LA-UR-8”-J020° TITLE: A RZL’IEW OF A1.’f’Ek?JATIl’E CO SC KPTS FI~!l F!AC SET1(: Fl:SIf)N AUTHOR(S): R. A. Kri~kowskl, R. 1,. hflllt’r iln(l R. 1.. tlil~~l~+’n SUBMllTED TO: 4~11ANST1’p[~sillylt,~.tIn}; (JII t]]e Ttrhnrrl[)Kv l~f Contr[)llcd !fuclmr l:IISiIIn KIIIK of l’rus~!il, PA (ocLOl)Cr ]4’+-]7, 1980) —— — IMICLAIMIU——— By 8ceptana of this arllclo, the publlshcr rcco~nimt that tfw U.S. Oowrnmnt rmdm anoncrnclusiw, rovalty. frw Ilanw 10 publish or r@produa the publlt~d form of thiscontribu. tkn, Or 10 OllOW othcft to do SO, for U.S. Goverrwwnt pur. fmsm, Tho LoI Almas SciwIIlfic Labormow mqutbtithatth~pub. Ihfmr idantlfi this wtlclcm work pcrfornwd unriw tfw ● m. pICCS Of t~ U.S. Mpanmnt of Enargy, (!ss%LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY Post Office Box 1663 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 An AfflrrnatfveAction/Equal Opportunity Porm No, &la R3 8t. No. 2820 12/70 . ..... ----- . ,, ,, ● * . Rohcrt A. Kr.lkowski, RJ)II.11,1 L. Hiller and Ran(iv 1.. Ikgrnsori Los AJacrns .%lentlflr !,ahor.~tory, l!nlvrrxlry of C~llternla LnM AlamoK, NM H75A5 ,, —. -.. .- .,. .- . -. All:’ wtli momL certdlnly Cvl)lvc am Innig)li’ ‘ of t ho ~rld”s quest :or EIANIIVIIc fusion power, dcvrlopa from expvrlment, thvory ●nd ayntemn with the tandem mirrnr serving an a primary studies. backup Cone.?pt in the US fus loll prukfrnm, ● wide Il:c awnrmlry of the AFC’rI give II cm Tablv I rnng,, of alternative fuu ion cooccpts (Ak L’o) have ha$ treon org.lnittid inLo rhv following c.itogorlo~: bevn an,! nru bring pursurd.
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