4150 fining session for an Act to enable the Norfolk Rail- intended branch railway or railways and works, way Company to make and maintain a branch rail- and to levy tolls, rates, and duties, in respect of the way or railways, with all proper works and conve- use thereof; and to grant certain exemptions from niences connected therewith, commencing by a the payment of such tolls, rates, and duties, and also junction with the Norfolk Railway in the parish of to purchase by compulsion or agreement, lands and Saint Peter , in the county of Norfolk, in houses necessary for the purposes aforesaid; and to or near to the west side of the Thetford station of vary or extinguish all existing rights and privi- the said railway, and passing thence from, in, leges connected with such lands or houses, or which through, or into the several parishes, townships, would in any manner interfere with the objects and extra-parochial and other places following, or aforesaid; and to confer other rights and privi- some of them, that is to say, Saint Peter Thetford, leges. And, for the purposes aforesaid, it is in- Saint Nicholas Thetford, Saint Cuthbert Thetford, tended to alter, amend, extend and enlarge, so Trinity Thetford, Saint Mary Thetford, Saint Mary far as may be necessary, the powers and provisions the Great Thetford, Saint Mary the Less Thetford, of the several Acts following: that is to say, an part of the borough of Thetford, certain extra-paro- Act passed in the seventh and eighth years of the chial lands called Snare Hill, Great Snare Hill, reign of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act and Little Snare Hill, Place Farm otherwise Palace for making a Railway from to Brandon, Far m, or some of them, in the county of Norfolk, with a Branch to Thetford •" another Act passed and Saint Peter Thetford, Saint Nicholas' Thet- in the eighth and ninth years of the reign of Her ford, Saint Cuthbert Thetford, Trinity Thetford, present Majesty, intituled " An Act for the conso- Saint Mary Thetford, Saint Mary the Great Thet- lidation of the Yarmouth and Norwich, and Nor- ford, Saint Mary the Less Thetford, part of the said wich and Brandon Railway Companies, and for borough of Thetford, Barnham, Barnham Saint Gre- authorizing the construction of certain Works at gory, Barnham Saint Martin, Barnham All Saints, Norwich in connection with the Yarmouth and certain extra-parochiallands called Snare Hill, Great Norwich Railway]" another Act passed in the Snare Hill, and Little Snare Hill, Place Farm said last-mentioned years of the reign of Her otherwise Palace Farm, Elvedon otherwise Elveden present Majesty, intituled "An Act for altering otherwise Elden, Rymer House, Rymer Point, the the line of the Norwich and Brandon Rail- extra-parochial place of Rymer otherwise Rymere, way, and for making a Branch therefrom Cul/o^Wordwell, LivennereParva otherwise Little to East , in kthe county of Norfolk." Liver mere, Livennere Magna otherwise Great Liver- Another Act passed in the ninth and tenth years mere, Ampton, Ingham, North Stow, West Stow, of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Timworth, Fornham Saint Genevieve, Fornham All Act to empower the Norfolk Railway Company to Saints, Fornham Saint Martin, Barton otherwise make a railway communication between the Dere- Great Barton, Saint Mary's, Saint Peter's, and ham Branch of the Norfolk Railway, and the towns Saint Saviour's, in the borough of Bury St. Ed- of Wells and Blakeney, in the county of Norfolk." mund's, Saint James, in the borough of Bury Saint And another Act passed in the last mentioned Edmund's, Saint John's, in the borough of Bury years of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled Saint Edmund's, or some or one of them all in the " An Act for enabling the Norfolk Railway Com- county of Suffolk, and terminating by two several pany to purchase or lease the Lowestoft Railway junctions with the line of the and Bury Harbour and Navigation." Saint Edmund's Railway, as now in course of for- mation in the parish of Saint James, Bury Saint And notice is hereby further given, that maps, Edmunds, one of which said junctions is intended plans, and sections describing the direction, line, to be affected at the point where the line of the and levels of the said proposed branch railway, said last-mentioned railway crosses the road, lead- or railways respectively, and the lands to be taken ing from Thetford to Bury, and the other of which for the purposes thereof, together with a book of said junctions is intended to be affected, in or near reference to such plans, containing the names of a certain field, in the parish of Saint James Bury the reputed owners and lessees, and of the occu- Saint Edmund's, numbered 16 on the plans of the piers of such lands, will be deposited on or before said Ipswich and Bury Saint Edmund's Railway, the thirtieth day of November, in the present year, deposited with the clerk of the peace for Suffolk. with the clerk of the peace for the county of And it is also intended by the said Act to take Norfolk, at his office at Aylsham; and with the power to stop up, alter, or divert, whether tem- clerk of the peace for the county of Suffolk, at his porarily or permanently, within the several pa- office, at Bury Saint Edmund's, and that a copy of rishes, townships, and extra-parochial places afore- so much of the said plans, sections, and books of said, or some of them, all turnpike and other roads reference, as relate to each of the parishes in and highways, railways, tramways, canals, aque- or through which the proposed branch railway, ducts, streams, and rivers, as it may by necessary or railways respectively will pass, will be deposited to stop up, alter, or divert, for the purpose of con- on or before the thirtieth day of November, in the structing, maintaining, or using the said intended present year, with the parish clerks of such parishes branch railway or railways, and works respec- respectively, at their respective residences. tively. Dated this fourth day of November, 1846. And it is further intended by the said Act, to enable the Norfolk Railway Company to raise Parkert Hayes, Barnwell, and Twisden, money for the purpose of executing the said Solicitors, 1, Lincoln's Inn Fields.