LEDGER 200 Attend The GENTRIES Annual Banquet « Collection of Variotu ALTO SOLO Topics of Local and General Interest FORTY-SECOND YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THLR5DAY, DEC.€. 1934 NO. 2* Failasburg Cubs OK CHRISTM AS GHING Christian Science Many Are Driving The first annual dinner meetin* TSS not necessary to agree vitb of the Fallasburfi Cid»s ball team all tbe things that are being Broadcast Programs RELIEF DOLLAR Without Licenses WEST MICHIGAN Wednesday evening an the new- I •done in the name otf the New pavilion at Fallasburc Park was Deal to Admit that the general run Second Period of Big Approximately 3(HMMK) Michi- alHended by a larpe number from of men and women this year tame Two electrically transcribed FaJiasburc. Lciw<-ilij and the sur- iprograms will be broadcast from FOR KENT WELL san motorists are operating auto- FATSTOCKSHOW rounding (xiunln. more monev to spend for ChriKl- mobiles without drivers' licenses, mas than they have had for the fourteen stations in Midngan A delicious dinner •was serred during December.. "Jhe lirst of according to records of the de- laiit two or three years. Retail partment of slate. to 180 people by Howard Gould, merchants are reporting heavier these will be "Interview with Mr. after which the business meetjn# iiliss Knapp. C. S. IB." on Sunday, ADMINISTERED I nder the present motor vehi- DEC. 11,12,13: Ghnretmas trade, setting in earlier, cle operators* license law. as called to order by the ma«- Campaign Is Now On]l>ec . l>th. at 3:15 p. m. The sec- • ace- M\crs. He than for a long time past. ond will be "Questions and An.- motorists obtai ned i>ew licenses The custom of general giving at I wers" on Sunday, |>ec. Kith, at FlGl RES THIS CXH NTYjby Dec.cmber L BUM- These li- A.NSI AL EVENT AT GRAND Garfield as chair- Christmas time is a comparatively man. 3:1a p. m. The purpose of these IK w K3 t fiPii /iu ttif 5JT4TF -"'ust be renewed every recent one. Less than a hundred IS >» ELL BtajO* THL STATE ihr^ ^ ^ ^ iD ]yJM RAPIDS 51 RE TO ATTRACT Mr. Garfield called upon C H. programs is to give currect in- yean, ago Christmas was exclus- Subscriptions Pat in Now Count AND NATIONAL AVER AOL— only IWMKMi drivers have applied MANY VISITORS—4-H CLL'B »*• toawlmas- •wely for the children, so far as formation on Christian Science to ter and he ven- graciously r*- gifts went. Today those are few 'the public at large. The hours DOLLAR GOES ELEVEN DIF- BOIS H A ^ E AN IMPORTANT sponded. Fun was provided by announced above for them are While operating a motor vehi- who do not share the holiday More Than At Any Future Date FEEEVT WAYS. FOOD TAjK-.cle without a proper license PART LN THE ANNUAL SHOW WiHiam Record and two friendv spirit of making presents, if noth- the hours on Which they will Mr. OTienSly and Mr. (HoRan. of i come in from "Grand Rapids sta- ING MOST has been a misdemeanor in Micb- ing more than a ChristmaB card, ifian for years, the linancial re- Grand Rapids. Mr. O'Reilly san* lo a wide range of friends and ac- tion WOOD-WASH. which is. of ttwirvtifiilHi- 1.,. 4K. ftajTiiuioEvH-rylhinR is ready for r thtue Irisjjjmhi songb'uiss Jmanda alsaisuo sausan^g a song* quaintances. SPECIAL 8-DAY "EXTRA" PRIZES course, the station nearest Low- 1VS3 lecislature muk^ « rturfr.ri^ wmual West Michigan Fat about the members off the FaJlas- This year, more than ever he- !ell. They will come in on differ- "•How is a reheff dollar spent V u I iff t)».c </, Slock Show two bixe- helucida ijini Granunuidu buruuif*: learuannu vh.c-winr.hu causernusrda mucinurha fore, in spite of the wider dis- IHiow man> cases are on the tirfniK»r.nw r.f u.-t' Rapids next week Tuesday, Wed- merriment. Although "iiiliy soJ- ALL HAVE AN EQUAL CHANCEZ^TZ comaty relitf conunission'sr ^ w^day and Thursday, Dec. 11-12- emnly declared that Ih* word* tribution of money in the pockets stations. «f the people of the United States, booksV j 4- • -- ,-^iisan.. rlioLe e^xuo«lufcint -w-ii»-,ai i>be nouseh'.iusfad aisn wnnen uby> mUhe- tD^braemoersm <asA there as need of Christmas giving irand Rapids Firemen ball to help those who otherwise I LTIMATE WINNERS BULL IN DOI BT WITH CLOSE OF CAM- , those who know him besl JHmM have to fall hack upon Fifty-si* head of cattle and 12 suspect him of being its author, TGovernment for relief -of their J,0 eclhIk fv..nv ,f n.. ptms of lambs are entered from Mr. Hog an told several funny .needs. Aiiy one who has not given TO FORGE AHEAD Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. which the Ledger asked the Kent l * 'II N^,,w «« , r<"llrf commission, of g^ lama. Montcalm. Oh- much applause. to the iRed Cross, the Salvation burry.ulicl Army^ the local charity organi- which James G. iBryant is ad-^ ^ Jicenst Galhoun coun- Mr. Rexford and James Tower sations, whether tit his church or The hvehest part of the Lowell now low down on the list forging ministratorl | lies. Of these 10 head of cattle were called upon to make a few otherwise, seems to us to have Ledger "Christmas Prize" sub- ahead to the top. leaving the Christmas Trees relief commission and 8 pens off lambs are being remarks. Mr. Runciman then fceen overlooking the true spirit scription campaign is now at others far, far, behind. Now is Dry ant says, provide a clear an^ fc* ^ ^ "Wh shown by 4-33 dubs. turned the meeting back lo the of Christmas giving. hand, with but little difference in the time to "step on it" and make S 4 Jl1 ordt,r All entries will be in their stalls chairman, who conducted the Every dollar given for such voting strength between the lead- every minule count. Yesterday js ^ Figures for the "'fist-i'd vear provide prompt is- by Tuesday noon, the 33th. Judg election. Sam Myers, who so ably purposes does double duty. It ing contestants. This campaign gone and forgotten—Today is To Line Main-st which ended August 31st show gJJ* ^ ing will start Wtdnesday morn- managed the team the past year. blesses him that gives and him will be a battle for votes from here. Donl think what you that the average relief dollar was Jng at 30^30 when M. H Thornton was unanimously re-elected to that takes. And there is a very now on, and only the workers might have done, but think what [divided in this manner: j k ng _4 hours a daj. uf the Animal Husbandry Depart that post. Phillip Schneider -was real reason for making as gener who are determined to win. by you are going to do NOW, today. Lowell's Main-st. will soon pre- * ment at Michigan State Coillegt chosen to ad as captain acain ous contributions as one's purse piling up votes for themselves tliis week. The efforts put forth iht.nt u Ru|u appearance. .Shelter Coming Events will pass judgment on the sheep, this year. The many fans wjM be : will permit for these charitable will git the big awards at the now will count RIG. Make «wery jchrislmas trees will line the uve- *-?0^0® — iMW In the afternoon Robert Mackie. pleased to know lhat Alf red ••Gab- j^nds. The tendency to "let Uncle •tininh minute count TOOAV tomorrow 11LM. throughout the business dis- ... The Failasburg Cubs will hold Superintendent of the MKamora by" Byrnes will be on the team Ifmra do if*' is, we think, becoming Last Saturday marked the end will take care -of itself. trict and the large municipal ------------- .., .11427 'heir annual banquel Dec. 5. at Farms at Oxford will judge the again this year after a short ab- altogether too widespread. It is of the First Period. Hundreds ol Ectenmoa Offer j trees at the east and west ends of ^sceRaneous JHHIT the new Failasburg Park Pavil- "altle. sence. The chairman called oc time that we resumed the duty of thousands of votes were issued as . .. ,, the street will be lighted as in^0^^4'^** - • 21H2 ion. Election of uflicers wiU take Wednesday evening there wil] Mr. My<rs lo name the boys on looking after our own unfortu- is evidenced by the vote totals Here jr an opportumty well rorint.r >W|L Single and Homeless .(1222 Plwe. Everybody is invited. There be a meat cutting demonstration the team, each of whom rose as w nate and distressed, as we have off the various entrants shown be- worth taking advantage -of. ^ As fi0Hrd uf Trade at a Transient .Aid ill(i40 jll be dancing and other recrea- in charge of Mr. Paul Goeser o*" his name w as called and'received always done in the past. low. However, the First Period its name applies, this enables Tuesda> evening Administrative: tion after tlie business meeting. the National Live Stock and Meat a bit hand. The team is cora- We shall never rebuild the was not the end of the race by subscribers who paid fora one-, vatt.d to tlth.r iwo cush , Salaries .t»a4(i Board. posed off Phillip Schneider. Lud morsAe of our people until we get any means—it was just a step ffor- year subscription during the FirsM^, VM.h lim. ^ to ^ for tbt Expense i(iKit) Installation of officers of Yer- These demonKtratiow have al- Kerr, Karon Mason.
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