Further Chromosome Studies on the Flora of Sakhalin and the Kurils, with Additions from Adjacent Regions of the Russian Far East Nina S
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Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2017. 6(2): 69–75 DOI: 10.17581/bp.2017.06209 Further chromosome studies on the flora of Sakhalin and the Kurils, with additions from adjacent regions of the Russian Far East Nina S. Probatova1*, Denis A. Krivenko2.3 & Vyacheslav Yu. Barkalov 1 Nina S. Probatova 1 * ABSTRACT e-mail: [email protected] The chromosome numbers (2n) for 38 species and one hybrid (35 genera) from Denis A. Krivenko2,3 Sakhalin, the Kurils, Khabarovskii Krai, Primorskii Krai and Kamchatskii Krai e-mail: [email protected] are presented. For the first time they are revealed in two endemic species – Vyacheslav Yu. Barkalov 1 Ligularia sachalinensis Nakai and Pentactina schlothauerae (Ignatov et Worosch.) V. e-mail: [email protected] Yakubov. New cytotype is found in Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu. A group of alien species, anthropophytes, were studied from Sakhalin and some other re- 1 Federal Scientific Center for the East gions of the Russian Far East (RFE). For 6 alien taxa: Chenopodium strictum Roth, Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS, Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib., Lupinus nootkatensis Donn ex Sims, Medicago × varia Vladivostok, Russia Martyn, Vicia sepium L., V. tenuifolia Roth, as well as for the indigenous Epilo 2 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & bium fauriei H. Lév. the chromosome numbers are revealed for the first time in Biochemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia the RFE. From Sakhalin the following species were first studied karyologically: 3 Epilobium hornemannii Rchb., Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., Trifolium pratense L., Ve Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS, Irkutsk, ronica schmidtiana Regel, from Moneron Isl. – Sagina crassicaulis S. Watson, from the Russia Kurils – Aquilegia flabellata Siebold et Zucc., Epilobium amurense Hausskn., Luzula pal lescens Sw., Trifolium pratense, from Khabarovskii Krai – Clintonia udensis Trautv. et C.A. Mey., and from Kamchatskii Krai – Vicia cracca L., Elymus sibiricus L., Alo * corresponding author pecurus arundinaceus Poir., Berteroa incana (L.) DC. The chromosome number data are accompanied with the information on ecology and phytogeography of the species studied. Keywords: chromosome numbers, vascular plants, flora, Sakhalin, the Kurils, Manuscript received: 09.11.2017 Khabarovskii Krai, Primorskii Krai, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Far East Review completed: 18.11.2017 Accepted for publication: 21.11.2017 РЕЗЮМЕ Published online: 28.11.2017 Пробатова Н.С., Кривенко Д.А., Баркалов В.Ю. Дальнейшее из- учение чисел хромосом флоры Сахалина и Курильских островов, с дополнениями из других районов Дальнего Востока России. Приво- дятся числа хромосом (2n) для 38 видов и 1 гибрида (35 родов) с Сахали- на, Курильских островов, из Хабаровского, Приморского и Камчатского краев. Впервые в науке исследованы эндемичные виды Ligularia sa cha linensis Nakai и Pentactina schlothauerae (Ignatov et Worosch.) V. Yakubov. Новое (неиз- вестное ранее) число хромосом установлено у Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu. Исследована группа антропофильных видов, занесенных на Сахалин или в другие районы Российского Дальнего Востока (РДВ) в последнее время. Для 6 адвентивных таксонов: Chenopodium strictum Roth, Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib., Lu pinus nootkatensis Donn ex Sims, Medicago × varia Martyn, Vicia sepium L., V. te nui folia Roth, а из индигенных – у Epilobium fauriei H. Lév. числа хромосом на РДВ определены впервые. На материале с Сахалина впервые исследова- ны числа хромосом у Epilobium hornemannii Rchb., Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., Trifolium pratense L., Veronica schmidtiana Regel, а с Монерона – у Sagina crassicaulis S. Watson; впервые для Курил – у Aquilegia flabellata Siebold et Zucc., Epilobium amu rense, Luzula pal lescens Sw., Trifolium pratense; впервые для Хабаровского края – у Clintonia udensis Trautv. et C.A. Mey., а для Камчатки – у Vicia cracca L., Elymus sibiricus L., Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir., Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Данные по числам хромосом сопровождаются сведениями об экологии и ареалах исследованных растений. Ключевые слова: числа хромосом, сосудистые растения, флора, Сахалин, Курильские острова, Хабаровский край, Приморский край, полуостров Камчатка, российский Дальний Восток Here we present further results on chromosome num- were collected in the field. Preparations were stained with ber (CN) study of the vascular flora of Sakhalin and the iron hematoxylin. Voucher specimens are preserved in the Kurils, with few additions from Khabarovskii Krai (the Herbarium VLA, Vladivostok (some – in IRK, Irkutsk; du- Amur River basin), Kamchatskii Krai and Primorskii Krai. plicates in LE, St. Petersburg; MHA, Moscow; MW, Mos- Chromosome countings in some species were made on cow; STU, Stuttgart; UUH, Ulan-Ude). First CN data are squashed preparations of root tips fixed with Carnoy’s so- indicated by asterisk (*).The adventive species indicated by lution. The root tips were taken from living plants or from plus sign (+). The number of the dot on the map follows seedlings obtained through herbarium specimens, which the number of voucher specimen. Brief information on the ©Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS. 2017 69 Probatova et al. affinity, ecology and distribution of the species studied are presented. ASTERACEAE Arnica sachalinensis A. Gray, 2n = 30 Russia, Far East, Sakhalin, Dolinskii Raion, the spur of Yuzh no-Kamyshovyi Range, san- dy-lime hill 700 m on the way from the route R 489, sandy-lime roadside, 22 Sep 2015, coll. D.A. Krivenko 12944: 1 (IRK, VLA). Distribu- tion: Sakhalin; Japan. Meadows. Described from Sakhalin. Before its CN was studied in the RFE only once, from Korsakovskii Raion (South Sa khalin): 2n = 30. Diploid (2x), x = 15. For another species of the RFE flora, the North Pacific A. unalaschcensis Less., there are several CN counts, from the Kurils – 2n = 38 (x = 19). The genus Arnica is polybasic. *Ligularia sachalinensis Nakai (L. fischeri Figure 1 Study area. Dots with numbers from 1 to 30 are the sampling plot loca- auct., quoad pl. sachal.), 2n = 60 tions (according to numbering in the text) Russia, Far East, Sakhalin, Makarovskii Rai- on, in vicinity of the railway station Pugachevo, on the way to Maguntan mud vol cano, swampy forest, 15 settlement, on the rubbly embankment, 23 Sep 2015, coll. Sep 1982, coll. N.S. Probatova, V.P. Se ledets, E.G. Rudyka D.A. Krivenko 12939: 5 (IRK, VLA). Distribution: Europe, 6329: 2 (VLA). At first this specimen was referred to L. fi Central Asia. Alien in the RFE and elsewhere. Weedy plant. sche ri (Ledeb.) Turcz. (Probatova et al. 2007), to which L. sa There are two cytotypes within L. ruderale – 2x and 4x: be- chalinensis re mained incorporated for a long time among fore in Sakhalin it was studied once – 2n = 32 (4x), but in other syno nyms, but in 2010 the plant was re -identified by the Primorskii Krai only plants with 2n = 16 (2x) were re- Illario no va (2013) as L. sachalinensis. Described from Sakha- vealed. Now in Sakhalin the diploid cytotype is found, too. lin. L. sacha li nensis differs from L. fischeri morpholo gically and Variable ploidy. is geographically isolated. Distributed along the coast of the Sea of Japan, East macroslope of Sikhote-Alin’ Range, and CARYOPHYLLACEAE in Sakhalin. Probably, endemic. Among shrubs, coniferous Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern, 2n = 24 and deciduous forests, meadows. Hexaploid (6x), x = 10. Russia, Far East, Sakhalin, Schmidt Peninsula, the Taliki River, on the rubbly-melkozem slope, at the rocks, 14 Aug +Pilosella aurantiaca (L.) F.W. Schultz et Sch. Bip., 2n = 36 2001, coll. V.Yu. Barkalov 11538: 6 (VLA). Holarctic. On Russia, Far East, Sakhalin, Dolinskii Raion, Sokol settle- slide-rocks. This CN count is the third from Sakhalin and ment, scientific station “Sokol” of the Institute of Marine the second from Schmidt Peninsula, the CN was the same. Bio logy FEB RAS, meadow, 20 Sep 2015, coll. D.A. Kriven- However in the abundant literature 2n = 48 is also often ko 12943: 3 (IRK, LE, MHA, MW, STU, VLA, UUH). Dis- reported. Variable ploidy. tribution: European-Me diterranean. Adventive in the RFE, this agressive species widely spread in Sakhalin. This is the Oberna behen (L.) Ikonn., 2n = 24 third CN count from Sakhalin. Tetraploid (4x), x = 9. Russia, Far East, Sakhalin, Dolinskii Raion, Sokol settle- ment, scientific station “Sokol” of the Institute of Marine BRASSICACEAE Biology FEB RAS, forb-grass meadow, 20 Sep 2015, coll. +Berteroa incana (L.) DC., 2n = 16 D.A. Krivenko 12940: 3 (IRK, LE, VLA). Eurasian (?), but Russia, Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula, Mil’ kov skii alien in many regions, including Sakhalin. Common species Raion, the basin of Kamchatka Ri ver, Mil’kovo settle- in the RFE. Meadows, roadsides, sometimes as a weed. Sec- ment, waste place near the cafeteria “Taezhnoe”, 10 Sep ond CN count from Sakhalin. Diploid (2x), x = 12. 2016, coll. O.A. Cher nyagina 13176: 4 (VLA). Distribution: Sagina crassicaulis S. Watson, Europe, Siberia. Alien in the RFE. Roadsides, waste places. 2n = 22 Its CN was studied in Sakhalin and Primorskii Krai (Proba- Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Moneron Isl., tova, Barkalov et al. 2012, Probatova 2014). First CN count near the former settlement Staritskii, sandy-pebbly seacoast, from Kam chatka. Diploid (2x), x = 8. in vicinity of the waterfall, 23 Aug 2001, coll. V.Yu. Bar ka lov 11539: 7 (VLA). North Pacific. Seacoasts, on screes and in +Lepidium ruderale L., 2n = 16 supralittoral zone. The CN of the species was stu died from Russia, Far East, Sakhalin, Poronajskii