Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322


Diversity and phenotypic analyses of salt‑ and heat‑tolerant wild bean fliformis native of a sand beach in Baja California and description of Ensifer aridi sp. nov.

Guadalupe Rocha1 · Antoine Le Queré2 · Arturo Medina1 · Alma Cuéllar1 · José‑Luis Contreras3 · Ricardo Carreño1 · Rocío Bustillos1 · Jesús Muñoz‑Rojas1 · María del Carmen Villegas4 · Clémence Chaintreuil2 · Bernard Dreyfus2 · José‑Antonio Munive1

Received: 23 January 2019 / Revised: 19 September 2019 / Accepted: 10 October 2019 / Published online: 28 October 2019 © The Author(s) 2019

Abstract In northern Mexico, aridity, salinity and high temperatures limit areas that can be cultivated. To investigate the nature of nitrogen-fxing symbionts of Phaseolus fliformis, an adapted wild bean species native to this region, their phylogenies were inferred by MLSA. Most rhizobia recovered belong to the proposed new species Ensifer aridi. Phylogenetic analyses of nodC and nifH show that Mexican isolates carry symbiotic genes acquired through horizontal gene transfer that are divergent from those previously characterized among bean symbionts. These strains are salt tolerant, able to grow in alkaline conditions, high temperatures, and capable of utilizing a wide range of carbohydrates and organic acids as carbon sources for growth. This study improves the knowledge on diversity, geographic distribution and evolution of bean-nodulating rhizobia in Mexico and further enlarges the spectrum of microsymbiont with which Phaseolus species can interact with, including cultivated bean varieties, notably under stressed environments. Here, the species Ensifer aridi sp. nov. is proposed as strain type of the Moroccan isolate ­LMR001T (= LMG ­31426T; = HAMBI ­3707T) recovered from desert sand dune.

Keywords Legume– symbiosis · Ensifer · Wild bean · Salt tolerance


The Leguminosae () is the third largest family of fowering with approximately 730 genera and over Communicated by Erko Stackebrandt. 19,400 species (Mabberly 1997; Lewis et al. 2005). Grain Electronic supplementary material The online version of this legumes such as soybeans, beans, peas, or peanuts are agri- article (https​://​3-019-01744​-7) contains culturally and economically important. Their particularly supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. high protein content represents an ecological alternative to cattle farming. Furthermore, their capacity to develop a nat- * José‑Antonio Munive [email protected] ural mutualistic interaction with symbiotic nitrogen-fxing (referred as rhizobia) can reduce nitrogen fertilizer 1 Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Microbiológicas, use which requires, however, the presence of compatible, Instituto de Ciencias, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de competitive and efcient microbial partners. Puebla, Av. San Claudio S/N, CP‑72570 Puebla, Mexico 2 Common bean ( L.) represents the IRD/CIRAD/UM2/Supagro-UR 040 Laboratoire most important source of proteins for low-income popu- des Symbioses Tropicales et Méditerranéennes, 34398 Montpellier, France lations in Latin America and Africa (Ribeiro et al. 2009). 3 The genus Phaseolus comprises around 50 species, all Facultad de Arquitectura, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma P. lunatus P. de Puebla, Av. San Claudio S/N, CP‑72570 Puebla, Mexico indigenous to the Americas. Among these, , vulgaris, P. polyanthus, P. coccineus and P. acutifolius 4 Helyx Afaires SC, Rumania 923‑2. Col. Portales‑Sur. Alcaldía Benito Juárez, were domesticated by pre-Hispanic civilizations and are CP‑03300 Cd. de México, Mexico now widely cultivated for human consumption. Given the

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 310 Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322 potential interest in promoting natural symbioses for of rhizobia, several taxonomic markers (16S rDNA, atpD, growth improvement and adaptation to a changing environ- dnaK, rpoB, glnA, gyrB, recA, thrC, and glnII) were par- ment, there is interest in investigating the rhizobial partners tially sequenced and analyzed. In addition, two symbiotic that can develop the symbiosis with wild bean adapted to genes (nifH and nodC), that refect the symbiotic properties stressed environments, compare their diversity and estimate of rhizobia (Haukka et al. 1998; Laguerre et al. 2001), were their symbiosis capacities with those of cultivated beans’ studied. This collection was also phenotypically character- symbionts. Phaseolus fliformis (also named slimjim bean, ized for their capacity to nodulate various hosts including slender-stem bean, or Wright’s phaseolus), is a wild bean several cultivated bean varieties, carbon source utilization, species native to the southwestern United States and north- and tolerance to alkalinity, salinity, and high-temperature western Mexico, a region subjected to frequent droughts conditions. and salt stresses (Shreve and Wiggins 1964; Hickman 1993; Roskov et al. 2013). Most of the described rhizobial species belong to the Materials and methods subclass (Lindström and Mousavi 2010; Lindström 2015), but there are also a few representa- Origin of the strains and culture conditions tives within the subclass Betaproteobacteria also called beta-rhizobia (Moulin et al. 2001; Chen et al. 2003). Most Phaseolus filiformis plants were sampled in the deser- reported phylogenies of rhizobia nodulating Phaseolus tic region of Baja California, Mexico (22°55′51.5″N, species have placed them in the genera Rhizobium and 109°48′55.3″W), at 9.5 m above sea level on the Santa Maria Bradyrhizobium (Servín-Garcidueñas et al. 2014). Even Bay, Guadalupe Beach. The plants were grown on sandy though most legumes reported in the tribe are soil presenting an electrical conductivity of 6.276 ds m−1 nodulated by Bradyrhizobium strains (Martinez-Romero (saline soil), an alkaline pH ­(H2O) of 7.82 and presented 2009), P. vulgaris and closed species are mainly nodulated a low cation exchange capacity of 3.16 meq+/100 g. The by Rhizobium strains. However, studies have shown that soil was poor, containing 0.07% of nitrogen, while organic strains belonging to the genus Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) (E. matter was not detectable. All the plants sampled were nodu- fredii, E. meliloti and E. americanum) (Herrera-Cervera lated. Rhizobial strains were isolated from nodules using the et al. 1999; Mnasri et al. 2007; Zurdo-Piñeiro et al. 2009; standard procedures described by Vincent (1970), on yeast Verástegui-Valdés et al. 2014) can also develop an efective mannitol agar (YMA) medium (Bergersen 1961). Strains symbiosis with this crop and more recently the beta-rhizo- were grown on YMA at 28 °C and kept in 20% (v/v) glycerol bium Paraburkholderia nodosa was found as the main sym- at − 80 °C. For comparison, we used E. saheli LMG8310 biotic partner in the Brazilian Cerrado region (Dall’Agnol (ORS611), kindly provided by Esperanza Martínez-Romero et al. 2016). (Center for Genome Sciences, UNAM, México). Due to the need for easy, robust and reliable techniques for the identifcation and classifcation of bacterial isolates Nodulation tests at the species level, phylogenetic analyses using several conserved and single copy protein-encoding genes (house- All strains were evaluated for their ability to induce nodules keeping genes), with a higher level of sequence divergence on diferent host legume species. Plants tested included their than rRNA genes are now encouraged. The ad hoc com- natural host (P. fliformis), fve diferent Phaseolus vulgaris mittee for the redefnition of bacterial species concept has varieties (Negro jamapa, peruano, pinto, vaquita and alubia) recommended the use of several genes to perform such and fve diferent legume genera (Mimosa pudica, Eryth- classifcation (Stackebrandt et al. 2002). More recently, rina americana, Medicago sativa, Cicer arietinum and Lupi- multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) which uses a concat- nus gredensis). Phaseolus seeds were surface sterilized as enated sequence of multiple markers to infer evolutionary described previously (Beynon et al. 1980). Erythrina seeds relationships among bacterial isolates was shown as a reli- were rinsed in water, scarifed mechanically using sandpa- able method to classify species in several genera includ- pers and sterilized by immersion in concentrated sulfuric ing Ensifer (Martens et al. 2007, 2008) or Bradyrhizobium acid for 10 min, rinsed with sterile water, and left in water (Vinuesa et al. 2008). overnight. Mimosa seeds were rinsed in water, sterilized by The aim of the present work was to isolate and char- immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid for 10 min, rinsed acterize rhizobia nodulating the wild bean species P. fli- with sterile water, and left in water overnight. Medicago and formis and test their capacities to develop the symbiosis Lupinus seeds were submerged in 70% alcohol for 10 min, with cultivated beans. Isolated strains were genotyped by immersed in 25% sodium hypochlorite solution for 15 min restriction patterns produced by ARDRA and REP-PCR. and rinsed with sterile water. Cicer seeds followed the latter To clarify their taxonomic position within the phylogeny protocol, but they were soaked in a boiling water bath for

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50 s prior to treatment exposure (modifed from Somasega- Internal fragments of the housekeeping genes, atpD (ATP ran and Hoben 1994). synthase F1, beta subunit) and glnII (glutamine synthetase Seeds were placed onto water agar (0.75% w/v) in Petri II) (Vinuesa et al. 2005); rpoB (RNA polymerase, beta subu- dishes until germination. Germinated seedlings were trans- nit) and gyrB (DNA gyrase B subunit) (Martens et al. 2008); ferred to agar slants (20 ml of agar in 50 ml tube) of Jens- recA (recombinase A) (Gaunt et al. 2001), dnaK (heat shock en’s N-free medium (Somasegaran and Hoben 1994). Plants protein HSP70) (Stepkowski et al. 2003); glnA (glutamine were incubated at 20 °C with a 16-h light, 8-h dark cycle synthetase type I) and thrC (threonine synthase) (Martens (Knight et al. 1986). A single colony of each isolate was et al. 2007), as well as the 16S rDNA gene, and the symbi- picked from YMA plates and grown aerobically in yeast osis-related genes nodC (N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase) extract mannitol broth (YM) on an orbital shaker (180 rpm) and nifH (dinitrogenase reductase) (Laguerre et al. 2001), at 28 °C. Each seedling was inoculated with 1 ml bacte- were amplifed using the conditions described in Table 1. rial culture at exponential growth phase (Somasegaran and PCR products and their concentration were verifed by Hoben 1994). For each plant species tested, controls con- electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel stained with ethidium sisted of non-inoculated seedlings, either supplied with min- bromide. A molecular size marker (GeneRuler 1 Kb DNA eral nitrogen (as 0.1% ­KNO3 in nutrient solution) or grown Ladder) was included to estimate the length of the ampli- without nitrogen. Roots of plants were observed for root fcation products. The amplifed products were purifed to nodule formation 3–4 weeks after inoculation. remove salts, polymerase and excess primers and nucleo- tides, using a Qiaquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen) PCR amplifcation and sequencing of housekeeping according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Concentration genes for MLSA, ribosomal and symbiotic genes of purifed products was measured in a spectrophotometer ­NanoDrop® ND-1000 (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilming- Total DNA was extracted using the Wizard Genomic DNA ton, DE). Sequencing was performed by the Genoscreen Purifcation Kit (Promega Corporation, USA), according company service (Applied Biosystems 3730XL DNA to the manufacturer´s protocol. PCR was performed in a sequencer). Consensus sequences were obtained using the 2400 GeneAmp PCR Systems­ ® Perkin Elmer thermocycler. AutoAssembler software (Applied Biosystems).

Table 1 Primers and PCR cycling conditions used in this work Primer Sequence (5′–3′) PCR cycling conditions References

REPIR-l REP2-1 IIIICGICGICATCIGGC​ 7′ 95 °C, × 35 (1′ 94 °C, 1′ 40 °C, 8′ 65 °C), 16′ Versalovic et al. (1994) ICGICTT​TAT​CIGGC​TAC​ 65 °C, ∞ 20 °C UN27F TAG​AGT​TTG​ATC​CTG​GCT​CAG​ 3′ 95 °C, × 26 (30″ 94 °C, 1′ 57 °C, 1′10″ 72 °C), Biodiversa Inc., México UN1392R CAG​GGG​CGG​TGT​GTACA​ 10′ 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C atpD255F GCTSGGC​CGC​ATCMTSAAC​GTC​ 3′30″ 95 °C, × 30 (1′ 93.5 °C, 40″ 55 °C, 1′ Vinuesa et al. (2005) atpD782R GCC​GAC​ACTTCMGAACCNGCCTG​ 72 °C), 5′ 72 °C, ∞ 15 °C glnII-12F glnII-689R YAA​GCT​CGA​GTA​CAT​YTG​GCT TGC​ 3′30″ 95 °C, × 30 (1′ 93.5 °C, 1′ 58 °C, 1′ 72 °C), Vinuesa et al, 2005 ATG​CCSGAG​CCG​TTCCA​ 5′ 72 °C, ∞ 15 °C TSdnaK2 GTA​CAT​GGC​CTC​GCC​GAG​CTTCA​ 5′ 94 °C, × 35 (30″ 94 °C, 1′ 60 °C, 45″ 72 °C), 7′ Stepkowsky et al. (2003) TSdnaK4 GGC​AAG​GAG​CCG​CAY​AAG​G 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C glnA144F GTC​ATG​TTC​GAC​GGY​TCY​TCG​ 3′30″ 95 °C, × 30 (1′ 93.5 °C, 1′ 61 °C, 1′ 72 °C), Martens et al. (2007) glnA1142R TGGAKCTT​GTT​CTT​GAT​GCCG​ 5′ 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C gyrB343F TTC​GAC​CAG​AAY​TCC​TAY​AAGG​ 5′ 96 °C, × 35 (30″ 94 °C, 30″ 59 °C, 1′ 72 °C), 3′ Martens et al. (2008) gyrB1043R AGC​TTG​TCCTTSGTC​TGC​G 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C recA12a GTA​GAG​GAY​AAA​TCG​GTG​GA 5′ 94 °C, × 35 (30″ 94 °C, 1′ 50 °C, 45″ 72 °C), 7′ Gaunt et al. (2001) recA555 CGR​ATC​TGG​TTG​ATG​AAG​ATC​ACC​AT 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C rpoB83F CCTSATC​GAG​GTT​CAC​AGA​AGG​C 5′ 96 °C, × 35 (30″ 94 °C, 30″ 59 °C, 1′ 72 °C), 3′ Martens et al. (2008) rpoB1061R AGC​GTG​TTG​CGG​ATA​TAG​GCG​ 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C thrC577F GGCAMKTTC​GAC​GAY​TGC​CAG​ 3′30″ 95 °C, × 30 (1′ 93.5 °C, 1′ 55 °C, 1′ 72 °C), Martens et al. (2007) thrC1231R GGR​AAT​TTDGCC​GGR​TGSGC 5′ 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C nodCF AYGTHGTY​GAY​GAC​GGT​TC 5′ 95 °C, × 35 (30″ 94 °C, 30″ 56 °C, 1′ 72 °C), 7′ Laguerre et al. (2001) nodCI CYG​GAC​AGCCANTCKCTA​TTG​ 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C nifHF TACGGNAARGGSGGNATC​GGC​AA 5′ 95 °C, × 35 (30″ 94 °C, 30″ 60 °C, 45″ 72 °C), Laguerre et al. (2001) nifHI AGC​ATG​TCYYCSAGYTCNTCCA​ 7′ 72 °C, ∞ 20 °C a Modifed from Gaunt et al. (2001)

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Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses technique (Corral-Lugo et al. 2012). For the analysis of tem- perature and pH efects on bacterial growth, the strains were Sequences were compared with those of the selected strains pre-cultivated as previously described but incubated at dif- including type material available from Genbank database ferent temperatures from 28 °C, 32 °C, 37 °C up to 40 °C, or at the time of writing. The GenBank accession numbers at diferent pHs (5.3, 6.8, 8.3 and 9.5). Bacterial growth was are included in supplementary materials (Supp. Table S1 estimated as previously described (Corral-Lugo et al. 2012). and Supp. Table S2). Concatenated sequences were gener- ated using DNAsp v5 (Librado and Rozas 2009). Nucleo- Determination of carbon assimilation profles tide sequence alignments were made using CLUSTAL_X (Thompson et al. 1997), and corrected manually using Gene- Oxidation of 48 carbon sources was tested with the API 50 Doc (Nicholas et al. 1997). Maximum-likelihood (ML) anal- CH systems (API strips, Biomérieux, France) using over- yses were performed with MEGA version 7.0 (Kumar et al. night YM broth cultures grown at 28 °C according to the 2016; Tamura et al. 2011). ML analyses were performed manufacturer’s protocol. The results were recorded after using the models with the lowest Bayesian information cri- 24 h and 48 h of incubation at 28 °C. Each strain was tested terion score. All analyses were performed with at least 500 in API 50CH on two separate occasions and showed good bootstrap replications. reproducibility.

ARDRA and REP‑PCR genomic fngerprinting Genome‑based species delineation

PCR-based locus-specific RFLP ribotyping can be suc- The average nucleotide identity (ANI) (Goris et al. 2007) cessfully applied for the diferentiation of bacterial strains and digital DNA–DNA hybridization (dDDH) estimates that display a low degree of heterogeneity within the rRNA (Meier-Kolthof et al. 2013) were used to determine the operons (Olive and Bean 1991). Amplifed 16S rDNA was molecular delineation of Ensifer aridi strains from neighbor- digested with the restriction enzymes AluI, CfoI, HinfI and ing species. The accession numbers of all genome sequences NheI purchased at Roche Diagnostics GmbH (Germany). used here are reported in Supplementary table S3. These The digested DNA was separated in 2.5% (w/v) agarose gel, included the genome sequences of strains LEM451 and for 3 h at a constant voltage of 70 V cm−1 at 4 °C, and further LEM457 representing the majority of strains recovered stained with ethidium bromide. REP-PCR generates DNA from P. fliformis as well as ­LMR001T and LMR013 recov- fngerprints that allow the discrimination of bacterial strains ered from the Merzouga desert in Morocco and TP6 and (Versalovic et al. 1994). The REP-PCR amplifcations were TW10 isolated from the Indian Thar desert. These genomic performed using the conditions described in Table 1. The sequences were compared to available genome sequences REP-PCR profles were visualized under ultraviolet light from all Ensifer type strains available at the time of writing after staining with ethidium bromide. The resulting fnger- including that of E. saheli LMG 7837­ T, the closest relative prints were analyzed by the BioNumerics V4.0 software of Ensifer aridi (Supplementary table S3). For the ANI cal- package (Applied Maths, Ghent, Belgium). The similarity culation, alignment options used were 70% minimal identity among digitized profles was calculated using the Pearson over more than 700 bp in fragment windows of 1000 bp with correlation, and an average linkage (UPGMA) dendrogram a 200 bp step size on reciprocal best hits (two-way ANI). was derived from the profles. For the dDDH estimation, we used the Genome to Genome Distance Calculator 2.1 (GGDC) with the BLAST + align- Efect of temperature, salt concentration and pH ment method which uses the generalized linear model with on bacterial growth the recommended settings (Meier-Kolthof et al. 2013). The TYGS method using recommended settings was used To estimate the tolerance of isolated rhizobia to salt, Ensifer to show species delineation and for phylogenomic tree con- strains were frst pre-cultivated at 28 °C for 24 h in 5 ml of struction (Meier-Kolthof and Göker 2019). YM broth (pH 6.8) with shaking (180 rpm). This volume was then used to inoculate 50 ml of YM media to reach a target initial titer of 8 × 108 CFU/ml. Bacterial tolerance was Results estimated by inoculating modifed YMA medium contain- ing either 0.85 mM, 10 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM, Isolation of rhizobia and nodulation tests 200 mM, 300 mM, 400 mM, 500 mM, 600 mM, 800 mM or 1000 mM NaCl. Plates were incubated at 28 °C for 7 days, Phaseolus fliformis was the primary natural legume plant and colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/ml) were cal- present on the sampled site. Ten rhizobial strains were iso- culated for each sample by massive stamping drop plate lated from nodules of P. fliformis directly growing in the

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Ensiferaridi TP6 sand and tested for nodulation on eleven diferent host leg- Ensiferaridi TW10 Ensiferaridi LMR013 umes. Our tests did not reveal any variation of their respec- Ensiferaridi LMR001 Ensifer sp. LEM451 tive nodulation phenotype. All these strains were capable of Ensifer sp. LEM453 73 Ensifer sp. LEM457 nodulating their original host, P. fliformis, as well as all the Ensifer sp. LEM459 Ensifer sp. LEM466 bean varieties tested. However, using the culture conditions Ensifer sp. LEM551 Ensifer sp. LEM462 used here, they were not capable of nodulating the other Ensifer sp. LEM465 Ensiferkostiensis LMG 19227T M. pudica, E. americana, M. sativa, C. ari- 87 Ensifersaheli LMG 7837T legumes tested ( Ensifer sp. LEM468 etinum L. gredensis 60 Ensifersojae CCBAU 05684T nor ). Ensifer glycinis CCBAU 23380 Ensifershofinae CCBAU 251197 Ensiferkummerowiae CCBAU 71714T Ensiferamericanum LMG 22684T Genomic fngerprinting 50 Ensiferfredii LMG 6217T Ensiferxinjiangensis LMG 17930T 73 Ensifergaramanticus ORS 1400T Ensiferpsoraleae CCBAU 65732T The PCR–RFLP of the 16S rDNA genes and a REP-PCR 53 Ensiferarboris LMG 14919T Ensifer alkalisoli YIC4027T 91 genomic fngerprinting of rhizobia recovered were carried Ensifermedicae LMG 19920T Ensifernumidicus ORS 1407T 71 out. Strains were categorized in ten genotypes by combina- Ensifermeliloti LMG 6133T 92 Ensifer sp. LEM456 tion of the restriction patterns from the four enzymes and Ensifermexicanus HAMBI 2910T Ensiferterangae LMG 7834T from REP-PCR fngerprinting patterns (data not shown). 85 Ensifermorelense LMG 21331T 80 Ensiferadhaerens gv. C LMG 20216T 95 Ensifersesbaniae CCBAU 65729T Given the high diversity obtained, all isolated strains were 79 Rhizobiumgiardinii R4385T Rhizobium radiobacter LMG 140T further analyzed. 79 Rhizobium leguminosarum LMG 14904T 100 Rhizobium rhizogenes LMG 150T Mesorhizobiummediterraneum LMG 17148T Bradyrhizobium elkanii LMG 6134T Phylogenetic analyses of P. fliformis symbiotic 100 Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum LMG 6138T isolates 0.05

The maximum-likelihood tree based on nearly full 16S Fig. 1 Maximum-likelihood tree based on partial 16S rDNA gene rDNA gene sequences (Fig. 1) showed that the P. fliformis sequences showing the evolutionary relationships between Ensifer isolates belonged to the Ensifer genus and grouped into three strains isolated from Phaseolus fliformis nodules in Mexico (bold) diferent clusters. The majority of the partial 16S rDNA and reference strains. The analysis was based on 1229 nucleotides alignment. The signifcance of each branch is indicated by the boot- sequences (8/10) showed high sequence similarities to those strap value calculated for 500 replicates (only values higher than 50% of Ensifer strains recovered from Asian or African deserts are indicated). Scale bar indicates 5% substitution per site. Accession recently described, and for which the name “Ensifer aridi” numbers of sequences used are reported in supplementary Table S1 was proposed based on genomic data which included the two P. fliformis rhizobial strains LEM451 and LEM457 (Le Queré et al. 2017). The 16S rDNA sequences of the strains identical to Ensifer saheli LMG 7837­ T, clustered together LEM451, LEM453, LEM457 and LEM462 were 100% iden- with the strains of the “Ensifer aridi” clade. Furthermore, tical over 1227 bp aligned sequences to that of African and in contrast to the 16S rDNA sequence-based phylogeny, this Asian “Ensifer aridi” isolates; LEM459 and LEM466 pre- large group of Ensifer strains presented a higher sequence sented a single substitution, while LEM551 and LEM465 similarity with E. saheli than with E. kostiense, even though presented 2 and 4 substitutions, respectively. The partial 16S the latter species clustered together within a clade that rDNA sequence of one isolate (LEM468) was identical to encompassed E. aridi and E. saheli strains which was sup- that of Ensifer saheli LMG 7837­ T that is closely related to ported by a bootstrap of 68%. Finally, the strain LEM456 the “Ensifer aridi” clade with which it shares 1220 bases out was separated from the remaining Mexican isolates and was of the 1227 sequenced. Finally, LEM456 was closely related related to the species E. kummerowiae and E. meliloti, which to E. meliloti; difering only 2 nucleotides along the 1227 is in good agreement with the 16S rDNA phylogeny. aligned sequences (99.8% identity). Individual analyses of the eight housekeeping genes par- To better resolve the position of the strains among Ensi- tially sequenced showed that the recA gene presented the fer species, we then constructed a phylogenetic tree upon highest similarity with 100% identity between sequences concatenation of three housekeeping genes (atpD, recA and of the nine Mexican strains clustering with “Ensifer aridi”. glnII) that are available for most of Ensifer species (Fig. 2). The partial rpoB and atpD gene sequences were identical The tree obtained presented several diferences with that among these nine strains except for LEM466 which pre- obtained based on the 16S rDNA phylogeny. In particular, sented one and four substitutions, respectively. The gyrB the phylogenetic proximity between strain LEM468 and E. sequences presented from 99.6 to 100% sequence similari- saheli, and that obtained between the rest of Mexican strains ties and the thrC alignment presented from 99 to 100% (except LEM456) and E. kostiense were not confrmed. The sequence similarities among this group of nine P. fliformis strain LEM468, that showed partial 16S rDNA sequence isolates. The partial gene sequences of glnII were identical

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68 Ensifer sp. TW10 Ensifer sp. TP6 96.8 to 98.4%, 96.9 to 99.8%, 97.6 to 99.8%, 96.8 to 99.7% Ensifer sp. LEM465 Ensifer sp. LEM459 and 97.7 to 100%. Ensifer sp. LEM457 68 Ensifer sp. LEM451 Analysis of the alignment obtained from concatenated Ensifer sp. LEM466 Ensifer sp. LEM453 recA atpD gyrB 100 Ensifer sp. LEM462 sequences of the six housekeeping genes , , , Ensifer sp. LEM468 Ensifer sp. LMR001 rpoB, glnII and thrC from the ten Mexican isolates with 100 Ensifer sp. LMR013 68 Ensifer sp. LEM551 strains from the closest Ensifer species identified were Ensifer kostiensis LMG 19227T 59 Ensifer saheli LMG 7837T Ensifer americanum LMG 22684T performed (Fig. 3). This confrmed that nine of the strains Ensifer glycinis CCBAU 23380T 74 Ensifer garamanticus ORS 1400T are closely related to the species “Ensifer aridi” forming a Ensifer psoraleae CCBAU 65732T 94 Ensifer mexicanus HAMBI 2910T branch with strong bootstrap support (100%) with which 100 Ensifer terangae LMG 7834T 79 Ensifer sojae CCBAU 05684T they shared 98.9–99.9% identity over the 3213 bp concat- Ensifer alkalisoli YIC4027T Ensifer shofinae CCBAU 251197T enated sequences (Fig. 3). Using this alignment, the strain 100 Ensifer xinjiangensis LMG 17930T 100 Ensifer fredii LMG 6217T 100 Ensifer fredii USDA207 LEM456 clustered clearly (bootstrap of 100%) within the Ensifer arboris LMG 14919T 82 Ensifer medicae LMG 19920T E. meliloti 100 clade that included the six strains and with which 100 Ensifer medicae WSM419 94 Ensifer medicae M1 it shared from 97.5 to 99.3% sequence similarities. 74 Ensifer sp. LEM456 100 Ensifer kummerowiae CCBAU 71714T 100 100 Ensifer meliloti USDA1002 98 Ensifer meliloti LMG 6133T 90 Ensifer meliloti Rm41 Analysis of symbiotic nodC and nifH genes Ensifer numidicus ORS 1407T Ensifer morelense LMG 21331T 95 100 Ensifer adhaerens gv. C LMG 20216T Ensifer sesbaniae CCBAU 65729T 53 Rhizobium radiobacter LMG 140T Symbiotic genes refect the bacterial symbiotic properties 78 Rhizobium rhizogenes LMG 150T Rhizobium giardinii R4385T of rhizobia (Haukka et al. 1998; Laguerre et al. 2001). To 95 Rhizobium etli CFN 42T 100 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii WSM2304 explore the symbiotic diversity of P. fliformis isolates, two 94 Rhizobium leguminosarum LMG 14904T 99 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii WSM1325 symbiotic genes (nodC and nifH) were partially sequenced 100 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae 3841 71 Mesorhizobiumamorphae CCNWGS0123T 82 Mesorhizobiummetallidurans STM2683T for eight isolates and their phylogenies compared to those Mesorhizobiummediterraneum LMG 17148T 100 Mesorhizobiumloti MAFF303099T obtained using housekeeping genes. Based on diferences opportunistum WSM2075T Mesorhizobium australicum WSM2073T along a 722 pb DNA fragment of nodC, all rhizobial iso- 64 Mesorhizobiumciceri bv biserrulae WSM1271T Bradyrhizobiumelkanii LMG 6134T lates compared grouped together in a single clade related 100 Bradyrhizobium sp. BTAi1 100 Bradyrhizobium japonicum LMG 6138T 100 Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA 110T to nodC sequences from Ensifer strains isolated from Aca- cia macracantha macracantha 0.05 ( ) nodules in Peru (Fig. 4, Supp. Table S2). The genetic diversity of a 652 pb Fig. 2 Maximum-likelihood tree based on concatenated atpD–recAgl- DNA fragment corresponding to the partial sequences of nII partial gene sequences showing the evolutionary relationships the nitrogen fxation gene nifH among the Mexican Ensifer between Ensifer strains isolated from Phaseolus fliformis nodules strains reported here showed a greater sequence divergence. in Mexico (bold) and reference strains. The analysis was based on However, they grouped within a large clade of Ensifer strains 1245 nucleotides alignment. The signifcance of each branch is indi- E. americanum E. meliloti, E. fredii cated by the bootstrap value calculated for 500 replicates (only values belonging to , or yet higher than 50% are indicated). Scale bar indicates 5% substitution undefned Ensifer species recovered from Phaseolus vulgaris per site. Accession numbers of sequences used are reported in sup- in Europe, Africa, Asia or America, as well as those isolated plementary Table S1 from Acacia macracantha nodules in Peru or from Leucaena leucocephala in arid-hot river valley area in Panxi, Sichuan, for this group of strains except for LEM551 which showed China (Fig. 5, Supp. Table S2). 94.9% sequence similarity. In contrast to these six house- keeping genes, the alignment of dnaK partial sequences Efect of salt stress on bacterial growth presented more divergent sequences for strains LEM466 and LEM551 which presented, respectively, 91.9 and Capable of growing directly on the beach, at sea level, we 86.3% sequence similarities with the remaining sequences supposed that the wild bean species P. fliformis and its sym- from the strains that clustered within the E. aridi clade. biotic partners were able to tolerate high salt concentrations. The glnA partial sequence alignment showed 90.6–100% Here, the tolerance to saline stress for the isolated strains sequence similarities between these nine strains. The was evaluated using E. saheli LMG 8310 (the closest related sequence similarities between LEM456 and E. meliloti species) as control. We confrmed that all Ensifer strains strains were also high. Indeed, when comparing these eight tested were salt tolerant (Table 2). All Ensifer strains tested housekeeping gene sequences between LEM456 and six presented good growth up to 300 mM NaCl. Six strains Ensifer meliloti strains, the recA gene presented similarity LEM451, LEM456, LEM457, LEM459, LEM465, LEM466 ranging from 97.3 to 100%. For the remaining markers, and E. saheli LMG 8310 can grow at 400 mM NaCl, but dnaK, rpoB, atpD, gyrB, thrC, glnA and glnII, similarities strains LEM456, LEM457, LEM459 and LEM465 showed ranged, respectively, from 97.5 to 99.5%, 97.4 to 99.1%, weak growth at this concentration. Strains LEM457 and

1 3 Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322 315

84 Ensifer sp. LEM451 AB61

Ensifer sp. LEM465 M451 LE M453 57 Ensifer aridi PC2 . LE sp M457 .

Ensifer sp. LEM453 r LE sp fe M459 . r si LE sp Ensifer sp. LEM462 fe M462 . En r si LE sp fe M465 ID . Ensiferaridi JNVU TP6 En Ensifer sp. LEM451 r si LE sp fe M466 1ID . 001 En 96 Ensifer sp. LEM453 r Ensiferaridi TW10 si R

Ensiferaridi LE sp fe 6 M468 11ID . 013 En Ensifer sp. LEM457 r si LM R


Ensifer sp. LEM459 sp TP fe M551 111ID . clade En in Ensifer sp. LEM459 r si LM

LE VU sp ra fe

Ensifer sp. LEM457 1111ID . En in Ensifer sp. LEM462 r si 10 JN

i st sp ra 11111ID fe En in r Ensifer sp. LEM465 id Ensifer sp. LEM466 si TW 2 i st ra fe 111111ID ar 100 En in Ensifer sp. LEM466 id r si 19227 PC 7837

Ensifer sp. LEM551 i st ra ar fe

1111111ID G En G in Ensifer sp. LEM468 id r si i st 721 ra ar

Ensiferaridi LMR001 fe LM

0,99 0,99 0,99 0,99 0,99 0,99 0,99 0,99 ID LM En


Ensifer sp. LEM551 r si i st

100 in M1 in ar 100 111111110,99 ID fe En

Ensiferaridi LMR013 Ensifer aridi strain LMR001 id r ra si ra WS ar fe

111111110,99 1ID En .

Ensifer aridi strain LMR013 r si Ensifer sp. LEM468 li st se st 83 sp 111111110,99 11ID fe En he 1

Ensifer aridi strain JNVU TP6 r si AK

Ensifer sp. WSM1721 50a 002 0 sa fe M456

111111110,99 111ID sen En in

Ensifer aridi strain TW10 r si 102 AC LE 41

ko fe ra  .

Ensifersaheli LMG 7837 1 11111110,991 111ID En in WSX Ensifer aridi strain PC2 r si 105 4H

- sp lilo fe ra  st

0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,95 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 ID En

57 r

Ensifer sp. WSM1721 in Ensiferkostiensis LMG 19227 si st CCN M1 fe me lilo ra

0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 ID En in

Ensifer saheli strain LMG 7837 r si Ensifermeliloti AK83 o 97 CX me lil fe ra  st

0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,89 0,91 ID En 992 0 in

Ensifer kosensis strain LMG 1922 r si 1 me lilo fe Ensifermeliloti 1021 ra  st

0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,89 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,91 0,89 ID En G

Ensifer sp. LEM456 r si me lilo 100 fe  st

0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,910,890,98ID En Ensifermeliloti CXM1-105 LM Ensifer melilo 1021 r Ensifermelilo si e me lilo fe

0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,910,890,981 ID En

Ensifer melilo strain AK83 r si 100 Ensifermeliloti CCNWSX0020 ca me fe clade di

0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,89 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,91 0,89 0,99 0,97 0,97 ID En

Ensifer melilo strain AC50a r si

Ensifermeliloti AC50a me fe

0,89 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,89 0,89 0,90,890,9 0,90,890,890,890,9 0,91 0,89 0,99 0,98 0,98 0,99 ID En

Ensifer melilo strain 4H41 r si fe 100 Ensifermeliloti 4H41 Ensifer melilo strain CCNWSX002 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,910,890,980,990,990,970,98ID En si 100 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,9 0,90,910,890,981 10,980,981 ID 78 Ensifer sp. LEM456 Ensifer melilo strain CXM1-105 En 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,87 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,87 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 0,92 ID Ensifermedicae LMG 19920 Ensifer medicae LMG 19920


Fig. 3 Analysis of concatenated atpD–glnII–recA–gyrB–rpoB–thrC Scale bar indicates 2% substitution per site. b Matrix showing pair- partial gene sequences between Ensifer strains isolated from Phaseo- wise percentage of similarities between compared strains and species. lus fliformis nodules in Mexico (bold) and closely related strains and The percentage of similarities between sequences from two strains is species. a Maximum-likelihood tree showing the evolutionary rela- highlighted in red (most divergent) to dark green (most conserved). tionships. The analysis was based on 3213 nucleotides alignment. The Accession numbers of sequences used are reported in supplementary signifcance of each branch is indicated by the bootstrap value calcu- Table S1 lated for 500 replicates (only values higher than 50% are indicated).

LEM459 did not stand higher NaCl concentrations, while LEM451, LEM453 and LEM468, meanwhile Ensifer strains strains LEM456 and LEM 465 showed slight growth at LEM457, LEM459, LEM465 and LEM466 did not stand 500 mM NaCl. The growth of Ensifer strain LEM466 was such acid pH. not afected by NaCl concentrations up to 600 mM but did not tolerate higher concentrations. Finally, strain LEM451 Determination of carbon utilization profles was the most tolerant to saline stress, showing weak growth up to 1000 mM NaCl concentration in the medium tested. Ten strains isolated in the present report were character- E. saheli strain LMG 8310 showed weak growth at 500 mM ized for their capacities to utilize a wide range of carbohy- and 600 mM NaCl concentrations above which growth was drates on API CH50 strips and compared to those of various impaired. strains of Ensifer saheli, E. meliloti, E. fredii and E. terangae including type strains (De Lajudie et al. 1994) or to Biolog Efect of temperature and pH on bacterial growth GN2 phenotypic microplates obtained from E. aridi strains isolated from Indian Thar desert or the Moroccan Merzouga The newly isolated strains were also characterized pheno- desert (Le Queré et al. 2017) (Supp. Table S4). Variabil- typically for their tolerance to high temperatures and alkalin- ity in carbon source utilization among Ensifer isolates and ity parameters that are common in desert environments. All species was observed. These strains utilize most carbon Ensifer strains were tolerant to high temperatures (Table 2), sources tested (48 diferent carbon sources), but the patterns being unafected at 28 °C, 32 °C, 37 °C and 40 °C. All of carbon sources utilization were very diverse among the strains isolated from P. fliformis and E. saheli were high- strains isolated from P. fliformis. All strains studied here temperature tolerant. were capable of utilizing d-mannitol, l-arabinose, ribose, In relation to the efect of pH on bacterial growth, and methyl-βd-xylanopyranoside, d-maltose, d-lyxose and using E. saheli LMG 8310 as control, we confrmed that potassium-5-ketogluconate; while they were not capable all strains were tolerant to alkaline conditions as they could of metabolizing glycogen. Even strain LEM456, the most grow at a pH of 9.5; nevertheless, so we found that most divergent strain by MLSA, showed a similar carbon utiliza- strains are sensitive to acidic pH (Table 2). The growth tion profle. In contrast, most carbon sources tested were not of Ensifer strains LEM551, LEM462, LEM456 and E. utilized by strain LEM551 which was only capable of using saheli LMG 8310 was unafected by acidic conditions (pH these eight common carbon sources, as well as inositol and 5.3). The same pH slightly afected the growth of strains salicin that were also metabolized by most Mexican strains.

1 3 316 Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322

Fig. 4 Maximum-likelihood 77 Rhizobium phaseoli VIAD8G Rhizobium leguminosarum LCS0313 tree based on nodC partial gene 99 Rhizobium etli CFN42 sequences showing the evolu- 100 Rhizobium phaseoli ATCC14482 tionary relationships between Rhizobium etli RP346 Ensifer strains isolated from Rhizobium etli RP218 Phaseolus fliformis 54 Rhizobium leguminosarum LEV0613 nodules 100 Rhizobium leguminosarum LCS0306 in Mexico (bold) and selected 100 Rhizobium lusitanum P2 2 91 strains. The analysis was based Ensifer sp. CEQ1 99 Ensifer sp. SCAU224 on 722 nucleotides alignment. Ensiferfredii NXT3 The signifcance of each branch 52 99 Ensiferamericanum CCGM7 is indicated by the bootstrap 77 Ensiferamericanum CFNEI 73 value calculated for 500 Ensifermeliloti bv mediterranense 4H41 Ensifer sp. GVPV12 replicates (only values higher 99 Ensifer sp. GVPV04 than 50% are indicated). Scale 81 Ensiferfredii bv. mediterranense GR-06 bar indicates 5% substitution 76 Ensifer sp. CHU2 per site. Accession numbers of 93 Ensifer sp. STA2 90 Ensifer sp. STA1 sequences used are reported in Ensifer sp. CHU1 supplementary Table S2 Ensifer sp. ATQ1 99 Ensifer sp. LEM466 Ensifer sp. LEM451 76 99 Ensifer sp. LEM468 Ensifer sp. LEM456 63 Ensifer sp. LEM453 Ensifer sp. LEM457 64 99 Ensifer sp. LEM459 78 Ensifer sp. LEM551 Ensifer sp. BR816 Ensifer sp. SCAU213 97 100 Ensifer sp. SCAU191 89 Rhizobium sp. SCAU203 73 Ensiferterangae CB3126 Rhizobium gallicum RP421 100 Rhizobium gallicum RHM47 Mesorhizobiumamorphae CCNWGS0123 100 Mesorhizobiumseptentrionale W73 Ensiferaridi LMR013 100 Ensiferaridi LMR001 100 Ensifer aridiTW10 100 Ensiferaridi JNVU TP6 Ensifersaheli LMG 7837 75 Ensifermeliloti 1021


These results indicate metabolic versatility of the wild bean 81.2 to 85.7 for ANI and 23.1–29.8 for dDDH (Fig. 6). The rhizobia presented here. Finally, all the eight Mexican Ensi- phylogenomic tree obtained with TYGS automated pipeline fer aridi strains (LEM451, LEM453, LEM457, LEM459, showed, as expected, that the genomes of Ensifer strains LEM462, LEM465, LEM466 and LEM468) as well as the belonging to the same species of E. meliloti, E. medicae, E. two Moroccan strains (LMR001, LMR013) and the two fredii or E. americanum presented ANI and dDDH above Indian strains (TP6 and TW10) were capable of utilizing thresholds and TYGS classifed them as distinct species glycerol, l-arabinose, d-fructose, l-rhamnose, inositol, accordingly. Finally, TYGS clustered all six E. aridi strains d-mannitol, d-maltose, d-sucrose, d-trehalose, d-rafnose, (sharing 98.8–99.9% ANI and 87.9–99.1 dDDH %) together d-turanose and d-arabitol. It should be noted that all these within a yet not defned species whose closest relative is E. C sources were also metabolized by the strains of Ensifer saheli (Fig. 6). saheli, E. terangae, E. meliloti and E. fredii tested by De Lajudie et al. (1994). Discussion Genome‑based species delineation In this work, we characterized a collection of ten salt-toler- Two genome-based species delineation methods were used ant rhizobial isolates originating from nodules of Phaseolus to show that the species Ensifer aridi is distinct to already fliformis a wild bean native of northwestern Mexico grow- defned species. When we compared the genomes of the ing on a sandy alkaline soil. These strains were also capa- six E. aridi strains to available sequences of Ensifer type ble of developing the symbiosis with fve cultivated bean strains, both ANI and dDDH were well under the thresholds varieties tested (Negro jamapa, peruano, pinto, vaquita and of 95% and 70%, respectively with % values ranging from alubia).

1 3 Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322 317

Fig. 5 Maximum-likelihood 100 Ensifer sp. STA2 tree based on nifH partial gene Ensifer sp. STA1 Ensifer sp. NG07A sequences showing the evolu- 74 Ensifer sp. FG01 tionary relationships between Ensiferfredii GR64 Ensifer strains isolated from Ensifermeliloti bv. mediterranense 4H41 Ensiferadhaerens R7-601 Phaseolus fliformis nodules 99 Ensifer sp. LILM2009 in Mexico (bold) and selected Ensifer sp. CEQ1 strains. The analysis was based Enisferamericanum CFNEI 73 70 Ensiferamericanum 23C95 on 652 nucleotides alignment. 100 Enisferamericanum 23C40 The signifcance of each branch Ensifer sp. SCAU224 72 Ensifer sp. LEM453 is indicated by the bootstrap Ensifer sp. LEM456 value calculated for 500 Ensifer sp. LEM451 replicates (only values higher 82 84 Ensifer sp. LEM466 97 Ensifer sp. LEM468 than 50% are indicated). Scale Ensifer sp. LEM459 bar indicates 5% substitution Ensifer sp. LEM457 100 per site. Accession numbers of 89 Ensifer sp. LEM551 85 Ensifer sp. CHU2 sequences used are reported in Ensifer sp. ATQ1 supplementary Table S2 88 Ensifer sp. ATQ3 72 Ensifer sp. CHU1 Ensifer sp. SCAU228 99 Mesorhizobiumrobiniae CCNWYC147 51 100 Mesorhizobiumrobiniae CNWYC120 Mesorhizobiumrobiniae CCNWYC132 92 Mesorhizobiumloti R46072 91 Mesorhizobiumalhagi CCNWXJ05 2 Mesorhizobiumseptentrionale CCBAU 11244 95 Mesorhizobiumshangril CCBAU65321 Mesorhizobiumtarimense CCBAU83321 84 Rhizobium undicola Ouran110 Rhizobium gallicum SPT1-23a Rhizobium tarimense AS1-101a 99 Rhizobium etli Mim1 100 Rhizobium etli IE4771 Rhizobium esperanzae CNPSo661 67 87 Rhizobium esperanzae CNPSo668 Rhizobium acidisoli FH23 100 Rhizobium sophoriradicis CCBAU03470 Rhizobium vallis CCBAU65647 93 Rhizobium etli RP330 Rhizobium leguminosarum Gut 2 99 Rhizobium leguminosarum Tsy2 Rhizobium leguminosarum Tsy5 100 Ensiferaridi TP6 Ensiferaridi JNVU TW10 80 Ensifersaheli LMG 7837 99 Enisferaridi LMR001 83 Ensiferaridi LMR013 Ensifermeliloti 1021


Classifcation of rhizobia has gone through substantial By analyzing the 16S rDNA sequences, we found that changes in recent years due to the addition of new genera all the ten rhizobacteria isolated from Phaseolus fliformis and species to this important group of bacteria. Rhizobia iso- belong to the genus Ensifer. 16S rDNA-based phylogenies lated from most Phaseolus species (including P. fliformis) indicated that eight of the isolates recovered here were, how- generally belong to the genus Bradyrhizobium (Servín-Gar- ever, clustered together with the recently proposed species cidueñas et al. 2014), except for P. vulgaris, where Rhizo- “Ensifer aridi” or E. kostiense which diverge from species bium is found to be the most abundant symbiotic bacteria already shown to develop an efective symbiosis with bean. (Martínez et al. 1985; Piñero et al. 1988; Somasegaran et al. Taxonomical identifcations based on 16S rDNA analysis 1991; Souza et al. 1994; Silva et al. 1999; Parker 2002; is sometimes not powerful enough to discriminate the phy- Ormeño-Orrillo et al. 2006). Nevertheless, Phaseolus vul- logenetic position of closely related strains or species due garis is recognized as a non-selective host for nodulation to high levels of sequence conservation (Acinas et al. 2004; (Michiels et al. 1998) and Ensifer strains or species (E. fre- Martens et al. 2007). The use of several loci present in single dii, E. medicae, E. meliloti and E. americanum) have also copies on genomes with greater sequence divergence and been reported as Phaseolus symbionts in several continents evenly distributed in the genome is an alternative approach (Bernal and Graham 2001; Mhamdi et al. 2002; Parker 2002; that overcomes the drawbacks of 16S rDNA-based analyses Wang et al. 2009; Mnasri et al. 2012; Adhikari et al. 2013; (Vandamme et al. 1996; Stackebrandt et al. 2002; Zeigler Verástegui-Valdés et al. 2014). 2003; Gevers et al. 2005; Thompson et al. 2005). To clarify

1 3 318 Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322

Table 2 Efect of temperature, salt concentration and pH of medium on bacterial growth of Ensifer strains isolated from P. fliformis in Mexico Strains Bacterial growth in Bacterial growth in YMA with NaCl at diferent concentrations (mM) Growth in YMA YMA at diferent medium at diferent temperature condi- pH conditions tions (°C) 28 32 37 40 0.085 10 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 5.3 6.8 8.3 9.5

Mexican strains LEM451 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + + W W ++ ++ ++ LEM453 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + − − − − − W ++ ++ ++ LEM551 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + − − − − − + ++ ++ + LEM456 ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ + + W W − − − + + ++ ++ LEM457 + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + W − − − − − ++ ++ ++ LEM459 + + + ++ ++ ++ + + + + + W − − − − − ++ ++ ++ LEM462 ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + − − − − − + ++ ++ ++ LEM465 + + + + + ++ + + + + + W W − − − − + + + LEM466 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + − − − + + + LEM468 ++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + − − − − W + ++ ++ E. saheli LMG8310 + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + W W − − + ++ ++ ++

++ Vigorous growth + Good growth W Weak growth − No growth

Fig. 6 Genome-based species delineation. Phylogenomic tree cies clusters. The matrix on the right shows ANI (lower left, blue inferred from GBDP distances obtained with TYGS. Branch lengths font) and dDDH (upper right, red font) obtained upon pairwise com- are scaled in terms of GBDP distance formula d5; numbers above parisons. Values above thresholds for intraspecies comparisons are branches are GBDP pseudo-bootstrap support values from 100 rep- highlighted in gray. Type strains are indicated by bold font. Accession lications. Leaf labels are colored by afliation to species and subspe- numbers of sequences used are reported in supplementary Table S3

1 3 Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322 319 the taxonomic position of Phaseolus fliformis isolates pre- Ensifer strains and species which may even occur at the sented here, eight gene fragments (atpD, dnaK, rpoB, glnA, intergeneric level (Andrews et al. 2018; Verástegui-Valdés gyrB, thrC, recA and glnII) were sequenced and analyzed. et al. 2014). The phylogenetic relationships obtained using atpD, recA Within their natural habitat, rhizobial species are fre- and glnII, genes that have been sequenced in most Ensifer quently subjected to detrimental efects such as water or species showed that there might be several species among salt-induced osmotic stresses or high temperatures which the isolated strains. One strain (LEM456) was grouped with afect bacterial growth and root colonization. In the case of E. meliloti, while the remaining strains isolated from P. fli- E. americanum, isolates tolerate 170 mM NaCl, but their formis were sharing a separate clade with strains of “Ensifer growth is reduced at 260–340 mM and completely inhibited aridi” that, based on comparative genomics, includes the at 400 mM NaCl (Verástegui-Valdés et al. 2014). Higher strains LEM451 and LEM457 (Le Queré et al. 2017). The salt tolerance levels were shown for E. meliloti bv. mediter- use of six housekeeping genes (atpD, rpoB, gyrB, thrC, recA ranense strains which could grow in media containing salt and glnII) for MLSA confrmed that the strain LEM456 is concentrations greater than 750 mM (Mnasri et al. 2007). E. related to Ensifer meliloti, while the other strains clustered meliloti and E. medicae isolated from marginal soils afected with “Ensifer aridi”; being diferent from already described by salt and drought, in arid regions of Morocco, have shown Ensifer species nodulating Phaseolus, including E. america- a large degree of variation for salt tolerance (Elboutahiri num, a dominant P. vulgaris symbiont isolated from alkaline et al. 2010). E. medicae has shown good tolerance to NaCl soils in Mexico (Verástegui-Valdés et al. 2014). Our results (> 513 mM), compared to other rhizobia species (Zahran enlarge the spectrum of rhizobial species that can nodulate 1999). E. meliloti shows greater tolerance to salt (1711 mM Phaseolus species and further support a shift toward Ensifer NaCl) (Elboutahiri et al. 2010), indicating that saline soils strains as preferred bean symbiont in alkaline soils. naturally select strains more tolerant to salinity, and results Phylogenies obtained with symbiotic genes were not in higher recovery of salinity-tolerant strains. All Mexican congruent with those obtained using housekeeping genes. strains identifed here were capable to grow at salt con- According to the nodC phylogeny, all strains reported here centrations greater than 1.5% (about 250 mM), that was clustered together including LEM456 which was, based on expected as they were recovered from beach saline sandy MLSA, clustering with E. meliloti strains. Surprisingly, soil. Growth at salt concentrations greater than 400 mM was the greatest nodC sequence similarities were found with observed in few strains, and one of them, LEM451, was Ensifer strains isolated from Acacia macracantha nodules even capable of growing at 1000 mM NaCl; meanwhile, the in Peru which possess 16S rDNA sequences highly similar most closely related Ensifer species E. saheli showed some to the species Ensifer fredii, E. americanum, or E. meliloti growth up to 600 mM. Even though the tolerance to salt is (Cordero et al. 2016). However, the clade regrouping nodC highly variable both at the intra- or inter-specifc levels, our sequences from P. filiformis and these A. macracantha results further demonstrate the relatively high salt tolerance isolates also showed some proximity with another cluster of strains belonging to the genus Ensifer. encompassing nodC sequences from P. vulgaris rhizobia Ensifer americanum, E. meliloti bv. mediterranense belonging to the biovar mediterranense which included E. and E. saheli strains have been shown to grow at pH rang- americanum, E. fredii and E. meliloti recovered from Tuni- ing from 5.0 to 9.0, but not below 5.0 (Biswas et al. 2008; sia, Spain or Mexico (Laguerre et al. 2001; Mnasri et al. Verástegui-Valdés et al. 2014; this work). Despite some 2007, 2012; Verástegui-Valdés et al. 2014). The nifH-based variations between strains studied in this report, the pheno- phylogenetic relationships of Mexican P. fliformis rhizo- typic characterization confrmed the particular adaptation bia indicated greater diversity, but they remained clustered of Ensifer toward alkaline pH; furthermore, as shown for together with sequences of Ensifer strains already shown to other Ensifer species and strains, they appeared less adapted nodulate Phaseolus such as E. americanum. Interestingly to acid pH. These data suggest that soil pH should be evalu- the latter species was frst described as Acacia symbionts ated prior to application of rhizobial inocula to use the best in Mexico (Toledo et al. 2003), prior to being described adapted nitrogen-fxing bacteria in biofertilization programs. as bean-nodulated rhizobia in Tunisian (Mnasri et al. 2007, The optimal growth of strains belonging to the genus 2012) and Mexican soils (Verástegui-Valdés et al. 2014) Ensifer is generally obtained at temperatures around which demonstrates its broad geographical distribution and 25–33 °C (De Lajudie et al. 1994), but some species are its capacity to exchange symbiotic gene arsenal to develop capable of growing at temperatures ranges from 12 °C (Li the symbiosis with multiple hosts. Based on the high similar- et al. 2011) to 44 °C (De Lajudie et al. 1994). All P. fli- ity between P. fliformis rhizobia symbiotic genes sequences formis strains presented here were tolerant to high tempera- including that from the LEM456, our data support a local tures (40 °C), similarly to E. saheli (De Lajudie et al. 1994) acquisition of this symbiotic gene pool through plasmid or or to strains belonging to the proposed species E. aridi (Le genomic island transfers among Mexican bean-nodulating Queré et al. 2017), to which most of the presented isolates

1 3 320 Archives of Microbiology (2020) 202:309–322 were belonging. This capacity to withstand high tempera- droughts: these are the deserts of Thar in India, Merzouga tures was expected when considering the biome from which in Morocco and here Baja California). Cells are Gram- they were isolated. negative, aerobic, motile and do not produce spores. Col- Phaseolus fliformis strains were phenotypically char- onies are circular, from slightly to highly mucous, white acterized for their carbon source utilization. Ensifer strain opaque, convex and 1–3 mm diameter upon 48 h of growth LEM551 had a particular biochemical behavior. This strain on YMA medium at 30 °C. They can grow at particularly was not capable of utilizing most carbon sources tested, high temperatures (40 °C), tolerate pH ranging from 6 to being slightly divergent from the clade that grouped nine 9.5 and all Ensifer aridi strains tested including the eight wild bean rhizobia by MLSA. That strain may represent a Mexican, the two Moroccan (LMR001, LMR013) and the distinct species related to E. aridi. However, the most evo- two Indian (TP6, TW10) isolates were capable of growing lutionary distant strain LEM456 (related to E. meliloti) using glycerol, l-arabinose, d-fructose, l-rhamnose, inositol, presented a similar profle to that of strains forming this d-mannitol, d-maltose, d-sucrose, d-trehalose, d-rafnose, dominant group which shows, based on the C sources tested, d-turanose or d-arabitol as sole carbon sources (Sakrouhi a lack of correlation between metabolic activity and tax- et al. 2016; Le Queré et al. 2017). The type strain is Ensifer onomy, and further support metabolic versatility among aridi ­LMR001T (= LMG ­31426T; = HAMBI ­3707T) isolated rhizobia as shown previously even at the intraspecies level from Moroccan Merzouga desert sand dune (GPS coordi- in Ensifer (Biondi et al. 2009; De Lajudie et al. 1994). nates: N 31°5′42.7″/W 3°57′56.1″) using Vachellia gummif- era as a host (Sakrouhi et al. 2016). The genome sequence of the type strain is accessible under the Genbank acces- Conclusion sion LUAV00000000.1 together with those of fve other strains including the Mexican strains LEM451 and LEM457 This study demonstrated that P. fliformis, a wild bean spe- (Accessions LUFV00000000.1 and LUFW00000000.1, cies native to the southwestern United States and northwest- respectively) (Le Queré et al. 2017). Strains belonging to ern Mexico is nodulated by rhizobial species belonging to this new species present variable accessory genomes that the genus Ensifer. Among these wild bean rhizobia, one was explain the variable host ranges and C sources they can uti- related to E. meliloti and the others were clustering with lize (Le Queré et al. 2017). The DNA G + C content of strain “Ensifer aridi” a proposed new taxon yet only recovered LMR001­ T was 61.7 mol%. Using the genome sequence of from arid regions in America, Asia and Africa. Symbi- E. aridi LMR001­ T as query, the highest ANI and dDDH otic gene-based phylogenies were incongruent with those values were found for the closest relative E. saheli LMG obtained using housekeeping gene sequences suggesting a ­7837T with, respectively, 85.4% and 29.8% which clearly local exchange of this symbiotic gene through lateral gene demonstrates that Ensifer aridi strains (NCBI:txid1708715) transfers that mimics evolutionary histories of other Ensi- sharing more than 99% ANI and 87.9% dDDH belong to a fer americanum and E. meliloti strains previously shown to new species within the genus Enisfer. nodulate P. vulgaris. Despite the high salinity conditions found in the beach sand where these symbiotic bacteria were Acknowledgements This work was supported by the project SEP- CONACYT-ANUIES-ECOS NORD France M08-A02. Rocha G isolated, salt tolerance was variable between isolates which (242743), Cuéllar A (220626) and Medina A (273344) are grateful for nevertheless could all grow in presence of nearly 300 mM grants from CONACyT. The authors wish to thank Vicerrectoría de NaCl. These strains tolerate high pH rather than acidic con- Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado (VIEP-BUAP 00075) and Institut ditions. They are also capable of growing at temperatures de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) for supplying additional fnancial assistance. The authors wish to thank Esperanza Martínez for from 28 °C to at least 40 °C and were in majority capable of kindly providing E. saheli strain LMG8310 (ORS611), and Dolores utilizing a wide range of carbohydrates and organic acids as Castañeda for physicochemical analyses of soils. sole carbon sources for growth. Capable of developing sym- biosis with several Phaseolus species and cultivated bean Compliance with ethical standards varieties, these new strains present potential interest in bio- technology and should be further tested for their biofertiliz- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no confict of ing potential especially in alkaline soils subjected to salini- interest. zation and heat, thanks to their phenotypic characteristics. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Crea- tive Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creat​iveco​ Description of Ensifer aridi sp. nov.​ ses/by/4.0/​ ), which permits unrestricted use, distribu- tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate Ensifer aridi (aridi, a diminutive of N.L. Fem ariditas is credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. referring to the areas where all the strains from this new species where isolated from and which are subjected to

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