GARL/S2/06/4/A GLASGOW AIRPORT RAIL LINK BILL COMMITTEE AGENDA 4th Meeting, 2006 (Session 2) Monday 8 May 2006 The Committee will meet at 10.10 am in Committee Room 6. 1. Oral evidence on the general principles of the Bill: The Committee will take evidence from— Panel 1 Steven Fitzgerald, Chief Executive, Infratil Airports Europe Ltd; Douglas Dewar, Financial Director, Scottish Airports Ltd; Derek Hendry, Development Director, Scottish Airports Group; Panel 2 James King, Board Member, Passenger Focus Group, Scotland; Robert Samson, Passenger Link Manager, Passenger Focus; Marjory Rodger, Director of Government Relations, Confederation of Passenger Transport UK; Panel 3 John Halliday, Head of Transport Planning and Integration, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport; Douglas Ferguson, Director of Operations, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport; Simon Temple, Director, Faber Maunsell; Brian Cuthbert, Principal Consultant, Faber Maunsell. Terry Shevlin GARL/S2/06/4/A Clerk to the Glasgow Airport Rail Link Bill Committee 85233 Room T2.60 Scottish Parliament EH99 1EP
[email protected] The following papers are attached for this meeting— Agenda item 1 Written Evidence GARL/S2/06/4/1 Promoter Responses GARL/S2/06/4/2 GARL/S2/06/4/1 GLASGOW AIRPORT RAIL LINK BILL: WRITTEN EVIDENCE Background 1. The written evidence that has been provided by the organisations giving oral evidence at today’s meeting is attached at annexe 1. This was previously submitted to Members at the Committee’s meeting on 18 April 2006. 2. Written evidence has been provided by the following organisations: 1 Glasgow Airport Ltd 2 Passenger Focus 3 Confederation of Passenger Transport UK Private Bills Unit May 2006 1 GARL/S2/06/4/1 ANNEXE 1 SUBMISSION FROM GLASGOW AIRPORT LIMITED 1.