Also, Agent for

•: FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Tlie Best, Cheapest and Simplest Family Sewing jTJtachiiies in use. make the Pouble Lock Stitch, or the celebi Btover i ::>'li, ami sew from two spools as purchased from the Store, w_U_ou1 rewinding—are easy to learn to operate. They will Hem, Fell, Gather and Stitch in a superior style, aud finish each seam without recourse to the hand needle. Call Lheja. Price $40. Hemmer $2. liirtri^nglanti l^tstortc (_5enealosteal ^octetp. Received in Exchange from

^it.m.i.i. (OAA....

For..U^U£4..l,si _

Celebrated . S~ PARAGON BURNER, Which, can be attache* to any Old Lamp at a trifling expense. _A._ LEACH, Agt. 144 Genesee Street, DEVEREUX BLOCK, UTICA, 1ST. Y. 23*22

and we are consequently ftsee from the embarrassments and delays always incident to Newspaper Offices. Our undivided attention is given to Job Printing, and Dispatch, Accu­ racy and superior work are the uniform results. Our thanks are gratefully tendered to all our patrons. ^i^jQjQjy^f^i^i TABLE OF CONTENTS.

PUB. Academies and Schools 12 Associations and Companies, 23 Banks 11 Banks for Savings, 12 Churches 16 City Government 38 County Clerks of Oneida County from 1798 to 1860, 34 County Offloers of Oneida County, 27 Courts, 29 District Attorneys of Oneida County from 1818 to 1860, 34 Fire Department, 39 Governors of the State of Now Xork from 1777 to 1860, 33 15 Institutions and Associations, ., 18 Local Canal Officers, 31 Mayors of the City of Utica from 1832 to 1860, 35 Military Organization of Oneida County, 25 Names of Streets, 7 Newspapers in Oneida County, 17 Orders 22 Organized Independent Companies 24 Oneida County Judges from 1798 to 1860, 33 Post Offices in Oneida County, 36 Public Schools 13 Recorder's Court, 29 Representatives in Congress from Oneida County and District, from the 6th to the 36th Congress, 33 Sheriffalty of Oneida County, 27 Sheriffs of Oneida County from 1798 to 1660, 34 Supreme Court, Fifth Judicial District 30 Supervisors of Oneida County 28 Surrogates of Oneida County from 1788 to 1860, 35 Table of Electoral Votes that will be cast by eaoh State in 1860, 35 Treasurers of Oneida County from 1848 to 1860 35 United States Circuit and District Courts, 29 United States Government, 31 Utica: its Past and Present, '.'...... 3 "Wards : Division of in Utica, 7 W. S. TAYLOR'S

SILVER-WARE ESTABLISHMEHT, AND American and Foreign Watch Depot.

Every description of FIKE JEWELRY, of tlie most approved styles, and of a quality, and at prices to correspond with the means of every purchaser. PURE SILVER WARE, of the best styles the country affords, and of a quality unexcelled by any dealer in the trade. Also, superior Extra Heavy PLATED GOODS, of every description. MA & Mvtx Mete, At the lowest living Prices, and warranted accurate Time-Keepers. SPECTACLES, FANCY GOODS, CLOCKS, and every article usually kept at a First-Class Jewelry Establishment, can here be procured, and every article warranted as represented. . W. 8. TAYLOR, Late Maynard & Taylor, No. fa Genesee St. Utica. CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. QEOBGE PEARSON, No. 10 Elizabeth St., Utica. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AND PRIVATE CONVEYANCES, To any part of the country, can bo had on short notice and on reasonable terms. _S£___;_?____&_!!_ ©_^1II11 §!!__:©__% Corner of Liberty aud Seneca Streets. CRAWFORD &, Co., MANCFACTETIIEKS &, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF CABINET WARE. B£_TParticular attention paid to making work to order. _^fl JOHN CRAWFORD. DANIEL STEWART. BRIDGE ST. COAL AND WOOD YARD, OPPOSITE CATHARINE STREET BRIDGE. We have now on hand and are constantly receiving a large supply of LEHIGH, SCRANTON,

AND OTHER COALS. Also the best quality of MAPLE AND BEECH WOOD, Which will he sold at the LOWEST MARKET PIUCES. BURKE & GOODWIN.

- •'ni'W-f__lii

WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET, 196 Whitesboro Street, Utica.

Where may be found a full supply of HAMS, SALT PORK, BEEF, LARD, AND SAUSAGES of tlie various kinds, With all kinds of FRESH MEAT, of the best quality, and at the most reasonable prices. PROMPT ATTEXTIOX WILL BE TAID TO ORDERS. H. LUX, Proprietor. LESSONS IN FRENCH. MONS. BERNARD WEISSE, Will give Lessons in the FRENCH LANGUAGE, at his residence, No. 71 Broadway, Utica, IV. Y. The terms aro $1, $8 and $10 per quarter, positively payable in ad­ vance. He lias had long experience as a teacher, and his intimate knowledgo both of the English and French Languages, will render his instructions peculiarly efficient. He also offers his services as a Teacher of tho French Language in Schools; and will givo instruction at tho houses of pupils, where classes of at least four are formed. Pupils of ten years of ago and upwards may receive instruction. REFERENCES—DR. M. M. BAGG and E. A. WETMORE, ESQ. G. LAIMBEER, Devereux Block, 140 Genesee Street, Has just added to his stock a desirable assort­ ment of tho moBt fashionable

"Which he is prepared to make up to order in the latest style and best manner. PRICES FOR CUTTING GARMENTS: COATS, 50 cts.: VESTS. 25 cts.; PAXTS. 25 cts. BK_F~ Persons who buy their cloths at this es­ tablishment, can have them cut free of charge. J. B. SMITH'S NEW AND EXTENSIVE


The Public arc invited to view tlie many Improvements combined in this magnificent Gallery. The Proprietor has no hesitation in claiming advantages possessed by~no similar Establishment in this section of the country for the production of FIRST CLASS PICTURES.

Taken at short notice, colored in all the various styles. H__U_ft_i


Adjoining Northern Hotel, John Street, Utica, NL Y.

FIRST CLASS CONVEYANCES, For City or Country, At all times in readiness for the accommodation of the Public.


of kind and gentle disposition, to let, for the use of Ladies, Gentlemen, or Juveniles.


Manufacturers of


____Sr__> mm tra wiumm mmmm*

A. S. POND, Prest. P. CLOGHER, Agt. A. N. PRIEST,

Is prepared to set Teeth on Platina or Continuous Gums, Gold, Vulcan- __ _ ite, or Hard Rubber Base, or any "S other manner the patient may wish |gp! or the case demand. Also, to per­ form all Operations upon the Nat­ ural Teeth in a manner unsurpassed. The facilities at this Office are such as will accommodate patients in want of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, on tho shortest possible notice. Teeth extracted by the Galvanic Process when desired. Office, 69 Genesee St. Corner of Broad, Utica. ' Office Hours, from 8 A. M. to G P. M.

For the last two years a Partner of the late DB. BLAKESLEY, Dentist, has made an arrangement with DR. A. N". PEIEST, whereby he will be able to spend a portion of his time in Utica, at Dr. P.'s office, CORNER GENESEE AND BROAD STS. as he has heretofore done at Dr. Blakesley's, where he will be happy to meet his friends and patrons. Patients wishing to make engagements for his services, can do so by calling at the Office of DR. PEIEST, between the hours of 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. H. T. FELSHAW. JAY STREET COAL & WOOD YARD.

-•«•»#• » T. N< <(l Al>i; & SON,

Dealers in




This is the longest established yard in Utica. All articles sold at the very lowest market prices. THOMAS BIcQUADE, T. M. RIc<|VADI!. ^^^3__S

A. M. TOMPSON, CARD AND SILVER ENGRAVER, No. 71 Genesee Street, Utica, IV. Y. (Over Barnum's Variety Store,)

LETTER, NOTARY AND ENVELOPE SEALS, Wagon and Coffin Plates, Spoons, Rings i>;id Organ Stops Engraved. Silver Plated Door Plates on hand and Engraved to order. -_C-V-=-X_.X__I_LT-1S, _?"<_•_=_ MARKING FLOUR BARRELS, CIGAR BOXES, BAGS, AC. AC. Cut on Copper, Tin and Brass. 03- VISITING, WEDDING, AND BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED. _£- FINE STREET LUMBER AI\D WOOD YARD. Where all kinds of PINE, SPRUCE, CHERRY AND HARD WOOD LUMBER, Square Lumber oi' all lengths, Together with LATH and SHINGLES, may be procured in large or small quantities. Bills of Lumber furnished to order. N. B. The best of Cord, Kindling and Short WOOD always on hand, and delivered to any part of the city. ALDEN LEE & SON, No. 3 Fine Street, TTtica. J. BUTTERFIELD & SON.


OVERY STUi>\hl "9


This extensive and substantial

^ik^MW¥\mmm^, continues, as heretofore, to furnish the public with the best of IDMI& & mmm For Town, or Country,

AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. WILLIAM H. TEDFORD, Manufacturer of $ WES &HH S9t€SS, OF ALL SIZES »ND EVERY DESCRIPTION, No. 87 Genesee Street, Two doir3 below the Bank of Utica. Custom work warranted to be of the best fit, the most durable material, and at the lowest price. All Orders attended to with promptness and dispatch. J. LOUIS, No. IS .Liberty Street, l/tica, IV. V.

DOES ALL EINDS OF -fOBSivfiy ___OO__L_M_II9___:II_,C-, GRINDING RAZORS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, &C. Umbrellas and Parasols re­ paired at short notice. Also dealer in Cutlery, and a new PATENT LOCK, to which ho would call the particular attention of the public.

(Successor to Leach & Bennett,) ______vlan___.ctu.rer of PURE SILYER WARE. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, Siher Plated and Britannia Ware,


18 ___COTEL ST PEAHO FORTES AND MUSIC VHREROOMS, No. 1 Bradish Block, Genesee St. Utiea, IV. Y.

The Subscriber has now completed hip full assortment of PIANO FORTES, by having had a number of HALLET, DAVIES & CO.'S Instruments made ex­ pressly for him. Tho facilities of this house for carrying on the business, are unsurpassed in the United States; and tho subscriber is enabled to exhibit to purchasers, Piano Fortes which will bear the severest test, In regard to quality of tone, elegance of style, finish and durability. The subscriber requests purchasers to take at leaBt, the trouble to examine them. They will be sold as reasonably as those from any other establishment, and as satisfactorily warranted. O. J. SHAW. JAMES GARRIGAN.

And Manufacturer of all descriptions of BRASS WORK FOR GAS, WATER, STEAM, &c. Plumbing and Gas Fitting done in the best manner. AN3J WARRANTED. Also dealer in "Wrought Iron and Lead Pipe, Ties, Crosse.?, Elbows, Kipples, Caps, Plugs, Couplings, Lock Nuts. Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets. Ac., Ac. Office and Factory, No. 1 CARNAHAN STREET.

"Let's All take a Ride!" WOT Mnu mm aoAMi, J. G. & W. H. MAPES, I¥o. 8 Varick Street, (Near Cottage Hotel,) UTICA. Horses, Carriages, and Private Conveyances, Either for city or country, at all times in readiness for the accommoda­ tion of the public.

JOHN W. BATES, CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH MAKER, No. 7 Devereux St. (A few doors above tho Central Hotel.) XT TIC--., IT. _r. CARRIAGES and SLEIGHS of every de­ scription constantly on hand, or made to order. UTICA DAILY OBSERVED BOOK &, JOB

§ tinting $$tMifkhmtutf No. 113 Genesee Street, W_F_M3 sr_ n, This establishment is prepared to execute every description of PUNTING in the most modern style, and with all the appliances of steam aud improved machinery. Mechanics, Manufacturers, and Business _Men generally, may rely upon having their orders promptly and accurately filled. Particular attention given to

in which department the reputation of this establishment is well known to the profession. THE UTICA DAILY OBSERVER Is published every evening, at §5 a year to city [subscribers, and $4 to mail subscribers, strictly in advance. THE OBSERVER is the only Democratic paper in the city, and enjoys a large and increasing circulation.

Is published every Tuesday, at $1 UO a year, in advance. It con­ tains nearly all the reading matter of the daily paper, and is mainly intended for circulation in families and in the country. These papers afford an excellent ADVERTISING MEDIUM for Oneida county and vicinity. Advertisements inserted on reasonable terms. DE WITT C. GBOVE, Proprietor. DAVIES BROTHERS, ;Late E. Gaylord,) Wholesale & Betail Dealers in

19, 21 & 23 Liberty St. TTTICA, KT. Y. Sofas, Divans & Ottomans, Carfo attb ParMe &0p Cmto Cables, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, Bureaus and Book Cases, DINING AND TEA TABLES, UPHOLSTERING AND GILDING, EVERY VARIETY OF CHAIRS, Carriages and Hearse, Ready made Coffins. WALTEK W. LANE, _"__•_»<____!:_•£ on-

43 Steuben Street, Utica. MUSIC FURNISHED FOR Public Balls or Private Parties, Either in town or country, with any desired number of Instruments.

MB. LANE devotes special attention to the procuring of tho most RECENT, POPULAR AND FASHIONABLE DANCES, which ho is prepared to introduce, wherever desired, with the appropri­ ate and original music. ANTON ALBRECHT, Dealer in and Manufacturer of ail kinds of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S PUES, 89 Genesee Street, Utica. j-A.__*_:___s -A.. _=iia___c, DEALER IN IMPORTED BRASS & GERItlA-V SILVER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Tho latest styles of SAX-HORNS & CORNETS, With common k rotary valves, with Bells over the Shoulder, 131 Genesee St. (up stairs,) TJTICA, 3ST. Y. BSt- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NEATLY REPAIRED. JB9 €. JL TOfYSA 6 S0K, OFFICE, 169 Genesee Street, TJTICA, 1ST. Y. _3-V_33R._r ___EJPr__> __.!«-__> STYIiB O-T ARTIFICIAL TEETH MANUFACTURED,

And all operations on the

Performcil to the satisfaction of Patients. QUICK & HUGHES, MARBLE GUTTERS, -a No. 14 Charlotte St. litica, N. T. Between Bleecker and Elizabeth Streets. MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, i^nis Mantle Pieces, Wash. Stands, and

made to order on the lowest terms. JOHN QUICK, having had more than forty years' experience in the business, solicits for himself and partner a share of public patronage. GEORGE S. MAKEPEACE, LIVERY STABLE, 58 Seneca Street, Utica, Jf. Y. Will furnish elegant convej-anees, with one or more horses, for pleasure rides, funerals, or other purposes. While his horses and vehicles are of the first class, his prices are as low as the lowest. << The Gulf Brewery."


< • •»»


__.nel Dealers in BARLEY, HOPS,

Their " INVIGOKATOR OLD ALE," has maintained a reputation for the past TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, as being superior to



Or with Mr. H. S. STOHRS, at the Counting Room of the Evening Tele­ graph, No. 41 Genesee Street, will receive prompt attention. GENTLEMEN, GO TO THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING STORE o_p E. H. FISH, Wo. 162 Genesee Street, Corner of Fayette, _5-o__ _*-V_r _c_n_> _>_=•

FASHIONABLE, DURABLE AND CHEAP. X. B. Fine Shirts manufactured to order, and a perfect fit guarantied. Remember the No. 162, at the Sign of the GOLDEN FISH.

Corner Fayette & Seneca Sts. Open for tho instruction of pupils DAY AND EVENING. lb AIM IBS EtiWB __, §I8_? •&»__. WIS IPAUvEsCDIEo Visiting & Mtling 0»fe, Neatly written to order — acknowledged superior to copper-plate en­ gravings, and can be had at a less price. ROBERTS' C3__H--n_3x___.i,_ni> SEWING MACHINES.

These Machines have been in use a sufficient length of time to test their su­ periority. They will stitch fine or ooaree—from a Shirt Bosom to a Fire Bat. Also, ROBERTS' LONG ARMED MACHINE, suitable for quilting, is needed in every family. Of the vast number of persons who have used these Machines, during the past year, not one is dissatisfledl They are simple, and easily operated. Manufactured by R. ROBERTS, No. 77 Cooper Street, Utica, N. T. WILLIAM B. MONROE.

Respectfully announces to the citizens of TTtica and vicinity that he has constantly on hand a large supply of READY-MADE COFFINS, of all sizes and qualities, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Also, particular attention paid to the laying out of the dead, with all other matters pertaining to the above business, at No. 14 Catharine Street, Utica. A NEW AND HANDSOME HEARSE furnished at any time when re­ quired. WOOD & LUMBER YARD.

0 Corner of South St. and Seymour Avenne, Where may be found both SEASONED AND GREEN, HARD AND SOFT

In quantities and qualities to suit the purchaser, which will be promptly delivered to any part of the city, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. ALSO DEALER IN X. TT BC B __, «. „ And Contractor for Jobs in Masonry. P. F. MARTIN, DEALER IK.

G'INS, &c. ALSO RECTIFIER OF WHISKY, No. 141 Genesee St., Ctita, If. T. CHARLES P. DAVIS' mi._iBIDMU_Mm.-3

•8 •*•* « -_-t 05 «_! 0 eVw 1 *** rS ^ 'd o ^ s ** a _r* Si », a 4-1 «_» st

357 G-EDNTESEE STREET, _P Ufa 7* ROME ST. GOAL & WOOD YARD, Between Cornelia & State Sts. The undersigned will keep constantly on hand, at tho above mentioned place, a full supply of first quality PITTSTON & SCRANTON COAL. Also, the best of Beech and Maple Wood, at the lowest possible prices. . C. WOODHULL, JR. JOSEPH P. DAVIS, IP BIIRIDS. FISHES, _A-_NTI__v_:_^__I_S And Subjects of Natural History, PRESERVED AND SET UP IN A NATURAL AND TASTEFUL MANNER, No. 357 Genesee Street, Utiea, where the public are invited to examine specimens of this tasteful and pleasing art. * NEWELL & BROWN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, 3?aper Mangings, AND MANUFACTURERS OF BRUSHES. Factory Brushes of all kinds made to order.

No. Ill Genesee Street, Utica. _P. J. CURLEY, PLUMBER, IVo. 1 Carnahan St. ALL KINDS OF PLUMBING WORK, cheaper than at any other Establishment. _^5_ay_*iM_w-.______5____a_____a____ ^ THE




•••4 •*•••• »

PRICE 0_ST_3 _DOIiI__ft._a.


The abbreviations and references used in this work, will be generally intelligible, and especially when reference is made'to the following abbrevia­ tions:—h, house; res, residence; bds, boards; n, north; e,east; a, south: w, west; n s, north side; e s, east side; s s, south side; w s, west side; 1, lotorlots; ab, above; h\behw; ear, corner; junct. junction; opp, oppo­ site; elk, clerl:. Whore the streets arc not numbered, the residence is designated as above or below, east or west of some other street. If, for instance, refer­ ence is made to Liberty street, west of "Washington, it is not west of the next street, (Broadway,) and thus in all cases. As is usual, in addition to Citizens' names, there have been added in alphabetical order, many names of Public Offices, Churches, Hotels. Squares, Parks, Blocks, and other localities, either by entering the pro­ per name, or tlie moro familiar one, or by entering both; and also the names of business Corporations, Companios, and Copartnerships or Firms, under their corporate or associated titles. UTICA: ITS PAST AND PRESENT.

To a man who has lived a life of three score and ten years, the time may appear short; but in this space of time, however short, Utica has become what it is. Seventy years ago, as tho venturous pioneer wouud his lonely way along the banks of the Mohawk .River on tho road-way leading to Fort Stanwix, through the hunting grounds of tho various tribes of savages then inhabiting this part of the State, his heart was glad­ dened at tho sight of three or four log cabins erected at Old Fort Schuyler; here, in comparative security; he might rest for the night, and if in need, with a hearty welcome, partake of the backwoodsman's homely fare. A few rods west of the site of Old Fort Schuyler, (which stood on or near the ground now occupied as the residence of tho non. A. Hubbell,) Demond had erected his little log cabin, on the north side of the road near First Street; Cunningham's log house was on the grounds now occupied for Bagg's Hotel; Crisman's stood a few rods farther west ; McNamee had also made an improvement, and built a log house nearly opposite where the State Lunatic Asylum now stands. At these and a few other places, the woodman's axe had been used in making openings into the apparently interminable forest; but tho Oak, Maple and Hemlock, still waved their broad arms over most of the beautiful slope of ground which is now the site of the City of Utica. In the year 1712, Gen. Philip Schuyler purchased Cosby's Manor, (on a part of which Utica is located,) for tho joint benefit of himself, Gen. John Bradstreet, Rutger Bleecker and John M. Scott. In 1786, the late John R. Bleecker made a survey of the Manor, and divided it up into 106 lots, for the purpose of a division of the land among the owners. On the completion of the partition, the lands were offered for sale on favor­ able terms, and the settlers rapidly increased; and in 1790, Old Fort Schuyler could boast of a Store, kept by John Post in his log dwelling house, and in 1791. Mr. Post erected a building on the corner of Genesee and Whitesboro Streets, where he kept a Store and Tavern jointly. In this little Inn, many thrilling events took place, the tomahawk was fre­ quently raised, and the scalping knife brandished over the heads of the occu­ pants. "Fire Water'' had been imbibed, and more must bo given; and more "Bacca," or the demoniac vengeance of the red man threatened to do its bloody work. Mr. Post was the first Postmaster, and it was currently reported that six letters were received in one day. After him, Dr. Car- rington, who was succeeded by Dr. Marcus Hitchcock. In 1794, Moses Bagg, sen., opened a tavern on tho site of the Hotel now bearing his name. Dr. Carrington, the first Physician, commenced tBe practice of his profession about this time, and in a few years after, opened a Store for the sale of Drugs, Dye-Woods, Paints, &c. About 1795 the York House (now tho residence of Wm. Baker, Esq.,) was erected by tho Holland Land Company—this was the first brick house. In 1792, a bridge was erected across the River, between First and Second Streets, at Kip's Landing. The first Mail was carried by Simeon Pool, in 1793; the con­ tract of Mr. Pool soon passed into the hands of Jason Parker. In 1798, Old Fort Schuyler was Incorporated a Village, "to be known and dis­ tinguished by the name of the Tillage of Utica." The name "Utica," was proposed by the late Erastus Clark, father of the present popular Recorder of Utica. In 1796, William McClean established the "Whites- town Gazette," at New Hartford, which was then in Whitestown, the second paper established in the county; the first being the "Western Sentinel," printed in Whitesboro. In 1798, Mr. McClean removed his paper to Utica, and continued its publication under the name of " Whites- town Gazette and Cato's Patrol." This was tho first paper published in Utica. Thomas Walker established the "Columbian Patriotic Gazette," at Rome, in 1799 ; and in 1803, Mr. Walker removed to Utica, and con­ tinued its publication for a long series of years. April 9.th, 1805, a new Charter was granted to the Village, and its bounds extended. The first Trustees elected were, Erastus Clark, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Jr., Nathan Williams, Francis A. Bloodgood and Jerethmeal Ballou; and at their first meeting, May 13, David W. Childs was appointed Clerk, with a salary of $5 for the year; Isaac Coe, Treasurer, and Worden Ham­ mond, Collector. They also voted to appoint twenty-five able-bodied men as firemen; and Gurden Burchard, Daniel Budlong, John Hooker, Ezekiel Clark, John Hobby, Abijah Thomas, Moses Bagg, Jr., John C. Devereux, William Fellows, Thomas Ballou, Worden Hammond, Eben­ ezer B. Sherman, Henry Trowbridge, Thomas Walker, Ralph W. Kirk­ land, Hugh Cunningham, James Bloodgood, Aaron Bggleston, Judah Williams, Elisha Capron, Rufus Brown, James Van Rensselaer, Oliver Babcock and Benjamin Ballou, Jr., were appointed. Our highly respected townsman, Thomas Walker, Esq., is the only individual of this number now living. At this time the Village contained probably 600 persons, several new streets had been made, a store house had been erected on the bank of the River, at the foot of Divison Street, and a lino of boats were running from Schenectady to Utica; they were propelled down by the use of oars, and against the current mostly by the aid of setting poles, three or four of which were used on each side of tho boat, in the hands of as many men. Tbe father of the writer, performed nearly the entire journey from to Utica, by water, in tlie short space ef two weeks. The Seneca Turnpike Company received a charter for their road in 1801, and therefore the old road, curving around to the south-west from the River through a part of Genesee Street, was abandoned; but still a part of the old corduroy road is in a perfect state of preservation under the pavement of Genesee Street; and if our City Fathers would remove about two and a half feet in depth of the stone and sand at the head of Hotel Street, they might settle their corporation dinners (or suppers) by a ride on a corduroy road after tho old stylo. By the construction of the new turnpike and other improvements made about this time, tho facilities for travel and transportation were greatly improved, and gaver Utiea an impetus in its business, which has been gradually extending to the present time. Jn 1813, the Village contained a population of 1700; 1810,2801: 1820,2972; 1823,4017; 1825,5040; 1828,7466; 1829,8010; 1830,8335; 1835,10,183; 1840,12,782; 1845, 12,190; 1850,17.550; 1855,22,183; and at this time about 25,000; with upwards of 20 Churches, a large and elegant City Hall, a Mechanics Association, with nearly 400 Members, owning one of the best Halls in the State, 3 largo Academies, a City Library, 2 Orphan Asylums, a commodious City Hospital, stone Jail, 5 Banks with an aggregate capital of $1,610,200, 2 Sav'u^s Hanks, 3 daily anil 5 weekly Newspapers, besides monthly and semi-monthly papers, increasing tlie number of issues to about sixteen ; one of the most perfect Cotton Factories in the country, in which 350 operatives arc employed, 3 largo Steam Woolen Factories, besides a large number of manufactories for locks, screws, machinery, leather, steam engines, Hour mills, ,tc, Ac. The City is well lighted with Gas ; and bountifully supplied with pure spring water, .by a company formed for that purpose. Two Railroads rim into and through the City, and two large Canals, l'lank roads'and turnpike roads radiate towards all parts of the neighboring country. Tlie streets are spacious, well paved, and delightfully shaded with n great variety of forest trees. There are many tine blocks of Stores, and tho dwellings are neat, and. A2 ill many cases, elegant. The Forest Hill Cemetery is situated two miles southerly from the City. There, in the shade of the venerable wood, the dead lie wrapt in slumber, amid tho loveliness of Nature. The State Lunatic Asylum is beautifully situated on a rise of ground in the west end of the City, and consists of soveral large and oxpensive buildings of stone and brick, and of sufficient capacity to accommodate from 450 to 500 patients. The City, with all these benefits and luxuries within its own borders, lies in the heart of one of the richest and most wealthy agri­ cultural and manufacturing districts in tho State. Utica received a City Charter by an act of tho Legislature, passed February 13, 1832. Tho tax was limited at $8000. Joseph Kirkland was elected Mayor in 1832, '34 and'35; Henry Seymour in 1833; John H. Ostrom, 1830; Theodore S- Gold, 1837; Charles P. Kirkland, 1838; John C. Devereux, 1839 and '40; Spencer Kellogg, 1841; 1842; Frederick Hollister, 1843; 1844; Edmund A. Wetmore, 1845 and'46; J.Watson Williams, 1847; Joshua A. Spencer, 1848; Thomas R. Walker, 1849 and '50; John E. Hinman, 1851, '52 and '53; Charles H. Doolittle 1854; Henry H. Fish, 1855; Alrick Hubbell, 1850 and'57; Roscoe Conkling, 1858, and there being no Election by the people in tlie spring of 1859, continued in office until ho took his scat in Congress, when he resigned, and Charles S. Wilson was appointed by the Council; Calvin Hall, 1860. The following is a list of the Presidents of tho Village from 1805 to 1831, inclusive: Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, 1805 and '6; Erastus Clark, 1807: Morris S. Miller, 1808; Taleott Camp, 1809 '10, '11, '12, '13 and '14; Abram Van Santvoord, 1815: Rudolph Snyder, 1816 and '20; Nathan Williams, 1817, 'IS and '19; William Clark, 1824, '25 '28 and '29; Ezra S. Cozier, 1821, '22,'23, '20, '27, '30 and '31. Mr. Snyder, wo are happy to say, is still with us, and in good health, and is probably the only one of the number living. DIVISION OF WARDS IN UTICA.

The part thereof lying northerly of the Erie Canal and easterly of the middle of Genesee street, ia the First Ward. The part thereof lying northerly of the Erie Canal and westerly of the middle of Genesee street, is the Second Ward. The part thereof lying southerly of the Erie Canal and westerly of the middle of Genesee street, and easterly of the Che­ nango Canal, is the Third Ward. The -part thereof lying southerly of the Erie Canal and easterly of the middle of Genesee street, and westerly of a line passing from the Erie Canal southerly through the middle of First street and Dudley street to the middle of South Street, thence through the middle of South, George and Rebecca streets, to the middle of Gen­ esee street, is the Fourth Ward. The part thereof lying southerly of the Erie Canal and easterly of the middle of First and Dudley streets, and northerly of the middle of South street, is the Fifth Ward. The part thereof lying southerly of the Erie Canal and westerly of the Third Ward, is the Sixth Ward. The part thereof lying southerly of the middle of South, George and Rebecca streets, and easterly of Genesee street, is the Seventh Ward.


Names. Commences at Terminates at Academy Street, Elizabeth Street, Bleecker Street. Aikin, State, Cornelia. Albany, Bleecker City Line. Arthur Steuben, Seymour Avenue. Bank Street, State Street Hart Street. Blandina, Carnahan, East. Barnes, Lansing, South. Bleecker, Genesee, East. Breese, Canal, Johnson. Bridge, Mohawk River, Bleecker. Bright, Columbia, Court. Broad, Genesee, East. Broadway, Court, Whitesboro. Broadhead State, Fay. Bryan, Erie Canal, Central Rail Road. Burchard, Liberty, Whitesboro. Burnet. Elizabeth, Bleeeker. Names. Ocmmences at Terminates at Canal Street, Whitesboro Street, City Line. Carnahan, Genesee, Blandina. , Catharine, Genesee East. Cedar, .Canal, Water. Charles, Liberty, Whitesboro. Charlotte, Steuben Park, .Packet Basin. Chatham, George, Eagle. Chenango Avenue, Court, City Line. Cherry Street, Whitesboro Street, City Line. Chestnut, Stark, Hicks. Clark King, West Bridge. Clay, Broad Central Rail Road. Clinton, Genesee, Kemble. Clinton, (West Utica,). .Erie Canal, Whitesboro. Columbia, Genesee, Whitesboro. Cooper, Broadway Varick. Cornelia, Erie Canal, Genesee. Cottage, Genesee, State. Court, Genesee, City Line. Cross, Court, Whitesboro. Culver, Bleeeker, Packet Basin. Dakin Street,.... Genesee Street West Bridge Street. Devereux, Genesee, Charlotte. Division, Whitesboro, Mohawk River. Dock, Third, Fitzhugh. Dudley, Rutger, South. Eagle Street, Geneseo Street, Seymour Avenue. East Erie Canal, City Line. Edward, Varick, Bright. Elizabeth, Genesee, East. Elm, West Bridge, City Line. Erie, Schuyler, City Line. Fay Street, Fayette Street, Roberts Street. Fayette, Geneseo, Whitesboro. First, Mohawk River, Rutger. Floyd, Erie Canal, Central Rail Road. Francis, Chenango Avenue, City Line. Franklin, Broad, Bleecker. Fulton, Market, John. Garden Street City Line, Varick Street. Genesee, Mohawk River, City Line. George, West Bridge, Steuben. Gold, Elm, Steuben. Grand,., Water, Green, Stark, City Line. Hart Btreet, Tracy Street, Chenango Avenue. Havens, State, Chenango Avenue. Helen , Genesee, Francis. Henry, State, Francis. Names. Commences at Terminates at Herkimer, Francis, Chenango Avenue. Hicks Court Walnut. High, Eagle, West Bridge. Hobart, Elm, Steuben. Hope, William, Schuyler. Hopper, Genesee, Steuben Park. Hotel, Whitesboro, Geneseo. Howard Avenue, Rutger, City Line. Hoyt Whitesboro, Water. Hubbell, Central Rail Road, City Line. Huntington, Court, Columbia. Jacob Street, Hope Street, Johnson Street. James, Steuben, Seymour Avenue. Jason, Whitesboro, Erie. Jay, Packet Basin, Albany. Jefferson, Broad, Albany. Jewett, : Francis, Chenango Avenue. John,. Main, "! Rutger. Johnson, City Line, Water. Kemble Street, West Bridge Street City Line. Kent, Elizabeth, Bleecker. King, Rebecca Hopper. Kirkland, State, Chenango Avenue. Knox Stark, City Line. Lansing Streot, Park Avenue, East Street. Leah Elm, Seymour Avenue. Lewis Garden Chenango Canal. Liberty, Genesee, Whitesboro. Louisa ". Elm, Steuben. Madison Lane, Pearl Street, Erie Canal. Main, John, Webster. Mandeville, State, Cornelia. Market, Bleecker, Culver. Marshall, South, Broad. Mary, Charlotte, Albany. Meadow MShawk River, Water. McVean,...' Stark, Garden. Mechanic, Canal Johnson. Mechanic's Lane, Carnahan, Steuben Park. Miller, Rutger, City Line. Mohawk, Mohawk River, City,Line. Montgomery, Elizabeth, Bleecker. Mortimore, Howard Avenue, Tibbitts. Mulberry Francis, Chenango Avenue. Mummery, Albany, City Line. Neilson Street South Street, Leah Street. North Hamilton, Varick, Columbia. Noyes, .Genesee, ' Chenango Avenue. 10

Names. Commences at Terminates at Oneida Street, .. .West Bridge Street,.... City Line. Orchard, Philip, Cross. Oswego, Genesee, Chenango Avenue. Park Avenue, Chancellor Square, Steuben Park. Pearl, Broadway Geneseo. Pine, Fayette Erie Canal. Philip Court, Whitesboro. Plant, Oneida Square, Chenango Avenue. Piatt Canal, Central Rail Road. Pleasant, Genesee, Third. Post, Charlotte, Burnet. Potter, Whitesboro, Water. Rebecca Street, Genesee Street, West Bridge Street. Roberts, Garden, Chenango Canal. Rome, State, Cornelia. Rutger, Steuben Park, .East. St. Joseph Street, Canal Street Johnson Street. Saratoga Street, Erie Canal, Court. Schuyler, Mohawk River, Chenango Canal. Second, Mohawk River, Rutger. Seneca, Water, Genesee. Seymour Avenue, Rutger City Line. South Hamilton Court Warren. South, Steuben Albany. „ . j Chenango Canal, Varick. kP™* { Broadway, State. Square, Steuben, Seymour Avenue. Stark, Chenango Canal, Court. State, Erie Canal, .Genesee. Steuben, Steuben Park, City tine. Third Street, Mohawk River, City Line. Thomas' East Lane, Whitesboro, Wator. Thomas' West Lane,.. .Whitesboro, Tibbitts, South, Leah. Tracy Street Genesee, Chenango Canal. Union Street, Hopper Street, Carnahan Street. Varick Street, Whitesboro Street, Court Street. Wager Street Stark Street, Hicks Street. Walker, Oneida, Kemble. Warren Hicks, Garden. Washington, Mohawk River, Genesee, Water Breese Mohawk. Webster Broad, South. Welsh Road, Albany, City Line. West, Rutger City Line. West Bridge, Steuben Park, Genesee. Whitesboro, Genesee, City Line. Williams Whitesboro, Water. Wiley, North Hamilton, Whitesboro. UTICA CITY DIRECTORY,


HANK OF UTICA, No. 91 Genesee Street. Thomas Walker, President. P. V. Rogers, Cashier. B. N. Huntington, Vice President. W. J. Doolittle, Book-keeper. John A. Goodale, Teller. Thomas R. Gold, Clerk. G. W. Ledlie, Assistant Teller. T. C. Latimore, Discount Clerk. Capital, $600,000. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

ONEIDA BANK, No. 157 Genesee Street. K S. Barnum, President. B. H. Williams, Discount Clerk. Jas. Sayre, Vice President. S. Sicard, Book-Keeper. Geo. Langford, Cashier. Samuel Sherburne, Assistant Teller. Robt. S. Williams, Teller. T. C. Chapman, ) „, , N. G. Throop, '{ Clerks. Capital, $400,000. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

UTICA CITY BANK, No. 37 Genesee Street. J. E. Warner, President. Charles S. Wilson, Cashier. Dan. P. Cadwell, Vice President. John S. Hunt, Teller. Geo. S. Green, Book-Keeper. James C. P. Kincaid, Clerk. Capital, $200,000. Discount days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

ONEIDA COUNTY BANK, No. 73 Genesee Street. C. H. Doolittle, President. C..S' Butler, Vice President. James M. Butler, Cashier. H. D. Alexander, Teller. Capital, $125,000, with provision to increase to $1,000,000. 12

BANK OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, No. 56 Hotel Street. Joseph Benedict, Esq., Receiver.


SAVINGS BANK OF UTICA, No. 167 Genesee Street. Thomas Walker, President. Stalham Williams, Sec'y and Treasurer. , Vice President. Charles G. Burke, Teller. Samuel Parsons, Book-Keeper. CENTRAL CITY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Office, 164 Genesee Street. C. H. Doolittle, President. John Hulbert, Treasurer and Secretary Michael McQuade, Vice President.


UTICA FEMALE ACADEMY, No. 77 Washington, near Genesee Street. Miss JANE E. KELLY, Principal.

ACADEMY OF THE ASSUMPTION, Under the charge of the "CHRISTIAN BROTHERS." Corner John and Elizabeth Streets. Director—Brother JUSTIN. CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Rear of No. 6 Carnahan Street,

J. WILLIAMS, Principal. t ST. JOHN'S SELECT AND FREE SCHOOLS, Under tho direction of the " SISTERS OF CHARITY," At the Orphan Asylum, No. 60 John Street. 13 PRIVATE SCHOOL, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, No. 230 Genesee Street, By JAMES LUMBARD. W KITING ACADEMY, Corner Fayette and Seneca Streets, FRANK W. COREY. Open Day and Evening.


SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. Edmund A. Wetmore, President. H. H. Fish, J. Watson Williams, Clerk. Francis Kernan, Charles S. Wilson, John Dagwell. Superintendent of Schools—D. S. Heffron. There are at present four grades of Public Schools: I. PRIMARY SCHOOLS. II. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS. III. THE ADVANCED SCHOOL. IV. THE FREE ACADEMY. The School Houses are located as follows: 1. The Advanced School, corner of Charlotte and Elizabeth. 2. Intermediate and Primary, corner of Whitesboro and Potter. 3. Intermediate and Primary, Aiken, west Cornelia. 4. Intermediate and Primary, Steuben, Corn Hill. 5. Intermediate and Primary, Blandina, east First. 6. Intermediate and Primary, Hamilton, south Columbia. 7. Intermediate and Primary, Catharine, east Bridge. 8. Primary, Burlington, near Toll Gate. 9. Primary, Lansing, east of Gulf. 10. Primary, Columbia, west Varick. 11. Academy, Academy Street. The Teachers of these Schools are—of-— No. 1—Alexander McMillan, Principal. " Miss Eliza Dutton, 1st Assistant. " " Judith A. Rice, 2d Assistant. L. H. Birdseye, Principal of Intermediate Department. " Miss M. Elizabeth Thompson, 1st Assistant. " " E. A. Hicks, 2d Assistant. " " Helen Marr Skidmore, Principal of Female Department. " " Esther Ford, 1 st Assistant. " " Emma Buncher. 2d Assistant. B 14

' No. 2—Miss Eliza A. Hubbard, Principal. " " Marion E. Wetmore, Assistant. " " A. B. Williams, Principal Primary Department. " " S. E. Herrick, Assistant. No. 3—Miss Elizabeth M. Howlett, Principal. " " Sophia S. Hastings, Assistant. " " Cynthia A. Baker, Principal Primary Department. " " Cyrena L. Baker, Assistant. No. 4—Miss Ann E. Tucker, Principal. " " Lucia E. Savage, Assistant. " " A. B. Tanner, Principal Primary Department. " Mrs. M. Elizabeth Heffron, Assistant. No. 5—Miss Mary E. Smith, Principal. " " Sarah M. Philleo, Assistant. " " Ellen S. Ketchum, Principal Primary Department. " " Tamma Ketchum, Assistant. No. 6—Miss A. M. Chadwick, Principal. " " Ellen E. Willard, Assistant. " " Sarah E. Tanner, Principal Primary Department. " " Helen E. Potter, Assistant. No. 7—Miss Anna S. Parsons, Principal. " " Sarah E. Manchester, Assistant. " " Harriet R. Downer, Principal Primary Department. " " E. M. Gambin, Assistant. No. 8—Miss Lucrotia Potter, Principal. No. 9—Miss Annie O'Reiley, Principal. " " EUza Perkins, Assistant. No. 10—Miss Delia S. Chadwick, Principal, " " Juliaette Halstead, Assistant. No. 11—Academy—Geo. C. Sawyer, A. M., Principal. " " A. J. Swain, A. B., Assistant. " " Dr. C. L. Hogeboom, Teacher of Chemistry. " ;l Miss Caroline E. Backus, 1st Female Assistant. •' " " Margaret Pringle, Assistant. " " " Jane E. Johnson, Assistant. " " Mons. Bernard Weisse, Teacher of French Language. Prof. L. M. Wiles, Teacher of Penmanship and Drawing in the differ­ ent Schools. George Bancroft, Professor of Vocal Music in the different Schools. There are three terms in each school year: The first commences the first Monday in September and continues fifteen weeks; the second, the first Monday in January and continues fifteen weeks; and the third, the first Monday in May and continues twelve weeks. UTICA CITY LIBRARY, City Hall.—h. M. WILES, Librarian. Open Monday evenings for Men; Tuesday evenings for Boys; Saturday afternoons for Females. 15


This Institution was chartered in 18.12, and is located in tho Village of Clinton, nine miles south of Utiea. Tts permanent productive funds amount to nearly $100,000. It has a large stone chapel, and three four- story buildings for the use of students. The Libraries contain 12.000 volumes, and the Cabinets 13.000 specimens. The number of Students is 143 ; of whom fifteen are members of the Maynard Law School. The Fall Term opens on the Second Wednesday in September; the Winter Term, on the First Wednesday in January; the Summer Term, on the Fourth Wednesday in April. Tho Junior Exhibition is held on the First Wednesday in April; Clark Prize Exhibition, on the Second Wednesday in June; Commencement, during the Third week of July. The Officers of the College are as follows : TRUSTEES. John J. Knox, Esq., Augusta, lion. O. S. Williams, Clinton. Josiah Bacon, Esq., Clinton. Rev. S. H. Gridley, D. D., Waterloo. Hon. S. N. Dexter, Whitesboro. Hon. E. A. Wetmore, Utica. Hon. H. Denio, LL. D., Utica. Rev. G. S. Boardman, Rochester. Hon. J. R. Lawrence, Syracuse. Rev. R. G. Vermilye, I). D., Clinton. Prof. S.B.Woolworth,LL.D. Albany Rev. P. H. Fowler, D. D., Utica. S. Higinbotham, Esq., Oneida. Rev. \T. C. Wisner, D. D., Lookport. Hon. Henry A. Foster, Rome. Simeon Benjamin, Esq., Elmira. Rev. S. North, D. D., LL. D., Clinton.Hon. Wm. J. Bacon, LL. D., Utica. Rev. R, W. Condit, D. D., Oswego. Rev. Isaac Brayton, Watertown. Hon. Horatio Seymour, Utica. Hon. Philo Gridley, LL. D., Utica. Rev. James Abell, Waterloo. Rev. AsaD. Smith, D. D., New York. Rev. Samuel W. Fisher, D.D.,Clinton. Secretary and Treasurer—Hon. OTHNIEL S. WJLLTAMS. FACULTY. REV. SAMUEL WARE FISHER, D. D. PRESIDENT, AND PROFESSOR OP INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY - EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY. CHARLES AVERY, LL. D., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY AND CIVIL ENGINEERING:. OREN ROOT, A. M., PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY, MINEROLOQY AND GEOLOGY. REV. WILLIAM STANTON CURTIS, D. D.. PROFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY, AND COLLEGE PASTOR. * '. MAYNARD PROFESSOR OF LAW, HISTORY, CIVIL POLITY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. EDWARD NORTH, A. M., DEXTER PROFESSOR OF THE LATIN AND GREEK LANGUAGK8.

* To be filled. 16



Broad Street Baptist, 25 Broad street, Rev T. 0. Lincoln, Pastor. Bleecker Street Baptist, corner of Bleecker and Charlotte streets Rev. D. G. Corey, Pastor. Bleecker Street Methodist Episcopal, 24 Bleeeker street, Rev. A. J. Grover, Pastor. Calvary, (Episcopal,) South street, west Seymour Avenue, Rev. Alfred B. Goodrich, Rector. Church of the Reconciliation, (Universalist,) head of Seneca, near junc­ tion of Genesee street, Rev. T. D. Cook, Pastor. Corn Hill Methodist Episcopal. George street, east of West Bridge, Rev. S. P. Gray, Pastor. Ebenezer, (Baptist,) 19 Columbia street, Rev. Thomas Hill, Pastor. Evangelical Association Church, Garden street, south of Court street, Rev. J. Greuzeback, Pastor. German, (Moravian,) corner Cooper and Cornelia streets, Rev Jno. Pet- terer, Pastor, First Baptist, (Welsh,) 20 Broadway, Rev. John Edred Jones, Pastor. First Presbyterian, corner of Washington and Columbia streets. Rev. Philemon H. Fowler, Pastor. German Lutheran, corner Fay and Cooper streets, Rev. A. Wetzel, Pastor. Grace, corner Elizabeth and Genesee streets, Rev. William T. Gibson, Assistant Rector. Reformed Dutch, corner Broad and John streets, Rev. Pastor. St. John's, (Roman Catholic,) corner Rleecker and John streets, Rev. Thomas Daly. Pastor, Rev. Eugene Carroll, Assistant. St. Joseph's (Roman Catholic, German,) 139 Fayette street, Rev. Dominic Mesens, Pastor. St. Patrick's, (Roman Catholic,) corner Columbia and Huntington streets, Rev. Patrick Caraher, Past jr. State Street Methodist Episcopal, State street, between Fayette and Columbia, Rev. M. L. Kern, Pastor. Trinity, (Episcopal,) cor. Broad and First streets, Rev. S. H. Coxe, Rector. Welsh Calvinistio Methodist, 11 Seneca street, Rev. W. Hughes, Pastor. Welsh Congregational, corner Whitesboro and Washington streets, Rev. David Price, Pastor. Wesleyau Methodist, 6 Washington street, Rev. T. Thomas, Pastor. Westminster, (Presbyterian,) 75 Washington street, Rev. Samuel it. Campbell, Pastor. 17 NEWSPAPERS AND PRINTING OFFICES.

UTICA DAILY OBSERVER, No. 113 Genesee Street, DE WITT C. GROVE, Editor and Proprietor. UTICA MORNING HERALD & DAILY GAZETTE, No. 60 Genesee Street, KLLIS H. ROBERTS, Editor and Proprietor. UTICA EVENING TELEGRAPH, No. 47 Geneseo Street and 7 Broad Street, THOMAS R. McQUADE, Editor and Proprietor. ONEIDA DEMOKRAT, (Weekly,) (German,) Corner of Columbia and Wiley Streots, PAUL KEISER, Editor and Proprietor. THE CENTRAL INDEPENDENT, (Weekly,) Office No. 60 Genesee Street, G. L. STEELE & CO. Proprietors. THE GOSPEL MESSENGER, (Weekly,) No. 113 Genesoe Street, REV. WM. A. MATSON, M. A., Editor.—D. C. GROVE, Publisher. CURTISS & WHITE, Book, Job and General Newspaper Printers, 137 Genesee Street, Utica.

OTHER PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS IN ONEIDA GO. American Journal of Insanity, Utica, quarterly, by the Managers of the New York State Lunatic Asylum. Black River Herald, Boonville, weekly, by L. C. Childs. Clinton Courier, Clinton, weekly, by -Raymond. Northern Farmer, Clinton, montlily, by T. B. Miner. Roman Citizen, Rome, weekly, by A. Sanford. Rome Sentinel, Rome, daily and weekly, by Wager & Rowley. Rural American, Clinton, weekly, by T. B. Miner. The OpaL Utica, monthly, by tho Managers of the New York State Lunatic Asylum. Waterville Timeg, Waterville, weekly, by J. H. Yale. B'2 18 INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS.

ONEIDA COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. President—JOHN J. KNOX, of Augusta. Vice President—Isaiah Thurber, Utica. •Secretary—Franklin Moore, Rome. Treasurer—J. E. Warner, Utica. Executive. Committee for 1860. Rev. P. 11. Fowler, D. D., W. J. Bacon. " Daniel W Bristol, D. D. J. E. AVarner. Auditors—Spencer Kellogg, Thomas J. Francis. T. W. Seward, Depositary, No. 137 Genesee St. UTICA CITY TRACT SOCIETY. General Superintendent—Rev. T. 0. Lincoln, D. D. Secretary—John F. Seymour, Esq. Treasurer—Hon. Wm. J. Bacon. Local Superintendents.—C. W. Warren, Edward M. Harter, Dr. N. H. Dermg, Nicoll Floyd, Henry Frankfort, T. S. Sayre, G. C. Churchill, C. C. Langford, Nathaniel Estes, John Kleiber. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. President—G. Clarence Churchill. 1st. Vice President—Williamson Spruce. •Id. " " —G. W. M. Lewis. Ad. " " —Thomas Robinson. 4th. " " —E. M. Harter. 'nth. " " —Jas. C. P. Kincaid. Cenresponding Secretary—R. S. Williams. Recording Secretary—Nicoll Floyd. Treasurer—W. H. Hawley. Meetings, fourth Wednesday evening of each month. Rooms, No. 7 Tibbitts Block. Reading Room open from 4 to 10 P. M. overy day, except Sundays. UTICA ORPHAN ASYLUM. No. 316 Genesee Street. Int. Directress—Mrs. Cornelia Graham. 3d. " —Mrs. Rachael Kellogg. Sd. " —Miss Charlotte Derbyshire. Treasurer—Miss Emma Mann. Secretary—Miss Laura W. Savage. Managers—Mrs. Amelia Pomeroy, Mrs. Sarah A. Gilbert, Mra. Helen M. Williams, Mrs. Grace Evans, Mrs. Jane A. Crafts, Mrs. Ann H. 19

Denio, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Mary F. Dean, Mrs. Mary E. Wager, Mrs. Hannah A. Plant, Mrs. Sarah A. Lund, Mrs. Mary Thorn, Mrs. Clarissa B. Coventry, Mrs. Sarah Wood, Mrs. Melinda Butter­ field, Mrs. Amanda M. Mervine, Mrs. Sarah Owens, Mrs. Sarah A. Walker, Mrs. Mary Manchester. Matron—Mrs. Harriet W. Jones. Assistant Matron—Miss Sarah Benton. Advisory Committee—Mr. William J. Bacon, Mr. J. Watson Williams, Mr. Theodore S. Faxton, Mr. Addison C. Miller, Mr. Silas I). Childs. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC ORPHAN ASYLUM. No. 60 John Street, under the care of the Sisters of Charity. Sister PERPETUA SHANNON, Directress. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT-DE-PAUU ST. MART'S CONFERENCE. President—Ulie Burke, M. D. Vice. President—Francis Kernan. Secretary—Timothy Cronin. Treasurer—Joseph Arnott. Meetings every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, in the Chapel of St. John's (Catholic) Church. The objects of this Society are—Visiting the sick, relieving the desti tute, and the spiritual improvement of its members. W E L S IT R K N E V OLE N T S O C T E T Y . Organized in 184ft. Presidvni—L. D. Howell. Vice President—Rev. J. Edrod Jones. Treasurer—Henry Roberts. Corresponding Secretary—John 0. Pritchard. Kecording Secretary—Hugh Hughes. Trustees—John Griffiths, John M. Williams, Wm. M. Owen, E. H, Pritchard, Owen Eynon, John Griffiths, Wm. W. Jones, Evan Roberts. ST. GEORGE'S BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. President—Williamson Spruce. Vice President—Daniel Batchelor. Secretary—W. H. Tutton. Treasurer—L. Wilkins. Hoard of Managers—Peter Batchelor, F. AV. Uoyco, John Crook, John Beston. Tho object of this Society is to afford relief to indigent natives of England, or natives of the colonies of Great Britain who are of English parentage, or to their wives, widows or children, in the city of Utica, and its immediate vicinity; and also to promote social intercourse among its members. Meet at Temperance Hall the first Thursday in every month. 20

UTICA MECHANICS' ASSOCIATION. OFFICERS FOR 1860-61. President—Russell Wheeler. Vice President—Chauncey Palmer. Secretary—E. G. Brown. Treasurer—Levi Cozzons. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Chairman—D. S. Heffron. Secretary—Selden Collins. finance Committee—E. G. Brown, E. Chamberlain, Jno. Arthur. Committee on Building—Thos. Lane, Chauncey Palmer, Levi Cozzens. Committee on Lectures—D. S. Heffron, D. P. White, C. W. Hutchinson. Committee on Library—D. Gillmore, L. W. Rogers, J. E. B. Thorn. Committee on Membership—C. E. Barnard, J. S. Peckham, Philo S. Curtis. Committee on Premiums and Exhibitions—Selden Collins. T. S. Faxton, N. Estes. Mareus Kenyon, Janitor. UTICA MUSICAL ACADEMY. President—Silas D. Childs. Vice Presidents—W. J. Bacon, Henry Greon. Secretary—Jas. McQuade. Treasurer—H. W. Rockwell. Executive Committee—W. J. Bacon, G. A. Foster, N. Curtis White, Jas. Stocking, Wm. Mervine. Musical Committee—J. Sieboth, W. H. Dutton, J. Arnott, Williamson Spruce, George Woodland. Conductor—W. H. Dutton. leader of Orcliestro—1. Sieboth. Rehearsal Room, Concert Hall. ST. JOHN'S LITERARY LYCEUM. President—M. McQuade, Jr. Vice President—J. B. Carroll. Secretary—T. M. Mooney. Treasurer—John W. McQuade. Meetings, every Wednesday evening, at the Corps' Armory. Bradish Block. ST. JOHN'S CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE SOCIETY. President—Charles G. Burke. Vice President—D. V. Lalor. Secretary—W. L. Stanford. Treasurer—John J. Clark. Rooms over 131 Genesee Street. 21

NEW YORK STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM. MANAGERS. Silas D. Childs, Utica. Howard Townsend, M. D. Albany. E. A. Graham, " Spencer Kellogg, Utica. S. Newton Dexter, Whitesboro. Ward Hunt, " D. P. Bissell, M. 1). Utiea. Christopher Morgan, Auburn. Francis Kernan, Utiea. RESIDENT OFFICERS. Superintendent and Physician—John P. Gray, M. D. First Assistant Physician—Joseph M. Cleaveland, M. D. Second Assistant Physician—Louis A. Tourtellot, M. D, Third Assistant Physician—V. Markoe Wright, M. D. Steward—Horatio N. Dryer. Matron—Sarah A. Starr. Treasurer—Edmund A. Wetmore, Utica. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF ONEIDA COUNTY. President—Dr. A. Blair. Vice President—Dr. W. Smith, Recording Secretary—Dr. J. E. West. Corresponding Secretary—Dr. 0. B. Coventry. Treasurer—Dr. D. G. Thomas. Librarian—Dr. S. G. Wolcott. Censors—Drs. J. S. Whaley, C. Barrows, D. Larrabee, N. H. Porter, W. B. Coventry. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL SOCIETY OK ONEIDA COUNTY. President—Leverett Bishop, M. D. Vice President—J. C. Raymond, M. D. Secretary and Treasurer—H. M. Paine, M. D. Librarian—Wm. II. Watson, M. D. Censors—L. B. Wells, M. D., M. M. Gardner, M. D., S. C. Scudder, M. D. C. Judson Hill, M. D. Delegates to State Society—1.. B. Wells. M. D., E. A. Munger, M. D., Wm. H. Watson, M. D., H. M. Paine, M. D., SPORTSMEN'S CLUB. President—David Wager. Vice Presidents—S. Y. Lane, Utiea ; James H. Foster, Rome; I. J. Gray, Whitestown; Joseph Montague, Remsen; John M. Lane, WilmOt, Herkimer Co.: John R. Chapman, Madison Co. Secretary—J. K. Brown. Treasurer—Thomas C. Latimore. Prosecuting Attorney—Lewis II. Babcook. Rooms, Tibbitts Block. 22 •

O R D E R S.

F R E E MASONS. Utica Lodge, No. 47, Free Masons—Chartered November 20, 1816, Meets second and last Monday in each month, in Masonic Hall, Brad­ ish Block. Wm. C. Scranton, W. M. Oriental Lodge, No. 224—Chartered Juno 7, 1851. Meets the second and fourth Tuesday in each month, in Masonic Hall, Bradish Block. D. P. White, W. M. Oneida Royal Arch Chapter, No. 57—Chartered February 17, 1317. Meets first and third Tuesday in each month, in- Masonic Hall. Brad­ ish Block, R. G. Williams, H. P. ' ". • Utica Encampment, No. 3, of Knight Templars and Appendant Orders. —Chartered February 8, 1823. Meets first and third Fridays in each month, in MasOnic Hall, Bradish Block. Z. C. Priest. (1. C.

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Joseph B. Cushman, D. D. G. M., Oneida District, office 30 Genesee St. Oneida Lodge, No. 70, I. 0. of 0. F—Chartered May 21, 1842. Meets every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. Shenandoah Lodge, No. 95, I. 0. of O. F.—Chartered October 10. 1843. Meets every Tuesday evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall. Schuyler Lodge, No. 147, I. 0. of 0. ^—Chartered March 27. 1845. Meets every Monday evening, at Odd Follows' Hall. Central City Lodge, No. 2S1, I. 0. of 0. F—Chartered May 6, 1846. Meets every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall. Utica Degree Lodge, No. 18,1. 0. of O. F—Chartered April 10, 1844. Meets the first and third Friday in each month, at Odd Fellows' Hall. The Grand Lodge of Northern New York, I. O. of O. F—Chartered September 21, 1849—has its Charter location in this city. William P. Carpenter, D. D. G. P., Oneida District, office No. 20 Catharine Street. TriMount Encampment, No. 24,1. O of O. F.—Chartered August 25, 1845. Meets the second and fourth Friday evenings in each month, at Odd Fellows' Hall. Grand Encampment, Northern New York, I. O. of O. F.—Chartered September 21, 1849—also has its Charter location in this city.

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECHABITES. Central Tent, No. 13, I. O. of R— Chartered November 21, 1843. Meets Tuesday evenings, at the Hall of the Sons of Temperance. 23

SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Oneida Division, No. 98, S. of T.—Chartered October 11, 1845. Meets Monday evenings, at their room on Franklin Square, over P. V. Kellogg & Co's Store.


NEW YORK, ALBANY & BUFFALO ELECTRO MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Prinicpal Office Uiica. President—Thomas R. Walker. Treasurer and Secretary—Edward Chapman. Superintendent—.lames D. Reid. Directors—E. Chapman, T. S. Faxton, T. R. Walker, S. D. Childs, J. H. Edmonds, James Dutton, John Butterfield, D. B. Goodwin. UTICA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. President— Thomas R. Walker Vice President—E. A. Wetmore. Secretary—M. M. Bagg. Treasurer—T. K. Butler. Superintendent—A. G. Howard. Trustees—William J. Bacon, M. M. Bagg, Silas D. Childs, E. M. Gilbert, Thomas Hopper, Jas. Sayre, E. A. Wetmore, John F. Seymour, E. S. Brayton, Thomas R. Walker, J. Watson Williams, J. A. Spencer. Executive Committee—T. R. Walkor, E. S. Brayton. J. F. Seymour, M. M. Bagg. UTICA GAS LIGHT COMPANY. President—Thomas R. Walker. Superintendent and 1'reasurer—H. H. Fish. Directors—William J. Bacon, William Bristol, T. C. B. Knowlson, Wm. H. Ferry, T. S. Faxton, N. F. Vedder, Charlos Hurlburt, John Munn, Thomas R. Walker. CITIZENS' GAS LIGHT COMPANY. President—Isaac Maynard. Vice President—A. J. Williams. Treasurer—John S. Peckham. Secretary—J. M. Lyon. Board of Directors—A. J. Williams, E. S. Barnum, A. J. Dauby, J. S. Peckham, W. C. Churchill, J. M. Lyon. 24

UTICA WATER WORKS COMPANY. President—J. Watson Williams. Secretary—E. A. Wetmore. Treasurer—Thomas Hopper. Superintendent—Geo. Lawson. Directors—J. Watson Williams, Thomas Hopper, John Munn, Silas D. Childs, Thomas R. Walker, E. A. Wetmore, William Bristol, T. S. Faxton, Willard Crafts. UTICA BUILDING ASSOCIATION, Organized April 17, 1849. Incorporated April 5, 1851. President—B. B. Paine. Vice President—R. J. Williams. Financial Secretary—Thomas Sharpe. Treasurer—J. F. Turner. Trustees—H. D. Phillips, Charles Hackett, R. J. Williams, John Young. BUILDING, MUTUAL LOAN & ACCUMULATING FUND ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF UTICA. Organized Nov. 28, 1850. President—Philip Thomas. Financial Secretary—David Hull. Attorney—J. G. French. Treasurer—John D. Williams.


UTICA CITIZENS' CORPS. Organized January, 1837. 1st. Lieutenant Commandant—Horace Barnard. 2d. " T. M. Davies. Armory, Bradish Block. UTICA BRASS BAND. Organized 1822. Leader—Joseph Arnott. Secretary and Ireasurer—W. J. Roberts. Meetings, every Monday evening in Devereux Block. 25 GERMAN TURNER'S SOCIETY. ' Speaker—Philip Altvater. Secretary—J. Schreiber.' Treasurer—Louis Gluckauf. Turnwart—L. Deveaux. Janitor—H. Heissler. Turn Halle No. 26 Liberty Street


Brigadier General, 21st Brigade—Richard U. Sherman, New Hartford. Brigade Major and Inspector—Henry R. White, Utica. STAFF OFFICERS. Judge Advocate—Charles L. DeGiorgi, Utica. Hospital Surgeon—P. Cunningham, Utica. Engineer—James H. Ledlie, Utica. Paymaster—Richard C. Enright, Utiea. Quartermaster—Peter Brewer, Utica. Aid-de-Camp—Augustus G. Brewer, Utiea.

REGIMENTAL OFFICERS—45TII REGIMENT. Colonel—J. Palmer, Oriskany. Lieut. Colonel—Charles A. Johnson, Utica. Major—I. J. Gray, Whitesboro. COLONEL'S STAFF. Adjutant—Dexter Gillmore, Utica. Paymaster—Joy II. Ladd, Utica. Quartermaster—Michael Rabenstein, Utica. Engineer—Ammi Marquissee, Utica. Surgeon—Charles Rauck, Utica. Surgeon's Mate—P. Claesgens, Utiea.

FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Colonel—R. G. Savery, Rome. Lieutenant Colonel—W. J. Riggs, Rome. Major—Spencer H. Stafford, Verona. UTICA CITY BAND. Attached to the 45th Regiment. Leader—Franeis Pringnitz. Meetings, every Monday evening, at Military Hall. C 26 COMPANY C. Organized June, 1851. Captain Armory at Exchange Buildings, Genesee Street.

UTICA GERMAN LA FAYETTE RIFLE CO. Organized Dec. 1852. Captain—Frederick Harrer. Armory in Empire Block, Hotel Street.

SEYMOUR ARTILLERY. Organized July, 1853. Captain—F. X. Meyer. Armory in Seymour Hall, corner John and Jay Streets.

EMMET GUARDS. Organized Oct. 1853. Captain—John Flanagan. Armory in Exchange Buildings, Genesee Street

JOHNSON GUARDS. Organized 1855. Captain—R. H. Richardson. Armory, corner John and Bleecker Streets.

PALMER GRENADIERS. Organized 1855. Captain—A. Brendle. Armory, Palmer Grenadiers' Hall, corner Bleecker and Second Stg.

UTICA REGIMENTAL CORPS. Organized 1859. Captain—William H. Brazie. 27 COUNTY OFFICERS.

County Judge, , Geo. W. Smith, .Boonville. Surrogate, Henry M. Burchard Clinton. District Attorney, Hiram T. Jenkins, Oneida Castte. County Treaswer, John J. Parry, Jr Rome. County Clerk, J. Earl Hulbert Utica. Deputy Clerk, R. P. Egan " SHERIFFALTY. Sheriff—William J. McKown, Utiea, boards Bagg's Hotel. Under Sheriff—John S. Ray, Utica.

James C. Donaldson, Utica. Daniel Johnson, Ava. Richard U. Owens, " Samuel T. Jones, BoonviUe. George W. Savery, & Jailor, Rome. Ezekiel Jones, Remsen. li. E. Elmer, Rome. Morris S. Wood, Clinton. Fernando D. Stevens, Camden. George W. Brigham, Vernon. George Gibbons, McConnellsville. Abner B. Green, Knox Corners. William Ure, Durhamville. James Avery, Sauquoit. David Babcock, Jailor, Utica.

ONEIDA CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, Roscoe Conkling, Utica, Representative. STATE SENATOR, William H. Ferry, Utica. MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. First District, James McQuade, Utica. Second " Benjamin Allen, Augusta. Third " Thomas 0. Evans Florence. Fourth " George Williams, Western.

JUSTICES OF SESSIONS. M- F. Hamilton, Marcy, Samuel C. Brooker, Floyd. LOCAL OFFICERS. To perform duties of Judge and Surrogate. Special County Judge,... .Geo H. Lynch, Rome. " Surrogate, Ralph Mcintosh, Vernon. 28

SUPERINTENDENTS OF POOR. Ellis Ellis, Whitestown. J. N. Conant, Vienna. Hugh H. Evans, Trenton.

CORONERS. Hugh H. Roberta, Utica. John P. Van Vleck, Rome. John M. Brown, Florence. David Donaldson, Utica. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE. Pomroy Jones, Westmoreland. Term expires January 1, 1863. George Graham, Whitestown, " " " 1, 1866. Frederick G. Weaver, Deerfield, " " " 1, 1867. J. B. Cushman, Clerk, Utica. LOAN COMMISSIONERS. Orson Carpenter, Vernon. Wm. Griffiths, Boonville. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS, First District, Abram B. Weaver, Deerfield. Second " Grove W. Bagg, Paris. Third " Julius C. Thorne, Annsville. Fourth " • Homer T. Fowler Trenton. SUPERVISORS OF ONEIDA COUNTY, 1860. Annsville—T. B. Allanson. Sangerfield—Piatt Camp. Augusta—James 0. Knox. Steuben—David H. Williams. Ava—Samuel Hunt. Trenton—Delos A. Crane. BoonviUe—Griffith J. Griffith. Utica— Ward 1. Alonzo Churchill. Bridgewater—Peter B. Crandall. " 2. Silas C. Greenman. Camden—A. Bickford. " 3. William D. Hamlin. Deerfield— Geo. F. Weaver. " 4. Luke Wilkins. Florence—Lewis Rider. " 5. John D. Regan. Floyd—Philip A. Hale. " 6. Paul Keiser. Kirkland—James C. Bronson. " 7. Thos. Lennebacker. Lee—Henry J. Hitchcock. Vernon—Henry Wilson. Marcy—James Cavana. Verona—Salmon Tuttlo. Marshall—Lorenzo Rouse. Vienna—John Halstead. New Hartford—John B. Winship. Western—Squire Utley. Paris—Harvey Head. Westmoreland—Morris W. Halleck. Remsen—John J. Vaughan. Whitestown—Charles M. Scholeneld. Rome—A. Ethridge. PHYSICIANS TO JAILS. -H. B. Day, Utica. T. S. Virgil, Rome. 29 OFFICIAL PAPERS, Utica Moroing Herald and Gazette, Utica Observer. C O U N T Y SE A L E R . Charles Cleghorn, Utica. INSPECTORS OF PLANK ROADS, Thomas Wright, Utica. Henry Tower, Sangerfield. Ebenezer B. Robbins, Lee.


RECORDER'S COURT, City Hall, Erastus Clark, Recorder. Henry A. Daniels, Clerk. ONEIDA COUNTY COURT. The Terms of the County Court and Court of Sessions of the County of Oneida, are appointed to be held at the times and places following: 1860. Third Monday in April, Borne. " First " "September, Utica. " " " " December, Rome. 1861. " " "February Rome. Third " "April Utica. " First " "September, Rome. " •" " "December, Utica. Appeals from Justice's Courts, and other proceedings on appeal will be heard at all of said Terms, and the Calendar of Appeals will be taken up in the afternoon of the first day of the Term. G. W. SMITH, County Judge. UNITED STATES COURT OF THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF MEW TORK. Circuit Judge, Samuel Nelson, Cooperstown. District Judge, Nathan K. Hall, Buffalo. Clerk Circuit Court,... .Agustus A. Boyce, Utica. Clerk District Court, Aurelian Conkling, Buffalo. District Attorney James H Spencer, Ogdensburgh. Marshal, Simeon B. Jewett Clarkson, Monroe Co. Deputy, Paul Keiser, Utica. " Charles Reed, " c2 30

TERMS UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. Third Tuesday in May, Albany. Tuesday next after third Monday in June, Canandaigua. Third Tuesday in Octobor, Albany.

TERMS UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Third Tuesday May, Rochester. Second '• July, Utica. Third " August, Auburn. Second " November .Buffalo. Third " January...... Albany.


JUSTICES. LeRoy Morgan, Syracuse. Joseph Mullin, Watertown. William F. Allen, Oswego. William J. Bacon, Utica. The following appointments of the time and place for holding Courts in this District, with the assignment of Justices, have been made for 1860-61: GENERAL TERMS. First Tuesday in January, at Court Room, Syracuse. « « ApriL » ii

OIRC0IT COURTS FOR 1861. ONEIDA COUNTY—Second Monday in February, Utica, Bacon. Second Monday in June, Rome, .Allen. Third Monday in October, Utica, Allen. HERKIMER COUNTY—Fourth Monday in April, Allen. Fourth Monday in October, Mullin. LEWIS COUNTY—Fourth Tuesday in May, Mullin. Third Tuesday in December,. Morgan. 31

SPECIAL TERMS 1860-61. Third Tuesday in January, Jefferson county, Mullin. " " February, Onondaga county, Morgan. " " March, Utica, Oneida county, Bacon. ' " " April, Oswego, Oswego county, Allen. " " May, Herkimer county, Morgan. Erst Tuesday in June, Onondaga county, Morgan. Third Tuesday in July, Lewis county, Allen. Second Tuesday in September, Jefferson county, Mullin. Third Tuesday in October, Oswego, Oswego county, Allen. " " November, Utica, Oneida county, Bacon. Second Tuesday in December, Onondaga county, .Morgan.

LOCAL CANAL OFFICERS. Canal Commissioner—William I. Skinner, Eastern Division. Division Engineer—William B. Taylor, " " • OFFICERS OF THE WESTERN SUB-DIVISION OF THE EASTERN DIVISION. Resident Engineer—Ogden Edwards, Utiea. Clerk—James G. French, " 2d Assistant and Draughtsman—John A. Cooper, Utica. Leveler—R. J. Cantwell, Utica. SUPERINTENDENTS OF ERIE AND CHENANGO CANAL. R. G. Savery, Rome. Lyman B. Foster, Hamilton. COLLECTOR'S AND WEIGH MASTER'S OFFICES, UTIOA. Collector—Cordon Hackett. Weigh Master—David Donaldson. Fast Clerk—David Perkins. Assist. Weigh Masters—E. P. Goodwin. Second Cleric—T. J. Francis. " " " C. Kling. Assistant Collector—James McDonough.


EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. President—James Buchanan, Pensylvania, Vice President—John C. Breckenridge, Kentucky. Secretary of State—Lewis Cass, Michigan. Secretary of the Treasury—Howell Cobb, Georgia. Secretary of War—John B. Floyd, Virginia. Secretary of the Navy—Isaac Toucey, Connetkmt. " " Interior—Jacob Thompson, Mississippi. Post Master General—Joseph Holt, Kentucky. Attorney General—Jeremiah S. Black, Pennsylvania. 32

JUDICIARY. Chief Justice—Roger B. Taney, Baltimore, Maryland. Associate Justices—John McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio. James M. Wayne, Savannah, Ga. John Catron, Nashville, Tenn. Peter V. Daniel, Richmond, Va. Samuel Nelson, Cooperstown, N. Y. Robert C. Grier, Pittsburgh, Pa. John A. Campbell, Mobile, Ala. Nathan Clifford, Portland, Me. Attorney General—Jeremiah S. Black, Washington, D. C. Reporter—Benjamin C. Howard, Washington, D. 0. Clerk—William T. Carroll, Washington, D. C.


EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Governor—Edwin D. Morgan, New York. Lieut. Governor—Robert Campbell, Steuben. Secretary of State—David R. Floyd Jones, Queens. Controller—Robert Denniston, Orange. TreaBwer—-Philip Dorsheimer, Eirie. Attorney General—Charles G. Myers, St. Lawrence. State Engineer and Surveyor—Van R. Richmond, Chemung. Auditor—Nathaniel S. Benton, Herkimer. Canal Commissioners—John M. Jaycox, Onondaga. Hiram Gardner, Niagara. William I. Skinner, Herkimer.

JUDICIARY. JUDGES OF THE COURT OF APPEALS. George F. Comstock, Onondaga. Samuel L. Selden, Monroe. Hiram Denio, Oneida. Henry E. Davies, New York. From the Supreme Court, to serve until December 31, 1860. Thomas W. Clerke, New York. William J. Bacon, Oneida. William B. Wright, Ulster. Henry Wells, Yates. Reporter—E. Pershine Smith, Monroe. Clerk—Charles Hughes, Washington. 33 GOVERNORS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. George Clinton,...; 6 terms, from 1777 to 1795. JohnJay 2 " " 1795 to 1801. George Clinton, 1 " " 1801 to 1804. Morgan Lewis, 1 "• " 1804 to 1807. Daniel D. Tompkins,. 4 " " 1807 to 1817. DeWitt Clinton 2 " " 1817 to 1822. Joseph 0. Yates, 1 " " 1822 to 1824. DeWitt Clinton, 2 " " 1824 to 1828. Martin Van Buren, 1 " " 1828 to 1830. Enos T. Throop, 1 " " 1830 to 1832. William L. Marcy, 3 " " 1832 to 1838. WilUam H. Seward; 2 " " 1838 to 1842. William C. Bouck 1 " " 1842 to 1844. Silas Wright, 1 " " 1844 to 1846. John Young, 1 " " 1846 to 1848. Hamilton Fish 1 " " 1848 to 1850. Washington Hunt, 1 " " 1850 to 1852. Horatio Seymour, 1 '• " 1852 to 1854. Myron H. Clark, 1 " " 1854 to 1856. JohnAKing, 1 " " 1856 to 1858. Edwin D. Morgan, 1 " " 1858 to 1860. REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS From Oneida County and District, from the 6th to the 36th Congress: 6th—Jonas Piatt. 22d—. 7th—Benjamin Walker. 23d— " " 8th—Gaylord Griswold. 24th— " " Rutger B.Miler. 9th—Nathan Williams. 25th—Henry A. Foster. 10th—Thomas R. Gold. 26th—John G. Floyd. 11th—William Kirkpatrick. 27th— " " 12th— " " 28th—Samuel Beardsley, Levi D. 13th—Morris S. Miller. Carpenter. 14th—William Kirkpatrick. 29th—. 15th—Morris S. Miller. 30th— " " 16th— " " 31st—Orsamus B. Matteson. 17th—Joseph Kirkland. 32d—Timothy Jenkins. 18th—Morris S. Miller. 33d—Orsamus B. Matteson. 19th— " " 34th— " " 20th— " " 35th— " 21st— " " 36th—Roscoe Conkling. ONEIDA COUNTY JUDGES. Jedediah Sanger • March 22, 1798. Morris S. Miller, " 5,1810. Samuel Beardsley, Nov. 22, 1824. Henry R. Storrs, March 9, 1825. Chester Hayden, January 5, 1830. Fortune C. White, February 2,1840. P. Sheldon Root, " 21,1845. P. Sheldon Rootj November, 1845. George W. Smith " 8,1859. 34

DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OF ONEIDA COUNTY. Nathan Williams, June 11, 1818. Samuel Beardsley, Feb. 13, 1821. Hiram Denio, Oct. 30, 1825. Ichabod C. Baker, Sept. 8, 1834. Timothy Jenkins Dec. 20, 1840. Calvert Comstock, Sept. 9, 1845. Roscoe Conkling, April 22, 1850. Samuel B. Garvin, Nov'ber, 1850. J. Thomas Spriggs, " 1852. Henry T. Utley, " 1853. Jairus H. Munger " 1856. Hiram T. Jenkins, " 1859.

COUNTY CLERKS OF ONEIDA COUNTY. Jonas Piatt, March 19, 1798. Francis A. Bloodgood, Feb. 2, 1802. Abram Camp, " 23,1813. Francis A. Bloodgood, March 16,1815. Eliasaph Dorchester, • Feb. 19,1821. Eliasaph Dorchester, November, 1822. John H. Ostrom, " 1825. George Brown, " 1831. JohnD.Leland " 1834. JamesDean, " 1837. P. Sheldon Root, " 1840. DelosDeWolf, " 1843. Patrick Mahon, " 1846. Alexander Rae, " 1849. Richard Hulbert,. " 1862. Zenas M. Howes, " 1855. J. Earl Hulbert, " 1858.

SHERIFFS OF ONEIDA COUNTY. William Colbrath, March 19,1798. John E. Hinman 1828. EHzur Moseley, Dec. 31, 1798. Samuel M. Mott, 1831. Charles C. Brodhead 1800. Erastus Willard, 1834. JamesS.Kipp, 1804. Lyman Curtiss, 1837. Benajah Merrell, 1807. David Moulton, 1840. James S. Kipp, 1808. T. S. Faxton, 1842. Benajah Merrill, 1810. Israel S. Parker, 1843. James S. Kipp 1811. Palmer V. Kellogg 1844. Apollos Cooper, 1815. Lester Barker, 1847. John B. Pease 1819. John R. Jones 1850. John E. Hinman, 1821. Hugh Crocker, 1852, " " 1822. Calvin HalL 1855. David Pierson, 1825. Wm. J. McKown, 1858. 35 SURROGATES OF ONEIDA COUNTY. • Arthur Breese, 1798. Alanson Bennett, 1831. Joshua Hathaway 1808. Henry A. Foster, 1835. Erastus Clark, 1813. John Stryker, 1839. Joshua Hathaway, 1815. Othniel S. Williams 1847. Greene C. Bronson 1819. " 1861. Joshua Hathaway, 1821. Henry M. Burchard, 1855. Henry A. Foster, 1827. " 1858. TREASURERS OF ONEIDA COUNTY. Sanford Adams, 1848. J. T. Spriggs, .1864. E. H. Shelley, 1851. John J. Parry, Jr., 1857. MAYORS OF THE CITY OF UTICA. Joseph Kirkland 1832. J. Watson Williams 1847. Henry Seymour, 1833. Joshua A. Spencer, 1848. Joseph Kirkland 1834. Thomas R. Walker, 1849. John H. Ostrom, 1836. John E. Hinman, 1851. Theodore S. Gold, 1837. Charles H. Doolittle .1853. Charles P. Kirkland, 1838. John E. Hinman, 1854. John C. Devereux 1839. H. H. Fish 1855. Spencer Kellogg, 1841. A. Hubbell, 1856-7. Horatio Seymour, 1842. Roscoe Conkling, 1858-9. Frederick Hollister, 1843. Charles S. Wilson,.... 1859-60. Ward Hunt, 1844. Calvin Hall 1860. E. A. Wetmore, 1845. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF ELECTORAL VOTES WHICH EACH STATE WILL CAST IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1860. Alabama 9 Illinois 11 Arkansas, 4 Indiana 13 Delaware 3 Iowa 4 Florida 3 Maine 8 Georgia 10 Massachusetts 13 Kentucky 12 Michigan 6 Louisiana 6 Minnesota 4 Maryland 8 New Hampshire 5 Mississippi 7 New Jersey 7 Missouri 9 New York 35 North Carolina 10 Ohio 2S South Carolina 8 Oregon 3 Tennessee 12 Pennsylvania 27 Texas 4 Rhode Island 4 Virginia 15 Vermont. 6 California 4 Wisconsin 6 Connecticut 6 -130 1T6 130 Total Electoral Vote ; 30S Necessary for an election of President 162 36

POST OFFICES IN ONEIDA COUNTY. Distances. Post Offices. Towns. Post Master. from Utica. Alder Creek, Boonville, Wm. H Owens, 24 Augusta, Augusta, Henry L. Hawley 18 Ava, Ava, Silas C. Morse, 29 Babcock Hill, . ..Paris, Lewis J. Tupp, , ..14 Big Brook, Western, 22 Blossvale, Vienna, Justus Gray, Boonville, Boonville, Lewis W. Cook, 28 Bridgewater,. Bridgewater, ... .Ezra Brown, 18 Camden, Camden, Aaron Stone, Cassville, Paris, Jared M. Oately, 14 Clayville, Paris, Wm. H. Barnett, 12 Clinton, Kirkland, Joseph S. Avery, 9 Deansville, Marshall, James J. Hanchett, 14 Deerfield, Deerfield, Joseph Oster, 1 Delta, Lee, Elisha A. Walsworth, 21 Durhamville, Vienna, Martin L. Case, 26 East Florence, Florence, Aaron H. Thomson,...... 33 Florence, Florence, Lewis Rider, 37 Floyd Floyd, Philip A. Hale, 12 Forestport, Trenton, Anson Hayden 27 Glenmore, Rome, Asa \ ' Hyde, Hawkinsville, Boonville, Henrj Veejer, Hecla Works, Westmoreland,.. Alfred K. Seymour, 8 Higginsville, Vienna, George B. Fitch, 25 Hillsboro, Camden, H. W. Dana, 30 Hillside, George Keeoh, Hulbertsville, Boonville, Addison Brill, Holland Patent, Trenton, '.John T. Thomas, 12 Kirkland, Kirkland, David I'ixley 9 Knox Corners, Augusta, Ephraim Hart, 17 Lairdsville, Westmoreland,. .Pomroy Jones 14 Lee Lee, Harry N. Farmer, 25 Lee Centre, Charles Stokes, Lowell, Westmoreland,.. William Wylie, 14 Marcy, Marcy, William M. Mahew, 7 Marshall Marshall, Solomon Hitchcock, 15 McConnellsville, Vienna, Hiram A. Case, 28 New Hartford, New Hartford,. .John Carpenter 4 New London, Verona,. S. P. Smith, 22 New York Mills, Whitestown, Sylvanus Hoag, '. 3-J North Bay Vienna Hiram Higby 31 North Bridgewater, .Bridgewater,.... Alonzo Brown, North Gage, Deerfield, Joseph C. Forbes, 9 North Western, Western, .David Brill, 21 Oneida Castle, Vernon, Calvin B. Hotehkiss, 22 Oriskany, Whitestown,... .Daniel C. Balis, 1 Oriskany Falls, Augusta, James M. Willard, 17 Paris, Paris David Larabee, 10 Prospect, Trenton, Garrett B. Johnson 18 37

Pittances PotMQgtim Tom*. A-K-An. flymCtica. Remsen, .Remsen,.. Nathan C. Phelps, IT Borne, Rome, Daniel E. Wager, IS Sangerfield, Sangerfield,. EKas H. Mott, 11 Sauquoit, Paris, David Seaton, 9 Sconondoa, Verona, Samuel Butterfield, 24 South T-eatoa, Trenton, Edward S. Hughes, 9 Stanwix,. Rome, Jonathan R. Dunning, 16 State Bridge, Verona, William S. Potter, 2T Stittsville, Trenton, Sylvester B, Atwood 12 Stokes,,...... Lee, Marinas Hawkins, .24 Steuben, .Steuben, John 0. Jones, 18 Taberg, Annsville, Julius C. Thorne ,21 Trenton, .Trenton, John Billings, 13 Trenton Falls, Trenton, D. W. Bacon, 14 Utica, Utica, Joseph M. Lyon, Vernon, .Vernon, John B. Loomis, 17 Vernon Centre, Vernon, E. W. Foot, 17 Verona, .Verona, Norman Maltby, 16 Verona Depot, Verona, 22 Vienna, Vienna, Myron Tremain, 29 Washington Mills, New Hartford,.. A. H. Ingham, 4 Waterville, Sangerfield, Thomas K. Wilkinson, 19 West Branch, Lee, Richard W. Pritchard, 30 West Camden, Camden, Henry F. Winchester, 38 West Vienna, Vienna, James P. Bedell, 38 Westernville Western, Roderick Shaw, 25 Westmoreland, Westmoreland,. .William S. Griswold 9 Whitestown, Whitestown,... .Whiting Smith, 4 Walesville, Whitestown,... .Alton Buell, 1 38 CITY GOVERNMENT FOR 186fc«_, -M_> JOHN MYERS, Anting Mayor.

One Year. • Two Years. 1st Ward—JOHN CANTWELL. 1st Ward—WILLI AM A. EVERTS. 2d " WILLIAM N. WEAVER. 2d " EVAN E. ROBERTS. 3d " GEORGE H. WILEY. 3d " JOHN GRIFFITHS. 4th " BURTON HAWLEY. 4th " BENJAMIN F. SHAW. 5th " JOHN MYERS. 5th " PATRICK: DEVLIN. 6th " JOHN B. WASMER. 6th " JAMES MERRIMAN. 1th " WILLIAM B. TAYLOR. 7th " HOMER TOWNSEND. Standing Committees for 1860-61. 1. On Claims, Aid Wiley and Roberts. 2. On Finance, " Shaw and Wiley. 3. On Public Improvements, " Wasmer and Townsend. 4. On Sewers and Wells, " Everts and Wasmer. 5. On Side and Gross Walks, " Myers and Taylor 6. On Police, " Weaver and Devlin. 7. On Fire Department, " Griffiths and Weaver. 8. On Paving, " Devlin and Merriman. 9. On Legal Proceedings, " Merriman and Shaw. 10. On Excise " Hawley and Myers. 11. On Lighting Streets, " Roberts and Griffiths. 12. On Markets " Townsend and Cantwell. 13. On Opening Streets, " Taylor and Hawley. 14. On Public Buildings and Grounds, " Cantwell and Everts. Officers of the Corporation. Clerk—Peter Cunningham. Surveyor—Morris M. Francis. Treasurer—Charles H. Sprague. Overseer of the Poor—P. Brewer. City Attorney—Lewis H. Babcock. Messenger—Charles A. McDowl. Marshal—J. Augustus Allen. City Sexton—Martin Neejer. Street Commissioner-lao. Ehresman. Sealer—George Lux. Official Papers—Utiea Daily Observer, Utica Evening Telegraph and Utiea Morning Herald. Justices of the Peace—George H. Congar, Morven M. Jones. Dexter Gillmore, John R. Timan. WARD OFFICERS. Supervisors. Assessors. 1st Ward —Alfred Churchill. 1st Ward-—Isaac Roper. 2d " Silas C. Greenman. 2d " Edward Morrin. 3d " William D Hamlin. 3d " Stephen Abbey. 4th " Luke Wilkins. 4th " Thomas P. Perkins. 5th " John D. Regan. 5th " Michael O'Rourke. 6th " Paul Keiser. • 6th " Patrick Lusk. 1th " Thomas Lennebacker. 7 th " David?. Morris. 39

Collectors. Constables. 1st Ward—Michael Clark. 1st Ward--Charles V. Schram. 2d ' ' John 0. Pritchard. 2d " Benjamin Richardson. 3d ' 1 Warren Cone. 3d " Francis Cotter. 4th ' ' Charles Simon. 4th " Alexander Hutchinson 6th ' 1 Michael Smith. 5th " George W. Keating. 6th ' ' Edward Doyle. 6th " William W. Long. 7th 1 Rufus W. Youlen. 7th " Robert McElwaine.



FIRE WARDENS. 1st Ward, Alrick Hubbell. 2d " David Hoss. 3d " D. C. Grove. 4th " D. P. White. 5th " Peter Cunningham. 6th " Wm. H. Rose. 7th '• Lewis Michael.

OFFICERS OF FIREMEN'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. President, William B. Taylor. 1st Vice President, Williamson Spruce. 2_ " " T.B.Howell. Treasurer, Charles E. Barnard. Secretary, Charles H. Sayre. Collector, Wm. B. Mathews. Trustees. C. H. Sayre, Thos. Sharp, 5- One Year. C. E. Barnard, A. White, Jas. H. Frear, r Two Years. J. A. Shearman. A. Hubbell, ) John Crook, >• Three Years. John Griffiths. ) Invested Funds, January 4, 1860, $6,612.29. Expenses and Appropriations as benefits, for the year ending January 4, 1860, $185.18 41>

REPRESENTATIVES OF FIRE DEPAETMENT. From the Fire rWmfens, John Dagwell, J. A. Shearman, Peter Cunningham. From Exempt Firemen, Charles Downer, John Crook, John Griffiths, Charles E. Barnard, T. B. Howell, J. F. Turner, Robert Edwards, S. H. Ryan, James H. Frear, Charles H. Sayre. From Rescue Book and Ladder Co., No. 1, M. Laughlin, R. P. Egan. From Tiger Hose Go., No. 1, John H. Douglass, T. J. Griffiths. From Excelsior Engine Go., No. 2, P. Moore, J. Winnie, R. Mercer. From Young America Hose Co., No. 2 J. D. Schwab, W. Latour. From Eagle Hose Co., No. 3, H. P. Graham, Cyrus Harden. From Osceola Engine Go., No. 4, Lewis Michael, Robert Poole, Thomas Gorringe. From Protection Hose Hose Co., So. 4, Ignatius Meyer, Robert Biggs. From Neptune Engine Co., No. 5, Timothy Keily, Robert McElwaine, William Mathews. From Franklin Hose Go., No. 5, Wm. J. McNall, William Pollard. From Wide Awake Hose Co., No. 6, A. G. Hitchcock, Charles 0. Swertfager. From Washington Engine Co., No. 7, Archibald Brown, E. Callahan, N. A. Meyer. From Rough and Ready Hose Co., No. 1, Joseph Horney, J. Brockway. 41 ENGINE COMPANIES.

EXCELSIOR, No. 2. Organized April, 1857. Foreman—J. K. Baker. 1st Assistant—R. Mercer House No. 57 John Street. OSCEOLA, No. 4. OrganizedT)ecember, 1857. Foreman—H. Townsend. 1st Assistant—R. B. Poole. 2d Assistant—G. H. Potter. House, No. 12 South St. NEPTUNE, No. 5. Organized April, 1857. Foreman—S. A. Gilbert. 1st Assistant—James Haley. 2d Assistant—Michael Farrell. House, No. 1 Union St. WASHINGTON, No. 7. Organized April, 1857. Foreman—Archibald Brown. 1st Assistant—Enoch Jones. 2d Assistant—Michael Wolf. House No. 148 Fayette St.


TIGER, No. 1 . Organized April, 1857. Foreman—T. M. Davies. Assistant—John H. Douglass.' House, No. 11 John St. YOUNG AMERICA, No. 2. (Attached to Excelsior Engine Co., No. 2.) Organized April, 1857. Foreman—John J. Holmes. As_fe<_*i^-P_trick Griffin. House, Nc? 57"J6_li;St!H " " D2 42

PROTECTION, No. _u (Attached to Osceola Engine Co., No. 4.) Organized December, 1857. Foreman—Ignatius Meyer. Assistant—-James R. Higgs. House, No. 13 South St. FRANKLIN/No. 5_ (Attached to Neptune Engine Co., No. 5.) Organized April 1851. Foreman—William Mathews. Assistant—Jacob Rosevelt. House, No. 1 Union St WIDE AWAKE, No. 6. Organized April, 1857. Foreman—S. H. Ryan. Assistant—Augustus J. Curry. House, comer Washington and Liberty Sts. ROUGH AND RIADI, No. 1. (Attached to Washington. Engine Co., No. 1.) Foreman—James Brown. Assistant—George Lent, House, No. 148 Fayette St.


RESCUE HOOK AND LADDER CO.* No. 1. Organized February, 1861. Foreman—S. Y. Lanei Assistant—Charles F. Swift. Truck House, 10|. Devereux St. THE FORCE OF FIRE ENGINES, ETC., IN EACH WARD. FirBt Ward, one Hose Carriage. Second Cart. Third a u u Fourth 2 Engines, 2 ,Hose Carts, 1 Hook and Ladder Truck. Sixth 1 '• V " " Seventh 1 " 1 " " FIRE SIGNALS. The fire signals, as sounded by the City Hall bell, are as follows: For the First Ward, 1 stroke of the bell. " " Second " 2 " " " " " Third "3 "• " " " " Fourth " 4 " " " " " Fifth " 5 " " " " " Sixth " 6 " " " " " Seventh " 1 " " " REGISTER OF NAMES.

Abbey George W., clerk at Ridge's, bds S. Abbey's. Abbey Stephen, grocer, store cor Columbia and Broadway, h cor Broad­ way and Cooper. Abbey William Dorrenoe, clerk J. B. Wells, bds S. Abbey's. Abbott Henry G., h 22 Seneca. Abbott James H, dry goods, 71 Genesee, bds Bagg's. Abercrombie John, sash maker at Lawrence's, Jh 32 Howard. Avenue; Abersfelder Caspar, tailor, h 129 Blandina. Abrams Richard, carpenter, h 10 Varick. Aekerman Michael, laborer, h 47. Bridge. Achan Jacob, furrier, h 41 Saratoga. Adam Philip, laborer, h 283 Whitesboro. Adams Amos, painter, h 99 Bleeeker. Adams Charles, U. S. mail porter, h 39 Catharine. Adams Charles, Jr., moulder at Peckham's, bds 39 Catharine. Adams, Charles D., freight conductor C. R. R., bds 9 Cooper. Adams John, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Adams John, laborer, h 37 Main. Adams J. & W., rope walk, 43 Oneida. Adams John, of J. &, W. Adams, h 43 Oneida. Adams Levi H, groceries and liquors, IS9 Genesee, h 16 Lansing. Adams Richard, bds Clinton Hotel. Adams Stephen, of Dows & Adams, h 4 Broadway. Adams William, of J. & W. Adams, h 52 Oneida. Adams William, carpenter, h 78 Hart. Adams William, h 12 Burnet. Adams Harry, laborer, 6 Post. Adey Charles, proprietor 7th Ward House, cor West Bridge and Kemble. Adrian John, Hawley's farm, w s Albany. Advanced School, cor Elizabeth and Charlotte. Agne Jacob, tailor, h 147 Water. Agne Jacob, tailor, bds 147 Water. Agne Michael, cordwainer, h 158 Whitesboro. Agne Paul, grocery and house 138 Whitesboro. Agne Peter, grocery and house 126 Fayette. Aguero Mrs. Maria Lopez, h 101 Fayette. Ahneaiiller John, stone cutter, h Mohawk street. Aiken Catharine, book-folder at Merrell's, h 11 Cooper. Ainsworth James, Globe Woolen Mills, h 99 Court. 44

Akehurst James L., farmer, h 33 Mary. Aland George, file cutter, hws Howard Avenue, 2 s Eagle. Albert Rebecca, pedler, hi 13 Water. ALBRECHT ANTON, furrier, 89 Genesee, h 38 Elizabeth. Albrecht John, cordwainer, h 50 Saratoga. Albreith Michael, teamster, h 34 Seymour Avenue. Alden Spencer B. carpenter, h 19 Miller. Aldrich Calvin, farmer, h Pleasant street. Allen Albert S., bds 23 Lansing. Allen Benjamin, stone dealer, yard Catharine st, near Peckham's, h 77 Lansing. Allen Clifford L., paper hanger, bds 14 Spring. Allen George A., proprietor City Garden, h 64 Fayette. Allen George E., h 323 Genesee. Allen George F., sawmaker at Partello's. Allen Mrs. H. P., widow of Edward A., bds 323 Genesee. Allen Homer J., paper hanger, bds 14 Spring. Allen Mrs. Jane, widow of John A., h 15 Oneida. Allen Jefferson, mover of buildings, li e s Elm, 3 s Gold. Allen J. Augustus, City Marshal, h 49 John. Allen Junia, laborer, h 14 Spring. Allen & Co., manufacturers of rail road jacks, flour packers, &c, cor Broadway and Erie Canal. Allen Martin Van Buren, mason, bds Jefferson Allen's. Allen Moses, of Allen & Co., h 12 Steuben. Allen Reuben, engineer C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Allen William G., h 4 Blandina. Alexander Charles H., machinist, h 3 Cooper. Alexander IT. D., teller Oneida County Bank, h 39 Charlotte. Alexander John W., gardener 0. B. Matteson's, hss Mandeville. Alexander John, bds J. W. Alexander's. Alexander Meyer, pedler, h 11 Post. Alexander Robert, gardener, h 35 Oneida. Alsheimer John, carpenter, h 123 Water. Altvater Philip D., clerk, bds 55. Bleecker. Alyea Isaac, turner, h 2 Spring. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY, office 16 Genesee. American Hotel, cor Genesee and Water, H. W. Fuller, proprietor. American Resturant, cor Genesee and Water. Amrhein Joseph, laborer, li 2 Louisa. Anderson Allanson J., machinist, h 58 Columbia. AMTRTCAY ExpREsTWMPATY, FORWARD MERCHANDISE, VALUABLES, Jewelry and money, Collect Sills -with Goods, Notes, Drafts, Accounts, &c., throughout the State of New York, the Canadas, and all the Western States and Territories, running daily, (Sundays excepted.) Bach express In chargeof a special messenger from and to B. YATEH, Agent. WELLS. BUTTERFIELD _. CO.,) $ LIVINGSTON, FARGO & 00., Between New York and Buffalo. $ ( Buffalo West. 45

Anderson Andrew, Steam Cotton Mills, bds 81 OO-rt. Anderson Charles, bds 11 Charlotte. Anderson Edward, bds 17 Devereux. Anderson James Jr., Globe Woolen Mills, h 88 Spring. Anderson James, Globe Woolen Mills, h 83 Court. Anderson John Jr., gardener, h 9| Charlotte. Anderson John, painter, bds 27 Devereux. Anderson Mr*. Louisa, h 27 Devereux. Anderson Miss Mary Jane, nurse, bds 68 Washington. Anderson William B., mason, h 111 Columbia. Anderson William H., butcher, h 35 Neilson. Andrews A. & Son, organ manufacturers, Charlotte, below Bleecker. Andrews A., of Andrews & Son, h 34 Rutger. Andrews Eber N., daguerrean artist at Harwood's, h 80 Columbia. Andrews George N, of Andrews & Son, bds 34 Rutger. Andrews Mary, h 21 Tracy. Andrews Mrs. Polly, widow of Elon, h 59 Main. Andrews N. E., daguerrean artist at Harwood's, bds same. Andross William A, elerk, 138 Genesee, bds 9 Hopper. Annon Robert, nurseryman, bds T. Annon's. Annon Thomas, nurseryman, h cor Rutger and Mohawk. Anstey George, tobacconist, h 20 Kemble. Anthony William R., lawyer, cor Bleecker and Genesee, h 85 Cooper. Anthony William, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Apler Lawrenz, veterinary surgeon, h 32 Plant. Apler Michael, clerk at Everson's, bds 32 Plant. Aplin Robert ft, cordwainer, h Clinton, near cor Genesee. Appel George, laborer, h 116 Elizabeth. Appel John, laborer, h 116 Elizabeth. Apperly Francis, trackman, C. R. R., h 6 First. Appleton William, mason, h 24 Leah. Archer, Thomas, nurseryman, and sexton Grace Church, h 37 Howard Avenue. Archer, William, nurseryman, and sexton Trinity Church, h 39 Rutger. Archer William, bds 60 Blandina. Armin Mrs. John, grocery and h 3 Union. Armstrong William D., last maker, h 4 Mary. Arnold Alexander, teamster, h 43 Elm. Arnold David B., livery driver, h 24 Main. Arnold Henry, fruit, fish and oysters, 165 Genesee, bds 59 Broadway. Arnold Joshua B., overseer spinning room S. C. Mills, h 18 State. Arnold Warren, Bexton First Presbyterian Church, h 59 Broadway. Arnott Benjamin, clerk at Tiffany's, h 18 Steuben Park. Arnott Joseph, h 8 Howard Avenue. Arthur John, agent Grover & Baker's sewing machines, 56 Genesee, Marble Block, h 20 Blandina. Arthur Peter, conductor C. R. R., bds York House. Ashcroft William, gardener, h 13 Rebecca. Ashmore George, carpenter, h 36 Oneida. Ashmore Mrs. Frances, widow of Thomas A., 36 Oneida. Ashton Arthur, engraver on wood, office and h 7 West Bridge. Ashton Walton, machinist, h 7 West Bridge. Assumption Academy, cor John and Elizabeth, Brother Justin, Director. 46

Atkinson John, gardener, h 44 Main. Atwood Kelly, conductor C. R. R., bds York House. Auld Peter, manufacturer agricultural implements, 31 State, h 52 Cooper. Austin Mrs. Maria, tailcfresa, bds 3 Steuben. Austin Samuel, fireman C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Autisdale Miss Harriet, seamstress, h 34 Elizabeth. Avery William, carpenter, h 109 Columbia. B Babcock David, Jailor, res Jail, Mohawk street. Babcock George K., clerk at B. F. Joslyn's, bds same. Babcock, Joseph ft, cutter at C. A. Yates', h 49 Broadway. Babcock Lewis H., of Doolittle & Babcock, h 325 Genesee. Babbitt Devillo W., carpenter, h 50 Court. Baehman Gustav, furnaeeman, hes Elm, 2 s Gold. Bach John, furnaeeman, h 29 Garden. Bach Martin, butcher at Roberts & Sons', bds 29 Garden. Bacon, A. B., boat builder, h 176 Whitesboro. Bacon Daniel, City Dining Hall, 2 Catharine, res same. Bacon Ezekiel, bds National Hotel. Bacon Frederick E., grocery and li cor Columbia and State. Bacon W. J., Justice Supreme Court, office 92, h 247 Geneseo. Baechle Reiuhardt, cordwainer, h 29 Varick. Bachelor Jacob, Globe Woolen Mills, bds 88 Court. Backus Mrs. Caroline, h 49 West Bridge. Backus Miss Caroline E., teacher Free Academy, bds 49 West Bridge. Bagg's Hotel, Bagg's Square, A. & A. C. Churchill, Proprietors. Bagg Moses M., M. D., office 164, li 256 Genesee. Bahan Martin, clerk at Mitchell's, bds 27 Hotel. Bahan Mary, widow, h 89 Water. Baierle Michael, laborer, h 52 Canal. Bailey Charles H., moulder, bds 45 Columbia. Bailey Miss Emily, bds 115 Fayette. Bailey E. Prentiss, Assistant Editor Utica Observer, h 2 Howard Av. Bailey Hugh, clerk at Bailey's, bds 13 Lansing. Bailey Johanna, widow, h 115 Fayette. Bailey Joel ft, h cor Court and Cornelia. Bailey John, machinist, h 39 Lansing. Bailey Lawrence, grocer, 63 Variek, h cor Spring and Garden. Bailey Moses, Proprietor Apollo Billiard Saloon, h 44 West. Bailey M. M., clerk, bds 44 West. Bailey, Mrs. Anna, h 8 Burnet. Bailey Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of John, h 13 Lansing. Bailey Mrs. Martha J., widow of Lewis, h 89 Whitesboro. Bailey Paul, farmer, h 6 Charles. Bailey Robert, h 39 Lansing. Bailey Robert Jr., machinist at Hart & Munson's, bds 41 Washington. Bailey Stephen A., of Wheeler <_ Bailey, h 37 Columbia. Bailey Thomas, jeweler, 122 Genesee, bds T. Midlam's. Bailey Thomas, S. W. Mills, h 82 Schuyler. Bailey William, jeweler, 122 Genesee. 47

Baird Mary, widow, h 26 Tibbitts. Baker B. F., foreman at Hart & Munson's, h 2 Charles. Baker Charles, laborer, h 16 Schuyler. Baker Daniel, carpenter at Lawrence's, h 142 Water. Baker Elizabeth, widow, h 6 Hope. Baker Henry, bds 142 Water. Baker James K., cordwainer at Lewis', bds 11 Carnahan. . Baker Martin, stone cutter, h 72 Elizabeth. Baker Mrs. Harriet, widow, h 11 Court. Baker Rufus 0., of W. & R. ft Baker, bds 34 Whitesboro. Baker Theresa, widow, h 60 Johnson. Baker William, of W. & R. ft, h 34 Whitesboro. Baker W. & R. ft, lawyers, 38 Genesee. Baker William J., organist Calvary Church and music teacher, bds 91 Fayette. Baker Rev. William, Episcopal City Missionary, h 91 Fayette. Balch Amelia, tailoress, bds 23 Steuben. Balis Calvin, painter, hws Cherry, 5 s Whitesboro. Balke George, segar maker, h 10 Variek. Baldwin Edward, h 21 Washington. Ball Joseph, printer, h 14 Lansing. Ballard Thomas, Satinett Mills, h 114 Court. Balliett M. J., segar maker, bds Sherwood House. Ballou James P., at Crystal Saloon, h 7 Elizabeth. Ballou James, wheelwright at Hamlin's, h 156 Whitesboro. Ballou Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Peter P., h 6 Broadway. Ballou Philo ft, Proprietor Crystal Saloon, 168 Genesee, res same. Ballon Theodore ft, wheelwright at Hamlin's, bds 156 Whitesboro. Ballou Theodore P., Insurance Agent, 27 Genesee, h 38 Broad. Ballou Theodore, machinist, bds Crystal Saloon. Balchiezar Falden, bds R. Balchiezer's. Balchiezer Rudolph, farmer, hss Broad, 1 e Starch Factory Bridge. Bame Stephen S., cordwainer, bds 41 Washington. Bancroft George, music teacher, h 10 Huntington. Bancroft James, Steam Woolen Mills, bds 10 Huntington. Bancroft Miss Mariana, music teacher, bds 10 Huntington. Bang E. T., canal contractor, bds Central Hotel. Bank of Utica, 91 Genesee. Banks George, gardener, bds C. Spratt's. Banks James, laborer, h 21 Aiken. Banker Henry, laborer, h 92 Broad. Banigan Bernard, groeer and plasterer, 7 Huntington. Banigan Michael, mason, bds 48 Steuben. Banigan Patrick, h 48 Steuben. Banigan James, laborer, h 18 Hobert. Baptist Church, (Bleecker street,) cor Bleecker and Charlotte, Rev. D. G. Corey, D. D., Pastor. Baptist Church, (Broad st.,) 25 Broad, Rev. T. O. Lincoln, D. D., Pastor. Baptist Church, (Ebenezer,) 27 Columbia, Rev. Thomas Hill, Pastor. Barby Berry ft, widow, hes Howard Avenue, 3 above Square street. Barby John, painter, hws Miller, 1 s Arthur. Barby Richard, painter, h 6 Tracy. Barby Thomas, gardener, h 11 Oneida. 46

Barber Amaziah D., harbor master New York, fa 81 Fayette. Barber Benja in, carpenter, h 61 Washington. Barber Mercy, widow of William, IIBB Eagle rear 31 Howard Av. Barker John, engineer <1 R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Barker Joseph, painter, hes Kossuth Av. % s South. Barber Miss Elizabeth, bds 8 Rebecca. Barlow George, cheokman C. R. R., h 39 Main. BARNARD & SONS, Millinery Goods and Ornamental Paper Manu&c- turers, 85 Genesee. Barnard Charles E., of Barnard & Sons, bds L. Lawrence's. Barnard George, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Barnard Harvey, of Barnard & Sons, h 30 Broad. Barnard Harvey Jr., of Barnard & Sons, bds Natisnal Hotel. Barnard Henry, clerk at Post Office, bds 30 Broad. Barnard Horace, of Barnard & Sons, bds 30 Broad. Barnard Mrs. Harriet, h 215 Whitesboro. Barnes A. A., h 52 Bleecker. Barnes George M., civil engineor, bds 52 Bleecker. Barnes John, h cor Mohawk and Bleecker. Barnes John W., painter at S. Bullock's, bds cor Mohawk and Bleecker. Barnes Miss Jane, boarding house, 200 Whitesboro. Barnes Miss Julia, bds 200 Whitesboro. Barnes Robert, book keeper Bagg's Hotel. Barney Moses, livery stable, Mansion House, h 28 Fayette. BARNUM CHARLES, Hats, Caps and Furs, :;s Genesee, h 12 Mary. Barnum Charles, Jr., elerk 38 Genesee, bds 12 iiary. Barnum Caroline, widow of Levi, Jr., h 45 West. Barnum Ezra S., variety store, 71 Genesee, h 34 Broad. Barnum George, music teacher, h 28 Seymour Avenue. Barnum Horatio, printer, bds 12 Mary. Barnum James, hatter, h 38 West. Barnum Miss A. J., mantua-maker, bds 62 John. Barnum Mrs. Aseiiath, widow of Levi, h 14 Carnahan. Barrett Daniel S., painter at Segar's, bds 41 Washington. Barrett James, harness maker Madden & Smith's, h 22 Jay. Barrett Mary, widow, h 13 West. Barrett Michael, laborer, h 25 Charlotte. Barrett Miss Adeline, tailoress, bds 43 Tibbitts. Barringer Constantine, harness maker, bds 83 Elizabeth. Barringer Sylvester, boots and shoes, 44 Genesee, bds American Hotel. Barrows Samuel J., lawyer, 54 Franklin Square, h 8 Hopper. Barry John, laborer, h 91 Bleecker. Barry Thomas, gardener, h 29 High.


___, ___ _4 •» p No. 38 CJenesee Street. x_____pai __._«•__> o__.x»_- __c__.x>-3 TO o__n__BU CASH PAID FOR SHIPPING FURS. PAPER HANGINGS.

ItW & §§&pifetrt M$t&.

40.000 Bolls Paper, from 6 to 12 1-2 cents. 100 000 Rolls Paper, from 12 1-2 cts. to $5.00. Colored, Velvet and Gilt Borders in great variety. Satin and Velvet Papers. Gilt, Silver and Embossed Papers. Decoration and Fresco Papers. Plain and Figured Window Papers. Oil Shades, cheaper than the cheapest. Fire Board Prints, all styles and Prices. These, in the greatest profusion and variety—from the neat and simple to the most brilliant and gorgeous—may all be found at the extensive establishment of BARNARD & SONS.

We solicit an examination of the above stock, and assure our patrons that the goods will be sold at VERY LOW FIGURES. Rooms papered in and out of town, by Experienced Workmen. We import all our own Borders and Fine Papers, and defy competition in them. BARNARD & SONS, 85 Genesee Street, Utica. 49

Bartlett Henry M., of McKennan & Bartlett, h 49 Whitesboro. Bartlett Joseph J., lawyer, Bagg's Square, bds T. Midlam's. Batchelor Brothers, hair dressers, fancy goods and perfumery, 130 Genesee Batchelor Daniel, of Batchelor Brothers, h 14 Hopper. Batchelor J. F., clerk Evening Telegraph office, bds 20 Elizabeth. Batchelor John F., of Batchelor Brothers, h 15 Cooper. Batchelor Julian, tin and coppersmith, bds 20 Elizabeth. Batchelor Peter, hair dresser, h 6 Seymour Avenue. Bateman B. ft, carpenter, h.25 Louisa. Bates Comfort, manufacturer of Bate's Syrup, h 70 Broadway. Bates David G., cordwainer, h 1 Pine. Bates John, carriagesmith, bds 3 Steuben. BATES JOHN W., carriage manufacturer, shop 7, h 16 Devereux. Bates Thomas, carriagesmith, h 3 Steuben. Bates Thomas H., civil engineer, bds National Hotel. Bates Van Buren, dealer in patent rights, bds 70 Broadway. Bates Walter S., city bill poster, bds 70 Broadway. Batley Mrs. Ann, widow of Robort, h 6 King. Batley Robert Jr., painter and glazier, li 37 West Bridge. Battey William P., proprietor Bleecker St. House, and fruit and fish dealer, 6 Bleecker. Baudee John, laborer, h 103 Court. Bauer Francis, cordwainer, h 264 Whitesboro. Bauer Susan, h 57 Chenango Avenue. Bauer William, pedler, h 81 Steuben. Baumann Francis, cordwainer, h 18 Schuyler. Baumann John, laborer, h 23 South Hamilton. Baxter John, marble cutter at L. L. Lewis', li 85 Park Avenue. Baxter Mrs. Matilda, widow of John, bds 85 Park Avenue. Baxter Mrs. R. P., h 45 Charlotte. Baxter k Hughes, dry goods, 6(5 Genesee. Baxter Owen, of Baxter & Hughes, h 21 Mary. Beal John, h Mechanics' Lane. Beardsley Arthur M., lawyer, office 94, h 251 Genesee. Beardsley Mrs. Samuel, widow, h 251 Genesee. Beare Charles H., clerk 177 Genesee, bds 23 Lansing. Beare Henry C, wood-turner at Lawrence's, h 23 Lansing. Beare William, machinist, h rear 4 Steuben Park. Bears Mrs. Isabella, li 15 Charlotte. Beary , at C. R. R., h Jay, 2 w Hubbell. Beasley William, livery driver, bds 57 Charlotte. Bebb Thomas ft, carriage maker, bds 79 Columbia. 'Beck Henry, cordwainer,h 39 Canal. Beck John, laborer, h 61 Canal. Becker Charles, boots and shoes, 7 Bleeeker, h 45 Tibbits. Becker Christian, butcher, h 122 Fayette. Becker Frederick, cutter at R. V. Yates', h 42 Miller. Beckwith Benjamin, laborer, h 21 Neilson. Beckwith Charles R., insurance clerk, bds 321 Genesee. BECKWITH GEORGE, lumber and wood yard, cor South and Dudley, res Slayton's Bush road. Beckwith Henry, tin and glass ware, wholesale and retail, 155 Genes**} bds 8 Rutger. E 50

Beckwith Selden, bds 107 Steuben. Beckwith Stephen, boatman, h 40 Seymour Avenue. Beckwith William, tin and glass ware, 41 Bleecker, h 48 First. Beckworth Myron H, clerk at Abbott's, h 60 Broadway. Beebe Miss H. F., bds 17 Kemble. Beecher Mrs. Margaret, h 76 Jay. Beesley George N., news and magazine depot, 6 Liberty, h 84 Columbia. Bedbury Joseph Jr., boatman, bds 151 Whitesboro. Bedbury Susanna, widow of Joseph, h 151 Whitesboro. Behr Michael, laborer, hws Chatham, 2 s George. Behringer Constantine, harness maker at Biederman's, bds 83 Elizabeth. Beisiegel John, tailor, h 101 Schuyler. Beisiegel William, cabinet maker, h 102 Schuyler. Bell , blacksmith, bds 26 Jay. Bell John, cook, h 12 Varick. Bell Philip, laborer, h 49 Blandina. Bellinger George II., carpenter, h 62 Mary. Bellinger James, conductor C. R. R., h 42 Main. Bellinger Mrs. Ann A., dress maker, h 62 Mary. Bellmix G. W., segar maker, bds Clinton Hotel. Belz George, tailor, h 31 Miller. Bender Conradt, cabinet, maker, h 9 Huntington. Benedict Joseph, of Matteson & Benedict, h 84 Miller. Benedict Joseph M., student, bds 84 Miller. Benjamin Casper, pedler, h rear 123 Water. Benkhaeuser Ulric, laborer, h 4 Parker. BENNETT C. S. & CO., dry goods, 79 Geneseo, (Tibbitts Block.) Bennett Cephas S., of C. S. B., & Co., bds Grove Penny's. Bennett Charles D., clerk Convers & Sawyer, bds 58 Charlotte.. Bennett Dolphas, agent N. Y. Bap. Ed. Society, h 58 Charlotte. Bennett James E., bds City Hotel. BENNETT L. M., jewelry and silver ware, 175 Genesee, bds cor Court and Cornelia. Bennett Samuel, proprietor City Hotel, 219 Genesee, cor Carnahan. Bennett William W., clerk, bds 58 Charlotte. Bensberg F. W., grocery and house cor Plant and Francis. Bensberg Ludwig, tailor, h 30 Plant. , Benton Carlos S., painter, hss Johnson Square. Benton James, master-mason and builder, office 90 Park Avenue, res New Hartford. Benton Miss Sarah, assistant at Utica Orphan Asylum. Benz John, laborer, h 5 Hope. Benz Philip, machinist, bds 3 Hope. Beren Joseph, Globe Woolen Mills, hns Orchard, 3 w Philip. Berg Frank, Globe Woolen Mills, hns Orchard, 3 w Philip. Berg John, laborer, h 6 Parker. Berg Joseph, laborer C. R. R., h 40 Water. Berg Michael, h 9 Parker. Bergner Frank, Steam Cotton Mills, h 56 Chenango Avenue. Bernardina Sister, Superior of Franciscan Sisters, h 30 Varick. Berry Lewis T., clerk Smith & Hall, bds Bleecker Street House. Best James, teacher piano forte, violin, &c, 156 Genesee, h 14 Cottage. Best John, contractor, h 8 Cottage. 51

Beston John, Proprietor City Coffee House, 14 Genesee, h 5 Water. Beswick Mrs., mantua-maker, li rear 59 Broadway. Bettis H. W., h 54 Washington. Bettis Mrs. Elmira, bds, 107 Schuyler. Bettis Mrs. H. W., dress maker, h 54 Washington. Betts Charles. mason, h 37 Miller. Betts Orrin S, jewelry pedler, bds 27 State. Betty W. J., meat market, 55 John, res same. Bouscher Frederick, waiter Bagg's Hotel. Bevines John, gardener, hes Mohawk, 6 above the Jail. BICE AARON J., Boots and Shoes, 109 Genesee, cor Catharine, h 30 Court. Bice Henry H., foreman at A. J. Biee'e, h 64 State. Bice Hiram, clerk at Blaikie's, bds 30 Court. Bice Robert S., clerk at A. J. Bice's, h 3 Washington. Bidwell Hudson, clerk Lunatic Asylum, h 296 Whitesboro. Bidwell James, clerk at James Dntton's, h 52 Fayette. Biederman John, harness and trunks, cor Genesee and Main, h 83 Eli­ zabeth. Biobler Ir.eneas, blacksmith, li 155 Steuben. Biemuller Lorenz, laborer, h 3 Ash. Bierbauer Charles, West Utiea Brewery, 5 Edward. Bierbauer Louis, brewer, h 10!) Columbia. Biernback Nicolas, cabinet maker, li 74- Liberty. Biernback Joseph, saddler, bds 8 Division. Biggs Charles, bds 27 Howard Avenue. Biggs Edward, upholsterer, bds 27 Howard Avenue. Biggs Frederick, shade painter, bds 27 Howard Avenue. Biggs Miss Cecilia, dress maker, bds 27 Howard Avenue Biggs Miss Mary, mantua-maker, bds 27 Howard Avenue. Biggs Mrs. Mary, widow of William, h 27 Howard Avenue. Biggs Robert, mason, bds 27 Howard Avenue. Biggs Thomas, carpenter, sexton Church Reconciliation, h 60 Seneca. Billington George T., sewing machines, h 19 Broad. Billing Henry, laborer, h 17 Leah. Billings , clerk at Abbott's, bds 6 Broadway. Binder Christian, inn-keeper, 71 Bleeeker. Binder Conrad, cabinet maker, h 9 Huntington. Birdseye Exra M., lawyer, 92 Geneseo, h 7 Dudley. „ Birdseye Joseph, cap maker, li 71 Fayette. Birdseye L. H., teacher at Advanced School, h 7 Eagle. Birdseye Miss Lydia, teacher Aaiken Street School, bds 71 Fayette. Birmingham Michael, laborer, hns Dakin. Birt John, plasterer, h 5 Steuben. Birt William, plasterer, bds 5 Steuben. Birt Thomas, plasterer, h 33 Plant. Bishop T. B., painter, bds 29 Kemble. Bissell Daniel P., M. D., office 7, h 58 Fayette. Bissell Frank, student Hamilton College, bds 58 Fayette. Black River & Utica Rail Road, office Empire Block. Blackner John, laborer, bds 29 Elm. Blackwell & Walling, carriage manufacturers, cor Bleecker & Academy. Blackwell Enoch, of Blackwell & Walling, h 67 Bleecker. 52

Blackwell George, wheelwright, bds 67 Bleecker. Blackwell John, laborer, h 25 Blandina Blaikie William, druggist and grocer, 202 Genesee, res same. Blair John, h 3 George. Blake Thomas, laborer, h 25 Elizabeth. Blakeman G. W., moulder, bds 33 Cooper. Blakeman Moses, moulder, h 33 Cooper. Blakeman Moses J., painter, bds 33 Cooper. Blanchard John, butcher, h 14 Division. Blasier Ezra, laborer, h 51 Tibbitts. Blass John, laborer, h 103 Schuyler. Blatt John, blacksmith, h 121 Elizabeth. Blattner Catharine, h at Liberty Street House. Blauvelt Erastus, book keeper C. A. Yates, bds Dudley House. Bleecker Street House, 6, 8 and 10 Bleecker, Wm. P. Battey, Proprietor. Bliven E., fireman C. R. R., bds 45 Broad. Bloomgarden Rev. Louis, h 45 John. Boff Thomas, check man C. R. R., h 61 Lansing. Bogart Anna, tailoress, h 38 Stark. Bogart Thomas L., farmer, hns Broad, 2 e Starch Factory Creek. Bogart Peter, farmer, hns Broad, 2 e Starch Factory Creek. Bohn Caspar, laborer, h 14 Schuyler. Bohan Jane, widow, h 21 Louisa. Bohan John, cordwainer, h 8 Hope. Bohner Samuel, cordwainer, h 49 Second. Boice Philip H., clerk at Parker's, h eor Breese and Canal. Bolles Horace T., carpenter, h 45 Cornelia. Bolles Theodore W., boots and shoes, 116 Genesee, h 12 Hotel. Boname Peter, cabinet maker Crawford & Co.'s, h 145 Mohawk. Bond Isaac, clothing, 32 Genesee, h cor Columbia and Fay. Bond James W., lawyer, office Empire Black, h 66 Cornelia. Boom George W., laborer, h cor Henry street and Chenango Avenue. Boom Jame3, laborer, bds S. Boom's. Boom Samuel, laborer, h cor William and Francis. Booth James, cartman, h 71 Whitesboro. Booth Stephen D., cartman, h 11 Washington. Boothroyd Michael, foreman spinning room Steam Woolen Mills, h 38 Schuyler. Bonney Agijps, dress maker, bds 51 West Bridge. Bopp John, grocery and h cor Albany and South. Boss Peter, pedler, hns Green, 1 w Stark. Botmer Christian, Steam Woolen Mills, h 202 Whitesboro. Bouck David, moulder, h 11 Cooper. Bouck Peter, laborer, h 55 Tibbitts. Bourne John, grocer, 47 Blandina. Bourtain Moses, pedler, h 93 Water. Bourtain Nathan, pedler, h Hoyt, 7 bl Whitesboro. Bovee Peter, station man C. R. R. Depot, bds Bagg's Hotel. Bovee William, clerk E. Leach's, bds 33 Blandina. Bowen Benjamin, blacksmith, h 2 Burnet. Bowen Henry, machinist, h 23 Varick. Bowen Jerome, engineer, C. R. R., h 45 Catharine. Bowen John, laborer, bds Miss M. Bowen's. 53

Bowen Mrs. Ann, widow of John, hes Albany, 4 s Bleecker. Bowen Miss Mehitable, gate keeper Frankfort plank road. Bowen W. J., Globe Woolen Mills, h cor Warren and Stark. Bowers Charles, lumber merchant, h 211 Genesee. Bowers Frederick, pedler's exchange, 100 Fayette. Bowers John, carpenter, hns Louisa, 3 w Steuben. Bowers Michael, laborer, hws Chatham, 4 s,George. Bowers Mrs. ft, milliner and dressmaker, 211 Genesee, res same. Bowers Mrs. Phoebe, tailoress, h 94 Bleecker. Bowler Henry, bill poster, h 75 Bleecker. Bowman Felix, teamster Lawrence's, h 65 Blandina. Boyee Agustus A., clerk U. S. Circuit Court, office City Hall, h 52 South. Boyce Frederick W., nurseryman and florist, cor Oneida and Walker, res same. Boyce James, launderer Lunatic Asylum, h e s Harper, 1 s Whitesboro. Boyce M. A., assistant clerk U. S. Circuit Court, bds 52 South. Boyd Lewis A., segar maker, h 68 Steuben. Boyd Solomon, assistant at Beston's. Boyden James, segar maker, bds Sherwood House. Boye Charles, blacksmith, h 133 Blandina. Boyle John, laborer, h Hoyt, 4 bl Whitesboro. Boyle Mrs. R. J., widow, h 75 Cornelia. Boyle Nicholas, laborer, h 86 Third. Boyle William, clerk Barnard & Sons, bds 86 Third. Boyne Miss Catharine, dress make, h 84 Elizabeth. Brace Rev. S. W., li n s Whitesboro 3 ab junct Court and Whitesboro. Brackett Mrs. Martha, midwife, h 43 Tibbitts. Bradish Block, from Nos. 177 to 183 Genesee street. Bradish Arthur M., student, bds 311 Genesee. Bradish John, li 311 Genesee. Bradish Theodore II,, dentist, 5 Bradish Block, bds 311 Genesee. Bradley Charles; attendant Lunatic Asylum. Bradley Daniel, bonnet bleacher, h 26 Hotel. Bradley Lewis, landscape painter and draughtsman, h 90 Park Avenue. Bradley William H., clerk at Golden's, bds 26 Hotel. Bradling Christian, tailor, h 5 High. Bradt J. ft, stone cutter at Hart & Munson's, h 4 Charles. Bradtberne James, bds 93 Spring. Brady James, of Manning & Co., h 10 Miller. Brady John, book keeper William Brady's, bds W. Brady's. Brady John, farmer at C. Riley's. Brady Peter S., clerk Manning's, h 71 West Bridge. Brady Patrick, clerk Manning's, bds Central Hotel. Brady William, master mason, office 54 Bleecker, h eor Broad street and Kossuth Avenue. Braemer Adam, cordwainer, h 275 Whitesboro. Brand Gottfried, school teacher St. Joseph's Church, h 135 Fayette. Brand John, meat market, cor Whitesboro and Charles, hss Oak, 6 8 Schuyler. Brand Thomas J., moulder, h 8 Blandina. Brandigee Rev. J. J., rector Grace Church, h 45 Elizabeth. Brandis Frederick, cordwainer, h 16 Tibbitts. Bratfield John, h 99 Park Avenue. E2 54

Bratt Anna, widow, h 5 King. Braun John, stone cutter Hart & Munson's, h 142 Water. Braun Martin, wheelwright at Hamlin's, h 260 Whitesboro. Brayton Edward S., of Brayton & Seward, h 252 Genesee. Brayton & Seward, lawyers, 30 Genesee. Brazie Ambrose, brickmaker, h 62 Third. Brazie H. H, cordwainer, h 112 Elizabeth. Brazie Mrs. Mary, tailoress, h 40 Kemble. Brazie Samuel, brickmakerj h 33 Neilson. Brazie W. R., cordwainer, h 22 Columbia. Breen Daniel, clerk W. Breen's, bds same. Breen James, laborer, bds 102 Bleecker. Breen Martin, painter, bds 102 Bleecker. Breen Robert, laborer, bds 102 Bleecker. Breen William, grocery and h 102 Bleecker. Breeze Thomas, cutter, h 74 Court. Brehn Charles, stone cutter at Hart & Munson's, res Deerfield. Breitstein Francis, cordwainer, h 108 Columbia. Breithut Andrew, nailsmith, h 40 Canal. Bremer Adolphus, upholsterer, h 139 Water. Brendle A., Proprietor People's House, 11 Main. Brennan John, porter, h 38 Water. Brennan Peter, cordwainer, h 82 Elizabeth. Brentnall Paul, freight agent B. R. & U. R. R., h 42 West. Bresson Melehiore, saloon 111 Bleecker, res same. Breusoh Martin, Steam Woolen Mills, h 33 Parker. Brewer Augustus G., bds P. Brewer's. Brewer Peter, Overseer of the Poor, office cor Bleecker and Franklin, h 82 Broad. BrewBter Mrs. P., widow of J. W., bds 62 Seymour Avenue. Bridenstein Frederick, meat market and h 106 Fayette. Bridenstein Jacob, engineer, 116 Schuyler. Bridenstein Lawrence, h 122 Fayette. Bridentstein Michael, machinist, h 93 Court. Bridenberg William, tailor, h 26 Elm. Bridgeman J. C, freight conductor C. R. R., bds 42 Catharine. Bridgeman Henry, h 8 Erie. Briggs Edward, manufacturer of clothing, 104, h 331 Genesee. Briggs James R., clerk Steam Cotton Mills, bds City Hotel. Briggs Joseph, titishop 2, h 4 Pearl. Brigham Lambert, ostler Clinton Hotel, bds same. Bristol Rev. D. W„ P. E. Oneida District, h 4 Lansing. Bristol William, h 339 Genesee. Brixius Henry, tailor, h 128 Court. Broadbent Alfred, Steam Cotton Mills, h 89 Court. Broadbent Giles, Steam Cotton Mills, h 36 Cooper. Broadway Mrs. Maria, widow, h 96 Fayette. Broadford Mrs., h 7 South. Brockway Charles R., pedler, h 59 Court. Brockway B. L., pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Brockway James, carpenter, h 91 Court. Bronk John II., boots and shoes, 1 Fayette, h 16 Plant. Bronson Ellen, tailoress, bds 56 Miller. 55

Brooks Anthony, laborer, h 95 Bleecker. Brooks B. F., auctioner and real estate broker, 139 Genesee, res Her­ kimer village. Brooks G. G., clerk Brooks & Hone, res Herkimer village. Brooks & Hone, auction and commission house, 139 Genesee. Brooks F., bar-keeper York House. Broome Joseph B., organ builder, h 6 Eagle. . Brophy John, laborer, h 21 Third. Brophy Thomas, grocery and house 70 Steuben. Brothers Cornelia, widow, h 6 Meadow. Brothers Joseph, carpenter, h 16 Stark. Brown Abram, conductor C. R. R., h 50 Main. Brown Archibald, moulder, h 13 Cooper. Brown Charles H, tailor, h 12 High. BROWN CAROLINE, M. D., office and h. 69 Fayette. Brown C. L., clerk at Rindge's, h 2 Carnahan. Brown Edmund, engraver, Devereux Block, bds 19 Seneca. Brown Edward M., printer, Eve. Tel. office, bds 45 West Bridge. Brown Edwin F., cordwainer, bds Joseph Brown's. Brown Elon G., of Newell & B., bds 10 Broadway. Brown Francis, boatman, h cor Rutger and Barnes. Brown George, moulder, h 71 Elizabeth. Brown Henry S., silversmith, 10 John, h 1 West. Brown Hannah, widow, h 84 Columbia. Brown Ira D., asst. editor Morning Herald, h 6 Lansing. Brown James, dresser, h 22 Fay. Brown James, office 111 Genesee, h 9 Spring. Brown James, tailor, h 45 West Bridge. Brown James, moulder, h 4 Hart. Brown John, stono cutter, h 142 Water. Brown John, h cor George and Steuben. Brown John, of McCraith & B., bds 5 Union. Brown John F., moulder, h 35 Cornelia. Brown John G., of Warnick & B., h 9 Broadway. Brown Jacob, laborer, h near C. R. R. 5 e Clark's Bridge. Brown Joseph, grocery and h 69 Whitesboro. Brown Joseph, cordwainer, h cor Elizabeth and Albany. Brown Josiah K., of Crafts & B., h 88 Fayette. Brown L. T., clerk B. F. Joslyn's, bds 54 Fayette. Brown Mrs. Elizabeth, widow of Richard, h 35 Fayette. Brown Miss Margaret, dress maker, bds 49 Columbia. Brown Miss Mary, dress maker, h 49 Columbia. Brown Mrs. Mary, widow of Samuel, h 69 Fayette. Brown Melville, moulder, h 4 Hopper. Brown M. E. D., artist, 71 Genesee, bds Bagg's Hotel. Brown Oliver, bar-tender Clinton Hotel. Brown Robert, moulder Wheeley & Bailey's, bds 3 Aiken.

c____=ioi_i_sr__! _3_a,o"\v_srs ___:. __>., Office and Residence, No. 69 Fayette St. OFFICE HOURS—FROM 1 TO 8 A. M., AND 2 TO 5 P. M. 56

Brown Thomas J., cordwainer, bds eor Elizabeth and Albany. Brown William, brakesman, C. R. R., bds 16 Main. Brownell Allanson W., h 209 Genesee. Brownell Mrs. S. L., milliner and mantua-maker, 209 Genesee. Brownell Samuel, stage coach proprietor, bds Central Hotel. Bruce Walter, at Chubbuck's, bds 5 Charles. Bruce Walter J., express agent, h 5 Charles. Brueher Eliza, bds 3 Cottage. Brucher Mathias, laborer, h 85 Liberty. Brueher Michael, clerk A. A. Jones', bds 85 Liberty. Brunner Francis, blacksmith, h 98 Columbia. Brunner Jacob, laborer at Lawrence's, h 17 Canal. Brunner Melehior, blacksmith, h 111 Columbia. Brunnett Joseph, cordwainer, h 85 Spring. Bryan Mary, widow of Daniel, h 67 Cornelia. Bryan Peter, carpenter, hes Steuben, 4 s Arthur. Bryan William, segar maker, bds 67 Columbia. Bryant David, brakesman C. R. R., bds J. Lester's. Bryant George, proprietor Fayette St. House, 117 Fayette. Bryant Rufus, brakesman C. R. R., bds J. Lester's. Bryant Spencer, foreman C. R. R. track, bds 30 Main. Buchanan Elihu, book-keeper, Culver & Co., bds 89 Mary. Buchanan Thomas Jr., book-keeper, Ontario Bank, h cor Genesee and Clinton. Buchsbaum Conradt, laborer, h 141 Water. Bucher Joseph, carpenter, h 118 Bleeeker. Buckley Daniel, laborer, h 30 John. Buckley Dennis, laborer, hes West, 2 above Square st. Buckholz Goorgei chair maker, hes Mohawk, ab the Jail. Buckman Augustus, segar maker, h 10 Neilson. Buck A. E., cutter, R. V. Yates', h 42 Liberty. Buddie William T., harness maker at L. Moore's, h 17 Pearl. Budlong Mary ft, widow of John B., h 16 Kemble. Budlong Orlo S., carpenter, h 104 Whitesboro. Budlong Samuel H, h 116 Whitesboro. Buckingham E. D. & Co., piano fortes, 50 Genesee, (Marble Block.) Buckingham E. D., of E. D. & Co., h 32 Lansing. Buehler Aaron, blacksmith, h 152 Whitesboro. Buehler Christian, blacksmith, shop and h 134 Fayetto. Buehler George, watch repairer, h 113 Bleecker. Buehler George, laborer, h 155 Whitesboro. Buell A. B., hardware manufacturer, Oriskany, bds Franklin House. Buell James M., proprietor Franklin House, 147 and 149 Genesee. Buell Mrs. Harriet E, h 31 Broad. Bull Virgil, book-keeper, Crouse & Co., h 19 Rutger. Bullard Georgo, carriage maker, bds Bleeeker St. House. Bullard Miss Mary, h 17 Varick. Bullock Benjamin F., grocery and h 42 Liberty. Bullock Samuel, house and sign painter and glazier, cor Fayette and Washington, h 8£ Spring. Bult John E., book-keeper Thorn & Maynard's, h 22 Whitesboro. Bungay George W., h 54 South. Burbidge James F, agent Oneida Brewery, h 65 Court. 57

Buncher Miss Emma, teacher Advanced School, bds 12 Washington. Burch Mrs. E. J., tailoress, h 17 Eagle. Burden Henry, fireman Lunatic Asylum, h cor William and Hart. Burgert Andrew, locksmith, h 59 Canal. BURKE & GOODWIN, dealers in coal and wood, cor Bridge and Cath­ arine. Burke Charles G., teller Savings Bank of Utica, bds 51 Fayette. Burke Finton, laborer, bds 140 Blandina. Burke John, cordwainer, h 85 Water. Burke Michael, laborer, h 15 Charlotte. Burke Miles, laborer, h cor Washington and Water. Burke Mrs. Susan, widow, h 17 Steuben. Burke Patrick, laborer, C. R. R., h 140 Blandina. Burke Peter, bds Bleecker St. House. Burke Thomas, laborer at gas house, h 2 Seneca. Burke Richard, clerk at Weaver's, bds 2 Seneca. Burke Ulic, M. D., office and h 51 Fayette. Burke William F., clerk, bds 51 Fayette. Burkett George, carpenter, bds William Bnrkett's. Burkett John S., carriage painter, h 13 George. Buikett William, gate keeper, Burlington Plank Road. Burkhardt Andrew, laborer, Hart & Munson's, bds 59 Canal. Burlingame Isaac, tailor, h 111 Fayette. Burlingham Charles, carpenter, h 8 Fay. Burlingbam Christopher, farmer, h 115 Rutger. Burlisson Stephen A., h 62 West. Burnham William L., agent Warnick & Brown, h 14 Howard Avenue. Burnop William L., clerk Loucks & Searls', h 58 Lansing. Burns John, laborer, h cor Steuben and James. Burns Mrs. Catharine, h 246 Whitesboro. Burns Thomas, cordwainer, h 31 Lansing. Burns Thomas, farmer, hws Mohawk, 7 ab the Jail. Burridge Alexander, ostler Bagg's Hotel. Burrill H. H, clerk Convers & Sawyer's, bds Bleecker St. House. Burrington George, machinist, h 38 Jay. Burrows Martin, h 29 Seneca. Burrows Mrs. Willis, tailoress, hss Lansing, 5 w Albany. Burrows Wesley, fireman C. R. R.', h 3 Main. Burtis Edwin H., clerk at County Clerk's office, bds 73 Cornelia-. Burtis Stephen, pattern maker, h 73 Cornelia. Burton D. & Son, flour and provisions, 35 Genesee. Burton Dexter, of D. B. & Son, h 319 Genesee. Burton Edward, laborer, h 15 Union. Burton Horace, of D. B. & Son, res Marcy. Burton James, cordwainer, bds 44 Charlotte. Burton Thomas, waiter Bagg's Hotel, h 77 West. Burton William, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Burvee Norman, farmer, h 115 Schuyler. Busch Francis, laborer, h 39 Oneida. Buseh George, gardener, bds 108 Fayette. Bush Andrew, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Bush Michael, h 202 Whitesboro. Bushnell Harry, h 47 Broadway. 58

Bushnell Henry J., h 54 West. Bushnell James H, machinist, h s w cor Johnson Square. Bussey George H., attendant Lunatic Asylum. Bussey Miss Mary W., teacher piano forte, bds City Hotel. Buswell John, liquor merchant, 93 Genesee, h 95 Whitesboro. Butcher Charles M., overseer wool room, Globe W. Mills, h 48 Variek. Butler Charles A., of Hoyt & B., bds National Hotel. Butler David ft, book-keeper, h 11 Blandina. Butler G. S., book-keeper Golden's, bds Centrul Hotel. Butler James, laborer, h 206 Whitesboro. Butler J. Milton, cashier Oneida County Bank, bds Bagg's Hotel. Butler J. M., clerk Golden's, bds 19 Washington. Butler Joseph, supervisor Lunatic Asylum. Butler Miss Catharine, h 45 Second. Butler Miss Hannah, bds 7 Hamiltsn. Butler Mrs. Sally, h 46 Mary. Butler Nicholas, sexton St. John's Church, h cor Mary and Third. Butler Truman K., druggist and groeer, 114 Gonesee, bds Bagg's Hotel. Butler Warren, attendant Lunatic Asylum. BUTTERFIELD & SON, livery stables, 8 Main. Butterfield John, of B. & Son, h 32 Fayotte. Butterfield John Jr., res Butterfield farm. Butterfield Theodore F., of B. & S., h 24 Whitesboro. Button Ira A., hats and caps, 98 Genesee, bds City Hotel. Button Mrs. Caroline, h 70 Court. Button Walter, at Lunatic Asylum, li 70 Court. Button Warren, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Byington Charles, clerk at Beesley's, bds 4 Spring. Byington Samuel P., carpenter, h 4 Spring. Byrne John ft, clerk at Gaffney's, bds Franklin House. Byrne Moses, laborer, hes Chatham, 2 s George. Byron John, superintendent Steam Woolen Mills, h 14 Stark. c Caad Mrs. Sarah, widow, h 85 Third. Cadwell Dan P., h 65 Whitesboro. Cadwell Elisha, groeer, h 14 Mary. Cahill Edward, laborer, h cor Third and Mary. Cahill Henry M., tinsmith, bds 82 Elizabeth. Cahill James, laborer, h 91 Bleeeker. Cahill John, laborer, h cor Third and Mary. Cahill John, gas fitter, bds 137 Rutger. Cahill Patrick, laborer, h 25 Gold. Cahill Thomas, laborer, h 82 Elizabeth. Cahill Thomas J., laborer, h 72 Third. Cahill William, laborer, h 137 Rutger. Cahoon Mrs. Minerva, h 14 Court. Cain Jeremiah, engineer C. R. R., bds 33 Catharine. Calkins Egbert, h 6 Neilson. Califf Maria, tailoress, bds James Bushnell's. 59

Callahan John F., blacksmith and carrirge maker 24 Catharine, h 119 Bleecker. Callahan Walter, mason, h 15 Philip. Callahan Walter Jr., mason, h 250 Whitesboro. Callanen Hugh, boots and shoes 93 Genesee, h 4 West. Callagan Michael, laborer, h rear 98 Catharine. Calloway James, metal sash maker C. P. Davis', h 61 West Bridge. Calvary Church, (Episcopal,) near cor Howard Avenue and South street, Rev. A. B. Goodrich, Pastor. Cameron William A., tinsmith, shop and h 12 Broad. Camorer Andrew, mason, h 29 Leah. Camp Harry, office 46 Liberty, bds Dudley House. Camp John, office 46 Liberty, h 42 Whitesboro. Campbell Rev. S. M., pastor Westminster Church, h 26 Lansing. Canal Collector's Office, cor Jay and John, Cordon Hackett, Collector. Canavan Bridget Ann, h 12 Montgomery. Canaway Alexander, carpenter, hes Webster, 3 ab South. Canaway Samuel, carpenter, hes Kossuth Avenue, 1 s South. Canfield Edwin R,, of Canfield & Hill, h 38 Cooper. Canfield k Hill, wagon makers 13 State. Cantwell John, boots and shoes, store 3, h 43 Catharine. Cantwell John T., bds 43 Catharine. Cantwell Roderick J., civil engineer, bds 43 Catharine. Capron John S., clerk at Wells', bds 68 Seymour Avenue. Capron Joshua L., carpenter, h 68 Seymour Avenue. Capron Joshua, carpenter, bds 68 Seymour Avenue. Capron William, with F. D. Fish, bds 68 Seymour Avenue. Caraher Rev. Patrick, pastor St. Patrick's Church, h .86 Columbia. Carey Elizabeth, widow of Michael, bds 40 Kemble. Carey Michael, carpenter, h 14 Lansing. Carey Mrs. Anna, h 35 Wost Bridge. Carey William, grocery and h 22 First. Carle John, tailor, h 18 Seymour Avenue. Carle James, laborer, h 31 Broad. Carle William, tailor, bds 18 Seymour Avenue. Carmody Michael, laborer, hns Green, 2 e Schuyler. Carmody Patrick, laborer, h 35 Broadway. Card & Leather Belt Factory, 28 Catharine. Carnall Mrs. Ann, boarding house, 71 Broad. Carney Valentine, laborer, h 51 Court. Carnright Mrs. Eliza, tailoress, h 8 Burnet. Carpenter Clark, wheelwright, cor John and Catharine, h 36 Elizabeth. Carpenter L. J., clerk J. B. Wells', bds 64 Whitesboro. Carpenter William P., book keeper J. S. & M. Peckham's, h 46 Lansing. Carr Henry, cooper, h 60 Catharine. Carr James, engineer Satinet Mills, h 60 Schuyler. Carr Joseph, barber at Batchelors', h 35 Steuben. Carrick Mrs. E., widow, bds 76 Catharine. Carroll Edward, livery driver, bds York House. Carroll Rev. Eugene, assistant pastor St. John's Church, bds 40 Bleecker, Carroll James, driver at Mra- Buell's, 31 Broad. Carroll John, moulder, bds 65 Elizabeth. Carroll John, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. 60

Carroll Michael, laborer, h 65 Elizabeth. Carroll Michael, wheelwright, h 21 Bridge. Carroll Michael, laborer, h 108 Jay. Carroll Michael J., engineer C. R. R, bds L. Sullivan's. Carroll Patrick, moulder, bds 65 Elizabeth. Carroll Owen, laborer, h 1 Tibbitts. Carroll Thomas, mason, h 15 Kirkland. Carroll William, porter at Kellogg's, bds 15 Kirkland. CARTON JOHN, Hardware Dealer, Tin, Sheet Iron and Coppersmith 133, h 257 Genesee. Carter Francis, porter at Sherwood & Hopson's, h 61 Whitesboro. Carver FrankUn, at B. R. & U. R. R. freight house, h 12 Water. Carver Georgo, stage driver, bds Northern Hotel. Carvenough Mrs. Susan, tailore.-s, h 60 West. Cartwright Ann, midwife, h 4 Francis. Cartwright Miss Martha, dress maker, bds 4 Francis. Case Cortland, clerk at Franklin House. Case Edward, bds 57 Columbia. Case George, carpenter, bds 57 Columbia. Case Ida, tailoress, bds 13 Seneca. Case William P., builder, h 57 Columbia. Case William P. Jr., pattern maker, h 15 Pearl. Casey John, laborer, h 48 West. Casey Mrehael, laborer, h 13 Main. Casey Matthew, laborer, h 21 Bridge. Cash Thomas, clerk at Harrison's, bds 42 Lansing. Casler Georgo, machinist, h 30 Neilson. Cassidy Daniel, laborer, h 18 Bristol. Cassidy John, laborer, h 14 Louisa. Cassidy Michael, porter Rockwell & Ferry's, h 12 Louisa. Cassidy Patrick, Marble Pillar Hotel, Bagg's Square, h 42 Broad. Castleman William, machinist, h 70 Second. • Catharine Street House, A. C. Potter, Proprietor. Catholic Church, (St. John's,) eor. John and Bleecker, Rev. Thomas Daly, Pastor. Catholic Church, (St. Joseph's,) 139 Faj^otte, Rev. Dominic Mesens, Pastor. Catholic Church, (St. Patrick's,) cor Columbia and Huntington, Rev. P. Caraher, Pastor. Catillay Xavier, silver plater, h 66 Mohawk. Catlin O., li 34 West. Caton Michael, Steam Cotton Mills, h 57 Court. Caulfield Peter, laborer, h 29 Third. Caulfield Martin, fumaceman, h 85 Jay, Cavanagh Michael laborer, h 139 Rutger. Cavanagh William, telcgraphor, bds 21 Whitesboro. Central City Hall, 106 Fayette. Central Hotel, cor Genesee and Elizabeth, J. L. Davis, Proprietor. Cessford George, pattern maker, h 9 Cooper. Cessford John G., engineer at Peckham's, bds 9 Cooper. Chadwick Miss Ann, teacher 6th Ward School, bds Mrs. B. Sprague's. Chadwick D. S., teacher, bds Mrs. B. Sprague's. Chambers John, Steam Woolen Mills, h 62 Schuyler. JOHN CARTON, Copper; Tin and Sheet Iron Manufacturer, and

Dealer in HOT AIR & HOT WATER FURNACES, aungcs, Mm$, $rat*0, Qtqittm, Wmtttwim,

METALS, PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, &C. &C. f\o. I S3 Genesee Slreet, Utit-a, IS. Y.

Where also may lie found THE S_A__Nr_D 0"VE__

The FIRST PBKM1UM has been awarded to this Stove, when exhi. bited, at every State and County Fair in the Unite 1 States. These Stoves are put together without cement, thereby making them the most perfectly manufactured Stoves in the World. Please call and examine them, and get a description book. 61

Chamberlain Ephraim, Treasurer Steam Cotton Mills, bds Central Hotel. Chaffee Rufus, bds 17 Plant. Charmer John L., cordwainer, h 64 West. Chancellor Square, between Bleecker and Elizabeth, e Academy. Chandler Charles, tailor, h 19 Steuben. Chapman Edward, Sec'y and Treas. Morse Telegraph Company, h 8 West Bridge. Chapman Hannah, milliner 2 Broad, bds T. Midlam's. Chapman Thomas, engineer, h 113 Schuyler. Chapman Thomas C, clerk Oneida Bank, bds T. Midlam's. Chapman William, Globe Woolen Mills, 111 Schuyler. Chapman William C, clerk Treasurer's office, Telegrah Company, bds E. Chapman's. Chapman W. C, carpenter, bds 20 Elizabeth. Charles Wolf, German Hotel, 44 Liberty. Charles Owen, carpenter, h 17 Carnahan. Charton John B., blacksmith, h 18 Mary. Chase Charles, brakesman C. B. R., bds 11 Bridge. Chase Edward, engineer C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Chase Henry W., agent Utica Evening Telegraph, bds 24 Main. Chase Ira, policemen C. R. R., h 24 Main. Chatfield Thomas W., tin and coppersmith, 16 Genesee, h 40 Blandina. Cheesborough Douglas, bds Central Hotel. Cheeseman Thomas, architect, bds City Hotel. Cheetham Miss Ann H., bds 14 Columbia. Cheney George, reed maker, h 9 Hopper. Childs Justus, clerk at Needham's, bds T. Midlam's. Childs Silas D., h 249 Genesee. Chitty William, cordwainer, h 20 Tracy. China Hall, 181 Genesee, E. J. Herbage, Proprietor. Christian Doctrine Association Rooms, 131 Genesee. Christian Nathan, blacksmith 16 Jay, h 96 Blandina. Christian William H., civil engineer, bds 70 Park Avenue. Christopher David, h 110 Court. Christy Mary, at C. C. Kingsley's, 103 John. Chubbuck A. C, telegraph instrument manufacturer, h 23 Washington. Chubbuck S. W., telegraph instrument manufacturer 34 Genesee, h 27 Seneca. Church of tho Evangelical Association, n s Garden, 2 s Court, Rev. Levi Jacobi, Pastor. Church of the Reconciliation, Seneca near Columbia, Rev. T. D. Cook, Pastor. Church Edward, painter, h 90 nart. Church Joshua M., h 7 Hamilton. Church Joshua W., book keeper Davies Bro's. h 25 Whitesboro. Church Truman K., h 19 Hopper. Churchill Alfred, of A. & A. Churchill, Bagg's Hotel, Churchill Alanzo, of A. & A. C, Bagg's Hotel. Churchill Alfred & Alonzo, Proprietors Bagg's Hotel, Bagg's Square, Churchill George C, lawyer, bds Bagg's Hotel. Churchill Miss Eliza, milliner, h 60 Washington. 62

Churchill Lois, widow of Charles, h 8 Mary. Churchill Varnum H, exchange broker, bds 6 Hotel. Churchill William C, office 24 Empire Block, h 66 Fayette. City Attorney's Office, 73 Genesee, Lewis H. Babcock, Oity Attorney. City Clerk's Office, City Hall, P. Cunningham, Clerk. City Coffee House, 14 Genesee, J. Beston, Proprietor. City Garden, rear 58 Genesee, Geo. A. Allen, Proprietor. City Guager and Sealer, George Lux. City Hall, cor Genesee and Pearl. City Hospital, cor South and Mohawk. City Hotel, cor Genesee and Carnahan, S. Bennett, Proprietor. City Saloon, Devereux Block, T. P. McElwaine, Proprietor. City Savings Bank, 164 Genesee, John Hulbert, Sec'y and Treas. City Sexton's Office, 14 Catharine, Martin Neejer, Sexton. City Surveyor's Office, City Hall, M. M. Francis, Surveyor. City and Town Overseer of the Poor, P. Brewer, office cor Bleecker and Franklin. Claflin Mrs. Rachel, bds 33 Blandina. Cleghorn Charles, h 96 Liberty. Cleghorn Horace, bds 96 Liberty. Clapp Lorenzo, engineer C. R. R., bds 42 Catharine. Clare John, clerk Shaw & Co.'s, h cor Jay and First. Clare Michael, laborer, hns Canal, 1 e First. Clark Aaron J., wheelwright, hns Whitesboro, 6 ab Court. Clark Alfred S., cutter at Kingsley's, hns Whitesboro, 5 ab Court. Clark Daniel P., bar keeper, bds 27 Charlotte. Clark Edwin D. of Dobbie & Clark, h 112 John. Clark Edward, waiter Bagg's Hotel, h 23 Tracy. Clark Erastus, Recorder, office City Hall, h 20 Seneca. Clark G. A., variety store, 40 Genesee, bds 5 Devereux. Clark James, assistant cook Bagg's Hotel. Clark James, waiter Bagg's Hotel, h 23 Tracy. Clark James I., cooper, bds 21 John. Clark Jemima, widow, h 41 West. Clark John, gardener, h 6 Howard Avenue. Clark John T., civil engineer, h 268 Genesee. Clark Martin H., cooper, bds 21 John. Clark Michael, cooper, cor John and Catharine, h 21 John. Clark Michael F., cooper, bds 21 John. Clark Mrs. A. E., widow, boarding house, 58 Broadway, Clark Mrs. Cornelia, h 29 Broad. Clark Mrs. Hannah, widow of C. D., h 5 Devereux. Clark Mrs. Mary A., h 16 Blandina. Clark Mary, nurse, h 72 Steuben. Clark Julius H., butcher, bds 53 Charlotte. Clark William, tinsmith, bds 55 Columbia. Clark William H, meat market cor Devereux and Charlotte, and cor Genesee and Pearl, bds 53 Charlotte. 63

CLARKE & DEVEREUX, Wholesale Dealers in Coal, Wood and Water Lime, cor Pine Street and Erie Canal. Clarke William, of C. & Devereux, h 47 Fayette. Clarkson David L, h 26 Broad. Cleary James, cabinet maker, hes Albany, 2 ab Kossuth Avenue. Cleary John, carpenter, h 1 Montgomery. Cleary Patrick, laborer, h 97 Blandina. Cleaveland Joseph M., M. D., 1st Assistant Physician Lunatic Asylum. Clement ChariesLeRoy, porter American Hotel. Cleveland Daniel, carpenter, hes Kossuth Avenue, 6 ab South. Cline Benjamin, watch repairer and jeweler 50 Genesee (Marble Block.) CLINE J., Jeweler, 50 Genesee, (Marble Block.) Cline W., watchmaker, 50 Genesee, (Marble Block.) Clinton Hotel, 39 Bleecker, John Pease, Proprietor. Clinton James, Steam Cotton Mills, h 71 Spring. Clinton Market, cor Bleecker and Culver. Clogher Peter, agent Steam Woolen Mills, h 84 Court. Clock Stephen C, bar tender City Garden, bds Central Hotel. Clute John V., cabinet maker, h G7 Broadway. Coakley Michael, laborer, h 70 Elizabeth. Coakley Patrick, laborer, hws Mohawk, 1 n Bleecker. Coakley Patrick, laborer, h w s Albany. 1 s Bleeeker. Coakley Patrick, laborer, h 69 Second. Coates Miss Lucretia, tailoress, h 5 Hotel. Cockburn Robert, bds 6 Carnahan. Cockburn Thomas, blacksmith, li 0 Carnahan. Coburn Alexander, lawyer. Exchange Buildings, li 82 John. Coburn Charles R., bds 16 Kemble. Codner William, Proprietor Phoenix Livery, 37 Hotel, h C Union.

Pine Street Coal Yard. CLARKE & DEVEREUX, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN OO-A-I. OF _A____3_. ____ 13ST _D s, WOOD AND WATER IfflE, BST" A fall assortment of Scranton, Lehigh, Lnckawana, Peach Orchard, Cum­ berland, Blossburgh and Pittsburgh Coals, for sale in largo or small quantities. WM. CLARKE. THOMAS B. DEVEREUX. J. CLINE, No. 50 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. _ur_f_rtJI/_^jE: _g___>c_s_., DEALER IN| WATCHES & JEWELRY, Clocks, Silver Plated Ware, ie. SILVER SPOONS manufactured under my own supervision, warranted equal to coin. Watches and Jewelry Repaired Sr Warranted. 64

Coffy John, segar maker, h 151 Whitesboro. Coffin William W., book keeper Globe Woolen Mills, bds Dudley House, Cogley John, carpenter, h 151 Bleecker. Cogley Thomas, carpenter, bds 151 Bleecker. Coghley Patrick, laborer at Lawrence's, h 69 Second. Cohen Abraham, pedler, h 13 Post. ( Cohen Casper, pedler, h 138 Water. Cohen Elkliorn, pedler, h 13 Post. ColbyMark M., machinist, h 8 Spring. Colburn Ann, widow of Amasa, h 2 Canal. Cole Abraham, moulder, h 85 Lansing. Cole J. Hazen, carpenter, h 58 South. Colo John, baggageman B. R. k U. R. R., bds 17 Water. Colo Park, clerk Gaffney's, bds 63 Liberty. Cole Mrs. Sophia, widow of William, h 52 Catharine. Cole Samuel J., moulder, h 84 Blandina. Cole Theodore, painter, bds 174 Whitesboro. Cole Tliomas P., clerk Griffiths k Co., bds 95 Park Avenue. Colo William G., watch repairer 175 Genesee, h 31 Blandina. Colgan Tliomas, stone mason, h e s Kemble, near Clinton. Collcdge James, painter, li 32 Miller. Colley William II., mason, h 20 Neilson. Colligan John, laborer, h 13 Schuyler. Colligan Patrick, laborer, h 18 Schuyler. Colligan Bridget, widow, h cor Third and Blandina. Colligan Sarah, widow of Timothv.li 54 Schuyler. COLLING ALFRED It., l\-ntist,"'c«ce.and h 18 Hotel. Colling Henry A., chair finisher, bds 18 Hotel. Colling Mrs. Evelina G., widow of Thomas, h 18 Hotel. Colling William C, elerk at Post Office, bds 18 Hotel. Collins Bernard G., cordwainer, h 107 Bleecker. Collins Daniel, mason, li 98 Bleecker. Collins David, farmer, h Kossuth Avenue, 1 s Bleecker. Collins Dennis, tailor, li 82 Jay. Collins James, laborer, h eor Third and Catharine. Collins John 1)., lawyer, office S8 Genesee, bds Dudley House. Collins John, tailor, h 35 Third, Collins John, cartman, h 50 Third. Collins John, tobacconist, h w s Mohawk, 2 ab the Jail. Collins Job S., li 13 Union. Collins Mrs. Ann, widow, h 64 Catharine. Collins Mrs. Dolly, dress maker, h 68 Washington. Collins Mrs. Eveline, laundress, h w s Steuben, 1 s Leah. Collins Mrs. Polly, nurse, bds 7 West- Collins Selden, jeweler 46 Genesee, h 105 John. Collins Thomas, laborer, h 149 Bleeeker. Collins Thomas, teamster Downer k Kellogg's, h 4 Pine. Collins W. V., saloon 39 Bleecker, h 121 John. Collis William G., machinist, li 36 West. Colman Mrs. E., li 50 Stark. Common Council, room City Hall, meets Friday evenings. Common School No. 1, (Advanced.) cor Charlotte and Elizabeth, 4th Ward. 65

Common School No. 2, cor Whitesboro and Potter, 2d Ward. Common School No. 3, Aiken w Cornelia, 3d Ward. Common School No. 4, 24 Steuben, 7th Ward. Common School No. 5, Blandina e First, 5th Ward. Common School No. 6, Hamilton s Columbia, 6th Ward. Common School No. 7, near Toll Gate Burlington Plank Road, 5th Ward. Common School No. 8, Catharine near Bridge, 5th Ward. Comstock Edwin D., of Dickinson, Comstock & Co., bds T. Midlam's. Comstock Miles C, of Dickinson, Comstock k Co., h 109 John. Comstock Roderick J., carpenter, Steam Woolen Mills, hns Green, 1 w Schuyler. Concert Hall, cor John and Broad, J. C. Kelly, Proprietor. Conaghty Ann, widow of John, h 9 Montgomery. Conaghty John J., clerk at Ney's, bds 9 Montgomery. Conaghty Patrick, laborer, h 79 Elizabeth. Conduit Stephen, segar maker, bds Sherwood House. Congar George H, Justice of the Peace, 159 Genesee, h 26 Howard Av. Conklin Fanny A., widow of William C, bds 77 West Bridge. Conklin Richard, wood turner, h 19 Howard Avenue. Conklin Rufus K., of Lyon and Conklin, h 3 Cottage. Conkling Roscoe, of Conkling k Throop, h 35 Whitesboro. Conkling & Throop, lawyers, office Tibbitts Block. Cone Daniel, mover of buildings, h 2 West. Cone Eli, printer, bds 15 Hopper. Cone George, mover of buildings, h 55 Steuben. Cone George W., clerk Gaffney's, bds 2 West. Cone Mrs. Mary Ann, widow of Warren, boarding house, 55 Broadway. Conlan John, laborer, li 34 John. Conlon John, bds 26 Charlotte. Conlin James S.r texidermist, bds 15 Rebecca. Conlin Stephen, milkman, h 15 Rebecca. Conolly James, boarding house 32 John. Connor Edward, at C. R. R., h 92 Mary. Connor Martin, cordwainer, h 40 Miller. Connor Michael, cordwainer, bds 26 Jay. Connor Michael, laborer, h 20 West Bridge. Connor Michael, grocery and h 91. Liberty. Connor James, laborer, h 6 Montgomery. Connor James, cordwainer, h 6 Montgomery. Connor Patrick, bds 6 Montgomery. Connor Thomas, laborer, bds 6 Montgomery. Connel William, laborer, h 17 Third. Convers k Sawyer, dry goods, 83 Genesee and 7 Catharine. Convers G. W. P., of Convers & Sawyer, bds American Hotel.. Conway James, cartman, h 60 Second. Conway Mrs. Eliza, dry goods, medicines and perfumer „ JO pear] re8 same. ' ' Conway Mrs. Mary, widow, h 9 Erie. Coonradt Nicolas, carpenter, h 36 Saratoga. Cook Albert, carpenter, hss William, 1 w State. Cook Charles, pattern-maker, h 61 West. Cook Rev. T. D., pastor Church Reconciliation, h 51 Catharine. Cook Henry H, coachman at Mrs. A. Munson's, h 92 Spring. F2 66

Cook James, h 2 Lansing. Cook Mrs. Ann V., widow, hes Jay, 1 w Hubbell. Cook Mrs. P. M., dressmaker, h 8 Cooper. Cook Mrs. Julia, widow, h 15 Tibbitts. Cook Robert, coachman at G. C. Tallman's, h cor Aiken and Cornelia. Cooley John, printer, at Telegraph office, h 14 Water. Cooley John Jr., printer, at Herald office, bds 14 Water. Cooney Rosanna, Globe Woolen Mills, bds 18 Schuyler. Cooper Benjamin F., lawyer, office and h 276 Genesee. Cooper Henry, clerk C. A. Tates', bds 39 Catharine. Cooper John A., civil engineer, h 58 Elizabeth. Copeman Arthur S., veterinary surgeon, h 21 Columbia. Copeman Arthur S. Jr., veterinary surgeon, h 14 Pearl. Coram H. T., cordwainer, Devereux Block, h 14 Tracy. Corbally Matthew, cooper, h 88 Jay. .:•-,. Corbally Patrick, cooper, shop and h cor Catharine and Fijgt,* •Corbally Patrick Jr., variety store, 64 Catharine, bds P. Corbally's. Corbett Mrs. Mary, h 93 Mary. Corey Rev. Daniel G., D. D., pastor Bleecker St. Baptist Church, h 27 Blandina. COREY FRANK W., teacher of penmanship, cor Fayette and Seneca, bds 53 Broadway. Corey John, bds 4 Blandina. Corey Mrs. Francis D., widow, li 53 Broadway. Corkwell, Mrs. Sarah C, widow, h cor Elm and Pleasant. Corley Mrs. Bridget, widow, h 143 Bleecker. Corkin Cornelius, laborer, h 77 Third. Cornelius George, barber, shop and h 53 Bleecker. Cornwall Michael, mason, h 10 Varick. Corp John, cordwainer, h 13 Blandina. Corrigan James, porter Bagg's Hotel, h 64 First. Corrigan Michael, h 29 Lansing. Corrigan Michael, laborer, h 19 Gold. Corrigan Mrs. Catharine, h 11 Charlotte. Corrigan Mrs. Sarah, h 92 Mary. Cosselman & Ehresman, stone yard, cor Whitesboro and Liberty. Cosselman Christian, of C. & Ehresman, h 98 Blandina. Cosselman Montgomery, carriage maker, h 102 Blandina. Coss Frederick C, clerk Smith & Hall's bds Franklin House. Cosgrove James, blacksmith, h 87 Water. Cosgrove John, plasterer, h 9 Neilson. Cosgrove Richard, laborer, bds Catharine St. House. Cottage Hotel, junction Varick and Whitesboro streets, John McGuire, proprietor. Cotter Francis, constable, h 16 State. Cotter Mrs. Catharine, widow, bds 16 State. Coughlin John, laborer, h 27 Philip. Coughlin John, laborer, h 95 Bleecker. Coughlin Michael, laborer, h 25 Philip. Coughlin Patrick, laborer, h 143 Bleecker. Coughlin Timothy, laborer, h 112 Bleecker. Coughlin William, laborer, h 114 Elizabeth. 67

Coultis William, cartman, h 37 Blandina. County Clerk'B Office, 222 Genesee, J. Earl Hulbert, Clerk. County Jail, Mohawk st, David Babcock, Jailor. Court House, 59 and 61 John. Coventry C. B., M. D., of C. k Son, h 54 Elizabeth. Coventry George, clerk Wilcox k Smith's, bds 2 Mohawk. Coventry George, farmer, h 2 Mohawk. Coventry Walter B., M. D., of C. & Son, bds 54 Elizabeth. Coventry k Son, physicians and surgeons, office 75 Genesee. Cowen Thomas, baker, h 1 First. Cowley Thomas, meat market, 96 Varick, h 24 Garden. /„' Cowley William, butcher, bds 24 Garden. * • Cox David, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Cox James, carpenter, h cor State and Plant. Cox John, li 55 Court. Cox Thomas M., laborer, h 22 Kemble. Coxe Rev. S. Hanson, rector Trinity Church, res rear same. Coxon Mrs. Ellen, tailoress, h 20 Columbia. Cove Jason G., lawyer, 96 Genesee, h 13 West Bridge. Coyne Michael, laborer, h 72 Catharine. Cozzens Levi, h 66 Liberty. Cozier Mrs. Mary, widow, bds John Thorn's. Crafts Willard, of C. & Brown, h 280 Genesee. Craig Mrs. Mary Ann, widow, h 7 7 Jay. Crandall Erastus B., carpenter, li 86 Spring. Crandall F. A., ass't editor Morning Herald, bds 6 Lansing. Crandall J. D., ass't sup't's office C. R. R., bds Bagg's Hotel. Cranwell Catharine, tailoress, bds 55 Fayette. Cranwell Elizabeth, widow, h 55 Fayette. Cranwell Eliza, milliner, bds 55 Fayette. Cranwell George, mason, bds 55 Fayette. Cranwell James, mason, bds 55 Fayette. Cranwell John, teamster, bds 55 Fayette. Cranwell Michael, mason, h 55 Fayette. Crary Archibald C., lawyer and land agent, office Devereux Block, bds Bleecker St. House. Crask Mrs. Ann, widow, h 37 Bridge. Crask John, ice pedler, bds 37 Bridge. Crawford Arnold, Steam Woolen Mills, h 14 Edward. CRAWFORD k CO., cabinet manufacturers, cor Liberty and Seneca. Crawford John, of C. & Co., h cor Henry and Hart. Crawshaw Sarah, widow, h 21 Huntington. Creagan James, machinist, h 80 Cooper. Creagan James, mason, h 16 Neilson. Creagan Michael, mason, h 14 Neilson. Creagan Mrs. Mary, h 27 Elizabeth. Creagan Patrick, mason, h 18 Neilson. Crenan Mrs. Mary, widow of James, h 19 Bridge. Crimans Daniel, laborer, hns Broad, 1 e Kossuth Avenue. Crimans Michael, h cor Mohawk and Jay. Cronin David, carpenter, h 17 First. 68

CRONIN TIMOTHY, builder, shop 17, li 20 John. Crippen Charles, grocer, 203 Genesee, h 31 Cooper. Crippen Frederick, moulder, h 43 Columbia. Crippen Samuel, traveling agent for S. Sherwood. Crisman John, Globe W. Mills, hns Warren, cor Schuyler. Crisman John, grocery and h 90 Liberty. Croak John, tailor, h 78 Elizabeth. Crocker Albert D., bds 65 Main. Crocker Hugh, h 65 Main. Crocker John G., lawyer, bds 65 Main. Crocker R. D., bds 65 Main. Crous Peter, mason, h 136 Blandina. Crouse Daniel N., of C, Son & Co., bds Dudley House. CROUSE DANIEL, SON & CO., wholesale dealers in groceries, 52 Hotel. TIMOTHY CRONIN^ , OJ_R_-PSSSB9__a__t AITS® _fOI_ff__B__l9 HAS REMOVED HIS SHOP TO No. 17 John Street, Opposite Concert Hall. Having the largest and most spacious shop in this City, he is prepared to ex­ ecute all Jobs pertaining to his business in the most prompt and: workman-like manner. He amo keeps engaged several workmen in making Countlng-House Desks of all patterns. DANIEL CROUSE, SON & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN

Forkr Fish; Lard; Alcohol, NAILS, FRUITS, 1ST TJ T S , Paints and Oils, &c. &c. 52 HOTEL & 31 SENECA STREETS, UTIOA, JNT. Y.


Crouse Jacob, farmer, h South, 2 w Mohawk. Crowell James, laborer C. R. R., bds 4 Division. Crowley Harriet, h 58 Broadway. Cruikshank David, livery stable, rear National Hotel, h 13 Elizabeth. Cruikshank Mrs. Martha, h Hoyt, 6 bl Whitesboro. Cruikshank Theodore W., bds Mrs. M. Cruikshank's. ' Crumley James, laborer, h 18 First. Crump Joab J., coppersmith, h 8 South. Crump Josephas, hats and caps, 128 Genesee, h 33 Fayette. Cue Patrick, porter at Gilbert's, h 35 Broadway. Cullen John, teamster, h 96 Steuben. Culver Abram E., of C. k Co., hss Broad, 5 bl Mohawk. CULVER A. E. & Co., forwarding and commission merchants, Empire Block. Cummings Elizabeth, bds 63 Court. Cummings Henry, machinist, bds 55 Broadway. Cummings Jason, carpenter, h 48 Mary. Cummiskey John, manufacturer of clothing, 52 Franklin Square, res Deerfield. Cunningham Frank, brakesman C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Cunningham James, express driver, h 32 Washington. Cunningham Michael, clerk, h 133 Rutger. Cunningham Mrs. Susan W., hns Whitesboro, 1 w Court. Cunningham Peter, lumber merchant and city clerk, 25 Bridge and City Hall, h 81 Jay. Cunningham Robert, blacksmith, bds 4 Edward. Cunningham W. E., student at E. A. Graham's, res New Hartford. Curlev Bridget, widow, h 143 Bleecker. CURLEY PATRICK J., plumber, 1 Carnahan, bds 21 Whitesboro. Curley Thomas, laborer, bds 21 Whitesboro. Curran's Edward Sons, leather merchants, 33 Genesee. Curran Edward, of E. C.'s Sons, bds 5 Washington. Curran Francis, fumaceman, h 88 Mary. Curran George L., of E. C.'s Sons, bds 5 Washington. Curran Mrs. Edward, widow, h 5 Washington. Curry Charles E., clerk at Horn's, bds 3 Dudley. Curry Elijah P., last maker, h 52 Broadway. Curry J. Augustus, book-keeper J, C. Curry's, bds 14 Steuben Park. Curry John C., flour merchant, 23 Liberty, h 14 Steuben Park. Curry William H., clerk at Sayre's, bds 14 Steuben Park. Curtis John, tailor, h 17 Mary. Curtis Joel, cordwainer, h n s Square st., 1 o Howard Avenue. Curtis Mrs. Mary Jane, bds 80 Columbia. Curtis Philo C, machine shop cor Pine st. and Erie Canal, h 62 State. A. E. CULVER & CO., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR. WAREHOUSE—No. 1 Empire Block. 70

Curtis Philo S., machinist, h 69 State. Curtis William A., clerk 69 Whitesboro. Curtis Pixley, physician, h 15 West. Curtiss Abel, h 68 Broadway. Curtiss Charles G., h 63 Charlotte. Curtiss George, president Breckenridge Coal Co., h 15 Court Curtiss Henry H., of C. & White, h 68 Broadway. CURTISS & WHITE, book and job printers, 171 Genesee. Curtiss George, teamster w s Albany, 4 s Rutger. Curtiss Mrs. Electa, widow, h 5 Rebeeoa. Cushman Charles, clerk Griffiths & Co., h 11 Spring. Cushman Joseph B., accountant, bds Central Hotel. Cusick Mrs. Susan, widow, tailoress, h 56 Jay. Cusick Thomas, carpenter, h 14 Varick. Cutter James L., dealer in wooden ware, w s Genesee, 3 s Noyes. D Dachs Joseph, laborer, h 4 Parker Daggett Rufus, tinsmith, shop 19 West, h 8-J- South. Dagwell Charles, moulder, bds John Dagwell's. Dagwell Herbert, h 56 Broadway. Dagwell John, of Hart & D., h 58 Varick. Dagwell Samuel L., clerk at Sayre's, bds J. Dagwell's. Dagwell William, book keeper Hart & Dagwell's, h 52 Varick. Daehler John, baker, shop and h 100 Columbia. Dain Ira, carpenter, hns Square St., 1 e Miller. Dalton Edward, painter, h cor William and Hart. Daly John, mason, li William, 1 w Hart. Daly Luke, watchman at Lunatic Asylum, li 166 Court. Daly Michael, tailor, h 69 Jay. Daly Rev. Thomas, pastor St. John's Church, h 40 Bleecker. Daly James, builder, bds 40 Bleecker. DANA & CO., hardware dealers, agricultural ware house and seed store, 92 Genesee. Dana George Silliman, student, bds 35 Broad. Dana James W., student, bds 35 Broad. Dana J. C, clerk at Golden's, bds Central Hotel.

DANA & CO., IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF in A. n_ S) w ___ m, m a (sw_?__iHiB'_rs> &c. &c, and Manufacturers and Dealers in Agricultural Tools, Plows and Implements,


Dana Mrs. Harriet, widow of James, h 24 Broad. Dana Mrs. Hulda, widow of George S., h 35 Broad. Dana William B., lawyer, 92 Genesee, h 24 West Bridge. Danforth Hiram D., organ builder, h 38 Lansing. Daniels Henry A., lawyer, and clerk Recorder's Court, office Tibbitto Block, h 39 West. Daniels Nathan H., pedler, h 62 Blandina. Dann J. H., student Judge Root's office, bds 1 Haven. Dann Mrs. Ann, widow, bds 8 Pearl. D'Aprix Isadore, painter, h 8 William Darby Jane, widow, hws Hubbell, 2 s Broad. Darby Patrick, tobacconist, bds Jane Darby's. Darling Cook, farmer, h Welsh Road, e Albany. Darrigrand Frederick, watch repairer, 5 Liberty, bds C. Duprie's. Darrigrand Mrs. F., ornamental hair braider, 23 Catharine. Dauby A. G., bds Bagg's Hotel. Dauer Frederick R., tailor, h 98 Schuyler. Dauner Gustav, carpenter, h 13 Tibbitts. Dauner Matthias, hws Joseph, 3 n Canal. Davenport C. A., segar maker, bds 55 West Bridge. Davenport Miss Christiana, Steam Cotton Mills, bds 27 State. Davenport Robert N., printer, bds 35 Charlotte. Davenport Mrs. Sarah, h 55 West Bridge. Davenport William H, machinist, h 216 Whitesboro. DAVIES B. F. & T. M., Jewelers and Watchmakers 42 Genesee Davies B. F., of B. F. k T. M. D,, bds 10 Mary. Davies David T., of Davies k Jones, h 14 Hotel. Davies David T., clerk at Gaffney's, bds York House. Davies David J., at Roberts' meat market, bds 34 Columbia. Davies David C, job printer Exchange Buildings, h 4 Cottage. Davies Evan, cabinet maker, bds Van's Hotel. Davies Evan T., stone cutter, h 83 Lansing. DAVIES BROTHERS, Cabinet and Chair Manufacturers, 19, 21 and 2$ Liberty. Davies J. A., of Davies Bro.'s, h 16 Spring. Davies John T., fruit, fish and groceries, 10 Whitesboro. Davies k Jones, clothing, 118 Genesee. Davies Peter, lawyer, 44 Genesee, h 25 Catharine. Davies Rees, carpenter, h 19 Aiken. Davies Thomas, watchmaker at 42 Genesee, h 10 Mary. Davies Thomas, morocco dresser, bds 8 Division. Davies T. M., of B. F. & T. M. Davies, bds 10 Mary.



Davies William, clerk at Williams Bros., bds 13 Seneca. Davies W. O., of Davies Bros., bds Central Hotel. Davies W. M., clerk, at D. Perry's. Davis Andrew M., pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Davis B. C, manufacturer of patent blind wiring machines, h 88 John. Davis Charles P., manufacturer of stained glass, 357 Genesee, h same, Davis Charles S., cordwainer, h rear 59 Broadway. Davis David, machinist, bds cor Leah and Steuben. Davis David, h 11 Canal. Davis Edward, segar maker, bds 47 Garden. Davis Ebenezer, carpenter, h Francis, 2 s Kirkland. Davis George E., clerk at Manning's, h 41 Charlotte. Davis James L., Proprietor Central Hotel. Davis John D., electro-plater, h 28 Blandina. Davis John J., carpenter, h 16 Lansing. Davis John, carpenter, h 77 Court. Davis John, M. D., office and h 119 Rutger. DAVIS JOSEPH P., Bird and Animal Preserver, at C. P. Davis', 357 Genesee. Davis Lewis, silver plater at H. Sanders', bds with same. Davis Mrs. Mary, laundress, li cor Leah and Steuben. Davis Mary, h 69 Broadway. Davis Richard, cordwainer at Hurley's, h 75 Cooper. Davis Robert R., clerk Convers & Sawyer. Davis Thomas, laborer, h 123 Elizabeth. Davis Thomas Jr., carriage maker, 18 Seneca, h Whitesboro. Davis William, carpenter, h 106 Schuyler. Davis W. G., clerk at Williams Bros., bds 13 Seneca. Davis U. M., bds Sherwood House. Davison J. L., book keeper Wilcox & Smith, bds City Hotel. Davison Jonathan, Steam Woolen Mills, h 84 Schuyler. Day Horace B., M. D., offieo 4 Bleecker, h 56 Elizabeth. Day Mrs. Catharine, tailoress, h 85 Steuben. Day Miss Catharine, tailoress, bds 85 Steuben. Day Miss Eliza, tailoress, bds 85 Steuben. Day John, grocery and h 40 Steuben. Day Patrick, laborer, h 44 First. Day Patrick, tobacconist at Waruick's, h 70 John. Dean A. H., machinist, h 82 Fayette. Dean James, pedler, h 87 Third. Dean John Martin, carriage maker, h 117 Lansing. DEAN L. k CO., manufacturers of iron railings, 178 Whitesboro. Dean Linas, of L. D. & Co., h 178 Whitesboro. Dean Mary Ann, widow, tailoress, h 98 Bleeeker. Dean Milton, machinist, h 5 Hamilton. Dean Morris, machinist, h 285 Whitesboro. Dean Mrs. M. E., bds City Hotel. Dean Peter, carriage maker, bds 117 Lansing. Dean Seba A., carpenter, h 146 Whitesboro. Dean W. B., of L. Dean & Co., h 176 Whitesboro. Deahna Frederick, painter and glazier, h 11 Tibbitts. Debnam William B., baggage-master C. B. R. Depot, h 44 Lansing. DeCue Charles, gunsmith, bds 19 Seneca. I_. _DE_A._N" & CO. [FEW DOORS EAST OF THE VULCAN WORKS,] JSTO. 173 AVhitesboro Street, TJtica,


SPIRAL STAIRS, AWNINGS, BANK & VAULT DOORS, Saloon Tables, Window Guards, Ornamental Posts, Hitehing Posts, Rustic Seats, Garden and House Chairs, Iron Counter and Music Stools, Screw Elevating, Revolving Office Chairs, Hall Chairs, Marble Slab Tables,|Ha-l Stands wi£h Looking Glasses, Spring Steel Hocking Chairs, Iron Roofing, &,o.J- f__f All articles of our Manufacture, will be afforded as cheap, or cheaperthan at any other establishment in Central New York. Oar Fence, Railing,

DeForest James, printer, bds 12 Elizabeth. DeForest Janette, widow, h 12 Elizabeth. DeForest Mrs. Elizabeth A., tailoress, bds 9 Seymour Avenue. DeForest Mrs. Julia, tailoress, h 27 Aiken. DeGiorgi Charles L., elk at Co. Clk's office, h cor Bleecker st.&KossuthAr. DeLacey Francis, painter at Tunbridge's, bds Mansion House. DeLand L. L., book keeper K. V. Yates', h 5 Lansing. Delany Jacob, laborer, h 133 Lansing. Delany Margaret, widow, h 55 Mohawk. Delany Michael cordwainer, res Deerfield. Dalany Thomas P. F., clerk, 19 bds 24 Bleecker. DeLestre Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h 92 Blandina. DeLestre Peter F., hss Jay, 2 e Mohawk. Delet Peter, h 23 Elm. Delet Morris, laborer, h 36 Mohawk. Delong Charles R., clerk at Gaffney's, bds 5 Spring. Delong Henry L., bds 5 Spring. Delong J. C, h 101 John. Delong Martin B., of Lennebacker & Co., bds 101 John. Delong Mrs. Sarah, widow, h 5 Spring. Dell George, carpinter at Cronin's, h 38 Blandina. Delug Joseph, laborer, h cor Warren and Schuyler. Delvin Mrs. Susan A., widow, h 26 Bleecker. Deming Albert, paper hanger, h 295 Whitesboro. Deming Brazille, paper hanger, h 41 Columbia. Deming James, paper hanger, bds 41 Columbia. Dempsey Edwin, Globe Woolen Mills, li 88 Spring. Dempsey G., cartman, h 1 First. Dempsey Mary, milliner, litis 26 Elizabeth. Dempsey Thomas, laborer, li 19 Saratoga. Denio Hiram, Judge Court of Appeals, office 167 Genesee, li 37 Broad. Denike James, cook, h 29 Union. Denison Albert It., student, bds 5 Miller. Denison William It., boots and shoes, 134 Genesee, h 5 Miller. Denk Joseph, brewer, h 17 Erie. Denker Augustus, carpenter, h 58 Canal. Denker Nicolas, carpenter, li 143 Mohawk. DENT WILLIAM, Utica Novelty Works, Devereux Block, h 1 Eagle. i |, TOEOA ir@w______s_r wiiis, Devereux Block, Utica, IV. If. WILLIAM r>_E3STT. HAS ON HAND AND WILL MAZE TO ORDER, Iron Planing Machines. Geer Cutting Machines, Surveyors' Protractors. Alco­ hol Blow Pipes and Lamps, Lathes of variouB kinds, Lightning Rod Points, Isolators and Attachments, Models for the Patent Office, Cast Steel Rules and Squares, Cast Stoel Straight Edges, House Bells and Bell Hangings, Door Plates and Nos. GOLD AND SILVER, PLATING OF ALL KINDS, SUN DIALS, BEASS WOBK AUD MACHIHEBY GENEBALLT. W- D. B ALSO BOLE MAXOJ_OTUR_» 0» HILL'% PATEUT SJLLQE RUT EOR LATHES. All work warranted. Ordwn respeotful'.y (oli-tW.. 74

Dering Bernard, watchman C. R. R., h 96 Bleecker. Dering Fanny, at 272 Genesee. Dering James, laborer, h 21 Bridge. Dering Nicol H., M. D., h 272 Genesee. Dering Sylvester, bds 272 Genesee. Desmond Bartholomew, cordwainer, h 26 West. Desmond Cornelius, carpenter, h 147 Bleecker. Desmond Patrick, clerk, bds 147 Bleecker. Detterer Rev. John, Pastor Moravian Church, h 38 Cornelia. Devereux Block, cor Genesee and Hotel. Devereux Mrs. Mary D., widow of Nicholas, h 50 Elizabeth. Devereux Peter, laborer, h 27 Philip. Devereux Tliomas B., of Clarke k Devereux, bds 50 Elizabeth. Devlin Patrick, inn and store, cor Bridge and Broad. Dewell Charles, cooper, h 78 Fayette. Dewitt Marvin, carpenter, h 42 Mary. Dexter Chester, h 80 Broadway. Dexter Mrs. Mary, h 21 Varick. Dick Henry, organ builder, h 7 Philip. DICKINSON, COMSTOCK & CO., druggists and grocers, 117 Genesee. Dickinson Andrew, baker, h 120 Lansing. Dickinson George L., of Dickinson, Comstock k Co., h 5 Rutger. Dickinson Isaac, marble polisher, h 118 Lansing. Dickinson Morris G., pump maker, h 6 Canal. Dickinson Mrs. Charlotte, tailoress, h 51 Mohawk. Diebenberger Moritz, at oil cloth factory, h 3 Jason. Diehl Theresa, h 49 Chenango Avenue. Diesmon Moses, pedler, li 131 Water. Diesmon Z., pedler, h 90 Whitesboro. Dietrick Joseph, segar maker, h 122 Elizabeth. Diofenbacli Bartholomew, h 8 Hope. Diefenbach John, barber, shop 42 Genesee, bds 8 Hope. Diefenbach William, barber, bds 8 Hope. Dietz Adam, laborer, h 2 Leah. Dietz Leon, laborer, h 44 Canal. Dillinger, Frank, laborer, h 78 Erie. Dillon Patrick, laborer, li e s Chenango Avenue, 3 s Haven. Dillon Richard, laborer, n e s Elm, 7 s Gold. Dimblebee David, teamster Steam Cotton Mills, bds 70 Spring. Dimblebee John, engineer B. R. & U. R. R., h 83 Whitesboro. Dimblebee Wesley, boatman, h 72 Spring.

DICKINSON, COMSTOCK & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, Seeds, PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, WMw ttlftMt,. gp-JfottfiSi, faroteft, to. to. 117 GENESEE STREET. 75

Dipold George, porter Central Hotel, h 114 Fayette. Dischler Andrew, cordwainer, h 218 Whitesboro. Disney Robert, h 79 Fayette. Divine Delos, roller coverer at Steam Cotton Mills, h 40 State. Divine Dennis S., h 60 State. Divine Dewey S., engineer, h 20 Columbia. Divine Edwin, artist at Harwood's, bds 60 State. District School Library, City Hall, L. M. Wiles, librarian. Diion Joseph, wheelwright, h 40 Cornelia. Dixon William, laborer, h e s Francis, 1 s Kirkland. Dobbie & Clark, meat market, cor Genesee and Columbia. Dobbie James B., tinsmith, bds Thomas Dobbie's. Dobbie John, of D. & Clark, h 39 Fayette. Dobbie Thomas, weaver, h 43 Second. Dobbins Bridget, hws Steuben, 6 a Gold. Dobbins Priscilla, widow, h 45 Tibbitts. Dobson Alfred B., clerk, bds C. L. Dobson's. Dobson Charles L., grocery and h Oneida Square. Dodge Andrew J., agent for R. C. Dodge, bds 81 State. Dodge Homer, fireman C. R. R., bds 16 Main. Dodge Rufus C, Utica Marble Works, 36 and 38 Bleecker, h 81 State. Dodd Thomas, carpenter, h Mechanic's Lane. Doerrbaum John, tailor, h 68 Johnson. Doherty Bernard, cartman, h 78 Bleecker. Doherty John, cartman, h 57 Bridge. Doherty Mrs. Jane, tailoress, h 9 Union. Dolan John, laborer, h 11 Elm. Dolan Mrs. Rosanna, widow, h 78 Cooper. Dolin Hugh, h cor Whitesboro and Schuyler. Dolin James, watchman Lunatic Asylum, h 282 Whitesboro. Dolman Isaac, tailor, h 26 Miller. Donaldson David, weigh master, Erie Canal, h 10 Rutger. Donaldson James C, deputy sheriff, 131 Genesee, h 37 Charlotte. Donaldson Jobn, clerk at Merrell's, bds 63 Liberty. Donalty Michael, mason, h 69 Mary. Donalty Mrs. Ann, h 63 Third. Donalty William, mason, h 10 Lansing. Donnelly Patrick, cordwainer, bds 4 Seymour Avenue. Donnelly Patrick, farmer, hes Third, 3 s South. Donnelly Patrick Jr., farmer, b w s Third, 1 n city line. Donohue Francis, painter, bds 29 Catharine. Donohue James, bds 15 Garden. Donohue John, elerk at Mitchell's, h 29 Catharine. Donohue John, tinsmith, h 14 Breese. Donohue Mrs. Johanna, widow, h 246 Whitesboro. Donohue Miss Mary Ann, milliner, bds 29 Catharine. Donohue Miss Rosanna, bds 29 Catharine. Donohue Thomas, cordwainer, h 8-J South. Donovan William, laborer, h 51 Washington. Doolittle k Babcock, lawyers, office 75 Genesee. Doolittle Charles H., of D. & Babcock, h 243 Genesee. Doolittle Mrs. J. W., h 46 Elizabeth. Doolittle William J., book-keeper Bank of Utica, bds 4 Rutger. 76

Dorchester Eliasaph, h 34 Lansing. Dormidy Thomas, engineer C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Dorcy James, laborer, h 236 Whitesboro. Douglass Andrew, h 63 Water. Douglass Henry S., pedler, h 160 Court. Douglass Isaac H., M. D., office and h 246 Genesee. Douglass John H., of Van Ness & D., h 44 Broad. Douglass Mrs. J. D., h 44 Broad. Douglass Stephen, clerk at Post Office, bds 44 Broad. Doux Jules, fancy dyer, cor Bleecker and Franklin, b same. Dove Jesse, laborer, bds 59 West. Dove Samuel, laborer C. R. R., h 59 West. Dowd Ann, h 109 Water. Dowd James, segar maker, bds 109 Water. Dowd John, segar maker, bds 109 Water. Dowd William, bds 109 Water. Down Henry, at Butterfield's, bds Tork House. Down James, h 37 Bleecker. Down John E., book keeper, h 27 Lansing. Down Thomas, baker, h 4 Plant. Downer Charles, of D. k Kellogg, h cor Court and Broadway. Downer Dana, h eor Genesee and Tracy. Downer Edward, clerk, bds cor Genesee and Tracy. Downer Edward F., clerk at D. & Kellogg's, bds C. Downer's. Downer John, at Liberty Street House. Downer k Kellogg, lumber merchants, cor Washington St. and Erie Canal, and cor Chenango Avenue and Court St. Downer Mrs. Eliza A., h 21 Lansing. Downer Mrs. Eleanor, widow, h 26 South. Downer Miss. Harriet, teacher, bds T. Midlam's. Downer Sarah, Liberty Street House. Downing Zenas, segar maker, bds 66 Broad. Downing Michael, laborer, h 49 Blandina. Downs Patrick, maltster, bds John Myers'. Dows& Adams, flour merchants, 25 and 27 Liberty. Dows Harry, of D. k Adams, h 28 Seneca. Doxtater Jerome, carriage trimmer, h 41 Schuyler. Doxtater Mrs. Amanda, h 62 Jay. Doxtater Peter, blacksmith, h 22 Stark. Doyle Bridget, widow, h 29 Gold. Doyle Christopher, laborer, h 34 Erie. Doyle Edward, moulder, bds 47 Varick. Doyle Ellen, widow, h 86 Broad. Doyle James, laborer, h 27 Saratoga. Doyle James, laborer, hes Mohawk 11 ab South. Doyle James, laborer, h 58 Catharine. Doyle James, clerk at Mannings', bds 27 Hotel. Doyle John, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Doyle Mrs. Ann, widow of Lawrence, h 47 Varick. Doyle Peter, foreman at Sherwood's, bds 86 Broad. Doyle Richard, grocery, cor Washington and Water. Doyle Thomas, cordwainer, h Mohawk 2 ab the Jail. Dressel Peter, butcher, h 33 Saratoga. 77

Drew Thomas, tailor, h 13 Washington. Drinkwater Jane, b> 40 Miller. Driggs John F., clerk at C. A. Yates', bds Dudley House. Dryer George W., clerk at Tiffany's, bds 33 Columbia. Dryer H. N., steward Lunatic Asylum, h 33 Columbia. Dryer Robert L., apothecary Lunatic Asylum, bds 33 Columbia. Drogant Anna, pastry cook, Bagg's Hotel. """ Droz Julius, laborer, h 76 Bleecker. Dublin John, stove mounter, h 64 Jay. Dudley House, 13 Whitesboro, Mrs. Ellen Huntington. Dudley Richard H., h 61 Chenango Avenue. Dudley Thomas H., carpenter, bds 51 Chenango Avenue. Duffy Mary, widow of Owen, hes Elm 5 s. Gold. Duffy Mary, widow of Hugh, h 52 Elm. Duffy Owen, switch tender, B. R. & VS. R. R., h 48 Water. Duffy Owen, cooper, h 129 Bleecker. Duffy Patrick, mason, hns Rutger, 1 e Barnes. Duffy Terrence, mason, hes Elm, 5 s Gold. Duflot Charles, segar maker, bds John Duflot's. Duflot George, cordwainer, h 2 Robert's Lane. Duflot John, h cor Lansing and Mohawk. Dugan Daniel, laborer, h 67 Tibbitts. Dugan Michael, laborer, h 17 Bridge. Dugan Michael, laborer, h s s Leah, 2 w Seymour Avenue. Dugan Nicholas, laborer, h 12 Neilson. Dugan William, laborer, h cor Seymour Avenue and Square St. Duggleby John, gardener at Spratt's. Duggleby William, laborer, h. 13 Saratoga. Dukek George, laborer C. R. R., h Bridge, near City Mill. Dulin Jeremiah, laborer, h 133 Mary. Dulin Tliomas, laborer, h 131 Lansing. Dumeaux John, bds 4 Kent. Dumming Roselle, h 41 Columbia. Dumont Catharine, milliner, bds 97 Fayette. Dumont George, laborer, bds 97 Fayette. Dumont Josophine, Steam Cotton Mills, bds 97 Fayette. Dumont Louis, painter, h 97 Fayette. Dumont Malvina, at Harwood's, bds 97 Fayette. Dumont Peter L., laborer, h 78 Fayette. Duman Mrs. Emily, seamstress, h 1 George. Duncan R., blacksmith, bds Mrs. Truax. Dunford Eleanor, widow, hns Louisa, 1 w Steuben. Dunhert Susanna, tailoress, bds 81 Steuben. Dunn Ann, Steam Cotton Mills, bds 27 State. Dunn George, gardener, h 24 Jay. Dunn James, blacksmith, bds 119 Bleecker. Dunn James, laborer, h 106 Water. Dunn James, laborer, h 92 Jay. Dunn John, carpenter, h 98 Water. Dunn Michael, tobacconist, h 7 Montgomery. Dunn Mrs. Mary, widow, h 22 Fay. • Dunn Owen, bds F. Kinney's. Dnnn Paul, laborer, h rear 4 Montgomery. Q ZDTTTTOHXT'S DVCXJSIC STORE AND PIANO FORTE WAREROOMS,

No. lft» Genesee Street, Utica. ' 30 Piano Fortes always on hand, of the very lu-xt iiianufacture. PIANO FOBTES TO LET. 79

Dunn Peter, laborer, h 13 Elm. Dunn William, R. R. & City Baggage Express, h 19 Main. Dunning Urbane, h 22 Carnahan. Dunphy Martin, mason, hws Steuben, 7 s Gold. Dunphy Stephen, cordwainer, h 36 Third. DUNWELL HENRY, drugs, dry goods and groceries, 102, h 100 Co­ lumbia. Dupre Charles, confectioner, 23 Catharine, h same. Dupre Victor, bds 23 Catharine. Durkin John, carpenter C. R. R., h 80 Jay. Durrant Mrs., select school, 14 Plant, res same. Dutton James, dry goods, 106 Genesee, res New Hartford. Dutton Miss Eliza S., teacher Advanced School, bds D. P. Bissell's. Dutton Mrs. Mary, widow, bds D. P. Bissell's. Dutton Mrs. Sarah B., widow of George, bds 291 Genesee. DUTTON WILLIAM H., piano forte and music store, 169, h 291 Gen­ esee. Duval William H., foreman, cor Genesee and Broad, bds 66 Broad. Dwyer James, laborer at Gas House, h 75 Water. Dwyer James, laborer, h 37 Third. Dwyer James, laborer, h 80 Columbia. Dwyer Mrs. Jane, widow, room 18 Tibbitts Block. Dwyer Mrs. Mary, widow, h 16 Leah. Dwyer Michael, clerk at Hurd's, h 55 Water. Dwyer Patrick, sup't Gas Light Co., h 23 Seneca. Dyas George I., book keeper, Herald office, h 77 Cornelia. Dygert Peter E., city watchman, h 42 Catharine. E Earl John S., Clinton Express, office at Smith k Hall's. Eames Horace N., harness maker, bds Catharine St. House. Early Miles, h 57 Court. Eastlake Charles, hatter at Stockings, h 50 Mary. Ebenezer Chapel, 27 Columbia, Rev. Thomas Hill, pastor Eberle Charles S., Steam W. Mills, h 135 Columbia. Eckart George, mason, h cor Green and Schuyler. Edgar James, h 98 John. Edgebury Mrs. Mary A., widow, h 2 Cottage. Edgebury Mrs. Jane, widow, h 148 Bleecker. Edloff Levi, pedler, h 42 First.

__=_:. _OXT_2I_"W_G1IJ3_., DEALER IN . Drugs, Dry Goods, Medicines, Groceries, :F__IOTT:R, _?O_R___,

Edloff Moses, grocery and h 9 Charlotte. Edmonds k Miller, lawyers, office 30 Genesee. Edmonds James 0., blacksmith, bds T. Davies. Edmonds John H., of E. & Miller, h 4 Kent. Edmonds John, cutter at Bond's, h 22 Blandina. Edwards Catharine, widow, res basement 20 Broadway. Edwards Charles, clerk, bds 28 First. Edwards Ephraim, carpenter, h 7 South. Edwards Evan, fireman C. R. R., h 5 Second. Edwards John, laborer C. R. R., h 119 Water. Edwards John, laborer, h Mechanics' Lane. Edwards John, mason, h 44 Howard Avenue. Edwards John R., attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Edwards Mrs. J. B., bds Bleecker St. House. Edwards Lucinda, tailoress, h 3 Seymour Avenue. Edwards Theodore, engineer C. R. R., h 28 First. Edwards Thomas, cordwainer, h 6 Montgomery. Edwards Thomas, Globe W. Mills, h 38 Stark. Egan John, cordwainer, bds 29 Gold. Egan Richard P., Deputy County Clerk, bds Dudley House. Egert George, laborer, h eor Green and Schuyler. Egert George D., track master B. R. & U. R. R., h 42 Water. Egert Jesse, groeer and flour merchant, 13 k 15 Liberty, h 61 Charlotte. Egert Julius G., clerk, l.'l Liberty, bds 61 Charlotte. Egert Lucius W, clerk, 13 Liberty, bds Gl Charlotte. Egert Philip, cartman, h 13 Aiken. Eggleston George, Globe W. Mills, h'21 Bristol. Ehle Herman, wheelwright, li 14 Huntington. Ehlinger Martin, segar maker, h 37 Varick. Ehrhardt David, tailor, h 208 Whitesboro. Ehrhardt Paul, laborer, h 65 Jpring. Ehrhardt Frederick, laborer, bds A Brendle's. Ehresman Jacob, of Cosselman k E., and Street Commissioner, h 1 Canal. Ehresman Jacob 2d, laborer, h 139 Water. Ehresman John, elerk Stewart & Leo's, bds 1 Canal. Bhrle Christian, h 144 Whitesboro. Ehrsam John, cabinet maker, h 148 Water. Eidepenz Adam, wheelwright, bds 144 Fayette. Eidepenz Henry, tinsmith, bds 144 Fayette. Eidepenz G., locksmith, h 144 Fayette. Eilers John, carpenter, h 38 Parker. Eilhauer Frederick, laborer, h 83 Cooper. Einholz Anton, mason, h 50 Johnson. Einstein R., hns Orchard 2 e Cross. Eisenhut Joseph, cordwainer, h 53 Canal. Elder John, painter, h 55 Canal. Ellard George, h 17 Neilson. Eller Henry, h 21 Erie. Eller William, blacksmith, h 292 Whitesboro. Elliot Lucinda, nurse, h 1 George. Ellis D. C, h 27 Charlotte. Ellis Ev.n, carpenter, h 91 John. Ellis Evan, blacksmith, h 12 Howard Avenue. 81

Ellis George, brakesman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Ellis John, wagon maker, h 8 State. Ellis Mahlon M., real estate agent, 66 Genesee, h 10 Washington. Ellis Owen, tailor, h 4 Seymour Avenue. Ellis Thomas J., mason, bds 27 Union. Embley George A., segar maker, bds 234 Genesee. Embley Mark, baker, h 234 Genesee. Embley William, >egar maker, h 4 Kemble. Emmons Miss Penelope, Steam Cotton Mills, bds 27 State. Empire Block, cor Hotel St. and Erie Canal. Engerser Jacob, laborer, h 10 William. England William, cordwainer, h Clark, 1 e King. Engle Nicolas, laborer on Hawley's farm. English Michael, cordwainer, h 22 Jay. Engelhaupt Henry, laborer, hns Bleeeker, 1 w Kossuth Avenue. Enhaus John, laborer, h 2 Second. Ennis Christopher, laborer, h 73 Third. Ennis James, laborer, h 127 Water. Enwright Michael, salesman at Downer k Kellogg's, h 2 Haven. Enquest Augustus, brush maker, h 66 Howard Avenue. Epson Anthony, sogar maker, bds Sherwood House. Erlenwein Joanna, widow of John, h 10 Schuyler. Elstein Joseph, pedler, h 123 Water. Epstein Isaac, pedler, h 15 Post. Erdmann Christian, stone cutter Hart & Munson's, h Deerfield. Estes C. M., printer, at Herald Office, bds 110 Whitesboro. Estes H. G, printer, at Herald Office, bds 16 Fay. Estes Isaac, blacksmith, h 110 Whitesboro. Estes Miss S. E., dressmaker, bds 110 Whitesboro. Estes Nathaniel, blacksmith, h 16 Fay. Estes William H., clerk J. H. Abbott's, bds T. Midlam's. Estes William W., farmer, bds 110 Whitesboro. Esmay A. S., clerk Stewart & Leo's, bds 63 Liberty. Esmay Judson P., clerk 131 Genesee, bds J. A. Jones'. Ethridge Mrs. Mary, tailoress, h 43 Varick. Ethridge William, cartman, li 48 Miller. Ethridge William J., tinsmith, bds 55 Columbia. Etinger George, cordwainer, bds 16 Tibbitts. Euins Ann, widow of Joseph, h 31 Main. Euins John, pedler D. & T. M. Owens, bds 31 Main. Evans Charles, tailor, b 73 West. ' Evans David, blacksmith C. R. R., h 68 Broad. Evans David, farmer, h 100 Miller. Evans David J., asst. sup't Telegraph Line, h 67 Liberty. Evans Edwin M., clerk at Gaffney's, bds 3 Union. Evans Elizabeth, widow, h 66 Jay. Evans E. R., attendant Lunatic Asylum, hws Cherry, 1 s Whitesboro. Evans Edward, hws Genesee, 2 s Tracy. Bvan3 Edward, laborer, h 115 Whitesboro. Evans Evan, carpenter, h 86 Whitesboro. Evans Griffith I., teamster, h 82 Cooper. Evans Griffith, h 8 Stark. Evans Humphrey, at C. R. R. freight office, hns Broad, 1 e Mohawk. 82

Evans Hezekiah J., clerk, bds 93 John. Evans John, merchant tailor, 136 Genesee, bds 100 Whitesboro. Evans John, stone cutter, bds 26 Charlotte. Evans John H., clerk at Knapp's, bds 29 Cooper. Evans Jane Ann, milliner, h 25 Mary. Evans Mary, widow, h 67 Steuben. Evans Miss Ann, tailoress, bds 51 Lansing. Evans Mrs. Elizabeth, h 84 Whitesboro. Evans Miss Jane, tailoress, bds 51 Lansing. Evans Maria, widow, h 43 West. Evans Philo, lock-tender, h 29 Schuyler. Evans Richard, carpenter, h 60 Kemble. Evans Robert J., grocer, cor Bleeeker and John, h 93 John. Evans Robert P., cartman, h 25 Mary. Evans Samuel, h 29 Cooper. Evans Thomas, telegrapher, bds 67 Liberty. Evans Thomas, cordwainer, h 73 Bleecker. Evans Thomas R, cordwainer, bds 133 Water. Evans William L, attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Evans William M., attendant at the Lunatic Asylum. Everest David, meat market, 15 Bleecker, h cor Rutger and Third. Everett Mrs. Margaret, hes Jay, 1 w Hubbell. Everson Adam, paver, h 4 Neilson. Everson Emmett, clerk at Ira D. Everson's, bds 24 Plant. Everson Ira D., flour and feed store, cor Liberty and Hotel, h 24 Plant. Everson Isaac B., h 4 Carnahan. Everts William A., track sup't C. R. R., h 68 Main. Exchange Buildings, cor Genesee and Erie Canal. Eysman Francis, conductor C. R. R., h 40 Main. Eynon John, carpenter, bds 52 State. Eynon Owen, lumber merchant, cor Columbia and Chenango Canal, h 52 State. F Faas Charles, grocer, Canal st,, h 18 Erie. Faas Joseph, inn-keeper, 38 Canal, opposite Guard Lock. Faber Francis, stationman C. R. R. depot, h 85 Elizabeth. Faber Lewis, fireman C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Faber Peter, of Weiss k F., h 30 Saratoga. Fabel Christopher, laborer, h 25 Erie. Faley James, mason, h 10 Eagle. Fairbanks John, cordwainer, h 39 Seymour Avenue. Fairbrother Franeis, laborer, h 15 Saratoga. Fairbrother James, laborer, hss Oak, 5 e Schuyler. Fairbrother Jesse, butcher, h 17 Saratoga. Falk Joseph, laborer, h 26 South Hamilton. Falk Joseph, butcher, h 13 Clinton. FALKNERS' DRY GOODS STORE, 54 Franklin Square. Falkner Felix, bds City Hotel. 9\ }9

£54 _=,__^_A_3sr___:iji3sr SQ,TT_A.:R____

Opposite Franklin. House,

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WH_I@__IIESA\__I_E £_S3"__) _EH_.i__.__io


Are respectfully invited to examine before purchasing. 83

Falkner Harry H., bds Central Hotel. Falkner Joseph G., bds City Hotel. Fancey Benjamin, laborer, h Howard Avenue, 1 n Pleasant.. Fancey Georgo, carpenter, hws Howard Avenue, 2 n Pleasant. Fancey Joseph, carpenter, hes Howard Avenue, 3 ab Square St. Fancey Wilbam, carpenter, bds B. Fancey's. Fanning Frederick H., clerk at Manning's, h 92 Park Avenue. Fanning Thomas C, teacher of dancing, bds Central Hotel. Farley James, at C. R. R, h 117 Elizabeth. Farnham Mary Ann, widow, laudress, h 37 Miller. Farnon John, h 46 Jay. Farrell Dennis, laborer, bds 96 Water. Farrell Garrett, moulder, bds Mrs. M. FarrelPs. Farrell Mrs. John, widow, h 101 Bleecker. Farrell John, bds 101 Bleecker. Farrell Michael, moulder, bds Mrs. M. Farrell's. Farrell Mrs. Mary, widow, hns Broad, 1 e Mohawk. Farrell Thomas, h Hoyt, 3 bl Whitesboro. Farrer David, Globe W. Mills, h 62 Varick. Farrer Joseph P., baker at Owens', h 18 Tracy. Farrer John, baker, bds 18 ^Jracy. Farwell James G, bds 295 Genesee. Farwell Samuel, rail road contractor, office Empire Block, h 295 Genesee. Farwell William H.,

FINN FRANCIS, meat market, 22 South, h 25 West. Finn Robert, laborer, h 66 Third. Finn Samuel, at Oneida Brewery, h 19 Huntington. Finley James, machinist, h 79 Court. Finnegan Catharine, bds 14 High. Finnegan Peter, cordwainer at Lewis', h Fay. FISH E. H., clothing, 162 Genesee, bds 48 Columbia. Fish Francis D., agent Warren's cement roofing, h cor Howard Avenue and Leah. Fish Henry H., superintendent Gas Light Company, office City Hall, h cor South St. and Howard Avenue. Fish James A., carriage trimmer at Lyon's, h 15 West Bridge. Fish Winslow P., student, bds H. H. Fish's. Fisher Austin H., general agent of F. Humphrey k Co., bds 32 Howard Avenue. Fisher Christian, cabinet maker, h 16 South Hamilton. Fisher Rev. George H., D. D., h 10 Hopper. Fisher Henry, tanner, h 57 Erie. Fisher Joseph C, book keeper, h 67 Whitesboro. Fisher Matthias, laborer, h 8 Parker. Fisher Michael, carpenter, h 20 Cornelia. Fisher Richard, conductor C. R. R., h 70 Main. • First Presbyterian Church, cor Washington and Columbia, Rev. P. H. Fowler, D. D., Pastor. Fiske Joshua M., M. D., office 88 Miller, hss Ji>!m_on Square. Fiske Leander, law student 0. G. Kellogg's, bds 12 Seneca. Fiske L. Adelaide, dress maker, bds Dr. Fiske's. Fitch William II., axe maker, h 12 Burnet. Fitchard James, mason, h Welsh Bush Road. Fitzgerald James, laborer, h 19 First. Fitzsimons Michael, of Gaffney, F. & Co., h 17 Hopper. Fitzsimmons John, bar tender Catharine Street House, h 76 John. Fitzpatrick Michael, laborer, h Albany, 1 w Kossuth Avenue. Flagg John, laborer, h 1 hope. Flanagan John, cutter at Rice's, h 100 John. Flanagan John J., telegrapher, bds 100 John.

FRANCIS FINN, M^^ M.MLM ___£ M^Q ^••W—•"• ,EBB_*»_- _E^_—< __EK--ifl_flk ^___E_Eflft ^B^EBEflfljr EMM *^"MPff V^W ^_# 29! South Street, near cor. of West.

CORN HILL MEAT MARKET, Where may be found the best of meats, of all kinds, at the lowest prices. Hams, Sal* Pork, Lard a_t& Saasagea, of the very best quality, always on hand. Prompt attention paid to all Orders. FBAffCIS SHOT, Proprietor. 85

Flanagan Robert, bds 2 Robert's Lane. Flatt Joseph, stone cutter, h 152 Water. Fleming Patrick, carpenter, h 10 High. Fletcher John, laborer, h 36 Kemble. Flower Benjamin F., M. D, office and h 229 Genesee. Floyd John, tobacconist, h rear 22 Jay. Floyd John, tanner, bds 70 Broad. Floyd John G., law student, bds Nicoll Floyd's. Floyd Michael, bds 7 Huntington. Floyd Nicoll, lawyer, 55 Franklin Square, h cor Steuben _ West Bridge. Floyd Richard, tobacconist, bds John Floyd's. Floyd Thomas, tobacconist, bds John Floyd's. Flynn Michael, laborer, h 31 Saratoga. Flynn Mrs. Mary, widow, h 134 Bleecker. Flynn Patrick, .laborer, bds 70 Broad. Foehs Joseph, basket maker, h 61 Canal. Fogel John, carpenter, h South 1 west Barnes. Foley James, laborer, h 104 Bleecker. Foley Michael, h 11 Charlotte. Foley Patrick, carpenter, h 47 West Bridge. Ford Christian, stone cnttor and grocer, 63 Court. Ford Esther, teacher, bds 18 Mary. Ford Elizabeth, widow, h 119 Columbia. Ford John, fireman C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Ford Mrs. Ann, bds Charles H. Green's. Foster Alfred, butcher W. S. Jackson's, res New Hartford. FOSTER & SON, dentists, office 169 Genesee. Foster Charles B., of Foster k Son, bds 26 Seneca. Foster Gilbert A., of Foster & Son, h 26 Seneca. Foster George A., tallysman B. R. & U. R. R., bds 24 Hotel. Foster George D., h 49 Howard Avenue. Foster George, clerk, bds 49 Howard Avenue. Foster Jesse, bds 71 Broad. Foster Miss Harriet M., h 5 Seneca. Foster Parker H., clerk T. Foster's, bds Catharine Street House. Foster Richard, tailor, h 126 Elizabeth. Foster Thomas, hardware dealer, 135, h 223 Genesee. Faulkes David H, machinist, bds 26 Charlotte. Fowler Amos, h 8 Cooper. Fowler George F., M. D., apothecary, 214 Whitesboro. Fowler John G., of F., Thomas & Co., h 35 Court. Fowler Nancy, at Steam Cotton Mills, bds 27 State. Fowler Rev. Philemon H., D. D., pastor First Presbyterian Church, h Rutger Place, head of John. Fowler Winchester, painter, h 10 Varick. Fowler William, h 147 Whitesboro. 86

FOWLER, THOMAS k Co., coal and lumber merchants, cor Fayette and State. Fox Charles, brakeman C. R. R, bds 33 Catharine. Fox Charles, clerk at Parkers', bds 83 Park Avenue. Fox Ferdinand, brewer, h 72 Third. Fox John, laborer, h 12 Hobart. Francis D. T., telegrapher, bds 48 Catharine. Francis John H., telegrapher, bds 48 Catharine. Francis John J., of Lyon A F., h 47 Broad. Francis John, fireman C. R. R., bds 33 Catharine. Francis John, laborer, h 8 Huntington. Francis Morris M., city surveyor and provision dealer, City Hall and 60 South. Francis Mrs. Harriet, widow, h 33 Catharine. Francis Thomas J., 2d clerk Collector's office, h 18 Blandina. Francis Thomas J., telegrapher, bds 48 Catharine. Francis Thomas M., h 48 Catharine. Francis William, carpenter, h 4 Roberts' Lane. Francisca Sister, superior of the Franciscans, h 30 Varick. Franciscan Fathers, h 32 Varick. Franciscan Sisters, h 30 Varick. Frank Frederick, of Steuber, Frank & Tobie, h 55 Bleecker. Frank Joseph, Steam Woolen Mills, h 37 Parker. Frankfurth Henry, colporteur, h 31 West Bridge. Franklin House, 147 and 149 Genesee, James M. Buell, proprietor. Franklin David, laborer, h 89 Court. Franz Frank, Globe Woolen Mills, bds 18 Edward. Franz John, Globe Woolen Mills, h 37 Stark. Fraser Andrew, carriage maker, h 45 Washington. FRASER FINLEY M., manufacturer of agricultural implements, w s Meadow, cor Water, h 73 State. Fraser James, machinist, bds 42 Catharine. Fraser John B., waiter at Bagg's Hotel, h 74 Bleecker.

FOWLW, THOMAS ft GO, *_•___• wd_«t-U OMlan In COAL ASfi W008, AT THJt State Street Coal Yard, CORNER OF CORNELIA 6 STATE STREETS, (ADJOINING IBB CHENANGO CANAL,) T_r_-TC_fi-., isr. -yr.

4 m m m » A foU assortment of SCRANTON, PITTSTON, LBHIGH. BOHUTLKILL, L.ACKAWANA and BITUMINOUS GOALS; also Maple, Biro- and Beech WOOD, for sale in large or Email Quantities. J. a. Fowler. A H. THOMAS. N. 8. IB. GATES 87

Frear James H., chair maker, h 47 Cornelia. Frederick Frances, widow, h 56 South. Frederick Hubert, cabinet maker, h 83 Park Avenue. Frederick John S., clerk at Lowry's, bds 83 Park Avenue. Freeman Charles F., engineer C. R. R., bds American Hotel. Freeman Mrs. Sarah, hes Genesee, 3 ab Oneida Square. Freeman Michael, pedler, h 58 Jay. FREEMAN PETER, barber, shop 2 Bleecker. Freeman Peter A., laborer, h 12 Post. Freeman Theodore II., barber, bds 12 Post. Freidman Lewis, clerk at M. Freidman's, bds same. Freidman Meyer, grocery and h cor Hoyt and Water. Freidman M., pedler, h 1 Thomas' West Avenue. French Benjamin F., clerk at Carton's, bds Central Hotel. French James G., lawyer, office Tibbitts Block, h 50 West, cor Eagle. French Mrs. Mary N., widow, h 83 Whitesboro. French Spencer, laborer C. R. R., bds 4 Division. Freitag Martin, segar maker, h 37 Tibbitts. Freistadt Ferdinand, painter, h 26 Parker. Frey John, h 10 Schuyler. Frey John, cornwainer, bds cor Columbia and Varick. Frey Joseph, basket maker, h 202 Whitesboro. Frick Charles, inn-keeper, Third street, 1 n City Line. Frisbie J. S., Are insurance agent, h 333 Genesee. Frisch Rudolph, laborer, h 19 Tibbitts. Fritz Jacob, carpenter, h 149 Whitesboro. Fritz Matthias, cabinet maker, 34 Bleecker, res same Fritz Michael, tanner, h Hoyt, 4 below Whitesboro. Froeligh Charles, silver smith, cor Genesee and Liberty, h 55 Bridge. Froeligh Peter, laborer, hws Mohawk, 4 ab the Jail. Frost Lyman L., clerk Williams Bros., bds 8 Cooper. Fuchs Joseph, maltster; h 36 South Hamilton. Fuhrman Jacob, laborer, h 29 Parker. Fuhrman Nicolas, pedler, h 29 Parker. Fuller Asa, bds 48 Main. Fuller Isabella, widow, h 48 Main. Fuller Joseph S., builder, h 32 Charlotte. Fuller Mrs. Rozelia, tailoress, h 37 Steuben. Fuller Sarah A., widow, h 99 Fayette. Fulham John, laborer, h 17 Philip. Fulmer George, grocery and provision store, cor Fayette and Varick, h 87 Spring. Fulmer Jacob, pedler, hws Floyd, 2 n Canal.

BARBER'S SHOP. PETER FREEMAN, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, CORNER OF GENESEE & BLEECKER STS. UTIOA. 88 G Gabler Philip, blacksmith, h 13 Burnet. Gaffney Mrs. Bridget, h 244 Whitesboro. Gaffney Michael, of G, Fitzsimons k Co., h 83 John. GAFFNEY, FITZSIMONS k CO., dry goods merchants, 57 Franklin Square. Gaffney Patrick, potter, h 13 Breese. Gaffney Peter, of Gaffney, Fitzsimons k Co., h 69£ Washington. Gaines John, laborer, hes King, 2 n Rebecca. Gaille August, laborer, h Main, 4 below Clark's Bridge. Gallagher Michael, teamster, hes Kossuth Avenue, 5 s South. Gallagher Patrick, mason, h 110 Bleecker. Galljgan Michael, laborer Bagg's Hotel. Gallup Henry, teacher, hws Genesee, 2 s Tracy. Galvin Peter, driver, bds Catharine Street House. Gammel Robert, upholsterer, h 80 Bleecker. Ganebin Mrs. E. L., teacher in Public School, h 80 John. Ganier Charles, inn-keeper, cor Bleecker and Third. Gamer Henry, clerk, bds C. Ganier's. Gardner Archibald B., h 2 Eagle. Gardner Edward B., express messenger, bds 31 Columbia. Gardner Charles A., student, bds 31 Columbia. Gardner C, cartman, h 14 Spring. Gardner John, laborer, h 24 Jay. Gardner James V. P., h 306 Genesee. Gardner Morgan, sup't N. Y. Central Sleeping Car Co., h 31 Columbia. Gardner Philip, umbrella repairer, h 107 Columbia. Gardner Theodore F., student, bds 31 Columbia. Gardner William, silver smith, bds Sherwood House. Garkin Albert G., traveling agent for Warnick & Brown, bds Central Hotel. Garman Elizabeth, widow, h 129 Water. Garratt Joseph, paver, h e s Seymour Avenue, 2 n Pleasant. Garratt Matthew, paver, hws Seymour Avenue, 2 n City Line. Garrett Caesar, tailor, h 6 West. Garrett John, cordwainer, h 35 Howard Avenue. Garrett James, clerk at Currans', h 8 Pearl. Garrett James, sexton Bleecker Street Methodist Church, h 4 Louisa. Garrett Miss Ann, dressmaker, 58 Whitesboro. Garrett Mrs. Ann, widow, h 58 Whitesboro. Garrett Thomas, tailor, hes King, 1 n Rebecca. GARRIGAN JAMES, plumber and gas fitter, 1 Carnahan, h 21 Sey­ mour Avenue. Garripy Edward, carpenter, h 114 Columbia. Garripy Henry, machinist, bds 114 Columbia. Garthside Richard, carpenter, h 17 Oneida. Gartland Bernard, laborer, h 11 Leah. Gartland Michael, mason, h cor Eagle and Elm. Garvin Edward, cooper, h 32 Columbia. Garvin Jane, box maker at Merrell's, bds 21 Seneca. Gaston Mary, widow, h 44 Neilson. „ nift-met IMPORTERS


Wholesale and Retail Dealers in


5*7 Franklin Square.

—< •*»•«>->—



J"@M_!© a©( s__jco_sr__> ____sr__> THIRD FLOORS.


Gates Anna M., bds 2 Miller. Gates Caroline E., bds 2 Miller. Gates Dulcina, widow, h 2 Miller. Gates James R., clerk T. K. Butler's, bds 53 Broadway. Gates N. S. B., of Fowler, Thomas k Co., h 82 Fayette.

Gilbert Sarah, widow, h 6 Hutingtonn. Gilbert S. A., leather merchant, 31 Genesee, h 90 Fayette. Gilladetto Miss Sarah, Steam Cotton Mills, h 20 State. Gillmore Charles, bds D. Gillmore's. Gillmore David, h 5 Garden. Gillmore Dexter, Justice of the Peace and lawyer, office 8 Exchange Buildings, h 56 Broad. Gillmore Hiram, wool dealer, h 6 Hamilton. Gillmore Miss Adaline, bds 50 West. Gillmore Miss E., bds 5 Garden. Gird Mrs. Mary, bds 114 Bleecker. Girvan John, coffee and spice roaster, h 48 Schuyler. Girvan William, moulder, h 50 Schuyler. Gisler John, stone cutter Hart & Munson's. Gissebel John, tailor, h 49 Erie. Givens Richard D., painter, h 44 Spring. Glatt Mrs. Ann, widow, h 121 Schuyler. Glavey James, tailor, h 60 Mary. Gleason John, laborer, h 97 Bleecker. Gleason William, wool sorter, h 32 Stark. Glinnen Patrick, laborer, h 8 Wiloy. Gluckhauf Isaac, printer, bds West Utica Hotel. Gluokhauf Louis, clerk at Falkners', bds 27 Union. Gluckhauf Levi, fruit peddler, bds 27 Union. Globo Woolen Mills, cor Court and Stark, opp Varick. Glocklaer George, mason, w s Leeds, 1 s South. Gleaves Sophia, furrier, h 28 Washington. Gleaves Thomas, painter, h 28 Washington. Glynn Michael, laborer, h 30 John. Godfrey Mrs. Hannah, h 12 Charlotte. Godfrey Truman, fanner, hes Webster, 2 ab South. Godfrey William, farmer, h cor South and Webster. Goebel Catharine, widow, h 128 Fayette. Goebel Henry, carriage painter, bds 128 Fayette. Goechel George, laborer, h 95 Schuyler. Goetz Mrs. Louisa, widow, h 89 Columbia. Gold G. R., clerk Bank of Utica, bds Dudley House. Goldback Michael, at Oil Cloth Factory, h 11 South Hamilton. Golden D. V. W., dry goods and carpets, 81 Genesee, h 30 Broad. Golden Patrick, at Globe Woolen Mills, bds 18 Edward. Goldman David, peddler, h 92 Whitesboro. Goldner Victoria, widow, h 202 Whitesboro. Goldstein Lewis, segar maker, bds 115 Water. Goldstein Marcus, pedler, bds 92 Whitesboro. Goldstein N., pedler, h 115 Water. Good John, teamster Globe W. Mills, h 123 Court. Goodale John A., teller Bank of Utica, bds National Hotel. Goodale Lavina, at Harwood's, 95 Fayette. Goodale Louisa, at Harwood's, 95 Fayette. Goodenow Lucinda, widow, h cor Howard Avenue and Square St. Goodier Jonathan, lumber merchant, 112, h 86 Fayette. Goodman Charles, clerk, bds Mrs. H. Brown's. Goodman John, laborer, h 39 John. 91

Goodliff Catharine, widow, agent Morrison's Pills, h 76 Varick. Goodliff Joseph B., maltster, h 2 Edward. Goodrich Rev. A. B., rector Calvary Church, h 46 South. Goodrich B. N., tinsmith, bds 45 West Bridge. Goodrich Rev. C. E., chaplain Lunatic Asylum, hns Whitesboro, 2 ab Court. Goodrich W. R., clerk at Dana's, res Yorkville. Goodsell Thomas, M. D., office and h 91 John. Goodwin Alexander T., lawyer, Conkling & Throop's, bds Dudley House. Goodwin Edward, laborer, hss Broad, 1 e Mohawk. Goodwin Edwin P., of Burke & G., hns Broad, 1 e Clark's Bridge. Goodwin Evan R., h cor Broad and Kossuth Avenue. Gookin Bridget, h 108 Park Avenue. Goppert Andrew, laborer, h 1 Breese. Gordon Daniel, Steam W. Mills, h 9 Erie. Gordon John, laborer, h 31 West Bridge. Gordon Joseph W., barber, Exchange Buildings, h 34 Washington. Gordon Miss Cornelia, bds 7 Hamilton. Gordon & Shaw, flour, feed and seed store, 11 Genesee. Gordon T. II., of G. k Shaw, h 49 Charlotte. Gordinear J. A., clerk at Abbott's, bds 5 Devereux. Gorham Margaret, widow, h 4 Leah. Gorringe Thomas, tailor, h 75 West. Gorse J. Winters, bookbinder at W. J. Roberts'. Gospel Messenger, office 113 Genesee. Gossin Andrew, eoaehman at G. C. Tallman's. Gossin George, carpenter, h 56 Miller. Gottry Jacob, cordwainer, and sexton St. Patrick's Church, h 133 Co­ lumbia. Gough Joseph, variety store, 34 Varick, cor Columbia. Goult John II., painter, h 62-J South. Goult Thomas, painter, h cor Dudley and South. Grace Church, (Episcopal) cor Geneseo and Elizabeth, Rev. J. J. Brandi- gee and W. T. Gibson, rectors. Grace Edward, cordwainer, h 8 West. Grace Richard, cordwainer, bds 103 Bleecker. Grace Thomas, cordwainer, h 103 Bleecker. Grady Dominick, pedler, h 7 Steuben. Grady Mrs. Catharine, hws Hubbell, 1 s Broad. Graft' Jacob, barber, shop 109 Fayette. Graff John, Steam Cotton Mills, h 11 Kirkland. Graff Valentine, laborer, h 17 Tibbitts. Graham Ann, widow, h 100 Bleecker. Graham Edmund A., lawyer, office Empire Block, h 241 Genesee. Graham James, mason, h 9 Havens. Graham James, machinist, bds 55 Broadway. Graham Joseph, engineer Lunatic Asylum, h 188 Court. Graham Miss Sarah, dress maker, bds 12 Plant. Graham Patrick, clerk at P. Devlin's. Graham Susan, widow, h 12 Plant. Grannis Timothy O., h 304 Genesee. Graser Liwrence, laborer, h 20 Louisa. Grasha Elizabeth, tailoress, bds 49 Steuben. 92

Grass P., tailor, bds 100 Steuben. Grant James H., brakesman C. R. R, bds 33 Catharine. Grant John A., carpenter C. R. R., h 33 Catharine Grant Jeremiah, engineer, h 37 Kemble. Graves William J., laborer, h 57 Catharine. Gray Gabriel B., auctionor and commission merchant, 9 Fayette, h 34 Court. Gray John P., M. D., sup't N. Y. State Lunatic Asylum. Gray Mrs. Persis, widow, h 75 Bleeeker. Gray Patrick, laborer, h 70 Spring. Gray Patrick, laborer, h Clinton, near cor Oneida. Gray Rev. Simon P., pastor Corn Hill Methodist Church, h 31 South. Gray William, gardener at Mrs. N. Devereux's. Greaves James, pump manufacturer, h 62 Jay. Greibel Catharine, widow, h 3 William. Green Charles, harness maker, bds 7 Hamilton. Green Charles H., h 2 Steuben Park. Green Fordyco H., agent "People's Line," h 77 Park Avenue. Green George, book keeper Utica City Bank, bds 65 Bleecker. Green George S., h 43 Broad. Green Henry, lawyer, office 71 Genesee, h 65 Bleecker. Green H. W., Steam C. Mills, h 1 Fay. Green John A., farmer, hns Broad, 5 bl Starch Factory Creek. Green James, engineer C. It. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Green Mrs. C. M., National Hotel. Green Mrs. Mary A., widow, h 26 Blandina. Green Miss Ellon, Steam W. Mills, h 84 Schuyler. Green Samuel R., at Lawrence's, h 63 Broadway. Greenhill George 0., of C. S. Bennett k Co., h 14 Elizabeth. Greenhill, Mrs. L. J., widow, bds 14 West Bridge. Greenland Anna F., widow, h 19 Blandina. Greenman Silas C, bds 24 Seneca. Greenman Sarah, widow, h 24 Seneca. Greer David, cordwainer, h 7 Union. Gregoire Nicholas, laborer, h 84 Third. Grestl Andrew, stone cutter Hart <_ Munson's, h 25 Erie. Gridley Philo, lawyer, office and h 256 Genesee. Gries William, confectioner, 178 Genesee, h 140 Fayette. Griffin Bartholomew, laborer, hes Howard Av., 2 s Square at Griffin Mrs. Ann, bds 80 Elizabeth. Griffin Patrick, moulder, h 27 Third. Griffiths Edward W., carpenter, h 41 Miller. Griffiths Griffith W., produce dealor, h rear 96 Whitesboro. Griffiths George W., clerk at County Clerk's office, bds City Hotel Griffiths Isaac J., book keeper Utica Gas Light office, h 7 Steuben. Griffiths John, tinsmith, bds 20 Lansing. Griffiths John, h 74 Court. Griffiths John, carpenter, h 20 Lansing. Griffiths John, h 52 Varick. Griffiths John & Co., coffeo and spice mills, 20 Fayette. Griffiths John, of J. G. & Co., h 44 Cornelia. Griffiths Joseph, Globe Woolen Mills, h 74 Court. Griffiths Mrs. Jane, h 7 Steuben. 93

Griffiths Mrs. Laura, widow, h 90 Whitesboro. Griffiths M. M., clerk Wilcox & Smith's, bds City Hotel. Griffiths Solomon, carpenter, h 18 Steuben. Griffiths Thomas J., of J. G. & Co., h 17 Columbia. Griffiths Thomas J., foreman Herald Office, bds 6 West Bridge. Griffiths William, carpenter, h 45 Miller. Griffith William, cabinet maker, h 3 Eagle. Griffith William, at Kissam's. Griggs Ira, machinist, h 24 Lansing. Griggs Justus, machinist, bds 24 Lansing. Grimes John, laborer, h 90 Jay. Groeder John, laborer, h 66 Johnson. Groesmeyer Frederick, cordwainer, h 22 Leah. Groesmeyer Gustavus, cordwainer, bds 22 Leah. Groeh John, gardener at C. Hall's, h 30 Miller. Gross Adolphus, machinist, h 24 Fay. Gross Joseph, laborer, h 42 Stark. Grosch John, gunsmith, h 30 Fayette. GROVE DE WITT C, publisher Utica Observer and Gospel Messenger, and Job Printer, 113 Genesee, h 17 Fayette. Groves John W., attendant Lunatic Asylum, h 12 Jason. Groves T. W., attendant Lunatic Asylum. Grover Rev. Andrew J., Pastor Bleecker St. Methodist Church, h 50 Charlotte. Grumwell Alfred, window shade painter, bds 58 Broadway. GFrupp John Paul, meat market, cor Columbia and Wiley, res same. Gruber Alexander, bar tender H. Korff's, bds 20 Liberty. Gschwind Frederick, cordwriner, h 31 Second. Gschwind John, cordwainer, h 27 Second. Gucker Mrs. Magdalene, widow, h 41 Varick. Guckemus William, turner, h 52 Stark. Guile Russell, foreman at Hawley's, h 46 Catharine. Guiteau Billings, clerk at Abbott's, bds 6 Broadway. GULF BREWERY, cor Jay and Third, M. McQuade, agent. Gunning Pierce, blacksmith, h 57 Second. Gurmsey Rachel, widow, h 6 Meadow. Guth Martin, carpenter, hws Cherry, 2 s Whitesboro. Gutting Joseph, tailor, h 63 Spring. Gygax John, M. D., office and h 122 Columbia. H Haage Jacob, grocer, 1 Clinton, h 25 Erie. Haar Daniel, tailor, h 142 Court. Haas Antony, whitewasher, hws Webster, 3 ab South. Habenstein Caspar, Steam Woolen Mills, h 86 Court. Habenstein Moritz, h 144 Court. Haberstock Joseph, blacksmith, bds 161 Whitesboro. Haberer Daniel, chair maker and undertaker, shop and ware room, 51 West and 60 Miller, res 51 West. Hably Caspar, laborer, h 3 Louisa. Hackett Charles, carpenter, h 67 Steuben. 94

Hackett Cordon, collector Erie Canal, h 30 Charlotte. Hackett John, traveling agent for Gulf Brewery, h 75 Jay. Hacket Patrick, cartmap, h 52 J Third. Hadcock A. L., receiver C. R. R., bds Bagg's Hotel. Haesler John, Steam W. Mills, h 28 Parker. Haesler Matthias, laborer, hns Warren 1 s South Hamilton. Haenl George, druggist and grocer, cor Varick and Garden, res same. Haeuser Julia, widow, h 25 Erie. Haeuser Mrs. Mary, h 118 Fayette. Hagan Edward, h 17 Kirkland. Hagan Hugh, laborer, h 80 Hart. Hagan Patrick, laborer, h 8 Pine. Hager Nathan, engineer C. R. R., bds 12 Catharine. Hagenauer Henry, laborer, h 1)16 Water. Hagerman J. L., barber, shop 3, li 5 Main. Haggerty James, engineer C. R. R., h 71 Broad. Haggerty John, brakesman C. R. R., bds J, Lester's. Hagues Samuel, farmer, hss South, 1 e Mohawk. Haher Patrick, laborer, bds 57 Bridge. Hahn Ann, widow, h 141 Water. Hahn Conradt, plasterer, h 14 South Hamilton. Hahn George, tinsmith, h 10 Breese. Hahn Jacob, brewer, hss Warren, 2 e Stark. Hahn John F., carpenter, bds J. M. Halm's. Hahn John M., grocery and provision store, 230 and 232, h 234 Whites­ boro. Haight J. M., clerk at Golden's, bds City Hotel. Halbritter Francis, segar maker, h 161 Whitesboro. Haley k Hughes, blacksmiths, 12 Main. Haley Henry, blacksmith, 18 Jay, h 142 Bleecker. Haley James, of Haley & Hughes, h 68f Elizabeth. Haley James, laborer, h 68 Elizabeth. Haley John, laborer, h 81 Water. . Haley John, laborer, h 13 Hamilton. Haley Patrick, laborer, h 145 Bleecker. Haley Richard, carpenter, 73 Water. Haley Robert J., blacksmith, bds 142 Bleecker. Haley Thomas, tailor, h 88 Blandina. Hall Calvin, office 9 Liberty, li 39 South. Hall Israel, machinist, h 21 Varick. Hall James B., li Rutger Place, head of John. Hall James E., machinist at A. J. Williams', bds 14 Columbia. Hall John D., M. D., office 170 Genesee, bds Franklin House. Hall Julius A., of Smith & Hall, h 6 Steuben. Hall Lewis M., printer, bds 56 Charlotte. Hall Mrs, Ann, widow, h 14 Columbia. Hall Mrs. Eoniah, widow, h 125 Court Hall Mrs. Nancy, widow, bds at J. Spaulding's. Hallahan Matthew, tailor, h 68 Court. Halliday William, porter at T. Foster's, h 69 West. Hallett Oetavius, butcher, bds 23 Oneida. Hallock L. E., traveling merchant, h 12 Tracy. 95

Hallock Nehemiah, meat and vegetable market, cor Fayette and Seneca, bds 19 Washington. Ham John, h cor Washington and Pearl. Hamberger Bartholomew, h 271 Whitesboro. Hamblin George, butcher, h 25 Steuben. Hamer James, Steam W. Mills, h 94 Schuyler. Hamer John Jr., farmer, w s Genesee, 5 s Noyes. Hammill Hugh, ass't at Beston's. Hamilton Charles W., with T. K. Butler, bds National Hotel. Hamilton Isaac T., moulder, h 24 Miller. Hamlin Henry, porter Franklin House. Hamlin James, of Hamlin & Meyer, h cor Varick and Columbia. Hamlin k Meyer, boots and shoes, cor Varick and Columbia. Hamlin L. A., gymnast, bds Sherwood House. Hamlin William D., wagon manufacturer, shop Rome St., h 83 Fayette. Hammerschmidt Frederick, basket maker, lies Bryan, 1 n Canal. Hammond Erwin A., of Westcott & H, h 10 Hotel. Hammond John, dealer in fruits, &c, h 50 Varick. Hammond Olive, at C. C. Kingsley's, 103 John. Hanauer Samuel H., clerk at Lawrence's, h 18 Cornelia. Hand Michael, mason, h 33 Kemble. Handly Peter, laborer, h 111 Water. Handy Mrs. Abigail, widow, _ 19 Fayette. Handraharty Owen, gardener at P. Gridley's. Handright Elizabeth, widow, h 113 Columbia. Hanlon Bartholomew, at freight depot C. R. R., h 19 Bridge. Hanlon John, laborer, h 102 Bleecker. Hanlon William, laborer, h 92 Water. Hannas James M., machinist, bds 55 Broadway. Hannas John S., moulder, bds 11 Bridge. Hannas LaFayette, clerk at Barringer's, bds 38 Main. Hannas Mrs., widow, h 38 Main. Hannegan James, painter, bds 20 Elizabeth. Hannusch William, locksmith and tool maker, 44 John, h 16 Seymour Avenue. Hanrahan James, laborer, h 51 Bridge. Hanright James, clerk, bds 1 Garden. Hanright James, teamster, h 66 Varick. Hanson Henry, freight conductor C. R. R, bds American Hotel. Harden Cornelius, barber, h 24 Post. Harden Thomas, carpenter, h 145 Fayette. Harding Cyrus E., asst. overseer Steam C. Mills, h 20 State. Hargrave Mrs. Matilda, h 76 Varick. Harken Charles, laborer, bds John Keenan's. Harlow James, cordwainer at Lewis', h 2 Cooper. Harlow Job, cordwainer at Lewis', bds 2 Cooper. Harlow William, cordwainer, bds 2 Cooper Harmon Patrick, laborer, hns Bleecker, 3 e Albany. Harrer Charles, cordwainer, bds 74 Bleecker. Harrer Frederick, cordwainer, basement Bagg's Hotel, h 74 Bleecker. Harrer Jacob, laborer at C. R. R., h 76 Bleecker. Harrer Matthias, laborer, h oor Joseph and Canal. Harrer William, cordwainer, bds 74 Bleecker. 96

Harrington Andrew J., butcher, h 211 Whitesboro. Harrington Carlos, laborer, bds 42 Spring. Harrington Daniel H., machinist, h 42 Spring. Harrington Isaac B., laborer, hws Mohawk, 1 abovo the Jail. Harrington William, butcher, Clinton Market, h 144 Columbia. Harris Edward, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Harris George H., paper hanger, bds 6 Seneca. Harris Jeremiah, talleysman C. R. R. freight house, h 93 Jay. Harris Lewis, pedler, li 107 Water. Harris John, pedler, h 73 Whitesboro. Harris Miss Mary, bds 63 Mary. Harris Miss Sarah, dress maker, bds 6 Seneca. Harris Thomas, book-keeper Webb k Walker, h 6 Seneca. Harrison Henry, dry goods 138 Genesee, (Devereux Block,) bds Nation­ al Hotel. Harrison Isaac, tobacco cutter at Warniek's, h 43 Cornelia. Harrison Mrs. David, h 166 Whitesboro. Hart Alexander C, of Hart k Munson, h 45 Broadway. Hart Frederick, clerk at Hart k Munson's, bds 45 Broadway. Hart George W., Farmer, h 12 Broadway. HART k DAGWELL, proprietors Utiea Foundry, cor Cornelia and Erie Canal. Hart Henry R., of H. & Dagwell, res Whitestown. Hart & Munson, burr mill stone manufacturer.-, cor Broadway and Erie Canal. Hart Mrs. Martha, widow, bds Bleecker Street House. Hart Martin, secretary and treasurer B. R. & U. R. R., h 65 Fayette. Hart Miss C. V. L., h 65 Broad. Hart Robert, h 62 Third. Hart Samuel, builder, 28 Hotel, and grocer, 38 South. Harter Edward M., bds 106 Whitesboro. Harter James W., engineer, bds 106 Whitesboro. Harter Joseph, Utica steam tannery, 108, h 106 Whitesboro. Hartman Frederick, tailor, h 24 Neilson. Hartman Henry, segar maker, li 14 Schuyler. Hartwell Fortune G, Steam W. Mills, h 61 Varick. Harvey Hulbert L., engineer C. R. R., h 29 Main. Harvey Stewart M., engineer C. R. R., h 33 Main. Harwood Harvey J., daguerrean artist, gallery and h 95 Fayette. Harvey Patrick, Globe W. Mills, h 13 South Hamilton. Hasenbauer Martin, h 57 Erie. Hassett Thomas, laborer, h 96 Water.

lAHf 4t S_i©W_il_il, ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, RAIL ROAD, AND OTHER GA8TING8, Furnished on short notice, at the WS!€& 90TOMY, On the Erie Canal, Foot of Cornelia Street 97

Hastings Herbert A., clerk 211 Genesee, bds H. Hastings'. Hastings Herbert, M. D., office 211 Genesee, h s s Genesee, 6 s Oneida Square. Hastings Henry S., tinshop 44 John, bds 68 Second. Hastings Eugene B., law student, bds H. Hastings'. Hastings Sophia S., teacher at Aiken St. School, bds H. Hastings*. Hatfield Hyatt L., confectioner 33 Bleecker, h 9 Kemble. Hatch John, grocer, h 27 Plant. Hatch John, clerk at James Wood's, bds same. Hatch Wells B., machinist at P. Curtiss', h 8 Steuben. Hauberger Jacob, Steam C. Mills, h 69 Columbia. Haunfelter John, carpenter, h cor Kirkland and Francis. Hausehild Herman, laborer, h 127 Blandina. Haun George, tinsmith at J. E. Roberts k Co., h 10 Breese. Hauter George, pedler, grocery and h cor Eagle and Elm. Havens James B., h 26 South. Havens James H., paper hanger, h 44 Miller. Haweg Mary, dress maker, bds 61 West Bridge. Hawkins Henry, barber, h 55 Washington. Hawks John, cordwainer, bds A. Brendle's. HAWLEY & SON, Uvery stable, 8 Broad. Hawley Burton, of H. k Son, h 18 Mary. Hawley William H., of H. k Son, h 13 Rutger. Haworth Edmund, painter, h 36 Howard Avenue. Haworth Henry H., proprietor Corn Hill House, 34 South. Haworth James, mason, h 36 Howard Avenue. Howarth John, h 36 South. Haworth William, grocery and h cor South and West. Haws Jacob, carpenter, h 106 Park Avenue. Hawkeshurst Mrs. Sally, bds 30 Charlotte. Hayden Harriet H., widow of Henry, h 5 Blandina. Hayden Thomas, laborer, h 4 Huntington. Hay Catharine, widow, li 11 Charlotte. Hay Gilbert, wheelright, h 184 Whitesboro. Hay Scales, Bull's patent, Washington St., near Erie Canal. Hay Scales, Crane's patent, cor Catharine and John. Hay Scales, Fairbank's patent, cor Jay and Bridge. Hayes Agnes, widow, h 79 Jay. Hayes Conrad, laborer, h 32 John. Hayes James, laborer, h 96 Bleecker. Hayes J. H., clerk Convers & Sawyer's, bds 79 Jay. Hayes Michael, laborer, bds 17 Bridge.

B. HAWLEY & SON, a i ? s a f USA in, No. 8 Broad Street. HORSES

Hayes Moses, cartman, bds 43 Main. Hayes Richard D., engineer C. R. R., bds York House. Haynes Fanny, h 56 Court. Haynes George, segar maker, bds 56 Court. Haynes Thomas, segar maker, bds 56 Court. Haynes William, blacksmith, shop Madison Lane, h 47 Washington. Haynes William, Jr., blacksmith, bds 47 Washington. Hazlitt Samuel, mason, h 128 Lansing. Hazleton Albert M., cordwainer, bds 26 Charlotte. Head George W., of T. Pomeroy, Jr. & Co., h 9 Rutger. Heath Hawley E., of J. M. Rice k Co., h 65 Cornelia. Heath William, of Maynard, Heath k Co., h cor Charlotte and Blandina. Hebard Elisha, farmer, East St., near the Bono Factory. Hecox Charles, clerk at 39 Genesee, bds same. Hecox George K., engineer C. R. R., h 26 Main. Hecox Orrin, laborer, 101 Broad. Hecox Perry, paper hanger, hss South, 1 o Mohawk. Hecox William, machinist, bds 26 Main. Heoker Xavier, basket maker, h 10 Schuyler. Hedderick John, cabinet maker, h 49 Tibbitts. Heffron A. Judson, jeweler at Leach's, bds 76 Cornelia, Heffron Catharine, h 4 Morris' Lane. Heffron Daniel S., superintendent Common Schools, office City Hall, h 74 Cornelia. Heffron Edward, laborer, h 28 Tracy. Heffron Mrs. M. Elizabeth, teacher 4th Ward School, h 19 Miller. Heffron Mrs. S., h 76 Cornelia. Heid Michael, gardener, h 21 South Hamilton. Heidel Ignatius, confectioner, 204 Genesee, res same. Heidel Jacob, boarding house, 27 Hotel. Heimberger John, tailor and saloon keeper, 108 Fayette. Heinrich Ferdinand, musician, bds G. Heinrich's. Heinrich Gottfreid, musician, hws Steuben, 1 n Pleasant. Heintz Christian, cutter at Kingsleys', h 155 Whitesboro. Heintzman Jacob, h 24 Hope. Heitzman Sebastian, laborer, h 8 Jason. Helfert John Adam, baker at Wilkins', h 65 Steuben. Helton Ignatius, carpenter, h 48 Canal. Helwig Ludwig, laborer, hes Kossuth Avenue, 3 n city line. Hemmingway Joshua, peddler, h 4 meadow. Hemmens James, book keeper at Sherwood's, h n s William, 3 w State. Hemmens John, telegrapher, bds James Hemmens'. Henegan James, painter, bds 20 Elizabeth. Hennessy James, laborer, h 17 Third. Hennessy John, laborer, h Broad, o Starch Factory, Heninge Frederick, grocery and h 39 Varick. Heninger John A., laborer, h 64 Jay. Hennis James, machinist, bds 27 Hotel. Henry Edward, plumber, h 170 Court. Henry James, boots and shoes, 131 Genesee, h 38 Charlotte. Henry James, Jr., bds 38 Charlotte. Henry Patrick, pedler, h 90 Steuben. Henry Richard, carpenter, hss Rutger, 1 yr Albany. 99

Henry William, clerk at Webb & Walker's, bds 62 Seneca. Henry William, h 67 Canal. » Henry William, teamster, hes Piatt, 1 n Canal. Henshaw Mrs. J. Sidney, widow, h 19 Fayette. Henty Mrs. Eliza, widow, h 58 Blandina. Herbage Elijah J., Indian Chief Hotel, cor Oneida and Walker, and Chi« na Hall, Bradish Block. Herbrand Francis, baker and grocer, 142 Whitesboro, h same. Herbert Mrs. P., boading house, 21 Whitesboro. Herbert Richard, segars and liquors, 4 Fayette, bds 21 Whitesboro. Herbst John, tailor, h 26 Saratoga. Herbstreit John B., tailor, h 125 Water. Hermann Bernard, pedler, h 55 Washington. Hermann Joseph, cordwainer, bds 96 Columbia. Herendeen Mrs. Charlotte, widow, h 54 Lansing. Hernan P., laborer, h 66 Mohawk. Hersey William, cabinet maker, hns Warren, 1 w Garden. Heslan Michael, mason, h e s Steuben, 2 s Arthur. Heslan Mrs. Eliza, hes Hicks, 1 s Court. Heslan Thomas, mason, h 104 Steuben. Hess Adam, laborer, h 37 Saratoga. Hess Daniel, tailor, h 122 Schuyler. Hess David, h 9 Seneca. Hess Sophia, h 11 Saratoga. Hessee John, locksmith, h w s Cherry, 3 s Whitesboro. Hessee Mary, widow, cap maker, 43J Washington. Hewett John, carpenter, h 93 Spring. Hicks Miss Eliza A., teacher Advanced School, bds 63 Liberty. Hickey Ann, widow, h 13 Eagle. Hickox Elisha M., h n s William, 2 w State, Hickox F. M., clerk 330 Genesee, bds 2 William. Hickox Morris II., clerk at Rowley's, bds 2 William. Hickox William H., h 25 Aiken. Hibbard Frank, engineer C. R. R., bds Sherwood House. HIBBARD THEODORE E., furniture and looking-glasses 153 Genesee, h 13 Elizabeth. Hibbs George W., cabinet maker, h 8 Burnet. Hidurn William, weaver, h 68 Mohawk. Hieber John C, clerk at Manning's, bds 67 Cooper. Hieber Theodore L., clerk at Manning's, bds 67 Cooper. Higby Chester, farmer, bds 40 State. THEODORE E. HIBBARD, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Furniture and Looking Glasses. 155 Genesee St., (8d Door Below Oneida Bank,) Utiea, Jf. Y.

Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Couches; Bureaus and Book Cases; every variety of Chairs; Card and Marblo Top Centre TableB ; Dining and Tea Tables ; Hair, Husk, Palm-leaf and Cedar Mattresses, made to order. MONROE'S PATENT SPRING BED, MANUFACTURED ONLY BY ME. 100

Higginson Thomas, meat market, cor West and South, bds 37 Miller. Higgs James R., brass finisher, 4i 1 Neilson. Higgs Thomas, carpenter, h 20 Seymour Avenue. Higgs William, brass founder and locksmith 13 Bleecker, h 20 Seymour Avenue. Hjnrs Uriah, mason, h 67 Miller. Higham A. D., proprietor Vulcan Works, Whitesboro, junct. Fayette, bds T. Midlam's. Higham Abram, book-keeper Vulcan Works, bds T. Midlam's. Higham George, machinist, bds Cottage Hotel. Hill C. Judson, M. D., surgeon and physician, 206 Genesee, bds 5 Dev­ ereux. Hill Francis, cordwainer, h 74 Elizabeth. Hill George, carpenter, h 9 Union. Hill Henry, of Canfield & Hill, h 45 Varick.' Hill James W., carpenter, h 18 Third. Hill John S., clerk at Westcott's, bds National Hotel. Hill John S., mason, bds 21 Leah. Hill Luke, grocery and h 21 Leah. Hill Orrin, brickmaker, h 174 Whitesboro. Hill Rev. Tliomas, pastor Ebenezer Chapel, h 14 West. Hill W. B. M., clerk at Dana's. Himmens Nicolas, mason, hes Bryan, 3 n Canal. Hindermeyer Albert, laborer, h 28 Saratoga. Hines Christian, cutter at Kingsley's, h 165 Whitesboro. Hines Patrick, painter, hws Barnes 3 s Rutger. Hinkley Alvah, h 96 State. Hinkley Elizabeth, tailoress, bds 12 Broadway. Hinkley J. L„ foreman at Pearson's, h 11 Union. Hinkley H. S., clerk at T. Foster's, bds Catharine St. House. Hinman Charles, at Partello's, h 30 Columbia. Hinman John E., h 33 Whitesboro. Hirt Herman, meat market cor Huntington and Cooper, bds M. Hirt's. Hirt John, bds Maria Hirt's. Hirt Maria, widow, hss Oak, 5 e Schuyler. Hitchcock Alfred, h 8 Broadway. Hitchcock Alfred G., bds 8 Broadway. Hitchcock Abram V. S., bds 8 Broadway. Hitchcock James K., office 24 Empire Block, h 286 Genesee. Hitchcock Marcena, pattern maker, h 8 Spring. Hitzelberger Frederick, boat builder, h 151 Fayette. Hitzeroth Ferdinand, dyer Globe W. Mills, bds 7 Hamilton Hoag John, laborer C. R. R., h 76 Elizabeth. Hobin Michael, cordwainer, h 29 John. Hobson Joseph, overseer gigging room, h 13 South Hamilton. Hobbs James, laborer, h 74 Blandina. Hobby U, tanner Whitesboro village, h 24 Elizabeth. Hobby William A., h 34 Steuben. Hodges Joseph, Steam W. Mills, h 50 Saratoga. Hodges Nelson A., painter, h 5 Elizabeth. Hoeble Caspar, laborer, h 3 Louisa. Hoeflinger Sebastian, laborer, h 21 Elm. Hoerle Jacob H., laborer, h 65 Schuyler. 101

Hoerlein John G., tailor, h 18 Varick. Hoffman John, farmer, h Pleasant. Hoffman John, machinist, h 1 Cooper. Hoffman Moses, farmer, bds John Hoffman's. Hoffmeister Frank, laborer, hws Joseph, 2 n Canal. Hogan John, asst. at Butterfield's Livery, h 58 Third. Hogan Michael, laborer, bds 26 Jay. Hogan Mrs. Ellen, h 21 Bridge. Hogan Thomas, laborer, h 17 Bridge. Hohler Frederick, furnaeeman, h 57 Tibbitts. Hogeboom Charles L., M. D., office 12 Bleecker, bds Bleecker St. House, Holbrook Gilbert F., cordwainer, h rear 59 Broadway. Holgate Jerome B., bds Bleecker St. House. Holden Horace, clerk freight office C. R. R., bds Central Hotel. Holland Betsey M., widow, h 77 State. Holland William H., Steam W. Mills, bds 77 State. Holliger John, laborer, h 125 Schuyler. Holloran John, moulder, bds 32 Cooper. Holloran Michael, h 32 Cooper. Holloran Michael F., machinist, bds 32 Cooper. Holloran Mrs. Ann, widow, h 57 Bridge. Hollon Alice H., tailoress, bds 10 Division. Hollister E. P., law student, bds T. Midlam's. Hollister Frederick, bds National Hotel. Hollister Nathan, news emporium Exchange Buildings, h 41 Broad. Hollingworth k Brother, bone factory, East St. near toll gate, Albany St. Hollingworth G. T., of H. & Brother, h Albany, 2 n East. Hollingworth J. H., of H. k Brother, h cor East and Albany. Holman Charles, harness maker, h Thomas' West Avenue. Hollman Lewis, pedler, h 152 Whitesboro. Holmes Charles 11., pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Holmes E. G., pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Holmes Henry, wool sorter, bds 121 Columbia. Holmes John, clerk at I. Tallman's, bds 74 Jay. Holmes John, cartman, h 70 Cooper. Holmes John J., carriage trimmer, h 32 Howard Avenue. Holstein George B., bds 44 Blandina. Holstein Israel, grocery and h 44 Blandina. Holstein Moses, pedler, h 66 Broadway. Holt James, blacksmith, h 163 Whitesboro. Holt Samuel, blacksmith, bds 163 Whitesboro. Homan Francis, cabinet maker, h 62 Court. Hone James, mason, h 39 Elm. Hone James Jr., of Brooks & H., bds Franklin House. Hoover Martin, teamster, h cor Albany St. and Kossuth Avenue. Hopkins Charles H., of H. & Lane, h 53 Lansing. Hopkins Ira D., h 63 Broad. Hopkins L. W., book-keeper City Mill bds 71 Broad. Hopkins k Jones, tinners, cor Columbia and State. Hopkins Noble, of H. k Jones, h 55 Columbia. Hopkins Thomas A., book-keeper Oneida Brewery, h 13 Spring. Hopkins William E., book-keeper Warner & Ray's, h 27 Mary. Hopkins William A., bds 53 Lansing. 12 102

HOPKINS IRA D. Jr., M. D., bds 63 Broad. Hopkins William R., bds 63 Broad. Hopkins k Lane, proprietors City Mill, and Flour Store 9 Liberty. Hopper George J., h 14 West Bridge. Hopper Thomas, Treasurer Utica Water Works Co., office 196 Genesee, h 12 West Bridge. Hopson Charles, clerk at Sherwood k Hopson's, bds 11 West Birdge. Hopson Henry, of Sherwood k Hopson, h 11 West Bridge. Horn H. V. D. & Co., dry goods, 62 Genesee. Horn H. V. D„ of H. V D. H. k Co., bds T. Midlam's. Hornung Charles, clerk at Williams Bros., bds 112 Schuyler. Hornung Jacob, cordwainer, h cor Elm and Louisa. Hornung John B., cabinet maker, h cor Elm and Louisa. Hornstein John, stone cutter, h 53 Washington. Hornstein Joseph, stone cutter, bds 53 Washington. Horny Sebastian, laborer, h 35 Parker. Horsburgh Alexander, bakery and h cor Bleecker and Second. Horsburg Robert, baker, h 41 Second. Horton Thomas, Devereux St. Market, res New Hartford. Hotchkiss Mrs. Mary, laundress, h 29 Mary. Hose Company "Wide Awake," No. 6, h cor Liberty and Washington. Houghton Samuel A., artist, 211 Genesee, res same. House George, bds J. Schragler's. House John, laborer, h 114 Bleecker. Howard Ambrose G., florist, cor Noyes and Genesee, res same. Howard Mrs. Mary, h eor Columbia and Washington. Howe Dennis, tailor, h 43 Bridge. Howe James H., foreman at Warnick's, bds Mansion House. Howe Lewis, laborer, h 43 West. Howes A. M., clerk at Z. M. Howes', bds 106 John. Howes B. Sandford, machinist, h 68 Main. Howes Henry A., bds 106 John. Howes Zonas M., clothing merchant, 104 Genesee, h 106 John. Howelle J. Henry, printer, Herald office, bds 6 West Bridge. Howell Howell D., h 98 Whitesboro. Howell Llewellyn D., h 102 Whitesboro. Howell Miss Elizabeth, bds Bleecker St. House. Howell Thomas B., paper hanger at Barnards', h 81 Bleecker. Howlett Miss E. M., principal Aiken St. school, bds 48 Fayette. Hoy John, h 205 Whitesboro. Hoyer Peter, pedler, h 265 Whitesboro. Hoyt & Butler, lawyers and insurance agents, 90 Genesee. Hoyt David N., cordwainer, h 44 Elizabeth. IRA D. HOPKINS, M. D. _p___c-srsici_A__sr sc STTRGKEOISJ-. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, IVo. 63 Broad Street. OFFICB HOURS—10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M., and 7 to 8 Evening. 5T_f"At the City Hospital from 8 to 10 A. M. 103

Hoyt Eli, boat builder, h 176 Whitesboro. Hoyt John C, of H. k Butler, h 78 Whitesboro. Hoyt Hannah Mrs. M., milliner and dress maker, 44 Elizabeth. Hubbard Mrs. Thomas H., widow, h 63 Bleecker. Hubbell Alric, h 57 Broad. Huber John, Steam W. Mills, h 10 Breese. Hudson Edward, boiler maker, h 24 Garden. Huemer Frederick, tailor, hns Warren, 1 e Stark. Hughes Catharine, dress maker, h 70 Washington. Hughes David, supervisor Lunatic Asylum. Hughes David H., Utica Water Works, h 10 South. Hughes Dennis, blacksmith, h 72 Elizabeth. Hughes Edward D., mason, h 10 West Bridge. Hughes Griffith, carpenter, h 85 Whitesboro. Hughes Griffith U, of Baxter k H, h 100 Whitesboro. Hughes Hugh, blacksmith, h 33 Water. Hughes Hugh, cutter at Rice's, h 21 Spring. Hughes Henry, attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Hughes Henry, tailor, h 11 Union. Hughes John L., cabinet maker, bds 20 Carnahan. Hughes John L., of Quick & H, bds 67 Court. Hughes John E., marble cutter, h 67 Court. Hughes John R., machinist, h 28 Columbia. Hughes Joseph, h 67 Court. Hughes Kate L., dress vvaker, bds 41 Blandina. Hughes Lewis, daguerrean artist, cor Columbia and Varick, h 17 Varick. Hughes Lewis, moroeco dresser, bds 33 Water. Hughes Merick, porter Bank of Utica, h 7 Blandina. Hughes Mrs. Mary, h 118 Bleecker. Hughes Owen, laborer, hss Lansing, 6 w Albany. Hughes Richard H., carpenter, h 41 Blandina. * Hughes Robert J., laborer, hns Bleecker, 1 e Mohawk. Hughes Robert J., blacksmith, h 16 Broadway, Hughes R. R., attendant Lunatic Asylum. Hughes Thomas, cordwainer, h 110 Court. Hughes Rev. William, pastor Welsh Cal. Methodist Ch., h 10 Steuben. Hughes William, stone cutter, bds 26 Charlotte. Hulbert J. Earl, County Clerk, bds Bagg's Hotel. Hulbert John, Sec'y and Treas. City Savings Bank, 164 Genesee, h 40 Rutger. Hulbert John C, printer, Herald office, h 67 Washington. Hulbert William L., clerk at Receiver's office Bank Central New York, bds J. Hulbert's. Huling James H., printer at the Lunatic Asylum, h 294 Whitesboro. Humes William, clerk, 12 State, bds 2^ Carnahan. Humphrey William, confectioner, cor Columbia and Washington, h same. Hugill Miss Ann, dress maker, h 4 Steuben Park. Hugill Miss Elizabeth, bds 4 Steuben Park Hull David, grocer, h 16 Blandina. Hull Marcus W., grocer, cor John and Mary, bds 16 Blandina. Hunt Charles H., of White k H, bds 96 State. Hunt Delos H, of H. & White, h 72 Second. Hunt George W., segar maker, bds 32 Main. 104

Hunt Isaac J., M. D., office 3 Bradish Block, h 8 Lansing. Hunt Jacob, M. D.,'office and h 54 Whitesboro. Hunt Jeremiah, M. D., h 34 Blandina. Hunt John S., teller Utica City Bank, bds 308 Genesee. Hunt Myron M., carpenter, h 32 Main. Hunt Thomas, laborer, h 129 Rutger. Hunt William, segar maker, bd- Franklin House. Hunt William, clerk at Webb, Walker & Co's, bds 129 Rutger. Hunt William J., watch maker at Davies', bds 34 Blandina. Hunt k Waterman, lawyers, office 15 Broad. Hunt Ward, of H. & Waterman, h 308 Genesee. Hunt Ward, Jr., student, bds 308 Gonesee. Hunt k White, flour merchants, 7 Liberty. Hunter James, at Globe Woolen Mills, h II2 Court. Huntington Heman L., h 82 Mary. Huntington Mrs. Ellen, Dudley House. Hurd Henry H. & Co., flour merchants, 17 Liberty. Hurd Henry H., of H. H. Hurd & Co., h 227 Genesee. Hurlburt Burton D., lawyer, h 25 Court. Hurlburt Charlos, agent Now Hartford Cotton Mills, office 164, h 263 Genesee. Hurlburt Frazier W., elerk at Dickinson & Co's, bds National Hotel. Hurlburt Henry, of Wood k H., bds National Hotel. Hurlburt Hiram, lawyer, office 128 Genesee, h 3 Rutger. Hurlburt Mrs., widow of Kellogg, bds Bleockor Street House. Hurlburt Nathan 0., clothier, h 8 Hotel. Hurley Cornelius, boots and shoes, 30 Genesee, h 44 Charlotte. Hurley Cornelius A., cordwainer, bds 44 Charlotte. Hurley Francis, laborer, h 112 Jay. Hurley Patrick, blacksmith, bds 112 Jay. Hutchinson Alexander, constable, li U Carnahan. Hutchinson Alexander, clerk at Wilcox k Smith's, bds 39 Elm. Hutchinson Charles W., dealer in cotton and woolen manufacturers' articles, 34 Catharine, bds National Hotel. Hutchinson Edward, student, bds 49 Elizabeth. Hutchinson Francis, hatter, h 4 Seneca. Hutchinson George, printer at Observer Office, h 18 Plant. Hutchinson Holmes, h 49 Elizabeth. Hutchinson James T., clerk at Manning's, bds 39 Elm. Hutchinson John, engineer C. R. It., bds 42 Catharine. Hurelle Maria F., at 71 Park Avenue. Hutton Charles, brewer, h 72 Third. Hutton John J., brewer, h 69 Third. Huxford Hiram, planing mill and lumber yard, 48. h 50 State. Hyde George, carpenter, h 53 Tibbitts. flyland Julia, widow, h 43 Main.

Indian Chief Hotel, cor Oneida & Walker, E. J. Herbago, proprietor. Inhoff Kaspar, laborer, h 61 Erie. Infeldt Joseph, carpenter, hws Kossuth Avenue, 5 s South. IUingwonh Joseph J., engineer Steam Cotton Mills, h 26 Spring. 105

I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Exchange Buildings. Irion Jaoob, segar maker, h 64 Blandina. Irion Michael, blacksmith, h 114 Lansing. Irion Michael, Jr., segar maker, bds 114 Lansing. Irish Charlotte, h 37 Main. Irish Samuel T., laborer C. R. R., bds 37 Main. Irving Mrs. William, tailoress, h rear 22 Jay. Isham Isaac, tobacconist, h 13 Cornelia. Isham John W., segar maker, h 47 Garden. Isele Frederick, carpenter at Chubbuck's, h 124 Blandina. 'Ives George H.. clerk at E. Laughlin's, bds 1 Mary.

Jackson C. A., cook, h 17 Charlotte. Jackson Henry, h 283 Whitesboro. Jackson John, bds 3 Post. Jackson Mrs. Phoebe, widow, h 119 Mary. Jackson Mrs. Susan, hns Jay, 1 e Mohawk. J Jackson Thomas F., reed maker, h 15 Louisa. Jackson William S., meat market, junction Genesee and State, res New Hartford. Jacobi Rev. Levi, pastor Evangelical Church, Garden St., h 52 Stark. Jacobs Emory H., carriage maker, h 11 George. Jacobs John, segar maker, h 20 Leah. Jacobs J., fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Jacobs Lucinda, tailoress, h 63 Broadway. Jaeger Frederick, cartman, h 59 Tibbitts. Jaeger Henry, carpenter, h e s Stark, near Chenango Canal. Jacquemin John B., machinist, h 75 Third. Jacquemin Miss M. C, tailoress, h 75 Third. Jaeherling Frederick, Steam W. Mills, h 33 Erie. Jaekel Josephine, widow, bds Michael Behr's. Jakeman Mrs., seamstress, h 9 Seymour Avenue. James Arthur M., carpenter, h 29 Rutger. James Daniel, bds 63 Catharine. James David, carpenter, h 7 West. James Edward, student, bds 104 John. James Edward, at Steam Cotton Mills, h 66 Columbia. James Evan B., cartman, h 23 Spring. James John, moulder, h 16 West. James John, at Steam Cotton Mills, bds 66 Columbia. James John W., tailor, h 21 Plant. James Joseph, builder, shop 39 Seneca, h 104 John. James Morgan, gunsmith, cor Fayette and Seneca, h 46 Columbia. James Morris B., cartman, bds 23 Spring. James Mrs. Ann, widow, h 63 Catharine. James Mrs. Catharine, widow, h 8 First. James Sarah, widow, h 66 Columbia. James Richard, pedler, h 82 Whitesboro. James Robert E., clerk 159 Genesee, h cor West Bridge and Elm. James Thomas, elerk at Gilbert's, h 41 Whitesboro. 106

James Thomas, tailor, h 29 Seneca. Jarrettt Edward W., hats and caps, 126 Genesee, h 10 Devereux. Jarrett Henry F., express messenger, bds 93 Park Avenue. Jarrett William, clerk at Sherwood k Hopson's, h 93 Park Avenue. Jamieson William, coppersmith, li 22 Cornelia. Jeffers Michael, laborer, h 18 First. Jenkins Mrs. Sylvia, h 23 Mary. Jenison Charles E., tinsmith, bds 23 Columbia. Jenison Frederick G., tinsmith, h 59 Lansing. Jenison Henry, cordwainer, h 23 Columbia. Jenison Henry J., cordwainer, h 1 Tracy. i - Jenison Joseph A., clerk at Chatfield's, bds 23 Columbia. Jennings James, hatter, h 16 Seneca. Jennings Richard, grocery and h cor Lansing aud Albany. Jennings Michael, mason and mover of buildings, h 162 Court' Jepson Christopher S., printer at Herald office, bds J. Beal's. Jerrams Joseph, carpenter, h 143 Water. Jerrams Thomas, laborer, bds B. F. .Towett's. Jess Henry, sash maker at Lawrence's, h 100 Fayette. Jewett Benjamin F., farmer, hes Geneseo, 2 s Clinton. Joerissen Joseph, segar maker, h 69 Third. Johann Anthony, teamster, h 51 Erie. Johns John, carpenter, h 102 Park Avenue. Johnson Alexander B., h 235 Genesee. Johnson Arthur B., lawyor and Justice of the Peace, office Tibbitts Block, h 255 Genesee. Johnson Charles A., office Tibbitts Block, bds 235 Genesee. Johnson Charles B., tailor, h 9 Washington. Johnson Charles, clerk at Barnum's, bds 12 Seneca. Johnson Edward, waiter City Saloon, h 24 Post. Johnson Edward, barber at Batchelors', bds 42 Spring. Johnson E. R, clerk at Knapp's, h 12 Seneca. Johnson Frederick, law student at Beardsley's, bds U. Dunning's. Johnson Georgo, barber at Batchelor's, bds 20 Elizabeth. Johnson George, boatman, h cor Chenango Avenue and Plant st. Johnson Henry, at Oil Clolh Factory, h 20 Edward. Johnson John, blacksmith, h 7 Montgomery. Johnson Joseph, painter, h cor Albany and South. Johnson William, h 15 Leah. Johnson Mrs.. D. B., bds 53 Charlotte. : . Johnston Thomas, fireman at Lunatic Asylum, h 16 Hope. Johnston William, office attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Jones Amanthus, dross maker, bds 8 Blandina. Jones Ann, widow, li 8 Blandina. Jones Ann, widow, b 76 Whitesboro. Jones Anthony A., grocer, 14, h 72 Fayette. Jones Charles, at Globe W. Mills, bds 20 Garden. Jones C. F. D., emigrant agent, office 16 Catharine, res New Hartford. Jones C. F. D. Jr., law student, bds 12 Hotel. Jones Catharine, widow, h 25 Louisa. Jones Daniel, hws Stark, 2 s Green. Jones Daniel W., clerk at Rowe k Sons, h 14 Washington. Jones David, carpenter, h 43 Miller. 107

Jones David, of Hopkins k J., bds 47 Columbia Jones David, stone cutter, h 17 Spring. Jones David, carpenter, h 115 Whitesboro. Jones David B., h 64 Whitesboro. Jones David D., painter, bds E. R. Goodwin's. Jones David F., blacksmith, h 19 Uniori. Jones David H., coach painter, h 122 Lansing. Jones David L., at Steam W. Mills, h 10 Stark. Jones David R., cabinet maker, h 81 Lansing. Jones David, last maker, 10 John, h 63 Cornelia. Jones Ebenezer, farmer, h 9 Charles. Jones Edward E., carpenter, h 39 Miller. Jones Edwin, ostler at Tork House. Jones Elias A, clerk at Dows & Adams,.h 63 Liberty. Jones Elizabeth, widow, h 84 Whitesboro. Jones Elizabeth, h 2 Morris' Lane. Jones Elizabeth J., h 4 Blandina. Jones Ellen, widow, h 86 Whitesboro. Jones Evan, h 32 Court. Jones Evan, carpenter, h 43 Charlotte. Jones Evan, boarding house, 13 Seneca. Jones Evan, carpenter, h 9 Steuben. Jones Griffith G., stone cutter, h 44 Plant. Jones Griffith 0., h 11 Aiken. Jones Griffith T., distiller, h 74 Broadway. Jones Hugh W., clerk at Cline's, bds 6 Hotel. Jones James E., M. P., office 56 Geneseo, (Marble Block,) h 63 Liberty. Jones Jane, tailoress, h 19 Varick. Jones Jane Ann, tailoress, bds 22 High. Jones Janette, at Steam C. Mills, bds 72 Court. Jones John, carpenter, bds 28 Columbia. Jones John, clerk at Dickinson, Comstock k Co., h 35 Blandina. Jones John, switch tender C. R. R., h 86 Court. Jones John, at Globe W. Mills, h 25 Bristol. Jones John, mason, h 34 Elizabeth. Jones John, jewelry pedler, bds 2 Morris' Laue. * ' Jones John, cook at Lunatic Asylum, h 19 Variek. Jones John E., brakesman C. R. R., bds 72 Main. Jones John E., mason, h 55 Chenango Avenue. Jones John E., laborer, li 5 Roberts' Lane. Jones John E., laborer, h 32 Spring. Jones Rev. J. E., pastor Welsh Baptist Church, h 59 Washington. Jones Jonn J. E. Y, at J. H, Read's, h 98 Whitesboro. Jones John G., mason, h 29 Seymour Avenue. Jones John G., stone cutter, h junct Chenango Avenue and Plant. Jones John H., clerk M. M. Northrup's, bds 75 State. Jones John H, painter, h 14 Steuben. Jones John H., clerk 5 Pearl, bds 59 Miller. Jones John I., of Davies & Jones, h 34 Columbia. Jones John-J., engineer C. R. R., h 7 Charles. Jones John 0., salesman at Huxford's lumber yard, h 75 State. Jones John 0., bds York House. Jones John R. D., wagon maker, bds Cadwallader Richards'. 103

Jones John R., wagon maker, h 10 Canal. Jones John R., wholesale liquor dealer, 134 Whitesboro. Jones John R., bds 26 Charlotte. Jones John T., carriage maker, 17 and 19, h 65 Catharine. Jones John W., attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Jones John W., gardener, h 29 Miller. Jones J. W, clerk at Baxter & Hughes', bds 63 Cornelia. Jones John X., cutter at Kellogg's, h 10 Fay. Jones Joseph, overseer wood work shop C. R. R., h 20 Steuben Park. Jones Laura, at Steam Cotton Mills, h 72 Court. Jones Lewis, h 106 Schuyler. Jones Lewis, saloon, 1 Kirkland Block, h 82 Court. Jones Lewis, book keeper at Butterfield's, h 65 Mary. Jones Lewis, carpenter, h 71 Broad. Jones Lewis R., blacksmith, h 71 Steuben. Jones Margaret, widow, h 71 Steuben. Jones Mrs. Ellen, widow, h 1 Roberts' Lane. Jones Mrs. Harriet, matron Utiea Orphan Asylum. Jones Mrs. Mary, widow of John W., h 74 Whitesboro. Jones Mrs. Mary, widow, h 51 Cooper. Jones Mrs. Mary A., widow, li 26 Blandina. Jones Mrs. Laura, widow, h cor Mary and Second. Jones Miss Mary, mantua maker, bds 72 Court. Jones Morven M., lawyer and Justice of the Pea . 2 Exchange Buildings, h 89 Fayette. Jones Newell N., bds 134 Whitesboro. Jones Owen, sadler at L. Moore's 45 Genesee, h 14 Devereux. Jones Peter, gardener at J. W. Williams', hes Steuben, 2 n Pleasant. Jones Richard E., weaver at Steam Cotton Mills, h 75 Court. Jones Richard E., sadler, h 10 Charles. Jones Richard G., mason, h 40 Plant. Jones Richard T., mason, h 21 Breese. Jones Richard W., clerk at 20 Fayette, bds 79 Whitesboro. Jones Richard, cordwainer, If Johnson, opp Joseph. Jones Richard, painter, h 3 Morris' Lane. Jones Robert A., of Jones & Roberts, bds 14 Broadway. Jones Robert W., baker at Owens', bds 84 Whitesboro. Jones & Roberts, grocers, 14 Whitesboro. Jones Roland A., bds 72 Whitesboro. Jones S., pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Jones Sarah, widow, li 25 Washington. Jones Silas W., boarding house, 8 Whitesboro Jones Thomas, laborer, h 82 Court. Jones Thomas, tailor at Davies & Jones, bds 34 Columbia. Jones Thomas, ostler at Central Hotel, h 108 Park Avenue. Jones Thomas G, carpenter, h 12 Howard Avenue. Jones Thomas O., painter, bds 76 Columbia. Jones Thomas S., blacksmith, h 23 Varick. Jones Thomas T., printer, h 13 Steuben. Jones Thomas W., clerk, bds 4 Steuben Park. Jones Thomas W., carpenter, h 21 Howard Avenne. Jones T. C, lawyer, 75 Genesee, bds Central Hotel. Jones William, at Steam W. Mills, ;h 38 Schuyler. 109'

Jones Thomas, at Steam G. Mills, bds _0 Huntington. Jones William, cutter at 0. A. Yates', h 18 Steuben. Jones William, tailor, h 6 Blandina. Jones William, carpenter, h 59 Miller. Jones William, watchman at Steam Cotton Mills, h 94 Whitesboro. Jones William, laborer, h 31 Broadway. Jones William D, printer at Telegraph Office, bds 1 Roberts' Lane. Jones William E., foreman at Lewis', h Howard Avenue, 1 ab Arthur. Jones William S., printer at Herald Office, bds 84 Whitesboro. Jones William G., clerk at Rindge's, bds 66 Whitesboro. Jones William J., miller, bds 71 Broad. •Jones William W., laborer, h 94 Miller. Jones William W., cordwainer, h 79 Whitesboro. Jordan Francis, butcher, cor Pearl and Genesee, h 25 Devereux. Jordan Henry, butcher, cor Devereux and Charlotte, h 40 Charlotte. Jordan James, moulder, h 5 Montgomery. Jordan Patrick, laborer, h 37 Third. Joslin John S., h 84 John. Joslin MrB. Diadame, widow, h 8 Carnahan. Joslyn B. F., drugs, groceries and provisions, 4 and 6 Catharine, h 54- Fayette. Joslyn Menzo, clerk at B. F. Joslyn's, bds 54 Fayette. Joyce Thomas, laborer, h 91 Bleecker. Judge Thomas, cordwainer, h 33 Broadway. Jubelius Elizabeth, h 276 Whitesboro. Judkins B. F., master mechanic B. R. k U. R. R., h 87 Whitesboro. Judkins James, machinist B. R. & U. R. R., bds 21 Seneca. Judson Charles H., artist, Devereux Block, h 91 Miller. Judson Mrs. Mary A., bds William Piatt's. Junghems Philip, at Globe Woolen Mills, h 38 South Hamilton. K Kaacksteen Frederick, tailor, h 5 High. Kalheimer Crescentia, laundress, h Liberty Street House. Kaltenbaeh Max, laborer, h 51 Saratoga. Kammerlohr Joseph, at Lawrences', h 274 Whitesboro. Kane Dennis, tailor, h 111 Lansing. Kane Matthew, cordwainer, h 51 Water. Kane Patrick, pedler, h 24 Jay. Kane Patrick, laborer, h cor Jay and Third. Kane Roselle W., clerk at Gordon k Shaw's, bds 49 Charlotte. Kanna William, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Kapp Francis, at Globe Woolen Mills, h 47 Saratoga. Kavanaugh William, telegrapher, bds 25 Whitesboro. Kauntz William, butcher, h 16 Lealn Kay Elizabeth, widow, h 23 Howard Avenue. Kaye George, h 53 Varick. Kearney Edward, h rear 60 Jay. Kearney William H., marble polisher, h 135 Rutger. Kearsing George, goldbeater, bds 28 Miller. Keating George, constable, h 109 Bleeeker. K 110

Keating John H., upholsterer, 176 Genesee, h 56 Columbia. Keating Mrs. Bridget, h 57 Bridge. Keefe Thomas, laborer, hns Orchard, 1 e Cross. Keeling Henry W., printer at Herald Office, bds 64 Whitesboro. Keeling James H., carpenter, h 29 Charlotte. Keenan Cornelius, boarding house, 29 John. Keenan John, grocery and h 70 Broad. Keenan Patrick, laborer, bds 70 Broad. Keenan Richard, at Steam Woolen Mills, h 114 Schuyler. Keene John, tailor, hws Albany, 2 n Webster. Keene Miss Emm J., tailores, bds 7 7 Park Avenue. Kehrer George, segar maker, h 100 Fayette. Keil Augustus, carpenter, h 79 Lansing. Keiley Bartholomew, bds Owen Keiley's. Keiley Michael, bds Owen Keiley's. Keiley Owen, laborer, hws Steuben, 7 s Gold. Keiley Patrick, bds Owen Keiley's. Keiley Timothy, h 79 Steuben. Keim George, h cor Court and Saratoga. Keins Andrew, h 25 South Hamilton. Keiser Anselm, carpenter, hss Warren, 1 e Stark. Keiser George, attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Keiser Matthias, laborer, hss Warren, 1 e Stark. Keiser Mary, widow, h junction, Garden and Chenango Canal. Keiser Nicolas, cabinet maker, h 224 Whitesboro. Keiser Paul, proprietor Oneida Demokrat, cor Columbia and Wiley, h 72 Erie. Keller Margaret, widow, h cor Mohawk and South. Keleher John, carpenter, bds 147 Bleecker. Keleher Walter, mason, h 15 Philip. Kellner J. D., German apothecary, cor Columbia and Wiley, h same. Kelly Ann, widow, h cor Washington and Water. Kelly Edward D., at Globe W. Mills, h 6 Edward. Kelly E. T., daguerrean artist, bds Sherwood House. Kelly Garratt, blacksmith, h 25 Saratoga. Kelly James, laborer, h 1 Montgomery. Kelly John C., proprietor Sherwood House, cor Broad and John. Kelly John, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Kelly John, laborer, h Rutger, 2 s Barnes. Kelly John, blacksmith, bds Mrs. Catharine Kelly's. Kelly Joseph,'brakesman C. R. R., bds M. M. Hunt's. Kelly J. E. II., clerk at Sherwood House. Kelly Dennis, laborer, h 25 Spring. Kelly Miss Jane E., principal Utica Female Academy,' 77 Washington. Kelly Miss Mary A., teacher Utica Female Academy, bds 77 Washington. Kelly Michael, mason, li 127 Rutger. Kelly Mrs. Lucinda, widow, tailoress, bds 23 Aiken. Kelly Mrs. Jeanette, hns Warren, 2 w Stark. Kelly Mrs. Mary, laundress, h 2 Roberts' Lane. Kelly Mrs. Catharine, widow, hes Albany, 3 s Bleecker. Kelly Patrick, laborer, h 3 Montgomery. Kelly Patrick, laborer, h 21 Third. Kelly Patrick, laborer, h 112 Bleecker. Ill

Kelly Patrick, cartman, h 76 Miller. Kelly Peter, brakesman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Kelly Robert, boatman, h 1 Hamilton. Kelly Stephen, mason, h w s Steuben, 7 s Gold. Kelly Thomas, laborer, h 96 Steuben. Kelly Thomas, wheelwright, h 23 Aiken. Kelly William, blacksmith C. R. R., bds 68 Broad. Kelly W. H, bds Sherwood House. Kellogg A. G, laborer, h King, 1 s Clark. Kellogg Charles ft, of Downer & K, h 274 Genesee. Kellogg James H., carpenter, h 101 Broad. Kellogg John G., law student, bds 4 West Bridge. Kellogg Mrs. Mary E., bds 4 West Bridge. Kellogg Orchard G., lawyer, office Mechanics' Hall, h 12 Lansing. Kellogg Palmer V. k Co., wholesale clothing merchants, 53 Franklin Square. Kellogg Palmer V, of P. V. K. & Co., h 288 Genesee. Kellogg Spencer, h 286 Genesee. Kempf Mark, laborer, h Joseph, 5 n Canai. Kennedy Miss Catharine, tailoress, bds 19 Seneca. Kennedy Thomas, blacksmith, h 42 Elm. Kenely Michael, baker, bds 23 Steuben. Kennerneoht Michael, laborer, li 69 Court. Kenny Edmund, laborer, h 34 Mohawk. Kenny John, cordwainer, h 44 Elizabeth. Kenny Mrs., h 58 Catharine. Kenny Michael, teamster at Lee k Son's, h 4 Pine. Kentar William, gardener, h 24 Elm. Kent George, meat market 21 Bleecker, h 31 Mary. Kent John T., bds 31 Mary. Kent Luther M., foreman Observer office, h 17 West Bridge. Kenyon Marcus, janitor Mechanics' Hall, office 132 Genesee, bds Frank­ lin House. Kenyon Dr. P., office and h 6 Aiken. Korber Anthony, at oil cloth factory, h 277 Whitesboro. Kern Aaron, h 84 Liberty. ' Kern'Rev. L. L., pastor State St. Methodist Church, h 60 Variek. Kernan Bridget, widow, h 22 Stark. Kernan, Quinn & Kernan, lawyers, office Devereux Block. Kernan Francis, of K., Quinn k Kernan, h 5 Kent. Kernan John D., student, bds 5 Kent. Kernan Michael, book-keeper Steam W. Mills, bds 6 Kent. Kernan Patrick, at Steam W. Mills, h 80 Schuyler. Keman William, h 6 Kent. Kernan William Jr., of Kernan, Quinn k K., bds 6 Kent. Kerner Anton, pedler, h 266 Whitesboro. Kerrigan John, carpenter, h 98 Steuben. Kerrigan Rosanna, widow of James, h 98 Steuben. Kervin Peter, attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Ketchum Andrew J., clerk at W. H. Dutton's, bds Bleecker St. House. Ketchum Miss Ellen S., teacher 5th Ward School, bds 54 Lansing. Ketchum Miss Tamma W., teacher 5th Ward School, bds 54 Lansing. Keuch Heinrich, laborer, h 9 Parker. m Keyrns Mrs. Winnifred, widow, tailoress, h 92 Wary. Keyser Francis, painter, h Thonjas' Bast Avenue. Kilburn Mrs. Ann Eliza, h 8 State. Kilian Philip, carpenter at Lawrence's, h 56 West. Kilian Philip Jr., bds 56 West. Killigrew Patrick, laborer, h 104 Bleecker. Kilty John, laborer, h cor Catharine and First. Kimbal L. A., pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Kimbal Salem, h 51 Cooper. Kinalty Patrick, laborer, h cor Kemble and Clinton. Kinnan John, laborer, h 45 Second. Kinnary Thomas, laborer, h 41 Third. Kinney Andrew, clerk, bds 92 John. Kinney Francis, laborer, hws Hubbell, 3 s Broad. Kinney John, mason, h 88 Blandina. Kinney Mrs. Mary, widow, h Rutger cor Barnes. Kincaid James C. P., clerk Utica City Bank, bds 6 Broad. Kincaid Mrs. George, milliner and dress maker, 6 Broad, res same. King F. C, insurance surveyor, 122 Genesee. King John S., law student at 53 Franklin Square, bds 4 Broad. King Mrs. A., fancy store, 4 Broad, res same. King Mrs. Ann, h 246 Whitesboro. King Mrs. M. W., fortune teller, h 53 West. King Martin W., teamster, h 53 West. King Mary, at Globe W. Mills, bds 93 Spring, King Marshall A., saw maker at Partello's, h 83 State. King Patrick, laborer, h 5 Post. Kingsbury John, carpenter, h cor Seymour Avenue and Leah. Kingsley Charles C, of T. L. Kingley & Son, h 103 John. Kingsley E. P., clerk at J. H. Read's, bds 65 Broadway. Kingsley John, tailor, h 30 Seymour Avenue. Kingsley Thomas L., of T. L. Kingsley k Son, res Yorkville. Kingsley T. L. & Son, wholesale clothing merchants, 112 Genesee. Kinlon Mrs. Winnifred, widow, tailoress, h 39 Third. Kinsela Daniel, bone factory. Kinsela John, bar tender at Central Hotel. Kinsela James, tobacconist at Warnick's, bds Mrs. B. Kinsela's. Kienzle John, tailor, h 144 Water. Kiesling John, pedler, h 7 Breese. Kinsela Mrs. B., widow, h 111 Elizabeth. Kinsela, Mrs. Catharine, widow, h 119 Elizabeth. Kinyon A. D., clerk at R. V. Yates', bds 41 Whitesboro. Kirch Nicolas, at Steam W. Mills, h 242 Whitesboro. Kirck Robert H., tin and sheet iron smith, at Peckhams', h 27 Second. Kirk James, tailor, h 51 Oneida. Kirk James A., bds 128 Columbia. Kirk James S. & Co., soap and tallow chandlers, 193 Whitesboro. Kirk James S., of J. S. K. & Co., h 128 Columbia. Kirk John, dyer, bds 51 Oneida. Kirk Martin, laborer, h 45 Second. Kirkland Block, w s Genesee, between Liberty and Erie Canal. Kirkland Charles, confectioner and variety store, 25 Varick. Kirkland Edward, laborer, bds 283 Genesee. 113

Kirkland Joseph, paper hanger, bds 10 Tracy. Kirkland Thomas, laborer, h 10 Tracy. Kirkland William, painter, bds 10 Tracy. Kirkwood John, carpenter, h 1 Thomas' East Avenue. Kirscher Joseph, carpenter, h 97 Schuyler. Kirtland Harvey, book agent, h 17 West. Kirtland Horatio, carpenter, h 58 Blandina. Kissam A. k Son, forwarding and commission merchants, cor Seneca and Erie Canal. Kissam A., of A. K. k Son, h 21 West Bridge. Kissam Richard S., of A. Kissam k Son, bds 21 West Bridge. Kittle John F., h 52 Charlotte. Kitts Adam, cordwainer, h 35 Main. Kivlin James, grocery and h 29 West. Kivlin James, clerk at C. C. Lund's,.bcts 62 Miller. Kivlin John, laborer, h 62 Miller. KLAGES F. W., M. D., office and h 22 Varick. Kleespies Mrs. Magdalene, h 6 Wiley. Klein Alexander, tailor, h 12 William. Klein Frederick, dyer at McLean's, bds 29 Columbia. Klein Lorenz, tinsmith, bds 12 William. Klein Martin, laborer, h 26 Varick. Kleinfelt Joseph, meat market 110 Fayette, h 98 Court. Kleinfelt Joseph P., clerk at L. Oatley's, bds 108 John. Kless Wilhelm, cabinet maker, h 75 Liberty. Kliber John, furnaeeman, h 17 Parker. Kline Peter, painter, h 79 Mohawk. Klinck George, h 72 Lansing. Kling Christopher, ass't weigh master, h 1 Blandina. Kling DeWitt, trunk maker at Biederman's, bds 115 John. Kling Henry M., foreman at Lewis & Swarthout's, h 60 Charlotte. Kling Hiram, harness and trunk maker, h 3 Blandina. Kling John L., cutter at Lewis k Swarthout's, h 115 John. Klumback Edward, laborer, h 20 Schuyler. Klumback John, mason, h 15 Ash. Knabe Charles, furrier, h 104 Schuyler. Knabe George, comb maker, h 104 Schuyler. Knapp Francis, laborer, h 3 Breese. • KNAPP ISAAC J., grocer and rectifier, 8 Liberty, h 7 Rutger. Knauss Charles, laborer, h 21 Schuyler. Kniel William, carpenter, bds 6 West. ISAAC J. K: JNT-A. _P _P , (Successor to Kittle & Knapp,) RECTIFIER OF WHISKY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wines, Liqors, Burning Fluid, PURE SPIRITS, GROCERIES, &c, No. 8 Liberty Street, Utica, N. If. K2 114

Knight Louisa, boarding house, 174 Whitesboro. Knoll Amelia, widow, h 202 Whitesboro. Knopp Jacob, tanner, h 200 Whitesboro. Knott Henry, currier, h 26 Plant. Knott William, laborer, h 135 Lansing. Knowlson T. C. B., drugs, medicines and groceries, 156 Genesee, h 37 Catharine. Knox ft, of Webb, Walker & Co., bds National Hotel. Knuth Caspar, mason, h 8 McVean. Koch Jacob, laborer, h 20 Schuyler. Koch Julia, laundress, h 15 Tibbitts. Koehlner Heinrich, laborer, h 18 Leah. Koelbel Frederick, spinner Steam W. Mills, h cor Columbia and Wiley. Kohl Lawrence, hws Joseph, 4 n Canal. Kohlman George, h 78 Erie. Kommer George, cordwainer at 28'Bleecker, bds 12 Plant. Koop Michael, at Steam W. Mills, h 10 Parker. Koop Peter, h 68 Schuyler. Korff Herman, segar store and lager beer saloon, 20 Liberty, h same. Kratzenberg Jacob, h 127 Mohawk. Kubler Christian, machinist, hes Floyd, 2 n Canal. Kuchermiller J. ft, tailor, h 10 Tibbitts. Krauss Christian, tailor, h 38 Garden. Krohn Jacob, pedler, h 123 Water. Krutter Matthias, cabinet maker, hes Gates. Kuhn George H., tailor, h 119 Fayette. Kunkely Edward, artist, Tibbitts Block, h 18 Pearl.

Lacher Louis, moulder, h 24 Fay. Lackey James, porter at Oneida Bank, h 71 Water. Lackey John, talieysman C. R. R. freight house, h 21 Third. Lackey John, butcher at Roberts k Sons'. Lacknebee John, carpenter, h 25 Leah. Lacey Patrick, carpenter, h 138 Lansing. Ladd Joy H., cabinet maker, h 54 Broadway. LAIMBEER GEORGE, merchant tailor, 140 Genesee, bds 61iCharlotte. Laenger Peter, cabinet maker, h 55 Erie. Lake , carpenter C. R. R., bds J. Lester's. Lalor D. V, clerk at Webb k Walker's, bds 49 Fayette. Lalor Mrs. C. A., widow, h 49 Fayette. Lalor Cornelia, widow of Richard, at Mrs. N. Devereux's. Lalor James, gunsmith, h 57 Mary. Lalor T. M., of White & L., bds 49 Fayette. Lampman A. P., carpenter, h 44 Main. Lamphier Lorenzo, at Dows k Adams, h 80 Cooper. Landman H., cutter at S. Landman's, bds 13 Hotel. Landman S., merchant tailor, 36 Genesee, h 13 Hotel. Lane Chauncey, stage driyer, h 58 Jay. Lane George A., bds 36 Rutger Lane John, laborer, h e s Chatham, 1 s George. %

CA._PIT_^__I_, S400.000. WITH A SURPLUS.

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92 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. N. CURTIS WHITE. ) T. M. LALOR. . ', \ ' IIS

Lane Peter, at Smith k Ha_'_, bds John Lane's. Lane R. T., painter, h 5 Huntington. Lane R. T. Jr., bds 5 Huntington. Lane S. V., of Hopkins & L., h 39 South. Lane Thomas, h 36 Rutger. LANE WALTER W., teacher of music and dancing, h 42 Steuben. Laney Peter, foreman at Lewis', h 10 Plant. Lance Frederick, painter, h 125 Rutger. Lange George, cordwainer, h 41 Tibbitts. Lang Edward, beer saloon, 145 Whitesboro. Lang Jacob, chair finisher, h 64 Johnson. Lang John, upholsterer, bds 64 Johnson. Langdon Arietta, h 69 Cornelia. Langdon Phoebe, h 69 Cornelia. Langford C. C, of E. Curran's Sons, h 94 Fayette. Langford George, cashier of Oneida Bank, h 53 Whitesboro. Langford Moreau, bds 53 Whitesboro. Lannegan James, clerk at Manning's, bds 27 Hotel. Lanz Matthew, carpenter, hns Elizabeth, 2 e Mohawk. Lanzer Nicolas J., grocery and h cor Blandina and Mohawk. Larkin James, carpenter, bds 60 Cooper. Larkin Mary, widow, h 50 Cooper. Larkin Michael, clerk at Clarke & Devereux's, bds 50 Cooper. larkin Owen, teamster at Gulf Brewery, bds 50 Cooper. Larkin Patrick, carpenter, bds 50 Cooper. Larmorer David, boat builder, h 15 Hope. Latham Charles, h 22 Eagle. Lathrop Azel J., builder and architect, 97 Park Avenue, h 99 John. Lathrop Henry, bds 24 Howard Avenue. Latimer Edwin R., clerk at S. W. Jones'. Latimer Frederick L., engraver, bds 22 Main. Latimer Robert S., cutter at Kellogg's, h 22 Main. Latimer Robert S. Jr., bds 12 Division. Latimore John, hats and caps, 64 Genesee, h 66J Broadway. Latimore James, clerk, 64 Genesee, bds 66£ Broadway. Latimore Thomas C, ass't book keeper Bank of Utica, bds 66$ Broadway. Laton Mrs. Grace, cook, bds 7 Post. Latour Anthony W., h 31 Charlotte. Latour Edmund H., clerk at Post Office, bds 31 Charlotte. Latour William, carriage trimmer, h 12 Wiley. Latus Henry, farmer, hws Albany, 1 ab Rutger. Laughlin Mrs. Catharine, milliner, 129 Genesee. LAUGHLIN MICHAEL, merchant tailor, 132 Genesee, h 694 Broadway Laupaugh Daniel F., carpenter, h 30 Jay. Law Mrs. Hannah, seamstress, h 17 Mary. Lawrence Lewis, proprietor lumber yard, planing mill; sash, blind and door factory, 34 Seneca, h 5 Rutger. Lawrence Lewis H, book-keeper, 34 Seneca, bds National Hotel. Lawson George, sup't Utica Water Works Co., h 2 West Bridge. LEACH ALMON, silversmith and jewolry, 144 Genesee, h 12 Miller. Leach Ebenezer, oculist, office and h 228 Genesee. Leach Edward, fish, fruit and oysters, 2 Bleecker, h 33 Blandina. Leach Joseph B., tinsmith, hns Louisa, 1 w Steuben. 116

Lear John, brick maker, bds 174 Whitesboro. Leary Daniel, laborer, h 15 Main. Leary Dennis, laborer, h 138 Mary. Leary John, laborer C. R. R., h 40 Water. Leary Timothy, h 21 Mary. Ledlie Fanny, h 39 Broad. Ledlie Gilbert W., ass't teller Bank of Utica, bds 39 Broad. Lee Albert, clerk at Segar's, bds 22 Howard Avenue. LEE ALDEN k SON, lumber merchants, 3 Pine. Lee Alden, of A. L. & Son, h 19 Cornelia. Lee J. A., book keeper at Lee k Sons, bds 19 Cornelia. Lee Mrs. Alzada S., widow, h 47 Elizabeth. Lee Ralph, machinist, bds 7 Hotel. Lee Richard H., h 11 Burnet. Lehman John, laborer, h 12 Clinton. Lehman Jacob, cooper, h cor Albany and South. Lehrseholl Francis, at oil cloth factory, h 93 Schuyler. Leimeister John, laborer, h 6 McVean. Leitenmeyer Martin, beer saloon, 272 Whitesboro. Lennan Patrick, laborer, h 13 Gold. Lennan Peter, laborer, h 15 Gold. Lennebacker George, upholsterer, h 31 Steuben. Lennebacker John C. Devereux, bds 28 West. Lennebacker Thomas & Co., furniture and upholstery, 16 and 18 Catha: rine. Lennebacker Thomas, of L. & Co., h 28 West. Lent John, laborer, h 34 Schuyler. Lent Levi, at Steam W. Mills, h 62 Schuyler. Lent Mrs. Abraham, dress maker, h 33 Charlotte. Lent Mrs. Mary, widow, h 256 Whitesboro. Lent Peter, h 89 Cooper. Lent Peter Jr., blacksmith, bds 89 Cooper. Lent Stephen, h 60 Erie. Lent William, stationman at C. R. R., h 8 Huntington. Leo Charles, clerk at Manning's, bds Bleecker St. House. • Leo Louis, of Stewart & Leo, bds Catharine St. House. Leonard Dennis, laborer, h 136 Mary. Leonard Edward, segar maker, bds 100 Water. Leonard James, cartman, h 100 Water. Leonard James Jr., segar maker, bds 100 Water. Leonard John, laborer, h 134 Mary. Leonard John, tailor, bds 30 Seymour Avenue. Lester James, boarding house, 30 Main. Lester Mrs. Martin, h 60 Columbia. Leuthauser Joseph, h cor Schuyler and Ash. Leuzinger Henry, student, bds 43 Kemble. LeRoy Miss Mercy, milliner, bds City Hotel. Levi Abraham, pedler, bds 107 Water. Levi David, pedler, bds 107 Water. Levi Harris, pedler, h 11 Post. Levi Jacob, pedler, h 107 Water. Lewis Albertus, clerk at Abbott's, bds 10 West. Lewis Benjamin F., printer Herald office, h 66 State. LEWIS BROTHERS, MANUFA C'T U R E R S oiilf


Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOTS, SUBHUnE 180 G-ENESEE STREET,

The only low price dealers in the city. 117

Lewis Charles C, fireman C. R. R., h 77 Jay. * Lewis David, h 85 John. Lewis David R., clerk at Lewis & Swartwout's, bds 85 John. Lewis Dr. D., gymnast, bds Sherwood House. Lewis Evan, carpenter, h 13 Steuben. Lewis George H., clerk at Kingsley's, h 38 Seymour Avenue, Lewis George W. M., book-keeper at Forest Hill Marble Works, bds S4 Charlotte. LEWIS BROTHERS, boots and shoes, 180 Genesee. Lewis Henry, stone yard cor Washington and Liberty, h 34 Court. Lewis Herbert W., bds 11 Plant Lewis James, bowling saloon, 76 Columbia, bds same. Lewis John, cordwainer, h 11 Plant. Lewis John J., student, bds 34 Charlotte. Lewis John V., foreman Lewis Brothers, h 33 Seymour Avenue. Lewis Lewis, cordwainer, h 9 Elm. Lewis Lewis, carpenter C. R. R., bds York House. Lewis Lewis L., Forest Hill Cemetery Marble Works, 21 Bleecker, h 34 Charlotte. Lewis Martin A., clerk American Express Co., bds 42 Lansing. Lewis Mrs. Maria, widow, h 31 Broadway. Lewis Miss Susan, hws Albany, on Hawley's farm. , Lewis Owen J., of Lewis Brothers, bds Central Hotel. Lewis Ransom, dealer in fruit, h 10 West. Lewis Thomas D., of L. & Swarthout, h 43 Blandina. Lewis Thomas J., clerk at Dickinson & Co., bds Catharine St. House. Lewis k Swarthout, clothing, 94 Genesee. Lewis William, laborer, hws Howard Avenue, 1 ab Arthur. Lewis William D., stationman C. R. R., h 9 Hotel. Lewis William IT., of Lewis Brothers, bds Central Hotel. Lewis William H., clerk at Baxter k Hughes, bds 100 Whitesboro. Lighthall Peter, h 7 Charlotte. Lighten George H-, painter, h 9 Tracy. Lilly James, laborer, h tow path, below Clark's bridge. Lilly John, at C. R. R. freight house, h 1 Second. Lilly Matthew, boarding house, 29 John. Lincke John August, cordwainer, hes Steuben, 4 n James. Lincoln Sumner J., h 46 Miller. Lincoln Rev. Thomas 0., D. D., pastor Broad St. Baptist Church, h 12 Washington. Lindley James, cartman, h 3 Spring. Lines Mrs. M. H, h 66 Broad. Linnehan Charles, clerk at Mulholland's, bds 53 Bridge. Linnehan James, laborer, h 53 Bridge. Linhoff Jacob, h 92 Court. Lippin Francis C, barber and hair dresser, 178 Genesee, bds 29 Union. Lippin Reuben R., barber and hair dresser, 173 Genesee, h 51 Columbia. Lippershear Enos, baker, at Owens. Little Martin, bds 87 Court. Littlewood Samuel, cordwainer, h 5 Neilson. Litzkendorf Charles, boat builder, h 120 Elizabeth. Iatzkendorf William, laborer, bds 120 Elizabeth. Livingston James, cook, h 130 Lansing. 118

Lloyd Ann, widow, h 41 Rutgen. Lloyd Benjamin, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Lloyd David, at Globe W. Mills, h 26 Stark. Lloyd D. W., proprietor York House, 18 Whitesboro. Lloyd John, h 36 Main. Lloyd Joseph, bds 62 Seymour Avenue. Lloyd Miss Kate, teacher piano forte and singing, 36 Main. Lloyd Richard, farmer, Broad, near Starch Factory. Lloyd Thomas, machinist, bds 7 Hotel. Lloyd Thomas, painter, bds 41 Rutger. Lloyd William, at Globe W. Mills, h 27 Garden. Loak & Osborn, tinsmiths, 199 Genesee. Loak Jacob B., of Loak & Osborn, h 199 Genesee. Lochman Charles; cabinet maker, h cor Schuyler and Erie Canal. Lochner Frederick, farrier, h 169 Whitesboro. Locke Mrs. C. H., widow, h 3± Blandina. Locke Nathan, fish dealer, h 17 Charlotte. Loeb Baptiste, at S. W. Mills, h 10 Parker. Loeb George, at S. W. Mills, h 202 Whitesboro. Logan John, tailor, hns Lansing, 1 w Barnes. Long Alexander, laborer, h 87 Mary. Long Edson, h 76 Court. Long Jacob, Teamster, Kirk k Co., h 14 Wiley. Long Mrs. Roxana, tailoress, h 43 Varick. Long Patrick, laborer, hes Kemble, near Clinton. Long Robert, mason, h e s Steuben, 3 n Jones. Long Walace W., constable, h 61 Court. Long William H., machinist, bds 87 Mary. Longley Walter, butcher, h 3 Kent. Longstreet Allen, at Globe W. Mills, bds 18 Edward. Loomis Charles G, li 11 Elizabeth. Loomis Delos, pedler, h 27 Kemble. Loomis John V. D., book-keeper at Abbott's, bds 11 Elizabeth. Loomis Levi, boarding house, 19 Seneca. Loomis Mrs. Charles &., dress maker, h 11 Elizabeth. Lord Stephen, stone cutter at Hart & Munson's, h 12 Thomas East Avenue. Lorenz Andrew, laborer, hes Hicks, 2 s Court. Lorio Caroline M., book-folder at Merrells, bds 57 Broadway. Loucks & Searls, leather merchants, 143 Genesee. Loucks Robert N., of Loucks k Searls, h 21 Hopper. Loucks Simeon, exchange office, 132 Genesee, h 6 Mary. Loughlin Daniel, assistant at Lafayette Saloon, bds 66 Blandina. Loughlin David, proprietor Lafayette Saloon, 6 Fayette. Loughlin Edmond, tobacco, segars and exchange office, 4 Liberty, h 1 Mary. Loughlin Michael, segar maker, bds 66 Blandina. Loughlin Nicholas, pedler, h 66 Blandina. Louis Christopher, grocer, e s Albany, 3 e Mohawk. Louis ft, cutlery and umbrellas, 194 Genesee, bds 1 Leah. LOUIS JOSEPH, cutler, 18 Liberty, h 1 Leah. Louis John, cutler, bds 1 Leah. Louis Philip, pedler, h 70 Whitesboro. 119

Louvet Peter, carpenter, h 18 Louisa. Louer Anthony, sexton St. John's Cemetery, hws Mohawk, 2 n city line. Lowell Mrs., boarding house, 72 Catharine. Lowery James, machinist, bds 7 Hamilton. Lowery Samuel S., hosiery and haberdashery, 198, h327 Genesee. Lowry John F, clerk at Shanley's, bds 107 Bleecker. Lowry Patrick, laborer, h 107 Bleecker. Lowry William, tobacconist, bds 107 Bleecker. Lucas Albert G., of Utica and Binghamton Express, bds T. Midlam's. Luce Miss Sophia, dress maker, h 48 Broadway. Luker Alexander, grocery, Main, bl Clark's Bridge. Lucker Peter, waiter Bagg's Hotel, h 8 Charles. Luddington Augustus, brush maker, h 74 Catharine. Luddington Mrs., dress maker, h 74 Catharine. Luddington Nelson, bds 60 Catharine. Ludwig Philip, segar maker, h 39 Tibbitts. Luithle Jacob, laborer, h 5 Jason. Lumbard Horace, livery stable, rear 44, h 44 Catharine. Lumbard James, teacher private school, 230 Genesee, bds 33 Fayette. Lumbard Miss Rosabella, milliner, 2 Broad, bds 33 Fayette. Lumbard Thomas, at Globe W. Mills, h 86 Spring. Lund Charles C, grocer, cor Elizabeth and John, bds same. Lundy Mrs. Mary, h 78 Schuyler. Luppold Jacob, attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Lusk Patrick, carpenter, h 50 Court. Luttinger Charles, organ builder, bds Franklin House. Lux Daniel, butcher, bds 1.06 Fayette. Lux Frederick, blacksmith, h 110 Schuyler. Lux George, h 168 Court. Lux George, h 166 Court. LUX HENRY, meat market 196, h 198 Whitesboro. Lyle John, clerk at Mannings, bds 27 Hotel. Lyman L. W., organ builder, bds Franklin House. Lyman S. P., lawyer, h 270 Genesee. Lyman William B., baker, 5, h 6 Pearl. Lynch James, tobacconist, hns Blandina, 1 w Third. Lynch Mrs. Mary, widow, h 89 Jay. Lynch Morris, laborer, h rear 78 Catharine. Lynch Thomas, stone cutter, hes Tibbitts, 2 s Leah. Lyon & Conklin, merchant tailors, 96 Genesee. Lyon Mrs. Elmira, h 115 Fayette. Lyon & Francis, real estate and insurance agents, office Tibbitts Block. Lyon J. M., of L. k Francis, and Postmaster, h 1 Broadway. Lyon Mrs. Philemon, h 97 John. Lyon Samuel A., h 36 Neilson. Lyon Ziba, of L. & Conklin, res Yorkville. Lyons Alexander, carriage maker, bds 79 Columbia. Lyons David A.r carriage maker, shop 16 Fayette, h 79 Columbia. Lyons James, laborer, h 1 Morris' Lane. Lyons James Jr., segar maker, bds 1 Morris' Lane. Lyons John, carriage maker, bds 1 Morris' Lane. Lyons Marx, pedler, h rear 59 Broadway. 120 M Mackey Furman, farmer, hws East, 2 s Bone Factory. Mackey Oscar, carpenter, bds F. Maekey's. Mackie Mrs. Jeanette, *idow, bds 61 Broadway. Macomber James, nurse, h 99 Fayette. Madden Edward, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Madden James, of Madden & Smith, bds Sherwood House: Madden Mrs. Bridget, milliner 104 Bleeeker, res same. Madden & Smith, harness and trunks, 47 Genesee. Madden, Timothy, laborer at Lawrence's, h 104 Bleecker. Madden William, laborer at C. Riley's. Maffitt Phoebe, seamstress, h 5 Union. Magee George, mason, bds 112 Steuben. Magee John, harness maker, shop and h 3 Tracy. Magee Thomas, mason, h 112 Steuben. Magne Peter, laborer, h 118 Fayette. Maginn Edward, clerk, bds 108 John. Mahar Alice, widow, h 79 Water. Mahar Michael, gardener at Lunatic Asylum, h 20 Jason, Mahiggin James, laborer, h 20 First. Mahoney Michael, cordwainer, hws Mohawk, 1 n Blandina. Maierhof Chrisostomus, wheelwright, h 5 Can -.1. Maine Mrs. Ann, widow of Dr. Maine, bds 28 i iiarlotte. Makin James, at Globe Woolen Mills, bds 123 Court. Malone Ellen, widow, h 19 Bridge. Malone Mrs. Ellen, widow, h 85 Elizabeth. Malone William, moulder, h 97 Bleecker. Maloney James, laborer, h 98£ Water. Maloney James Jr., clerk at Egert's, bds 98£ Water. Maloy Bernard, laborer, hes Albany, 1 ab Rutger. Maloy Thomas, carpenter, h 45 Steuben. MAKEPEACE GEORGE S., livery stable, 58 Seneca, h 42 Columbia. Makepeace H. F., bds 10 Pearl. Makepeace Mrs. Jane, widow, boarding house, 60 Columbia. Makepeace Miss Mary, manufacturer of childrens' clothing, h 10 Pearl. Maltman Miss Ann, teacher, bds 58 Washington. Maltman Mrs. Jane, widow, h 58 Washington. Manahan Edward, laborer, h 28 Columbia. Manahan Franeis X., of O'Neil k Co., bds Dudley House. Manahan James, at H. Hutchinson's, bds 29 Steuben. Manahan Mrs. Anastasia, h 29 Steuben. Manahan Mrs. Ellen, widow, h 69 Mary. Manahan Thomas, drugs and groceries, 4 Bleeeker, li 28 Columbia, Manchester Eli, of M. k Penny, h 313 Genesee. Manchester k Penny, merchant tailors, 110 Genesee. Mandeville William H., cordwainer, h 110 Park Avenue. Mangin James, laborer, h cor Mohawk and JayJ Manion John, farmer, hws Steuben, 4 s Gold. Mann Charles A., lawyer, 30 Genesee, bds 55 Broad. Mann James F., lawyer at Edmonds & Miller', bds 55 Broad. Mann Mrs. Emma, widow of Charles A., h 55 Broad. 121

Mann Thomas, h 12 Spring. Manning Ezra L., jeweler and boarding house, 27 State. Manning E. T. & Co., dry goods and carpets, 59 Franklin Square. Manning E. T., of E. T. M. k Co., h 15 Hopper. Manning Joseph D„ of E. T. M. k Co., bds 15 Hopper. Manning Peter, h 64 Spring. Mansion House, cor Fayette and Washington, James H. Fiteh, proprietor. Mantel David, teamster, h 60 Canal. Manwaring George, tinsmith, bds 55 Columbia, MAPES J. C. & W. H., livery stable, 8 Varick. Mapes J. ft, of J. C. & W. H. Mapes, bds 6 Varick. Mapes Mrs. Lydia, widow of James, boarding house 4 Division. Mapes William H, of J. C. k W. H. Mapes, h 6 Varick. Marchisi Alexander H., bar tender at Central Hotel, bds 65 Charlotte. Marchisi k Son, druggists, 171 Genesee. Marchisi Darius, of M. k Son, bds 65 Charlotte. Marchisi Frank W. W., jeweler, 171 Genesee, bds 65 Charlotte. Marchisi Henry M., pyrotechnist, bds 65 Charlotte. Marchisi John B, of M. k Son, h 65 Charlotte. Marcy Richard, conductor B. R. k U. R. R., h 125 Columbia. Marks Francis, tailor, h 85 Mohawk. Marks John, at Steam W. Mills, h 62 Schuyler. Marklove John G, organ manufacturer, cor Bleeeker and Academy, h 56 Lansing. Marquissee Ammi, clerk at Williams Bros., bds 121 Bleecker. Marquissee Lewis, ice dealer, h 121 Bleecker. Marsden Ralph, at Steam C. Mills, bds 42 Spring. Marsh Amelia, dress maker, h 29 Kemble. Marsh Charles ft, bds 194 Whitesboro. Marsh Charles ft, h cor Bleecker and Mohawk. Marshall A. J., widow, dress maker, h 60 Washington. Marshall Richard, carpenter, h 11 Tracy. Marshall Richard, h 19 Tracy. Martin Adam, student, bds Rev. A. Wetzel's. Martin Henry, furrier, bds 137 Water. Martin Mrs. Mary, widow, h 15 Tracy. MARTIN P. F., liquor store 141 Genesee, h 56 Fayette. Martin Thomas, painter, h 57 Bridge. Martin William, laborer at gas house, h 2 Washington. Martin W. I., bds Northern Hotel. Martin , harness maker, bds 8 Division. Marron Patrick, butcher with Ed. Norton. Marx John, teamster at Lawrence's, h 28 Washington. Mason Benjamin, h 4 Howard Avenue. Mason Josiah, gardener, bds Oneida House. Masonic Hall, Bradish Block, third story. Mather Asaph D., grocer, cor Genesee and Bleecker, bds Bleecker St. House. Mather Jere, h 47 John. Mather Joshua, clerk 163 Genesee, bds Franklin House. Mather Morey, clerk 163 Genesee, bds 17 Miller. Mather Seeley B., carpenter, h 17 Miller. Mather Seth, carpenter, bds 17 Miller. L 122

Mattis John, laborer, hws Seymour Avenue, 2 s Square St. Matthis John T., clerk at Stewart * Leo's, bds 208 Whitesboro. Matthews George, laborer, hes Leeds, 2 s South. Matthews George, carpenter, h South, cor Webster. Matthews John, lamp lighter, h 82 Whitesboro. Matthews Sarah, widow, bds 29 Mary. Matthews William, clerk cor Bagg's Square and John st. Matteson k Benedict, lawyers, office over Bank Central New York. Matteson II. C, office at M. & Benedict's, bds 294 Genesee. Matteson Orsamus B., of M. & Benedict, h 294 Genesee. Max Moses, pedler, h 70 Whitesboro. Maxwell Miss Catharine, at Harwood's. Matzen Theodore, basket maker, lies Joseph, 1 n Canal. May George, laborer, hws Joseph, 1 n Canal. May James S., M. D., office cor Genesee and Devereux. May Marianna, widow, h 22 Hope. Mayn Mrs. Catharine, h 2 Saratoga. Maynard Isaac, of Thorn k M., and M., Heath k Co., h 283 Genesea. Maynard Mrs. Georgiana, widow of Thomas, h 8 Rebecca. Maynard Mrs. Mary L., h 11 Seneca. Maynard, Heath & Co., soap, and tallow chandlers, cor Franklin and Fulton. Mayo Simeon E., telegrapher, h 49 Elizabeth. McAneny John, cordwainer, h 88 Elizabeth. McAvoy George, farmer, h 95 Steuben. McAvoy Jeremiah, at Battey's, h cor William and Chenango Avenue. McAvoy Martin, teamster, h 8 Leah. McAvoy Michael, laborer, h 31 Tibbitts. McArdlc John, laborer, h 10 Leah. McBride William, at Steam C. Mills, h 55 Court. McCabe Bernard, mason, h 31 Kemble. McCabe Michael, pedler, h 18 Kemble. McCabney , at Globe W. Mills, h 118 Schuyler. McCabney James, at Globe Woolen Mills, bds 123 Court. McCameron Charles, brakesman C. R. R., bds 33 Catharine. McCall Francis, clerk at Gaffney's, h Broadway. McCall John, M. D., office 40 Genesee, h 90 John. McCann John, furnaeeman, h 32 Second. McCann Lucy, widow, h 54 Court. McCann Michael, laborer, h 71 Spring. McCann Catharine, widow, hss Lansing, 1 w Albany. McCann Catharine, widow, h 106 Bleecker. McCann Mary, widow, h 29 Second. McCarley William, engineer C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. McCarthy Daniel, laborer, h 125 Mary. McCarthy James, at Steam W. Mills, h 7 Saratoga: McCarthy Thomas, laborer, h 72 Catharine. McCarthy William, teamster, h 67 Mary. McCarron James, tailor, h 27 Aiken. McClelland James, stone cutter, h 32 Elizabeth. McClelland John, manufacturer of potash, h n s Broad, h vf Kossuth Af. McClelland Josiah, at John McClelland's. McClelland Wesley, boat builder, bds- J. MeClellani's. 123

McClairn Robert, at Steam C. Mills, h 75 Spring. McChesney Mrs. Dorcas, bds H. H. Fish's. McClure Warren 0., books and stationery, 1 Bradish Block, h 14 West Bridge. McCluskey Henry, moulder, bds Mrs. B. McCluskey's. McCluskey Bridget, widow, hss Bleecker, 3 e Mohawk. McCluskey Mrs. Mary, h 1 Second. McCool Patrick, gardener, h 23 Philip. McCormack John, at Steam C. Mills, h Chenango Avenue, 3 s Haven. McCormack Thomas, Clerk at Kellogg's, li 36 Columbia. McCormick Daniel, grocery, h 258 Whitesboro. McCoy Francis, porter at Bagg's, h 46 Main. McCoy Valorous, carpenter, b 94 Broad. McCraith k Brown, New York Branch Dye House, 9 John. McCraith Francis, of McCraith & Brown, bds 200 Genesee. McCraith Frederick, clerk at Gaffney's. McCraith Jamas, bds 200 Genesee. McCraith John, pedler, 111 John. McCraith Patrick, M. D., office and h 200 Genesee. McCraith Thomas M., auctioneer and yankee notions, 142 Genesee, h Leah, cor Seymour Avenue. McCrath James, laborer, hws Orchard, 1 e Cross. McCulliff Timothy, laborer, h 91 Water. McCullough John, laborer, hes Kemble, near Clinton. McCune Patrick, hws Harper. McCune Mary, book folder at Merrells, bds 84 Rlandina. McDermott Bernard, laborer, bds 11 Charlotte. McDermott Peter, laborer, h 30 John. McDermott Thomas, laborer, h 51 Water. McDermott William W., printer, h 72 Spring. McDonald Henry, laborer, h 70 Catharine. McDonald Henry W., proprietor Northern Hotel, cor John and Main. McDonnell Michael, mason, bds 81 Hart. McDonough James, boat inspector, h 67 Broad. McDonough A., bds 67 Broad. McDonough Miss Ellen, h 23 John. McDonough Patrick, laborer, hws West, 1 s Arthur. McDonough William A., bds 67 Broad. McDowell Charles A., janitor City Hall, residence same. McDougal Isabella, h 101 Steuben. McElwaine Thomas B., proprietor City Saloon, h 75 Fayette. McElwaine Robert, constable, h 32 Steuben. McGee Thomas B., dry goods and groceries, cor Whitesboro and Jason, h same. McGinnis James, laborer, h 23 Union. McGinnis Margaret, h 256 Whitesboro. McGinnis Mrs. Mary, widow, dress maker, h 23 Blandina. McGinnis Michael, laborer, li 17 Charlotte. MeGinty Thomas, saddle and harness maker, 30 Bleecker, residence same. McGrath James, boiler maker, h 48 Cooper. McGrath Michael, laborer, bds 29 High. McGrath Michael, carpenter, h 26 Jay. McGral Patrick, laborer, h 36 Third. 124

McGinnen Mrs. Jane, widow, h 32 Elizabeth. McGovern Michael, laborer, h 129 Lansing. McGough Patrick, groeer, cor Bleecker and Third, h 47 Third. McGuire Andrew, foreman at R. V. Yates, h 203 Genesee. McGuire John, proprietor Cottage Hotel, junction Varick k Whitesboro. McGuire John, laborer, h 4 Saratoga. McGuire John, carpenter, h cor Jason and Parker. McGuire John, carpenter, h 119 Elizabeth. McGuire Patrick, laborer, h 54 Mohawk. McGuire Patrick, laborer, hss Bleecker, 2 e Mohawk. McGuire Patrick, waiter at Bagg's, hss Jay, 1 e Mohawk. McGuire Wiliiam, laborer, h 29 Saratoga. McHugh Francis, cartman, h 41 Elizabeth. McHugh Miss Bridget, milliner at Mrs. Laughlin's, bds 41 Elizabeth. McHugh Catharine, tailoress, bds 41 Elizabeth. McHugh John, laborer, h 19 Saratoga. McHugh William, laborer, h 8 State. Mclncrow Mrs. Thomas, h 21 Union. Mclncrow Miss Margaret, teacher 5th ward school, bds 21 Union. Mclncrow Richard W, law student at Kernan's, bds 22 John. Mclncrow Thomas S., law student at T. R. Walker's,bds 22 John. Mclncrow Walter, clerk at T. K. Butler's, bds 21 Union. Mclncrow William, bowling saloon, cor Catharine and John, h 22 John. Mcintosh A. J. k I. ft, lawyers, 53 Franklin Square. Mcintosh Andrew J., of A. J. k 1. C. Mcintosh, h 26 Court. Mcintosh Ichabod ft, of A. J. & I. C. Mcintosh, bds 26 Court. Mcintosh James, h 84 Jay. McKellar Alexander, at Steam 0. Mills, bds 57 Varick. McKenna Patrick, laborer, h 12 Leah. McKenna Thomas, carpenter, h 108 Court. McKENNAN k CO., liquor store, 31 Bleeeker. McKennan S., of McKennan & Co., h 44 Mary. McKendrick Mrs. Margaret, widow, h 15 Garden. McKenzie A. D., jeweler at Cline's, bds 25 Hotel. McKenzie J. ft, M. D., office and h 25 Hotel. McKenzie W. R., clerk at Gaffney's, bds 25 Hotel. McKeon Patrick, furnaeeman, h 45 John. McKerl Terence, chandler, bds 29 John. McKignoy Ann, at 272 Genesee. McKinney Henry, bds 7 Water. McKinney James, baggageman C. R. R., h 7 Water. S. McKENNAN &, CO. DEALERS IK WINES ^ISTD LIQUORS, AND Double Rectifiers of Whisky. MALT, CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 31 Bleecker St., Utica. 125

McKinney John, bds 7 Water. . McKown Jane, widow, h 29 Broadway. McKown William J., sheriff Oneida County, office 131 Genesee, bds Bagg's Hotel. McLane Mrs. Catharine, widow, h 96 Blandina. McLane John, h 244 Whitesboro. McLaughlin Bernard, at Globe W. Mills, h 17 Philip. McLaughlin Henry, laborer, h 1 Huntington. McLuughlin Patrick, at Steam C. Mills, h 16 Huntington. McLaughlin Patrick, machinist, C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. McLean Andrew, fancy dyer, 35 Liberty, h 29 Columbia. McLeod Charles, tailor, h 30 Bleecker. McMahon Francis, mason, h cor Eagle and Elm. McMahon Mrs. Martha, widow, h 7 Leah. McMahon Nicholas, laborer, h 79 Jay. McMahon Patrick, laborer, h 50 Water. McMahon Thomas, mason, h 18 Kemble. McManus Patrick, laborer, hes Hubbell, 1 s Broad. McManus Michael, laborer, h 103 Water. McManus Thomas, laborer, h 59 Second. McMaster Rufus W, mason and carpenter, h 39 Plant. McMillan A., principle of advanced school, h 9 West. McMorrin John A., carpenter at Lawrence's, h 33 Howard Avenue. McNall John, h cor Washington and Pearl. McNall William, mason, bds John McNall's. McNally Charles, cordwainer, h cor Howard Avenue and Eagle. McNally Margaret, widow, h 13 Leah. McNeany Catharine, tailoress, bds E. MoNeany's. McNeany Elizabeth, widow, h e s Chenango Avenue, 1 s Haven. McNeany James, at Steam C. Mills, bds E. MoNeany's. McNearney Francis, laborer, h 6 Pine. McNett George, laborer, h 4 Burnet. McPeak Mary, widow, h 53 Washington. McQuade k Son, coal and lumber dealers, cor Jay and Bridge. McQuade James, h 32 Broad. McQuade James T., clerk at Gaffney's, bds 82 Third. McQuade John, pedler, h 82 Third. McQuade John F., editor Utica Evening Telegraph, bds 40 Catharme.J McQuade John J., Cashier at Manning's, bds 82 Third. McQuade John W., lawyer 53 Franklin Square, bds 50 Catharine. McQuade Michael, president and agent Gulf Brewry, h 40 Catharine. McQuade Michael J., book-keeper Gulf Brewry, bds 40 Catharine. McQuade Thomas, of McQuade & Son, h 50 Catharine. McQuade Thomas M., of MoQuade k Son, h 7 Lansing. McQuade Thomas R., proprietor Utica Evening Telegraph, and book and job printer, 47 Genesee, and 7 Broad, h 13 Hopper. McQueen Roderick, pedler, h 32 Tracy. McQuivey Solomon, picture frames and looking glasses, 197 Genesee, h same. McPherson John, cordwainer, h 73 Bleecker. McTavey Edward, clerk at 9 Bleecker, bds 92 Elizabeth. MoTavey Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, h 92 Elizabeth. McVey Patrick, cordwainer, h 22 Third. L2 126

McVey James, mason, bds 67 Elizabeth. McVey Mrs. Mary, widow, h 61 Elizabeth. McWinnie Mrs. Mary, dress maker, h 23 Catharine. MEACHAM k FARWELL', merchant tailors, 80 Genesse. Meacham L. D., of Meacham k Farwell, h 78 John. Meagher Morris, laborer, h 106 Jay. Meagher Patrick, butcher, at Edward Norton's. Mechanics' Hall, cor Hotel and Liberty. Meegan Charles, laborer, h 56 Jay. Meegan Patrick, h cor Mary and Second. Meegan Thomas, laborer, bds 56 Jay. Meeker Arthur B., bds 72 Broadway. Meeker Moses T., iron merchant, 135 Genesee, h 72 Broadway. Mehler Anthony, h 28 South Hamilton. Meindel John, h 274 Whitesboro. Meinong Joseph, German inn, 9 Water. Melhinch Andrew, lawyer, office 3 Exchange Buildings, h 10 Steuben Park. Mendelsohn Josoph, pedler, h 29 Elizabeth. Mengel Theophilus, organ builder, h 58 Chenango Avenue. Mercer Mrs. Harriet, widow, h 76 Jay. Mercer John, bds 75 Jay. MERRELL BRADFORD S., book binder, 96 and 98 Genesee, h 71 Liberty. Merrell Edward S., student, bds 71 Liberty. Merrell Lewis S., book binder at B. S. Merrell's, h 66 Steuben. Merrell C. M., widow, h 15 Steuben. Merriman Alice, widow of John, h 76 Schuyler. Merriman James, dry goods and groceries, cor Whitesboro and Schuyler, h cor Columbia and Schuyler. Merry Esther, widow of John M., bds 79 West Bridge. Merry Mrs. S. F., h 79 West Bridge. Mervine William, commodore U. S. Navy, h 114 John. Mesens Rev, Dominic, pastor St. Joseph's Church, h 32 Varick. Methodist Episcopal Church, 24 Bleeeker, Rev. A. J. Grover, pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church, e s State, 1 s Fayette, Rev. M. L. Kern, pastor. Methodist Episcopal Churcu, 5 George, Rev. Simon P. Gray, pastor. Methodist Calvinistic Church, (Welsh,) 11 Seneca, Rev.W. Hughes, pastor. Methodist Wesleyan Church, (Welsh,) 6 Washington, T. Thomas, pastor. Meyer Geogge, of Hamlin & Meyer, h 94 Columbia. Meyer Mrji.J., h 92 Whitesboro. Meyer Nicolas, cordwainer, bds 96 Columbia.

MEACHAM & FARWELL, ®Mik_FIlJ_iH MMWB VAIS-OiUBy No. SO Genesee Street, Utica, Have constantly on hand CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, COLLARS, CRAVATS. : B3~ Gentlemen's Garments made to order. __JB 127

Meyer Francis X., boots and shoes, 9 South, h cor West and South. Meyer Frank, at Steam C. Mills, bds 69 Court. Meyer Georgo, laborer, h 29 Elm. Meyer Ignatius, cordwainer, h 18 West. Meyer Isadere, carriage maker, hws Howard Avenue, 2 ab Arthur. Meyer M., pedler, h 113 Water. Metropolitan Hall, 175 Genesee. Metz Charles W., of M. & Winchenbach, h 5 Tibbitts. Metz Daniel, laborer, hns Warren, 1 w Stark. Metz k Winchenbach, builders, cor Cornelia and Spring. Metzler Fidele, tailor, h 5 Tibbitts. Michael Louis, lamp maker, bds 32 West. Michael Sophia, widow of Rev. David, h 32 West. Michael William H., book-keeper at T. K. Butler's, bds 32 West. Michel Fredericke W., M. D., office and h cor Columbia and Schuyler. Michelovsky Michael, pedler, h 42 First. Michelovsky Moses, pedler, h 95 Water. Midlam Thomas, boarding house, 15 Broad, cor John. Midlam Thomas F., silversmith, bds 15 Broad. Middleton Robert, agent Globe Woolen Mills, h 29 Court. Milbank Rachel, widow, h 13 Kemble. Millar Charles, agent Utica Screw Factory, h 45 Blandina. Millar Henry F., builder, shop and house, 21 Main. Millbaugh Charles, farmer, East, 2 ab Broad. Millbaugh George, farmer, hes Eeast, 1 ab Broad. Milberry Charles, moulder, h 89 Spring. Military Hall, cor Catharine and John. Miller Addison ft, of Edmonds & M., bds National Hotel. Miller Allen, machinist, h 39 Elizabeth. Miller Alonzo F., book binder at Merrell's, h cor Fayette and Seneca. Miller Andrew, baker, h 8 EcVean. Miller Charles E., agent patent cement, and boarding house, 6 Hotel. Miller Christopher, laborer, h 18 Elm. Miller David H., barber, shop and h cor Whitesboro and Division. Miller D. ft, machinist, bds 39 EUzabeth. Miller Elmira, h 93 Liberty. Miller E. M., pedler, h 32 Erie. Miller Eliza, bds 53 Charlotte. Miller Francis, carpenter, cor Court and Chenango Canal, hes Elm, 1 i Gold. Miller Freelove, cook, h 33 Elizabeth. Miller Godfrey, carriage maker, bds 16 Devereux. Miller George Charles, blacksmith, h 47 Mohawk. Miller Henry T., of M. k Son, bds 62 Broadway. Miller Humphrey T., book keeper at Gilbert's, bds 62 Broadway. Miller Jabez, blacksmith, bds 17 Aiken. Miller James, printer at Herald office, bds 62 Broadway. Miller John H., blacksmith, h 51 Steuben. Miller John, carpenter, h 12 Canal. Miller John, tailor, hws Kossuth Avenue, 1 n City Line. Miller John, stone cutter, hes Mohawk, ab the Jail. Miller John, clerk, h 126 Fayette. Miller John, blacksmith, h 17 Aiken. 128

Miller Joseph, laborer, h s a Leah, 3 w Seymour Avenue. Miller Leonhardt, laborer, h 145 Water. Miller Morris S., lawyer, office 71 Genesee, bds Dudley House. Miller Maria, widow, h 100 Schuyler. Miller Mary ft, widow, h 12 Jason. Miller Miss Martha, h 53 Charlotte. Miller Richard, bds Van's Hotel. Miller R. V., clerk at Lewis & Swarthout's, bds 39 Elizabeth. Miller Sarah, h 69 Steuben. Miller & Son, grocers and fruit dealers, 10 Liberty. Miller Valina, music teacher,-6 Hotel. Miller William, cabinet maker, h 32 First. Miller William G., of M. k Son., h 62 Broadway. Miles Marcus M., law student at Matteson k Benedict's, bds 84 Miller. Millgate Elizabeth, tailoress, bds 57 West Bridge. Millgate George, farmer, hss Broad, 1 w East. Millgate Sarah, tailoress, bds 57 West Bridge. Millgate William, farmer, h 57 West Bridge. Mills Charles D., sup't Hudson River R. R. shop Albany, h 36 Blandina. Mills John, blacksmith, h 73 Cooper. Milmo Bartholomew, pedler, h 25 Union. Mingers Peter, h 131 Water. Mitenthal H., pedler, h Thomas' West Avenue. Mitchel Daniel, liquor store cor Fayette and Seneca, bds Central Hotel. Mitchel Charles M., at store cor Fayette and Seneca. Mitchel Alexander, nurseryman, h 39 Steuben. Mitchel H. W., printer Herald office, bds Bleecker St. House. Mitchel J. P., moulder, h 59 Cornelia. Mitchel Mrs. Cora, bds 200 Whitesboro. Mitzler Jacob, laborer, h cor Mary and Albany. Moag Paul, at Downer's planing mill, h 3 Haven. Moak John, proprietor 5th Ward House, eor Bleecker and Third. Moehring Andrew, cordwainer, h 208 Whitesboro. Mohan Ann, widow, h 24 Kemble. Mohr Joseph, laborer, h 89 Mohawk. Mommel John, cabinet finisher, bds 9 Huntington. Monaghan James, mason, h 81 Hart. Monaghan Patrick, wheelwright, h 5 Hope. Monk John, laborer, h 53 Bleecker. Monks Richard, laborer, h 21 South Hamilton. Monroe B. P. S., of M. k Gaylord, h 56 Mary. Monroe k Gaylord, proprietors of patent Spring Bed, 153 Genesee. Monroe Catharine, h 48 Miller. Monroe J. D., at W. B. Monroe's, bda 94 Blandina. Monroe Mrs. Mary, h 62 Mary. Monroe Mrs. Rebecca, tailoress, h 62 John. MONROE WILLIAM B., undertaker and upholsterer 14 Catharine, h 94 Blandina. Montgomery Ann, laundress, h cor Mary and Second. Montgomery John, saloon 1 Packet Dock, h 62 Third. Moog Matthias, cordwainer, bds 96 Columbia. Mooney Christopher, grocery and h 28 Steuben. Mooney Francis B., clerk at Warnick's, bds 16 Steuben Park. 129

Mooney George, laborer, h 76 Catharine. Mooney John, laborer, h 116 Lansing. Mooney John H., tailor, h 8 Elm. Mooney Ann, widow, h 16 Steuben Park. Mooney Peter, mason, h 19 Leah. Mooney Thomas N., clerk, bds 16 Steuben Park. Moore Anton, h South, 1 e of the Gulf. Moore Edward, mason, h 124 Lansing. Moore Fenton, tailor at Laughlin's, 132 Genesee, h 119 Elizabeth. Moore Francis, moulder, bds 41 Lansing. Moore F. A., painter, bds Joseph Moore's. • Moore George, clerk at Convers k Sawyer's, bds American Hotel. Moore John, h 41 Lansing. Moore John, mason, bds John Winslow's. Mooro J. W., clerk at Kingsley's, h cor Charlotte and Elizabeth. Moore Joseph, clerk C. R. R. freight house, h 36 Main. Moore Joshua, grocery and h 104 Columbia. Moore LeGrand, harness and trunks, 45 Genesee, h 196 Court. Moore Leonard, wood and coal yard, h 68 Cooper. Moore Matthew, blacksmith, h 41 Lansing. Moore Miss Carrie M., music teacher at 16 Elizabeth. Moore Patrick, moulder, bds 41 Lansing. Moore Verdine K., book-keeper Convers k Sawyer, bds 16 Elizabeth. Moore Wilbur E., clerk Central Hotel, bds same. Morehouse A. K., h 52.West. Morehouse Richard H., lawyer, 98 Genesee, bds Dudley House. Morehead James, engineer C. R. R., h n s Broad, 2 w Kossuth Av. Morehead Thomas, laborer ft R. R., h Main, 3 bl Clark's Bridge. Moran Mrs. Catharine, h 118 Bleecker. Morath George, wagon maker, h 10 Tibbitts. Morath Roman, organ builder, bds 26 Charlotte. Morgan Charles, laborer, h 64 Steuben. Morgan Daniel, agent " Merchants' Line" North River Steamers, h 27 Miller. Morgan David R., carpenter, 123 John, h cor John and Rutger. Morgan Jane, widow, bds 49 Charlotte. Morgan Jane, widow, h 19 Water. Morgan John A., clerk, li 22 Mary. Morgan Thomas, cordwainer, h 1 Neilson. Morgan Thomas W., tallow chandler, bds 19 Water. Morgan Hall, cor South and West. Morrey George, h 60 Erie. Morrin Edward, farmer, h 94 Water. Morrin Patrick, paver, h 30 Tracy. Morrin Patrick, laborer, h Barnes, 2 s Rutger. Morris David E., h 66 Whitesboro. Morris David J., carpenter, h 34 Miller. Morris Edward, laborer, h 33 Neilson. . Morris Griffith, carpenter, bds 34 Miller. Morris John, market gardener, h and gardens New Hartford road. Morris John R., carpenter, h Dudley. Morris John, wool sorter, bds 121 Columbia. Morris Michael, laborer, h 17 Louisa. 130

Morris Peter, laborer, h 15 Main. Morris Thomas L., city letter carrier, h 9 Blandina. Morris William, gardener, with J. Morris. Morris William, M. D., office cor Fayette and Seneca, h 66 Second. Morrison Alexander, manufacturer of clothing, 52 Franklin Square, h w s Seymour Avenue, 1 n city line. Morrison Henry W., laborer, bds 6 I'ost. Morrison Henry, engineer ft R. R., h 6 Division. Morrison Roderick, clerk at Z. M. Howes, bds Franklin House. Morriston James, at Steam C. Mills, h 20 Huntington. Morriston Ralph, at Steam ft Mills, bds 20 Huntington. Mortimer John, at Globe W. Mills, h 52 Saratoga. Mortis William, gardener, lies Steuben, 1 s Arthur. Morrow Andrew, mason, h 76 Steuben. Morrow Joseph, mason, bds 76 Steuben. Mortley Elizabeth, widow, bds 43 John. Mortley James A., paper hanger, h 43 John. Morton Elvia, tailoress, b 37 Steuben. Morse American Telegraph office, cor Genesee and Bagg's Square. Mory Anson J., laborer, li 2 Louisa. Moser Jacob, lockmaker, bds John Moser's. Moser John, carpenter, hss Blandina, 1 w Albany. Moser Ubald, stone cutter at Hart k Munson's. Mosher John D., fireman C. R. R., bds 42 Catharine. Mott Parmenas, h 29 Howard Avenue. Mott Walace M., bds 29 Howard Avenue. Mould Edward, carpenter, bds 39 Cornelia. Mould James, carpenter, h 39 Cornelia. Mower Rachel, tailoress, bds 47 Miller. Mower Simon, carpenter, h 47 Miller. Mowry William ft, painter, bds 48 Spring.' Muddeman Edward, butcher, bds 16 Water. Muddeman John, meat market, 16 Division, h 16 Water. Muddeman Willliam, painter, bds 16 Water. Muhlbauer , upholsterer, h 28 Fay. Mulder William, cordwainer, bds 26 Charlotte. Mullaney John, carpenter, hes Barnes, 1 n South. Mullaney John Jr., carpenter, hes Barnes, 2 n South. Mullaney Michael, tailor, h 86 Mohawk. , Mullaney William, carpenter, bds J. Mullaney's. Mullen Dominick, laborer, h 60 Jay. Mullen James, clothing, 4 Packet Dock, h cor Mokawk and Lansing. Mullen Michael, clerk at McQuade k Son's, bds 60 Jay. Mullen Jeremiah, carpenter, h 19 Bristol. Mullen John, laborer, h 16 Bristol. Mulholland Charles, cutter at Kelloggs, h 10 Carnahan. Mulholland John, dry goods and millinery, 184 & 186 Genesee, h 69 Washington. Mulholland John, laborer, bds 7 Huntington. Mulligan James, boiler maker, h 91 Schuyler. Mulligan James, grocery and h cor Miller and Eagle. Mulligan James, laborer C. R. R., h 105 Water. Mulligan Mary, widow, hws Hoyt, 5 below Whitesboro. 131

Mulligan Miles, at Downer & Kellogg's lumber yard, h cor Cornelia and Spring. Mulrooney Patrick, cordwainer, residence Deerfield? Muller Pankraz, engineer screw factory, h 10 Burnet. Mumford Lyman, agent Oneida County Bible Society, h 101 Steuben. Mumford Sarah, teacher, bds L. Mumford's. Mumford William R., clerk at Williams Brothers', bds L. Mumford's. Mummery James, laborer, hes Albany, 3 ab Elizabeth. Munn John, h Rutger Place, head of John. Munson Edmund, of Hart k M., h 15 Devereux. Munson E., widow of Alfred, h 41 Fayette. Munz John, laborer at Lawrence's, h 53 Bleecker. Murdock Hope, widow, h 45 Payette. Murdock James F., jeweler, 46 Genesee, bds 45 Fayette. Murphy Andrew, saw filer, h 15 Bridge. Murphy Daniel, laborer, hss Albany, 2 o Mohawk. Murphy George, carpenter, h 14 Leah. Murphy Jeremiah, laborer, h 82 Catharine. Murphy John, laborer, h 24 Hobart. Murphy Mrs. Anera, h 246 Whitesboro. Murphy Martin, clerk at Mannings, bdB Mansion House. Murphy Michael, waiter, at Bagg's, hes Bleecker, cor Kossuth Avenue. Murphy Julia, widow, h 71 Park Avenue. Murphy Margaret, widow, h cor South and Webster. Murphy Margaret, widow, hws Chatham, cor Reservior. Murphy Morris, laborer, h 113 Steuben. Murphy Patrick, carpenter, h 101 Bleecker. Murphy Patrick, laborer, h Kossuth Avenue, 1 n Albany. Murphy Peter, clerk at J. T. Davies. Murray Richard, laborer, h cor Jay and Third. Murray Thomas, laborer, h cor Bleecker and Second. Murtaugh James, h 53 Water. Murtaugh Thomas, tobacconist, h 51 Second. Muspratt James, machinist, h 154 Whitesboro. Myers Anthony, engineer C. R. R., h 17 Water. Myers Constantino, baggageman C. R. R., bds 17 Water. Myers Frederick, h 55 Whitesboro. Myers Henry Jr., receiver B. R. k U. R. R. Co., bds 1? Water. Myers John, laborer, h 108 Bleecker. Myers John, brewer, h cor Bleecker and Third. Myers John, laborer, h 45 Mohawk. Myers Joseph, farmer, bds 17 Water. Myers Miss Christina, tailoress, bds 84 Mary. Myers Miss Elizabeth, tailoress, 84 Mary. Myers Miss R, boarding house, 19 Washington. Meyers Miss Theresa, boarding house, 17 Water. N Nally William, painter, h 26 Third Nantern George, baker, h 143 Mohawk. Naracon William H., manufacturer of mill peoto, 14 J_£ & 9 132

Nash Mrs. Harriet, bds 15 West Bridge. National Hotel, 129 Genesee, Mrs. C. M. Green. Neal Morris, clerk, b_s 72 Second. Near Henry, farmer, h 24 High. Nederer Christian, laborer, hns Lansing, 1 w Albany.' Nederer Joseph, basket maker, hws Webster, 2 ab South. Noderer J., basket maker, hws Webster, 1 ab South. Noderlander S., pedler, h 73 Whitesboro. Needham Willard M., boots and shoes, 74 Genesee, h 37 Seymour Aveuue. Neejer John, laborer, h 110 Bleecker. Neejer Martin, cabinet maker, and city sexton, h 35 Plant. Nelbach John, carpenter, h 32 Saratoga. Nelbach Peter J., cabinet maker, h 69 Spring. Nelson Joseph, at Lawrence^, bds A. Brendle's. Nenninger John, lock tender, h 30 Ash. Neple John, cabinet maker, h 38 South Hamilton. Nesse Charles, basket maker, h 143 Mohawk. Netschin John, porter Central Hotel, h 112 Bleecker. Nettleton Chauncey, of J. M. Rice k Co., h 119 John. Neville Julia, widow, h 92 Blandina. Neville Miss Margaret, milliner, 127 Genesee, bds 19 Seneca. Newbern Eliza, seamstress, h 294 Whitesboro. Newell Ambrose, ostler, h 5 Saratoga. NEWELL k BROWN, paper, paint, glass and i.iish store, 111 Genesee. Newell Norman ft, of Newell & Brown, h 5 Broadway. New Hartford Cotton Mills Agenc , Charles Hurlburt agent, 164 Genesee. Newhouse George, pedler, h 202 Whitesboro. Newhouse Miss Ann, dress maker, h 13 Mary. Newland John, cheekman C. R. R., h 24 Blandina. Nowland J. E., clerk at Gaffney's, bds Bleecker St. House. Newland Mrs., widow, h 12 Elizabeth. Newland Joseph W., machinist, h 62 Seneca. Newland Tliomas J., coppersmith, h 28 Spring. Newlove William, painter, hes West, 2 s Arthur. Newton William P., pump and sash manufacturer, cor Franklin and Ful­ ton, bds 82 Mary. New York Branch Dyo House, 9 John. New York State Lunatic Asylum, s s Court, near junction Court and Whitesboro. Ney Henry, grocer and flour dealer, cor Catharine and John, h 58 Broad. Nickel Daniel, musician, bds 112 Schuyler. Nichols Catharine, tailoress, bds 11 Carnahan. Nichols H. S. & Co, manufacturers of gold foil office Bradish Block. Nichols Horace S., of H. S. Nichols k Co., h 10 Howard Avenue. Nichols Jedediah, boatman, hss Lansing, cor Barnes. Nicholas John, laborer, h 28 Parker. Nicius Gerhardt, laborer, h 49 Canal. Nightingale Miss Mary, mantua maker, bds 78 Jay. Nightingale William, moulder, h 78 Jay. Nightingale William Jr., bds 78 Jay. 133

Niegile Ferninand, farmer, h n w cor Mohawk and South. Niles Adin, pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Niles William A., ostler h 23 Elizabeth. Nolan James, cooper, h cor Catharine and First. Nold John, M. D., office and h 74 Bleecker. Norris James L., h 46 Flizabeth. Norris William, carriage painter, h 98 Miller. Northrup Alson B., variety and fruit store, 188 Genesee, h 35 Miller. Northrup Daniel, h 87 Park Avenue. Northrup Devillo W., clerk at Westcott's, bds 35 Miller. Northrup Linus A, clerk 188 Genesee, bds 35 Miller. Northrup Milton M., fish, fruit and vegetables, 2 Liberty, hss Kirkland, 3 w State. Northern Hotel, cor John and Main, H. W. McDonald proprietor. Norton Andrew, laborer, h 13 Charlotte. Norton Edward, meat market, cor John and Erie Canal, hws Steuben, 7 s Gold. Norton E. U., painter, hes Hubbell, 2 s Broad. Norton George, baker, bds 143 Mohawk. Norton George, segar maker, h 69 Elizabeth. Norton John, painter, h 74 Steuben. Norton James, bds 30 West. Norton Mrs. Ann, tailoress, li 30 West. Norton Mrs. Nancy, bds 1 West. Norton Miss Polly, at Harwoods. Norton Mrs. Rosanna, widow, h 12 Montgomey. Norton William R., farmer, Albany, near Underwoods. Norton William R., h 6 Clark. Nowlan Catharine, h 117 Whitesboro. Nowlan Charles, laborer, hes Miller, 1 above Arthur. Nowlan James, segar maker, bds Charles Nowlan's. Nowlan Richard, segar maker, bds Charles Nowlan's. Nowlan John, cordwainer, bds 26 Jay. Nutt Thomas, cordwainer, h 7 Garden. Nutter Ephraim, machinist, bds 24 South Hamilton. Nutter Fanny M., h 24 South Hamilton. Nye E. G., civil engineer, bds C. O., Nye's. Nye C. 0., builder, h cor Court and Cornelia. Nye Samuel B., tailor, h 58 Columbia. o Oatley Lyman, grocer and flour dealer, cor John and Bleecker, h 108 John. O'Brien Ellen, widow, hes Steuben, 4 s Arthur. O'Brien James, segar maker, bds Ellen O'Brien's. O'Brien John, segar maker, bds 5 Union. O'Brien John, segar maker, bds Ellen O'Brien's. O'Brien Michael, segar maker, bds Ellen O'Brien's. O'Brien Michael, at Apollo Saloon, bds 44 West. O'Brien Mrs. Bridget, widow of James, h Catharine, 3 w Third O'Brien Mrs. Catharine, widow, h 6 Union. M 134

O'Brien Nicholas, segar maker, bds Ellen O'Brien's. O'Brien Patrick, boatman, h rear 78 Catharine. O'Brien Patrick, laborer, h 12 Hope. O'Brien Thomas, laborer, hie Mohawk. O'Brien Terence, h 10 Seymour Avenue. O'Brien William, laborer, h 14 Hope. O'Connor Edward, watchman ft R. R., h 76 Main. O'Donnell Edward, cordwainer, h 47 Steuben. O'Donnell Hugh, furnaeeman, hws Steuben, 10 sGold. O'Donnell James, cordwainer, bds 47 Steuben. O'Donnell John, scale maker and machinist, h 9 Devereux. O'Donnell Michael, barber and hairdresser, 116 Geneseo, bds 42 Bridge. Oenk Bernard, mason, h 2 William. Oehring Casper F., laborer, h 12 Clinton. O'Gara John, laborer, h 101 Bleecker. O'Hara John, h 213 Genesee. O'Hara Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner, 213 Genesee, h same. O'Hara Patrick, ice merchant, h 79 Second. O'Hearn Dennis, laborer, h 132 Mary. O'Hearn Eliza, widow, h 83 Third. O'Hearn Patrick, tailor, h 52 Blandina. O'Hearn Thomas, laborer, h 84 Jay. Oliver John, inn, 120 Court. Ollercnshaw Joseph, cordwainer, hws Kossuth Avenue, 3 ab South. Oppenheiner David, pedler, h 29 Elizabeth. O'Neil John, cartman, h 54 Third. O'Neil Mrs. Catharine, 12 Charlotte. O'Neil Mrs. Mary, h 20 Saratoga. O'Neil Owen & Co., hardware dealers, 84 Genesee. O'Neil Owen of O. O'Neil k Co., li 29 Hotel. O'Neil T. B., clerk at 84 Genesee, bds 29 Hotel. O'Riley John, tailor, h 23 Aiken. O'Rourke John, blacksmith, 38, h 82 Catharine. O'Rourke Hugh, moulder, bds 100 Water. O'Rourke Michael, blacksmith, h 132 Bleecker. O'Shuugluiessy Michael, h 25 Blandina. Olmstead Miss Catharine, at Steam ft Mills, h 14 State. Oneida Bank, 157 Genesee. ONEDIA BREWERY, cor State and Court, S. Thorn & Co., proprietors. Oneida County Bank, 73 Geneseo. Oneida Deinoknit, and job printing office, cor Columbia and Wiley, P. Keiser, proprietor. Oneida Square, junction State, Genesee, West Bridge and Oneida. Onseldt Catharine, widow, hes Seymour Avenue, 1 n Pleasant. Orcutt George H, at ft R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Orcutt James J., fireman C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Orcutt Mrs. Hannah, widow, h 11 Bridge. Osborn James N, of Loak & Osborn, h 35 Oneida. Osborn John, carpenter, bds 20 Elizabeth. Osborn John, glove maker, &c, at G. A. Clarke's, h 10 Charles. Osborn Mrs. Mary, h 76 Catharine. Osborn William, book agent, bds 31 Cooper. Oster John, h 31 John. 135

Oster Joseph J., clerk at Vidvard's, bds 73 Park Avenue. Oster Michael, clerk at Vidvard's, bds 73 Park Avenue. Oster Peter, at Globe W. Mills, h 112 Schuyler. Oster Philip, at Globe W. Mills, bds 112 Schuyler. Osterman Frank, h 204 Whitesboro. Osterman Joseph, laborer, h 20 Hope. Ostrom Henry B., h 79 Broadway. O'Toole James, clerk at Hopkins k Lane, h 15 Aiken. * O'Toole Michael, cordwainer at Bice's. O'Toolo Miss Isabella, h 17 Steuben. Overacre Peter J., bds City Hotel. Overocker James F., butcher, bds T. Horton's. Overocker Thomas H., butcher, h 8 Devereux. Owens Benjamin, at Steam C. Mills, h 60 Cooper. Owens David, h 47 Charlotte. Owens David, of D. k T. M. Owens, h 26 Mary. Owens D. k T. M. bakers and confectioners, cor Broad and John. Owens Edward, boarding house, 121 Columbia. Owens Edward, h 8 Stark. Owens Edward R., carpenter, hns Mandeville. Owens Elizabeth, at Steam C. Mills, bds 60 Cooper. Owens Francis, at Globo W. Mills, h 94 Court. Owens George II., clerk at Horn's, bds 47 Charlotte. Owens Griffith, carpenter, h 52 Howard Avenue. Owens John H.. tailor, h 3 Seymour Avenue. Owens John M.', at Globe W. Mills, h 109 Schuyler. Owens John R., tailor, h 18 Carnahan. . Owens John, of Roberts k O., bds 41 Catharine. Owens Lansing, baker, h 51 Washington. Owens Merritt, porter at W. C. Wilcox's, h 51 Washington. Owens Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h 8 Thomas' East Avenue. Owens Mrs. E. G., h 58 Whitesboro. Owens Mrs. Mary, widow of Benjamin, h 37 Howard Avenue. Owens Mrs. Mary, tailoress, h 133 Water. Owens Owen, baker, h 20 Carnahan. Owens Owen, ostler Catharine St. House. Owens Owen, gunsmith, lids cor Cooper and Fay. Owens Patrick, pedler, li 22 Parker. Owens Richard U., h 310 Genesee. Owens Robert, tailor, h 11 Aiken. Owens Thomas, proprietor Mechanics' Inn, 73 Broad. Owens Thomas M, of 1). k T. M O., h 51 Broad. Owens Thomas M., painter, bds 8 Thomas' East Avenue. Owens William, watch and clock repairer, h 5 Thomas' East Avenue. Owen William M., flour store, 22 and 24 Liberty, bds 100 Whitesboro.

Pack William, jeweler, 5 Liberty, h 34 Seneca. Pacey Robert, laborer, h 33 Miller. Paddon James B., clerk at County Clerk's office, h 17 Kemble. Paine E. B. k Son, manufacturers of wave moulding, and printer's furni­ ture, 26 and 28 Catharine. 136

Paine Edward B., of E. B. P. k Son, h 81 Second. Paine E. Blakesley, of E. B. P. & Son, bds 81 Second. Paine John A., M. D., office and h 27 Whitesboro. Paine Misses Adeline and Julia, h 2 Cottage. Palmer Azariah S., M. D., proprietor Palmer's popularj remedies, h cor Mandeville and Cornelia. Palmer Chauncey, foundry and railing works, 55 Blandina, h 54 Mary. Palmer Cyrus F.^hcenix iron works, 55 Blandina, h 52 Lansing. Palmer A. ft, pattern maker, h cor Genesee and Eagle. Palmer Elizabeth, widow, h 26 Seymour Avenue. Palmer George, mason, bds D. Travis'. Palmer John, plasterer, li e s Genesee, 2 from Oneida Square. Palmer John F., segar maker, li 54 Blandina. Palmer Norman W., carpenter, bds 54 Mary. Palmer Stafford, carpenter, h 309 Genesee. Palmer William, carpenter, bds William Ramsey's. Palmer W. A., blacksmith, h cor Jay and Bridge. Palmiter Amos, grocer, h Third, 1 n South. Papier Mrs. A., widow, h 52 Johnson. Paradise James, with J. Crook, h 7 Seymour Avenue. Parkhurst Daniel, keeper City Hospital. Parker Isaiah, segar maker, bds Clinton Hotel. Parker James, clerk at W. S. Taylor's, bds 4 Hamilton. Parker Job k Sons, grocers, 4 and 5 Bradish Block. Parker Job, of J. P. k Sons, h 7 Mary. Parker Josiah S., at Steam W. Mills, h 124 Court. Parker Joseph, laborer, b 63 Miller. Parker Mrs. Hannah ft, h 199 Genesee. Parker Mrs. L. W., milliner, 209 Genesee, h 6 Spring. Parker L. W., overseer Steam C. Mills, h 6 Spring. Parker Matthew M., of J. P. k Sons, h 3 Mary. Parker Timothy, of J. P. k Sons, h 4 West Bridge. Parker William, dyer, h 4 Hamilton. Park Harvey Jr., civil engineer at resident engineer's office, h 10 Seneca* Parks Benjamin, wheelwright, bds 174 Whitesboro. 82_g| Parks Elijah, butcher at Lunatic Asylum, hws Cherry, 6 s Whitesboro. Parks George, gunsmith, bds 16 Main. Parks George H., bds 16 Main. Parry Da-ad, blacksmith shop 10, h 7 Oneida. Parr Edw»d H., bds 27 Steuben. Parr James, cordwainer, h 27 Steuben. Parr James Jr., segar maker, bds 27 Steuben. Parshall J. G., elerk at Knowlson's, h 94 State. Parslow Stephen, at Steam C. Mills, h 1 Hart. Parsons John, crier of the Court, h 69 Liberty. Parsons Samuel, book-keeper Savings Bank of Utica, h 70 Liberty. Partridge Lucy L., boarding house, 41 Washington. Partridge Miss Amelia, milliner at Mrs. Pepper's, bds 41 Washington. Partello Byron, manufacturer of saws, 10 and 12 Catharine, h 30 Blan­ dina. Patterson D., engineer C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Patterson Edward, carriage maker, h 26 Neilson. Patterson James, clerk at T. K. Butler's, bds Catharine St. House. 137

Patterson Mrs. E. ft, h 75 Park Avenue. Patterson Thorns E., clerk at Lewis Brothers, bds 75 Park Avenue. Paul Albert A., carpenter, h 64 Blandina. Paul John, wheelwright, h 84 Mary. Payne Rebecca E., widow, h 69 West Bridge. Payne Willoughby, clerk at Bennett k Co.'s, bds 69 Whitesboro. Peach Edward, gilder, h 24 Columbia. PEARSON GEORGE, livery stable 10 Elizabeth, h 57 Charlotte. Pearson John, bds 57 Charlotte. Pease D. A., daguerrean artist, res and gallery, 126 Genesee. Pease Harmon, bds 7 Hopper. Pease Harrison, clerk, bds Clinton Hotel. Pease John, proprietor Clinton Hotel, 29 Bleecker. Pease William R,, Lieut. U. S. A., bds Clinton Hotel. Peat John, butcher, li 22 Jason. Peat Thomas, butcher, h 22 Jason. Peck George, plasterer, h w s Kossuth Avenue, 4 ab South. Peck Yates, conductor ft R. R., bds J. Lester's. Peckham Alvah, engineer ft R. R., bds 30 Main. Peckbam J. S. & M., stove manufacturers, office and warerooms 20 Cath­ arine, furnace cor Broad and Third. Peckham John S„ of J. S. k M. P., h 262 Genesee. Peckham Merritt, of J. S. k M. P., li 48 Broad. Peckham S. Townsend, clerk 20 Catharine, bds 262 Genesee. Pegg Henry A., Oneida House, Oneida Square. * Pegg James, painter, h 26 Seymour Avenue. Pell John, waiter at City Hotel. Pell Joseph, laborer, h 22 Post. Pell William, at Phcenex Livery, bds 22 Post. Pellett William, machinist, h 18 John. Pendergras James, laborer, h 17 Third. Pendergras Morris, laborer, bds 29 John. Penny Grove, of Manchester k P., h 6 Steuben Park. Penny Mrs. Ellen, dress maker, h 34 Washington. Penny Mrs. Mary, milliner, 26 Bleecker, h same. Penny William G., book keeper at Dickinson & Co's., bds 6 Steuben Park. Penson Elijah, laborer, h 22 Chatham. Pepper Charles J., painter, h 5 Cooper. Pepper Mrs. ft J., milliner, 166 Genesee, h 5 Cooper. Pepper Sarah, widow of Frederick, h 20 State. Percival James, bds 59 Catharine. Perkins Charles, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Perkins David, 1st clerk at Collector's office, h 117 John. Perkins George B., carpenter, h 38 Spring. Perkins George R., professor mathematics, &c, h 293 Genesee. Perkins Jane A., widow, bds 39 Main. Perkins Mark, foreman Lawrence's sash factory, bds Catharine St. House. Perkins Thomas P., h 68 John. Perl Ernst, tailor, h 33 Tibbitts. Perry Daniel, bds 57 Lansing. Perry David M., clerk at Warner & Ray's, bds 88 Whitesboro. Perry David, grocer, cor Whitesboro and Seneca, h 8 Seneca. Perry Edward, rail road car maker, h 88 Whitesboro. M2 ' 138

Perry Edward D., flour merchant, 14 Liberty, h same. Perry Ellen, widow, hes Elm, 4 s Gold. Perry H. W., supervisor at Lunatic Asylum. Perry Harvey P., civil engineer, bds Central Hotel. Perry Henry D., stone cutter, h 7 Blandina. Perry James H., h 38 Howard Avenue. Perry Jane, widow, h 77 Bleecker. Perry John, carpenter, h 85 Whitesboro. Perry Rev. Marcus A., h 226 Genesee. Perry M; Augustus, bds 226 Genesee. Perry Mrs. Elizabeth, bds 59 Main. Perry Mrs. M. E., h 62 Seymour Avenue. Perry Mary, widow, h 8 Division. Perry Rowland D., printer, h 3 Cooper. Perry Samuel, laborer, h 57 Lansing. Perry William, h cor Liberty and Washington. Peter Frank, at Steam C. Mills, h cor Cooper and Huntington. Peter Frederick, h 119 Court. Peter Theresa, h 11 Kirkland. Peterson Maria, laundress, h 17 Charlotte. Peterson William E., waiter at City Saloon, bds 17 Charlotte. Petherbridge Thomas, wool grader, h 3 Hamilton. Pfeiffer Adam, laborer, h 27 Parker. Pfeiffer Fritz, tinsmith, bds 114 Bleecker. Pfeiffer John, cordwainer, h 114 Bleecker. Pfeiffer John Jr., segar maker, bds 10 Genesee. Pflanz Frederick, stone cutter at Hart k Munson's, h 60 Chenango Av. Pfleger George, carpenter, hss Warren, 3 e Stark. Pfeifle Mrs. Joanna, h 100 Fayette. Pfhals Christian, carpenter, hss Leah, 1 w Seymour Avenue. Pfund John, of Weaver k P., h 57 Tibbitts. Phelps James ft, h 66 Jay. Phelps John G., ladies' shoe store, 9 Burnet, h same. Philleo Mrs. E., widow of Dr. B., h 40 Oneida. Philleo O., harness maker, h 9 Aiken. •Philleo Sarah M. L., teacher 5th Ward School, bds 40 Oneida. Philips Hiram, carpenter, h 116 Court. Philips Jeremiah, at Globe W. Mills, h 108 Court. Philips Mary, widow, h 35 Kemble. Philips Michael, laborer, h 80 Mary. Philips Ransom W., grocer, 13 South, h 3 Neilson. Philips Samuel, laborer, hes West, 1 above Square. Philips William, porter at Dickinson k Co.'s, h 65 Miller. Philpot James, at Steam W. Mills, h 46 Schuyler. Phinney Marcus, groeer, 12 State, h 2-J Carnahan. Phinney Silas A., barber, bds 2£ Carnahan. Picedock Charity, widow, hes Seymour Avenue, 3 n Pleasant. Picedock Thomas, farmer, bds with Charity Picedock. Pickett D. W., segar maker, bds Sherwood House. Pickett Patrick, laborer, h 97 Bleecker. Pierce David, groeer, cor Bleecker and Charlotte, h 11 Devereux. Pierce John, h 100 Fayette. Pierce Margaret, widow of David, h 47 Second. 139

Pierce Torrey L., segar and tobacco manufacturer, h 3 Charlotte. Pierce Walter B., bookseller, 172 Genesee, h 11 Lansing. Pigeon Alexander G., harness maker and carriage trimmer, 17 Bleecker, • h 30 Columbia. Pilcher Ford, coach maker, h 16 Pearl. Pincus Abraham, pedler, h 101 Mohawk. Pingle William, mason, h 7 Columbia. Pinninger Christopher, painter, h 19 Louisa. Piper John, porter at Carton's, h Mechanics' Lane. Piper Sylvester, conductor C. R. R., h 74 Mary. Piper Thomas, fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Pitham William, herdsman at Lunatic Asylum, h 27 Seymour Avenue. Pitman Charles A., clerk at Williams' hat store, bds 14 George. Pitman Lemuel, builder, shop 14 Charlotte, h 34 Blandina. Pitman Theodore, bds 34 Blandina. Pitman William, machinist, h 35 Lansing. Pittinger Stephen M., boat builder, h 75 Third. Pitts Erastus, carriage painter, h 2 Neilson. Place Justus, reed maker, bds George Waters'. Plank Miss Nellie, shirt maker, bds 6 Hotel. Plank Road House, junct Columbia and Whitesboro, T. Wickens, pro­ prietor. Plank Theodore N., clerk at A. Rose's, bds 26 Main, Plant Frank W, student, bds Mrs. H. Plant's. Plant Frederick P., bd Mrs. H. Plant's. Plant Hannah, widow of James, h cor Genesee and Tracy. Plant Henry, wood turner, h 45 Varick. Plant Jacob, laborer, h 25 Elizabeth. Plant Peter, proprietor Drover's Hotel, 1 Water. Plant Samuel Jr., paver, h 8 Neilson. Piatt James, painter, h 24 Seymour Avenue. Piatt James, laborer, hes Howard Avenue, 1 s Eagle. Piatt N. Sydney, clerk at Golden's, h 29 Blandina. Platter Henry, butcher, bds 49 Second. Platter John, meat market cor Bleecker and Second, h 49 Second. Plunkett John, painter, bds 25 Cooper. Plunkett Mrs. Winnifred, h 25 Cooper. Plunkett Thomas, segar maker, bds 25 Cooper. Pocock Francis B., h 64 John. Pocock Mrs. Jemima, h 64 John. Pollard George E., painter, bds 6 Blandina. Pollard Mrs. Eliza, tailoress, h 7 Union. Pollard Miss Mary, tailoress, bds 7 Union. Pollard Richard, painter and glazier, h 6 Blandina. Pollard William, Dr. Kronk's beer establishment, 27 Columbia. Pomeroy Theodore, M. D., h 57 Fayette. Pomeroy Theodore Jr. & Co., floor oil cloth manufacturers, cor Cornelia and Cooper. Pomeroy Theodore Jr., of T. P. Jr. & Co., h 289 Genesee. Pomeroy Titus, watchman, h 8 Louisa. Pomeroy Theodosia, boarding house, 71 Fayette. Pond Andrew S., h 76 Fayette. Pond John, laborer, at J. S. & M. Peckham's. 140

Poole Robert, carpenter, h 68 Steuben. Poole Robert B., machinist, h 25 Louisa. Pope Joseph, waiter at Bagg's Hotel, h 32 Elizabeth. Porter George S,, book keeper at Lewis Bros., bds 3 Steuben Park. Porter John W., boots and shoes, 145 Genesee, h 3 Steuben Park. Porter Joseph D., at Utica Novelty Works, h 112 Whitesboro. Porter Thomas, segar maker, h 2 Carnahan. Poschen Wilhelm, laborer, h 43 Plant. Post Office, Mechanics' Hall, 32 Hotel, J. M. Lyon, Post Master. Post Warren B., segar maker, bds 22 Miller. Potter A. ft, proprietor Catharine Street House. Potter Albert P., printer, bds 14 George. Potter A. Stewart, bar keeper Bagg's Hotel. POTTER GEORGE, brass founder, 54 Seneca, h 32 South. Potter George, grocer, 23 Bleeeker, h 35 Mary. Potter George ft, h 14 George. Potter George R., h 110 Park Avenue. Potter Ira ft, book keeper, 155 Genesee, h 104 Park Avenue. Potter John, blacksmith and bell hanger, h 64 Miller. Potter John F., printer, bds W. H. Mandeville. Potter Thomas, h 59 Broadway. Powell Everton, butcher, 293 Whitesboro. Powell Richard,, laborer, h 46 Water. Powell William, engineer ft R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Power Morris, laborer at gas house, h 46 Water. Power Martin, cordwainer, h 80 Elizabeth. Power Pierre, laborer, h 129 Bleecker. Power Richard, laborer at gas house, h 46 Water. Powers Charles F., painter, h 6 Burnet. Powers Dennis, gas fitter at Garrigan's, bds 46 Water. Powers Morris, h 77 Water. Powers Nicholas, h 28 Cooper. Powers Richard, laborer at gas house, h 77 Water. Pratt A. M., clerk at Horn's, h 8 Steuben Park. Pratt H. 0., foreman at Needham's, bds Sherwood House. Pratt Paul, h 200 Court. Pratt Sylvester, carpenter, h 3 Rebecca. Pratt William, carpenter, h 1 Rebecca. Pratt William H., lawyer, bds Van's Hotel. Prater Miss Rachel E., h 92 Park Avenue. Prentiss Horace, brass finisher, h 43 Washington. Prentiss John H. Jr., of P. V. Kellogg k Co., bds National Hotel. GEORGE POTTER, BRASS FOUNDER, BELL HANGER AND LOCKSMITH, No. 53 Seneca Street, Utica, If. Y. < •••» PLAIN AND FANCY DOOR PLATES AND NUMBERS, With Lever Bell-Pulls, in every style, furnished to order, with promptness and dispatch. Also, Awning Frames made and repaired at the shortest notice. Sewing Maohines repaired, with all kinds of Jobbing In his line. 141

Preston Hannah, widow, h 124 Schuyler. Price Miss Celia, at Globe W. Mills, h 90 Spring. Price Rev. David, pastor Welsh Presbyterian Church, h 71 State. Price William, h 20 Wiley. Price William H., clerk at Parker & Sons, h 107 John. PRIEST k FELSHAW, dentists, cor Genesee and Broad. Priest A. N., of P. k Felshaw, h 10 Cottage. Priest D. E., engineer C. R. R., h 45 Broad. Priest Wallace H., book-keeper at ass't sup't's office C. R. R., bds Am. erican Hotel. Priest Zenas ft, ass't sup't C. R. R., res Little Falls. Prince Mrs. Nancy, laundress, h 7 Post. Prince Thomas, bds 7 Post. Pringnitz Francis, locksmith, h 130 Blandina. Pringnitz Francis Jr., segar maker, bds 130 Blandina. Pringle Miss Margaret, teacher at Free Academy, bds 31 Charlotte. Pringle Thomas, h 29 Schuyler. Pritchard David, boatman, h 35 Bridge. PRITCHARD EVAN, grocer 19, h 24 Bleecker. Pritchard Evan H., gardener, h 72 Whitesboro. Pritchard John O., painter, h 119 Water. Proehl Bernard, cabinet maker, hns Warren, 1 s South Hamilton. Prosser John, porter Utiea City Bank. Protheroe'Thomas, tailor, h 14 Devereux. Protheroe Mrs. T., select school, 14 Devereux. Protection Hall, over No. 4 engine house, 11 South. EVAN PEITCHAED, Corner of Bleecker and Charlotte Streets, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. The Liquors at this establishment are. warranted of GENUINE QUALITY, havipg been selected from the choicest importations, consisting of pure French BRANDT, COGNIAC BRANDT, REAL OLD JAMAICA RUM, HOL­ LAND GIN, See. Also, a large stock of Choice Family Groceries. The proprietor respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage he has hitherto received, being confident that the prices and quality of his goods will not fail to be satisfactory to all who may favor him with their custom. 142

Pugh Enoch, h 130 Court. Pugh Evan, at Steam W. Mills, h 103 Court. Pugh Evan, h 124 Court. Pugh John, boat builder, h 10 Hope. Pugh John, at Globe W. Mills, h 118 Schuyler. Pugh Richard, printer at Observer Office, h 20 Howard Avenue. Puree Penelope, dress maker, h 25 Leah. Purcell John, fumaceman, bds 54 First. Purcell Patrick, laborer, h 34 Lansing. Purcell William, laborer, h 36 Lansmg. Purdy Henry, shop hand, C. R. R., bds 72 Main. Putnam Alfred, clerk at Abbott's, bds Dudley House. Putnam Victor ft, farmer, h 45 Cornelia. Purvis Thomas, dresser at Steam W. Mills, h 22 Huntington. Q Quail John, tobacconist, bds 46 Steuben. Quail Julia, widow, h 46 Steuben. Quick Henry H., segar maker, h 31 Seymour Avenue. QUICK & HUGHES, marble works, 14 Charlotte. Quick John, of Quail k Hughes, h 7 Neilson. Quin George E., of Kernan, Quin k Kernan, h 53 Elizabeth. Quinn Thomas, laborer, h 112 Bleecker. Quinn Thomas A., ice merchant, h 45 Bridge. Quinlan James, laborer, h 105 Bleecker. Quinlan James, teamster, h cor Albany and Bleecker. Quinlan John, laborer; h 23 First. Quirke Eliza, tailoress, bds Magaret Quirke's. Quirke Ellen, tailoress, bds Margaret Quirke's. Quirke Margaret, widow, hws Steuben, 5 s Gold. R Rabenstein Michael, grocer, cor Fayette and Chenango Canal. Rae Wyraette, widow, h 248 Genesee. Raedeck Joseph, grocery and h 53 Court. Rahn B., cordwainer, h 87 Steuben. Rahn Frank, laborer, h 31 Tibbitts. Rahn Henry, cordwainer, h 10 Eagle. Ralph George, of S. Thorn k Co., h 48 Columbia. Ralph Thomas P., clerk at E. H. Fish's, bds 48 Columbia. RamBbotham William, laborer, C. R. R., h 38 Neilson. Ramsdell Francis, h 85 Fayette. Ramsey William, blacksmith, hes Oneida, near toll gate. Randall Hugh, h 86 Jay. Randall James, h 1 Steuben. Randall Levi B., foreman oil cloth factory, h 10 Cooper. Randall Mary, widow, h 20 Leah. Randolph William, painter, h 51 Oneida. Ransom Louis, artist, 209 Genesee, residence same. Ranz John M., butcher, h Kossuth Avenue, cor Albany. 143

Rathbun Josiah, M. D., office and h 8 Court. Rauck Charles R., h 136 Fayette. Rauschkolb Michael at Steam W. Mills, h 5 Parker. Rautenberg William, clerk at Manning's, h 59 Court. Rawson Thomas, gardener, h 87 Miller. Ray Benjamin F., of Warner k Ray, h 298 Genesee. Ray Eleazar, conductor C. R. R., h 66 Elizabeth. Ray Georgo D., clerk at Warner k Ray's, bds 60 Fayette. Ray John S., under sheriff Oneida County, office 130 Genesee, h 60 Fayette. Ray Mrs. Amelia, h 60 Fayette. - Ray William, machinist, h 53 West Bridge. Raymond B. VV., photographic artist, Devereux Block, bds 8 Cooper. Raymond Jonas ft, M. D., office rear 221, h 221 Genesee. Read James H., grocer, 2 and 4 Whitesboro, h Broad, 3 below Mohawk. Read William, dealer in fruit and fish, 50 Whitesboro. Ream Thomas, clerk at Warner k Ray's, bds 35 Second. Ream William, h 35 Second. Recorder's Office, City Hall, E. Clark Recorder. Redmond Mary, widow, h 111 Steuben. Redmond Patrick, blacksmith, h 111 Steuben. Redner Charles M., machinist, bds J. W. Redner's. Redner John W., lock tender Chenango Canal, h at Lock No. 5. Rectmycr Mrs. Elizabeth, h 102 Park Avenue. Reed Alexander, clerk ft R. R., freight office, bds City Hotel. Reed Charles, travelling agent Hudson R. R. R. Co., h 7 Miller. Reed David, inspector of lumber, h 33 Mary. Reed David, carpenter, h 11 Seymour Avenue. Reed Edward, plane maker, h 42 Elizabeth. Reed Edward K., segar maker, bds 66 Broad. Reed George, gunsmith, h 5 South. Reed John, plane maker, h 42 Elizabeth. Reed Adam, laborer, h 43 Saratoga. Reed Canizina, widow, tailoress, li 9 Seymour Avenue. Reese Ann, widow, h 22 Broadway. Reese David, butcher at W. H. Clark's, h 23 Devereux. Reese James, bds Central Hotel. Reese John, laborer, h 20 Bristol. Reese John, at Globo W. Mills, bds 123 Court. Reese . blacksmith, bds 95 Bleeeker. . Reese Jane, widow of David, h 35 Charlotte. Reese Miles, law student at Matteson k Benedict's, bds 84 Miller. Reese Moses, farmer, h Welsh Bush Road. Reese Reese, at Globe W. Mills, h 101 Court. Reese Samuel, M. D., h 59 Catharine. Reese William, engineer B. R. k U. R. R., bds 21 Seneca. Reformed Dutch Church, cor Broad and John, pastor. Regan John D., grocer, cor Bleecker and Second, residence 35 Second. Regan Patrick, laborer, h 11 Louisa. Regensberger Rogers, tailor, h 5 Ash. Rehm Sebastian, carpenter, hes Bryan, 4 n Canal. Rehn George, mason, hes Elm, 8 « CkM. $$hng Casper, cordwainer, bds 2fi Wf&k. 144

Reichenbach Joseph, mason, h 4 Hope. Reichert Christian, laborer, h 23 Plant. Reiohert William, confectioner, bds 23 Plant. Reid James D., telegraph superintendent, bds E. Chapman's. Reinhardt Alfred, segar maker, h 75 Bleeeker. Bernhardt Christiana, widow, hss Oak, 4 e Schuyler. Reinhardt Frederick, segar maker, bds C. Reinhardt's. Reinhardt John, grocery and h 85 Mohawk. Reininger Joseph, tailor, h 28 South Hamilton. Reinland Charles, carpenter, h 8 South Hamilton. Remmer Michael, lager beer brewed, 58 Court. Renk Fidel, at oil cloth factory, hns Warren, 2 w Garden. Renz Mrs. Barbara, h 26 Saratoga. Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, house and rooms, 10^ Devereux. Reusswig Ernst Henry, bds 73 Liberty. Reusswig Henry, tailor, bds 73 Liberty. Reynolds George, cartman, h 56 Third. Reynolds Jane, h 18 Edward. Reynolds Miss Mary A., milliner, 1 Broad, bds 22 Elizabeth. Reynolds R. k Son, fire and life insurance agency, 118 Genesee. Reynolds Richard, of R. & Son, h 22 Elizabeth. Reynolds Roger, wheelwright, h 128 Court. Reynolds William H., of R. & Son, bds 22 Elizabeth. Rhodes James S., hatter, h 54 Miller. Rhodes Thomas D., clerk at Williams Bros., bds 5;i Broadway. Rhodes Travis, machinist, bds 25 Lansing. RICE CHARLES, livery stable, 9 John, h 12 Division. Rice Charles D., carriage trimmer, bds 12 Division. Rice Elijah L., livery driver, bds York House. Rice George, mason, h 23 Elm. Rice James N., dry goods, 75 Genesee, bds 60 Broadway. RICE JOHN M. & CO., wholesale clothing merchants, 68 Genesee. Rice John M., of J. M. R. k Co., bds Dudley House. Rice J. B., h 229 Genesee. Rice Mrs. Catharine, h 12 Canal. Rice Miss J. A., teacher at Advanced School, bds 110 John. Rice Randall, h 260 Genesee. RICH JAMES A., musical instrnment maker, over 131 Genesee, bds Mansion House. Rich John L., carpenter, h 47 Seymour Avenue. J. M. RICE & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IH

r0 u_jvu__yd SATINETS, VKSTINQS, AND TAILORS' TEIMMING8, Mo. 68 Genesee Street. j. M. MOB, amnrtxroir, a ft ______145

Richards Cadwallader, wagon maker, shop junct Whitesboro and Liberty, h 7 Canal. Richards Charlotte M., tailoress, h 58 South. Richards David, clerk at Newell k Brown's, hss Jay, 3 e Mohawk. Richards Edmund, carpenter, h 76 Whitesboro. Richards Evan, cordwainer, bds 7 Hotel. Richards John, morocco dresser, hws Hoyt, 1 below Whitesboro. Richards John, boarding house, 7 Hotel. Richards John, grocery and h SO Whitesboro. Richards Matthew, laborer, h 5 Thomas' East Avenue. Richards Owen, h 8 Seymour Avenue. Richards Patrick, clerk, bds M. Richards'. Richards Richard, carpenter, bds 7 Hotel. Richards Richard T., pressman Herald office, h 49 Cooper' Richards Sarah, widow, h 24 Hotel. Richards William R., h 5 Seymour Avenue. Richards William E., h 24 Hotel. Richard George, French brewery, 118 Columbia. Richard Mrs. J., h 3 Washington. Richardson B., constable, h 21 Seneca. Richardson Eaton J., lawyer, office Bagg's Square, hss Broad, 2 e Mo­ hawk. Richardson J. B., clerk at P. Cassidy's. Richardson Rebecca, wJdow, h 59 Whitesboro. Richardson Richard H., clerk at Z. M. Howes', h 86 Mary. Richardson Reuben, laborer, h 91 Steuben. Richardson Warren, bds E. J. Richardson's. Richardson William, clerk at Wheeler & Bailey's, bds 59 Whitesboro. Richardson William, engineer, h Jay, 1 w Hubbell. Richardson William A., market gardener, h and garden e s Mohawk, 6 ab the Jail. Richter Henry, gardener, h 121 Schuyler. Richter Louis, laborer, hes Kossuth Avenue, 7 s South. Rick Frederick, cutter at Rice's, h 4 Edward. Rick George M,, clerk at C. A. Yates', bds 21 Catharine. Rick Joseph, laborer, h 42 Stark. Rickard Horatio, laborer, h Albany, 2 ab Rutger. Rickard John D., bds Horatio Rickards'. Rickett Ellis, mason, h 43 Washington. Rickerby Samuel, laborer, h 93 Bleecker. Rider Eli, manufacturer of spring beds, h 66 Cooper. Rieth Frederick, baker and grocer, 222 Whitesboro. Rieth John, teamster at Downer's, h 29 Broadway. Rigby Mrs. Ellen, bds 13 Rebecca. Riley Charles, freight conductor ft R. R., bds J. Lester's. Riley Catharine, widow of Patrick, hss Broad, 6 e Mohawk. Riley Edward, laborer, h 104 Water. Riley James, laborer, h 34 John. Riley James, bds 104 Water. Riley John, driver at Butterfleld's. Riley Mrs. Elizabeth, h 73 Elizabeth. ' Riley Matthew, laborer, h cor Eagle and Elm. Riley Patrick, h 16 Breese. N 146

Riley William, laborer, h rear 78 Catharine. Riley William, clerk at Smith k Hall's, h 18 Spring. Riley William, boat builder, li 7 Erie. RINDGE L. F., dry good.", 76 Genesee, bds Central Hotel. Rindge Lucius II., clerk at Falkner's, bds City Hotel. Ritchie Catharine, boarding house, 39 Columbia. Ritchie David F., printer, bds 39 Columbia. Hitter Frederick, laborer, li 1!) .John. Ritter Mrs. Margaret, h 10 Stark. Roach Martin, harness maker, bds 8 Division. Roach Michael, cooper, h 58 .lav. Roach Patrick, laborer, li 118 Klizabetli. Robbins Francis li., gardener, h 21 De\Vreux. Robbins Henry 10., cutter at Kellogg's, li 9 Cottage. Robinson Mrs. Mary, dress maker, It 13 Mary. Robinson Thomas S.. shirt ami collar depot, 50 Genesee. (Marble Block.) bds T. Midlam's. Roberts Alexander B., butcher, bds Central Hotel. Roberts Ann, widow, li 58 Liberty. Roberts B. Franklin, clerk at 3 Columbia, bds 19 Garden. Roberts Benjamin F., porter at Abbott's, lids 42 Lansing. Roberts David, cordwainer, h cor Whitesboro and Schuyler. ROBERTS J. E. k Co., stoves and hardware, 49 and 5i Genesee. ^0B> &C0

MHtvtMB^'* HARDWARE! HOUSE TRIMMINGS, MECHANICS'^FARMERS' TOOLS .&>>v\V-V\<_.__~\-\?£lfc .SAVVJ_.<^.\V5y 1 PUMPS LEAD PIPE. CRlNO-STONES.RU8BF.F BF'JINf, , PPiWAUCj, . WCiT.TOaiN W\PV 7\Nf, «,-C ^STOVES.. • '-V SH-_T-IW>N v COPP£ ?s^ vc„ N049fc5! •" cv._ I—I t_ _? W w o __ u ^ o GO o a. Q P a m

O O w ___;• w I—< Q W Hi o O 0o2 UTICA MORNING HERALD Irratrag (#staMisjptMtt 60 GENESEE STREET, UTICA, Possesses extensive modern facilities for all kinds of LETTER PRESS PRINTING, and increased attention will be paid to this Department, under direction of R. W. ROBERTS. New styles of Type, Borders, &c., are provided as tbey appear in the Eastern cities, and the long established reputation of the office will be maintained for THE BEST WORK AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JANOTACTURERS, LAWYERS and BUSINESS MES will have their orders' carefully and intelligently filled. ^_B~W. J. ROBERTS will fill all orders for BLANK BOOKS, or PLAIX AHD FANCY BINDING. •.__*«— •- \tt Hewing lSi»f§ AND DAILY GAZETTE, (FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR IJT ADVANCE,) Contains more reading matter than any other Daily published in Central New York, including the fullest and latest Telegraphic Reports, Correspond­ ence from abroad, the State and National Capitals, and elsewhere, while special atten­ tion is bestowed on Local and General News, and a high Literary Standard is aimed at. The HERALD publishes the Official List of Letters, because it has by far the largest circulation in the City, and its aggregate Daily Circulation is nearly 3,500.

ONEIDA WEEKLY HERALD, A Family Newspaper of the largest class, is published every Tuesday, at $2.00 A YEAR ; or $1.50, strictly in advance. To Clubs of Twenty, $1.00 a year in advance. "Weelcly Oiro\a.latlo_a 3,500. These papers are for Central New York Tlie ___•©«_- ___.c3.xre_rti__i--LS MecUun-, Having an aggregate circulation of OVER SEVEN THOUSAND COPIES. ELLIS H. ROBERTS, Proprietor. 147

Roberts David B., of Jones and R., h 14 Broadway. Roberts David B., printer, h 39 Liberty. Roberts Elizabeth, tailoress. hes West, 1 ab Square. Roberts E. W., farmer, h 23 Howard Avenue. ROBERTS ELLIS H., publisher of Weekly and Morning Herald *__ Ga­ zette, and job printer, 58 and GO Genesee, h 68 Whitesboro. Roberts Evan, h 1G9 Whitesboro. Roberts Evan E., book binder, h 14 Seneoa. , Roberts Francis W., elerk at Segar's, bds 9J Devereux. Roberts G. G., at J. H. Read's, h 41 Catharine. Roberts Henry k Son, meat market, 1 Columbia. Roberts Henry, of H. R. k Son, h 19 Garden. Roberts Henry, of J. E. Roberts k Co., bds 169 Whitesboro. Roberts H. L,, of H. R. k Son, bds Mansion House. Roberts Hugh H., books and stationery, 182 Genesee, res same. Roberts Isaac, blacksmith, h 94 Whitesboro. Roberts James, machinist, bds 7 Hotel. Roberts John, carpenter, h 27 Rutger. Roberts John, of K. k Williams, h 56 Liberty. Roberts John E., of J. E. R. & Co., h 1 Miller. Roberts Jonathan, mason, h 27 Union Roberts Josiah E., printer, bds 35 Charlotte. Roberts J. H., clerk at Rowley's, bds 27 Rutger. Roberts Mrs. G., bds D. Perry's. Roberts Mrs. Mary, dress maker, 9| Devereux. Roberts Richard, at Steam C. Mills, bds 32 Spring. Roberts k Owens, grocers, 20 Genesee. Roberts Robert E., of R. k Owens, h 41 Catharine. Roberts Robert W., book and job printer, Herald office, h 6 West Bridge. Roberts Robert, laborer, h 22 High. ROBERTS ROBERT, manufacturer of sewing machines, h 64 Oooper. Roberts Sarah, widow, h 58 West. Roberts Sarah, widow, h 42 Lansing. Roberts Thomas, clerk at Dana's, h 76 Broadway. Roberts & Williams, meat market, 66 Liberty. Roberts William, clerk at Gaffney's, bds 43 Main, Roberts William, clerk at Adams', h 02 Washington. Roberts William J., cleric at 159 Geneseo, h 12 Pearl. Roberts William J,, tailor at Manchester k Penny's, bds Dudley House. Roberts William D., porter at Sayro's, h Roberts' Lane. Roberts William L., clerk at Gilbert's, h 60 Liberty. Roberts William M., clerk, bds 100 Columbia. Roberts William W., grocer 217 Genesee, h 4 Steuben Park. Roberts Owen, butcher at Hallock's,.h 5 Roberts' Lane. ROBERTS WATKIN J., book binder, 60 Genesee, h 6 Cooper. Roche Daniel, tinsmith, h e s Kossuth Avenue, 2 n city line. Roche Henry, at Globe W. Mills, li 72 Court. Koek Roger, livery driver, h 23 Pirst. Rockwell Henry W., h cor Court and Cornelia. Rockwell James, wool dealer, 24 Empire Block, h 285 Genesee. Rockwell Owen, mason, h 15 Plant. Rockenfuss Charles, tailor, hes Mohawk, 1 n city line. Rodgers Charles P., bds 51 Miller, 148

Rodgers Junius, inspector of carpentry, kc, eastern division N. Y. State- canals, h 51 Miller. Roehel Joseph, at Steam W. Mills, h 278 Whitesboro. Roemer J. J., laborer, h 45 Hope. Roekrath Peter J., cabinet finisher, res Deerfield. Rogers Charles D., sup't screw factory, h 51 Broadway. Rogers Hamilton, engineer, bds 19 Lansing. Rogers Jane A., widow, h 19 Lansing. Rogers Dr. L. W., dentist, Post Office building, bds City Hotel. Rogers Publius V., cashier Bank of Utica, bds Bagg's Hotel. Rohr Francis, laborer, h 2 Leah. Roller John, tailor, h 66 Canal. Rolling Charles, carpenter, h 1 Kent. Rolling John Jr., at screw factory, hws Seymour Avenue, 1 s Square. Roling Mrs. Mary Ann, widow, h 1 Kent. Rolling James, at screw factory, bds 1. Kent. Rood T. Palmer, law student at Kernan's, bds 14 George. Root G. W., tinner at Robert's & Co., h 2 High. Root P. Sheldon, lawyer, office 66 Genesee, residence New Hartford. Root P. R., bd3 Bagg's Hotel. Root William B., engineer C. R. R., bds 42 Catharine. Ronan John, laborer, hws Albany, 1 s Bleecker. Roper Isaac, h 47 Catharine. Roper Mary J., dress maker, bds 193 Genesee. Rose Albert, grocer, 18 Genesee, h 26 Main. Rose Amos, blacksmith, h 24 Bleecker. Rose Elias, grocer 39 Genesee, h same. Rose Elizabeth, mantua maker, bds 19 Schuyler. Rose George T., book-keeper at Dana's, h cor State and William. Rose Hiram, blacksmith, shop 23 Charlotte, h 205 Whitesboro. Rose Miss Eliza, h 94 Court. Rose William H., blacksmith, cor Payette and Wiley, h 23 Wiley. Rosemoud Robert G., carpenter, h 64 Blandina. Rosekrans W. H., bds T. Midlam's. Rosengarten Elias, Hebrew teacher, h 29 Elizabeth. Rosenthal O, segar maker, h Hoyt, 2 below Whitesboro. Rosenthal Herman, pedler, h 117 Water. Rosenthal Moses, pedler, h 117 Water. Roesner Leonard, lager beer saloon, 26 Liberty. Ross Abner C, cordwainer, b 59 West Bridge. Ros Charles G, conductor C. R. R., h 25 Seneca. Ross C. M., clerk at Horn's, bds 25 Seneca. Rossiter Moses, tailor, h 42 Parker. Rossiter Thomas, laborer, h 4 Leah. Rosevelt Jacob, painter, h 25 Garden. Roth Margaret, widow, h 100 Steuben. Roth Margaret, tailoress, bds 100 Steuben. Roth Joseph, mason, h 108 Schuyler. Roth Volkert, waiter at City Saloon, bds same. Rounds S. S., daguerrean artist, 162 Genesee, h 51 West Bridge. Rourke Mrs. Louisa, h 72 Spring. Rourke Owen, teamster, bds 2 Pine. Rourke Patrick, laborer, h 2 Tine. 149

Rouse Emeline A., tailoress, bds 6 Blandina. Rottler John, laborer, h 43 Mohawk. Rowan Samuel, book-keeper at Gaffney's, h 20 Lansing. Rowe A. S., carriage smith, h 51 Steuben, Rowe Edward, laborer, bds 88 Water. Rowe Henry, porter at Culver's. Rowe k Son, wholesale oyster dealers, 174 Genesee. Rowe H. M., of Rowe & Son, residence Pair Haven. Rowe Jacob, cordwainer, h 71 West. Rowe John O, cordwainer, h 51 Garden. Rowe Michael, laborer, h 88 Water. Rowe Thomas, grocery and h, cor Elm and Eagle. Rowe William H., of Rowe & Son, bds Bleecker St. House. Rowell Edward, machinist, h 7 Aiken. Rowland Daniel, h Thomas East Avenue. Rowland Edward, at Steam W. Mills, h99 Schuyler. Rowland Michael, mason, h 58 Third. Rowland William, printer, bds 13 Seneca. Rowlands Evan, teamster, h 40 Stark. Rowlands Edward, carpenter, h 33 Miller. Rowley Alonzo, grocer, cor Genesee and Pearl, h 19 Devereux. Rowlingson Frederick, cabinet maker, h 39 John. Rowlingson John W., baker, h 104 Park Avenue. Rowliugson Mrs. Mary, tailoress, h 104 Park Avenue. Ruby William, brakesman. C. R. R., bds 33 Catharine. Ruddy Catharine, laudress, h 76 Hart. Rudolph Charles, cordwainer, h 50 Johnson. Rueck Frederick, clerk, h 4 Edward. Rueck Joseph, laborer, h 42 Stark. Ruf John, cordwainer, h 10 Burnet. Russ Edmund B., book-keeper at J. M. Rice & Co.'s, bds 78 Blandina. Russ John A., builder, shop 48 John, h 78 Blandina. Russell E. O, pedler, h 79 Mohawk. Russell George, clerk, bds 37 Bleecker. Russell Mary A., fruit and variety store, 24 Fayette. Russell Mrs. Elizabeth, h 17 Post. Russell Mrs. Emma, bds 40 Elizabeth. Russell William, M. D., office Tibbitts Block, h 26 Whitesboro. Russell —, farmer, hws New Hartford Road, 1 n toll gate. Rustoffell Mathias, laborer, h 18 Parker. Rutherford Alfred W., book binder at Merrell's, h 61 Broadway. Rutherford Mrs. A. W., teacher piano forte, 61 Broadway, Ryan Bernard, laborer, hes Steuben, 3 s Arthur. Ryan Cornelius, laborer, h 126 Mary. Ryan Edward, laborer, hws Steuben, 4 n Pleasant. Ryan Edward, at Satinet Mills, h 219 Whitesboro. Ryan Edward, driver at Butterfield's, bda York House. Ryan Michael, gardener at Dering's. Ryan Patrick, livery stable, Burchard Lane, h 4 Washington. Ryan Simon H., dealer in fruit and confectionery, rear 60 Genesee. Ryan Thomas, teamster Lunatic Asylum, h 300 Whitesboro. Ryals Isaac G., printer Observer Office, h 30 Spring.

B2 150

Ryals John, book-keeper Observer Office, bds 81 Court. Ryals Mrs. E., widow of John, h 81 Court. .8 Sabine Alfred, tailor, h 70 Miller. Sabine John, organ builder, hns Square, 2 e Howard Avenue. Saffron William, ostler Northern Hotel. Sahl Edward, laborer, h 58 Canal. Salisbury John W., blacksmith, h 96 Miller. Salisbury Mary, widow, dress maker, h 31 Union. Sahsbury Mrs., tailoress, bds 33 Charlotte. Samble John, at Steam C. Mills, h cor William and Hart. Sammons Benjamin, cordwainer, bds 55 Broadway. Samuels Miss Lavina, h 126 Court. Samuels Mrs., h 34 Washington. Sanders Henry, silver plater, 125 Genesee, li 51 Charlotte. Sanderson Homer, at Globe W. Mills, h 20 Garden. Sanderson Lyman, at Globe W. Mills, h 5 Garden. Sandbuhler Bernard, laborer, h 15 Canal. Sandbuhlep Jacob, silversmith, bds 15 Canal. Sanford A. J., manufacturer of and dealer in mahogany cloths, h 43 Whitesboro. Sanford Miss A., milliner, cor John and Broad, bds T. Midlam's. Sanford Harley, h 17 Steuben. Sanford Ransom R., tinsmith, h 83 Bleecker. Sandford John, engineer C. R. R., h 7 Washington. Saul Jacob H., engineer, h 14 Steuben. Sauer John, laborer, h 1 Jason. Saulpaugh George B., segar maker, h 77 West Bridge. Saunders Alfred W., book keeper Lunatic Asylum, h 190 Court. Savings Bank of Utica, 167 Genesee. Savage John, h cor Elizabeth and Park Avenue. Savage Thomas, meat market, 14 South, res Slayton's Bush. Sawyer George C, principal of Free Academy, h 7 Clark. Sawyer Newton H., of Convers k S., bds National Hotel. Sayles Artemas, farmer, hes Seymour Avenue, 1 ab Square st. Sayles Daniel, paver, hes Seymour Avenue, 1 ab Square st. Sayles Henry, carriage maker, bds 16 Devereux. Sayre Charles H., h 11 Rutger. Sayre James, of S. k Son, h 53 Fayette. Sayre & Son, hardware merchants, 119 and 121 Genesee. Sayre Theodore S., of Sayro & Son, bds 53 Fayette. Scaddon Charles, engineer C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Scanlon Daniel, laborer, h 99 Bleecker. Scanlon Michael, grocery and h 72 Catharine. Schaefer Adam, wood turner at Lawrence's, h Mechanics' Lane. Schaefer Catrina, widow, h 3 Chatham. Schaefer George, laborer, h 21 Schuyler. Schaefer Jacob, sash maker at Lawrence's, bds 3 Chatham. Schaefer John, cartman, hns Warren, 3 e Stark. Schaefer John, gardener, h cor Warren and Schuyler. 151

Schachtel Francis, at Steam W. Mills, h 95 Schuyler. Schachtel Mrs. Margaret, h 95 Schuyler. Schaible Alam, laborer, h 7 Breese. Schaup Jacob, cabinet maker, h 26 Parker. Schaller Charles, cabinet maker, h 41 Plant. Schaad Joseph, cabinet maker, hns Lansing, 2 w Albany. Scharfe Frederick, baker, cor Tibbitts and South, h same. Scheideman John, laborer, h 52 Johnson. Schell Conrad, carpenter, h 47 Tibbitts. Schell John, laborer, h 39 Mohawk. Scheltema Mrs. A. C., bds 7 Lansing. Schellenberger Henry, boat builder, h 224 Wbitesboro. Sehelling David, cordwainer, h 27 Second. Schechl Adam, watchman Steam W. Mills, h 149 Water. Scheer Anthony, h 35 South Hamilton. Schenck Jacob, cabinet maker, h 96 Schuyler. Scherrer John, pedler, h 8 Clinton. Schicfter Pierre, bds 71 Broadway. Schifferlo Jacob, hns Albany, 3 ab Rutger. Schimmell Joseph, laborer, hns Orchard, 1 w Philip. Schindler P. II., carpenter, h 26 Fay. Schinnen Peter, cordwainer, hws Cherry, 4 s Whitesboro. Schleigo John, laborer, hss Warren, 2 e Stark. - Schleige Valentine, laborer, hes Mohawk, 11 ab South. Schmalzbauer George, laborer, h 4 South Hamilton. Schmidt Caspar, tailor, hes Mohawk, ab the Jail. Schmidt Frederick, cutter at Kellogg's, h 64 Cooper. Schmidtbauer Michael, h 4 Erie. Schmitz Peter J., tailor, h 5 Ash. Schmitz Tliomas, laborer, h 59 Erie. Schneebacher Joseph, laborer, h 10 Edward. Schneider Andrew, farmer, hws Mohawk, 6 ab the Jail. Schneider Felix, gardener, h 68 Miller. Schneider George, wheelwright, hes Joseph, 1 n Canal. Schneider John, furnaeeman, h 12 Edward. Schneider Michael, segar maker, h 120 Fayette. Schneider Philip, blacksmith, bds 67 Cooper. Schnell George, laborer, h 43 Mohawk. Schnitzler Christian, laborer, h 53 Erie. Schoenler John, laborer, h 17 Canal. Schoenberger William, grocery and h 30 Parker. Schofield Joseph, fireman Lunatic Asylum, h 120 Schuyler. Scholl Peter, cooper, h 131 Mary. School District Library, City Hall, L. M. Wiles, Librarian. Schott John, carpenter, h 89 Liberty. Schottoefer Jacob, tailor, h 32 Schuyler. Schragler John, farmer, hws Mohawk, cor Catharine. Schram Charles V., constable, h 43 Main. Schram Daniel K., h 8 Hotel. Schreck Francis, carpenter, h 35 Saratoga. Schreck John, laborer, h 204 Whitesboro. Schreiber John O, printer, Oneida Demokrat office, bds West Utica Hote.l Schrempf Jacob, grocery, bakery and h 63 Canal. 152

Schrempf Jacob Jr., blacksmith, bds 63 Canal. Schrempf Martin, baker, bds 63 Canal. Schroeder Frederick, moulder, h 119 Schuyler. Schroeder G. C, at Novelty Works, bds 99 Mohawk. Schroeder Henry, cordwainer, h 113 Bleecker. Schroeder John, moulder, h 5 Breese. Schroeder John B., cordwainer, h 117 Bleecker. Schroeder John H., cordwainer, h 91 Mohawk. Schroeder John G., h 136 Water. Schroeder John H., cordwainer, h 22 Erie. Schroeder Mrs. Sophia, widow, hes Floyd. Schroeder William, cooper, h 99 Mohawk. Schroeppel John, machinist, h 228 Whitesboro. Schroeppel Richard, lawyer, office Bagg's Square, bds 33 Whitesboro. Schuchert Frederick, carpenter, hes Stark, near Chenango Canal. Schucht Jacob H., laborer, h 54 Johnson. Schuderer Anna Maria, h 85 Spring. Schuderer Sebastian, machinist, h 86 Court. Sclmetz Stephen, cordwainer, h 273 Whitesboro. Schuler John, at Steam C. Mills, h 73 Spring. Schultze Louis, butcher, li n s Elizabeth, 1 w Albany. Schuyler Jacob W., attendant City Garden, h 57 Whitesboro. Schuyler James H., barber, bds 30 Washington. Schuyler Timothy B., carpenter, li 57 West. Schwabo Charles, cordwainer, h 20 Tibbitts. Schwab David, boat builder, h 85 Broad. Schwab David J., boat builder, h 88 Broad. Schwab John, carpenter, shop 58 Bridge, h 68 Jay. Schwab John, boat builder, h 1.15 Bleecker. Schwab William, carpenter, bds 68 Jay. Schwartz Adam, laborer, h 16 Parker. Schwartz Augustus, tinsmith, h 256 Whitesboro. Schwartz Mrs. P., h cor Second and Jay. Schwertfeger Frederick, h 140 Water. Schweitzer Charles, cabinet maker at Crawford's. Schweitzer Jacob, rope maker, h 43 Kemble. Schweitzer John, mason, h 8 South Hamilton. Scott Andrew, wool grader, h 119 Schuyler. Scott George, teamster, h 60 Blandina Scott Peter M., plumber at Carton's, h 19 Plant. Scott Thomas, at Globe W. Mills, bds 87 Cooper. Scoville Joel S., carpenter, h 8 Tracy. Scully David, brakesman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Scouler William, at Steam C. Mills, h cor Hart and William. Scranton Albert L., clerk, bds 193 Genesee. Scranton Amos M., variety store, 201 Genesee, h same. Scranton F. D., bds 193 Genesee. Scranton Lyman, manufacturer of children's cabs, sleighs, horses, &c, 33 Washington, h 193 Genesee. Scranton William O, foreman at Kingsley's, bds T. Midlam's. Scranton William H., clerk at Bond's, h 24 Spring. Seaman Jonas S., boarding house 20 Elizabeth. Searls Elijah, of Loucks & S., h 3 Lansing. 153

Searls James, painter, h 14 High. Sears Alfred, painter, hes Howard Avenue, 1 s Square. Sears Rachel, widow, hws Seymour Avenue, 1 s Square. Seaton E., wagon maker, junct Fayette and Whitesboro, h 149 Fayette. Seavy William, butcher, h 310 Whitesboro. Seeman Jacob, mason, h 32 Parker. Segar J. Wesley, window shade manufacturer and sign painter, 2 Fay. ette, h 22 Howard Avenue. Sehn Joseph, mason, h 47 Elm. Seidel Eugene, music teacher, h 13 Devereux. Seifert Augustus, cordwainer, h 13 Tibbitts. Seifert George, laborer, h 87 Mohawk. Seifert Henry, moulder, h 79 Cooper. Seifert Henry, tailor, h 7 Wiley. Seifert John, laborerer, h 6 Breese. Seiling Andrew, cooper, h 110 Columbia. Seiselmeier Max, fireman Steam C. Mills, h 89 Spring. , Seisler Jacob, wheelwright, h 290 Whitesboro. Selbachs John, wheelwright, shop 2 Burnet, h 12 Devereux. Sellens George, potter, li 116 Columbia. Seltsam Dorothea, widow, h 5 Breese. Senf John, laborer, h cor Fayette and Varick. Senf John Nicolas, laborer, h 152 Whitesboro. Seng Francis, carpenter, h 4 Canal. Seng John, cordwainer, h 22 Breese. Seng Philip, wagon painter, bds 22 Breese. Senter John, at Oneida Brewery, bds M. Remmer's. Servatius Catharine, widow, h 163 Columbia. Servatius John, painter, h 65 Cooper. Servatius Joseph, cabinet finisher, h 20 Fay. Servatius Lawrence, painter, h 150 Water. Servatius Simon, painter, h 28 Fay. Servatius William, clerk at Knowlson's, bds 163 Columbia. Sevrice Robert, at Steam C. Mills, h 31 Garden. Session Hiram, attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Seward Alexander, of Brayton & Seward, h 10 Court. Seward James, clerk, at 137 Genesee, bds 59 Bleecker. Seward Mrs. Martha, widow, h 59 Bleecker. Seward Thomas W., books and stationery, 137 Genesee, h 87 John. Sexton John P., clerk at Gaffney's, bds Michael Sexton's. Sexton Michael, gardener, h cor Mary and First. Seymour Horatio, lawyer, office 71 Genesee, h 36 Whitesboro. Seymour John F., lawyer, office 71 Genesee, h 36 Whitesboro. Shadrach Daniel, grocery and h 79 Bleecker. SHANLEY MATHEW J,, clothing, 90 Genesee, h 9 Lansing. Shanley Peter, h 15 First. Shapland George, cutler, shop 14 Charlotte, hes Elm, 1 n Pleasant. Shapley Charles W., at Priest k Felshaw's. Shapley David Jr., book-keeper at Smith k Hall's, bds 6 Broadway. Sharpe Sarah F., dress maker, bds 28 Miller. Sharpe T. & W, confectionery and toys, 151 Genesee. Sharpe Thomas, of T. k W. Sharpe, h 25 Plant. Sharpe William, of T. k W. Sharpe, bds 151 Genesee. 154

Sharkey Mrs., widow of Tliomas, h 12 Charlotte. Shaughnessy Patrick, porter at Parker's, h 27 Elizabeth. Shaw Abraham, machinist, bds 20 Elizabeth. Shaw Benjamin F., of Shaw, Thorn k Co., bds Central Hotel. SHAW OLIVER J., dealer in piano fortes, and music teacher, 177 bds 248 Genesee. Shaw Sydney R., foreman at S. Barringer's, h 15 Mary. Shaw, Thorn & Co., forwarding and commission merchants, 23 Jay. Shea James H., gardener at Beardsley's, h 1 Neilson. Shearer James, blacksmith, h 69 Columbia. Shead Hannah M., widow, h 6 HoVard Avenue. Shearman Joseph A., proprietor Utica Cotton Mills, office 27 Genesee, h 23 Broad. Sheehan John M., mason, bds 115 Steuben. Sheehan John H., clerk Dickinson & Co's., bds 27 Hotel. Sheehan James, laborer, h 115 Steuben. Sheehan James, mason, bds 115 Steuben. Sheehan Mary, tailoress, bds 115 Steuben. Sheehan Patrick, laborer, h 23 Blandina. Sheehan Terence, laborer, h 25 Blandina. Sheldon Artemas H., harness maker, h 53 Broadway. Sheldon Ebenezer, harness maker, h 194 Court. Sheldon George R., attendant at Lunatic Asylum, 296 Whitesboro. Sheldon Oliver W., carriage painter, bds Mansion House. Shepard Ann, tailoress, h 83 Spring. Shepard Nelson, jewelry pedler, bds 83 Spring. Sheenan John, laborer, hws Elm, 1 s Gold. Sherburne Mrs. E., bds National Hotel. Sherburne Samuel, assistant teller Oneida Bank, bds National Hotel. Sheridan James, mason, h 25 Elizabeth. Sheridan Simon, carpenter, h 4 Seymour Avenue. Sherman George W., stage coach agent, h 8 Washington. Sherman Jacob, laborer, hes Mohawk, s of the jail. Sherwood Benjamin P., of Sherwood k Hopson, h 9 West Bridge. Sherwood House, cor Broad and John, J. C. Kelly, proprietor. Sherwood k Hopson, crockery, china and glass ware, 123 Genesee. Sherwood Joseph B., clerk, bds 9 West Bridge. SHERWOOD STEPHEN, tobaconist, 120 Genesee, residence New Hart­ ford Road. Sherwood William H., segar maker, h 54 Columbia. Shields Ann, widow, li 262 Whitesboro. Shields Patrick, cordwainer, bds 2 Pine.

iFif'ssFitfi^ir s_B__s__tiroo__i, Manufacturer & Dealer in Imported & Domestic CIGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFFS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, TSTo. 120 Grenesee Street, Utica. 155

Shields Michael, cordwainer, h 7 Main. Shipman P., brakesman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Shoemaker Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h 70 Schuyler. Shoemaker Philip, at Steam W. Mills, h 169 Whitesboro. Shorer Joseph, carpenter at Lawrence's, h 56 State. Shott George, bds 10 Genesee. Shott John, proprietor of Inn, 10 Genesee. Shortell John, laborer, h 64 South. Shoults Henry D.. foreman of station train, C. R. R., h 72 Main. Shoultis Horace V., conductor C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Shults Isabella, h 47 Blandina. Shults J. H., elerk at Convers k Sawyer's, bds Central Hotel. Shuttleton George, at Steam W. Mills, h 87 Cooper. Sibson Frederick, telegraph messenger, bds 32 Jay, Sibson Thomas, machinist, h 32 Jay. Sicard George, law student at Hunt & Waterman's, bds 27J Broad. Sicard Mrs. Lydia E., h 27-J Broad. Sicard Stephen, book-keeper Oneida Bank, bds 27£ Broad. Sieber Anton, cordwainer, cor Schuyler St. and Erie Canal. Sieboth Joseph, organist and music teacher, 169 Genesee, h 50 Lansing. Siegenberger Anton, grocery and h 202 Whitesboro. Siegrist Jacob, at Steam C. Mills, h 73 Court. Siegrist John, at Steam C. Mills, h 73 Court. Sigmund John furrier, h 22 Jay. Silcox Henry, laborer, h 18 Leah. Sillman George, baker, h 38 South Hamilton. Silliman William C, cordwainer, b 123 Elizabeth. Silverstone Harris, laborer, h 47 Bridge. Silverstone Jacob, pedler, h 9J- Charlotte. Simmons Duane L., h 15 Burnet. Simmons George, moulder, bds Fayette Street House. SIMMONS HENRY, office at Novelty Works. Simmons John, butcher, h 23 Oneida. Simmons Jonathan, gasman at Lunatic Asylum, h 262 Whitesboro. Simmons Thomas, freight conductor C. R. R., h 10 Division. Simon Casper, cordwainer, h 117 Elizabeth. Simon Charles, furrier, 38 Genesee, bds Clinton Hotel. Simon Samuel, pedler, h Hoyt, 4 bl Whitesboro. Simons John, cordwainer, h 120 Blandina. Simons Mrs. Winnifred, seamstress, h 21 Union. Simons Warren R., at Globe W. Mills, h 219 Whitesboro. Simpson Miss E. A., milliner at Miss Nevill's. Simpson William H., saw maker, h 70 Blandina. Sink Mrs. Sabrina, h 18 Elizabeth. Sink Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, h 18 Elizabeth. Sink Robert, clerk at Whitman's, bds 18 Elizabeth. Sittig Valentine, mason, h 30 Miller. Skally Loughlin, laborer, h 57 Mohawk. Skelton John, porter at Manning's, bds 41 Parker. Skelton Martin, carpenter, bds 41 Parker. Skelton Mrs. Mary, h 41 Parker. Skelton Patrick, clerk at Falkner's, bds 41 Parker. Skidmore Miss Helen M., teactrer, Advanced School, bds National Hotel 156

Skinner Rev. Dolphus, h 12 Rutger. Slade Samuel, butcher, hes Kossuth Avenue, 4 ab South. Slater Richard, livery stable and blacksmith, 38, h 36 Catharine. Slattery James, paver, h 37 Broadway. Slattery Michael, cordwainer, bds 38 Miller. Slattery Thomas, laborer, h 38 Miller. Slattery William H., barber at O'Donnell's, bds 43 Bridge. Slavin Mary, widow, h 36 Miller. Sloan James, boiler maker, h 29 Cornelia. Small Samuel, gardener, h 75 Court. Smith Albert, clerk, bds 23 Hopper. Smith A. B., millwright at Hart & Munson's, h 98 State. Smith Benjamin, umbrella and parasol maker, bds 1 Tracy. Smith Bridget, widow, h 76 John. Smith Charlotte, gaiter fitter, bds 74 Miller. Smith David, marble cutter at Lewis', bds Mansion House. Smith David, cordwainer, h 58 Mary. Smith Daniel H., laborer, h 10 Burnet. Smith Edwin, machinist, bds J. Lester's. Smith Enoch, of Manning k Co., h 59 Varick. Smith Frederick, bds C. McNally's. Smith F. E., marble cutter, h 74 Miller. Smith George, gardener at C. S. Wilson's, hws Genesee, 1 s Noyes. Smith George, cordwainer, bds 34 Blandina. Smith George W., County Judge, office 131 Gene.-", h cor Genesee and Eagle. Smith Hiram B., boiler maker, h 16 State. Smith Harriet C, widow, h 5 Hotel. Smith Henry, fruit dealer, 9 Bleecker, h 92 Elizabeth. Smith H. L., at Steam C. Mills, h 69 Columbia. Smith James, laborer, bds 64 Catharine. Smith James, laborer, bds Mrs. Ellen Smith's. Smith James K., clerk, h 57 Bleecker. Smith Jay C, of Wilcox k S., bds National Hotel. Smith John, cordwainer, h cor Mohawk and Rutger. Smith John, tailor, h 112 Lansing. Smith John, laborer, bds Mrs. Ellen Smith's. Smith John, laborer, h 153 Whitesboro. Smith John, laborer, h 10 Erie. Smith John, farmer, h 56 Washington. SMITH J. B., photographer, 56 Genesee, (Marble Block,) bds Dudley House. Smith Joseph, machinist, h 35 Schuyler. Smith Joseph, laborer, bds 61 Whitesboro. Smith Laughlin T, of Madden k 8., bds 76 John. Smith Louis O, bds S. B. Mather's. Smith Miss Anna, seamstress, bds 6 Onion. Smith Miss Elizabeth, at Steam C. Mills, bds 15 Garden. Smith Mrs. Ann, cook, h 20 Post. Smith Mrs. Ann, h 149 Bleecker. Smith Mrs. Anna M., bds Dr. Marchisi's. Smith Mrs. Ellen, h rear 59 Catharine. Smith Mrs. Margaret, laundress, h 31 Elizabeth. 157

Smith Maria, milliner, store 57, h 59 Varick. Smith Maria, widow, h 9£ Charlotte. Smith Miss Mary E., teacher 5th Ward School, bds 40 Elizabeth. Smith Mrs. Mary, at Steam W. Mills, h 37 Schuyler. Smith Mrs., widow, h 26 Bleecker. Smith Michael, moulder, h 52 Third. Smith Nicholas, farmer, h East, 3 ab Broad. Smith Patrick, ctothing, cor Packet Dock and Charlotte, h 38 Third. Smith Patrick, pedler, h 57 Bleecker. Smith Patrick, laborer, bds cor Eagle and Elm. Smith Peter, moulder, h 91 Mary. Smith Phoebe, tailoress, bds 34 West. Smith Roswell B., of S. & Hall, bds Central Hotel. Smith k Hall, wholesale druggists and grocers, 158 Genesee. Smith Theodore S., grocery and h 131 Fayette. Smith Thomas, at D. Timerman's, bds 70 Broad. Smith Trumbull, grocer, 19 Charlotte, h cor Hopper and Steuben Park. Smith V. C, clerk at J. B. Wells', bds 56 Washington. Smith Webster, dealer in patent rights, h 9 Elizabeth. Smith William, dry goods, 60 Genesee, h 5 Hotel. Smith William, h 65 Third. Smith William B., grocer 48, h 52 Whitesboro. Smith William J., laborer, h 149 Rutger. Smith W. D.. silver plater, 161 Genesee, h 6 Plant. Snell Peter, laborer, h rear 22 Jay. Snow Mary A., tailoress, h 13 Mary. Snyder A., stone cutter at Hart k Munson's, bds 4 Charles. Snyder Daniel, laborer, h 6 Hope. Snyder Edmund, clerk at T. M. McCraith's. bds same. Snyder George H., laborer, h 71 Cooper. Snyder Gustavus A., confectioner, 10 John, h 9 Main. Smith Henry W., h 30 Lansing. Smith Jacob, h 17 Washington. Snyder Jacob, mason, h 128 Blandina. Snyder John, carriagesmith at Lyon's, bds 57 Broadway. Snyder John, carpenter at Lawrence's, h 71 Cornelia. Snyder John T., conductor C. R, R., h 84 Broad. Snyder Peter, laborer, h 86 Elizabeth. Snyder Rudolph, h 30 Liberty. Snyder Rudolph D., bds 17 Washington. Snyder Thomas, baker, h 52 Erie. Snyder William, brakesman C. R. R,, bds 72 Main. Sohnomann Henry, cordwainer, li 14 Tibbitts. Soley George, grocer, cor Court and Garden, h 88 Court. Soley John, grocery and h 123 Court. Soles J. N., pedler, bds 55 Columbia, » Solloner Charles, trunk maker at L. Moore's. Sons of Temperanco Hall, over 53 Franklin Square. Solloner Charles, trunk maker at L. Moore's. Soule Henry, marble cutter, h 47 Seymour Avenue. Souter Christian, boots and shoes, 28 Bleecker, h 20 Plant. Spanton John, grocer 21, h 23 Carnahan. Spanton Matthew, h 23 Carnahan. O 158

Spangenberg Adolph, blacksmith, bds 22 Tibbitts. Spangenberg Charles, wheelwright, h 22 Tibbitts. Spanner Theresa, widow, h Joseph, 5 n Canal. Spath Jacob, butcher, 40 Canal, opp Guard Lock. Spaulding Charles K., station keeper, Erie Canal, bds 57 Catharine. Spaulding George W., baker, bds 32 Main. Spaulding John, laborer, hns Pleasant, 1 e Genesee. Spears Thomas, M. D., office and h 17 Devereux. Spencer Albert, Metropolitan Hall Billiard Saloon, h 58 Fayette. Spencer Albert G., clerk, bds 58 Fayette. Spencer Ambrose T., oculist, office and h 66 Liberty. Spencer Eugene, bds 61 Fayette. Spencer Julius A., ass't sup't C. R. R., office Albany, h 61 Fayette. Spencer Rev. Theodore, h 77 Fayette. Spencer W. C, bds 77 Fayette. Spencer William A., of Crouse, Son & Co., bds Bleecker St. House. Spertzel Miss M., milliner, 25 Catharine, bds same. Sperry Ward, clerk at Dana's, bds at E. Bacon's. Spielpenning Leonard, nurseryman, h 15 Jason. Spindler John, beer saloon, 24 Varick. Spindler Ulrich, moulder, h 8 Edward. Spinning Mrs. Mary, h 21 Wiley. Spitz Henry, confectioner, bds 37 Bleecker. Sprague Charles H., book-keeper at Dows k Adams, and City Treasurer, h 13 Pearl. Sprague Mrs. Benjamin, li 184 Whitesboro. Spratt Charles, market gardener, cor Bleecker and Charlotte, h Albany, near toll gate. Sprattler Anton, grocery and h 5 Clinton. Sprattler Joseph, laborer, h 280 Whitesboro. Spriggs k Miller, lawyer, office 71 Genesee. Spriggs J. T., of S. k Miller, res Whitestown. Spriggs Jordan, pedler, h, 84 Mohawk. Spring Anselm, laborer, h 56 Canal. Spring Jacob, blacksmith, bds A. Brendle's. Spring William, cooper, bds 81 Jay. Spruce Williamson, clerk at Curran's Sons, li 18 Broadway. . Spurr Lucretia, upholsterer, bds A. White's. Squires George, laborer, h 27 Steuben. Squires Luke, baker, h 27 :-touben. St. John's Catholic Church, cor John and Bleecker, Rev. Thomas Daly, pastor, St. John's Catholic Orphan Asylum, 60 John, Sister Perpetua, directress. St. John's Catholic School, rear 60 John, Sisters of Charity, teachers. St. John's Catholic Cemetery, w s Mohawk, s South. St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 139 Fayette, Rev. Dominic Messens, pastor. St. Joseplfs Catholic School, 137 Fayette, Gottfried Brand, teacher. St. Patrick's Catholic Church, cor Columbia and Huntington, Rev. P. Caraher, pastor. St. Leger Mrs. Julia, widow, tailoress, h 11 Burnet. Stacy Mrs. Preston, boarding house, 34 Whitesboro. Stadtler Martin, at Steam W. Mills, h 14 Clinton. Stafford Thomas, tailor, hes Miller, 2 ab Arthur. 159

Staley John, laborer, hns Albany, near toll gate. Stanford Henry T., clerk at Gaffney's, bds 115 Columbia. Stanford William, contractor, h 115 Columbia. Stanford Williawi J., law student at Doolittle's, bds 115 Columbia. Stannard Edward, conductor C. R. R., h 88 Third. Stanton James, bds Mrs. Farrell's. Stanton Patrick, laborer, hns Broad, 1 e Mohawk. Stanton Thomas, bds 914, Whitesboro. Stanton William, h 914, Whitesboro. Stanton William Jr., bds 914, Whitesboro. Staring Adam H., clerk at Whitman's, bds same. Stark George, tailor, h 20 South Hamilton. Stark John, at Steam W. Mills, h 20 South Hamilton. Stark Martin, laborer, h 5 Parker. Stark William, boatman, h rear 17 Charlotte. Starr Sarah A., matron Lunatic Asylum. State St. Methodist Episcopal Church, between Columbia and Fayette. Stater Adam, stone cutter, h 103 Mohawk. Stater Charles, laborer, hws Mohawk, 5 ab the Jail. Staasfort John, mason, h 25 Parker. Stapleton John, h 5 Montgomery. Stearns Eugene, lawyer, office Bagg's Square, h 42 Mary. Steber Anton, machinist, h 6 Wiley. Steele George L., printer, Herald office, h 3 Aiken. Steele Mrs. Jeanette, widow, hns Pleasant, 1 w Oneida. Steincompf Henry, carpenter, h 21 Tibbitts. Stephenson Sarah Ann, h 12 Spring. Sterling Adam J., clerk at Kingsley's, bds Franklin House. Sterling Henry, cooper, bds P. Corbally's. Sterling Joseph, fireman C. R. R., bds 19 John. Sterling Mrs. Mary E., h w s Chatham, 1 s George. Sterk Catharine, widow, h 7 Tibbitts. Stern Landelin, basket maker, h 14 William. Stern Peter, at Steam W. Mills, h 15 South Hamilton. Sterry John H., carpenter, h 72 Fayette. Stevener John, segar maker, h 62 Johnson. Steuben Park, head of Charlotte st. Stephens Charles, cordwainer, h 14 Steuben. Stephens Edward, gardener, bds 131 Rutger. Stephens James, confectioner, h 4 First. • Stephens Leonard, laborer, bds 131 Rutger. Stephens Mrs. Ruth, h 131 Rutger. Stevens John W., druggist and grocer 330, h 328 Genesee, Stevens Nathan, builder, h 41 West Bridge. Stevens William, painter, h 8-J Spring. Stewart Alexander D., clerk at Crouse's, bds Central Hotel. Stewart Charles H., at Satinet Mills, li 85 Cooper. Stewart Daniel, of Crawford & Co., bds Mansion House. Stewart J. W., clerk at Bennett k Co's., bds 58 Charlotte. Stewart George F., clerk at Stewart & Leo's, bds 68 Second. Stewart & Leo, dry goods, 55 Franklin Square. Stewart James J., of Crouse, Son k Co., bds City Hotel. Stewart Mrs. Catharine, h 23 Carnahan. 160

Stewart Victor B., of S. k Leo., h 68 Second. Stewart William, at Satinet Mills, bds 85 Cooper. Stickney Mrs. Mary, h 85 Court. Stickney Miss Mary, dress maker, h 10 Devereux. Stiefvater Bremen, butcher at Roberts k Sons, bds 2 Bristol. Stiefvater John, clerk 71 Genesee, bds E. S. Barnum's. Stiefvater John, laborer, h 9 Saratoga. Stiefvater John, cordwainer, h 281 Whitesboro. Stiefvater Primus, laborer, h 2 Bristol. Stiegler Daniel, cordwainer, h 146 Water. Still well J. W., book-keeper, bds 122 Lansing. , Stillwell John, carriage painter, bds 79 Columbia. Stillman B. F., traveling agent, h 333 Genesee. Stillman D. J., agent for Baker's Rotary Planer, 50 Genesee, bds Bleecker St. House. Stimmer Michael, at Steam W. Mills, h 25 South Hamilton. Stirpeter Sebastian, h 92 Court. Stocking James M., hats and caps 82, h 258 Genesee. Stocking Miss Elizabeth, h 29 Broad. Stocking James, clerk, bds 258 Genesee. Stocker Matthias, cordwainer, h 80 Bleecker. Stoddard D. C, lawyer, Metropolitan Hall, h 38 Steuben. Stoddard Eliakim J., lawyer, office 5 Exchange Buildings, bds 20 Eliza­ beth. Stoecker John, watch maker at A. Leach's, bds A. Brendle's. Stokes Patrick, street repairer, h 18 South Hamilton. Stolb Otto, machinist, h 78 Second. Stone Daniel, cordwainer, h 40 West. Stone James, cordwainer, h 30 West. Stopper William, cabinet maker, h 45 Mohawk. Storch Henry, carriage maker, bds T. Davis, Jr.'s. Storrs Henry S., bds 49 Broad. Storrs Mrs. Chloe, h 49 Broad. Storrs William M., clerk at E. S. Barnum's, bds 49 Broad. Stow William, brass founder, h 44 Steuben. Stowell C. G., agent of Oneida County Bible Society, bds 12 George. Stowell Noah, agent Oneida County Bible Society, h 12 George. Stratton George, boatman, hns Warren, 2 e Garden. Strauss Francis, at oil cloth factory, h 4 McVean. Streber John, laborer, h 11 Clinton. Stroebel George, cordwainer, h 5 Canal. Stroehel George, laborer C. R. R., h 81 Water. Stuber, Frank k Tobie, tin and coppersmiths and gas fitters, 43 Bleecker. Stuber Benjamin, tinsmith, bds J. Stuber's, Kossuth Avenue. Stuber George, laborer, hss Broad, 2 e Kossuth Avenue. Stuber Jacob, of S., Frank k Tobie, bds Clinton Hotel. Stuber John, tinsmith, cor Columbia and Saratoga, h same. Stuber John, tinsmith, hws Albany, 4 s Rutger. Stuber John, tinsmith, hes Kossuth Avenue, 5 s South. Studer John, tailor, h 53 Erie. Sullivan Daniel, laborer, hss Albany, 2 e Mohawk. Sullivan Daniel, laborer, h 4 Morris' Lane. Sullivan Daniel, laborer, hns Broad, 1 © Kossuth Avenue. 161

Sullivan Dennis, cartman, h 15 Washington. Sullivan Dennis, laborer, h rear 57 Catharine. Sullivan Edmund, grocery and h cor Haven and Chenango Avenue. Sullivan Ellen, widow, hws Mohawk, 3 s Jay. Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, hns Bleecker, 2 e Mohawk. Sullivan Lawrence, C. R. R. Boarding House, cor Main and First. Sullivan Michael, laborer, bds Jeremiah SuUivan's. Sullivan Patrick, laborer, hws Steuben, 5 n Pleasant. Suits Sarah Ann, laundress, h 18 Post. Sunderland Alice, widow, h 1 Montgomery. Sunderland John, cordwainer, h 5 Montgomery. Sutliff John, engineer C. R. R., bds 7 Washington. Sutorius Charles, organist and music teacher, rooms at City Hall, h 67 Cooper. Swainston George, tinsmith, bds 32 Main. Swarthout Losin A., of Lewis & S., h 11 West. Swartwout Cornelius, h 8 Miller. Swartwout Edwin L., dentist, office and h 4 Columbia. Swartwout Mary, widow, h 242 Whitesboro. Swartwout Rugene, book keeper 135 Genesee, h 22 Lansing. Sweet Sylvanus H., civil engineer, bds 239 Genesee. Swertfager J. H. Alanzo, printer, bds 4 Breese. Swertfager Andrew, painter, bds 4 Breese. Swertfager Charles, laborer, h 4 Breese. Swertfager Charles C, caulker, bds 4 Breese. Swertfager John H., printer, bds 4 Breese. Swertfager William, potter, bds 4 Breese Swift Charles P., flour merchant, 51 Empire Block, bds 4 Rutger. Swift William P., commission merchant, 51 Empire Block, h 4 Rutger. Switz J. N., freight agent C. R. R., h 60 Main.

Tabor Ashley, machinist, h 95 Court. Taffner Philip, cordwainer, s s Warren, 1 w Garden. Taffnor Simon, tailor, hws Francis, 2 s Plant. Taffy James, at Satinet Mills, h 210 Whitesboro. Taffy John, at Steam C. Mills, hes Cherry, 2 w Whitesboro. Taft Delos W., boatman, h 68 Miller. Talbot Eliza, dress maker, bds 68 Washington. Taleott D. Orlando, clerk at Golden's, bds 4 Neilson. Taleott Matilda, tailoress and dress maker, bds 4 Neilson. Tallman George O, office 132, h 300 Genesee. Tallman Ira, grocer, 6 Whitesboro, h 74 Jay. Tallman Jedediah M., pattern maker, h 11 Mary. Tallman William A., h 42 Water. Tamlyn Harry, boatman, bds Mrs. P. Winneur's. Tamlyn Henry, box maker, h 14 First. Tankey Theodore, jeweler, 5 Liberty, bds 34 Seneca. Tanner Isaac, painter, h cor West and Johnson Square. Tanner John, laborer, hws Mohawk, 2 s Jay. Tanner Miss A. B., teacher, bds T. Bates. o2 162

Tanner Miss Sarah, teacher 6th Ward School; bds 39 Columbia. Tapping Isaac, regalia manufacturer, 71 Genesee, h 35 Columbia. Tapping Isaac P., clerk at Manning's, bds 35 Columbia. Tavender Joshua, tallow chandler, h 20 Whitesboro. Taylor Betsey R., h 45 Charlotte. Taylor Lorenzo M., land agent, office 1 and 3 Bradish Block, h 38 South. Taylor Lydia, widow, h 67 Washington. Taylor Mrs. G. W., h 20 State. Taylor M3'ron, h 94 Liberty. Taylor Ross, manufacturer of awnings, flags, banners, &c, 132 Genesee, h 23 Howard Avenue. Taylor William, clerk, 24 Empire Block, h 64 Varick. Taylor William B., division engineer, office Tibbitts Block, h 40 South. TAYLOR WILLIAM S., jeweler & silversmith, 72 Genesee, h 102 John. Teafy John, belt maker at 28 Catharine. ™**'9_l TEDFORD WILLIAM H., boots and shoes, 87 Genesee, h 10 Blandina. Teirney Mrs. Margaret, widow, h 49 Bridge. Teirney Thomas, laborer, h 22 Third. Tennant A. R., attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Tessy Henry, cooper, h 34 Erie. Thelen John, lager beer saloon, 132 Fayette. Theller William, fireman C. R. R., bds 84 Broad. Theobold George, h 146 Fayette. Therolph George, blacksmith, Canal street. Thickens Thomas, at Steam W. Mills, h 80 Court. Thickmeyer Frederick, tailor, h 18 Tibbitts. Thorn George, painter, hes Seymour Avenue, 4 n Pleasant. Thorn John, painter, bds G. Thorn's. Thoma Remegius, laborer, h 4 South Hamilton. Thomas Amos H., of Fowler, T. k Co., h 20 Breese. Thomas Briggs W., h 60 Whitesboro. Thomas Benjamin W., clerk at Falkner's, bds 13 Washington. Thomas Daniel G., M. D., office 75, h 284 Genesee. Thomas D., ladies' furnishing store, 170 Genesee, bds T. Midlam's. Thomas Ellis, blacksmith, h 77 Whitesboro. Thomas Evan, at Globe W. Mills, h 23 Bristol. Thomas George H., clerk at Convers & Sawyer's, bds American Hotel. Thomas George, h 6 Cottage. Thomas Griffith, blacksmith, 6, h 8 State. Thomas Isaac, carpenter, h 55 Varick. Thomas John, at Globe W. Mills, h 20 Stark. Thomas Lewis, segar maker, bds 86 Mary. Thomas Miss Ellen, tailoress, bds 86 Mary. Thomas Mrs. Elizabeth, h 13 Washington. Thomas Mrs., widow of Anson, h 270 Genesee. Thomas Philip, builder, shop rear 11 Union, h 39 Kemble. Thomas Richard, cutter at J. Evans', h 46 Varick. Thomas Rowland, carpenter, bds York House. Thomas Thomas R., dealer in fruit, fish and oysters, 12 Liberty, h 11 Steuben. Thomas Thomas, carpenter, h 90 Mary. Thomas Rev. Thomas, pastor Welsh Methodist Episcopal Church, h 25 Columbia. 163

Thomas William, carpenter, h 18 Wiley. Thomas William, blacksmith, 47 Whitesboro, res same. Thomas William, ostler Central Hotel. Thomas William, at Steam W. Mills, h 226 Whitesboro. Thompson Aaron, cordwainer, h 11 Carnahan. Thompson Charles K., carriage trimmer, 83 Whitesboro. Thompson Delos H., marble cutter, h 5 Mary. Thompson Ezra, clerk 27 Genesee, h 110 John. Thompson F. Lizzie, teacher at Advanced School, bds 110 John. Thompson John, cabinet maker, h 90 Blandina. Thompson Mrs. Catharine, h 20 Post. Thompson Miss Margaret, teacher Aiken St. School, bds 114 Whitesboro. Thompson Sarah, nurse, h 53 Steuben. Thompson Spencer, ostler at Franklin House. Thompson William, mason, bds 53 Steuben. Thomson Jesse, office Metropolitan Buildings, h 282 Genesee. Thomson Jesse Jr., clerk, bds 282 Genesee. Thompson La Mott, office Metropolitan Buildings, bds 282 Genesee. Thompson Mortimer G., office Metropolitan Buildings, bds 282 Genesee. Thomson Milton H., insurance agent, office 122, h 321 Genesee. Thorn Edwin, bds 269 Genesee. Thorn James E. B., of Shaw, Thorn & Co., h 1 Kemble. Thorn k Maynard, soap and tallow chandlers, 21, 23 and 25 Water. Thorn John, of Thorn & Maynard, h 269 Genesee. Thorn Samuel S., farmer, h 52 Elizabeth. THORN, STEPHEN k Co., proprietors, of Oneida Brewery, cor Court and State. oraniEwlRY. STEPHEN THOEN & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF BEER AND PORTER, AND DEALERS IN Barley, Malt, Hops, &c. CORNER COURT AND STATE STS. UTICA, 1ST. Y. &_?" The Ale and Porter manufactured at this establishment is recommended by Physicians as the most wholesome and healthful beverage in UBO. 164

Thorn Stephen, of S. Thorn & Co., h 87 Fayette. Thorn Samuel, mason, h 312 Whitesboro. Thorn William J., laborer, h 62 Third. Thornton Lucinda, bds 107 Steuben. Throop Montgomery H., of Conkling k Throop, h 11 Kemble. Throop N. Garrow, clerk at Oneida Bank, bds Dudley House. Throop Robert, clerk, bds 20 Elizabeth. Throop Silas, carpenter, h 29 Kemble. Thurber Isaiah, h 8 Rutger. Thurston Ebenezer H., clerk 49 Genesee, bds 73 Steuben. Thurston, Emma, tailoress, bds 73 Steuben. Thurston Isaac, bds 73 Steuben. Thurston John M., clerk at Williams & Co's., h 39 Broadway. Thurston Mary A., tailoress, bds 18 Charlotte. Thurston Thomas, tailor, h 73 Steuben. Tiffany Henry, bds 231 Genesee. TIFFANY ISAIAH, books and stationery, 113, h 231 Genesee. Timerman Henry H., clerk at D. Timorman's, bds 12 Court. Timon Martin, laborer, h 148 Bleecker. Tinon William, laborer, h 17 Gold. Tisdale Daniel, lawyer, office cor Genesee and Bleecker, h 11 Burnet. Tisdale Solomon, bds 68 Liberty. Titus Charley laborer, h 8 Post. Titus Mrs. Sarah, widow, bds 76 Elizabeth. Titus N. D., assistant Post Master, bds 1 Broadway. Tifft A. H., clerk at E. H. Fish's, bds 72 Varick. Tifft J. G., h 72 Varick. Tiger Hose Company, House 11 John. Timan John R., lawyer and Justice of the Peace, Empire Block, h 55 West. TIMERMAN DAVID, Cornelia St. Coal Yard, h 12 Court. ISAIAH TIFFANY, Bookseller & Stationer, No. 113 GEIVESEE STREET, Keeps constantly on hand LAWBOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKSJ SCHOOL BOOKS, and STATIONERY, of every description, as well as a general assort­ ment of STANDARD BOOKS in every department of Literature,,which he offers at the lowest prices, wholesale or retail. Country Merchants supplied at the lowest rates. Orders respectfully solicited, and promptly filled, for any ar­ ticle connected with the Bookselling and Stationery business. CORNELIA STREET COAL YARD ID. TIMERMAN, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ®@ii __\, m w w © @ 9 • IKF-A full assortment of SCRANTON, PITTSTON, SHAMOKIN, LEHIGH, CUMBERLAND and MORRIS RUN COALS; also MAPLE, BEKCH and BIRCH WOOD, for sale in large or small quantities. 165

Tobie Peter, contractor, h 41 Lansing. Tobie Peter D., of Stuber F. & T, bds 47 Lansing. Tobey Eliza A., widow of H. L, h 36 Steuben. Tobin Francis, laborer, h 64 Catharine. Tobin Patrick, laborer, h 82 Catharine. Todd W. M., clerk at Harrison's, bds T. Midlam's. Tompson Alfred M., copper plate engraver, 71 Genesee, hws Kemble, 1 s Walker. Tooig David, laborer, h 1 Montgomery. Toole Michael, corwainer, h 71 Spring. Toomey Thomas, gardener, h 6 Stark. Torphy John, gardener, hes Cross, 1 n Orchard. Tourbourt Francis, blacksmith, bds 65 Blandina. Tourtellot Louis A., M. D., 2d assistant physician Lunatic Asylum. Towne John, stage coach agent, bds American Hotel. Townsend Homer, painter and glazier, h and shop 31 West. Townsend Willliam, laborer, bds 70 Broad. Tracy Ann, widow, hws Steuben, 4 n Pleasant. Tracy Ann, widow, h C. R. R., 2 below engine house. Trask James, laborer, h 6 Post. Travis Daniel, mason, hss Kirtland, 2 w State. Treen George, gardener, hws Kossuth Avenue, 2 s South. Treen Stephen, gardener, hws Kossuth Avenue, 1 s South. Trembley Mrs. Eliza, widow, h 7 Spring. Trinity Church, cor Broad and First, Rev. S. H. Coxe, Rector. Trippe Isaac Jr., lawyer, office Exchange Buildings, h 54 Charlotte, Troester Peter, laborer, hws Joseph, 1 e Cemetery. Trosset Eugene, tinsmith, bds G4 Third. Trosset Francis, tinsmith, h 72 Third. Trosset Gaspard, tinsmith, h 64 Third. Trosset Joseph, butcher, h 117 Jay. Trotier Louis, baker, h 63 Mary. Truax Lucretia, widow, h 42 First. Truax R. Y., h 65 Blandina. Truax Silas, marble cutter, bds 42 First. Trumbley Orpheus, engineer C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan!s. Trumbull Miss Mary, h 14 State. Tucker Benoni, clock repairer, h 94 Schuyler. Tuerck Anna Maria, widow, h 36 Parker. Tuerck Casper, engineer, bds 36 Parker. Tuerck Frederick, laborer, h 28 Erie. Tunbridge John, painter and glazier, 6 Columbia, h 52 Washington. Trustin Martin, bar keeper Sherwood House. Turner John F., clerk at Battey's, h 5 Cottage. Turner Mrs. Josephus J., widow, h 13 Burnet. Turner Samuel, farmer, residence at A. H. Wheeler's. Turner William, carriage maker, h rear 72 Fayette. Turner William, painter, h 1 Walker. Turver Margaret, laundress, h 28 Steuben. Tuthill Fanny H., teacher of drawing, bds 5 Kemble. Tuthill Mrs. Nancy, widow, h 5 Kemble. Tuttle E. A., clerk at J. B. Wells', bds 64 Whitesboro. Tutton Mrs. Jane, widow, h 95 Park Avenue. 166

Tutton Oliver, segar maker, h cor King and Clark. Tutton William H., bds 95 Park Avenue. Tyler A. B., painter and glazier, h 14 Pearl. Tyler George, engineer, bds 87 Cooper. Tyler Harland, laborer, C. R. R., bds M. M. Hunt's. Tyler Jerome B., clerk at Wilcox k Smith's, h 65 Whitesboro. Tyrrell David, clerk 49 Genesee, bds 37 Elizabeth. Tyrrell Elijah, h 37 Elizabeth. Tyrrell Thomas, tailor, h 30 Union. TJ Ulmer Cirtliff, sexton Bleecker St. Baptist Church, h 44 Miller. TJlrick Adam, laborer, h 38 Elm. Ulrick Godfrey, cordwainer, h 14 Tibbitts. Underwood Andrew L., farmer, o s Albany, near City Line. Underwood Gilbert F., lime merchant, e s Albany, near City Line. Underwood James I., farmer, hes Albany, near City Line. Underwood William S., farmer, hes Albany, near City Line. Ure Andrew, at Steam C. Mills, h 1 Haven. Utica Brass Band, Joseph Arnott, leader. Utica City Band, Gottfried Brand, loader. Utica City Bank, 37 Genesee. Utica City Mills, Broad, 1 below Bridge. Utica Citizens Corps, Armory Brandish Block. Utica Gas Light Company, office Tibbitts Block. Utica Cotton Mills, New Hartford, J. A. Shearman, proprietor. Utica Daily Observer Office, 113 Genesee. Utica Emmet Guard (Company A,) Armory at Exchange Buildings. Utica Evening Telegraph, office 47 Genesee, and 7 Broad. Utiea Female Academy, 7 7 Washington, Miss Jane E. Kelly, principal. Utica Floor Cloth Factory, office cor Columbia and Cornelia. Utica Foundry, cor Cornelia and Erie Canal. Utica Free Academy, Academy St., George C. Sawyer principal. Utica French Burr Mill Stone Manufactory, cor Broadway and Erie Canal. Utica Gas Light Company, office City Hall, works 56 Water. Utica Globe Woolen Mills, opp. junction Varick and Court. Utica Morning Herald and Daily Gazette, office 60 Genesee. Utica Novelty Works, 5 Devereux Block. Utica Orphan Asylum, 316 Genesee, Mrs. H. M. Jones matron. Utiea Stained Glass Works, 357 Genesee, C. P. Davis, proprietor. Utica Screw Manufacturing Company, cor Franklin and Fulton. Utica Steam Cotton Mills, cor State and Court. UTICA STEAM WOOLEN MILLS, cor Columbia and Schuyler. Utica Water Works Company, office 196 Genesee. V Vail Mrs. Harriet, h 68 Washington. Vail Miss Mellissa, dress maker, bds 68 Washington. Vallerly Margaret, laundress, h 67 Tibbitts. 167

Vallerly Michael ft, attendant at Lunatic Asylum, h 168 Court. Valentine Thomas, gardener, bds G. Millgate's. VAN EMBERGH THOMAS, coal merchant, foot of Culver St., bds Bagg's Hotel. Van Heusen William, fireman C. R. R., bds 72 Main. Van Ness k Douglass, undertakers, 43 Genesee. Van Ness John H., of Van Ness & Douglass, h 34 Main. Van Horn A. B., h 94 State. Van's Hotel, 46 Whitesboro, I. Van Wormer, proprietor. Van Size E. H., h 19 Pearl. Van Size Mrs., widow of Tunis, h 19 Pearl. Van Slyke H., Clerk at American Hotel. Van Valkenbergh Abraham, at Steam C. Mills, bds 90 Spring. Van Valkenbergh Daniel, silver plater at Novelty Works, h 90 Spring. Van Valkenbergh Henry, paper hanger, bds 90 Spring. Van Wormer Charles, freight conductor, C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Van Wormer Edwin, at Van's Hotel, 46 Whitesboro. Van Wormer Isaac, proprietor Van's Hotel. Vance Mrs. Mary, widow, h 92 Schuyler. Vanderbogart track master, C. R. R., h 66 Mam. Vanderheyden D. L., clerk at J. Vanderheyden's, bds 36 Charlotte. Vanderheyden Jacob, boots and Shoes, 125 Genesee, h36 Charlotte. Vanderpoole Isaac, white washer, h 5 Post. Varley Joseph, watch repairer, 206 Genesee, hss William, 3 w State. Vaughan Edward, teamster, h 1 n Starch Factory. Vaughan James, laborer, h 18 Huntington. Vaugnan James, laborer, C. R. R., h Second, 2 below Main. Vaugnan John, carriage maker, 47 Seneca, residence same. Vaughan Stephen, hes Cherry, 3 s Whitesboro. Vaughan Thomas, laborer, h 26 Jay. Vedder Francis, h 208 Genesee. Vedder Herman N, meat market, cor John and Mary, lids 40 Mary. Vedder John F, h 40 Mary. Vedder John, grocery and li cor Main and First. Vedder John F. Jr., clerk at Jarrett's, bds 40 Mary. Vedder Nicholas, bds 92 John. Vedder Nicholas P., h 92 John. Vedder Richard P., machinist, bds 40 Mary. Veeder B., fireman C. R. R., bds L. Sullivan's. Veeder Henry, of Germond & Veeder's, h 113 John. Veeder John, fireman C. R. R., bds 11 Bridge. Vidvard Peter, importer of wines and liquors, 29 and 31 John, h 73 Park Avenue. •V _A_ _ST E_5s_r_B_E3_=?,a-_-_C!'S


Vidvard P., bds 31 John. Venn W., laborer, h 25 Third. Vignos Dennis, grocery and h 71 Court. Vigars Thomas, laborer, h 96 Water. Vincent Mrs. Ann, widow, h 12 Blandina. Vincent William, printer at Herald Office, bds 12 Blandina. Vincent William, farmer, h 8 Canal. Vogell Rev. H. C., h cor South and Howard Avenue. Vogler John, laborer, h 110 Court. Vosburgh J. H. H., watch maker at Taylor's, h 43 Lansing. Vroman Isaac, engineer C. R. R., h 64 Broad. Vroman J., fireman, C. R. R., bds L Sullivan's. w Wade Tracy, farmer, hss Albany, 2 e Rutger. Wager David, h 38 Whitesboro. Wagner F, taxidermist, h 40 Canal. Wagner George, machinist, h 82 Hart. Wagner Henry, gardner at Howard's, h 30 Plant. Wagner Louis, furnaeeman, h 119 Blandina. Wagner Peter, pedler, h 86 Schuyler. Wagner Peter, laborer, h 5 Morris' Lane. Wahl Constantine, cabinet maker, h 74 Cooper. Wait Alva B., telegraph repairer, bds R. Marcy's. Wait James, brakesman C. R. R., li 58 Liberty. Walcott Mrs. Mary L., h 15 Rutger. Waldron Mrs. Maria, bds 22 Howard Avenue. Waldron Patrick, at J. Butterfield's, h 32 Washington. Waldron Thomas, attendant Lunatic Asylum. Wakemer Isaac, tailor, h 121 Water. Walker Alfred, window shade manufacturer and sign painter, 173 Gen­ esee, h 102 State. Walker Charles, painter, bds 29 Kemble. Walker George, of Webb, W. & Co., h 16 Court. Walker George E., engineer, h 28 Miller. Walker James, mason, h 94 Steuben. Walker Jacob, boat builder, h 126 Elizabeth. Walker Joshua, store keeper, h 58 Schuyler. Walker Martin K., grocery and h 34 Kemble. Walker Miss Maria E., h 28 Miller. Walker Thomas, president Bank of Utica, h 26 Broadway. Walker Thomas R., lawyer, office 131 Genesee, h Rutger Place, head of John. Walker William, painter at Lunatic Asylum, h 8 Plant. Walker William, at Steam W. Mills, bds 120 Court. Wallace Michael, gardener, h 14 Blandina. Wallace John, at Steam C. Mills, bds 27 State. Walling William B., of Blackwell & W., h 45 Columbia. Walsh G., painter, h w s Barnes, 2 s Rutger. Walsh John, cooper, bds 80 Fayette. Walsh Thomas, cooper,'h 80 Fayette. 169

Walsh WiUiam, bds 80 Fayette. Walter George, cordwainer, h 23 Third. Walter John, blaoksmith, h 91 Spring. Walter Mrs. Adeline, widow, hns Pleasant, 1 w Steuben. Walton John, engineer at Screw Factory, h 103 Steuben. Wanke George, laborer, h 3 Parker. Walz Martin, at Globe W. Mills, hws Floyd, 1 n Canal. Walz Michael, laborer, hws Floyd, 3 n Canal. Wanner Christian, proprietor West Utica Hotel, cor Columbia & Wiley. Warner A. J., clerk at Golden's, bds 19 Washington. Warner James, brakesman C. R. R. Warner Jared E., of W. & Ray, h 296 Genesee. Warner Jonathan R., office 132 Genesee, bds Bagg's Hotel. Warner k Ray, druggists and grocers, 22 and 24 Genesee, cor Whites­ boro. Ward Bridget, widow, h 17 Bridge. Ward James, painter, bds 22 Hobart. Ward James, physician of the school of Medical Reform, office and h 10 Broadway. Ward John, mason, h 58 Third. Ward Mary, at Globe W. Mills, h 79 Court. Ward Michael, laborer, h 22 Hobart. Ward Mrs. Elizabeth, laundress, h 74 John. Ward Patrick, clerk at E. J. Herbage's, bds Indian Chief Hotel. Ward Thomas, hws Mohawk, 3 above the Jail. Warnes John, at Globe W. Mills, hns Warren, 2 e Stark. Warnick Leslie A., of W. & Brown, h 18 Devereux. Warnick k Brown, tobacconists, 86 Genesee. Warr Benjamin, confectioner, bds 75 Steuben. Warr John M., trunk maker, bds 7 5 Steuben. Warr Mrs. Jane, widow, li 75 Steuben. Warren Charles W., printer, h 41 Cornelia. Warren Elijah F., h 35 Rutger. Warren Wallace, manufacturer and proprietor (for the U. S.) of Nutting's fanning and assorting machine, bds 228 Genesee. Washburn George, M. D., office 170 Genesee, h 72 Washington. Washington Fire Company No. 7, h junct Fayette and Whitesboro. Washington Hall, cor Broad and John. Wasmer John, builder, h and shop 90 Columbia. Wasner Adam, pedler, h 12 Breese. Waterman Daniel Jr., of Hunt k W., bds Dr. Bissell's. Waters George L., sogar store, Bagg's Square, h 16 Main. Watkins George B., at Peckham's, h 69 Broadway. Watkins John, carpenter, shop 87 Columbia, h 18 Lansing. Watkins Julius, engraver, bds 50 Varick. Watkins Miss E. L., bds 7 Hamilton. Watkins William J., h 50 Varick. Watson J., clerk American Express Co., bds J. Boston's. Watson William H., M. D., office 206 Genesee, h 62 Broad. Watts A. J., manufacturer of crystal gold, bds 28 Blandina. Watts & Co., manufacturers of Crystal Gold and Crystal Gold Foil, Brad­ ish Block. Weaver Richard, garckotejv hes, Johnaon Square. P 170

Weaver & Pfund, builders, 41 Seneca. • Weaver Richard Jr., of W. & Pfund, h 90 Miller. Weaver William N., jeweler, 28 Genesee, h 2 Broadway. Weber Barthel, mason, h 1 Louisa. Weber Christian, cordwainer, bds 38 Cornelia. -Weber Francis, cordwainer, h 73 Liberty. Weber Hobart, tailor, hss Oak, 2 e Schuyler. Weber Leonard, mason, h 22 Louisa. Weber Rev. Solomon, h 34 Stark. Webb Edward B., at Webb, Walker * Co's., bds 6 Broadway. Webb Henry, clerk at F. Finn's, bds Mary Webb's. Webb John k Brother, 'fish, fruit and oysters, 24 South. Webb John, of J. Webb & Brother, bds Mary Webb's. Webb John G., of Webb, Walker k Co., h Whitesboro road. Webb Mrs. Mary, widow, hws Howard Avenue, 3 ab Arthur. Webb Thoodore, of J. Webb k Brother, bds Mary Webb's. WEBB, WALKER k CO., druggists and grocers, 108 Genesee. Webster Mrs. L. 0., widow, h 3 Blandina. Weckherle Jacob, laborer, h 14 Schuyler. Weeks Solomon, at Globe W. Mills, h 54 Varick. Weichelt Adam, blacksmith, h 47 Erie. Weichert John, wheelwright, h 23 Parker. Weider Caspar, at oil cloth factory, h.49 Chenango Avenue. Weidner Conradt, carpenter, h 16 Edward. Weigand John, cabinet maker, h 81 West Bridge. Weiland Christian, cordwainer, h 24 Parker. Weikert John, tailor, cor Second and Bleecker, h 40 Second. Weinberg G., pedler, h 96 Whitesboro. Weiser k Faber, cabinet ware rooms, 69 Genesee. Weiser William, of W. k Faber, h 122 Court. Weismantel Francis, cordwainer, h 83 Cooper. WEISS CHRISTIAN, cabinet maker, 104 Fayette, h 9 Huntington. WEBB, WALKEE & CoT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL _D__VCTGa-ISTS <3c GROCERS, NO. 108 GENESEE STREET. 90 per cent. ALCOHOL and BURNING FLUID, constantly on hand by the bbl. or less quantity. Also, PURE WINES & LIQUORS, for Medical use. Dealers In GARDEN -AJSTD iniEiLr) SKEDS. Bar Sole Agents for the sale of FAIRBANKS' SCALES. "CHRISTIAN WEISS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN

NO. 104 FAYETTE STREET, UTICA, N. T. CIT'-T XT 1ST ID _3 _=t T _A. _SC _=3 _& , 171

Weiss Wenzel, weaver, hlU Schuyler. WEISSE BERNARD, teacher of French, h 71 Broadway. Weisse Ferdinand, laborer, h 48 West. Weiss Michael, cabinet finisher, h 23 Plant. Weiss Philip, laborer, h 19 Oneida Weiss William, carpenter, hes Kossuth Avenue, 1 a City-Line. Welbon Peter, at 62 Genesee, h 3 Dudley. Welch James, laborer, h 4 Saratoga. Welch John, mason, bds 10 Hobart. Welch John, mason, bds 29 John. Welch John, cordwainer, bds 29 John. Welch John, proprietor Oneida House, Oneida Square. Welch John, fumaceman, h 83 Jay. Welch Matthew, blacksmith, shop Madison Lane, h 96 Blandina. Welch James, laborer, h 4 Saratoga. Welch Mrs. Catharine, h 11 Spring. Welch Patrick, mason, h 10 Hobart. Welch Simon, stone cutter, h 17 Spring. Welch Thomas, laborer, h 110 Jay. Welch Thomas, mason, h 84 Jay. Welch William, laborer, h 150 Bleecker. Weld T. G., gymnast, bds Sherwood House. Wells A. B., dentist, 206 Genesee, (late Blakesley's,) bds Central Hotel. Wells Alfred, h 66 Seneca. Wells A. L., h 44 Whitesboro. Wells Albert, h 44 Whitesboro. Wells, Butterfield & Co., American Express Office, 16 Genesee. Wells John B., dry goods, 56 Genesee, h 22 Devereux. WELLS LCJCIEN B., M. D., office and h 225 Genesee. Wells L, fireman C. R. R, bds L. Sullivan's. Wells Martin, laborer, h 9 Post. Wells Mrs. Mary B., widow, h 89 John. Wellman L. B., pedler, bds 55 Columbia. Welsh Baptist Church, 20 Broadway, Rev. John E. Jones, pastor. Welsh Calvanistic Methodist Church, 11 Seneca, Rev. W. Hughes, pastor. Welsh Congregational Church, cor Whitesboro and Washington, Rev. D. Price, pastor. Welsh Wesleyan Methodist Church, 6 Washington, Rev. T. Thomas, pastor. Welseback Francis, tailor, h 63 Spring. Wendell Sydney, cordwainer, h 1 Union.

L. B. WELLS, M. D. MTO(DMTO(S Mirage. Office and Residence, 225 Geneesee Street, (OPPOSITE THE CITY HALL,) UTIOA, N. Y. OFFICE HODRS.—7 1-2 to 9 A. if., 121-2 to 4, and 6 to 8 o'clock P. M. SuKDAYB 12 to 2 o'clock, P. M, 172

Wendell W. H., cordwainer, h 58 Columbia. Wenner Caspar, tailor, h 140 Fayette. Wenzel Charles, tailor, h 15 Canal. Wenzel Francis G; butcher, 208 Whitesboro. Wenzel Frederick, clerk 19 Liberty, bds 15 Canal. Wenzel John, meat market, 208 Whitesboro, res same. Werkman George, pedler, hi 48 Water. Werner Peter, mason, h 13 Parker. Wertge Conradt, basket maker, hes Cherry, 1 s Whitesboro. Wertz John, cutter at Rice's, h 63 Chenango Avenue. Wessells Harriet, widow, bds 92 State. West Albert, h 107 Steuben. West Joseph, hss Genesee, 1 s w Clinton. West Joseph, M. D., office 171 Genesee, bds J. West's. West Reuben, at Globe W. Mills, bds 18 Edward. West Utica Hotel, cor Columbia and Wiley, C. Wanner, proprietor. Westcott Abraham, moulder, bds 85 Lansing. Westcott Ephraim, moulder, h 100 Blandina. Westcott George, of W. k Hammond, h 37 Whitesboro. Westcott k Hammond, hats and caps, 52 Genesee. Westcott John H., machinist, h 15 Cornelia. Westfall E. E., printer at Herald office, bds T. Midlam's. Westminster Church, near junct Genesee and Washington, Rev. S. M. Campbell, pastor. Wetmore Edmund A., Treasurer Lunatic Asylum, and lawyer, office 167, h 250 Genesee. Wetmore Marian F., teacher 2d Ward School, bds 91 Whitesboro. Wetzel Rev. Andrew, pastor German Lutheran Church, h 44 Varick. Whelan John, tailor, bds 174 Whitesboro. Whelan Richard, foreman Warnick & Brown's cutting shop, h 63 Jay. Wheeler Abraham H., farmer, hss Bleecker, 2 e Kossuth Avenue. Wheeler Bartlett, laborer, h 13 Kirkland. Wheeler Catharine, widow, h 11 Hamilton. Wheeler & Bailey, manufacturers of stoves, plows and machine castings, Eagle Furnace, 38, 40 and 42 Columbia. Wheeler Miss Mary Ann, h 73 Elizabeth. Wheeler Mrs. Margaret, h 79 Spring. Wheeler Russell, of W. & Bailey, h 44 Columbia. Wheeler Simon, teamster, h 2 Erie. Wheeler William W., flour merchant, 13 and 15 Liberty, Wheelhouse Henry, at Steam W. Mills, bds 38 Varick. Wheelhouse Mrs. Charlotte, h 38 Varick. Wheelhouse Robert, at Globe W. Mills, bds 38 Varick. Whiffen Isaac, meat market, cor John and Jay, h cor Elizabeth and Mo­ hawk. Whiffen James, tailor, h Leah, rear 69 West. Whiffen John U., meat market, 14 Broad, li same. Whiffen Julius IT., student, bds I. Whiffen's. Whipple Charlotte E., select school cor First and Catharine, bds 11 Hotel. Whipple Elizabeth, h 8 Washington. Whipple Otis, h 11 Hotel. Whipple Otis W., accountant, bds 33 Charlotte. Whitcomb Edward B., telegrapher C. R. R., bds Bagg's Hotel. tl3

White Albridge G., moulder, h 212 Whitesboro. White Alvin, h 62 Broad. White Arthur, clerk, bds 55 Charlotte. White David P., of Curtiss k White, h cor Mary and Park Avenue. White George, h 19 Mary. White George, tailor, bds 23 Blandina. White Henry, h 28 Broad. White Henry C., clerk at Stocking's, bds 55 Charlotte. White Henry R., M. D., of W. k Hunt, h 27 West Bridge. White Henry L, of Hunt k W., hes Elm, 1 s West Bridge. White k Hunt, dentists, office Devereux Block. White Isaac, tailor, h 55 Charlotte. White John T., clerk 176 Genesee, bds 17 Cornelia. WHITE k LALOR, lawyers and insurance agents, office 92 Genesee. White N. Curtiss, of W. & Lalor, h 30 Broad. White N. k Son, stone ware, fire brick and drain tile manufacturers, 170 AVhitesboro. White Noah, of N. White k Son, h 172 Whitesboro. White Nicholas A., of N. White k Son, h 147 Fayette. White Seth, bds 62 Broad. White Thomas, h cor Chenango Avenue and Plant st. White Thomas A., printer, Herald office, bds Clinton Hotel. Whitehead John, laborer, h cor Arthur and West. Whitman Horace, grocer, cor John and Jay, h 25 First. Whitney Terence, cartman, h 30 Elizabeth. Whittaker Charles, waiter, h 3 Post. Whittaker John R., wagon maker, h 33 Court. Whittaker Nancy, h 17 Charlotte. Whittington John, at Steam W. Mills, h 220 Whitesboro. Wickham Orrin, pattern maker, h 17 Cooper. Wickham Patrick, laborer, hss Albany, cor Mohawk. Wickens John, clerk at J. Merriman's. Wickens Tliomas, proprietor Plank Road House, junction Columbia and Whitesboro. Widtman Lewis, turner, h 35 Stark. Wier Rebecca, widow, h 256 Whitesboro. Wienke Frederick, cordwainer, h 112 Whitesboro. Wicks John T, tanner, h 2 Meadow. Wightman Mrs. Amanda, h 90 Park Avenue. Wihon Solomon, pedler, h 121 Water. Wilcox Horace S., of W. k Smith, h 58 Genesee. Wilcox k Smith, dry goods, 58 Genesee. Wilcox W. H., stone cutter, at Hart k Munson, bds 2 Charles. Willcox John F., book keeper 11 Liberty, bds Central Hotel. Willcox J. S., flour and feed store, 19 Liberty, h 84 Fayette. Willcox William C, commission merchant, flour, pork, &c, 11 Liberty, bds Central Hotel. Wildt Edward A., furrier, Westcott k Hammond's, h 41 Mary. Wiley Catharine; milliner at Mulholland's, bds 13 Seneca. Wiley George H., sup't Steam C. Mills, h 46 Fayette. Wiley James, carpenter, bds 121 Columbia. Wiles Lemuel M., teacher of penmanship in the public schools, bds 53 Broadway. P2 171

Wilhelm Frederick, laborer, h 61 Canal. Wilhelm Joseph, laborer, h 20 Parker. Wilkey Christian, blacksmith, bds 7 Tibbitts. Wilkey Henry, blacksmith, h 7 Tibbitts. Wilkins John R., at 37 Bleecker, h 8 Elizabeth. Wilkins Luke, baker and confectioner, 37 Bleecker, h 326 Genesee. Wilkins Samuel, boots and shoes, 24 South, h 35 West. Wilkins Sarah, dress maker, bds Van's Hotel. Wilkins Theodore, cordwainer at 24 South. Willard Joel, lawyer at Doolittle's, h 8 Seymour Avenue. Willard Miss, teacher 6th Ward School, bds 72 Fayette. Willard S. S., law student at Doolittle's, bds 8 Seymour Avenue. Wille Gottlieb, cabmet maker, h 76 Erie. Willey John, at Satinet Mills, h 8 Edward. Williams A. J. k Co., cotton and woolen manf'rs supplies, 215 Genesee. Williams Abijah J., of A. J. W. k Co., h cor Rutger aud Steuben. Williams Baruch C, machinist, h 28 Howard Avenue. Williams Brown H., notary public, and discount clerk at Oneida Bank, h 92 Fayette. Williams Charles, laborer, h 45 Elm. Williams Charles K., clerk at Culver's, bds 92 Fayette. Williams C. P., plumber, bds 26 Charlotte. Williams Daniel, farmer, hes Elm, 6 s Gold. Williams David, of Williams & Co., h cor First and Lansing. Williams David, carpenter, h 17 Union. Williams David W., clerk, 48 Whitesboro, bds 58 Liberty. Williams Edward, laborer, h 97 Water. Williams Edward, fireman C. R. R., h 61 Third. Williams Edward D., moulder, bds 66 Whitesboro. Williams Elhanan W., lawyer, office 98, h 287 Genesee. Williams George H., clerk at J. B. Wells', bds 64 Whitesboro. Williams Griffith G., cutter at Manchester & Penny's, h 51 Lansing. Williams Griffith W., carpenter, h,16 Broadway. Williams Griffith, laborer, li 46 Saratoga. Williams Heber^ clerk at D. k T. M. Owens', bds 65 Water. Williams Henry S., engineer, h 14 Hotel. Williams H. L., M. D., office 56 Genesee, h 3 Hotel. Williams Hugh R., clerk at J. Griffiths & Co., bds 58 Whitesboro. Williams H. N., carpenter, h 48 Spring. Williams Irvin A., manuf'er locomotive lamps, 215 Genesee. Williams Jacob, at Wager's, bds 14 Hotel. Williams James, boots and shoes, cor Genesee and Bleecker. h 19 Spring. Williams James H., of A. J. W. & Co., bds A. J. Williams'.' Williams J. Douglass, bds 38 Whitesboro. Williams J. Watson, lawyer and insurance agent, office 41 Fayette, h 318 Genesee. Williams Jane, manufacturer of children's clothing, bds 22 High. Williams John, laborer, hes Elm, 6 s Gold. Williams John, painter, h 70 Blandina. Williams John, teacher classical and commercial school, 6 Carnahan, h 30 Howard Avenue. Williams John A., of W. Williams k Co., h 25 Lansing. Williams John D., hats and caps, 106-} Genesee, h 54 Broad. 175

Williams John M., pattern maker, h 33 Cornelia. Williams Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h 65 Water. Williams Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h 16 Broadway. Williams Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, bds 58 Whitesboro. Williams Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, h 23 Aiken. Williams Mrs. Ellen, widow, h 6 Roberts' Lane. Williams Miss, teacher 2d ward school, bds 91 Whitesboro. Williams Mrs. Lucy, h 30 Stark. Williams Mrs. Julietta, seamstress; h 6 King. Williams Mrs. Olive, h 7 Hopper. Williams Morgan, carpenter, bds 68 Broad. Williams Morris M., carpenter, h 66 State. Williams Nathaniel, mason, h 16 Carnahan. Williams Rees G., printer, Curtiss k White's, h 68 Liberty. Williams Richard, of Roberts & Williams, h cor Whitesboro and Charles. Williams Richard D., cutter at Lyon & Conklin's, bds 26 Charlotte.; Williams Robert J., carpenter, h 95 Spring. Williams Robert A., assistant teacher at Carnahan St. school, bds 30 Howard Avenue. Williams Robert S., telegrapher, bds York House. Williams Richard S., teller Oneida Bank, and notary public, h 29 Whitesboro. Williams Rowland, engineer, h 19 Carnahan. Williams R. P., plumber, bds 11 Catharine. Williams Samuel, editor Morning Herald, bds Dudley House. Williams Stalham, secretary and treasurer Savings Bank of Utica, bds Bleecker St. House. Williams Thomas, attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Williams Thomas J., printer Telegraph Office, bds 56 Whitesboro. Williams Thomas J., cabinet maker, h 20 Carnahan. Williams Thomas R., of W. Williams & Co., bds 121 Bleecker. Williams William, of W. Williams & Co., bds 121 Bleecker. Williams William, farmer, h 37 Plant. Williams William, carpenter, h 36 Seymour Avenue. Williams William H., clerk at Shanley's, bds 3 Hotel. Williams William T, tailor, h 5 Blandina. Williams William E., carpenter, h 56 Whitesboro. Williams Robert, painter, bds 27 Charlotte. Williamson Chloe, widow, h 14 High. Williamson Hugh, clerk at G. B. Gray's, bds 24 Court. Wilson Alexander, painter, h cor West and Arthur. Wilson Charles S., cashier Utica City Bank, h 237 Genesee. Wilson Jane, tailoress, bds 9 Carnahan. Wilson John F., butcher, h Mummery, 1 n Albany. Wilson Matthew, at Steam C. Mills, h Haven, 2 s Chenango Avenue. Wilson Robert, laborer, h 26 Hobart. Wilson Robert A., painter, bds 27 Charlotte. Wilon R., baker, bds Franklin House. Wilson William, Jr., foreman P. V. Kellogg's, h 14 Cooper. Willis George, h 23 Neilson Wills R. D., laborer, h 33 Howard Avenue, Winchenbach Hermon, of Metz k Winchenbach, h 3 Tibbitts. Wing Mordecai, machinist, h 33 Rutger. 176

Winne Ann, pedler, h 26 Louisa. Winneger Lawrence, laborer, hns Louisa, 4 w Steuben. Winneur Helen, tailoress, h cor Mohawk and South. Winneur Isaac, laborer, h 90 Elizabeth. Winneur Mrs. Phceby, widow, h s s South, lw Albany. Winslow John, laborer, hes Albany, 2 ab Elizabeth. Winston Dwight D., dry goods, 130.Genosee, h 11 Hopper. Winston William, h 1 Fay. Winton George, silver plater at H. Sander's, bds 11 Main. Winterbottom James H., at Globe W. Mills, hss Warren, 1 w Schuyler. Wise Ann, widow, h 49 Steuben. Wiseman Peter R., machinist, h 73 Lansing. Wiseman Robert R., painter, bds 73 Lansing. Withers James, teamster, at Lunatic Asylum. Witherhead Miss Emma, milliner, bds 14 Carnahan. Wix John, mason, li 114 Steuben. Wix Joseph, tinsmith, bds 114 Steuben. Wix Robert, tinsmith, bds 114 Steuben. Wolcott S. G., M. D., office 171 Genesee, h 03 Bleecker, Wolff Gustavus, tailor, h 5 Erie. Wolff John, mason, h 54 Canal. Wolff Mrs. Ann, lies Steuben, 2 n James. Wolff Mrs. Mary, widow, h 48 Saratoga. Wolff Michael, moulder, bds 48 Saratoga. Woolner Michael, laborer, h 91 Spring. Woolwebber Charles, cabinetmaker, h South, 1 e of the Gulf. Wood David E., painter and glazier, 46 Seneca, h 25 Rutger. Wood Edward F., clerk J. E. Roberts & Co., bds 16 Washington. Wood E. D., of Wood k Hurlburt, h 48 Fayette. Wood Edwin A., machinist, li 37 Fayette. Wood Enos, machinist, bds 37 Fayette. Wood Francis G., clerk at Edmonds k Miller's, bds 255 Genesee. Wood Henry G., h 1 Cottage. Wood k Hurlburt, portable engine and boiler manufacturers, 8 Cornelia. Wood Miss, h 32 Columbia. Wood Mrs. Eunice, widow, h 17 Rutger. Wood Harriet C, widow of George W., h 255 Genesee. Wood Mrs. C. C. A., hygienic physician, 15 South. Wood James, groceries, medicines and dry goods, cor South, and West, h 23 West. Wood Thomas H., h 259 Genesee. Wood William, clerk at T. Foster's, h 16 Washington. Wood William, clerk at Jarrett's, bds 16 Wasnington. Wood William, W. h 15 South. Woodard Jesse, h 56 Charlotte. Woodard Mary, at Globe W. Mills, bds 79 Court. Woodard Mrs. Salmon, widow, h 14 Mary. Woodcock Mrs. Lydia, h 88 John. Woodford Grave, grocery and h, cor Seneca and Erie Canal. WOODHULL C, coal and wood yard, Rome St., bds Mansion House. Woodhull Henry I., merchant tailor, 2 Bradish Block, h 17- Lansing. Woodhull Samuel, h 3H Blandina. Woodhull Sereno D., engraver, bds 3L£ Blandina. 177

Woodland George, foreman Evening Telegraph Office, h 39 West Bridge. Woodruff A. L. commission merchant domestic goods, 24 Empire Block, h 89 Miller. Woodworth Benjamin F. talleysman at Culver's, bds Cottage Hotel. Worcester John, at Globe W. Mills, bds 87 Cooper, Worden L. J. k Co., patent boot clasp manufacturers, 176 Genesee. Worden L. J., of Worden & Co., h 118 Court. Worden L. D., of Worden & Co., bds 27 Charlotte. Wormworth Richard, cartman, h 24 Third. Wratten Edward, clerk at G. Crump's, bds 88 West. Wratten Jacob, builder, h 3 West Bridge. Wratten Richard, carpenter, h 88 West. Wratten William H., clerk at Van Embergh's, bds 8 West Bridge. Wrigley John, h 52 Saratoga. Wrigley John T., at Steam W. Mills, h 3 Erie. Wright Amos, machinist, h 11 Haven. Wright Benjamin C, foreman Gospel Messenger, bds City Hotei. Wright Daniel, carriage maker, h 81 Cornelia. Wright Delos P., clerk at Bennett k Co's., bds 56 Washington. Wright Edwin L., moulder, h 2 High. Wright Emma, widow, h 2 High. Wright Eliza B., widow, h 19 .Columbia. Wright Erastus Z., of Dana k Co., h 85 Broad. Wright F. Markoe, M. D., 3d assistant physician Lunatic Asylum. Wright Joseph, machinist, bds 19 Columbia. Wrignt Mary, h 23 Mary. Wright Mrs. J., h 12 Fay. Wright Lydia B., h 23 Mary. Wright 0. K., brick maker, h 4 Cottage. Wright Stephen W., marble cutter, h 1 Tracy. Wright Thomas, clerk Central Hotel, li 61 Cornelia. Wright William, pedler, h 6 Louisa. Wright Zenas, bds 35 Broad. Wusthoff Joseph J., cabinet maker, h 22 Erie. Wyman Levi, carpenter, h 24 Howard Avenue. Wyman Stephen L., carpenter, bds 24 Howard Avenue. Y Yager Joseph, basket maker, h 108 Bleecker. Yale Henry, bds 23 Catharine. Yale James, tobacconist, li 49 Garden. Yale Titus L, blacksmith, h 11 Huntington. Yale Wait, h 45 Garden. Yates Abraham P., bds Bleecker St. House. Yates Charles A., wholesale clothing merchant, 54, h 307 Genesee. Yates Holland, agent American Express Co., h 46 Broad. Yates 0. L., attendant at Lunatic Asylum. Yates R. V., wholesale clothing merchant, 100 and 102, h 265 Genesee. Yates Theodore L., carpenter, bds John Whitehead's. York House, 18 Whitesboro, D. W. Lloyd, proprietor. Yulen Rufus W., moulder, h 23 Steuben. 178

Young Andrew, marble cutter, h 22 Mary. Young Anthony, carpenter, h 47 West. Young Alonzo, h 87 Court. Young C. B., printer, Herald office, h 38 Jay. Young Charles P., daguerrean artist at Smith's, bds 47 West. Young George, baker, h 66 Mohawk. Young George A., marble cutter, bds 22 Mary. Young George W., printer at Herald office, bds T. Midlam's. Young Jacob, furnaeeman, h 82 Hart. Young Jacob, blacksmith, bds 17'4 Whitesboro. Young James T., clerk at Vanderheyden's, h 9 Plant. Young John H., moulder, h 79 Lansing. Young John, grocery and h 26 South Hamilton. Young Men's Christian Association, rooms Tibbitts Block. Young Nicholas, at Steam W. Mills, h 10 Parker. Young Quintin, blacksmith, h 68 Varick. Young William H., fireman C. R. R., bds York House Younglove John, traveling agent, h 28 Charlotte. Younglove John Jr., student of medicine, bds 28 Charlotte. Yoxall George, carpenter C. R. R., bds 30 Main.

Zeinart Charles, stone cutter, h 3 Clinton. Zeiselmeyer Martin, carpenter, h 26 Saratoga. Zeiselmeyer Max, at Steam C. Mills, h 26 Saratoga. Zeiselmeyer Ulrich, blacksmith, h 37 Saratoga. Zemansky Nathan, dry goods, notions and jewelry, 138 Genesee, b 64 Broadway. Zemansky Simon, pedler, h 27 West. Zemansky Solomon, clerk 138 Genesee, bds 27 West. Zemansky Samuel, h 96 Whitesboro. Zeller Emil, segar maker, h 26 Plant. Ziegler Peter, cordwainer, h 8 Eagle. Ziegler Theodore, barber at O'Donnell's, bds 8 Eagle. Zilch Philip, laborer, h 47 Erie. Zimmermann Frederick, laborer, h 108 Bleeeker. Zimmermann John, furnaeeman, h 23 Tibbitts. Zimmermann Matthew, cordwainer, h 124 Elizabeth. Zimmermann Peter, wheelwright, hss Green, 1 w Stark. Zimmermann Werner, grocery and li 134 Court. Zinck Christian, locksmith, h 104 Court. Zipp Philip, cabinet maker and grocer 192 Court, h same. Zovinsky Jonas, pedler, h 102 Water. Zuegner Joseph, laborer, h 238 Whitesboro. SUPPLEMENT.

Castle Horace B., liquor dealer, Catharine st, bds Central Hotel. Clark Enos, law student at Beardsley's, bds 63 Liberty. DeGeeorgi & Trippe, lawyers, 1 Exchange Buildings. Lester Margaret, h 60 Columbia. Parsons Miss Annie S., teacher 1st Ward School, bds 70 Liberty. NOV* 3'22 THE OA.MP^_M}2S& IS JUST COMMENCING, When Americans, Germans, Irish­ men, Englishmen, Frenchmen, Welshmen, Scotchmen, all men, i should rally to battle against Hum- [bug and Chicanery, against the low g arts of those who, aiming to deceive by the cry of low prices, are in re­ ality selling from 20 to 30 per cent, dearer than the Subscriber is determined to sell for. Shall these then, toho thus seek to hwribug you,^ be longer patronized ? I give you all a special and a general invitation to call at my Store, Xo. OO O-enesee Street, and examine my complete and extensive stock, so th»t you may be able to judge for yourselves. I am determined to sell you READY MADE CLOTHING AND GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, Cheaper than any other Merchant west of New Tork.

5*> Of every kind and variety.—Stacks of them. SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS,

Including the famous Hathaway.

In endless profusion and variety. Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, Umbfillas, 4c, k My Stock is mil and complete, and I pledge myself to give entire satisfaction to all my oustonjers. Call and see the ST7LES _S__Sr__> % ';» C.S. BENNETT & CO. I DEATHS IN

Mm 79 CJENESEE STREET, (Tibbitts Block,) C. S. BENNETT, ' | GEO. O. GREENHILL. ! WSHISJ.,^ '« UTICA CITY BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. B .... S M E R R E T_ 1_ , at lii» Oiii f.'Ui''l. ft Nos. 96 & 98 Genesee St. is as usual fully prepared to-furnish _3I__ft._Xr___ _300-_-S. AND BOOK BINDING, of tbe very beet quality, and _t-Batisfaeti prices. Also can furnish every description LITHOGRAPHIC WORK in a very Superior Style of the art. Call and see specimens. '•


•w. cr. :R,O:]B___:RTS_ Thankful to tbe public for their patronage, would announce that lie baa*) added to his Establishment, at !\o« 60 4-enesee St., (Morning Her Buildings, i a valuable PAG-IM CT MACHIWE, for raging Blafk Boo] ^ which, with one of the best RULING MACHINES in use, and a large assortment of Tools, and the bepi of stock, enables him to compete successfully in tT"'" manufacture of alt kinds of Blank Books with apy Estab'lisnment. B__sT Mr. J. WINTERS GORSE will continue to give his speoia^ittenti. to Ruling of all kinds, including Music Paper. - MAGAZINES AND MUSIC BOOKS—Every attention will'be paid heretofore, to Miscellaneous Binding, and Binding of Magazines and Mui Books, in a style to command the satisfaction of all. For the Binding1 of the most elegant Boo_$s, he possesses unsurpassed ft itie's. * Prices as low as the style of work^ will allow. W. J. KOBER'