Ci ASS CITY Chronicle
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CiASS CITY cHRONICLE EIGHT PAGES. VOLUME 29, NUMBER 25. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934. Return Pastor [ Not in Race '1 THbute PMd NLESS RETURNED I Hit 60 WANIrO ENTER M, E, Nai0 H[[E ELE[;IEDOFFIGEH Fi3BiiiiAN GaLLE ;E English and History Are the Hopeful Attitude Manifested Six Groups Have High School Checks Were Sent Out This Week to Each Township Only Subjects that Are at Detroit Conference Instructors as Sponsors 'iii-iiiii!!ii!ii!iiiiiiiiii!ii!~i!ii!-iiii~iii!~!!iiiiii!iiii.'~i~ by Co. Treas. Required. Sessions. for the Year. Courtly Treasurer Arthur Whit- High school classes of Cass City At a meeting held at the Cass In response to the request of tenburg has sent checks this week City school on Monday, of students members of the quarterly confer- have chosen officers and sponsors to the 23 township treasurers have been selected for the school who were interested in the estab- ence of the Methodist parish here, which total $92,935.36. This money lishment of a freshman college Roy. Charles P. Bayless was re- year as follows: will soon find its way into the Senior Class -- Pres., Howard here, 42 filled out application blanks turned as pastor of the churches at hands of the school district treas- as required for entrance. This num- Cass City and Bethel. Mr. Bayless Taylor; vice pres., Eltor. Vyse; sec- urers in Tuscola county to relieve retary, Eunice Schell; treas., Lu- ber has since grown ,to approxi- is commencing his second year as the need for school finances. cile S'tirton; sponsor, Principal Ivan mately 60, according to Chas. Duf- minister at Cass City. Other as- The number of school pupils in field, Tuscola County Emergency J. Niergarth. signments of pastors to churches in each township and ,the primary Welfare Relief administrator. the Thumb district which were Junior Class--Pres., Norris Staf- money assigned to each township ford; vice pres., Helen Doerr; sec- ~i.. C. W. Price, superintendent of made at the annual meeting of :~~:~'.~$.. are given in the following table: retary, Marjorie Schwegler; treas- the Cass City schools, was in Lan- the Detroit conference held at Sagi- Children Amount sing Thursday attending a meeting naw include the foRowing: urer, Helen McComb; sponsor, Miss MALCOLM J. CRAWFORD. $5629.12 of superintendents in whose schools Port Huron district: Frank M. Erskine. Akron ...................... 718 Many instructors of Thumb of REV. CHAS. BAYLESS Leslie P. Kefgen. Almer ...................... 398 3120.32 it is expected that the freshman Field, district superintendent; A1- Sophomore Class--Pres., Clifford Michigan schools attended Mr. who was assigned at the annual Leslie P. Kefgen, Bay City busi- Arbela ...................... 367 2877.28 colleges of the state will be located. gonac, A. B. Sutcliffe; Armada, Ed- Ryan; vice president, Meredith Mc- Cra~ford's funeral in Caro Tuesday Detroit conference to succeed him- ness man and prominent in Ameri- Columbia ................ 627 4915.68 At this meeting at the Olds hotel, ward Hocking; Bad Axe, R. R. Feu- Alpin; secretary, Mary Slimko; morning'. self as pas.tor of the M. E. churches can Legion ranks, last week, was Dayton .................... 434 3402.56 informationwas disseminated by ell; Brown City, Frank Purdy; Ca- treasurer, Jean Kerbyson; sponsor, Denmark ................ 628 4923.52 at Cass City and Bethel. ÷equested by Frank D. Fitzgerald, officials in charge regarding in-' pac, Fred T. Ramsdell; Clawson, Miss Perrin. o Elkland .................... 629 4931.36 gubernatorial nominee, to become a structions for students, text books James Chapman; Croswell, W. B. Freshman Class--Pres., Phillip Ellington ................ 283 2218.72 candidate for the secretary of state and courses of study. Weaver; Decker, J. H. James; Doerr; vice pres., Armabelle.Papp; Elmwood ................ 630 4939.20 nomination at the Republican state 4241.44 English and history, it is said, Deckerv.ille, William Pryor; Elkton, secretary, Thelma Cooke; treasur- Fairgrove ................ 541 KiNgSTONSTATE BANI{ convention yesterday. Mr. Kefgen] Fremont .................. 534 4186.56 will be the only required subjects R. D. Harper; Harbor Bach, Wal- er, Grant Reagh; sponsor, Supt. C. FA[ r ER WILL VOTE is the son of Mrs. P. A. Koepfgen Gilford ..................... 510 3998.4O in the freshman college course. don Geach; Imlay City, F. I. Walk- W. Price. Indianfields ............ 1149 9008.16 Eighth Grade--President, Isabel of Cass City. He announced that Other studies are college mathe- er; Lake Orion, F. R. Walker; L.a- 2916.48 il}OPEN T[IBEilOi matics, Spanish, economics or soci- Bradshaw, vice president, Bernard "he did not choose to ~un:" peer, A. H. Wallschlager; Lexing- bUi i [il U i Kingston ..................398 3120.32 ology. An effort will be made to Freiburger; secretary, Stuart At- 2579.36 ton, R. J. Chase; Marine City, J. P. Koylton ....................329 secure a teacher here who will also well; treasurer, Keith McComb; Millington ..............489 3833.76 Thirty Depositors Have Sub- Pumhrey; Mr. Clemens, E. W. Wil- teach free hand art and another sponsor, Miss Lammers. Novesta ....................369 2892.96 cox; North Branch, Win. Hughes; who can give instruction in music, Federal Men Ask Signers to Seventh Grade--President, Betty Tuscola ....................402 3151.68 scribed for Stock in Re- Oxford, Hedley Bennett; Pigeon, possibly vocal. It is expected that Brown; vice president, Hazel Cor- Vassar ......................925 7252.00 C. E. Buerkle; Pprt Austin, Aaron Indicate Wishes at Local 2673.44 organized Institution. four teachers wilt be require d for kins; secretary-treasurer, Russell Watertown ..............341 Mitchell; Port Hope, William Mar- Wells ........................409 3206.56 a freshman college here. Dewey; sponsor, Mr. Youngs. dord; Port Huron, First, John E. Meetings Held Soon. Wisher ....................372 2916.48 Students may enroll for 1~ or Martin; Gratiot Park, Paul Havens; Three classes have selected rep- [;ONIF$I TOnigHT The Kingston State Bank, which time work, and study but three or Mills Memorial, William Firth; resentatives to serve on the social 11,854 $92935.36 has been reorganized, will be~ppened two subjects if they are required Washington Avenue, Fred An- and general assembly committees. Michigan signers of corn-hog on October 1 on Michigan plan No. to work a portion of the day. drews; Marysville, John Mealley; Members of these committees are: Teniperanc,e Workers of Six contracts will be asked soon to cast 60 QUILTS ON EXHIBIT 32/ on a 40-60 basis. The 40% is~ In order for teachers to be se- Port Sanilac, R. C. Pashall; Rich- Social committee--PaulineDodge, a vote at local meetings to tell an unrestricted cash release as of l lected for positions in 'these col- mond, Frank Hartley; Romeo, A. senior; Millicent Graham, junior; Counties Mee~t in Conven- AT CASS CITY STORE whether or not they approve of the Feb. 11, 1933, and the 60% will be[ leges, they must file applications T. F. Butt; Sandusky, J. K. Dib- Myrtle Greenleaf, sophomore: Mr. government again offering con- tion at Cass City. represented by certificates of par- with the Lansing office. den; Utica, H. Magahay; Yale, Geo. tracts in 1935, according to Henry Kelly, Miss Perrin and Mr" Nier- A quilt exhibit which surpasses B. Marsh. garth, members of faculty. ticipation. A. Wallace, secretary of agricul- that of a district fair is being The stockholders,~at their meet- Saginaw district: Sidney D. Eva, General Assembly committee-- 44 IN TUSCOLA FILE .lure. The district W. C. T. U. convert- shown at the store of the Pinney ing Monday, September 24, elected l w~ ~uper.n~nu=~v, Bay Port, xnls request for an expression o~ tion at Cass City will close this IDry Goods Co. at Cass City this .the following directors: Albert CCC APPLICATIONS Hayes, W. L. Card; Caro, H. W. iunior ;'beiber~t-ttenry, ~so;homore i ~ opinion is made because the agri- (Friday) evening with a double week. The exhibitors reside at Peter, Nell H. Burns, Alex Mar- Kuhlman; Mayville, Silverw~od and Miss Erskine, Miss Knight and Mrs. cultural situation has changed since gold medal contest. Young people I Jackson, Bay View, Elkton, Gage- shall; John Barden, L. A. Heine- Watertown, H. A. Manahan; Milt- Niergarth, members of~faculty. I Group of 15 Will Be Sol,ted With- corn-hog contracts were offered in will present strong arguments for town, Kingston, Deford, Argyle and man, J. A. McKenney, Naaman ington, F. C. Birchman. 1934. The A. A. A. plan for assist- Freshmen will elect their repro-] in temperance in a number of read- Cass City. Karr, L. A. Maynard and C. W. a Week for Camp William Morford and William sentatives on these committees at] ing farmers was inaugurated at a lugs, and the evening's program Sixty quilts represent, three McPhail. Mr. Peter is the presi- Work. Pryor of Deckerville were ordained a later date. time when huge surpluses of feeds also includes special musical selec- grdups--modern, antiques and dent, Mr. Burns is vice ~)resident, elders at the Sunday afternoon ser- and of iivestoek were paralyzing tions. The gold medal contest is[ children's--on which prizes valued and Alex Marshall is cashier. Forty-four young men, ranging vice of the conference, by Bishop the market for these farm prod- in charge of Mrs. Helen Babcock[ at $30 will be awarded this week- The capital stock has been in- from 18 to 25 years of age, in Tus- A. W. Leonard. Other impressive uets. Now, the surplus of feeds of Warren. [ end. creased from $20,000 to $25,000, cola county, have made applications features of .the session were the and of livestoek has been reduced. Another o~ztstanding feature of I The exhibit offers an opportu- and 30 depositors have subscribed for positions in the Civilian Conser- acknowledgement of 50 young peo- It now becomes important the SGHOOLHEAD for the convention program is the pres-[ nity for the ladies to feast their for*stock in the new bank.