff, governor, cs.ter(Figure 5)






- 15.Operate accelerator lever to release linkage

16.Remove cotter pin and

17.Disconnectilloatingi-dtier from i-ck link

18.Pull top of floating lever back and down to remove floating-lever and slider from adjusting pin

19.Raise tabs on lock washer and remove double-nutted thrtkbolt and adjusting pin from the governor flyweight assembly (Figure p)


?1..1;WEIGHT A



20.Raise the tabs on the Ind< plates .4*

21.Remove the two cap screws

22.Take out the adjusting p n guide bushing.

23.Use the SE-234,S reover tool qn the slotted cylindrical nut and.

1 SE-2339 holding v-vre ch to hold the camshaft (Figure 7)

4, r.



24.Remove the cylindrical nuland spacer shim

25.Wire the nut and shim together

26.Install the SE-2340 gc.....ivernor flyweight remover tool (Figure 8)




MEM to-9221 FIGURE 8 j 116


27.Remgve the flyweight assembly

(NOTE: Do not disassemble any further.)

28.Remove the rack link, link bracket, and spring from the rear of the4;fr control rack to remove the governor housing

B. Disassemble in-line pump

(NOTE: The main body contains several fittings bushings, and plugs on which Loc-Tite has been used. Do not remove these part& unless they are leaking.. Among these are the inlet fuel adapter, the fuel gallery plug, the lube oil inlet bushing, and ;the bleeder valve bushing.)

1. 'Remove the side cover 4.

..2.Remove side cover gasket from cover and housing

Remove transfer pump and gasket

4.Install eightSE-2341)tappetholder topls (Figure 9 inside of pump to hold all tappets up from the camshaft

(NOTE: To prevent tool breakage, lift each tappet by rotating camshaft before installing hoi ol.)

TAPPET HOLDER, SE-2341 Nt, lc , la


WRENCil SE-2339 FIGURE 9 4

...... ,- D:FS-117 ....- .4

JOB SHEET #2 .. -, 5.Remove camshaft not and washer using SE-2339 holding wrench to filk hold drive flange (Figure 10) v DRIVE FLANGE

WRENCH SE-2339 ....,f



6. Remove the drive flange by using a gear puller or by removing the two socket head set screws, flat washers, and lock washers from the flanges; reinstall the set screws and place two steel strips behind idrivethe drive flange; run the screws in evenly until flange is removed

(NOTE: Do not lose the woodruff key.)

Rotate pump in holder so that the tappet holder tools are pointing I 7. upwards

8.Remove the two camshaft center bearing screws from the bottom of the pump

9.Use a large screwdriver and remove the four flat head screws from camshaft front bearing retainer

, I . 10.Remove retainer

4 11.Remove camshaft, including center and end bea)ngs from front of pump

12.Use a 5/8" socket and drive the eight base plugs inskie ).1,(e governor housing and remove them

13.Use the SE-2345 tappet remover tool and ptIsh the roller tappet up (Figure 11) \ # .,



14.Remove tappet holder tool SE-2341 (Figure 11)




I 4.0ipolk N...... , MT.1234 ' :FIGURE 11 , .

15.Remove roller tappet assemblies from pump t) (NOTE: Keep parts in order.)

16.Remove keepers, plunger springs, upper spring seats, and plungers

, (Figure 12) .


MT-9237 FIGURE 12 -.

.Ii d D:FS-119


17.Remove the control sleeves (Figure 13)

18.Remove delivery valve holder clamps; use a 7/8" socket and remove . the holders 1' 19. Lift up on the barr\els from inside the.purnp.housing (Figure 14)




, ove the delivery valves, springs, f lleK.s\ and gaskets 20. R , (N TE: These parts are mated at sse bly--keep them inorder.)

21.Remove the control rack positioning screw

22.Pull control rack from the pump housing

23.Remove the control rack end plug D:FS-121



I. Tools and materials

A. Appropriate service manual

B. Clean shop towels (lint-free)

C. Crocus cloth ,t, D. Clean diesel fuel

E. Clean parts tray

4 Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow an shop safety procedures.)

A. Clean and inspect an parts before reassembling to the pump

B. Usg clean fuel oil to wash parts

(NOTE: When inspecting for damage or itis good practice to replace any pact that si questionable.)

C. Look for the following items when inspecting ior damage or wear

1; Governor housircg4tncl cover should be inspected for cracks, stripped threads, and burrs

2.Governor weight assembly should be checked for worn bell cranks, damaged weights, stripped nuts, and worn springs'

3.Damper hub assembly should be checked for condition of rubber bumpers

4. template sliding parts should not bind any grooves or pressure marks or curve should be smoothed with fine emery

5.Adjusting pin should be inspected lor wear and replacedif any is visible

6.Pump housing should be inspectedfor cracks, chips, overtorbuing or stripped screw threads; if the housing leaks, it cannot berepairei

7.Plungers and barrels should be Inspected, for scoring and scratches

8.Barrels and plungers can be tested by washing in test oil, and pulling the plunger part way out of the barrel; the plunger must fall back slowly by its own weight 122


9.Delivery valve and seat should be replaced if any damage 'is present

10.Roller tappets tan be polished with crocus cloth; if tappets do not polish out, they must be replaced

11.Camshaft should be inspected for grooving on cams and bearing sur- faces; if damaged, the camshaft must be replaced

12.Roller bearings should be ceplaced if worn

13.Control rack needs to be checked for binding in the Musing; the gear teeth should be checked for burrs and scratches

14.Control sleeves can be polished and reused if only minor damage is present

15.Spring can be reused if not broken or rUsted

16.Spring keepers can be reused unless bent or worn

17.Base plugs can be reused unless they are known to be leaking

18.Replace all gaskets, seals, and 0-rings D:FS-123



I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set, including metric

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Typical tools as recommended by appropriate manufacturer

(NOTE: The tool numbers listed below are International Harvester.)

1.SE-1848 Dial fndicator set

2.SE-2341 Holder, tappet

3.SE-2342 Gauge, camshaft protrusion

-4.SE-2343 Holder, dial indicator

5.SE-2345 Remover and installer, tappet.

6.SE-2351 Fixture, pump holding

D. Fuel oil

E. Clean pans

F. Clean shop towel's (lint-free)

G. Clean tools

H. Clean work area

I. Clean work bench

J. Clean vise

00- 124



(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Position pump body in'SE-2351 holder and clamp upright in vise (Figure 1) AA

on, fi 0MY


#4L";SI ',- HOLDING FIXTURE 5E-2351 MT.1221 FIGURE 1

'1.Place new gasket on governor housing

2.Coat thre gasket with a light lubricant and install the governor housing by tapping lightly with a soft hammer

3. Install and stake governor mounting screws

Et. Rebuild-main pump

1.Place the barrels in correct order, aligning the guide slots with pins in pump housing

(NOTE: Pre lubricate with fuel oil while installing.)

2.Install delivery valves and seats, noting that the flat is located on valves for the four idling cylinders (cylinders numbered 2, 3, 5, 8)

3.Install delivery valve gasket

4.Install springs

5.Install fill piece and holders

6.Use new 0-rings and prelubricate with fuel oil

124 D:FS-125


7.Install delivery valve holders finger tight

8.Attach rack link bracket and rack link to the rack

9.Place rack spring and washers in place on rack

10.Install the control rack through the governor and into the pump hous- ing

(NOTE: The rack spring is important; it takes up lost motion in the internal pump parts and serves to retract rack if other linkage should

11.Make sure the rack isfree and secureit with the rack positioning screw

12.Rotate pump so the tappet cover side is up

13.Install control sleeves on barrek (Figure 2)


MT.9243 FIGURE 2

14.Center all eight control sleeves on the rack segments

15.Move the control rack to see if any sleeves bind and replace any that do

-7( (NOTE: When a sleeve binds, replace with the next smaller size.)

16.Start at the drive end and torque #1 through #8 delivery valve holders 22 to 25 ft. lbs. 00 (NOTE: Torque twice.)

17.Install tlie upper spring seats and springs

1 - 3 126


18:. Use the plunger installer tool (Fture 3)



00-,244 FIGURE 3 19.Place the spring keeper on the tool

20.With marked tong of plunger toward side cover opening and open end of spring keeper away from side cover opening, install plungers and spring keepers in their respective barrels

21.Align the plunger tong with the control slot

22.Use the SE-2345 tappet installationtool, taking care to keep the roller pin flush with the tappet

23.Compress the plunger springs with SE-2345 tappet installation tool

24.Position all eight SE-2341 tappet holder tools on side of pump housing to hold all tOpets in their raised position (Figure 4,)



MT-9245 FIGURE 4 D:FS-127


25.Place a small dab of grease on the center bearing to hold it to the camshaft

26.Install the camshalt into the pump housing

27.Secure the center, bearing with two screws through- the bottom of the pump housing

28.Use a thin coat of non-hardening sealer on the frOnt bearing retainer and set retainer in place

29.Start a-II four screws to guide the retainer in place 10. (NOTE: Do not use screws to draw the' retainer down, just toguidelt",...

30. Tap retainer into place while turning the camshaft to assure alignment (Figure 5)


SOFT-"169ir HAMMER._ it 444.. .4, FIGURE 5 31.Tig-fiten mounting screws securely

7 -14 (7- 128 r,


32.Check camshaft end play (Figure 6) .00



M1.9247 FIGURE 6 33.Screw SE-2343 holder tool'onto front end of camshaft

34.Place SE-1848 dial indicator set in holder so indicator Will read end play when tool handle is pulled and released

35.Set end play at .02.06 mm (.0008-.14)

36.Change end play by adding or removing shims behind the front bearings

37.Check camshaft protrusion (Figure 7)


PROTRUSION GAUGE SE-2342 CAMSHAFT FIGURE 7 38.Check space between the drive coupling and main body; use the SE- 2342 protrusion gauge and depth micrometer

39.Place gauge over front end of camshaft

40.Use the depth micrometer and measure from the surface of the_tool to the machined surface of the pump housing D:FS-129


411Check the distance; it should be 20.7-22.2 mm (.817-.877)

42.Change camshaft protrusion by adding shims under the bearing at the governor end of the camshaft

43.Install woodruff key in camshaft slot

44.Install the drive flange on camshaft

45.Install lock washer and nut and tighten to 60-72 ft. lbs.

(NOTE: Check the two halves of the drive flange to be sure mating marks are together. Torque t4 sbcket head set screws in drive flange 18-25 ft. lbs.)

46.Use the camshaft to release pressure on the SE-2341 tappet holder tools and remove them from thesidA of the housing

47.Install the base in the bottom of the pump housing using 5/8" or 11/16" socket or similar size wood dowel (Figure 8)


.: s) :.../


MT-9249 . FIG'URE 8 , 48.Seat plugs so they are just past the lower edge of chamfer ih the pump housing

49.Install a new gasket 'and transfer pump to side of pump housing

50.Secure with three mounting nuts and lock washers

(NOTE: You can check ,the condition of the transfer pump by pressur- izing with air (15-20 psi) agd submerging in oil--no leaks.are permitted.) D: F S-131



-0.0° I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Typical tools as recommended by appropriate manufacturer

(NOTE: The tool numbers listed below are International Harvester.)

1.SE-2339 Wrench, holding, drive flange

2.SE-2344 Remover and installer, camshaft cylindrical nut

D. Manufacturer's specifications

E. Clean shdp. towels

II. Procedure'

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Service the governor flyweight assembly as a Olete.,unit (Figure1)





1 j L 132 "0.


B. Service weight springs, spring seats, and shims individually,as follows

1. Perform a static check on balanced movement of governor weights by making a temporary build-up less the springs, but using the spring seats, trial spacer bushings, and adjusting nuts on each weight as foHows

(NOTE:, Trial spacer bushings can be purchased from most fuel labs,)

a. Install double-nutted thru-bolt in the weight assembly

b. Apply slight pressure to center of bolt and check for excessive cocking movement in either weights (Figure 2)


AND..1.V \ _LA

MT-9251 FIGURE 2

c. Use the correct size spring seat so tliat slight movement in the weights caii be equalized

(NOTE: When installing the three different size weight springs, remove the trial spacer bushings.)

d. Reinstalltheflyweightsprings; alwaysstartgovernor spring reassembly with one shim under the lo-idle (large) spring, two shims under the intermediatp spring, and no shims under hi-idle (small) spring 4. (NOTE: The intermediate spring shims may change when the pump is calibrated; always reinstall the same color spring as was removed.)

e. Install the outer spring seat and adjusting nut

Ei D:FS-133


f. Install the outer spring seat and adjusting nut (Figure 3)








(NOTE: The adjustment range is from flush to not more than 2.5 mm [.100"]., protrusion of-the threaded bolt [2 to 3 clicks] Post protrusion should be approximately equal on both spring sets.)

C. Inspect darbper buffers for damage and pry up the hub to inspect and replace as a set,if needed, before installing weight assembly on camshaft (Figure 4)




FIGURE 4 134 -P -,..----


D. Assemble the prelubricated buffers in damper retainer and place damper hub on weight assembly (Figure 4)

1. Install the flyweight assembly to the camshaft (Figure 5)




FLYWEIGHT ASSEMBLY .111111.-14T-9253 FIGURE 5 , 2.Install spacer shim and secure to camshaft with slotted cylindrical nut, using the SE-2344 and SE-2339 rebuild tools, and torque the nut to 37-43 ft. lbs.

3.Check action of damper by holding camshaft, grasping weight assembly, and twisting to note for slight movement

4.Use -a thicker spacer shim. to obtain more movement or thinner shim to decrease movement

5.Install the adjusting pin guide bushing ...

6.Install adjusting pin assembly; temporarily secure with the thru-bolt at this time

7.Install slider and floating lever; open slot of the floating lever to right, and pin floating lever to rack link to hold in,place


... D:FS-135


8.Measure the slider-to-housing distance (Figure 6)



All.1254 FIGURE 6

9.Take measurement by measuring from the back of the slider to the governor mating surface with no gasket 38.8 mm, 1.524 +/- .015"

10.Change the distance by turning the screw inside of the adjusting pin; one-half turn of the adjusting screw moves sliding block approximately .5mm, .020"

11.Secure the double-nutted thru-'boltin the governor weight assembly by installing the lock washer and nut; move the rack and check for freedom of movement

12... Back out the hi-idle adjusting screw

13.Measure the setting of the curve plate (Figure 7)



GASKET t ft,



14.Take measurement from the governor cover surface (gasket in place) to the guide pin shaft when the guide pin is in maximum fuel position and bottomed in curve plate; setting should be 21.5-21.9 mm (.847- .863"); add shims to decrease the setting (Figure 8)

(NOTE: Make sure cottO pin has been installed between the rack link and floating lever.) , . 4




tz-; 741111Pritiii4 MT-9256 FIGURE 8

15.Install governor cover to housing

16.Apply a non-hardening sealer to the guide stud screw and installit in the rear of the governor cover

17.Insta'll accelerator lever ,

18.Place the accelerator lever fully back against the lo-idle stop screw

19.Install torque capsule into governor housing, then rotate torque capsule 45 degrees in a counterclockwise direction

20,Slide torque capsule into governor housing until stop shackle clears governor floating lever, then rotate capsule clockwise until in a horizon- tal position

21. Move the accelerator lever into a vertical position D:FS-137


22.Use a hook made' from light wire and reach down through the adjust- ment access hole and lift up the stop shackle to engage the slot in the stop shackle with the rocker arm pin (Figure 9)



23.Secure.the torque capsule o E. Check the torque capsule assembly 1. Hold the accelerator lever fully forward (Figure 10)





2.Move fuel shU -off lever to the rear slowly; if the installation is correct, a distinct click will be heard as the rack moves back

(NOTE:Ifcorrect positions cannot be obtained, check for proper engagement of slot in stop shackle to rocker arm pin.)

1;i 138


4 3.Check the rack position by removing the 'plug from the front of pump housing (drive end); at excess fuel position (starting) the rack should extend 9.525 mm (..375") forward of the threaded guide bushing, at full load position; the end of the rack should lie approximately 3.175 mm (.125") inside of the threaded guide bushing on pump housing (Figure 11) 3/8" (Approx.) 1/8" (Approx.)


Guide Bushing

Excess Fuel Full Load (Starting Position) Position

FIGURE 11 4.Mount engine adapter to front of pump


f D:FS-139



I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set

B. ApRsopriate service manual

C. Test stand adapters

D. Test stand manual

E. Pump tools

F. Special tools

G. Pump specification sheet

H. Clean shop towels (lint-free)

I. Safety glasses

II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Use the appropriate manual for the pump you are working on and follow the procedure outlined in it

B. Use the following chart and fillin the appropriate blanks when testing the pump ( 140


Engine Size Pump Type and # Calibrating Stand Pre-Stroke SettingPlunger - Accessory Set Camshaft Phating Calibrating Oil Supply Pressure Transfer Pump Pressure Nozzle Opening Pressure @ 1500 RPM , CHECK RPM BHP BHP BHP

1. Governor Cutoff, Rack . Position . , 2.Hi-Idle, Rack Position

3.Maximum Fuel

1 a. Delivery (Average) %

b. Bal. Max. Spread

c. Rack Pos. (Ref.)

4.Transitions, Delivery , (Average) .

a. High Speed @ 1-15mm3/Stk. , 2,3,5,8 Cylinders

_ b. Low Speed @ 1-5mm3/Stk. 2,3,5,8 Cylinders

5.Torque Compensation

a. Beginning Rack Pos. - , b. Max. Deliv. (Avg.) . . , c. End Rack Position , 1)


6. End,of Excess Fuel, ... .. Rack Position

7 Lo-Idle, Rack Position , -..... IV 8.Shut-Off, Rack Position

,. Static Timing

1 2`i, D:FS-141

_ ,


NAME % TEST . 1._ Match the terms on the right with their correct definitions.

a.Sends fuelat low pressure through filters 1.Anrallar groove to the injection pump 2.Helix b. Machined recess forming a ring on pumping plunger 3.Gallery

c.Located at right angles to the plane of the 4.In-line supporting surface injection pump

d. Spiraled, machined recess on pumping, plunger 5.Transfer pump (supply pump) e.Long, narrow fuel or oil passage 6.Vertical slot- f.Device which limits fuel supply 'to engine, preventing excess smoke 7.Aneroid - g.Uses an individual pump for each cylinder with pumps mounted-in-line \



, 142

2.Match the main parts of an .in-line pump with their correct names by placing the correct numbers in the aripropriate blanks*.



1 I

11110111111111 -1


9. 8.

a.Control rack g.Hand primer

b. Governor h.Injection line

c. Sediment bowl i.Pump housing

d. Aneroid j.Leak-off line

e.Fuel transfer pump k. Camshaft

f.Individual pumping element

3.Arrange in order the steps in which fuel flows from supply tank to delivery by placing the correct sequence number in the appropriate blank.

a.Pumping element meters fuelat high pressure to each injection nozzle for delivery to combustion chamber b. Transfer pump forces fuel under low pressure through secondary filter and through final stage filter to each injection jiumping element

c.Fuelis drawn from supply tank through primary filter by fuel transfer pump

- D:FS-143

4.State the purpose of a hand primer.

5. 'Select true statements concerhirfg the purpose of a fuel transfer pump byplacing an "X" in the appropriate blanks.

a.Draws fuel from supply tank through secondary filter

b. Assures fuel supply to injection pumping elements

6.Select true statements concerning the operation of an, injection pump by placing an ".X" in the appropriate blanks.

a.Plunor type pump has engine driven camshaft rotating at half engine speed

b.Roller cam followers, riding on cam lobes, operate the plungers to supply row pressure fuel through delivery valves to injection,nozzles

7.Identify parts and design features of a pumping element.


a. e.


8.Complete the following list of statements concerning the operation of the control rack and sleeve.

a. Govern& moves rack to regulate speed of engine

b. The sleeve, rotated by the control rack, is fitted over the barrel and connects to the

c. Plunger rotation opens or clpses the helix which meters

142 144

> 9.State the Purpose of a delivery valve.

10.Identify the plunger and rack positions.

a.No fuel delivery

b.Partial fuel delivery

c.Maximum fuel delivery



1 4 3 D.:FS-145

11.Identify typical tools used for overhauling an in-line injection pump.


a. to.4

=11r---11111=-- s

i=zig a m. n. h. k.

etr- )


k. (J


n. A 146

12.Dembinstrate the abiliW,---)

a. Remove an in-line pump.

b. Overhaul an in-line pump,

c. Clean and inspect in-line pump components.

d. Reassemble an in-line pump.

e. Reassemble the R.Q.V. governor.

f, Bench test an in-line pump.

(NOTE: If these activities have not been accomplished prior to the test, ask your instructor when they should be completed.)

i or







1.a. 5 e. 3 b. 1 f 7 C. 6 g. 4 d. 2

2. 'a. 10 e. 8 i. 5 . b. 11 f. 2 j. ,4 c. 7 g. 6 k. 9

d. 1 , h. 3

3.a. 3 b. 2

C. 1

4.Hand primer on fuel transfer pump can be operated by hand to pump fuel when bleeding the system p\



7.a. Spill ports b. Barrel c. Plunger d. Vertical slot e. Helix. f. Annular groove

8.b. Vanes on the plungdr c. The quantity of fuel for delivery to cylinder

9.The delivery valve creates a sudden pressure drop in the delivery line causing the injector nozzle valve to close instantly

10.a. 2 b. 1 C. ,3

11.a. Remover and installer, barrel plunger b. Wrench, holding, drive flange c. Holder, tappet d. Fixture, pump holding e. Remover and installer, tappet f. Rack gauge holder 9. Gauge, camshaft protrusion h. Wrench, governor spring adjusting

146 148

i. Remover arid installer, governor spring and adjusting screw j. Removpr, governor flyweight damper k. Wrench, tappet adjusting I. Holder, dial indicator m. Remover and installer, camshaft cylindrical nut n. Dial indicator (inch reading)

12.Performance skills evaluated to the satisfaction of the instructor .

4 / D:FS:149.



After completion of this unit, the studentshldbe able to list functions of a unit injector and distinguish between no injection and full injection. Thestudent should also be able to demonstrate the ability to disassemble, assemble, test, and install aunit injector. This knowledge will be evidenced by correctly performing the procedures outlinedin the job sheets and by scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After completion of this unit, the student should be able to:

1.Match terms related to a unit injector with theircOrrect definitions.

2.Match the parts of a unit injector with their correct part names.

3. List functions of a unit injector.

, 4.Arrange in order the steps in fuel flow through the unit injectorfuel system.

5. 'Distinguish between a crown valve and needle valve.

6.Distinguish between no injection and full injection.

, .% 7.Demonstrate the ability to:

a. Remove unit injector from engine.

b. Disassemble a unit injector.

c. Assemble a unit injector.

d. Test a unit injector.

e.. Install a unit injector. , ,


148 P:FS-151



I. Provide student with objective sheet.

II. Provide student with information and job sheets.

1th Make transparencies.

IV. Discuss unit and specific objectives.

V. Discuss information sheet.

VI. DemOnstrate and discuss the procedures outlined in the job sheets.

VII. Demonstrate lapping and cleaning procedure's. VIII. Obtain-a Chart on unit injectors.

IX. Show a film or film strip on unit injectors.

X. Take a field trip to a Detroit Diesel 'dealer.

Xl. Give test.


I. Included in this unit:

A. Objective sheet

B. Information sheet

C. Transparency masters

1. TM 1--Unit Injector

2. TM 2--Parts of Unit Injector (Needle Valve)

3. TM 3--Fuel Flow Through Unit Injector (Crown Valve)

4. TM 4Plunger Positions

D. Job sheets

1.job Sheet #1--Remove Unit Injector from Engine

2.Job Sheet #2--Disassemble a Unit Injector

14 3 ,

4 . 152

3.Job Sheet #3Assamble a Unit InjectQL

4. Job Sheet #4Test a Unit Injector

5.Job Sheet #5-lnstall a Unit Injector

E. Test

F. Answers to test

I I. References:

A. Service Manual, Detroit Diesel Engines. Detroit, MI : betroit Diesel 1975. ; B. Dagel, John F. Diesel Engine Repair. New York: John Wiley and Sons, -Inc., 1982.

C. Foutes, William A. Diesel Engine Mechanics. Stillwat.,:r, OK: Mid-Afnerica Vocational Curriculum Consortium, 1977.


*11161M111111 , D:FS-153



I. Terms and zlefinitions

A. Spray valve--Serves as a nozzle to atomize fuel sprayed into combustion chamber

B. Helix-Sraled recess machined into plunger

C. Port--Drilled passe in bushing

D. Control rack a gear--Rack and pinion gear arrangement on unit injector

E. Bushing-Serves as a barrel for the plunger oh unit injector

F. Unit injector-Injection pump, injector, and spray valve form a single unit (Transparency 1)

(NOTE: One unit is provided for each cylinder.) 1 II. Parts of unit injector (Transparency 2)

A. Follower .. , B. Follower spring

C. Stop pin ,

D. Filter cap

- E. Plunger

F. Gasket 41 _ G. Injector body

H. F ilter 4 Gear

J. Gear retainer

K. Dowel

L. Control rack I

M. Seal

N. Bushing, 154 a


0. Spill deflecter 1

P. Lower port .

Q. Upper port

R. Check valve

S. Check valve cage

T. _Valve sprin6

U. Spring cage

V. Spring seat

W. Needle valve

X. Body unit

Y. Spray tip

Z. Identification tag

Functions of unit injector

A. Creates a high fuel pressure

(NOTE: This is needed for effibient injection.)

B. Meters required amount of fuel

C. Atomizes fuel

D. Times injection

E. Injects fuel

tir(NOTE: Fuel nd air are mixed in the combustion chamber.)

IV. Fuel flow through the unit injector fuel system (Transparency 3)

A. Enters injector through a filter cap and filter

B. Passes through drilled passages and ports into supply chamber

(NOTE: The supply chamber is that area between the plunger bushing and the spill deflector, in addition io that area under the injector plunger within the bushing.)

C. Pump pressure forces fuel through small orifices in spray tip

D. Atomized into combustion chamber D:FS-155


V. Differences between a frown valve and needle valve (Transparencies 2 and 3) , (NOTE: From the bushing up, the design of these valves is the same.)

A. Crown valve

1.Stacked onto the bushing as follows: check valve, valve cage, and valve seat

2. Inside the valve cage are the valve stop, spring, and injector valve

B. Needle valve

1. Stacked onto the bushing as follows: check v.alve, valve cage, spring, spring seat, spring cage, and spray tip

2. Inside spray tip is the needle valve

3. ...Inside spring cage is the spring seat and the valve spring

V I. Differences between no injection and full injection (Transparency 4)

(NOTE: Changing the position of the helices by rotating the plunger increases or decreases the amount of fuel injected into the cylinder.)

A. No injection

1.Control rack out

2.Upper port is not closed by helix , B. Full injection

1.Control rack in

2.Upper port is closed and lower port is closed by helix D:FS-157 .

Unit Injector


NiErN-Nr- Inlet

TM 1 Parts Of Unit Injector Needle Valve Follower Spring Follower Stop Pin Filter Cali MetalIdentification Tag Plunger asket Pressed Into Recess In Injector Body Gear Injector Body Gear Retainer Filter Identification Mark on Bushing -4-Control Plunger Spill Deflector Rack Lower Port Dowel

Check Valve Upper Port

Valve Spring Check Valve Cage, Needle Valve Spring Cage Identification Mark on End of Spray Tip Spray_Tip_ Spring Seat

(Note: Fuel injector shown has needle valve installed. See identification tag on injector body to determine type injector valve in use. Refer to service manual for correct pro- "*"..."'". cedure when reworking crown valve, needle valve, high valve, or conversion kit service.) 156 156' D:FS-161

Fuel Flow Through Unit Injector Crown Valve


Injector Valve Valve Cage Check Valve Valve Stop ..

11/4 (NOTE: From the bushing up, parts on the crown valve and needle valve are the same. See Transparency 2.)


TM 3 Plunger Positions

Plunger Effective Effective Effective Stroke Stroke Stroke

, writ

N o Injection Idling Load H a If Load

Various plunger positions from no-load to full-load of unit injector,

15 3 1.5 D:FS-165



I. Tools and materials

A. Needle valve fuel injector

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Hand tool set

D. Pry bar

E. Shop towels (lint-free)

F. Safety glasses

II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Remove the valve rocker cover

B. Remove the fuel pipes from both the injector and the fuel connectors

(Figure 1) . Injector , FIGUR-E 1 Rocker Arm Fuel Pipes Injector Clamp Control 'rube

Dowel Pin ar/Rack Control Lever

Injector Injector Hole Tube ontrol Rack

) AF-K_ r (/ (NOTE: Immediately after removal of the fuel pipes from an injector, cover the filter caps with shipping caps to prevent dirtfrom entering the injector. Also protect the fuel pipes and fuel connectors from entry, of dirt o foreign material.) 166


C. Rotate the engine to bring the outer ends of the push rods of the injector and valve rocker arms in line horizontally

D. Remove the two rocker shaft bracket bolts and swing the rocker arms away from the injector and valves (Figure 2)



, ...

E. Remove the injector clamp bolt, special washer, and clamR

F. Loosen the inner and outer adjusting screws on the injectorrack control lever and slide the lever away from the injector

G. Lift the injector from its seat in the cylinder head (Figure 2)

H. Cover fhe injector hole in the cylinder head to keep foreign mpterial out

I. Clean the exterior of the injeCtor with clean fuel oil and dry it with com- . pressed air D:FS-167



I. Tools and materials

1 A. Needle valve fuel injector

B. Appropriate service manual

(NOTE: Normally, in industry, unit injectors are pretested before disassem- bly.)

C. Injector nut socket wrench

). Injector spray tip driver

E. Injector vise and rack freeness tester

F. Hand tool set

G. Shop towels (lint-free)

H. Safety glasses


/ 168



II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Support the injector upright in ifijector vise and rack freeness tester and remove the filter caps, springs, filters, and gaskets (Figure 1)


(NOTE: Whenever a fuel injectoris disassembled, discard the filters and 6 gaskets and replace with new filters and gaskets.)

(CAUTION: Clean injector before removal and handle with care.) ..

B. Compress the follower spring and raise the spring above the stop pin withaV screWdriver and withdraw the pin and allow the spring to rise gradually (Figure 2) FIGURE 2

Screwdriver .4011



C. Remove the plunger follower, plunger, and spring as an assembly (Figure 3)


D. Invert the fixture and, using injector nut socket wrench, loosen the nut on the injector body (Figure 4)


E. Lift the injector nut straight up, being careful not to dislodge the spray tip and 170


. _

, JOB SHEET #2 :. _.

F. Remove the spray tip and valve parts from the bushing and place them. in a clean receptacle until rieady for assembly

(NOTE: When an injector has been in use .for some time, the spray tip, even though clean on the .outside, may not be pushedreadily from the nut with the fingers.. In this event, support the nut on a wood block and drive the tip down through the nut, using the injectorsprey tip driver. See Figure 5.)




.. . -

N.v. -

4 , ,

( D:FS-171


G. Remove the spill deflector and the seal ring from the injector nut (Figure 6)


Nut ) Seal Ring

Spill Deflector Spray Tip

L-01(--- Check Valve Valve Cage

Valve Valve Stop 4,2,C446..Injector Valve Valve Seat Bushing

Gear Retainer

Control Rack

Injector Body

H. Remove the plunger bushing, gear retainer, and gear from the injector body

I. Withdraw the injector control rack from,the injector body . r . D:FS-173



I. Tools and materials

A. Needle valve fuel injector

B. Apptopriate service manual

C. Injector vise and rack freeness tester

D. Injector nut socket wrench

E. Deep well socket, 9/16"

F. Torque wrench

G. Hand tool set

H. Fuel oilor calibrating oil

I. Shop towels (lint-free)

J. Safety glasses

K. Clean bench

I 174


II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Assemble injector filters

(NOTE: Use an extremely clean bench to work on and to place parts when assembling an injector. Also, be sure all injector parts, both new and used, are clean. Flush parts in fuel oil or calibrating oil during assembly.)

1.Study relative position of injector parts (Figures 1 acc\I 2)


Filter Cap



Injector Body D:FS-175




For lower


Follower Spring

Injector Body Stop Pin

Control Rack 0 0, Nut

Spray Tip


2. II loldthe injector body right side up and place a new filter (slot in the filter up or toward the filter cap) in each of the fuel cavities in the top of the injector body (Figure 1)

3.Place a spring on top of each filter (if an early design filter cap is used) and a new gasket on each filter eap

4. Lubricate the threads and install the filter caps

5.Use a 9/16" deep socket wrench 'and tighte'n the filter caps to specified torque

6.Purge the filters after installation by directing compressed air or fuel through the filter caps

7. Installclean shipping caps on the filter caps to prevent dirt from entering the injector 176


B. Assemble rack and gear (NOTE: Observe the drill spot marks (timing marks) on the control rack and gear. See Figure 3.)


Nut Seal Ring


Spray Tip 411

Check Valve 411-,I Valve Cage Valve Stop Valve Spring.------4 Valve Seat ,...... _...,4-9 Injector Valve

Bushing Gear (10----Gear Retainer :.0"..,-.0---Control RaCk

Injector Body

1. Hold the injector body, bottom end up, and slide the rack through the hole in the body

2.Look into the fpr the rack teeth, then move the rack until you can see the drill marks and hold the rack in this position

3.Place the gear in the injector body so that the marked tooth is engaged between the two marked teeth on the rack D:FS-177


4. Place the gear retainer on top of the gear

5.Align the locating pin in the bu with the slot in the injector body, then slide the end of the bush. into place

C. Assemble injector valve and related parts

(NOTE: Make sure the injector valve and related parts have been lapped and cleaned. See,Figure 3.)

1.Support_the injector body, bottom end up, in the injector vise and freeness tester

2.Place a new seal ring on the shoulder of the body, then slide the spill deflector over the barrel of the bushing

3. Place the valve seat on the end of the bushing and insert the stem of the valve in one end of the valve spring and the valve stop in the other end

4.Lower the valve cage over this assembly so that the valve stop seats in the cage and place the valve cage assembly on the valve seat

5.Locate the check valve centrally on the cage and place the spray tip over the check valve and against the valve cage

6.Lubricate the threads in the injector nut and carefully thread thc nut on the injector bodY by hand

(NOTE: Rotate the spray tip between your thumb and first finger while threading the nut on the injector body. See Figure 4.)


I ri 178


7.Tighten the nut as tight as possible by hand

(NOTE: At this point there should be sufficient force on the spray tip to make it impossible to turn with your fingers.)

8.Use injector nut socket wrench and torque wrench to tighten the injector nut to specified torque (Figure 5)

(NOTE: Do not exceed the specified torque; otherwise, the nut may be-"Stretched and resultin improper sealing of the lapped surfaces in a subsequent injector overhaul. Avoid cross threading the nut during installation.) FIGURE 5

D. Assemble plunger and follower

1.Slide the' head of the plunger into the follower (Figure 2)

2. Invert the injector in the assembly fixture (filter cap end up) and push the rack all the way in; then place the follower spring on the injector body

3.Place the stop pin on the injector body so that the follower spring rests on the narrow flange of the stop pin

4.Align the slot in the follower with the stop pin hole in the injector body

5.Align the flat side of the plunger with the slot in the follower

6. Insert the free end of the plunger into the injector body D:FS-179


7.Press down on the follower and at the same time press the stop pin into, position (Figure 6) ir (NOTE: When in place, the spring will hold the stop pin in position.)





.7----, D:FS-181



I. Tools and materials

A. Needle valve fuel injector

, B. Appropriate servke manual

C. Hand tool set

D. Injector vise and rack freeness tester

E. Injector tester

F. /Comparator injector tester or appropriate calibrator injector tester

G. Shop towels (lint-free)

H. Safety glasses

II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all sBop safety procedures.)

ATE: Identify each injector and record the pressure drop and fuel output as indicated by the following tests.)

A. Test injector control rack and plunger movement

1. Place the injector in the injector vise and rack freeness tester 182


2.Place the handle on top of the injector folloWer (Figure 1)



(NOTE: If necessary, adjust the contact screw in the handle to insure the contact screw is at the center of the follower when the follower spring is compressed.)

3.Hold the injectoccontrol rack in the no-fuel position and push the handle clown and depress the follower to the bottom of its stroke

4.Release the pressure on the handle very slowly while moving the control rack up and down until the follower reaches the top of its travel (Figure 1)

(NOTE: If the rack does not fall freely, loosen the injector nut, turn the tip, then retighten the nut. Loosen and retighten the nut a couple of times if necessary. Generally this will free the rack. Then, if the rack isn't free, change the injector nut. In some cases ACTay be necessary to disassemble the injector to eliminate the cause of the misaligned parts.)

B. lest injector valve opening pressure

(NOTE: The pufpose of the valve opening pressure test is to determine the pressure at which the valve opens and injection begins.)

1. Place the injector in the tester with the dowel on the underside of the injector located in the proper slot of the adaptor plate D:FS-183


2.Position the injector handle support to the proper height (Figure 2)

(NOTE: When testing an injector just removed from an engine, the flow of fuel through the injector on the tester should be the same as in the engine. Connections on the test head of the tester may be changed to obtain the correct direction of flow.)

(CAUTION: Always place the injector in the proper position in relation to the spray deflector before it is tested to prevent the fuel spray from penetrating the skin. Fuel oil which enters the blood stream can cause a serious infection.)

3.Close the inlet clamp and operate the pump handle until all of the air is purged from the injector tester and the injector, then, close the outlet clamp 184



4.With the injector rack in the full-fuel position, pump the handle of the injector tester with smooth, even strokes and record the injector valve operUng pressure indicated when the injector sprays fuel (Figure 3)


(NOTE: The specified valve opening pressure is 450 to 850 psi.If the pressureis not within the above range, refer to manufacturer's troubleshooting chart.)

C. Perform injector valve holding pressure test

(NOTE: The injector valve holding pressure test will determine whether the various lapped surfaces in the injector are sealing properly.)

1.Operate the pump handle to bring the (pressure up t point just below the injector valve opening pressui'a.. ately 450 psi)

2.Close the fuel shut off valve and note the pressure drop'

_ (NOTE. The time for a pressure drop from 450 psi to 250 psi should, not be less than 40 seconds. If the pressure drop is less than 40 seconds, follow procedures a through c.) D:FS-185


a. Dry the injector thoroughly with compressed air

b. Open the tester fuel valve and operate the pump handle to main- tain the test pressure

c. Correct malfunctions as appropriate

1) 'A leak around the spray tip or seal ring usually is caused by a loose injector nut, a damaged seal ring, or hardened surface on theinjector nut or spray tip

2) A leak at the filter cap indicates a loose filter cap or damaged filter cap gasket

3) A "dribble" at the spray tip orifices indicates a leaking valve assembly due to a damaded surface or dirt; leakage at the tip will catise pre-ignition in the engine

(NOTE: A drop or two of fuel at the spray tipis only an indication of the fuel trapped in the spray tip at the begin- ning of the test and is not detrimental as long as the pressure drop specified is not less than 40 seconds.)

D. Perform injector high pressure test

(NOTE: This test is performed to discover any fuel leaks at the injector filter cap gaskets, body plugs and nut seal ring which did not appear during the valve holding pressure test. The high pressure test also indicates whether or not-the plunger and bushing clearance is satisfactory.)

1.Thoroughly dry the injector with compressed air

2.Check the fuel connections for leaks; if leaks have occurred, tighten the 'connections, dry the injector, and recheck


d> 186


3.With the injector rack in the futl-fuet position and the injector tester handle locked in position by means of the harrdle lock, operate the pump handle to build up and maintam the pressure (Figure 4)


4.Use the adjusting screvy in the injector tester handle to depress the injector plunger just far enough to close both ports in the injector bushing

(NOTE: The point at which bo`th ports are closed may be easily ascer- tained by the fact that the injector spray will decrease appreciably and --'a rise in pressure will occur. At this time, the condition of the plunger and bushing may be establishedIf there is excessive clearance between the plunger and bushing, pressure beyond the normal valve opening pressure cannot be obtained. Replacement of the plumger and bushing assembly is then required.)

5.Pump up the injector tester and maintain a pressure of 1600 to 2000 psi by actuating the pump hantile, then inspect for leaks at the injector filter cap gaskets, bo4 plugs, and injector nut seal ring

, (NOTE:If any of these ,conditions exist,refer to manufacturer's- troubleshooting chart. It is normal for fuel to seep out around the rad< due to high pressure fuel being apphed to a normally low pressure area in the injector assembly. However, fuel droplets at the rack indicate excessive leakage.) ,

(CAUTION. Do not permit the proYmN, In r (-tor teister to equal or exceed the capacity of the pressur,. gauge ) D:FS-187 s JOB SHEET #4 E. Test spray pattern 1".., 1.Open the fuel shut-off valve, .place the injector rack in the full-fuel position, and operate the injector several times in succession by operat- ing the tester handle at approximately 40 strokes per minute

2.Observe the spray pattern to see that all spray orifices are open and injecting evenly

(NOTE: The beginning and ending of injection should be sharp and the fuel injected should be finely atomized. See Figure 4.) -VI 3. Ifall of the spray tip.orifices'ife not open and injecting evenly, clean the orifices in the spray tip

(CAUTION: To prevent damage to the pressure gauge, do not exceed 4 oft 100 psi during this test.) .

F. Test fuel output

(NOTE: The injector fuel output test can be performed in either the com- parator J 7041 or the calibritor J 22410. See Figures 5 and 6.)

(CAUTION: When injectors are removed from an engine for fuel output testing and, if satisfactory, reinstalled without disassembly, extreme care should be taken to avoid reversing the fuel flow. When the fuel flow is reversed, dirt trapped by the filter is back-flushed into the injector compon- ents.)"

4, , )


* ,

I. 8 -


f JOB SHEET -T-s--4 ,

(NOTE Before removing an injector from the engine, observe thedirection of the f ueI flow. To avoid reversing tne tuel flow when checking injectorfuel output, use the apprcpriate adaptor The positionof the fuel flow pipes on the comparator depends on the adaptor being used andthe direction of fuel - flow through the injectorSee Figure 5 The position of the bra,ded fuel inlet tube and the (.1 astic fuel outlet f.ube on the 'calibrator depends onthe adaptor being used a,'id the direction of fuel flow throughthe injecto7 See Figure 6:,) Calibrat,Jr FIGURE 6 FIGURE 5 if Adaptor

( 7 ct

Off-On VialChanger"; Vial^Fuel Flow Start Button Seat -1-


Injector Clamp-up Valve

Stroke Counter

1 AdaptOr






'I 4 D:FS-189


1.Check fuel output using appropriate.comparator (Figure 5)

a. Place the injector in the comparator and tighten the hand wheel to clamp the injector and adaptor in position

(NOTE: Make sure the counter on the comparator is preset to 1000 strokes. lf, for any reason, this setting has been altered, raise the cover and reset the counter to 1000 strokes by pulling the selector wheel to be changed to the right and rotating it to its proper setting. Then release the wheel and close the cover. Refer to the comparator instruction booklet for further information. See Figure 7.) FIGURE 7

(NOTE: When installing a low clamp body injector in the compar- ator, position the injector in the adaptor at approximately a 45° angle, rather than straight into the4adaptor, then bring it into a vertical position and secure it in place.)

b. Pull..the injector rack out to the no-fuel position

c. Start the comparator by turning on the switch

d. After the comparato7 has started, push the injector rack in the fullfuel position

e. Let the injector runfoe- approximately 30 seconds to purge the air that may be in the system 190


f. After 30 seconds, press the fuel flow start button

(NOTE: This will start the flow of fuel into the vial. The compard: tor will automatically stop the flow of fuel after 1000 strokes.)

g. After the fuel stops flowing into the vial, pull the injector rack out to the no-fuel position

h. Turn the comparator off and reset-the counter

i. Observe the reading on the vial and refer to f igure 8 to determine if the injector fuel output falls within its specified limits

(NOTE: If the quantity of fuel in the vial does not fall within the specified limits, refer to manufacturer's troubleshooting chart for cause and remedy.)


Calibrator Comparator Iniector 1 22410 1 7041 Min Max Mm Mox

5S8 50 54 9 15 658 53 57 10 16 555 55 59 14 20 S60 59 63 18 24 565 64 68 24 30 570 71 75 30 36 580 80 84 38 AA . 590 8-7 92 46 52

2. Check fuel output using appropriate calibrator (Figure 6)

a. Place the cam shift index wheel and fuel flow lever in their respec- tive positions

b. Turn on the test fuel oil heater switch.and preheat the test oil to 95° to 105°F

c. Place the proper injector adaptor between the tie rods and engage it with the fuel block locating pin

d. Slisle the adaptor forward and up against the fuel block face

1,4 e. Place the injector seat into the permanent seat tc,radle handle in vertical position) D:FS-191


f. Clamp the injector into position by operating the air valve

(NOTE: Make sure. the counter on the calibratoris preset at 1000 strokes. See Figure 9. If for any reason this setting has been altered, reset the counter to 1000 strokes by twisting the cover release button to the-left and hold the reset lever in the full up position while setting the numbered wheels. Close the cover. Refer to the calibrator instruction booklet for further information.) FIGURE 9

g. Pull the injector rack out to the no-fuel position h. Turn on the main power control circuit switch i. Start the calibrator by turning on the minor starter switch

(NOTE: The low oil pressure warning buzzer will sound briefly until the lubncating oil reaches the proper pressure.)

After the calibrator has started, set the injector rack into the full-fuel position (NOTE: Allow the injector to operate for approximately 30 / seconds to purge the air that may be in, the system.) k. After the airis purged, press the fuel flow start button (red) i (NOTE: This will start the flow of fuel into the vial. The fuel flow to the vial will automatically stop after 1000 strolees.) 4 I. Shut the calibrator off (the calibrator will stop in less time at full-fuel)

, .1. 4, i 192


m. Observe the vialreading and refer to Figure 8 to determine whether the injector fuel output falls within the specifiedI pnts

(NOTE: If the quantity of fuel in the vial does not fall within the specified limits, refer to manufacturer's troubleshooting chart for the cause and remedy.)

(NOTE: The comparator or the calibrator may be used to check and select a set of injectors which will inject the same amount of fuel in each cylinder at a given throttle setting, thus resulting in a smooth running, well balanced engine An Injector which passes all of the above tests may be put back into service. However, an injector which fails to pass one or more of the tests must be rebuilt and checked on the comparator or the calibrator Any injector whichis disassembled and rebuilt must be tested again before being placed in service.)

-1 D:FS-193


I. Tools and materials

A. Needle valve fuel injector A

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Hand tool set

D. Injector tube bevel reamer

E. Fuel pipe socket

F. Torque wrench

G. Grease

H. Shop towels (lint-free)

I. Safety glasses





N 4 194 e



II. Procedure

(CAUT ION Follow al.l shop safety procedures.)

(NOTE: Before installing an injector in an engine, remove the carbon deposits, from the beveled seat of the injector tube in the cylinder head. This will assure correct alignment of the injector and prevent any undue stress from being exerted against the spray tip.)

A. Use injector tubebevel reamer to clean the carbon from the injector tube (Figure 1) 4.


r , er

(CAUTION: Exercise care to remove ONLY' the carbon so that the proper clearartce between the injector body and the cylinder head is maintaine Pack the flutes of the reamer with grease to retain the carbon remo ed from the tube.) 9 (NOTE: Be sure the fuel injector is filled with fuel oil.If necessary, add clean fuel oil at Vie inlet filter cap until it runs out of the outlet filter cap.)



j1t D:FS-195 i


B. Insert the injector into the injector tube with the dowel in the injector !Jody registering with the locating hole in the cylinder head (F igure 2)

Injector- -FIGURE 2L1T 110 Rocker Arm Fuel Pipes .1-njector Clamp Control Tube

Dowel Pin Rack Control Lever

' 4 # Injector Injector Hole Tubedikarz ,ontrol Rack

704T_ I r , _z_At

Slide the rack control lever over so that it registers with the injector rack - D. Install the injector clamp, special washer (with curved side toward injector 'WV clamp) and bolt and tighten the bolt to specified torque, making sure that the clamp does not interfere with the injector follower spring or the exhaust valve springs

(NOTE: Check the injector control rack for free movement. Excess torque can cause the control rack to stick or bind.)

E. Move the rocker arm assembly into posinon and secure Vie rocker arm brackets to the cylinder head by tightening the bolts to the torque specified in service manual

(CAUTION: On four valve cylinder heads, there is a possibility of damaging the exhaust valves if the exhaust valve bridges are not resting on the ends of the exhaust valves when tightening the rocker shaft bracket bolts. Therefore, n6te the position of the exhaust valve bridges before, during, and after- tightening the rocker shaft bolts.)


I 196


F. Remove the shipping caps; then, install the fuel pipes and connect them to the injector and the fuel connectors, using fuel pipe socket to tighten the connections/p specified torque

(NOTE: A specified fuel pipe socket may be needed; refer to apprqpriate service manual.)

(CAUTION: Do not bend the fuel pipes and do not exceed the specified torque. Excessive tijhtening will twist or fracture the flared end of the fuel line and result in leaks. Lubricating oil diluted by fuel oil can cause serious damage to the engine bearings.)

G. Refer to service manual for final adjustments and tune-up procedures


aer D:FS-197




1.Match t e terms on the right,with their correct definitions.

a.Serves as a nozzle to atomize fuel sprayed 1.Bushing into combustion chamber-, 2.Control rack b.Spiraled recess m8chined into plunger' and gear

c.Drilled passage in bushing 3. Spray valve d. Rack and pinion gear arrangement on unit 4.Unit injector injector 5.Helix e.Serves as a barrel for the plunger on unit injector 6.Port

f.Injection pump, injector,and spray valve 7.Valve cage form a single unit

2.Match the parts of a unit injector on the right with their correct part names.



c.. Gear

ti.Valve Spring 11

e. Filter

f.Spray tip

g.Control rack

. Needle valve

i Injector body

j.Follower spring

k.Identificaticin tag

3.List three functions of a unit injector.



C. 198

4. Arrange in order the steps in fuel flow through the unit injector,fuel system by placing the-correct sequence number in the appropriate blank.

a.Passes thrbugh drilled passages and ports into supply chamber

b. Atomized into combuStion chamber

c. Pump pressure forces fuel through small orifices in spray tip

d. Enters injector through a filter cap and filter

5. Dietinguish between a crown valve and needle valve by placing an "X" next to the desCription of a crown valve.

a. 1)% Stacked onto thebushingsasfollows: check valve,valVecage., and valve seat

2)Inside valve cage are the valve stop, spring, and injector valve

b. 1) Stacked onto the bushingasfollows:checkvalve,valve,cage, spring, spring seat, spring cage, and spray tip

2)Inside spray tip is the needle valve

3)Inside spring cage is the sp' ring seat and the valve spring

6. Distinguish between no injection and full injection by placing an "X" next to- the descriptions of no injection.

a.Control rack out

b. Control rack in

c.Upper port is not closed by helix

d. Upper port is closed and lower port is closed by helix.

7. Demonstrate the ability to:

a. Remove unit injector from engine.

b. Disassemble a unit injector.

c. Assemble a unit injector.

d. Test a unit injector.

e. Install a unit injector.

(NOTE .If these activities have not been accomplished prior to the test, ask your instructor when they should be Completed.) 11.





1.a. 3- d,. 2 5 -e. C. 6 f.

. 2.a. 1- e. 9 I. 10 b. 3 f. 7 j. 2 c. 4 g. 8 k. 11 d.' h. 6

3**Any three of the following:

a.- Creates a high fuel Pressure -b. Meiers required amount of fuel c. Atomizes the fuel 1, ,d. Times injectiOn e. 'Injects

4.a. 2 b.' 4 C. 3

S. d. . a,


7.Performance'skills evaluated to the satisfaction of the instructor- 4 ,


S. 1 92

47. D:FS.201



After completion of this unit, the student should be able to name themain parts of a pressure time (PT) fuel injection system and discuss its operation. The student shouid also be able to install a PT type pump,-and remove and install PT injectqrs. This knowledge will be evidenced by correctly performing the procedures outlined in the job sheets and by scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After completion of this unit, the student should be Sble to:

1.Match terms related to PT fuel systems with their correct definitions.

4 2.Name the three main parts of a PT fuel system.

3.Match the main uniti of a PT pump assembly with their functions.

4.Select true statements concerning the operation of a PT injection system.

5.State the function of a pulsation damper.

6.Complete a list of statements concerning the operation of a mechanical governor.

7. Name two types of PT injectors.

8.Match the operational steps of PT injectors with their descriptions.

9.Demonstrate the ability to:

a. Remove and install flange typ*PT injectors.,

b. Remove and install PT (type B, C, and D) injectors.

c. Adjust an injector plunger and valves using the torque method.

d. Install a PT-R fuel pump and adjust high and low engine idle.

e. Test and adjust a PT-G fuel pump.

f. sAdjust an injector using the dial indicator method. D.FS,203



I. Provide student with objective sheet.

II. Provide student with information and job sheets.

III: Make transparencies.

IV. 'Discuss unit and specific objectives.

V. Discuss information sheet.

VI. Demonstrate and discos the procedures outlined in the job sheets.

VI). Supply the appropriate service manual for the injector you have inyour shop, -

VIII. Obtain at least 3 types of PT pumps (PT-R, PT-G, AFC) foruse in classroom demonstrations'.

IX.' Show film on PT fuel systems.

X. Give test.


Included in this unit:

A.. Objective sheet

B. Information sheet

C. Transparency masters

1.TM 1-Kain Parts of PT Fuel Sistem

2.TM 2--PT Pump Assembly

3.TM 3--PT Pump Assembly (Continued)

4.TM 4--Types oInjectors

5.TM 5--Operatin of Injectors

6.TM 6--AFC in the "Full Air" Position

7.TM 7--AFC in the "No Air" Position 411, 1. "4

. Job_Sheet 41-Remove and inst.:.Flange Type PT iniec..3. a 2: 4ob Stieef #2-- Remove and finstalF PT- (Type _13; C,.-,,_i-q D n WC-tr.) r - _ . . , . 3.Job Sheet #3--Adjust an Injectoi'Plunger and Vatvejd.::&;;A:::-Ir -7,.7.6'-6,,,,-- e Method . _ s.

4. "Job:Sheettr#4--Instpll a PT-R Fuel Pvmp ond--;Adjust a .Engine Ile, - . rrr

-c7 5.JofiStieet #5--TestandAdjust a PT-G Fuel:Pump

rrr 6.So6'Sheet #6,---Adjust, an Injector 'Using theDial Indicator,Veth6a


F. Aniweit to tdst

, ,)ieferences: . .. _

... . (1 A.Tobolcirr William,K: Diesel Fundamentals, &vice, RePair.South .flolland4

-IL: Goodheart-Willcox Cpmpany; frf6., 1980. tre B.. K,ptes, Edpr .,,d: arid Lutk,_Willirn E. Dieel, ahd High Cbriiprespbn 04 ...,.: _ ___ Engines. Third editioncChibago: American-technical iety,1974: . _ - . . V * C. 4SerVice BUlletin No. 3379011-01. Iniector P1±_n_gei- and Valve Adjustments.. Coluinbus, IN: Cummig En-gine-Co:;-Decernb,er. 1975 C..4 e. D. 4 Service thilietin No. 3379101-00: PT Fuel Pump Calibration. '01-u-mbas; --.0,--

IN: CuMrnins Engine, Co.. December'," 1975: , . . ,., -). . 's , , E. Service Bulletin, No. 3379071-Q2: iniecthri, All Types. Coftirribus,IN: g Cummint Engine Co.,,. Decernber, 1975. f:" `,,: c._ -9 c. Serikce Bulletin No., .98372S: Calibration of PT-G ,Pfrimps.Cplurnbue, t ,

Ciimmsins-Engine Co., 1975. . _ ..e . .. '-- -(} .., /". - .. .. G. Service Bulletin No. ,9B.,7535: ale pump _PT Repuilding. ColurnjS)us,IN:"-- -Curnmins-Engine_Co.,1975: 0,- . . 4-f_ ,\ '.. tc

H..Service Buile;tihNo. 3379013,402: ;fruel'RumP PT Rebuilding, olumbus,Ik, 'Cummins EngineCo 1989. 0:- -c5 = C - - L. Dagel, gohn, F.:Diesel Fngin P, Repair.a New -Xork: John Wiley° arid _ ,Sons, ,.-4. . inc., 1'981 r",',; ,. -. . e A .. Foutes, Williernolk. -Di6ej;Engihe Mechanics. Stillwater, 'OK. Mid-Arnerica

- Vocati_4. ` nal-CftirriculUm-CasOrtium, 1977,4, ,,.., ' I'' ,. '' 4 D:FS220t-




Terms and defininons

A. PT system-Pressure time system based on the,principle that the voltime of liquid flow is proportionate to the fluid pressure, the time allowedto llow, and the size of the passagerough which the liquid flows

B. PT t\-49e 9-PT fuel pump which is governor controlled

C. PT type R-.PT fuel pump which is pressure regulated

D. Purge--To get rid-of trapped fuel

E. Rated speed-.Engine rpm's under full load

F Meter--To supply inca measured amount

G. High idle or maximum no-load speed--Engine rpm's with no-load and throttle fully open

H. AF --Air fuel ratio control

II. Main part óf PT fuel system (Transparency 1)

A. Fuelump

c, .B. SupIy limes, drain lines, and papsages


III. 'Punctions of units of'PTpump assembly (Transparencies 2 and 3)

A. Gear pump--Draws fuel from supply tank forcing it through thepump- filte§creen into the pressure regulator valve

B. Pressure regulator-Limits''the pressure of the fuel to the injectors

C. Thrqttle-Provides a 'manual control of Ipel flow to the injector under all conditions in the operating ran9e

D. Governor assembly,-Controls the flow of fuel from idle to maximum.gover- nor speed

IV, Operation of PT injection system

A..Gear type' fuel pump delivers fuel through a restricting throttleto ,the governor

B. From the governor, the fuel goes to manifold wh.ich feeds cam-operated injectorki2 the cylinder head AL-

LP 96 296


C. 'Injector raises pressure to producea gooa sprayi and times the start of injection

V. runction of pulsagri daMper--The damper containsa steel diaphragm= which absorbs pUlsatiOns and smooths fuel flow through system (Transparency 2)

(NOTE: The pulsation damper, mounted on gear pump, performs thesame function onboth type G and type R fuel pumps.)

VI. Operation of mechanical governor (Transparency 3)

A. Between idle and maximum speed, fuel flows through the governor to the injector in accordance with engine requirements as controlled by the throttle

B. When engine reaches governed speed, the governor weights move thegover- nor plungers so fuel passage to the injectors is shut off

(NOTE: At the same time anotherpassage opens and dumps the fuel back _ into-the noin pump body. The engine speed is controlled and limited regard- less of the position of the throttle.)

C. Fuel leaving the governor flows through the shut down valve, inlet supply lines, and onto ihe injectors

VII. Types of PT injectors (Transparency 4)

A. Flanged

B. Cylindrical

VIII. Operational seps of PT injectors (Transparency 5)


, 1. Fuel enters the injector at fuel (inlet

(NOTE :'Pressure is determined by throttle and/or governor.)

2.Metering orifice -controls quantity of fuel that enters the injector clip ..,

(NOTE: Pressure is determined by the fuel pump'and)t,e time interval .during which the hole supplying kref/is uncovered bthe injector plunger.)

B. Injection i 1. Downward plunger movement cuts off fuel entry into injector Cup D:-FS-207


2.Continued downward movemeni forces fuel from injectorcup through the orifice into combustion chamber

(NOTE: High pressures allow for almost complete burning of fuel spray.)

3.While plunger is down, fuel passes through upper tiole around undercut in plunger through return passages to the fuel lank

C. Purging

1.Plunger remains seated after injection

(NOTE: Fuel flows through the injector coolin4 it and warming tank fuel through this stage.)

2.Plunger rises on next me,ing operation

(NOTE: The timing of metering and injection is determined bycam- shaft configuration.) .

D. Air fuel ratio control (Transparencies 6 ancl 7)

)1. Made to replace the PT-G,pump and aneroid on turbocharged engines

2. The A.F.C. limits fyel pressure and flow restriction

3. The A.F.C. gives the correct air fuel delivery rate to the engin'e during


sc Main Pans of PT Fuel System .0 Cummins

Injector Type 'B' fnjector Type 'C'Injector Type.:Ds,Injector Flanged


Fltiel Filter Fuel ,Purnp Type 'G' Fuel Tank /////1 10/AA Fuel Supply Fuel Suction Fuel Return A 3-93Courtesy of CumminsE'ngineCo., Inc. 2+),)

0. PT Pump Assembly

TachoMeter Connection Shut-Down Valve Filter SCreen

Pressure Regulator Gear Pump

Pulsation Damper

Main Shaft

41t. Idle Speed Screw

\ ,\,, ; . / aI Governor Weights Idle Springs ,Throttle Shaft 20.1. /-

Pump Assenibly

. (Continued) .

To Injectors Futl Shut=Down.Valve Filter Screen.. Throttle' Sha


7 Pulsation Damper

Gear Pump Pressure Regulator

Governor PlUnger Governor Weights


2 2 0. , , . , , , ,

04 Types Of Injectors Injector Link ..

, ( - ...... L , Orifi6.6 Plug Injector Spring

Inlet `Drain Plugs

4 Stbp 1 Check Balt "0" Ring Seals Fuel Out Injector Body Plunger Fuel In .

Adjustable Delivery ging Seal "0" ;Orifice Plug , , Plug . 1 , Plunger '0" Ring Seal - .. Seal Drain Orifice Gasket Metering Orifice Gasket Cup 'Metering Orifice Cup 0. , -. , -1 FLANGED TYPE INJECTOR LYI:INORICALINJECTOR 4 ; 2i_h.3 20j , a ,k 411%:: 111111.11.1.1111al ILIAAMAI:\ 4 4 a a a II 4 mmNw-Aft, ;;; ais A.tNS \SS \\\\\ '4 V "WW AO

7 a, ..... Al t t ll tt l A .1W 1 4 it * a, s



, AFC in the "Full Air" Position

, Air Manifold Pressure $ Plunger Jam Nut Center Bolt


.., Ita Diaphram or Bellows Sealing Washer Flat Washer . Piston Spring Fuel to Shutoff Valve ./ Plunger 0-ring Seal Mounting Spacer . Washer Piston Jam Nut Fdel Drain Passages Control Plunger Fuel Drain Passages

Barrel-O-Ring Seals Fuel frorn .,_ Barrel Throttle Shaft

Fuel Vent to Housing No Air Adjustment Valve , No Air Jam Nut

Barrel Spring Throttle COver Plate ,, , .. New Design with the AFC Control Plunger in the "Full Air" Position: Used,When the ASA, is in the Fuel. Courtesy of Cummins Engine Co., Inc. , 2.10 ....._.) '2 0 :i AFC in the "No Air" Position

Plunger Jam Nut Center Bolt Sealing Washer Kill.142Ph, . ,. fir---,--.110, Piston Jam Nut Diaphram br Bellows "Itri ileiT i w--4, Fuel to Shui off ValVe - Pistoni.,eatio ft) Spring , ,. . . , Washer .. . Plunger 0-Ring Seals r ,, Virilli. d,, Control Plunger lio ,5-,tit Fuel from Thr`ottle Shaft Barrel *V ;V41 Fuel Vent to Housing '/ le No Air Adjustment Valve \L 1-7..\ A----- No Air Jam Nut Throttle Cover Plate

AFC Top View-Cross Section with thThintrol Plunger in the "No Air': Position. 0 Used When the ASA Was in the AM Cover. cf) Courtesy of Cummins Engine Co., Inc. 2 1_

2 ..i. D:FS-223 ,



I. Tools and materials.

A:Basic hand tool set

B. Appropriate service manual A s, O. Torque wrench

D. Oil can, hand type

E. Shop towels

F. Safety glasses

II. Procedure

(CAUTION: Foll (w all shop safety procedures'.)

P. Remove injector

1.Remove injeCtor hold-down caplcrews

2.Pry and remove injector from cylinder,head by grasping injector body rather than plunger , (NOTE: Do not turn "injector/ upsidedown, as plunger might drop out.)

3.Place in drain rack

(NOTE: Do not damage injector tip and be carefulnot to lose the plate retaining collet; do not intermix plunger and injector bodiesas they are paired.)

B. Install injector

1.Clean injector seat With d.lan rag wrapped -around wooden stick

(NOTE: Never use screwdriver or metal tool7for this operation;a scratched seat may causeiimpression leakage.)

2.Position injectors in head(s)

(NOTE: When installing injectors in head(s), position injectorplunger, so claskinark is Oentered between inlet and drain conhections.This provides the same plunger position under Which the injectorwas tested in injector test stand. Be careful not to damage ihjector tips.)

21 oir 224


to' 3.Oil injector hold-down capscrews

4.Start, but do not tighten, hold-down capscrews into injector mounting holes in cylinder head(s)

5.Align injectors before tightening hold-down capscrews., by screwing in the inlet and drain connections about thr'ee turns

6. Torque to 120 to 144 in-lb (14 to 16 N. m) in alternate steps

)ifttart tightening .on capscrews opposite inlet and drain connection or (NOME: Some 'rnjector hold-down capscrews containa Nylok insert that acts as a lock. These capscrews may be reused 5 to 10 times before the effectiveness of the insert is impaired. Nylockcapscrews should be torqued to 144 to 168 in-lb [16 to 19 N. rn] .)

8. Torque inlet and drain connections to 240 to 300 in-lb (27to 34 N. m)

9.Check air on tubes

(NOTE: Put in new copper washers. Check boots and filter screen.) p,

D:FS-225 ,





I: Tools and materials

, , A. Basic hand tool set

B. Appropriate service manual , . -. 1 C. Torque wrench

D. Oil can, hand type

E. Shop towels -,i F. Safety classes

IL Procedure

(CAUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.) ; i , A. Remove injectors (type B" and C) 1 - 1. Remove hold-down capscrews

2.Insert 3/8"-16 capscrew in tapped hole in hold-down plate and jack injector from head .0 3.Place injectors in rack for protection

4.Tag and number injectors by cylinder from which removed , (CAUTION: Do not damage injector tips.)

(NOTE: Older model engines have a separate jacking hole in the plate ; and utilize a standard hold-down capscrew for the jacking action.)

B. Install injectors (type B ahd C)

1.Clean injector sleeve 'with cloth wrapped around wooden stick .. , .. 2.Lubricate the injector body 0-rings with clean S.A.E. 20or 30 weight lubricating oil

(NOTE: The 0-rings should receive a fresh coat of oil each time injectors are installed in head.) I

4 , t ..'... 215 , 'JOB SHEET #2

3.Start the injector into bore, guiding by hand until injector is aligned in bore and not bindirt in any manner

(NOTE: To install injectors on V-12 engines, stand eitheron right bank side or left bank side of engine. On H or NH engines, install injectors from fuel pump side of engine. Injectors are to be placed With ball check retainer plug at one o'clock.)

4.Place plastic hammer handle butt on top of injector plunger body and "seat" injector by giving a quick, hard pushon the hammer

(NOTE: A "snap" should be heard and felt as thecup seats in the copper sleeve.)

5.Place hold-down plate over injector body with counterboreup

6.Position half-collet locking clamp in injector body groove

7.Start hold-down capscrews, but do not tighten

(NOTE: Be sure the two projecting radii do not drop in drilled holes- atop injector.)

8.Place injector spring on hold-doWn plate with close coil down

(NOTE: Spring must seat on hold-down plate; if spring seatson locking clamp, irOrrect injector adjustment will result, causing push tube and camshaffdamage.)

9.Hold injector spring in position and carefully insert injector plunger

,(NOTE: On V-12 engines 'only, position plunger in injector bore with class mark on the plunger midway between inlet and drainports of injector; the inlet port is below theball retainer plug. This will provide the same operating positionin which the injector was calibrated.)

10.Torque procedure for V-12 engines only

a. Make sure injector is positioned correctly in head

b. Tighten one capscrew (use Nylok capscrews) until clampcontacts head snugly; then back out one complete turn

c. Tighten other capscrew to a torque of 48 to 60 in-lb (5to 7 N. m)

d. Tighten firstcapscrew to 84 to 96 in-lb (9 to 11 N. m)

e. Tighten second capscrew to 84 to 96 in-lb (9 to 11 N. m)

2 I O D:FS-227

.,-- Lir\ JOB SHEET #2 r i .f. Check the plunger to see if it is free , .

-9. Loosen clamp and retorque if the plunger is not free

(NOTE:OnHandNHengines, position plunger in injector bore with, class mark on the plunger toward rear of engine: This will provide the same operating position in which the injectorwas cal ibrated.) ,

-V 11. Torque hold-down capscrews in alternate steps to13210144 in-lb (15 to 16N.m) 0 -.

C. Remove and install PT (type D) injectors

1. Remove injector hold-down plate or yoke

(NOTE:On some engines, special tools- are needed to remove injectors; consult appropriate service manual.)

a. OnNH, NT,-andV-12series engines you may insert a3/8-16 capscrew in tapped hole in hold-down plate and jack injector from head

b. Use a right angle roll/bar or pinch bar to pry injectors from head in RV" series engines

(NOTE:When prying up, be Certain to keep. the plunger and/or injector from jumping out of the head and landing on the floor.)

2. Remove all carbon from injector copper sleeves , (NOTE: Donot use anything metal to scrape the sleeves; use a wooden stick with a clean cloth wrapped around thd end.)

3. Lubricate the 0-rings with20to30weight lube oil; do not use Lubriplate

4.Start injecfor into bore, guiding by hand until aligned in bore andnot ,binding

(NOTE:It is not required to iine up any plugs or rotate injector acound in any position as the PT (typeD)will perform at any position.) I 5.Place a clean blunt object On injector body and "seat" injector by giving a quick, hard push


f 228


6.Listen for the snap as cup seats in copper sleeve

(NOTE: Do not use a wooden hammer handle or similar tool to install' injectors. Dirt or splinters-from the handle may drop into plunger link seat causing early failure of link or plunger socket. If injector is not completely seated, the 0-rings' may be damaged if pulled down with the mounting capscrews.) 0 Install hold-down plates or yokes, lockwashers, and capscrews

(NOTE: Be certain plates or yokes do not contact stems.) 4 8.Torqqe NH, NT, and KT capscrews in alternate steps to 132 to 144 in-lb (15 to 16 N. m)

a. Use Nylok capscrews on V-12 engines and torque alternately to 132 to 144 in-lb (15 to 16 N. m)

b. Torque V-6-140, V-8-185, v-378, V-504, V-555, V-8-265 .and V-903 capscrews to 360 to 420 in-lb (41 to 47 N. m)

9.Test injector plunger for movement after torquing hold-downcap- screws. If plunger is not free, loosen and.retorque capscrews



) D:FS-229



I. Tools -And. materials

A. V-378, V-504, V-555, or VT-555 C.I.D. series Cummins engine

(NOTE: For specific installation and models, refer to the engine manufac- turer's specifications.)

B. Appropriate service manual

C. - Basic hand tool set

D. Inch-pounds torque wrench

E. Foot-poundstorque wrench

F. Feeler gauge G. Shop towels , H... Safety glasses

II. Procedure 0. .(CkUTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)' , (NOTE: Retorque injector hold-down Clanipcapscrews to manufacturer's specifi- ,.., cations before adjusting injectors.) t) . A. Position valves'and mark alignment

1.Turn drankshaft in direction of rotation until .No. 1-6 "VS"mark appears on the vibrationslamper or craRkshaft pulley (Figure 1) 4 (NOTE: Some models may have "A" markedon damper.)


2 9 , 230



(NOTE: Inthis, position, both intake and exhaust valves must be closed fOr cylinder No.4; if not, advance crankshaft one revolution. See Figures 2 and 3 and Table 1 for firing order.)



'fable 1: Engine Firing Order

Right Hand Rotation V8 1-5:4-8-6-3-7-2 . Right Hand Rotation ' V6 1-4-2-5-3-6

2,t) 41



2.Adjust injector plunger, then and valves\of first cylindgr as explained in the following steps

3.Turn crankshaft in direction of rotation to next "VS" mark correspon- ding to firing order of engine and corresponding cylinder will be ready for_adjustment (Sep Table 1)

4.Continue turning crankshaftindirection of rotation and Making adjustments until all injectors and valves have been correctly adjusted

(NOTE: Two complete revolutions of crankshaft are needed to set all injector plungers and valves. Injector and valves can be adjusted for only one cylinder at any one "VS" setting.)

B. Adjust crosshead

Loosen valve crosshead adjusting screw locknut and back off screw one turn

2.Use light finger pressure at rocker lever contact surface to hold cross- head in contact with valve stem (without adjusting screw)

3.Adjust crosshead adjusting screw according to engine Manufacturer's specifications (Figure 4) FIGURE 4


4.Hold adjusting screw in this position and torque locknutto values specified in appropriate service manual (Table 2j

Table 2: Crosshead Locknut Torque

Without ST-669 With ST-669

25 to 28 ft-Iiis 22 to 26 ft-lbs (34 to 38 N. m) - (30 to 35 N. m) 232


C. Adjust injector plunger

1.Turn adjusting screw down until plunger contacts cup and advance an additional 1° to squeeze oil from cup


3.Using a torque wrench calibrated in in-lbs and a screwdriver adapter, tighten the adjusting screw to values shown in Table 2 for cold setting and tighten:the locknut to manufacturer's specification figures (Figuie 5)


(NOTE: Some engines use different hot and cold torque settings.)

4.Hold injector adjusting screw and tighten injector adjusting screw locknut to value specified in appropriate service 'manual (Figure 6) FIGURE 6

D. Adjust valfes

(NOTE: The same crankshaft position Lised in adjusting injectors is used for setting intake and exhaust valves.)

1. Loosen locknut and back off adjusting screw

2.Insert feeler gauge- between rocker lever and top of crossl;ead

(NOTE: Consult appropriate service manuaT for ex-att specifications.)

222 D:FS-233


3. Turn screw down until leier just touches gauge and lock adjusting screw in this position with locknut (Figure 7)

4.Torque locknut to values indicated in service manual


223 D:FS-235



I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Curnmins engine using PT-R fuel pumpl'

D. PT-R fuel pump properly calibrated

E. =Hand tachometer

F. Idle adjusting tool

G. Shop towels

H. Safety glasses

II. Procedure

(CACJTION: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Install pump

44, (NOTE: Injectors and valves should be set to specifications and engine warmed to operating temperature.) r, 1. Install fuel pump to accessory drive or to compressor with new gasket and proper rubber buffer, nylon buffer, or spline-coupling and tighten securely

2.Squirt some clean lube oil into gear pump inlet hole

(NOTE: This aids gear pump fuel pick-up.)

3.Connect the fuel pump Copper line from the pump shut-off valve to the fuel manifold

(NOTE: The throttle lever linkage should not be connected to the throttle lever, thus leaving the throttle free for pump adjustments.)

4.Install tachometer to fuel pump tachometer drive shaft connection or use hand tachometer

5:Connect the shut-off valve electrical connections properly, leaving the manual control button in a closed position (screwed out)

6.Connect pump drain line to housing

22,1" 236'

141 JOB SHEET #4

B. Set governor

1.Set idle speed

a. Operate engine a sufficient period of time topurge air from the fuel system and to bring engine up to operatingtemperature (at least 165° F. oil temperature)

b. Remove pipe plug,from spring pack cover

c. Install idle adjusting tool (Figure 1) -6, fIGURE 1

d. Operate engine a sufficient period of time topurge all air from the fuel system after idle adjusting toolis installed in spring pack Cover

e. Turn idle adjusting screw in to increaseor out to decrease the reed

(NOTE: The idle adjusting screw is held in position bya spring clip. Consult appropriate service manual for exact idle speeds.)

f. Remove idle adjusting tool and replace pipe plug when idle speed is correct

(NOTE: On the mechanical variable gieedgovernor fuel pump the maximum and idle adjusting screws are locatedon governor cover; adjust idle by loosening rear idle adjusting screw locknut. Screw adjusting screw in or out to get speed required. Tighten adjusting screw )ocknut immediately after adjustment toprevent air entrainment.) i , D:FS-237



2.Set rated speed

(NOTE: The engine should be "loaded" on an engine or chassis dyna- mometer to perform this check. Normally, this adjustment is made on ,F1fup II S - .s-calib-rated and does -not need to be changed on the engine.)

3.Set engine hi-idle or maximum no-load speed

(NOTE: This check should not be used to check or makegovernor speed adjustrnehts.If the hiidle speed is significantly greater than specifications, the governor assembly should be examined for malfunc- tion or improper parts.)


s -0 ,


l ..


.. ,

, , 22 6



(NOTE: The job sheet detailed here is aeneral and requires the4dse of test stand manual, pump specification sheet, and the appropriate engine service manual.)

I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Test stand and adapters

D. Test .stand manual

E. Pump special tools

F. PT-G fuel pump

G. Pump specification sheet

H..Shop towels (lint-free)

I. Safetsses

4 Procedure

(CAUf ION: Follow all shDp safety procedures.)

A.Clean purnp exterior thoroughly

B. Drain all fuel from pump and fill with pump stand oil

C. Mount pump as described in pump mounting section of manual

(NOTE: Run all tests with fuel temperature at 90° F.)

4. D.1 Perform the test for pump run-in

1.Determine pump rotation with stand in high range 2. Open pump shutdown valve, manifold valve, and suction valve on pump. , 3.Close idle valve and bypass valve on pump discharge line

4.. Turn on pump stand and run uP ta 500 rpm for pump to pickup prime

5.Run pump to rated speed for 5 minutes to seat bearings, flush pump,

and purge air . 4

6., Check for air in flow meter JOB SHEET #5

E. Perform the test on the gear pump section--Operate tettstand at 500 rpin and close section valve to 25" vacuum

F. Perform the test for pump suction

1.Turn stand to 100 rpm below rated speed 1

2.Adjust suction valve to 8" vacuum for remainder of tests

G. Perform the test for total fuel flow

1.Open manifold valve

2.Close idle and bypass valves

3.Set suction valve to 8" vacuum

4.Raise test stand speed to PT-Gpump rated speed given on calibration sheet.

5.Adjust manifold valve until flow meter float indicates the flowspecified under "flowmeter-lb. @cym" pn the calibration sheet

H. PeHorm the test for governor cut-off speed

1.Place throttle in fillrfuel position

2.Increase test 'stand speed tc; a point wherepressure begins to drop and check pump speed which should be within limitsfor "Governor Cut-Off RPM" on calibration sheet

3. Add shims on high speed governor spring if speed,is outside limits 4.Remove shims to lower speed

(NOTE: Each .001" of shim will change 2 rp.m.)

5.After adjusting "Governor Cut-Off AVM" raisestand speed until pressure gauge drops to 40 psi or what's stated under "Governor Setting PSI-RPM" in specification sheet

(NOTE: If more than 10-15rpm higher, a change in governor barrel and plunger may be needed.)

I. Perform the test for throttle leakage

1:()Orate a test stand at rated speed and flow

2.Hold'throttle in idle pOsition with throttle spring

3.Open bypass valve and close manifold valve

4.Place "graduate" under bypass tube -and collect fuel for 30seconds

22 a D:FS-241


5.Compare doubled amount to specification sheet and adjust front screw to required amount

(NOTE: If leakage cannot be reduced, excess wear to throttle shaft is indicated.)

6.Lock screw when setting is correct

J. Perform the test for idle fuel pressure

1.Reduce test stand spBed to 500 rpm or speed stated on specification

2. Open idle valve and close manifold and bypass valve

3.Hold throitle in idle position

4.Note reading on pressure gauge

5.Adjust idle screw in spring back cover to correct pressure

(NOTE: Screw in to increase and o.ut to decreise pressure.)

6.Purge air after each setting

K. Perform the test for manifoldfuel pressure

1.Open manifold valve and close the idle and bypass valve

2.Place throttle in full fuel position

3.Run stand at rated speed and adjust manifold valve to total fuel flow

(NOTE: Pressure should agree to specification; adjust shims in throttle shaft to read 3 to 6 psi higher than specification sheet.)

4.Test flow meter to specifications

5.Turn inrear throttle screw to trim off 3 to.6 psi and bring pump to specification

6.Recheck governed speed and pressure

L. Check point pressure

1. Reduce stand speed to "Check Point" speed

2.Check manifold pressure at check point speed; if above or below, check torque spring for seating, shimming and part number

3.If spring is changed, recalibrate pump 223 242

stOB SHE T #5

M. Check weight assist pressure

1. Reduce stand speed td 800 rpm

(NOTE: Manifoldressure_shoukLialLmithin_specification under "Weight Assist PSI.")

2.Add shims in governor weight carrier to raiSe pressure. , 3.Rernove shims to lowerpressure

4.If shireis are changed, recalibrate pump

, N. Drain and remove pump from test stand when calibrationis complete

0. Seal all openings in pump


.0 -, '4

i ,




.. .. I D:FS-243



I. Tdo1S-and materials

A. Basic hand tool set

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Typical tool #ST-1170, indicator support

D. Typical tool #ST-1193 rocker lever actuator

E. Clean shop towels

F. Safety glasses

I I. Proced3qc,,

(CAUTIQN: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Pull-Compression release lever back while barring engine

B. Bar engine until "A" or 1-6"VS" mark on pulley is :aligns& with pointer,1? on gear case cover

(NOTE: In this position, both valve rocker I9-vers for cylinder #6must- be free, valves closed, injector plunger for cylinder ft3cmust &at top of travel; if not, bar the engine 360 degrees andse-align inarks.with, pointer.Y

C. Turn the adjusting screw down on the cylinder_being adjusted untilplunger -

contacts cup and advance an additional .16 degreei to squeeze oil from the ,. cup

Loosen the adjusting screw 1/2 turn


1 "7,:k

-; 244


, , ,Set up ST-1170 (Figure 11 'jncticator suPport.. with indicator extension on -injector Plunger t'OP at #jicVlinder



....IT. F. Using the ST-119J rockerleve? actuator (Figure-2), bar the IeVer toward 'injector until'plunger is bottomed; allcrk-the injector plungerto rise, bottom again; s4 ingickor at zero, and check extension contact with,plunger top -, . . FIGURE 2 <

752 -"Y- ((VOTE: Make sure wrench daessnotstrike gauge-face.)

, ; ,747



-> ,. ""5 5, r " D: FS-245


G. Turn adjusting screw until adjustment'obtained (Figure3) FIGURE 3

Oil Injector Plunger Travel Valve Clearance Temp. Inch (mm) Inch (mm) .- Adj: Recheck . Value Limit Intake Exhaust AlurniffurifRocktr Housing Cold 0.170 0.169 to 0071 0.011 0.023 , (4.32) b(4.29 to 4.34) (0.28) (0.58) Hot 0.170 0.169 to 0171 0.008 0.123 (4.32), (4.29 to 4.34) (0.20) (0.58)

Cast Iron Rocker Housing Cold 0475 0. 174 to 0.1760.011 0.023 (4.461 (4.42 to 4.47) (0.28) (0.58) Hot 0.175; 0.174 to 0.176 0.008 0023 l (4.45) (4.42 to 4.47) (0.20) (158)

- (NOTE: This is a typical setting; check aPpropriate service manual for

, exact specifications.)

H. Bottom the plunger again and release the lever; indicator must show travelas indicated

I. Tighten locknut to 480,to 540 in-lbs (54 to'61 N. m)

- 23 3 D:FS-247




1.Match terms on the right with their correctdefinitions.

a. Pressure time system based on the princAple 1.Purge that the volume of liquid flow is proporffon- ate to the fluid pressure, the time allowedto 2.Meter flow, and the size_of the_passagethrough which the liquid flows 3. PT type G

b. PT fuel pump which isgovernor controlled 4. PT type R

, PT fuel pumpwhichis _pressure regulated 5.High idle or maximum no- d. To get rid of trapped fuel load speed 6. PT syitem Engine rpm's under full load 7.Rated speed To supply in a measured amount 8. AFt Enginerpm'swithno-loadandthrottle fully open

h. Air fuel ratio control

2.Name the three main parts of d PT fuelsystem.




3.Match the main units of a PTpump assembly, on the right with their functions.

a.Draws -fuel from supplytanI5forcingit 1.Pressure through the pump filterscreeninto the regulator pressure regulator valve 2.Gear punip b.Limits the pressure of the fuel to the injectors Alit, 3.Governor, c.Provides a manual control of fuel flowto the assembly injector under all conditions in the opferating. range 4.Throttle

d. Controls the flow of fuel from idleto maid- inuM,governor speed

234 248

4.Select true statements concerning the operation of a PT injection system by placing an "X" in the appropriatetlanks.

a.Gear type fuel pump delivers fuel through a rettricting throttle to the governor

b. From the fuel pump, the fuel goes to a manifojd which feeds cam-operated injectors in the cylinder head

c.Injector raises pressure to produce a good spray an& times the start of injection

State the function of a pulsation damper..

6.Complete the following list of statements concerning the operation of a mechanical governor.

a. Between idle and maximum speed, fuel flows through the governor to the injector in accordance with engine requirements as controlled by the throttle

b. When engine reaches governed speed, the governor weights move the governor plungers so fuel passage to the injectqrs is

c. Fuel leaving the governor floWs through the shut down vtive, inlet supply lines, and onto the

7. Name two types of PT injectots.



8.Match the operational steps of PT injectors at the right wjththeir descriptions;

a. 1)Fuel enters the, injectort fuelinlet 1. Injection

2)Metering orifice controls quantity of fuel 2.Metering that enters the injector cup .3. Purgi'n,g b. 1) Downward, plunger movement cuts off fuel entry.into injector cup 4.Air fuel ratio control 2) Continued doWnward movement forces fuet frominjector cup through the orifice into cOmbustion chamber

3) Whileplunger is down,fuel -passes through upper hole around undercut' inplungerthroughreturn passages to the fuel tank


235 D:FS-249

c. 1)Plunger remains se.;ted after injection

.2)Plunger rises on next metering operation

d. 1) Made to replace the PT-G .pump acid anerdid on turbocharg4d engines

2)Limits fuel pressure and flow restriction

3)Gives the correct air fuel delivery rate to the engine during acceleration

9.Demonstrate the ability to

a. Remove and install flange type PT injectors.

b. Remove and install PT (type B, C, and D) injectors.

c. Adjust an injector plunger and valves using the torque method.

d. Install a PT-R fuel pump and adjust high andlow engine idle.

e? Test and adjust a PT-G fuel pump.

f. Adjust an injector using the dial indicator method.

'(NOTE: If these activitiei have not been accomplished priorto the test, ask your instructor when they should be completed.) D: FS-251



1.a. 6 b. 3 6 C. 4 d. 1 e. 7 . f. 9. 5 h.,8

.) 2.a. Fuel pump b. Supply lines, drain lines, and passages c. Injectors

3.a. 2

b. 1 C. 4 d. 3

4.a, c

5. The damper ntaini aeel diaphragm which absorbs pulsations and smooths fuel flow through system

6.b. Shut off C. Injectors

7.a. F langed b.. Cylindrical

8.a. 2

b. 1 c. 3 d. 4

9.Performance skills evaluated to the satisfaction of the instructor D:FS-253 , _




, After completion of this unit, the studentshould be able to list the functions ofan injection nozzle and match types of nozzles with theircharacteristics. The student should also be able to demoristrate the ability to remove, service andtest ari injection nozzle. This knowledge will be evidenced by correctly- perf6rmingthe procedures outlined in the job sheets andby scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After completion of this unit, the studentshould be able to: / 1.Match 'terms related to injection nozzles withtheir correct definitions.

2.List two functions of an injection nozzle. . ' 3. AISPortba Name four moving parts inan injection nozzle. Y.

4.Name three common types of nozzlevalves. .. 5.Match the types of nozzles with their characteristics. ---\ 6.Select true statements concerning the operationof an injection nozzle.

7.Explain how the nozzle openingpressure is adjustedt

8.Demonstrate the ability to: ,

,. a. Remove, service, and test an injection nozzle.

b. Install an injection nozzle.

c. Isolate a faulty injection nozzle. ..


,b230 D:FS-255



I: Provide student with 'objectit/e sheet.

Provide student with information and job sheets:

III. Make transparencies.

IV. Discuss unit and specific objectives.

V. Discuss information sheet.

VI.. Demonstrate and discuss the procedures outlined in the job sheets.

VII. Demonstrate lapping and cleaning procedures. - VIII. Show students different ways an injector may be held in place.

IX. Demonstrate how to clean injector area prior to injector removal.

X. Discuss the use of capsule-type fuel nozzles on Caterpillar engines.

. XI. Give test.


Included in tills unit:

idt. Objective sheet

B. Information sheet

C. Transparency masters

1. TM 1--Moving Parts in Nozzle

2.TM.2--NoZzle Valve Assembly

D. Job Sheets

1,Job Sheet #1--Remove, Service, and Test an Injection Nozzle'

2.Job Sheet #2-.-Install an Injection Nozzle

3.Job Sheet #3--Isolate a Faulty Injection Nozzle

° E. Test

F. Answers to test

239 256

II. References:

A. Toboldt, William k, Diesel Fundamentals, Service, Repaii. South Holland, I L: .Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc.; 1980.

B. Kates, Edgar J., and 1..uckMilliam E. Third.'Ecntion, Diesp! aPd High Com- pression Gas Engines. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1974.

C. Fundamentals of Service: Engines. Fifth Edition. Moline, IL: Deere and Company, 1980.

D. Robert Bosch Corporation Bulletin, No. 221103. 4131 A Directors Row, Houston, TX 77018.

E. Dagel, John F. Diesel Engine Repair. New York: John Wiley and Sons, teA Inc., 1982.

F. Foutes, William A. Diesel Engine Mechanics. Stillwater, OK: Mid-America Vocational:Curriculum Consortium, 1977. D:FS-257




I. Terms and definitions

A. Pintle-Valve in which tile end extends into a shank or pin

B. Orifice-Small hole

C. Injection nozzle-Nozzle, nozzle holder, valve, and spring assembly

D. Noae assembly--Valve, body, and spray valve

IC' Functions of injection nozzle

A. Atomizes the fuel for better combustion

B. Spreads the fuel spray to fully rhix with air

III. Moving parts (Transparency 1)

A. Valve

B. Spring # C. Spindle

D. Retainer

IV. Common types of nozzle valves (Transparency 2)

A. Single hole

B. Multiple orifice

Pintle type, sirde hole


'V. Nozzle characteristics (Traniparency 2)

A. Hole type-Used for engines with open combustion chambers

B. Pintle type (inward-opening)-Produces a hollow spray; used-for engines with precombustion chambers- or energy cells C. Pintle type (outward-openirig)--Does not dribble fuel; used for engines with precombustion chamber or energy cell

D. Multiple orifice--Variation of pintle type; holet havea tendency to clog . 258


INFORMATION SHEET , ., VI. Operation of jnjection nozzle .. * A.'Hydraulically operated by Nei delivered from the injection pump

B. Spring loaded valve is lifted allowing pressurized fuel tospray out through one or more orifices into combustion chamber

(NOTE: Some injection nozzles have adjustable valve lifts. Refer to manu- facturer's service manual.)

VI I. Adjustment of nozzle opening pressureAdjusted by a screw or shimson the valve spring (Transparency 1)




, Moving Parts In Nozzle Retaining Screw Fuel Leak-Off Retaining Screw Pressure Adjusting ( asket Protection Cap Screw.. Lift Adjusting Screw Gasket Protection Cap Pressure Sprinh Pressure Adjusting Spring Spring Adjusting Locating Clamp Retaining Cap Nut Fuel Inlet Nozzle Holder Body Nozzle Body Spindle Assembly

Nozzle Cap Nut Nozzle Gasket Nozzle Valve Dowel Pin

ADB Nozzle Assembly Seal ray Tip

K.) 01 244 co 243 - :

Nozzle VaveAssembly.

iI ;


Valve 4.1 Closed Qpen Fuel Duct OutwirdTOpe ni ng,

ifitle-Type. 9 Pressure Cnamber


,Pi ntle Orifice

Closed Open ; a I . K cn j n w a r d-0 pe n i n g r;) _. 243 Hole-Type 2'16 D:FS-263




J. Tools and materials

A. Nozzle tester

B. Appropriate service tool kit

C. Appropriate serveic manual

D. Saiety glisses

Il Kocedure

(NOTE: The job sheet detailed here is .6eneral; for specific installations and models, follow the specifications and procedures according to the enginemanu- facturer's instruction manual.)

(CAUTION: FPIlow all shop safety proceduids.)

A. RemoVe 'nozzle

1.Clean the' area around the nozzle

Reni9seirrefpi .the injection and leak-off lines

.3.Remove the nozzle from the engine

, (NOTE: Some nozzles may re'quirepial tools or procedures for

removal. See manufacturer's-seivice manual.) > , B. Clean nozzle.

1.Soak *tire nozzle asiembly in c.lean solvent orcalibration fluid after discarding outer seals




s. 7' 264


2.Clean and decarbon spray tip and nozzle body with a brass wire brush (Figure 1)

(NOTE:Never use emery cloth or steel wiretrush because the precision tip will be damaged.) fa FIGURE 1

C. Test nozzle

(NOTE: Allnozzles require careful handling a'nd a special tool kit to perform any service. When working on several nozzles, DONOTmix nozzle parts.)

1.Place nozzle into nozzle holder

2. ;lighten nozzle nut, first by hand, then with correct size wrench

3. Torque nozzle according to the values given by the engine manufac-. turer's specification

4.Connect the nozzle holder with the delivery line to the tester /1 D:FS-265


5.Enclose nozzle in transparent beaker, if possible (Figure 2)

(CAUTION: The fuel comes out of nozzle at extremely high-pressure which can penetrate clothing and skin and cause injury; always keep the nozzle pointed away from you or enclose in beaker.)


6`.Test for nozzle jamming by pressing hand lever of nozzle tester down quickly (6-8 times) with the pressure gauge bypassed

(NOTE: When Valve moves properly, the nozzle should chatter witha -shrill whistling buzz; an exception to the rule is the type nozzle with , one or two small spray holes that will not chatter when lever is operat- "ed quickly.) -

7.Open pressure gauge

.8.Depress hand lever slowly until the nozzle ejects with slight chatter ; 9. Take reading of opening pressuYe on the pressuregauge

(NOTE: .Adjust to opening pressure specifiedin the engine operating

I) instructions.)

0 ,) 2 4 9

b 266 _

...0 JOB SHEET 4111

10.Turn adjusting screw, (Figure 3), or change total shim thickness (Figure 4), if reading differs from gpecified opening pressure

(NOTE: Ofiening pressure is not adjusted by shims on all models.)



D. Test leakage-Operate the hand lever of the nozzle tester until the pointer on the pressure gauge indicates 285 psi below the specified 'opening pressure

(NOTE: The nozzle is considered leakproof if no oil emerges at the nipple tip within 10 seconds.)

2 . D:FS-267 4



I. Tools and materials

Ir) A. Basic

B. -Appropriate service manual

C. Cleaning solvent

D. Torque wrerich

E.; Typical thols as requ'ired


(CAUTCON: Follow all shop safety procedures.)

A. Clean nozzle in diesel fuel

B. Clean area around nozzle (seat or bore)

C. Clean nozzle tube of any foreign material

D. Install new seal washer

E. Place nozzle carefully in cylinder head

F..Tighten nozzle hold-down bolts evenly

G. Torque nozzle bolts or nuts to manufacturer's specifications

H. Connect fuel lines to injector

I. Torque fuel lines to Manufacturer's specifications

(CAUTION: Do not overtighten fuel line(s] as this will damage fuel line.) D:FS-269



I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tools

B. Appropriate service manual

C. Remote tachometer

D. Clean diesel fuel

E. Clean shop towels

F. Safety glasses r I I. Procedure ..

. (CAUTION: Follow all shop safety pr:Ocedures.)

A. Disconnect tach drive cable ..

B. Connect remote tachometer

C. Start the engine

D. Loosen injector line on #1 cylinder

(NOTE: Fuel flow should be evident.)

E. Listen fqr a change in engine speed, and watchtachometer for an rpm drop

(NOTE: An injector that is operating correctlywill cause an rpm drop in engine; refer to manufacturer's specificationsfor the 'correct amount.)

F. Repeat for each cylinder

G. Remove and repair any fauity nozzles


252 , D:FS-271 ,




1.Match the terms on the right with their-correct definitions. _ 4. =-,a. Valve irf which the end extends intoa shank 1.Orifice orpin 2.Injection nozzle b. Small hole 3: Pintle r c.Nozzle,nozzleholder,valve, and spring C----assembly 4.Nozzle assembly d. Valve, body, and spray valve

2.List two functions of an injection nozzle.



3.Name four moving parts in an injection nozzle.

a. MI , b. I



4. Name three common types of nozzlevalves.




5.Match the types of nozzles on the right with their characteristics.

a.Usedfor engineswith open combustion 1.Pintle type chambers (outward-opening) b. Produces a, hollowspray; used for engines 2.Multiple with- precombustionchambers or energy cells orifice c.Does not dribblefuel;used for engines 3.Pintle type with precombustionchamber or energy cell (inward-opening) 4.Hole type d. Variation of pintletype; holes have a ten- dency to clog

I 253 272. -

6.Select true statements concerning the operation of an injection nozzle by placingan "X" in the appropriate blanks. p

a.H.ydraulically operated by fuel delivered from the injection pump

b. Spring loaded valve is lifted allowing pressurized fuel to spray out through one or more orifices into combustion chamber

7.Explain how the nozzle opening pressure is adjusted.

8.Demonstrate the ability to: ,. a. Remove, service, and test an injection nozzle.,

b. Install an injection nozzle. e c. Isolate a faulty injection nozzle.

(NOTE: If these activities have not been accomplished prior to the test, askyour instructor when they should be completed.)






a. 3 b. 1 C. 2 d. 4

2. a. Atomizes the fuel for better combustion b. Spreads the fuel spray to fully mix with air

3.a. Valve b. Spring c. Spindle d. Retainer

-1/ 4.a. Single hole b. Multiple orifice . c. Pintle type, single hole

5.a. 4 . b. 3 * c., 1 d. 2 ..

6..a, b

7,Adjusted by a screw-or shims on the valvespring

8.Performance skills evaluated to the satisfaction of the instructor




\ - .


25-5 D:FS-275



After completion of this unit, the student should be able to discuss the operation of the governor on load increase and load decrease and distinguish between a mechanical and hydraulic governor. The student should also be able to ddmonstrate the ability' to adjust a limiting speed mechanical governor and injector rack control. This knowledge will be ,/' evidenced by correctly performing the procedures outlined in the job sheet and by scoring 85 percent on the unit test.


After completion of this unit, the student should be able to:

1.Match terms related to governors with their correct definitions.

2.List three purposes of a governor.

3.Name two basic types of governors using flyweights.

4.Distinguish between a mechanical governor and a hydraulic governor. * 5.Name two types of mechanical governors.

6.Name two types of hydraulic governors.

7.Match the kinds of governors with-their special functions.

/ 8.Match the types of governors with their characteristics.

9.Select true statements concerning the operation of the governor on load increase.

10.Complete a list irf statements concerning the operation of the governor on load .. decrease. . .

11.Identify the position of flyweights for load increase or decrease.

12.Complete a list of characteristics of an isochronous governor.

13.Select true statements concerning characteristics of a, limiting speed mechanical governor.

14.Demonstrate the ability to adjust a limiting speed mechanical governor and injector rack control. , _

2 5 6 z D:FS-277



I. ProvIde student with objective sheet.

II. Provide student with information andlob shebts.

Make transparencies.

IV. Discuss unit and specific objectives.

V. Discuss information sheet.

VI. Demonstrate and discuss the procedure the jc5b sheet.

VII. Make a display of different types of governors.

VIII. Show a film on setting a GM governor.

IX. Denionstrate the weight overcoming the spring and iti effect.

X. Give test.


I. Included in this unit:

A. Objective sheet

B. Information sheet

C. Transparency masters

1. TM 1--Schematic of Govenors

- 2. TM 2--Limiting Speed Mechanical Governor

3. TM 3--Variable Speed Mechanical Governor

4. TM 4--Operation of Variable Speed Mechanical Governor-Stages 1 arid 2

5. TM 5-Operation of Variable Speed Mechanical Governor-Stages 3 anci 4--

6. TM 6-Norlisochronous Governor

7. TM 7--Isochronous Governor

8. TM 8--Governor Operation

257_ 278

D. Job Sheet #1--Adjust a Limiting Speed Mechanical Governor and Injector Rack Control

E. Test

F. Answers to test


A. Kates, Edgar J., and Luck, William E. Diesel and High Compression Gas Engines. Third Edition. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1974.

B. Fundamentals of Service: Engines. Fifth Edition. Moline, IL: Deere and Company, 1980.

C. Toboldt, William K..Diesel Fundamentals, Service, Repair. South Holland, IL: Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc., 1980.

D. Dagel, John F. Diesel Engine Repair. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1982.

E. Foutes, Williarn A. Diesel Engine Mechanics. Stil lwater,'OK: Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, 1977.


0 D:'FS-279



I. Terms and definitions

A. Governor--Device that controls gine speed automaiically by varying fuel supply en

B. Speed..drift--Gradual deviation of the governed speed above or below the des?led speed

C. Speed droop--Change in,governor rotating speed which causes the governor's fuel control rod to move from fullclosed to full-open throttle position or vice versa

D. Dead band--Change in speed the engine must make before the governor will make a corrective movement of the throttle

(NOTE: Dead band is sometimes called sensitivity.) . . Hunting--Oscillations in speed due,to over-correction by governor

(NOTE: Hunting is sometimes called surging or rolling.).

F. Servomotor--Piston moved by fluid under pressure

G. Isochronous--Holds ,engine speed within 1% of rated load rpm; eliminates speed droop

H. Flyweights--Centrifugal ball he cr.irloy'ng in a circular path

(I. Purposes of a governor

A. Maintains a selected speed

B. Limits the sloW and fast speed

, C. Shuts down engine when it over-speeds , III.. Basic types of gdvernors using flyweights

A. Mechanical

B. Hydraulic

IV. Mechanical 'and hydraulic goverrfor differences (Transparency 1)

A, Mechanical governor uses mechanical linkage to change engine fuel control

B. Hydraulic governor uses hydraulic power to change engine fuel control

259 280


V. Types of mechanical governors (Transparencies 2, 3, 4, and .5)

A. -Limiting speed

B. Variable speed

VI. Types of hydraulic governors (Transparencies 6 and 7)

A. Permanent spe droop

(NOTE: Speed dop is applied to prevent hunting.)

B. Temporary speed droop

(NOTE: Speed droop is applied and then withdrawn so governor becomes isochronous.)

VII. Governors and their special functions

A. Variable speedMaintain& any selected engine speed

1, B. Over-speed--A safety device which shuts down the engine in case it runs too fast

C:*Loadlimitin2--L'imit§ the !pad to prevent overloading the engine at.whatever speed it may be running . ) D. ,Load control--Adjusts the amount of load applied to engine to suit the speed at which -it is set to run

VIII. Characteristics of mechanical and hydraulic governors


1. Has largeaeaci bands

2.Power is small_j c

3.Unavoidable speed droop

B. Hydraulic

1. Is not isochronous

2.Speed droop is not convenient to adjust

(NOTE: Speed droop must be applied and then withdrawn to become an isochronous hydraulic governor.)

(> '23 ^4,

3r- 4 D:FS,281 , r


c' 37 ' twoRro'd-fioN " SHEET cs Operation of.governor on load-increase (Transparency d) a (NOTE: Engine speed decreases as load increases.) ,.:,.....,..,

A. iY-Inieights.rotate sG;ver , , J

7 .B.-.. Speeder spring 'forces overtorne of flyweigllAs

Speeder rod moyesidown6 open fuel valve to increase fuel ,, c ,1- , Operation df governorron load,decrease (Transparency 2-)

, ..,. ., ,- ) .(N.0`TE: Ecigine sp'eed increases avlqad decreases.) ) ,._ ,, , . N,...,,,z.- , .., ,..)0k. Flyiyeidhts rotate faster .. . , , :, ,.- ;, ,....,. - ,,

B. Spea-der spring force'is overcoMe by cenrifugal force of fiyyveighs_ . . . .. ,. "3> 1;1 Speeder roil rnoveS:up'forcfnfciel va'ivato, close :._ .. .:. .. - ;.,,,- ... Posit(on ctf flyvVeightsVransparency 8).,- Ac-

. . ...:..,,_, LoacilincreSse-F-lyweights I , , ; B. Load clecrease-fly4ighfs move but ( ...... :., ; , . ._ Charctaeristics of an isochroribus goVernor. ---,. ylaintains constant speedwithoutfpnimg: 4 B. Speed droo-P is temporary., (NOTE: SpeeddrOop is employed to,give sfabillty 41ile fUel is being Corrected, ancrapeeddrodci is remOved-as engine responds to fue( charage.) C, gnaractellsticinf a limitit6 sPeed mechanical gdyernipc (rrapiparency 2)

II- A.'Controls engine idle speed., ' rz:

B. Limimaximuni operating Speed- _

C. Can:have singte or.dc4ble

--.!).- r 3:- n

, -

(J. ' '


rot.. , .e> e > er ) s3, . ,--))

f:: ;-*/ - . : p.


; Schematic of G-overnors

) Ldad DecreaSeon Hydraulic Governor -MeChinieal Governor )

, , mreased Fuel 4.0 Loh i T hrot ti e

Oil Supply

Fuel Control, Valve . -

4 Fuel to,Engine .1K Power Piston FueI pilot (Redued) Valve '\Drain

263' 0 :11 C/) fJ 0. CO CA)

/ D: FS-285 .-

Limiting Speed MechanicalGovernor

Speed Stop ContrOl Lever Lever Operating Return Shaft Spring Lever Spring Gap Retainer Adjusting Washe Screw Differential Upper Lever _Bearing

Spacer Operating - Weight . Shaft Assembly Werght Shaft. 4S41/40i..N.gial Bearing 11111117411 IVBearing II',14rilRetaining Bolt Weight gliall Shaft ow. Housing Plug i...... *4 F.rk 4 T Riser Riser Thrust .Bearing

CrossSection of Single Weight LimitingSpeed Mechanical Governor

TM 2 - D:FS-287

Variable Speed Mechanical Governor

- Robert Bosch ,----. A Set Screw Adjusting Screw (Spindle) for Full Load Quantity Set Screw for Slope Full Load Stop with Torque-Cams, Change of the e-, Torque Cam Link (Spring-Loaded for Rocker Governor Cover Tension) Control Rod of the Injection Pump Set Screw for Rocker

Adjusting Nut

Control. Lever ...

so *Govdrnor.Springs / Return Spring of the "S" Plate

Guide Block

Fulcrum Lever Governor Housirig A Bushing

.., Sliding Block


Flyikeight,BeU Sliding Bolt' Guide Lever


Courtesy of Robert Bosch , I

2 6 b- TM 3 (

Operation of Variable Speed Mechanical Governor ,

Stages land '2,




, 1. 'Start .Position. 2. Full-Load Quantity at Low Revolutional Speed. Start of the Torque Control.

1 K Courtesy of Robert Bosch .I. 266 Operation of Variable Speed Mechanical Governor

Stages 3 and 4

3. Full-Load Quantity at Moderate Speed. 4. Maximum Full Load Rotation Speed.

, Reversal -of Torque Control. End of Torque Control . . _ ,, (Dashed Lines=Break-Away). --I g Courtesy of Robert Bosch 01 ' 26a Nonisochronous Governor

Speed Droop Fuel Control Shaft Pin, Speed-Droop Lever Floating LeverA.

Speeder Spring

Fuel Control' Speeder Lever Speed Adjusting Ball-Arm. Spring Power Piston Shaft (Fixed) Supply of Oil Power 4eall-Arm Flyweight Under Piston 111 Pilot-Valve .Plu er Pressurer Trapped Fuel Oil Pressure Oil Pilot-Valve Control Pilot Valve Plunger Valve Bushing Fuel to Engine Reduced) Fuel Regulating Port Supply Effect of Load Decrease on Hydraulic Gear Pump Governor With Speed-Droop Lever To Engine Sump

2 t.,(1 27u w...i-r., -no -ay.-it illM,...,...... ,..,,,,...36.,...,-,,.r r 3+,...0. .a.. ..",

Isochropous Governor

-4-- Reduce Droop increase Droop--0-, .O.PAnr. 4E- Speed-Droop I :-..... __, Lever Pivot Pin' __ _,.... -,- 0 -:- Speed-Droop Cam ....:_ . _;.. I

Spedl-Droop Lever Provides

Adjustable 'Permanent . Speed-Droop in Isochronous Hydraulic Governors


rki 27 )

C f` Governor Operation ' - ) b Load Decreases,, Load Increases, . - ErAine Speed Decreases Engine Speed Increases 6 -Flyweights Rotate Flyweights Rotate Slower, Faster


Fuel Flow Increased ruel FlOw Decreas6d

Increased Load Decreased Load

Operation of Centrifugai"Governor D:FS-299



I. Tools and materials

A. Basic hand tool set

B. Appropriate service manual

C.:Clean shop towels

,II. Procedure .

4. (CAUTION: Follow all shop safetypro'cedures.)

A. Adjust limiting speed mechanical governor and injector rack control

(NOTE: These procedures should be completed after adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel injectors.)

1.Adjust governor gap--Single weight governor

a. Start engine and bring to operating temperature

b. Stop engine

c. Loosen the lever and disconnedt the fuel modulator, the power control device, the load limiting device, or the air cylinder link, if- the engine is so equipped <

d. Remove the two attaching bolts

e. Withdraw the governor high speed spring retainer cover -


2 300


f. Back out the buffer screw until it extends approximately 5/8k from the locknut (Figure 1)


Fuel Rod

Buffer Screw

g. Start the engine

h. Loosen the idle speed adjusting screw locknut

i. Adjust the idle.screw tor-obtain the desired idle weed

the screw and tighten *the locknut to retain the adjustment

(NOTE: The recommended idle speed is 556rpm for single weight governors but may vary with special engine applications.) 4 k. Stop the engine

I. Remoife the governor cover and lever assembly m. Clean and remove the valve, rocker cover n. Remove the fuel rod from the differential lever and the injector control tube lever

0 2 71'1 , 4 I D:FS-301


o. Check the gap between the low speed spriA cap and the high speed spring plunger with gauge (Figure 2)


Spring Cap


,. Adjusting Screw 6 Lock hut -FIGURE 2

i Spring Plunger I ..---- p. Loosen the locknut and turn the gap adjusting screw until a slight drag is felt on the gauge, if required

q. Hold the adjusting screw

r. Tighten the locknut

s. Recheck the gap and readjust if necessary , t. Install the fuel rod between the governor and injector control tube lever

u. Install the governor cover and lever assembly

2.Adjust governor gap on a double weight governor

a. Start engine

b. Bring t6 operating temperature

, c. Stop engine

d. Remove the two attaching bolts

e. Withdraw the governor high speed spring retainer cover

f. Back out the buffer screw untilit extends approximately 5/8" from the locknut (Figure 1)

g. Start the engine .. ,t4 - I 302


h. Loosen the idle speed adjusiingscrew locKnut (Figure 3) FIGURE 3

Idle Scre

Idle Speed Locknut

-i. Adjust the screw to obtain the desired idlespeed

j. Hold the screw and tighten the locknutto retain the adjustment

(NOTE: The recommended idle speed is450 rpm for double weight goveinors, but mayvary with speciarengine applications.)

k. Stop the engine

I. Remove the governor cover and leverassembly

m. Clean and remove the valve rockercover

n. Remove the fuel rod from the differentiallever and the injector control tube lever

o. Start ancl;run the engine between 800and 1000 rpm by manual the control tubejever

(CAUTION: Do Rot overspeed the engine.)

273 .. 4 D:FS-303


p. Check the gap between the low speed spring cap and the high speed plunger with a .0015" feeler gauge (Figure 3)

(NOTE: If the gap setting is incorrect,loosen the locknut and adjust the gap adjusting screw.)

q. Hold the gap adjusting screw

r. Tighten the locknut

s. Recheck the governor gap

t. Stop the engine

u. Install the fuel rod between the differential lever and the control tube lever

v. Install the governor cover and lever assembly

B. Position injectorrack control levers

'1.Disconnect any linkage attached to the governor speed control lever

2.Loosen the idle speed adjusting screw locknut

3.Back out the idle speed adjusting screw until 1/2" of the threads project from the locknut when the nut is against the high speed plunger

4.Loosen all of the inner and outer injector rack control lever adjusting screws

(NOTE: On engines equipped with a yield link type fuel rod, attacha small "C" clarnp at the shoulder of the rod to prevent the yield spring from con)pressing while adjusting the injector rack control levers.)

. 5.Move the,governor speed control lever to the full-fuel position '

6.Hold the lever.irpthat position with a light finger pressure

7. Turn the inner adjusting screw on the no. 1 injector rack controllever down until a slight movement of the controt tube is obserVedor a step up in effort is noted

(NOTE: This will place the no. 1 injector rack in the full.fuel:posifton.)

8.Turn the outey _adrusting screw dawnunI it bottorriS hghtIyon the injector control tube

2 D:FS-305




1.Match-the terms on the right with their correct definitions.

a.Device that controls engine speed automatic- 1.Speed drift ally by varying fuel supply 2.Governor b. Gradualdeviationofthe governed speed above or below the desired speed 3.Isochronous c.Changeingovernor rotating speed which causes the governor's fuel control rod to move 4.Hunting' from full-closed to full-open throttle position or vice versa 5: Servomotor

d. Changeinspe-edtheengine must make 6.Dead band before the governor will Make a corrective movement of the throttle 7.Speed droop e.Oscillations in speed due to over-correction by governor 8.Flyweights

f.Piston moved by fluid under pressure

g.Holds engine speed within 1% of rated load rpm; eliminates speed droop

h.Centrifugal ball head moving in a circular path

2.List three purposes of a governor.



-3.Nagle two basic types.of governors using flyweights.



4.Distinguish between a mechatiical governor and a hydraulic governor.

, 4

; .28i 306

5. Name twO types of mechanical governors.



6. Name two types of hydraulic governors.



7.Match the kinds of governors on the right with their speciarfunctions.

a.Maintains any selected engine speed 1.Over-speed

b. A safety device which shuts down the engine 2.Load control in case it runs too fast 3. Load limiting c.Limits the load to prevent overloading the engine at whatever speed it may be running 4.Variable speed d. Adjusts the amount of load applied to engine to suit the speed at which Ftis set to run 8.Match the types of governors on the right with their characteristics. A

a. Has large dead bands 1.Mechanical

b. Speed droopisnot convenient to adjust 2.Hydraulic Oir

c.Unavoidable speed droop

d.Is not isochronous

e.Power is small

_ 9.Select true statements concerning the operation of thegovernor on load increase by placing an 11411 in the appropriate blanks.

a. Flyweights rotate faster a

b. Speeder spring forces overcome centrifugal force offlyweights

c. Speeder rod moves down to open Juel valve to increase fuel A 10, Complete the fpllowing list of statements concerningthe operation of the governor on load deceease. 0

a. Flyweights rotate

b. Speeder spring force isovercome by centrifugal furceof flyweights

c. Speeder rod nioyes up forcing 11. Identify the position of flyweights for load increase or decrease by writing Figure 1 or Figure 2 in the appropriate blanks. ,

a. Load increase to- b. Load decrease Increased Centrifugal Force

Spring Force (Increased)

Higher Speed Normal Speed Reduced Centrifuol Force I!Reduced Centrifigal Force

FIGURE2 Spring Force °Lfteei° (Reduced)

Higher Speed Normal Speed Lower Speed

12.Complete the followihg,list of characterisitics of an isochronous governor.

4 a. Maintains constant speed without hunting


-613.Select true statements concerning characteristics of a limiting speed mechanical gover- nor.

a.Controls engine idle spee-d-

b.Limits maximum operating speed

c.Can, have 8 or 10 weights

14.Demons,trate the ability to adjust a limiting speed mechanical governor and injector , rack controj.

(NOTE: If this activity has not been accomplished prior to the test, ask your instructor when it should be completed.) -

4 coo.

1 D:FS-309



1.a. 2 e. 4

y b. 1 ier f. 5 c. 7 9., 3 d. 6 h. 8

2.a. Maintains a selected speed b. Limits the slow and fast speed c. Shuts down engine when it over-speeds

3.a. Mechanical b. Hydraulic

4.Mechanical governor uses mechanical linkage and hydraulicgovernor uses hydraulic power to change engine fuel`control

5. a. Limiting speed b. Variable speed

6.a. Permanent speed droop b. Temporary speed droop

`7.a. 4 b. 1 c. 3 d, .2

8.a. 1 d. 2

b. 2 e. 1

c. 1

9:b, c

10.a. Faster c: Fuel valve to close

11.s igure 2 b. Figure 1 `. 12.b. Speed droop is temporary

13.a, b _ 4:Performance skills evaluated to the satisfaction of the instructor