MINUTES OF THE MEETING held on Monday 3rd February 2020

Present: Cllrs M Ferguson (Chair), S Ferguson; G White; B Coultate; P Dadds Clerk: Sara Stilliard Members of the Public: None Guests: PCSO Dave Airey; CCllr John Ogle; DCllr James Naish; Karen Tarburton – funding specialist

PUBLIC FORUM – none present

Karen Tarburton was invited to talk to Council about sources of funding to refurbish / retain the Memorial Garden raised flower beds since the timbers are now rotting. She said that there is funding available for community gardens and suggested that when the PC has a couple of quotes she meets with Council again to help identify the right source of funding. Awards for All for example can provide 100% funding up to £10k and Lottery funding can also provide 100% of the money whereas LIS funding needs to be 50% matched. Action Cllr M Ferguson to contact Karen when he has 2/3 quotes for the work.

Karen stressed the importance of consulting with village residents in terms of the value of the garden to the village and how it benefits the community. Proof of consultation could include letters of support / a survey of residents / response to newsletter and website features and via Facebook


Declarations of Interest – Planning Meeting – none at this stage

Applications – to be considered by the Parish Council -

Demolition of Existing Bungalow and Outbuildings with Proposed Residential Development of 9 x 3 Bedroom Detached Bungalows Land At Olinda Southgore Lane North Leverton Ref. No: 20/00004/FUL | Received: Fri 03 Jan 2020 | Validated: Tue 07 Jan 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision

This is the full planning application relating to a previous outline application. Action Clerk to submit the comments previously made re access and the need for first time buyer / affordable housing

Discharge of Conditions 9 and 12 of P.A. 18/00690/RSB - Demolition Of Existing Dwelling And Outbuildings With the Proposed Erection of 9 New Dwelling With Associated Access, Parking and Amenity Space (Resubmission of P/A 17/01305/FUL) The Cottage Main Street North Leverton Nottinghamshire DN22 0AN Ref. No: 20/00042/COND | Received: Thu 16 Jan 2020 | Validated: Tue 21 Jan 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision

No comment required

Applications – awaiting decision by Bassetlaw DC / Notts CC / Planning Inspectorate –

Erect Dormer Bungalow With Detached Double Garage and Alter Existing Access Land To East And South Of The Old Shop Main Street North Leverton Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 19/01570/FUL | Received: Thu 05 Dec 2019 | Validated: Tue 10 Dec 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision


Outline Planning Application with Some Matters Reserved (Approval Being Sought for Access) for Residential Development Consisting Of Up To 9 Dwellings Land At Orchard Lodge Southgore Lane North Leverton DN22 0AA Ref. No: 19/01082/OUT | Received: Fri 16 Aug 2019 | Validated: Fri 16 Aug 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Decisions – made by Bassetlaw DC / Notts CC / Planning Inspectorate – none

Change Finish On Two External Doors (East and South Elevations) From Clear Varnish To Paint 1 Prebendary Farm Habblesthorpe Road North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0NA Ref. No: 19/01462/LBA | Received: Tue 12 Nov 2019 | Validated: Tue 12 Nov 2019 | Status: Granted

Outline Application With All Matters Reserved to Erect 2 Detached Cottage Style Dwellings Land Off Main Street (South West Of Railway Bridge) North Leverton Retford Ref. No: 19/01284/OUT | Received: Thu 03 Oct 2019 | Validated: Fri 08 Nov 2019 | Status: Refused

Application to Modify Affordable Housing Contribution Requirement of the Section 106 Agreement for Planning Application 15/00514/OUT Land Southwest Of Orchard Lodge Southgore Lane North Leverton Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 19/00769/VPO4 | Received: Fri 31 May 2019 | Validated: Fri 07 Jun 2019 | Status: Withdrawn

Other planning matters

EDF West Burton C planning application / consultation

DCllr Naish attended and spoke at a meeting on January 29th. EDF has agreed to allocate £25k for traffic calming costs if the planning is passed. A decision on the planning application will be made in April

Next actions re Neighbourhood Planning Group

The current Chair of the SWNP Steering Group has stepped down and at an extraordinary meeting on January 29th DCllr Naish agreed to chair the Group temporarily so that the work can continue. The North Leverton group is meeting on February 10th Action Cllr White to arrange February 19th there will be a meeting with Helen Metcalf to brief her on writing the draft plan, to be completed by the end of March. Additional funding will be applied for in April to ensure the plan can be completed and adopted by the end of 2020


02.20.01. Apologies for absence – from Cllr A Conn which were accepted by Council

02.20.02 Declarations of interest – none

02.20.03. Chairman’s remarks on the Agenda - none

02.20.04 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 6th January 2020 The minutes of the above meeting, were approved by Council and signed by the Chair as a true record of the proceedings.

02.20.05. Matters arising – Non-agenda items The 30 MPH sign is still missing from close to the bridge on Main Street Action Clerk to chase this again The new bin liners for the waste bins have arrived The Clerk confirmed that Highways have agreed that an Interactive sign can be bought by the village and applied to certain lampposts Action Clerk to put this on the agenda for March The Clerk confirmed that she had agreed with Highways to alert them to any house building / infrastructure services which may affect road repairs which are planned / known about The Chair confirmed that he had put a piece about the Council’s budget / precept in the winter newsletter


02.20.06. Police Report. PCSO Airey told Council that there were 4 reported crimes for North Leverton during January. All involved vehicles – 2 thefts – a car from Main Street on 11th and a quad bike from Southgore Lane on 23rd and damage to 2 further vehicles - on Main Street on 6th January and Southgore Lane on 27th January.

DCllr Naish mentioned that residents had complained about a white van parked at the NL crossroads very close to the junction. PCSO Airey said that he had asked the owner of the van not to park so close to the junction, thereby blocking visibility, and he will monitor the situation from now

This month there have been eight reported crimes of interest across the whole beat area. This compares with three crimes reported throughout December 2019 and two crimes in the same month last year. So far this year, from 01/04/2019, there have been seventy seven crimes of interest reported across the beat area. This compares with sixty four reported in the same period last year. As such, ten months into the tracking year, these figures equate to an increase in reported crime in that period of thirteen crimes.

This month there has been four reported incident of anti-social behaviour across the whole beat area. This compares with four reported incidents for December 2019 and eight reported for the same month in 2019. The anti-social behaviour umbrella covers a wide range of incident types including hoax calls to the emergency services, found/ abandoned vehicles and wildlife/ animal issues.

Although this report is being completed when we are often greeted with dark, cold and wet conditions in the mornings, I am sure the gardeners amongst you will be itching to get out there and set about repairing the damage caused by the winter in general. It will not be long before the spring planting kicks in as well. With this in mind, I would ask you to make sure you lock away all of your tools after gardening. Not only are they vulnerable to thieves, but if they are left outside they could be used to break into or cause damage to your homes, garages and sheds. So while you might not be too bothered if someone steals that rusty old spade from your back garden, remember that the same spade could be used by a burglar to force open a door or window to your, or your neighbour’s property. You should be trying to stop people getting into your back garden altogether by locking gates, and always make sure that your garages and sheds are locked, secured and ideally alarmed. If your shed has a window, make sure that it is frosted glass or has a curtain over it so people cannot see what is inside. Mark your tools with your postcode and house numbering more than one place, preferably by scratching into the metal or wood. Their value to a thief will be reduced if they are permanently marked in some way. Try and chain tools and bicycles together, and chain them to a structure of the shed or garage if you can. Taking these kind of simple measures will deter the opportunist thieves out there and could stop you becoming a victim of crime.

January also saw an increase in catalytic convertor thefts from vehicles across rural East Bassetlaw. These thefts are, usually, only discovered when vehicles are started up for use, can cause a degree of distress at the time, and are quite expensive to replace.

I have also received telephone calls from residents over the last couple of months wishing to advise me that they have received calls where the purpose of the same was to gain personal details, including bank details, from my caller in an attempt to scam them out of personal finance. The persons who contacted me were contacted by callers purporting to be from HMRC and an adjoining force CID department. Representatives from banks, HMRC and Police forces would never contact residents by telephone to discuss debt, with a view to obtaining personal details from the person who they are calling. My contact number is 07525 226838 and my E mail address is [email protected] PC 3073 Nathan THOMAS is the beat manager for the beat area, has a contact number of 07525 226604, and his E mail address is [email protected]

Please do not use these telephone numbers to report incidents and/ or crimes. Our works numbers should only be used for non-urgent matters – including seeking advice and/ or information. I continue to receive calls on my works phone from residents wising to report incidents and crimes. In many cases these calls are received when I am on rest days or annual leave and have not got my works phone to hand. Residents must be comfortable in reporting these occurrences to our control room on 101 in order to receive the best, and real time, service from those officers who are on duty.


When ringing 101 the first question asked is which Police force you require. In rural East Bassetlaw many parishes are located close to county boundaries, hence the first question. Then you are asked if you know the person or extension number of the department you require. At this stage, just hold the line. After this, there are a number of options available. For reporting an incident or crime it is option 7 – there is no need to listen to all the alternatives before selecting this option number.

02.20.07. Community Speedwatch and Traffic Calming Group The Speedwatch team were out for 2 days in January and checked 89 vehicles with 3 speeders which is 3.37% Main Street - Bridge – checked 52 total – 13 in/39 out – 2 speeders, 1 coming in at 39 and 1 going out at 37. Sturton Road – checked 37 - 24 in/13 out – 1 speeder at 37 The next Speedwatch outing is scheduled for w/c 10th February

02.20.8. District and County Councillor Reports DCllr Naish told Council that his petition regarding the NL crossroad improvements stood at 905 signatures so it is nearly at 1,000 which will carry some weight. It is suggested that a couple of children from NL primary school formally present the petition to CCllr Ogle at County Hall Parking at Doctor’s - there is little funding available for car parks and the level of commitment from the surgery is now awaited A letter sourced by DCllr Naish to welcome people to a village and wish them luck with any building work as well as setting out the PC’s suggestions for respecting their neighbours, for example no building work during a Sunday and cleaning mud from the roads etc is being adopted by Wheatley PC Action Clerk to circulate to all Councillors with a view to adopting a similar approach in North Leverton

CCllr Ogle talked about the new draft BDC Local Plan. Public consultations are being held in village hall on Thursday 6th February at 2 pm and Thursday 13th February at 5 pm and he urged Councillors and residents to attend and make their comments. The Airfield at Gamston and the Bevercoates pit site are no longer being considered for housing, the latter being suitable for Industrial and Commercial use only. However there are now plans to locate a large number of houses at the Cottam Power Station site which will be in the ‘middle of nowhere’. New infrastructure will be needed to include roads, schools and health provision if such a large estate of houses can be supported. There are also plans for Morton such that there will be an urban sprawl from 5 Lanes Ends to Babworth Crossing between Retford and Worksop Action Cllr M Ferguson to write a response for the Clerk to submit re the new BDC Draft Plan

02.20.9. Highways, Footpaths and Public Safety Street Lamps & Signs and Street Furniture, Lamp post no 28 on Main Street was demolished by a lorry, It was reported and removed very quickly since it was unsafe. The new dog waste bins have arrived and are awaiting installation by Cllr White and the lengthsman in the agreed locations. Action Clerk will inform BDC when they are installed so they can be emptied Action Cllr M Ferguson to chase the new noticeboards and bus shelter repair Other issues / matters to report Cllrs M Ferguson and White met with a resident to discuss the cutting back of their conifer hedge which the PC had undertaken to allow free passage along the footpath. The Councillors listened to his complaint / comments and the PC agreed to take legal advice and will respond to the resident as soon as possible following that advice Action Cllr M Ferguson / Clerk

01.20.10. The Lengthsman Report / Village Handyman report The Lengthsman report Jack has collected litter as requested with a bit more to do. He has also made a good job of trimming the brambles in the Playing Field The railings at Main Street need to be painted Action Cllr White to ask Jack to do this Handyman report Nothing to report apart from the fact that John is considering retiring from the role Action Clerk to ask Jack and Sam Foster if they would be interested


02.20.11. Reports from Outside Bodies. None

02.20.12. Financial Matters. Bank Reconciliation The Bank Reconciliation to 20th January 2020 was presented to Council and approved Expenditure. The following payments for January were noted and approved by Council. Sara Stilliard – salary and expenses – January £314.60 Jack Foster – lengthsman services – January £ 178.31 John Taylor – handyman services for January £131.36 DN22 Trees & Landscapes – playing field fence £2,300.00 Brain Shead – winter newsletter £163.46 Holmes Groundcare – PC grass cut x1 £145.95 Holmes Groundcare – Churchyard grass cut x1 £ 74.25

Action Clerk to make payments

02.20.13. The Blacksmiths Playing Field. Litter not currently an issue A quote has been received for the block work to the raised beds in the Memorial Garden amounting to circa £18K. Action Cllr M Ferguson to get a second quote, When available the PC will seek the right funding to pay for the work

02.20.14. Correspondence There were no items of correspondence this month

02.20.15. Parish Council Newsletter and website Parish Council Newsletter The Winter newsletter is printed and ready for distribution. The next Spring issue is due in March. Brian Shead is retiring shortly. Cllr S Ferguson has obtained alternative quotes for printing the newsletters from March and will try to fix the price for 2 years ideally and award a contract Parish Website The web site has been updated with the new MP’s details Stats will be available for the March PC meeting

02.20.16. Emergency Container / Flood provisions There are around 200 properties in the village that could be subject to flooding. The PC agreed to give each of these properties 6 pre-filled polypropylene sand bags for their own personal use during periods of prolonged rain. If any of these households require more sand bags then the PC will offer them for sale. An article in the upcoming Newsletter will offer this facility and when there has been a response sandbags will be ordered accordingly . Action Clerk to order the sand bags after the February PC meeting

02.20.17. VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations May 8th Cllr M Ferguson suggested a Church Service and a visit to the Cenotaph. Action Cllr M Ferguson to talk to Colin Walker and to approach the school re their input. This will be advertised in the next Newsletter Action Cllr S Ferguson

Dates of 2020 PC meetings -

The meetings of the Parish Council will be held in the Methodist Chapel, starting at 7.15 pm as follows.

March 2nd; April 6th; May 4th ; June 1st; July 6th; September 7th; October 5th; November 2nd; December 7th

Sara Stilliard – Clerk, tel. 881582 NB. Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting Distribution: All Parish Councillors, CCllr John Ogle, DCllr J Naish, PCSO Dave Airey, S Rockcliffe, Notice Boards, & File