Materials Needs for Compact Fusion Reactors
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H [ll?IJU1 ~Ur ~US~ U; 11lk? I ~LI H11- cal Information Center is to provide the broadest dissemination oossi- ble of information contain&ll in DOE’s Research and Development Reports to business, industry, the academir mmmunity, and federal, state ana .b~calgovernments. Although a small portion of this report is not reproducible, it is being made available to expedite the availability of information on the research discussed herein. *m-wn ----- - LA-UJ?--83-257Q @/w -%&cc~Q’” 37 91?G4 001366 Loc AWW [email protected] oemtoo q MO Lfmvorskyof C.WOH fOrfh Wf.d Of@WOY-f *IW! W’-74O5-EP4G+6 TITLE’ MATERIALS NEEDS FOR COMPACT FUSION REACTORS .9-4.0 - . f Im’mE AUTHOW) Robert A. Krakowski ?QUTIOH$ OF,TWIS MPOR’7 AM ILM$IUIA 9t W been reproduced from ‘he best avallabla cow to permit tha broadest possible avdlabl~ll~. .*. A SUIMf~TIED 70 Proceedings of the 3rd Topical Meeting on Fusion Reactors M8terhlS Albuquerque, New Mexico (September 19-22? 1983) DISCLAIMER This report was prcpurcdwan uccount of work qwraored by an rigencyofthc Unitd Statw Government. Ncilhcrthc United Stulcs Ciovcrnmcntnorwryagerrc ytherml,ouranyofthcdr cfrployccs, mukcri;my wurrunly,cxprcmor implied, or wau,mmnpy legal Iinbli(yor reaponsi. hility fortheaccur[lcy, c~)mplctcncss,or utufulrmnof uny information, rippartdoqproduct, or procasadinclod, or rcprcncntnIhul itn unc wou!d not in(ringo privrrtelyowmd rights, Refer- cncc herein to wry qwcific commcrciul product, pro w, or aarvicchy trade n~me, tr~demark, manufacturer, or nthcrwisc dom not ncccsr+anlyCOIMIiIUIeor imply iia endormment, rccom. mcndation, or fnvorinn o, the [Jnitcd Shrtcs (Jovcrnmcnt or ury agancy th!lron(,The viewI and opinions of uuthors caprcmcd herein do not ncmrmrily MtaIeor refhct Irma of the [Jnhf Slalcn (}ovcrnmcnt or nny HgcncyIhcrcof. n nn LosAlarncwNationalLaborakm I.Ml!w!!kamosLOSAWTM3S,NWMexico 8754$ WVfllllIlllONw TN!!:IWIINI hl NATERIALSNSJUJSFOR COftPACTFUSION REACTORS Sobert A. KRAKOWSKI Los Uawo Naciorul laboratory, Los Ahmon, New Uexico, 8?545 TIIs ●conomic prosp+cta for rngnetic fution ●nergy cm be dramatically improved if for che same total powei output the fusion neutron first-wall (FW) loading ●nd the system power density can be Increassd by factorrn of 3-5 ●nd 1O-3O, respectively. A number of “compact” fumion reactor ●mbodiments have been proposed, ●ll of which would operate with increased FbI lomdings, would uae thin (0.5-0.6 m) blankets, and would confine qumsi-steady-ctst~ placm with reeittive, water- cooled copper or ●luminum coile. Increased ●yctem power dentlty (5-15 HWt/m3veroug—— 0.3-0.S NW/m3), considerably reduced phyeical size of the fusion power cora (FpC), •~ld spprociably reduced cconomlc leverage ●xerted by the FPC ●nd ●ssociated physics reoult. The unique Mteriala rcquiremento ●nticipated for theee compact reactors ●re outlined ●gainet the well documented bmckdrop provided by similar netds for the mclnline ●pproaches. Surprisingly, no single mmterials need that i. unique to the compscc systeme ie identified; crucial uncertainties for the compact ●pproaches mmt aleo be ●ddre~sed by the mainline ●pproach~a, particularly for in-vacuum component (FWs, limiters, divertora, ●tc.). 1. INTRODUCTION difftcult mmterlals cholcee, ●n ●xpauded Seth the technical ●nd co-rcial ●ucceso matcrlala data be-e, considerably more design of wsnetic fusion depend on ●dvancoo in detail, ●nd improved omtimmteo of ujor ●ub- ●ngineortng mmtcrialc operatin~ in ●n oyetem performance. Even ●t the conceptual ●nvironment of highly non-uniform surface ●nd desi:n level, however, the liet Jf msterial$ volumetric power denaitieo. Tlaeo@heat looda performance requirement. preeenta ● major will be sppliad under conditions where the challenge for the INTOR/i)EMO/COt4MSRCL+l. basic ●ngineering metarial propertied of development sequence. The more compact, stressed camponanta ●re being dramatically higher-power-density fusion ●pproached propose altered by ●n intenee neutron/8rammr4- ●mxller fueion power cores (ifPC, i.e., firmt- raylcharged-particle irradiation field. The wall/blanket/shield/coile ) opersting with in- intcrdopendence between phmae phyeLca/ cresoed puwer density ●nd FW neutron und enelnaaring, reactor desian, ●d materials hating losda. The degree to which meteriale mcience/enalneerin8 needed to ●chieve perforunce roquiromente ●re ●ltered by the economic, commercially ●ttractlvo fusion power needo of thoao compact fueion reactors ie ●d- IISO been hlghli~hted by ● number of ●xcellent dreooed qualitatively herein. Tho rationele, over’iew papers dealing with first Ualla] pathway, ●nd Seneric technology required fot (W), blanketoz (B), material. meede for the compact reactura have been deocrlbcd ●pacific deviceo, J*4 ●nd the worldkid~ recently. 700 wterialc pro~reme•ddroosin~ thaoe ne*de, $*6 After oummmricing the reaoone fo, con- Nygren3 pointe out that them ~tar?alo tiderin~ ●yeteu with met.erial requi, -menta needs have been identified primr~ly by con- that in ●ome caeeo mey .xce@d those prl~~cted ceptual daoign otudiee, with the more ●xactinu in Refo. 1-4, the Sanmric of [,,mpact “dtcisna to conotruct” ●ventually requiring deviceo ●rt described. Specific c~mpact reactm demigna heve been ●uggeeteda for the ●xtension of technology (e.g., reeietive Reversed-field Pinch (RFP), the Ohmically - rather then superconducting coile, ohmic tlested Toroidel Experiment (OliTE, ●n SPP with heeting rather then high-frequency rf ●uxiliary helical windi~o), end the high- huting or neutral-beam injectien, ●tc.). field tokemek. Other cendidstee for compect reeccora beve ●leo been identified. g$g This prescription for ●conomically Although the mzteriele ieeues ●nd neede competitive fmion ie not without rimke or ●ddreezed herein ●re generic, npecific trade-offe; “e potential for incrueed re- quantitative exemplee ●re referred to con- circulating pow-r, reducud thermal conversion ceptual deeign reaultc ●merging for the ●fficiency, ●nd reduced plent factor cculd compact RFP reactor (CT.FPR).10 Similerly, Iced to reduced plsnt ●fficiency, increaeed compariaone with th meinline development plent coet, ●nd increaeed COE. Hlnimization ●equence ●ro mede with the STARFISE1l ●nd of theoe rieke will depend on the ●vailability Culhem MkIlBA2 tokemek reector deslgno. ●nd use of mteriais ●tid mterial ●ngineering ●pproechee that differ ●omwhet frow thoee 2. COMPACTFUSION REA(XORS being suggeeted ●nd pursued by the winlime The dominance in uso ●nd coet of the FPC progcme. Theee difference mre highlighted for ucst approechee to w~netic fucion7 hee herein. created interest in wre compect, higher- Altnough heurietic ●~’8uemente can be mede powar-density ●yatemz. The following improvud to point the way toeardo imp:oved ●yetem cherscterietica ●re being pureued through the economics throu8h hisher ●ystem power deneity compect reactor option. ar lower ?PC meeo utlllzttlon, ultimately de- ● FPC we-s and VOIVIM compereb?e to tailed peremecric ●tudiee on opecific concepto ●lternative nucleer power ●yeteti (eystem mm t ●steblleh economically optimum, techno- power dcneity d 5-15 HWt/m3, 8eee logically feacible sycteme. 10 For the preeent utilization of 0.3-0.5 tonne/lfWt), which purpoeem, however, Fi80 1 continuee with the are fee., a 01 1O-3Q tiwes becctr then heuristic ●pproech by diepleying the oyetem velues beins projected for moot megnetic power deneity versus the inveree of the WC fusion ●chemeo. ●aeo utllixation; linee of unit ●lope on ● Reduced neneitlvlty of unit direct caet ?18. 1 qive the ●verage FPC meea density, *PC (UDC, $/kWe) to the coat of the reector (tonne/mJ). The ●yotem power deneity for uost plent ●quipment (kPE/TDl: ~ 0.3 rether then of the “oup*rconductinS” fusion oyoteez di~- 0.5-0.8, whor? TDC io the totel dir~.ct pleyed on ?1s. 1 ●re ●t lee-t one order of coot). me:nitude below other nucleer powor syeteme. ● Cornpotltive nyotaD cocte and coot of Ln order to Jain ●n order of mest}itude in- ●lectricity (ax, nil la/kHeh ) uoln~ creaoo in thi(l importe it peregeter, an in- reeliotlc unit matorlala coete, febrl- craeoe in W neutron current by 3-5, mimll- cation/conot:uctlon ?Lteee, ●nd development tsn?ou~ly with ● docraaec by .2-3 in n ocheduleo/cneto. rediua, 8/S thickneoa$ end coil redius and ● bpid dtploymcnt of ●~ll ?PCe with the ●iae, ie required.7 Thc former chen~e meken potential for “block” lnet~llatlon ●nd ●tainlee- ●teel ●ven lee- ●ttractive from the wln~enence (i.e., ●inatc or few piece heat-trensfer viewpoimt, whereee the reduced FPC), unlng ●yatexe relyin~ on t minimum B/b thicknoce ●liminetee ●uperconductins coile principle is cepable of burn ●xtanaion by non- m .,1 alusurLiimo!i inducti?a mama. For thoaa compact reactora with plaexa cmfinemnt dapandimg in part I I (i.a., OHTE) or totally (i.a., Rigqatron) on I ●trong toroidal fialdo, tha ~gnat coils ruy ba highly ●treaaad as well ea praaanting ● potentially sarious drain on tha ovarall pbnt ●fficiancy (1.0., incraeaad recirculating pmiar, reduced tharmal racovary ●fficiancy, ●tc.) Genarally, tha high-hoot-flux FWs and othar in-vacuum coxponant (IVC) ●urtacaa, thin higt,-powar-daneity blenkate, ●nd raaiativa ● FIGURE 1 xo-blankat (CRPPR) or aaar-PW (OLTE, Riggatron) raoiotiva coil. largely defina the Comparison of syatcm power densitica being projcctcd for conceptual fusion reectrm with differancao in -tariala raquiremanta batwean ● STARFIRE a number of fi.sion reactor ywtema. ● tokamsk (hf. 11), Culham MkIIB tokamak (Ref. the compact nd tha other magnetic fucion 12), Superconducting Reveroed-field Ptnch ●pproacha$. fhactor RFPR (Ref. 13), Hodular Stellarator Reactor HSR (Ref. 14), ELMO Bumry Toruo Genarally, two crucial quaotiona mutt ba Reactor EBTR (Ref. 15), Magnox Gee-cooled ●nawarad befora tha ●conomic ●ttractivanaso of Reactor (hf. 16), Super Phenix Liquid-Metal to Faut-Brooder Fiooion Reector SP (Rd. 17), compact epproachao furion powar can be Advance CSD Reactor ACR (Ref. 18), *pact fully ●ubatantiatad. Reverfied-Field Pinch Reactor CRFPR(Raf. 10), e ● ● Ohmically+feat Toroldal Experment Reector OHTE can plasma confineaant chama baaad (Ref. 19), ifigh+ield Tokmmak Reactor, ●ithar on e xainline, alternative, or ● Riggatron (Ref.