Sturton le Steeple Parish Council

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held digitally on Wednesday 16th December 2020 at 7.00 pm

Present: P Appleyard (Chair); A Frankish; A Bradley; D Moore; G Burgin and K Howard Also present: Clerk - S Stilliard Sturton Parish Residents: none present Guests: DCllr Naish; CCllr Ogle

PUBLIC FORUM: none present

District and County Councillors reports DCllr Naish gave a report to Council on a number of topics as follows:- 1. West Burton Power Station consultation finishes on Friday (18th) so if you haven’t already, please complete the survey at I am promoting this on Facebook over the next few days. There were around 150 responses when I last checked, having leafleted all Sturton Ward plus South Leverton, and Rampton as the villages most impacted by future development of the power station. 2. Bassetlaw’s Draft Local Plan. This consultation is ongoing and everybody is encouraged to respond via november-2020/draft-bassetlaw-local-plan-november-2020/. Our feedback last time resulted in the target housing dwellings for villages like Sturton dropping significantly, so this is a worthwhile exercise. There is a consultation about the future of Worksop town centre happening at the same time. Bassetlaw has been advised to move forwards quickly with this version of the Plan, in advance of potential changes to planning legislation – so I expect this to be one of the last consultations on the Draft Local Plan. 3. Planning enforcement. Some rural councillors in Bassetlaw have been in touch with me to ask whether there are issues in our area with planning terms not being enforced. I am aware of the odd retrospective planning application but nothing more than this. 4. COVID-19. Cases in are now clearly in decline, with Matt Hancock recently noting this in a Downing Street press conference and in the House of Commons. However, to the week ending 10/12/20, Bassetlaw was still the district with the highest number of cases in Nottinghamshire, at 222.2 cases per 100,000 people (’s average is 182.7 cases per 100,000 people). I expect we will remain in Tier 3 for some time yet. Locally, there were very few requests for support during the second lockdown. Some residents have asked about using the village halls to support the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines. At the moment, everything is being driven out of larger centres in towns and cities, but I will keep an eye on this and suggest local venues where possible. 5. Parking at North Leverton surgery. Unfortunately, we didn’t get any funding from Notts County Council for this project due to a lack of confirmed match-funding locally. I have let the surgery know and am arranging a meeting with staff in the New Year to discuss this further. I hope Notts County Council will support the project in the next application round, if the surgery confirms the size of its financial contribution.

CCllr Ogle was asked about the development of the 2 local Power Stations and covenants which may have returned the sites to agricultural land when they are decommissioned. He said that he thought these would be superseded by the need for brown field sites for housing and commercial development and the need to create jobs in the area, however he urged councillors to comment during the consultation periods to make their views known.

CCllr Ogle also told Council that he was meeting with Seven Trent to talk about the amounts of raw sewage going into streams and rivers in the county. The Chair told him that Sturton, as well as North Leverton, had suffered from this issue which becomes very apparent during periods of flooding. The responsibility of Water / Sewage companies to add capacity to their infrastructure, to accommodate new housing was also discussed and it was acknowledged that housing developers are often charged by water companies for this but then the upgrades needed are not carried out – often on the basis that the new housing numbers are insufficient to

722 justify a large upgrade. There is also an onus on planners to link planning permissions to infrastructure, however again this is often not taken sufficiently into consideration.

CCllr Ogle wished Council a Happy Christmas at this point and left the meeting

Police report – sent by PCSO Dave Airey PCSO Airey submitted his report and noted that there were no reported crimes in Sturton during November. The Chair noted that a caravan had been stolen from Wheatley on 15th December however

This month there has been one reported crime of interest across the whole beat area. This compares with eight crimes reported throughout October 2020 and eight crimes in the same month last year. From 01/04/2020, there have been fifty crimes of interest reported across the beat area. This compares with sixty six reported in the same period last year. As such, at the conclusion of the eighth month in this tracking year, these figures equate to a decrease in reported crimes of interest of sixteen crimes.

Please continue to report crime - and incidents - through to our control room on 101, or 999 as appropriate. Even in these most difficult of times, where possible, reported crimes will be dealt with in the same way as they have always been recorded, and dealt with. Please remain aware of any suspicious persons, vehicles and activity in the area and continue to report such instances through to our control room, as normal.

Nottinghamshire Police recently started using a new system for recording incidents. As from February 2020, the Police report will include anti-social behaviour incidents only, negating other incident types from this category, such as hoax calls to the emergency services, found/ abandoned vehicles and wildlife/ animal issues. Again, these figures should, therefore, start to decrease but will be more accurate in relation to actual anti-social behaviour incidents on the area. This month there have been three reported incidents of anti-social behaviour across the whole beat area. This compares with six reported incident for October 2020 and one reported for the same month in 2019.

As the county moves out of lockdown and into tier three restrictions, there will be an opportunity for most of us to try to catch up with festive preparations. Most of you will have completed some of your shopping online. However, for those that like to do the traditional Christmas shopping, this will, understandably, be more difficult to complete this year, particularly with the Government instructions to adhere to. With a slight easing of peoples movements, this will, invariably, lead to properties being unoccupied for periods of time whilst we all try to catch up. At this time of the year, there is usually a noticeable fall in shed and outbuilding breaks as criminals find it harder to sell items stolen from these buildings. However, do usually see an increase in dwelling breaks and vehicle crime at this time of the year. Even though this has not been the case in the last month on this area, it certainly is the case on adjoining beat areas.

Below are some tips and advice for you whilst you are out and about shopping in this period. Readers of my reports will notice that the same advice was given at this time of the year, last year. I make no apologies in repeating the same advice this year.

When you are out shopping. Keep valuables in inside pockets of clothing or bags. Only carry the cash and cards which you need. Always shield the PIN pad when entering your PIN number. Park in open well lit areas. Visit to find accredited car parks. Avoid going back to your car to leave your shopping part way through your trip. If you have to keep items in the car, make sure they are in the boot, out of view, the car is locked and keep the receipts with you. Never leave your bag unattended on your trolley whilst shopping and don’t leave it in your vehicle whilst returning any trolley. At cash machines. If you see anything suspicious, alert the bank or call the Police on 101, or 999, as appropriate. Shield the keypad when typing in your PIN number at a cash machine, or in a shop. Only withdraw as much cash as you need and avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Put your money and cards away (not in your back pocket) safely before leaving the machine.


At this time of the year, in particular, there never seems to be enough hours in the day. Please remain security conscious over the Christmas period – remember criminals are with us all the year round, they do not take a break for Christmas. Might I take this opportunity to ask you to remain vigilant around any contact from potential fraudsters? I did mention this last month in the Police report and there have been reports made over the last month from community members continuing to receive this type of call on their land line numbers. The number of reports towards the end of the month has slightly decreased, but these fraudsters will always be active with their manipulative stories. There has also been an uptake in people wishing to purchase pets over the pandemic period. I did watch a television programme a couple of weeks ago where fraudsters are purporting to have pets for sale, but are not able to deliver the same when the charge agreed has been taken.

My contact number is 07525 226838 and my E mail address is [email protected] PC 2895 James Pickersgill is the new beat manager for the area. He has an E mail address of [email protected]

Please do not use these telephone numbers to report incidents and/ or crimes. Works numbers should only be used for non-urgent matters – including seeking advice and/ or information. I continue to receive calls on my works phone from residents wising to report incidents and crimes. In many cases these calls are received when I am on rest days or annual leave and have not got my works phone to hand. Residents must be comfortable in reporting these occurrences to our control room on 101 in order to receive the best, and real time, service from those officers who are on duty. When ringing 101 the first item which is asked is which Police force you require. This is because 101 is the non-urgent number for all Police forces throughout the country and the signal is picked up from where you are ringing from. In rural East Bassetlaw many parishes are located close to county boundaries, hence the first question. Then, you are asked if you know the person or extension number of the department you require. At this stage, just hold the line. After this, there are a number of options available. For reporting an incident or crime the option is option 7 – there is no need to listen to all the alternatives before selecting this option number.

As this is the last Police report I send out before the Festive season, may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your valued interest and support in the last difficult year, wish you all a Merry Christmas and New Year. PCSO 8139 Dave Airey.


Apologies for Absence – Cllrs J Marshall and L Stevens sent apologies which were accepted by Council

Declarations of Interest – none

New Applications –

Internal Alterations/Improvements to 2nd Floor from Existing Attic Space to Additional Living Accommodation Crown Cottage North Street Sturton Le Steeple Nottinghamshire DN22 9HP Ref. No: 20/01598/LBA | Received: Mon 07 Dec 2020 | Validated: Mon 07 Dec 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision

Council supports this application. Action Clerk to inform planning

Applications awaiting decision –

Proposed New Vehicle Access Including Vehicle Manoeuvring Facilities with Associated Parking, Erect Double Garage, Conversion of Redundant Attic Space Including Roof Lights and Balcony at First Floor Level Littlewood House Wheatley Road Sturton Le Steeple Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9HU Ref. No: 20/00928/HSE | Received: Wed 29 Jul 2020 | Validated: Mon 03 Aug 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision

Decisions – none


Other Planning matters

Status of and possible next steps re the SWNP group

The headline is that Bassetlaw’s revised target housing figure is now 5% of existing dwellings, rather than 20%, due to capacity constraints. Further development can be pursued if desired but this is now a choice rather than a necessity. The Sturton Steering Group members have been asked to consider what the best next steps are for the village, in advance of a meeting early in the New Year to agree this. Hopefully there will then be a referendum on the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan before the start of next summer.

Proposed telecommunications installation at West Burton A Power Station - pre-application consultation

The Planning Consultant for Vodaphone - wishing to install a 15.6 metre high monopole, supporting an omni antenna and a 0.6m transmission dish at the top of the pole with an equipment cabinet at ground level at a site located at West Burton - had asked for Council’s comments prior to submitting a formal planning application. The Chair said that it was not of concern to the village being far removed and not visible. Action Clerk to respond accordingly to allow the Planning Application to be submitted before Christmas


12.20.01. Apologies for Absence – Cllrs J Marshall and L Stevens sent apologies which were accepted by Council

12.20.02. Comments from the Chair – Agenda issues None

12.20.03 Declarations of Interest and Confidentiality None

12.20.04 Traffic speeding / calming issues – Cllr Appleyard LIS funding of 2 interactive speed signs was not granted sadly but this will be added to the list of village projects to be considered at the budget meeting in January – along with other traffic calming measures Action Clerk to add to the list

12.20.05. The Lengthsman Scheme Cllr Moore kindly offered to take on responsibility for the Lengthsman’s schedule of work. Action Clerk to give him Jack’s contact details and a brief on his role and inform Jack accordingly. The Chair proposed that a small Christmas gift be purchased for Jack Action Cllr Moore

12.20.06. Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 17th November 2020 The minutes will be signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record of proceedings.

12.20.07. Matters arising – non agenda items None

12.20.08. Correspondence – Clerk There were 3 items of correspondence this month A Christmas card to the PC from the Lengthsman A Christmas card to the PC from the MP – Brenden Clarke-Smith An e-mail to the Clerk from a resident asking about the PC’s budget and reserves Action Clerk to reply An e-mail from a resident who has requested the removal of a tree on the Playing Field to facilitate building works to his house since it is very close overhanging Action Clerk to forward this request to Councillors for consideration at the January PC meeting


12.20.09. Highways and Public Safety – Cllr Burgin Street Lights and Pot Holes

Cllr Burgin asks that if Sturton resident notices an issue with pot holes or street lights not working they report it to him via his e-mail [email protected]. No issues reported Other matters to report Cllr Moore reported that there is a pot hole where Tarmac has eroded on Sturton Road Action Cllr Moore to photograph the defect and send to the Clerk for reporting to Highways The road surface at the bottom of North Street is in need of attention with many large pot holes Action Cllr Appleyard to take photos and send to the Clerk as above

12.20.10. Finance Monthly Bank Reconciliation. The monthly bank reconciliations to 28th November 2020 was agreed and will be signed off by the Chair. Accounts for Payment. The following amounts were agreed – for previous month unless stated: S A Stilliard – Net salary and expenses £ 382.88 Jack Foster – Lengthsman services £ 209.28 Premier Play Solutions – tensioning and rubber repair £ 1,800.00 The Reindeer – 50% cost of Xmas tree lights £ 68.99 Phil Appleyard – cost of postcrete to mount goal posts £ 28.50 Thelma Appleyard – repair of willow structure in field £ 60.00 Andrew Frankish – prizes for website photo competition £ 30.00 James Naish – Facebook adverts re Covid 19 £ 48.45 Holmes Groundcare – village grass cut £ 149.00 Holmes Groundcare – churchyard grass cut £ 118.75 James Fox – Contribution to 4 films for Clays Churches £ 300.00 Action Clerk to make payments

12.20.11. Reports from Other Committees Playing Field – Cllr Marshall The Playing Field has been checked. Cllrs Marshall and Appleyard will attend to a couple of issues in the week before Christmas. Cllr Bradley has obtained a quote for a replacement for the small slide which is in a poor state and some soft matting – to be added to the list for budget consideration Action Clerk Most of the benches and tables need to be revarnished. Action Cllr Bradley to obtain quotes for this work to be done in the Spring when the weather is better Sturton Hall Management Committee The Hall is currently closed for meetings A man hole cover at the entrance to the Village Hall car park is still broken and a cone has been placed over it to prevent cars / bottle bank lorry risking going through it. The Village Hall committee has informed the water company responsible for it’s replacement Cameras will be applied to the Village Hall as a deterrent to irresponsible behaviour in the car park and around the Hall Action Cllr Appleyard Since Dave Langmead is unlikely to be able to attend a face to face meeting with the PC before their budget meeting he has kindly agreed to submit a report on the VH finances for the PC’s budget meeting in January

12.20.12. Village Update Monthly Defibrillator Check – Cllr Marshall Checked on December 2nd The village pond Cllr Moore has kindly offered to take on the responsibility for the pond in terms of keeping the area tidy via the Lengthsman. Any major works to the pond will be considered / budgeted for in the new financial year 726 Facebook page update / Website management All residents are urged to sign up for the Facebook page and follow events and news about the village

Sturton Le Steeple Parish Council now has its own Facebook page where we will post all agendas and minutes from our meetings. We will also be posting all the latest news and updates that affect village life. We will even be using the page to gauge resident opinions on decisions affecting Sturton. Please find us @sturtonlesteepleparishcouncil and share the link with friends and neighbours in the village. If you would like to advertise any village events on the page please send them to the Clerk or Cllr Frankish – details of their e-mail addresses can be found on the PC website

The Sturton website is working well and can be found at There was a good response to the photo competition and the winning pictures are being used. Cllr Frankish asked that Councillors each send him a head shot with a sentence about themselves or their role on the PC Action all The Chair thanked Cllr Frankish for all his hard work to get the new web site up and running and for the monthly maintenance he has taken on Village Newsletter To be considered in the New Year Flood cabinet restocking The Clerk has requested new flood equipment for the Flood Cabinet and awaits a reply from Bassetlaw Church Clock repair The repair to the Church clock, which is owned by the PC, will be considered in the budget for 2021/22 along with a change of service supplier. Quotes will be available from Smiths of Derby the current supplier and Time Served a potential new supplier to allow a decision to be made in January Restoration of old footpaths This is being investigated by the Footpaths team at Notts CC Council noted that there had been a notice served to open the Freemans Lane footpath where currently concrete blocks have been placed across it Other matters to report James Fox, to whom the PC paid an amount (as above) to write and produce videos of Church services for residents, asked the Chair if the PC would sponsor more into next year. Council felt that as the whole of the Clays area including Clarborough were benefitting that other Parishes could be approached for financial support. Action Clerk to approach North Leverton which holds some Covid funding and respond to James Fox accordingly

12.20.13. Casual Vacancy Notices / co-opting a new Parish Councillor A casual vacancy notice has been issued in respect of the resignation of Cllr Christine Warren and will be posted on the notice boards and website within the next couple of days. If no by-election is requested then the vacancy can be advertised and a new Councillor co-opted.

The Chair ended the meeting and wished everyone a Merry Christmas

Dates of Meetings for 2021

Please note that meetings for 2021 have been moved to Wednesdays in the middle of the month for the New Year and will remain as a 7 pm start. Meetings will be held digitally until further notice

January 13th January 14th as a budget meeting February 17th 727

March 17th April 14th May 19th June 16th July 14th September 15th October 13th November 17th December 15th Sara Stilliard – Clerk, tel. 881582 NB. Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting

Distribution list: All Parish Councillors, CCllr J Ogle, DCllr J Naish, Steve Rockcliffe, PCSO Dave Airey, Notice board & file.