LEDGER 200 Attend The GENTRIES Annual Banquet « Collection of Variotu ALTO SOLO Topics of Local and General Interest FORTY-SECOND YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THLR5DAY, DEC.€. 1934 NO. 2* Failasburg Cubs

OK CHRISTM AS GHING Christian Science Many Are Driving The first annual dinner meetin* TSS not necessary to agree vitb of the Fallasburfi Cid»s ball team all tbe things that are being Broadcast Programs RELIEF DOLLAR Without Licenses WEST MICHIGAN Wednesday evening an the new- I •done in the name otf the New pavilion at Fallasburc Park was Deal to Admit that the general run Second Period of Big Approximately 3(HMMK) Michi- alHended by a larpe number from of men and women this year tame Two electrically transcribed FaJiasburc. Lciw<-ilij and the sur- iprograms will be broadcast from FOR KENT WELL san motorists are operating auto- FATSTOCKSHOW rounding (xiunln. more monev to spend for ChriKl- mobiles without drivers' licenses, mas than they have had for the fourteen stations in Midngan A delicious dinner •was serred during December.. "Jhe lirst of according to records of the de- laiit two or three years. Retail partment of slate. to 180 people by Howard Gould, merchants are reporting heavier these will be "Interview with Mr. after which the business meetjn# iiliss Knapp. C. S. IB." on Sunday, ADMINISTERED I nder the present motor vehi- DEC. 11,12,13: Ghnretmas trade, setting in earlier, cle operators* license law. as called to order by the ma«- Campaign Is Now On]l>ec . l>th. at 3:15 p. m. The sec- • ace- M\crs. He than for a long time past. ond will be "Questions and An.- motorists obtai ned i>ew licenses The custom of general giving at I wers" on Sunday, |>ec. Kith, at FlGl RES THIS CXH NTYjby Dec.cmber L BUM- These li- A.NSI AL EVENT AT GRAND Garfield as chair- Christmas time is a comparatively man. 3:1a p. m. The purpose of these IK w K3 t fiPii /iu ttif 5JT4TF -"'ust be renewed every recent one. Less than a hundred IS >» ELL BtajO* THL STATE ihr^ ^ ^ ^ iD ]yJM RAPIDS 51 RE TO ATTRACT Mr. Garfield called upon C H. programs is to give currect in- yean, ago Christmas was exclus- Subscriptions Pat in Now Count AND NATIONAL AVER AOL— only IWMKMi drivers have applied MANY VISITORS—4-H CLL'B »*• toawlmas- •wely for the children, so far as formation on Christian Science to ter and he ven- graciously r*- gifts went. Today those are few 'the public at large. The hours DOLLAR GOES ELEVEN DIF- BOIS H A ^ E AN IMPORTANT sponded. Fun was provided by announced above for them are While operating a motor vehi- who do not share the holiday More Than At Any Future Date FEEEVT WAYS. FOOD TAjK-.cle without a proper license PART LN THE ANNUAL SHOW WiHiam Record and two friendv spirit of making presents, if noth- the hours on Which they will Mr. OTienSly and Mr. (HoRan. of i come in from "Grand Rapids sta- ING MOST has been a misdemeanor in Micb- ing more than a ChristmaB card, ifian for years, the linancial re- Grand Rapids. Mr. O'Reilly san* lo a wide range of friends and ac- tion WOOD-WASH. which is. of ttwirvtifiilHi- 1.,. 4K. EvH-rylhinftajTiiuioR is ready for r thtue Irisjjjmhi songb'uiss anJmda alsaisuo sansau^g a song* quaintances. SPECIAL 8-DAY "EXTRA" PRIZES course, the station nearest Low- 1VS3 lecislature muk^ « rturfr.ri^ wmual West Michigan Fat about the members off the FaJlas- This year, more than ever he- !ell. They will come in on differ- "•How is a reheff dollar spent V u I iff t)».c cases are on the tirfniK»r.nw r.f u.-t' Rapids next week Tuesday, Wed- merriment. Although "iiiliy soJ- ALL HAVE AN EQUAL CHANCEZ^TZ comaty relitf conunission'sr ^ w^day and Thursday, Dec. 11-12- emnly declared that Ih* word* tribution of money in the pockets stations. «f the people of the United States, booksV j 4- • -- ,-^iisan.. rlioLe e^xuo«lufcint -w-ii»-,ai i>be nouseh'.iusfad aisn wnnen uby> mUhe- tD^braemoersm W|L Single and Homeless .(1222 Plwe. Everybody is invited. There be a meat cutting demonstration the team, each of whom rose as w nate and distressed, as we have off the various entrants shown be- worth taking advantage -of. ^ As fi0Hrd uf Trade at a Transient .Aid ill(i40 jll be dancing and other recrea- in charge of Mr. Paul Goeser o*" his name w as called and'received always done in the past. low. However, the First Period its name applies, this enables Tuesda> evening Administrative: tion after tlie business meeting. the National Live Stock and Meat a bit hand. The team is cora- We shall never rebuild the was not the end of the race by subscribers who paid fora one-, vatt.d to tlth.r iwo cush , Salaries .t»a4(i Board. posed off Phillip Schneider. Lud morsAe of our people until we get any means—it was just a step ffor- year subscription during the FirsM^, VM.h lim. ^ to ^ for tbt Expense i(iKit) Installation of officers of Yer- These demonKtratiow have al- Kerr, Karon Mason. Jim Town, hack, as well as we can. to thi jward. Penod of the campaign to extend ^ cbnhlluus decorated store gennes Grange will be held at the ways proven verv popular and Jehu Topp. Woodruff Brooks. O- their subscnptions for amrther l, ,. . ^ have drawn Rood audiences, mo Baker, Wayne Blaser. Fred principles of self-help. Second Period Now On |ifrtml and th llthtir pm( for fLWW Friday evening. Members 2. a. 4 or ,) > ears, and at the (^ristmas decorated resi- "Certain ofthesefigures will vary mndwkhes. The auction sale will start on Blaser. Carl Kropf. Lew Morse, The second period of the cam- same tune give the contestant the dence front, the prizes in both in- seasonally,^ Mr. Bryant explains, Thursday afternoon with .Allan Roman Maloney. Charles Moore. paign is now m effect. It is just ,U U1 Haskins of Ionia in the auction- "Curly" Haskins and Sain Myers! same nmulMT of votes as if the dto- |KistancetaIUM.s to j,,be. ffocirr vvU-ru,,exterior- decor-1 mentioning by way of campani-L ^, ' '. of LowelLowelll as important NOW as the first tal subscription had been paid folor | ationsirtions. A disinterested commit- son. "In Ottober. due to the ap- 4 A M.. Tues- eer's box. With fewer cattle and After the procrarn cards and period was a week ago. Contest- during the First Period. For ex- I toe will make the decision as to proach of winter. 18c of the aver- 9^,. id sheep interests than in previous dancing were enjoyed by about ants who fail to make the most of n tJ011 years, lively bidding is expected. 200 (people. Musk- was furnished ample, a o e year subscription the pme-winneprust.-winnerr in eaceach cast?case.. I agagee relieireliefff dolladol larr wawass spenspentt for " A. in mgeier, W. M. this week and next week are onl> gives a contestant 2iWH> VCI,^K-J' Supt. F. J. McMahon and his ifuel over the month. During this The association is offering lib- by Miss Thelma Wingeier. Bruce putting their chances eKlineS . Harold TerBeek. Marvin h^m«»»«*«t fiction .vS m*******S ' v. houe t«om on it won*t take long hafore some Only 15 shopping days remain "The case load for the twelve *P«rimens erf the various voles—on only a two year exten- or int 1 Terfiaar. Han.ld Padding. Harvey w r^dv for X si candidate jumps far ahead of the sion subscription 1 Take full ad- between now and Christmas. months from September. 3H88, P * I "*** ffrom Michi- Mr, Cameron was bom in through August, 3U84. follows: *!an Slul4* College. Everyone who Prictn-Ule. Dot.. Oct. 23. lKoas.wSSj^ v\ajQer. " " ^ ^ dbmit twenty years ago when he MrK Sons. Kei th Ha Her, Mary Jo Weis- Farmer Bo}. Wilder. Miss Pauline Kiigus Leads Kellogg's Cider Mill closed it* 3H33 'Am 31.7K4 ^ - J- Fineis. gerber. George Bird. began to operate the Highland Karoo, the Kangaroo, Wiese. Hills Dairy. Under his manage- season this year with an output v . . 3M.K73 ^ Muskegon—Ale* Bridces. r Aunt Green. Aunt Brown and ment the business grew and lodny Today's .lineup shows Hie results of the splendid efforts of about 3.1HMI barrels, which i^ , ''.7, 33.a»3 47 3D0 /f." which is Holy Day of the candidates in The Lowell Ledger Subscription Cam- R.Wlii JJ4J4J Obligation. Mass will be held id it is housed in large modern dairy slightly above the average an- j a ar s paign. Watch for the results of nest count in the window of 7,943 28/63«) ' ^ ^ ^• >^ church. (e). John Hmikley, Eldon McLach- Lendinc Whit*- banns and serves a large number nual output. __ jfrXSi ^ SchlH^1' ******* I>onna Mc- Jeanne-Marie",'Phillips. of families in the village. Mr. The Ledger office Monday, Dec. 33th. T.«li(i 20.3 tO 1 Cameron usually accompanied the H. C. Calher's office building on OKI mi.-fTU Cyclamen Cliapter, N. 114. 0. E. Barry—R. J. and C. A Williams. Mwrow"' ^ ^ ******'' -delivery truck on Hie milk route. East Main-st. is being redecorated . 33.43urwood Mast. Orlando Mast and Broom's Stages. Ashton. He attended the Congregational Mint; Louise Blaser. Lowell. Rt. 3 ... S.m.tHKl 311.1 Wi 41.4(i3 before installation and the install-. D, L. Davis. I A Candle in the Mist. Means. church reaularly and was always The date for the annual meeting "The city and suburban area, inm'"g , officerig"s will be Worthy Gran^ ' d Miss Edith Althaus. Lowell. Rt. 2... .8.330.900 11 rs Fighting Caravans. Grey, ready and willing to help those and election of officers of the i having a preponderance of thel,^ y? ™l ; Georgia a Bauer of BOW M IT SALE f7.H0 Mrs. Rosella Yeiter, Lowell 11 ikiiy niuk rH n p r u 1 Ca,1 u.VtlO.UTO Lowell Board of Trade- has been [nountues population, naturallx has L" , , , !f V." . ^!. "'h Bi^ss of the Lacy V, Seltrer. less fortunate than himself. 1 Boys' all wool suits with two Valley of the Stars. Seltzer, Mrs. Vivian Schneider. Lowell. Rt. 2. 8,060.400 tentatively fixed for the last the greatest representation on , J-haplain. Mr. Cameron married Ida Isabel Emerald Trails. Gregory, of Grand Rapids in IMS. She Mrs. Fred Pattison, Alto 8.054.000 Thursday in January. Further de- records. The following 11* . m'i M. Tow-insend .off Hast- long trousers or two knickers, tails and the committee amiounce- tables show the case load and per- i n V "ssist as installing mar- regular IW.75 at *7.80. Judith erf Blue Lake Ranch, passed away six years later. To Miss Irene Reusser, Lowell - 057,000 Gregory, ments will be made at an early [oentages. as of November 20. Coons. this union was bom one daughter. Miss Evelyn Borgerson, Lowell , 741.000 Mildred (Mrs. Jack Wayne) of date by President Burras. !3H34.' Last Saturday was our largest Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Cameron Ernest Yoshurg. Ada, Rt 3 . 285.000 Families (Cases) Pel. Bargains at CiiriKtianben's day this season. We checked 355 visited Mrs. "Wayne early in the Mrs. Frank Daniels, Lowell. R. S... . 288.700 This is the season of cheer and books and 3(i magazines. We are MW .07.0'-, Christiansen has some mighty Notice Ui Subscribers putting on a drive against dog- summer when he made the trip Vlrs. Elmer E Marshall, Lowell, Rt. . 100.60«) good will—of "peace on earth and iSuburhau 2.820 21 .H'-'i good bargains in his adv. on page with the Rutherford party. flood will toward all men"—there- County During this campaign old earing the books and your co- Mias Katherinc lah, AUv,., ,. 378.000 1.348 3 0.5 *7 8. Read and save, p2H operation will be greatly appre- In Ififlfi Mr. Cameron and Anna fore, let us show outward mani- and new subscribers to The J, H. Hunter, Baranac, Rt. 8 336.600 Individuals ciated. M. Quids of Lowell were united festation by lighting the munic- City 32.W- Ledger receive benefits as well Mrs, Olive Peters, Ada «U(Wr librarian. in marriage. They had two chil- 127.800 ipal Christmas trees and by Suburban 33.518 23.5'* Auction Sales as the contestants, as the Leds- dren, Donald, now living in placing Christmas trees in the County 5.332 30.0% er has been reduced to fL50 Wyandotte and Mary (Mrs. Don All the candidates are working with renewed vigor for flagpole sockets the length and per year during the period of NOTICE Weekes) of Youngstown, Ohio. the Special Primes and Bonus Voles offered this week. HELP breadth of Main-st. There are but An auction sale will be held at the drive. Each subscriber Now is The Tiaw Surviving are the widow, the YOUR FAVORITE NOW WHEN HELP COUNTS MOST. 35 shopping days left until Christ- the farm of Mrs. Vetiie Daniels in : therefore saves 50c a year on I am a candidate in the three children named above, three mas. Alto on Saturday. Dec. 8. com-! each year's subscription. Thih i"Christmas Prize"* Subscription Here is another opportunity for you to earn some meditori- mencing at one o'clock sharp. campaign, and although leaching little granddaughters. Mary Anna ous votes offered this week, for the best cash results between School Children includes any amount that may The large list includes cattle, school. I am happy to say, with and Helen Louise Cameron of the dates of Monday, Dec. 3rd, and Tuesday. Dec. 33th, by j Beans by the carload are being he due in arrears and up lo Wyandotte, and Marjorie Jean ten o'clock, p. m. I picked and shipped daily from horses, tools and implements and live years in advance if so the support of my friends. J have Weekes of Youngstown, Ohio; the Runciman elevator, giving em- household articles. A. W. Hiilzey. desired. a fighting chance for one of the 000,000 Bonus votes to the candidate scoring lirst. ; auctioneer. major prizes to be awarded at the and a sister. Miss Jennie Cameron, 400,000 Bonus votes to the candidate scoring second. ; ployment to a large number, On Treasure Hunt of Toronto, Can. : with a payroll of approximately conclusion of the campaign on 300,000 Bonus voles to the candidate scoring third. December 22Dd. Funeral services were held at 250,000 Bonus voles lo all other candidates who report |si200 weekly—'truly a blessing to the home Sunday afternoon. Rev. as much as *20.00 between the ahove dales. jthis community. By the way. it's Over 38.000 Kent County school I am making this appeal to my S. fi. Wnger officiating, latermenl a wonder that someone hasn't children will begin on December friends who are subscribers to in Oakwood cemetery. SPECIAL FOB NEW SI BSORIPTIONS | thought of offering a prize for the 7 to explore "Mystery Island." the! The Lowell Ledger and others Relatives who came from a dis- IN THE LOWELL TERRITORY j nearest correct guess as to the Michigan Tuberculosis Associ- WHY A CAMPAIGN? who are not. to subscribe now tance to attend the funeral in- number of beans in a carload. ation's 3034 seal-selling game in and let me have the credit IT! cluded Miss Jennie Cameron oi 25 Gallons Gasoline will be given the candidate who a hunt buried treasure. All ma- The Lowell Ledger is nearing the end of a newspaper assure you I shall always appre Toronto; James Cameron, n earns highest number of points for securing new subscrip- Main-st. was covered with a terials for mys- ciate this favor. Your subscrip nephew. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. subscription campaign. It is the first since the present pub- lion will help me more if 1 re- tions between the dates mentioned above. And ending at 30 light blanket of snow Tuesday BUY terious h e a 11 h Donald Cameron. Wyandotte; o'clock. forenoon for the first time this CM«iSTMAf lisher took possession. As far as we can learn, no such cam- ceive it on or before Dec, 351h- Mrs. A. J. McDonald and son. De- game have been Thanking you in advance. 35 Gallons Gasoline to the candidate scoring second. winter. In the afternoon the snow scats mailed lo prin- paign has ever before been proposed or carried out in the troit; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wickham 30 Gallons Gasoline to the candidate scoring third. turned lo rain. The month ol nearly half century thai this newspaper has been .published. Edith Althaus. and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Headworth cipals and teach- 5 Gallons Gasoline to the candidate scoring fourth. Noveiuber was marked by bright ers from the of- and Georgia and Charles. Grand sunshine and warm rains, the We hesitated for many years, before we consented to SCHOOL VACATION Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. New- Hurryl Hustle! That is the motto which you should adopt Dce of the Grand | temperature most of the time dur- Rapids Anti-tub- try the experiment We were apprehensive of the success of The Lowell School Board has berry. Rattle Creek. There were from now on and the candidate who fails to do so is bound ing the month ranging between also many friends present from to be a small prize winner. This is a business proposition and erculosis Socie- such a proposal. We were fearful that injustice might be dout decided that Christmas vacation 50 and (H) degrees. Enough rain ty. the Christmas will commence Friday night. Dec. Grand Rapids, Ionia, Muskegon, to the best workers goes the best pay. frill during the month to bring the to some of the willing workers thai might enter the contest. Suarta. Whitehall, Detroit and Seal agent for 23. and end Wednesday, Jan. 2. deficiency which has existed for Kent Co. Chil- We had a personal reputation to maintain for fair and Hastings. so long up to normal. This morn- dren are suppos- square dealings with friends of more than forty years. These ing light snow again covers the Notice, Taxpayers landscape. ed to sell only to two considerations made us hesitate. Legion Commander Hart in Auto Crash, those who do Lowell Township Golden Wedding not receive seals We are glad to say that our fears regarding the lirst Beginning December 3sl ! will Thanks Merchants The State Liquor Store, which FICMT through the Sues Far $5,000 was opened in Lowell a couple of ruacMciiLosit problem are groundless. Every candidate in the contest has be at the City State Bank building mail. until 8*.30 p. m. each day until Mr. and Mrs. John G. Livingston months ago by the Stale Liquor As they sell seals in their an- received the same considerate treatment from Mr. Kirkpat- Commission, has not been found January M for the collection of The American Legion wishes to celebrated their 50th wedding an- nual drive to support the program rick who is in charge of the campaign. His records will show take this opportunity to express Suit for damages of 85,000 was profitable here and the stock of Lowell township laves. niversary Saturday. Dec. 1. A re- that brings to them and their this and we are sure that at the completion of the contest De- Wi Iliam VanV orst its appreciation of the coopera- filed in superior court Tuesday bv ception WHS held for them at their wet goods has been moved this families c best examinations, tion furnished by Lowell mer- Myron Vanderhoff off Lowell cember 22, when the prizes are awarded, the right persons c28tf Lowell-tp. Treas, H ns farm home in Alto and many ol •*» ^ 'vzrsrxz chants to make the Legion fair the R"^ t Constantine Bierdracki Um >r their friends came lo offer their cf "i'T.H w ci^, ^v . verine Health Bulletin, posters will win these major awards. nd h,s sun a s Vergennes Township success that it was. The generous " ll f G'-nstantine, as the congratulations and good wishes. |i [ ttoa •* T..**..i i»>L We felt that we owed it to our advertisers to give them sister. Mrs. Clare Ford, and a sis- jp. m* Thomas Murphy of Fort Wayne, Dr. Gertrude Tredenick, chir- Gaynor, Lew Ay res. The plot of the whole game is James Lind, -Hin-law, Mrs. Geo. Lewis, both Ind.. two sisters. Mrs. J. P. Mur- opractor, has a branch office at such a complete coverage. whom Jive in Alton. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7-8. designed to brush away some of c29-30 Treas. of Keene-tp of Grand Rapids and Mrs. Lowell in the King block Tues- "Caravan." Charles Beyer, Lor- the "Mysteries" of tuberculosis, We believe that the savings listed in the ads of our ad- Downes of Parnell and two days and Saturdays from 9 a. m. etta Young, Jean Parker. jthe disease which the school chil- vertisers will more than repay the cost of each individual Bowne Township grandsons. to 8 p. m. c2D To express the real sentiment of Sunday and Monday, Dec. 0-10, Idren are selling Christmas seals subscription many times over during the coming year. I will be at the Alio bank lo Ohri^tmas choose the one gift Funeral services will be held at "Crimson Romance," Ben Lyon, to fight, school commissioner, Al- St. Mary's church, Lowell, at 1U collect taxes every Saturday until that only you can give—your Given a government with a big Sari Maritza; "Limehouse Blues." len M. Freeland, a member of the The regular subscription price of the Ledger, following January 9. portrait Leonard Studios, open o'clock Friday, Interment in surplus and a big majority and a George Raft. Jean Parker. seal committee states. The trail Lowell cemetery'- this campaign will be 82.00 to all Michigan subscribers and Ethelyn Fair child. every afternoon from 2:80 until weak opposition, and you would Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. ends where the treasure is dis Bowne Tp. Treas- €:00. Evenings and Sunday by ap- debauch a committee of arch- 33-12. "Scarlet Empress." Marlene covered just off "Happy Play- other states and S2^0 to Canada. pointment Phone IK. ceS Read the Ledger ads. angels. Dietrich, Louise Dresser. ground" and "Rest well Hollow,' Want bring THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO. THIHSDAY, DEC. 6. 1JJ4 THREE

TWO THE LOWELL (MICH.) LED6B C aad ALTO SOLO. THI RSDAY. DEC. C. IM4 James Phelps is spending a few i This and That 'davs with friends in Edmore. Mr. ami Mrs. Claude Thornt- I'CHimCH : Fresh Ilorae-Made The Fact Finders—anrf Their Discoveries By *Kre««y From Around and children visited relatives in tbe Cowcll Ccdgcr 'Grand Hapids Sunday. TOYLAN D nd lllto:$olo the Old Town Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wadsworth CoeoiRil Kisses In Full Swing Here inn's o« fACT totLTy isiM'nt Thanksgiving with friends ZION M. E CHURCH KMV-ilOWLCIS RUPA in Linsing. German preaching Sunday at 10 PablUbnl every Thir^a* rainr at 21« E*»t Main Street Charles Brown was a business! F€W Moet Boger While of C. S. T. C... Ml. • Lb 15c o'clock a. m. Le»elL Mirhixaa. Ealrred al PoUefice al Lowell. Michigan. a» i visitor in Kulumazoo Saturday. Bible School al ll:i»0 a. m. • •• Se^ead CUm Nailer. Pleasant, spent Thanksgiving with J Mrs. Newell Hand has been ill the home folks. • You are cordially invited. II* P.M wrrk will, the pnppc. 0n S|ln,|av Mr Mrl F A • John Clans, pastor. K. G. JEFTERiBg. Editor aad PablUber. H. C. SCOTT Bring the children here and see their Mrs. Martha Mullen's many Gould visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. ? •a 1 Meaber Michigan Pres* Auoeialioa friends will be pleased to know Boyer of Mulliken. I Home of Good Home- FIRST METHODIST CIILRCII faces light up with pleasure. Made (bandies Meaber Nalioaal Editorial A»ocialioa |lh.l she is a lilllr b«ttrr. uidlc Ecker and family ot De J B. S. Miller. Pastor Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hall and troil were week-end guests of Mr. | * daughter Mabel spent Thanksgiv- and Mrs. Earl Hunter. Morning Worship at 10:30 SabMripliaa Rales Payable ia Advaare: ing with friends in Detroit. ... c- » ^ i. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gould wen o'cliK-k. The pastor will be the W. C. Hartman Vvar tUH; &% aeaik* SIM. preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Seese of Thanksgiving day guests of Mr.I Gordon SlhTWlM*! WIN *) Three aoalhs S«e:Siasle Copie* SC s On account of the death of my husband, I will sell Sunday School at 12:00 o'clock. Phone 38 215 W. Main St. T*£B£ ISAS*fUaAB$-ME S-Kpaj6 Klmdale were Sunday visitors ol and Mrs. C. J. Co'.oopeo r of Sebewa. unlay visitor nf Miss Anne Green ci^s^or^veoone' Mi. and Mrs. Walter Rogers. The Lowell Ledcer. e»4ablUhed Jaae. 1*93; The Alio Sole. e»- CAURMUIA MM BtBl IMKCRVE R>6S- Rormasiec or tve unu idwu at Public Auction at my place in Alto, on a Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Taylor Grand Bapids. Epworlh League at 0:30 p. m. lablished Jaaoarj. IMtL Coasolidaled Jane. 1917. • • |UDU>4.SJyw»5«.M£XICAU, CAURJCMIA CfSAiKAdMi, IMtHAMMA-EAfll YMB Ht Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson spent Thursday evening in Un | Mrs. Jennie Panlee of Freeport> Evening worship al 7:30. Mr. A. B2A&(£PueUC AJJPUt. 6€T5 THOUM»iPS <# LETThDi (AM* are moving this week into the sing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ScolL. visited Wednesday with her sis-.W. Thompson, Director of Bccre- tl>r rs Weekes house on N. Jefferson-st. ^rs ^ jjjacijbouse and two * ^ - Wm. CosgrilT. alional activities for the Grand mjt probation ralhrr than an ab- Ka Vflair inability to a new Saturday, Dec. 8,1934 Ally. Bobert S. Armour oi children of Saginaw spent Satur- Mrs. Mose Gates of Detroit was P'ds School Systems, has been secured to speak to us on the adjustment. Grand Bapids was a Thanksgiving day with her aunt. Mrs. Lena Luz.'here to attend the funeral of her SHIVEL SPEAKS LSTSOSTABCUUCrfOA guest at the home of Fred Hosley. place of Becreational Activities in In 1901 there were for the FtWMOGt PLACES AMp Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hoyl were grandfather. Fred Rogers. Ihe Program of the Church. Mr. Furniture For the Home country as a whole GSJi persons ?iacut>Moes facts. commencing at One o'clock sharp, the following Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fineis Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Miss Maxine Weeks and Velma Thompson is a recognized author- in privms and reformatories per spent the week-end in Portland at Latent designs and best construction. Because of our Mrs. G. W. Farrell of Grand Bap- Keech were the Sunday evening ity in his line and we are to have low overhead we can and will save you money. FOR PROBATION hundml thiiusand population; b> described personal property: the home of his aunt. Mrs. Oscar ids. guests of l,eo Wittenbach. a treat. Il'J2 7 this number ha^l risen to Bice. Midweek service Wednesday We specialize in—Window Shades, Floor Coverings, Picture 79 J. For .Vavvjrhusetts during I Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bieri of Mrs. Harlie Hunter has relum- Framing. Etc. Dr. and Mrs. G. G. Towsley of Newaygo visited Mr. and Mrs. ed home from a month's visit with evening al 7:30. Ofiicial Hoard iContinued from last week) the same period the number of meeting follows. prisontrs has actually fallen. Il CATTLE 2 Potato Planters Grand Bapids were Sunday din- Arthur Schneider and family on her son in Ashtabula, Ohio. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Sunday. The Greene Circle of Ihe L A. S. I Jersey Cow. € yre. old, due April 8 Water Tank Mrs. C. O. IjiwTence was a have postponed their meeting un- ,9w arM n Snap brims, tilk lined. Quaker Henry. report from Jackvnn prisopnsun fofor:r and^ ^4 5 'in 1927-. ^ Forr thtt Jersey Cow, 8 yn, old, due Dec. 31 Sleighs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend Thanksgiving day guest of Mr. til Thursday, Dec. 20. Roth & Brezina the month of Noreiaber. Thi^iS'as * ?bole •I1*' P"400 gray, paarl and tan. William W. Hull, who has been of Charlotte spent over Sunday and Mrs. Harry Fuller of Grand j Friday afternoon Ihe Triple C U,a, on of State prisons and Horse Rake ill and confined to the house since FURNITURE shows a total number of prisonersjj2P 'f . . HORSES Disk with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Hapids. Circle will meet al the home ot ji'S. onf Ihithivs ni.miwnumber ih*r*there. arr.'^* frrlornutone or mat oness has ha^v increased 7f2 Sept. 20, was out for the first lime Town5end Rose K iH No^,, S,rwl T < n nn ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller and I ™ ? : W. A. Roth Funeral Director fir^t-timrrs and who •* %i * ' 'l" f lh»* I*n.id. whiU Bay Geiding, 12 yr*. old Hay Rack Monday. of ,n 2M* 2X>S 11 Mrs. Belle Eddy of Big Bapids son Charles of Grand Rapids vis- .JJ* Sf : have srrsed time bef.^r. The re ^ decreased hi ^X) RCTNL KMMM er RNMU MD-KS- MMAMMCtMUS UBmSEMACK ABOUT TK Black Mare, 9 yrs.,old Cream Separator, No. 26 Economy King -4 Misses Eulah Layer and Audie spent Thanksgiving at the home of Rod Mrs. C. 0. Lawrence Sunday n ^ , cUr i1?. ^ . Prompt, Careful Ambulance Service port from Michi^zan Iteformatoo ,-^P?r ct.nl- .. .. . Bako<, r,oods Sa,e al w T (K 1>m OWttE OteE K1 SUMS CUE, tfEATHCR a>JD(TkH* LEST TKV APP&R Harness Vanderlip spent Friday evening her daughter. Mrs. Claude Thorne afternoon. ^ "t al Ionia for thr m.^ith of October °". ***** "T «iw"l"«n whelh- side store. Store Phone 55 Night Phone 330 4 (juBPsmrsnos^mEAer..^ MAMC ID CStricnf AUAMS ABRAU6EAieMl$. GRAIN and FEED with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grill in and family. p show* j total number irf 1388. Of ^ ? ' }o ^wroe thai Saddle Mr and Mrv J|iy ar%ons arr r< al 0 fifSt/e(JHUgTJ£.OOo,oae MCMAMMPMUI Some Carrot* Grand Bapids. thr^ 390 lure presi.41% priv.,. P * ' '« n»i«ht Uill furthei Dinner Bell Miss Wilma Geldersma was a planning to spend the last two Vergennes rrrords. Th^ report from the ^ ,ncrra^ w,lh * ontinuous Some Turnips Hay Sling Mrs. Margaret Stowell retumeo Thanksgiving day guest of her weeks of December in California Branch prison at Marqurtl. shows ! r"e ,n "»»f«rtory outcome. Om home Sunday after spending a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gel- visiting relatives. The service al the Vergennes semion subject at next Sundav 1 materially increased. II u clear Barley Hay Fork church will be held in the after- each month. a total numin r of prisoners of present evidence there is no ihat probation, where it is appli- week in Leslie with her sislei, dersma, of Alto. services: Alto—10:00 o'clock; Classes for all ages. Come and av ,mf Smyrna Gala Hay Knife Mrs. Abbie Aldrich. Mrs. Hatlie Rouse was a noon al 2:30. 964 ntrar> Rowne Center—11:30 and South enjoy the senice with us. 00 cable, is much less expensive and. Homemaker's B> Mrs. Albert Boueraaa Corn Stalks Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Pennock Thanksgiving day guesl of her and there are 4€i5 >ith previous theorrtical urounds from the sodal point of view.. Walking Seeder Mr. and Mrs. Vern Armstrong and family spent Thanksgiving son. Dr. Frank Tredenick and Lowell—2:30. Mrs. L. A. Dygert, Bible School criminal rerordv II will^'K--T L" delermin- A welcome for all. much more satisfactory than im- _,v. ,v-,. Hand Seeder Henry, the latter of Grand Bapids. and children and her mother, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. wife, of Grand Rapids. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Supt. n<4ed that Mibstantiallv 30'' of • •I not by the number of cases Corner IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. purchased the J. E. Lee meal Mrs. Peetz. spent Thanksgiving ImjI by the care with which they prisonment. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mather and 3 Forks R. Erb. of Dellon. Corner S. Washington Ave. and the ocrupants of these prisons On the other hand, the cost of '.daughter of Detroit spent the McCormick Deering Binder jCowctl Stems market. day in Cedar Springs. Mr and Mrs. Arch Condon and UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH ADA CONGREGATIONAL CH. urr chosen and by the character Scoop Mrs. Ava Wardell spent Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. John Alman of Cale- E. Kenl St. ha«< served time previous to their probation is perhaps one-tenth of Hy lloae Ecoaoatc* Specialists, i *'«k-end at their home in Smy-1 Hay Rack N. P. Husted suffered a severe of WEST LOWELL H. A. Luten, Pastor present incarceration. This of the supervision which they- re- rna 2 8-gallon Cream Cans David Mallett of Fremont spent giving and the remainder of the donia were guesls Sunday of Mr. Morning service every Sunday. the cost of maintenance in an in- Michigaa Stale Collcce. i - Deering Mowing Machine fall owing lo illness while trans- Thanksgiving and the week-end F. W. King. Pastor Sermon at II a. m. means, of course, that SflK* of th.- cene- after release. It would be 3-gallon Can of25,30and acting business at the Lowell week in Grand Rapids with her and Mrs. Will Huffman. 11:00 a. m. Lake Odessa. Mich. perfectly possible lo have a largt stitution. Even when probation isl Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norton were' at the home of his daughter. Mrs. son Claude and his family. All are welcome lo attend. it:mates of these prisons were not as expensively organized as il| Thank Benn Poller Stale Bank. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. IM-rrentafte of failures with a nksgiving dinner guests of Round Oak Store E. E. Sigler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones and "God ihe only Cause and Cre- West Lowell Church reformed by their first incarcera- ought to be. the cost is about 840j The cranberry was one of the Mr. and Mrs. Gardner floward of Plow Sanitary Cot * Joseph Batey and Anna Linton Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and chil- tion in prison. *niall uroup of probationers if: Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Donohue of daughter. Maxine of C. S. T. C^ ator" will be the subject of the 10:30 a. m.—Sunday School. To insure publication the cur- Hies were poorly chosen and >er year for each person on pro- first of the native American fruits Bonald township. Roller 35 H/earsJigo of McCords were united in marri- dren spent Thanksgiving wilh Mr. rent week church notices should I also have the report of the 2 Radios age. Ml. Pleasant spent Sunday with Ml. Pleasant, were Thanksgiving lesson-semi on in all Christian Mrs. Seymour Dalstra. Supt. badly supervised. It must also be Pation. Maintenance in an in to be utilized by our Pilgrim an- Mrs. Dee Ett Gardner of Belding 2 Wagons and Mrs. James Denton of Keene. Science Churches throughout the reach this ofiice on Monday. Probation Officer in the Becord- stitution costs varying amounts, cestors. and since that time cran- nt the week-end with Mrs. Ola Doable Gas Lamp Will Elgeat took Bert Sydnam's their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. dinner guests of Mrs. Jennie Hun- 11:30 a. m.—Preaching. er's Court at Detroit for the two remembered that many of those 2 Riding CnHirators and Mrs. Byrne McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cosgriff and world on Sunday, Dec. 9. 7:15 p. m.—Chistian Endeavor. most competent to judge are oi ranginf from $300 to £350. Pro- hern, sauce has become a tradi- Kdy. Table Gas Lamp December », 1J05—25 Year* Ago place as telegraph operator in the ter. years endin* June 1930 and Walking CnHivator Alto depot, the latter having mov- Mrs. Maria Williamslon ale Among the Bible dilations is 8:00 p. m.—Preaching by pastor. jthe opinion that there are many bation is not only efficient and tional holiday dinner combination Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hauserman Gas Lantern Charles M. Ketchum. old resi- Earl Dowiing received the sad Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Avery enter- this passage (Isa. 66:1):" "Thus Seeley Corners June 30, 1931. The firs! year the and son Harold were Thanksgiv- Corn Planter ed lo Lowell. Thanksgiving turkey with W. H. South Ward School wou,d harf humane, if properly organized, with turkey or other fowl, Other things too nnmerons to mention dent of Lowell township, passed news last Thursday of the death tained Norton Avery and family Panlee and family of South saith the Lord, the heaven is my By Mrs. S. P. Reynolds total number placed on probation ^ ^ tv w>noinicaI. There are many other ways of ing day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bom. at Alton, a daughter to Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. was 3.9M Tht second yeasear the "**..*** P^-baturn cases. away. of his step-mother, Mrs. Helen of I^ansing and Arthur J. Avery Bowne. throne, and the earth is my foot- Ine economic aspect of proba- preparing cranberries, according Earl Vosburg of near Ada. Homer Lee purchased the John Mr. and Mrs. C B. Francisco. Dowiing, in Duluth, Minn. and family of Grand Bapids on Chester Place. Supt. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hesche total number placed on probation Failures in probation resuh 1 n< S stool; where is the house that ye lln! -! *1? — '?P however, to home economics nutrition spe Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lobdell of •McCall residence. N. Perry Gardner left for the Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. I^onanl Ration. A cordial invitation is extended was 4319. The first year there either from inadequate judgmem north woods in the interests of Mrs. T. A. Cokinos of Chicago built unto me and where is Ihe and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. bv courts of the "risk" represent- VVhilr the offender is on probation cialists of Michigan Slate College. Grand Bapids were Sunday din- Walter Morgan was called In ~ j n -j ^ Glenn Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles place of my rest?" for each service. Hesche and Peter Veenema were were dischanced 4.173. Of this ne is earning money: it is nearl> to provide attractive accompan: ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stratford. Can, by the death of Ihe^ Grand Bapids \eneenng Com- and L. B. Andrews of SI. Joseph Thanksgiving dinner guesls al Jones and son Lester spent their number. 1714 were discharged ed bv the individual in question— were Saturday evening supper George Kingdom's were Mr. and ^ Correlative passages to be read Thanksgiving day guests o f Mr. niade a condition of his ments lo the menu. Insley. Thanksgiving wilh Mr. and Mrs. WHITNEYVILLE CHURCH with improvement and 461 with- whirh may in part be due to the MRS. VERLIE DANIELS, Prop. guests at the Byron Frost home. Mrs. Charles Abel. Alice DeVries jp. iH. Anderson. from the Christian Science text- and Mrs. Leo Bioomer of N. Mc insufficiency of the information probation that he shall have em- Crinberr>- ice is delicious with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joslin and b'siiss^Hazel Stocking was given Kinsley and Leo Walsh book. '^Science and Health with Cords. out improvement. I9S discharged son and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Inger- left for Galion, O., where they se- and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kingdom -i-. • • • , . , Sunday school-10:30 a. m. made available to the court—or ployment. Thus he is helping to the meal course and may take a birthday surprise by eighteen of Mrs. J. A. Carey, son Howard of and son Wayne. Thanksgmng day guests of Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Morning preaching—11:30 a. m Mrs. Libbie Reynolds had as her by statutory- limitations. XiS com- support himself and his family, the place of sauce or jelly. Cook soll and three sons were Sunday TERMS OF SALE—Cash. Nothing to be removed until settled for. cured employment. mitted for violating probation from the inadequacy of the super- her friends. Grand Bapids and daughter. Mrs. •Mrs. Marv Slinlon were Mr. and Raker Eddy, include Ihe follow- Epworlh League—7:00 p. m. Thanksgiving day guests her bro- and not only treatment by life one quart of cranberries with one dinner guests at Earl Norton's. Miss Viola LeClear, daughter of . Mrs. . Geo. Plummeci r j returnei ». d lo Harry Jergins of Florida, visited Thanksgiving day guesls of Mr. Mrs. Floyd Stinton of Three conditions and 169 arrested for vision provided. A. W.fflLZEY. Auctioneer. FRED PATTISON. Clerk hcr ing (poll)): "The substance, Life. Evening preaching—8:00 p. m ther. Charles Thibos and wife of Mate costs less but he is making pint of water until the berries are Elmer Bichmond and son Leo Mr. and Mrs. Danl^Clear. form- home near Klmdale aller a at the Ed. Easterbrook home on and Mrs. Wm. Kerekes were her Rivers and Miss Ethel Stinton and Intelligence. Truth and Ixive. corn milling new offenses. This, of There is fair reason to believe e< s s,a al an nn 01 Wednesday evening prayei Grand Rapids. from the evidence cited above that a valuable financial conlribntion. lender. Strain or run through a of Lowell and Mae Mills of Bock- er Lowell residents, was married * '^ > •* Art' " Friday. mother. Mrs. Margaret Staal and Tom Burns of Detroit. which constitute Deity, are re- furse. includes misdemeanors as 1 ca 0 ford were Sunday dinner guests hospital. meeting. 7:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole and some 70 per cent of all probalio'i .u iT ?* -M* *? l ' '930, colander, add one pound sugar. Ik is invited. A large class will lo Forrest L. Durkee in Grand Charles and P. C. Davis and theiri .. , . c .u . fieded by His Creation; and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Law- well as felonies. The number of the Detroit Probation Officer for and cook until dissolved. Cool. at Albert Hausennan's. Eunice Rowley ot Orleans. day of Mr. and Mrs. John Mays. The Lowell Culler Co. laid the Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartlett. families of Ionia. Mr and Mrs. Fred Swarthout Bev. J. G. Bailard, pastor. persons discharged with definite cases are finally readjusted lo the be initiated. Bapids. Mrs. Hannah Bartlett and Miss when we subordinate Ihe false ton Cole and baby spent Thanks- Ibc Recorder's Court shows the add the juice of two lemons, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowles. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cowles and Fred X. Baymond changed his foundation for a two-story addi- enlerlained thirteen guests al a improvement totals belter than 7i community without further con- Louis Prtcrson returned home Miss Elsie Dykslra is helping tion lo its machinery department. Edna Allen called on Mrs. Cath- Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore ofjfamily dinner on Thanksgiving testimonv of the corporeal senses giving with Mr. and Mrs. Evan flict with the law. total earnings of probationers for freeze lo the consistency of water and two sons spent Thanksgiving Saturday night from deer hunling, son Rolland were Thanksgiving address from Ionia to Lowell B. lo the facts of Science, we shall CATHOLIC PARISHES The number discharged with- penod Mrs. Hubert Reeves with her erine White of Grand Bapids on Ionia and Mr. and Mrs. S. K. James |day. Guesls were present from Fuller of Hastings. Mrs. Claude £* . ^^ ^6X9 For the ice. day with Mrs. Florence Whitfield but with no deer. evening guesls of Mr and Mrs. housework. F. D. 46. see this true likeness and refiec- St Mary's—Lowell out improvement or because of Cort of Probatioa as COM pared Sunday. of Grand Bapids were Thanks-tpiinl, Jackson and Pinckney. Cole remained with the Fullers BsrtI year 1931 he shows total A cranberry meringue pie has of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reeves en- Will Dryer of Belding. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bhodes wers lion everywhere." Rov. Fr. Jewell, pastor. statutory limitations is about 12^. With lapruoaaieat earnings of ?I.£66.62220. Practi- an attractive appearance. Cook Howard Reeves is in Chicago North Campbell George Tale of Grand Bapids giving guesls of Mr. and Mrs. W. until Sunday when they brought It Will thus be observed that be- This Thursday night is the pub- tertained for Thanksgiving din- Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLaughlin given a surprise bv twenty mem J. Warren and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wittenbach 8:00 a. m.. Low Mass. sermon. her home. cally all or most of this would one and one-half cups sugar and part of this week in the interests hers of the Bebekah lodge. Br Mrs. S. Drew spent Saturday evening al the Mc- entertained the following guesls tween 12 and I3'*< were rearrest- II has been estimated that in e thri lic initiatory work of the Macca- ner: Mr. and Mrs. Alden Bowley and family of_Portland, Ind.. were CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 10:00 a. m.. High Mass and ser- Mrs. Nellie Quieglewill be host- r." l '" Pro^a'ion- one cup water lo a syrup and add of the 4-ti Club of which he is a Miss Viola Sargent, aged 16, Pherson-Ogden home. Mrs. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schneider Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pikt ed. In Kent County only about New York imprisonment costs bees at Smyrna to which the pub- land family of Ionia and Mn. guests from Thursday until Satur- member. S. B. Wenger, Minister mon. ess to the L. A. S. on Wednesday, ers had been committed to tw*o cups cranberries. Cook until died at the home of her parents, Cialer-Phillip. Naptiala Donald and son of Detroit called and Mr. and Mrs. Art Schneider of Trufant, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ' of those placed on probation ab4,jiion Department of Erie ' ' ^ therefore, in cessories and carried a bonquel Walter, of Lansing. Church services. 11 a. m . County is conducted. The aier- lenm C04, "penditure foi me court m the supervision of ,&alad is a colorful addition lo an> John Simpson of West Lowell Bruce of East Jordan and Mr. and ':,nt Sunday. Miss Emery return- Morning Worship at 11:00. L. C. Doerr, pastor. spent Saturday night and Sunday probationerv meal. Make balls or mounds of of pink roses and s^ransonia. with her sister, Mrs. Libbie Rey- age throughout the State of New ^"bation as against imprison bought the Albert Gunn farm. while the bridesmaid. Miss Opal Mrs. William Pullen, who has Mrs. Wesley Both and sons, Ger- ing school after spending the Calendar riM nl r > i ne enects of this are far-reach- drained and seasoned collage east of Potter's Corners. nolds. York is 70 to 73^, The result ob- ' l*' 'Odividual is so much Cisler, sister of the groom, wore been ill for the past few weeks, aid and Donald, of Lowell. Thanksgiving holiday with hei ,owtr offender is more self- cheese, and surround with cran- Peckham Group meets wilh SNOW M. E. CHURCH tained. therefore; is the real argu- ** 'o n^ke imprisonment, a gown of aqua blue crepe and was not so well the first of the Thanksgiving and week-end parents. Mrs. Climena Schiebly of Wood- ca n Mrs. Clyde Collar Friday. Dec. Preaching 10 a. m. ment in favor of probation as '• . . powibly be avoided respeaing; vx-iety is benefiting ben-y sauce. Serve with mayon- December 8, 1904—30 Tears Ago week as she had been. Her friends land 19 visiting her friend. Mrs. iron his productive activity; ana naise or French dressing. The carried a bouquet of Talman guests of Sir. and Mrs. D. A. Win-1 Thanksgiving dinner guesls of Tuesday evenings. Pioneer Club Sunday school 11 a. m. against incarceration. without injuiy to society, an un Guy C. Norton, aged 31, died of roses. Henry DeGood served as hope to hear of her complete re- geier were Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Maxine Weeks were Mr. and Mr?. Libbie Cole. arTan members of the family are not so salad also may be made with in- at 5:00. James G. Baillard. Pastor. Darrel Burras of Mt Pleasant Only fiie States adopted pro *' 'ed waste of public funds, lockjaw, caused by an injury lo best man. covery in the near future. Dodge and two children of Chi- ross 11^1 an(1 familv, Mr. and Wednesday evening. Campfire nusl c,ear ,ha, on i. compelled to seek dividual ring molds of cranberry spent the Thanksgiving vacation bation legislation liefore 1900 and ' ^ ly when his hand received two weeks be- Following the reception for the Ray Covert and son Lyle re- cago and Miss Elsa Buchanan of Mrs. l.eo Silcox and son of Girls at 7:00. of these only three dealt with *,av*' Ibe means and the charitable assistance, which often kHy turned out on a lettuce leaf: Lake Orion. ALTO BAPTIST CHURCH with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. happens to families whose bread- fill the center of the ring with fore while oiling a bearing in the immediate families the couplc lumed from the north Friday Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wednesday evening. Dec. 12. adult probation. In spite of its to spend as much money up- basement of the Wisner mill. left for a visit with relatives in W. B Gardner, Pastor V. Burras. on r winners have been sent to prison. wilh two deer and a bobcat. The Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Springett Weeks and Leo Wittenbach of dinner meet of all church and recent ,.' b^d-making was Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 'Harris of parents. as in a numlier of the Stales of admit IImI with equal ex- pleasant flavor to the meat. For A son was born lo Mr. and Mrs. at the John Layer home Sunday of Ionia. Rill Howard of Flint and Be present on time Sunday eve- pen alM, »old in liquid form at the corner Alto were Thanksgiving dinner South America. Asia and Africa.' *' trtorl both mrthods a three pound pot roast, brown Waller Maynard. afternoon. Evening callers were Thanksgiving guests al the Boy Mr. and Mrs. Leo Denny and fam- ning for Ihe Children's sermon. ar grocery, and ladled out of a stone This rapid adoption by the world '' "'"a"* ineffective in those the meat in one tablespoon of fat. guesls of I^awrence Headworth Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Carr and Haines home were Mr. and Mrs. ily of Lowell. crock at a penny a dipper? A marriage license was issued and wife. Adult sermon al 8:00. For the 'tf an essentially American inien- ^P^'bc instances which are Bemos-e the meat from the pan lo Melvin Phelps nf Greenville Neva Vanderlip of Grand Bapids. Verle Weeks and family of Ed- next three Sundays semion sub- 0 ^hir pictures were taken while Mr. and Mrs. Carl Both and Miss Marian Anderson. Mart tion in the handling of certain ^.n *'" . to be most refractory, and add three cups boiling water and Evelyn Godfrey of Lowell. 0rc r n( rs jects are as follows: "The Sym- unl , we h our head was held in a grip to Word was received here of the w i^' ,' ?. ? ^ Groen and several friends of types of criminal cases is in the * ^ ' ave done that can to the pan, then add two cups of ' Will Headworth were Thanks- |n keep it steady? Norman Stuart and Miss Bertha sudden death of Earl Bogers in ] "r„a es and son Charles, (jran(| Hapids spent Wednesday pathy of Jesus." "The Sincerity of nature of a tribute to its useful- V" assume, and much less assert, cranberry sauce made less sweet giving dinner guests at Silas Ford Garage McArthur of South Boston were Jesus" and "The iHumility of Ih Ladies wore their lace hand- Drew's. Afternoon callers were Freeporl Saturday. morningmorning. Wal- Jl*"- .and Mrs. Ira Outman and cven{ng Wl|h Mr. and Mrs. P. H. ness and validity. at pn^batiiHi is as ineffective in than usual, stir until thorooghly united in marriage. family, Mr. and Mrs. John Lent Anderson. Miss Anderson and Jesus." ,h, kerchiefs attached to a fingei mixed with the water. Beplace Edna Lillle. Bernie Bedell. Emma ter Rogers and Ed. Holehkiss are The importance of probation as ' c alcitrant cases as we know ring? John C. Wilson of Pratt Lake cousins of Mr. Rogers. The fun- and Mrs. hstella Shaw of Belding. Mr. Groen also spent Tuesday Community Club meets Friday Power Creasing Service an instrument in court procedure 'naituhonal treatment has proved the meat in the pan and cook as Whilbeck and Leo Church. evening al 8:00. ,0 Our waists and sleeves were secured a position on the Grand eral was held Wednesday in Free- I .ester Boss of C. S. T. C.. Ml. night at the Anderson home. is iiMlicated by the fact lhat a "re- usual, adding salt and pepper to Bapids fire department force. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bolfe are fitted so tight that we put on our taste. enlertaining the former's mother port. Pleasant, spenl the Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Fred OHarrow en- New equipment, plus personal attention to Sin SST* approximately p.rt of Coacl.sion. ,Bd Recoa- hats before we donned our E. H. Spencer and family mov- holiday al the home of his par- 3./00 prrd>ation f^firers in the •endalio., from Sail Lake City, Utah, for a Miss Mildred Lee and Harry tertained on Wednesday evening CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE basques? ed to Clarksville. few weeks. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Ross. your requirements. rt^irts. regularly apprdnled and ... . . Miss Jessie Wallers of Hailey, LaBar spent part of last week wilh a chicken dinner. Guests Rev. Vernon Shirley, pastor. Straw was put under the parlor Claude Wolford and family Sunday guests at the Ross home were Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Shilling more or less paid." V*" conclude that the present c , Idaho, came for a visit with Low- with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. 10:00 a. m. — Sunday School. aT* l lo keep it from wearing? ar were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross A curious and striking con- antiquated and ell relatives. nmove jd i>fro -mj th.i--e Cain1 far^ m lo ^ ' Sniith, of Grand Bapids. Mr. of Fremont, Ohio, Miss Lora 11:00 a. m.—Preaching service. ,n c,t , We carried foot-muffs with us and baby of Grand Rapids and Mr. tradiction in the policy of two r® J L It does not reform Iht Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Seese of Grand Bapids this week. Emmelv and Mrs. Smith returned with O'Harrow and friend of Ann 7:00 p. m.—Junior N. Y. P. S. f to unhealed churches? Carigan and family moved on the and Mrs. Harry Nesman of Lan- Washing, Hot Water, Service Stales in the use of probation is ails to protect so- Logan went to Kansas to spend Ihem Sunday and spenl Ihe day Arbor and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. 7:00 p. m.—N. Y. P. S. Service. TheTt Starched pillow shams were Cain fami. sing. 1» In- found in the laws of Iowa fl"/:. ' « reason to believe three weeks. al the George Lee home. Roth of Lowell. 7:45 p. m.—Evening Service ,, al 1 embroidered in red; one was! Mr. and Mrs. S. Drew and Mr. and North Carolina. The first i f <"onlnbutes to the increase ,00 Those from here who attended < nM ' i Night and the other and Mrs. Marl Griffin were Tues- Thanksgiving guesls of Mr. and makes probation of a person. TI ' ^ hardening the prison December 7. 18M—35 Years Ago Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ihe conference of post command- r u Sweet Dreams?" day night supper guests at Carl Rowes the latter part of last week Mrs. E. H. Roth were Miss Ina afflicted with a venereal disease f * «• are convince.! that a new ers and adjutants of the American O'Harrow of Detroit and Mr. and LOWELL BAPTIST CHURCH Phillips 66 Qas imfftfS'uble. the second makes pro- !,>pe of If "a' institution must be CoaditioM Same in Doainlon Miss Bessie White and Frank Roth's. were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ralcuni. legion and Auxiliary at the Occi- 1 M. Gulliford. both of Lowell, were Mrs. 1). 1). Krum and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoolsema, pastor. balion possible only in the case ''"^"'ped. one that is new in JTbe Ledger wants more re- Dominion Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Cisler and two children. Mrs. Inez Lewis and dental hotel in Muskegon Satur- ,n married in Grand Bapids. family spenl Sunday with the H. E. Krum, Roger and Susan of The easy starting gas. Goes farther—no of a person afflicted with a ven- nielhod and in objective mimscences of this sort. Every Calgary. Alberta. Maxine and Floyd Weatherol of day and Sunday were Dr. and Rible School—10:00 a. m. C. W. Klumpp and Dwight former's parents at Hastings. Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Will Covill of Vergennes. Miss O'Harrow spent Preaching by the pastor—11:00 ereal disease or convicted of sec- We consider it both unwis' e ami old resident can think of a few November 23, *34. Mrs. H. P. Gotfredsen, Mrs. Grace the remainder of the week with crankcase dilution. Costs no more. Grand Rapids spenl Sunday al Iht- a. m. ond degree prostitution. unnecessary to spend large sums and it is merely a matter of re- Editor The Ledger, Niles, Dr. J. R. Stryker and N. E. Mrs. Roth and Mrs. H. E. Krum. It is admitted by all concerned of money in construction of maxi- ducing then to writing ard send- Dear Sir: Bowes home. j Borgerson. B. Y. P. U. al 0:30 p. m. that probation services are almost mum security, congregate prisons ing them in. They will he cor- Mrs. J. A. Carey of Grand Rap- Preaching, Evangelistic—7:30 Ib 1 am receiving your very in- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones and, Giles Sinclair of Western Slate everywhere understaffedu.. While Z ' Aufcnni type. Experience reeled If needed. ids. Howard Carey and sons of p. m. d. Send Uvm in.1j teresting paper regularly and daughter Doris Jean of Milford. Teachers College. Kalamazoo. Mrs. Harry Jergens the best practice would limit "the amply demonstrated that onI> read it with very great interest. B Ccn|cr Mid-week Prayer meeting— a sni Mrs. Beach of Highland. Miss spent over Thanksgiving w-ith his d children of Palm Reach. Kin.. Watch for the NEW FORD V-8 c.-«se bad" of probation officer to , . proportion of the prison NOTICE. LEDGES READERS As you know my father, mother 1 an Wednesday evening. 8:00. 50 cases, ... for1rm.Iikt. Clara Mae Reach of Dearborn parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mert Sin |ca||ed on Mr. and Mrs. P. ill. An- Sunday School Teachers' in- 1 in many jurisdictions P^'alion requi and sister were residents of yooi Christiansen ! and Mrs. Julia Jones of Lansing "It won't be long now! ' "the rase loaoadd " is many hundreds1 proper classifica town for a great number of years clair. Frank Raymond of Lansing dcrson Friday, the latter remain struction class Wednesday eve- ,,on lh< surprised Mrs. Sarah McPherson was a Thanksgiving dinner guest. i g ji Saturday. Mr. and Mrs of case-s. making a •.upersisioo ^ 'Prison population, the Friends of The Ledger and Al- and for that reason I am always Mindav rtitActc vi•«-«> • o .n •linl — . ning at 7:30. r< < n Thanksgiving day and spenl Ihe guests were Miss Doris Anderson spenl Saturday in Young People's Bible Class— difficult. The "failure" under propro-(P- '* '. ' overcrowded conditions to Solo having business in tbe interested in reading your paper. day wilh her. bation may really represent a P" relieved Maekley of Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids. Thursday evening, 7:30. __ . by housing a Probate Court of Kent County From a column o—f your -~rpape—i Specials, Friday-Satirday Oily Dan Sinclair of Hastings. case of inadequate attention dur- large number of the inmates in will confer a favor on tbe pub *** out here a very good view Mrs. P. J. Fineis and Mrs. N. E. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Simpson en- Sunday evening, Dec. 16. the 101 our Middleville Male Quartette will Pat Beahan simple and inexpensive buildings bsber ~byJ requesting thtuec LOUcourIt I tIoO ,"P^. , . ^ > citoens. an-..du notuviec Rorgerson have been invited lo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner tertained their son-in-law and 81 10 Every item a real bargain that have charge of the evening ser- or the minimum and medium se- order probate notices published 'II ^ates you have also attend the candlelight tea which entertained their children and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold ^Your Local Ford Dealer" curity type. The millions of dol- in this paper. The Court will be ,he samc' 45 we have in Canada a you cannot afford to miss. the Kenl Garden club is giving their families on Thanksgiving Knight and son lHarold of Detroit vice. lar! now employed to construct glad to comply with the request acu,e unemployment prob- Ibis Friday in Grand Bapids. They day. four generations being sealed from Wednesday until Friday. Behold, the Lord's hand is not elaborate maiimum-ttcurity pris- when made. - Bespectfully lern- ' note you are having the will be the guesls of the president at tbe table. Guesls were Mr. and Their son, C. Aithen Simpson, shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it can- ons could, with much advantage, B. G. Jeff cries. Pub. Ledger I""? u^ti 114 we mTr having here. S. M. A., 11.20 ralue of the club. Mrs. Francis D. Cam- Mrs. Edson Gardner and son wife and daughters, Retly and be used in the development and \\e have a peculiar situation 89c pau, of Grand Rapids. Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Hfugh Gardner, Marjory, of Grand Rapids were not hear. Call upon the name of proper financing of adequate sys- .of living in the land of plenty and son Paul and daughter Charlotte Thanksgiving guesls. the Lord and thou shall be saved. tems of probation and parole. in that land we have people who I lb. Can Choc. Malted Powder, reg. 35c...k 21o Miss Leone Dowiing fell and Esther. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heim No proper penal system can be lare not able to sustain themselves fractured her knee when she and daughter Roma June, Mrs. Charles Lawyer, formerly of ADA COMMUNITY REFORMED developed until means are found with necessities of life. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, 60c size.... 47c sprang from a spring board in the Mabel Scoll and sons. Bertram Lowell, who has been in govern- CHURCH ment senice for four years, first * ^ to remove the tubercular, the in Our wheal crop in Alberta this athletic room al school in Lan- and Wamer and George Herald ol Rev. Howard B. Scholten, Pastor. instant 1 lb. Can Ovaltine, original |1.00 size.... sing. She is now wearing a cast liOwell and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle with the prohibition department The Busy Man If -jm mt At krvd dm jmvane tma, th e venereally diseased, the year is in the neighborhood of S3o 10:00 a. m.—What Must I Be- feeble-minded, the drug addici. 112 million bushels. and attending school on crutches. Gardner of Bloomfield Hills. and recently with the alcohol lax unil of the internal revenue de- lieve (XIITThe Life Everlasting." needs coal that requires little furnace tend- l CT perrtr an Phillip*' Milk of Magnesia, 25c sizo Miss Dowiing is the daughter of r! L? ; V w 'i I am interested in the prices of 19c partment. Saturday assumed the 11:00 a. m.—Sunday School . DtCZMBC* feeble from the general prison ordinary commodities as adver- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowiing of ing, that gives steady heat—coal that makes i-Lisacat. 21a ad- Lowell. post of temporary chief of the tax for all ages. population for such permanent 01 tised on the pages of your paper.. Ipana Tooth Paste, 50c sizo 7 "-30 p. m.—"The Book of few ashes and no clinkers. $ •csof to Uacm. Utttemporar y treatment as may U. 39c unit group for the western district I am sending you some sheets Miss Kalherine Steed of C. S. T. of Michigan. Books." (Bible Sunday). required. showing the prices of similar 4—Hcary Fcrfs Pcau !!»• akillfu] Assorted Talcum, value up to 20c 5c C, Ml. Pleasant, spent the Thanks- Pliabiig - Heatiig 8:45 p. m.—Christian Endeavor. We Have That Kind of Coal! Probation must be considered) commodities as sold in the dty of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Stevens BcaSfe9(xa)t.l&lS. obtained adding giving holiday wilh her parents. Topic, "Problems Faced on Mis- ,as the most imiKirtant step we Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steed. Other Now is the time to have entertained for Thanksgiving: sion Fields." Leader, Peter Bruin- have taken in the individualiza- Vaseline Hair Tonic 29c Try Dixie Gem for the cook stove, Bradshaw S-OHem* dofercs bde- advise me when my sub- Thanksgiving day dinner guesls Mr. and Mrs. iHerb Dawson, Mr. ekool, Jr. tion of treatment of the offender scription runs out so that I may your Pocahontas for the furnace. Kenmont, pezittict of Mexico. Grove's Bromo Quinine, reg. 30c box.... at the Steed home were Mrs. Fred and Mrs. Lester Dawson. Mr. and Thursday, 7:45 p. m.—Melody The success of probation is de- be able lo cuulinuc yuur impel . 21c Steed and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Clyde Dawson and family. Girls from Hudsonville. "Kentucky Best" and several other depend- pendent upon the care with Thanking you, I remain Vaughan and two children of Plirtwf aid leatiis Rev. and Mrs. Myron Dawson and Friday. 8:00 p. m.—Prayer ser- S—Tbe IhA Frtt State itwinc h cases are originally chosen Yours truly, Vick'e Vapo Rub, reg. 35c „. 24c Grand Rapids. daughter of Sunfield; Mr. and vice in the home of Mr. and Mrs. able kinds of coal. CTuUabei 1921. and upon the sufficiency of later Daniel F. Whitney. PrtfckMs supervision. Mrs. Lloyd Dawson and children John Koning on l'S-I6. JS£ TO RHaMTIbSAY Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowiing and of Saranac, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Saturday, 1:30 p. m—Children's daughter Florence attended the taken care of. We will Dry Oak Wood. Hay, Straw and Feed 7—DcSavxxc it £ns tatt to No man should be sent to a WHAT ME Pl&KE* IU People get good results everr Newell and children of Grand Bible Classes. hfmryjg* Ccnttitstica. 1717pena. l institution until it is Wa have a complete line of gifts for Christ- funeral of Olio Selesky in Lake- ;; furnish estimates with- Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. John Raker "Thy Won! is a lamp unto my definitely delc-rmined that he u. TWtS COUUTBY OP ouPs., week by using The Ledger want . NO SECOND GRADt view Sunday afternoon. Mr. • • out obligation. and children. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- feet, and a light unto my path."— n d a fit subject for probation. To column. You may no longcr mas at prices that are surprisingly low. Selesky was an old friend of Mr. ence Mclnlyre and Charles Daw- S—Waiiitfon retrcau BUT TO cttmcr FCLLOW Psalm 119:5. this end it is urged that every ef- need some odd article, but it may Dowiing's and was well-known in son and friend of Sand Lake. F. P. MacFarlane acro« Dc£mrc nrcr. Lowell, where he was a fremient RAY COVERT 1776. fort be made to broaden proba- AUOHMAEOMT...MOT be just the thing somebody else ... NO THIRD GRADE Buy Now for Chris tmai and Savt ALTO PARISH M. E. CHURCHES tion and to proside more and bet- ONLY ONE QUALITY visitor. He passed away Wednes- Phone 193-F2 Lowell, Mich. Phone S17 E. A, Armstrong, Pastor jler supervision. With adequate TO LfSTEH IFK9 POW'T wants Adrertise it and find a day following an opendion in St. To keep friends forget youi iMaAelS-lmaaSaB mmudma to probrdion staffs the number of! V/AMT TO. bo>er. Mary's hospital. Grand Rapids. favors and remember theirs. "The Book of Life" will be the persons who might be placed on. Iprobation with success can be! Curiosity leads to knowledge. ADA OIL COMPANY, Distributors I r tmrnrnmrnmrnm

THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO, THURSDAY, DEC. 6, 1934 THREE James Phelps is spending a few TWO I'ME LOWELL (MICH.) LBDdB ( and ALTO SOLO. THURSDAY. DEC. 6. 1934 This and That days with friends in Edmore. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thorne Fresh Home-Madc CHURCH The Fact Finders—and Their Discoveries By Ed. Kre«.y From Around and children visiled relatives in Cl)« CowkII Ledger Grand Bapids Sunday. jWOlNCLMDTj TO YL AIM O the Old Town Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Wadsworth Coeoanut Kisses and fllto:$olo spenl Thanksgiving with friends ZION M. E. CHURCH In Full Swing Here tWs OW6 RACT HXLTty in Lansing. IHV-U0WUT5 RUPA German preaching Sunday al 10 Charles Brown was a business o'clock a. m. Published every Thursday murninK at 210 Eant Main Street Few AAoee. visitor in Kalamazoo Saturday. Roger While of C. S. T. C.. Mt. j ^ 15c Lowell, Michigan. Entered al I'ostollice at Lowell, Michigan, as Pleasant, spent Thanksgiving wilh Bible School at 11:00 a. m. • •• Second Clans .Matter. A Mrs. Newell llland has been ill Ihe home folks. You are cordially invited. the past week with Ihe grippe. John Clans, pastor. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. A. I H. C. SCOTT Bring the children here and see their K. G. JEFFERIE6. Kditor and Publisher. Mrs. Martha Mullen's many- Gould visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. friends will be pleased lo know Boyer of Mulliken. Home of Good Home- FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Member Michigan Press Association that she is a little better. faces light up with pleasure. Latelle Ecker and family of De- Made (handles R. S. Miller. Pastor Member National Editorial Aasociation Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Hall and Iroil were week-end guests of Mr. daughter Mabel spent Thanksgiv- nnd Mrs. Earl Hunter. Morning Worship at 10:30 ing wilh friends in Detroit. o'clock. The pastor will be the Subscription Rates Payable in Advance: Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gould were W. C. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Seese of Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. preacher. Vear $2.00; Six months $1200. On account of the death of my husband, I will sell Gordon Sherwood was a Sat- Phone 38 Klmdale were Sunday visitors ol and Mrs. C. J. Cooper of Sebewa. Sunday School at 12:00 o'clock. 215 W. Main St. Three months 50c;Single Copies 5c mm 15 A SMiTA CLAUS-HE5 THE DOM urday visitor of Miss Anne Green Classes for everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bogers. of Grand Mapids. CAUFORUIA HAi BtEU UUDtKRVE FIA6S- 6Kr&^EP05TMA5Tre0FTWELrm£ TOWW at Public Auction at my place in Alto, on Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Taylor Epworlh league at 0:30 p. m. The Lowell Ledger, established June. 1893; The Alto Solo, es- . • jUWAM.smWISH.MEXICAU, CAUfOftMIA ofsauta a AU$, IWDIAHUA-EACU YEAR he Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson spent Thursday evening in Lan- Mrs. Jennie Pardee of Freeporl Evening worship al 7::«). Mr. A. lahlished January, 1904. Consolidated June, 1917. BEAfc REPUBLIC Allt) US. GETS THOU5AWP5 OP tETTECJ MJP CAB Pi, are moving Ibis week into the sing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott. visited Wednesday wilh her sis- W. Thompson, Director of Recre- Weekes house on N. Jefferson-st. Mrs. C. R. Stackhouse and two ter, Mrs. Wm. Cosgriff. ational activities for tbe Grand ing probation rather than an ab- Ally. Robert S. Armour oi children of Saginaw spent Satur- Mrs. Mose Gates of Detroit was Rapids School Systems, has been Saturday, Dec. 8,1934 secured to speak to i*-, on the solute inability to make a new Grand Baoids was a Thanksgiving day with her aunt, Mrs. Lena Luz. here to attend the funeral of her guest at tbe home of Fred Hosley. place of Recreational Activities in SHIVEL SPEAKS adjustment. LETS6CT ABOUUDTOA Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hoyl were grandfather, Fred Bogers. Furniture For the Home In 1904 I here were for the the Program of tbe Church. Mr. FEW AAOBE PLACES AMP Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fineis Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Miss Maxine Weeks and Velma country as a whole 08.5 persons commencing at One o'clock sharp, the following Thompson is a recognized author- Latest designs and best construction. Because of our pick up mobe FAcn, spent the week-end in Portland at Mrs. G. W. Farrell of Grand Rap- Keech were the Sunday evening ity in his line and we are lo have in prisons and reformatories per the home of his aunt, Mrs. Oscar ids. low overhead we can and will save you money. hundred thousand population; by described personal property: guests of U'O Wittenbach. a treat. FOR PROBATION Bice. Midweek service Wednesday We specialize in—Window Shades, Floor Coverings, Picture 1927 this number bad risen to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bieri of Mrs. Harlie Hunter has return- Framing, Etc. 79.3. For Massachusetts during Dr. and Mrs. G. G. Towsley of Newaygo visiled Mr. and Mrs. ed home from a month's visit with evening at 7:30. Ofiicial Board meeting follows. (Continued from last week) Ibe same period tbe number of CATTLE 2 Potato Planters Grand Bapids were Sunday din- Arthur Schneider and family on her son in Ashtabula, Ohio. prisoners has actually fallen. II ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Sunday. The Greene Circle of the L. A. S. Jersey Cow, 6 yn. old, due April 8 Water Tank Snap brims, tilk lined. Quaker •Henry. Mrs. C. O. Lawrence was a have postponed their meeting un- I have before me the .stntisticnl was 04.5 per hundred thousand in Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Townsend Thanksgiving day guest of Mr. 1904 and 45 in 1927. For tlu Sleighs til Thursday, Dec. 20. Roth & Brezina report from Jnekson prison for Jersey Cow, 8 yrs. old, due Dec. 31 gray, pearl and tan. William W. Hull, who has been of Charlotte spent over Sunday and Mrs. Harry Fuller of Grand Friday afternoon the Triple C Ihe month of November, This country as a whole tbe prison Horse Rake ill and confined to the house since with his mother, Mrs. Jennie FURNITURE population of State prisons and Bapids. Circle will meet at the home ol shows n lotnl number of prisoners HORSES Disk Sept. 20, was out for the first time Townsend. Mrs. Rose Kiel on North Street. 5,098. Of Ibis mnnbor there are reformatories has increased 78.2 Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller and W, A. Roth Funeral Director per cent during Ibis period, whitb Bay Gelding, 12 yrs. old Hay Rack Mrs. Belle Eddy of Big Bapids son Charles of Grand Bapids vis- The people of the city are in- 2.840 first-timers nnd 2,858 who vited to visit our Thrift Shop and in Massachusetts it has decreased | M *200 aC.THE KIM6WM e* FUWW miDTElB MOKAMMEtVAUS MEVCfclZEMAOt ABOUT THE Black Mare, 9 yrs., old Cream Separator, No. 26 Economy King Misses Eulah Layer and Audie spent Thanksgiving at the home of ited Mrs. C. O. Lawrence Sunday Prompt, Careful Ambulance Service have served lime before. Tbe re Vanderlip spent Friday evening her daughter, Mrs. Claude Thorne Baked Goods Sale at Yeiter's west port from Mirbigan Heformalory 4.6j)er cent. UTE ID DIE OOUttE EMPIRE |jj SU6AB CAME, WEATHER COiDlTlOHS LEST 1M6Y APPEAR Harness afternoon. This raises Ibe cpieslion wheth- GRAIN and FEED wilh Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grill in and family. side store. Store Phone 55 Night Phone 330 at Ionia for tbe month of October OUlfOSWKTSnCJXorwC/UtV^Wttl XIUOOFime: EAST./nc/v>l.. IMCt MANNAMEC TOCErriCilIV WtMIUAEC ALIAHS AWA"<5EA«MT5l-». . Saddle Grand Bapids. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Parsons are shows a total number of 1,968. Of er it is possible to assume thai CAMP/COMES FWMIMETOWM KUAMW.im IMPIA. mEttAK.ATliA^T.2^000,000 MOtUMAATOAUi. Miss Wilma Geldersma was a planning to spend the last two probation cases iniRhl still furtbei rr^i Some Carrots Dinner Bell Vergennes these 590 have previous prison Some Turnips Mrs. Margaret Stowell retumeo Thanksgiving day guest of her weeks of December in California be increased with a continuous Hay Sling home Sunday after spending a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gel- Tbe service al the Vergennes records. Tbe rei>orl from Ibe visiting relatives. sermon subject at next Sunday each month. Hrancb prison at Marquette shows S a r 0l C( niC: 0 Barley Hay Fork week in Leslie wilh ner sislei, dersma, of Alto. church will be held in the after- i/w! iir.>Cn!l» l v/,ll n/>n lL !. " materially increased. II is clear Mrs. Hatlie Bouse was a services. Alto—10:00 o'clock; Classes for all ages. Come and tlu present evidence there is m. thaj probation, where il is appli Smyrna Oats Hay Knife Mrs. Abbie Aldrich. noon al 2:30. a total number of prisoners of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Pennock Bowne Center—-II :30 ami South enjoy the service with us. 964. Of these 499 are first-timers reason to assume tbe contrary cable• • , i•s much• les• s expensive and•. Thanksgiving day guest of her Homemaker's Mrs. Albert Honserman Corn Stalks Walking Seeder Mr. and Mrs. Vern Armstrong and family spent Thanksgiving son. Dr. Frank Tredenick nnd Lowell—2:30. Mrs. L. A. Dygert, Bible School nnd tbere are 465 with previous tnL rrsn -i g.roUn (is from' the" social p^im'oTv'ew,' 1 00 p r 0 S { e ermm! Hand Seeder Henry, the latter of Grand Bapids, and children nnd her mother, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. wife, of Grand Bapids. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY A welcome for all. Supt. criminal records. It will thus ber.. ', nn"?t hl!!.v ^, i, 'V ' l * muc™chh mor?e satisfactory than im- IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, ETC. purchased the J. E. Lee meat Mrs, Peetz, spent Thanksgiving C SCs Corner 3 Forks B. Erb, of Delton. noted that substantially 50% of I""', * '' '' u .l prisonment. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mather and jCowoll Stems market. day in Cedar Springs, Mr and Mrs. Arch Condon and Corner S. Washington Ave. and UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH e c ir w McCormick Deering Binder E. Kent St. ADA CONGREGATIONAL CH. tbthe occunantoccupants of thesthecpe prisonnricnn>s: ' '' 9 bicb they On the nt daughter of Detroit spent tbe Scoop N. P. Husted suffered a severe Mrs. Ava Wardell spent Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. John Alman of Cale- of WEST LOWELL have served time previous to their week-end at their home In Smy- Hay Rack David Mallett of Fremont spent giving and the remainder of the donia were guests Sunday of Mr. Morning service every Sunday. H. A. Luten, Pastor Hjr Home Economlca Specialists, 2 8-gallon Cream Cans fall owing to illness while trans- F. W. King, Pastor present incarceration. This of the supervision which they re- iKp rn-i nf nininlmnnrn in nn in rna. Deering Mowing Machine Thanksgiving and the week-end week in Grand Rapids with her and Mrs. Will Huffman. 11:00 a. m. , Michigan State College. 5-gallon Can of25,30 and acting business at the Lowell Lake Odessa, Mich. Sermon at II a. m. means, of course, that 50% of the C SC stiluUon Even whcn Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norton were Bean Puller State Bank. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. son Claude and his family. "Sunday school, 11:00 a. m. All are welcome to attend. nerVectYv TOs5bie to ha^'n'hrlT - probation is Thanksgiving dinner guests of Round Oak Stove E. E. Sigler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones and inmates of these prisons were not " expensively organized as il Joseph Batey and Anna Linton Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ulunter and "God the only Cause and Cre- West Lowell Church percentage of failures with a 1 a t 1 5, Plow Sanitary Cot Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and chil- reformed by their first incarcera- lught to be, the cost is about $40 Tbe cranberry was one of tbe Jf ** " ' M " Gardner Howard of 35 ^/earsTigo of McLords were united in marri- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Donohue of daughter, Maxine of C. S. T. C., dren spenl Thanksgiving wilh Mr. ator" will be tbe subject of the 10:30 a. m.—Sunday School. To insure publlcallon Ibe cur- tion in prison. small group of probationers if er year for each person on pro- -O nf Ihe nntlvP Anierirnn fruits Ronald township. . „ . Roller first of the native American fruits 2 Radios age. Mt, Pleasant spent Sunday with Mt. Pleasant, were Thanksgiving and Mrs. James Denton of Keene. lesson-sermon in all Christian Mrs. Seymour Dalstra. Supt. rent week church notices should I also have tbe report of the Ibey were poorly chosen and gat Mrs. Dee Ett Gardner of Belding 2 Wagons Science Churches throughout tbe b-fly supervfsed. I, mud nW£ to be utilized by our Pilgrim an- Double Gas Lamp Will Elgeat took Bert Sydnam's their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. dinner guests of Mrs. Jennie Hun- 11:30 a. in.—Preaching. reach this ofiice on Monday. Probation Ofllcer in tbe Record- cestors, and since that time cran- spent the week-end with Mrs. Ola 2 Riding Cultivators place as telegraph operator in the and Mrs. Byrne McMahon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cosgriff and world on Sunday, Dec. 9. remembered that many of those ranging from $300 to %550 Pro' Purdy. TaMe Gas Lamp December 9, 1909—25 Years Ago ler. 7:15 p. in.—Chistian Endeavor. er's Court at Detroit for tbe two most romnelent lo iiMoo or. nt ' .H'ngjrom WW IO WOU. Pro berry sauce has become a tradi- Walking Cultivator Alto depot, the latter having mov- Mrs. Maria Williamslon ate Among Ihe Bible dilations is 8:00 p. m.—Preaching by pastor. years ending June 30, 1930 and most competent to judge are oi Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hauserman Gas Lantern Charles M. Ketchum, old resi- Earl Dowiing received the sad Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Avery enter- Thanksgiving turkey with W. H. Seeley Corners bation is not only efficient and tional holiday dinner combination ed to Lowell. this passage (Isa. 60:1):-"Thus South Ward School June 30. 1931, The Orst year the tbe opinion that there are many humane, If properly organised, and son Harold were Thanksgiv- Corn Planter Other things too numerous to mention dent of Lowell township, passed news last Thursday of the death tained Norton Avery and family Pardee ami family of South sailh tbe Lord, the heaven is my By Mrs. S. P. Reynolds men in prison who would have with turkey or other fowl. away. Bom, at Alton, a daughter to total number placed on probation but also economical. There are many other ways of ing day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Francisco. of his step-mother, Mrs. Helen of Lansing and Arthur J. Avery Bowne. throne, and tbe earth is my foot- Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. was 3,904. The second year the made good probation cases. The economic aspect of proba- Earl Vosburg of near Ada. Homer Lee purchased the John Dowiing, in Duluth, Minn. and family of Grand Bapids on stool; where is the house that ye Chester Place, iSupl. Failures In probation resuh preparing cranberries, according N. Perry Gardner left for the Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hesche total number placed on probation tion does not stop there, however. Mr, and Mrs. lHarold Lobdell of iMcCall residence. Thanksgiving. built unto me and where is the A cordial invitation is extended and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. either from inadequate judgment to home economics nutrition spe- Waller Morgan was called to north woods in the interests of Mrs. T. A. Cokinos of Chicago Glenn Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles for each service. was 4.519. The first year tbere While the offender is on probation cialists of Michigan State College, Grand Rapids were Sunday din- the Grand Bapids Veneering Com- and L. B. Andrews of St. Joseph Thanksgiving dinner guests at place of my rest ?" Hesche and Peter Veenema were were discharged 4,175. Of this by courts of the "risk" represent- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stratford, Can., by the death of Jones and son Lester spent their he is earning money; it Is nearly to provide attractive accompani- pany. were Saturday evening supper George Kingdom's were Mr. and Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Correlative passages to be read Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. number, 3,714 were discharged ed by the individual In question— always made a condition of his Insley. his father. from the Christian Science text- WHITNEYVILLE CHURCH which may In part be due to the ments to the menu. MRS. VERUE DANIELS, Prop. Miss Hazel Stocking was given IH-arry Kinsley nnd Leo Walsh guests at the Byron Frost home. Mrs. Charles Abel, Alice DeVries P, IH. Anderson. and Mrs. Leo Bloomer of N. Mc with improvement and 461 with* probation that he shall have em- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joslin and book, IScience and Healtb with insufllciency of the information Cranberry ice Is delicious with a birthday surprise by eighteen of left for Galion, O., where they se- Mrs. J. A. Carey, son iHoward of and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kingdom Sunday school-10:30 a. m. Cords. out improvement. 195 discharged ployment. Thus he Is helping to the meat course and may take son and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Inger- TERMS OF SALE—Cash. Nothing to be removed until settled for. cured employment. and son Wayne. Thanksgiving day guests of Key to the Scriptures." by Mary- Morning preaching—II :30 a. m Mrs. Libbie Reynolds had as her by statutory limitations. 205 com- made available to the court—or support himself and his family, soll and three sons were Sunday her friends. Grand Rapids and daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Slinlon were Mr, and Baker Eddy, include tbe follow- from the inadequacy of the super- the place of sauce or jelly. Cook Miss Viola LeClear, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Plummer returned to Epworlh League—7:00 p. m. Thanksgiving day guests her bro- mitted for violating probation and not only treatment by the dinner guests at Earl Norton's. Harry Jergins of Florida, visited Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. Mrs. Floyd Slinlon of Three ing (p 510): "The substance. Life, vision provided. one quart of cranberries with one A. W. HILZEY, Auctioneer. FRED PATTISON, Clerk Mr. and Mrs, DanLeCIear, form- her home near Elmdale after a at the Ed. Easterbrook home on Evening preaching—8:00 p. m ther, Charles Thibos and wife of conditions and 169 arrested for State costs less but he Is making pint of water until the berries arc Elmer Richmond and son Leo seven weeks' stay at an Ann Arbor and Mrs. Wm. Kerekes were her Bivers and Miss Ethel Stinton and Intelligence, Truth and Love, Tbere Is fair reason to believe er Lowell residents, was married Friday. mother, Mrs. Margaret Staal and Wednesday evening prayer Grand Rapids. committing new olTenses. This, of a valuable financial contribution. tender. Strain or run through a of Lowell and Mae Mills of Rock- hospital. Tom Burns of Detroit. which constitute Deity, are re- meeting, 7:45 p. m. from the evidence cited above that ford were Sunday dinner guests to Forrest L, Durkee in Grand Charles and P. C. Davis and their Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole and course, includes misdemeanors as During the fiscal year of 1930, colander, add one pound sugar, lie is invited. A large class will Eunice Rowley ot Orleans. day of Mr. and Mrs. John Mays. The Lowell Cutter Co. laid the Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bartlett, Ilecled by His Creation; and Rev. J. G. Bailard, pastor. daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Law- well as felonies. Tbe number of some 70 per cent of all probation at Albert Hausennan's. Bapids. families of Ionia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swarthoul when we subordinate Ihe false cases are finally readjusted to tbe the Detroit Probation Officer tor and cook until dissolved. Cool, be initiated. foundation for a two-story addi- Mrs. (Hannah Bartlett and Miss entertained thirteen guests at a ton Cole and baby spent Thanks- persons discharged with definitt the Recorder's Court shows the Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cowles and Miss Elsie Dykstra is helping Fred N, Baymond changed his teslimony of the corporeal senses community without further con- add the juice of two lemons, and Louis Peterson returned home address from Ionia to Lowell B. tion to Its machinery department. Edna Allen called on Mrs. Cath- Mr. and Mrs. Emory Moore of family dinner on Thanksgiving giving with Mr. and Mrs. Evan improvement totals better than 7ft total earnings of probationers for freeze to the consistency of water and two sons spent Thanks(nvlng Saturday night from deer hunting, son Rolland were Thanksgiving Mrs. Hubert Reeves with her erine While of Grand Bapids on Ionia and Mr, and Mrs. S. K. James to the facts of Science, we shall CATHOLIC PARISHES T. The number discharged with- flict with the law. evening guests of Mr and Mrs. housework. F. D. 46. day. Guests were present from St. Mary's—Lowell Fuller of Hastings. Mrs. Claude that period $2,764,466.69. For the ice. day with Mrs. Florence Whitfield but with no deer. Sunday. of Grand Bapids were Thanks- Flint, Jackson and Pinckney. see Ibis true likeness and reflec- Cole remained with the Fullers out improvement or because of Cost of Probation as Compared of Lowell. Will Dryer of Belding. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Bhodes weri tion everywhere." fiscal year 1931 be shows total A cranberry meringue pie has Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reeves en- -Howard Beeves Is in Chicago given a surprise by twenty mem- North Campbell giving guesls of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rov. Fr. Jewell, pastor. until Sunday when they brought statutory limitations is about 12%. earnings of $1,966,622.20. Practi- George Tate of Grand Bapids Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wittenbach With Imprisonment an attractive appearance. Cook Thi...... s Thursda. ..m. aUa.y, night is thw.e^ MUUpub -tertained for Thanksgiving din- Mr. and Mrs. -Ray McLaughlin part of this week In the interests bers of the Bebekah lodge. Br Mrs. S. Drew spent Saturday evening at tbe Mc- J. Warren and family. 8:00 a. m., Low Mass, sermon. her home. Il will thus be observed that be- cally all or most of this would one and one-half cups sugar and lic initiatory work of the Macca- ner: Mr. and Mrs. Alden Rowley- and family of Portland, Ind., were of the 4-IH Club of which he is a entertained tbe following guests CONGREGATIONAL CHURtH 10:00 a. m., High Mass and ser- tween ^and 13% were rearrest- It has been estimated that in Miss Viola Sargent, aged 10, Pherson-Ogden home, Mrs. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schneider Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piki Mrs. Nellie Quigglewill be host- have been lost If these probation- one cup water to a syrup and add bees at Smyrna to which the pub- 'and family of Ionia and Mrs. guests from Thursday until Satur- member. S. B. Wenger, Minister mon. ed. In Kent County only about New York imprisonment costs ers had been committed to died at the home of her parents, Cialer-Phllllps Nuptials Donnld and son of Detroit called and Mr. and Mrs. Art Schneider of Trufant, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ess to the L A. S. on Wednesday, about nineteen times as much as two cups cranberries. Cook until south of Lowell. to see Mrs. McPherson Sunday. St. Patrick's Parnell .Dec. 12 for dinner at the Commun- 61% of those placed on probation prison. they pop, then cool. Mix one tea- The home of Mr. and Mrs. spenl over Thanksgiving in Ak- Wiltenbach, Mrs. John Nash and Advent will be considered a does probation.' The Institutional Allen Behler returned to school ron, Ohio, wilh the former's Rev. Fr. McNeil, pastor ,l! ity Hall. have been eventually committed Central supervision of proba spoonn fiour, the yolks of two Bobert Cisler was the scene of a Sunday callers at the Clyde Miss Eslher Nash. period of great Consecration at 8:00 a. m. Low Mass and ser- to prison for violating their cost of confinement was estimated after being absent three weeks Mullen home were Mr. and Mrs. brother, P. H. Schneider and wife. tbe Congregational church. Ser- Mias Leah Reynolds is at home tion should be provided for and ,egg s and three tablespoon_—s o f. the due to a broken leg received In a pretty wedding Tuesday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Johnson, mon. in 1920 at $555.72 per inmate, as op parole or for new offenses. Mr. measures •lookin • iig t-o some sort ol julc• e fro- m the cranberriesc . Sti•i Nov. 27, when Miss Madeline Will Wingeier, daughter Gerald- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Culbbert mon subjects until Christmas are from her work in Lansing for a James S. Owen, bead of tbe Pro- against $29.34 for probation sup- football game. daughter Helen, Mrs. Corwin 10:00 a. m. High Mass and vacation until after the holidays. state-wide standards should be _ one- teaspoo--_ipoon butter, ..le.t the Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ine and son Bobert, Dan Stowe and son Bobert of Mishawaukee Porrilt and Mrs. Floyd Flynn of as follows: Dec. 9lb, "The Arl of sermon. bation Department of New York, ervision per case. encouraged. " A little daughter arrived at the and Donald Mullen of Grand Bap- Letting Go," or Personal Poise in Mrs. Helen Reynolds spent from The Probation officer of Kent mixture cool, and add one-ball home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Timp- Flint Phillips, became the bride and Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Lewis of Bowne nnd Mrs. .Stanley Coles of Cascade and Rowne at the last meeting of tbe Crime Only persons possessing ade- teaspoon vanilla. Turn this filling of Mr. lHarold Cisler, son of Sir. ids. Akron, Ohio, spent Thanksgiving a Troubled World; Dec. lOth, Wednesday until Saturday with Commission, advised that in the County informs me that tbe aver- son of Alto. South Boston were Tuesday fore- Rev. Fr. E. H. Racette, pastor." daughter. Mrs. Lois Tidd of Low- quale technical training and ex- linto a deep pie crust all ready and Mrs, Bobert Cisler, Bev. Cal- al the John Lewis and Mrs. Lena noon callers of Mrs. Wm. Cos- The Grit lo Hold On," or Ways city of lUiffalo, between 85 and age cost of supervising tbe pro- S. G. Fryover nnd family of Mrs. Hannah Bartlett entertain- of Facing Life; Dec. 23rd,( Christ- Services al 9 and 10:30 a. m ell. penence should be selected to baked, cover w i t h meringue Holton moved to the William houn officiuting, in the presence ed for Thanksgiving dinner Mr. Luz homes. griff. 90% of Ibe probationers were re- bationer is $19.00, whereas tin serve as probation officers. They from the whites of two eggs and mas Sunday), "The Grace of Fol- Alden. Qole of M. S. C. spent cost of maintaining a person In Schaeffor farm in north Boston of the immediate families. and Mrs. Howard Bartlett of Friday evening dinner guesls of leased with improvement. This should be freed from other duties two tablespoons powdered sugar, The bride wore a gown of Miss Margaret Emery of Beld- lowing," or "Over-Sight Is In- Sunday night with his parents, Mr. prison in Michigan is about township, recently occupied by South Lowell and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gramer were CASCADE CHURCH OF CHRISI. high percentage is largely due to and allowed lo give all " Eleanor blue crepe and blue ac- ing, Walter Wittenbach and Don- sight." Sunday school, 10 a. m. and Mrs. Claude Cole. Ihe efficient manner in which the $397.85. lime to their duties as agents oi Dan Townsend and family. Clinton Eyke nnd sons, Clint and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Miles and son ald Stevens motored to Mt. Pleas- Church School at 10:00 a. m. Mrs. Nettle Kinyon of Lowell In any account, therefore. In A cranberry-cottage cheese John Simpson of West Lowell cessories and carried a bouquet Walter, of Lansing. Church services. 11 a. m. Probation Department of Erie Ibe court in the supervision of salad is a colorful addition to any of pink roses and swansonia. Bruce of East Jordan and Mr. and ant Sunday, Miss Emery return- Morning Worship at 11:00. spent Saturday night and Sunday terms of cost the expenditure foi bought Ihe Albert Gunn farm, Mrs. Wesley Both and sons, Ger- L. C. Doerr, pastor. County is conducted. Tbe aver- probationers. meal. Make balls or mounds of while Ihe bridesmaid. Miss Opal Mrs. William Pullen, who has ing to school after spending tbe Calendar with her sister, Mrs. Libbie Rey- age throughout the State of New probation as against imprison- The effects of this arefar-reach- east of Potter's Corners. been ill for Ibe past few weeks, ald and Donald, of Lowell. Thanksgiving holiday with hei nolds. ment per individual is so much drained and seasoned cottage Cisler, sister of the groom, wore Peckham Group meets with York is 70 to 75%. The result ob- ing: The offender Is more self- cheese, and surround with cran- a gown of aqua blue crepe and was not so well the first of the Thanksgiving and week-end parents. SNOW M. E. CHURCH Mrs. Climena Schiebly of Wood- tained, therefore, is the real argu- lower as to make imprisonment, December 8, 1904—30 Years Ago Mrs. Clyde Collar Friday, Dec. 7. Preaching 10 a. m. respectjng; society is benefiting beiry sauce. Serve with mayon- carried a bouquet of Talman week as she had been. Her friends guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Win- Thanksgiving dinner guests of land ip visiting her friend, Mts. ment in favor of probation as when it can possibly be avoided from his productive activity; and hope to hear of her complete re- Tuesday evenings. Pioneer Club Sunday school 11 a. m. without injury to society, an un- naise or French dressing. The m Guy C. Norton, aged 31, died of roses. Henry DeGood served as geier were Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Maxine Weeks were Mr. and Mrs. at 5:00. Libbie Cole. against incarceration. members of the family are "not so salad also may be made with in- lockjaw, caused by an injury to best man. covery in the near future. Dodge and two children of Chi- James G. Baillard. Pastor. Darrel Burras of Mt. Pleasant Only five States adopted pro warranted waste of public funds. Boss Bignal and family, Mr. and Wednesday evening, Campfire likely to be compelled to seek dividual ring molds of cranberry- his hand received two weeks be- Following the reception for thi- Bay Covert and son Lyle re- cago and Miss Elsa Buchanan of Mrs, Leo Silcox and son of spent the Thanksgiving vacation bation legislation before 1900 and It must be clear that only when chantable assistance, which often Girls at 7:00. we have taken the means and the jelly turned out on a lettuce leaf; fore while oiling a bearing in the immediate families the coupic turned from the north Friday Lake Orion. Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wednesday evening, Dec. 12. ALTO BAPTIST CHURCH with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. of these onlv threo dealt with happens to families whose bread- basement of the Wisner mill. [effort to spend as much money up- fill the center of the ring with left for a visit with relatives in with two deer and a bobcat. The I Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Springett Weeks and Leo Wiltenbach of dinner meet of all church and W. B Gardner, Pastor V. Burras. adult probation. In spite of Its winners have been sent to prison. drained and seasoned cottage Mr. and Mrs. E, B. Quick were Grand Hapids. recent development adult proba on probation supervision in our former's deer was a big nine- were Thanksgiving day guests Grattan. Sunday School officers at Parish Bible school at 10 a. m. cheese. Serve with mayonnaise or iven a surprise by a number of Preaching service al 11 a. m tion has spread with great rapid- most difficult cases as we spend oint buck. Walter Wallington oi of Mr. and Mrs. King of Benton Mrs. John Howard entertained House al 0:30. Potluck. The Lowell Ledger and the on an average on all prison cases, French dressing. friends honoring their tenth wed- aranac accompanied them. every Sunday. ity and is now to be found in 36 Cranberries cooked with a pot ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and S Harbor. Boger Springett, who with a family dinner Thanksgiv- Herald clubbing offers are good and have an equal number of Remember, When family were Sunday dinner guests bad been deer hunting with Mr. Communion the first Sunday in at The Ledger office. States, the District of Columbia, roast will make the meat tender M. H. Lovely shipped 8 car Mrs. Nettie Ellis, Paul Dinlaman ing day. iHer guests were Mr. Alton Community Church nnd the Federal Government, in failures as it Is generally admit- of Carl Both and wife. King, returned home with his just as vinegar does, and adds a loads of potatoes to New Orleans. and Lavern Bryant of Alto called and Mrs. Leo Howard and family S. B. Wenger, Minister most European countries, as well ted must be credited to tbe prison, Yeast for bread-making was Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 'Harris of at the John Layer home Sundav parents. of Ionia, Bill Howard of Flint and may we admit lhat with equal ex- pleasant flavor to the meat. For A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Be present on lime Sunday eve- as in a number of the States of sold in liquid form at the corner a three pound pot roast, brown Waller Maynard. Alto were Thanksgiving dinner afternoon. Evening callers were Thanksgiving guests at the Boy Mr. and Mrs. Leo Denny and fam- South America, Asia and Africa. pense and effort both mclbod.s j guests of Lawrence Headworth ning for the Children's sermon. grocery, and ladled out of a stone tbe meat in one tablespoon of fal. A marriage license was Issued Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Carr and lHaines home were Mr. and Mrs. ily of Lowell. Adult sermon at 8:00. For the This rapid adoption by tbe world are equally ineffective in those crock at a penny a dipper? and wife. Neva Vanderlip of Grand Bapids. specific instances which are Remove Ihe meat from the pan lo Melvin Phelps of Greenville Verle Weeks and family of Ed- Miss Marian Anderson, Mart next three Sundays sermon sub- of an essentially American inven- Our pictures were taken while and add three cups boiling water and Evelyn Godfrey of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Both nnd more, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Andrews. tion in the handling of certalu known to be most refractory. Will Headworth were Thanks- Word was received here of the Groen and several friends of jects are as follows: "The Sym- our bead was held In a grip to to tbe pan, then add two cups of Norman Sluart and Miss Bertha Mrs. Earl Haines and son Charles, pathy of Jesus." "The Sincerity of types of criminal cases is in tbe Not until we have done that can keep it steady? giving dinner guests at Silas sudden death of Earl Bogers in Grand Hapids spent Wednesday- cranberry sauce made less sweet McArthur of South Boston were Freeporl Saturday morning. Wal- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Outman and evening with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Jesus" and "Tbe IHumility of Ford Garage nature of a tribute to its useful- we assume, and much less assert, Ladies wore their lace hand- Drew's. Afternoon callers were lhat probation is as ineffective in than usual, stir until thoroughly united in marriage. ter Bogers and Ed. Hotchkiss are family, Mr. and Mrs. John Lent Anderson. Miss Anderson anil Jesus." ness and validity. kerchiefs attached to a fingei mixed with the water. iReplace John C. Wilson of Pratt Lake Edna Little, Bernie Bedell, Emma and Mrs. Estella Shaw of Belding. The importance of probation as the recalcitrant cases as we know ring? Whilbeck and Loo Church. cousins of Mr. Bogers. Tbe fun- Mr. Groen also spent Tuesday Community Club meets Friday Power Creasing Service the meat in tbe pan and cook as secured a position on Ihe Grand eral was held Wednesday in Free- evening at 8:00. an instrument in court procedure institutional Ireatment has proved Our waists and sleeves were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bolfe are Lester Boss of C. S. T. C., Ml. night at the Anderson home. lo be. usual, adding salt and pepper to Raoids fire department force. port. Pleasant, spenl the Thanksgiving is indicated by tbe fact that a "re- fitted so tight that we put on our taste. E. H. Spencer and family mov- entertaining the former's mother Mr. and Mrs. Fred OUfarrow en- New equipment, plus personal attention to cent count shows approximately Part of Conclusions and Recom- hats before we donned our ed to Clarksville. from Salt Lake City, Utah, for a Miss Mildred Lee and Harrv holiday al the home of bis par- tertained on Wednesday evening few weeks. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Boss. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE your requirements. 3.700 probation officers in the mendations basques? your Miss Jessie Walters of Hailey, LaBar spent part of last week with a chicken dinner. Guests Rev. Vernon Shirley, pastor. courts, regularly appointed and Straw was put under the parlor Claude Wolford and family with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday guesls al the Boss home were Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Shilling We conclude that the present Idaho, came for a visit with Low- were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boss 10:00 a. m. — Sunday School. more or less paid." carpet to keep it from wearing? ell relatives. moved from the Cain farm to Carl Smith, of Grand Rapids. Mr. of Fremont, Ohio, Miss Ix)ra prison system is antiquated and and baby of Grand Bapids and Mr. 11:00 a. m.—Preaching service. A curious and striking con- We carried fool-muffs with us Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Seese of Grand iBapids this week. Emmeti and Mrs. Smith returned with O'Harrow and friend of Ann tradiction in tbe policy of two inefficient. It does not reform tbe Carigan and family moved on Ihe them Sunday and spent tbe day and Mrs. Harry Nesman of Lan- 7:00 p. m.—Junior N. Y. P. S. Washing, Hot Water, Service lo unhealed churches? Logan went to Kansas to spend Arbor and Mr. and Mrs, E. H. 7:00 p. m.—N. Y. P. S. Service. Slates in the use of probation is crimlnal. It fails to protect so- Starched pillow shams were n - — Cain farm. at tbe George Lee home. sing. Both of Lowell. ciety. There is reason to believe three weeks. 7:45 p. m.—Evening Service lo be found in tbe laws of Iowa embroidered in red; one was cold Mr. and Mrs. S. Drew and Mr Those from here who attended that it conlributes to the Increase Thanksgiving guests of Mr, and and North Carolina. Tbe first "Good Night" and tbe other gtterHoi December 7, 1899—35 Years Ago and Mrs. Mart Griffin were Tues Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ihe conference of iM)st command- makes probation of a person of crime by hardening the prison Sweet Dreams?" day night supper guests at Carl Bowes the latter part of last week Mrs, E. H. Both were Miss Ina er. We are convinced that a new Both's. ers and adjutants of Ihe American O'Harrow of Detroit and Mr. and LOWELL BAPTIST CHURCH afflicted with a venereal disease Conditions Same In Dominion Miss Bessie White and Frank were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balcom, Legion and Auxiliary at the Occi- Philiips 66 Qas impossible, tbe second makes pro- type of penal institution must be M. Gulliford, both of Lowell, were Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Cisler and Iwo children, Mrs, Inez Lewis and Mrs. D. 1). Krum and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoolsema, pastor. developed, one lhat is new in [The Ledger wants more re- Dominion Hotel, dental hotel in Muskegon Satur- H. E. Krum, Roger and Susan of bation possible only in the case married in Grand Bapids. family spent Sunday with the Maxine and Floyd Weatherol of Bible 'School—10:00 a. m. The easy starting gas. Goes farther—no spirit, in method and in objective. miniscences of this sort. Every Calgary, Alberta, C. W. Klumpp and Dwight day and Sunday were Dr. and Vergennes. Miss O'Harrow spent of a person afflicted with a ven- former's parents at iHastlngs. Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Will Covill of Mrs. iH. P. Gotfredsen, Mrs. Grace Preaching by tbe pastor—11:00 ereal disease or convicted of sec- We consider il both unwise and old resident can think of a few iNovember 23, '34. Grand Rapids spenl Sunday at tin. tbe remainder of the week with crankcase dilution. Costs no more. unnecessary to spend large sums and It is merely a matter of re- Editor The Ledger, Niles, Dr. J. B. Stryker and N. E, Mrs. Both and Mrs. H. E. Krum. n. m. ond degree prostitution. Bowes home. Borgerson, B. Y. P. U. at 0:30 p. m. It is admitted by all concerned of money in construction of maxi- ducing them to writing aird send- Dear Sir: mum security, congregate prisons ing them In. They will be cor- Mrs. J. A. Carey of Grand Bap- Preaching, Evangelistic—7:30 that probation services ore almost I am receiving your very in- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones and Giles Sinclair of Western State ids, Howard Carey and sons of p. m. everywhere understaffed. While of the Auburn type. Experience rected If needed. Send th.»m In.] teresting paper regulurly and daughter Doris Jean of Milford, Teachers College, Kalamazoo, has amply demonstrated that only read il with very great interest. Byron Center, Mrs. Harry Jergens Mid-week- Prayer meeting- tbe best practice would limit "the Mrs. Beach of Highland, Miss spenl over Thanksgiving wilh his and children of Palm Beach, Fla., Watch for the NEW FORD V-8 a small proportion of the prison As you know my father, mother Clara Mae Beach of Dearborn Wednesday evening, 8:00. case load" of probation officer to NOTICE. LEDGER READERS Christiansen's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mert Sin- called on Mr. and Mrs. P. OL An- Sunday School Teachers' in- 50 cases, in many jurisdictions population reouires fortress-like and sister were residents of youi and Mrs. Julia Jones of Lansing clair. Frank Baymond of I^insing derson Friday, the latter remain- "It won't be long now!" buildings. Wilh proper classificn- town for a great number of years surprised Mrs. Sarah McPherson struction class Wednesday eve- "Ihe case load" Is many hundreds was a Thanksgiving dinner guest. ing until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. ning at 7:30. of cases, making any supervision lion of the prison population, the Friends of The Ledger and Al- and for that reason I am always Thanksgiving day and spent the Sunday guests were Miss Doris present overcrowded condition?! interested in reading your paper. day with her. Anderson spent Saturday in Young People's Bible Class- difficult. The "failure" under pro- to Solo having business in the Specials, Friday-Saturdiy Only Macklcy of Grand Bapids and Grand Bapids. Thursday evening. 7:30. bation may really represent a can be relieved by housing a Probate Court of Keat County From a column of your papei Dan Sinclair of Hastings. large number of the inmates In we get out here a very good view Mrs. P, J, Fineis and Mrs, N. E. Mr. and Mrs. Nf. E. Simpson en- Sunday evening, Dec. 10, the case of Inadequate attention dur- will confer a favor on Ihe pub- Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gardner Middleville Male Quartette will Pat Beahan simple and inexpensive buildings lisher by requesting tbe court lo point of your citizens, and note Every item a real bargain that Borgerson have been invited to tertained their son-in-law and of the minimum and medium se- that in the states you have also attend the candlelight lea which entertained their children and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold have charge of the evening ser- order probate notices published their families on Thanksgiving vice. "Your Local Ford Dealer*' curity type. The millions of dol- in this paper. The Court will be the same as we have In Canada a you cannot afford to miss. Ibe Kenl Garden club is giving Knight and son lHarold of Detroit lars now employed lo construct very acute unemployment prob- this Friday in Grand Bapids. They day, four generations being seated from Wednesday until Friday. Behold, the Lord's hand is not glad to comply with the request al the table. Guests were Sir, and shortened, that it cannot save; elaborate maxiraum-security pris- when made. > Respectfully, lem, 1 note you are having the will be tbe guests of the president Their son, C. Aithen Simpson, same times as we are having here. S. M. A., $1.20 value 89o of the club, Mrs. Francis D. Cam- Mrs. Edson Gardner and son wife and daughters, Betty and neither bis ear heavy, that it can- ons could, with much advantage, R. G. Jefferies, Pub. Ledger. Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. iHugh Gardner, not hear. Call upon the name of be used in the development and We have a peculiar situation pan, of Grand Bapids. Marjory, of Grand Bapids were son Paul and daughter Charlotte Thanksgiving guests. the Lord and thou shall be saved. proper financing of adequale sys- of living in the land of plenty and 1 lb. Can Choc. Malted Powder, reg. 35c...^ 210 Miss Leone Dowiing fell and in that land we have people who Esther, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heim tems of probation and parole. " fractured her knee when she and daughter Boma June, Mrs. Charles Lawyer, formerly of No proper penal system can be arc not able to sustain themselves Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, 60c sise ADA COMMUNITY REFORMED 47o sprang from a spring board in the Mabel Scoll and sons, Bertram Lowell, who has been in govern- CHURCH developed until means are found with necessities of life. athletic room at school in Lan- and Warner and George Herald of ment service for four years, first lo remove the tubercular, the In IKSSHII Our wheat crop in Alberta this 1 lb. Can Ovaltine, original $1.00 size. 53o sing. She is now wearing a cast I/Owell and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle with the prohibition department Rev. Howard B. Scholten, Pastor. The Busy Man "// you want tht kenui sanethtn, th ytme venereall musty diseased, the year is in the neighborhood of nnd attending school on crutches. Gardner of Blcomfield Hills. and recently with tbe alcohol tax 10:00 a. m.—What Must I Be- crack thf nut." feeble-minded, tbe drug addici, 112 million bushels, Phillips* Milk of Magnesia, 25c sixe.... Miss Dowiing is the daughter of unit of the internal revenue de- lieve (XII)"Tbe Life Everlasting." needs coal that requires little furnace tend- the sex-pervert, the aged and the I am interested in the prices of 19c Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowiing of partment, Saturday assumed the 11:00 a. m.—Sunday School .-D DECEMBEE R feeble from Ihe general prison ordinary- commodities as adver- Even though your garage be as cold as an igloo, Lowell. post of temporary chief of the tax for all ages, ing, that gives steady heat—coal that makes 3—Illinois, 21« lute, id- population for such permanent oi tised on the pages of your paper. Ipana Tooth Paste, 50c size 39o mitted to Union, 1818. Bine Sunoco will snap your car into instant action. unit group for the western district 7:30 p. m.—"The Book of few ashes and no clinkers. temporary treatment as may bb I am sending you some sheets Miss Kalherine Steed of C. S. T. of Michigan. Books." (Bible Sunday). equired. showing the prices of similar Dependable quick-starting is the result of skillful Assorted Talcum, value up to 20c 5c C.. Mt. Pleasant, spent the Thanks- i Plinbing - Healing 8:45 p. m.—Christian Endeavor. We Have That Kind of Coal! 4—Henry Ford'i Peace Mo- ProbatioPrrvKnl i< n must be considered commodities as sold in the city of manufacturing and cannot be obtained by adding giving holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Stevens Topic, "Problems Faced on Mis- tion Ship uils, 1915. Calgary. as the most important step we those chemicals which help only in reducing Vaseline Hair Tonic 29o Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steed. Other ; Now is the time to have entertained for Thank.>giving: sion Fields." Leader, Peter Bruin- Try Dixie Gem for the cook stove, Bradshaw have taken in the individualiza- Please advise me when my sub- Thanksgiving day dinner guests your Mr. and Mrs. IHerb Dawson, Sir. ekool, Jr. 8—California declare* inde- lion of treatment of the offender. scription runs out so that I may knocks. * • * Today, no motor fuel, not even Grove's Bromo Quinine, reg. 30c box. at the Steed home were Mrs. Fred and Mrs. Lester Dawson, Mr. and Thursday, 7:45 p. m.—Melody- Pocahontas for the furnace. Kenmont, pendrnrr of Mcilco, be able lo continue your paper. 21c Steed and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Clyde Dawson and family, 1836. The r.ucccsE of probation is de- extra-priced gasoline, starts cold motors quicker ; Plumbing and Reiting Girls from Hudsonville. "Kentucky Best" and several other depend- pendent upon tbe care with Thanking you, I remain Vick's Vapo Rub, reg. 35c Vaughan and two children of Rev. and Mrs. Myron Dawson and Friday. 8:00 p. m.—Prayer ser- Yours truly, than Blue Sunoco, and it aelis at regular gas price. 24o Grand Bapids. daughter of Sunfield; Mr. and able kinds of coal. 6—The Iriih Free State b which cases are originallv chosen vice in the home of Mr. and Mrs. and upon tbe sufficiency of later Daniel F. Whitney. Problems Mrs. Lloyd Dawson and children John Koning on US-IO. established. 1921. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowiing and supervision. TWE R4GMT lb SAY ! taken care of. We will of Saranac. Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Saturday, 1:30 p. m.—Children's Dry Oak Wood. daughter Florence attended the Newell and children of Grand Bible Classes. Hay, Straw and Feed No man should be sent to a WHAT ME PlfASES IU People gel good results everv We have a complete line of gifts for Christ- funeral of Otto Selesky in Lake- ; furnish estimates with- 7—Delaware it fint atate to penal inslitution until it is Rapids, Mr, and Mrs. John Baker "Thy Word is a lamp unto my aign Conititution, 1787. COUUTUVOPOORS.. week by using The Ledger want . . . NO SECOND GRADE view Sunday afternoon. Mr. • • out obligation. and children, Mr, and Mrs. Clar- feet, and a light unto my path."— definitely delermined that he ib mat at prices that are surprisingly low. Selesky was an old friend of Mr. not a fit subject for probation. To column. You may no longer ence Mclnlyre and Charles Daw- Psalm 119:5. 8—Waihington retreats BUT TME OTHER FELLOW Dowiing's and was well-known in son and friend of Sand Lake. F. P. MacFarlane Ibis end it Is urged lhat every ef- need some odd article, but it may NO THIRD GRADE Buy Now for Chrittmat and Save Lowell, where be was a frequent RAY COVERT acrota Delaware river, fort be made to broaden proba- ALOHAS AROMTM. MOT ALTO PARISH M. E. CHURCHES 1776. be just the thing somebody else visitor. He passed away Weunes- Phone 317 Phone 193-F2 Lowell, Mich. tion and lo provide more and bet- TO USTEM^p HE PONV wants. Advertise It and find day following an operation in St. To keep friends forget youi E. A. Armstrong, Pastor ter supervision. With adequate Mary's hospital, Grand Rapids. favors and remember theirs. "The Book of Life" will be the « shot 9—Jerusalem surrenders to probation staffs tbe number of V/AV*T TO. buyer. British Allcnbr, 1817. persons who might be placed on probation with success can be Curiosity leads to knowledge. ADA OIL COMPANY, Distributors T T THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO, THURSDAY, DEC. 6, 1934 THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO. THURSDAY. DEC. 6. 1934 FIVE FOUR • i>i i and Mrs. Ben Works of Grand time. Thnnksgiving day. Vergennes Center family have moved lo La using, North Bell District Rapids, Dan Postma and family of Mrs. E. E. Jenks of Detroit 'Bowne Center Grange mot on where he expects to have work West Vergennes By Mrs. Elmer Marshall Freeporl. came Saturday to spend the week Friday evening, Nov. 30. The fol- By N. M. K. for a laxicab company. Mr. and By D. D. Krum Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zoet visited end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lowing offlcers have been elected: Mrs. Lyle C^indon nave moved to ALTO DEPARTMENT ADA DEPARTMENT al the Clark-Williams home Sat- Chas. Yeiter. M. D. Hoyl Co. Worthy Master, Ward Boulard; Mr. and Mrs. Anpel FairchildH Ihe W. T. Condon farm here. Margaret Ford of Three Rivers Community Party HOLIDAY GOODS 5 Gal. Cream Can Free (By Mr*. Hattie R. Fitch) urdny night. Mrs. Frank Thompson and Overseer, Dee Bryant; Worthy entertained with n turkey dinner Mrs. Maggie Wheeloek of Lake is spending a few days with the (MM. Fred Pattison) The Community party Saturday Mr. nnd Mrs. John Huizingn daughter and family of Greenville Hardware and Fuel Leclirrer, Edna Johnson; Steward, Thanknf' ig. AmonR those pre- Odessa and Mrs. Clyde Dawson home folks. In addition to paying thehigh- night at the South Boston Grange jenl Thnnksgiving wilh Mr. nnd spent Thanksgiving with her mo- Corwin Porritt; W. A. Steward, nent were their two grnnddauph- of West Lowell spenl part of last C. M. liimebatigh and wife vis Are Arriving Daily cst market price for cream we Hall brought out an interesting rs. Frnnk Huizingn nnd enjoyed ther. Talaphone 11J-F2 Lowell Ralph liTuntington; Secretary, Ed- tera, Gloria Watson nnd Renee week with Mrs. Geo. Tucker. ited Mrs. Ilimebaugh's mother. market price for cream we collection of old time costumes. n goose dinner. Chas. Yeiter was in Grand R«r wina Wincgar; Treasurer, Henry Fairchilds. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fahrni, Sr. Mrs. Goldsmith, of Vicksburg over Ada Families Who Were Together Ada Locals Johnson; G. K., Wayne Ilenlon; 60th Wedding Anniversary Alto Locals arc going to give each cream The most unique ones were Swiss Sir. and Mrs. R. E. Colby, Mr. ids on business last Wednesday. Mrs. Percy Read cnlled nt St. of Lowell spenl Thanksgiving Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Weilnnd For Thanksgiving Day Mr. nnd Mrs. Ronald Dnvis nnd costumes worn by Mrs. Guy Tal- and Mrs. A. E. Wood visilea Mr. Miss Mary Sterzick of Detroi Genuine Gillette Safety Razor with 5 blades 49c Chaplain, Clara Porritt; Ceres, Mary's Hospital In Grnnd Rnpids with Iheir son Fred and family. John Krum and family, I). D. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. 0\Harrow call- customer one chance on each Frances Jhanke; Pomona, Bessie of IX) we 11 are moving on their Mrs. Mary Harris had the mem- dnughlers of Litchileld, who spenl Innt and Miss Evalyn Hotchkiss, and Mrs. IBen Jellema Sunday, the spent Thanksgiving with her pa ' Pocket Watch 98c Saturday to see the sick there Swain Johnson, the commun- Krum and wife. U.K. Krum and We have a very nice line of fanc> ed on Mr. and Mrs. John Living- test to win a 5-gal. Cream the Thnnksgiving holiday vaca- latter being vtiy ill. Clarke; Flora, Pauline Bryant; from Vergennes. HarryRlchmond, family attended Ihe (Kith wedding farm in South IXJWCII. bers of her fnmily nt her home for Mrs. Tallant's having a bonnet to ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sterzick. Air Rifles S100 and $1.95 ily's oldest citizen, is in very ston Saturday afternoon who Can to be given away the tion with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Thomas vis- Lady Assistant Steward, Lucy Geo. Morton and Ellis Morse. poor health at his home here. anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dishes and Glassware to offer at were observing their 50th wed- Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. O'Harrow ac- the traditional Thanksgiving din- match. Mrs. Floyd Tapley wore an Joe Sterzick is spending a she companied Mr. and Mrs. John last Saturday of the month. ner with twenty-one guesls ns- Martin, returned home Sunday. embroidered black satin made iled Mr. nnd Mrs. Orve Kellogg ol time in Caledonia with his broth' Shot Gun, Single Shot $7.50 Huntington. Another open meet- Mr. and Mrs. Karl Blerl and son Jacqueline Fahrni of Lowell O'Harrow Saturday evening al ding anniversary. Upon Mr. and Miss Irene Hildreth of Cedar Adn Thnnksgiving dny. Shot Gunn. Repeaters $1100 and $14.00 ing will be held Dec. 7. Everyone Stanley and Otto and Mr. nnd Mrs. spenl her Thanksgiving vacation Alto. remarkably low prices. There Mrs. O'Harrow's return home 43 OlHarrow to Owen Steckles' foi sembled for the occnsion. Mr. nnd with Mutton-leg sleeves, and she and sister. i dinner Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Wm. Lockwood of Grnno Springs spenl the Thanksgiving also wore a bonnet. Mrs. Henry Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Stuart have 9 who is intereste I in Grange and John Husar were ThanksRlvlng with her cousin, Doris Fahrni. Mrs. Edna Crakes is spending of their relatives had gathered to vacation period wilh her parents, Ironing Boards I*-' are also many new novelties and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skidmore Rnpids, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Sillo- Tapley's costume was brown cloth, moved into the house recently va- 69 wishes to become a member is in dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Geo. Tucker and son May- the week with her son IA-C and surprise them and remind them Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Hildrelh. cated by Mrs. Murray. Copper W- vited to this meeting. A luncheon Lee and family at South Lowell. nan*. Mrs. N. M. O'Beirne and family in Caledonia. of their 60th wedding anniversary were Thanksgiving dinner guests Best Grade Butter way, son and daughter and Mr. with tight waist and sleeves, and Spring Hill-East Ada the toy line of the latest types. of Mr. and Mrs. S. VanNamee of nnd Mrs. Dudley Washburn and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoegg of polanaise skirt. Mrs. Fred Fahrni 5-ft. Ladder will be served consisting of veni- Charles Read o f Flint spent Boyd, Mrs. Maggie Wheeloek and Ernest Roth and wife and Ina which occurred Nov. 24. The eve- at Butterfat Prices Grandville were Sunday evening By Mrs. Earl Vosburg 9 c son sandwiches, cake, pickles and from Tuesday till Thursday with Miss Jewell Slick were Grand Ollnrrow were guests at the ning was spent visiting and in East Caledonia. fnmilv were her guests. wore a gray calico made with very South Lowell Snow Shovels ® Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rrannan Dr." and Mrs. Chnrles Freemnn callers of Mr. nnd Mrs. Waller 98c coffee. Ladies to bring cake, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ranids visitors Saturday. Krum home Thanksgiving eve- games, after which refreshments Aflon. full skirt Lyle Bovee wore the By Men. Charles Yeiter Buck Saws COME EARLY! To the old reliable stand and family, Mrs. iRega White and enlerlained at dinner on Thanks- Mr. nnd Mrs. Willard Smit» pickles and cream. Read, Sr. Chris Fahrni. Jr. and family ning. were served. A beautifully deco- Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Winters of wedding suit of the late Joe Tal- George Stephens, wife and chil- Don Hrannan. all of Grand Rnpids, Good line of Team Harness giving day and their guesls were lant. There were many others well were recent visitors of A. Dalstra Janle Corrlgan spent the week spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. rated cake of gold and while was Grnnd Rnpids cnlled on Mr. nnd The children of Mr. and Mrs. C. _, 1 Have you tried end In Detroit. Heator at her home near Clarks- dren of Grand Rapids and Maxine spent Thanksgiving with their Mr. and Mrs. Leon Freeman and worth mentioning. Yeiter gathered Sunday at their and fnmily. Read the Ledger Ads. also served the guesls. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bran- and Barn Equipment sons. Wesley and Robert of Grnnd Mrs. Willnrd Richardson on Sun- FU 1 our COAL? Mrs. Ethel Read entertained her ville. Crakes and Warren Tain- of Cal- O. J. Yeiter dav afternoon. The program given by members home for a Thanksgiving dinner Jesse Knapp of Muskegon wns a Mr. and Mrs. John Sterzick and edonia were Thursday callers al Our Graduates nan. Rnpids nnd Mrs. Knlie Burl. of the South Bell FT A was enjoy- sister from Grand Rnpids Sunday. Mrs. ('has. Peet and son Alva Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Martin en- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Marks of as it was not convenient for them recent visitor of his parents. We hive POCAHONTAS and LUHRia EG6 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Read, Sr.. family and Edwin Ransom and the 1). I). Krum home. FUNERAL DIRECTOR The last class in the old school attended the Strand theatre Sun- tertained with n fnmily dinner on McBnin are making an extended ed by a crowd that filled the hall to be together on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Albert Houserman Lawrence Biggs and Dorothy family spenl Thanksgiving with Lizzie Roth has been on the house was composed of four mem- W. E. HALL visit wilh their son and daughter- to overflowing. Little Jack Stei^ day. There were 87 present who day night. the holiday nnd their guest* wore nnd son Harold of Smyrna and Easy to start and easy to fire. Makes few ashes, never clink- WANT Blerl were dinner guests Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lavender. sick list for a few days. Ambulance Service Day and Night bers, with Mr. Laughlin teacher. Mr. and Mrs. lavern Bryant ami Mr. nnd Mrs. Leon Alkins nnd in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willard zick gave a recitation,' "When sat down to the bountiful dinner. I^eo Richmond were Thanksgiving John Jackson of South Boston C. M. James, wife and daughters Phone 324. Lowell, Mich, giving of Mr. and Mrs. Horacc The school house burned April 1, sons and Mrs. Mary Bryant and daughter Coral Jane and son Jack Marks nnd baby son. Father Speaks", which was fol- There were 15 grandchildren In dinner guesls of Earl Vosburg and ers and is very clean burning. Weeks of Lowell. and Miss Lorene Berkey of Ionia were Saturday evening guests of Store Phone 22 Res. over Chapel. Phone 22 1920, so the year was finished in John Linton took their supper to of Allegan. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Morris nnd lowed by a one act comedy, "Two the crowd. All reported a good family. COLUMN Callers of Mrs. Mnry Kerr on were recently married in South Mrs. James' parents and sister in the Grange hall. The members Mrs. John Linton and Mrs. Roger Davis nnd dnughlers of Litch- children and Mrs. Tom Morris mo- of a Kind". Mrs. Rebecca Rhu- Thanksgiving were Mrs. Clare An- Bend by Bishop Voder. Rockford. were Marion Locey, Vada Linton, McMahon's Thanksgiving after- field nnd Rev. nnd Mrs. Russell tored to Ionia Saturday evening barb, the mother, was played by derson and daughter Estella and Mrs. Agnes Sullivan of Lowell Clela Dygert and Jiichard Jtawl- noon and all enjoyed a potluck McConnell nnd son Robert of lo visit Mrs. Winnie Chaffee. Mrs. Fred Fahrni; Arminta Rhu- 25c FOR WANT AD UP TO 25 WORDS. NONE TAKEN Dorothy Blerl and Lawrence Moseley-Murray Lake and Roye Ford and family ate ings. The ^irls graduated from supper together. Alto Locals Union City Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Kellogg spenl barb, her daughter, by Loreen Earl Brower nnd Wm. Vreeland Biggs. Thanksgiving turkey with Mr. ami and apron sale. Everyone please Grace Blanding. Lowell high school. Marion re- Sundny with the children of Mr. OF ANY LENGTH FOR LESS, By Mrs. W. Engle Walter (.lark and Ralph Clark Guesls of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Sterzick; Miss Ketura Melon, a Davis Lake attended the fnmily dinner nt the Callers at the Tom Read. Sr. Mrs. Fred Ford. bring something for supper and | '<<>> Heiss of Fremont was a ceived her A. B. Degree from W. Bonelln Smith of Grattan Cen- and Mrs. Ed. McCormick while NO MATTER HOW SHORT. 25c and son of Detroit spent Thanks- Filch on Ihe holiday were Mrs. maiden aunt. Miss Carol Cahoon; By Mrs. Wm. Schrader home of the former's sister nnd home last week and Sunday were The Vergennes Ladies Aid soci- ten cents. Thanksgiving visitor at the A. E. S. T. C. at Kalamazoo. She is now giving with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ter called at the Roy Deming home Chnrlolle Hnrris, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. they went to Muskegon to visit Mr. Mr. Parsley Endive, a mistaken husband, Mr. and Mrs. Anson CASH or STAMPS WITH ORDER. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Zlogler and Ilemingsen home. Mrs. Emerson Stauflfcr of Hast- and Mrs. Wm. Nachazel. Patrick Mrs. Woodhead and Mrs. Vos. son of Tonln spent Sunday nt the ety will meet at the Grange hall Clark. Sunday on her return trip to the J. Weber nnd dnughler Minerva suitor, Fred Fahrni; Joshua Buck- Scheifla of Leighton Thanksgiv- Mr. and Mrs. Noble, Mr., Mrs. Ruby Hudson of Lowell spent; ings. Vada is Mrs. Roger McMah- Eldred Deming home in Hastings. McCormick. who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Hunter and FOR RENT—8ft-acre farm in Frank nnd Lee Keech home Friday, Dec. 14. for supper. Gen- Mr. nnd Mrs. Dale Curtiss and nnd son Joseph of Grnnd Rapids. ley, a lover of Ketura, Wilbur ing day. Blackangel of Grand Rapids. Mr. tlemen invited. Potluck supper Thanksgiving wilh her sister, j Read the Ledger ads. on and has a position in an office 1U11111, „V1V there, returned home wilh them. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ross South Boston. Good fnrm land. Charles O'Conner of Carson City family were Thanksgiving dinner The girls in the bean room sur- Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Anderson Young. All the parts were well Miss Velma Anderson of De- nnd Mrs. Horacc Weeks and son in Grand Rapids. Clela and Mich- or I)r an(1 Mrs. R. T. Lustig prised Mrs. Rose Bryant, il being and sons, Kenneth and Bobbie and Thnnksgiving day callers ol played, and the audience applaud- were Thanksgiving day guests of troit spent from Friday until Sun- Or will sell rensonnbly. In- was n Thnnksgiving dinner guest their quire of Mrs. J. M. Willinmson Bruce, Burton Biggs, Lawrence urd nlso make homes >nj0f (jrnnJj Hnpids. tier birthday, with an elaborate Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kilson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Furner were ed heartily. Mrs. Elmer E. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stauffer. day with her parents, Mr. and Mies Velmn Keech spent Thnnks Grand Rapids. potluck dinner. Mrs. Anna Fair- Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Keeler nnd Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schrader at Wm. Cosgriff home. p2!> Biggs and Dorothy Blerl. George Schwnrder nnd son daughters of Boslwick Lake and shall played a piano solo, "Sway- Mrs. Wm. C. Anderson. Estella Anderson spent Thanks- giving nnd the week end nt her Lloyd cnlled on Mrs. Lucy Duell child acted ns tonstmistress, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacNaugh- nnd Mrs. Arthur Keeler nnd Ihelr *£* Gel the HIGHEST QULITY al were Tuesday dinner guesls of Mr. and Mrs. John Heier ate a home. ing Daffodils", and the program Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoenborn FOR SALE—'House and lot in giving and the week end with her Alto Hunters Return From The Mondny. Brynnt ably responding. Much ton of Grand Rnpids motored to daughter Joan of Grand Rapids. concluded with a well given reclt- venison supper at the Basil Vree- Mrs. Geo. Crndy returned home merrinumt nnd benno finished a James Furner leaves Friday for of Freeport and spent the after- Alto. Miss Arlie Draper. p2!) parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clare An- Upper Peninsula Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Yeiter nnd Saginaw lo have their fnmily din- tation: "Fathers and Daughters" ££ LOW PRICES it KROGERS land home Wednesday. Mr. and derson. Inst Fridny from St. Mary's Hos- Nine happy hunters returncd ^^'Jy ^ Thanksgiving .dinner plensnnt nflernoon. ner on Thanksgiving day with I'Os Angeles, Calif., and over the noon in Hastings. Mrs. Leo Erb, Paul and Pauline FOR SALE—Good bench wringer, pital where she underwent an op- Mrs. B. L. Haywnrd and two Christmas holidays Mr. Furner by Doris June Fahrni. The pro- Bert Loueridge spent the week- Mr and Mrs. Ben Baldus nnd Wednesday from the Upper pen- " Clarence their brother-in-law nnd sister, pram for the next party will be spent the evening there. "Anchor Brnnd," Inrge size. children of Holland, Flossie .Eva eration for an abscess in her side. dnughlers were in Grnnd Rnpids |Mr. nnd Mrs. Curtiss Rogers. will visit his aiml. Mrs. Ethel end at the Jerry Freeman home. Mrs. Burns Anderson nnd her Ellis Bigler, Alto, R. R. 1. p29 Clare nnd Lloyd Ford bought n insula with /I I Mrs. Kitty Stonehouse nnd Fridny. Crowe, al Orovillc, Calif. In charge of Mrs. Marshall. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Barnes ano nnd Ann Kerr of Grand Rapids ns a sight uorth looking nt to ^ ^ , The members of the Anderson dnughler Alice of Freeport spent horse last week. al!endpd hll Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn Dean and fnmilv. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Ander Dale nnd Gordon Olson of BIG BEEF SALE! son of Grand Rapids were Satur- the week-end nt the Wm. C. An- TRADE or SALE—Tenm of horse and Esther and Elsie Kerr of see the two enrs loaded wilh red- Gerald Kyser, Clare Alderink, Lowell spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. James Doran and Strand thentre Saturday evening. children of Souh Rowne spenl son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Anderson, Pearson spenl Ihe week-end wiln day afternoon callers of Mr. and derson home. for machinery or whnt have children spent Thanksgiving with clad men nnd the sides of the cars, Saturday evening at the Roy their cousin, Miss Bernadale Rnn- and Albert Kyser returned from Mrs. Ward Stewart. you? About 5 miles north of their mother, Mrs. Rosa Kerr. nnd the two trnilers loaded down Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Ingland and YOUNG STEERS AND HEIFERS Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Steinkie Ted Elhart and wife. nnd Susnnne were Sundny dinnct Deming home. dnll. deer hunting Thursday. Clare Mr. nnd Mrs. Alvnh Loring and Lowell on Lincoln Lake road. BUI and James Read and Floyd with game. daughter Janice of Grnnd Rnpids was fortunate enough to get a nnd fnmily of Jnekson and Warren Mrs. Gertrude Weeks spent guesls of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnude Silcox were spenl the holiday and had their Mrs. Nell Kimmel of Crolon Is daughter of (Home Acres, Mr. and and Wanda Schiefla of Leighton Clare Culver. p29 Condon returned from their hunt- FOOD NEWS a week with her daughter, Mrs. The men were Alex Wingeier, in Grnnd Rnpids Tuesday. making an extended visit wilh nice buck. Mrs. Wm. Lind and daughter, ing trip Saturday night. John Krebs. Basil Haywnrd. Free- Rosenberg. family dinner with Mr. nnd Mrs. spent Friday afternoon and eve- Jud Hapeman of East Lowell, re- Dried Fruits, Nuts, Cheese, Canned Fruits and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed. Clnrk nnd Mr. and Mrs. Clint Schwnb, Fred Hendricks nnd son nt Ensl Mrs. Etta Slewnrl. Miss Helen Kyser of Lansing. Emerson Lind and family of Cal- ning with Mrs. Steinkie's brother, EXCHANGE—Small farm, 8-room Mrs. Donna Anderson and man nnd Pnul Hofl'mnn, David Miss Floy Kyser of Newago, spent edonia spent Thanksgiving day house, 2 barns, 2 poultry houses, daughter Estella called on their cently. Audra visiled relatives in Grand Irene nnd Floyd ale turkey din- Lnnsing on Thnnksgiving day. Miss Elizabeth Cook of Cascade 3 u*- 25c Basil Vreeland and family. Mrs. Mary Becker and children Wingeier, nlso Ed. Auble of Mid- ner Mondny night with Mr. and was n supper guesl on Saturday of Thanksgiving and the week end ROUND STEAK with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. running water, stock and tools. aunt, Annie Anderson Thanksgiv- dleville nnd Shirley GrofT nnd Rapids Sundav afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Richardson A number from this way attend- spent Thanksgiving with her par- Vegetables, Dried Vegetables and Many Canned Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Ellis. Mr. Mrs. Frank Fairchild and son and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Ward Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Kellogg and with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lind. ed the euchre party at the Barber Close in to exchange for villagb ing day. Forrest Leopard of Clarksville. John Krum. Roy Kyser. Mr. and Mrs. John Huizinga and property. A. R. Smith, 212 E. Marjory Thompson of Grand ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard nnd Mrs. Hilberl Moffit nnd Mr. Dick. spent Thanksgiving day at Kal- lbs. school house Saturday evening. Much credit is due to John Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duell vis- Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mclntyre and 3 daughter were llianksgiving Main, Lowell. c29lt Rapids spent Tuesday and Wed- of Howard City. Krebs for his engineering .of this nnd Mrs. Edward Pnttison nnd kaska deer hunling. SIRLOIN STEAK 25c Mrs. Wm. P. Anderson accom- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kropf and Sea Foods are All New Season Foods. sons were Thanksgiving dinner ited Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Duell of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cramlon Waller Aflon, Sr. were Miss Fredn son Keith, spent Thanksgiving iesls of Mr. and Mrs. Frank panied Mr. and Mrs. lA?on Ander- nesday with Mrs. Gertie Read. gnng and teaching them the clean Ionia Sunday afternoon. Anderson and Alfred Forslrom of with Mrs. Mclntyre's brother, Tom uizinga. FOR RENT—Two warm, com- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hessler enter- Chris Kropf spent Thanksgiving sportmanship of the hunt. He in guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pat- entertained the members of the B son to the Sullivan home in Hast- fortable sleeping rooms, near In Grand Rapids with Mrs. Kropfs tison. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Ellis The While Circle will hold a Cramlon family wilh a Thanks- Grnnd Bapids. Kelsey and family, in Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ross were ings Monday evening. Mr. Sulli- tained the following guests o n turn learned his skill from the late Christmas bazaar and food sale Earl Graves of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haines BOILING BEEF 5c Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. bath. 117 N. Jefferson. Mrs. Thanksgiving day: Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. C. THOMAS Stores Ozi Pardee of Bowne. were also evening guesls and en- giving day dinner parly and their van passed away Sunday. Lyle Webster. p29 joyed nn oyster supper. Saturday, Dec. 15, at Watts' store. guesls included Mrs. Celia Cram- spent Tuesday wilh Robert Ward. and daughters, were Thanksgiving S. Hunter. Mrs. Harold Welton spent Fri- Stewart Darling of East Paris; Mrs. Chris Kropf, Miss Emma Kropf and John McDonald of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Bergy nnrt ton, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cramlon Mr. and Mrs. Chan Ward were day guests of their daughter in Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Denise, Mr. day afternoon and evening with FOR SALE or TRADE—For what Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darling, East School News and Mrs. Ivan Denise nnd family Chicago spent Thanksgiving with present a selection of baby and Mrs. Clara Deming call- No- McCords-East and Evelyn and Edward, Mr. and Saturday evening callers of Mr. Lansing. SHORT RIBS 6c Mr. and Mrs. John Heier. have you, battery radios, guar- Paris; Mr., Mrs. Harold Branch All the children are back in ed on Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Keger- Mrs. D. Everett Oramton and and Mrs. Eugene Curtiss. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson O'Bierne of Gaines called on Mr. and Mrs. and family and Mrs. Flora Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rennells of anteed to operate. Johnnie's Marion. school in the grade room this reis dt Holy Corners Sundny. daughter Lyleen of Albion College Mrs. Geo. Tornga entertained on and sons spent the day Thanks- Ed. Stauffer Sunday afternoon. Radio Shop, 20C South Division. and Beatrice and Berenice Hughes Cascade Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huizinga Lew Straub returned to his home these Quality Foods Monday morning nfter having a Mr. nnd Mrs. Merle Rosenberg Bv Mrs. Effie Cox and son Charles and Mrs. Charles Monday evening, Dec. 3, with a giving with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Bowne Bugle Notes Lowell. pjjg of Grand Rapids; Mrs. Mary Wal- happy Thanksgiving vacation. and Larry enjoyed a venison din- Cramton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. parly m honor oi their daughter Klahn. GROUND BEEF 25c spent Sunday evening with Mr. By Mrs. Myrtle Porritt den, Grand Rapids; Mrs. Laura In Big Rapids Friday after spend- and Mrs. Wm. Schrader. ing a week with his cousin. Will Those with perfect attendance ner with Mr. nnd Mrs. Basil Hay- Thanksgiving guests at the An- Geo. Lane, of Grand Rapids. Evelyn's fifteenth birthday anni- Miss Nemma Freeman of Grand FOR SALE—TO close estate of Patterson, Grand Rapids; Mr. and that Merit the Ap- for the month ending Nov. 30 are; ward Sunday and all drove "to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Furner were versary at their home at Thorn- Rapids, spent Thanksgiving day Mrs. Zada Quiggle of Lansing Clint Hodges. 1930 Pontiac 4- Engle. drew Houseman home were Clin- Choice •b. Guy Smith gave an euchre Mrs. William Vos and family of 1st grade, Rnymond Houghton; Ionia in the afternoon and called hosts at a family dinner party at wood Farms. A musical program with her brother and sister-in-law, 3c spent the week-end with Mr. and door sedan. Priced to sell Grandville; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ford. Mr. ton Thomas and wife and John CHUCK ROAST Mrs. Frank Huizinga. parly recently in honor of How- 2nd grade. Edwin Cnrlson, Virgil on Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan. their home on the holiday and was enjoyed, games were played Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman. Her promptly. F. H. Swarthoul, Chain and family of Grand Rapids and Mrs. Lloyd Ford and son Or- Christoff and family. Mrs. Arch Wood and daughter ard Aldrich. Adm. 2!( proval of thrifty food Daniels, Arthur Erickson, Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newman John Cox and family were their guests included Mrs. Frankie and the hostess served a dainty nieces, Betty June Freeman and c and Henry Hudson of Grandville. ren spent Sunday with relatives mond Kritzman; 4th grade, Bever- were Thanksgiving dinner guesls , Mrs. Daisy Ward, Mr. and lunch. Those present were Betty called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corwin Porritt and family were at Stanton. Thanksgiving guests at the Harry Mildred Kyser returned to Grand Huizinga Sunday. dinner guests at Wm. Porntt's on i^OR SALE—Dry oak and hickory ly Porritt, Robert Yeiter,; 511i of their nieces. Mary and Addie Mrs. Mori Lamperl and Mr. and Shear, Milder Souzer, Dorothy Rapids with her for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ford and buyers. grade, Marie Watson; €th grade, Sinclair. Lillle home in Grand Rapids. Morris, Charlotte Fitch, Ethel and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ross, Mrs. Ed. Thanksgiving day. body wood, $2.75 per cord, de- Other guests were Miss Dorothy Mrs. Munroe Whittemore. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bovee and Cascade daughter spent from Wednesday Kendall Porritt. Esther Kamp, Mary and Eleanor PORK LOIN ROAST 12c Stauffer. Mrs. U. S. Hunter and Howard Aldrich was an honor livered. Phone 51)-F2. p29-30 until Sunday with relatives a t 209 W. Main St., Lowell Mrs. John Ellis of Grand Rapids Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. sons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kyser and By Mrs. Clarencc Mulder Lillle and Allen Clark and Duey RIB END Mrs. Kate Curley attended the guest at an euchre party at the We had a treasnre hunt Wed- spent Thanksgiving with her and Mrs. Fred Stewart were Mrs. Houran, Clara Sillaway, Pauline children, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ky- ^R SALE—1928 Chevrolet Sedan, Stanton and Marion. Liiiie and family. Mrs. Lillle serv- Jasperse, Hazel Belle Chaffee and tlden wedding anniversary of home of J. B. Anderson Tuesday nesday afternoon. This stunt -was daughter, Mrs. Ernest Roark and ed a lovely turkey dinner with all Minnie Hudson of Sand Lake, Mrs. ser and daughter Ardlth, Mr. and $00.00. Call at 225 N. Jackson. The monthly meet of the Young Earl Kropf is spending this family.i Nell Kimmel of Crolon and Dale Helen Loveless. Evelyn received CLUB FRANKFURTS 10c Br. and Mrs. John Livingston Sat- evening. Other guests from this People's class of the church was week with friends in Grand Rap- planned by Maxine Roark, Alvah the trimmings. Mrs. Myron Kyser and daughters, ilace were Henry Johnson, Orle> c29 Peet and Robert Slater. The * Mr and Mrs. R. D. RancroR and and Gordon Olson of Pearson. many lovely birthday gifts. Eve- urday afternoon. held in the church basement Fri- ids. Mrs. Clinton Thomas visited her yn s grandmother, Mrs. Essie Al- and Ralph Coombs, were guests Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schrader and lums, Guy Smith and Corwin ended at McEwen Lake where daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Orvies Kellogg al- Thanksgiving day of Mrs. Lydia AUCTION—Of tools, livestock and day evening. By the reports, it Esther Blerl gave a party for Dygert and Charles Rancrofl had daughter, Mrs. Andrew Houseman so entertained on the holiday and lersma, was present for the oc- RING BOLOGNA 10c Tom Forward were Thanksgiving Porritt. TWO GOOD COFFEES wciners were found and roasted. Monday. Kyper of Iiowell. hay Wednesday, Dec. 12, be- must have been more of a success the school children last Wednes- Thanksgiving dinner wilh Mr. and their guests included Mr. and Mrs. casion, also her uncle and aunt. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phi! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Houghton ginning at one o'clock. 2 miles We had tests the first part of We are glad to hear Mrs. Claud Miss Fern Mclntyre of Lansing, Diefenbaker of Alaska. of Detroit spent several days the than the preceding party. day morning. Mrs. Otto Dygert in Grand Rap- Ed. McCormick and children, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Zylstra and south and 2 miles west of Sara- Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vander- Gladys Bieri who is In training last week. The latter part of the ids. Qulggle is up and around again came Friday morning for an in- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Drew of past week at Guy Smith's. Fresh Ground to Your Order week we were closed for Thanks- and Mrs. James McCormick and Mrs. Blanche Loveless. nac or 4 miles north and Mi Jagt entertained the following for a nurse was home from Grand Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thaler and Mr. and Mrs. Harry LiDle of sons and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thom- definite stay with her parents, Mr. KING'S FLAKE (MICHIGAN MILLED) Battle Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Howard Aldrich and Guy Smith giving vacation. Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mrs. S. L. Mclntyre. of Augusta and Mr. and Mrs. Jake were in Grand Rapids Wednes- mile west of Clarksville. Grover guests for Thanksgiving: Mr. and Rapids over Saturday and Sunday. Betty Sinclair spent her vaca- daughters. Dorothy and Lfla and as of McCords. O. Travis. p29 Mrs. Mart Vander Jagt, Ike and Clare Culver had the misfortune Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCarlhv Cox were dinner guest* at the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Richardson East Caledonia Mr. and Mrs. Grover Travis en- Smith of Middleville were Thanks- day. tion with Arlene StaafEer of Lake home of Mrs. Sola Gilkm of Grand tertained forty young people Fri- giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mrs. Glenn Dean and children Leonard Vander Jagt and Mr. and to lose a horse last week. Thomas Special lb. 21c Odessa. and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thaler and had as their guests on the holiday, By Mrs. 8. Van Nanee FOR SALE—Hudson Seal Coal Mrs. Martin C. Vander Jagt. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Fritz and baby spent Thanksgiving wilh Ledge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Quiggle and day evening at a surprise party Stauffer and family. spent Wednesday with relatives size 20. Inquire at 212 Broad- for their youngest son, Berdyne, FLOUR 85c Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith and near Middleville. Mr. and Mrs. Cahlll and family children and Charles Davis spent Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linton. Mr. and Mrs. Tenn Luies and way St., Lowell. p29 children of Cascade, Mr. and Mrs. were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Thanksgiving i n Grand Rapids Mission inn - lb. 25c AH* Local* Mr. and Mrs. John Rehler and son were Saturday evening guest* Charles Washburn and Orison Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skidmore of who celebrated his fifteenth birth- children of Grand Rapids were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Johnson PILLSBURyS BEST S1.1I IX n and Mrs. C. T. McDonald. with Mrs. R. B. Davis and son Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hayward en- family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rehlei at the home of John Cox. The Weaver of Lowell. Alto were Thanksgiving guests of day. The evening was spent with Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and were guests Thanksgiving at Leon Axlnin.ster * }?I""Kbc,W. n 0 611 an W The Boys Pioneer Club held its tertained at a venison dinner Sun- and family of Grand Rapids, Mr. evening was spent playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mueller Mr. and Mrs. S. VanNamee. games and music, and the young Country Club PUaty of lUieiiu Mrs. Ross Stauffer. Potts' of Middleville. A« " h ** d old Martin. Mr. and Mrs. IHlarold Hand and J semi-monthly meeting at the home John Cook of Grand Rapids day, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rosen- and Mrs. Allen Behler and family and sons spent Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and people had a fine time. Berdyne Apple Butter 17c Raltin Brad Me Ward Boulard and family were tS-16, on Friday. Reward $5.00. berg and Jim Green. of Lake Odessa and Mr. and Mrs. wilh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mueller Mrs. Cora Miller spent Tuesday in vas well remembered with nice daughters of Clyde Park called on Sunday callers at Arthur Clarke's. finder please write E. 0. Wic- of Bobby Bishop, a member of the spent the latter part of last week West Keene Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ross Saturday Misses Edith and Alice Porritt land, R. F. D. 3, Lowell. p29 club. at Ted Elhart's. Roy Deming and wife and EI- Val Walts nnd son Ronald nnd W. al Lowell. Grand Rapids. gifts. At midnight a supper of FRESH MICHIGAN MAID dred Deming and Buddy were in H. Wnlls were Thanksgiving din- By Mr*. F. A. Daniels Miss Jo Ann Downes of Dear- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bruton sandwiches, potato salad, pickles, evening. were in Grand Rapids Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vander John McDonald of Chicago was Freth, New Grattan Center Sunday to see the Lewis Ross of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton WANTED—To swap International Jagt and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Van- a guest at the Chris Kropf home ner guests of Mrs. Sarah Behler. born and Miss Gertrude Downes and Michael McGihn spent their pumpkin pie, cake and coffee, was Pa Churned Fraah A ^ Mogul engine, 1% horse power, DstcsCrop. U -.pitte d ^ 9c Butter Cookies new son at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Behler and Mr. and Mrs. Max Raymor en- of Grand Rapids spent Thanks- Thanksgiving wilh Mr. and Mrs. served. spent the week-end with his of Mulliken were guests at Ralph der Jagt attended the Southlawn last week. tertained their children and grand- DUVllSr dally in Michigan A roll A-I condition for buzz saw nno Mrs. Clyde Deming. 2 ^ 59c grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Huntington's Wednesday. Mrs. r r J theatre In Grand Rapids Thursday son of Pontiac were afternoon giving day and the holiday vaca- Anson Scheifla and family in Mr. and Mrs. Vern Freeman of * .k° - - B- Rozell, R. 1, Lowell. Baked with genuine but- * 7^ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alexander callers. children. numbering twenty- three tion period wilh her parents, Mr. Leighton. Lansing, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Fannie Huntington returned home night. Finest Quality lb. Fancak* Flour AWH.IB PB Mlch Keene Breezes ter. Sealed 1 lb. pkgs. • • v and family were Thanksgiving Mrs. Rose Bryant and daughter in all, on Thanksgiving day, also and Mrs. Garrett Downes. Miss Helen Bruton of Grand Freeman went to Chicago Friday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curley and with them. - p29 Mr. and Mrs. C. Mulder spent Bulk 20c dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mrs. Ray mot's birthday. Two big 5-U>. daughter of Grand Rapids and Helen, Kalherine and George Thursday evening with Mr. and By Mrs. A. Lee Coeoanut Leona spenl the week-end al Ihe Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Alexan- Rapids spent the Thanksgiving va- morning to spend a few days at Harvest Time b-f 27c Stutf Kitrt 1 *1* >Sc WANTCO-Pure bred"Guernsey DeRuiter of Keoae. Linton-McMahon apartments in home grown turkeys were the cen- der, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ward and cation wilh her parents, Mr. nnd George IHoward were Sunday Huntington spent the week-end at Mrs. Harry Chambers. Fancy Light Meat the International Live Stock Show. guests of Mrs. Kate Curley. null, ready for service. Must be New Crop 38 oz. 2 c,,n Earl Colby and daughter Mar- Grand Rapids. ter of attraction at the dinner son Wayne, Mrs. Ethel Kuipers Mrs. Wm. Bruton. Mrs. Dan Lind, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Foster's in Gaines. registered or eligible. Will Lee Auble, studying in Kalama- The L M. Cahoon family and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pitsch and Thanksgiving dinner guesls at Tuna Fish ' 4DC ion called on Mrs. Colby at SL Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Mever of hour. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ward Mrs. Wila Loughlin and Joan of Arthur Lind, and Mr. and Mrs. rade. Frnnk Batchelor, Lake zoo, spent the holiday with his Clayton Cahoon and family enjoy- Apple Butter jar 17c Mary's hospital Sundny and found Grand Rnpids spent Sundny wilh Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pinkney Grnnd Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. children and Wm. Rewa spent Floyd Flynn's were Mrs. Jennie Odessa. parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ralph Auble. ed Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and son of Kalamazoo spent the Claude Kief, of Ionia, attended the Pels Naptha 10 ^ 43c Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. her gaining nicely and with hopes Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. and Calvin were Thanksgiving holiday nnd had their Thanksgiv- A. E. Dulcher were guesls of Mi. Flynn and Clair Flynn. Mrs. C. Mulder and her mother, and Mrs. Paul Cahoon of Saranac. •% Radio Brand Finest Alaska Pink Tall | A. Community party Saturday night. Nick Pitsch. Howard Heacock and family No. 2 of being home in n few days. Mrs. Ida Gress spenl several guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ing dinner wilh their mother, Mrs. and Mrs. C. E. Dulcher Thanks- The M«p movia atan UM For fiBM Uuatefac FOR SALE—New 2-wheel trailer Mrs. C. VanderMaas attended a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haskin and rfiSS New Pack Mrs. S.L. Mclntyre, son Kieth George Pitsch of North Dorr and Miss Myrtle Porritt of Hast- h Salmon Can • *G Mrs. Mildred King spent her days with her daughter. Bertha Roth in Ann Axfaor. Mrs. Ter- Olive Ward, and her brolher-ln- giving. and daughter Fern, shopped in ™! }?35 license. $10.00. Phone shower on Mrs. VanderMaas' Wayne and Junior were Thanks- I vllv Sweet, Tender Can 12c Thanksgiving with her children Thompson, while the latler's hus- km-.t, Mr. Roth's mother, accom- The Ladies Aid will meet Wed- Lux Soap 4 S5c Lux Flaktt spent the past week at the Nick ings spent Sunday at Corwin 240. Vernor Seeley, 528 La fay- nephew's fiancee in Byron Center giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mox- Ionia Saturday. Pitsch home. at the home of her son Kenneth of band and L. A. Brown were north panied them. They returned Fri- on, al Monterey. nesday, Dec. 12, wilh Mrs. Leo Porritt's. Pile St., Lowell. c29 The wedding to take place on Dec. G. Hunter of Saranac. Ed Hotchkiss and Lyle Bovee Mrs. Kate Curley and son at- Tenderized 1 lb. Cnledonia. deer hunling. day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ward also en- Snyder of Caledonia. Everybody Sunday callers at Corwin Por- 6th. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dintaman received word Sunday of the sud- tended the card party at the Bar- ritt's were Guy and Lloyd Smith FOR RENT—% of a double gar- Package 15c Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fcole were Gerald Staal, wife and son were lerlained wilh a dinner party on invited .Dinner at noon. den death of their cousin, Earl Ckanw Robert Munger of Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brestley and Prunes spent the week-end with Mr. and Thanksgiving dinner guests of Thanksgiving guest* of his parents, Thanksgiving day and covers Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bruton Sunbrite 6-25c ber school Saturday evening. and Eric Johnson. age. $2.0(1 per month. Phone spent Thanksgiving and the week Rogers of Freeport, who was Mrs. Nick Pitsch and son Roger Mary Meyers were guests of Mr. Mrs. John Keiser of Lansing. Mrs. Mabel Mclntyre and family Mr. and Mrs. Jake Staal. were laid for eighteen guesls com- and Michael McGihn spenl Fridav Mr. and Mrs. Dee Bryant enter- 240. Vernor Seeley, 528 Lafay- end with his folks In Whltneyvllle. found dead in his car, supposedly were in Grand Rapids Wednesday ette St., Iiowell. c29 and Mrs. Dell Lee Thanksgiving, Carnation Irradiated Mrs. Bert Sydnam has been in of Grand Rapids. Rev. and Mrs. Hoolsema of Low- ing from Ionia, Grand Rapids, in Hastings. Now dolicioua tained for Sunday dinner: Don John Cordtz attended a party also Mr. and Mrs. Azor Parker. Detroit and Pontine for a couple from a heart attack. He was the afternoon. Evelyn Pitsch return- Wright and family of Dowiing, 3 Tall Cans 19c "WHOLESOME" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deming spenl ell were Wednesday callers on Mr. Lowell and Ada. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peel nnd Pumpkin Cakt Mch 29c Qmm ftSanbor n Mc FOR SALE—-4-ft. Flexible coaster and had a great time at the home Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fierauben Milk of weeks visiting her daughters a few days last week al the home children and Mr. and Mrs. Russell son of Johile Rogers, who with ed home with them to spend her Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Armstrong of of Miss Pauline Christoff on Wed- and Mrs. Mack Raymor. Mrs. Annie Fase had Ihe mem- the widow and daughter, survives vacation. sled. Sigler's Store, Lowell. and family of Grand Ledge were Self-Rising and friends, Mr. Sydnam joined of Chas. Deming al Remus. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Staal were bers of her family home on the Miller and family of Evart spent Detroit, William Fairchild and nesday night. Campbell's 2 her Thanksgiving day at theii him. The funeral will be held at family of Alto, Lawton Cole and c29 guests Thanksgiving day of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacNaugh- Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Haz- holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Claire from Thursday until Sunday Mrs. Carl Wakefield and Mrs. and Mrs. August Geiger. daughter, Mildred Sydnam's, in •on were Sunday dinner guesls of wilh the home folks. the home Wednesday afternoon fnmily of Snow nnd A. J. Porritt Gilbert Vandervoln entertained Tomato Juice Cans 15c el Conner and Mrs. Conner and Brown and children of Lowell In Freeport Harris Creek FURS WANTED—Will buv 10,000 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cutler and Detroit where they enjoyed a Rov MncNnughton and familv ol and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fase were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller had CAMPBELL'S nnd family. muskrat nnd mink furs. We will the following guests at a birthday Thanksgiving dinner. son Glen were Sunday luncheon North Bell PTA will meet at the By Mrs. Basil R. Vreeland Mrs. Lawrence Johnson nnd Alma enjoyed Thanksgiving with Mulliken nnd called at Sid Mnc- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake StaaL her guests. as their Thanksgiving guesls: pay the biggest and highest party given for them Friday: Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Houserman pk PANCAKE Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thaler spent Nanghton's in Ihe afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Grovcr Hill also Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller. school house Friday night Mrs. sons spent Saturday with Mr. and prices. Ben Wepman & Son, Clara VanderJagt, Mrs. Maud Van- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rav Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels Frank Freeman will have charge PORK « BEANS 3 -- 17c Ernestine and Betty Barnes re- Mrs. Henry Boughner of Free and family In Berlin. Kcsto Dessert * 5c Mr. and Mrs. Charles Colby and were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. entertained with a dinner parl> Mrs. Cora Miller and Virginia, Mr. Lowell, Mich c29 derJagt, Mrs. Helen VanderJagt, Linton. children. Ed. Johnson and Marion of the program, and Mrs. Reuben turned to school after two months' port. Fred Strong and sister Verna and Mrs. Earl Nash in Lowell and their guesls were Mr. and and Mrs. Leo Snyder and family TOMATO SOUP Mrs. J. Schults, IWra. Ella Scott. and Harding DePoty enjoyed their Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kline and Colby were Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. Miles Fase and family and of Caledonia, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee tbe refreshments. t - - 15c absence with whooping cough. Miss Mabel Watts of Chicago FO(R SALE—Atwater Kent, 6- Mrs. Andy Zoet, Mary Fuller, and Baby Fo FLOUR Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Neil Proctor spent guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frey- Schroder and family of Grand Mr. and Mrs. Mike Davis of spent Thanksgiving al home. tube, battery Console radio, in Thanksgiving at Marshall with were Tuesday evening guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Alexander of Gertrude Myers. A pot luck dinner their aunt, Mrs. Martha Sipe and Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. ermuth of Lowell. Cascade Road, on the holiday. Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peel TOMATO JUICE 1- sMSc Grand Rapids spent Tuesday af- Mrs. Stanley Coles and chil- A-l condition, nearly new B- was served and all enjoyed a fine Larsen's fcan. 25c Ward Proctor of Cascade. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels. ternoon and evening at the Basil dren spent the week-end at Henry family. ClflTord Nash spenl the week- Mr. and Mrs. Waller Afton, Sr. and family of Evart and Mr. and Hickory Hollow batteries, sell cheap or trade time. Makes Delicious 4 Jt IXJO Mr. and Mrs. James Denton en- Vreeland home. Johnson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hosklns and Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Law- end with his sister. Mrs. Charles entertained the members of the Mrs. Russell Miller and family ol By Mrs. Mary Rickert for corn, wheat, wood or what Miss Elsa Osmer who spends Bab,Food Cakes and Waffles. 1 MA rence Richardson and Ruth Timp- Deming and husband, and left on tertained eighteen at a family din- Anderson family on Thanksgiving Evart. National Biacuit • Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Vreeland and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson at- have you. Dan Martindale, 1 family were guests of Mrs. Ettie son accompanied Lawrence Rich- ner on Thanksgiving day. son Harold, Mrs. Margaret Silcox, tended the show in Lowell on her time working in Lowell spent Potter and Courtland McKay last Gerber's ^n 10c 5 lb. Sack Monday morning to go rabbit day. Mrs. Augusta Berg, A. H. An- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crans and Champion FUka pkf. 17c Motor Oil 2 £ 99c mile west of Snow church, orR. the week end with her parents, ardson to Chicago Sunday where hunling near Caledonia. Mrs. C. A. Lee and Mrs. Cha*. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Raymor 1, Ada, Mich. c29 Sunday. derson and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. An- and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Crans Buttar CrackarB Pfua Be Fadaral Tax Mr. and Mrs. R. Osmer. Mr. Richardson remained to take Mr. and Mrs. Mack Watson and Lampkln of Saranac and Mr. and derson and sons of Kent City were and sons spent Thanksgiving al and baby Duane and Mrs. Homer Fred Fashbaugh of Benton Har- an electrical course. Mrs. Elmer Lee of Elsie were Myers spent Sunday afternoon WANTED—For winter months, Mrs. C.' VanderMaas and sons bor, Mrs. Mae Fashbaugh and Mr children were Thanksgiving din- their guests. Gun Lake with their sister, Mrs. Neal and Frank were guests of Powdered Sugar lbs. 20c Thanksgiving guests at the ner guests of Mrs. Jennie Yeiter Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Col. and Mrs. Clyde Gibbs had Wm. Crawford and family. with Mrs. Mary Rickert, Guy and QUART apartment or small house, fur- and Mrs. Harry Fashbaugh and Henry Nellins home were Dr. and of Morse Lake. Mrs. Lee Lampkln. Iva. nished or unfurnished, prefer- Mr. and Mrs. K. Idema on Thanks- family were guests of Mr. and as their guesls on the holiday and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Crans en-1 giving and later attended the Mrs. Northrup of Grand Rapids Inn O'Harrow of Detroit called Mr. and Mrs. Lode Shear enter-1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Acheson Ammonia Ij-frtlla 15c ably furnished. Ray Avery, Mrs. Lee Jones last Sunday. Their over the week-end Mrs. Jay Mc- tertained Mr. and Mrs. William theatre in Grand Rapids. and Josephine Salisbury. on Mrs. Jennie Johnson Saturday. tained twenty-four at a family and family and Mr. and Mrs. Orve Phone 311. p29 family dinner before Mrs. Fash- Vean and daughter Marilyn of Crans, Mr. and Mrs Glen Sanborn, Avalon Brand All the deer hunters have ret- Brown Sugar fbs. 15c Faree-Fluff - „ « . MM Beatrice Lott of Alaska spent B. L. Hayward relumed from dinner Thanksgiving day. Detroit. Lyle and Doris, Chas. Sanborn Vanderlip spent Thanksgiving Farm Fire Insurance! baugh accompanies her son t o 5 lb Sack Margate WANTED—Young lady for gen- urned and some were lucky, others Sunday with Maxine and Darlene his hunling trip Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Denton at- Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Schwarder, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deltman with relatives in Grand Rapids. Benton Harbor for the winter. Cake Flour - ZoC Roark. eral housework. Call 357. p29 were not, but are all making plans The Ernest Roark family and tended a Euchre party at U. A. the latler's daughter Helen and and family of Caledonia to a Iva Rickert spent Tuesday af- Tea J«p-n V4-ib.pkf. 19c AgrkcfrAppIt 11c Insure your farm property in Michigan's Largest Mrs. Fashbaugh leaves this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houghton Mrs. John Ellis called al John Hawk's Saturday evening. birthday day dinner Sunday hon- ternoon with Mrs. Balph Wheaton for next year's season. Roy Osborne of Grandville and FOR RENT—That nice home of Mrs. C. VanderMaas was 2tost- Our good wishes go with her. MO AN MO 20 oz. 7. and family were Thanksgiving Warner's Sundny evening, the lat- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cilley made Clarence Burlle of Grand Rapids oring Glen Sanborn and Julius in Saranac. Farm Mntaal Fire Inauraace Company.—Has net Edwin Fallas at 704-706 River- dinner guesls of Mrs. Elsie Kinsey WESCO — CRISP FLAKY ess at a venison dinner on Sunday. Pancake Flour ter remaining for a few days wilh a business trip to Ionia Monday. were Thanksgiving day guesls at Crans. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Acheson assets and resources of more than a Quarter Mil- side Dr., Lowell, furnished, at Men are often capable of great- Pkg. fC of Grand Rapids and called on her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis of and children spent Friday eve- Mr. and Mrs. C. Mulder and Miss Mrs. Pearl Hooper and mother the George Schwarder home. your price. L. W. Rutherforo Marie Cordtz were the guests who er things than they perform. They Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis spent and Mr. Glick of Caledonia attend- Ha and Lucille Schwarder and Hastings called al the William ning with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton lion Dollars. .... Wrote over fid,009,000.00 of will show you. c28tf Campbell's Thursday evening. dined on the "king's rich venison". are sent into the world with bills Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ed the sale at Elmer Cilley's last Clarence Burlle were afternoon Crans home Sunday. Cahoon. Soda Crackers 2 ^ 17c new business last year. ... A liberal policy con- of credit, and seldom draw to Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dygert en- Skelding. callers Thanksgiving day at the Marley Hunter left last Tuesday FOR SALE—Winter apples, hand- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mllanow- Pork ai^ Beans 4 25c Tuesday and visited there during skl gave a miscellaneous shower their full extent. tertained for Thanksgiving dinner Mrs. Henry Nellins gave a birth- the day. Foster home in Caledonia. for Ohio to spend Thanksgivin Ivory Soap 2 "EJ, 11c PalmolivaSoap 3^14c tract including blanket policy on personal prop- picked. Call 118-F5 or drive to the following guests: Mr. and day dinner Saturday in honor of John Schwarder of Lowell at the home of his son Ralph am the farm. Frank Daniels. p25tf Saturday evening for their daugh- Mild Wisconsin Fill Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chamber- erty at low cost. ... Has paid Michigan farmers ter Helen whose marriage to Felix Wh Mrs. Lincoln Dygert, Mr. and Mrs. her sister. Josephine Salisbury lain were Sunday guests at Elmer spent Thanksgiving day at the NATCH YOII family and to bring Mrs. Hunter, Alger Dygert and children, Mr. Mrs. Northrup and friend. Mrs. who has been visiting there for nearly $5,000,000 in losses since organization. WANTED—Cream and eggs. Wc Sufalko of Chicago will take place Post Bran tckag. 11c Cilley's. home of his son George and fam- HAND WEAK AND SKINNY Creim Cheese and Mrs. Grant Harrison and son, Scilly, of Grand Rapids were pres- ily and will remain there for a KIDNEYS! several weeks, home with him. a y highest market prices, soon. About fifty guests were pre- Robert Craig, Miss Genevieve Jay Parsons delivered a truck Pan Rolls ROLLED Policies accepted by Federal Land Bank of St. iwell Creamery, 208 E. Main ent. Miss Salisbury returned load of pullets to the Elmer Cilley while. Sunday guesls at the O. L. Van* 5c L sent. AH enjoyed a good time with Graham, Miss Sylvia Graham and home wilh them to spend the Be Sore Thejr Properly derlip home were Mr. and Mrs. St. cl5tf games, music, and a bountiful Extra Good A. Dornbos. week-end. farm Monday. HotDatod Hat Dated MEN, WOMEN Log Cabin Syrup c.r 23c Ada Locals Cleanse the Blood Ira Dean and daughter Dorothy ol lunch. Many beautiful gifts were Mrs. Otto Dygert and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rosenberg Grand Bapids, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jewel Coffee lb. bag 21c Franck Coffee *• bag 25c Paul, Minn. Mrs. Bert Lewis had the unusual reqeived by the bride-to-be. and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walker of and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Rosenberg Michigan Citizens Picnic in Sunny VOUR kidneys are eonstantly fll-Fox and Harold and her father, Smooth and fragrant FuU bodted. flavorful Those on the sick list this week Florida experience of picking a beautiful ± terlng Imparities from tbe blood AND CHILDREN Grand Rapids had dinner Sunday and son enjoyed Thanksgiving Mr. Dean, of Alaska, Mr. Dean re- are Clifton Parker who is recover- bouquet of pansies from her rock itream. Bnt kidneys get function- For further information see nearest itepresenta- k. W. HILZEY 8AT*D by MW ViUmina of Cod Lhrei Wheaties 2 25c wilh Charles Bancroft. dinner wilh Mrs. Mary Russell of A group of Michigan people who maining for the winter with his garden on Thanksgiving day. ally disturbed—lag In their work- COUNTRY CLUB VACUUM PACKED ing from an operation for sinus Oil In tasteleu tablets. Mrs. G. >,1. Thorndike and Mrs. M ddleville. are in Florida for the winter, daughter Grace. tive or write Home Ofice. trouble In a Grand Rapids hospit- Jones of Atlanta spent Friday in Miss Minevera Weber of Grand fall to remove the poisonous body The Auctioneer Ponadi of (Inn healthy B«h Inftrad ol Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fairchild and gathered at the home of Mr. and Fine, Rich, lb. al, and Paul Slater who Is getting bare Mratty bon«al Nen visor, *im and Bulk Edmore visiting friends and rel- Raymond were Sunday dinner Rapids was a guest of her cousin, wastes. Mrs. T. C. Johnson in Zepherhills Then you may •offer nagglns Distinctiva tin Lowell—D. A. Wingeier, Harry Day, R. E. Springett, Grant Dutton, Mich. better after missing his turkey on taenry Imtead ot tired liitleMneaa I Steady Rolled Oats 5 n,.. 25c atives. guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Bry- on Sunday, Nov. 22 for a picnic Charlotte Fitch, from Thursday McCord's Matters Coffee 29c Quiet nerve* I That U what thouaandi ol until Sunday. backache, attacks of dizziness By Mrs. R. T. Williams Warner. Thanksgiving day. people are fetUns through icientUU' latnl Mr nnd Mrs. Albert Duoll wore ant of Rowne Center. dinner which was enjoyed on the Services that Satisfy and Terms Don't forget the moving picture discovery—tbe Vllamlm uf Cod Liver Oil Thanksgiving day guesls of Mr. Miss Dorothy Morris spent the hnrnfnr, scanty or too frequent concentrated In little lugar coated tablets Thanksgiving guesls al the Hay- spacious porch. Nineteen were FANCY FLORIDA That are Reasonable on Friday evening Dec. 6, to be and Mrs. Middlebrook of Green- wnrd home were Mr. nnd Mrs week-end in Grand Rapids wilh urination, getting up at night, wlthoot any nf Ita hnrrlrt fluhr Iwte or iinell DiimoBd Walmls lb. 22c present: The Wells and Cox fam- Cascade--John J. Watterson. Saturday, Dec. 8—Mrs. Verlie McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tabl»ta. they'r. ville. Chas. VanVTanken of Hastings, her uncle and mint, Mr. and Mrs. swollen feet and ankles, rheumatic Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Colby enter- given at the church and sponsored ilies from St. Petersburg, Hunters Daniels, Alto. General sale. by the Ladies Aid Society—and called I "Cod Liver Oil in Tablet* and the> Russell Nellisl and daughters. pains; feel "all worn out." tained the former's mother and GRAPEFRUIT 5 simply work wonders. A little boy of S. seri Camay Soap 3 Bars 15c Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacNaugh- Jim Green of Lowell, Will Hay- from Tampa, Hookers and Finzels 17c Monday, Dec. 10—Mrs. Lambert don't forget the free will offering ton were entertained by Mrs. ward. Will Johncock and sons, The children of Ada Congrega- Don't delay! For the quicker you brother, Mrs. Delia Colby and son 70 to 80 tin ously sick, rot well and sained 10'A lb*, ir Srahan Floir "'"Tib.s.ck 17e from Odessa, Mr. and Mrs.Del tional church Sunday School arc get rid of these poisons, the bettei George, for Thanksgiving dinner. DeVriese, West Jamestown. Gen- so bring your pocket books. just one month. A girl of thirteen after th« Mary Pratt of Clarksville With a Maurice and Myron, and LaVera same disease, gained 3 lbs. the flnt week nnd 6 Ward from Cascade Mich, and Mr. making prparations for a Christ- your chances of good health. Mrs. Walter Clark spent the eral sale with household goods, t Iba. each week after. A young muthrr whr turkey dinner Thursday. Moll of Dellon. Navel Oranges CaMfamu doa. 35c large list. Mrs. Orrin Graham called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacNaugh- and Mrs. Longfield, - Sr., from mas program which will be giv- Use Doan'i Pith. Doan's are for week-end with her son and fam- Largo alaa (IM to 180) State Mutual Fire ln$. Co. could not eat or sle^p after baby came go. O.K. Soap 6 B"! 25C Oleo, Parity lb. 12c South Boston all her health back and gained 10 lbs. in le*' Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. en at the church Christmas eve. the kidneys only. They tend to pro- ily, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Clark, in Tuesday, Dec. 11—John Bou- Sada Wilson Thursday afternoon. lon made a business trip to Coop- mote normal functioning of the man, Wright township, general By Miss Belle Young than a month. The General Aid of Ihe Alto M. ersville Tuesday and called al the Johnson spend the summer i n Mrs. Olive Ward returned home Grand Rapids. Iceberg Lettuce Firm, ^ 2^ 13c You simply must try McCoy's at o-ce kidneys; should help them pass oO sale with good horses and Jersey Remember if you don't gain at least S Itn. ol E. church will meet with Mrs. Val Carr home in Grand Rapids in their home in Cascade, and most on Thursday evening after spend- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wood and Home Office: 702 Church St, Flint, Mich. tbe IrrltatlDg poisons. Doan's are COWS. firm healthy flesh in a month get your n-nt.ej Am. Fam. Flakes p . 22c Navy Beans - 4 lbs. 15c Walts Friday afternoon. the afternoon. of the group are well known in ing the past three weeks with her family were entertained at the Yellow Onions Michigan 10 19c Mr. and Mrs. Ernesl Roth and back. Demand and get McCov's-the o- • la! kg thia vicinity. sister, Mrs. J. Moxon. at Monterey. recommended by users the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Corten- Thursday, Dec. 13—Peter Spoel- family enjoyed a venison dinner and genuine Cod Liver Oil Taule'i Mrs. Dan Wingeier's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Colbj over. Get them from any druggist -approved by Good Housekoepim Robert Armour of Grand Rap- dorf in Grand Rapids for Thanks- W. V. BURRAS, Free. H. K. F1SE, Secy stra. East Byron Center. General Thanksgiving day at the home of Mrs. Chas. Winans, of near Low- and son Peter and Harvey Slater sale with good cows. Institute. Refuse all substitutes ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO MICHIGAN 3% SALES TAX. ell passed away Sunday after- of Grand Rapids were Thanks- Typewriter ] »per, Sttxllsh* ids was a Sunday caller at the giving dinner. ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO THE MICHIGAN i% SALES TAX her sister, Mrs. Simon Wingeier, iniiat on tha original McCoy's noon. Mrs. Winans had been 111 giving dinner guests of Mr. and 20c the pounc at the Ledger home of Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Free- Mr. and Mrs. R. Postma enter- Book dates with D. A. Wingeier, in Bowne. there arc none better. for several months. Mrs. Hlenr y Slater. office. man. DOAN'S PILLS tained Thursday for dinner: iMr. at State Savings Bank, Lowell Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ransom and six THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGES and ALTO SOLO. THURSDAY. DEC. 6. 19S4

"The Shadow of "the sword,' I nmJ Tony sought CoTe Hendron In LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES suppose, my dear—ob, my dear! I bis big study, where the plates THE LOWELL (MICH.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO. THURSDAY. DEC. fi. 1934 SEVEN which bad come from South Africa remember rending It In Kipling LEGAL NOTICES CHANCERY CAUSE NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE VfHtN tyw when I wns n boy, but never un- were spread upon tbe table. derstanding It. Remember tbe two There were squares of stars, usu- STATE OF MICHIGAN—The Cir- Default having occurred in, a In love when they knew that one ally tbe same square of stars re- NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE ANNUAL ACCOUNT cuit Court for the County of real estate mortgage containing l would surely die? 'There Is no peated over and over again, Tbere Kenl—In Chancery. power of sale dated May 19, 1926, Defnult having occurred in a State of Michigan. The Probate happiness like that snatched under seemed to bo a score of exposures Herbert Dickerson. Mike Amelia and Julia Amelia, COLUDE * real estate mortgage containing a Court for Ihe County of Kent. and Mortgagors, and Home Stale Bank the shadow of the sword.'" of the Identical plate of close-clus- power of sale dated April 16. I!)24. At a session of said court, held Sarah Dickerson. for Savings. Mortgagee, recorded "But we both shall die. If either tered staM. I a1 wis DeLceuw and wife. Cor- at the probate office, in the city "You were downtown today, Plaintiffs, Regisler of Deeds office May 20, does, Tony. That's so much better." nelia DeLceuw, Mortgagors, and of Grand Rapids, in said county, vs. 1926, Liber 570 Mortgages page I The voices beyond the closed door Tony?" Home Slate Bank for Savings, on the 16th day of November, A. H. (Henry) C. R. Beecher, 593. said mortgage having Been y shouted louder, nnd Tony released "Y es." Mortgagee. recorded Register D. 1934. Noble Crawford, assigned October 3,1931, to Curtis her. "Who's here?" "Today they took It. didn't they? Deeds office. Kenl County, Michi- Present, HON. JOHN DALTON, Ira Davenport, M. Wylie by assignment recorded Eve said In reply to Tony's ques- They took It nnd closed the Ex- gan. April lb. 1924. in Liber 501 of Judge of Probate. John Hotchkiss, and their May 7, 1934. in Liber 768 Mort- Mortgages page 012, said mortgage DON change. I bear; and half tbe busi- In the matter of the estate of known and unknown heirs, gages page 339, apd again assign- CANDIDATES, Hwih Balwc tion, "Six men. the secretary of nesses in town had a holiday. For having been assigned to Curtis George Jarvin. Deceased. devisees, legatees and ed on November 6, 1934, lo Kent state, the governor. Mr. Borgan. tbe M. Wylie on October 3, 1931, by aiadl chief of a newspaper chain, two they've known for quite some time Roland M, Shivel having filed in assigns. Mortgage Agency, Inc. by assign- assignment recorded May 7, 1934, said court his first annual account Defendants, ment recorded November 6, 1934, more." She was not thinking about that something has been banging in Liber 7r>8 Mortgages page 55, over them, hanging over the mar- as administrator of said estate, At a session nf said Court held in Liber 781 Mortgages page 1, them. 'Sit down, but don't sit near and again assigned on November and his petition praying for Iht ket. This morning we half told them at the Court house in the City of Kent County Register Deeds nbWylic me, Tony; we've got to think tilings (I, 1934, lo Kent Mortgage Agency, allowance thereof. Grand Rapids in said County, on office, the assignee of Mortgagee out." what It Is; and they thought they Inc. by assignment recorded No- It Is Ordered, That the 14th day Ihe 8th day of November, A, D. declares principal and interest "Your father's told them?" believed It. Just now I told six men vember 0, 1934, in Liber 781 Mori- of December, A, 1). 1934, at ten 1934. thereon due and payable, where- CtrjU the other half—or most of It— gages page 2, Kenl Countv Regis- WNU Service. "He's told them what will happen o'clock in the forenoon, al said Present: Hon. Leonard I). upon the power of sale has be- and you heard them. Tony; they ter Deeds office; the assignee of probate office, be and is hereby Verdier, Circuit Judge. first. I mean, when the Bronson mortgagee declares principal and come operative. Amount claimed THE NARRATIVE oT cblps, flic plies of bills. Tie bodies—both of them—Just pass won't have It. The world won't come appointed for exar.'.ining and al- In this cause on reading and due this dale is $1,041.79, princi- When You Have Won Your First Victory! looked at the faces of tbe players, interest thereon due and payable, lowing said accoui.t and hearing filing Ihe Bill of Complaint of close to the world and go on around to an end; It can't possibly collide whereupon the power of sale has l, interest, taxes and attorney CHAPTER I.—David Ransdell. and recognized two or three of the sun. That's more than enough with another world, because—well, said petition; Herbert Dickerson and Sarah K No suit or proceeding at law approachlnic New York on the jlnor become operative. Amount claim- It Is Further Ordered, That Dickerson and il appearing to the Europa. receives a aucceailon of ra- them. They were hectic faces. The for them now. It's not time yet to for one thing. It never has done ed due this date is $2,323.91, prin- has been instituted to recover any dlograma offerlnit him 11,000. final- market had closed. This was a real such a thing before, and for an- public notice thereof be given by satisfaction of the Court now port of debt now remaining se- ly 120,000, for an exclusive news- tell them of tbe e.icounter. You cipal, interest, taxes and attorney publication of a copy of this or- here that the plaintiff's have after cured thereby. paper Interview divulging the mis- smash—not merely a money smash see. the mere passing close will be other, ibey won't have IL Not when uit or proceeding at law —a smash of tbe whole world der for three successive weeks diligent searcn and inquirv been Notice is given that by said sion that bring* him from South terrible enough." you dwell upon the details. They has been instituted to recover any unable to ascertain wnetner di. Africa. Ransdell, noted aviator, has ahead. Naturally money was los part of debt now remaining se- irevious to said day of hearing, power of sale said mortgage will been secretly commissioned at Cape- "Why?" won't have It. Tomorrow there'll be {n the Lowell Ledger, a newspa- (Henry) C. R. Beecher, Noble be foreclosed by a sale at North IT'S NOT A GOAL town by Lord Rhondln and Profes- Ing Its value, but men played for a great swing back In feeling, Tony. cured thereby. aor Hronson, th astronomer, to fiy "Because of the tides, for one per printed and circulated in said Crawford, Ira Davenport or John Door of Court House at Grand It—cheered when they won, groaned The Exchange will open again; Notice is given that by said 'Hotchkiss, be living or dead and across the Mediterranean to the fail thing. The moon, which Is hardly lower of sale said mortgage will county. Rapids. Kent County. Michigan, liner, with a large traveling case when they lost, and staked again. an eighteenth of tbe world In mass, business Is going on. That's a good JOHN DALTON, if dead who are their heirs, de- on February 4. 1935, at nine containing photographic plates. His The limit had been taken off the e foreclosed by a sale at North visees, legatees or assigns if any Instructions are to deliver them to raises tides that run forty to sixty thing; I'm glad of It. Door of Court House at Grand Judge of Probate. o'clock in the forenoon of tbt IT'S ONLY A Dr. Cole Ilendron. In New York; game. there be, or where they reside. mortgaged premises, viz; feet. In places like the Bay of (Continued Next Week) Rapids. Kent Countv Michigan, A true copy: Tony Drake calls at the Hondrona Downstairs at the bar. were three FRED ROTlH, That all such are named as de- The West 12 feet of Lot 50 and apartment. Ransdell arrives and Fundy." on February 4. 1935. at nine fendants in said Bill of Complaint rORWARD Eve liendron, with whom Tony Is girls to whom Tony's two friends Register of Probate. 27-28-29 the East 28 feet of Lot 51 of E. L. "Of course—the tides," Tony real- o'clock in the forenoon of the to be brought before this Court in deeply In lova, introduces Tony to Immediately attached themselves. So. Lowell Busy mortgaged premises, viz: Briggs' Addition, City of Grand Ransdell. ized aloud. manner provided by law, but Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. They were pretty girls of tbe kind "Bronson Beta Is tbe site of the Corners Part of Lots 3. 4 and 5 Block 2 there mav be unknown heirs, de- CHAPTER II.—New York news- that Broadway produces by an over- Southwick's Addition to City MORTGAGE SALE Rent Mortgage Agency, Inc., papers publish a statement made by earth. Tony; Bronson Alpha Is esti- By Mrs. Howard Bartlett visees, legatees and assigns, Assignee of Mortgagee. Hendron and concurred In by sixty night Incubation; girls who had Grand Rapids, beginning at point Default has been made in the whose names and addresses can- of the world's greatest scientists. mated to have eleven to twelve Norris, McPherson, (Hiarrington been born far from the Great 100 feel $outh of Northwest cor- conditions of a certain mortgage not after diligent inquiry be de- & Waer, Th® prepared statement says that times that mass. That sphere will Mrs, C. G, Welland, Mrs, George ner Ian Associalion, a Michigan Springett, Attorney for PlaintilTs, So evenly have honors been divided up to the present time in The Lowell Ledger's Subscription Campaign that it depends entirely upon ens which brought them at last un- ashen blonde. Around their eyes by mere multiplication. Tony. New Messrs, and Mesdnmes C, G, nnd feel of Lots 3 and 4 and Ihe North der the attraction of the sun. The were beaded lashes; their voices building and loan association of II Is Decreed that the unknown statement ends: "Their previous York will be under water to the George Weilnnd had Thanksgiv- 12 feet of Lot 5 Block 2 of said Lowell, Michigan, recorded March heirs, devisees, legatees and as- course, consequently, has been modi- were high; their silk clothes ad- ing dinner with Mrs. Geo. Wcil- addition. NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE results obtained between now and the end of the race two weeks from Saturday night, as to who will win with "Flying Colors," and be fied by the sun. and as a result, tops of Its towers—a tidal wave be- 27, 1924, in the office of the Begis- signs of the said H. (Henry) C, R. they ar® now approaching us." The hered to their bodies. They drank yond all imagination! Tbe seacoasts and's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Kent Mortgage Agency, Inc., ter of Deeds for Kent County, Beecher, Noble Crawford. Ira Default having occurred in a result of the Inevitable collision and laughed. Clark, of IWest Lowell. Frank Assignee of Sfortaagee. Michigan, in Liber 504 of Morl- Davenport and John Hotchkiss real estate mortgage containing a must be th® end of the earth. The of all the world will be swept by acclaimed winner of the Ford V-8 De Luxe, Tudor Sedan, 1st Prize. "Here's to old Bronson!" they Moll was a guest also. Norris, McPherson. Harrington nges on pages 310 and 311, and do file and enter in this cause power of sale dated August 18, approaching bodies are referred to the seas, sucked up toward the sky A Waer. as Bronson Alpha and Uronson Beta, toasted. "Here's to tbe ol' world Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flowers of ecause of said default the prin- their several respective appear- 1925, John Ruggles and wife, Mil- th® latter being the smaller—about and washed back and forth. Tbe Flint, John Miller and Mahlo Attorneys for Assignee of e dred Ruggles, Mortgagors, and th® alio of the earth, and revolving coming to an end!" cipal sum of said mortgage and ances within three months from waves will wash hack to the Ap- Johnson were guests at George Mortgagee. the dale of this order and that in Home Stale Bank for Savings, about Bronson Alpha as the moon Tony sat with them: Clarissa. Jac- palachians; nnd It will be tbe same all sums unpaid thereon have does about the earth. Weiland's Thanksgiving night. Dated: November 0. 1934. been declared to be immediately case of their appearances that they Mortgagee, recorded Begister ol queline, Bettlna. He gazed at them, In Europe and Asia. Holland, Bel- John Schwarder had Thanks- C25-121 due and payable, and the shares cause their answer to the Bill of Deeds office, Kent County, Mich- laughed with them, drank with glum, half of France and Germany, igan. August 19. 1925, Liber 528 CHAPTER III giving dinner wilh his son George of stock pledged as collateral Complaint to be filed and a copy them: but be thought of Eve. asleep half of India and China, will be un- of Aaa. thereto forfeited. thereof to be served on the attor- Mortgages page 254. said mort- Here Is How Your Subscription Will Count at last, he hoped. Eve, slender as der tbe wave of water. There'll be Mr. and Mrs. Will Dailey and NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE The amount claimed lo be due ney for the plaintiffs within fif- gage having been assigned Octo- X TEX o'clock the jyonj: rnnK son Bernid were Thanksgiving ber 3,1931, by assignment record- TO THE PUBLIC: they, young ns they, far, far love- an earth tide, too." teen days after service on them and the stock market opened. on said mortgage al the dale of A lier than they; nnd bearing within dinner guesls of Mrs. Dailey .t Default having occurred in a this notice is $715.04 for principal of a copy of the Bill of Complaint ed May 7,1934, in Liber 768 Mort- ' "Earth tide?" gages page 281 to Curtis M. Wylie, There had been no addition to pub her mind and soul tbe frightful bur- "Earthquake from the pull on the brother. Eliah McDiarnml and real estate mortgage containing and interest, ami $153.83 for taxes and notice of this order, and in This Period and Next lie knowledge In the newspapers. and again assigned on November When one of our workers call on you for a subscription, DON'T put him or her off with den of tbe full knowledge of this crust of tbe earth. Some of the family, a power of sale dated November and insurance paid by Ihe mort- default thereof that the said bill The news-ticker carried, as addi- 10, 1927, John J. and Magdalena be taken as confessed by said de- 6, 1934, to Kenl Mortgage Agency, day. men writing to Father think that Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rillenger gagee, being a total amount of just an empty promise. Good wishes are nice, but actual Subscriptions are the real thing. tional Information, only the effect were Sunday evening visitors at DeJonge, Mortgagors, and John fendants and each of them. Inc. by assignment recorded No- /Vote the Difference! After a while Tony looked again the earth will be torn to pieces Just Eight Hundred Sixty-eight Dol- of tbe announcement on tbe mar- Fred Fahni's. Knottnerus, Mortgagee, recorded It k further ordered that with- vember 0,1934. in Liber 781 Mort- nt tbe motley crowd; and across by the first passing of Bronson Al- lars, Eighty-seven Cents ($868.87), gages page 3. Kenl County Regis- The race thus far is anybody's race, as there is but little difference in the wot leers' kets In Europe, which already had Mr, and Mrs. Howard Barllell Register of Deeds office, Kenl Co., lo which will be added an attor- in forty days from Ihe dale of this tbe room be saw a friend sitting pha; but some of them think it will ler Deeds office, the assignee of SECOND PERIOD FINAL PERIOD been open for hours. were in I^ansing on business on Mich., November 14, 1927, in ney's fee of $15.00 as provided for order the plaintiffs cause a copy standings, and to discourage your favorite by not giving him or her your Subscription is alone In a booth. Tony rose and survive tbe strain." Monday. Liber 627 of Mortgages page 279, of this order to be published in Mortgagee declares principal and It was plain that tbe wild eyes of in said mortgage and the costs ol interest thereon due and payable, doing him or her a grave injustice. It may be the means of talking him or her out of the Term Rat* Credits Term Rate Credite went toward tbe man. He was a "What does your father think?" Miss Pauline Kiigus is working said mortgage having been assign- foreclosure. No suit or proceed- the Iiowell Ledger, a newspaper terror looked across tbe oceans and whereupon the power of safe has 1 Year..., $1.50 . 1,500 1 Year.. ..$1.50 .. 1,000 person—a personage—worthy of no- "He thinks the earth will survive hard in the ledger contest. Two ed lo Jesse E. Lutman November ing has been instituted al law or printed, published and circulated auto, right when they have the car on their fingertips. the land—across rice fields and tice. He was lean, gray-haired. the first stress—and that It Is pos-jor three year subscriptions from 12, 1927, by assignment recorded in said County and lhat said pub- become operative. The amount prairies, out of tbe smoke of cities otherwise lo recover said debt or claimed due this dale is $2,565.13, 2 Years . $3.00 . 8,000 2 Years. ..$3.00 .. 5,000 Immaculate, smooth. His dark eyes slble that a fifth of the population each of the neighbors would help November 14, 1927, in Liber 627 lication be continued therein ouce everywhere. any part thereof, and by reason principal, interest, taxes and at- 3 Years.. $4.50 .15,000 3 Years $4.50 ..10,000 were remote and unseeing. First may live through It, too. Of course a lot. Let us all boost. of Mortgages page 292, the Mort- of said default the power of sale in each week for six weeks in The stock market opened prompt- succession or that they cause a torney fee. No suit or proceeding "JUST ONE OUNCE OF ENCOURAGEMENT IS WORTH nights knew him. Mothers of rery that's only a guess." Emerson Weiland has moved to gagee declares principal and in- conlained in said mortgage has 4 Years $6.00 25.000 4 Years $6.00 20,000 ly at ten. One man dropped dead copy of this order to be personal- at law has been instituted to re- rich daughters, mothers of daugh- "A fifth," repeated Tony. "A fifth his farm in South Lowell. A terest thereon due and payable, become operative. at bis first glance upon tbe racing ly served upon each above named coyer any part of debt now re- A TON OF ADVICE." 5 Years.. $7.50 40,000 5 Years ..$7.50 30,000 ters of Impeccable lineage, sought hearty welcome is extended. whereupon Ihe power of sale has Now Therefore, Notice is Here- maining secured thereby. of all on the earth." Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rillenger. defendant al least twenty days ticker. him. Wherever the gayety of the Eve was watching him. Through become operative. Amount claim- by Given that by virtue of tho Notice is given that by said On tbe floor of the Exchange It- who recently moved from the ed due this dote is $14,316.51) before the time above prescribed gay world went, he could be found. the years of their friendship and power of sale conlained in said for their appearance and that a power of sale said mortgage will self, there was relative quiet. When farm, arc with his parents, Mr. irincipal, interest and attorney mortgage and in pursuance of the . Newport. Biarritz. fondness, she had seen Tony as a copy of this order shall be mailed be foreclosed by a sale at North tbe market Is most busy. It is most and Mrs. Frank Rillenger. Plans ee. No suit or proceeding at law statute in such case made and Cannes. Nice. Deanvllle, Palm normal man, to whom everything f to such absent, concealed and Door of Court House al Grand silent. Phones were choked with for spring are not definitely sel- has been instituted lo recover any provided, the said mortgage will Rapids. Kent County. Michigan, Beach. He was like old sliver— that happened was happy, felicitous tled. We shall all miss I^icile and non-resident defendants at their part of debt now remaining se- be foreclosed by a sale of the last known posloffice address by on February 4, 1935, at nine yet he was not old. Forty, per- and unblzarre. The only crises In lHarold. cured thereby. premises therein described, at o'clock in the forenoon of the haps. A bachelor. His name was which she observed him were emer- I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rittenger registered mail and a return re- Notice is given thai by said public vendue al the North from ceipt demanded therefor. mortgaged premises, viz: Peter Vanderbllt. And he was gencies on the football field, nnd and daughter, Mrs. James Taylor ower of sale said mortgage will door of the Court House in Ihe Lot 42 of Reynolds and Frank- and family spenl Thanksgiving Hon. LEONARD D. VERDIER, trapped, too—Tony was thinking as alarms In the stock market, which Ee foreclosed by a sale at North City of Grand Bapids, Kent Coun- Circuit Judge. lin's Third Addition to City of be saw him—trapped with him and In tbe first case represented mere with the former's daughter, Mrs. Door of Court House at Grand ty, Michigan, that being the place Grand Rapids, Kent County, FREE Atlesl: A true copy. Eve and Kyto and the panhandler sport, nnd In the second, money Dale Rankin and family. Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, of holding the Circuit Court in Michigan. Mrs. James Taylor and family L. J DONOVAN. and Bettlna and Jacqueline and all which he did not properly under on December 24, 1934, at nine said County where Ihe premises Clerk. Kent Mortgage Agency, Inc., remained until Suntlay with Mr. o'clock in the forenoon, of the are situated, on Tuesday, the 26lh Assignee of Mortgagee. the rest on tbe rim of tbe world. stand, because all his life he had and Mrs. Chas. Rillenger. Examined, countersigned and Tony cleared his brain. "Hello," possessed money enough, and more. mortgaged premises, viz: day of February, 1935, al 10 entered by me. Norris, McPherson, Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rillenger and Part of East half of Southeast o'clock in the forenoon. Eastern L. J. DONOVAN. & Waer, he said. Now, as she watched him, she family ale Thanksgiving dinner Standard Time. Attorneys for Assignee of Peter Vanderbllt looked up and thought that she would meet with quarter of Section 20, Township Clerk. wilh Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rillenger 7 North, Range 12 West (Walker Said premises are. described in R. E. Springett, Lowell. Mich., Mortgagee. m his face showed welcome. "Tony 1 him—and she exulted therein-the and Glenn Ray staved with his Township), Kent County, Michi- said mortgage as follows: Attorney for Plainliffs. Dated: November 6, 1934. Jove! Of all people. Glad to see most terrific reality that man bad grandmother until Sunday. All of Lot Two (2) of Block Six c25-12l gan, commencing at southeast Notice you. Sit. Sit and contemplate." He ever faced. So far as he had yet Marion Kiigus spent from comer of above description, run- (6) of Lee's Addition lo the Vil- beckoned a waiter and ordered. been called upon, be bad met II Thursday until Sunday with her ning Ihence West 165 feet, thence lage of Lowell, Kenl County, The above suit is brought to GULONS GASOLINE "You're a bit on tbe Inside, I take without attempting to evade It; his Grandma Kiigus in Lowell. Michigan. quiet title to the following lands Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kiigus spent North parallel with east line of YATES FIIEML NOME It—friend of tbe Hendrons. You effort bad been solely for more com said description 600 feet, thenci Dated November 20, 1934. and premises, lo-wit: know a bit more of what's going plete understanding. Sunday evening wilh John Molt Iiowell Building & Loan That part of the West one-half 1C Will be given the candi- and familv in Grand Rapids. West parallel with south line of (W%) of the Northwest one- Calls answered Day or Night on." A contrast to some of those men said description 100 feet, thence Association, Mortgagee. Mr. and Mrs. Rent Willelte en- By Frank F. Coons, quarter(NW%) of ISection Twelve 695 E. Main TeL C3 date scoring Second "Yes." admitted Tony; It was —among them men who were called tertained Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wil- North parallel with" east line of (12) Town Six North. Range Nine said description 240 feet, thence Secretary. senseless to deny It to this man. the greatest In tbe nation—whose lelte and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Messinger & While, West, described as commencing If no response, call 251 25 Gals. Gasoline •i>on't tell me. Don't break confi- voices rose loud again behind the Royal Willelte and daughter and West parallel with south line of on West side o? said Section al a Service within yonr meana | | • said description 135 feet, thence Attorneys for Mortgagee, gm dences for my sake. I'm not one closed doors. Gerald (Heaven for Thangsgiving. 437 Michigan Trust Bldg., point where the South marginal Will be given the candi- North parallel with east line of At Ten O'clock the Gong Rang, that has to have details ahead of Some one—she could not Identify Mr. and Mrs. Royal Willelte and Grand Rapids, Michigan. 28-121 line of railroad crosses said Sec- others. Funny, Isn't It, to think him from his voice, which ranted daughter were Sundav guesls of said description 865.4 feel, thence tion line: thence South to the cen- Will be given the candidate who earns the highest number 10 Gals. Gasoline _ the Stock Market Opened. One uadate scorinK g Third. of tbe end of all this? I feel stlmu In a strnnce shrill rage—evidently Mr. and Mrs. Rert Willelte. West parallel with South line of ter of highway; thence Easterly LOWELL PIBLIC LIBUIT Man Dropped Dead at Hit First said description 920 feet to Ihe NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE lated. don't you? All of It—golntr Mr. and Mrs. Jack Acheson vis- alongcenterofsaid highway forty- Glance Upon the Racing Ticker. was battling her father, shouting west line of said description, GRAHAM BLDG.—WEST SIDI of points for new subscriptions, beginning Monday, Decem- tc pieces! T feel like snylng. ited Mr, and Mrs. Guy Willelte and Default having occurred in eight and one-half rods; thencc him down, denying what had been family on Wednesday. thence North to northwest cor- North parallel with said Section —OPEN— regular, crowded speech. Boys ran. 'Thank God!' I was sick of It laid before them all. ner thereof, thence East to north- real estate mortgage ronlaining Mr. and Mrs. Jack Acheson vis- power of sale daled November 1, line to South marginal line of rail- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdaji The men stood and spoke in care-j Every one was. Civilization's s "Somebody," said Tony, "seems east corner thereof, thence South road line and thence Westerly on ber 3, and ending Tuesday night, December 11, at 10 o'clock. 5 Gals. Gasoline S iled Ernest Richardson and fam- from 2 to 8 p. m. ful tones at tbe posts. Millions of wretched parody. Evidently there to place of beginning, together 1922, Martin Slephan and wife, not to like what he has to hear." ily on Sunday. Mary Slephan. Mortgagors, and said South marginal line of said AUDIE E. POST, Librariaa shares began to change hands at was a Just and Judging flod, aftei "Who Is he, Tony?" Mr. and Mrs. Edson Grant were with tenements, hereditaments railroad to the West Section line ail, and He's taking us In band again Home Slate Bank for Savings, prices—down. The ticker lagged as "Somebody who isn't very used Wednesday evening callers at and appurtenances thereto. Mortgagee, recorded Register and place of beginning, all in never in the wildest days of tbe — tbe way He did In Noah's time to hearing what he doesn't like. ... Jack Acheson's. Dated, September 21, 1934. Deeds office, Kenl County, Michi- Lowell Township. Kent County. boom. And at noon. In patent admis- . . . Good thing, I say. Oh Eve, Eve! My dear, my dear! Jesse E. Lutman. gan, November 2, 1922, In Liber Michigan. I. P. fiOTFIENEI sion of tbe obvious necessity. New "But Hendron and bis scientl6t> Assignee of Mortgagee. 471 Mortgages page 448; and de- R. E. Springett. For the first time In my life, Pd 26-61 Attorney for Plaintiffs. Phyaieian and SnrgeaB York followed tbe example already aren't doing so well. They're mak Lowell Dist. No. 5 Norris. McPherson, Harrington fault having occurred in a real like to be a poet; I wish for words (Mrs. J. P. Needham) set by , Paris and Rerlln. Ing a big mistake If they bold any & Waer, ing OVER CITY STATE BANK to say what I feel. . . ." Tbe sud- 19-121 Attorneys for Mortgagee. Tbe great metal doors boomed thing back much longer; they'd bet den unmuffling of voices warned power of sale daled May 8. 1924. NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE LOWELL, MICHIGAN shut. Tbere would be no more trad- ter tell anything—no matter bo« executed by said Martin Slephan them that a door from tbe study Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and and wife, Mary Slephan, lo said Default having occurred in a Office Phone, 222-2; House. 222-3 IN ADDITION TO THE PRIZES OFFERED FOR NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS ing for an indeterminate time. Until bad It Is. They'll have to, as they'll had opened; some one had come family of Grand Rapids spent NOTICE MORTGAGE SALE Home Slate Bank for Savings as real estate mortgage containing "the scientific situation becamc soon see. Nothing can be as bad as out. It wns her father. For a Monday night al the Needham Mortgagee, which mortgage was power of sale dated August 6, cleared up." uncertainty. They're top-notch sci- few moment's be stood regarding home. Default having occurred in recorded May 8, 1924, in Liber 1934, Elke Sterkenburg and wife, Dalcom came into bis office; be entists. but the human element Is them, debating what he should say. Mr. ami Mrs. Ellis Rollins and real estate mortgage containing 516 Mortgages page 1; and de- Gertrude Sterkenburg. and Sie- DI. K. T. LISTIfi family spenl Thanksgiving day power of sale daled August 25. put his bead on Tony's desk and tbe one thing they can't analyze and "Father," Eve said, "Tony and I fault having occurred in a real berl Sterkenburg. single. Mort- reduce to figures. What they nee"' with their daughter. Mrs. Lor- 1922. Frank C. Mutchler and estate mortgage containing there- gagors, and Home iStute Bank for OSTEOPATHIC sobbed. Tony o|>ened a drawer, took —Tony nnd I—" Physician and Surgeon To the candidate scoring Second. is a council of public relations. Tel" raine Page and family. Mrs. Hila lx)uise Mutchler, Mortgagors, and in a power of sale dated July 13. Savings, Mortgagee, recorded Beg- 500,000 Bonus Votes 400,000 Bonus Votes out a whisky bottle which had re Her father nodded. "I saw you Courier and other relatives were Home State Bank for Savings, General Practice for a few seconds before you real- 1928. executed by said Martin ister Deeds office, Kent County, posed in It unopened for a year, and ItJcle Hendron I recommend Ivy also there. Mortgagee, recorded Regisler Slephan and wife, Mary Slephan, Michigan, August 20, 1924, Liber Special Attention to Rectal poured a stiff dose Into a drinkinp Lee." ized I wns here. Eve—and Tony." Miss Eva Graham of Grand Rap- Deeds office August 25,1922, Liber as Mortgagors, and said Home 516 Mortgages page 175; said Diaeasea Will be given the candidate making the best cash returns be- cup. Balcom swallowed It as If It Rising, he left Tony and vanished Tony flushed. "We mean what you ids spenl Thanksgiving vacation 471 Mortgages page 284. said Slate Bonk for Savings as Mort- mortgage having been assigned (Prepared and equipped to treat were milk, took another, and walked In the throng. Tony rose, secured saw. sir." be said. "We more than at home. mortgage having been assigned gagee, which mortgage was re- October 3, 1931, to Curtis M, Piles, Prolapse, Fissures and tween the dates Monday, December 3, and Tuesday night, out dazedly. his bat nnd went out. mean It We're going to be married Miss Lillian Sowerby of Chi- July 29.1931. lo Old Kenl Bank bv corded in said Register of Deeds Wylie by assignment recorded Fistull without hospilaUztdiod). as soon as we can-aren't we. Eve?" cago and Mrs. Barbara Wines of assignment recorded July 30. office July 30. 1928. in Liber 653 May 7, 1934. in Liber 768 Mort- To the candidate scoring Third. Tony procured bis hat and walked The latest newspaper contained a 1174 Madiaon Ave.. Grand Rapida December 11, by 10 o'clock. 300,000 Bonus Voles statement from the White House. "Can we. Father?" Middleville called on her sister, 1931. Liber 736 Mortgages page 91. Mortgages page 637; all of which gages page 187, and again assign- out. Every ona else was on tbe Mrs. Isa Graham, recently. and again assigned September 21. Phones: OSee 38702; Rea. S8tlf The President requested that on tbe Cole Hendron shook his head. said mortgages were assigned lo ed on November 6. 1934. to Kent street—people In herds and throngs Miss Lynne Palm of Grand 1931, to Home State Bank for Curtis M. Wylie on October 3. Mortgage Agency, Inc. by assign- never seen on Wall or Broad streel morrow every one return to work. "There can't be marrying or love Rapids visiled al the Rollins home Savings by assignment recorded for either of you. No time to tell 1931, by assignment recorded May ment recorded November 6. 1934. or on this stretch of Broadway, but It promised that the government Wednesday night. iSeptember 22, 1931, in Liber 738 7, 1934, in Liber 768 Mortgages in Liber 781 Mortgages page 2. 250,000 Bonus Votes to all other candidates who report as much as $20.00 who now were sucked in by this would maintain stability In tbe you why not; only—there can'L" Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sowerby Mortgages page 459, and again as- page 359, and again assigned on Kent County Register Deeds office, B.H. SIEPUI. M. 1. unparalleled excitement from the country nnd Inveighed violently "Why can't tbere be. sir?" of Harvard were Saturday after- signed October 3, 1931, to Curtis November 6, 1934, lo Kent Mort- the assignee of mortgagee de- Phona 47 East side, tbe river front, tbe Bow- against tbe exaggerated reaction of "There's going to be altogether noon callers of the former's sis- M. Wylie by assignment recorded gage Agency, Inc. by assignment clares principal and interest J. I. ALTLAII. M. I. ery. and likewise down from upper | the American i>eople to tbe sci- too much else. In a few months, ter. Mrs. Isa Graham. May 7, 1934, in Liber 768 of Mort- recorded November 6, 1934, in thereon due and payable, where- gages page 103, and again assign- Phona IM Fifth and from Park avenues. Worn- j entists' statement. you'll know. Meanwhile, don't spoil Mrs. James Needham. Sr. and Liber 781 Mortgages page 5, Kent upon the power of sale has be- son Emmelt and family called on ed on November 6, 1934 to Kent come operative. Amount claimed Neffonce Block, LowalL en with babies, peddiers. elderly ' Tony smiled. "Business as usual! my plans by eloping. And don't go County Register Deeds office, thy Business going on, as usual, during on doing—what I Just saw. It'll Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sayles in Sara- Mortgage Agency, Inc. by assign- assignee of mortgagee declares due this date is $1,818.36, prin- Office Honrs, 2 to 4 and 7 to &!».•. gentlemen, dowagers, proud mis- nac Sunday afternoon. ment recorded November 6, 1931, alterations." be thought only make It harder for both of principal and interest on said cipal, interest, insurance, taxes Office Phone 36 tresses, wives, school children and R ins 0 f Gran< in Liber 781 Mortgages page 1, you—as you'll see when yon figure ^ . . . ! mortgages due and payable, and attorney fee. No suit or pro- working people, clerks, stenogra- He took a taxi to the Hendrons' all Kent County Begister Deeds whereupon the power of sale has ceeding at law has been instituted phers—everywhere. apartment. Several men. whose out what s before you. Tony, there's home and Visited hJr fSnd^MlS office, the assignee of mortgage become operative. The amount to recover any part of debt now voices be could overhear In loud ar- nothing personal In that I like you, Ruby James, Saturday afternoon. declaresprincipal and interest due claimed due this date on all of said remaining secured thereby. L I. BENEIICT All trapped—thought Tony—all and you know IL If tbe world were trapped together on tbe rim of tbe gument, were with Cole Hendron be- thereon and payable, whereupon mortgages, principal, interest, Notice is given lhat by said POINTS ARE COMPUTED ON YEARLY BASIS: going to remain, I'd not say a word; the power of sale has become Osteopathic Physician world. Did they know It? Did they hind the closed doors of tbe big By measuring a man by out- taxes and attorney fee. is $4,494.53. ower of sale said mortgage will study on tbe roof. No one was with but the world cannot possibly re- ward standards, by nattering for operative. The amount due this No suit or proceeding at law ha; e foreclosed by a sale at North Al R. T. Ford's. 610 E. Main SL feel It? date is $1,307.27, principal, inter- E Eve. She awaited him, alone. main, We can talk of this later." ulterior ends, by an insolent and been instituted to recover any Door of Court House at Grand Tuesday and Friday Tony dropped Into a restaurant, The study door again opened; contemptuous indifference to- est. insurance, taxes and attorney part of debt now remaining se- Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, She was dressed carefully, charm- Forenoona where, though It was only after- some one called blm, and he re- ward "common people" we are fee. No suit or proceeding at law cured thereby. on February 4, 1935, al nine 1 Year, one point; 2 Years, two points; 3 Years, three points; 4 Years, four points; 5 Years, five points ingly, as she always was. He has been instituted to recover any noon, an evening of bliarity already turned to tbe argument in the next dishonoring man and insulting Notice is given that by saio o'clock in the forenoon of the pressed her to him for a moment; part of debt now remaining se- mortgaged premises, viz: had arrived. The Exchange was room. God. power of sale said mortgage >*111 closed! No one knew exactly why and for that Instant when he kissed cured thereby. be foreclosed by a sale at North The West % of Lot 18 Block 12 JOIN I. STIYKEI "Now." demanded Tony of Eve. Notice is given that by said Door of Court House al Grind Scribner & Turner's Second Ad- or what was to hap|>en. Why care? her and held her close, all wonder To buy, sell, rent or swap —DENTIST— and terror was sent away. What "what In the world, which cannot use Ledger Want column. power of sale said mortgage will Rapids. Kent County. Michigan, dition to City of Grand Rapids, That was tbe air here. possibly remain, does he mean by mattered the end of everything. If be foreclosed by a sale at North on February 4, 1935, at nine Kent Co.. Mich. Phona 211 Hoara • U f Two men of Tony's age, acquaint- that? That we shouldn't love and Door of Court House at Grand Kent Mortgage Agency. Inc.. first be had her! He bad never o'clock in the forenoon of the Open Wednesday and Saturday ances In school, and friends In Wall marry because we're going to die? Rapids. Kent County, Michigan, mortgaged premises, viz: Assignee of Mortgagee. dreamed of such delight In posses- Evening, 7 to 9 Street, stopped at bis table. "We're All tbe more reason for It—and on February 4, 1935, at nine West % of East % of Lots 93 Norris. McPherson, Harrington sion as he felt, holding her; he had Oflee cloaed Thnraday afterai going tho rounds Come along." quicker, too." o'clock in the forenoon of the and 94, Village South Grand Rap- & Waer, never dared drenm of such response mortgaged premises, viz: Winners May Select Any Service Station They Wish Their taxi squeezed through "Neither of ua can possibly gUCSB ids, Kent County, Michigan. Attornevs for Assignee of from her—or from any one. He had Allen Haskins! Iai[ 26 of Merrill s subdivision Mortgagee. Broadway In which frantic police- what be means. Tony; we'd be Kent Mortgage Agency. Inc., won her, and she him, utterly. As of Alberts' addition. City of Grand Assignee of Mortgagee. Dated: November 6, 1934. men wrestled vainly with over- months behind him in thinking; for IOIIIUS H. OUTLET he thought of the cataclysm de- AUCTIONEER Rapids. Kent Co., Michigan. Norris, McPherson, iT&rringlon c25-12t whelming crowds. It stopped at a he's done nothing else, really, for stroying them, be thought of It com- Kent Mortgage Agency. Inc.. & Waer, —DENTIST— brownstone house In the West For half a year, but plan what we— Assignee of Mortgagee, Attorneys for Assignee of Office over C. Thomas Store in Lowell, Alto or Ada and we will give them ing to them together. In each other's Honest—Efficknt—Reliable Job printing— -Ledger ofnee. L ties. what all the human race—will have Norrisns., McPhersonMcPl le . Hkirringtoa arms; and he could not care. Mortgagee. Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 lo 5 A night club, and It was crowded, to do. He means. I think, that he's & Waer, Dated: November 6, 1934. though tbe sun was still shining. She felt It, fully as he. Her Satisfaction Goaraatoed Attorneys for Assignee of c25-12t Closed Thursday afternoon put us In some scheme of things Phone 50 The three floors of the bouse were fingers touched his face with a pas- that won't let us. marry." Mortgagee. sionate tenderness which tore blm. Dated: November 6. 1934. an order for the Gasoline filled with people In business clothes Tbe argument In the room broke Terms Seasonable c25-12t Life is, after all, pretty much drinking and danclog. On the top "What's done It for us so sudden- up and tbe arguers emerged. In a i f i \\ \\ Palo Phone Ionia, Mich. what we ourselves make it. And Typewriter lb. al floor two roulette wheels were aur- ly and so completely. Tony?" few minutes they all were fone; we make it by the kind of im- Ledftr office. better rounged by players. Tony saw heaps Job printing laigw pulse wc receive and broadcast. EIGHT THE LOWELL (MICQ.) LEDGER and ALTO SOLO. THURSDAY, DEC. 6. 1934 burg, III. Born to this union were three sons. OBITUARY <§> Dr. Mathews moved from Grand 9 Hapids lo Lowell in 1920 where Weay6r S Food Market RUDOLPH REUSSER he practiced Osteopathy for sev- Hudolph Reusser, son of Samuel eral years. While there, being a and Hosina Reusser, was born man of sterling habits, he made .'i April 7, 1800, in Vergennes town host of friends. In 1029 he and his Friday and Saturday Specials ship. At the age of live years he family moved to Traverse Clly, became partially paraliml and where he continued his practice was more or less helpless the rest until his health failed. of his life. He attended the Waters Surviving are the widow and VZL CAN'T BUY A Pure Fresh Ground Beef Lbs. school until the age of 14, being one son Charles, two sons having Hamburg 25c carried into the school by his preceded him in death. classmates. He was a great read- Funeral services were held on er and was well informed con- Friday morning al the Roth & Lamb Chops, choice lb. 17c Pork Sausage 2 lbs. 25c cerning topics of today. He spent ^rezina chapel. Interment in p BETTER BABIB iJL*. t/U much of his lime in bringing joy,Oakwooi d cemeterv^iiavtvi y beside his Lamb Stew, breast lb. 6c Fresh Side Pork lb. 15c to others wilh his needleworkL'work.. mother and a son. Although he suffered much hb Card of Thankit Lamb Shoulder lb. 14c Bologna, Grade 1 2 lbs. 25c was very patient and bore his in- fit mily wilh a great deal of forti- We thank our many friends for Leg of Lamb Jb. 16c Pork Steak lb. 14c tude. He was a firm believer in their kind sympathy during our the Lord Jesus Christ whom he bereavement. . „ „ Frankfurters 2 lbs. 25c 1 5, Veal Shoulder Roast lb. 15c loved. In 1920 he joined the Zioni nn 'v!. ' E- Mathews. bRUNOUU Si. E. Church under the pastorale P*® Charles Mathews, Veal Stew lb. 9c Pork Roast, round bone lb. 12^c of Rev. J. J. Link ai;d came to the services as long as his condition MRS. CHARLES W. WINANS Veal Chops lb. 17c Sauer Kr ut 2 lbs. 7c permitted it. Mrs. Charles W. Winans, 65, Since the death of his mother in passed away Sunday, Dec. 2, at $ 1921, he made his home with his her home about three miles west 50 sister, Mrs. Alfred Thomet, oi of Lowell on M-21. Ada, who cared for him so tender- Maude Bell Sixberry, daughter ly and so lovingly until his death. 59 Shoulder Spare Ribs 6 25c of George and Allie Sixberry, was iHe passed away November 26, born August 23, 1879 in Barry ALL OUR BEEF IS U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 1934, at the age of 44 years, 7 county. months and 19 days. He is sur- November 27, 1895 she was vived by five sisters, Mrs. Rose unjted in marriage to Albert H. Thomet, Mrs. Lizzie Kropf, Mrs. TmtIS isn't Just a slogan— Round, Sirloin or Swiss lb. Griswold. To this union were Beef Steaks 12ic Lena Eickhoff, Mrs. Anna Ryder, born two 1Tchildren,.ri,. v, , Reva lone and it's a fact. Gninow Is built Mrs. Clara Schmelker, and one .Donna Beatrice. Mr. Griswold brother, John Reusser, of Wis- died January 1,1906. to quality specifications T-Bone Steaks, choice lb. 15c Beef Ribs Ib. 6c co.ns.m. Ma">' relatives and friends, October 2, 1909, she was mar- rejoice with him that he is retried lo Charles W. Winans. One of the finest sets on the Beef Pot Roast Ib. 8c Beef Chuck Roast lb. 10c lieved of his sulTering and is alidaughler, Ruth Helen, was bom home with the Lord. to this union. market. Yet, it is lower* huneral services were held on| She is survived by her husband, practically any other good all-ware Rib or Rump W ednesday afternoon at the home ,the three daughters, Mrs. Daniel 30 Compare values before 3 Wo bone or waste Ib. of Mrs. John Kropf at I : p. m. Wingeier of Alto, Mrs. Harley Rolled Beef Roast 4 mc and at the Alton church at 2:00.Boughner of Ann Arbor and Mrs. Inside a Grunow. Look at the sturdin i). m.. Rev. John Claus officiating.^Ford Kelley of Saranac: a mother Burial was in the Alton cemetery, of Grand Rapids, two sisters, Mrs. of the chausis—the care Arrangements by O. J. Yeiter. Nina Allen of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Kitty Jenner John of Muskegon, displayed and you will understand Mr. and Mrs. Elmer White and FREDERICK L. ROGERS other relatives and a host of Gmnows perform better. It's a fact More Local News Howard, in company wilh Dr. and Social Events Frederick L. Rogers was born friends to mourn their loss. Mrs. Hathaway of Grand Ledge, on a farm in Vergennes township I Funera''unfral' services wore held al even a novice can ge t IFor(don a Grunow. spenl Thanksgiving wilh Rev. ana Kenl County, Mich. June 5 i848,,,.Yei,er,s cha'>e, Tuesday a, 2 P-m-. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill of Grand Mrs. Charles Hayward of Saranac. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rexford, 70 the son of Alexander and Ann ln charKe of Rev. S. B. Wenger. Rapids were Thanksgiving dinner Packard Ave., Grand Rapids, held Interment at Saranac. a familv reunion on Thanksgiving Rogers, who were among the guesls of Mrs. James Muir. . first white settlers in Kenl coun- 4 th Graders Build day. Those present were Floyd CARD OF THANKS New photographs of the chil- Goodsell and wife, Ray Goodsell ty. When 16 years of age he en- dren will solve many of your gift Cabin, Give Party and wife, Kacine, Wis.: L. B. listed in the Civil War, serving We wish lo thank the friends problems. Leonard Studios, open Hignall, wife and children, Glenn in Co. H, 10th Mich. Cavalry un- and neighbors for their many acts every afternoon from 2:30 until Hcxford, wife and daughter, Miiu til the end of the war. of kindness during our bereave- 'fctmcrur 6:00. Evenings and Sunday by The fourth grade had a delight- Miller and cousin Alma. Mrs. Hex- On Feb. 20,1873 Mr. Rogers was ment, for the beautiful flowers appointment. Phone 185. c29 ful time building their log cabin. ford was much improved and was united in marriage with Caroline and especially the words of com- W. Miller, also a native of Ver» Mr. and Mrs. Will Stone and The boys built the house and Ihe able to eat dinner with the fam- fort of iRev. Wenger, and the SIGNAL BEACON girls did the sewing and made ily. gennes township. They purchased singers. mother, Mrs. Kalherine Stone, en- a farm r.ear his birthplace and re- YOU AT THE STATIONS Of THE WIIID joyed Thanksgiving dinner with the rugs. About thirty-six friends of Mr. Mrs. Neil Cameron. For Ihe frame we look wood. and Mrs. N. E- Borgerson invaded sided there, wilh the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Don. Weekes. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller of a year or so. until 1908, when they Grand Rapids. We used three big cardboard their new home at the corner of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron. boxes lo make the house. We Washington and High streets for moved to their present home in c29 Twenty-four patients allended marked the cardboard so it would a surprise house-warming parly Lowell. Two sons were born, the chest clinic held in the 1. 0. O. look like logs. Then we took two Sunday evening. Everyone had a Charles A., residing in Iiowell. Other Models $22.50 and up F. hall on Wednesday. Eleven and Clyde, who passed away in Lowell MarketReport smaller boxes, one bigger than good lime, playing bridge, dan- early boyhood. were new patients and four skin Ihe other, and made a fireplace cing and visiting. Light refresh- tests were given. The clinie was and a chimney. We also made a ments were served. While on one of his daily walks Corrected Dec. 6, 1934 conducted by the Grand Hapids bed, two chairs, a bench and a Tuberculosis" Society. Wheat, bu. $ .94 table. We put squirrel and rab- Mrs. Wesley Roth entertained Rye, bu 70 Ralph's Tire and Radio Shop Mrs. Pat Beahan was in Ionia bit skin on the chairs to make the Goofus Club at her home last Buckwheat, cwt .... 1.20 Tuesday evening attending a I hem soft. Tuesday afternoon. Honors were Barley, bu 80 For the window we took a won by Mrs. Walter Wingeier, on Phone 23F2 Lowell, Michigan meeting of Ihe Daughters of Isa- Tuesday evening, Nov. 27, 1934. Flour, per bbl ... 7.65 bella, a Catholic ladies fraternal piece of brown wrapping paper Mrs. Cecil Bibbler and Mrs. Geo. Oats, bu .... .50 organization. She was presented and greased it with lard. Then Lee. Corn ... .80 with a beautiful Past Regent's one of the girls made the curtains Marriage License • and three great grandchildren Corn and Oats Feed, cwl. .... 2.20 And your pin in honor of services in that and hung them at the window. Com Meal .... 2.20 We had a pioneer gun that oneL William ^G . ?i!!!Millercr,'. LowellL(>wS!',' .1^R.' R. of Delroil, one nephew, two $69.50 old radio office. nieces and many friends. Cracked Corn, cwt .... 2.20 of Ihe boys carved out of wood.'5' Kalherine Mills, Lowell, H. R. Shelled Corn, bu .. 1.13 The Kenl County Association of After the cabin was finished we *• Funeral services were held on EASY TERMS Eastern Stars will hold their fall Friday afternoon at the Roth & Bran, per cwt .... 1.55 invited our mothers and gave a __ n . n . Middlings, per cwt ... 1.55 meeting Wednesday, Dec. 12, af- play called "The First Thanks ! Th^ e Book Review Club met i,h Mrs Pea Beans 2.25 ternoon and evening, at the We also had ii 'party > . -W Gumser Tuesday giving." W Light Red Beans .... 4.25 Masonic Temple in Grand Rapids. which was the second act• of• our evening. Mrs. Warner Roth gave B. Wenger officiating. Inter- ment in Oakwood cemetery. Dark Red Beans .... *.50 The selected officer from Cycla- play and we had a very nice time. Ihe book review on "Return of be held at 1:30 at the house and 2 r the Native." Cranberry Beans .... 4.0'» Miss Maxine W eeks and Leo men Chapter is the conductress, Betty Lou Kyser. Card of Thanks Potatoes, cwl Alaska Atoms o'clock at the church, Thursday, Wittenbach called on Essie Con- Frances Jefferies. 40 Wool 20 Mrs. Harold Colvin Dec. 6. Burial in West Gaines cem- don Sunday afternoon. The Shepard Group of Ihe Con- etery. Those from Iiowell who at- .a, ;gregaliona;ki yKuuuiiiili cuuicichurchi entertained Eggs, per doz 29 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Francisco tended Ihe luncheon and meeting Butterfat, Ib 29 Last week callers at the home Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harper called on the Fred Blaser family Wjwilh a benefit dessert bridge al Sunday. of the General Past Matrons As- BIRTHS the home of Mrs. Fred Swarthoul ----- —-— • —» •••••«.« «vuif i^vf^iwai Butter, lb .....27% of Mrs. Lydla Sneden were Mr. and family spent Thanksgiving sociation of Kent County at the and Ihe He v. Mr. Wetiger. Hogs, dressed, cwl .7.00-750 and Mrs. Herman Sneden and Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harper. Louise Blaser is receiving loyal November 22, lo Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday afternoon. Twelve Masonic emple in Grand Hapids tables of ladies were in play. Mrs. Fred Rogers. Hogs, live, cwt .... 5.50 and Mrs. Olen DeBrest of Grand Thanksgiving dinner guests of support in the contest from all Tuesday were Mesdames Emma Robert W. Jacobitz (nee Rosalie Mr. and Mrs. ('has. A. Rogers. Calves, dressed, cwt .... 9.00 Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dean were Mr. her friends. We hope lo see her Stephens), 1542 Broadway Ave., r and rs Beef, live, lb name in first place tnis week. Clip Coons, S. R. Avery, Allen Bennett, Mrs. M. E. Simpson is enter- 5?1 : ^ - W. Gales and ....04-.0: John Douglas was a week end and Mrs. James Fox and son, Hosella Yeiter and Elmer While. Grand Rapids, a 7 lb. daughter. Children. p29 Beef, dressed, lb .. ..05-.ll Charles Barrls and A. T. Dean. the free credit coupons from your Mother and daughter doing fine. taining the ladies of the Morrison guest of his brother and wife, Mr. I-ake Country Club at a om and Mrs. George Douglas. Dorothy Dean of Grand Rapids Ledger and see lhat they are The one gift your mother will DUNCAN McNAUGHTON turned in to her credit.. Mish his Kri Mr. and Mrs. George Colvin spent the week end with her aunt, appreciate more than anything To Mrr. and Mrs. J. C. Richmond I- f - Mrs. James Fox. Blaser won the live dollar cash else money can buy—your photo- of l^)S e , a(,U s rom Funeral services for Duncan were Thanksgiving dinner guests Angeles, Calif., Nov. 25. an Gran••rnnrV'n dJnf RapidiinntdJ cs j< tw. o ' Ifrom prize last week given to the con- graph. U'onard Studios, open 8 Ib.. 2 ounce girl. Arleen Kay. an( McNaughton, 68, who died Satur- of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bunker. testant handing in the most new every afternoon from 2:30 until Mr. Richmond is a former Lowell Saranac. day at the home of his brother. Mrs. Mildred King of Alto spent Alton - Vergennes subscriptions. 0:00. Evenings and Sunday by ap- boy, having graduated from Low- Will, in Grattan Center, were held Permanent Waves Wed. night with her daughter and pointment. Phone 185. c29 ell high school. Lamoreaux-Ladner Riles Monday al the Boslwick Lake husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Col- By Mrs. Clyde Condon church, with burial in the Bosl- vin. Elmdale St. Patrick's parsonage in Par- wick I^ake cemetery. Have one of our new French Thanksgiving dinner guests of nell was the scene of the marriage By Mrs. Ira Sargeant Surviving are the widow, Mar- Ringlet Permanent Waves Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ish were Mr. Mrs. Crady camc home from of Miss K. Norine Ladner, daugh- garet; three sisters, Mrs. Mary at the low holiday price of and Mrs. Joe Paffhausen and fam- ter of Mrs. C. J. Ladner of Rock- the hospital Friday afternoon and Norton of Grattan, Mrs. Jennie ily, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sneden is feeling as well as can be ex- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ora D. ford, and Fred A. Lamoreaux ol Woster of Rockford and Mrs. $2.50 and family and Peter Mulder of pected. Miller of Grand Rapids, a daugh- Comslock Park al a ceremony Margaret Cowles of Byron Cen- ter. Mrs. Miller was formerly Miss read al 10 o'clock on Thanksgiv- Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Vandenbrocck Colder Days Ahead ter; and four brothers, Neil of Several from this community at- entertained friends from Bosl- Bernice Moore of this place. ITie ing day wilh Rev. McNeal ofiici- Rockford. Will of Grattan and Other permanent waves allng. tended the wedding and reception wick Lake Thursday evening. little Miss has two brothers. John and Bert McNaughton of priced from $1.98 to $6.00. of Miss Rosalie Homrich and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blaser and Israel IKarris and grandson. Wonderfully warm are these men's elastic The bride wore a brown crepe Belding. children were guests Thanksgiv- Mai comb Archer, were in Grand dress wilh silver trimming and We also specialize in the Henry Kllng Thursday. Nov. 29. Thursday of last week Mrs. Ly- ing of Mr. and Mrs. John Blaser Rapids Tuesday, the former being ribbed] unions in contrast with the zero brown accessories. She carried an DR. LEWIS E. MATHEWS new French Personality of Hastings. under medical care of Dr. Rigte- ann bouquet of yellow chrysan- Finger waves. dla Sneden and daughter, Mrs. days ahead. Lightly fleeced cotton with a Dr. Lewis E. Mathews, aged 62 Mildred Crumback and Maxine Mr. and Mrs. Rob Wingeier rink. themums. Miss Ethelmary I^am- Sam Roudabush and family en- oreaux. sister of the bridegroom, years, 11 months and 27 days, son and grandma Poe visited Mr. and spent last Thursday with Mr. and 10% wool mixture. Knit to fit, soft and of Wm. and Eslher C. Mathews, Donald Brecken and daughter of Mrs. Jud CIrrk. joyed Thanksgiving dinner with as maid of honor, wore a green Spinnor Johnson and family of crepe dress with silver IrimminR of Yates City, III., passed away al Stiles Beauty Shop Grand Rapids. Irene Ralcom of Saranac and Vi- warm, assuring comfort and quality. his home in Traverse City Nov. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colvin, Mr. ola Balcom of Grand Rapids Lake Odessa. wilh a lurbanof brown and brown Phone 385-F2 Elwin Keim, who was one of accessories. She carried an arm In the year Oct. 10, 189*) he and Mrs. Joe Brower and mother, spent the week-end with tneir married Addie Swigerl of Gales- Mrs. Mildred King spent Thanks- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ihe large number who spent a va- bouquet of orchid chrysanlhe- McCall. cation in the north woods, was Sizes 36 to 46 mums. Mrs, Ladner. mother of the giving day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Mrs. Katie Blaser called on Mrs. one of the lucky ones to bring bride, wore a dress of cricket neth King and family of Caledon- home a deer. ia. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Harrington and Mrs, Louva Peter- green and Mrs. Lamoreaux, moth- Kenneth Stahl loaded a large 69 er of the bridegroom, a dress of Harve Vanderhoff and Mr. and son .one day last week. Mrs. Pet- Mrs. Glen Myers. erson is some better at this writ- carload of parsnips last week. $1 plum shade. Following the cere- mg. Josiah Blough, Earl King and Thanksgiving dinner guests of mony a Thanksgiving luncheon STRAND Lowell Clare Culver was home part of son Norman were Sunday guests was served in the Ladner home. Mr. and Mrs. Herm Colvin were this week from Muskegon. of Mr. King's brother Miner and Places were marked for liflv Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hurd of Cam- wife of near Freeport. guesls. including Mr. ami Mrs. R. Esther Vandenbroeck has been Thurs. Dee. 6 Fri.-Sat. Dee. 7-8 pau Lake. visiting in Detroit. Chester Hillsburg, who has C. VanAntwerp and children ol Menno Sneden from the CCC Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dennis re- spent the past summer in the Muskegon and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- JANET GAYNOR in camp at Fife Lake spent the week western states and coast, is vis- ward Reynolds and T. M. Doylb "Caravau" turned Saturday evening from end with his mother, Mrs. Lydia hunting near Atlanta. iting his brothers, Jim and Bill, at of Lowell. The couple will be al "Sernit's Entnnce" with LORETTA YOUNG Sneden. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Condon and the Dwight Rosenberger home. home after Dec. 15 on Cass-ave. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Myers of Twenty-six from the Old Men- Grand Rapids. Charles Boyer, Jean Parker, Essie were Thanksgiving guests with LEW AYRES and Noah Beery. Grand Rapids were Thanksgiving of Mildred Herp in Grand Rapids. nonite church attended the union dinner guests of the tatter's par- Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving services at White Hickory Corners ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Vander- Dell Condon, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cloud church. hoff. By Mrs. Joe Yeiter Dee. 9-10 SUNDAY-MONDAY 2 Features Converse, Mr. and Mrs. Will Con- Addison Erb and Mrs. Mary Miss Katherlne Ish and Peter verse, Ruth Converse, Dave Gris- demons were Sunday dinner Mulder visited in Battle Creek wald and Jack Adrian. guesls of Mr. and Mrs. Rabb Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hilton enter- Sunday. Tom Howard and Will Weeks Stahl. In the afternoon they vis- Eventually— tained friends and relatives from Mrs. Mildred Crumback visited came home Saturday from New- ited Mrs. Addison Erb, who is at Grand Rapids for Thanksgivinp. her mother, Mrs. Lydia Sneden berry. Mr. Howard was fortunate Butterworth hospital. She is do- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Howk ate a Sunday evening. in shooting a large bear. ing very nicely and will soon be You'll Buy— 6 o'clock Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rich and Grace, Pete and Asel Kellogg able to come home. Mrs. Lester Swim. son Gilbert spent Sunday evening visited Mr. and Mrs. Clare Alchen The flocks of sheep owned by Mrs. Daniels of Oregon is vis- with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drew of in Grand Rapids Friday. Laverne Klahn, Lewis ^leffle- iting her daughter, Mrs. Paul Hil- Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dennis and bower and George have each ton and husband. Mr. and Mrs. James Fox and family were Sunday visitors of been invaded by dogs during the Pauline Yeiter apent from son took the tatter's father, A. T. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sisson in Grand past two weeks. Several wele .Thursday until Saturday with her Dean to spend the winter with his Rapids. badly chewed and Mrs. HeflTle- Urusplint Coal cousin, Beatrice Schwab of South daughter, Mrs. Grace Vanderlip Milton Barnes and his party of bower had one that was so badly Boston. Sunday. hunters returned Thursday night torn that it was ordered killed. | Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lawton en- Mr.and Mrs. Roy Williams and from Marquette. Mr. Barnes was for tertained company for Thanks- family spent Thanksgiving with Ihe only one to bag a deer and Use The Ledger want column if giving dinner. her aunt of Grand Rapids. also got a large beaver weighing you have anvthing for sale, for Mrs. Ethel Yeiter, sons Edward Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Van Dyke and 65 pounds. rent, lost or found. and Kenneth and daughter Paul- family spent Thanksgiving with Xirusplint Ss ine spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fox. their daughter and sister, Mrs. Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Ivan Blough and husband o f Mrs. Fred Pattison were Mr. and FIRM IN STRUCTURE Clarksville. alto BEN LYON-SARI MARITZA Mrs. Hilbert Moffit and Mr. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hilton and in Mrs. Edward Pattison and fam- ALMOST SLACKLESS mother spent Tuesday In Grand ily. Hapids shopping. A Sunday dinner guest at the BLACK AND SHINY Mrs. Ethel Yeiter, Pauline and Sherrington home was Noah Wen- Kenneth and Beatrice Schwab of "Crimson Romance" ger. South Boston accompanied Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Postma and Gifts for each member of the family. Lower your cost of Fuel Call us for Prices Letha Blough to Grand Bapids daughter spent Sunday evening Saturday afternoon. Tuesday-Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rich. Clint Schwab of Elmdale and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Wood of G. Fred Moore helped Edward Yei- Rapids spent Thanksgiving with Teys for the children ter buzz wood one day last week. MARLENE DIETRICH Mrs. HattJe Alden at the Joe Coon Mr. and Mis. L. J. Howk and home. C. H. RUNCIMAN John Yeiter called on Mr. and J. C. Burns from Blanchard is Price-Rite Hardware Mrs. Elgin Condon of Smyrna "THE SCARLET EMPRESS" spending a few weeks at tbe L. J. Sunday afternoon. Phaas $1 205 E. Maia-St Call 34 or 152 Lowell, Mich. Ish home trapping. 11$ Broadway Paul Hilton attended the Fruit Robert Sherrington passed away meetings held in Grand Rapids, Sunday Mat. at 3 KM. 10c-20c Eve shows 7:15-t:15. 10c-25c at St. Mary's hnepitml after a this week. P R ! C 1 i i ii r, w FuAsriLaeoflm•—, 1 t i SUPPtLEMKNT TO I Monday, where the girls working visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Davis Schmidt farm. The ladies served her niece, Mrs Roy Bloomer. with her gave her a surprise by and family of Hartford the past dinner at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and serving a venison roast dinnei >n|wcek. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lutzj Mrs. J. B. Harris and sister, family were Thanksgiving guests The Lowell Ledger her honor, Mrs. Trllla Klme furn- and son motored to Hartford Sun- ^ Dorothy Bllllngcr spent Saturday of Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Lustig. in ishing the venison. The girls gave day after their mother. evening at the home of C. Rey- Cirand Rapids. lUHUShAY. I>EC. fi. mi the bride "a belling" with plenty Mr. and Mrs. Louis Luneke and 1 nolds of Cascade. of tin and chin music then preii- Mrs. Carl Higley and children i Mrs. Edith Cajey,Howard Carey fnted her with a very usef/.' ^ind spent Monday afternoon with'and children, and Mrs. Mary Jer- Failasburg & Vicinity Mapes District beautiful cookie Jar. Wc imagine thelr mother and sister, Mrs. Vern kens and children of Grand Rap- By Mrs. Wesley Miller that bean room was a very jolly (By iHrs. Roxie Hunter) Lorlng and Eleanor. Ids were Friday visitors of Mr. place for that day. and Mrs. Gabe Onan. Scholars neither absent nor j Will Frost, wife and Helen and r M elvl 0 lardy during the month of No- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Place 1 William , T. O. Frost and wife of So. Keene-No. Boston .tertaine" ( d Mr. andJ "Mrs C. "Claud" e vember are Lucille Bollock, Vir- spent Wednesday afternoon with Lowell, Mrs. Ila McCaul and by Mrb. Ed. Poller Wheaton and four children, Mr.jginia Booth, Barbara Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Rowland, i Eleanor of West Campbell. Orviile and Mrs. John Court and Richard Joy Dennis, I^on Dennis and Jim Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. j Deardorf and family of near Two weeks from this Wednes- Court Thanksgiving day. Lasausky. Claude Schmidt and family. j Clarksville, Stephen Weaver and day is Jolly Community Club with Mrs. H. Dawson spent several Russell Bettridgc and Bob Zel- Mr. and Mrs. John Ralys and I wife of near Alto, John Reamer,. \irSi (J^o. Rainier. Remember to days last week with her son, My- lar of Grand Rapids visited Lester children Mary, Stanley and Bea- wife and son Lloyd and Mrs. Bog-^i-jpg u gjfi f()r (rce> jf you re- ron and wife of Sunfield. StaufTer last Saturday. trice spent over Thanksgiving in ers of Freeport a.ju Clara Vande|ci.ive a gift. If enough tickets are Mrs. Charles Bllllnger and Nina Wright and nephew, Chicago with relatives. iWorker enjoyed a line Turkey din- sold on the <|uilt it will be drawn daughters Harriet and Dorothy Stoughlon Wright, of Lowell were Mr. and Mrs. Max Tomlinson ner with all the trimmings at the ihat day. A Christmas program spent Friday evening with Mr. and Sunday dinner guests al the and children spent Thanksgiving home of S. S. Weaver and wife will be given. Six ladies will fur- Mrs. Ran pom Vaughn of Saranac. Claude Booth home. in Lansing with relatives. Thanksgiving day. Inish chicken pie. Mrs. Clyde Dawson and son Mrs. Fred Stein of Saranac Miss Gladys Kinyon spent Sat-i Carl Miller and Elva Mishler' Eleanor Vandenhout was homt Clayton spent a few days last spent the week-end at the home urday afternoon with Damarls were united In marriage by Rev.'for lhanksgiving from Grand week with Mrs. Dawson's parents of Sir. and Mrs. D. L. Garlleld. Lawton. Hoy McRoberls at his home in Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker of South Ferris Miller called on friends Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter were East Campbell Thanksgiving day. I Mrs. Maggie Toles and three Boston. in Grand Rapids last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rill Zwiers and entertained Friday evening by Mr. After the ceremony the newiy. granddaughters were Thanksgiv- Mr and Mr8 Fay Ciark a n,] and Mrs. Edward Wykes in Grand wedded couple returned to the ingj^ests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfreu children spent Thanksgiving at I baby of Kalamazoo visited her horn. .he brlde'i grandmother, Haskins an,I Ian,ily. oT Mr Td" M^ne^r' "'5' V? ^ K""' Rapids. OVer Meredith Schmidt spent her Mrs. Lena Mishler where the lat-j Mesdames Edward Thompson. RoHcnberger | ^"ksS^jng and until Thanksgiving vacation with her ,er with her daughter, Mr.. A. T. | Frank Th,m,|..on, Wm. Thomp;o„ Mw. Mary Stinton ot cousin, Letha Wells In Saranac. Eaah. , served a wedding dinner to and Carrie Raimer met one day and Mr; and Mril. noyd Stinton of'nor'wfm^hl'm were \I?'nnd Mrs John Frazee and daughter, Inez the immediate relatives. Later in I Inst week with Mrs. Milton NN'l- Thrpp Rlvprs and Mlp8 Ethc, stin-ltvi iirjll||L.v John Dennis FfS were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Rowland and daughter, Marie. SX H p. ii an .ere Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinyon and rs Ca )c on James Green Is In very poor Thanksgiving day guests at the family had Sunday dinner with friends who will wish them a long ^ - u j ' "' ' Mr. and Mrs healtlulinh Pete Peterson home. and happy wedded life. Geo. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Dave " - Mr. and Mrs. Ira Westbrook. Other |iHardy and Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baird and sons. Gove Lake children, Joyce and Leon Culp. of Peterson. North Bowne Guests Thanksgiving of Mr. and Grand Rapids were Sunday sup- Chester Place and family hac! By Mrs. H. I.. Coeer per guests at the home of his By Mrs. Abbie Lee Mrs. Glenn Sowers and family Thanksgiving dinner with his par- were Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Weiser brother, Wesley Miller. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Place. rnd children. Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Maggie Wheeloek of Lake Mr. ami Mrs. llfarry Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Blough and Sowers and children and Mrs. Odessa visited at Chas. Quiggie's and family and his mother. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunter, and son Ivan ami Mrs. Elise Krebs Sowers of Belding, Mr. and Mrs. over the week end. |H. Garrison, had Thanksgiving son, Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Bill spent Sunday with the formers Edward Thompson and daughter.! Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Gregory dinner with friends in Grand Hunter were Thanksgiving guests ^ ter. Mrs. Stephen Miller and >|r> an(| ^jrs> Frank Thompson, were recent visitors of the letter's of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hunter and lamily. Mr. and Sirs. Wm. Thompson.!sister near Reed City. j .ur. and Mrs. Bill liollock and family In Grand Rapids. Tlu- KrebswBlough families en- Ubbie Carr and Fred Roasch. Mr and Mrs. Fred Quirele spent !!a"«nter, Peggy Ann, spent their Sidney Hull and daughter have 'l'r'^l.Ile(, '".t, .following relatives Several of the Hoover boys Sunday with Mr Quii;cle'« coufiln. thanksgiving at the home of his moved on the Mrs. N. W. Blair for Thanksgiving: Mrs. Hose liry- spent the week-end in Pontiac'Mrs jonnip Knapp at Flint. mother, Mrs. Claude Booth. place. "nd daughter Leona Mr. and with relatives. I rhas. Quiggle and Henry Brown Mr. and Mrs. Emiel StaufTer and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schmidt Mrs. U'o Bry«nt, Ray Saese and Mr. ;ind Mrs> Johnson nf Uk(. rpturnpd homp Satur(,av nicht daughters, Orpha and Edyth, and and family were Thanksgiving day family and John Krebs and fain- Qdossa were recent guests of Mr. from Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zwiers and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ily. " and Mrs BeVPotier rTv TTJ. babv visited Mr. Zwiers' parents Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lee and Mr. nnd M-s. Bert Carnaffan and home of Mr Brown's nnrent^ |in Grand Raoids last Friday. Lawrence Endresa in Freeport. Mr !,n(, > NN, s,e ,,,ler a d Frances were among the I hanks- son aii(.n(|P(, ., famiIv ,liniu.r on £ dauehter , , Vin, '; > •> " Mrs. Myrtle Burch and Mrs. and Th a ks ,v,n at ,hc Mrs. Guy Slocum entertained Mr. tjiving guesls. 25 in all. at th e Thanksgiving dav with her moth- we" dinner ^esta of the TH* . " « « home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert De or- ^frSt Marv Winaeier in low- f were amner giiesis or mc hoIne of her sister near Byron and Mrs. Ear) Kinyon and chil- Ruiter in Keene. HI. * wingeier, in ^ormer'. slster^Mrs. Lura Storm. :Cen!er dren at Thanksgiving dinner. Mr; ami Mr;.. Uwrencc Bier, nnH s.r, Fr!lnks „ ... -t ^ntla. . c. r^'w n .1 | . and Mrs. Milo Miller and runneth Vanderstolph and lady p |ine Ealy of Grand Rapids nrlnv din- • # si «• "i '"i ir son. ifed. rr.i au on Wo k ci mc Su n friend of Grand Raoids vWted hl-jcii^ ai ihe home of his brother, of kJIp ^ ^ ? j I " and family. Thanksgiving d-\. ner with Mrs. Allle Carr y he H ,US ee l Mrs arv 1 aunt. Mrs. Chas. Qulgg'e last Sun- Wesley Miller, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester pi-cp T {* . lP .u?' V r J '.u' - ^ H-.vkins and Mr. an' brate her birthday. A pretty birth- Mrs. Bert Carnnhan :.n.« son colr " toy- I Mr. and Mrs. Emiel StauiTer. d Kif,S i, ( Mr. and Mrs. Guy Quleele and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zwiers and baby, Schmid!£hmwtt flnandHchlldintrTtd children with aa'sun Sun-- brough^ t an^d a very enjoyabl- e day afternoo" ' n and founToleds Sunhim- Children spent Thanksgiving day Qrpha and Edyth StaufTer were lir C WtS day dinner ?. If k -ome better after being ill with with their friends. Mr. and Mrs. dinner guests at the home of John Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klahn ihp ^ Harry Trlmayne and family at Dennis and supper guests at the spent Sunday afternoon and even-'spent Thanksgiving with their, ^r and Mrs Bradley Boss Ir Cascadla. 'Ed. Bradley home last Saturday. ing with the tatter's sister a^ daughter Inez of Cleveland. Ohio. nf r,rand Mapids spent Wednes- Frank Lewis and Ray Cornell I After conversing with a sister brother. Mr. and Mrs. Howard} Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weaver dav night and Thanl:s«ivin« dn came home Saturday evening with Bebekah last week, I find that Townsend. In Ionia. were Salurdnv visitors at the v.;th h(.r parents, Mr. and Mrs. their deer, after two weeks near]Mrs. Rexford is not failing rapid- Honor roll students for Novem- home of Ira Blough and family. Ed. Poller and family. O'her Rock. j'v as I previously stated but is ber are: George and Damaras Piiests Thursdav were Mr. ind Mrs. Marian Quiggle was a sup-idoing quite well. We correspond- Lawton, Meredith and Billy LaBar^e Ripples Mrs. Ralph Wheaton and Wilbur ier guest of Mr. and Mrs. Vern lenls do make mistakes but we are Schmidt, Russell and Rose Aldrich, Coger Saturday evening. [always glad to rectify them. We Mm. Vern l.oring Potter. Donald Slocum, Hilbert Thomas, Rvrnn Po'fer nnd fanrly are re- hear lhat Mrs. Rexford's brothers, Mary Ralys, Philip Schneider, Jun- leased from the hospital and are Floyd and Rav Goodsell, with ior and Cassimer Laclc. Janice Mr. and Mrs. Pete D»»Boer and better. Morse Lake their wives, of Racine. Wis., were Place and Gracey Tredenick. children of Kalamazoo, Miss Anna T«>p children and grandchildren Bv Mm. Frank Houghton guests at the Rexford home in Westra of Grand Rapids spent of Jacob Ruegseuger came to hi* Grnnd Ranids over Thanksgiving. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W111 home Thanksgiving morning In Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bloomer and Aldyth Tower of Grand Rapids Logan Knight. .spend Ihe day. Twenty partook of family spent Sunday with Mr. and spent Thanksgiving at the home of By Clara Vandewerker Mrs. Vern Loring and daughter'd'nner. Those from awav wen- Mrs. Claud Yeiter of Freeport. her uncle, J. E. Tower. called on Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mr. and Mrs. Haprv Mead and Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Edwin Yoder and wife of Illinois Stewart Sunday afternoon. family. Mr. and Mrs. l.eo Rueff- Hobbs on Nov.. 28th. a T'fclb. Whitneyville cpfmpr and Larrv. Mr. and Mrs. J. daughter, Estellc Lois. Mrs. Anna are visiting relatives In this vic- C. LaMalre and son spent Fri- By Mra. Carl Graham inity. day night with his parents. In B. Sturges and Miss Clara Rueg- •Mrhlnson is caring for mother Paul Kauffman and family en- Grand Kapids. seKger of Lansing. Mr. and Mrs and baby. Ed. Colburn returned home Rudolnh Brawnrd of Grand Rap Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Flower and Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Bailard and t»rtalned to dinner Thanksgiving family spent Thursday with rel- day: John Overholt, wife, sons some time ago from hospitals la ids. also a brother. Chris Rii"* POn of Flint and Mr. and Mrs. Will Grand Rapids. Latest report he is enffffpr. of West Branch. Eva Klahn and son Clarence spent atives at Croton. Homer and Georee. Harold Chris- Mrs. Delose Curry is entertain- tophal and wife, Mrs. E. Lite, Nor- not so well again. Rueaseflfler and Albert Curlv - ere Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. —*>n Ke"#r'n»»n and fnmily. Roast Rex Jonsma has a very sick afternoon and supner mieMs. Carroll Klahn at Beldinj?. ing her niece from Syracuse, New York. Gooae with all the flxln's was en- horse. Miss Clara RneiWW of Mr and Mrg Lawrence Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Vern Loring mo- Fast I ansing snent from Wednea of Detrolt 8pent ThanksKivim- The Sunday School Board meet- joyed by the company. dav until Sundiv at the home of Milton Mishler and wife visit, d tored to Lake Odessa last Sunday with Mr and Mr9 R Jone8 ing will be held Friday evening in Mr and the church basement. at the Dunham home near Clarks- and spent the afternoon with their w »1 Mrs. Roy Bloomer and The Ladies Aid will meet Thurs- ville Sunday. cousin, Mrs. Artie Klopflnstine nranrh u'vivf J at Ihe home'of ^ Mrs. Lena Mishler and Mrs and son. day at the church for dinner. his brother. Jacob. Mr. Ruetfseff- " ' t u QulKR'e Visitors at the Graham-Peel John Mishler visited Mrs. Fanny Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell Mrfl Zahn Tucke and 800 Joe -er Hps noi hoon in this part or! returned to their >hom' e in Char> home the past week were Mr. and Zook of Pleasant Valley Sunday and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frlsble ,hp s|;|tp for gn vear*;. He states I ' Mrs. Howard Gruesbeck and Clarence Trowbridge and familv and family, and Ethel Harper and v lot e Tu0 <( a ho rnn ee manv changes and *Mr an;d Mr8' / daughter. Louise of Blnghamton, spent their Thanksgiving with Mru. M. E. Campbell were Thanks- I owell ' Charles Smith call- much imnroverrvnt in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harrison Hughson and family of giving guests o f Mr. and Mrs. since his last visit. |ed on Mrs. Clarn Tlllyer and Mr. Grand Rapids. Henry Witz of West Grand Rap- innd Mrs. J. O. Soott Sunday, Miller and children of Evart, Mrs. John Stahl and family ate their ids. j Mrs. Jennie Yeit"r entertained Mildred Grinell of Grand Rapids. Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaechele West Lowell 1 her children and families Thanks- Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson of Grand Stahl's mother, Mrs. Hefflebower spent Wednesday with her sister, By Mrs. Melvin Cnnrf giving day. Rapids Is spending a few days. and sister, Mm. Hattie Newton of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Dawson. | Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weaver Sunday callerc were Mr. and Mrs. Hastings. "All of Mrs. HefTlebow- Mrs. Stella VanNamee called on Rev. and Mrs. Kinsr were Sun- were overnight guests at Matt Enoch Carlson of Alto and Arthur er's family were home for the day Mrs. Bill Frlsble Saturday. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe|Metternlck'8 Sat. night. Peel and sons of North McCords. excepting her son Samuel and Miss Dorothy Kaechele spent Onan. ! Lawrence and Jack Curtiss and Paul Graham was a delegate family. her Thanksgiving vacation with Claude Schmidt and family, Mr.;Bobby Kiel were Sunday dinner from Caledonia High School to the Mrs. Mellnda Lite spent Thanks- her parents at Carlisle. and Mrs. Gabe Onan and Elery guests at Charles Smith's. Older Boys Conference at Lansing giving with her son. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Loring and Onan and Phil Schmidt spent| Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pilmore over the week end. family and remained as their daughter, Mrs. Etta Luneke and Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.; and baby and Elmo Scott of Lans- guest until Sunday evening when daughters, Treva, Lucille and Vel- Lawrence Endress of Freeport. 'ing were week end visitors at J. Whitneyville Church Howard and family brought her ma. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lun- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bllllnger, O. Scott's. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. to her home here. eke and sons Roger and Keith of Miss Dorothy Bllllnger, and Mrs. Thanksgiving dinner guests at Morning Service 11:30 a. m. Everett Richardson and wife Grand Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. B. Harris and baby were the Frank Houghton's were Mr. and Epworth League 7:30 p. m. have been assisting the latter's Higley and children Bobbie and Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Houghton and Suzanne Weekly prayer meeting Thurs- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hughson of Janice all enjoyed Thanksgiving Mrs. Matt Bllllnger of Saranac. of Clarksville, Mr. and- Mrs. How- day evenings 7:45. Everyone wel- Elmdale to get moved to the new with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Luneke Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Court were ard Houghton of Detroit. Mr. and come. home In Six Lakes. They were and son. Sunday dinner guests of their son Mrs. Melvin Lewis and daughter, F. G. Bailard, paator. there over the week end. Everett Ray Colburn who is In CCC and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Betty, James and Annie Easterby, and fan*ly expect to move there camp in northern Michigan spent Court of Lowell. Barney Tiggleman and Lewis No man is expected to smile all soon. over Thanksgivingday with his A group of men had a wood-bee Houghton. the time, but there is far less rea- Mrs. Carl Miller returned to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Colburn. for the benefit of the U. B. Church Mrs. Maggie McPherson of Ada son for frowns than the frowner place In the bean room at Elmdale Mrs. Ralph Rath bum has been last Wednesday on the Phil spent a few days last week with thinks.