A Lowell Tax Rate Held at 8 Mills
« a as v> from The lated • ing, ^ Established June. 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 25. 1957 Number I dairy tionr UP' Set Budget for Coming Year Home Demonstration lr8 Wescott Wont to Trove! West Come Home With a Fist Full of Ribbons Week April 28-Moy4 Charles HacFariaoe '> - But No Money ? Enjoy Lowell Tax Rate Held at 8 Mills - Accepts Job as Mason Travelog Tonight Area Offers Do Well at Caledonia | Women play a vital role in main- Stricken Monday Village Hostess Ever want to visit the beautiful j WiH Cover Street Repair Work t it Marian Wescott of 319 North national parks of the great North-j Southeast District Achievement Day hem s0,v ,he fm)b erT of ,ho A special meeting of the village i the village for the year was set j ' i f ' J^ At Flour MiU west, the Black Hills. Feton, Mt.. ,\rra 4H club members came [Garry Schmidt earned white rib- famil nrd st. has accepted the job as Lowell council on Monday night set the at 175.300 about 20 per cent higher, y «>"-"unity Homo de- Rainier. \ ellowstone, G 1 a c 1 e r. home, from Caledonia Saturday, bons. monstration work is designed to Village Hostess, replacing Glad village tax rate for 1»57 at 8 than the previous year. Bergin who is retiring because of OKropia Crater Lake and other April'20. aftor the twtwiay South- Mra E. Wlckstead. club loader f meet that need, declares Eleanor! mills, the same as the 1956 ra r. breathtaking nature miracles ol put r let Achiovement of the Sore Thumbers, stated her William Jones, chairman of the Dens mo re, county home demon- commitments which she has made rilst 4n The budget for the operation of finance committee, listed the fol- for the coming months.
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