Ekalaka Germplasm Bur Oak Selected Class Pre-Varietal Release

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Ekalaka Germplasm Bur Oak Selected Class Pre-Varietal Release • .., NOTICE OF RELEASE OF EKALAKA GERMPLASM BUR OAK SELECTED CLASS PRE-VARIETAL RELEASE Joseph D Scianna and James S Jacobs A Selected Class pre-varietal release of bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa Michx. [Fagaceae]) designated as Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak has been released for use in the Northern Great Plains and Intermountain West for windbreaks, shelter- belts, riparian forest buffers, wildlife habitat plantings, Xeriscapes®, and other conservation plantings. This selection is a bulk of 9 indigenous seed sources from Montana, North Ekalaka Gerrnplasrn bui oak orchard tree. .. .. Dakota, and South Dakota selected for superior percentage survival, rate of height growth, and vigor rating compared with other seed sources tested at Bridger, Montana. Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak can be used in many conservation appli- cations in place of Russian-olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L. [Elaeagnaceae]) and green ash (Fraxinuspennsylvanica Marsh. [Oleaceae}) given adequate soil aeration and low salinity. Scianna ID, Jacobs IS. 2010. Notice of release of Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak selected class pre-varietal release. Native Plants journal 11(1):77-78, 80-82. KEY WORDS Quercus macrocarpa, Fagaceae NOMENCLATURE USDA NRCS (2009) COLLABORATORS USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Bridger Plant Materials Center, Bridger, Montana; Montana Agricultural Experiment Stations, Montana State University, Bozeman; Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Stations, and the Universi- ty of Wyoming, Laramie. 77 NATIVEPLANTS 1 11 1 1 1 SPRING 2010 -- Species I Quercus macrocarpa Michx. Common Name I bur oak .I Plant Symbol I QUMA2 - Accession Number I 9087712 Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak (Quercus originates from a bulk of several Great attributes including strong branches, macrocarpa Michx. [Fagaceae]), a Plains seed sources, it should prove drought tolerance, winter hardiness, Selected Class pre-varietal release, is well adapted to the conditions in the and freedom from serious insect or dis- now available for use in the Northern intended geographic area of use. ease problems. Great Plains and Intermountain valleys Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak was Bur oak is capable of growing over a of Montana and Wyoming for numer- selected for superior seedling survival, wide range of soil conditions. It is ous woody plant conservation prac- rate of height growth, and vigor rating, found growing well on rocky hillsides, tices. As a Selected Class release, this relative to other bur oak individual limestone soils, droughty soils, clayey selection will be referred to as Ekalaka trees and seed sources tested. Ekalaka sites, and other marginal locations given Gerrnplasm bur oak, USDA Natural Germplasm bur oak can also be used in full sun conditions. Bur oak is intoler- Resources Conservation Service other conservation applications such as ant of flooding and prolonged soil satu- (NRCS) accession number 9087732. reforestation, Xeriscapingn, and woody ration. A combination of high water use draw restoration. efficiency and a fast-growing tap root enable this species to withstand the dry, JUSTIFICATION COLLECTION SITE windy conditions characteristic of the INFORMATION northern plains. Most references list bur Justification for alternative release is oak as hardy to USDA Winter Hardiness based on an urgent need for well-adapt- The original Ekalaka Germplasm bur Zone 4, although bur oak grows well in ed plant materials for windbreaks, shel- oak seed collections were made in var- many locations in Montana in Hardi- terbelts, riparian forest buffers, and ious locations across the Great Plains ness Zone 3. wildlife plantings in the Great Plains and (Table 1) in support of a bur oak seed On good sites, bur oak has a spread- Intermountain West. In addition, the provenance study. Wildland bur oak ing habit with a broad crown; massive emergence of the emerald ash borer seed collections were made in 1991 and bole; and low, large branches. In Mon- (Agrilus planipennis) will create a press- 1992 from individual trees demon- tana and Wyoming, anticipated maxi- ing demand for medium- to tall-stature strating superior phenotypic character- mum mature height of bur oak will be deciduous trees to replace green ash istics. These characteristics included approximately 15 in (50 Et). By 10 y of (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh single, straight stems with strong apical age, Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak aver- [Oleaceae]) in numerous conservation dominance, well-formed crowns, at aged 29 cm (11 in) of annual height practices. A move toward discontinuing least 30 y of age, and the production of growth, although some individual trees the use of Russian-olive (Elaeagnus abundant crops of sound acorns. grew as much as 85 cm (33 in) per year. angustifolia L. [Elaeagnaceae]) as a con- No serious insect and disease prob- servation species, even to the point of lems have been observed on Ekalaka removing and limiting existing plantings DESCRIPTION Germplasm bur oak, although aphids and habitats iii some circumstances, will are a common nuisance pest at Bridger, create a need for well-adapted alterna- Ekalaka Germplasni bur oak maintains Montana. Oak wehworm, oak skele- tives. A lack of tested and adapted the same general botanical (floral, tonizer, leaf miner, variable oakleaf germplasm and the potential use of non- foliage, fruit, and seed) attributes as the caterpillar, oak lacebug, and June beetles adapted seed sources further support species. It is a medium- to tall-stature are listed as pests of bur oak. 78 Selected Class release. Given this release deciduous tree with several desirable NATIVEPLANTS 1 11 1 1 1 SPRING 2010 EKALAKA GERMPLAS M TABLE 1 Bur oak seed source origin, Bridger Plant Material Center, Bridger, Montana. Initial NRCS Number of Number of trees selected for Accession number County of origin State trees tested Ekalaka Germplasm 9076042 McKenzie North Dakota 12 0 9076043 Griggs North Dakota 16 0 / 9076044 Burleigh North Dakota 15 6 9076045 Pennington South Dakota 14 5 9076046 Bottineau North Dakota 15 0 9076047 Oliver North Dakota 16 0 9076048 Dunn North Dakota 14 0 9076049 Carter Montana 16 0 9076050 Emmons North Dakota 14 7 9076051 Bottineau North Dakota 16 0 9076052 Stark North Dakota 16 0 9076053 Oliver North Dakota 16 9 9076054 McKenzie North Dakota 14 0 9076055 Burleigh North Dakota 16 11 9076056 Burleigh North Dakota 16 0 9076057 Sioux North Dakota 16 9 9076058 Morton North Dakota 16 0 9076059 Morton North Dakota 16 0 9076060 Emmons North Dakota 16 0 9076061 Carter Montana 16 6 9076062 Carter Montana 16 7 9076063 Carter Montana 16 7 9076064 Carter Montana 16 0 9076065 Carter Montana 16 0 Total: 370 67 METHOD OF SELECTION field review of each tree within a family tamed 80 and 84% survival, respectively. (seed source), and statistical analyses. In Percentage survival among selected seed Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak is released general, seed sources with mean per- sources ranged from 75 to 94%. Select- as a "Natural—Track" germplasm, that is, centage survival, height growth, and ed trees averaged 29 cm (11 in) of height it is being increased without purposeful vigor rating at or above overall popula- growth in 2003, with individual tree manipulation. This selection resulted tion means were considered. Additional- annual growth as high as 85 cm (33 in). from field testing of 24 bur oak seed ly, individual trees within a selected seed Mean annual height growth by seed sources from Montana, North Dakota, source that did not meet established source ranged from 7 cm (3 in) to 37 cm and South Dakota. All seed sources were mean criteria or that did not appear (15 in). Selected trees averaged 339 cm field tested for 10 y in a replicated dry- suitable based on the field inspection (134 in) in height in 2003, whereas non- land study at Bridger, Montana, prior to were omitted. A total of 67 trees from 9 selected and all trees measured 230 cm selection. Selection was based on a com- seed sources from 3 states (Montana, (90 in) and 253 cm (100 in), respective- bination of descriptive statistics (per- North Dakota, and South Dakota) were ly. Plant vigor rating of selected trees in centage survival, rate of height growth, selected. Selected seed sources main- 2003 averaged 2.9 ("1" is best), whereas and vigor rating at or above the overall tained 90% survival until 2003, whereas non-selected and all trees averaged 4.1 80 population mean), a visual (subjective) non-selected and all seed sources main- and 3.8, respectively. NATIVEPLANTS 1 11 1 1 1 SPRING 2010 EKALAKA GERMPLASM ECOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak is a long-lived deciduous tree Hartland Nursery native to Montana and Wyoming. At reproductive maturity it is Specializing in California a prolific seed producer, but is not considered weedy. Bur oak Native Plants and stands readily perpetuate themselves through seed shatter, but Low-Maintenance Ornamentals the seedlings are sensitive to grazing, flooding, and fire. The species is very tolerant of cold temperatures. Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak passes all criteria for potential weediness in the NRCS Plant Materials Program, Environmental Evaluation of Plant Materials Releases. ANTICIPATED CONSERVATION USE Ekalaka Germplasm bur oak has numerous potential conserva- Hart RestoratIon, Inc. tion applications. It can be used as a medium- to tall-stature tree Providing Practical Approaches in windbreak and shelterbelt systems. It provides food for numer- to Complex Ecological Problems ous forms of wildlife, as well as nesting, loafing, and roosting sites for many species of birds including turkeys. It
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