A Lowell Tax Rate Held at 8 Mills

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A Lowell Tax Rate Held at 8 Mills « a as v> from The lated • ing, ^ Established June. 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 25. 1957 Number I dairy tionr UP' Set Budget for Coming Year Home Demonstration lr8 Wescott Wont to Trove! West Come Home With a Fist Full of Ribbons Week April 28-Moy4 Charles HacFariaoe '> - But No Money ? Enjoy Lowell Tax Rate Held at 8 Mills - Accepts Job as Mason Travelog Tonight Area Offers Do Well at Caledonia | Women play a vital role in main- Stricken Monday Village Hostess Ever want to visit the beautiful j WiH Cover Street Repair Work t it Marian Wescott of 319 North national parks of the great North-j Southeast District Achievement Day hem s0,v ,he fm)b erT of ,ho A special meeting of the village i the village for the year was set j ' i f ' J^ At Flour MiU west, the Black Hills. Feton, Mt.. ,\rra 4H club members came [Garry Schmidt earned white rib- famil nrd st. has accepted the job as Lowell council on Monday night set the at 175.300 about 20 per cent higher, y «>"-"unity Homo de- Rainier. \ ellowstone, G 1 a c 1 e r. home, from Caledonia Saturday, bons. monstration work is designed to Village Hostess, replacing Glad village tax rate for 1»57 at 8 than the previous year. Bergin who is retiring because of OKropia Crater Lake and other April'20. aftor the twtwiay South- Mra E. Wlckstead. club loader f meet that need, declares Eleanor! mills, the same as the 1956 ra r. breathtaking nature miracles ol put r let Achiovement of the Sore Thumbers, stated her William Jones, chairman of the Dens mo re, county home demon- commitments which she has made rilst 4n The budget for the operation of finance committee, listed the fol- for the coming months. our own Imted States. Show with their fis!> full »l nl>- ^nmp could not have done so well stration agent. v. ... .u 1 1 r. 1 These scenes, in beautiful color. hn « lowing Itemized budget for the 0 0, n without the holp of Paul Smith, In ooservance of National Home! .""u ", , " " •'"."'f ^ win be your, durlnc onr n( .h. """ 1957 year: week end. April 26 and instmctor at Alto School. He was $ 8 000 Demonstration Week, April 28-May! Ruj WoMolt, > vMi-rin.rl.ii ».lh mm.los t0 ^ sh,„vn at ,h|, Thi General Officers ; «*• MicWgan Agricultural d'-P'm- Runclmim Eie^tarj, bul|dlng to-i«. County show is beii.ii h.M.^ry bolpM i„ niving ^valuaM. Police Department 14 000 4- Miss Densmore explains that the; firnn( Rn i(i5i nM s,a c< •yDP l Kent County program offers the ment. and who works as area su- ni . ,Thursday! at 7 30 n m > P Lee hlghl ' »» ': ^ "^rse, she doesn t Police Dept. Capital Exp. penisor out of Grand Rapids. Dr. school, and aU blue-ribbon «rti.|uan» forget to mention that 'he ' newest reliable Information on; ... j.i' Th's program is being sponsored Fire Department 6.00U children's parents were also very foods and nutrition, clothing, hous- and Mrs. Wescott moved to Lo-:, thr M ^ R . ^ be exhibited thore A Water Works Bonds 2.700 well in January of this year. lArch , The othoi ^ "bare of them will l»e from cooperative. Miscellaneous 6.000 ing. home furnishings, household equipment, home management, Mrs. Bergln, Lowells first vil- rnovle will bo about tho lumber|'^s 'ocahty. •lolly llustlcr^ City Hall 3.500 health and safety, child care and lage hostess, has worked in this industry, salmon fishing, Irriga- Sore Thumb Club The Jolly Hustlers club wore .Band 500 Lowell will be visited by the development, family relationships, prnjet R coun,r nnd Library 1,500 J ' >' | Alto 411 workers. memi»ors of "nwing the many club* around Lo- Wholesale Department of the family economics, good business wc,, ,0 shmv ,hor Sanitation 7.000 She stated she wished to ki^e viows of San Francisco and Sall||hc Soj-p Thumb Club aro well- P winter pro- Grand Rapids Chamber of Com- practices, marketing and consumer Parks 2.000 omotme ebc ..an. opportunity to "d<y» 1 unite Citymy.. Scene.sceness showinshoxvingK scenerscener> y I, f.nri.spntort in; thlho bliio ribbon do(,t-w J^ctjectss exhibitsexhihiis.. Therllieree loaderloaderss araree merce when they make their an- buying and public affairs. Mrs Frank Contingency Fund 2.400 . ^Portjnt civic work, which nnd industry in Michigan's Upp»'r panmont- George Dewey Russell Transue, Mrs. Vomon naul tour in May. They plan to Home demonstration work is an m n Uo >hmvn Street Department 21.000 • vCr. r r»ln ^ " ** GeWerama. Jem Up^comb. Mar- Preston, Richard Stuart and June stop here Wednesday morning. educational program planned by . ki r venture when e^-| r^twin P. Peterson of Greenville Rittor nnii ;in<, nan Preston. Jr Leader. 1 May 15, nmving at 8:30 a. m., homemakers and conducted by the tahllshed five years ago, the vil-|[s the narrator, and background >rjn„,irr Total 175.300 lon Ratings are as follows: 1st yenr and will leave at 9:15, according Cooperative Extension Service of lage hostess welcon.es each new mUsjc wU, ^ p,aypd lUlrinf: the th" '"nii,r Anticipated revenues for the h to 20 clothing Gay Carey. Donna Kel- to a letter from Edwin M. Dura ml, family which makes Lowell its showing of tho L.panoramaJ . » ^ P Pn coming year were estimated as the U. S. Department of Agricul- Red ribbons were won by tho ley- Barbara Kinsley. A's; 2nd business service secretary of the ture, the land grant colleges and homo, With her she carries gifts Br Pa,ri follows: Children as well as adults should f0iivvninK ^ Thumb club mem- y* cia Kinsley B; Gretchen Chamber, mailed to Board of from local manufacturers and gift- Sales Tax $17,350.00 universities' (Michigan State Uni- thoroughly enjoy this travelog, ] ^. DrMg o^p^n Donn.s Hess H Patty Kclley A; June Trade President David Coons. versity) and the county govern- Charles A. MacFarlane of 9850 certificates from merchants, en- Prvs,on Intangible Tax, Liquor says Emil Nelson, worshipful ma».|Tom. Dintnmfin Kathy Dewey and « «othine 6th year. A. They wart to \1Mt with Lowon Foreman rd.. night miller at the couraging the new family to use ter of Lowell Masonic Lodge. Tax and Fines 9.000.00 ments. Gift Project: Patty Kelley A. King Milling Company, suffered a Lowell products and take advan- merchants and friend*, who we Lee Fund Income 4,000.00 Patricia Kinsley B. June Preston heart attack at the flour mill tage of the services of Lowell bus- expect will be on hand to greet Tax Carry-over 18.569.05 A. More Grass Fires! Monday morning, about 11 o'clock. inesses. • Twas a Blue. Blue Tuesday! the cavalcade at It arrives In Miscellaneous 1,500.00 Gun Safety: Kim and Cy Floyd town. Forty-five minutes Isn't Two grass fires kept the I/well "Mac" was on the fourth floor Merchants nnd Manufacturers B, Danny Huver C: June Preston. volunteer firemen bopping Sunday. when stricken. Access to this part have kept the plan "alive" five very long, but Lowell b a small Total $50,419.05 East and Rockford 5~ill •he Day Ty Wessell. Frank Transue all The first one at the Clarence of the mill Is only made by a one- years because it Is a worthwhile ! earned A's. Must Raise IIIJM Meeuwsen place. Grand River man lift or a winding stairway. So, way to advertise their wares. Handicraft: Gretchen Wessell A. The village has a carry-over of Drive west of towyi, sent the fire after the resuscltaior was applied, Mrs. Bergln states that she always For Arrows in Track, Ball and Tennis Ty Wessell B, Frank Transue B. $6,000 from 1956 which makes It trucks out about 12:15 in the early and he had received medical at- found that the "service" of the Tuesday was blue for Arrow put and in the 100, 220, and 440:panny Huver B Tomodo Alert! necessary to raise about $19,000 village hostess has always been aftemoon^nd at 4:20 an alarm tention by a local physician. It was sports as all three spring sports yard dashes. in Personal Account Classlflca- In taxes to finish out the 1957 year. At noon Wednesday the Lowell came from the Tadman farm very well received, and that she took defeats. Hurdler Len Fase just missed altion Frank Transue earned an A. A tax rate of 8 mills will raise be- had many letters and phone calls Police received a tornado alert (former Althaus place) on Fore- The Arrow track squad bowed conference and two school records Iir>v . tween $36 and $38 thousand, half DIES NOON WEDNESDAY from newcomers thanking her for pp warning for this area. In time man road. to tho defending conference as his times were 15.9 for highs I „ - L of which can be used this year. calling on them. to notify the nohools, and (tend Another-alarm at 2:30 Saturday Mr. McFarlane died shortly after champs East Grand Rapids by a and 21 flat for lows ' Happy Workers 4-H club Without increasing taxes the , Mrs. Wescott will be calling on ulrmbors of Ada also d d W(,u the chlldn* home by bus. The afternoon sent the firemen out noon Wednesday at Butterworth count of 67's to 41's. The victors Lowell's freshmen relay tCam t ' ^ council plans to resurface villaRe l/N^H merchants and business a, l H,0 ,a Telegram from the State Police, M-91.
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