Grassroots: Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa ▪ May 2009 ▪ Vol. 9 ▪ No. 2 Impact of the removal of black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) in the Tsomo Valley in Eastern Cape: Consequences on the water recharge and soil dynamics (an ongoing study) HPM Moyo, S Dube and AO Fatunbi Department of Livestock and Pasture Sciences, University of Fort Hare Email:
[email protected] lack wattle (Acacia mearnsii) (Galatowitsch and Richardson is a fast growing leguminous 2004). Acacia mearnsii ranks first in B (nitrogen fixing) tree and it is water use among invasive species, often used as a commercial source using 25% of the total amount, and of tannins and a source of fire wood is estimated to reduce mean annual for local communities (DWAF 1997). runoff by 7% in South Africa (Dye Riparian ecosystems are widely re- and Jarmain 2004). The invasive garded as being highly prone to in- ability of this species is partly due to vasion by alien plants, especially A. its ability to produce large numbers mearnsii, largely because of their of long-lived seeds (which may be dynamic hydrology, nutrient levels, triggered to germinate by fires) and and ability to disperse propagules the development of a large crown (Galatowitsch and Richardson that shades other vegetation (Nyoka 2004). Disturbing native vegetation 2003). also causes invasion as this often Acacia mearnsii threatens na- prepares a seed bed for invader spe- tive habitats by competing with in- cies (DWAF 1997). Native fynbos digenous vegetation, replacing grass tree species lack mycorrhyzal asso- communities; reducing native biodi- ciates and therefore are less efficient versity and increasing water loss at nutrient uptake (Smita 1998), from the riparian zones (Nyoka leading to them being out-competed 2003).