« a as v> from The lated • ing, ^ Established June. 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 25. 1957 Number I dairy tionr UP' Set Budget for Coming Year Home Demonstration lr8 Wescott Wont to Trove! West Come Home With a Fist Full of Ribbons Week April 28-Moy4 Charles HacFariaoe '> - But No Money ? Enjoy Lowell Tax Rate Held at 8 Mills - Accepts Job as Mason Travelog Tonight Area Offers Do Well at Caledonia | Women play a vital role in main- Stricken Monday Village Hostess Ever want to visit the beautiful j WiH Cover Street Repair Work t it Marian Wescott of 319 North national parks of the great North-j Southeast District Achievement Day hem s0,v ,he fm)b erT of ,ho A special meeting of the village i the village for the year was set j ' i f ' J^ At Flour MiU west, the Black Hills. Feton, Mt.. ,\rra 4H club members came [Garry Schmidt earned white rib- famil nrd st. has accepted the job as Lowell council on Monday night set the at 175.300 about 20 per cent higher, y «>"-"unity Homo de- Rainier. \ ellowstone, G 1 a c 1 e r. home, from Caledonia Saturday, bons. monstration work is designed to Village Hostess, replacing Glad village tax rate for 1»57 at 8 than the previous year. Bergin who is retiring because of OKropia Crater Lake and other April'20. aftor the twtwiay South- Mra E. Wlckstead. club loader f meet that need, declares Eleanor! mills, the same as the 1956 ra r. breathtaking nature miracles ol put r let Achiovement of the Sore Thumbers, stated her William Jones, chairman of the Dens mo re, county home demon- commitments which she has made rilst 4n The budget for the operation of finance committee, listed the fol- for the coming months. our own Imted States. Show with their fis!> full »l nl>- ^nmp could not have done so well stration agent. v...... u 1 1 r. 1 These scenes, in beautiful color. hn « lowing Itemized budget for the 0 0, n without the holp of Paul Smith, In ooservance of National Home! .""u ", , " " •'"."'f ^ win be your, durlnc onr n( .h. """ 1957 year: week end. April 26 and instmctor at Alto School. He was $ 8 000 Demonstration Week, April 28-May! Ruj WoMolt, > vMi-rin.rl.ii ».lh mm.los t0 ^ sh,„vn at ,h|, Thi General Officers ; «*• MicWgan Agricultural d'-P'm- Runclmim Eie^tarj, bul|dlng to-i«. County show is beii.ii h.M.^ry bolpM i„ niving ^valuaM. Police Department 14 000 4- Miss Densmore explains that the; firnn( Rn i(i5i nM s,a c< •yDP l Kent County program offers the ment. and who works as area su- ni . ,Thursday! at 7 30 n m > P Lee hlghl ' »» ': ^ "^rse, she doesn t Police Dept. Capital Exp. penisor out of Grand Rapids. Dr. school, and aU blue-ribbon «rti.|uan» forget to mention that 'he ' newest reliable Information on; ... . j.i' Th's program is being sponsored Fire Department 6.00U children's parents were also very foods and nutrition, clothing, hous- and Mrs. Wescott moved to Lo-:, thr M ^ R . ^ be exhibited thore A Water Works Bonds 2.700 well in January of this year. lArch , The othoi ^ "bare of them will l»e from cooperative. Miscellaneous 6.000 ing. home furnishings, household equipment, home management, Mrs. Bergln, Lowells first vil- rnovle will bo about tho lumber|'^s 'ocahty. •lolly llustlcr^ City Hall 3.500 health and safety, child care and lage hostess, has worked in this industry, salmon fishing, Irriga- Sore Thumb Club The Jolly Hustlers club wore .Band 500 Lowell will be visited by the development, family relationships, prnjet R coun,r nnd Library 1,500 J ' >' | Alto 411 workers. memi»ors of "nwing the many club* around Lo- Wholesale Department of the family economics, good business wc,, ,0 shmv ,hor Sanitation 7.000 She stated she wished to ki^e viows of San Francisco and Sall||hc Soj-p Thumb Club aro well- P winter pro- Grand Rapids Chamber of Com- practices, marketing and consumer Parks 2.000 omotme ebc ..an. opportunity to "d y I, f.nri.spntort in; thlho bliio ribbon do(,t-w J^ctjectss exhibitsexhihiis.. Therllieree loaderloaderss araree merce when they make their an- buying and public affairs. Mrs Frank Contingency Fund 2.400 . ^Portjnt civic work, which nnd industry in Michigan's Upp»'r panmont- George Dewey Russell Transue, Mrs. Vomon naul tour in May. They plan to Home demonstration work is an m n Uo >hmvn Street Department 21.000 • vCr. r r»ln ^ " ** GeWerama. Jem Up^comb. Mar- Preston, Richard Stuart and June stop here Wednesday morning. educational program planned by . ki r venture when e^-| r^twin P. Peterson of Greenville Rittor nnii ;in<, nan Preston. Jr Leader. 1 May 15, nmving at 8:30 a. m., homemakers and conducted by the tahllshed five years ago, the vil-|[s the narrator, and background >rjn„,irr Total 175.300 lon Ratings are as follows: 1st yenr and will leave at 9:15, according Cooperative Extension Service of lage hostess welcon.es each new mUsjc wU, ^ p,aypd lUlrinf: the th" '"nii,r Anticipated revenues for the h to 20 clothing Gay Carey. Donna Kel- to a letter from Edwin M. Dura ml, family which makes Lowell its showing of tho L.panoramaJ . » ^ P Pn coming year were estimated as the U. S. Department of Agricul- Red ribbons were won by tho ley- Barbara Kinsley. A's; 2nd business service secretary of the ture, the land grant colleges and homo, With her she carries gifts Br Pa,ri follows: Children as well as adults should f0iivvninK ^ Thumb club mem- y* cia Kinsley B; Gretchen Chamber, mailed to Board of from local manufacturers and gift- Sales Tax $17,350.00 universities' (Michigan State Uni- thoroughly enjoy this travelog, ] ^. DrMg o^p^n Donn.s Hess H Patty Kclley A; June Trade President David Coons. versity) and the county govern- Charles A. MacFarlane of 9850 certificates from merchants, en- Prvs,on Intangible Tax, Liquor says Emil Nelson, worshipful ma».|Tom. Dintnmfin Kathy Dewey and « «othine 6th year. A. They wart to \1Mt with Lowon Foreman rd.. night miller at the couraging the new family to use ter of Lowell Masonic Lodge. Tax and Fines 9.000.00 ments. Gift Project: Patty Kelley A. King Milling Company, suffered a Lowell products and take advan- merchants and friend*, who we Lee Fund Income 4,000.00 Patricia Kinsley B. June Preston heart attack at the flour mill tage of the services of Lowell bus- expect will be on hand to greet Tax Carry-over 18.569.05 A. More Grass Fires! Monday morning, about 11 o'clock. inesses. • Twas a Blue. Blue Tuesday! the cavalcade at It arrives In Miscellaneous 1,500.00 Gun Safety: Kim and Cy Floyd town. Forty-five minutes Isn't Two grass fires kept the I/well "Mac" was on the fourth floor Merchants nnd Manufacturers B, Danny Huver C: June Preston. volunteer firemen bopping Sunday. when stricken. Access to this part have kept the plan "alive" five very long, but Lowell b a small Total $50,419.05 East and Rockford 5~ill •he Day Ty Wessell. Frank Transue all The first one at the Clarence of the mill Is only made by a one- years because it Is a worthwhile ! earned A's. Must Raise IIIJM Meeuwsen place. Grand River man lift or a winding stairway. So, way to advertise their wares. Handicraft: Gretchen Wessell A. The village has a carry-over of Drive west of towyi, sent the fire after the resuscltaior was applied, Mrs. Bergln states that she always For Arrows in Track, Ball and Tennis Ty Wessell B, Frank Transue B. $6,000 from 1956 which makes It trucks out about 12:15 in the early and he had received medical at- found that the "service" of the Tuesday was blue for Arrow put and in the 100, 220, and 440:panny Huver B Tomodo Alert! necessary to raise about $19,000 village hostess has always been aftemoon^nd at 4:20 an alarm tention by a local physician. It was sports as all three spring sports yard dashes. in Personal Account Classlflca- In taxes to finish out the 1957 year. At noon Wednesday the Lowell came from the Tadman farm very well received, and that she took defeats. Hurdler Len Fase just missed altion Frank Transue earned an A. A tax rate of 8 mills will raise be- had many letters and phone calls Police received a tornado alert (former Althaus place) on Fore- The Arrow track squad bowed conference and two school records Iir>v . . tween $36 and $38 thousand, half DIES NOON WEDNESDAY from newcomers thanking her for pp warning for this area. In time man road. to tho defending conference as his times were 15.9 for highs I „ - L of which can be used this year. calling on them. to notify the nohools, and (tend Another-alarm at 2:30 Saturday Mr. McFarlane died shortly after champs East Grand Rapids by a and 21 flat for lows ' Happy Workers 4-H club Without increasing taxes the , Mrs. Wescott will be calling on ulrmbors of Ada also d d W(,u the chlldn* home by bus. The afternoon sent the firemen out noon Wednesday at Butterworth count of 67's to 41's. The victors Lowell's freshmen relay tCam t ' ^ council plans to resurface villaRe l/N^H merchants and business a, l H,0 ,a Telegram from the State Police, M-91. north, but directions were swept all three places in the shot (e. Miller. Byrnes. Walling, Kau- rf^ ' " er0 hospital. Since arriving there Mon- emanating from the Detroit U. 8. streets at a cost of $15 000 ^ | not" clear 'and The7irt:n7n"tJrned day morning his condition had been places to Introduce herself to them, field* was victorious with a time of ^:tna Fa^ won a ribt)0ni Is some money available for new back; was a car „ ovcr in and has already assumed the du- Weathor Bureau, reads as fol- grave, and he remained on the 1:45 8 just 2.9 seconds off the con- ^ ^ ribbons were earned by construction so this project may Ionia c ncar tho Sam ^ ties of Lowell village hostess at D nBoer J critical list. Wednesday was his Mrs. C. J. Ptoce Dies Terence record set by Lowell last ^ J - erUynn Brian and include a block or two of new' once. senson Judy Summers. The girls earned Tornado and severe thunder j mers farm In Keene township. The birthday. He was 65. blacktop. Eorty Mondoy Morning h ir storms into Lower Peninsula. Belding department answered the Tho Arrow diamond squsquai d was ' ?. ribbons for their dresses. Have StO.OOO For hc Thunder storms now developing alarm, and put out the fire. Mrs. Fannie Carpenter Place, nipped 2 to 1 by the Rockford:1 ...j . ' Photograph1-y. r>categor y Sewer, Water necessary to fashion a make-shift r, n ny non a In central lower peninsula. It Is Teaches Cubs 79. passe1 d awav at 3 o'clock Mon- Rams. The tennis team lost 1-1 to • ^ ,, !* - ^ ^r nd The council anticipates that r_M^r 1 • I. .u_ -r 1 .u- d Juhe Frahm all won blue nbbor?. expected to spread this afternoon "stretcher" from a straight-back day morning, at the Lhome of her the Ram netters. about $20,000 will be available for i rO""®' LOWCII rOSTOr Mrs. Gerald Brian is the adftlt Increasing in intensity with tor- 1 chair and four men managed to Authentic Dance sewor and water construction this Wifl Enter Cloric Home daughter. Mrs. John Panney. 209 (inuulville Friday leader of this group. nadoes and severe thunder storms get hkn down the stairway to the Brook st.. Lowell. Mrs. Place, the year. Projects that are most ur-j ^ , lower floors so thai he could be Continuing their schedule after In central lower Michigan unUI gent will be done. In line with need Dr- Co<;11 E- Pollock, pastor of Of Indian Tribe wife of a Lowell building wircon- , „ j rii . mr* rushed by Roth ambulance to But- 6:00 p. m. E. S. T. from a line and greatest number of customers Lowil and \ergennes Motho- When the Lowell Cub Scouts ST fJ-tZZT bwna—"a S£th^ Thirty-Nino Entor from Travene City to Port Huron dlst churches from 1941 to 1948, Is terworth hospital. meet Thursday evening (toniRht) served. Although "Mac" is In charge of and South-Southwest. entering the hospital section of the for their monthly pack meeting, — "ore hold Grandvilo Bull Friday, M-Talen, Exhibit The council will make a survey the flour mill operations during the 26th. Clark Memorial Home in Grand two bears. Rick Bos won h and to determine what streets will be night, he was working different Rapids this week. Gene Boyce, both age 9. will stage i>»woii Hiah considered for sewer and water hours Monday because of a change Dr. Pollock has been in a Lan- an authentic dance which Ameri- l Mac Raymor construction. of shifts for Easter Sunday. He iTs tl Tmirtem»!i't''i ''in Oak Al,rU "h"0opposition will hv May 3 marks the opening ol the sing hospital for some time fol- can Indian warriers call "The tolerrow is in Oak- , vmm. at the has been employed by King Mill by (rom 1K; You h Taltm lowing a severe stroke. Brave's First Hunt". u c 6 Dies Wednesday ZONING BOARD MKET8 .. ni.. i^«, ,,.10 Rockford who are in a rebuild-1Grand Rapids Museum. Opening since June of 1932. They have been working very Vergennes Township Zoning William McKlnley "Mac" Ray- hard for this program which clo- ,8^l„ ^Y^.e T ,nVi"« ^ ^ "' -"t'/TTnlr h^'k S Boarvl will meet at Vergennes NOTICE r,, -jo 3:30. 11 ;30 p. m. and checks will be mor. 69. of 121 S. Jefferson, passed Mrs. Newmon Dies; ses a month of activity by all cub acr UOre rn e ,n Th,s 1 Town Hall Friday. April 26. at ' ^ , A^i! o Rth (thui. Saturday. Aprir l 27. several awarded to the first prize winners, away Wednesday morning about 8 Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting scouts on the study of the Indian toskev. ann on Apn! Jbtn the tender age of 12. while a scout ca ,ured S,N fn!,ts and are six sons. Harold. Ellsworth Mrs. Newman lived in Lowell himself, he became very Interested ahother daughter. Mrs. Glen (Ed- P |Judith 0 Rondot of Grand Rapids: two , , ^ r ^ . Vjimlen Heuvel. James White, Bruce and Charles of Salem; also leavlng here In the middle of i about to study them. sons. Lester of Lowell and Chester . ^n"U^ , Jr t '"'t Jotln Atchinson. Sharon Griffin and two daughters, Mrs. Isobel Ed- March to enter the hospital. Her While attending a National Scout ,"o1. »jwuiGr»«ul iv

f F THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICH., APRIL t6, I Ml and Ira Sargeant were Mrs. Har- tiiIMmM *i r VI mote Hn an. rnr i" ial Dale Morgan of Grand Rapids THE tAPWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICH.. APRIL 26, 1967 riet Whitman and daughter. Har- S. Keene •IN N. lot ton To Hereford Ass'n called on Lowell friends Sunday. The Lowel Ledger HOUIIQUT THAT By RMPH TEE Mrs. Ira Sargeant riet, and grandson of Jackson. Th^ Mr. and Mrs. H. L, Bargwell of Mrs Mary Potter Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nummer, Whitman family were residents of Lowell Happenings «nd ALTO SOLO Star Comers James Trumble, of Route 2, Low- SHip'n SHore* Grand Rapids spent Easter with the Oscar Nummer family and Southwest Bowne Mrs. Ira Biough CAAEFUL, JOCH Elmdale over forty years and the HAROLD JCFFERIES ell, today was named to junior Mr. and Mrs. Horace Myers MISS AGNES PERRY-PHONE TW 7 7179 jher mother, Mrs. Ida Knim, and Jolly Community Club met last Darwin Hendricks family were all Mrs. L. T. Anderson EDITOR [msE in. Kiciq YOU KNOW, S0F NIC membership In the American Here- spent Saturday at Strawberry husbar^ George, served as an • j In the afternoon they went to their Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Easter dinner guests of Mrs. Jen- Member Michiqcn Pr#ii Association Billy Hoffman of Kalamazoo KtFKlSf GATORS A Vo-m-WAU jfDCTtUT DM eOiNOl operator at what was then known cabin a ford Association, the world's larg- Lake where they had their trailer Patty Winters of St. Clair was Mrs. Mary Rollins, the Gerald t Lincoln Uke. Peggy Hoover. Group voted to nie Nummer. Too Late For La^t Week Published everv Thurtday morning at 112 College spent Easter with his pa- iffCAX Awruim FROM THAT TO buy mm mu m as the Pere Marquette railroad give J5 to the Cancer drive, S2.50 est purebred registry organization, moved near to its permanent lo- the week end guest of Joan Clouse. Rollins, and Charles Posthumus Mrs Larry Miller went to Mar- Charles Balrd and family of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bowman Iroadway, Lowell, Michigan. Entgred at Post rents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman COMPANY for a number of years. They later Otflca at Lowell. Michigai, as Second Class with headquarters in Kansas City, cation at Long Lake. While the Mrs. Jack Wingeier spent the families. Mrs. Mary Tucker and »on. Indiana, Friday to stay for a to the Ionia workers and S2.50 to | Hopkins were Easter dinner guests and family wore Sunday dinner Matte'. Hoffman anc! family. Other Sun- 0MCf,AN> LOWELL. moved to Jackson where Mr. Mo. lakes are free from Ice. they re- twin-pocket the Kent fund. at the James Balrd home. k week end In Lansing with her son. the Gordon Johnson family attend-'time with her daughter. Mrs. Mel- guests of tholr son, Mr. and Mrs. IN* Lowell Ledger, eitebii ed Jurte Iff]; Whitman passed away several day dinner guests were Mr. and JiOtLED rr MONT Sixty-five junior Hereford breed- port plenty of snow yet in that ed the wedding of Miss Lynn Rol- vin Snyder, and the new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Murray at-. The John Smiths had all their Fha Alts Solo. eit«b!ished .tanuary, 1904, years ago. Ken, and family. Austin Bowman, and daughter of Consolidated with the Ledger June 1917. Mrs. Charles Dawson of Lowell mwfiK ers were placed on the Associa- area. SHIRTIBLE* Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ewlng, John Ilns at the South Grand Rapids Mr and Mrr Ray Webster of tended the sunrise services In Lo- children with them at the Com- Sparta. Th« Lowtll Journal established IBM. Con and Mr. and Mrs. David Hof(gian tion's official roster during March. Mrs. Herbert Knapp attended Methodist church Saturday after- Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. solidated with the Ledger December IS. I9J4. and Judy of Bay City spent the well Easter Sunday morning. La- munlty church In Saranac on Eas- We are sorry to hoar Mrs. Ger- and family of Logan. The Association maintains active noon. Bill Webster were Easter Sunday the district convention of the Re- Easter week end with her parents, ter they motored to Alpine. Their ter day. Later they were all dln- ald Anderson Ls confined to her Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wingeier accounts for more than 80,000 becca Lodge which was held al no-need-to-iron evenlng guests were Mr. and Mrs.; ner guests at the Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Huffman. Mrs. Mrs. Trenis Devener and Mr. [^ir parents. Mr, and home with Illness. She Is some- South Boston Grong^ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clare breeders of registered Herefords Mrs. Lyle Webster. Fred Fuller and child. Mrs. George Raimer returned Palo last Friday. Ewlng and the children will re- and Mrs. John Phelps and children what Improved today. Wingeier and family of Alto were over the nation. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Whitfield The Elmer Hale family were home with her new baby Sunday- Regular meeting was held on An Easter program by the chil- nuhhy main In Lowell for this week. Oth- spent the week end In Flora. In- Easter dinner guests of their pa- The Hereford Association during of Jarkson were Saturday over- Easter dinner guests at the Roy noon, from Butterworth hospital. A little daughter was bom to Saturday evening, April 13, with dren of the Sunday School of the er guests on Easter were Mrs. diana, with Mrs. Devener's broth-| . jents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Win- the last fiscal year recorded 477,620 night guests at the Whltfigld-Ro- Kimball home In Saranac. Mrs. Ed Clemenz of Grand Rap- Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pitsch Fri- about twenty-five members in at- Church of tl>e Nazarene will be Rachel Blgler and Billy from er, D. J. Haan. geier, (&> purebred calves. The year's total gingham |j zung home. They with Mrs. Flor- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gage and Ids was a week end guest at the day, April 12, at St. Mary's hos- tendance. Reports were given and presented on Sunday morning. Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fstermyer Mr, and Mrs. Clair Kauffman recordings were more than twice ence Whitfield and the Harold Bo- family, and the WUIard Mlchaud Glenn Rlckert home. The Larry pital. The little miss will aruA-er «pprov«.. committMS reported, | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Felyke and George Williams of Kalamazoo and Dicky of Ypsllantl and Mr. i inuru on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur t h e combined registrations o f zunp family spent Easter with family were dinner guests Easter Cahoons, Mrs. Jessie Cahoon and to the name of Janice Margaret and it was voted to donate ten Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Klrchen, all and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patten- aru| Mrs. Robert Stevens and Bob- ' Hooper Sunday afternoon. other major beef breeds. Mrs. William Cowies and Tod In day of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Don Weeks were Now Mary Jo will have a llttlt dollars to the cancer fund. , , , „ of Grand Ledge spent Sunday gill and children of Lowell. I by of Grand Rapids were Easter Belding. Shores. guests also, on Easter day. After- playmate as well as brothers, ,, j ,1 Janis Kauffman entertained a with their parents and grandpaY- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kloosterman,' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Plans are well under way for Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Borgerson Mr. and Mrs. Duras Olln en- noon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice and Nichle. number of her little friends to an Clorfcsvile Deaths ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sargeant Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller, Mr. Fred Kenyon. the chicken supper vrttlch wU H ^ hunr Satur- visited her brother. Donald Lather tertalned at Easter dinner their Theo Clemenz. Mr. and Mrs Louis Klein, son served at the grmge hall on V\ed- . „fipmnnn Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson of and Mrs. Joe Schwab, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Roth were Sylvester and Donald and Joe of , Mr*, f.ydla Heaven and wife at Suttons Bay Saturday son and family, and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith called nesday May 1 Tickets for same ^ , ^ . near Morrison Lake were Sunday Mrs. Donald Weeks, also Mr. and week end guests of her sister, and Sunday, Sparta were Sunday afternoon cal- Su( o( Gran(I Rap Funeral services were held Tues- family and grand-daughter and on Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hansen may be obtained from grant;.;, ^ , , evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Grover Buttrick and June of Mrs. Blanche Braden, of Jackson. lers of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Ander- th( wrk |h< day at the Beattie Funeral home George Howard and family ofifam|iy. jin Reldlng Sunday afternoon. Horace Myers and family. Cascade and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Lee re- 84)0 Mr an Mrs John ^"rer Maty Walter amwmced prancu seesc home. for Mrs. Lydia Heaven, a former Alto and Mrs. Evelyn Denny were Mr an(i Mrs. Edward Thompsoni Emma Biough and Merle Burt' '' - VanDyke that mcmlOT, from Ronald, Ber-| , , Owing to so much sickness, the Alderink of Clarksvllle enjoyed a turned home from Sunny Slope, Gran,, Fas|el Sunilay rt nmr resident of Clarksvllle. who died dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ray. had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. were Easter dinner guests at the * RapWs were evening attendance of the members of the family get-together and picnic sup- Arizona, last week. 1 Bn Center and heenegrnngej will! Mr and Mrs Sccso Wednesday In a hospital In Sara- Borgerson Saturday night. Isaac Berry from Grand Rapids. Cloyd Noon home. guests. West Campbell Gub, which met per Sunday at the homo of Mr. Mary Jo Pitsch is with grandpa ««• Mr. and Mrs. Orion Seese sota, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Rlckner I The former couple were Easter Wednesday afternoon guests of which will be held on Saturday | , p, Thursday at the home of Mrs. Al- and Mrs. Ward VanDyke 1 n and grandpa Anderson while her and (ami| aI d d Fm ch 8 Lansing hospital after a year's ed Into membership. The May Mr. and Mrs. Howard Colley Ed Potter, sr., and Paul Potter sma family of Grand Rapids. ter family were supper guests at Bowman home. t i. y " ""' " j wu Monday visitor at the Frw- lunch guests of Too I .ate For L«*t Week Mrs. Marion P c a c o c k ami a SOn man Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stahl were Illness. He was 41 and a veteran meeting will be held at the home who have been patients In the Lo- homes. the William Lodlng, jr., homo In Mrs. Joe Flynn was a Friday ^ . • in i u ,j Hoffman home. Francis Shaffer. daughter, Phyllis, o f Saginaw Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoover and The next dance will V held on Mr and Mrs Johll and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wingeier Wednesday evening vlsltois at the of World War TI. of Mrs. Ernie Neib. well Rest Home were able to re- SOQS were Easter dinner guests at Greenville. caller at the Leon Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs and visited her mother, Mrs. Arthur Saturday evening, April 20 with D(lvid Ml. an

for less than you'd guess I SWIFT'S PREMIUM SALE CANNED WHOLE / V SV^bs. Each

Ends Saturday, Apr. 27 at 6 P. M. CHICKESWIFT'S si IkSTITl TNE FOR COFFE E CREAM FRESHLIKE FROZEN 10-oz. pkgs. Rates a second glance every time-thanks to Ship'n Shore'# fCOONS BEEF STEW 24-oz. can 43c PREAM 4-oz. jar 29c CORN. PEAS 2 for 35c tum-around view, open-shut collax! Combed woven 4 Rock or Lock Chairs with Otto- fringliam—in fresh colorings that wash bright-as-new every man, gray, red, green, brown, tan FLORIDA Living Rowi Suites Sofa Beds Occasjonal Clwirs Reg $• 95 $58.28 time. Sizes 28 to 38. Dinette Sets Appliances Bed Room Suites So many more smart new Ship'n Shore blouses—comc see! 1 Chair, Foam Rubber, Lime Oak, Dream I^ouunKe sola bed. Charcoal VALENCIAS l^oose Cushion. $99.95 $43.28 £»qubu: •"M .f Grey. Reg. $199.95 $98.28 1 Only 42-ln. Republic Steel Cab. Foam Rubber Occasional Chair 8,nk 0nl v Dozen 1 Grey Tweed WrouRht Iron Sofa - - $72.28 I^g. $72.50 $44.28 __ The slim look thot means ReR. $79.95 $48.28. 1 Only 54-ln. Republic Steel Cabinet I Danish Modern, Turquoise and I Tan Tweed Sofa ^ Only $84.28 style. In famous-name wash- HOMDUNKE GROWN WINESAP S Walnut. Reg. $49.50 $42.28 RtX. $119.95 $88.28 Frigldalre Imperial Washer, able fabrics, tailored by SWEET CORN 5 ears 39c APPLES I0 pr. Maple Liviag Room Group. 3 Mode rn sofa beds (Brown, Green, TV Lamps. Reg, $8.95 $6.95 Reg. $319.95 y $309.95 Inrludrs Sofa Bed, Rocker, Chair, Nutria). Re*. $129.95 $89.28 dress-up in DICKIES, they look lik* more 1 Lamp Tables, 3 Lamps, Coffee Pin lp I-amps Frigidalie Imperial Dryer Book Case Bed, Doable Drewer, 1 Kroehler Sleep or I»unxe money. Exclusive DICKIES Table, J Ptrf^ $199.28 Reg. $5.95 to 99.95 $2.99 Mirror, Che*t, Seafoam $138.28 Reg. $199.95 $198.28 Reg. VMM $249.95 2-pc. Suite Wool Friere Brown. Table Lampa Pebble-Rib' no-sew Easy-Alter Outlet for Frigidaire 8.1 en. ft. Refrigerator Book Case Bed, Doable Dre*sfr, Reg. $J09.95. Sale .... $149.28 As Low a* $3.28 your exact fit. See, get 4 Plastic Platform Rockers — Reg $199 95 $168.95 Mirror, Clie*t, Spice Tone 2-pc. Suite, Tan Frieie Nylon, foam cotton faille, OGER TODAY! Reg. $29 95 $24.28 Frigldalre 80-ln. Electric Range Mahogany. Keg. $219.93 184.28 these todayl rubber. Rec $199.28 Desks %U9M Reg $249 95 $199 28 t pc. Suite, Green metaUie. Reg. 5 Plastic Platform Rockers Panel Bed. Night Stand, Doable scooped I Walnut finish Desk and Chair Dining Room Suites 5-pc. Chrome, Cork Tone i ^ $179.28 Reg. $34.96 $28.28 Frigidaire Deluxe Washer Dresser, Mirror. Chest, In Bisque o-iJ $49.28 Reg. Price $69.95 $44.28 Reg. $289.95 Mahogany. Reg. S-pc. Suite, Rose Wool Friexe, Lax- 2 Plastic Platform Rocker* Baffet, Drop Leaf Table, 4 Chairs. $249.28 1 Walnut finish Desk. Chair, teak *499.99. Save $199 $299.28 and tabbed 1-Foam. Reg. $295.95 $239.28 Reg. $39.95. $32.28 Buckskin Finish 5-pc. Wrought Iron, Turqoise, White Frigidaire Deluxe Dryer Set, I-amp and Clock. $59.28 Reg. $89.95 Reg. $249.95. Sale $199.28 $68.28 Reg. $229 95 $199.28 Panel Bed, Night Stand, Doable 2-pc. Suite, Green Tweed. Regvlar 1 IJme Oak Desk, complete with 1 Plastic Platform Rockers. Reg. Dresser, Mirror, Cheat, Spice Tone Sale $244.28 Chair, Desk Set, lamp and Clock. $44 59. Sale $38.28 5-pc. Girome, Grey Tible, Choose Frigidaire 13.4 cu. ft. L'prlght Food VALUABLE COUPONfs^ Reg. $89.95. Sale $49.28 Red or Grey Chairs. . Mahogany. Reg. $329.93 2-pr. Suite, Turquoise. R^g. t289.95 o»»y $59.28 Freeier. Reg. $379.96 $279.28 Green Platform Rocker French Prov. Drop Leaf Table, 4 R!» 3 Snivel Rcrkrrs, Fri-ie, Reg. f*m<» Hole >25o.2o « $74.28 floor THe Mirror, Client, Scandinavian Wal- 2-pe. Suite, Green Metallir Tweed. Desk. Reg. $54.50. Sale $32.28 Orange Juice Grew, Gray.' 7-pc. Wrought Iron, Brown Tone Thik-Kut Bacon Round Maple Drop Leal Table =st or Grey SUhorisy Re*. $219.95. Sale $178.28 Blond Formica Top Wroufttit Iron Re*. $54JM. Sale 943.2B Reg. $82.25 $48.28 Be., tin* $109.28 Up to 50-sq. If. Per Color Re* $229 *5 $189.28 2-pe. Suite. Brown metallic Tweed. De*k. Reg. $39.50. Sale . $38.28 Turquoise Swivel Rocker Q e| VYIlri THIS .i 9-pc. Chrome ft Copper, Platinum 10€per9x9Tle Book Cane Bed, Doable Drewer, WITH THIS Reg. $219.95. Sale •ft pkf COUPON $178.28 Mahoganr Leather Top Kldnev Reg. $39.95. $29.28 Brass Wall Plaques: Grey ft Turquoise Mirror, Chest, Walni t. - WASHAILE 6-02. CIBS 2-pe. Sectional, Brown Metallic Reg. $129.96 Reg. Price 2 COUPON Desk. Reg. 1121.95. $89.28 Foam Rubber Platform Rocker, $109.28 4 New Rols of 12-ft. Lino $279.96 $239.28 9-ln $1.49 9 pc. Cherry Formica Coapon Expires Sat. Night, Apr. 17,1957 f Tweed. Re*. $219.95 $178.28 Maple Stndent Desk. Reg. $39.50 Beige. Reg. ITTJSO $73.28 Coapon Expirefl Sat. Night, Apr. 17, 1967 Reg. $119.99. Sale .... Just Arrived 12-in $1.99 $109.28 Peel Tub C hairs $3.95 $29.50 Swivel Rocker, Charcoal Floral 7-pc. drome, Turquolsi - CASUALS Lees 9 x 12 Rug and Pad 14-ln $2.49 siz€8 3 to 6Xf 7 to IJ} "TaAOCMAWK Plastic. Reg. $99.95 $48.28 Reg. 129.96. Sale $99.28 Mattressen — Sale Price* Peel Ring Chairs $6.95 Anniversary Special.... $69.95 Twin Slie Box Spring Tuftless Mat- ^REDEEM AT KR0GER» Mahogany or Blond Step Tables, 5 pc. $9 In. Square Table, Extends This blouse, a full-blown skirt - and she's prettier than a Self Polishing Floor Wax. tress, Hollywood Frame and Head- Oversized Swivel Rocker, Beige. $29.95 —$39.95 *** "•<* $1.00 Coffee Table. to 72-ln., Deluxe set €l,0 POLISHED COTTON, of real combed Sale price, 2 qtsr $1.00 Reg. $89.95 flowerl With criss-cross tabs, polished pearl buttons. board. Complete $89.28 $74.28 Safe Special $9.28 Reg. $199.96 $138.28 $44.50 —$54.50 W'ocR^k* $1.00 In continental combed cotton faille - stays lovely after cotton, sand fan $5.45 every sudsing! White, pastels. IVY STRIPE twill, black and olive $5.45 Coinc see all our new Ship'n Shore casual styles, too. Save 15c KHAKI'S, black or tan .$4.45 Save 20c Free Delivery WHITE OR COLORED IDAHO RUSSET (Boys' Sizes $3.98) ALL PRICES INCLUDE SALES TAX Northern Tissue

WITH THIS WITH THIS Complete Home Furnishings 6 39c COUPON totPON Coupon Expires Sat Night, Apr. 27,1967 Coopoa Expires Sat Night, Apr. 87,1967 202 W. Main St Lowell - Ph. TW 7-7391 Open Friday Evening 'HI 9 O'clock - AU SALES FINAL - 211 V. MAIN IT. LOWEU TW7-7577 oon

•MppMl THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICH., APRIL »!, IKH Lowell News Snow Community Mrs. S. P. Reynolds | Ledger Want Ads Are Your Powerful Little Salesmen - Phone TW7-9261 - TODAY I Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Butter- Letter to Editor The Ledger office Is open dail; THE LOWKLL I.WMiKK. LOWEU.. MICH.. APRIL SS, 1167 SAND AND GRAVEL. Fill and field (nee Merle Bicri) of Grand Snow Methodist Men's Group j from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excep Hesche* Like West But Miss "Home" black dirt. Loader and truck serv- Red Estate For Sole Segwun Community Rapids are very proud to announce will meet at the church on Thurs-j orner for Saturday when we close a Scout C For Sole — Generd ice. M. L. Coger. 22JM Buttrick LoweU Ledger WANT AD PAGE Mrs. JessiJe e Rathbun the recent arrival at their home of day evening. May 2nd at eight Mr. nnd Mrs. Seymour Hesche, i hns certainly been n big factor In REAL ESTATE SERVICE In any noon. (Closed 12:00 to 1:00 ta little Miss Linda Ann, age three o'clock. Lester Antonldes Is on the formerly of Snow District, have clenrlng up my asthma condition, Road. Ada. Phone OR 6-3874. CASH RATE: 20 words 50c, •dditionai words 2c each. If not Do a Good Turn FOR SALE-8 x 10 BROODER type of property. Wm. A. Ann- Mrs. Mary Ransford of Grand liinch hour.) months. entertainment committee nnd Alex written us, renewing their sub-il don't have It at all any more, CLEAN YOUR p52-l paid on or before 10 days after insertion, a charge of 10c house. Also sonic baled hay. strong, 30 years experience. Ph. p20lf Edlto i Mr. and Mrs. Keith Firman and Robertson for refreshments. All scrlptlon to the Ledger and stat- For which I am so very thankful, Five Air Explorers from Colum- for bookkeeping will be made. Rapids is III at the home of her Herm Heemstra, R-l, Ada. OR 6- ALL KINDS of Flowering Shrubs Rockford VO 6-1203 or write Ada daughter. Mrs. Lewis Jones. jdnughter Alice nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. men welcome. ing that "we would certainly miss because thnt is the only renson bus, Indiana, 'a few miles south OWN RUGS BOX NUMBER: If box number in care of this office it 3870. p-1 and trees, potted and ready to R-2. c22 tf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson Patronize Ledger Advertisers. i Enrl Firman and little son. all of Mr. nnd Mis. Seymour Dalstra getting the home-town pnper". we puiieti up roots nnd moved out of Indianapolis I dropped in lo Low- desired, add 50c to above. ' plant. Also ornamental ever- nnd Don. Mr. a.)d Mrs. Philip j Flushing, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. We know our readers will enjoy here. ell Saturday evening, looking for FOR SALE-18 CU. FT. GIBSON green, birch trees and perennials ALL ERRORS in telephoned advertisements at tender's risk. Farm Loans Johnson and family spent Easter i Green of Muskegon enjoyed din- nnd Mrs. James Green of Alto. reading the letter, so we nre q'Jot- "We've had several visitors I a place to camp for the night, Upright Freezer. Only 6 months Peet moss by the bushel. Blrch- RATES are bated itrlctiy on uniform Want Adv. Style. 5 PER CENT INTEREST—Long with Mr. And Mrs. Russell Con- ]ner Easter Sunday with Mr. nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Blanding of ing it below: from Lowell and surrounding They stopped at the Lowell Police old. Ph TW 7-9167. p-1 wocd Gardens. Godfrey St. TW OUT-OF-TOWN advertitementt mutt be accompanied by re- Term Nat'l Farm Loan Ass'n, don on the Portland Road. Mrs. Frank Graham. Greenville were supper guests Sat-; "We like our new home |n Ari-, territory since we were back there | station, nnd Patrolman George De- We Rent Be Sure Easter dinner guests of Mr. and urday evening of Mr. and Mrs. i HAY FOR SALE 1D0 BALES. One 7-7737, c52 tf mittance. 1043 Leonard St.. Grand Rapids, Mrs. Iva Mclntyre called on zonn very much and the climate I at Christmas time. Graw called Scoutmnster Jim Mrs. Eddie Rash and children were John Blanding. "The wenther here nt present is Drooger who took the boys up to mile north and 'a mile west of Copy for Mich. Phone RI 2-2563. c21tf Ella Lee In Grand Rnplds. Sun- RUG j her folks. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dal- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and! Marble School. Frank Rlttersdorf. USED VANITY and bench, chest Ada on Thit Page Muat Be In Ledger day afternoon. j wonderful nnd there nre loads and the cabin. TW 7-9261 FOR SALE -TWO GOOD LOTS, rymple of Fallasburg Park road. sons spent Sunday evening with} | Kll of drawers and Harvard bed Office Before Noon Wednetday. Jim Stephens and family o f Insure With I loads of citrus and garden pro-' These Air Explorers were quite frame for sale. Call TW 7-7703 two blocks from Main st. C. J. Grand Rapids were Sunday guests Monday afternoon guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hesche and' Extension i duce raised here in the valley. impressed with thc Lowell troop | Did You Know — after 6:00 p. m. c-1 OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE WINDOW SHADES and curtain Place. P-1 of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I Eddie Rash Were Mrs. Darlene saw their new baby son. "It's called the 'Valley of thc i cabin, and were extremely thank- Here Is your opportunity to get I'-ds. All sizes and colors. Phone Vickers and children of Spring Mrs. John Vincent and children j ; un nnt THAT YOU CAN BUY red rich Frank Stephens. Peter Speerstro l ftipiaff* 11 • ' * "Khtly so. because theiful to have a place to stay: in- extra yield and more profit by TW 7-7391. Roth's Home Furnish- FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE with Lake and Mrs. Mary Welmer and nnd Mrs. Claudia Fuller of Hnst-| s Equipment slrawberry plants nnd Dwarf ap- ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE. Rev Mrs. Frank Guiliford, Mrs. Wil- I II un shines nearly every day. asmuch as tho Methodist church planting all genuine Pflster Hy- ings, c21 If bath. Property of the late Anna children of LoweU. ings were dinner guests Enster of wo c u ( ple. pear and poach trees at' Coats, Comer 52nd St. and Snow lis Webb nnd Carrie went to Era- Agency ^ eJ / I " ^ l l have the rest of is the local sponsor of the Scout Stinchlcomb, 303 Avery st. House 0Ur am y out 1crc ,00, ave. Call UN 8-3184. cl-2 brids this year. Call me. I wl'l ser, Thursday to visit, James Al- Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Cole and ^ I I ^ '' ' Troop KG, the boys attended church Smith's Nursery In LoweU. c-1 LIVESTOCK—Wanted to buy! Al- deliver any amount to your farm. will be open for Inspection, 9:00 bus, grandson of Mrs. Guiliford. We SpeclaUie In Friday evening supper guests ofi f Mill FX I I 'hing would be wonderful. We do services Easter morning at thnt so, Beef, Pork and Veal for sale, Moseley-Murroy Lake Lowell Lumber FOR SALE -ANGUS COWS with' NAPKINS, printed for weddings, Clinton Blocher, R-2, Alto. Ph. a, m. to 5:00 p. m. May 4. p-1-2 While there, there wns a birthday Fire — Tomado — Auto- the Coles were Mr. and Mrs. Guyj miss them and of course nil our I church before departing on their by pound, quarter, half, or whole. Mrs. Eva Engie March calves by side. Also open I anniversaries, and cocktail par- UN 8-2451. c52-l surprise for Miss Carrie. mobile and AU Types of Cole of Grand Rapids. old friends back there." i travels. They are spending their East Paris Packing Cb., 4200 HOME FOR SALE-Comer Lin- & Coal Co. heifers. Roland Depew, Alto, p-1 j ties. In a good many types and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bayer of Casualty Insurance Mr. and Mrs. John Blanding The Seymour Hesches Enster Holiday on a motor tour of East Paris rd.. S. E. (2 miles coln Lake and Three Mile rd. colors, priced from 52.40 a hun- WE SPECIALIZE in the building Belleville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Purdy were supper guests Sunday eve- Mesa, Arizona the Midwest. 218 So. Washington TW 7-9291 south bf 28th St.) CaU Dutton Includes 6 acres of property. We think you will like the way 8-WEEKS-OLD PIGS for sale, $10 dred. Also Iwok matches print- of tomado shelters; also do car- Mrs. Frank Guiliford. spent the week end in northern ning of Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon Thomp- The visitors stated they meet at MY 8-8407, or after 5:00. call RI TW 7-7804, e-l we take care of your Insurance each. Ray Banham. west of Alto | ed with name or initials. Ixnvell penter work, outside painting, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Connors re- Michigan fishing, son of nenr Cam pa u Lake. the Air Force bnse nt Columbus, 1 2-8283. Richard Havenga. cl6tf needs, too! Darwin Nelllst, a nnUve of Ada and nrfillated bridge:* in Kent County. The other bridge Is over on Snow avenue. UN 8-3701. p-1 Ledger, phone TW7-9261, Lowell. nnd roofing. Phone Saranac 2951. turned Friday night from a week's Rev. and Mr>. Melville Nelson Mrs. Merle Aldrich and children nnd high wrinkle resistance. Da- and apparently hav«» been "adopt- pl8 tf Saranac ph. 4331. or TW 7-7632. with the Kent County Roiul De|Hirtiiienl, com- Flat River at FaliashurK and Is still being used and family are spending two weeks of Evart spent Friday with her cron blends are found In blouses. For Rent visit in Washington. D. C.. and Why cot give us m caU — Furm Records ed" by the flyers there as they are 20 FEEDER CATTLE for sale. p52-l SPRING CLEAN YOUR SEPTIC piled the history of the Covered Bridee at Ada, by auto:nolilleH. with relatives In Chicago. parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Sherman and dresses, and 100 per cent Da- Lawrence Welk Pittsburgh. While In Pittsburgh You wUl be glad yoa did privileged to go on flights from Call Amos Sterzlck, Alto, UN 8- QUICK RESULTS, small cost. tank cheaper than pumping. Dis- pictured above. This Is one of two covered John Doneth, M. S. U. economist, FOR RENT—10 ACRES for com, they visited Mrs. Connors' sister, Easter dinner guests at the Chris Reynolds. cron Is used for evening skirts. time to time, nnd to view first hnnd 4401. c-1. 2 That's when you use LedKor HAY FOR SALE- flnt cutting. solve grease, sludge, slime with 3 miles south of LoweU. also Kropf home were Mr. nnd Mrs. spent several days last week with Orion offers warmth without Mr. and Mrs. Charles Enders (This report compiled by Dar- ed by J. Brown. the many phases of air force work. Carl Hoaeth, Fallatburg Park Camp Chemicals. Hahn Hard- 117 W. Main LoweU, Mich. ) thus relieving much of the pres- Kent County extension agents In Selling Spree Want Ads to buy, sell, rent or want work borne. EUa Tulnstra, and family. They also enjoyed Ray Herron of Lansing. Mr. and South Lowell weight and keeps creases and GUERNSEY BULL for sale. 1* win Nelllst, March 18. 1957 ) Moses Whaley, on»> of the early sure on the wooden b^ams. They But they still don't have a "home trade. And It's so easy. Just Rd., Ph. 920W3 Belding. c-1 ware, 207 E. Main st. cl R-3. Lowell. pi Phone TW 7-tMO. Evealngii Mrs. Hilton Briggs and daughter Mrs. Nancy Nordhof reviewing fnrm bookkeeping prob- pleats—wet or dry. It's moth and years; phone TW 7-7547, Lowell. visiting lh? many interesting sights of their own", like Lowell scouts of TW 7-ltlt On July 7. 1867, tho little village settlers In the Ada area, arrived 'then took a heavy cable, secured lems. phone TW 7-9261. p52 especially the Capitol building, in of Grnnd Rapids, Mrs. Briggs of sun resistant and dries fast after do. And they were very happy c-1 INSURANCE IS NOT Just a Policy. LEDGER WANT ADS, the little APARTMENT FOR RENT In Alto. there with his father In 1868 at it around a large elm at the south- Richard Bradshaw end friend of Doneth found lhat some farmers Washington. ,of Ado celebrated the opening of LoweU and Mr. and Mrs. Dell washing. Look for It In new blends to have such a nice pince to camp 1ST CHOICE PENNY SUPPER. Grattan school, It is a Counselor Service Ritten- ads that bring big results. Use UN 8-3161. c-1 the nge of 8. after a tornado had west end of the bridge, and tied Lansing were Friday guests of aren't keeping the fnrm records 3»i YDS. BROWN GABARDINE. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Alyn Fletcher and the first bridge across the Thorn- Ford and Donna Jean. with wool or rayon. —they called the Lowell cabin a AUTOMOBILES Saturday, April 27, 5 to 9 p. m. ger Insurance Service, your Low- them when you have something demolished their farm near Owos- it to the bridge for an extra pre- Mrs, Emma Cummlngs of Sara- Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDlarmld. themselves—they're turning the ladles' suits and one wool jump- children, Ron Stevens and Miss apple River. This bridge was Vicara closely resembles wool, "stroke of luck". cS2-l eU Independent Insurance Agent's to buy, swap or sell. The cost so, Michigan, and Uttered their I caution. This cable, though badly Mrs. Albeit Johnson, Mrs. job over to someone else. Ineffici- er size 14; girl's suit size 8; Jeanene Morris of Kankakee, Dl., orlginaUy constructed by Will nac Is spending a few days with but doesn't cause allergies. It Now Going On at Is smaU! Phone TW 7-9261. pi WANTED I rusted and deeply imbedded by Duane Johnson and Mrs. Ferris first Interest is your adequate Holmes and st'Jl stands today as land with trees nnd stump.. Afttf her niece, Mrt. Chris Kropf. ent bookkeeping mny result. The blends with fibers to give softness. CUB PACKMEETINO several small boys' jackets and BULLDOZING and blacktopping. spent from Tuesday to Sunday with Jackson Motor Sales coverage with guarantee of he and his father had made a new the growth of the tree, can still be Clayton Frost of Grand Rapids Olsen and children from Battle buslne-ss end of the farm Is one Blended with nylon or wool, vicara AT GYM THURSDAY coats and sport coat, size 18. GRADUATES* PARENTS-Phone POULTRY WANTED-AU kbds. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emer- he constructed It, 14 feet In width, Kehoe Bros., John and Jerry, prompt, fair seltletnent of all f homo, his mother and sisters ar- I seen today. Creek spent Easter vacation caU- thnt shouldn't be neglected. "The Home of Dependable Our varied outlets ewure you 15 feet in height, and 125 foct long. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frost is found in sweaters, suits and Cub Scout Pack meeting is to- Man's grey suit, 42 short. Betty 10184 Kehoe dr., Ada, Mich. Ph. now about that gift, a portable son Stevens and family. Ing on friends In the neighborhood. Used Cars" claims. c-1 top prices. AU transactions and GENERAL Since that time it has been re- rived. This boy. In later years, The community at this time was spent Easter with the AUlson Farm Inventories are places for bathing suits. night (Thursday) at 7 o'clock. In- Kropf. phone TW 7-7378. c-1 Grattan OX 1-8238. c52tf typewriter. Solve this problem Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Morris of 1 Homes they visited were that of bee am" a highway commissioner , thriving, consisting of n large ho- Roark family of Ada. error. Some fnrmers hnve set them stead of meeting at tbe Scout Cab- with a call today. Harold Collins cash, farm weight. CaU GL 3- Huntington, Indiana were Thurs- SHEET METAL WORK paired several times and is used Sauce For Fish FOR SALE—14-FT. WAGEMAKER »n'l was dlrcclly rccp^.slble for tel. a public school, a railroad Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Roth and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broadbent, up correctly, forgetting to nllow „ .. . . t ji'n. the pnek meeting will be held 1M6 Chevrolet Belalre 4-Door FOR SALE-TAYLOR TOT and JACKSON SEED OATS from certi- TW 7-9878. c48 tf 5302 or GL 1-0695 anytime for day and Friday guests of the today for pedestrians only. boat with top deck and a home getting the timber abutments un- station, two churches, a black- children of Keene were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson salvage value or to Include certain 0 ked PowergUde and Radio Teeter Babe, 510. Call UN 8- fied seed, 51.15 per bushel. Mon- pickup. c43tf Emerson Stevens. Mrs. Morris and Where the timbers came from Lrr.V T , iat the Lowell high school gymna- made trailer. TW 7-7853. c-1 and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Strand. or broiled fish. Fc.- a simple lemon sjum For GOODWILL used cars , dcr each end of the bridge re- smith shop, post-office, two gener- callers at the Ed Pratt home. Items. 1956 Chevrolet Belalrt* 2-Door 2801. c-1 arch enamel range, and good daughters came to attend the for the beams In this bridge, can- "utter MUM. craun H cup butter ^ „ „ DEAD STOCK WANTED-We pay placed with concrete. The wooden al stores, a basket factory, a saw- Last Wednesday Mrs. Mary Extension agents nre available to th PowergUde, Super Sharp cream separator. UN 8-2451. c52-l \9) and trucks see or caU not be clearly established, but it Robert Clark and Mr. and Mrs. FOR SALE—JOHN DEERE Van- shower given In honor of Miss Johnson of Belding called on Mr. Un U y 1 ,e s n sa NAPA-GOATSKIN gloves for gar- DOYLE — SCHNEIDER for horses and cows alive. Coop- piles were left standing and con- mill, gristmill and between twen- George Eltelbuss were Easter talk over your farm business nnd l . , ±L ° ^? H ," •Indian Council Fin-", and the 1955 Dodge Royal 4-Door brunt Fertilizer grain drill, 11 Jeanene Morris the bride-to-be of was truly a masterpiece at thai nnd '* teaspoon pepper. Blend In . ... . narticil)atine in .he dening; keep hands soft. Sizes 6 DEKALB SEED CORN and Dekalb er Tankage Co., Phone Rockford crete was poured between them ty-five nnd thirty-five homes. The guests of Robert Wlngeler's home. and Mrs. William Johnson. help with good fnrm l)ookkecplng hoe. Carl Kropf. TW 7-9787. c-1 PONTIAC, We trade, finance and Ronnie Stevens. time. The lattice work was tied Powerflite and Radio to 10, open or knit cuffs, only Chlx. Call or see me and let me nnd around them. This was done gristmill was located very nenr Guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. prnctlces. guarantee. c47tf VO 64551. p-yr. 44-13 together by long wooden pegs, 1955 Ply-mouth Savoy 4-Door Wlttenbach Sunday evening were ually. Spread on the fish when 51.25 at Coons. show you how they will make STRAWBERRY PLANTS, leading F.H.A. FOR FREE In approxlmntely 1913. the covered bridge nnd was owned New Lawn hnve done the pnst month In their (since, replaced by wrought iron Mrs. J. W. Southwell and Mrs. ready to serve. A real nice 6 cyl. one owner your farm operations more pro- WELDING —Also good supply of WANTED- LAWNS TO RAKE and TERMS ESTIMATES and operated by John Bradfield. Approximately eight years later, study of Indian lore. varieties. Also asparagus roots. WATER WELL bolts), and was a near replica of In IWM nnd July of 1905, the two Your home Improvement plans ELECTRICAL WORK of all phases. fitable. Gerald Kyser, 10775 W. structural steel. John PoUlce, mow for the summer in or out Because of this, the bridge be- the Road Commission Intended to A. R. Snyder of Portland. There will even be a demonstra- 19

\ fl1 u

Detroit were Easter guests of Mr. Game bag llrrtta are Intended to 10 THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICH., APRIL M, 1157 Other Ada News and Mrs. Carl James. serve a double purpose. They are Mra. Vesta Richardson returned designed to protect wildlife from Mrs. Edna Taylor The W. S. C. S. met at the home Monday after spending two wholesale slaughter when city to Girts League Enjoys Ada Twpwp.. UfLlt(e Resident home of Mrs. Mike Myekowla!., Ada Community News weeks with her daughter, Mr. and take, and to offer the safely-al^ Succu nbs to Mness Mrs. LaVeme Kline and family at Mrs. Pearl Blerl was taken to Thursday afternoon. Southern Tour VfRfl. TOM MORRI8—PHONE ORO-4U1 lowable harvest equally and fairly Wlttenbach Sales & Service Co. Invites You Mame. Butterworth hospital In Grand Rap- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hemlngsen Mrs. Donald MacNaughton, 51, to all hunters and fisherman. During Spring vacation the Girls Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Ids for observation, Friday. and Tommle of Lowell, Mr. and a life resident of Ada Township, League for Service of the Ada Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rooker Mr. and Mrs. Orison Weaver Mrs. Shirley Ward were Mr. and Mrs, Louise Ballauta* of Grand ..Irs. Robert Hemlngsen and Miss passed away Friday morning In Community Reformed church took had their family home for Easter. and children had Easter dinner Mrs. Neal VandePeerle and Nellie, Rapids called on Mr. and Mrs. Marylln Adams of Grand Rapids LEDGER WANT ADS BRING RE- Butterworth hospital following an a four-day trip to Kentucky. They They were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fase jr., Mr. A. E. Hemlngsen, Saturday. and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kowers SULTS. illness of eight months' duration. left on Wednesday morning, April Rooker and family of Battle Creek, Robert Morris. and Mrs. Lewis Good of Caledonia Mrs. Jay Elnlck and chlldi-en of and Carol of Lowell were Easter 17, and arrived back home Sat- Mrs. MacNaughton lived at 2622 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rooker and Mr. and Mrs. James Henry and Mrs. Ollle Rltter. Oak Park were Week end guests dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs urday night, April 20. While they Egypt Valley av., N. E. She was family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kamp and family of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. James McCaul had of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. E. Hemlngsen. 1 were gone they visited Churchill employed by the Wolverine Brass - Rooker nnd family of Grand Rap- were Easter dinner guests of his their family for Easter dinner. Franks Mr. and Mrs. George Fanslet OPEN HOUSE-Tues., April 30 Downs at Louisville, Fort Knox, Co. for nine years, retiring two Ids. Mrs. Ted Atkins of Plymouth They were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mc- Miss Susan McPherson o t were Easter dinner gueit^ of Mr. lOMIWrhadtr"e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kamp. Lincoln's Birthplace near Hodgen- years ago. She was a member of Cormick and son of Lowell and M. S. U. Lansing spent Easter SOUTH OF IONIA ON M* who spent the week with her par- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frarce and and Mrs. Sam Ryder. ville. Mammoth Caves, and the Ada Congrega'ional church. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCormick and week end with Mr. and Mrs. Don- Show Start* at Dwk ents, and Mr. and Mrs. James two children of Grand Rapid* .aid Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jenki of Reformed Mission at Annvtlie. Funeral services were held Mon- Rooker and baby. family. ald McPherson and family. (lilldren UwJer If fVe® When Mrs. Harry Tichelaar, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James McCaul and Mary and Nancy Phillips of Lo- Belding were Easter dinner guests REFRESHMENTS day, April 22, at the VanStrien- Enster Sunday dinner guests of In Car - DOOR PRIZES Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris and son were Easter dinner guests of of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Duncan Mart DenBoer, and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Courtrlght well spent last Tuesday and Wed- ALL OAY BEGINNING AT 10:00 A.M. Alman chapel in Grand Rapids, Mrs. Glenn Chaffee spent Easter their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter and girls and Mrs. Eva Kropf. (SEE LIST BELOW) Dalstra took Marlene DenBoer, were their son, Robert and family nesday with Mrs. Florence Bailey TH(rt»«. ONLY April M Dr. Ralph J. White officiating. Sunday with thc Harry Chaffee Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rohr Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth spent Iris Bniinckool, Rosie Dalstra, of Grand Rapids and her mother, and Lester. POLIAR NITE Interment Is In Flndley cemetery, family at Lansing and were Sun- of Grand Rapids were afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edward Sunday evening at the home of Ruth Ann DeGood, Arlene Heem- Ada township. Mrs. John MacLaren of Saranac. "NO PLACE TO HIDE" day evening callers of Mr. and and evening guests at the Hayes and children of Lansing and I. M. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yates where stra, Shirley Engen, Linda Tutt, Surviving besides her husband Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spring and and FEATURING,.. Mrs. Eugene Morris and family home. Wilcox of Lowell were Easter they had a family get together. Shirley Miendersma and Marian nre a son, Rolland E. Bumham baby Melissa of Birmingham spent "ZANZABIKf of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fitch vis- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Myers of Wrlde by car. the week end with Mr. and Mrs. • Cartoon of Annapolis, Md.; a sister, Mrs. ited Mrs. Floyd Pitcher and Miss Hastings spent Sunday afternoon . New Hay Harvest Equipment Mother and daughter banquet Gordon Svoboda and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. V. Taylor called Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Kellogg. Mr. Chester Whltcheskl of St. Clair Barbara Pitcher of Grand Rapids with Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Taylor. will be held May 8, at 6:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bruinekool on Dr. C. L. Rolfe In Edmore, FRI. ONLY, SERIAL April tf Hay Machine Service Meeting at 7:30 P.M. and Mrs. Ed McCormick, Man- Shores; and six grandchildren. on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don McPherson In Fellowship hall; for reserva- and Pete jr., spent Easter Sun- Monday evening. "BLAZING THE OVERLAND Ellen and Joanne were Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hender- and family were Easter dinner 1957 JOAN HORART HONORED tion call Mrs. Ronald Collins OR day with her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hulllberger TRAIL" Chapter No. f guests of Mrs. Nellie McPherson. dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. 6-2631 or Mrs. Orison Weaver OR son spent a few days last week and Lee Ann of Willlnmston were Mrs. Donald Belmers entertain- Mrs. Ben DeYoung of Big Rapids. Mrs. Rowland Ryder was taken FRI., SAT. April ff, tl Tom Harrington In fxnor of their 6-5811. nnd Piaster Sunday with her Faster dinner guests of Mr. and Httle son, Pat's first birthday. ed with a bridal shower In honor Mrs. Wlnton Wilcox and family. to the Ionia hospital Saturday aft- "NAKED HILLS" Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris, daughter Miss Nancy Crother In See The New Factory-Sealed of Miss Joan Hobhrt of Lowell last New York City. N. McCords-E. Cosoode Mr. and Mrs. Mike Myckowlak ernoon for observation. and Friday night. Sandra, Sheila and Pam of Low- "TRIBUTE TO A BAD MAN" Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Fitch Mrs. Effle Cox were Easter dinner guests of their Mrs. Eva Wilcox, Mrs. Harriet DOOR PRIZES About 18 guests were present to ell and Mr. nnd Mrs. Allle Schmidt Fansler, Mrs. Peg Ryder and Mrs. Cartoon Power Line son Micheal and family In Grand nnd Dfane from Dorr spent Sun- rttended funernl services held on ackrure the beautifully wrapped Rapids. Florence Myckowlak attended the Saturday at the Metcalf chapel, Mrs. John Dalstra of Lowell and SAT. ONLY—MIDNIGHT SHOW LYLE COVERT gifts. day afternoon with their parents, ELECTRIC PRY PAN Mrs. Betty Baker and Mrs. Jen- Good Friday services at the Meth- "SHOW CREATURE" Mr. and Mrs. Homer Morris. for his aunt, Mrs. Leona Guili- Mrs. Bert Thompson of Alto called Games were the evening's diver- nie Heer'ng were Easter dinner odist church In Lowell. 1 ford. on Mrs. Charlie Qulggle Saturday 110. U.S. MT. Otf. sion and refreshments were served Robert Tusch, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Anil Hellman call- SUN., MON. April Jf, If DOUBLE UNIT WINDOW FAN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richardson afternoon. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mell Heer- Complete by the hostess. Mrs. Elmer Tusch of Grand River Ing In Grand Rapids. ed on his mother, Mrs. F. C. Hell- "MOBY DICt" TRACTORS 1 had their family home lor Easter Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bride- dr., a stude! at the Mining En- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kropf of Lo- man near Ionia Wednesday and and PORTABLE RADIO MRS. ROU8ER 18 AT dinner and supper. They were Mr. gam of East Lowell were guests gineering School at Houghton, well and Mr. and Mrs. Noah found her much better. "EMERGENCY HOSPITAL" BULK FARM COOLING TANK BLODGETT HOSPITAL and Mrs. WUIard Marks and Jack, of their daughter, Mrs. Mary Wil- • New Fast Hitch Plumbing Mich., spent the week with his Biough and children of US-16 were Mi's. Florence Bailey and Les- Cartoon Mr. and Mrs. W. Seme and chil- son and son Easter Sunday. # New Increased Horsepower Mr. and Mrs. Max Souser re- parents. ter were I ister guests of Mr. and Drawing af 9:15 P. M. dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Averill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox and son Easter guests of the Fuss sisters Factory dtmonstrotdr will bt here fo turned from Florida by plane this Mrs. Frank KaPogla and children TUES., WED. AprU OO-May 1 # New Power Spaced Wheels Mr. nnd Mrs. Roger Jansma Llndy and Dawn and Jkn McGreg- called on Fred Patterson a* the and Fred. past week. Their daughter Mrs. In Lansing. "BABY DOLL" answer questions. & Heating and Merle Vlssar were Easter er from Pelton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zlnk and Register during the day. If is not General Hospital In Grand Rapids CP Focfory-ieoltd MllKttPH lulk Porm Cooling Robert Harter accompanied her Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Taylor were &nd dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. Floyd Wright of Sparta who re- Sunday evening, and also called family called on their mother In Tinii Tortion bar makM tov«f taiy fo optn necessary fo be presenf af drawing mother by plane from Detroit and Eaiter guests of her sister and "CHA-CHACHABOOM" Don't miss Hits opportunity Merle Cramton. cently returned from Florida and on their Sv/n and family, Howard City, Thursday. and dot*. Service took her directly to Blodgett hos- Mrs. Grace Krurti of Grand Rap- family near Sidney. Cartoon Everything In Plumbing and pital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor took Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Wright also of Mrs. Mary Wilson and son called Be here to see the Ids spent the week end with Mr. Heating a northern trip Sunday and had Sparta were Sunday afternoon vis- on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law- Thursday Only May t The reports from the hospital are and Mrs. Dick Krum, Modem dlesel powered subma dinner at Newaygo. itors of their daughter and sister. rence Brldegam Wednesday eve- DOLLAR NIGHT Ph. HV 7-7018 I-o well more favorable and the family are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haybarker and rlnes are equipped with a breath- introduction of these new Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pettis and Mrs. Frank Averill and family. ning. In hopes she will soon be home. children. Mr. and Mrs. Elton ing device, known as a snorkel, Ray Milland daughter of Detroit spent their Pete Kamp was In Detroit last Goodwin and children and Mr. which permits the vessel to draw STREETS OF LAREDO Eastern vacation at the farm on week Thursday and spent the day Today the submarine serves as models and Mrs. John Vos and family fresh air from the surface while Color Conservation road. with Clarence Schelton. a guided missile platform, early spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. running submerged. Pat Farrell on McCabe road had Gertrude Kamp of Ypsllantl spent wamlng station, killer of surface Also Anil Hellman. More decorations for valor have the week-end with her parents. nnd under water vessels, scout, Tony Curtis his family home for Enster dinner been awarded, per man, to the Easter Sunday dinner guests of coastal raider, troop transport, Mr. and Mrs. Arlle Wheeler and Sunday night. They were Mr. and submarine service than any other SQUARE JUNGLE NEED A LOAN.. Postmaster and Mrs. Mort Lamp- supply ship, minelayer, and sea- boys of St. Joseph nnd Mr. and FREE MOVIES Mrs. Kenneth Downs nnd children, Navy branch. Cartoon ert were Mr and Mrs. Hugh Ward plane tender. Mrs. Charles Dickson and boys of Mrs. Helen Harcourt and Judith and children nnd Mrs. Daisy Ward from Mt. Clemens, Mrs. David AND of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Shells and children, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Whltemore. Pat Farrell and Miss Marcella FLORIDA, SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT OR p, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunneback and DEMONSTRATIONS Farrell of Grand Rapids and Mr. children of Alpine were Sunday din- and Mrs. Don Ward and children ner and supper guests of her moth- Marcella showed slides of her trip er Mrs. Blanche Loveless. to Europe. Mr. nnd Mrs. Orvie Kellogg were Mr. and Mrs. Webb Ward had Easter day dinner guests of Mr. I Easter Sunday dinner with their and Mrs. Robert Hurley of Lowell. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Easter dinner guests of Mr. and DeVrics and family at Greenville. Mrs. Clark Nelllst were Mr. and Sunday evening visitors at the Mrs. Ronald Collins and Billy and Webb and Don Ward home were Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Fox. NEW 12-CU FT. COMBINATION Mrs. Holly Hand. Mrs. Kathryn Mrs. Altle SUloway and Maud Wilson and daughter. Barbara. have returned to their heme on Mrs. Grace Whaley spent the Thomapple River dr., after spend- week end with her daughter, Mrs. ing the winter months In an apart- Hubert Freyer.nuth and family In ment In the Cody hotel. pL Grand Rapids, and attended an Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bols and FRESH, CRISP hr To Make Today the "Someday'' Easter tea Sunday afternoon at children of Eastmont were Sunday 2 •'» 19' Ulkui£poo€ the home of Mr. and Mrs. John afternoon visitors at the Miles Canots YouVe Been Waiting For ? Freyermuth In Grand Rapids. Fase home, and Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stukkle Mrs. Grover Fase were Sunday B'RDSEYE, REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER jr., of Eastmont were Easter din- evening callers. SLICED AND ner guests of his parents, and Mr. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. SUGARED 2 49' and Mrs. Pete Stukkle and Pete Alice Ward In Grand Rapids were Strawberries jr., and Johnnie of Mt. Morris her son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert LoWell Loail Company spent Sunday evening with his Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mc- 115 W. Mail Phone JW 7-9907 parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. Herman Carthy, Miss Nancy Ward and Stukkle sr. William Muller. SUPER RIGHT, Smoked Picnics SMALL, LEAN -33 TRUE ZERO 78-LB. FREEZER The Bel Air ConverllMc-one of 20 new Chevlesl IONA, REG. 37c ANN PAGE, SPECIAL SALE!

Ntw A-Une modeli rang# from Pickup, through 33.000 lb*. GVW Six-Whwlen. Other INTERNATIONAL Trucki, lo 96.000 ibi. GVW, round out world'i mort complete truck line. BARTLETT PORK AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING PEARS 'N BEANS JVFIV Golden Anniversary DEEP-DEPTH STORAGE DOOR 29-OZ. 16-OZ. CANS CANS 39< BUTTER, EGG, NEW ACTION-STYLINGI MORE USABLE POWERI BUILT TO COST LEAST TO OWN! CUSTOMIZED NEW 27-02. 9Q( CHEESE, MEAT CREDIT LOW PRICE CANS 2 Come in and see the crowning achievement They feature new long-lite, quiet engines with KEEPERS Sauerkraut of fifty years of truck building-the new Golden more usable power-including the most power- Anniversary Intebnationals! ful "six" available in its field. Generous WHITE, YELLOW, HONEY 20-02. OCl ANN PAGE They're Action-Styled with new, low silhou- Yes, here are the trucks that-more than ever SPICE. DEVILS FOOD PKG. rtlc, wider cabs for greatest driving and riding {Wnrp-nre built to rnst. hnst to own I Re mire Trade Cake Mixes comfort. to see them, today! Allowance VINYL PLASTIC 8 YEAR NEW GLIDE-OUT SHELVES • JUMBO $ New Golden Jubilee Pickup I A loading height. Scats cight.Third dimension with conventional SO FT. LONG GUARANTEE TWIN CRISPERS • "BIG WINDOW" FRUIT look of action from front to hack. door standard. type engine accessibility. Full 2.29 BIN • CHOICE OF EXTERIOR COLOR Garden Hose Jjongest pickup body in its class! New 3-Door Panel I Only panel size cab and doors. Maximum • COMPLETE WARRANTY COVERAGE Widest cab», biggest Sweep- available with extra third-door mpneuverability. JANE PARKER, TOUR Around windBhields. More on the curb side. Make deliveries i Vf-Lt. OTP® usable horsepower. New Tractors I Greater comfort, faBter, more efficiently. Style and BEST MEAD BUY LOAVES visibility and handling ease. New 2 New Travwlqli*! More leg and power that's a real asset to your White Bread power, more usable power where business! There's more to be proud of in this one! head room, lower overall height it's needed most. New stamina Prices In Thlf Ad tfftetlv* Through Saturday, April 27 and bigger glass area than any New Cab-Forward Dtiignl Short and economy. New optional SEE THE NEW 1957 comparable vehicle. Extra-low 89-inch bumper-to-back-of-cab Select-O-Matlc® transmission. You'll be proud of Chevy's sweet, smooth Chevy when it comes to performance. and sassy way of going. And you'll take Chevrolet, you know, won the Pure Oil lARGE (WANT Fluff© Shortening CHEVROLET 33c 78c extra pride in Chevy's look of substance Performance Trophy at Daytona Beach See them I Drive them todayl and character, its careful construction, as "best performing U. S. automobile." SOilD MB. CA. its fine finishing touches you don't find Automotive experts dccided that. Bet 3Ze GIANT 75c Keyko Mirgirinc PRINT 2CTNS. 999 \ RCA-WHIRLP00L in other low-priced cars. For one thing, you agree with them once you stop by the others don't have Body by Fisher. your dealer's and drive a new Chevrolet For another, they can't hold a candle to yourself! Soon maybe? Dreft *£££? 32c OIANT 7Sc Frensh Dressing ^ 176 Washers - - - Dryers V 52-OZ. HTAHN .., MNCI IBM Cone In now—get * winning deal on the cbampionl Only franchised Cherrolet dealers displrj tuis famous trademark Wlttenbach Sales & Service Co. m GAN Sic 749 W. Main St. TW 7-9207 Washer-Dryer Combination See Your Authorized Chevrolet Dealer tm. 6-OL P**. m

i mm mM UKM m rm ii

• Council adjourned at 11 p. m. THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWEU., MICH., APRIL M, IHH Yeas. 6. Nays, 0. Vocational School. Referred to Ufbt * Power Trustee Jones cited the necessity Public Relations Committee. Crystal Refining Company 53,372.43 Approved April 15, 1957. of caring for the trees on the Vil- The cleric reported deposits as ner Monday evening with Mr. and Light k Power Payroll 2,197.85 Other Alto News THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL, MICH., APRIL M, IS57 lage-owned Water Works property. follows since the last regular meet- PETER SPEERSTRA There Is nothing gained by an- 8T\R FARM BUREAU Logon News Mrs. Ovid Miller. Lowell Council Proceedings Light & Power Deposit Re- Government funds are available ing: ticipating evils that may occur; MEETS TUESDAY EVENING Mrs. John Sullivan waj a visitor funds 35.00 President Mn. Harold Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yoder let's wait until we have to meet from Thursday until Monday with for trimming and thinning these LAURA E. SHEPARD, Star Farm Bureau met with spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. General Fund Michigan Bell Telephone CHURCH Alto Community News West Lowell Regular session. Monday eve- erroneously placed in the Motor trees at the rate of 530.00 per acre. Clerk them face to face. Mr. and Mrs. George Krebs Tues- her son Kenneth and wife in Grand Harold Mathews at Hastings and Company 75.55 SCHEDULES Mrs. Melvin Court Dick, Wllma and Manlyn Oyer ning. April 1. 1957. Vehicle Highway Fund. Plans would call for trimming this Parking fines 5 14.00 day evening, April 16th. Business MRS. CLAUD SILCOX—PHONE UNI-4SS1 Rapids. in the late afternoon attended the C. H. Runclman Company 16.00 of Illinois were Saturday evening Yeas, Battistella, Jones, Thomp- Sale of map .25 SPIRITUAL Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Watson Council was called to order by year, thinning on a three-year bas- Federal Reserve Bank of It pays to read the Ledger want was conducted by Chairman Dave reception of Marcella Zook and spent Easter with their son-in-law Mrs. Sable Baker, Mrs. Lyle guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yo son, Boelens, McMahon, Fonger, 6. is, commencing next year. Building permits 6.00 Wingeier followed by discussion LIFE I^avem Swartz at the Dan Zook President Speerstra at 8 p. m. Detroit 457.20 ads. ACEMCY der. Nays, 0. Frank Stephens 80.25 led by Enoch Carlson on the ques- Alto Garden Club Mr. Loveland Accepts and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Don Baker. Mrs. Boh Dawson and Mrs. home. Roll call: Trustees Battistella, It was moved by Trustee Jonft, line Material Company 134.76 CRUSADE Mr. and Mrs. David Hoffman It was moved by Trustee Fon- Lowell Township Treasurer 100.00 tion of how to raise more money Mctzger and daughter Patsy of Melvin Court attended a wedding Evangelistic meetings are being Fonger, McMahon, Boelens, Jones, supported by Trustee Battistella, Rollins Insurance Company 168.22 Supervisorship of GOC ger, supported by Trustee Battl- The Alto Garden Club met In Jackson. shower Thursday evening for Miss crri ljjth and family were Easter dinner Thompson. Absent: None. that the FFA be given permission Michigan Municipal Utilities for schools. It was agreed that held every night this week with the pleasant home of Anna Fair- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison ate Jeanene Morris at the home of Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman The minutes of the last regular stella, that the following resolu- to trim and thin the trees on the 5200.50 one good way would be to raise Fredrick loveland has accepted Bil' Smith as evangelist at the Association 20.00 mil Smith child Wednesday afternoon. April tion be adopted: f the office of Supervisor of the Alto dinner Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Dawson of Lo- Eori V. Colby — Alto Hoffman and supper guests of Mr. session of March 18 was read and Wa er Works property, to avail Sigma Engineering Company 12.00 the sales tax from 3 to 5 cents, Calvary Brethren church. Closing Street Fund A spiritual life crusade at the 19th. The meeting was scheduled GOC Post and his acceptance has and Mrs. Frank Pattison in Grand well. and Mrs. Frank Graham. approved, with two deletions. themselves of any ASC funds ob- Michigan Hospital Service 168.67 and thnt this method would more Office Phone: UN 8-3961 day of the meetings will be held RESOLUTION Village General Fund 5202.90 Calvary Brethren church started for Alto Park but the weather been approved by John R. Gro- Rapids. Mrs. Kamerling and Mr. Kite of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Deardorf Police Chief Stephens' report tainable for the project and at no Rudi Mittag 25.00 evenly divide the cost of main- Sunday with a fellowship meal "WHEREAS, under the provi- Water & Sewer Dep't 4.50 with the 8 o'clock service Easter forbade. About 25 members were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham en- Holland were Saturday guests of spent the week end with her folks, covering the period of March 18-31 cost to the Village, same work to taining schools. tenrath. Liaison Officer. D. R. Wa- Chories I. Colby following the morning service. Kirkhof Electric Company 27.40 Sunday evening, and Is continuing present. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McRoberts at sions of the laws of the state of International Salt Co. 27.00 ters. Administrator Director, and L. tertained thc former's brother Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kauffman was read. be done In accordance with spec- Wenger Supply Company, Dave Krebs led a contest on Michigan, including but not limit- Michigan Mutual Liability 99.00 throughout the week with ser- Plans were discussed for a more Greenly. Sgt.. USAF Filter Center Keith, wife and children and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Dawson and Office: ClarksviHe Mesick. The following building permits, ifications set forth by Ihe Michigan Inc. 33.50 naming towns in Michigan - spent Easter at the Jake Kauff- ed to Act No. 40 of the Public Acts vices at the same time each eve- beautiful Alto. John Wakefield, a Rep. all of the Civil Defense Of- and Mrs. Gifford Edwards for children were Easter dinner guests OW3-323 i Mick Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mishler at- issued by the Building Inspector, State Forestry Department. The National Telephone betically which was won by Dave man home. of 1932 as amended by Act No. 72 5333.40 ning. member 'of the Explorer Boy fice of Grand Rapids. Mrs. H. D. dinner Sunday. of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Daw- tended the wedding of Miss Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoist and were made a part of the record: Yeas. 6. Nays. 0. Supply Company 12.25 Wingeier with Mrs. Enoch Carl- of Public Acts of 1933 and by Bills payable since last regular Bill Smith, an evangelist, is Scouts gave the club a resume' of Smith is still Chief Observer of the Mrs. F. E. Chamberlain who has!son ol Lowell. cella Zook and Lavem Swartz on family of Marion. Indiana, spent Mr. Carroll A. Melinn, 917 Ver- It was moved by Trustee Boe- Welding Gas & Supply Co. 1.80 son second. A pleasant Interval of Act No. 18 of Public Acts of 1935 meeting of March 18, 1957: leading the nightly meetings. Wil- Boy Scout work, ai d aims for the Alio Post. She has rendered the been at the home of Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green Sunday at the Mennonite church. thc week end with Mr. and Mrs. gennes Rd.; Mr. Godfrey Roth, lens, supported by Trustee Batti- Michigan Department of singing and the serving of a boun- and also under the provisions of liam Johnson is pastor of this youth of America. Civil Defense and Air Force valu- Nye for several weeks, caring for spent Easter with their son. Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Seese and Dan Kauffman. North Hudson Street; Mr. Ralph stella. that the Davey Tree Ex- General Revenue 520.52 tiful lunch concluded the evenings Acts Nos. 93, 95 and 100 of Pub- church which is located just two Carl Cleveland, representing the able services in the past and still Mrs. Aldrich returned to her home'and family of Aito. Rev. Harold Larry ate Easter dinner with Mr. Townsend, 212-216 West Main St. pert Company, the low bidder at Light Sc Power Petty Cash 93.54 entertainment. Some of the children of the Lo- Payroll ending 3-30-57 5572.12 miles east of Bowne Center on in Williamston. Sunday. j Green of Grandvllle called on his lic Acts of 1933, and Act No. 257 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wingeier will Aito Business Men told the club will continue to do so In the fu- nnd Mrs. Ray Seese. gan school are having the chicken Communications were read 5130 per tree, be engaged to spray Village Street Dep't 200.20 of Public Acts of 1939, Village 84th st. of their work for the children of ture. Mrs. Clair Flynn has been parents Friday. OF COURSE OUR CHOICE Mr. and Mrs. Ovid Miller nnd pox. from: all elm trees ^within the Village 57,371.69 entertain the May meetinR on the 1 Councils (of cities which do not Zoning Board of Appeals 10.00 drawn for Circuit Court jury for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt ami family spent Easter at the Her- Michigan Week Headquarters. 2Lst. IMIWNK CENTER 4-H PICKS the community in the Christmas Tho Alto Post is now equipped IS MILK FROM Mr. and Mrs. David Miller and of Lowell—both Village-owned and C. H. Runclnjan Company 44.85 the May term. children. Mr. and Mrs. Gaude Solvay Process Corporation—re have Charters or Ordinances pro- Grand Total 512,937.17 parly, Hallowe en party and by with an emergency radio (port- man Miller home. Dale, Bernard Hewitt. Marian privately-owned—that are acces- Michigan Hospital Service 35.37 OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR HieHlAHDHUL BAIRY viding otherwise) are required to Mrs. Edith Bunker entertained sending a boy to Boy's State in ablb), binoculars and an alert j Schmidt and daughter, were East- Evangelist Bill Smith nnd Mr. calcium chloride and salt. sible within reason: and it was Burdick nnd Billy nnd Sally Yo- Harry Day, Agent >126.00 It was moved by Trustee Boe- her daughter, Mrs. Esther Krue- The first meeting of the Bowne er guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A Michigan Colprovia Company re designate depository of deposi- Lansing every year also their tomado flag. and Mrs. William Johnson ate din- der were all afternoon visitors of further moved that a Council Michigan Bell Telephone Cb. 54.20 Elmdale tories wherein public moneys in- lens, supported by Trustee Fon- ger and children Linda and Don- Center 4-11 al the Bowne town Former supervisor of the post. | Schmidt of McCords. price increases. For mushroom hunters — the help In "Clean Up Day" which Mrs. Ira Sargeant WE WANT Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Biough on representative go along to secure E. V. Price & Company 87.49 ger, that the bills be allowed and nie of Lansing for Easter Sunday hall April 9th, 1957. There were Mr. and Mrs. Will Lysdahl. who' Village Assessor Theo. E. Bailey cluding taxes collected shall be de-" Morel, with Its lacy top. U perhaps will be in the near future. William Reynhout is now a mem- Easter Sunday. permission of owners of such Wayne Hoag 11.00 checks drawn. sixty members present and there sp;>nt the winter with Mrs. Mabel THE BEST!, presented the report of taxable posited. Therefore, be it, the most easily Identlllsble of dinner. Trash can no longer bo dumped ber of thc Kent County Sheriff's trees. Lowell Municipal Utilities 96.75 are more to come. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hoag of Neal, moved into their new home real and personal property for the RESOLVED that pursuant to the Yeas, Boelens, Thompson. Jones, edible mushrooms. Unless you are Mr. nnd Mrs. Allan Courier and on Timpson Ave., at the gravel force. Y United States submarines des- Yeas, Battistella, Boelens. Mc- Vic's Auto Service 80.27 Ionia spent Easter Sunday after-, Saturday near Alaska. CLARK year 1957 as follows: provisions of the laws of the State Battistella, Fonger, McMahon, 6. an eipert. cheek ether type* with two sons of Sturgis were week end Election of officers resulted as pit. Supervisor of Bowne Town- troyed a total of 214 Japanese na- Mahon. 3; Nays, Fonger, Jones, Lowell Municipal Utilities 51.66 WEARS TRADITIONAL GOWN noon with her parents Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Eckman Real Estate Property 51,980,100 of Michigan, including but not Nays. 0. someone who knows the differ- guests of the former's brothers. follows: President. Bill Smith: ship. Fred Pattison is negotiating val ships during World War II. Thompson. 3; Tie vote necessita- Light & Power Petty Cash 22.20 ence between poltoooos and ed- FOR HER CHRISTENING Mrs. Herbert Knapp. | entertained with a family dinner Plumbing and Personal Property 587,900 limited to Act. No. 40 of the Pub- Jim of Elmdale and William of Vice President, Dick Mesick: Sec- for the purchase of a dumping including one battleship, eight air- Gark Plumbing & Heating 7.16 On motion of Trufttee Thompson Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Sunday April 14 in honor of their lic Acts of 1932 as amended by ted vote by the President, whose ible kinds. j Lowell. retary. Barbara Jo Henry: Treas- place for the township and will Elizabeth Katherfne. little daugh- craft carriers, 15 cruisers, 42 des- vote made It Yeas 4. Carried. Rickcrt Electric 25.31 Mrs. Horace Myers and family mother, Mrs. Claude Schmidt's. Heating Total taxable property $2,568,000 Act No. 72 of Public Acts of 1933 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McWhinney urer. Bill Henry; Reporter. Caro- have one ready for spring clean ter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gra- troyers and 23 submarines. A- Tmstee Fonger reported secur- The Lowell Ledger 315.90 | were Mr. nnd Mrs. Fralncis Stahl birthday. and by Act No. 18 of Public Acts and Patty were Easter dinner lyn Meyers. up time. ham. was christened in tho Grace SHEET METAL WORK gainst this score, 52 U. S. sub- ing another bid on double-sealing Helm's Texaco Station 15.02 and daughter of Saranac. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hayes of Califor- .Motions and ResoIuUcns of 1935 and also Acts Nos. 93, 95 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hunt At this meeting It was decided Program Chairman. Mable Ber- Episcopal Church, Grand Rapids. marines were lost. streets after the patcliing has been Ron's Shell Service 17.64 Mrs. Clare Stahl nnd family and 'nia is spending several weeks with It was moved by Trustee Jones, and 100 of Public Acts of 1935, HOW of Hastings. to have one meeting every three gy gave the club a short quiz on Sunday. April 14th by thc Rev. TW 7-7534 Ray Stahl. her sister, Mrs. Mabel Neal. supported by Trustee Boelens, that a.id Act No. 257 of Public Acts completed. Three other requests weeks and on n Tuesday night; trees which closed the day's work. Donald V. Cary. Her godparents There are five kinds of tree 51.773.14 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Keim spent of 1939, the Village Council of the for bids were turned down. It was The usual lunch was served fol- were Mr. and Mrs. Frances Wake- Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. Mrs. Mabel Neal called on Mrs. 309 Eost Moin St. the Village Assessor's report and thc week end with Grandma Hale also that one dollar per person squirrels in the United States: moved, therefore, by Trustee and Mrs. John Lott were Mr. and Lucy Delcamp of Muskegon Sun- findings of the Board of Review Village of Lowell, Kent County, OperaUon fr Maintenance Fund would l)o tho amount of dues for lowed by visiting hour. field and Mrs. Howard Bergy. red squirrels, gray squirrels, fox In Marion. Mrs. Walter Moore and daughter day afternoon. LoweU (D. Clark, Prop.) Mich. Michigan does hereby designate Jones, supported b y Trustee Want More Com The next meeting will be held She was christened in thc lovely listing total taxable property in the For the twenty-ninth consecu- the year which is to be paid all squirrels, tasseleared squirrels and Thompson, that the Village secure Lowell Municipal Utilities 5 317.05 WIN Gaye. also their granddaughter Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt called the State Savings Bank of Lowell, at the Glenn Loveland home, May long white silken family robe in Village as 52,568,000, be accepted. tive year. Mr. and Mrs, Otto at one time. When you want the best milk, flying squirrels. from the low bidder—Stanley Light & Power Petty Cash 22.19 Gloria Haven all of Ionia. on Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eggar of Yeas, 6; Nayjj, 0. Michigan as the depository (or 15th. which her mother and all her specify Highlami Mill. Every Dygert of Kalamazoo. Mr. and The treasury now contains Miss Arlene Miller left again Cedar Springs Friday. depositories) for all public mon- Bekman (bid 514.878) (second bid- Haviland Products Co., Inc. 102.00 mother's brothers and sisters were It was moved by Trustee Jones, Mrs. Perry Damouth. Mr. and cure is taken from the selection der—Michigan Colprovia Company Water & Sewer Deposit Re- Per Acre ? $110.00. TRADITIONAL BREAKFAST Monday for Kankakee. 111., io fin- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt eys including taxes collected com- christened in England and which of our cows to the feed to the supported by Trustee Thompson, funds 5.00 Mrs. R. D. Bancroft and Mr. and The next meeting will be April FOR THIS FAMILY ish her school year at thc Naza- spent Saturday evening with Mr. ing into the hands of the Treasurer 515.828) a tentative date for re- will be handed down for other handling. It's good milk. that 5280.00 be paid from the Re- Mrs. Claud Silcox met to enjoy 30th. at 8:00 in the Bowne Town rene college. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt after the Dr. Herbert R. Mueller of the said Village of Lowell, Kent sealing of black-topped streets and Forty-five years ago the Chas. children for years to come. This serve Fund to the State Savings 5446.24 USE THE GREATEST Easter breakfast and the day to- hall. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCaul and bowling game. County, Michigan and does hereby possible construction work, at an Foote and Ernest Rosenberg fam- is a beautiful gesture for family OPTOMETRIST Bank for interest due April 1, 1957 gether at the Silcox home. Reporter. the latter's mother, Mrs. Minnie Mr. and Mrs. Guy Monks were direct Esther Fahmi Treasurer of expenditure of 515,000. ilies decided to have Easter break- unity. on general obligation Water and Street FERTILIZER ON EARTH Mr. and Mrs. Roland Depew at- Carolyn Meyers Weaver, are again back on the i Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. said Village to deposit any and Yeas. Jones, Boelens, Fonger, fast together. Since then others About 20 friends and relatives, • Sewer Bonds. Payroll ending 3-3(W7 5 589.7 tended funeral services for the farm, after living at Lowell during'Dick Roth of Lowell. all public moneys coming into her McMahon, Battistella, Thompson, SI RGERY ON BACK have been added to thc original some of whom attended the chris- HIGHLAND HILL Yeas. Boelens. Thompson, Jones. Runclman Motor Sales 1.00 foimer's aunt. Mrs. Clara Post at the winter months. j Complefe Vision Care — Optical Repairs hands as such Treasurer in said 6. Nays, 0. DAVCO GOLD 15-15-15 MAY BE NECESSARY ones who met for breakfast on tening senice. were served a Battistella, Fonger, McMahon, 6. Lowell Municipal Utilities 156.64 Rockford Monday. Eleven were given baptism at Farm wiring Is unlike State Savings Bank of Lowell, Easter Day each year. Some have luncheon in the baby's honor at other Nays. 0. Council was In agreement to Mich. State Highway Dep't 1.000.00 Miss Genevieve Depew and Mrs. Amos Sterzlck is in Blod- Children's Vision A Specialty Michigan." passed away, others have moved the family home after the ser- the Hope Church of thc Brethren|pi0ciricai installations according to 1115 E MAIN ST. It was moved by Trustee Batti- have necessary wiring done at the Highway Industries, Inc. 111.94 brother Roger visited their broth- gett hospital, receiving treatments last Wednesday evening, among Na(ionai Safety Council. It Is sub- LOWELL Yeas, 6; Nays, 0. Public Library building and re- to other towns until now the Rosen- vice. • stella, supported by Trustee Fon- Michigan Hospital Service 40.93 Also New DAVCO 3-G er Gordon and family at Tra- for her back. whom were Ariow Overholt. Mr. j^ hazard created by dust. It was moved by Trustee Jones, bergs, thc Claud Lorings their ct t0 ger. that 5486.28 be transferred locating of meters there. Superin- Western Auto 2.44 verse City from Thursday until The doctors state It may be Mr. and Mrs. John Styf and Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Buckingham. Mr. 207 W. Main St. (Old Bank), Lowell supported by Trustee Battistella, children and grandchildren meet moisture and abrasion not nor- from the Motor Vehicle Highway tendent Moore estimated such ex- Lowell Municipal Utilities 10.44 10-20-10 and 10-20-20 Saturday. They also did a little necessary to operate. Cornelius Postma all of Zeeland and Mrs. Glenn Stahl. Mr. and that the following ordinance be each year for Easter breakfast al- mally found in home and city. Fund to Act 87 Construction Fund pense not to exceed 5150 for the Vic's Auto Service 87.25 smelt dipping while in the neigh- Visitors Sunday were her hus- and Mrs. Sarah Postma of Mc- Mrs. Ervin Stahl. Mrs. Anilla Ph. TW 7-7780 Collect Hours: adopted: ternating thc gatherings at differ- to properly credit the latter ac- Village. Lowell Municipal Utilities 25.88 borhood. band. sons William and Gordon, Cords visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Bo- Sargeant and son George. For 9-12 — 2-5 Daily ent homes. count with the first payment ob- Attorney Vander Veen reported Lowell Light & Pow er These analyses ore highly rec- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Vandawater and her daughter. Mrs. Clair Hai- wens Saturday evening. Sunday guests and callers of Mr.j Examination Appointment Except Thursdays ORDINANCE AMENDING This year it was Dr. and Mrs. tained from the State which was receiving a request that the Vil- Petty Cash 7.45 and children of Battle Creek spent ner; also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Es- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bencher are and Mrs. Spenor Johnson and Eve-1 ORDINANCE REGULATING ummendod by Michigan State R. D. Seigle's turn and seven- lage be represented at a meet- Easter with their parents. Mr. termeyer and family of Ypsllantl, announcing the birth of a son at lyn and Mr. and Mrs. George John-1 McDIARMID'S IRON 81 METAL OWNERSHIP OF DOGS ADOPTED Universtly os excellent CORN teen happy people were there to ing with the Labor Mediation 52.033.74 and Mrs. Carl Keiscr. Robert Stevens of Grand Rapids, Blodgett hospital on April 17. He son were Mrs. Carolina Christian-j TW 7-7025 5334 Segwun Ave., SE, Lowell DECEMBER 6, i9M. enjoy the day together. Those pre- Board for fact-finding procedure. Fertiliien. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rich- and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wicker- was named Larry Ray and son and son. Edward and daughter I Effective April 15, 1957, the Or- Debt ReUrement Fund sent were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr.'Vander Veen further reports ardson and mother. Mrs. E. Rich- ham of Lansing. weighed 7 pounds S1-.. ounces. Phyllis of Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. dinance Regulating the Ownership Houghton of Ionia, their son-in-law that the Village Is not subject to State Treasurer of Mich. 5812.36 Each Granule In DAVCO S-G ardson were Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schutter Clarence Elhert and children of! Buyers of All Kinds of Iron of Dogs in the Village of LoweU Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colby had and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Bud such fact-finding procedure. of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Richard- and little son Mark of Jackson Carlton Center. Joyce Kimc anrij is hereby amended so that Section Water ft Sewer Receiving FertillzerH contains the complete their daughter Janice and family Baber of Pontiac. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hill suggested that possibly Let 'em la (bis son. Lawrence and Florence spent were dinner guests of Mrs. Schut- Ruth and Sharon Kauffman. and Metal 7 shall provide as follows: Operation & Maintenance plant food accrdlng to the an- and Shirley and their son Ralph, Merle Rosenberg. Mr. and Mrs. this area would be acceptable for the evening with Mr. and Mrs. ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sargeant were Section 7—Fe('< and Charges wife and baby for dinner Easter Claud Loring of Caledonia and Mr. WE HAVE FOR SALE location of the new State Boy's Fund 5500.00 alytls on the baic. This assures Clair Porritt. sell Dewey on Easter. Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. I Sunday. Shirley returned to her and Mrs. Ernest Rosenberg. Cor Ports, Angle and Channel Iron, and Pipe 1. All ^ogs picked up by the Dog even feeding and even maturity. Mrs. Anna Fairchild, Mrs. Nel- Mrs. Nora Klahn, Mrs. F. E. land Mrs. Elvyn Potter and family I college work at Alma on M nday Warden or any member of the lie Timpson and Mrs. Florence Chamberlain and Miss Arlic Dra- jof tho Merrlman school district. | Re-enforcing Rod after a weeks vacation. BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Police Department in violation of Richardson called on Mrs. Polly per were Friday luncheon guests Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green. The message at the morning Pick Up Service Earl J. McDiarmid this ordinance may l»e released to Available from your local Eash of South Bowne Friday aft- of Mrs. Ernest Rosenberg.' It pays to read the Ledger want1 ernoon. Mrs. Eash Is much im- Mr. and Mrs Semour Dalstra and worship sen ice next Sunday will the owner or owners upon payment DAVCO Agent Miss Jeanne Brush were Sunday be "The Lost Art". Special music of the following fees: proved since she retnured home pinner guests of the James Green's 53.50 if claimed the same day from her recent stay in the hos- will be provided. and Linda. of impounding. It cracked the low-price field pital. Next Sunday there is a "mys- Carl Cleveland is recuperating 51.00 for each additional day or tery seat" planned for the "Kum nicely in Butterworth hospital from part of day. Double Klass". Whoever sits in YOUR LOCAL DEALER surgery performed Monday. Mr. 2. Any dog not claimed by the the seat will receive a large Pa- and Mi's. Cleveland entertained pier mache Easter egg containing ewner after five days may, in the Wide Open with- their son-in-law and daughter Mr. a surprise award. discretion of the Dog Warden and Mrs. John Spiker and two either be sold or disposed of in o C. H. RUNCIMAN CO Prayer Meeting sons of Dover. Ohio over the week humane manner. Phone TW 7-9201 — Lowell end. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gould As this week was missionary This amendment is hereby de- The decision of Arthur Maxwell T and son Scott of Lowell joined week thc children who attended clared to be necessary for the pre- 1 Saranac — Freeport — ClarksviHe — Ionia 40 Id MORE EVERYTHIH0- them for dinner Sunday. the Alto Baptist Children's Prayer servation of the public peace 67 4to7 Inches More Mom Meeting heard a wonderful story health and welfare of the people of \bt Wees Start Beta* 30 ModA of an African boy. Chako. who the Village of Lowell. More J More Mhugg^i conrfortj learned to love Mbula. a boy who PETER SPEERSTRA," 6 1 Of tha Lwprico Thr®* was mean to him. and brought President Horsep^*" ® ^! him to his school where he learn- LAURA E. SHEPARD ed to read the Bible. 2:01 Ml Clerk Alto Amerkan Legion No. 528 Children 11 years old and under Yeas, Battistella, Jones, Thomp- are Invited to attend these weekly son, Boelens, McMahon. Fonger. 6. meetings held Wednesday eve- RFjir^lhere once was an intelligent young man named Nays, 0. nings at 8 p. m. In the church. I, Laura Shepanl, do hereby I Arthur Maxwell. He thought he would like to "step up"t METHODIST CHI RCH NEWS certify that the above ordinance was adopted by unanimous vote of Women's Activities co a "medium-priced" car. So he went and looked at a model just the Village Council, all members 'Alto being present and voting, at a reg- you'll be able to dial The WSCS will meet Friday "a few dollars more'than a Ford. At first glance ular meeting of the Council on thc April 26th at 2 p. m. Thc busi- 1st day of April. 1957. ness meeting will include the im- LAURA E. SHEPARD. portant item of election of officers it looked good. But when he got inside he exclaimed, Village Clerk | for the coming year. Thc program Ik chairmaned by Ethelyn Falr- •^No radio? No heater?^^ No automatic transmission? (o* It was thereupon agreed that the chllds and Esma Clark, while many of your own Dog Warden would be reimbursed Bertha Rittenger will be in charge 52.50 for each dog impounded, said You call this <£11x11 ry?;/ He soon saw that ajs^car of the devotional period. increase to be allowed in lieu of May 1st will be the date of the car expense money. final WSCS meeting at Bowne Cen- tvith equipment he wanted became a HIGH-priced car. It was moved by Trustee Mc- ter until next summer. Lucille Mahon, supported by Trustee Fon- Watts will be program chairman, So, being an intelligent/jQ^young man he dashed ger, that 51,200 be deposited from and the dinner committee is com- Long Distance calls the Village General Fund in the posed of Alice Slater. Thurzic lawell Public Library Fund for Thompson. Clara 'Thompson. Es- off to his Ford Dealer and bought a 50 per cent of the initial cost of ther Simpson and Jane Biough. refurbishing the Library. (About The pastor and his wife will at- &i^3airfanc500~ih£ true luxury car in the two-thirds of this amount is forth- • A tend a Staff Meeting next Satur- coming from the balance in the old day afternoon from 1 until 4 p. m. low-price field-with all the equipment he wanted library account from fines.) at the Wesley Woods Camp site 0 Sunday-April 2D-is the big day! Direct JirrrANCE jialing 0 Yeas, Thompson, Jones, Boelens, near Dowling. Rev, and Mrs. Ed- will be at your finger tips. McMahon, Fonger, Battistella, 6. This handsome husky breaks all the rules on how a low-priced wards will attend this meeting in for less money than the stripped-down model Nays, 0. car should act! Get on the driving end and see for yourself. preparation for their work this It was moved by Trustee Boe- From then on, you'll be able to dial direct to many cities Feel the split-second response of its idng-sixed 347 cu. in., 10 to 1 summer during the week ol July he had thought he wanted. lens. supported by Trustee Batti- Friday, Apr. 26 7-13 as camp counselors at the •; ;• compression ratio Strato-Streak V-8—the same basic power plant throughout the nation-and it's so easy. It's the newest, fast* stella, that the clerk be directed 100 PONTIACS Jr. High MYF Camp to be held to obtain bids on urgently needed Why don't you do as Arthur did?<£§>\ est way to make station-to-station Long Distance calls. that shellacked 'em all in the Daytona Grand National.* then. repairs to the city hall plumbing. 1957 (At a little extra cost you can add Tri-Power Carburetion, Collect 1174 ^ combining proved championship power and award-winning FREE! Just dial 1-1-2. Then dial the area code number, which The DAlly Self Denial folders •conomy, on all Chieftain models!) Head for the roughest road in ISS you'll find in your instruction booklet. Next, dial the number Drive the Champ used during the Lenten Season if town and see how Pontiac's extra length, its exclusive Level-Lino Contest were turned in at the Alto Meth- of the phone you're calling. When the operator asks, give her BOVEE Ride and safe, solid bulk smooth out the washboards like Grange Hall odist Church Easter morning. Thc amount collected moveii the church •i tr' the number of the phone you're using... and in a few seconds HtiVt all you do.: t BOTTLE magic. Comer il.. . park it... maneuver it to your heart's extension mission fund 5174 to- you'll hear the ringing of the distant phone. delight and discover Precision-Touch Control. Look around at the Cw iv your cvthcrfssd PorHm wards thc $400 goal. It Is hoped II 4talor during April and ttit drive ^ v GAS stretch-out space lor more than half an AU-American squad. I ALTO. MICH lhat more folders will be turned in the 1937 PonHac. Try Direct Distance Dialing. The usual low Long Dis- Now check the budget-lovin' price on this big-time invader in the during the week or placed in the SERVICE Fill out the official entry blank church collection next Sunday. J t tance rates will be in effect after 6 P. M. every evening and small-car field that sells for lets than 30 models of the and dtpetif it with your dealer... COMPLETE UNE OF 2 Mrs. V. L. Watts received word all day Sunday. low-price three! Ever hear of a better springtime lift? that's all there Ii to It I Adults: $1.00 Children: 25c GAS APPLIANCES •USJBCT TO LOCAL. STATI AND PIOUAL NIOULATIONI. Monday of the death of her cou- If accompanied by parents sin. Mrs. John Hovenair who pas- Remember: There will be no change in the way you dial ASK US ABOUT OUR Ised away in Pcnnock hospital in INSTALLATION AND GAP •OAYTONA ORAND NATIONAL OHAMPI SERVING FROM 5:00 O'CLOCK TIL WHEN? Hastings that morning, places in your local calling area. CHARGES! A »fock 317-h.p. Ponriac with Tri-Pow#f Cor- i Mr, r»nd Mrs. Emerson Stauf- bwetion-oxtra-coit option on any modal- ifer visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Authorized Dealer for Alto American Legion Post No. 528 Wishes to Thank the following beat all compaling cart rapardlan of lira, Simpson on Easter. " 9 powar or prica In lha bigsail stock car evani for their contributions for the pancake supper Mlohlgan Bottled Gas | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vidcrvol Action Test the new kind of FORD for 57 ro.A. r Chtefta/nof tha yaori and two children of Grand Rapids Lyons Food Market Michigan Bell Telephone Company Ph. TW 7-9348 King Milling Co., Lowell were guests of Mrs. Vidcrvol's , __ /k OmCUl MAKAI MTTOHA P1UU AVAIUaU-T.cfc.lwW^^ (|M W NAICAI Corn Products Co., New York Rosenberg & Sons mother. Mrs. Mildred Tobias. Sun- NEW LOCATION—212 L MAIN IT. SKI YOUR AUTHONiZID PONTIAC DRALIR IfttorMilMol Safety m4 PwfMwwc* TrloJ. far PKC SHOWING to cl»W, Irachaaa aroupi *4 Otoat ortaalMHoa*. Mate orrwaooMh through yovr Pootlac DaaUri Knapp Ave. Creamery, Grand Rapids Colby Insurance Agency day. c33t£ Val L. Watts, Honey , Carol McWhinney is the proud Slaters Country Fresshn Butter A Eggs owner of a brand new wrist watch, C. H. Runciman Co. Motor Sales Burdick Drug Store j a gift of a Lowell jeweler in a con- W 7-9288 FORD — MERCURY SALES & SERVICE LOWELL, MIDH. . test for high school seniors. k r 12 THE LOWELL LEIHiER, LOWELL. MICH.. APRIL M, 1M7 CARD OF THANKS Miss Zook Wed Sunday Afternoon X-Ray Bus at School Monday, Apr. 29 COMING EVENTS We wish.to thank our nelgnnors < ARD OF fRAlflU Miss Marcella Mae Zook, daugh- carnations, and she carried a white and (rlends for their many thought- Feme Kelley is ter o( Rev. and Mrs. Daniel E. I wish to thank rrty fronds, rtln- Bible and lace handkerchief. Saturday, April 27, Auxiliary to ful acts and other kindnesses at the Zook, and Lavem John Swartz. son tivcs and neighbors (or all the Miss Beulah Zook. sister of the Legion will hold a potluck supper time of the death of our wife ani New President of of Mr. and Mrs. John Swartz o( flowers and carda sent me during bride, attended as Maid of Honor, at the hall at 6:30. Broiled ham- mother. Anna M. Weltz; also, AuGres, spoke their marriage and was attired In a blue broca- my stay in the hospital and while burgers will be served. Card games special thanks to William Johnson V.F.W. Auxiliary vows at 2:30 p.m at the Bowne ed taffeta dress, styled to match recuperating at home. afterwards. for his comforting words. Mennonite church. the bride's gown; she wore a cor- c-1 Dick Huver Feme Kelley was installed as ch^ASE* Milton Weltz Rev. Daniel E. Zook, (ather o( sage of yellow carnations. president of the Veterans o( For- CHRISTMAS SEALS Women of the Moose Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bamhart the bride, performed the ceremony day, May 1, Moose Lodge hall. CARD OF THANKS eign Wars Auxiliary to Flat River Miss Betty Swartz. sister of the pi and Family nnd special music by a male quar- MAKES THIS 8:00 p. n . Initiation and meeting. I wish to thank mv relatives, Post No. 8303 at their regular groom, was bridesmaid. She wore tet (rom Alden, New York, sang Officers, chairmen and escorts, friends nnd neighborf (or the meeting held Thursday April 11th. a pink brocaded taffctta dress, al- CARD OF THANKS "O. Father Lead Us", "O Perfect so styled to match that worn by 'ERVICE POSSIBLE please attend. many lovely gift*, (lowers nnd Mrs. Vesta Dumouchel o( Grand I wish to express my thanks and Love", "O God of Wisdom", "The the bride; her corsage was also cards received on my 80th birth- Rapids was Installing o((lcer. The appreciation to our relatives, Lord's Prayer", and "We Join to o( yellow carnations. The second session of the Study day. (ollowlng o((lcers were also Ifj- friends and neighbors for the many Pray". Mr. Swartz was attended by Class on "Mission USA" will be P-1 Mrs. Anna Ryder stnlled; Senior Vice-president Hnzel For her wedding the bride chose Marvin Jantzl, o( AuGres. a cous- held In the Women's Lounge it cards, candy nnd fruit sent to me Ortowskl. Jr. Vice-president Wan-ia white brocnded ta((eta dress. in ot the groom, and Fay Zook o( tho Methodist church Tuesday. while In Blodgett hospital. Also for CARD OF THANKS dn Stlnchcomb, Treasurer Cora Her corsage was red and while LaJuntn, Colorado, a brother of the April 30 at 1:30 p. m. Virginia the beautiful plants from McDonald- Troy. Secretary Phyllis Wltten- I wish to thank all my (rlends bride. Seating the guests were Mittag, study leader. Topic: "The |Osmor Post Legion and Auxiliary.* nnd neighbors nnd the Superior bach. Chaplain Johanna Conrad, Richard Oyer o( Kilona. Iowa, a Family". i c-1 Mrs, Helen DeGood Furniture Company (or (lowers, Conductress Frelda Hendricks, and cards nnd visits during my stay Guard Frances Gosson. Engagement Announced 1^7 Aug£. and Women's Relief Corps mooting, There are more 'ban 56,000 mo- at the hospital. Trustees rtre: 1 year, Mary Ann Wednesday. May 1, birthday sup- A reception was held at the teh In our fair land; California has Ayres; 2 years, Olllc Evans: 3 p-1 Adolph Strahm bane o( the bride's parents, (ol- per, Gty Hnll. 7,800, Florida is next with 5.500. yenrs, Marynn LnDuc. District The 1.562 students, teachej-s nnd ihe germs have done any damage", lowlng the ceremony. One hundred Delegates: Mary Ann Ayres. employees In Lowell and surround- states Mrs. Millard, "Parents, Rummnge sale. Congregational and fifty guests were present. As- Maryan LnDuc, Olllc Evans. Dis- ing schools will be offered tuber- grandparents and all other contacts Women's Fellowship, Gty Hall, /fcccdett INSURANCE sisting nbout the rooms were Miss trict Altcmntes: Adnh Rlnnrd, Lu- culin skin tests In a cooperative of children who have positive re Mny 2, 3 and 4. c-1 Carol Jones, of White Goud, Mnrl- cille Adrinnse, Zolphn Ketchum. program which has been planned actions should bo x-rayed in an lyn nnd Wilmn Oyer of Chlcngo. Roast Beef supper under aus- Other officers are; Patriotic In- by the various schools nnd the Kent attempt to find the carrier who III., and Phyllis Swartz of Harris- pices of the Vergennes Youth structor Ellen Nummer, Historian County Tuberculosis Society, ac- may be spreading TB genns and onburg. Va., and I.cona Swartz of Fellowship. To be held at the all- Johanna Conrad, Flag Bearer cording to W. W. Gumser. Super- does not know It", stnted Mrs. Mil- purpose room of the new Runci- Joyce Lasausky, Banner Bearer AuGres, intendent of Lowell Schools. lard. "We understand the society A(ter a week's trip to Niagara man Elementary Building, serving Doris Smith, Musician Maryan l-a- covers all schools In this county Falls they will make their homo Tests for Lowell students will be- from 5:30 to 8:30 p. m., Saturday. Duc, nnd Color liearers Lucille every three years. in East Lansing. The groom Is em gin in the high school on April 29 Miy 4th. c-1 Adrlanse, Hezzle Stau((er, Adah "No child will be given this serv- ployed at Michigan State Univer- as soon as school onens in the Rlnard and Liz Hawk. ice without a request blank signed sity in the Farm Croos depart- morning. Later in the day t h e Boynton School Mothers club A(ter installation of officers Eliz- by a parent or guardian. Those ment. society's staff will work In St. Spring Carnival Friday April 26 abeth Hawk and Feme Kelley blanks are being sent home with LEONARD'S FUN Wedding guests were (rom La- Mary's Parochial School. at Ada Town Hall. Supper (rom were presented with gifts. Mrs. each student this