Birds of the Wesleyan Campus

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Birds of the Wesleyan Campus BIRDS OF THE WESLEYAN CAMPUS ANSERIFORMES (waterfowl) Ciconiidae COLUMBIFORMES (pigeons and Anatidae r Wood Stork doves) r Snow Goose Cathartidae Columbidae r Canada Goose† r Black Vulture r Rock Pigeon† r Wood Duck r Turkey Vulture r Eurasian Collared-Dove r Mallard† FALCONIFORMES (hawks and falcons) r Mourning Dove r Blue-winged Teal Accipitridae r Northern Shoveler r Osprey CUCULIFORMES (cuckoos, roadrun- r Ring-necked Duck r Mississippi Kite ners, anis) r Scaup Sp. r Bald Eagle Cuculidae r Hooded Merganser r Northern Harrier r Yellow-billed Cuckoo r Ruddy Duck r Sharp-shinned Hawk r Domestic Duck (Muscovy) † r Cooper’s Hawk r Red-shouldered Hawk STRIGIFORMES (owls) GALLIFORMES (Gallinaceous birds) r Broad-winged Hawk Tytonidae Phasianidae r Red-tailed Hawk r Barn Owl r Wild Turkey Falconidae Strigidae Odontophoridae r American Kestrel r Eastern Screech-Owl r Northern Bobwhite r Great Horned Owl† GRUIFORMES (cranes and allies) r Barred Owl† PODICIPEDIFORMES (grebes) Rallidae Podicipedidae r American Coot CAPRIMULGIFORMES (goatsuckers) r Pied-billed Grebe Gruidae Caprimulgidae r Sandhill Crane r Common Nighthawk PELECANIFORMES (pelicans and r Whip-poor-will allies) CHARADRIIFORMES (shorebirds, gulls, Phalacrocoraciidae alcids) APODIFORMES (swifts and humming- Double-crested Cormorant Charadriidae birds) r Anhingidae r Killdeer† Apodidae r Anhinga Scolopacidae r Chimney Swift r Greater Yellowlegs Trochilidae CICONIIFORMES (herons and allies) r Solitary Sandpiper r Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Ardeidae r Spotted Sandpiper r American Bittern r American Woodcock CORACIIFORMES (kingfishers) r Great Blue Heron Laridae Alcedinidae r Great Egret r Ring-billed Gull r Belted Kingfisher r Little Blue Heron r Cattle Egret r Green Heron r Black-crowned Night-Heron PICIFORMES (woodpeckers) Troglodytidae (wrens) r American Redstart Picidae r Carolina Wren† r Worm-Eating Warbler r Red-headed Woodpecker† r House Wren r Swainson’s Warbler r Red-bellied Woodpecker† r Winter Wren r Ovenbird r Yellow-bellied Sapsucker r Northern Waterthrush r Downy Woodpecker† Regulidae (kinglets) r Louisiana Waterthrush r Hairy Woodpecker r Golden-crowned Kinglet r Kentucky Warbler r Northern Flicker† r Ruby-crowned Kinglet r Common Yellowthroat r Pileated Woodpecker r Hooded Warbler Sylviidae (gnatcatchers) r Wilson’s Warbler PASSERIFORMES (perching birds) r Blue-gray Gnatcatcher r Yellow-breasted Chat Tyrannidae (tyrant flycatchers) r Eastern Wood-pewee Turdidae (thrushes) Thraupidae (tanagers) r Acadian Flycatcher r Eastern Bluebird† r Summer Tanager† r Eastern Phoebe† r Veery r Scarlet Tanager r Great-Crested Flycatcher r Gray-cheeked Thrush r Eastern Kingbird† r Swainson’s Thrush Emberizidae (sparrows) r Hermit Thrush r Eastern (Rufous-sided) Towhee Laniidae (shrikes) r Wood Thrush† r Chipping Sparrow† r Loggerhead Shrike† r American Robin† r Field Sparrow r Savannah Sparrow Vireonidae (vireos) Mimidae (mockingbirds, thrashers) r Song Sparrow r White-eyed Vireo r Gray Catbird† r Swamp Sparrow r Yellow-throated Vireo r Northern Mockingbird† r White-throated Sparrow r Blue-headed Vireo r Brown Thrasher† r Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco r Red-eyed Vireo Sturnidae (starlings) Cardinalidae (cardinals and allies) Corvidae (jays, magpies, crows) r European Starling† r Northern Cardinal† r Blue Jay† r Rose-breasted Grosbeak r American Crow Bombycillidae (waxwings) r Blue Grosbeak r Fish Crow† r Cedar Waxwing r Indigo Bunting Hirundinidae (swallows) Parulidae (wood-warblers) Icteridae (blackbirds) r Purple Martin r Blue-winged Warbler r Red-winged Blackbird r Tree Swallow r Golden-winged Warbler r Eastern Meadowlark r Northern Rough-winged Swallow r Tennessee Warbler r Rusty Blackbird Barn Swallow † r N. Parula Warbler r Common Grackle r Yellow Warbler r Brown-headed Cowbird Paridae (chickadees and titmice) r Chestnut-sided Warbler r Orchard Oriole r Carolina Chickadee r Magnolia Warbler r Tufted Titmouse† r Cape May Warbler Fringillidae (finches and allies) r Black-throated Blue Warbler r Purple Finch Sittidae (nuthatches) r Yellow-rumped Warbler r House Finch† r Red-breasted Nuthatch r Black-throated Green Warbler r American Goldfinch r White-breasted Nuthatch r Blackburnian Warbler r Brown-headed Nuthatch† r Yellow-throated Warbler Passeridae (Old World Sparrows) r Pine Warbler† r House Sparrow Certhiidae (creepers) r Prairie Warbler r Brown Creeper r Palm Warbler r Blackpoll Warbler r Black-and-white Warbler.
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