Notes Endnotes for Chapter 6 Who Wants
210 • SAVInG LIVes Notes 1. TAN, “Ms. Goldberg Needs Some Helpers” (June 16, 2009), jwaf3hs. 2. The Women’s Museum, Dallas, exhibit audio (visited April 2011). 3. Leslie Wagner, “Find Heroines in Texas History Thanks to Ruthe Winegarten and Ann Richards,” Dallas History Examiner (March 16, 2013), muhprqp. 4. National Women’s History Museum, “About Us,” accessed March 26, 2014, http:// 5. International Council of Nurses, “Position Statement: Socio-Economic Welfare of Nurses” (2009), 6. Mireille Kingma, “Nurses on the Move,” in Nurses—Past, Present, and Future: The Making of Modern Nursing, ed. Kate Trant and Susan Usher (London: Black Dog Publishing, 2010), 61. 7. Union Aid Abroad—APHEDA, “Global Nursing Industry Comparative,” accessed March 26, 2014, 6 Who Wants Yesterday’s Girl? • 211 8. Mireille Kingma, “Nurses on the Move,” in Nurses—Past, Present, and Future: The Making of Modern Nursing, ed. Kate Trant and Susan Usher (London: Black Dog Publishing, 2010), 81. 9. TAN, “Just How Undervalued and Underfunded Is Nursing?,” accessed March 26, 2014, 10. Anne Busch and Elke Holst, “Gender-Specific Occupational Segregation, Glass Ceiling Effects, and Earnings in Managerial Positions,” Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (January 2011), ; Paula England, Comparable Worth: Theories and Evidence (Aldine Transaction, 1992), http://; Ronnie Steinberg, “Social Construction of Skill: Gender, Power and Comparable Worth,” Work and Occupations 17, no. 4 (1990): 449–482,; Liebeskind, U., “Arbeitsmarktsegregation und Einkommen: Vom Wert “weiblicher” Arbeit,” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 56, no.
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