Abbott, Dwight, I, 132 Acton, Robert W., III, 943 Aerial Ferry Bridge, I
INDEX Abbott, Dwight, I, 132 Alworth Reserve, I, 496 Acton, Robert W., III, 943 American Barge Company, I, 289, 411 Aerial Ferry Bridge, I, 276 American Carbolite Company, I, 316, Adams, Bertram S., III, 1178 317, 318 Adams, Charles E., II, 721 American Exchange Bank, Duluth, I, Adams, David T., I, 395, 431, 445, 449, 261, 308 451, 454, 468, 496; II, 511, 513; 514, American Exchange National Bank, 520, 521, 522, 523, 547, 574, 579, 581, Duluth, I, 228, 309 586, 666, 682, 702, 714, 727; III, 933 American Exchange Bank of Virginia, Adams and Fayal Kindergartens, Eve- II, 598 leth, II, 535 American Fur Company's, Building, Adams Hospital, Hibbing, II, 564 Fond du Lac (Illustration), I, 48 Adams Mine, I, 405, 414; II, 513, 515 American Fur Trading Company at Adams Mine Office (Original), (Illus- Fond du Lac, Minnesota, I, 44; post tration), II, 512 abandoned (1847), 55; its mining Adams Mining Company, II, 513 operations, 66 Adams Properties: In Lake Superior American Legion Post, Mountain Iron, Consolidated Iron Mines, I, 405 I, 428 Adams School, Duluth, I, 337 American Mining Company, I, 499 Adams 'School (Lincoln Annex), Eve- American Steam Barge Company, I, 401 leth, II, 536 Americanization, I, 334 Adams-Spruce Mines, II, 515, 516 Anderson, Andrew, I, 428 Adkins, DeWitt, I, 443 Anderson, Andrew G., III, 1121 Adkins, Stanley, II, 865 Anderson, Alexander, II, 827 Adriatic Mine, II, 706 Anderson, A. R., I, 455 Agnew, W. C., II, 543, 545, 552, 728, Anderson, Charles, I, 391 729 Anderson, E. J.,I, 467 Agnew Mine, II, 545 Anderson, E.
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