UTICA CITY DIRECTORY. 1860-1. PRICE, ONE DOLLAR. CURTISS & WHITE, -Printers A.J. BICEV MAXri'UTUKKK AM' DEALER IN o; Of __^.'ev y Uesoriptiou, NO. 109 CiErVESEE STREET, UTICA, UPPER CORNER 01 CATHARINB ST. Also, Agent for •: FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Tlie Best, Cheapest and Simplest Family Sewing jTJtachiiies in use. make the Pouble Lock Stitch, or the celebi Btover i ::>'li, ami sew from two spools as purchased from the Store, w_U_ou1 rewinding—are easy to learn to operate. They will Hem, Fell, Gather and Stitch in a superior style, aud finish each seam without recourse to the hand needle. Call Lheja. Price $40. Hemmer $2. liirtri^nglanti l^tstortc (_5enealosteal ^octetp. Received in Exchange from ^it.m.i.i. (OAA.... For..U^U£4..l,si _ Celebrated . S~ PARAGON BURNER, Which, can be attache* to any Old Lamp at a trifling expense. _A._ LEACH, Agt. 144 Genesee Street, DEVEREUX BLOCK, UTICA, 1ST. Y. 23*22 and we are consequently ftsee from the embarrassments and delays always incident to Newspaper Offices. Our undivided attention is given to Job Printing, and Dispatch, Accu­ racy and superior work are the uniform results. Our thanks are gratefully tendered to all our patrons. ^i^jQjQjy^f^i^i TABLE OF CONTENTS. PUB. Academies and Schools 12 Associations and Companies, 23 Banks 11 Banks for Savings, 12 Churches 16 City Government 38 County Clerks of Oneida County from 1798 to 1860, 34 County Offloers of Oneida County, 27 Courts, 29 District Attorneys of Oneida County from 1818 to 1860, 34 Fire Department, 39 Governors of the State of Now Xork from 1777 to 1860, 33 Hamilton College 15 Institutions and Associations, ., 18 Local Canal Officers, 31 Mayors of the City of Utica from 1832 to 1860, 35 Military Organization of Oneida County, 25 Names of Streets, 7 Newspapers in Oneida County, 17 Orders 22 Organized Independent Companies 24 Oneida County Judges from 1798 to 1860, 33 Post Offices in Oneida County, 36 Public Schools 13 Recorder's Court, 29 Representatives in Congress from Oneida County and District, from the 6th to the 36th Congress, 33 Sheriffalty of Oneida County, 27 Sheriffs of Oneida County from 1798 to 1660, 34 Supreme Court, Fifth Judicial District 30 Supervisors of Oneida County 28 Surrogates of Oneida County from 1788 to 1860, 35 Table of Electoral Votes that will be cast by eaoh State in 1860, 35 Treasurers of Oneida County from 1848 to 1860 35 United States Circuit and District Courts, 29 United States Government, 31 Utica: its Past and Present, '.'...... 3 "Wards : Division of in Utica, 7 W. S. TAYLOR'S SILVER-WARE ESTABLISHMEHT, AND American and Foreign Watch Depot. Every description of FIKE JEWELRY, of tlie most approved styles, and of a quality, and at prices to correspond with the means of every purchaser. PURE SILVER WARE, of the best styles the country affords, and of a quality unexcelled by any dealer in the trade. Also, superior Extra Heavy PLATED GOODS, of every description. MA & Mvtx Mete, At the lowest living Prices, and warranted accurate Time-Keepers. SPECTACLES, FANCY GOODS, CLOCKS, and every article usually kept at a First-Class Jewelry Establishment, can here be procured, and every article warranted as represented. W. 8. TAYLOR, Late Maynard & Taylor, No. fa Genesee St. Utica. CENTRAL LIVERY STABLE. QEOBGE PEARSON, No. 10 Elizabeth St., Utica. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AND PRIVATE CONVEYANCES, To any part of the country, can bo had on short notice and on reasonable terms. _S£___;_?____&_!!_ ©_^1II11 §!!__:©__% Corner of Liberty aud Seneca Streets. CRAWFORD &, Co., MANCFACTETIIEKS &, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF CABINET WARE. B£_TParticular attention paid to making work to order. _^fl JOHN CRAWFORD. DANIEL STEWART. BRIDGE ST. COAL AND WOOD YARD, OPPOSITE CATHARINE STREET BRIDGE. We have now on hand and are constantly receiving a large supply of LEHIGH, SCRANTON, AND OTHER COALS. Also the best quality of MAPLE AND BEECH WOOD, Which will he sold at the LOWEST MARKET PIUCES. BURKE & GOODWIN. - •'ni'W-f__lii WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET, 196 Whitesboro Street, Utica. Where may be found a full supply of HAMS, SALT PORK, BEEF, LARD, AND SAUSAGES of tlie various kinds, With all kinds of FRESH MEAT, of the best quality, and at the most reasonable prices. PROMPT ATTEXTIOX WILL BE TAID TO ORDERS. H. LUX, Proprietor. LESSONS IN FRENCH. MONS. BERNARD WEISSE, Will give Lessons in the FRENCH LANGUAGE, at his residence, No. 71 Broadway, Utica, IV. Y. The terms aro $1, $8 and $10 per quarter, positively payable in ad­ vance. He lias had long experience as a teacher, and his intimate knowledgo both of the English and French Languages, will render his instructions peculiarly efficient. He also offers his services as a Teacher of tho French Language in Schools; and will givo instruction at tho houses of pupils, where classes of at least four are formed. Pupils of ten years of ago and upwards may receive instruction. REFERENCES—DR. M. M. BAGG and E. A. WETMORE, ESQ. G. LAIMBEER, Devereux Block, 140 Genesee Street, Has just added to his stock a desirable assort­ ment of tho moBt fashionable "Which he is prepared to make up to order in the latest style and best manner. PRICES FOR CUTTING GARMENTS: COATS, 50 cts.: VESTS. 25 cts.; PAXTS. 25 cts. BK_F~ Persons who buy their cloths at this es­ tablishment, can have them cut free of charge. J. B. SMITH'S NEW AND EXTENSIVE AND DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY, HAS-HS BLQCS, No. 5 6 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. The Public arc invited to view tlie many Improvements combined in this magnificent Gallery. The Proprietor has no hesitation in claiming advantages possessed by~no similar Establishment in this section of the country for the production of FIRST CLASS PICTURES. Taken at short notice, colored in all the various styles. H__U_ft_i CHARLES RICE, NEW LITERY STABLE. Adjoining Northern Hotel, John Street, Utica, NL Y. FIRST CLASS CONVEYANCES, For City or Country, At all times in readiness for the accommodation of the Public. SADDLE _E_C O IR, S _S S _ of kind and gentle disposition, to let, for the use of Ladies, Gentlemen, or Juveniles. TERMS REASONABLE. JJLMOI . Manufacturers of f SATINET, ____Sr__> mm tra wiumm mmmm* A. S. POND, Prest. P. CLOGHER, Agt. A. N. PRIEST, Is prepared to set Teeth on Platina or Continuous Gums, Gold, Vulcan- __ _ ite, or Hard Rubber Base, or any "S other manner the patient may wish |gp! or the case demand. Also, to per­ form all Operations upon the Nat­ ural Teeth in a manner unsurpassed. The facilities at this Office are such as will accommodate patients in want of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, on tho shortest possible notice. Teeth extracted by the Galvanic Process when desired. Office, 69 Genesee St. Corner of Broad, Utica. ' Office Hours, from 8 A. M. to G P. M. For the last two years a Partner of the late DB. BLAKESLEY, Dentist, has made an arrangement with DR. A. N". PEIEST, whereby he will be able to spend a portion of his time in Utica, at Dr. P.'s office, CORNER GENESEE AND BROAD STS. as he has heretofore done at Dr. Blakesley's, where he will be happy to meet his friends and patrons. Patients wishing to make engagements for his services, can do so by calling at the Office of DR. PEIEST, between the hours of 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. H. T. FELSHAW. JAY STREET COAL & WOOD YARD. -•«•»#• » T. N< <(l Al>i; & SON, Dealers in Jmntan, Jtawltiu;, WILKBSBARRB Al BMBURGH COALS. CORD WOOD, WATER LIME, &c. This is the longest established yard in Utica. All articles sold at the very lowest market prices. THOMAS BIcQUADE, T. M. RIc<|VADI!. ^^^3__S A. M. TOMPSON, CARD AND SILVER ENGRAVER, No. 71 Genesee Street, Utica, IV. Y. (Over Barnum's Variety Store,) LETTER, NOTARY AND ENVELOPE SEALS, Wagon and Coffin Plates, Spoons, Rings i>;id Organ Stops Engraved. Silver Plated Door Plates on hand and Engraved to order. -_C-V-=-X_.X_<r<_V _>_I_LT-1S, _?"<_•_=_ MARKING FLOUR BARRELS, CIGAR BOXES, BAGS, AC. AC. Cut on Copper, Tin and Brass. 03- VISITING, WEDDING, AND BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED. _£- FINE STREET LUMBER AI\D WOOD YARD. Where all kinds of PINE, SPRUCE, CHERRY AND HARD WOOD LUMBER, Square Lumber oi' all lengths, Together with LATH and SHINGLES, may be procured in large or small quantities. Bills of Lumber furnished to order. N. B. The best of Cord, Kindling and Short WOOD always on hand, and delivered to any part of the city. ALDEN LEE & SON, No. 3 Fine Street, TTtica. J. BUTTERFIELD & SON. -*-H*l**»*<«BIM»», OVERY STUi>\hl "9 I¥o. S JIAIA STREET, UTICA. This extensive and substantial ^ik^MW¥\mmm^, continues, as heretofore, to furnish the public with the best of IDMI& & mmm For Town, or Country, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. WILLIAM H. TEDFORD, Manufacturer of $ WES &HH S9t€SS, OF ALL SIZES »ND EVERY DESCRIPTION, No. 87 Genesee Street, Two doir3 below the Bank of Utica. Custom work warranted to be of the best fit, the most durable material, and at the lowest price. All Orders attended to with promptness and dispatch. J. LOUIS, No. IS .Liberty Street, l/tica, IV. V. DOES ALL EINDS OF -fOBSivfiy ___OO__L_M_II9___:II_,C-, GRINDING RAZORS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, &C. Umbrellas and Parasols re­ paired at short notice. Also dealer in Cutlery, and a new PATENT LOCK, to which ho would call the particular attention of the public. (Successor to Leach & Bennett,) _____ _vlan___.ctu.rer of PURE SILYER WARE.
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