Catholic World
THE CATHOLIC WORLD., VOL. LXX. DECEMBER, 1899. No. 417. ~ . \ " .'~Iy-<? " j) ~ ".;.....,~~-:AIf\" * 1.') It."'. • " ,- ~,(--~'>~,:~~\ ~ ~~~ l~'"'-l_ 'Tn ' -'>0": '", '.:- ~'~-?'\.. Q • ,. lJ-..Y:V_e Jk~ 'tits ille8;i5~~-: . l -= ~? 'Jf)<''''''' ,- _ - T~e c4Im'ey~J '71oon In the tra"11"'/-HeDVerj To the chosen stAY <.-Yild, "W":ke! To +I,~ wa'lel,f.' kr;'1'j~ th" fr.. ,r"l1t fast YD.r ~Jor"o" s tl1e ....1" +&k~!" Hi! 0"1el '''f,,1 Jr..,t the ioy, .. 1> ••• f{11 Ihe w.ndroq. /1eW5 ta 17,. .... To the sht'rhHd. C.~Ired a" J "du ', jot "'',,'.$, W,,-tch(~, tlte "i1h+-J/.,ks tht1"e. ,1ije 1",,+,',/11 .< jrom hi~ 51 .." h. wokt> TIt. oJ{ th.i toiled "II do.y, FI'1c1 his knee. h" hen1 111 wonh"I"I'I'iT1 AWe Where the "Ttl, ,t"o." ...o lAy. , Ihe 1105$ ""d tile sheer.t~t7. erer" .ne.r Wi'll, their breaTh th" ,tr.i.w t. ",0.'/11 ' Wkm the mothn 'om"el< and hey IVitfCkilJ fay S"5e 1ro m the miikt 0, the .tor ttl. 1'i,. J.lIi", Snow on EeTltlthems hi 1/ •. N.«'tI. tho st.t.,y e,cI .. N t .. /I Sojt ..... hll~fr.d - "Awoke ."Jwor'~;1'1."r.Lul"c\,. r. He 51.wen neotk the s/"tl.s> ro.\l. fib' /1"..u o"d F.rtl.. They .01H{y ~I'tJ To Feet, T~e 111 C<".... n..ic Wo"d- J4"~ Only the So." ih.1 ~t "fAme t. s ..vt' N't~\ected t~e GcrfA,io", .L.....,! ! Copyright.
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