MATTHEW LINDSAY McPHAIL (1854-1931): “Ese oscuro músico”, compositor olvidado de los Estudiantes de la Biblia

(Actualización del Anexo V de la tesis del autor)



2013 (Mayo) (versión Febrero 2016)

Foto portada: M.L. McPhail hacia 1905 (Fuente: Mike Castro)

MATTHEW LINDSAY McPHAIL (1854-1931): “Ese oscuro músico”, compositor olvidado de los Estudiantes de la Biblia


1854-1890. Origen. Llegada a los Estados Unidos. Formación musical. Relación con el metodismo...... p.1

1890-1909. Contacto con los Estudiantes de la Biblia de C.T. Russell. Peregrino del grupo. Labor como editor musical………………………………………… p.39

1909-1931. Alejamiento de C.T. Russell. Evangelista independiente. Labor como editor musical...... p.97

Listado de obras musicales de M.L. McPhail.………………………………………. p.123

Himnarios y otras publicaciones con obras de M.L. McPhail………………………… 175

Alcance de las obras musicales de M.L. McPhail…………………………………… p.181



Origen. Llegada a los Estados Unidos. Formación musical. Relación con el metodismo

Nace el 1 de julio de 1854 en Bailleston, Old Monkland, Lanark, Escocia.1 Llega a Estados Unidos el 10 de julio de 1865 y se nacionaliza en 1880. Se casa el 20 de junio de 1878 con Kate Kelley. El matrimonio tiene 6 hijos: Harry C., Frank O., Grace E., Jessie A., Laura J. y Matthew L.

Compositor, músico, barítono; editor musical; profesor de música, de canto y de “cultura vocal;” cercano a ideas metodistas primero, después peregrino y miembro muy activo de los EIB y, posteriormente, evangelizador independiente. En sus obras musicales aparece citado como M.L. McPhail, Mat. L. McPhail, M. Lindsay, Mathew Lindsay, Matthew Lindsay. En otras fuentes también se localiza su apellido bajo las formas MacPhail, Mc Phail, McFail y McFale.2

Ilustración 1. M.L. McPhail en 1905, 1906, 1907 y 1908 respectivamente (Fuentes: Souvenir Reports y Convention Reports de los EIB de aquellos años; Mike Castro)

Al poco de llegar a Estados Unidos, siendo aún adolescente, trabaja en una mina de carbón, pero se forma musicalmente y, en la década de 1880, ejerce como director de coro y organista, y se hace un nombre a nivel local como profesor de música y de “cultura vocal.” Participa también en la dirección musical de algunos reavivamientos metodistas pero, hacia 1890 o 1891 entra en contacto con las publicaciones de C.T. Russell y se une a los EIB. Será uno de sus primeros peregrinos –ministro viajante— hasta que, por diferencias doctrinales se separa de él en 1909 junto a otros prominentes

11 Según consta en el Registro de nacimientos y bautismos de la parroquia de Old Monkland, en el condado de Lanark, Escocia, en el que aparece M.L. McPhail como nacido el 1 de julio de 1854 y bautizado el 20 de agosto. (Fuente: Extract of entries in an Old Parochial Register 148219. Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965, s.47. Parish of Old Monkland (for Coatbridge). County of Lanark). Consulta realizada por el autor el 22 de Mayo de 2006.

2 En la búsqueda de datos biográficos sobre M.L. McPhail han sido de especial relevancia el intercambio de información con estudiosos de la historia de los EIB y TCJ como Mike Castro o Nathan [pseudónimo], así como la consulta a bases de datos como,, y


EIB en una de las diversas escisiones que ha sufrido este grupo religioso a lo largo de su historia. Formará parte de un grupo de EIB que con el nombre de ”New Covenant Believers” se organizó en la zona de Chicago, Illinois. Desde finales de la década de 1870 inicia una intensa actividad compositora publicando algunas canciones no religiosas y numerosos himnos, anthems, himnarios y libros de música coral. Entre 1896 y 1920 trabajará como editor musical para la Hope Publishing Company, una de las editoriales de música religiosa más importantes del país con lo que, con toda seguridad, debió conocer a los principales compositores y autores de himnos y música religiosa de aquella época. Fallece el 24 de noviembre de 1931 en Park Ridge, Illinois. Entre sus obras musicales editadas se encuentran: McPhail’s Anthems (1885), The Crown of Song (1886), Songs of Saving Power (1890), la serie Winnowed Anthems (nº 1, 1896; nº 2, 1899, no. 3, 1903; nº 4, 1906; nº 5, 1914; y, nº 6, 1916), Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning (1896), Zion’s Glad Songs (1900), Zion’s Glad Songs No. 2 (1907), Zion’s Glad Songs Complete (1908), Songs of Comfort (1909) y Hope Anthems (1919). Publicó también un folleto doctrinal, The Covenants (1909).

Una aproximación esquemática de la familia de M.L. McPhail podría ser la reflejada en el siguiente cuadro. Este cuadro no incluye familia indirecta que M.L. McPhail pudo tener a partir de otros matrimonios, al menos dos más, que su padre llegó a tener.

ABUELOS (PADRE Y TÍOS) Roger McPhail (1799-1868) Elisabeth Barrowman (1807-1861) Hugh McPhail (1824-1908) John McPhail (1830-1909) [Hijo: John McPhail (1856-¿?)] Matthew McPhail (1835-1910) Mary McPhail (1839-¿?) Christina McPhail (1843-¿?)

PADRES (HERMANOS Y SOBRINO) Hugh McPhail (1824-1908) Mary Birrell (1825-1866) Roderick (Rodger o Roger) McPhail (1847-¿1917?) [Hijo: John A. McPhail (¿1878-1964?)] John McPhail (1849-¿1917?) Mary McPhail (1852/54-¿1924?) Matthew Lindsay McPhail (1854-1931) Elizabeth McPhail (¿1856?-¿?) Margaret McPhail (1859-¿1870?) Hugh McPhail (1861-1930)

MATTHEW LINDSAY McPHAIL (1854-1931) Kate (Catharine) Kelley (Kelly) (1858-1945) HIJOS Harry C. (¿Clayton?) McPhail (1880-1897) Frank O. McPhail (1882-1901) Grace Edna McPhail (1884-1965) Jessie A. (¿Almeda?) McPhail (1888-¿1952?) Laura J. McPhail (1890-1984) Matthew Lindsay McPhail (1895-1965)


¿Por qué interesarse por una persona como M.L. McPhail? Por un lado, al parecer, se trató de un EIB muy activo del que, incluso, Rogerson llega a decir

“was the most respected and loved Bible student in the movement, second only to Russell.”3

Y, por otro lado, resultaba un personaje totalmente desconocido no solo para la mayoría de TCJ actuales sino, también, para musicólogos e historiadores. Donald P. Hustad, destacado músico y musicólogo evangélico especializado en la historia de los himnos religiosos, se refirió a él como

“this obscure individual musician. Not a single composition of his is sung or published today. Whereas we have record of hundreds of musicians who were contemporaries of his and wrote similar music, there is no mention of him in standard hymnological literature.”4

Aunque, por un lado sí es posible encontrar datos sobre su actividad como peregrino de los EIB en las publicaciones de este grupo, por otro existe muy poca información biográfica sobre el McPhail compositor, músico, profesor o editor musical localizable en las fuentes de referencia musicológicas u otras fuentes externas. Ni siquiera su biografía era mínimamente conocida. Ni el New Grove5 ni el diccionario de Julian6 le ofrecen una sola línea… por citar dos de las más reconocidas. Obras clásicas, algunas de ellas contemporáneas de McPhail, como las de Duffield, Brown & Butterworth, Metcalf, Marks, Kerr, Ryden,7 etc. y otras más actuales como las de Davidson, Hustad, Wilhoit, Foley, Music o Graham8 ni siquiera le mencionan… es un

3 ROGERSON, Alan. A sociological analysis of the origin and development of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Tesis, Oxford University, 1972, p.147.

4 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (19-02-2006), a quien agradezco su amabilidad al atender mis consultas.

5 SADIE, Stanley (ed.). The New Grove dictionary of music and musicians. 2nd ed. New York: Grove, 2001; HITCHCOCK, H. Wiley & SADIE, Stanley (eds.). The New Grove Dictionary of American Music. New York: Grove's Dictionaries of Music, 1986.

6 JULIAN, John (ed.). A Dictionary of Hymnology : Setting Forth the Origin and History of Christian Hymns of All Ages and Nations. 2nd rev. ed. with new suppl. New York: Dover Pub., 1957(1907). 2 v.

7 DUFFIELD, Samuel Willoughby. English Hymns : Their Authors and History. 3rd ed., rev. and corr. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1888; BROWN, Theron & BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah. The Story of the Hymns and Tunes. New York: American Tract Society, 1906; METCALF, Frank J. American Writers and Compilers of Sacred Music. New York: The Abingdon Press, 1925; MARKS, Harvey B. The Rise and Growth of English Hymnody. London: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1937; KERR, Phil. Music in Evangelism : and Stories of Famous Christian Songs. 3rd ed. Glendale, Calif.: Gospel Music Publishers, 1950(1939); RYDEN, Ernest Edwin. The Story of Christian Hymnody. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959.

8 DAVIDSON, James Robert. A Dictionary of Protestant Church Music. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1975; HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Publishing Co., 1978; WILHOIT, Melvin Ross. A Guide to the Principal Authors and Composers of Gospel Song of the Nineteenth Century. Tesis, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Faculty of the School of Church Music, 1982; FOLEY, Edward (ed.). Worship music: a concise dictionary. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 2000; MUSIC, David W. Christian Hymnody in Twentieth-Century Britain and America : an Annotated Bibliography.Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001; GRAHAM, Fred Kimball. ‘With One Heart and One Voice : A Core Repertory of Hymn Tunes

4 ser totalmente anónimo. No existe ninguna biografía sobre él y, a lo más, lo que se puede localizar es alguna de sus composiciones incluidas en el Dictionary of American Hymnology9 (21 composiciones poéticas) o en la obra de Wasson10 y, más recientemente, alguna página web11 dedicada a himnos religiosos ofrece algún dato sobre él.

Hustad me comentó que hablando él personalmente con George H. Shorney, Jr., autor de la historia de la Hope Publishing Company y nieto de George Herbert Shorney (uno de los fundadores de esa editorial musical en 1892 y que, por tanto, conoció y trabajó con M.L. McPhail) no recordaba nada sobre este personaje y, además, no existía casi ningún rastro de él en los archivos de la compañía a excepción de tres o cuatro documentos.12 Estos mínimos datos a los que se refiere Hustad eran, en aquel momento, que McPhail había editado en 1896 el primer volumen de la serie Winnowed Anthems13,

Published for Use in the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States, 1808-1878. Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, 2004.

9 ELLINWOOD, Leonard & LOCKWOOD, Elizabeth (eds.); POWELL, Paul R. & VanDYKE, Mary Louise (eds.). Dictionary of North American Hymnology: comprehensive bibliography and master index of hymns and hymnals published in the United States and Canada, 1640-1978 [Recurso electrónico]. Version 1.0 (15 July 2003). Boston, Mass.: The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, 2003. 1 Cd-Rom. (Recientemente puede ser consultada en: Grand Rapids, Mi.: Calvin College, [20--?] [30-4-12]). Recientemente esta obra puede ser consultada libremente en: [9-5-10]. Claramente se indica en este último recurso que: “[No biographical information available for this person]”.

10 WASSON, D. DeWitt & FRY, Michael. Hymntune index and related hymn materials. [Recurso electrónico]. HTML ed. [Lanham, MD]: Scarecrow Press, 1999. 1 Cd-Rom (Studies in liturgical musicology ; 6).

11 Me temo que mucha de la información que se incluye en ellas es fruto de mis pesquisas sobre este personaje; “Matthew Lindsay McPhail, 1854-1931.” En: The Cyber Hymnal : Dedicated to the Glory of God. Established in 1996. [9-5-10]. La mayor parte de la información biográfica contenida en esta página web es obra del autor de la presente tesis doctoral; “Matthew Lindsay McPhail, 1854-1931.” En: TUBB, Benjamin Robert. Public Domain Music, cop. 1998-2010. Webpage created on 27 December 1999. Last updated 25 March 2010. [9-5-10]. Da la impresión de que Tubb ha cogido alguno de sus datos de los que se encuentran en The Cyber Hymnal.

12 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (19-02-06); SHORNEY, George H., Jr. “The History of Hope Publishing Company and Its Divisions and Affiliates.” En: HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary- Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, Ill.: Hope Publishing Company, 1978, p.1-21. George H. Shorney, Jr. (1931-2012) fue presidente de la Hope Pub.Co. y el historiador oficial de la compañía.

13 "In the broadest sense, any sacred choral composition, usually sung by a church choir, with words of a religious nature and of a relatively short duration can be classified as an anthem." ("Anthem." En: DAVIDSON, James Robert. A Dictionary of Protestant Church Music. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1975, p.24-34); “Hymn anthem is a choral form used by composers in setting hymns, metrical psalms, and religious poetry, using the associated hymn tune or composing original music. While English composers were among the first to write hymn anthems, the form is especially popular in the United States, where it has become a principal type of published sacred choral music. One category of hymn anthem includes works based on both a hymn text and hymn tune. […] A second category of the hymn anthem includes choral works in which a hymn text is set to original music that is not a hymn tune.” (LUHRS, Ryan. “Hymn anthem.” En: WATSON, J.R. & HORNBY, Emma (eds.). The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology. [Norwich]: Canterbury Press, cop. 2013. [8/11/14, se necesita subscripción])

5 de música coral, y que algunas de sus composiciones figuraban en Pentecostal Hymns, nos. 3 & 4 de 1907, un popular himnario editado por la misma Hope Publishing Company Unos meses después Hustad pudo confirmarme que M.L. McPhail había trabajado para la Hope Pub. Co. como editor especializado en música coral durante... ¡24 años!, y que “estaba claro que M.L. McPhail fue importante para la compañía durante sus primeros 25 años de historia.”14 Además, uno de sus libros, Winnowed Anthems nos. 1 & 2, se siguió comercializando continuadamente desde 1899 hasta 1962… ¡más de sesenta años!15 A pesar de que McPhail trabajó varias décadas como editor de la Hope Publishing Company y que tuvo que conocer y tratar con personajes tan reconocidos en el ámbito musico-religioso como E.A. Hoffman, Henry Date, W.J. Kirkpatrick, D.B. Towner, T. Harris, C.H. Gabriel o E.O. Excell, entre otros, con quienes coincidió colaborando en aquella compañía editora, al parecer, tampoco quedan rastros importantes de él en los archivos de la Hope Publishing Company. Thorson, en su tesis sobre las editoriales musicales de Chicago, únicamente menciona que en la primera década del s.XX la Hope Publishing Company “expanded its hymn book offerings with […] and Winnowed Anthems Nos. 1 and 2, edited by M.S. McPhail.”16 Ni siquiera en la obra de Hustad, quien también trabajó durante varias décadas en aquella misma casa editora, aparece ningún dato biográfico de McPhail.17 Booth, en su tesis doctoral en la que presenta un resumen histórico de la Hope Pub. Co. basado, a su vez, en la obra de Hustad, ni siquiera menciona a McPhail.18 Preguntándole acerca de esa “extraña” situación sobre McPhail, ese “obscure individual musician,” Hustad continúa diciendo:

“You ask why someone who did so much is ‘forgotten history.’ The work of serious hymnists has been recorded in dictionaries and handbooks since John Julian’s DICTIONARY OF HYMNOLOGY, published in Britain in 1892. The work of gospel writers was not considered important enough to publish such books until after 1950, beginning with the Southern Baptist hymnals and the books of Hope Publishing Co. […] By 1950, the music and edited publications of McPhail had disappeared from use, so they never were recorded anywhere, so far as we can tell.”19

En comunicaciones posteriores, Hustad me indicó que existen algunos libros anteriores a 1950 centrados en este tipo de autores (“gospel writers”) como los de M.B.

14 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (2-04-06).

15 SHORNEY, George H., Jr. “The History of Hope Publishing Company and Its Divisions and Affiliates.” En: HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, Ill.: Hope Publishing Company, 1978, p.12.

16 THORSON, Theodore Winton. A History of Music Publishing in Chicago 1850-1960. Tesis, Northwestern University, 1961, p.209. Thorson, además, cita erróneamente el nombre de McPhail. En la p.190 también cita a Winnowed Anthems No.1 & 2 Combined. En su tesis, Thorson dedica las páginas 189-191 y 209-214 a una breve historia de la Hope Publishing Company.

17 HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Publishing Co., 1978.

18 BOOTH, John David. A Comparative Study of Four Major Non-Denominational Evangelical, American Hymnals in Current Use. Tesis, Faculty of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1986, p.23-29.

19 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (2-04-06).


Foster, A.J. Showalter, C.H. Gabriel, J.H. Hall o A.E. Bailey.20 Realizando una búsqueda en estas obras, ninguna menciona a McPhail. Igualmente me informó de lo que George Shorney, había podido, finalmente, averiguar a partir de mi solicitud de información en los archivos de dicha compañía.

“In the late 18th and early 19th centuries in America, revivalistic movements tended to create new, freer, more-folkish song forms based on secular music—first black and white spirituals and ‘camp meeting’ songs, Sunday School songs for children beginning in 1840, and ‘gospel songs’ for adults beginning about 1860. These newer forms were, of course, criticized by the writers and users of the older traditional hymns as being unworthy, both poetically and theologically. It is that aesthetic war that kept McPhail out of hymn records while he was still living. It is the same type of war that exists between users of traditional hymnody and today’s proponents of even newer forms of ‘praise and worship’ songs, etc. You ask why McPhail’s music has disappeared—was it a conspiracy? Only the conspiracy of passing time and changing favor and more critical judgment. Revival movements have tended to create flood of music when a new style emerges; later, the fad passes and more-critical evaluation suggests that some or all of it is unworthy of preservation. I believe this was the problem with McPhail’s music.”21

“Early correspondence lists him as a non resident editor of Hope from 1896 to 1920. His specialty was Choral Music. He was evidently a close friend of Henry (Harry) Date [one of the company founders in 1892] and he lived in Park Ridge, Illinois [a suburb about 15 miles northwest of Oak Park, Hope’s office]. He owned copyrights and was friendly with Chas. Gabriel [the period’s most prolific writer of gospel songs.] His biggest contribution to the company was ‘Winnowed Anthems’ first published in 1896. In all there were six collections. Volume 1 contained about 130 titles and was still in print when I joined Hope in the late 1950’s. About 30% of this book was by McPhail himself. Other prominent composers in Volume 1 included Gabriel, Danks, Rosencrans, Lorenz, Kirkpatrick, Showalter, Excell, Will Thompson, Sweney.”22

El comentario anterior de Hustad de que “not a single composition of his is sung or published today”23 se ha visto ligeramente modificado puesto que algunos de los himnos de McPhail se han incluido recientemente en dos himnarios. Uno de ellos, editado en 2013 como un número especial de la revista The Herald of Christ's Kingdom,24 2013, incluye 4 himnos de McPhail. Hasta cierto punto, este caso es lógico

20 FOSTER, Myles Birket. Anthems and Anthem Composers : An Essay Upon the Development of the Anthem : From the Time of the Reformation to the End of the Nineteenth Century. London: Novello and Co., 1901; SHOWALTER, A.J. The Best Gospel Songs and Their Composers. [S.l.] : A.J. Showalter Co., 1904; GABRIEL, Charles H. The Singers and Their Songs. [S.l.]: Rodeheaver Co., 1915; HALL, Jacob Henry. Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1914; BAILEY, Albert Edward. The Gospel in Hymns : Backgrounds and Interpretations. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1950.

21 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (3-04-06).

22 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (26-07-06). El comentario es de George Shorney, Jr. Las interpolaciones son de D.P. Hustad.

23 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (19-02-2006).

24 The Herald of Christ's Kingdom, 2013, November-December, Special Hymn Edition, 31 hymns, 42 p. [29/11/2013]. En sus páginas 26 a 30 incluye los 7 puesto que esa revista está editada por uno de los grupos de EIB actuales que sigue siendo fiel a las enseñanzas de C.T. Russell. Lógico, puesto que, en definitiva, McPhail siempre ha seguido siendo utilizado en mayor o menor medida por estos grupos actuales de EIB. El otro caso es más particular puesto que no tiene relación alguna con los EIB. Se trata de un himnario publicado por la Iglesia Presbiteriana Camerunesa, también en 2013, bajo el título Les 250 anciens et nouveaux cantiques de l’Église Presbytérienne Camerounaise en el que se ha incluido un himno de McPhail.25 No puede negarse que, a pesar de estas dos recientes publicaciones, el comentario de Hustad todavía sigue siendo muy válido.

A partir de mis investigaciones aporto a continuación los datos que sobre M.L. McPhail he podido ir localizando, tanto puramente biográficos, como relacionados con su época en los EIB como en su faceta musical.

En 1861, con 7 años de edad, residía en Provenhall Village, Shettleston, Lanarkshire, Escocia, junto a sus padres Hugh McPhail y Margaret, y sus hermanos Rodger, John, Mary, Elizabeth y Margaret. Su padre trabajaba en una mina de carbón y, él, por su edad, iba a la escuela.26

Vivió su infancia en Escocia hasta que, con 11 años, llegó a Nueva York, Estados Unidos, el 10 de julio de 1865,27 a bordo del barco Britannia procedente de Glasgow, Escocia, y Londonderry, Irlanda. Vino con su madre y sus hermanos (Roderick o Rodger, John, Mary, Eliza y Hugh) según consta en el registro de pasajeros de aquella travesía. No se menciona ya a su hermana Margaret por lo que es posible que, dada su tierna edad, hubiera fallecido antes de que la familia McPhail consiguiera realizar el viaje.

himnos de M.L. McPhail, “Before the Great White Throne,” “Jehovah Is My Salvation,” “Oh, I Am So Happy” y “Stand Firm, Be Not Afraid.” Por error se le atribuyen a McPhail las letras de esos himnos cuando, en realidad, es el compositor de la música.

25 AKOA-MONGO, François Kara. Les 250 anciens et nouveaux cantiques de l'Église Presbytérienne Camerounaise : avec les histoires de leus inspirations. [S.l.]: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. 3 vols. ISBN 9781484042267. Incluye el himno “Follow in the Steps of Jesus” con música de M.L. McPhail.

26 “1861 Scotland Census.” Parish: Shettleston. Ed: 3; Household schedule: 84; Page: 21; Line: 9; Roll: CSSCT1861_91. En: 1861 Scotland Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006. Es muy posible que el nombre de la madre, Margaret, sea erróneo y, en realidad fuera Mary Byrrell. En el censo de 1851 aparecen los nombres de sus padres (Hugh y Mary) y sus dos hermanos mayores (Rodger y John) (“1851 Scotland Census.” Parish: Shettleston; Ed: 2; Household schedule: 15; Line: 8; Roll: CSSCT1851_148. En: 1851 Scotland Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc., 2006.) En el censo de 1841 aparece un Hugh McFale que podría ser su padre (“1841 Scotland Census.” Parish: Bothwell Holytown; ED: 11; Page: 3; Line: 1290. En: 1841 Scotland Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006.). No obstante, su padre se casó, al parecer, tres veces. Parece que la segunda y tercera vez se casó estando ya en los Estados Unidos. No he podido averiguar si pudo haberse casado aún otra vez antes de venir a los Estados Unidos con esa tal “Margaret.”

27 “New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957”. Year: 1865 [Day: 10 Jul 1865]; Arrival: New York, United States; Microfilm serial: M237; Microfilm roll: M237_253; Line: 30; List number: 622. En: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2006.


El que tampoco se mencione a su padre puede ser una indicación de que este ya había emigrado anteriormente, seguramente en 1864.28 Aunque las edades proporcionadas en ese registro no son del todo coincidentes los nombres parecen concordar en que se trataba de su familia. Lógicamente, es una afirmación que debe tomarse con precaución. Lo que parece ser muy probable es que primero su padre emigrara a los Estados Unidos en busca de trabajo y, posteriormente, pudiera pagar el pasaje del resto de su familia.

En junio de 1870,29 con 14 años (en realidad 16) se le encuentra viviendo en Steubenville Ward 2, Jefferson, Ohio, junto a su padre Hugh y su madrastra Jane, y sus hermanos John, Elizabeth y Hugh además de otros hermanastros. Tanto él, como su padre, figuran como trabajadores de una mina de carbón. Parece que, desde mediados del s.XIX se estaban explotando importantes recursos de carbón en la zona de Steubenville, Ohio. Posiblemente por este motivo, Hugh, su padre que al parecer ya era minero en Escocia decidió establecerse en esa ciudad.

Es posible que para esta época se despertaran ya en M.L. McPhail algunos sentimientos religiosos de índole evangélica puesto que la celebración de Camp Meetings estaba a la orden del día en aquellos años. Por ejemplo, el 24 de julio de 1874, The Steubenville Daily Herald, informaba:

“The Steubenville District Camp Meeting at Spring Grove, Wellsville, Ohio, will be held commencing August 20, 1874. The grounds embraces twenty acres of beautiful grove, within two miles of Wellsville, Ohio. They are surrounded by a fence, and have on them and abundance of excellent water. A better place for Camp Meeting cannot be found; all who have attended Camp Meetings say it is all that could be desired.”30

28 En el censo de junio de 1900 existe un Hugh McPhail que indica 1864 como año de llegada a los Estados Unidos. (“Twelfth Census of the United States : Schedule No.1—Population.” Year: 1900; Census Place: Steubenville Ward 3, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll T623_ 1290; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 80. En: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004). Existe otro Hugh McPhail, de 35 años de edad, que llegó a Nueva York, en el barco Edinburgh, procedente de Liverpool, Gran Bretaña, el 17 de septiembre de 1862. Podría ser su padre aunque no hay seguridad al respecto puesto que el dato de su edad llevaría a una fecha diferente a la de su nacimiento. (“New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957”. Year: 1862 [Date: September 17th]; Arrival: New York, United States; Microfilm serial: M237; Microfilm roll: M237_223; Line: 48; List number: 956. En: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2006).

29 “1870 United States Federal Census Record.” Year:1870 [Date: June 23rd]; Census Place: Steubenville Ward 2, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll M593_1228; Page: 74B; Image: 153; Family History Library Film: 552727. En: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. Parece que Hugh McPhail se casó en tres ocasiones: con Mary Birrell, en 1846, y madre de M.L. McPhail; con Jane Robertson, hacia 1865; y, finalmente, con Margaret Donley o Daily, hacia 1876.

30 Steubenville Daily Herald (Steubenville, Ohio), 1874, July 24, p.4.


Ilustración 2. Censo fechado el 23 de junio de 1870, del 2nd Ward, City of Steubenville, Jefferson, Ohio, en el que aparece M.L. McPhail, con 14 años, junto a su padre Hugh Mcphail, su madrastra Jane, y sus hermanos y hermanastros. Aparece como empleado en una mina de carbón. (Fuente:

El 20 de junio de 1878 se casa con Kate Kelley31 en Jefferson, Ohio. Kate era profesora en Smithfield, Ohio y, al parecer, de origen irlandés, aunque sus padres y abuelos ya habían emigrado a los Estados Unidos. En junio de 1880,32 con 25 años, se le encuentra viviendo en esa ciudad junto a su esposa Catharine (Kate) McPhail, de 22 años, su hijo Harry C., de 5 meses, su cuñado Thomas Kelley, de 19 años, y la tía de su esposa, Angeline Watson, viuda de 52 años. En ese mismo año, 1880, M.L. McPhail se nacionalizó como norteamericano.33 Fue en estos años, 1870-1880, cuando tuvo que

31 En algún registro su apellido también consta como Kelly. Pero, por ejemplo, en los registros de nacimiento de dos de sus hijas Grace McPhail, el 8 de julio de 1884, y Laura McPhail, el 18 de noviembre de 1890, el nombre de la esposa de M.L. McPhail figura claramente como Kelley (Stark Co., OH Probate Court Birth Records – 1884, Vol.3, p.173; 1890, Vol.4, p.183)

32 “1880 United States Federal Census Record.” Year: 1880 [Date: June 15th]; Census Place: Smithfield, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll T9_1037; Family History Film: 1255037; Page: 396.2000; Enumeration District: 107; Image: 0383. En: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.

33 Según figura en los censos de 1920 y 1930 (“Fourteenth Census of the United States: 1920- Population.” Year: 1920 [Date: January 14th]; Census Place: Maine, Cook, Illinois; Roll T625_360;

10 surgir su interés por la música y la educación musical formándose en ambos campos. En 1879 se menciona que un tal Matthew McPhail abre una escuela de música en Knoxville, Ohio y, aunque no es del todo seguro, podría tratarse de la misma persona.34

“As a youth Matthew L. McPhail came directly to Steubenville from Scotland and while still a boy he sang in the old Fifth street M. E. church choir and later he was choir director in the U. P. church and taught music as well. He was married to Miss Kate Kelly, a teacher in the public schools of Smithfield, Ohio on June 13, 1878.”35

McPhail figura ya en el censo norteamericano de 1880 con la profesión de “Music Teacher.” En diciembre de 1881, McPhail, residente en Steubenville, se presenta a los exámenes que se celebran en Columbus, Ohio, para obtener el certificado estatal oficial para ejercer como profesor en las escuelas públicas y lo consigue.

“STATE EXAMINATION --At the examination held by the State Board at Columbus, Dec. 27, 28, and 29, 1881, thirty applicants were present; four ladies and twenty-six gentleman […] The following are the names of the successful teachers, viz: […] M.L. McPhail, Steubenville […]”36

“State Examinations The State Board of Examiners, consisting of Professor W.G. Williams, of Delaware; Superintentend M.H. Parker, of Elyria, and A.B. Johnsn, of Avondale, held an examination at Columbus December 27th, 28th and 29th. Thirty applicants were examined […]

Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 117; Image: 546. En: 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009; y, “Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930 : Population Schedule.” Year: 1930 [Date: April 11th]; Census Place: Maine, Cook, Illinois; Roll 501; Page: 33A; Enumeration District: 2147; Image: 304.0. En: 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2002).

34 WHITE, Chalmers C. "Our Pioneer Days." En: Steubenville Herald Star (Steubenville, Ohio), 1934, July 10, p.6. En 1875 se cita a un Prof. McPhail y su esposa participando con dos interpretaciones vocales en una reunión de tipo politico en Brooklyn, N.Y. Es probable que no se refiera al M.L. McPhail presentado en este capítulo (“J.W. Wilder Association.” En: The Brooklyn Union [Brooklyn, N.Y.], 1875, January 14, p.¿?)

35 “Former Residents Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary.” Recorte de periódico de junio de 1928 cuya transcripción me envió Kathleen Lucille M. Peterson, descendiente de Roderick McPhail, hermano mayor de M.L. McPhail. Finalmente, he podido localizar la cita completa: “Former Residents Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary.” En: Steubenville Herald Star (Steubenville, Ohio), 1928, June 21, p.12.

36 JOHNSON, A.B. “State Examination.” En: The Ohio Educational Monthly and National Teacher : a Journal of Education, 1882, march, vol.31, no.3, p.98 y 99 [19/1/12]; “State Certificates.” En: The Ohio Educational Monthly and National Teacher : a Journal of Education, 1884, vol.33, p.593 [19/1/12]; Véase también: Annual Reports of the State Commissioner of Common Schools en el que aparece la lista anual de los que obtuvieron dicho certificado. He podido consultar los Annual Reports correspondientes a 1884-1886, 1889-1900 y 1905/1906.


The following are the names of the successful teachers, viz: […] M.L. McPhail, Steubenville […] The certificates issued by this Board are much coveted by teachers, as they are good for life in any schools of the State, and are now regarded as profesional diplomas.“37

A finales de l870, empieza a publicar sus propias partituras con la firma “M.L. McPhail & Co.” de Steubenville, Ohio. No he podido localizar cuántas partituras editó, ni por cuánto tiempo pudo mantenerse como editor, ni tampoco quiénes fueron las otras personas con las que se asoció para crear aquella empresa. Sí parece que editó algunas piezas de otros compositores como así dejan entreverlo dos partituras que se encuentran en el Bethany College (Bethany, West Virginia), cerca de Steubenville, Ohio. Allí, según consta en un listado bibliográfico, se localiza una obra de John T. Rutledge (Angels will open the beautiful gates) y otra de Johann Spindler (Widow Machree Waltz) supuestamente editadas en Steubenville en 1879 por M.L. McPhail.38 En la cubierta de estas partituras aparece McPhail relacionado con algún tipo de negocio de instrumentos musicales, concretamente como distribuidor de pianos y órganos situado en la 4th and Adam Streets de Steubenville.39

En la Library of Congress se conservan dos partituras de esta época, ambas con fecha de copyright de 1878 y en colaboración con Will. J. McCann.40 De ambas es la empresa M.L. McPhail & Co. quien ostenta el copyright. Son las dos piezas musicales más antiguas compuestas por McPhail que he localizado hasta el momento. No son

37 “State Examinations.” En: Cincinnati Enquirer (Ohio), 1882, February 19, p.12.

38 “9912 'ANGELS WILL OPEN THE BEAUTIFUL GATES'. John T. Rutledge. (Steubenville ?), (c. 1879). M. L. McPhail. 5 pages (including front cover). White cover. 14" x 10-11/16". C-ES Copyright by W. F. Shaw. Although the front cover bears an imprint showing that McPhail was a dealer of pianos and organs at 4th and Adam Streets in Steubenville, the piece may have been published elsewhere. The number 4 in a six-pointed star also appears on the front cover”; “10016 'WIDOW MACHREE WALTZ'. Johann Spindler. Steubenville, (c. 1879). M. L. McPhail. 6 pages (including covers; unpaged). White paper. 13-15/16" x 10-11/16". C-ES The front cover lists this and 41 other "Beautiful and Attractive Piano Forte Pieces" by Spindler, all under a heading of "None Such." Although the front cover bears an imprint showing that McPhail was a dealer of pianos and organs at 4th and Adam Streets in Steubenville, the piece may have been published elsewhere. The number 5 in a five-pointed star also appears on the front cover.” (Localizadas en: RIEGER, Paul E. (ed.). Upper Ohio Valley Collection: Bibliography as History. [S.l.?: Bethany College?], cop. 2004. [28-11-11]; No accesible [9-2-16])

39 No he localizado ninguna otra información que permita asegurar esta faceta de distribuidor o vendedor de instrumentos musicales. De hecho, por aquella época existía una importante fábrica de pianos bajo el nombre de "McPhail" y con oficinas en numerosas ciudades de Norteamérica. Esta empresa no tiene relación, que yo haya podido descubrir hasta la fecha, con M.L. McPhail. No obstante, dado que sí está demostrado que M.L. McPhail inició algún tipo de negocio para editar o imprimir música, no es descabellado que también tuviera relación con alguna otra variedad de negocio musical.

40 El nombre aparece diferente en las dos partituras. En una se presenta como “J.W. McCann” y en la otra como “Will. J. McCann.” He supuesto que se trata de la misma persona. Es posible que fuera William John McCann (Jefferson, Ohio, 1846-), un reconocido abogado y político republicano del condado de Jefferson, Ohio. Fue alcalde de la ciudad de New Alexandria, Ohio y, posteriormente, máximo responsable de las escuelas de esa ciudad.” (DOYLE, Joseph Beatty. 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio and Representative Citizens. Chicago: Richmond-Arnold Pub. Co., 1910, p.742 y 743).

12 piezas de música religiosa por lo que, a la espera de localizar nuevas partituras, puede indicarse que McPhail inició su andadura musical con música popular o ligera y, como indiqué anteriormente, quizás con algún negocio relacionado con la venta o distribución de música y de instrumentos musicales.

McPHAIL, M.L. (music) & McCANN, J.W. (words). How Oft Have I Sat By the Brookside : Song and Chorus. Steubenville, Ohio: M.L. McPhail & Co., cop. 1878 (Philadelphia [702 Chesnut St.]: T.A. Bacher, Music Engraver & Printer). 5 p.

McPHAIL, Mat. L. (music) & McCANN, Will. J. (words). Gently Speeds the Silver Brooklet : Duett & Chorus. Steubenville, Ohio: M.L. McPhail & Co., cop. 1878 (Philadelphia: T.A. Bacher, Eng. & Pr.). 5 p.41

Esta última partitura es especialmente interesante por dos aspectos. La portada tiene la siguiente nota bajo el nombre de los autores: “Authors of How oft I sat by the Brookside. The Old Mill. &c. &c.” Por lo que puede deducirse que para aquel año McPhail y McCann ya habían editado otras obras, al menos 3 o 4.42 Y, el aspecto más importante es que fue el punto de partida para poder conocer el nombre completo de este autor que, hasta entonces no había podido localizar en ninguna otra fuente. Gracias a que en la portada figura como “Mat. L. McPhail” he podido rastrear y confirmar que su nombre era Matthew Lindsay McPhail y no Malcolm Leod MacPhail43 como se indicaba en el catálogo de registro de autoridades de la Library of Congress.

41 PDFs consultables en y [No accesibles: 9/2/16]; y [Accesibles en 9/2/16]

42 No he podido localizar la obra “The Old Mill.”

43 Los únicos datos que disponía hasta el año 2005 eran sus iniciales “M.L. McPhail.” En las publicaciones de los EIB se le mencionaba siempre de esa forma o como Brother McPhail. En la Library of Congress, el registro de autoridad con el que se asociaba alguna de sus obras era “Malcolm Leod 13

En 1879 una composición de M.L. McPhail, titulada “Joyful Tidings”, es incluida en un volumen44 de “anthems” para coro editado por C.E. Leslie, lo que es una muestra, si se tratara de la misma persona, de que también realizó tempranas piezas religiosas y, además, de que sus cualidades musicales estaban adquiriendo ya cierto renombre en esa fecha tan temprana. De hecho en el prefacio de aquel volumen, los editores (Chicago Music Co.) indican que “We wish to thank the following friends for their compositions, written especially for this work”... entre ellos a M.L. McPhail.

Ilustración 3. McPHAIL, M.L. “Joyful Tidings” (Leslie’s Anthem and Chorus Book)

MacPhail (1877- ),” curiosamente autor de algún libro de temática religiosa pero no musical. Además, la fecha de nacimiento de este MacPhail (1877) no cuadraba con las partituras encontradas en la Library of Congress para el McPhail de mi interés (1878, 1882, 1885). Cuando me percaté de la partitura en la que figuraba “Mat. L. McPhail” pude enderezar mi investigación hasta que, finalmente, confirmé que su nombre era Matthew Lindsay McPhail. A finales de 2005 me puse en contacto con la Library of Congress para solicitar que modificaran su registro de autoridad aportando datos en este sentido. Actualmente ya indican que no debe relacionarse M.L. McPhail con Malcolm Leod MacPhail. El 30 de diciembre de 2005, el registro de autoridad nº 98085823 de la Library of Congress relacionaba Malcolm Leod MacPhail con M.L. McPhail. El 16 de febrero de 2006 ya no lo hacía y, además, se había creado un registro de autoridad nº 2006007122 para M.L. McPhail, especificando “Do not confuse with MacPhail, Malcolm L. (Malcolm Leod), b. 1877.” De todos modos no han incluido ninguna indicación a que su nombre completo es Matthew Lindsay McPhail. En enero de 2006 contacté con Bonnie Tootle, una biznieta de Matthew Lindsay McPhail, quien me proporcionó algunas pistas para continuar confirmando mis teorías acerca de su verdadero nombre (Correspondencia electrónica [31-01-06; y, 13 al 17-02-06]). Recientemente he podido consultar dos obras con algunos datos biográficos de Malcolm Leod MacPhail (River Denys, Nova Scotia, 1877-Auburn, N.Y., 1940) corroborando que no se trata de la misma persona, si no de un pastor presbiteriano de cierto renombre en Auburn, New York. (MacPHAIL, Malcolm L. A History of the Presbyterian Church, New York (1811-1936). [Auburn: First Presbyterian Church?, 1936?], p.33 y 34; WALTER, Betsy & HANES, Dennis. 175 Years 1811-1986 First Presbyterian Church Auburn, New York. [Auburn: First Presbyterian Church?, 1986?], p.30-32).

44 LESLIE, Charles Eddy. Leslie’s Anthem and Chorus Book. Chicago: Chicago Music Co. : New York: William A. Pond & Co., cop. 1879. Obra digitalizada localizada en la sección Mills Music Library Special Collections de la University of Wisconsin Digital Collections . [S.l.]: University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center, cop. 2011. [18-9-11]


Ilustración 4. “Prefacio (Leslie’s Anthem and Chorus Book)

La empresa editora en la que se embarcó McPhail (M.L. McPhail & Co.) no debió durar mucho tiempo, puesto que en 1882 ya se pueden localizar algunas de sus obras publicadas por Will. L. Thompson & Co., de East Liverpool, Ohio.45 Y, un poco más tarde, en 1885, también se localizan algunas obras suyas publicadas por The John Church Company, de Cincinnati.46 Ambas editoriales de música eran de las más prestigiosas en aquellas décadas. Todavía se trata principalmente de música ligera o popular pero, McPhail ya empieza a componer piezas de tipo religioso, como la mencionada anteriormente y, también, las dos últimas que se indican en la siguiente lista. De hecho, The John Church Co. publicó muchas piezas religiosas. Es muy posible que McPhail pudiera entrar en contacto con esta segunda editorial a través de George F. Root, reconocido compositor y profesor de música de la época.47 Root también disponía

45 William Lamartine Thompson (East Liverpool, Ohio, 1847-New York, 1909). Miembro de una de las familias más importantes de East Liverpool; uno de los autores de canciones más famosos de América; hacia 1874 fundó una editorial de música que se convirtió en una de las más importantes de la época. (HALL, Jacob Henry. Biography of Gospel Song and Hymn Writers. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1914, p.250-254; “Thompson Here, Thompson There, Thompson Everywhere.” En: East Liverpool Historical Society. Upd. 04 Apr., 2010. [East Liverpool: East Liverpool Historical Society], [7-4-10]; GALBREATH, C.B. “Song Writers of Ohio: Will Lamartine Thompson, Author of 'Gathering Shells from the Seashore’.” En: Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, 1905, 14(3):291-312 [7-4-10])

46 Una de las editoriales de música más importantes de los Estados Unidos, fundada en Cincinnatti en 1859, por John Church (1834-1890). (HUBBARD, W.L. (ed.). The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. History of American Music. Toledo: Irving Squire, 1908, p.341 y 342)

47 George Frederick Root (1820-1895) fue un reconocido compositor de música popular y religiosa. Asistente de Lowell Mason en su proyecto de enseñar música en las escuelas públicas de Boston. Maestro de Fanny Crosby en Nueva York, con quien colaboró en algunas composiciones. Compuso centenares de canciones. (HUBBARD, W.L. [ed.]. The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. History of American Music. Toledo: Irving Squire, 1908, p.78 y 79; HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Publishing Co., 1978, p.310).

15 de su propia editorial o empresa distribuidora de música, creada por su hermano en Chicago, bajo el nombre Root & Sons Music Co. (200 Wabash Ave.).48 En las partituras de McPhail editadas por The John Church Co. también aparece Root & Sons Music Co., dando a entender que colaboraban en su edición o distribución. Parece que McPhail y Root se conocían y puede que, de ahí, surgiera la posibilidad de publicar sus composiciones en esta editorial, y con quien incluso, llegó a colaborar.49.

McPHAIL, M.L. Mingo March : for Organ or Piano. East Liverpool, O.: W.L. Thompson & Co., cop. 1882. 5 p.50

McPHAIL, M.L. Toronto Waltz : for Organ or Piano. East Liverpool, O.: W.L. Thompson & Co., cop. 1882. 5 p.51

McPHAIL, M.L. (music) & MATHEWS, Paul (words). My Love Beyond the Sea : Song & Chorus. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 5 p. [Nº 4292-5]52

McPHAIL, M.L. (music) & BENNETT, George (words). Home and Friends : Song & Chorus. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 5 p. [Nº 4293-4]53

McPHAIL, M.L. (music) & BURNS, Robert (words). Thou Lingering Star : Ballad. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 9 p. [Nº 4417=8]54

McPHAIL, M.L. (music) & BENNETT, George (words). By-Gone Days : Song & Chorus. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 5 p. [Nº 4451-4]

48 “En 1858 se trasladó a Chicago y se asoció con su hermano en la editorial musical Root & Cady. Posteriormente se asoció con la editorial The John Church Company, de Cincinnati, pero manteniendo su residencia en Chicago.” (HUBBARD, W.L. [ed.]. The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. History of American Music. Toledo: Irving Squire, 1908, p.78 y 79; HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary- Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Publishing Co., 1978, p.310).

49 ROOT, George F. The Story of A Musical Life : An Autobiography. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., 1891, p.197. McPhail llegaría a componer una tonada religiosa con el título de Root, seguramente en su honor. (McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay & ROOT, George F. The Crown of Song : for the Use of Musical Conventions, Choirs and Singing Schools. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1886, p.116).

50 En la parte superior de la portada consta: “Respectfully dedicated to my friend Mr. S.C. Boyd, Steubenville, Ohio.” Podría ser un miembro destacado de la Old Presbyterian Church de Steubenville o, también, un organista de la St. Stephen's Church de Steubenville (DOYLE, Joseph Beatty. 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio and Representative Citizens. Chicago, Ill.: Richmond- Arnold Pub. Co., 1910, p.412 y 413; DOYLE, Joseph Beatty. The Church in Eastern Ohio : A History : With Special Reference to the Parishes of St. Paul's, Steubenville, St. James's, Cross Creek and St. Stephen's, Steubenville. Steubenville: H.C. Cook, Co., 1914, p.249.)

51 En la parte superior de la portada consta: “Respectfully dedicated to my friend, George Davois, Toronto, Ohio.” No he localizado quien puede ser.

52 En la parte superior de la portada: “To Mr. Howard Van Horn.” No he localizado quien puede ser.

53 En la parte superior de la portada consta: “To Miss Mollie A. Hall.” No he localizado quien puede ser.

54 En la portada consta: “To Mr. Charles H. Thompson.” y “Composed for and sung by Mr. Charles H. Thompson.” No he localizado quien puede ser.


McPHAIL, M.L. Come Unto Me Ye Weary : Sacred Solo, Duet & Quartet. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 5 p. [Nº 4529-5]55

McPHAIL, M.L. Abide With Me : Sacred Solo & Quartet. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 5 p. [Nº 4568-5]56

De alguna de esas obras he localizado algún anuncio, como en el caso de My Love Beyond the Sea y By-Gone Days, en la sección de novedades de música vocal incluida en la revista The Musical Visitor, de mayo y septiembre de 1885. Es interesante la descripción que se hace de McPhail en el primero de ellos.

“My Love Beyond the Sea. Song and Chorus. Words by Paul Mathews. Music by M.L. McPhail. Price… 30 cts. Home and Friends. Song and Chorus. Words by Geo. Bennett. Music by M.L. McPhail. Price… 30 cts. Two songs by a writer whose name is new as a composer, but who shows an undoubted gift of melody and skill in harmony. These songs are ‘popular’ in style and difficulty, but musicianly and artistic in every way.”57

“By-Gone Days. Song and Chorus. Words by Geo. Bennett. Music by M.L. McPhail. Pr., 30 cts. A very simple song on an old subject, but the music is very good, though easy, and the words are above the average. The chorus is very effective.”58

Entre 1883 y 1892/1893, es el responsable del coro de la First Methodist Church of Canton, Ohio, en la que también ejercerá la función de organista entre 1885 y 1890. Allí coincide con William McKinley quien, posteriormente, entre 1897 y 1901 sería elegido presidente de los Estados Unidos de América. Anteriormente, McPhail ya perteneció al coro de la Methodist Episcopal Church de Steubenville, Ohio, y, también, fue el director del coro de la United Presbyterian Church de esa misma ciudad.

“Professor Mitchell was the organist in 1883 and he and the chorister, Professor Matthew L. McPhail each received an annual salary of $200. In 1884 Louis A. Rutter took over as organist, but a year later he left, and Professor McPhail assumed the responsibilities of both organist and chorister, continuing in this dual capacity for the next six years, at an annual rate of $600. Then the organist’s position was filled by a Professor Swanson until mid-year 1891 when Mr. Rutter returned and stayed until 1894, being replaced at that date by Alfred E. Baehrens. Meanwhile, Mr. McPhail still continued as chorister. Following Mr. McPhail’s departure, a secession of musicans (sic), including Professor J.S. Brown, Paul

55 De esta partitura no se indica quien es el autor de la letra. En la parte superior de la portada consta: “To Brother John.” Probablemente puede ser una referencia a su hermano carnal, John McPhail.

56 De esta partitura no se indica quien es el autor de la letra. En la parte superior de la portada consta: “To Rev. D.C. Osborne.” Puede tratarse de un pastor metodista que estuvo en la zona de Steubenville, Ohio. (DOYLE, Joseph Beatty. 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio and Representative Citizens. Chicago, Ill.: Richmond-Arnold Pub. Co., 1910, p.405).

57 “New Music. Vocal.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1885, May, vol.14, no.5, p.127.

58 “New Music. Vocal.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1885, September, vol.14, no.9, p.239.


Knappe, a Mr. Bonhorst and a Professor Wallace served in that capacity.”59

Ernest Charles Henninges, un prominente EIB y amigo personal de juventud de McPhail desde que coincidieron en la década de 1880 en Canton, Ohio, antes de conocer ambos las doctrinas de Russell, recuerda lo siguiente:

“Both of us were members of the Methodist Church, the principal church in the town, Mr. McPhail being choir leader and the present writer a youthful member of the choir. Mr. McPhail possessed a fine baritone voice of unusually great compass, and was in demand at social functions of all kinds, at some of which I had the pleasure of assisting as accompanist. He was also instructor in singing at the Canton public schools, and sometimes took a group of singers on tours of neighbouring towns.”60

Según consta en los directorios de la ciudad de Canton, Ohio, M.L. McPhail fijó su residencia en esa ciudad, al menos, entre 1884 y 1894. Aparece como profesor de música, profesor de educación o cultura vocal y, también, músico. En un estudio sobre la presencia de la educación musical en las escuelas de Estados Unidos para el año 1885, se le menciona como "Prof. M.L. McPhail" siendo responsable de dicha educación en la escuela de la ciudad de Canton, Ohio.61

1884-1885: 19 E. William st.; “Music Teacher” 1886-1887: 102 W. Tusc. st.; “Teacher of voice culture” 1888-1889: 2 Robin st.; “Professor of music” y “Music teacher” 1891-1892: 354 Dueber ave.; “Musician” 1892-1893: 354 Dueber ave.; “Musician” 1893-1894: 354 Dueber ave.; “Musician.” Aparece con su esposa, Kate62

En septiembre de 1882 se indica que McPhail está visitando Wheeler, W. Va. Y, por lo que se extrae de la breve noticia, no era la primera ocasión en la que su voz era oída allí. En abril de 1883 colabora con interpretaciones vocales en un concierto

59 GINGRICH, Virginia F. The story of the church at the crossroads : Church of the Savior United Methodist (formerly First Methodist Church), Canton, Ohio. [Vol.I]. [United States: s.n., 1976?], p.121 y 122. Agradezco a Janet Metzger, bibliotecaria de la Wm. McKinley Presidential Library & Museum (Canton, Ohio), la localización de esta cita.

60 HENNINGES, E.C. “M.L. McPhail.” En: The New Covenant Advocate, 1932, Vol.23, no.11, February 1, p.200. Agradezco a Nathan [pseudónimo] haberme proporcionado copia de este artículo.

61 EATON, John. "Education in Music at Home and Abroad. [..…] Appendix. Classified Statistics of Instruction in Vocal Music, as reported by 243 Cities and Towns in the United States [...] Reports regarding instruction in music in city schools—Spring 1885 [...] D. Places where music is taught by both special and ordinary teaching force [...] XXXIII. By the method or system called 'Movable do'." En: Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education (Washington: Government Printing Office), 1886, no.1, p.69. [19-1-12]

62 Directory of the City of Canton : 1884-1885. [Canton]: The Canton News Co., [1885?], p.212.; Directory of the City of Canton : 1886-1887. [Canton]: The Canton News Co., [1887?], p.232; Directory of the City of Canton : 1888-1889. [Canton]: The Canton News Co., [1889?], p.270 y 450; Canton City Directory : 1891-1892. Akron: The Burch Directory Co., 1891, p.308; Canton City Directory : 1892- 1893. Akron: The Burch Directory Co., 1892, p.42 y 310; Canton City Directory : 1893-1894. Akron: The Burch Directory Co., 1893, p.342.

18 celebrado en esa misma ciudad. En junio de 1883 está presente en Saint Clairsville (Ohio) ofreciéndose como profesor de cultura vocal.

“M.L. McPhail, one of Steubenville’s popular musicians, whose fine basso has been heard with pleasure by Wheeling audiences, is in Wilson & Baumer’s Stand.”63

“The Opera House Orchestra’s Concert. This morning, tickets will be put on sale at Wilson & Baumer’s for the third grand concert to be given by the Opera House orchestra, at the Opera House, Monday evening. This concert, by the way, will be the last one for this season. Special pains have been taken in selecting the programme, and it is one that cannot but please every one. The house should be crowded. For nearly two years the members of the orchestra have worked hard to furnish the citizens with good music, and to elevate the musical standing of the city. The effect of their efforts has already been felt, and they should be encouraged in their work. Mrs. A.M. Sheib, Miss Flora Williams and Mr. M. L. McPhail will assist at this concert with vocal selections. Profs. Shockey and Va[…], of this city, solo violinists, will also aid. In addition, Messrs. H. William Ruhe, Leppig and Rottkay, of the Pittsburgh Opera House, celloist and French hornists, will render valuable assistance. A glance over the programme will assure one that the concert will be a collection of musical gems, and the excellence of these concerts in the past is a guarantee that the coming one will be a decided event.”64

“Mr. L. McPhail will be in St. Clairsville on Thursday and Friday, June 21st and 22d, to organize a class in voice culture. One lesson will be given gratuitously to try one’s voice, and explain his method. One hundred per cent improvement guaranted in 20 lessons or no charge will be made. Mr. McPhail teaches the correct mode of breathing—how to use the throat in producing high and low tones. Persons wishing to have their voices cultivated are requested to call at Mrs. Morton’s boarding house any time on Thursday or Friday of this week. Terms, 20 lessons $20.00.”65

En agosto de 1883 se anuncia a un tal M.E. McPhail (sic) como profesor de “voice culture and sight reading” en New Philadelphia, Ohio, en donde actuaría junto al coro de la iglesia presbiteriana.66 Es muy probable que se trate de M.L. McPhail quien solía viajar por la zona para dar clases de educación vocal y musical. Además, se publicaron anuncios similares en semanas posteriores en algún otro periódico de la zona. Parece que tuvo cierto renombre a nivel local y que una de sus fuentes de ingresos fue la de dar ese tipo de lecciones y participar en eventos musicales de la zona.

“Singers Wanted M.L. McPhail desires all singers (and others) of New Philadelphia who would like to have their voices cultivated, to call at his residence on Front Street (opposite Champion Planing Mills), and he will give them a lesson

63 The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, W.Va.), 1882, September 14, p.4

64 “The Opera House Orchestra’s Concert.” En: The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, W. Va.), 1883, April 21, p.1

65 Belmont Chronicle (Saint Clairsville, Ohio), 1883, June 21, p.3.

66 The Argus [Ohio Democrat] (New Philadelphia, Ohio), 1883, August 23, p. 1.


gratuitously, to explain his method. Terms for 20 lessons, $20.00. One hundred per cent improvement guaranted in the first term of 20 lessons, or no charge will be made.”67

En julio de 1884 asistió al Cleveland Meeting of the Music Teachers’ National Association, en la que intervino en el debate que hubo tras la presentación de una comunicación titulada “The Qualifications fo a Vocal Teacher”. Esa presentación y las aportaciones posteriores fueron publicadas en el número de noviembre de 1884 de la revista The Voice.68

En julio de 1885 aparece como ganador de un premio interpretando un dúo en un concurso de música vocal celebrado en Lima, Ohio, aunque la crítica de quien escribe la noticia no parece ser demasiado favorable. En cambio, en otra cita del mismo mes en una revista especializada en música, The Musical Visitor, tras un concierto en Canton, Ohio, se le reconoce no solo como buen compositor y director sino, también, como excelente vocalista.

“The $10 prize for the duett, ‘Love Thou,’ was given to Mrs. F.M. Young, of Cleveland and M.L. McPhail, of Canton. Mrs. J.L. Hampton and Prof. Miles, and Miss Arna Hogall and Willie Miles competed for the prize and the impression see ned to be that two latter were far superior to the first.”69

“Canton, O., is fortunate in having a good supply of first-class musical talent. This was evident at the recent Reinkendorf and Rutter concerts. Both the vocal and instrumental music was of a high order and well performed. Mr. McPhail is not only a good composer and conductor by a most excellent vocalist.”70

Su relación compositor/editor con The John Church Company continuó más allá de las partituras que le editaron en 1885 y que he listado anteriormente. En ese mismo año le editan un libro de “Anthems”, un tipo de música coral en el que McPhail se llegó a especializar además de en himnos religiosos congregacionales. Lo primero que destaca de este volumen es que The John Church Co. accediera a un título como McPhail’s Anthems, en el que se ponía tanto énfasis al nombre McPhail.

Demuestra que este compositor, en realidad, tenía cierto renombre para aquella época puesto que si no hubiera sido bastante difícil ponerle tal título. Se trata ya de una publicación de cierta envergadura, lo que también demuestra ese posible renombre de su autor y su capacidad como compositor y compilador/editor. Desgraciadamente no

67 The Ohio Democrat (New Philadelphia, Ohio), 1883, September 6, p.4; September 13, p.4; September 20, p.4; October 11, p.4; October 18, p.4; October 25, p.4.

68 ADAMS, Charles R.; CADY, O.B.; WHEELER, J. Harry; WALDAUER, August; ROOT, Frederic W.; HARDING, Henry; BRIEKERHOFF, Madame; TOMLINS, W.L.; McPHAIL, M.L. “The Qualifications of a Vocal Teacher.” En: The Voice: an International Review of the Speaking and Singing Voice, 1884, november, vol. 6, no. 11, p.185-188

69 The Daily Democratic Times (Lima, Ohio), 1885, July 6, p.3; The Lima News (Lima, Ohio), 1885, July 6, p.3.

70 “Concerts and Conventions.” En: The Musical Visitor, a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1885, July, Vol.14, no.7, p.180.

20 cuenta con ningún tipo de prefacio o introducción que pueda aportarnos más datos al respecto. Un aspecto interesante es que de las 46 piezas que incluye, 11 o 12 se atribuyen a McPhail,71 9 a Lindsay, 6 o 7 a Clayton, 5 a Root, 3 a Concone, 2 a Attwood, 2 a Barnby, y 1 a Bellini, Kinkel, Mozart, Murray, Sudds y Tours.

Ilustración 5. (Izquierda) McPHAIL, M.L. McPhail’s Anthems for Chorus or Quartet Chorus : Consisting of New and Original Music, with Choice Selections and Arrangements from the Best Standard Authors, Adapted to All the Various Uses of the Church Service. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 192 p. [46 anthems]. (Fuente: Colección personal de MAPN); (Derecha) Anuncio de McPhail's Anthems en la revista The Publishers' Weekly de 1885.

No he podido averiguar quién es ese “Lindsay” al que se atribuyen algunas piezas pero al aparecer como “M. Lindsay”72 (incluso en dos de ellas como Mathew o Matthew Lindsay) me inclino más por pensar que se trata del mismo M.L. McPhail que ha querido jugar con su nombre Matthew Lindsay McPhail… unas obras las firmaría

71 Podrían ser 11 puesto que hay una diferencia entre el índice y el cuerpo de la obra. La pieza “Come Unto Me, Ye Weary” se atribuye a McPhail en el índice, pero a G.F. Clayton al inicio de la partitura.

72 Al ser dos las piezas en las que el autor figura como Matthew o Mathew Lindsay, me inclino por pensar que se trata del mismo M.L. McPhail. Este es un tema todavía por estudiar puesto que existe una mujer “Miss M. Lindsay” (Margaret o Mary), también conocida como “Mrs. J. Worthington Bliss”, que compuso y escribió algunas canciones de cierta fama a mediados del s.XIX (“Lindsay, Miss M.” En: GREEN, Janet M. (ed.). Musical Biographies. Toledo: Irvin Savare, 1908, vol.1, p.492); Además, I.D. Sankey menciona a una joven llamada Maggie Lindsay, de Aberdeen, Escocia, cuya experiencia en el lecho de muerte inspiró el himno Home at last, thy labour done (SANKEY, Ira David. My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns and of Sacred Songs and Solos. New York: Harper & Brothers Pub., 1907, p.298 y 299; “Home at last, thy labour done.” En: JULIAN, John (ed.). A Dictionary of Hymnology : Setting Forth the Origin and History of Christian Hymns of All Ages and Nations. 2nd rev. ed. with new suppl. New York: Dover Pub., 1957(1907), vol.2, p.1571).

21 como McPhail y otras como Lindsay. Algunas de las obras que firma como Lindsay son los arreglos y adaptaciones pero, también hay obras originales firmadas con ese nombre, por lo que no puedo explicar el motivo que puede haber detrás. Si mis afirmaciones fueran ciertas, podrían ser 21 las piezas de este volumen atribuidas a McPhail. Al parecer se publicó en agosto de 1885:

“NOW READY! McPhail’s Anthems. By M.L. McPhail This new work, designed for the use of Chorus or Quartet Chorus, is the result of long and patient labor on the part of the author who has striven ti include only such material as experience and careful trial has demonstrated to be best for choir use. The aim has been to provide music for choirs of every degree of proficiency, and for all the various uses of the church service, and to this end, beautiful and original compositions have been interspersed with choice selections and arrangements from the works of Mozart, Concone, Bellini, Tours, Barnby, Smart, Costa, Barri, Lindsay, etc., etc. The type throughout the book is large, clear, and legible; the printing is well down; the binding is strong and durable; so that, take it all in all, there is every reason for claiming that this new work is by far THE BEST ANTHEM BOOK that has been offered to the public in many years. Proce, $1.oo each by mail, postpaid; $10.00 a dozen by express, not prepaid. Specimen pages free.”73

Y, en el mes de septiembre de 1885 la editorial, The John Church Co., incluyó un amplio anuncio en The Musical Visitor74 en la que incluía cerca de una veintena comentarios favorables recibidos por parte de músicos de la época, algunos bastante reconocidos como Carlyle Petersilea, G.F. Root o W.L. Thompson.

73 “Now Ready!” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1885, August, vol.14, no.8, p.ii; September, vol.14, no.9, p.ii; October, vol.14, no.10, p.254; November, vol.14, no.11, p.307.

74 Para conocer el contenido de esta revista véase la tesis de Stemmermann. En ella pueden encontrarse las ocasiones en las que M.L. McPhail aparece en The Musical Visitor. (STEMMERMANN, Nell. Church’s Musical Visitor, 1871-1897 : Class, Nationalism, and Musical Taste. Tesis, University of Cincinnati, 2014, p.228, 229, 278, 370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 379 y 416).


Ilustración 6. Anuncio de McPhail’s Anthems incluido en The Musical Visitor, 1885, September, vol.14, no.9, p.226

En noviembre de 1885, The Musical Visitor publicaba más comentarios sobre la obra de McPhail y una nota:

“No book of Anthems has yet been published that has received such a hearty greeting from our most distinguished musicians ‘McPhail’s Anthems for Quartet or Chorus Choirs.’ It will pay to examine the work.”75

75 The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1885, November, vol. 14, no.11, p.293.


Ilustración 7. Anuncio de McPhail’s Anthems incluido en The Musical Visitor, 1885, November, vol.14, no.11, p.282


Este volumen fue publicitado por The John Church Co. en diferentes ocasiones como “the best anthem book.” En 1885 se publicaron varios anuncios en periódicos y revistas como The Biblical Recorder, Christian Advocate, Christian Union, The Etude, Herald of Gospel Liberty, The Independent, The New York Evangelist, The Publishers’ Weekly, Raleigh Christian Advocate y Zion’s Herald. En 1886 incluyó también un anuncio en las cubiertas posteriores de The Great Awakening y The Carol, dos himnarios publicados por aquella editorial, The John Church Co. En 1888, esta obra se anunciaba junto con The Crown of Song en la cubierta posterior de algunas obras musicales publicadas esa misma editorial.76

“A NEW BOOK FOR CHURCH CHOIRS McPhail’s Anthems By M.L. McPhail The aim of the author has been to provide music for choirs of every degree of proficiency, and for all the various uses of the church service, and to this end, beautiful and original compositions have been interspersed with choice selections and arrangements from the works of Mozart, Concone, Belline, Tours, Barnby, Smart, Costa, Barri, Lindsay, etc., etc. The type throughout the book is large, clear, and legible; the printing is well done; the binding is strong and durable; and taken all in all, this new work is by far THE BEST ANTHEM BOOK that has been offered to the public in many years. Price, $1.00 each by mail, postpaid; $10.00 a dozen by express, not prepaid. Specimen pages free Published by The John Church Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J. Church & Co., 55 East 13th Street, New York City”77

“A Choice Anthem Book McPhail's Anthems. By M.L. McPhail The aim of the author has been to provide music for choirs of every degree of proficiency, and for all the various uses of the church service, and to this end, beautiful and original compositions have been interspersed with choice selections and arrangements from the works of Mozart, Concone, Belline, Tours, Barnby, Smart, Costa, Barri, Lindsay, etc., etc.

76 WOODBERRY, George Edward (letra); PAINE, John Knowles (música). Song of Promise for Solo Soprano, Chorus and Orchestra : op. 48 : for the Cincinnati Musical Festival : of May, 1888. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop.1888, cubierta posterior.

77 “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: The Publishers’ Weekly, 1885, August 22, no.708, p.234; August 29, no.709, p.254; September 5, no.710, p.282; September 12, no.711, p.306; September 26, no.712-713, p.456; October 3, no.714, p.497; October 10, no.715, p.527; 1886, September 25, nos. 764- 765, p.328, 340 y 413. [19- 1-12]; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: Zion’s Herald, 1885, September 2, vol.62, no.35, p.279; October 7, vol.62, no.40, p.319; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: The Independent : Devoted to the Consideration of Politics, Social and Economic Tendencies, Hits…, 1885, September 17, vol.37, no.192, p.15; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: New York Evangelist, 1885, October 1, vol.56, no.40, p.3; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: Herald Gospel Liberty, 1885, September 3, Vol.77, no.36, p.552; October 15, vol.77, no.42, p.648; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: Christian Advocate, 1885, September 17, Vol.60, no.38, p.609; September 24, Vol.60, no.39, p.625; October 22, Vol.60, no.43, p.689; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: Christian Union, 1885, September 17, Vol.32, no.12, p.23; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: Raleigh Christian Advocate (Raleigh, North Carolina), 1885, September 16, p.5; September 30, p.5; October 14, p.5; “A New Book for Church Choirs.” En: The Biblical Recorder (Raleigh, North Carolina), 1885, September 9, p.4


Price, $1.00 each by mail, postpaid; $10.00 a dozen by express, not prepaid. Specimen pages free Published by The John Church Co., Cincinnati, O.”78

“’McPHAIL’S ANTHEMS,’ by M.L. McPHAIL. JOHN CHURCH COMPNAY, Cincinnati, Ohio. A collection of anthems for choirs of moderate attainments. The editor has a keen appreciation of the needs of American choirs. He gives you ‘Mighty Jehovah,’ arranged from an opera chorus of Bellini, which occupied a conspicuous place near the end of church music books twenty years ago, with the more modern of Tours and Barnby. The work savors too much of undevotional church music heard at the closing concerts of the Musical Convention of Root, Palmer, etc., to meet with our full commendation. It is, however, far in advance of the ordinary convention anthem book, and fully up and little in advance of the standard of most choirs. There are many choirs that are not equal to severe church music, but are more pretentious than a country choir; to those this work is just what is needed.”79

En el mes de septiembre u octubre de 1885, McPhail dirigió un concierto en Massillon, Ohio.

“Mr. M.L. McPhail, the author of the new and successful Anthem Book, recently conducted a concert at Massillon, at which choruses from the Messiah and Creation were given together with choice secular songs and quartettes. Miss Wilson and Mr. Balfour assisted as pianists.”80

En diciembre de 1885 se anuncia en The American Bookseller una nueva obra de McPhail, Abide with Me, de la editorial The John Church Co.81 En el número de diciembre de 1885 de The Musical Visitor se publica un arreglo de Mathew Lindsay de la obra Sing, O Heavens, de Berthold. Ese Lindsay podría ser M.L. McPhail.82 Ese mismo mes, diciembre de 1885, McPhail participa en un congreso de la Asociación Estatal de Ohio de Profesores de Música, indicación de que debía tener una cierta relevancia y actividad dentro de aquel ámbito territorial.

“MUSIC TEACHERS’ STATE ASSOCIATION OF OHIO. THE music teachers of Ohio held their fifth anual conclave at Columbus, Ohio, December 29th and 30th, at which the following programme was carried out: […]

78 JONES, Sam. P. (ed.). The Great Awakening : A Choice Collection of New and Standard Gospel Songs : for Use in All Gospel Meetings. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., 1886, cubierta posterior; WENDTÉ, Charles W. (ed.). The Carol : a book of Religious Songs for the Sunday School and the Home. Cincinnati: The John Church Company, 1886, cubierta posterior.

79 “New Publications.” En: The Etude (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1885, October 1, vol.3, no10, p.221.

80 “Concerts and Conventions.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1885, November, vol.14, no.11, p.291.

81 “New Music.” En: The American Bookseller : a Semi-Monthly Journal Devoted to the Interests of the Book, Stationery…, 1885, December 1, vol.18, p.484.

82 TOURS, Berthold; McPHAIL, M.L. (arr.). “Sing, O Heavens.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1885, December, vol. 14, no.12, p.326-329.


WEDNESDAY. 9 A.M.—Essay: ‘Voice Training, Theory and Practice,’ Mr. S.C. Bennett, Toledo, Ohio; discussionn opened by M.L. McPhail, Canton, Ohio. […]”83

“Wednesday morning, Mr. S.C. Bennett, of Toledo, read an excellent essay on ‘Voice Culture, Theoretical and Practical.’ He stated, among other good things, that ‘too much time is devoted to theorizing about the throat, breathing, etc., and not enough to singing, and making good tones.’ The debate was energetically participated by Messrs. McPhail, of Akron, Jenkins, of London, England, and others. […] In the evening concert, Mr. Singer, with Mr. Jacobsohn, played most intelligently the Bach Sonatas for violin and piano, in B minor and E major, also the Rondo in B minor, by Franz Schubert. This, with solos by Messrs. Glover, McPhail, and Mrs. Rowe, of Circleville, and some trio and quartette pieces, made up an entertaining as well as instructive concert.”84

Ese mismo año, 1886, le editan un segundo volumen con canciones populares, himnos y anthems religiosos e instrucciones para aprender a cantar en el que participó activamente George F. Root, famoso compositor y editor musical de la época.85 Se trata más de un libro de enseñanza que no propiamente un himnario religioso. Fue anunciado en The Publishers’ Weekly y The New York Evangelist como una de las nuevas publicaciones de la editorial The John Church Co., destacando que incluía aportaciones de G.F. Root.

“CROWN OF SONG. By M.L. McPhail, with special contributions by Geo. F. Root. A new book for the use of Singing Schools, Conventions and Musical Institutes. Good elementary department and a great quantity of fresh and good music.”86

En 1887 se anunciaba como un “valuable music book” dentro de la categoría para “singing class and convention” que la editorial incluía en alguna de las partituras

83 “Music Teachers’ State Association of Ohio.” En: The Etude (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1886, January, vol.4, no.1, p.6.

84 STEWART, N.C. “Ohio Association of Music Teachers.” En: The Etude (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1886, February, vol.4, no.2, p.34.

85 Root habla escuetamente de su aportación a esta obra: “Those interested will find the latter in 'Chorus Castle,' but better in Mr. McPhail's 'Crown of Song,' where it has an accompaniment written at Mr. Mcphail's request.” Es interesante notar que Root no la incluye como obra suya por lo que el mayor peso recaería en McPhail. (ROOT, George F. The Story of A Musical Life : An Autobiography. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., 1891, p.197, 223 y 224).

86 The Publishers’ Weekly, 1886, September 25, nos. 764-765, p.328, 340 y 413; The New York Evangelist, 1886, December 16, p.3. En 1894, The John Church Company todavía continuaba recomendándolo (“New and Standard Books : by Prominent Writers.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1894, February, vol.23, no.2, p.ii); George F. Root hace una breve mención de su participación en esa obra (ROOT, George F. “Mr. Root on his visit to London.” En: Musical Opinion & Music Trade Review, 1887, May, vol.10, no.116, p.367; ROOT, George F. “Dr. Root’s Autobiography—XXX.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Literature and Music, 1891, April, vol.20, no.4, p.89; ROOT, George F. The Story of A Musical Life : An Autobiography. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., 1891, p.197)

27 que comercializaba.87 Incluyó algunos anuncios en otras publicaciones como The Golden Rule.88 En 1888, esta obra se anunciaba junto con McPhail’s Anthems en la cubierta posterior de algunas obras musicales publicadas The John Church Co.89 En 1894 esa editorial todavía continuaba recomendándolo para las escuelas de canto dentro de las obras de escritores prominentes junto a otras de H.R. Palmer, G.F. Root, C.C. Case, P.P. Bliss o J. McGranahan.90

Cuenta con un breve prefacio que permite observar la opinión que McPhail tenía de Root e, igualmente, permite entrever que su anterior libro (McPhail’s Anthems) gozó de cierta notoriedad en algunos círculos musicales importantes de la época.

Ilustración 8. McPHAIL, M.L. & ROOT, George F. The Crown of Song : for the Use of Musical Conventions, Choirs and Singing Schools. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1886. 192 p. (Fuente: Colección personal de MAPN)

87 CROSBY, Fanny ; DANKS, H.P. Zanie : an operetta. Cincinnati: The John Church Company, 1887, lista de libros en la cubierta posterior.

88 “The John Church Co. Music Books.” En: The Golden Rule, 1887, January 6, Vol.12, no.19, p.15.

89 WOODBERRY, Op.Cit. (1888), cubierta posterior.

90 “New and Standard Books : by Prominent Writers.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1894, January, vol. 23, no.1, p.ii; February, vol.23, no.2, p.ii; En junio de 1899 se incluyó un breve anuncio en la revista The Etude en el que una persona vendía 14 ejemplares de McPhail’s Anthems (“Special notices.” En: The Etude [Philadelphia, Pa.], 1899, June 1, vol.17, no.6, p.199); En 1966, Oursler lo incluyó en su recopilación bibliográfica (tesis) sobre libros de educación musical utilizados en los Estados Unidos (OURSLER, Robert Dale. The Effect of Pestalozzian Theory and Practice on Music Education in the Unites States between 1850 and 1900. Tesis, Northwestern Univeristy, 1966, p.397 y 535). Oursler indica 1890 como fecha de publicación. Podría tratarse de una edición o reimpresión posterior.


“THE unqualified endorsement of my book of Anthems by such musical authorities as Gilchrist, Thayer, Eddy, Petersilea, Howard and others, furnished me the stimulus in preparing for convention and choir use the ‘Crown of Song.’ Without overstepping the limits of modesty, I may safely say that it is an improvement upon books of this class. The ELEMENTARY department has been edited by Dr. Georg F. Root, who has no equal in defining in a clear, lucid and forcible way, the cardinal principles of music. The GLESS and PART SONGS have been selected and arranged with great care to meet the requirements of the Concert-room, School exhibitions and Song-festivals. The HYMN TUNE department will be found replete with tunes satisfactory from a DEVOTIONAL as well as a musical standpoint. The old ‘worn out’ and musically uninteresting hymns have not been incorporated, but in their place will be found the great productions of Barnby, Leslie, Dykes and others, where the sacred text is fittingly clothed in musical forms. The Anthems will be found very melodious, while, at the same time, the devotional character is upheld in all its dignity and grandeur. Dr. Root, by kind suggestions and contributions, has placed me under lasting obligations. May this work be instrumental in raising upon higher musical planes both conventions and choirs, and help to foster a love for the art divine. 91 M.L. McPHAIL.”

En el número de febrero de 1886 de The Musical Visitor publica I Will Magnify you, “dedicated to my friend N. Coe Stewart Cleveland, Ohio. Anthem. S and chorus (SATB), and organ.”92 En ese mismo número se incluye el anthem Rest of the Weary de Mathew Lindsay quien podría ser el mismo M.L. McPhail.93 En el número de marzo de 1886 de esa revista se le publica la obra Show Me the Way (sacred solo and quartette).94 En el número de abril de 1886 se le publica el anthem Christ the Lord is Risen To-day.95 En marzo de 1886 ofrece un concierto en Massillon, Ohio.

“PROF. McPHAIL, of Canton, assisted by Mrs. Norton, Prof. Reinkendorf and other of that city, will give a grand concert in the Disciple church at Massilon on Friday evening, March 19.”96

91 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay & ROOT, George F. The Crown of Song : for the Use of Musical Conventions, Choirs and Singing Schools. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1886, p.2. Los nombres que aparecen al principio se corresponden con famosos músicos, intérpretes y profesores de música de la época (HUBBARD, W.L. (ed.). The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. History of American Music. Toledo: Irving Squire, 1908, p.196, 303 y 308; GREEN, Janet M. & HUBBARD, W.L. (eds.). The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. Musical Biographies. Toledo: Irving Squire, 1908, vol.1, p.203, 204, 289, 290, 390 y 391; vol.2, p.151 y 386-388).

92 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “I Will Magnify Thee.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, February, vol.15, no.2, p.43-49. Dedicated to my friend N. Coe Stewart Cleveland, Ohio. Anthem. S and chorus (SATB), and organ.

93 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Rest of the Weary.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, February, vol.15, no.2, p.43-49. También podría ser obra de otro autor llamado Mathew Lindsay. Anthem. SA and SATB, and piano.

94 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Show Me the Way.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, March, vol.15, no.3, p.80-82. (Sacred Solo and Quartette). S and SATB, and piano.

95 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Christ the Lord Is Risen To-day.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, April, vol.15, no.4, p.97-99. (Anthem for Easter). SA and quartet (SATB), and piano.

96 “Massillon.” En: The Daily Times (New Philadelphia, Ohio), 1886, March 18, p.3. 29

En marzo y abril de 1886, se anuncia que M.L. McPhail, profesor de Canton, Ohio, dirigirá un concierto en beneficio de la Christian Church en la ciudad de Massillon, Ohio. En el anuncio de marzo se indica que M.L. McPhail había dirigido poco antes, en febrero, “el mejor concierto jamás dado hasta entonces en Canton” como una forma de llamar la atención de los ciudadanos de Massillon.97 En mayo de 1886, McPhail es contratado, en aquella ciudad, para iniciar el curso escolar de instrucción musical.

“The Board of Education met Friday night, paid the teachers and janitors for the month of April, appointed a committee to inquire into the matter of builduing a fence in front of the West Malm Street school buildingin with power to act, engaged Prof. McPhail to give the High School instruciont in music for the next commencement, and other routine business.”98

En el número de mayo de 1886 de la revista The Musical Visitor se publica su obra Come unto Me, When Shadows Darkly Gather “dedicated to my friend James R. Murray, Editor, Musical Visitor” y con, según Stemmermann, “a comforting message performed by quartet choir and organ.”99 En el número de junio de esa revista se incluye Have Mercy upon Me, O Lord de Mathew Lindsay quien, como he indicado anteriormente, podría ser el mismo M.L. McPhail.100 En el número de julio de 1886 se le publica Praise the Lord!101 Igualmente, en Orrville (Ohio), se anuncia en junio, agosto y septiembre de ese mismo año a M.L. McPhail realizando varios cursos de música vocal, al final de los cuales presenta un concierto con sus alumnos para demostrar la validez de su método. En esos anuncios se destaca su habilidad como profesor de música vocal, así como compositor, director musical y cantante.102

En junio de 1886, se menciona brevemente la publicación de dos de sus obras por parte de la editorial “The Root & Sons’ Music Company”. Se trada de Little Clayton’s Waltz y Show Me the Way, sacred ode and quartet.103

97 Massillon Independent (Massillon, Ohio), 1886, March 12, p.5; April 9, p.5; April 16, p.5.

98 “Local Happenings.” En: Massillon Independent (Massillon, Ohio), 1886, May 7, p.7; “Strive for Higher Culture : the Class of ’86 holds its commencement exercises, and the doors of the public schools close for the summer months.” En: Massillon Independent (Massillon, Ohio), 1886, June 25, p.7.

99 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Come Unto Me, When Shadows Darkly Gather.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, May, Vol.15, no.5, p.125-127. Dedicated to my friend James R. Murray, Editor, Musical Visitor. S, T and quartet (SATB), and organ.

100 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Have Mercy upon Me, O Lord.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, June, vol.15, no.6, p.165. También podría ser obra de otro autor llamado Mathew Lindsay. STB and piano.

101 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Praise the Lord!” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, July, vol.15, no.7, p.184-188. Dedicated to Professor Johannes Wolfram, President, O.M.T.A. SA and SATB, and keyboard.

102 Orrville Crescent (Orrville, Ohio), 1886, June 8, p.3; 1886, August 17, p.3; 1886, August 24, p.3 y August 31, p.3; 1886, September 14, p.3; 1886, September 21, p.3.

103 “Musical Melange.” En: The Inter Ocean (Chicago, Illinois), 1886, June 20, p.13.


En julio de 1886, McPhail participa en la reunión de la Ohio Music Teachers’ Association, conduciendo algunas partes musicales.104 En noviembre de 1886 se anuncia dirigiendo a un coro en Canton (Illinois).105 En el número de noviembre de 1886 de The Musical Visitor se le publica Praise the Lord and Call upon His Name.106 En el número de diciembre de esa revista se le publica Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings.107 En diciembre de ese año se le encuentra como responsable de la parte musical del Fourth Annual Stark County Farmer’s Institute de Canton (Ohio).108En el número de diciembre de 1886 de The American Bookseller se anuncia una obra de McPhail, Katie’s Polka, probablemente en honor a su esposa.109 Entre septiembre de 1886 y febrero de 1887, McPhail publica algunos artículos en la revista The Musical Visitor.110 En el número de mayo de 1887 se le publica To Thee, O God and Savior.111

En junio de 1887 se publica una breve noticia indicando que se encuentra realizando una visita a sus alumnos de East Liverpool, Ohio.

“Prof. McPhail meets some of his East Liverpool pupils this afternoon.”112

En noviembre es nombrado uno de los responsables del comité encargado de la parte musical en una convención que se celebraría en Canton (Ohio).113 En diciembre participa en varios eventos de aquella misma localidad interpretando algún solo o formando parte de algún cuarteto y quinteto.114

104 “Ohio Music Teachers’ Association.” En: The Etude (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1886, June, vol.4, no.6, p.135.

105“Attention, Singers.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton. Illinois), 1886, November 25, p.5.

106 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Praise the Lord and Call upon His Name.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, November, vol.15, no.11, p.300-303. S, SATB, and keyboard.

107 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, December, vol.15, no.12, p.321-324. SA, SATB, and keyboard.

108 “Farmer’s Institute.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1886, December 9, p.5

109 “New Music.” En: The American Bookseller : a Semi-Monthly Journal Devoted to the Interests of the Book, Stationery…, 1886, December 15, vol.19, p.558.

110 STEMMERMANN, Nell. Church’s Musical Visitor, 1871-1897 : Class, Nationalism, and Musical Taste. Tesis, University of Cincinnati, 2014, p.229; McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “A Talk about Chords.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, September, vol.15, no.9, p.231; McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “A Further Talk about Chords.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1886, November, vol.15, no.11, p.286; McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Talk about Chords, III.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1887, February, vol.16, no.2, p.33 y 34.

111 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “To Thee, O God and Savior.” En: The Musical Visitor, 1887, May, vol.16, no.5, p.130-133. B,T or S, SATB, and keyboard.

112 “Personal mention.” En: Saturday Review (East Liverpool, Ohio), 1887, June 25, p.3.

113 “Joint Committe Meeting.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1887, November 24, p.3.

114 “The State Grange.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1887, December 08, p.5; “A large audience.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1887, December 22, p.5.


En el número de enero de 1888 de la revista The Musical Visitor, editada por The John Church Company, se publicó el anthem de McPhail titulado Love Divine.115

Ilustración 9. Partitura del anthem Love Divine publicada en The Musical Visitor, 1888, January 17(1):18

En febrero de 1888 participa en un homenaje en conmemoración del poeta escocés Robert Burns, realizado en Canton (Ohio).116 En marzo es escogido como uno de los responsables de la parte musical de un evento celebrado en la First Methodist Episcopal Church en Canton (Ohio).117 El 26 de mayo de 1888, en un congreso de la National Educational Organization and Teachers' Association at Canton, Ohio, McPhail, residiendo en esa misma ciudad, presenta una comunicación con el título “Voice

115 McPHAIL, M.L. “Love Divine.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1888, January, vol.17, no.1, p.18-21. Copyright, 1888, by The John Church Co. Número de plancha: 2718-1. S,A or B, chorus (SATB), and keyboard.

116 “Robert Burns.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1888, February 2, p.3.

117 The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1888, March 22, p.5.


Training from a Physiological Standpoint”118 por lo que debe entenderse que también estaba adquiriendo cierto reconocimiento profesional al respecto. En otra noticia sobre ese evento se indica que McPhail presentó una comunicación bajo el título “Voice Culture.”119 El 31 de mayo se publica una breve nota en un diario local agradeciendo la colaboración, entre otros, del “Prof. M.L. McPhail, of Canton” por su participación en el programa de aquel congreso.120 En el diario Norths Phiadelphia Musical Journal se publicó una breve nota de un concierto en aquellas mismas fechas que, probablemente, pueda referirse al mismo evento.

“At the Musical Recital Course, under the direction of Johannes Wolfram, Canton, Ohio, Dr. Louis Maas gave a piano recital, assisted by Lehmann, violinist, and McPhail, vocalist, before an audience of 1.000 people.”121

En el número de julio de 1888 de la revista The Musical Visitor, editada por The John Church Company, se publicó el anthem de McPhail titulado Jesus, Full of Love Divine.122

Como se ha visto, la colaboración de McPhail con la editorial The John Church Co. fue bastante amplia. Antes de julio de 1888 esa editorial volvió a publicar, de forma separada, varios de los “anthems” de Mcphail que ya habían aparecido anteriormente en la revista The Musical Visitor. Entre aquellos “anthems” figuran: I Will Magnify Thee (no.13); Christ, the Lord, Is Risen (no.15); Come unto Me, when Shadows (no.20); Praise the Lord, ye Heavens (no.24); Praise the Lord, and Call (no.35); Behold! I Bring you Good Tidings (no.37); To Thee, O God and Savior (no.52); Love Divine (no.91); y, Jesus, Full of Love Divine (no.116). En los anuncios aparecía lo siguiente, lo que nos permite entrever que algunas de las obras de McPhail gozaron de cierto éxito en su tiempo:

“OCTAVO ANTHEMS AND SOLOS FOR CHURCH USE. Owing to the increasing demand for the MUSICAL VISITOR choir music, and as all numbers previous to July, 1888, are now out of print, we have decided to issue the following Anthems, originally appearing in that magazine, separately in octavo form.”123

118 The Ohio Educational Monthly and The National Teacher : a Journal of Education, 1888, july, vol.37, no.7, p.329 [19-1-12]; “Pedagogues : A Large Number of Them Assembled Here.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1888, May 31, p.7.

119 “Canton, Ohio.” En: The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio), 1888, May 28, p.5.

120 “Resolution of thanks.” En: The Stark County Democrat (Canton, Ohio), 1888, May 31, p.5.

121 “Musical News.” En: Norths Philadelphia Musical Journal (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1888, vol.3, no.5, May, p.27.

122 McPHAIL, M.L. “Jesus, Full of Love Divine.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1888, July, vol.17, no.7, p.184-187. Copyright, 1888, by The John Church Co. Número de plancha: 2740-4 o 2746-4 (no se distingue muy bien)

123 “Octavo Anthems and Solos for Church Use.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1888, September, vol.17, no.9, p.i y v; October, vol.17, no.10, p.i;1889, January, 33

Ilustración 10. Partitura del anthem Jesus, Full of Love Divine publicada en The Musical Visitor, 1888, July 17(7):184

La revista The Musical Visitor publicó obras musicales de más de 600 autores entre 1871 y 1897. M.L. McPhail se encuentra entre los 14 de ellos de los que se publicaron más obras vocales en aquella revista.124

A finales de 1888 se anuncia en Newark, Ohio, para dar clases. Llegaba bien recomendado y, al parecer, su habilidad para enseñar era destacada. Parece que pudo haber estudiado o ampliado sus estudios vocales o musicales en Boston, bajo la supervisión del profesor J. Harry Wheeler. McPhail había adoptado el “Método de Voz vol.18, no.1, p.iii; February, vol.18, no.2, p.iii; “Easter Solos, Anthems, etc.” En: The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music, 1888, March, vol.17, no.3, p.iv [solo figura Christ the Lord is risen To-Day]

124 STEMMERMANN, Nell. Church’s Musical Visitor, 1871-1897 : Class, Nationalism, and Musical Taste. Tesis, University of Cincinnati, 2014, p.408-421- De M.L. McPhail se publicaron 10 obras vocales y, de M. Lindsay, 2 más.


Howard”, uno de los métodos de la época especializados en educar la voz (“Vocal Culture” como se le denominaba). John Howard, el autor de aquel método indicaba que McPhail, como cantante (tenía voz de barítono) era uno de sus alumnos mejor preparado para impartir su método.125 Participó activamente en la vida musical de aquella ciudad, Newark, Ohio.

“Mr. M. L. McPhail, teacher of vocal music, is at the Tubbs, where he will give lessons in vocal culture. He is eminently qualified to impart instruction, and as he comes highly recommended will no doubt organize a large class. See his advertise-ment in another column.”126

“The Ellis-Binder Concert The people of Newark and vicinity will be given a real treat this evening in the vocal and violin concert, given by Miss Ellis and Mr. Binder. Of Mr. Binder’s musical ability nothing need be said. He is Newark’s favorite song, and never fails to please. His name alone assures success. But he is not left without good support. Miss Ellis has a pure soprano of charming sweetness. She is remembered by many who are anxious for her success. Her voice formerly so sweet and charming has lost nothing by a year’s training, but it has become stronger and more mature. These are assisted by Prof. McPhail and Guy Baker. Prof. McPhail has been in the city but a few weeks, yet, in that time has acquired an enviable reputation as a musician. Mr. Baker is kindly remembered by those who heard the ‘Little Tycoon,’ in which the famous tenor of Mt. Vernon took a prominent part. No one should miss such a treat. Let the house be full. […] Ellis-Binder Concert Program Part I Quartette—Row, Boatman Row—Geibel Misses Graves and Phelps, Messrs. Baker and McPhail [...] Part II. Bass Solo—I Fear No Foe—Pinsuti Prof. McPhail [...] Duet—I Feel Thy Angel Spirit Miss Ellis [and] Prof. McPhail […] Remember the Ellis-Binder concert at the Opera House to-night […] Don’t fail to attend the Binder Ellis concert at the Opera House to- night.”127

125 Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1888, September 6, p.1; September 7, p.4; September 11, p.4; September 12, p.2 o 4.

126 Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1888, September 7, p.4.

127 Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1888, September 28, p.4. Parece que hubo algún tipo de incidente mientras estuvo en Newark. Hubo algún conato racista. Un grupo de jóvenes blancos no quiso asociarse con jóvenes de color interesados en cantar. Hubo una sesión musical en la que se enfrentaron ambos grupos ganándose claramente el favor del público los jóvenes de color. No he podido averiguar hasta la fecha qué papel jugó M.L. McPhail, pero una breve noticia le menciona como el profesor que tenía que darles clase. (Newark Daily Advocate [Newark, Ohio], 1888, November 2, p.6). “The Garfield club should lose no time passing a resolution of condolence on Prof. McPhail. It is a terrible thing for a man to be modest and shrinking, especially if he is a music teacher. The man who neglected to pay for his spring suit is now in bad shape to bra[v]e the tailor for a fail suit. Even a reorganization of the Garfield Glee Club can't muzzle the mouth of the colored brother. He will sing in spite of them.” (Newark Daily Advocate [Newark, Ohio], 1888, October 3, p.4); Otras noticias sobre McPhail en Newark son: Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1888, November 14, p.1; November 22, p.4; December 5, p.1; December 15, p.1; December 17, p.1; December 18, p.3 o 5; December 19, p.6; December 20, p.6; December 24, p.4; December 26, p.4; December 27, p.4.


“The McPhail Concert Given at the Music Hall Last Evening, by 30 Trained voices. The long expected McPhail concert, given by Prof. M.L. McPhail as conductor, and a number of his pupils, with Prof. Mason as pianist, occurred at the Music Hall last night. There were thirty trained voices in the various solos, choruses, etc, being principally taken from the choir of the Second Presbyterian church. The concert presented some excellent features, and some of the solos were especially commendable. Miss Luda Porter, Maude Parr, Minnie and Anna Smith and Gwendolyn Williams have fresh, sweet voices of much promise. Misses Buena Wilson and Teresa Derrick had difficult selections, but acquitted themselves creditable. The solos by Misses Anna Pollock, Ida Follett and Della Caldwell were especially fine, and showed both vocal ability and cultivation. It seems almost superfluous to say that Prof. Mason’s piano music is always of the best and is highly appreciated. Following is the Program […] Madrigal—Mixed quartette—Mikado Misses Maude Parr and Ida Follett Messrs Rudolph and McPhail […] Double Male Quartette—Selected Messrs Weber, Rudolph, Bowers, Miller, Johnson, Porter and McPhail. Part II […] Star of Descending Night—Mixed quartette—Emerson Misses Luda Porter and Bessie Evans Messrs Weber and McPhail […] It is to be regretted that the audience on this occasion was so very small, compared with what it should have been.”128

Es posible que en 1889 hiciera alguna visita a Dunkirk, New York, puesto que se menciona a un "Mr. McPhail" interpretando una selección de solos vocales el 13 de junio de aquel año.129 Y, en aquel mismo mes, junio de 1889, McPhail participa en un “camp meeting” metodista en Red Rock, Saint Paul, Minnesota,130 donde se le presenta como “famoso director de coro de Chicago” y se le compara con otro destacado y reconocido autor de la época, E.O. Excell.131 Aquello, sin duda fue un gran peso para McPhail pero, por el relato que se publicó de aquel Camp Meeting, su participación fue más que destacada. Entre sus funciones estuvieron la de formar un coro de varios cientos de niños.

128 Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1888, December 28, p.4.

129 “Programme of the Prize Fair.” En: The Dunkirk Observer Journal (Dunkirk, New York), 1889, June 12, p.4; 1889, June 13, p.4.

130 Una introducción histórica sobre las reuniones de reavivamiento espiritual en Red Rock puede consultarse: JARCHOW, Merrill E. “Red Rock Frontier Methodist Camp Meeting.” En: Minnesota History, 1950, 31(2):79-92

131 Edwin Othello Excell (1851-1921) fue un famoso profesor de música vocal, director de coro y editor de música religiosa. Estudió bajo G.F. Root. Compuso la música de cerca de 2.000 himnos o canciones evangelísticas (gospel songs) y publicó cerca de 90 himnarios. Entre 1915 y 1921 trabajó para la Hope Publishing Company, por lo que tuvo que conocer personalmente a M.L. McPhail. (HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, IL: Hope Publishing Co., 1978, p.17 y 238).


“Friday, June 21, is announced as the date for the Sunday school children’s jubilee at Red Rock camp meeeting. A choir of 500 children will lead the singing under the direction of Prof. M.L. McPhail, of Chicago. Addresses are announced by prominent ministers, and the proceedings will close with a rousing revival service.”132

“One of the features of the camp meeting will be the chorus singing. The singing will be in charge of Prof. McPhail, the famous chorus leader of Chicago. [...] The singing was conducted by Prof. McPhail, who has already commenced to organize his choir.”133

“[...] Old camp meeting attendants compare the present choir leaders, Prof. McPhail, of Chicago, with E. O. Excell, the sweet singer of the Jones and Small party, while Prof. McPhail does not perhaps possess such a sweet voice as Mr. Excell, still, he has already won the good opinion of all in his earnestness in conducting the singing. His voice is strong and heavy, and is a good one to follow. [...] A morning praise service was led by Prof. McPhail, [...] The choir was practicing for the Sunday song services while the assemblies were gathering.”134

“Large numbers are interested in the choir of Prof. McPhail. At odd hours they may be found gathered in the pavilion and under his instruction. The professor says that he has found some excellent material for his choir, and hopes to give the people some very fine vocal music. There will be further additions made.”135

“The children visiting Red Rock yesterday far surpassed the number expected. As many as 1,500 were on the ground and spent their time in romping about the groves arid sitting for short sessions to be instructed in the ways of their church and unite their voices in songs of praise. [...] At 9 o'clock the children arrived and were immediately marched to the chapel, in which they held a rehearsal with Prof. McPhail and Manager Sherin. The march from the chapel to the pavilion was headed by the St. Paul Park Sunday school. Dr. J. E. Smith called the assembly to order and introduced Mr. Sheim, who conducted the jubilee service, the children singing heartily from the Jubilee book. Rev. A. Turner, of Red Wing, made the first address. [...]”136

“Prof. McPhail, leader of the choir, won the golden opinion of Minnesota people, and on one of the closing days was presented with hymnal and Bible.”137

A finales de 1889 (octubre-diciembre) se le encuentra en Logansport, Indiana, participando en los servicios musicales de la iglesia metodista y presbiteriana, en la vida social de la ciudad y, también, ofreciendo sus servicios como profesor de cultura vocal. Al menos estuvo allí hasta diciembre de aquel año. De nuevo, en alguno de esos

132 “Sayings and Doings.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1889, June 2, p.2.

133 “A City of Tents.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1889, June 15, p.2.

134 “Wesley's Disciples.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1889, June 16, p.2.

135 The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1889, June 18, p.2.

136 “Children By Hundreds.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1889, June 26, p.2.

137 “Red Rock Wound Up.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1889, July 1, p.2.

37 anuncios se menciona que McPhail estudió con destacados profesores de la época como E.H. Thompson, de Cincinnati, J. Harry Wheeler, de Boston, y John Howard, de New York.138

“Prof. Williams orhestra has been secured to assist in the Wheatland Street S.S. concert this evening. Mis Maud Winklebleck and Prof McPhail will also assist with select solos. The program will consist of tableauxm music, songs, recitations, etc. and concluding with a free oyster supper. If you wish an enjoyable time and assist the Young folks in purchasing singing books, go.” 139

“A half-hour’s song service, led by Prof. McPhail, will precede the leture on Early Church History at the Broadway Presbyterian church, tomorrow evening. Come and help in the singing.”140

Ilustración 11. McPHAIL, M.L. & McPHAIL, John. Songs of Saving Power : a Collection of Sacred Songs : Especially Prepared for Evangelistic Meetings, Camp Meetings and Sunday Schools. Chicago: Clayton F. Summy, cop. 1890. 215 hymns. (Fuente: Colección personal de MAPN)

138 Logansport Pharos (Logansport, Indiana), 1889, October 12, p.4; November 14, p.4; November 16, p.1; November 23, p.4; November 25, p.4; November 30, p.4; December 3, p.4; December 7, p.1 y 4; December 12, p.4; Logansport Daily Reporter (Logansport, Indiana), 1889, November 2, p.1; Logansport Journal (Logansport, Indiana), 1889, October 12, p.3; October 13, p.3; November 2, p.8.

139 ”Locals.” En: Logansport Daily Reporter (Logansport, Indiana), 1889, November 20, p.1.

140 Logansport Daily Reporter (Logansport, Indiana), 1889, December 7, p.1.

38 39


Contacto con los Estudiantes de la Biblia de C.T. Russell. Peregrino del grupo. Labor como editor musical

En 1890 vuelve de nuevo a Newark, Ohio, para continuar una activa vida relacionada con la música, participando en conciertos y ofreciendo sus clases.141 En mayo de 1890 regresa a Canton, seguramente a pasar unos días con la familia.142 En junio de 1890 vuelve al “Camp Meeting” Metodista de Red Rock, en Saint Paul, Minnesota. La experiencia del año anterior tuvo que ser realmente positiva para McPhail ya que vuelve a repetir como responsable de la parte musical de aquel reavivamiento metodista. En esta ocasión incluso se menciona el himnario con el que McPhail trabajaría, Songs of Saving Power… un himnario que, curiosamente, estaba compilado por él mismo y su hermano. Es en esta época cuando su relación con las doctrinas de C.T. Russell comienza a enraizar profundamente en McPhail.

“The singing chorus will be under the management of Prof. M. L. McPhail, of Chicago, who did such notable service last year. The song book to be used is known as 'Songs of Saving Power.'“143

“Prof. McPhail remains until the close to lead the singing. He is ably assisted in this exacting work by Mrs. H. S. Baker, of St. Paul. The choir, under the charge of these two leaders, is preparing special musical programmes for next Sunday. The selections which they sing are almost all new, and are written by Prof. McPhail himself. The book which they use is called 'Songs of Saving Power.'”144

El himnario utilizado en aquel reavivamiento fue publicado por Clayton F. Summy,145 una editorial musical de Chicago. En la portada no aparecen los nombres de los autores si no la siguiente frase “by The McPhail Brothers : Assisted by the Best American Authors.” El subtítulo ya deja claro la intencionalidad plenamente envagelística del himnario, el primero de esta clase que M.L. McPhail realiza. Aunque

141 Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1890, January 20, p.4 (En esta referencia se menciona a un Prof. J. McPhail, de Canton. Es posible que se refiera a su hermano John McPhail o que se trate de un error al indicar su nombre o, también, que se refiera a alguna otra persona); Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1890, February 11, p.4; February 13, p.4; February 18, p.4; February 19, p.4; March 11, p.4; March 12, p.3; March 13, p.4; March 15, p.1; March 17, p.4; March 18, p.4; March 19, p.4; March 21, p.1; March 22, p.1; March 24, p.1; April 14, p.4; April 26, p.4.

142 Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1890, May 1, p.4.

143 “The Treat for Red Rockers.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1890, May 24, p.2; “The Red Rock Camp.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1890, May 26, p.2; “The Camp Is Opened.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1890, June 14, p.8.

144 “Somewhat Tame.” En: The Saint Paul Daily Globe (Saint Paul, Minnesota), 1890, June 25, p.2.

145 Editorial musical iniciada en 1888 y que, en poco tiempo, se convirtió en una de las más importantes del país. (HUBBARD, W.L. (ed.). The American History and Encyclopedia of Music. History of American Music. Toledo: Irving Squire, 1908, p.342)

40 no posee prefacio alguno lo más interesante, quizás, son algunos comentarios totalmente propagandísticos que se encuentran justo antes de empezar el primer himno.

“ANNOUNCEMENT. Rev. John McPhail and M.L. McPhail offer their services as Evangelists, and will be prepared to accept engagements for Camp Meetings, Revival Work, etc. after September 1st, 1890. Address all communications to The McPhail Brothers Care Clayton F. Summy. 174-176 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill.

Concerning Mr M.L. McPhail’s voice and singing the following testimonials are submitted:

‘Mr. M.L. McPhail has a really remarkable bass voice, his power and quality will compare most favorable with our best public bassos, such as Remmerts or Whitney.’ John Howard, 24 W. Twenty-Third St., N.Y. City

‘His is one of the best voices I ever heard. It has the martial ring that can inspire a host.’ C.C. McCabe,146 805 Broadway, N.Y. City.

‘To Camp Meeting Associations: I would recommend Brother M.L. McPhail, the best and most efficient Choir Organizer and Camp Meeting Leader and Singer it has ever been my privilege to meet.’ Yours in holiness, Mrs. Maggie Van Cott.147”

Este himnario será publicitado en alguna revista como The Golden Rule.

“SONGS OF SAVING POWER. For Evangelistic Meetings, &c., by the McPHAIL BROS. 35 c., $3.60 per doz. […] CLAYTON F. SUMMY, Music Publisher And Importer, 174 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.”148

Como puede comprobarse de las partituras y libros de música que, hasta 1890, había ya publicado M.L. McPhail, su nombre se había hecho cierto lugar entre los compositores del momento y, sin duda, tuvo que relacionarse con algunos de los más

146 Charles Caldwell McCabe (1826-1906), Obispo metodista de reconocido carisma como orador.

147 Margaret Newton Van Cott (1830-1914) fue, al parecer, la primera mujer que predicó en la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal (Methodist Episcopal Church) de los Estados Unidos. Tuvo una amplia actividad religiosa que le permitió ser conocida por todo el país. Participó en numerosos “Camp Meetings." En el ámbito musical compiló un himnario con piezas para las reuniones evangelísticas o “camp meetings” en los que ella participaba (Cott, Maggie N. Van [compil.] Mrs. Van Cott’s Praise Book : and Used By Her at Her Gospel Meetings. Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co, 1877).

148 “[Songs of Saving Power (Anuncio)].” En: The Golden Rule, 1890, November 27, vol.15, no.14, p.141.

41 importantes de aquellos días. En julio de 1890 vuelve a Newark y continúa con su vida musical. Participa en varias iglesias e incluso en alguna reunión evangelística auspiciada por el famoso Daniel Webster Whittle.149

Como ya he mencionado antes, es en esta época, hacia 1889 o 1890 cuando McPhail entra en contacto con las doctrinas de Russell, tal y como su amigo personal E.C. Henninges explica.

“In the winter of 1889-90 Mr. McPhail had an engagement in another city, to instruct a glee club in part singing, and one day visited the local music dealer (Mr. Porter). While there he remarked that his brother, the Rev. John McPhail, who was engaged in evangelistic work, wished him to accompany him as singer and song leader, but he was doubtful whether he was sufficiently informed in Scripture to take such a position. He was a believer in Jesus, and a church member, but there were many Bible subjects upon which he felt very deficient. The wife of the music dealer, who was present and heard his expressed desire for more knowledge, said. ‘I can help you,’ and proceeded to lay before him some scriptures indicating that God had a well defined plan that He was carrying out over a series of ages, each age having its own particular work, and all working harmoniously to His own glory; that there was a ‘high calling’ for the present age, and that soon His kingdom would be set up in power and authority in the earth; that the popular teaching of eternal torment was an error, and that God’s purpose was to bless and enlighten through His Son not a few only, but all for whom Christ died. Mr. McPhail received all this with avidity, and was given a small book called ‘The Plan of the Ages’ to read along these lines. On his return to Canton he continued searching the Scriptures whether these things were so. In the meantime I had returned with my parents to Cleveland, Ohio […] Soon thereafter, being in Canton for the summer vacation, I called one day at the home of Mr. McPhail, and on being shown in was surprised to see scattered over the table an open Bible, a copy of the ‘Emphatic Diaglott,’ and numerous other books and papers, including ‘The Plan of the Ages’ and ‘Zion’s Watch Tower.’ In different cities both had been started on the same lines of Bible Study, and we spent a great day comparing experiences. Mr. McPhail had agreed to go on the evangelistic mission with his brother John, but as they proceeded felt more and more out of place in meetings where the teaching of eternal torment for the unsaved was one of the principal topics. He endeavoured to impart the truth on the subject of future punishment to his brother, but with little success, and so terminated his evangelistic labors. Within the next few years, however, his brother John came to see the truth on the soul, the state of the dead, etc.; and, being no longer able to teach the former doctrine of eternal misery, he resigned from the Methodist connection. Both removed to Chicago, Ill., where Mr. M.L. continued as a teacher of singing; his wife and some of his family being in sympathy with the truths he now proclaimed. But that was later, and we must go back a little to the year 1891. In that year the ‘Zion’s Watch Tower Society’ held a Convention at Allegheny, Pa., and both Mr. M.L. McPhail and I attended it. […] Brother McPhail made a great impression at this 1891 Convention, both with his singing and his earnest way of talking. He was a rapid speaker, with a profusion of ideas, and was entertaining as well as instructive. He had a remarkable memory for chapter and verse, and urged upon all the importance of being

149 Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1890, July 10, p.4; July 23, p.4; September 27, p.1; September 30, p.3; October 1, p.3; October 8, p.4.


able to locate and quote accurately texts offered in proof of any statement. […] Soon afterward he was sent out regularly as a ‘pilgrim’ to visit the brethren in their home towns and build them up in the faith. In this capacity he travelled extensively in the United States and Canada, and later on visited Great Britain. Many will remember one of his favorite sayings—‘I used to be a Scotchman, but now I am a new creature.’150

Su hermano, John McPhail, era pastor metodista aunque no he podido localizar casi ninguna información que lo confirme. A excepción del comentario anterior que hace Henninges, he podido localizar que en 1891 y 1892 hay un pastor o “elder” John Mcphail, de la Methodist Episcopal Church, en Petersburg, Illinois y, además, que procedía de otra confesión religiosa, la Protestant Methodist Church. Si se tratara del hermano de M.L. McPhail se confirmaría su posición como pastor religioso antes de conocer a los EIB.151

Parkinson indica que M.L. McPhail fue peregrino de los EIB desde 1890 hasta 1908. Como se ha visto, para 1890 McPhail estaba todavía muy relacionado con el Metodismo por lo que, aunque es posible que ya estuviera en contacto con Russell y, hacia finales de aquel año o inicios del siguiente ya fuera un miembro activo del grupo, me parece algo raro que ya para aquel mismo año fuera un peregrino de los EIB. Como se verá algo más adelante, para 1892 sí que ya estaba realizando labores de peregrino o ministro viajante de los EIB.152 En marzo de 1892 se menciona a un o una “McPhail”, en una carta enviada a la revista Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence en la que se indica que se reunía con algunos estudiantes de la Biblia en Brooklyn.153 Es posible que se trate de M.L. McPhail o, incluso, de su esposa, Kate. En el siguiente número de la misma revista se incluye una carta de M.L. McPhail dirigida a C.T Russell en la que se mencionan algunos datos de interés y se observa ya claramente su relación con los Estudiantes de la Biblia. Conocieron personalmente a C.T. Russell y su esposa a la que, en ocasiones, la mencionan enviándole saludos.

“Ohio DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--Your very kind and highly appreciated letter was duly received. After considerable study and prayer, I have

150 HENNINGES, E.C. “M.L. McPhail.” En: The New Covenant Advocate, 1932, Vol.23, no.11, February 1, p.200-202.

151 “Who are received on credentials from other churches, was taken up and H.H. Goad and John McPhail were called forward, asked the usual questions by the Bishop, and their orders were recognized as deacon and elder, respectively. They were received into full membership, they to pursue the regular course of study.” (Journal and Records of the Sixty-Eighth Session of the Illinois Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church held at Bloomington, Il. : Commencing September 16th and Ending September 21st, 1891. Quincy, Il.: C. Galeener and H.M. Hamill, 1891, p. 7, 10 y 21); “Quest. 7. Who are Received in Credentials from other Churches? H.H. Goad, deacon, from the Free Methodist Church; John McPhail, an elder, from the Protestant Methodist Church”, además de ser reconocido como “preacher.” (Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church : Spring Conferences of 1891. New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1891, p. 317, 319 y 593).

152 9[PARKINSON, James]. The Bible Student Movement in the Days of C.T. Russell. 3rd ed., preliminary copy. [S.l.: the author?], 1999 Jan. (original ed. 1975), p.23. [10-7-12; no accesible en 15-2-16]

153 WRIGHT, W.M. “Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1892, March 1, p.78


concluded that it is best for me to have as little as possible to do with the nominal church, and nothing at all to do with their religious services. I have been singing in protracted meetings every night for seven successive weeks, and during that time I have felt very much out of place --as their doctrines and especially their revival services very much oppose the Bible and God’s plan of the ages. ‘Eternal torment’ and the ‘restitution of all things’ do not go well together. It is my greatest desire to do the Lord’s will, and I am confident that in the near future the way will be opened for me to serve him more effectively than I have been able to do in the past. Oh, how thankful I am to God and to you, Brother Russell, that the MILLENNIAL DAWN ever came into my hands! How thankful I am that God has called me out of darkness into his wonderful light! I cannot thank him enough for it. May I prove my loyalty to him by living the truth--by letting my light shine, and by putting forth every possible effort to lead others to the light! I have enjoyed studying your articles on the ransom. I am sure they are thoroughly Scriptural and are very much needed in this evil day. You cannot overdo that subject. The S. S. lesson expositions are ‘meat in due season,’ and I am sure they will be highly appreciated by all TOWER readers. Enclosed you will find $5.00, which kindly hand to Sister Russell on account of my ‘Good Hopes.’ Please remember me to Sister Russell, Brother Henninges and all the TOWER workers, and pray for me that I may be as ‘wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove,’ and that I may never shrink from the consequences of truth. I remain your brother in Christ, M. L. MCPHAIL.”154

En abril de 1892 vuelve a encontrársele ofreciendo sus servicios como profesor de cultura vocal en Salem, Ohio, y participando en conciertos para la Y.M.C.A. y, también, en la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal de aquella ciudad.

“ATTENTION SINGERS. Instruction in Voice Culture by a Competent Teacher. M.L. McPhail is in Salem and is prepared to give lessons in vocie. He has more than ordinary ability as a teacher and singer. Mr. Howard, of New York City says: ‘Mr. McPhail has a really remarkable bass voice. His power and quality will compare most favorably with our best public bassos—such as Remerty and Whitney. I take great pleasure in recommending him as a teacher of my method, he having studied carefully with me. J. Harvey Wheeler, of Boston,says ‘Mr. McPhail has studied voice with me. His method is safe and will improve any voice using it.’ C.C. McCabe says: ‘His is one of the best voices I ever heard. It has the martial ring that can inspire a host.’ Mr. McPhail will guarantee his instruction to be equal to that of any college in this country, and he has decided to simply charge one dollar per lesson. The singers of Salem should avail themselves of this splendid opportunity. Address Mr. McPhail by letter or call at the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Tuesday and Thursday of next week between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Voices tested free of charge.”155

154 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Encouraging Words from Earnest Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1892, March 15, p.94; Reprints, p.1384.

155 “Attention Singers.” En: Salem Daily News (Salem, Ohio), 1892, April 23, p.3.


“Prof. McPhail, a teacher of vocal culture of Canton, assisted in the entertainment at the Y.M.C.A. last evening. He ahs a fine bass voice which is very flexible, and is a pleasing singer. [...] Prof. McPhail, of Canton, was in the city last evening and added to the pleasure of the Y.M.C.A. reception by the songs he rendered. He left this morning to Leetonia, where he is organizing a club for convention work. He will be in Salem again to-morrow evening, and will sing at both the evening services in the Methodist Episcopal church. The professor has been for many years a popular leader of chorus choirs, a conductor of musical conventions and a specialist in voice culture.”156

En mayo de 1892 se le vuelve a mencionar en otra carta enviada a la revista Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence en la que se indica que algunos EIB se habían reunido en su hogar y, también que empezó a participar en la obra de predicación.

“Brother Chase and I met at Brother McPhail’s house last Lord’s day, and had a good lesson on the Ransom. In the evening we met at Brother Chase’s home and had a lesson on the Resurrection […] Brother McPhail started out yesterday to the ‘harvest work’ to help gather in the sheaves. […]”157

En diciembre de 1892 se menciona a “Sister McPhail”, seguramente la esposa de M.L. McPhail, en una carta enviada en la que se deja entrever que también está trabajando en la obra de esparcir la doctrina de Russell.158

En febrero de 1893 se encuentra en New Castle, Pennsylvania. No puede verse si su visita se debe a su faceta musical como profesor o, bien, a su faceta ya de peregrino de los Estudiantes de la Biblia, aunque al citarle como Prof. McPhail es probable que fuera en relación a la primera.

“Prof. McPhail will be at Fountain Inn to-morrow afternoon from one to four o’clock.”159

En marzo de 1894 se vuelve a publicar una carta suya en Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence en la que se puede observar que está trabajando plenamente para el grupo e, incluso, ofreciendo sus propias sugerencias a Russell. También vuelve a mencionar a “Sister McPhail”, seguramente, su esposa quien también colaboraba con él en esta faceta de su vida religiosa.

“DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I cannot tell you how highly I have appreciated the WATCH TOWER of 1893. I have derived much spiritual benefit from its study. Every number has been full of rich things--things which should be treasured up in the hearts of those who are running for the great prize and striving to make their calling and election sure.

156 “City News Gossip.” En: Salem Daily News (Salem, Ohio), 1892, April 23, p.4.

157 MOORE, R.S. “Echoes from the Believers’ Convention.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1892, May 1, p.134.

158 PECK, M.R., Mrs. “Encouraging words from earnest workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1892, December 1, p.367; Reprints, p.1479.

159 “City News.” En: New Castle News (New Castle, Pennsylvania), 1893, February 1, p.4.


Your aim has been to make the TOWER readers better men and women-- more like our blessed Redeemer and Lord, and also to protect them from the snares of the adversary. Your articles, From Glory to Glory, Taking God's Name in Vain, Unequally Yoked, and others of a similar character, must have had a transforming power over the truly consecrated --those who are anxious to have the Lord's will done in them--while your various articles on the Ransom and Pulpit Infidelity have been and will be a source of protection to those who are truly the Lord's (in this evil day). I have found out that the TOWERS have not to be read, merely, in order to be appreciated, but they have to be studied. While away from home I copied parts of various articles from the TOWER and sent them to Sister McPhail to copy and return to me. I changed all the pronouns to the first person singular. I consider this an excellent way to study the TOWER, and would recommend it highly to all its readers. It helps to impress it upon the memory, and it gives one the power to tell what he knows or what he has copied. I know that it has been of great benefit to me. I enclose you parts of two articles which will explain what I mean. Remember me kindly to Sister Russell and all of your household, and may the Lord bless you in all your efforts to ‘send out the light and the truth.’ Your brother, in Christ, M. L. McPHAIL. […]”160

En aquel mismo año, incluso en el anterior 1893, hubo cierta controversia en el seno de los Estudiantes de la Biblia. Varios destacados miembros del grupo (S.D. Rogers, J.B. Adamson, E. Bryan, O. von Zech y otros) atacaron la figura de C.T. Russell en lo que parece ser una rebelión de cierta importancia.161 La esposa de Russell menciona a M.L. McPhail como uno de los que defendieron a su esposo ante los ataques que estaba recibiendo. De manera que McPhail se posicionó al lado de Russell. El propio McPhail escribió una carta dando razón de ello.162

En agosto de 1894 se le encuentra visitando a un antiguo profesor suyo en Wheeling, West Virginia, y en el anuncio se reconoce a McPhail como músico de cierto prestigio.

“Prof. McPhail, a noted musician of Chicago, was the guest of his old instructor, Prof. J.W. Schofield [o Schefield], yesterday. He was in his way to Epworth park, where he will sing.”163

En septiembre de 1894, Russell informa a los lectores de su revista que, ante la imposibilidad de poder visitar personalmente a todas las congregaciones, establece un sistema en el que algunos EIB actuarán de representantes de la Watch Tower Society, personas de confianza que realizarán estas visitas, pronunciando discursos y ofreciendo

160 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Applying Truth to One’s Self.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, March 1, p.70-73; Reprints, p.1627 y 1628.

161 ACKLEY, Maria F. “Report of Sister Russell’s Tour.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, June 11, p.167- 174; Reprints, p.1661-1664.

162ACKLEY, Maria F. “Report of Sister Russell’s Tour.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, June 11, p.167- 173; Reprints, p.1663; McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “The Voice of the Church.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, June 11, p.182 y 183; Reprints, p.1665.

163 The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, W. Va.), 1894, August 7, p.6

46 consejos. Estas personas serán llamadas más adelante “pilgrims” (peregrinos) aunque, al principio se les denomina “traveling brethren” o “special traveling representative.”164 Son interesantes las cualidades que Russell requiere para escoger a alguien en esta función, especialmente porque McPhail será uno de ellos, en realidad será el primer peregrino a tiempo completo del grupo. De todas formas parece que McPhail ya estaba ejerciendo esa función desde 1892,165 poco después de conocer a Russell. Entre 1892 y 1908 realizó una amplia labor visitando a numerosas congregaciones del norte y este de los Estados Unidos. Aunque el inicio oficial del servicio de peregrino, con este nombre ya, sería en 1895, para finales de 1894 ya había 4 EIB que estaban ejerciendo esa función, entre ellos McPhail.166 En el informe anual de la Watch Tower para 1894 parece indicarse que este servicio de “peregrinos” se inició algo antes, sin especificar fecha.167 Entre los peregrinos que se mencionan, el más destacado es McPhail, quien puede hacerlo a tiempo completo mientras que los demás únicamente dedicaban un día o dos a esta labor combinándola con sus respectivos trabajos. McPhail es el único al que se le pagan sus gastos como “peregrino.” Sin duda estaba muy dedicado a sus funciones religiosas y en aquel período “visitó grupos de lectores de las publicaciones Watch Tower en 53 ciudades, y presentó discursos en 115 reuniones en los estados de Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Delaware, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.”168 Algunas cartas de EIB muestran que McPhail era apreciado por su trabajo en aquellas visitas. Comentarios como “el hombre adecuado en el lugar adecuado” o “parece que ejerció una influencia santa en mí” muestran el buen fruto de su labor y el empeño que ponía en ella.169 La carta de Lathwell es especialmente interesante por cómo describe brevemente la forma en que se comportaba McPhail.

“DEAR BROTHER:--Brother McPhail's visit has stirred up the people of our little village more than anything else has done for years. Both believers and infidels say, ‘What new doctrine is this? This restitution is

164 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Another Branch of the Work.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, September 1, p.287 y 288; Reprints, p.1702.

165 Parkinson dice que empezó su labor como peregrino en 1890 ([PARKINSON, James]. The Bible Student Movement in the Days of C.T. Russell. 3rd ed., preliminary copy. [S.l.: the author?], 1999 Jan. [original ed. 1975], p.23. [10-7-12; no accesible en 14-2-16]).

166 OWEN, C.A. “Introducing T.T. Society Representatives.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, September 15, p.297 y 298; Reprints, p.1706; [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Introducing T.T. Society Representatives.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, September 15, p.298-300; Reprints, p.1706 y 1707.

167 En los Reprints puede encontrarse esta aclaración: “Although the Pilgrim work was started on a small scale, in 1890, the routes or appointments were never published in the TOWER prior to June, 1901, and continuously since that time the rear cover page of each issue has been reserved for this purpose.” (“Public Ministries of the Truth : under the Auspices of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.” En: Reprints, 1901, p.2829.)

168 [RUSSELL, Charles T.]. “Z.W.T. Tract Society’s Annual Report.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1894, December 15, p.392-394; Reprints, p.1745 y 1746.

169 STAPLES, M.L. “Encouraging Words from Faithful Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, January 15, p.23; Reprints, p.1761; BROWNE, L.R. “Encouraging Words from Faithful Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, January 15, p.24; TAYLOR, S.M. “Encouraging Words from Faithful Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, May 1, p.112.


something we have never heard of.’ Although we have been talking about this truth and distributing tracts and lending TOWERS and DAWNS for years, they do not seem to grasp the idea until they receive an object lesson such as the chart is capable of giving. One infidel neighbor, who attended one of Brother McPhail's meetings, was deeply impressed. At the close of the meeting he asked a very reasonable question, and our good brother answered it satisfactorily to all present. Previous to that he could not be induced to read anything but Ingersoll; but now he is investigating the truths contained in the first volume of DAWN. May the Lord, by his wondrous truth, open the blind eyes! The Church here also has been awakened to renewed energy and closer fellowship as a result of our dear brother's visit and ministry. Much of the misunderstanding has been removed, for some existed as a result of early training and preconceived notions. A neighbor, who is an unbeliever, kindly offered us the use of a vacant room in his house in which to meet for worship and study of the Word, and we meet once a week. Our desire is to keep close to Christ and let him lead us in all things, and to grow in grace and knowledge of the truth. Of course we are misjudged and evil spoken of by some; but we expect that; and we are endeavoring by his grace to show the true spirit of Christian love toward all. May the good Lord help us to stand in this evil day against all the wiles of the enemy! I must tell you of a remark that was made before Brother McPhail reached us. One of the brethren was speaking of his coming to hold some meetings to some parties, and they replied that they presumed he was like all other preachers--that he would hold a few meetings, take up a collection at every meeting, get all the money he could, and then leave the village. But to their surprise the brother came quietly, without any pomp or show, held four good meetings, and went as quietly as he came, without even mentioning money, and left an influence which no other man has ever left. And they do not know what to make of it. We thank the dear Lord for sending him to us to help us; and I take the liberty to tender to you, on behalf of the Church here, our thanks for the part you have had in this matter of sending the brother here. We hope that he may find it convenient to come again. I send greeting on behalf of the Church. Yours in the one hope, JOHN N. LATHWELL”170

Algunas de sus composiciones musicales son incluidas en Honey out of the Rock,171 un himnario compilado por William S. Nickle y George J. Meyer y editado en Chicago en 1894. En el Prefacio se indica que “its pages are enriched with some of the best productions of such writers as”, pasándose a mencionar a McPhail junto a otros reconocidos autores de himnos como W.J. Kirkpatrick, J.H. Tenney, C.H. Gabriel, J.H Fillmore, E.S. Lorenz, Jno. R. Sweney, E.A. Hoffman, H.R. Palmer, W.A. Ogden, E.O. Excell, P. Bilhorn, I.H. Meredith, Lowell Mason, etc. El hecho de que se escogieran algunas de las piezas de McPhail para ser incluidas en ese volumen es una indicación del renombre que, como compositor, ya había adquirido.

En Mayo de 1895, McPhail envía una carta en la que informa de la celebración de la Conmemoración de la Muerte de Jesucristo en Chicago ante unas sesenta personas.

170 LATHWELL, John N. “Encouraging Words from Faithful Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, July 15, p.171 y 172; Reprints, p.1843.

171 NICKLE, William S.; MEYER, George H. Honey out of the rock : a compilation of sacred songs and hymns for use in gospel meetings and other religious services. Chicago, Ill.: Meyer & Brother, 1894.


En ella menciona a un tal “Brother John.” 172 Es posible que se trate de algún otro EIB de aquella zona. Aunque el que se le mencione por el nombre y no por el apellido – salvo error de concepto por mi parte—permitiría entender que se trata de alguien muy cercano o familiar a él. En este sentido podría ser que se tratara de John McPhail, hermano carnal de M.L. McPhail y reverendo metodista que, al parecer, se unió a los EIB por algún tiempo. Los únicos datos a favor de esta relación familiar son, por un lado, el breve relato biográfico que Henninges publicó cuando M.L. McPhail falleció; por otro, una partitura que M.L. McPhail publicó en 1885 dedicada a “to Brother John”;173 y, finalmente, quizás la más contundente y ya mencionada anteriormente, la publicación de un himnario por parte de “The McPhail Brothers,”174 en 1890, en donde se incluye un anuncio en el que se menciona directamente al Rev. John McPhail junto a M.L. McPhail, además de incluir un buen número de himnos de ambos autores.

“In the winter of 1889-90 Mr. McPhail had an engagement in another city, to instruct a glee club in part singing, and one day visited the local music dealer (Mr. Porter). While there he remarked that his brother, the Rev. John McPhail, who was engaged in evangelistic work, wished him to accompany him as singer and song leader, but he was doubtful whether he was sufficiently informed in Scripture to take such a position. He was a believer in Jesus, and a church member, but there were many Bible subjects upon which he felt very deficient. The wife of the music dealer, who was present and heard his expressed desire for more knowledge, said. ‘I can help you,’ and proceeded to lay before him some scriptures indicating that God had a well defined plan that He was carrying out over a series of ages, each age having its own particular work, and all working harmoniously to His own glory; that there was a ‘high calling’ for the present age, and that soon His kingdom would be set up in power and authority in the earth; that the popular teaching of eternal torment was an error, and that God’s purpose was to bless and enlighten through His Son not a few only, but all for whom Christ died. Mr. McPhail received all this with avidity, and was given a small book called ‘The Plan of the Ages’ to read along these lines. On his return to Canton he continued searching the Scriptures whether these things were so. […] Mr. McPhail had agreed to go on the evangelistic mission with his brother John, but as they proceeded felt more and more out of place in meetings where the teaching of eternal torment for the unsaved was one of the principal topics. He endeavoured to impart the truth on the subject of future punishment to his brother, but with little success, and so terminated his evangelistic labors. Within the next few years, however, his brother John came to see the truth on the soul, the state of the dead, etc.; and, being no longer able to teach the former doctrine of eternal misery, he resigned from the Methodist connection. Both removed to Chicago, Ill.,

172 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Encouraging Words from Faithful Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, May 1, p.111 y 112; Reprints, p.1810.

173 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. Come Unto Me Ye Weary : sacred solo, duet & quartet. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., cop. 1885. 5 p. Partitura localizada en la Library of Congress. En la parte superior de la portada figura: “To Brother John.” Es de suponer que se trataría de su hermano carnal.

174 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay & McPHAIL, John. Songs of Saving Power : a Collection of Sacred Songs : Especially Prepared for Evangelistic Meetings, Camp Meetings and Sunday Schools. Chicago: Clayton F. Summy, cop. 1890. 215 hymns. En la portada no aparecen los nombres de los autores si no la siguiente frase “by The McPhail Brothers : Assisted by the Best American Authors.”


where Mr. M.L. continued as a teacher of singing; his wife and some of his family being in sympathy with the truths he now proclaimed.”175

Russell comenta acerca de aquel “nuevo” servicio en junio de 1895 y menciona explícitamente a McPhail. Son muy interesantes sus comentarios, puesto que permiten entrever que McPhail era uno de sus más estrechos colaboradores.

“(2) ‘The New Branch’ of the work is prospering also. Quite a number have responded to the Eight Qualifications, saying that by God's grace, they believe themselves to possess them to some degree and were striving and would strive to possess them more fully day by day. Of some of these we have personal knowledge and acquaintance, and others of them are ‘well reported of the brethren’ for their character, faith, zeal and moderation. To all such we have given Letters of Introduction, such as we described in our issue of Oct. 15, last. And to such we have felt free to entrust the addresses of the interested ones of their own and nearby towns. In consequence, numerous little meetings—‘Dawn Circles’ for Bible study--have been started, which we believe are proving helpful. Brother M. L. McPhail, as special traveling representative of the Society, during the last seven months has visited the TOWER readers in about fifty different places in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, W. Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Canada, Michigan and Pennsylvania. The reports from his meetings indicate that much good is being accomplished thereby, and we are urged to send him soon as possible again. Brother McPhail is the only one giving all of his time to the harvest work in this way, who does not combine the colporteur work with the other to some degree. He is the only one therefore whose home and traveling expenses are borne in full by this Society. While it is a considerable drain upon the Society's funds, we feel that Bro. McPhail's fullness of the truth and its spirit, combined with his meekness, zeal and energy, specially adapt him to this service. We will keep him going while we can.”176

La situación económica del momento, con los Estados Unidos metidos en una profunda crisis, hizo pensar a Russell en suspender el trabajo de McPhail pero, dadas las buenas referencias que de él llegaban se decidió a mantenerlo en esa labor.177

En agosto de 1895 McPhail se encuentra en Wheeling, W.Va., impartiendo algunas clases de canto coral dentro de alguna reunión de la Epworth League.

“The first hour this morning was spent in the organization of clases for the more serious work of the assembly. Prof. M.K. McPhail (sic) organized a chorus class of seventy-five voices, and the hour was spent in an enthusiastic manner.”178

175 HENNINGES, E.C. “M.L. McPhail.” En: The New Covenant Advocate, 1932, Vol.23, no.11, February 1, p.201.

176 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “How Is the Work Progressing?” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, June 1, p.126; Reprints, p.1819 y 1820; [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “The Work at Home.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, June 15, p.138; Reprints, p.1825.

177 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Views from the Tower.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1895, August 15, p.188; Reprints, p.1851.

178 “Epworth Assembly. Epworth League Day. A Programme Replete With Good Things.” En: The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, W. Va.), 1895, August 2, p.6


Ilustración 12. McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.). Winnowed Anthems for Quartet and Chorus Choirs : No.1. Chicago: The Hope Publishing Company, cop. 1896. 192 p. Tres encuadernaciones diferentes.


En su vertiente musical, en 1896 McPhail empieza a colaborar como responsable especializado en música coral con la Hope Publishing Company, una de las editoriales de música religiosa más importantes y prestigiosas del país.179 Trabajará en ella hasta 1920.180 De manera que McPhail claramente compaginaba su vocación religiosa de peregrino de los EIB (y, después de su separación con Russell, como predicador de su grupo de EIB) con su vocación musical manteniendo contacto con los más reconocidos e importantes compositores de música religiosa de su tiempo. En aquel mismo año McPhail publica el primer volumen de una serie de música coral religiosa que alcanzaría gran prestigio, Winnowed Anthems no.1.181

D.P. Hustad califica Winnowed Anthems como “su mayor contribución para la compañía”182 Hope Publishing Co. Contiene 74 piezas de 34 autores entre los que sobresalen algunos de los compositores más destacados del país en aquella época como L.O. Emerson, E.O. Excell, C.H. Gabriel, W.J. Kirkpatrick, E.S. Lorenz, W.A. Ogden, H.R. Palmer, J.H. Rosencrans, A.J. Showalter, John R. Sweney o W.L. Thompson. Los derechos de copyright del volumen están a nombre de Henry Date, otro conocido personaje ligado a la publicación de música religiosa.

Curiosamente, en enero de aquel mismo año, 1896, se publica el siguiente anuncio en la revista Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, en el que se informa de la pronta publicación de un número íntegramente compuesto de música vocal. No se especificaba ningún dato más… ni qué piezas musicales contendría, ni de qué autores o compositores ni, tampoco, quien estaba tras la edición de tal número.

“A MUSICAL NUMBER. WE hope soon to issue a musical number of the TOWER. It will contain some strictly new pieces of vocal music, written specially for it, on the lines of our spiritual hopes and joys. You may expect it February 1.”183

179 Para conocer la posible relación que mantuvo McPhail con Hope Pub. Co. es de obligada lectura el trabajo de T.W. York. Su biografía de C.H. Gabriel, compositor/autor contemporáneo de McPhail que también trabajó como editor musical para la misma editorial, aporta un contexto que, sin duda, tuvo que ser muy similar al que vivió McPhail (YORK, Terry Wayne. Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932): Composer, Author, and Editor in the Gospel Tradition. Tesis, Faculty of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1985).

180 SHORNEY, George H., Jr. “The History of Hope Publishing Company and Its Divisions and Affiliates.” En: HUSTAD, Donald P. Dictionary-Handbook to Hymns for the Living Church. Carol Stream, Ill.: Hope Publishing Company, 1978, p.17.

181 Esta colección estaba formada por 6 volúmenes, algunos de los cuales estuvieron en uso durante varias décadas, siendo una de las publicaciones más importantes para la Hope Pub. Co. “Older members of the Presbyterian choir who have copies of the Winnowed Anthems No.1 and 2 combined would be conferring a favor to bring them to Mrs. Ernest McDowell or to the church for use now.” (Spirit Lake Beacon [Spirit Lake, Iowa], 1939, May 11, p.3 o 5).

182 Correspondencia electrónica con D.P. Hustad (26-07-06).

183 “A Musical Number.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1896, January 1, vol.17, no.1, p.2.


Ilustración 13. Cubierta y primera página de música del cancionero Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning, de 1896 (Publicado como número de la revista Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, 1896, February 1st). (Fuente: Colección personal de MAPN)

Y, efectivamente, el número del 1 de febrero de 1896 salió a la luz compuesto íntegramente por 11 himnos religiosos bajo el título de Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning,184 y que fue conocido también como “Musical Tower” e, incluso, como figura en la cubierta del mismo como Hymns of the Morning. Aunque no se menciona autoría alguna en su compilación, es prácticamente seguro que M.L. McPhail estaría detrás de este número tan especial de la revista Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence. Diez de los once himnos estaban compuestos por M.L. McPhail y, el restante por John McPhail, seguramente su propio hermano carnal. En cuanto a la letra, los autores eran G.M. Bills (5 himnos), F.G. Burroughs (4 himnos), Mrs. M.L. Herr (1 himno) y el mismo John McPhail (1 himno). En algunas publicaciones recientes de los TCJ se presentan a todos estos autores como miembros activos de los EIB,185 aunque es muy curioso observar cómo en una reciente referencia a este himnario, los TCJ únicamente indican que los autores de la letra lo eran, sin mencionar para nada a los

184 [McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.)]. “Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1896, February 1, vol.17, no.3. 12 p.

185 Propósito divino, p.260; “Alabe a Jehová con música.” En: La Atalaya, 1986, 15 de octubre, p.21-23; Texto casi idéntico en: “¡Un nuevo cancionero! : con 128 páginas y muchas nuevas letras y melodías.” En: La Atalaya, 1966, 1 de octubre, p.601.

53 autores de la música.186 Todas las piezas de aquel breve himnario muestran copyright perteneciente a M.L. McPhail excepto una. En efecto, “In That Day,” compuesta y escrita por su hermano John McPhail, muestra la frase “Used by permission of Henry Date.”

Ilustración 14. Detalle del sumario del cancionero Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning, de 1896

Este breve himnario fue la primera colaboración musical impresa que realizó McPhail exclusivamente para los EIB. Sobre la autoría musical, puede también destacarse que los diez himnos que compuso M.L. McPhail tienen fecha de copyright 1894 o 1895 lo que ofrece una posible indicación del tiempo que se llevaba trabajando en la producción del Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning.

Sería esta la primera y última ocasión en la que aquella revista, órgano oficial de difusión doctrinal de los EIB, editaría un número “especial” de ese tipo. Nunca más se ha vuelto a repetir. No era extraño que, de vez en cuando, aquella revista publicara algún número especial (o doble, o triple), siempre de texto impreso, pero en esta ocasión, por primera y última vez, lo fue también de música impresa.187 Si se hojea

186 Proclamadores, p.240.

187 Aunque no he podido consultarlo tengo la sospecha de que un número de la edición en español de La Torre del Vigía editada en los Estados Unidos también podría estar dedicado a la música. Se trata de un número especial doble "w1919-S 1/12-w1920-S 1/1" que estaba dedicado o que contenía información relacionada con el primer himnario de los EIB en español, Himnos de la Aurora del Milenio. No sería descabellado que hubieran editado este himnario como ese número especial de la revista. Es una información que debe confirmarse en el futuro.

54 algún volumen de aquella revista se observa que también existía la costumbre de incluir, de vez en cuando, el texto de algún himno o poema ya fuera como algo independiente o en el interior de algún artículo de fondo pero siempre sin la partitura. ¿Por qué dedicar un número entero con música cuando hacía tan sólo 4 años que se disfrutaba de un himnario con más de 333 himnos?

Ilustración 15. Himnos incluidos en Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning (Colección personal de MAPN)

Conviene destacar que este himnario oficial solo contenía la parte literaria de los himnos y no las partituras. De manera que, sin lugar a dudas, la característica diferenciadora de Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning, que podríamos calificar como un brevísimo himnario, es que se publicó con la música, con la partitura musical. Este hecho era algo hasta aquel momento totalmente innovador para la experiencia editora de los EIB. Era el primer intento de publicar música.188 Aunque en ninguno de los anuncios consultados sobre este número musical se le refiere como himnario, yo lo denomino como tal porque, en definitiva, aunque contenga un número pequeño de himnos, es en realidad un himnario, un breve himnario y, fue animado a utilizarse como tal. Otro dato más para reconocer su carácter de número especial de aquella revista es que no se incluyó ningún texto más, ningún artículo de estudio, ninguna noticia o información de cualquier otro tipo. Por no tener, ni siquiera se le añadió algún tipo de presentación que ofreciera alguna escueta información adicional sobre los motivos que habían llevado a su publicación, sobre su elaboración o compilación o, por ejemplo,

188 Desconozco si Songs of the Morning (si es que se llegó a publicar), el primer himnario relacionado con C.T. Russell y anunciado hacia 1877, fue publicado con música o no aunque lo más plausible es que fuera únicamente literario. Por su parte, Songs of the Bride (1879) y Poems and Hymns of Dawn (1890) eran himnarios puramente literarios, sin música. 55 sobre su contenido. Siendo McPhail un compositor de cierta reputación es difícil entender que no se incluyeran más himnos religiosos con su partitura en el seno de aquella revista. No obstante, como se irá viendo a través de este esbozo biográfico sí los publicaría ya en forma de folleto o de libro.

En el número siguiente de Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, el del 15 de febrero de 1896, se publicó la siguiente nota en la que puede observarse el gran valor que el propio Russell le otorgó tanto a aquel breve himnario como a sus autores.

“THE MUSICAL TOWER We have heard from many of their pleasure in connection with our last issue of the TOWER—‘Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning.’ We would like it if these beautiful songs should become popular among Christian people generally. The singing of the truth is a good way to get it into the heads and hearts of God’s people. It is one way of preaching the Gospel, which figuratively is called a ‘song:’ ‘Thou hast put a new song into my mouth, even the loving kindness of our God.’ We thank God for the musical and poetic talents granted to some of his saints. (We esteem the collection represented in the MUSICAL TOWER, and in our hymn book, ‘Poems and Hymns of Millennial Dawn,’ to be not only choice doctrinally, but also choice poetically.) We thank God for the privilege of serving the truth to his flock in poetry, as well as in prose. Let each one who receives be active in serving again, by song and printed page and word, to others who have not yet tasted the heavenly food provided now, as ‘meat in due season,’ by our present Lord. If the whole body were an eye or foot or hand, where would be the symmetry? Nay, those members which even seem to be feeble and less important are all necessary, and may all do something in the service.-1 Cor. 13:17-24. Extra copies of the musical TOWER will be supplied at the rate of five cents each, or twenty-five to one address for $1.”189

De esta noticia pueden extraerse algunos datos de interés. En primer lugar, puede observarse que la propia revista (es decir, el propio Russell que era quien, en realidad, como editor principal, estaba detrás de la mayor parte de lo que se publicaba en ella), aunque incluye el título completo del himnario, Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning, lo empieza también a denominar como The Musical Tower. Puede que fuera esta una manera de llamar claramente la atención de los lectores de la revista hacia este número realmente tan musical. Ya en el anuncio de su publicación se había presentado escuetamente como A Musical Number. Y, al parecer fue más conocido como The Musical Tower que por su propio título o, al menos eso parece indicar el que los pocos anuncios que de él se publicaron se refirieran directamente como The Musical Tower. También se dan algunas indicaciones sobre el contenido de este himnario. Se presenta, junto con el himnario anterior, Poems and Hymns of Dawn, como una excelente selección desde el punto de vista doctrinal y poético. Es de interés ver como se considera “santos” (es decir miembros de la verdadera iglesia de Dios) con talento musical y poético, a los autores de estos once himnos. A diferencia de la actualidad, en aquellas primeras décadas no había inconveniente en indicar la autoría de cualquiera de los artículos incluidos en las publicaciones de los EIB o, como en este caso, de los autores de los himnos, tanto su música como su letra.

189 “The Musical Tower.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1896, February 15, p.26; Reprints, p.1935


Sobre la aceptación de Zion’s Glad Songs of the Morning entre los EIB puede mencionarse que tuvo que ser grande. La primera edición de 1896 se agotó y, se realizó una segunda edición en 1899, aunque posiblemente entre ambas fechas aún se hubiera tirado alguna que otra reimpresión más. A diferencia de Poems and Hymns of Dawn, el himnario oficial de los EIB, se promovía la utilización del “Musical Tower” a un nivel más personal y familiar o, en reuniones de tipo social más bien que en las reuniones del culto regular, aunque tampoco había problema para que fuera utilizado en estas últimas.190 Posteriormente, en 1904, se hizo una nueva edición. El que se hicieran estas 3 o 4 ediciones/reimpresiones (1896, 1899 y 1904 como mínimo) de este himnario permite afirmar que tuvo que tener su importancia en el seno de los EIB. Es interesante que se continuara reeditando cuando los EIB ya contaban con un himnario oficial (Poems and Hymns of Dawn, 1890) y, poco después, dispusieran de otro complementario, compilado por el propio McPhail (Zion’s Glad Songs, 1900; no confundir con el breve himnario de 1896), de manera que durante algún tiempo los EIB utilizaban tres himnarios distintos.

“THE MUSICAL TOWER. Some time ago (Feb. 1, '96) we issued a musical number of this journal containing eleven very choice hymns with music very expressive of our grand hopes and joys. We published a large extra edition but it is gone and in response to many calls we have gotten out a new edition,--for we know of none better. Furthermore, believing, trusting that the singing of these truly gospel hymns at your firesides is likely to favorably instill present truth, we have concluded to make the price of this issue 2 cents each--post free. At regular sheet-music rates these would cost 25 to 50 cents each.”191

En junio de 1896 se menciona a McPhail viajando como peregrino de los EIB por Missouri y Kansas.192 En agosto de 1896 discursa en Ottawa, Kansas.

“Rev. M.L. McPhail, of Chicato, preached at the Christian church Saturday night, Sunday and Sunday night.”193

En agosto de 1897 se informa del fallecimiento de uno de los hijos de McPhail. Se trataba de Harry C., el primer hijo de McPhail, quien muere el 28 de julio de 1897 en Ohio afectado de tuberculosis, a la edad de 17 años. Russell también hizo mención de esta pérdida en Zion’s Watch Tower.194 Harry ya había demostrado poseer alguna

190 “Interesting Letters.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1900, February 1, p.47 y 48; Reprints, p.2576.

191 “The Musical Tower.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1899, November 15, p.242; 1904, January 15, p.18; Reprints, p.3302. Agradezco a Mike Castro la indicación de esta segunda referencia (Correspondencia electrónica, 5-12-06). En ella se menciona que The Musical Tower tenía 12 himnos. Hasta la fecha no he podido localizar un ejemplar de esa edición. Es posible que pueda tratarse de un error tipográfico puesto que no he podido localizar ninguna otra información que confirme esta modificación. Podría ser una simple confusión entre el número de páginas de este himnario (12 páginas) y el número real de himnos incluidos (11 himnos)

192 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “’New Branch’ of Work Prospering.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1896, June 15, p.130; Reprints, p.1995.

193 “Lane.” En: The Ottawa Herald (Ottawa, Kansas), 1896, August 13, p.4.

194 Según consta en el “Physician’s Certificate of Death, State of Illinois, Cook County, city board of Health.” Agradezco a Nathan Natas haber localizado y compartido esta información (Correspondencia 57 inclinación artística puesto que, poco antes, en enero de 1897, había ganado un premio en un certamen escolar en Chicago.195 Por desgracia, no sería el último de los hijos que McPhail perdería a temprana edad.

En septiembre de aquel mismo año, 1897, se publica una carta dirigida a M.L. McPhail escrita por un ex-ministro metodista deseoso de profundizar más en el conocimiento de las doctrinas de Russell. Se dirigió directamente a Russell y, al vivir cerca de Chicago, éste le proporcionó la dirección de McPhail a quien le pide poder entrevistarse.196 Es una indicación de la confianza que Russell tenía en McPhail.

En noviembre de 1897 se menciona a un “Rev. Dr. M.L. McPhail, of Chicago” oficiando en el entierro de un viejo amigo suyo en Fort Wayne, Indiana, curiosamente en una ceremonia de rito masónico o celebrada en un templo masónico.197

En agosto de 1898, una EIB de Missouri escribe en una carta “How I wish Bro. McPhail could visit us now, he would be very helpful”198 por lo que, sus visitas eran estimadas. En octubre de 1898 se publican dos cartas de agradecimiento. Una por la visita de McPhail a la congregación en Indiana y, otra por una reunión celebrada en Chicago.199 En aquel mismo mes, McPhail fue uno de los principales discursantes, junto a C.T. Russell y Frank Draper, en la asamblea de EIB que se celebró en Council Bluffs, Iowa, del 1 al 5 de aquel mes.200 Se le menciona también entonando una canción de apertura en una reunión celebrada en Omaha, Nebraska, en la que discursó C.T. Russell.201 Una muestra de la estrecha colaboración que mantuvo con Russell y con la mayor parte de los responsables de la obra de los EIB.

En noviembre de aquel mismo año, 1898, se publica una carta en la que un EIB informa de haber ido a visitar a M.L. McPhail junto con una persona judía interesada en el mensaje de Russell. “The next Sunday we arranged to go to Brother McPhail’s

electrónica [18-05-06]). En ese certificado se indica que nació en Steubenville, Ohio y que llevaba 4 años residiendo en Chicago, Illinois; Steubenville Herald (Steubenville, Ohio), 1897, July 30, p.4. [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Our ‘Pilgrims’.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1897, August 1, p.222; Reprints, p.2192.

195 “Chicago Record Contest.” En: Englewood High-School Journal, 1897, vol.3, no.1, January, p.197. Harry C. McPhail ganó un premio de $20.-

196 LOVERING, R.W. “Interesting Letters’.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1897, September 1, p.268; Reprints, p.2215.

197 The Fort Wayne News (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1897, November 12, p.5; November 13, p.1; The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1897, November 13, p.1.

198 POWER, Amelia. “Interesting Letters.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1898, August 15, p.256.

199 SMITH, Caroline M. “Letters from Earnest Colaborers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1898, October 1, p.295; DARLINGTON, Alice L. “Letters from Earnest Colaborers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1898, vol.19, no.19, October 1, p.295 y 296; Reprints, p.2367.

200 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Views from the Watch Tower.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1898, October 15, p.299; Reprints, p.2368.

201 “’Believers’ in Session.” En: Daily Bee (Omaha, Nebrask), 1898, October 3, p.¿?

58 meeting on the West Side [Chicago]. He was most kindly received among the brethren, and Bro. M. had a very interesting talk with him.]”202

En enero de 1899 se publica una carta de M.L. McPhail dirigida a C.T. Russell en la que le pregunta con respecto algunos puntos doctrinales –si Jesucristo va a juzgar a la Iglesia Verdadera o no--. Los términos son muy cordiales, más bien, muy amistosos, entre McPhail y Russell por lo que su relación es la de hermanos de fe que colaboran estrechamente. Al menos así lo dejan entrever expresiones como: “May our dear heavenly Father continue to be with you alway—and that you may continually realize his approval and smile—is my prayer. Sister McPhail and I often talk to ourselves about your severe trials, and wonder how you have been able to bear them as you have. […] Wishing you a happy and successful new year, with Christian love from Mrs. McPhail and myself to you and all with you.”203 En febrero y marzo de 1899 se anuncia que pronunciará un discurso en Oak Park, Illinois.204

En marzo de 1899 se anuncia un recital de M.L. McPhail en la M.P. Church (Methodist Presbyterian) de Steubenville, Ohio. Se le presenta como “eminente escritor de ‘anthems’”205 Esta es la ciudad donde McPhail pasó parte de su juventud cuando emigró de Escocia a los Estados Unidos y, es posible que fuera a visitar a algunos de sus familiares o que fuera a presentar algún discurso religioso de los EIB. Es curioso que no tenga reparos en ofrecer un recital en una iglesia doctrinalmente diferente a los EIB. Se le presenta como “eminente” autor de “anthems” (un tipo de música coral). En julio de ese año ya se anuncia una serie de conferencias suyas, y aunque no se menciona explícitamente ni a los EIB, ni a Russell, entra claramente en su faceta como peregrino visitante.206 En junio de 1899 predica en Osage City, Kansas. Ese mismo mes se anuncia uno de sus discursos en Washington, D.C.207

“Prof. McPhail will preach in the U.B. church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, and will also assist in Children’s Day exercises Sunday evening. On Monday evening he wishes to meet at the U.B. church all those of the city and vicinity that wish to study music, at which time he hopes to be able to organize a class. Prof. McPhail comes well recommended as instructor and writer of music.”208

202 BRAY, R.W.E. “Interesting Letters.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1898, November 15, p.344; Reprints, p.2392.

203 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay “Who Is Judging the Church?” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1899, January 15, p.30; Reprints, p.2425 y 2426.

204 Oak Park Times (Oak Park, Illinois), 1899, February 23, p.4; Oak Park Vindicator (Oak Park, Illinois), 1899, March 3, p.1.

205 The Steubenville Herald-Star (Steubenville, Ohio), 1899, March 11, p.8.

206 The Steubenville Herald-Star (Steubenville, Ohio), 1899, July 13, p.5.

207 “Special Notices.” En: The Evening Times (Washington, D.C.), 1899, June 30, p.3; “Special Notices.” En: The Times (Washington, D.C.), 1899, June 28, p.2; “Local Mention.” En: The Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), 1899, June 28, p.12 y 1899, June 29, p.10; “Special Notices.” En: The Times (Washington, D.C.), 1899, June 30, p.2.

208 The Osage City Free Press (Osage City, Kansas), 1899, June 8, p.4.


“The singing school under the tutorship of Prof. McPhail, held their first meeting at the U.B. church Tuesday evening. It was decided to meet next week on Wednesday evening, Tuesday being the Fourth.”209

“Prof. McPhail, of Chicago, gave a short talk on music at the C.M. church at Arvonia Sunday afternoon, and on next Friday evening he will lecture on music with a view of getting up a class. Everybody is invited to come out and hear what he has to say.”210

“SPECIAL NOTICES. M.L. McPhail. A Prilgrim Brother, preaching ‘Glad Tidings,’ will speak at National Capital Bank Hall, 216, Pa. Ave. S.E., on JUNE 30, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. All are welcome, especially ‘Millennial Dawn’ readiers.”211

A principios del mes de julio de 1899, McPhail realizó algunas visitas a los grupos de EIB de la zona de Philadelphia. Dos cartas hacen mención de ello. Una agradeciendo que McPhail los vaya a visitar212 y, otra agradeciendo la labor que McPhail ha realizado allí. Esta es de especial interés por que su autor, Benjamin H. Barton, fue también un destacado EIB de la época. Llega a afirmar que “creo que seremos todos mejores hombres y mujeres en el Señor por lo que hemos recibido de parte de nuestro Padre celestial a través de la utilización de este querido hermano.”213 A finales de ese mismo mes, julio de 1899, se le encuentra pronunciando al menos un discurso en la asamblea celebrada en Indianápolis, Indiana.214 En agosto y septiembre de 1899 está de nuevo en Osage City, Kansas.

“Prof. McPhail will conduct song service and preach at the U.B. church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, everybody invited to come.”215

“Prof. McPhail’s singing scholl has decided to postpone their meetings until the first Tuesday evening in October, when the work will be taken up again.”216

“Prof. McPhail will preach in the U.B. church next Sunday morning at 11 o`clock. Tehere will be no services in the evening, the pastor being absent from the city.”217

209 The Osage City Free Press (Osage City, Kansas), 1899, June 29, p.5.

210 The Osage City Free Press (Osage City, Kansas), 1899, June 29, p.8.

211 “Special Notices.” En: The Times (Washington, D.C.), 1899, June 30, p.2.

212 WALKER, Smith. “Interesting Letters.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1899, July 1, p.175 y 176.

213 BARTON, Benjamin H. “Interesting Letters.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1899, August 1, p.208.

214 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “The Indianapolis Convention.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1899, June 15, p.146; [RUSSELL, Charles Taze.] “Will You Attend the Indianapolis Convention?” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1899, July 1, p.162; July 15, p.178

215 The Osage County Chronicle (Burlingame, Kansas), 1899, August 16, p.5.

216 The Osage City Free Press (Osage City, Kansas), 1899, August 24, p.5.

217 The Osage City Free Press (Osage City, Kansas), 1899, September 7, p.5.


En agosto de 1899 se le menciona como discursante en la asamblea de los EIB que se celebrará en Boston, Massachusetts, del 22 al 24 de septiembre y, además, responsable de las partes musicales que se presentaron.218 En septiembre de 1899 está discursando en North White Creek, NY.

“Mr. M.L. McPhail, under the auspices of Zion’s Watch Tower Bible house of Allegheny, Pa., gave addresses on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Mechanich’s Hall on the ‘Divine Plan of the Ages.’ The meetings were well attended and very interesting.”219

En 1899 McPhail el segundo volumen de la serie Winnowed Anthems no.2.220 Contiene 63 piezas de 38 autores entre los que destacan algunos como W.B. Bradbury, L.O. Emerson, Chas. H. Gabriel, W.J. Kirkpatrick, L. Mason, H.R. Palmer, J.H. Rosencrans, G.W. Warren o I.B. Woodbury. Los derechos de copyright del volumen están a nombre de Henry Date. A partir de aquel momento, cada vez que se publicaba un volumen par de la serie Winnowed Anthems, se publicaba tanto por separado como en un volumen combinado con el número anterior. De esta forma se editaron volúmenes combinados con los números 1 y 2, 3 y 4 y, 5 y 6.

En febrero de 1900, se publica una breve noticia sobre la organización de un club musical en Sheldon, Iowa, por parte de una anterior ciudadana de Newark, Ohio. El interés radica en que se menciona a M.L. McPhail como uno de los profesores que tuvo parte en la formación o educación musical de dicha ciudadana y, confirma, por tanto, esta faceta de su vida.221

En mayo de 1900, McPhail envía a Russell una carta con un breve informe sobre la celebración de la Conmemoración de la Muerte de Jesucristo en Chicago. Al parecer McPhail tuvo que asistir a la de Elgin, ciudad a 64 kms. de Chicago, en donde presentó el discurso en las dos congregaciones que entonces existían. De esa carta se puede entrever el papel preponderante que tenía McPhail en toda aquella zona.222 En ese mismo mes de mayo de 1900 está en Osage City, Kansas.

“Prof. McPhail lectured at the Barclay school house last Sunday. He will deliver another lecture at the same place next Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Lecture free.”223

218 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “The Boston and St. Louis Conventions.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1899, vol.20, no.21, November 1, p.227 y 228; Reprints, p.2523 y 2524; [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Believer’s Conventions—Boston and St. Louis.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1899, August 15, p.212; Reprints, p.2516.

219 Washington County Post (North White Creek, N.Y.), 1899, September 8, p.??

220 Los dos primeros volúmenes de esta serie también se publicaron en un único volumen bajo el título: Winnowed Anthems Nos. 1 and 2 Combined.

221 “Mrs. Maude Parr Miller : Organizes a Musical Club at Sheldon, Iowa.” En: The Newark Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1900, February 22, p.2.

222 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay “The Memorial Supper : A Few Sample Reports.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1900, May 1, p.133.

223 “Barclay.” En: The Osage City Free Press (Osage City, Kansas), 1900, May 3, p.4.


Ilustración 16. McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.). Winnowed Anthems for Quartet and Chorus Choirs : No.2. Chicago: The Hope Publishing Company, cop. 1899. 224 p. Dos encuadernaciones diferentes.

Ilustración 17. Folleto de propaganda del Winnowed Anthems no. 2, de 1899. De tamaño bolsillo, este folleto contenía algunas piezas a modo de ejemplo y estaba pensado para dar publicidad a aquella publicación.


Ilustración 18. Dos encuadernaciones diferentes de Winnowed Anthems nos 1 and 2 combined, de 1899.

En junio de 1900,224 con 45 años, se encuentra viviendo en Chicago Ward 31st, Cook, Illinois, junto a su esposa Kate, de 42 años, y sus hijos Frank O. de 18 años, Grace E. de 15 años, Jessie A. de 11 años, Laura J. de 9 años y Mathew L. de 4 años y, también probablemente, con su hermano Hugh de 40 años. Habían tenido 6 hijos de los cuales les vivían los 5 mencionados anteriormente. Su profesión es indicada como “musician.” Su hijo Frank O. figura como “Salesman” y, su hermano Hugh figura como “watchman.” Por segunda vez, el matrimonio McPhail sufre la pérdida de un hijo puesto que, el 31 de mayo de 1901, a los 19 años fallece Frank O. en Chicago.225

En agosto de 1900 se menciona a un “Prof. McPhail, of Yale” participando en un festival musical en Yale, Kansas. No puedo asegurar que se trate del mismo McPhail puesto que es la primera vez que le veo asociado a “Yale.” Podría ser un error, aunque probablemente se trate de otra persona.226

En septiembre de 1900 Russell anuncia la publicación de un nuevo himnario de McPhail, Zion’s Glad Songs. En esta ocasión sí que se menciona explícitamente a McPhail como autor del mismo. Es un himnario con 54 himnos la mayoría de los cuales

224 “Twelfth Census of the Unites States. Schedule No.1.—Population.” Year:1900 [Date: June 6th]; Census Place: Chicago Ward 31, Cook, Illinois; Roll T623_ 284; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 960. En: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.

225 Según consta en el “Undertaker’s Report of Death. Department of Health: City of Chicago: Bureau of Vital Statitstics.” Agradezco a Nathan Natas haber localizado y compartido esta información (Correspondencia electrónica [18-05-06]). En ese certificado se indica que había nacido en Ohio y que desde hacía 11 años residía en Illinois.

226 “Musicale at Yale.” En: The Pittsburgh Daily Headlight (Pittsburgh, Kansas), 1900, August 9, p.4.

63 obra del propio McPhail y, además, con 28 tonadas musicales adicionales,227 del que se hizo una primera edición de 6.000 ejemplares. Estas 28 tonadas musicales podían ser utilizadas para entonar algunos de los himnos del Poems and Hymns of Dawn que, recuérdese no incluía la partitura si no únicamente una referencia a la tonada en otros himnarios. No cabe duda de que esta característica le proporcionaba un valor añadido a Zion’s Glad Songs. Rogerson describe que “He was particularly interested in music and in addition to his being in charge of music at conventions he composed hymns and with Russell’s approval published the hymn book Zion’s Glad Songs.”228

Ilustración 19. Zion's Glad Songs for All Christian Gatherings. Ejemplar de 61 himnos de 1900. Puede observarse que la editorial es Zion’s Watch-Tower and Tract Society y que la fecha de recepción en la Library of Congress fue el 27 de Agosto de 1900. (Fuente: Library of Congress)

“’ZION’S GLAD SONGS’ OUR dear Brother McPhail, who has quite a talent for music, has collected a number of new and beautiful hymns,--the music to the majority being his own composition. These, fifty-four in number, are well printed, and appropriately bound in paper covers,--price 10 cents each, or $1 per dozen, postage free.

227 En la Library of Congress se conserva un ejemplar con fecha de entrada August 27, 1900, que, extrañamente contiene 61 himnos (McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. Zion's Glad Songs for All …Christian Gatherings… Allegheny, Pa.: Zion's Watch-Tower and Tract Society, [1900?]). Hasta la fecha no he podido averiguar si se trata de una versión previa a la edición definitiva o de si existe algún error. En ediciones posteriores que he podido consultar, el número de himnos coincide con el indicado en el anuncio.

228 ROGERSON, Alan. A sociological analysis of the origin and development of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Tesis, Oxford University, 1972, p.147.


This little book, entitled ‘Zion's Glad Songs,’ has another feature which we are sure will be appreciated by many, viz., the addition of the music for twenty-eight old tunes, long, short, common, and peculiar meters. These are inserted in the interest of our regular hymn book, ‘Poems and Hymns of Dawn,’ the tunes of the remainder being copyrighted. It is not at all the thought that the new book will supplant the old one; for many of the grand old hymns cannot be equaled by any new ones, either in words or tunes. The thought is to make it supplementary. As such we recommend it to you all. Our first edition of 6000 is now ready and orders will be filled as received.”229

Ilustración 20. Cubierta de Zion's Glad Songs for All Christian Gatherings. Ediciones de 1902 (izquierda) y de 1905 (derecha). (Colección personal de MAPN)

El objetivo no era eliminar el himnario oficial, Poems and Hymns of Dawn – cuyos himnos seguían siendo cualitativamente superiores según el anuncio-- sino, más bien, ofrecer un himnario suplementario. M.L. McPhail fue el responsable de compilar este himnario y, además, el autor de la mayoría de las melodías musicales. El propio Russell presentaba a McPhail como el autor y alababa tanto su talento musical como su colaboración en la edición del pequeño volumen, en realidad un folleto. No cabe duda que McPhail había puesto su talento musical a disposición de los EIB, además de su talento como orador y peregrino.

“We are indebted to Bro. M.L. McPhail for this collection --it will be noticed that nearly all the music is of his composition. We appreciate his

229 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “’Zion’s Glad Songs’.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1900, September 15, p.274; Reprints, p.2697.


talent and his assistance, thus rendered to the household of faith; giving thanks for the same to the Giver of all good.”230

El éxito de este himnario tuvo que ser grande puesto que tan solo un año después de su aparición, en diciembre de 1901, se publicaba que “'Zion's Glad Songs' is out of print.”231 Situación que se arreglaba rápidamente ya que en febrero de 1902 se anunciaba una nueva edición o reimpresión y, al parecer, otras más en 1903 y 1904,232 y, otra más en 1905. Esta última tenía novedades importantes puesto que, en lugar de los 82 himnos (54 himnos más 28 tonadas musicales) de las dos primeras, contaba con 60 himnos.233 Es posible que se trate de un error tipográfico porque, en posteriores anuncios, vuelve a aparecer 54 himnos. Otro aspecto a favor de la buena aceptación de este himnario es que, también en 1905, los EIB anunciaban un himnario en alemán acorde con Zion’s Glad Songs. Más que una traducción literal, debería tratarse de una adaptación puesto que contaba con 99 himnos.234 Zion’s Glad Songs fue uno de los dos himnarios recomendados por Russell como oficialmente aceptables para los EIB235 y, sin duda fue así desde 1900 en que salió su primera edición, hasta 1909 en que se materializó la separación de McPhail. No obstante, como se verá más adelante, McPhail publicó algunos himnarios más que fueron utilizados por los EIB: dos con el mismo título que este pero con diferente contenido y, un tercero con título y contenido diferente.

En septiembre de 1900, McPhail participó en la asamblea que los EIB celebraron en Chicago, del 1 al 3 de aquel mes. Se publicó alguna carta en las que se reconocía el talento musical de McPhail.

“Just a few words regarding the singing. I think it was excellent. Brother McPhail did splendidly, and the new books are such a treat.”236

230 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze “[Prefacio].” En: McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. Zion's Glad Songs for all ...Christian Gatherings... Allegheny, Pa.: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, [1904?]. 62 p., 82 himnos. La edición que he podido consultar debe ser de 1904 o 1905, dado que en ella salen anunciadas algunas publicaciones de Russell que no se editaron hasta esta fecha. Es muy posible que el “Prefacio” no cambiara demasiado entre las posibles reimpresiones de 1902, 1903, 1904 y 1905.

231 “Zion’s Glad Songs.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1901, December 15, p.386; Reprints, p.¿2920? Agradezco a Mike Castro esta referencia (Correspondencia electrónica con Mike Castro [19-02-06]).

232 “Zion’s Glad Songs.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1902, February 1, p.34; Reprints, p.¿2946?. En 1903 y 1904 se anuncia la existencia de ejemplares de ese himnario pero no puedo confirmar que se tratara de nuevas ediciones, a lo más serían reimpresiones o, incluso, se trataría de dar salida a la edición de 1902 (“Zion’s Glad Songs.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1903, June 1, p.162; June 15, p.178; July 1, p.194; 1904, August 1, p.226.)

233 “Zion’s Glad Songs.” En: Zions’s Watch Tower, 1905, October 15, p.306; November 1, p.322; December 1, p.354.

234 “German Hymn Book.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1905, September 1, p.258; Reprints, p.3621; September 15, p.274.

235 “1907—Motto Cards—1907.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1906, December 1, p.370; “Shall We Sing Unitedly?” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1907, February 15, p.50; Reprints, p.3942.

236 OWEN, C.A. “Encouraging Words from Faithful Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1900, October 15, p.320.


En febrero de 1901 organiza reuniones en Rock Island, Ill.

“Anyone interested in bible truths as revealed in the Millennial Dawn will be welcome at meetings to be held and Saturday and Sunday evenings at 1026 Seventh avenue, led by Brother McPhail, of Chicago.”237

Para 1901 publica alguna obra concebida como ayuda para que los estudiantes de música puedan obtener algún tipo de titulación en el método "Tonic Sol-fa."238 En febrero de 1901 se anuncian tres reuniones dirigidas por McPhail en Rock Island, Illinois. En marzo de 1901 discursa en Decatur, Illinos.

“MILLENIAL DAWN M.L. McPhail is giving a series of talks in this city on the ‘Millenial Dawn.’ Yesterday he spoke at Gebhart’s hall. His subject at 2 o’clock meeting was ‘The Ransom,’ and in the evening he spoke on ‘Restitution.’ Mr. McPhail will speak at meetings held today at the residence of George Henderson, 1083 East Eldorado street, at 2 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday at the same place at 10 a.m.239”

En 1901 se publica una de sus composiciones en el Reino Unido, según consta en la revista The Musical Herald. Se trata de The Children’s Prayer, editado por J. Curwen & Sons, y que será publicitada durante varios años en aquella revista.

“Now Ready. THE CHILDREN’S PRAYER Song with Chorus The words by M.C. GILLINGTON. The music by M.L. McPHAIL. Amid luxurious surroundings, dear little blue eyes, the happy child of tending and caressing, murmurs his evening prayer, In a garret, poor little brown eyes, hungry and cold, does the same. The third verse— Blue eyes and brown eyes, unto heaven’s high portal, Your childish prayers like incense rise to-night; Poor little feet, with stony roads to travel, Soft little feet, that know nor thorn nor ache, God shall some day life’s mystery unravel, This night He keeps you safe for Jesus’ sake. Price One Shilling. J. CURWEN & SONS, LTD. ”240

237 “City Chat.” En: The Argus (Rock Island, Ill.), 1901, February 15, p.6.

238 The Musical Herald and Tonic Sol-fa Reporter, 1901, nos. 634-635, p.¿18 o 128?. No he podido consultar esta publicación pero, al parecer, se trata de una obra en la que M.L. McPhail compuso la música y la poetisa M.C. Gillington (May Clarissa Gillington) el texto.

239 “Millenial Dawn.” En: The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois), 1901, March 9, p.5.

240 “[The Children’s Prayer (Anuncio)].” En: The Musical Herald (London), 1901, May 1, no. 638, p.129; JOE. “Sunday School Anniversary Music.” En: The Musical Herald (London), 1909, June 1, p.191; “Sacred Songs.” En: The Musical Herald (London), 1902, September 2, p.42; “Children’s Songs.” En: The Musical Herald (London), 1903, January 1, p.31; “Sacred Songs and duets.” En: The Musical Herald (London), 1903, September 2, p.24; “Curwen’s Sacred Songs.” En: The Musical Herald (London), 1904, September 2, p.40; 1906, April 2, p.41; 1907, September 2, p.36; 1908, September 2, p.36; 1910, December 1, p.32. 67

En diciembre de 1901 visita a C.A. Owen en North Indianapolis.241 Ese mismo mes discursa en Sumner, Illinois.

“Anyone interested in bible truths as revealed in the Millennial Dawn will be welcome at meetings to be held tonight and Saturday and Sunday evenings at 1026 Seventh avenue, led by Brother McPhail of Chicago.”242

Aquel mismo año, 1901, M.L. McPhail participa en la edición de un nuevo himnario para la Hope Publishing Company, The Master’s Call, junto a otros destacados autores.

LORENZ, E.S.; GABRIEL, Chas. H.; TENNEY, J.H.; McPHAIL, M.L.; MARKS, Wm. Edie. The Master’s Call : a Collection of New Songs and Standard Hymns for the use of Sunday-Schools, Young People’s Societies, Devotional Meetings, etc. Chicago, IL : Hope Publishing Company, 1901. 192 p. [202 hymns]

En un anuncio sobre este himnario se menciona que: “There are songs here that will soon be ringing all over the land, such as [...] McPhail’s ‘Shall Angels Sing O’er You?’ [...]”243

En septiembre de 1902 se le menciona en Elwood, Indiana, dando clases de “voice culture.”

“Don’t forget to go to the Stevenson Hotel on Friday of this week and have Prof. M.L. McPhail to try your voice and explain his method of voice culture to you. This is a rare opportunity. He has a fine method and know how to teach and sing.”244

En abril de 1903 discursa en Racine, Wisconsin.245 En mayo de 1903 se anuncia que discursa en Decatur, Illinois.

“Millennial Dawn Bible class will hold special meetings at the home of G.A. Henderson, 1083 East Eldorado Street, May 22.23 at 3 and 7:30 p.m. All truth seekers welcome; M.L. McPhail in charge.”246

241 “North Indianapolis.” En: Indianapolis News (Marion County, Indianapolis, Indiana), 1901, December 7, p.22.

242 The Sumner Press (Sumner, Illinois), 1901, December 12, p.4.

243 GILL, Joshua; McLAUGHLIN, Geo. A.; SWENEY, Jno. R.; KIRKPATRICK, W.J. (eds.). 19th ed. The Voice of Triumph. Cleveland: J.H. Lamb, 1894, cubierta posterior. (La 19th edición de este himnario tiene que ser cercana a 1901).

244 “Short Notes.” En: The Elwood Daily Record (Elwood, Indiana), 1902, September 17, p.5.

245 The Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), 1903, April 25, p.2; The Racine Weekly Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), 1903, April 28, p.2 o 10.

246 The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1903, May 20, p.5; May 21, p.5.


En septiembre de 1903 McPhail acude a la asamblea de los EIB que se celebra en Toronto, Canadá, los días 5 a 7, donde pronuncia algunos de los discursos. Ese mismo mes, septiembre de 1903, se anuncia un discurso suyo en Lima, Ohio, y, también en Alton, Illinois.247

“Mr. M. L. McPhail representing the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Allegheny, Pa. will speak in the assembly room of the court house Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. and in the evening at 7:30 o’clock. Mr. McPhail has for his subjet ‘[...] Plan of the Ages’ showing God’s dealings with mankind past, present and future. All Bible students shour hear these addresses. They are strictly undenominational and follow only such lines as are plainly scriptural.”248

Ilustración 21. Cubierta de Winnowed Anthems : number three, de 1903.

En 1903 McPhail publica el tercer volumen de la serie Winnowed Anthems no.3.249 Contiene 106 piezas de 43 autores entre los que destacan algunos como L.O. Emerson, C.H. Gabriel, E.A. Hoffman, W.J. Kirkpatrick, J. McGranahan, W.A. Ogden o W.L. Thompson. Los derechos de copyright del volumen figuran ahora a nombre de la compañía Hope Publishing Company. No cabe duda que su actividad musical le va proporcionando cierto reconocimiento. Una prueba de ello es que Charles Hutchinson

247 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “1903—General Conventions Report—1903 : The Toronto Convention.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1903, October 1, p.374; Reprints, p.3250; Lima Times Democrat (Lima, Ohio), 1903, September 17, p.3.

248 Lima News (Lima, Ohio), 1903, September 17, p.3.

249 [¿McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.)?]. Winnowed Anthems for Quartet and Chorus Choirs : No.3. Chicago: The Hope Publishing Company, cop. 1903. McPhail no figura como editor en la portada pero todo hace indicar que fue obra suya.


Gabriel (1856-1932), uno de los más reputados compositores y editores de himnos religiosos del momento le cita como “guarantee for the contents of this book” en el prefacio de Sacred Songs for Men, uno de los himnarios que compiló. Lo hace incluyéndolo en un listado junto a famosos compositores de la época como J.R. Sweney, G.C. Stebbins, E.O. Excell, F.A. Fillmore, W.J. Kirkpatrick, A. Hull, W.H. Doane, E.A. Hoffman, W.A. Ogden, R. Lowry, W.G. Fischer, J.H. Rosecrans, A. Sullivan, H.R. Palmer, G.F. Root o J. McGranahan, entre otros.250

En 1904 publica un “Elements of Music” en la obra Uncle Sam’s School Songs,251 editada por la Hope Pub. Co., una obra dirigida a enseñar canciones en las escuelas, colegios y el ámbito familiar. En realidad el primer volumen de esta obra data de 1897, por lo que es probable que ya entonces estuviera incluida esta parte de McPhail.

Ilustración 22. “Elements of Music”, de M.L. McPhail en la obra Uncle Sam’s School Songs, de 1904

En abril de 1904 discursa en Cedar Rapids, Iowa. El anuncio de aquel discurso es interesante puesto que indica claramente que McPhail era un conocido compositor de canciones religiosas.

"M.L. McPhail Has Something to Say

250 GABRIEL, Charles H. (compil.). Sacred Songs for Men : together with Some Home, Patriotic and Secular Songs for Special Occasions. Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1904, preface

251 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay “Elements of music.” En: LANGLEY, Charles K.; TOWNE, T. Martin; OGDEN, W.A. (eds.). Uncle Sam’s School Songs : nos. 1 and 2 combined : for use in schools, colleges, institutes, and the home circle. Chicago: Hope Pub. Co., 1904, p.241-252.


And His Subject Indicates That It Will Be Worth Hearing. Mr. M. L. McPhail of Chicago will lecture next Tuesday, April 13, at 7:45 p.m. in the Universalist church on the subject, 'God's Wonderful Plan for Mankind.' His efforts are in no way connected with universalism or any other denomination, but, with malice toward none and charity for all, he speaks his convictions on this important subject, which he believes has been misunderstood by many. He neither asks nor received pay for his work, desiring, above all else the attention of earnest thoughtful people, who want more light on Bible truths and wish to see seemingly contradictory passages of scripture harmonized. Mr. Mcphail is widely known as a lecture on Bible topics, and also as a composer of sacred songs. To hear him sing his own compositions is of itself a treat. Those who heard the Samson lectures recently, will need no pressing invitation to this. The seats will be free and no collection will be taken. [...] The Dawn Class Invites you to hear M.P. McPhail's [sic] lecture and songs at the Universalist church tomorrow evening. Seats free. No collection."252

En junio de 1904 pronuncia discursos en Fort Wayne (Indiana) y Racine (Wisconsin), sobre uno de los principales temas que los EIB destacaban en aquellos años, "Plan of the Ages." En ese mismo mes también anuncia reuniones en Chicago.

“PLAN OF THE AGES Subject of Pilgrim M.L. McPhail of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Allegheny, Pa. Sunday, June 12, 3 P.M. at Elektron Hall, East Berry Street, Opposite Postoffice. In above discourse Bible logic is used showing forth election, free grace, redemption and restitution features of an eternal purpose far surpassing any conception of Scripture heretofore attainable, and found to be so wondrously pictured in type, symbol and parable for the reflection of thinking minds, as floods the mental eye with light and further healthy inquiry. Herein all man’s vital interests and affairs are carefully weighed and solution given for any and every problem presented to the intelligende of searchers after truth. Free literature offered attendance or forwarded from ‘Bible House,’ Arch St., Allegheny, Pa. Whilst questions bearing fruit and edification cheerfully answered with the view of the Society’s endeavor to disseminate christian knowledge and promote the free investigation of ¡Holy Writ’ in tot. Seats free. No collections.”253

“The meetings of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract society at its romos in the Fine Arts building will be conducted by M.L. McPhail in the afternoon, beginning at 2:45, and in the evening at 7 o’clock.”254

En septiembre de 1904 se le menciona en Alton, Illinois. En el anuncio de sus discursos se indica específicamente que es el autor de Zion’s Glad Songs.

252 Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 1904, April 9, p.5; April 11, p.5.

253 "Plan of the Ages." En: The Fort Wayne News (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1904, June 10, p.8; June 11, p.2; The Racine Daily Review (Racine, Wisconsin), 1904, June 25, p.5.

254 “Miscellaneous.” En: The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 1904, June 19, p.8.


“M.L. McPhail, of Chicago, author of ‘Zion’s Glad Songs,’ will preach at K.P. Hall, corner Third and Piasa streets Thursday night, Sept. 29th. Mr. McPhail is enrote to St. Louis to attend the Bible Students’ Convention, to be held Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 1st and 2nd, in Coliseum building 13th and Olive streets. Pastor C.T. Russell, (editor of The Watch Tower, of Allegheny, Pa.), and many other well known bible students will take part in the St. Louis covention.”255

A principios de octubre de 1904 vuelve a discursar en Decatur, Illinois, y, también, vuelve a participar como discursante en la asamblea celebrada en St. Louis.256

“Millennial Dawn—Bible class will hold special meetings at the home of George A. Henderson, 1083 East Eldorado street, Sunday at 10:30 a.m., 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. M.L. McPhail in charge.”257

En febrero, abril y mayo de 1905 se anuncian discursos de McPhail en Grand Rapids (Wisconsin), Minneapolis (Minnesota), Newark y Lima (Ohio) y Washington, D.C.258

“’Millennial Dawn’ readers will be addressed by Brother M.L. McPhail of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract society of Allegheny, Pa., tomorrow in I.O.O.F. hall, at Midway, at 3 p.m. The subject will be ‘The Two Salvations’; at 7:30 p.m., ‘God’s Plan of the Ages.’”259

En agosto de 1905 se publica una carta de un EIB de Iowa en la que se menciona que McPhail había estado visitando aquella congregación.260 El 7 de octubre de 1905261

255 Alton Evening Telegraph (Alton, Illinois), 1904, September 27, p.5; September 28, p.5.

256 El 6 de octubre de 1904 hay constancia de la llegada de un Lindsay McPhail, de 48 años y 11 meses de edad, en el barco “Majestic” al puerto de Nueva York procedente de Liverpool, Gran Bretaña, de donde había partido el 28 de septiembre. Su profesión aparece como “Miner.” Tanto su edad como la profesión indicada no acaban de coincidir con M.L. McPhail. (“New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957.” Year: 1904 [Date: October 6th]; Microfilm serial: T715; Microfilm roll: T715_501; Line: 8. En: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2006). Si se da por válido que son la misma persona y se tiene en cuenta, según los anuncios de los periódicos de Decatur, Illinois, que para el 9 de octubre estaba previsto que diera un discurso en dicha ciudad se puede ver que McPhail tenía una vida bastante ocupada; [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “The St. Louis Convention.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1904, October 15, p.310; Reprints, p.3444.

257 The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1904, October 8, p.8; October 9, p.8.

258 Wisconsin Valley Leader (Grand Rapids, Wisconsin), 1905, February 2, p.1; Grand Rapids Tribune (Grand Rapids, Wisconsin), 1905, February 1, p.5; “Church Notes.” En: The Minneapolis Journal (Minneapolis, Minn.), 1905, February 18, p.17; “Notice Bible Students.” En: Lima Daily News (Lima, Ohio), 1905, April 25, p.6; “Newark Bible Class.” En: The Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1905, April 29, p.6; “The Five Judgments.” En: The Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), 1905, May 11, p.16

259 “Church Notes.” En: The Minneapolis Journal (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 1905, February 18, p.17.

260 ESKELDSEN, J.P. “Encouraging Words from Faithful Workers.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1905, August 15, p.255; Reprints, p.3617.

261 “New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957.” Year: 1905 [Date: October 7th]; Microfilm serial: T715; Microfilm roll: T715_628; Line: 15. En: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2006.

72 hay constancia de la llegada de un Matthew L. McPhail, de 51 años de edad, en el barco “Cedric” al puerto de Nueva York procedente también de Liverpool, Gran Bretaña, de donde había partido el 29 de septiembre. Aparece como “Minister.” Estos datos coinciden con nuestro M.L. McPhail. Seguramente es el registro del regreso de uno de sus viajes al Reino Unido como representante de los EIB. Efectivamente, hay constancia de que McPhail estuvo, al menos, en la asamblea que los EIB celebraron en Glasgow ese año en la que, también, se ganó su apoyo y estima, como indica Jesse Hemery, uno de los responsables de la obra de los EIB en aquel país.

“The brethren appreciated having Brother McPhail at the Convention, and all appreciated your kind thought in prolonging his stay for it. The friends had learned to love him, and to esteem his ministry, and were glad to have the opportunity of seeing and hearing him again before his departure for the States. The loving harmony of the meetings and the peaceful and happy looks of the brethren made a great impression upon some who attended. We hope they will seek and find the same peace in the one Lord. We heard of many weak ones who were confirmed in ‘this way,’ and we know of one dear brother who came with troubled heart, and lost his troubles in consecration to the Lord. May he ever find the rest of the people of God. […] On the Tuesday morning about forty brethren said a final good-bye to Brother McPhail, and wished him ‘God-speed,’ and also a quick return, if that should be the Lord's will. But we all want to see you again, dear brother. Come soon!”262

Recientemente, en una de las publicaciones de uno de los grupos actuales de EIB se publicó una breve nota sobre aquella visita de McPhail a Inglaterra en 1905 y, aunque no menciona las fuentes de las que extraen la información, permite tener una idea de la labor que pudo haber realizado. Según se indica, McPhail estableció 70 grupos de EIB… una labor nada desdeñable.

“On another front it is reported that in 1905 Charles Russell despatched his co-worker Mr. M. L. McPhail to undertake pilgrim visits throughout the U.K. Mr. McPhail’s mission established 70 churches (groups) who subsequently met regularly to study the Bible. Also 27,000 books, explaining the Bible as it was understood at that time, were sold during his mission.”263

En febrero de 1906 McPhail discursa y canta en Topeka, Kansas. En mayo de 1906 se anuncia uno de sus discursos en Racine, Wisconsin. Es un anuncio en el que, a pesar de su brevedad, se exponen de manera sucinta algunas de las creencias que los EIB de la época defendían.264 En junio de 1906 está en Waterloo, Iowa,265 y en Vermillion, South Dakota presentando discursos, alguno de ellos centrado en la segunda venida de Cristo. En julio de 1906 discursó en Wilmington, Ohio.

262 HEMERY, J. “The Glasgow Convention.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1905, November 15, p.341 y 342; Reprints, p.3662; HEMERY, J. “Reports from some of our Foreign Branches : British Branch Report – 1905--.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1906, January 1, p.8; Reprints, p.3699.

263 “Falling away.” En: Peoples Paper and Herald of Christ’s Kingdom : undenominational : a religious newspaper (Rosanna, Victoria, Australia), 2012, vol. 95, no. 1, January-March, p.2.

264 The Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), 1906, May 2, p.5 o 10.

265 Waterloo Times-Tribune (Waterloo, Iowa), 1906, June 27, p.5 [o, The Daily Times-Tribune]


““M. L. McPhail of Chicago will sing and give a discourse on ‘The Divine Plan of The Agres’ on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock and also at 7:45 at the home of Mr. L. L. Frantz. 1204 Western avenue. Everybody welcome.”266

“Second Coming Is Due in 1914. McPhail Preaches to His Followers At Vermillion. Wonderful Events, Declares the Pilgrim, Will Mark the World’s Religious History Eight Years Hence—Stormy Times in Old and New World Confirm His Theory, He Declares. Special to The Journal. Vermillion, S. D., June 19.—In 1914 Christ will come to rule the earth, the dead will rise from their graves and will live for a thousand years unmolested. At the end of that time Satan will again be released and those who are not then followers of the great king will die the second death, never to rise again, but will not be doomed to eternal torment. Such is the belief of M.L. McPhail of Chicago, who delivered a lecture at the operahouse. He is a pilgrim representing the ‘Millenial Dawn’ faith, and came to preach to the followers of the faith in this city. According to the pilgrim, we are now nearing the close of the second dispensation or near the time of the second coming of Christ, when the devil will be chained and the dead will rise to enjoy living without fear of hunger, sickness or death. The first dispensation extended from the creation to the resurrection of Christ. The divine plan has been to work first thru the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then thru the Jewish people. The second dispensation began after the resurrection of Christ, when he gave the command to his disciples to ‘go out into all the world and preach the gospel,’ the plan being to preach to both Jew and Gentile. The third dispensation will come in eight years, or in 1914. In that period Christ will rule in the flesh and the followers of the new thought will be chosen as his disciples. They will rule the earth under the direction of the great king. Mr. McPhail looks kindly upon all churches, but characterizes them as social clubs—the best there is—and says the ‘elect’ must come out from among them. The pilgrim is a very close student, and quotes the scriptures freely to illustrate a point or clinch an argument. He argues taht the recent Japanese war with Russia, the insurance and other investigations, the disquiet among the American people, the Russian revolt, the threatened revolt in France and the trend toward socialism are all in line with the new thought.”267

“Claims Second Coming is Due in Year 1914 In 1914 Christ will come to rule the earth, the dead will rise from their graves and will live for a thousand years unmolested. At the end of that time Satan will again be released, and those who are not then followers of the Great King will die the second death, never to rise again, but will not be doomed to eternal torture. Suchis the belief of McPhail, od Chicago, who delivered a lecture at the Opera-house. He is a pilgrim representing the ‘Millenial Dawn’ faith, and came to preach to the followers of the faith in this city. According to the pilgrim, we are now nearing to close od the second dispensation, or near the time of the second coming of Christ, when the

266 The Topeka State Journal (Topeka, Kansas), 1906, February 8, p.10

267 “Second Coming Is Due in 1914.” En: The Minneapolis Journal (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 1906, June 29, p.21


devil will be chained and the dead will rise to enjoy living without fear of hunger, sickness or death. The first dispensation extended from the creation to the resurrection of Christ. The divine plan has been to work first through the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then through the Jewish people. The second dispensation began after the resurrection of Christ, when he gave the command to his disciples to ‘go out into all the world and preach the gospel,’ the plan being to preach to both Jew and Gentile. The third dispensation will come in eight years, or in 1914. In that period Christ will rule in the flesh and the followers of the new thought will be chosen as his disciples. They will rule the earth under the direction of the Great King. Mr. McPhail looks kindly upon all churches, but characterizes them as social clubs—the best there is—and says the ‘elect’ must come out from among them. The pilgrim is a very close student, and quotes the Scriptures freely to illustrate a point or clinch and argument. He argues that the recent Japanese war with Russia, the insurance and other investigations, the disquiet among the American people, the Russian revolt, the threatened revolt in France and the trend towards socialism are all in line with the new thought.”268

En julio de 1906 lo encontramos participando en la asamblea de los EIB celebrada en Asbury Park, New Jersey, del 22 al 29 de julio de aquel año269 en la que tuvo ciertas responsabilidades en la parte musical presentada.

“ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY [...] However, two informal meetings of colporteurs took place during the week, as well as two song services conducted by Bro. McPhail. [...] SUNDAY EVENING, 7:39 P.M., CASINO Service begun by singing hymn No. 8 Bro. McPhail sang 'A Thousand Years.' Bro. McPhail gave his discourse on 'Elect and non-Elect.' There were present about 1,500; Bro. McPhail was at his best, and was listened to with great interest. [...] At the close of his discourse Bro. McPhail sang 'Gladness Will Come.'

GLADNESS WILL COME Some glowing morn when heaven bends caressing Earth's darkest vale to cheer. Waking to know and love our Father's blessing. Life will be grandly dear.

Chorus: Gladness will come, hallelujah, it is coming: Gladness is on the way: God will unveil the fullness of his mercy Gladness will come to stay.

Some holy hour when broken hearts are crying; Turning from sin away. Mercy will bring a solace from their sighing. Gladness will come to stay.

268 “Claims Second Coming is Due in year 1914.” En: The Wilmington Journal (Wilmington, Ohio), 1906, July 18, p.3.

269 “The Asbury Park Convention.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1906, August 15, p.260; Reprints, p.3838.


Fullness of joy will shine away our sorrow Sighing will flee away. Tears will not mar life's beautiful tomorrow, Gladness will come to stay.

SECOND DAY, MONDAY MORNING, July 23, 1906, Auditorium Meeting opened at 9 A.M. by singing hymn No. 1 in Zion's Glad Songs. Praise meeting until 10:30, led by Bro. Thorne of Boston. Lesson read was Ps 103: vs. 1 to 13. After a short comment by Bro. Thorne, the meeting was thrown open for testimony. [...] On Monday afternoon there was no regular meeting, about 300 of the friends gathered in the Auditorium and had a song service led by Bro. McPhail. [...] TUESDAY JULY 24 Morning Session, 9:30 A.M. [...] There was no service in the afternoon, but quite a number of the friends met at the Auditorium informally and were led in song service by Bro. McPhail. [...] TUESDAY EVENING SESSION [...] At the close of Bro. Herr's discourse Brother Williamson said that Brother McPhail had a song which fits in with the discourse very nicely, and asked him to sing it. Brother McPhail then sang:

Oh, What A Change Soon will our Savior from Heaven appear, Sweet is the hope and its power to cheer; All will be changed by a glimpse of his face -- This is the goal at the end of the race.

Chorus: Oh, what a change! Oh, what a change! When I shall see His wonderful face. Oh, what a change, Oh, what a change! When I shall see his face.

Loneliness changed to reunion complete, Absence exchange for a place at His feet, Sleeping ones raised in a moment of time, Living ones changed to His image sublime. Cho.

Sunrise will chase all the darkness away, Night will be changed to the brightness of day, Tempests will change to ineffable calm, Weeping will change to a jubilant psalm. Cho.

Weakness will change to magnificent strength, Failure will change to perfection at length, Sorrow will change to unending delight, Walking by faith change to walking by sight. Cho. [...]”270

270 JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Conventions : Asbury Park, New Jersey, July 22-29, 1906, St. Paul, Minnesota, Aug. 13-20, 1906. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1906, p.7, 16, 24, 27 y 32.


Ilustración 23. M.L. McPhail junto a otros destacados EIB peregrinos –pilgrims—en la asamblea de Asbury Park, New Jersey. 1906. (Fuentes: Convention Report, 1906; Mike Castro; Brian Kutscher)

En agosto de 1906 discursa en Hempstead, N.Y.271 Ese mismo mes se publica un amplio artículo en la prensa de Elwood, Indiana, muy similar al que el mes anterior se había publicado en la prensa de Wilmington, Ohio.

”CHICAGO MAN PREDICTS END OF THE WORLD Quotes Scripture to Prove that Time Will Come in 1914 Trend of Worlds Affairs Bear Out His Theory, He Says It is a Readable Story. The end of the world is not faraway according the belief of M.L. McPhail, of Chicago. Mr. McPhail satates that in 1914 Christ will come to rule the earth, the dead will rise from their graves and will live for a thousand years unmolested. At the end of that time Satan will again be released, and those who are not then followers of the Great King will die the second death, never to rise again, but will not be doomed to eternal torture. According to McPhail we are now nearing to close od the second dispensation, or near the time of the second coming of Christ, when the devil will be chained and the dead will rise to enjoy living without fear of hunger, sickness or death. The first dispensation extended from the creation to the resurrection of Christ. The Divine plan has been to work

271 The Hempstead Sentinel (Hempstead, N.Y.), 1906, August ¿2?, p.8


first through the patriarch, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then through the Jewish people. The second dispensation began after the resurrection of Christ, when he gave the command to his disciples to ‘go out into all the world and preach the gospel,’ the plan being to preach to both Jew and Gentile. The third dispensation will come in eight years, or in 1914. In that period Christ will rule in the flesh and the followers of the new thought will be chosen as his disciples. They will rule the earth under the direction of the Great King. Mr. McPhail looks kindly upon all churches, but characterizes them as social clubs—the best there are—but that ‘elect’ must come out from among them. Mr. McPhail is a very close student of the Bible, and quotes the Scriptures freely to illustrate a point or cinch and argument. He argues that the recnt [sic] Japanese war with Russia, the insurance and other investigations, the disquiet among the American people as a whole, the Russian revolt, the threatened revolt in France, and the trend towards socialism are all in line with the new thought.”272

En octubre de 1906 discursa en Lima, Ohio.273 En noviembre de 1906 vuelve a estar en Newark, Ohio, presentando discursos.274 En diciembre de 1906 está discursando en Fort Wayne, Indiana.275

En 1906 McPhail publica el cuarto volumen de la serie Winnowed Anthems no.4.276 Contiene 58 piezas de 22 autores entre los que destacan algunos como L.O. Emerson, C.H. Gabriel, T. Harris, E.A. Hoffman o I.B. Wilson. Los derechos de copyright del volumen están a nombre de la Hope Publishing Company.

En mayo de 1907 discursa en Fort Wayne, Indiana.277 Ese mes también anuncia reuniones en Chicago.

“Chicago Bible class, Handel hall, 40 Randolph Street. At 2:30 p. m. M. L. McPhail will speak on ‘The Divine Plan of the Ages.’”278

272 “Chicago Man Predicts End of the World.” En: The Elwood Free Press (Elwood, Indiana), 1906, August 9, p.1.

273 “’The Light of the World’.” En: Lima Times Democrat (Lima, Ohio), 1906, October 3, p.7.

274 “Newark Bible Class.” En: The Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1906, November 17, p.5; “The Elect and Non-Elect.” En: The Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1906, November 21, p.3.

275 The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1906, December 16, p.46.

276 [¿McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.)?]. Winnowed Anthems for Quartet and Chorus Choirs : No.4. Chicago: The Hope Publishing Company, cop. 1906. En el volumen 4º no aparece McPhail como editor, ni tampoco aparece ninguna composición suya por lo que, es posible, que este volumen no fuera obra directa suya. Los volúmenes 3 y 4 de esta serie también se publicaron en un único volumen bajo el título: Winnowed Anthems Nos. 3 and 4 Combined.

277 “Dekalb County News : Local Items and Personal News from Over the County.” En: The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1907, may 1, p.3 o 6.

278 “Miscellaneous.” En: The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 1907, May 5, p.6.


Ilustración 24. Cubierta de Winnowed Anthems : number four, de 1906.

Ilustración 25. Winnowed Anthems no. 3 and 4 combined, de 1906. Dos encuadernaciones diferentes

En junio de 1907 participa en la asamblea que los EIB celebran en Indianápolis, Indiana, del 14 al 17 de junio en la que discursará junto a otros EIB de renombre como C.T. Russell, C.A. Wise, M.L. Herr, L.D. Jones, F. Draper y O.L. Sullivan. En julio de ese año aparece discursando en Baxter Springs, Kansas, con el añadido que en el anuncio que se publicó se indica claramente su vertiente de compositor de himnos. 79

“SUNDAY JUNE 16, 1907 [...] 2:30 P. M., Sunday, June 16, the public began to arrive. The friends were in various parts of the great hall, while on the large platform were seated about eighty of the brethren. A half hour was spent in a song service. Besides singing a number of hymns, we were favored with special selections. Bro. John. T. Read, of Chicago, sang the song entitled ‘A Thousand Years.’ This was followed by a duet by Brother Read and Bro. M. L. McPhail, ‘My Greatest Desire.’ Sister Elizabeth Nation, of the Bible House, then sang, ‘Saved by Grace.’ [...]”279

“On Sunday, July 7, at 3 p.m., at Mount Hope school house, one and one- half miles southwest of Baxter, M.L. McPhail, traveling under the auspices of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, will give a free discourse on ‘Gods Plans of the Ages.’ Professor McPhail is a Bible student of note; also autor of some of the best hymns in our modern hymnals. It will repay you for your trouble to hear him.”280

En un directorio de Chicago de 1907 aparece como “evangelist” residiendo en la dirección “806 W 67th.”281 En agosto de 1907 se le encuentra presentando discursos en varias ciudades de Kansas como Hutchinson y Clay Center, donde se le presenta como “evangelist”, Wichita, El Dorado o Abilene.

“LECTURE. By Evangelist M.L. McPhail of Chicago at G.A.R. Hall Thursday. Evangelist M.L. McPhail of Chicago will deliver non-sectarian illustrated Bible lectures at G.A.R. hall next Thursday afternoon at 2:30 and evening at 8. All are cordially invited to hear him free. Subject, ‘Elect and Non- Elect, or the two Salvations.’ Who are the elect will be considered from the standpoint of the Bible doctrine of election and free grace, and God’s plan seen to the just, loving, wise and comprehensive beyond all theories and dogmas of men.”282

“Free Lecture Wednesday evening, August 21 At the Baptist Church M.L. McPhail will deliver a non-sectarian illustrated Bible lecture entitled The Elect and the Non-Elect Everybody invited. No collection taken and no admission charged. Lecture begins promptly at eight o`clock.”283

279 HUNTSINGER, Geo. H. & JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society’s Conventions of Believers in the Atoning Blood of Christ : Indianapolis, Ind., June 14-17 : Niagara Falls, N.Y., Aug. 30-Sept. 6 : Norfolk, Va., Sept. 29-Oct. 6 : 1907 : Part I. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1907, p.52; “The Indianapolis Convention.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1907, July 15, p.214; Reprints, p.4026; “Many Bible Students Attends First Meeting.” En: The Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Indiana), 1907, June 14, p.7.

280 Baxter Springs News (Baxter Springs, Kansas), 1907, July 4, p.2

281 Chicago Central Business and Office Building Directory 1907. Chicago: The Paul Mensch Directory Company, 1907, p.1599.

282 “Lecture.” En: The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, Kansas), 1907, August 7, p.4.

283 The Times (Clay Center, Kansas), 1907, August 15, p.2.


“M.L. McPhail, evangelist, of Chicago, Ill., at the Baptist church on Wednesday evening, August 21st. […] Come out and hear M.L. McPhail of Chicago deliver his celebrated lecture ‘The Elect and the Non-Elect,’ on Wednesday evening, August 21st, at the Baptist church.”284

“Be Sure and hear Evangelist McPhail of Chicago next Thursday afternoon and night at the G.A.R. hall in his illustrated lectures on God’s plan of the ages. Free.”285

“M.L. McPhail, the pilgrim preacher will speak at the residence of Mrs. M. Whims at 729 Martinson avenue at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. In the evening he will speak at the Fraternal Aid hall at 119 North Emporia avenue [...]”286

“The Half Was Never Told. There are people who believe the world is just entering the Millennial Reign of Christ, and that a wonderful age of progress, both material and spiritual, is about to be ushered in (preceeded, however, by a brief period of the most intense strife and anarchy.) They believe that the earth and the great bulk of humanity, both present and past, will during the next thousand years, be restored to the perfection which six thousand years was exampled in the Garden of Eden. They reject the idea of eternal torment, claiming it to be unscriptural; asserting that inly those who are guilty of sinning willfully against the fullest light (information) are to be considered incorrigible, these and these only are to be destroyed in the Second Death. They believe that God has for six thousand years been allowing man to gain a sad experience with sin, that he will during the next thousand years (the Millennium) restrain sin that man may see righteousness in all of its beauty, and witness the blessed results of its reign. Having had six thousand years’ experience with sin and one thousand years’ experience with righteousness, man will be well prepared to make a wise choice as to which he will serve, and will then be tested by the loosing of Satan to deeive those who during this long period shall have failed to become well grounded in godliness. Those being thus deceived will go down to the second death from which there will be no resurrection. But space will not permite a rehearsal of all the peculiar views of these people. Come and hear a discourse along these lines on ‘God’s Eternal Purpose.’ If you are seeking the truth, you will be amply repaid for all time and effort by attending. Undenominational. Seats free. No collection. Sunday afternoon 2:30 at residence of Mrs. M. Whim, 729 Martinson avenue. Sunday evening at Fraternal Aid hall, 119 North Emporia. M.L. McPHAIL, Pilgrim Preacher.”287

“The Bible. Elder M.L. McPhail, of Chicago, will give a discourse on the Bible, nonsectarian in views, at the Christian church on Tuesday evening, August 13 at 8:30 p.m. Everycone come and hear this man, whose name

284 The Times (Clay Center, Kansas), 1907, August 15, p.8; Hutchinson Daily News (Hutchinson, Kansas), 1907, August 7, p.4.

285 The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, Kansas), 1907, August 7, p.8.

286 The Wichita Beacon (Wichita, Kansas), 1907, August 10, p.5.

287 “The Half Was Never Told.” En: The Wichita Beacon (Wichita, Kansas), 1907, August 10, p.5.


you will find in Pentacostal hymns, and other song books, as composer of many of the sacred hymns used in the church today. No collection will be taken.288”

“Bible Studies in Prophecy. In relation to our time. By M. L. McPhail of Alleghany Pa., under auspices of local Daum Circle at Baptist church Sunday 18th., at 2:30 p.m. and Monday at 8 p.m. same place.”289

En otra cita de ese mismo mes, agosto de 1907, se le encuentra en Burlingame, Kansas, siendo interesante que se le describe como compositor y autor de una gran número de “original music”, además, de ser reconocido por el uso que hace de la misma en sus servicios religiosos:

“A FREE LECTURE On Wednesday, Aug. 28, at 7:30 p.m., in Red Men’s hall (over Jones Clothing store) Elder M.L. McPhail, of Chicago, who is traveling under the auspices of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, will deliver a free lecture or discourse in harmony with the prophetic and New Testament tachings of ‘The Harvest Truths’ (Matt. 13:37-43). Elder McPhail is a musician of note, having composed and published a large amount of original music and uses the song service largely in his services- Everybody cordially invited. No collections.”290

En septiembre de 1907 discursa en Iola, Otttawa y Saint Joseph (Brown Count), en Kansas.

“REV. M.L. McPhail, of Allegany, Pa., will preach a Millennial Dawn sermon at the Union Labor hall this evening. Every one is invited to attend this service. There a number of Iola people who are members of the Millennial Dawn denomination.”291

“Non-Sectarian Illustrated Bible Lecture. ‘The Elect and the Non-Elect’ according to the plan of the ages, at Carnegie library hall, Monday, September 9, at 7:30, by M.L. McPhail, of Chicago, evangelist. Who are the elect? Are the millions of infants, heathen and idiots who die not knowing Christ, doomed to eternal torment as non-elect? If not, when will God’s Free Grace give them an opportunity to learn of him? These centuries-old questions of controversy between the Arminian and Calvinist schools of theology will be considered from the standpoint of the bible doctrines of election and free grace of God’s plan seen to be just and loving and wise and comprehensive beyond all theories and dogmas of men. Your are cordially invited to attend, the lecture is free.”292

288 “The Bible.” En: The Walnut Valley Times (El Dorado, Kansas), 1907, August 8, p.2; August 9, p.4; August 12, p.3.

289 “Bible Studies in Prophecy.” En: Abilene Daily Chronicle (Abilene, Kansas), 1907, August 17, p.4; Abilene Daily Reflector (Abilene, Kansas), 1907, August 17, p.4.

290 “A Free Lecture.” En: The Osage County Chronicle (Burlingame, Kansas), 1907, August 22, p.1.

291 “City News.” En: The Iola Register (Iola, Kansas), 1907, September 3, p.5.

292 “Non-Sectarian Illustrated Bible Lecture.” En: The Evening Herald (Ottawa, Kansas), 1907, September 6, p.5; “Non-Sectarian Bible Lecture.” En: The Ottawa Daily Republic (Ottawa, Kansas), 1907, September 7, p.4.


“Mr. and Mrs. Squire went to St. Joseph Monday to attend a meeting of Bible students addressed by M.L. McPhail of the Watch Tower Bible House of Allegheny, Pa. Mrs. Squire’s sister, Miss Grace Smith of Beloit, will also attend the meeting and return home with Mrs. Squire for a few days visit.”293

En 1907 McPhail publica un nuevo cancionero Zion’s Glad Songs No. 2 con contenido diferente al de 1900. La fecha de edición puede tomarse de forma aproximativa a partir de las fechas de copyright de los 65 himnos incluidos, siendo la más reciente la de 1907.294 Por tanto, posiblemente se editó en ese mismo año o a inicios del siguiente. Al final de este himnario, en la cubierta posterior, se incluyen anuncios de algunas publicaciones de Russell, por lo que las relaciones serían todavía amistosas. Pero se observan diferencias importantes. El breve prefacio que incluye viene firmado directamente por McPhail y, además, se especifica que para adquirirlo se deben dirigir a la dirección de K. McPhail (seguramente Kate, la esposa del propio McPhail)... por tanto, ninguna mención ni a Russell ni a la Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society como en el caso de su primer Zion's Glad Songs de 1900.

“To the Dear Friends of the Truth. In sending out ZION'S GLAD SONGS No. 2, it is hoped that the selections included therein will be found to contain 'meat in due season to the household of faith.' In compiling this little book the author has had in view the times in which we are living and the troubles, trials, and discouragements with which the saints are and will be encompassed; and he has therefore introduced such songs as will be specially suitable to those conditions; songs, which, he believes, will be instrumental in God's hands in encouraging, strengthening, upbuilding, and establishing the Lord's dear people--thus helping them to surmount all difficulties to which they will be subject. Two or three songs requested by a number of friends could not be procured from the publishers at any price. May this little book assist in strengthening and comforting your hearts, is the prayer of Your brother and fellow-servant, M.L. McPHAIL. Note:--All orders for Zion's Glad Songs No. 2 should be sent directly to K. McPHAIL 806 W. 67th St. Chicago, Ill”295

293 “Prairie View.” En: Brown County World (Hiawatha, Kansas), 1907, September 20, p.14.

294 En el Catalogue of Copyright Entries. Part 3: Musical Compositions, editado en 1907 por la Copyright Office de la Library of Congress, figura que la mayoría de las piezas contenidas en Zion's Glad Songs No.2 ya se habían registrado entre enero y febrero de 1907, por lo que es probable que el himnario viera la luz ese mismo año.

295 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. Zion's Glad Songs No.2 : for all ...Christian Gatherings... Chicago, Ills.: K. McPhail, [1907?], contracubierta anterior.


Ilustración 26. Cubierta del Zion's Glad Songs, no. 2, de 1907. (Colección personal de MAPN)

En 1908,296 de nuevo McPhail edita otro himnario con el mismo título, Zion's Glad Songs (conocido como Zion's Glad Songs (Complete)). Lo publica directamente ya el propio M.L. McPhail, también en Chicago, Ills. No se trata ya de un folleto, como los dos anteriores de 1900 y 1907, si no que es ya un volumen encuadernado en tapa dura que contiene 248 himnos, entre ellos todos los que Mcphail ya había incluido antes en los dos Zion's Glad Songs ya publicados. Al parecer, McPhail tenía la intención de publicar cuatro diferentes Zion’s Glad Songs en forma de folleto. Al menos así parece entreverse de un anuncio que incluyó en el folleto que publicó, The Covenants, de índole doctrinal.297

“Note.—We have a number of Zion’s Glad Songs on hand, prices as follows: No. 1 at 5 cents per copy No. 2 at 5 cents per copy. The Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, bound together in cloth, 35 cents per copy, postage prepaid. Send money to postoffice money order or express money order; or for small orders, American postage stamps. Do not send personal checks. Address all orders for gospel song-books to M.L. McPhail 706 W. 67th Boul’d Chicago, Ill.”298

296 En el Catalogue of Copyright Entries. Part 3: Musical Compositions, editado en 1908 por la Copyright Office de la Library of Congress, figura que la mayoría de las piezas contenidas en Zion's Glad Songs (complete) ya se habían registrado entre enero y febrero de 1908, por lo que es probable que el himnario viera la luz ese mismo año.

297 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. The Covenants. Chicago, Ill.: M.L. McPhail, 1909, cubierta posterior.

298 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. The Covenants. Chicago, Ill.: M.L. McPhail, 1909, cubierta posterior.


Únicamente he localizado los dos primeros folletos ya presentados anteriormente (de 1900 y de 1907) y, no he visto nada escrito al respecto de los números 3 y 4. Johnson, incluso habla de 5 números. Es posible que los publicara directamente encuadernados en el Zion’s Glad Songs (Complete) de 1908. En este himnario ya no se encuentra referencia alguna a las publicaciones de Russell. No obstante, como se verá a continuación, este himnario se utilizó, al menos, en una de las asambleas de los EIB, celebrada en febrero de 1908, por lo que todavía las relaciones entre Russell y McPhail no se habrían roto por completo. Igualmente en el prefacio, muy parecido al anterior, firmado por el propio McPhail, no se encuentra mención alguna ni de Russell ni de la Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Estos dos últimos himnarios (Zion’s Glad Songs no.2 y Zion’s Glad Songs [Complete]) son ya obra directa y personal de M.L. McPhail y son una muestra de que la situación con Russell se estaba enrareciendo.

Ilustración 27. Portada y cubierta de Zion's Glad Songs (Complete), de 1908. (Col. personal de MAPN)

“To the Dear Friends of the Truth: 'Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.'--1 Cor. 11-31 Our motives in compiling and issuing ZION'S GLAD SONGS complete, have been the glory of God and the spiritual upbuilding of His people. In sending out this work, it is hoped that the selections included therein will be found to contain ‘meat in due season to the household of faith.’ In compiling the book the author has had in view the times in which we are living, and the troubles, trials and discouragements with which the Saints are and will be encompassed; and he has therefore introduced such songs as will be specially suitable to those conditions; songs, which, he believes, will be instrumental in God's hands in encouraging, strengthening, upbuilding, and establishing the Lord's dear people--thus helping them to surmount all difficulties to which they will be subject.


If ZION's Glad Songs Complete be instrumental in accomplishing the things mentioned, the Author will feel well repaid for his labor in connection with the book. Your brother and fellow-servant, M.L. McPHAIL.” 299

Los años 1908 y 1909, por tanto, serían cruciales en la relación de McPhail con Russell puesto que, finalmente, se apartaría de los EIB, creando un grupo propio en Chicago. No se sabe exactamente cuándo empezaron a surgir esas divergencias doctrinales entre ambos, pero la ruptura principal vino como consecuencia de diferencias de opinión en cuanto al Nuevo Pacto y el valor que el sacrificio de Cristo representaba para los miembros de la Iglesia verdadera. No obstante, es seguro que hubiera más aspectos que fueran desencadenando el camino que llevara a la ruptura final. En el caso de la música es posible que McPhail deseara que Russell le diera mayor preponderancia a sus himnarios300 pero, lo que se observa en las publicaciones de los EIB es lo contrario… Russell apoyó más el Hymns of the Millennial Dawn en detrimento del Zion’s Glad Songs. Por ejemplo, en la asamblea de 1905, celebrada en Niagara Falls, New York, se indica lo siguiente:

“At 2 o’clock the afternoon session was opened with a praise service, led by Bro. L.W. Jones, of Chicago, Ill. ‘Zion’s Glad Songs’ were used, as in all the Praise Services, the leaflets being used at other times. (At the close of the convention the friends were allowed to take away the copies of Zion’s Glad Songs, as souvenirs of the convention).”301

Es una clara referencia a que la utilización de este himnario era importante en aquellas ocasiones. Como se verá más adelante, en 1908 aquello cambiaría drásticamente. Es posible que Russell no viera con buenos ojos que McPhail realizara la edición de aquellos dos nuevos himnarios de 1907 y 1908 o, que quizás viera algún indicio de obtener notoriedad por parte de McPhail en aras a un mayor reconocimiento dentro del grupo. Incluso es posible que McPhail y Russell tuvieran ciertas divergencias en cuanto al pago o no de los derechos de autor y, en cuanto a adquirir o no permisos para utilizar ciertas piezas. O, sencillamente, se estuviera fraguando ya algunas diferencias doctrinales entre ambos. P.S.L. Johnson es quien ofrece una explicación más extensa y elaborada al respecto con una teoría que, al menos, y a pesar de ser algo farragosa, tiene a su favor el haber sido descrita por un contemporáneo de los hechos.

“David experienced a series of afflictions in the second half of his reign, so did our Pastor in the second half of his office as the executive of the Lord’s Harvest work. These afflictions in David’s case began in his

299 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. Zion's Glad Songs for all ...Christian Gatherings... Chicago, Il.: M.L. McPhail, [1908], p.[1].

300 Parece ser que esta razón circula en algunos círculos de EIB. Por Internet puede leerse: "McPhail was probably offended that C.T. Russell had declined to use his hymns exclusively." ([PARKINSON, James]. The Bible Student Movement in the Days of C.T. Russell. 3rd ed., preliminary copy. [S.l.: the author?], 1999 Jan. [original ed. 1975], nota nº50 en la p.41. [10-7-12; no accesible en 14-2-16]).

301 JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Convention : Niagara Falls, NY : July 8, 9, 10, 11 : 1905. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1905, p.11. Aunque aquí no se menciona directamente a C.T. Russell, sino a L.W. Jones como el que hace uso de ese cancionero para el “Praise Service”.


family, and in our Pastor’s case in the Bible House family at Allegheny. In the latter case the Bible House members who figured in the troubles were crown-losers. It will be noted that it was shown [...] that Absalom [...] typed the Bible House family, especially in its leaders and Amon [...], David’s firstborn, the pilgrims. But in this chapter both them represent crown-losers in these respective classes. Tamar [...], a daughter, represents the publishing feature of Bro. Russell’s executive power; and her being more closely related to Absalom than to Amnon indicates that the crown-losers in the Bible House family had more to do with this feature of Bro. R.’s executive power than crown-losers among the pilgrims. Her being beautiful (fair) represents the goodliness of this power. But unfortunately crown-lost pilgrims coveted the exercise of this power (Amon ... loved her). Varios crown-lost pilgrims did this, e.g., Messrs. Barbour, Paton, Von Zech, etc.; Mrs. Russell illustrates this in her efforts to control some things that would appear in the Tower, which was Bro. R.’s province to control; and M.L. McPhail also illustrates this in the matter of his hymnal. His theory was that while Bro. R. was the onw to give the meat in due season, he was the one to furnish the hymns and music additional to the Hymns of Millennial Dawn. Certain others of the pulgrims also had the publishing bee buzzing in their ears. For any of them to publish something with Bro. R.’s approval was in harmony with his pertinent power; but to covet so to do, and to do it without his approval was a violation, a symbolic rape, of his pertinent power. Some of these pilgrims so inordinately desired to use this power that they became spiritually sick [...]. The power was a consecrated one (virgin); and at the outstart of this ambition the pertinent pilgrims were restrained from the wrong by the consciousness that for them to exervise this power would be evil. (2) Certain ones of the Kohathite crown-losers [...] were closely attached to the executive-power covetous pilgrims; and as antitypical Kohathites they were especially subtile (very subtil). Their mental keenness, observing such pilgrims, made them aware that something was sapping progressively the latters’ spirituality, which led them to inquire as to the cause [...]. These made known their desire to have the power to publish [...]. Antitypical Jonadab counseled that they should show their desire to publish in a sickly way that would curtail their pilgrim efforts [...] and attract Bro. R.’s sympathetic attention [...]. Thereupon they should make request that they be allowed to publish certain things. We will use M.L. McP. to illustrate the course of antitypical Amnon. He as a pilgrim used considerable time in composing music for hymns, which proved an unhealthy thing, since it cut down his pilgrim service (bed ... sick). This came to Bro. R.’s attention [...] and in their discurssion of the matter M.L. McP. asked to publish his hymns [...]. Bro. R. consented to his using his musical talent in a publishing way, since he claimed that htus he could better serve the Lord as a pilgrim, if he used his musicla talent as a relaxation in the pilgrim work [...]. The result was the production by M.L. McP. of Zion’s Glad Songs I and II [...]. Part I Bro. R. published and introduced to the classes for use, not in the regular services, but un praise services; and Part II M.L. McP. published with Bro. R.’s consent and recommendation to the ecclesias for use in praise service [...]. Thus Bri. R.’s publishing power [...] and office force (pan) were used to circulate these two parts of Zion’s Glad Songs, in M.L. McP. favor (poured them out before him). The same general course was adoptes toward Mrs. R.’s and other pilgrims’ similar aspirations. [...] M.L. McP. was not content with the publication of Zion’s Glad Songs, I, II [...]. But Bro. R., thinking the regular Hymnal and the two parts of Z.G.S. enough for the singing needs of the brethren, refused to consent to publishing more parts, M.L. McP. having by that time prepared three more parts to Zion’s Glad Songs. Hence M.L. McP. decided that he would, unknown to others [...], publish the five parts in a cloth-bound book, as Zion’s Glad Songs Complete, 87 after he for a long time had dailed to persuade our Pastor thereto. His coveted secrecy was secured, perhaps he believing that after the complete book would appear Bro. R. would sanction and recommend it to the classes [...]. (3) He desired secretly to add to his three new parts the two parts that Bro. R.’s publishing power had sanctioned [...], claiming that thereby he would be refreshed [...]. Unsuspicious of his purpose, Bro. R. consented to his taking the responsibility of the future circulation (a power or Bro. R.) of Parts I and II, as he requested [...]. After he was given the right to manage Parts I and II [...], he in secret determined to seize hold of a part of Bro. R.’s publishing power not deputized to him [...] and determined to publish all five parts in one book, which was a determination to defile the pertinent power [...]. In his further deliberations on his purpose, this power through his conscience expostulated eartnestly against his course [...] His conscience as to the misuse of this power pointed out the wrong as opposed to the ideals of God’s people (ought not to be done in Israel). It also protested against its unprofitableness; for he feared that Bro. R. would oppose it, and, voicing his opposition, would make his venture unprofitable folly [...]. Again, his conscience as to the misuse of this power showed him that shame would cleave to the power so used, a thing that he should have prevented [...]. Moreover, his conscience as to his misuse of this power pleaded against the act as making him to be regardes as a fool among God’s people [...]. Finally, his conscience as to his misuse of this power counseled him to seek Bro. R.’s consent to his use of his power to publish Zion’s Glad Songs Complete [...]. But he stifled his conscience speaking as to his misuse of this power [...] His wilfulness proved stronger than his conscience speaking as to his misuse of this power [...]; and he wilfully published Zion’s Glad Songs Complete [...] and thus defiled Bro. R.’s pertinent power [...]. He sinned wilfully in this matter, as the following facts will prove. He ran the book through the press in 1907 and circulated it early in 1908. That year he fought the vow and came out against the Truth on the Sin-offering, Mediator and Covenant as a sifter (1 Cor. 3:17). He acknowledged to Bro. Barton that, not those three doctrinal points, but Bro. R.’s refusal to sancgtion and recommend Zion’s Glad Songs Complete, was what offended him— bitterness instead of repentance of wrong. In Mrs. R.’s case and in that of others the very same things in principle were done. (4) The unholy ambition of antitypical Amnon, as seen, e.g., in Mrs. R. and Mr. McP., got them into trouble with Bro. R. and the whole Church, which embittered them toward him and his executive powers, so much so that it overtopped their former love for him and his executive powers as to publishing [...]. This led them to renounce him and his pertinent powers as ‘that Servant’ [...]. This publishing power, voicing itself through the protests of the Church at this repudiation, told the evil-doers by word and act that they had no justification for it [...] and that this deed was worse than the raping of that power [...]. But their bitterness made them pay no heed to the protests raised at the pertinent repudiation [...]. They discussed the question of ‘that Servant’ with their supporters [...] and gave them arguments allegedly disproving the doctrine ‘that Servant’ was an individual, alleging that it was a class, and with these arguments required their supporters to join the repudiation [...] and to prevent that doctrine to re-enter the sphere of their activity [...]. Besides this publishing feature of our Pastor’s executive powers he had other actual varied powers, i.e., to direct the pilgrim, colporteur, volunteer, photo-drama, newspaper, extension, pastoral, correspondence, etc., work and to direct the work at headquarters along the line of its various departments; for all these were works of consecration [...]. Antitypical Amnon’s supporters made the repudiation of Bro. R. as ‘that Servant’ [...] and hardened their hearts from permitting it to re-enter their sphere of activity [...]. In the hearts of the brethren this publishing power mourned at the remembrance of the


misdeed [...], did violence to this power by overstressing it [...], mourned in their work [...] and felt freat sorrow [...]- (5) The crown-losers in the Bible House family, especially in E.C. Henninges adn to Mrs. R.’s pertinent course, and in A.E. Williamson as to Mr. McP.’s pertinent course, examined the situation as to its real nature in so far as this power mourned in the brethren [...]. They counseled silence on the subject [...], made excuses for the evil-doers [...] and bade them no to lay it to heart [...]. This misused power remained desolate in the sphere of the crown-losers in the Bible House family [...]. This symbolic raping or Bro. R.’s publishing power greatly displeased him; and he expressed his disapproval in writing and speech, especially in the cases of Mrs. R. and Mr. McP.; it also showed itself as to the anti-ransomism writings of Mr. Barbour, the infidelism writings of Mr. Paton and the combinationism writings of Mr. Von Zech, all of whom abused Bro. R.’s publishing powers.”302

Si el relato de Johnson es cierto, no hay duda que existió un duro foco de confrontación entre Russell y McPhail basado en la publicación de Zion’s Glad Songs Complete. El uso de estos himnarios Zion’s Glad Songs está documentado, al menos, en las asambleas de julio de 1905,303 1906,304 y febrero de 1908.

“WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 10:30 A. M. -- Colporteur Meeting. There were about 400 of the friends present at this service, which was opened with song and prayer. Brother and Sister Geo. Draper sang for us the song entitled:

'Lord Let Me Come To Thee.' (No. 127 Zion's Glad Songs Complete.)

Out of my darkness into Thy light, Out of my weakness into Thy might, Lord let me come to Thee; Out of my poverty into Thy wealth, Out of my sickness into Thy health, Lord let me come to Thee.

Chorus: O Let the light, marvelous light, Scatter the shadows and banish the night; Let the light come and let the stay, Until there dawneth eternal day.

Out of my hunger, out of my thirst, Out of my faults that weaken and worst, Lord let me come to Thee; Out of my folly and out of my pride, Out of my sins that beset and betide, Lord let me come to Thee.

302 JOHNSON, Paul S.L. The Paroussia Messenger, Vol. II. 7.000 Ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: P.S.L. Johnson, 1949, p.193-197. (Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures ; Series XIV).

303 JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Convention : Niagara Falls, NY : July 8, 9, 10, 11 : 1905. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1905, p.11.

304 JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Conventions : Asbury Park, New Jersey, July 22-29, 1906, St. Paul, Minnesota, Aug. 13-20, 1906. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1906, p.16.


Out of my longings into Thy peace, Out of my bondage into release, Lord It me come to Thee; Out of my waywardness into Thy love, Out of my weariness to rest above, Lord let me come to Thee.” 305

Ilustración 28. M.L. McPhail con otros destacados EIB de la época. Puede reconocerse a (fila superior, de izquierda a derecha) Benjamin H. Barton, M.L. McPhail, William E. Van Amburgh y ¿F.A. Hall o S.D. Senor?; (fila inferior) Frank Draper, G.B. Raymond y Walter H. Bundy (Fuente: Mike Castro)

En abril de 1908 continúa organizando reuniones en Chicago.

“Watch Tower Bible class, 40 Randolph Street, Handel hall. ;.L. McPhail will speak at 3 `p.m.; ‘Slow to Speak.’”306

305 JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Convention : Cincinnati, Ohio : February 23-March 1 : 1908. [Chicago, Ill.?]: L.W. Jones, 1908, p.77 (En otras ediciones electróincas consultadas la página aparece sin numerar). En esta cita se menciona un himnario Zion’s Glad Songs Complete que no se refiere al himnario de 1900 (1902, 1903 o 1905) o 1907, si no a un himnario posterior más extenso que M.L. McPhail editó en 1908 y que fue utilizado por los EIB antes de la separación definitiva con Russell hacia 1908 o 1909. La canción nº 127 es “Lord Let Me Come to Thee”, con música de M.L. McPhail y letra de Hattie O. Henderson y, su íncipit es “Out of my darkness into thy light.”

306 The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 1908, April 12, p.12.


Ilustración 29. Asamblea de EIB en Put-in-Bay, Ohio, en septiembre de 1908. Puede observarse a Matthew Lindsay McPhail, sentado justo al lado de Charles Taze Russell (primera fila, tercero por la derecha) y otros reconocidos EIB de época, como Barton, Bohnet, Herr, Williamson, Brenneisen, etc. (Fuente: Mike Castro)

En mayo de 1908 todavía presenta discursos como EIB en Decatur y Mattoon, en Illinois, y Evansville, en Indiana, para los EIB. De nuevo, en julio, discursa en Decatur, Illinois.

“M.L. McPhail of Chicago will speak at North Water Street this afternoon at 2:30 and Monday evening at 7:30, on ‘The Divine Plan of the Ages.’ The lecture will be free to the public.”307

“M.L. McPhail of Chicago will speak at 957 North Water street this afternoon at 2:30 and Monday evening at 7:30, on ‘The Divine Plan of the Ages.’ The lecture will be free to the public.”308

“M.L. McPhail of Chicago will give a public discourse on ‘The Divine Plan of the Ages’ this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock and Monday evening at 7:30 at 957 North Water street.”309

“Special Milleni[al] Dawn Meetings are announced for Sunday evening at 7:30 and Monday afternoon at 2:30, May 17 and 18, at the home of

307 “Church Notes.” En: The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois), 1908, May 16, p.12.

308 “Church Notes.” En: The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois), 1908, May 17, p.8.

309 “Church Notes.” En: The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1908, May 16, p.8; May 17, p.8.


George A. Henderson, 1083 E Eldorado. M.L. McPhail in charge. Bible students cordially welcome.”310

“SPECIAL SERVE AT CENTRAL BAPTIST Rev. M.L. McPhail, Well Known Bible Student, to Fill Pulpit on Thursday Evening. The Central Baptist church has secured the services of Rev. M.L. McPhail for one service on Thursday evening of this week. Rec. Mr. McPhail is a bible student of ability, and his address will be one of unusual interest. His subject for the evening will be, ‘The President and the Two Houses in the Kingdom of God.’ Mr. McPhail is also a music writer or note, having written much for many popular Sunday school books of the day, and has also works of his own, his last book being now much used. He is an old friend of Dr. Charles Boaz of this city. Seats free, with no collection. Services at 7:45.”311

“M.L. McPhail of Chicago, a lecturer of the church will conduct public meetings at Evans hall Sunday.”312

“Hold Two Meetings Tomorrow. Meetings of the Church of the Living God will be held in the 900 block on North Water street tomorrow at 2:30 in the afternoon and 7:30 in the evening. Services will be held at the sime time Tuesday. M.L. McPhail of Chicago will speak. A large chart will be used to illustrate the lecture. No collectoin will be taken. The public is invited.”313

En julio de aquel año, 1908, M.L. McPhail apoya favorablemente a C.T. Russell y el “Voto” que pide a sus más directos colaboradores.314 En agosto de 1908 discursa en Racine, Wisconsin.315 Aquel mismo mes de 1908 participa activamente en la asamblea que los EIB celebran en Put-in-Bay, Ohio, del 29 de agosto al 7 de septiembre, por lo que todavía no se había manifestado, al menos externamente, la futura divergencia doctrinal.316 Pero sí puede observarse en el siguiente anuncio que Russell impuso la utilización del Hymns of the Millennial Dawn, situación muy diferente a ocasiones anteriores, y que pudo haber molestado a McPhail. No obstante, en la asamblea que se celebró en septiembre de 1908 en Annotto Bay, Jamaica, todavía se utilizó Zion’s Glad Songs en combinación con Hymns of the Millennial Dawn, por lo que o bien las instrucciones de Russell no fueron igual para todas las asambleas o bien no se siguió su sugerencia en todos los casos.

310 The Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1908, May 17, p.2

311 “Special Service at Central Baptist.” En: Journal Gazette (Mattoon, Illinois), 1908, May 19, p.1.

312 “Voting Not Part of Religion, Say ‘True’ Church Members.” En: Evansville Press (Evansville, Indiana), 1908, May 29, p.1.

313 “Hold Two Meetings Tomorrow.” En: The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois), 1908, July 19, p.7.

314 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Perform Thy Vows to God.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1908, vol.29, no.12, June 15, p.187; Reprints, p.4191 y 4192.

315 The Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), 1908, August 19, p.5; August 20, p.5.

316 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. “Put-in-Bay Convention Report […] Discourse by Brother M.L. McPhail.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1908, September 15, p.277; Reprints, p.4240; JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes From Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Convention : 1908 : Put-in-Bay Island, Ohio : August 29—September 7, 1908. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1908, p.17-23.


Ilustración 30. M.L. McPhail (primero por la izquierda en la escalera) junto con otros EIB de la época, entre ellos John Edgar y Shield Toutjian. Hacia 1909. (Fuente: Mike Castro)

“Programme. […] SATURDAY, SEPT. 12TH. 9 to 10 a.m. Praise and Testimony meeting led by Bro. W. H. Davidson. Glad Songs 165. Prayer. Glad Songs 91, 71, 62.[…] SUNDAY, SEPT. 13TH. 9 to 10 a. m. Praise and Testimony Meeting led by Bro Ed. Reefe. Glad Songs 5. Prayer. Glad Songs 14, 28, 32. Testimonies. Hymn 23 Prayer. Hymn 95. Discourse by Bro. Wm. E. Walton, Subject: Loving One Another, 1 Peter. 1:22-23. Glad Song 63. Hymn 259 […]”317

En septiembre de 1908 todavía se puede encontrar a McPhail discursando para la Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society en Watertown, y Syracuse, New York. Es significativo, no obstante, que en alguno de estos anuncios se destaca su vertiente musical.

“M.L. McPhail of Chicago, representing the Watch Tower Bible and Tract society of Allegheny, Pa., will speak on the subject ‘The Elect and Non-elect,’ at 7:45 o’clock on Tuesday evening. The meeting will be held at Odd Fellow’s hall at Wescott street and Lexington avnue.”318

317 JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Report of The Bible Students’ Convention : held under the auspices of The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society : Annotto Bay, Jamaica : September 11-14, 1908. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1908.

318 The Syracuse Herald (Syracuse, New York), 1908, September 19, p.5. 93

“Elect and Non Elect M.L. McPhail of Chicago, who has lectured extensively in this country and Great Britain and who is well known as a singer and gospel song composer will deliver his noted Bible lecture on ‘The Elect and Non Elect’ at Washington hall on Sunday, Sept. 27, at [?] This is no ordinary lecture. Mr. McPhail treats his subject logically and scripturally. No collection. A rare tract is in store for all who attend. Seats free.”319

En septiembre de 1908 se localiza un interesante anuncio en un periódico de Perry, New York, en el que M.L. McPhail iba a pronunciar algún discurso y ya no es presentado como Bible Student sino como “Undenominational”... No puede tomarse como una indicación segura de su alejamiento del grupo de Russell puesto que, en aquella época, los Estudiantes de la Biblia acostumbraban a anunciar sus reuniones de esa forma.

“---There will be meetings held at the G.A.R. Hall on the 17th and 18th of September at 7:80 p.m. Discourse by M. L. McPhail. Undenominational. Seats free. No collection”320

En 1908 se publica otra de sus composiciones en el Reino Unido, según consta en el catálogo de la British Library (aunque su nombre aparezca incorrectamente) Se trata de Soldiers in the Army, editado por Bailey & Ferguson.

“Macphail, M. L. Soldiers in the Army. [Hymn, words by] Rev. J. McPhail. [Staff and tonic sol-fa notation.] (London, Glasgow : Bailey & Ferguson, [1908])”321

En noviembre de 1908 se anuncia en Cortland, N.Y., haciendo discursos sobre el tema “Election,” uno de los que McPhail había desarrollado más hasta la fecha.

“ELECTION. A Bible Discourse will be given Sunday at 3.00 P.M., Nov. 8 by M.L. McPHAIL, of Chicago

319 “Elect and Non-elect.” En: Watertown Daily Times (Watertown, New York), 1908, September 26, p.[?]; The Syracuse Herald (Syracuse, New York), 1908, September 29, p.5.

320 “Local mention.” En: Perry Herald-News (Perry, New York), 1908, September 10, p.5. Podría tratarse también de un clérigo presbiteriano llamado Malcolm L. McPhail, pero el hecho de que en el anuncio no se encuentre la referencia “Reverendo” o “Doctor” y que, además, se indique que es “undenominational” da cierta base para pensar de que se refiere a Matthew Lindsay McPhail. Por el contrario otras referencias a un Rev. M.L. McPhail o Dr. M.L. McPhail podrían ser de Malcolm L. McPhail, especialmente aquellas más cercanas a Auburn, New York (Véase: “Funeral of H. Kenneth Patterson.” En: The Auburn Citizen [Auburn, N.Y.], 1924, March 11, p.¿3?; “Central Presbyterian Church.” En: The Auburn Citizen [Auburn, N.Y.], 1920, May 13 o May 15, p.¿6?; “To Install New Pastor, May 5th.” En: Geneva Daily Times [Geneva, N.Y.], 1926, April ¿19?, p.¿?; “Presbyterian.” En: Penn Yan Democrat [Penn Yan, N.Y.], 1927, April 22, p.¿?)

321 Integrated Catalogue. [London]: British Library, [2010] [27-04-10]


In G.A.R. Hall Subject: Elect and Non-Elect Illustrated by a Chart Admission and seats free. No collection All are Welcome”322

“Mr. M.L. McPhail, who is to give a lecture Sunday afternoon in G.A.R. hall, is a Bible scholar of note and is thoroughly conversant with the subject he is to present. He has traveled and lectured on different Bible themes for a number of years and the Christians of Cortland have a great privilege of hearing him discuss the great subject of election from an entirely undenominational standpoint. Entirely free of charge.”323

En noviembre y diciembre de 1908 siguen anunciando diversas reuniones para el estudio de la Biblia en Cortland (Nueva York) y Chicago (Illinois). Curiosamente, en algunas de ellas únicamente se menciona que las reuniones se celebran en casa de “Mrs. McPhail”, la esposa de M.L. McPhail. El hecho de que se mencionen las reuniones que normalmente realizaban los EIB puede ser una indicación de que todavía no ha habido una ruptura total. No obstante, también podrían ser reuniones del grupo ya separado de los EIB de Russell. Incluso, en diciembre de 1908 se anuncia una reunión de M.L. McPhail, en Elida, Lima, Ohio en el que se identifica, sencillamente, como Bible Student por lo que sigue sin poder asegurarse si ya se ha separado de Russell o no.

“Bible Study If any one wishes to take a course of Bible studies free of all charges, they may now grasp the opportunity. The class meets every Friday evening at the home of Mrs. McPhail, 806 W.-67th St. A class in the chronology of the Bible meets every Wednesday evening at 8 at the home of Mrs. Wilkerson, 6701 Wentworth ave. A class in Bible study also meets every Wednesday afternoon at 2 at the home of Mrs. Hastings, 4322 Emerald ave. The united classes from various parts of the city meet every Sunday at 3 p.m. in Masonic Temple, Corinthian Hall, 17th floor. No collections. Seats free. Admission free. All are welcome. Come next Sunday.”324

“There will be a meeting at the Town Hall, Elida, Ohio, Thursday evening, December 17, at seven o’clock, at which time Mr. M.L. McPhail, of Chicago, a Bible student of marked ability will given an address on ‘The Two Salvations of The Elect and the Non-Elect.’ The doctrines of Election and Free Grace, the most beautiful and at the same time the most misunderstood doctrine of the Bible, will be thoroughly, logically and scripturally discussed by Mr. McPhail. Mr. McPhail is a wonderful speaker and one of the world’s foremost Bible students, and has addressed large audiences, not only in our land, but in Europe as well, and the citizens of Elida are to be congratulated [on having] this opportunity of heaving him.”325

322 “[Anuncio].” En: Cortland Standard (Cortland, N.Y.), 1908, November 7, p.5

323 “Undenominational Lecture.” En: Cortland Standard (Cortland, N.Y.), 1908, November 8, p.4

324 Suburbanite Economist (Chicago, Illinois), 1908, November 27, p.4; December 11, p.4; December 18, p.4; December 25, p.4; The Syracuse Herald (Syracuse, New York), 1908, November 7, p.5

325 The Lima Daily News (Lima, Ohio), 1908, December 15, p.4.


A finales de 1908 o en 1909 se aleja doctrinalmente de Russell, junto con otros prominentes EIB (Henninges, Williamson) y forman varios grupos que ya no volverán a relacionarse con quien fue su Pastor. A estos grupos se les conocerá como “New Covenant Believers”. En la lista de peregrinos viajantes que se incluyó en la revista Zion’s Watch Tower desde 1901 hasta 1916, indicando las ciudades y días en los que serían visitadas las congregaciones locales, M.L. McPhail figura casi ininterrumpidamente entre junio de 1901 y diciembre de 1908, siendo ya esta la última vez que se le incluye.

96 97


Alejamiento de C.T. Russell. Evangelista independiente. Labor como editor musical

En enero de 1909 se publica un anuncio en el que Russell ya deja bien claro que el himnario Songs (en referencia a Zion’s Glad Songs) no es una publicación de los EIB y que ni siquiera la distribuyen. Las diferencias entre ambos deberían ser insalvables (véase el relato que hace de este asunto P.S.L. Johnson326).

“The entire music of the Convention, including the solos, was from 'Millennial Dawn Hymnals.' The song service at the various sessions formed a prominent part of the convention and were greatly appreciated by the friends. They not only sang in the tent, but they kept it up in the hotel until bedtime.”327

“We will shortly have a very cheap edition of our ‘Hymns’ without music for Conventions, etc. Some time ago when recommending that we sing the same ‘Hymns of Dawn’ (Phil. 3:16), we remarked about the cost of the preparation, copyrights, etc. Inadvertently our words seemed to include the 5c ‘Songs’; but of course we did not mean that they had cost you much or us anything, for they were not our publication. We no longer handle ‘Songs.’”328

Los TCJ actuales indican el final de la utilización de los himnarios o cancioneros de McPhail con esta escueta frase: “Para 1909 la Sociedad ya no usaba más este cancionero.”329

Aquel mismo mes, enero de 1909, se continúan anunciando las diferentes reuniones semanales que los EIB tienen en Chicago, y se continúa mencionando el hogar de “Mrs. McPhail.” ¿Podría ser que la esposa de McPhail continuara fiel a Russell por un tiempo? Es posible. Al parecer, su hija Laura, casada con Benjamin F. Hollister, un destacado EIB, continuaron fieles a Russell durante bastante tiempo. No obstante, en algún anuncio también se menciona a M.L. McPhail, por lo que, al parecer, todavía permanecía unido a la Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society de Russell.

“Bible Study If any one wishes to take a course of Bible studies free of charges, they may now grasp the opportunity. The class meets every Friday evening at the home of Mrs. McPhail, 806 W.-67th St. A class in the chronology of

326 JOHNSON, Paul S.L. The Paroussia Messenger, Vol. II. 7.000 Ed. Philadelphia, Pa.: P.S.L. Johnson, 1949, p.193-197. (Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures ; Series XIV).

327 JONES, L.W. (ed.). Souvenir Notes From Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society's Convention : 1908 : Put-in-Bay Island, Ohio : August 29—September 7, 1908. [Chicago, Il.]: L.W. Jones, 1908, p.[350, 351, 353 –páginas no numeradas en la edición consultada--]

328 “Hymns of Dawn without Music.” En: The Watch Tower, 1909, January 15, p.2; Reprints, p.4302.

329 Propósito divino, p.260 y 261.


the Bible meets every Wednesday evening at 8 at the home of Mrs. Wilkerson, 6701 Wentworth ave. A class in Bible study also meets every Wednesday afternoon at 7 at the home of Mrs. Hastings, 4322 Emerald ave. The united classes from various parts of the city meet every Sunday at 3 p.m. in Masonic Temple, Corinthian Hall, 17th floor. No collections. Seats free. Admission free. All are welcome. Come next Sunday.”330

“Watch Tower Bible class, seventeenth floor Masonic temple. M.L. McPhail will speak at 3 p.m.”331

En septiembre de 1909 Zion’s Glad Songs aparece anunciado en The New Covenant Advocate, la revista que E.C. Henninges, estrecho colaborador de Russell hasta entonces, había empezado a publicar en abril de aquel mismo año en Australia al separarse doctrinalmente de este, lo que nos permite sospechar que para esa fecha las relaciones entre Russell y McPhail también deberían estar totalmente alejadas. Henninges incluirá varios de esos anuncios entre 1909 y 1911. De hecho será uno de los himnarios que su grupo de EIB seguirá utilizando hasta la actualidad.

“ZION’S GLAD SONGS. A Book fo 248 Hymns, with music—nearly all new, but including some of the old favorite. Cloth binding, 1/6 per copy; 1/10 by post.” 332

En octubre de 1909 se publican algunas cartas de EIB refutando y criticando un folleto en el que McPhail abogaba de forma diferente a la de Russell en la cuestión del Nuevo Pacto. Por el contenido de una de ellas puede verse que fue después de la asamblea de Put-in-Bay, Ohio, en septiembre de 1908, cuando se materializa definitivamente el distanciamiento doctrinal entre ambos.

“DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in these trying times, is my prayer. Thinking that a few words from one who has been long in the way and a close student of your presentation of the Gospel Truths, and from one who has been with you in spirit through all your severe and fiery trials and labor of love for these many years since before the first volume of DAWN was published, might be cheering and have a tendency to strengthen the prophet's hands, I will send you a few lines. Little did I realize or know in what way or through what instrumentality the Adversary was going to make his attack, and when I had shaken hands with you the second time at Put-in-Bay, and had looked into your smiling but care-worn face, in an instant I felt the extent of the trials through which you had passed; how you had taken joyfully the spoiling of your goods; how you had suffered the loss of all things that the world counts gain, and yet I could see that you were among those of the Lord's rich ones, rich in faith, having Godliness with contentment, which the Apostle says is great gain. As I realized all this, I also felt that the battle for Truth

330 “Bible Study.” En: Suburbanite Economist (Chicago, Illinois), 1909, January 1, p.5; January 8, p.4.

331 “Miscellaneous.” En: The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 1909, January 10, p.11.

332 “Zion’s Glad Songs.” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1909, Vol.1, no.6, September, p.89;Vol.1, no.7, October, p.109; Vol.1, no.8, November, p.125; Vol.1, no.9, December, p.141; 1910, Vol.1, no.12, March, p.193; 1910, Vol.2, no.1, April, p.11; Vol.2, no.2, May, p.27; Vol.2, no.3, June, p.43; Vol.2, no.4, July, p.59; Vol.2, no.5, August, p.75; 1911, Vol.2, no.11, February, p.171; Vol.2, no.12, March, p.188.


was not all over, but that there was more to follow. I said to you: ‘God bless you, Brother Russell; God bless you; the Enemy is coming in like a flood.’ Do you call to mind how soon after that convention the Enemy began to show his colors in the ranks of the Lord's consecrated? […] I am sending you herewith a copy of the letter I wrote to Brother McPhail. It explains my attitude toward this new departure and snare of the Adversary. No doubt the Lord of the Harvest has permitted this delusion for wise purposes; but as I remarked in a testimony meeting lately at the Saginaw Convention, when the testimonies seemed to be drifting too much on the line of Brother Russell's trials and burdens, they need not borrow so much trouble about Brother R., for he is in the Lord's hands; and as long as he is faithful to his stewardship, the Lord will take care of him and he will have a good time fighting the good fight of faith for the joy that is set before him, in spite of all the opposing forces of Satan. […] DEAR BROTHER McPHAIL:-- I received your booklet on the Covenants and Mediator. I have read and re-read it prayerfully and carefully, and must say I disagree with you entirely on the points of the doctrines as set forth by you and the other brethren who hold the same (I believe) unscriptural views. […] You are the first ‘Pilgrim’ brother I ever met; I think about eighteen years ago [¿hacia 1891?]. At that time you were the only traveling Pilgrim. I have met you many times since and have been greatly blessed through your ministry of the Truth. Now, dear Brother, at the time I first met you the TABERNACLE SHADOWS had been published, explaining the types, etc. You and Brother Henninges were familiar with and well posted on the TABERNACLE SHADOWS as explained by Brother Russell; and as far as I can judge, you continued to preach in harmony with those views as set forth in that booklet for eighteen years. Then, suddenly, just in the closing time of the harvest, you get your eyes opened to see the whole teachings in regard to the Lord's goat, the scape-goat, the red heifer, and almost everything in the TABERNACLE SHADOWS as set forth by Brother Russell, as a myth, an error. Is it not strange that the Lord did not reveal this to you brethren sooner?”333

Russell aporta su opinión al respecto, especialmente cuando algunos EIB critican la carta anterior de Wilcox. La postura de Russell es condescendiente hacia su anterior colaborador pero, también es firme en denunciar, desde su punto de vista, el error de McPhail.

“To tell that a certain brother now disbelieves what he formerly believed is not evil-speaking, if it be true. St. Paul spoke quite freely of false doctrines and mentioned particularly the names of some of those whose perverse teachings had been injurious to the Cause, ‘overthrowing the faith of some.’ Our Lord Jesus criticized the misconduct of some in his day. He called attention to some as being hypocritical in that they did not practice their own teaching. But neither the Lord nor the Apostles made personal attacks, slandering others. To tell fairly what another believes and to show that it is wrong is far from evil-speaking. It is speaking the Truth, which should always be spoken in love. In many instances it is a duty so to speak. In a recent issue we published Brother Wilcox's letter to Brother McPhail, because it seemed to us that in a kind way, without attempting in any degree to slander Brother McPhail's character or to say an evil word against him personally, Brother Wilcox criticized some of Brother McPhail's doctrines and endeavored to show their fallacy and that some of

333 WILCOX, Byron. “A Reply to Brother McPhail’s Tract.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1909, October 1, p.300 y 301; Reprints, p.4488-4490.


them were sophistry and not logic. This is what we frequently do with the presentations of our Presbyterian and Methodist brethren and with only the kindest intentions—to assist in opening the eyes of their understanding. A few dear friends were inclined to criticize Brother Wilcox, but we think without just cause. On the other hand, let us say that we could have no sympathy with any harsh or unkind expression, either towards brethren or the world. If some who once rejoiced in the light have become more or less blinded to it, that is a cause why we should have sympathy for them--not a sympathy which would lead us to give them encouragement in their wrong course, but a sympathy which would incline us to pity them and to be ready in any possible manner to assist them back to the right way. Even when they misrepresent us we should, so far as possible, attribute this to their blindness and pray for them, rather than smite them in return. ‘Let no man render evil for evil to any man, but contrariwise—do good to those who evilly entreat you.’”334

Posteriormente, entre 1909 y 1910, McPhail publicó un nuevo cancionero bajo el título Songs of Comfort335 con 66 himnos, similar en formato a los dos primeros Zion’s Glad Songs aunque diferente en contenido. Se encuentra un anuncio de este himnario en un folleto que publicó McPhail en 1909, The Covenants. El que se anuncie en este folleto, claramente publicado como resultado de las desavenencias doctrinales con Russell, es una prueba de que éste ya no lo llegó ni siquiera a considerar como apropiado para sus fieles.

“SONGS OF COMFORT The above is the title of a new Gospel Song-Book first issued by us. The book contains 69 [choice] gospel songs and hymns, which have been composed, arranged and selected with great care. The words and music are both [good], and as the title indicates, are such as are [written?] to console, cheer and encourage the Christian in his Dark Hours. We have had this thought specially in mind in the preparation of the book. ‘Does Jesus Care?’ ‘Face to Face.’ ‘Let Us Go Forth.’ ‘The Road Leads Home.’ ‘There’s Never a Day so Dreary.’ ‘I That Speak Am He.’ and many other songs equally good will be [found] in the book. Price, 10 cents, per copy, [prepaid] Note.—We have a number of Zion’s Glad Songs on hand, prices as follows: No. 1 at 5 cents per copy No. 2 at 5 cents per copy. The Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, bound together in cloth, 35 cents per copy, postage prepaid. Send money to postoffice money order or express money order; or for small orders, American postage stamps. Do not send personal checks. Address all orders for gospel song-books to M.L. McPhail 706 W. 67th Boul’d Chicago, Ill.”336

334 [RUSSELL, Charles Taze]. “Evil Speaking and Hatred.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1909, December 1, p.359; Reprints, p.4524.

335 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. Songs of Comfort for all Christian Gatherings and the Home. Chicago, Ill.: M.L. McPhail, [1909?], 66 himnos.

336 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay. The Covenants. Chicago, Ill.: M.L. McPhail, 1909, cubierta posterior.


Ilustración 31. Cubiertas de Songs of Comfort, de ¿1909 o 1910?

Songs of Comfort ya no aparece mencionado en ninguna de las publicaciones de los EIB o TCJ y, seguramente, fue utilizado directamente por aquellos grupos de EIB que se habían separado de Russell, entre los que se encontraban algunos de sus más estrechos colaboradores hasta entonces como E.C. Henninges, A.W. Williamson y el propio M.L. McPhail. Henninges, por ejemplo, inserta algunos anuncios de este himnario en su revista The New Covenant Advocate desde septiembre de 1910 hasta enero de 1911, lo que es una indicación de las buenas relaciones existentes entre ambos.

“Songs of Comfort. Sixty-Six Songs, new and old, for COMFORT and ENCOURAGEMENT in the Journey of Life. Price, 6d., post paid.”337

Otro ejemplo de esta buena sintonía se vuelve a encontrar en el número de abril de 1915 de esa misma revista en la que Henninges informa que dispone de un stock de otro de los himnarios de McPhail, Zion’s Glad Songs, al que se le califica como “apreciado libro.” En octubre de 1916 se hace, de nuevo, una breve referencia a ese himnario. En agosto de 1919 y marzo de 1921 se vuelve a anunciar la existencia de ese stock.

“Zion’s Glad Songs THIS widely appreciated book is now in stock at Melbourne. It contains 249 beautiful hymns and spiritual songs, nearly all new, words and music,

337 “Songs of Comfort.” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1910, Vol.2, no.6, September, p.91; Vol.2, no.7, October, p.107; Vol.2, no.8, November, p.123; Vol.2, no.9, December, p.139; 1911, Vol.2, no.10, January, p.155.


to assist us in making melody unto the Lord. All should have this book; if you cannot sing, you can at least read the words, and so make melody in your hearts. Clothbound only, postpaid in the Commonwealth of Australia, 1/9; to New Zealand, 2/- per copy.”338

“[…] from ‘Zion’s Glad Songs,’ a hymnal containing 248 songs of praise and gladness. They help us to look forward to the good time coming when ‘Gladness Will Come to stay,’ and there shall be no more pain. Cloth bound, postpaid, 2/3 per copy.”339

En abril de 1929 en esa misma revista se incluyó un himno de Zion’s Glad Songs, una muestra de que el himnario de McPhail continuó siendo utilizado por este grupo de EIB en Australia o, como mínimo, algunos de sus himnos. Ese mismo himno vuelve a aparecer en el número de abril de 1938.

“Blessed promises are given To the overcoming soul Who amid the world's allurements Gains o'er self and sin control.

He who to the end endureth In God's temple shall abide; In His secret place most holy From the wrath to come shall hide.

In communion with the Saviour He shall walk in spotless white, Feasting on the hidden manna In the heavenly city bright.

In the presence of the angels Christ the Lord his name will own; Free from sin and death forever. He shall share the victor's throne.”340

En noviembre de 1929 se indica que un himno de Rose Ball Henninges puede ser entonado con las melodías 179 y 182 de ese himnario, otra muestra de que continuaba siendo aceptado por este grupo de EIB. Esa misma indicación aparece en el número de noviembre de 1942.341De hecho, es entre estos grupos de EIB alejados de

338 “Zion’s Glad Songs.” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1915, Vol.7, no.1, April, p.16; Vol.7, no. 2, May, p.42; Vol.7, no.5, August, p.90; 1919, Vol.11, no.7, August, p.92; 1921, Vol. 12, no.12, March, p.141. En estos anuncios, extrañamente, se indica que ese himnario contiene 249 himnos, cuando en realidad tiene 248. Lo más probable es que se trate de un error tipográfico puesto que la referencia de octubre de 1916 indica claramente 248 himnos.

339 “[Zion’s Glad Songs].” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1916, Vol.8, no.7, October, p.103.

340 “Zion’s Glad Songs.” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1929, Vol.21, no.1, April 1, p.50; 1938, Vol.30, no.1, April 1, p.55. Se trata del himno no.45 con el título To Him That Overcometh, y primera línea de texto “Blessed promised are given.” Escrito por Kate Ulmer y con música de M.L. McPhail en Zion’s Glad Songs.

341 BALL, Rose J. “Christ Our Lord and Master.” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1929, Vol.21, no.8, November 1, p.218; 1942, Vol.34, no.8, November 2, p.127. Se trata del himno cuya primera línea es, “With gladness look we to the day.” La melodía del nº 179 es conocica como Germany 103

Russell (y, posterioremente, en aquellos grupos alejados de Rutherford) donde ha quedado alguno de los pocos rastros que se conservan de la música de McPhail pues, todavía en la actualidad entonan alguno de sus himnos. Por ejemplo, Harry Shallcross, pertenecience en la actualidad al grupo de EIB que inició el matrimonio Henninges en Australia en 1909 me informó de que, en la actualidad continúan utilizando como himnarios tanto Zion’s Glad Songs, como The Bible Student Hymnal como Hymns of Dawn.342

De manera que, entre septiembre de 1908 y enero de 1909 se materializó aquella separación. E.C. Henninges indica que se produjo entre 1907 y 1908. Está claro que un distanciamiento de este tipo no puede surgir de la noche a la mañana y que sería un tema que McPhail y sus compañeros irían meditando, incluso debatiendo con el propio Russell (y éste con ellos) para intentar llegar a un entendimiento que, al no ser posible, desembocó en una separación definitiva.

El primer número de la revista que Henninges, una vez distanciado de Russell, empezó a publicar en abril de 1909 permite ver que aquella separación tuvo lugar definitivamente a finales de 1908. En ese número Henninges anuncia su libro Bible Talks for Heart and Mind e indica que lo había estado preparando desde principios de diciembre de 1908, de manera que el rompimiento definitivo de las relaciones con Russell sucedería antes de aquel mes.343

Henninges escribe lo siguiente en 1932 en relación a McPhail, más de dos décadas después de que sucedieran aquellos hechos.

“To Brother McPhail and ourselves and many other brethren who had enjoyed fellowship under the Watch Tower auspices there came in 1907 and 1908 the necessity of separating from the Watch Tower movement owing to the adoption of strange ideas by its Editor […] Brother McPhail took a firm stand against these errors, as we were glad to note at the time, and devoted many years to pointing them out to Watch Tower adherents, preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the one Foundation for faith. […] Separated by thousand of miles, nevertheless our unified purpose has been to ‘glorify God, to honour His Son, and to comfort His people.’ And as we sing again and gain the Glad Songs Brother McPhail gave us, we shall continue to thank God for having given this generation and this work a sweet singer of praises and thanksgivings worthy the great message of truth concerning the True Light and the Kingdom of peace and good will. […]”344

(1815) de L.V. Beethoven y arreglada por L. Mason; la melodía del nº 182 es conocida como Arlington de T. Arne y arreglada también por L.Mason.

342 En la actualidad el grupo de “New Covenant Believers” de Australia se denomina “Christian Bible Studens”. (Carta de Harry Shallcross [16-8-2014])

343 HENNINGES, E.C. “An Apology.” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1909, Vol.1, no.1, p.15.

344 HENNINGES, E.C. “M.L. McPhail.” En: The New Covenant Advocate, 1932, Vol.23, no.11, February 1, p.201 y 202.


No se sabe hasta qué grado este cisma de Mcphail y otros supuso la salida de miembros de los EIB de Russell. Al parecer, en el caso de McPhail, tuvo cierta importancia en el área de Chicago; Henninges, otro de los principales originadores del cisma, en Australia; y, Williamson, en Nueva York. No se vuelve a mencionar más a McPhail en las publicaciones de los EIB ni de los TCJ a excepción de mínimas referencias a su deslealtad. Es ciertamente extraño que en las publicaciones actuales de los TCJ, al menos en aquellas en las que se narra la historia del movimiento, no se le menciona ni una sola vez. Ni siquiera cuando se cita por título alguno de los himnarios o himnos que él escribió o publicó en su etapa de EIB se indica su nombre. La actitud de los seguidores fieles de Russell hacia McPhail sería como el breve comentario que incluyo a continuación.

“In 1909 McPhail, one of the Chicago elders, published a booklet called The Covenants, opposing Russell on the vow and the New Covenants. His popularity in the movement attracted a number of defectors [...]”345

“Immediately I gathered up all of the literature of the Henninges, McPhail, Randall, et al., stamp and burned it.”346

“FREE BIBLE STUDENTS. This is a general designation for several loosely affiliated groups that should also be mentioned, though these trace their origin back to the period of Pastor Russell’s active ministry. In 1909, the Pastor’s clarification of the subject of the Covenants caused quite a stir both in this country and in Australia, with a strong wave of dissenting voices developing. The controversy soon expanded to other doctrines as well, such as questioning whether the church had any role in the Sin Offering or as part of the Mediator for humanity during the Millennial Age. Also commonly rejected was the belief that the invisible parousia of Christ had already commenced, and the identification of the Pastor as ‘that wise and faithful servant’ of Matthew 24:45-47. Three prominent pilgrims were involved in the dissent and formed break away groups: M. L. McPhail in the Chicago area, A. E. Williamson in New York and E. C. Henninges in Australia. The American groups rallied under the name Christian Believers and in 1910 began holding annual conferences. For many years these were in Grove City, Pennsylvania where they continue to be held. Congregations are strongest in the North east and Mid west. A publications committee in Cicero, Illinois (later in Lombard, Illinois) published The Kingdom Scribe (now discontinued) and The Berean News.”347

Según algunos autores este cisma fue el segundo más importante que hasta la fecha había tenido que sufrir Russell. Surgieron grupos disidentes bajo el nombre de “New Covenant Fellowship” y “The New Covenant Believers.” En la actualidad todavía quedan activos algunos grupos descendientes de aquel cisma.

345 ROGERSON, Alan. A sociological analysis of the origin and development of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Tesis, Oxford University, 1972, p.147.

346 FOWLER, Clarence E. “Delivered from Satan’s Snare.” En: Zion’s Watch Tower, 1910, July 1, p.222.

347 REDEKER, Charles F. Pastor C.T. Russell: Messenger of millennial hope: distinguished founder of the Bible Students and his enduring legacy. Temple City, CA: the author, 2006, p.322.


En abril de 1910,348 con 55 años, y ya apartado de Russell, se encuentra viviendo en Chicago Ward 32nd, Cook, Illinois, junto a su esposa Kate McPhail, de 52 años, sus hijas Jessie de 21 años y Laura de 19 años, su hijo Matthew de 14 años y, la tía de su esposa Angeline Watson de 85 años. Habían tenido 6 hijos de los cuales les vivían 4. Su profesión es citada como “Evangelist” y “Evangelical travelling.” A pesar de su distanciamiento con Russell, McPhail continuó dirigiendo un grupo de EIB en el área de Chicago de acuerdo a sus propias enseñanzas. En noviembre de 1911 se le anuncia discursando y cantando en Washington, D.C.

“M. L. McPHAIL OF CHICAGO, AT PYTHIAN Temple (elevator). 4th floor rear, at 2:30 and 7:30, in songs and unsectarian Bible talks, will please you. Everybody invited. No collection.”349

En marzo de 1912 se menciona que un “evangelista” M.L. McPhail, de Chicago, realiza una conferencia en Brooklyn. Ese mismo mes sale publicado un artículo suyo en la revista The New Covenant Advocate, indicación de que la relación entre él y Henninges continuaba siendo muy estrecha.350

“Evangelist M.L. McPhail, of Chicago, will speak to-morrow at Junior O.U.A.M. Building, 879 Gates avenue, at 3 and 7:30 P.M. He will answer questions.”351

En septiembre de 1912 salen mencionados un tal Mr. Lindsay y Mr. McPhail durante la celebración de un evento social en Auburn Park, Illinois, contribuyendo con interpretaciones al piano. “The piano numbers, rendered by Mr. Lindsay and Mr. McPhail were so appreciated and well done that each called for an encore.”352 Es muy posible que se refieran a M.L. McPhail como Mr. McPhail y, a su hijo Matthew Lindsay McPhail, Jr., como Mr. Lindsay, quien contaba con 17 años y estaba estudiando música. En los años 20 a 40 alcanzaría cierta fama como compositor y arreglista con el nombre de Lindsay McPhail.

En abril de 1913 se publica un anuncio de que está visitando a sus amigos de la ciudad de Massillon, Ohio, y se le describe como “antiguo director de música en las escuelas de Canton y, bien conocido en esa ciudad”.353 En julio de 1913 se publica un

348 “Thirteenth Census of the United States: 1910—Population”. Year: 1910; Census Place: Chicago Ward 32, Cook, Illinois; Roll T624_278; Page: 9A [Date: April 21st]; Enumeration District: 1377; Image: 729. En: 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006

349 Evening Star [Washington, D.C.], 1911, November 25, p.3

350 McPHAIL, M.L. “The Shield of Faith.” En: The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald, 1912, Vol.3, no.12, March, p.182-187. 351 “Miscellaneous.” En: The Daily Standard Union (Brooklyn, N.Y.), 1912, March 9, p.¿3?

352 “Mother’s Circle Meeting.” En: Suburbanite Economist (Chicago, Illinois), 1912, September 27; también en: Englewood Times (Chicago, Illinois), 1912, September 27, p.4; Englewood Times. Auburn Park Monitor (Chicago, Illinois), 1912, September 27, p.13; Englewood Times. Gresham Mirror (Chicago, Illinois), 1912, September 27, p.25.

353 Evening Independent (Massillon, Ohio), 1913, April 19, p.2.

106 escueto anuncio en el que se menciona que M.L. McPhail, padre, está grabando discos musicales para la compañía “Victor.”

“Mr. M. L. McPhail, Sr., is now making records for the ‘Victor’ as a singer.”354

De hecho, un dato que confirma lo anterior es que en la página web que recoge la discografía de la compañía “Victor” se puede encontrar una grabación de M.L. McPhail de fecha 7/3/1913 con número de matriz [Trial 1913-07-03-12], título desconocido y con la breve descripción “Male vocal solo.”355 Aunque se trata de un único título, y además, una prueba, es posible que existan más y que, a medida que esa discografía se vaya completando puedan salir algunas más.

En marzo de 1914 inicia una gira por Gran Bretaña, visitando grupos de Estudiantes de la Biblia ingleses y pronunciando discursos allí donde era posible. Así, al menos, lo presenta la revista The Bible Student, editada por uno de los grupos que se escindieron de C.T. Russell. Es una muestra de que continuó desarrollando algún tipo de actividad religiosa durante algunos años después de su alejamiento de C.T. Russell.

“It has been arranged that Mr. M. L. M’Phail, U.S.A., will visit Great Britain at the beginning of next June, spending a few months in Britain. It has been proposed, so far, that he should visit the following places, in the order given, – Glasgow, Ayr, Edinburgh, Peebles, Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham, and London, and arrangements are in the course of being made in connection with these visits. Any of our readers in other towns in England or Scotland, who expect that a number in their district would be sufficiently interested in the Scriptures to attend one or more meetings, should communicate with us, stating whether a public meeting could be arranged for, in addiction to private meetings, and we shall endeavor to arrange that a visit be paid to such places. As early intimation as possible should be given even though definite details cannot as yet be supplied. We shall be pleased to give our readers, on request, the benefit of our experience in arranging such meetings. Full particulars of Mr. M’Phail’s tour will be intimated in our next issue.“356

“Mr. M. L. PcPhail has up to the present, visited the following places: – Glasgow, Ayr, Edinburgh, Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool and Prescot, while he has still to visit Nottingham and London. In most of these places, public lectures were delivered, at which our free publications were distributed, and, if a genuine study of the Scriptures has been encouraged by his visits to these places, we shall be very pleased. The title of the

354 The Englewood Economist (Chicago, Illinois), 1913, July 28, p.3.

355 “M.L. McPhail (vocalist).” En: Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings. [S.l.]: Victor : UCSB Libraries, cop. 2008-2012. [3-2-12]; “M.L. McPhail (vocalist).” En: DHAR, Discography of American Historical Recordings. [Santa Barbara, Calif.]: UC, Santa Barbara Library, cop. 2008-2013. [23-10-14]

356 The Bible Student, 1914, March Vol.1, no.1, p.6.


public lecture in almost every case was ‘The Future of Men and Nations. – Is ther Hope for the Non-Elect?’”357

En abril de 1914 discursa en Cedar Rapids, Iowa, y en mayo de 1914 se indica que hace una visita en la ciudad de Greenwich, New York.

"Bible Students to Meet Bible students who are particularly interested in the study of the scripture are requested to be present at the Bible study in the home of John Reysa, 1806 Fifth avenue. Saturday evening at 7:45 and Sunday at 10 a.m., 3 and 7:45 p.m. at which time M.L. McPhail of Chicago will speak."358

“M.L. McPhail of Chicago is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Bright."359

Estas dos últimas referencias sitúan a McPhail en los Estados Unidos cuando, al parecer, según lo mostrado anteriormente por uno de los órganos de difusión de los Estudiantes de la Biblia alejados de Russell, McPhail estaba en tierras inglesas.

El 15 de agosto de 1914360 hay constancia de la llegada de un Matthew L. McPhail, de 60 años, en el barco “Celtic”, al puerto de Nueva York, procedente de Liverpool, Gran Bretaña, de donde había partido el 6 de agosto. Su residencia aparece como Park Ridge, Chicago, por lo que parece coincidir con nuestro McPhail. Podría coincidir con la campaña de discursos y visitas que hizo a varias ciudades británicas entre marzo y julio de aquel año. Al día siguiente, 16 de agosto de 1914, discursa en Washington, D.C. En el anuncio de ese discurso se indica claramente su anterior relación con C.T. Russell.

“OTHER SERVICES MR. M.L. McPHAIL, OF CHICAGO, FORMERLY associated with Pastor Russell, will deliver a lectura on ‘The Future of Men and Nations,’ at the W.C.T.U. hall, 522 Sixth, Street northwest, Sunday, August 16, at 3:30 p.m., answering the following questions: What has become of the millions of our fellowmen who have lived and died in ignorance of God? Does the Bible extend its promises of a future existence to such as these? Can the student of the Bible produce unquestionable evidence that the Creator’s intention is to yet extend His favor to such? All welcome; no collection.”361

“The Future of Men and Nations. Mr. M. L. McPhail of Chicago, formerly associated with Pastor Russeli, will deliver a lecture on the above topic at the "W. C. T. U. Hall, 522 6th

357 The Bible Student, 1914, June, Vol.1, no.2, p.50.

358 Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), 1914, April 17, p.3.

359 “Greenwich.” En: The Troy Times (Troy, N.Y.), 1914, May 21, p.13.

360 “New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957.” Year: 1914 [Date: August 15th]; Microfilm serial: T715; Microfilm roll: T715_2360; Line: 18. En: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2006.

361 “Other Services. “ En: The Washington Post (Washington, D.C.), 1914, August 15, p.7. Curiosamente, justo debajo de este anuncio se encuentra otro de una conferencia por parte de W.E. Van Amburgh, miembro de la WTBTS y seguidor de C.T. Russell. Van Amburgh y McPhail se conocían personalmente.


street northwest Sunday. August 16. 1914. at 3:20 p.m., answering the following questions: What has become of the millions of our fellowmen who have lived and died in ignorance of God? Does the Bible extend its promises of a future existence to such as these? Can the student of the Bible produce unquestionable and overwhelming evidence that the Creator's intention is to yet extend His favor to such? All Welcome. No Collection.”362

Ilustración 32. Winnowed Anthems : number five, de 1914.

En 1914 McPhail publica el quinto volumen de la serie Winnowed Anthems no.5.363 Contiene 85 piezas de 46 autores entre los que destacan algunos como W. Billings, P.P. Bliss, W.B. Bradbury, L.O. Emerson, E.O. Excell, C.H. Gabriel, L. Mason, W.A. Ogden, H.R. Palmer, A.J. Showalter, J.R. Sweney, W.L. Thompson, I.B. Wilson o I.B. Woodbury. Los derechos de copyright del volumen están a nombre de la Hope Publishing Company.

En julio de 1915, M.L. McPhail es mencionado entonando alguna canción en la boda de su hija Jessie, en Park Ridge, Ill., en la que también intervienen su hija Grace (Miss R.E. Espy) y su hijo Lindsay.364

362 “The Future of Men and Nations.” En: Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), 1914, August 15, p.10

363 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.). Winnowed Anthems Number Five : for Quartet and Chorus Choirs. Chicago: The Hope Publishing Company, cop. 1914.

364 “Weddings : Perkins-McPhail Wedding.” En: Suburbanite Economist (Chicago, Illinois), 1915, July 23, p.2.


En noviembre de 1915 se localiza a un Rev. M.L. McPhail oficiando una boda en Indiana, Pennsylvania.365 En este caso no estoy seguro que se trate de la misma persona puesto que no tengo más datos sobre este enlace.

En 1915 sus Winnowed Anthems nos. 1 a 5 eran recomendados por la State School Book Commission de Ohio de entre las obras editadas por la Hope Publishing Company de Chicago, Ill., al igual que Uncle Sam’s School Songs en la que había una parte teórico-práctica de McPhail.366

Ilustración 33. Encuadernaciones diferentes de Winnowed Anthems : nos. 5 and 6 combined, de 1916.

En 1916 McPhail publica el sexto volumen de la serie Winnowed Anthems no.6.367 Contiene 70 piezas de 44 autores entre los que destacan algunos como W.M.

365 "Long-Jacoby. Claire Walker Long, of Indiana and Miss Anne Alberta Jacoby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacoby, of this place were married in the First United Presbyterian church, North Side, Pittsburgh, on Friday, by Rev. M.L. McPhail. The bride has been secretary of Dr. James M. Snowden, editor of the Presbyterian Banner, for several years. Mr. Long is employed by the National Harvester Company, with headquarters in Pittsburgh." (The Indiana Progress [Indiana, Pennsylvania], 1915, November 3, p.1). Existe evidencia de un reverendo presbiteriano de nombre Malcolm Leod McPhail en el área de Auburn, New York, y es más que probable que esta cita se refiera a esta persona y no a Matthew Lindsay McPhail. Hay otras referencias a bodas oficiadas por este Malcolm Leod McPhail en el área de Pittsburgh (“June Wedding Plans.” En: Pittsburgh Daily Post [Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania], 1916, May 21, p.34).

366 MILLER, Frank W. “To Boards of Education.” En: Report of the State School Book Commission : December 1, 1915. Columbus, Oh.; The F.J. Jeer Printing Co., 1915, p.3 y 141.

367 Los volúmenes 5 y 6 de esta serie también se publicaron en un único volumen bajo el título: Winnowed Anthems Nos. 5 and 6 Combined. Sorprende que tras 24 años de colaboración estrecha con The Hope Pub. Co., no hayan quedado demasiados rastros de ella. Por ejemplo, a pesar de ser un especialista en “anthems” para dicha casa editora, no se incluyó ni una sola de sus obras en Best Anthems (Chicago: Hope Pub. Co, 1923), un volumen que se publicó tan solo 3 años de finalizar su relación con esa editorial.


Bradbury, E.O. Excell, T. Harris, H.R. Palmer, J.H. Rosencrans, W.L. Thompson o I.B. Wilson. Los derechos de copyright del volumen están a nombre de la Hope Publishing Company. En este volumen aparece alguna composición de su hijo bajo el nombre de M. Lindsay McPhail, Jr., un dato más que me permitió confirmar el nombre completo Matthew Lindsay McPhail, tanto para el padre como para el hijo.

Es posible que en octubre de 1916 iniciara algún tipo de negocio relacionado con la venta al público de grabaciones fonográficas tal y como figura en la siguiente noticia. Si fuera cierto, significaría que simultaneó durante un tiempo su trabajo de editor musical para la Hope Publishing Company con este negocio.

“M.L. McPhail will open a phonograph store at 11 Main street, Des Plaines, Ill., on October 1, and will handle the Pathé line.”368

En septiembre de 1918, después de una breve estancia en Steubenville con su esposa, regresan a Pittsburgh. Se refieren a él (si es que se trata de la misma persona) como Reverendo.369

Ilustración 34. McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.). Hope Anthems. Chicago: The Hope Publishing Company, cop. 1919. 160 p.

368 “Latest Business Brieflets for the Busy Reader.” En: The Music Trade Review, 1916, vol.63, nº 14, p.32. Su hijo menor también se llamaba M.L. McPhail. Para 1916 contaba con 21 años y podría haber sido él quien iniciara este negocio. No obstante, su hijo fue siempre más conocido como Lindsay McPhail por lo que me inclino a pensar en que fuera M.L. McPhail, padre, quien estableciera aquel comercio.

369 Steubenville Herald Star (Steubenville,Ohio), 1918, September 16, p.8.


En 1919 McPhail publica una de sus últimas obras como compilador musical, Hope Anthems.370 Contiene 70 piezas de una treintena de autores entre los que destacan algunos como W.M. Bradbury, J.B. Dykes, L.O. Emerson o C.H. Gabriel. En este volumen aparecen algunas composiciones de M. Lindsay que, bien podrían ser del mismo M.L. McPhail o de su hijo, M. Lindsay McPhail, Jr.

En enero de 1920,371 con 65 años, se encuentra viviendo en Maine, [Park Ridge City] Cook, Illinois, junto a su esposa Katherine de 61 años y su hijo M. Lindsey de 24 años. Al parecer también vivían junto con su hija Jessie A., de 31 años y el esposo de ésta, Louis D. Perkins, de 45 años. No aparece con profesión alguna. Su hijo, M. Lindsay figura con la profesión de “Musician” y “Piano.” Ese mismo año se le menciona en una revista baptista para confirmar que es el autor de la música de un himno publicado en 1894... lo curioso es que quien lo cita es Louis P. Barrett, baptista y, precisamente, la autora del poema. Ella califica la música que McPhail compuso para su poema como "beautiful" y que, a pesar de que podía utilizarse alguna otra tonada, ella "much prefer it as sung to Mr. McPhail's music."

"Acknowledgments to the Author In April MISSIONS we printed a song entitled ‘Loyalty to Christ,’ sent to us by Louis D. Walker, of Wilmington, Ohio, who had used it helpfully in Jubilee meetings. The name of the author was not given, but its merit was apparent and we published it, with other songs for use in our New World Movement campaign. A letter now comes from Louise P. Barrett, of Brainerd, Minn., who wrote the song, which was first published in the Standard, and afterwards published with music set to it by M.L. McPhail in 'No. 1 Pentecostal Hymns.' Miss Barrett says: 'The song has this history. I was in the Chicago Convention that organized the B.Y.P.U. Returning from that meeting I wrote this song for the young people's movement and the Standard published it. Then it was asked for, for 'Pentecostal Hymns,' and Mr. McPhail wrote the beautiful music, though the 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' fits it too, or I should say, it can be adapted to that glorious tune. At our twenty-fifth anniversary of the B.Y.P.U. in Chicago a few years ago my song was printed in the official program and sung repeatedly, to my delight, for I do desire it to be used to the glory of God. I much prefer it as sung to Mr. McPhail's music.' We regret that we did not know about the authorship, and are glad to give this interesting account of the origin of the song."372

En junio de 1920 se le encuentra, junto a su esposa, visitando a su hija Grace Edna en Decatur, Illinois.

“Mr. and Mrs. M.L. McPhail of Park Ridge are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Espy.”373

370 McPHAIL, Matthew Lindsay (ed.). Hope Anthems. Chicago: The Hope Publishing Company, cop. 1919. 160 p.

371 “Fourteenth Census of the United States: 1920-Population.” Year: 1920 [Date: January 14th]; Census Place: Maine, Cook, Illinois; Roll T625_360; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 117; Image: 546. En: 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009.

372 "Acknowledgments to the Author." En: Missions: an International Baptist Magazine, 1920, v.11, p.510 [9-1-12]

373 The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois), 1920, June 4, p.8.


En 1921, se publica una de sus obras, Crown Him with Many Crowns en la revista The Choir Herald (July 1921, vol. 24, no. 10).

En septiembre de 1921 se menciona a una tal Mrs. Katherine McPhail como "director of publicity" de la Robin Hood Opera Company buscando a posibles cantantes en la ciudad de Sandusky, Ohio374 y, en octubre de aquel mismo año se refieren a ella como una músico “capaz” que se encargó de dirigir la música orquestal que acompañaba una de aquellas producciones operísticas. La única duda para confirmar que se trate de la esposa de McPhail es el hecho de que se refieren a ella como “Miss” dando a entender alguien soltero. Es posible que no se trate de la misma persona.375 En octubre de 1925 se la sigue mencionando como representante de una compañía de ópera que actuaba en Zanesville, Ohio. Es posible que el matrimonio McPhail continuara estando relacionado con el mundo de la música. El propio McPhail fue editor de música coral para la Hope Publishing Company hasta 1920.376 En 1921, The Hope Publishing Co. publica Hope Choir Selections con algunas obras de McPhail.377

En enero de 1922 se le menciona junto a su esposa con motivo de una visita que les hace su hija Grace Edna (Mrs. R.E. Espy) y dos de sus nietas.

“Will Visit in Chicago Mrs. R.E. Espy, 420 West Decatur Street, will leave the first of the week with her two daughters, Edna and Kathryn, for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.L. McPhail in Chicago. She will probably remain in Chicago until the return of her husband who left Dec. 31 for a two- months business trip in Europe. Mr. Espy reached Southampton, England, safely on the steamer Olympic Jan. 8 and reports success in his business endeavors in that country. He will visit Belgium, Holland and France before his return and may possibly go into Spain and Italy, depending upon the business conditions which he dings in the other countries.”378

En enero de 1924 se menciona a un Reverendo M.L. McPhail, de Chicago, oficiando un funeral en Massillon (Ohio). De ser el mismo McPhail sería una muestra de que continuaba teniendo cierta actividad como predicador.379

En 1928 se publicaron las siguientes noticias en sendos diarios. Es de especial interés la segunda de ellas puesto que aporta bastantes datos sobre su biografía que confirman lo que se ha expresado a lo largo de este capítulo. Es sorprendente que no se

374 JOHNSON, Lilly. "Music Notes." En: Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1921, September 27, p.5.

375 JOHNSON, Lilly. “Dunbar’s Robin Hood Flawless Production.” En: Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1921, October 2, p.2.

376 “Tam’ki Miura May Come to City in New Grand Opera.” En: Zanesville Times Signal (Zanesville, Ohio), 1925, October 18, p.21.

377 Library of Congress. Renewal Registrations-Music : January-June 1948. Washington, D.C.: Copyright Office. The Library of Congress, 1948, p.38. (Catalog of Copyright Entries. 3rd Series ; v.2, part 14B)

378 “Will Visit in Chicago.” En: The Decatur Herald (Decatur, Illinois), 1922, January 23, p.3.

379 The Evening Independent (Massillon, Ohio), 1924, January 18, p.2; January 21, p.2.

113 haga ninguna mención a su pasado como miembro de los EIB o peregrino (ministro viajante) de este grupo religioso, ni tampoco de su andadura posterior en el grupo de los New Covenants. Se resume todo con un genérico “He is particularly well known as a religious lecturer and composer of gospel songs and anthems.” No obstante, sí que se menciona un aspecto que, hasta la fecha, no he podido localizar en ninguna otra fuente. McPhail tuvo cierta fama como compositor de “anthems” y “gospel songs” ganando, incluso, algunos premios.

“Composer of Gospel Songs Wed Fifty Years Today M. L. McPhail, 300 Grant Place, Park Ridge, for more than thirty years a composer of gospel songs and anthems, will find material for a new song today. It is his golden wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail will spend the day at the home of a daughter, Mrs. B. F. Hollister, 1920 Home avenue. Present also will be two other daughters, Mrs. L. D. Perkins of Park Ridge and Mrs. R. E. Esty of Danville, Ill., and their families. Mr McPhail is 75 years old and Mrs. McPhail is 70”

“Former Residents Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. M. L. McPhail, of 300 Grant Place, Park Ridge, Chicago, Illinois, former well know residents of Steubenville celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on June 13, spending the day at the home of a daughter, Mrs. B. F. Hollister, 1920 Home avenue, Chicago. Others present at the family gathering were two other daughters, Mrs. L. D. Perkins of Chicago and Mrs. R. E. Esty of Danville, Ill., and their families. Both are in excellent health, Mr. McPhail being 75 years of age and Mrs. McPhail 70 years. As a youth Matthew L. McPhail came directly to Steubenville from Scotland and while still a boy he sang in the old Fifth street M. E. church choir and later he was choir director in the U. P. church and taught music as well. He was married to Miss Kate Kelly, a teacher in the public schools of Smithfield, Ohio on June 13, 1878. From Steubenville they moved to Canton, Ohio, where for several years Mr. McPhail served as choirster of the choir of the First M. E. church where President McKinley then worshipped. Since leaving Canton he has resided in or near Chicago, where he has engaged in musical and religious work. He is particularly well known as a religious lecturer and composer of gospel songs and anthems. He has taken first prize twice in the national anthem contests and once in the gospel song contest conducted by the Lorenz Publishing company of Dayton, Ohio. He had also edited several anthem books for the Hope Publishing company of Chicago. He has composed and published several volumes of gospel songs. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail have had six children, four of whom are living. Their son, M. L. McPhail Jr. is also a musician, a pianist, composer and orchestra leader, well known in Chicago and Los Angeles musical circles.”380

380 En marzo de 2010 pude contactar con, Kathleen Lucille M. Peterson, descendiente de Roderick McPhail, hermano mayor de M.L. McPhail. Entre los datos interesantes que me proporcionó se encuentran la transcripción de estas dos noticias aunque, desgraciadamente, no conservaba las referencias bibliográficas. La primera debió salir publicada en un diario cercano a Chicago, Illinois, y la segunda, probablemente, en un diario de Steubenville, Ohio o cercano. Finalmente, he podido localizar la cita completa de ambos artículos: “Composer of Gospel Songs Wed Fifty Years Today.” En: Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, Ill.), 1928, June 13, p.22; y, “Former Residents Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary.” En: The Herald Star (Steubenville, Ohio), 1928, June 21, p.12.


En abril de 1930,381 con 75 años, se encuentra viviendo en Maine, Cook, Illinois, junto a su esposa Kate, de 71 años de edad. Un año y medio después, el 24 de noviembre de 1931 falleció en Park Ridge, Illinois, de un ataque al corazón cuando contaba 77 años de edad. Fue enterrado en el “Town of Maine Cemetery” de aquella ciudad. Como puede observarse, entre 1909 y 1931 los datos localizados sobre M.L. McPhail son muy escasos. No obstante, su fallecimiento tuvo cierta repercusión a nivel local e incluyo a continuación las necrológicas que sobre él he localizado. Cada una de ellas aporta algún dato de interés sobre McPhail, especialmente la que se publicó en The Park Ridge Herald (Park Ridge, Ill.).

Su fallecimiento no mereció ni una sola línea en las publicaciones de los TCJ. No sucedió lo mismo con sus compañeros de cisma: E.C. Henninges le dedicó un emotivo artículo desde Australia en el que se describen aspectos muy interesantes sobre la vida de McPhail a quien conocía desde los 1880s; A. (¿Albert?) Edmund Williamson (¿1878?-posterior a 1942) ofició la ceremonia de funeral; John T. Read, reconocido cantante entre los EIB y colaborador de Russell por años, aportó la parte musical de la ceremonia junto con Miss Adelaide Jones, otra EIB de cierto renombre; y, finalmente, L.W. Jones, reconocido colaborador de Russell, ofreció la oración… en lo que se describe como “a most impressive service.” Todos estos EIB se habían separado de Russell años antes.

“McPHAIR (sic), Mathew L. McPhail, beloved husband of Kate, fond father of Mrs. R.E. Espy of Danville, Ill., Mrs. L.D. Perkins of Park Ridge, Ills., Mrs. B.F. Hollister of Rogers Park and Lindsay McPhail of New York. Funeral Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at chapel. 9 Fairview ave., Park Ridge. Interment Town of Maine cemetery.”382

Ilustración 35. “M.L. McPhail Rite to Be Today; Writer of Hymns.” En: Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 1931, November 28, p.962.

381 “Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930 : Population Schedule.” Year: 1930 [Date: April 11th]; Census Place: Maine, Cook, Illinois; Roll 501; Page: 33A; Enumeration District: 2147; Image: 304.0. En: 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2002).

382 “Death Notices.” En: Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 1931, November 27, p.954.


“M.L. McPhail Rites to Be Today; Writer of Hymns Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o’clock today, in the chapel at 9 Fairview avenue, Park Ridge, for M.L. McPhail, 77 years old, a writer of hymns and an evangelistic singer. Mr. McPhail died on Tuesday in his home, 300 Grant place, Park Ridge. He was born in Scotland and came to this country as a youth. As a young man he was choral director of the First Methodist church in Canton, O., and knew President McKinley, a member of that congregation. His widow, Mrs. Kathryn McPhail, three daughters and a son survive.”383

“M.L. McPhail Sr. Dies!” Chicago, Nov. 28 (AP)—Matthew Lindsay McPhail, 77, composer of sacred music and father of Matthew Lindsay McPhail Jr., composer of New York, is dead of heart failure.”384

“Composer of sacred music dies suddenly Chicago, Nove. 28—(AP)— Matthew Lindsay McPhail, composer of sacred music and father of Mathew Lindsay McPhail, Jr., composer and orchestration arranger for the Roxy orchestra in New York, died here suddenly, last Tuesday, it was learned to-day. McPhail was a former choir leader in the First Methodist Episcopal church at Canton, O., and a personal friend of President William McKinley, who was a member of the church. The elder McPhail, who wrote several books of hymns, came to Chicago at the time of the world’s fair. He was 77 years old.”385

“Matthew Lindsay McPhail Chicago, Nove. 28 (AP).—Matthew Lindsay McPhail, composer of sacred music and father of Matthew Lindsay McPhail Jr., composer and orchestration arranger for the Roxy orchestra in New York, died of heart disease on Tuesday. Mr. McPhail was a former choir leader in the First Methodist Episcopal church at Canton, Ohio, and a personal friend of President William McKinley, who was a member of the church. He came to Chicago at the time of the World’s Fair. He was 77 years old.”386

“Choir leader dies Chicago, Nov. 28.—(AP)—Matthew Lindsay McPhail, composer of sacred music and former choir leader in the First M.E. church of Canton, O., died Thursday it was learned today.”387

“Hymn Writer Dies. (By Associated Press)

383 “M.L. McPhail Rite to Be Today; Writer of Hymns.” En: Chicago Daily Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 1931, November 28, p.962.

384 “M.L. McPhail Sr. Dies!” En: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), 1931, November 28, p.1.

385 “Composer of sacred music dies suddenly.” En: Lima News (Lima, Ohio), 1931, November 29, p.3; The Sunday News (Lima, Ohio), 1931, November 29, p.14.

386 “Matthew Lindsay McPhail.” En: New York Times (New York, New York), 1931, November 29, p.1314 o p.31.

387 “Choir Leader Dies.” En: The Zanesville Signal (Zanesville, Ohio), 1931, November 29, p.19.


Chicago. Nov. 28.—Matthew Lindsay McPhail, 77, composer of sacred music and father of Matthew McPhail Jr., composer and orchestration arranger for the Roxy Orchestra in New York, died of heart disease last Tuesday, it was learned today. The elder McPhail, who wrote several books of hymns, came to Chicago at the time of the World's Fair.”388

“COMPOSER DIES Chicago, Nov. 30—(AP)—Matthew Lindsay McPhail, composer of sacred music and father of Matthew Lindsay McPhail, Jr., composer and orchestration arranger for the Roxy Theatre in New York, died here suddenly, last Tuesday, it was learned today. Mr. McPhail was a former choir leader in the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Canton, O.”389

“M.L. McPhail, Hymn Writer, Singer, Dies Many Honor Pioneer at Services Saturday Afternoon Matthew Lindsay McPhail, 77 years old, father of Mrs. Jessie Perkins, 108 North Knight avenue, nationally known as a composer and singer of sacred music and a devoted evangelistic worker, died at his home 300 Grant place, Tuesday night, November 24. He became a personal friend of the late President William McKinley, when he was director of the choir of the First Methodist church in Canton, O., which President McKinley attended. Bishop Praised His Voice At the peak of his career, as an evangelical leader and singer, Methodist Bishop McCabe, of Ohio, said Mr. McPhail ‘had a voice of martial ring that would inspire a host.’ Mr. McPhail who was a resident of Park Ridge for nearly twenty years, is survived by the widow, Kate; three, daughters, Mrs. Laura Hollister, of Rogers Park, Chicago; Mrs. Jessie Perkins, of Park Ridge; and Mrs. Grace Espy, of Danville, Ill.; and a son, Matthew Lindsay McPhail, Jr., of New York City, who has followed in his father’s footsteps as a composer and musician, and is now engaged in arranging orchestrations for one of the largest and most famous of orchestras. Many Honor Him at Services A host of friends, including evangelical associates, paid their last tribute to Matthew McPhail at the services which were held at H.H. Porter’s Chapel, 9 Fairview avenue, at 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon. A.E. Williamson, a personal friend and fellow evangelical worker, now secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of West Orange, N.J. officiated and paid high tribute to the great religious worker, composer, and singer. Sing His Favorite Hymns John T. Reed, of Chicago, another associate and friend of Mr. McPhail, sang three of the evangelist, composer, and singer’s favorite hymns; ‘Sweet Will of God,’ composed by Mr. McPhail; ‘Follow On,’ and ‘Under His Wings.’ Mr. Reed was accompanied by Miss Adelaide Jones, of Chicago. Dr. L.W. Jones offered a prayer. It was a most impressive service. Burial was in the Town of Maine cemetery.”390

“Among the contributors of songs of praise for the use of God’s people was Mr. M.L. McPhail, who passed away November 24, 1931, aged about

388 “Hymn Writer Dies.” En: San Antonio Express (San Antonio, Texas), 1931, November 29, p.8.

389 “Composer Dies.” En: Hamilton Daily News (Hamilton, Ohio), 1931, November 30, p.8.

390 “M.L. McPhail, Hymn Writer, Singer, Dies.” En: The Park Ridge Herald (Park Ridge, Illinois), 1931, vol.28, no.49, December 4, p.1.


80 years. He was a Scotsman, but at the time I made his acquaintance was living in Canton, Ohio, U.S.A. Both of us were members of the Methodist Church, the principal church in the town, Mr. McPhail being choir leader and the present writer a youthful member of the choir. Mr. McPhail possessed a fine baritone voice of unusually great compass, and was in demand at social functions of all kinds, at some of which I had the pleasure of assisting as accompanist. He was also instructor in singing at the Canton public schools, and sometimes took a group of singers on tours of neighbouring towns. In the winter of 1889-90 Mr. McPhail had an engagement in another city, to instruct a glee club in part singing, and one day visited the local music dealer (Mr. Porter). While there he remarked that his brother, the Rev. John McPhail, who was engaged in evangelistic work, wished him to accompany him as singer and song leader, but he was doubtful whether he was sufficiently informed in Scripture to take such a position. He was a believer in Jesus, and a church member, but there were many Bible subjects upon which he felt very deficient. The wife of the music dealer, who was present and heard his expressed desire for more knowledge, said. ‘I can help you,’ and proceeded to lay before him some scriptures indicating that God had a well defined plan that He was carrying out over a series of ages, each age having its own particular work, and all working harmoniously to His own glory; that there was a ‘high calling’ for the present age, and that soon His kingdom would be set up in power and authority in the earth; that the popular teaching of eternal torment was an error, and that God’s purpose was to bless and enlighten through His Son not a few only, but all for whom Christ died. Mr. McPhail received all this with avidity, and was given a small book called ‘The Plan of the Ages’ to read along these lines. On his return to Canton he continued searching the Scriptures whether these things were so. In the meantime I had returned with my parents to Cleveland, Ohio […] Soon thereafter, being in Canton for the summer vacation, I called one day at the home of Mr. McPhail, and on being shown in was surprised to see scattered over the table an open Bible, a copy of the ‘Emphatic Diaglott,’ and numerous other books and papers, including ‘The Plan of the Ages’ and ‘Zion’s Watch Tower.’ In different cities both had been started on the same lines of Bible Study, and we spent a great day comparing experiences. Mr. McPhail had agreed to go on the evangelistic mission with his brother John, but as they proceeded felt more and more out of place in meetings where the teaching of eternal torment for the unsaved was one of the principal topics. He endeavoured to impart the truth on the subject of future punishment to his brother, but with little success, and so terminated his evangelistic labors. Within the next few years, however, his brother John came to see the truth on the soul, the state of the dead, etc.; and, being no longer able to teach the former doctrine of eternal misery, he resigned from the Methodist connection. Both removed to Chicago, Ill., where Mr. M.L. continued as a teacher of singing; his wife and some of his family being in sympathy with the truths he now proclaimed. But that was later, and we must go back a little to the year 1891. In that year the ‘Zion’s Watch Tower Society’ held a Convention at Allegheny, Pa., and both Mr. M.L. McPhail and I attended it. […] Brother McPhail made a great impression at this 1891 Convention, both with his singing and his earnest way of talking. He was a rapid speaker, with a profusion of ideas, and was entertaining as well as instructive. He had a remarkable memory for chapter and verse, and urged upon all the importance of being able to locate and quote accurately texts offered in proof of any statement. He point out that many cannot give chapter and verse because they do not apply their minds to the matter, and recommended everyone to write out texts on slips of paper to carry in the pocket and go over them until well


stored in mind. Soon afterward he was sent out regularly as a ‘pilgrim’ to visit the brethren in their home towns and build them up in the faith. In this capacity he travelled extensively in the United States and Canada, and later on visited Great Britain. Many will remember one of his favorite sayings—‘I used to be a Scotchman, but now I am a new creature.’ Brother McPhail’s gift as a composer of spiritual songs was exhibited before 1908 in two or three small books, which were utilized by many Bible class meetings. In 1908 he published ‘Zion’s Glad Songs,’ a collection of 248 hymns and spiritual songs, the majority of his own composition. This song-book was followed by another smaller collection, under the title ‘Songs of Comfort.’ His gift for tuneful melody has been often remarked by musicians and others who enjoy these ‘Glad Songs.’ To Brother McPhail and ourselves and many other brethren who had enjoyed fellowship under the Watch Tower auspices there came in 1907 and 1908 the necessity of separating from the Watch Tower movement owing to the adoption of strange ideas by its Editor […] Brother McPhail took a firm stand against these errors, as we were glad to note at the time, and devoted many years to pointing them out to Watch Tower adherents, preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the one Foundation for faith. […] Separated by thousand of miles, nevertheless our unified purpose has been to ‘glorify God, to honour His Son, and to comfort His people.’ And as we sing again and gain the Glad Songs Brother McPhail gave us, we shall continue to thank God for having given this generation and this work a sweet singer of praises and thanksgivings worthy the great message of truth concerning the True Light and the Kingdom of peace and good will. […] At the service in Melbourne at which our dear brother’s passing was announced, hymn No. 200 of Zion’s Glad Songs—‘Step by Step’—was sung in memoriam”391

De la familia más directa de M.L. McPhail puedo indicar lo siguiente. Según E.C. Henninges, la esposa, Kate (1858-1945),392 se unió a los EIB poco después que M.L. McPhail lo hiciera. Durante todos los años que M.L. McPhail trabajó como peregrino su esposa también colaboró con él siendo una activa EIB. Cuando se separó de Russell, en 1909, parece que ella también le siguió. Sus dos hijos mayores, Harry C. y Frank O. murieron siendo muy jóvenes.

Su hija mayor, Grace Edna McPhail (1884-enero 1965),393 se casa con Ralph Edward Espy (o Espey) en 1905. Cursó estudios musicales en diferentes escuelas de

391 HENNINGES, E.C. “M.L. McPhail.” En: The New Covenant Advocate, 1932, Vol.23, no.11, February 1, p.200-202. Agradezco a Nathan [pseudónimo] haberme proporcionado copia de este artículo.

392 Kate Kelley (Catharine o Katherine; su apellido también lo he localizado como Kelly). Nació hacia 1858 en Ohio. En junio de 1860, con 2 años, vivía en Smithfield, Jefferson, Ohio, junto a sus padres, Thomas M. Kelley de 25 años y Sarah Jane Kelley (de soltera Watson) de 25 años, y probablemente con su abuelo paterno, James Kelley, de 81 años. En junio 1870, con 12 años, vivía en Smithfield, Jefferson, Ohio, junto a su hermano, Thomas de 9 años, su tía Angeline Watson de 43 años y, seguramente, su abuela materna, Nancy Watson, de 65 años. Falleció el 20 de junio de 1945, en Jefferson, Ohio, aunque podría no tratarse de ella. (Fuente: Otras Fuentes indican que falleció el 16 de diciembre de 1945. En su obituario indica que: “Kate McPhail, nee Kelly, late of 106 N. Knight avenue, Park Ridge, Ill., wife of the late M. L., McPhail [composer], mother of Grace Espy, Jessie Perkins, Laura Hollister, and Lindsay McPhail. Services Monday, 2 p.m., at chapel, 127 N. Northwest hwy., Park Ridge, Ill. Interment Town of Maine cemetery.” (Chicago Tribune[Chicago, Illinois], 1945, December 16)

393 Nace el 8 de julio de 1884 en Canton, Stark, Ohio. En 1900 reside en Chicago Ward 31st, Cook, Illinois. Se casa con R.E. Espy (1882-1968) el 17 de enero de 1905 con quien tiene dos hijas en 1907 y 119

Chicago e Illinois. Entre sus profesores se cita a su propio padre, M.L. McPhail. Llegó a ejercer la enseñanza musical en el Decatur Musical College (Decatur, Illinois). Se la menciona en varias ocasiones como profesora de música y participando en eventos musicales como solista o contralto en grupos vocales y, también, en comités para educación infantil y otro tipo de eventos sociales. En 1948 se la menciona en un festival musical en Washington, D.C.394 En 1923 colaboró con su hermano Lindsay McPhail en una obra musical.395 En el censo de 1930 se indica que su profesión es la de “vocal teacher” en la Methodist Church de Danville, Illinois. Su esposo, un industrial en Chicago, Decatur y Geneva (Illinois), fue compañero de juventud de su hermano Lindsay McPhail. No tengo constancia de que fuera o fueran miembros activos de los EIB o del grupo que, posteriormente, organizara o auspiciara su padre en 1909.

Su hija Jessie A. (¿Almeda?) McPhail (1888-¿1952?),396 se casa con Louis (Lewis) D. Perkins en 1915. No tengo constancia de que fuera o fueran miembros activos de los EIB o del grupo que, posteriormente, organizó su padre en 1909. Tampoco tengo constancia de que tuviera algún papel destacado a nivel musical.

1910. En 1910 está residiendo en Chicago Ward 32, Cook Illinois. En 1920 reside en Decatur, Macon, Illinois. Hacia 1923 se traslada a Geneva, Illinois. En 1930 reside en Danville, Vermilion, Illinois. Fallece el 20 de enero de 1965 en Washington City, D.C., a los 80 años. (Fuente: (Washington Post, [Washington, D.C.], 1965, January 21, p.434; 1965, January 22, p.2893; Washington Post, Times Herald [Washington, D.C.], 1965, January 25, p.2893; Chicago Daily Tribune [Chicago, Illinois] 1965, January 22, p.182; Chicago Tribune [Chicago, Illinois], 1965, January 24, p.1959); Su hija, Kathryn F. Aller (1910-1997), se graduó en 1932 en la Northwestern University School of Music y también desarrolló una carrera como profesora de música [“She taught music and directed choral groups in Ogden Dunes and at the Marquette Park Methodist Church for many years. She retired in 1975 as Professor Emerita after 19 years of teaching music theory at the Valparaiso University School of Music”] (“Kathryn F. Aller [Obituary].” En:, July 25, 1997, cop. 2014 [11/11/2014])

394 “ESPY, Grace McPhail.” En: SPAETH, Sigmund (ed.). Music and Dance in the Southeastern States : including Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North & South Carolina, Virgina & the District of Columbia. New York, N.Y.: Bureau of Musical Research, 1952, p.190 y 191. Sale mencionada en varios eventos musicales en algunas noticias publicadas entre 1918 y 1926 en el periódico The Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois). Auspició apariciones musicales de alguno de sus alumnos. (“Marguerite Sheetz sings at musicale, Washington, D.C.” En: The Daily Courier [Connesville, Pennsylvania], 1948, June 5, p.4)

395 Zoe : fox trot oriental, w Grace Espy and Jack Nelson, m L. M., of U.S. Copyright 1 c. Sept. 10, 1923 ; E 569109 ; Lindsay McPhail, Chicago. 18361. (Library of Congress. Copyright Office. Catalogue of Copyright Entries. Part 3: Musical Compositions. New Series, Volume 18, part 2. Last half of 1923. Nos. 8-13. With Annual Index. Washington: Government Printin Office, 1924, p. 1051, entry 18361)

396 Nace en agosto de 1888. Su nombre podría ser también Jessie M. Perkins (Jessie McPhail Perkins). En 1900 reside en Chicago Ward 31st, Cook, Illinois. En 1910 reside en Chicago Ward 32, Cook, Illinois. En julio de 1915 se casa con Louis D. Perkins (Lewis Dorman Perkins, 1874-1957) con quien tiene una hija en 1920 (Nancy Janet Perkins, 1920-1937). En 1920 y 1930 reside en Maine, Cook, Illinois. No he podido localizar la fecha de su fallecimiento, aunque tuvo que ser antes de 1965, puesto que en la necrológica de su hermana Grace ya no se la menciona (Fuente: (Washington Post, [Washington, D.C.], 1965, January 21, p.434; January 22, p.2893; Washington Post, Times Herald [Washington, D.C.], 1965, January 25, p.2893; Chicago Daily Tribune [Chicago, Illinois] 1965, January 22, p.182; Chicago Tribune [Chicago, Illinois], 1965, January 24, p.1959). Podría haber fallecido en 1952 (“Jessie Almeda McPhail Perkins.” En: Find A Grave [Record added: 29-11-2010, by Mary Stewart] [31-12- 2012]). De este sitio he extraído también datos sobre el nombre de su esposo e hija.


Su hija Laura J. McPhail (1890-1984),397 se casa con Benjamin Foster Hollister (1889-1982), miembro de una destacada familia de EIB. Es la única de las hijas (e hijos) de M.L. McPhail de la que tengo conocimiento continuara con una estrecha relación con los EIB. Incluso, parece que después de la separación de su padre con Russell, en 1909, el matrimonio Hollister continuó fiel a éste hasta que, hacia 1917, también se distanciaron doctrinalmente y se separaron del grupo de J.F. Rutherford uniéndose a alguno de los diferentes grupos de EIB que surgieron. No tengo constancia de que esta hija tuviera conocimientos musicales.

Ilustración 36. Fotografía de un grupo de EIB hacia 1909-1910 en Springfield, Illinois. Puede reconocerse a Laura McPhail (primera mujer por la derecha). (Fuente: Mike Castro)

397 Nace el 18 de noviembre de 1890 en Canton Stark, Ohio. En 1900 reside en Chicago Ward 31, Cook, Illinois. En 1910 en Chicago Ward 32, Cook, Illinois. En 1920 en Chicago Ward 35, Cook, Illinois. En 1930 en Park Ridge City, Cook, Illinois. Se casa con Benjamin Hollister, un activo EIB miembro de una familia relacionada con este movimiento. Fallece el 22 de noviembre de 1988 en Hillsboro, Montgomery, Illinois (Fuente: Esa fecha de fallecimiento que indicaba inicialmente en mi tesis es errónea. Una posterior búsqueda en Find A Grave, muestra que, en realidad falleció el 1 de marzo de 1984 en Evanston, Cook County, Illinois. (“Laura J. McPhail Hollister.” En: Find A Grave. [Registro creado por Denice Huerta; Registro añadido: 18/5/2014. [Última consulta: 8/9/2014])


Ilustración 37. El matrimonio Hollister (Laura J. McPhail y Benjamin F. Hollister), hacia 1908. (Fuente: WTReprints, 1907-1909, vol.9, reimpresión de los años 70 u 80)

Su hijo menor, Matthew Lindsay McPhail, Jr., (1895-marzo 1965),398 es el único que continuó la carrera musical de su padre, aunque no en el ámbito de la música religiosa. Ya en edad escolar demostró inclinaciones artísticas.399 Durante la I Guerra Mundial fue condecorado por sus acciones heroicas en el frente de batalla. Adquirió cierta notoriedad a nivel local como profesor de piano, harmonía y composición, y también compuso varias obras antes de llegar a los años 20. A mediados de la década anterior entra como profesor en la Harvard School of Music.400 Llegó a adquirir fama a nivel nacional en la década de los 20, 30 y 40 como autor de piezas de música popular o ligera y reputado compositor y arreglista de música para orquesta, trabajando para algunas de las más importantes de la época. Alguna de sus composiciones llegaron a ser grabadas y comercializadas.401 Fue miembro de la American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers de Estados Unidos.402 Es más conocido artísticamente como Lindsay (o Lindsey) McPhail. En 1922 se casa con Addie Dukes, actriz de cine de cierta fama por aquellos días, con quien tendría una hija en 1924, y de la que se divorcia en 1930. Parece ser que, posteriormente, volvió a casarse. No tengo constancia de que Lindsay McPhail fuera un miembro activo de los EIB.

398 Nace el 19 de noviembre de 1895 en Chicago, Illinois. En 1900 reside en Chicago Ward 31, Cook, Illinois. En 1910 reside en Chicago Ward 32, Cook, Illinois. En 1920 reside en Maine, Cook, Illinois. En 1920 aparece como músico y pianista. En 1922 se casa con Addie Oakley Dukes en Park Ridge, Illinois, actriz de cine de la época, de la que se separa en 1930 (ella se casará de nuevo con el conocido actor de cine mudo Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle). En 1930 aparece residiendo en Manhattan, New York. En 1930 aparece como músico y compositor de música para orquesta. Fallece el 3 de marzo de 1965 en Tupper Lake, New York.

399 Formó parte del “The Footlights Society”, el club de teatro de su instituto (“The Footlights Society.” En: The Purple Book : Englewood High School, 1910. [Englewood: Englewood High School, 1910?], p. 172)

400 The Englewood Economist (Chicago, Illinois), 1916, February 23, p.4; Suburbanite Economist (Chicago, Illinois), 1916, February 25, p.4.

401 Una de sus composiciones más famosas fue: McPHAIL, Lindsay & MICHELS, Walter. San: oriental fox trot. [S.l.: s.n., 1920?]

402 Como se observa en uno de sus obituarios (New York Times [New York, New York], 1965, March ¿3 o 6?, p.349).


Los hijos de M.L. McPhail continuaron ostentando los derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre algunas de las obras de su padre. Así, al menos, consta para 1949 cuando renuevan ese derecho sobre obras como Claim the Promise, Stand Firm, Step by Step, Victory with Jesus y What a Wonderful Change; y, para 1950, Gathering Sheaves for Jesus. En todas ellas constan como: Lindsay McPhail, Grace McPhail Espy, Jessie McPhail Perkins & Laura McPhail Hollister.”403

A continuación incluyo tres listados. El primero incluye una aproximación a las obras musicales que he localizado de M.L. McPhail; el segundo es un listado con las siglas de los himnarios para poder identificar los himnarios en los que he localizado obras de McPhail según se muestran en el primer listado; y, el tercero incluye las referencias a la programación o interpretación de alguna obra de M.L. McPhail que he localizado haciendo una búsqueda en bases de datos de periódicos de la época.

403 Library of Congress. Renewal Registrations-Music : January-June 1949. Washington, D.C.: Copyright Office. The Library of Congress, 1949, p.95, 145, 152 y 154. (Catalog of Copyright Entries. 3rd Series ; v.3, part 14B); Library of Congress. Renewal Registrations-Music : January-June 1950. Washington, D.C.: Copyright Office. The Library of Congress, 1950, p.22. (Catalog of Copyright Entries. 3rd Series ; v.4, part 14B)



Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ ¿? ¿? F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail SSLV11900-029 N ¿? ¿? F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail SSLV11900-029 N A BEACON LIGHT HANGS MFSLSMRDRMDSLDFLSMR Joseph Rusling M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-054 N OUT FOR THEE A better day is coming a MFSSSLSMSDDDRDLSSSL ¿Robert Lowry? M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGSC1908-119 S morning promised long A great feast is ready TS121890-415 SSMFSDDDTLSSFMRRMFL John McPhail M.L. McPhail N prepared now for thee TS21889-215 A LITTLE TALK WITH TS341894-296 MMSDMMRRMFTLFMMFSM M.L. McPhail N JESUS TS41894-127 TS341894-296 A little talk with Jesus MMSDMMRRMFTLFMMFSM M.L. McPhail N TS41894-127 A LITTLE TALK WITH SSDDDRMMMFSLSFMRMF S. & A. M. Lindsay SoSP1890-074 N JESUS A little talk with Jesus SSDDDRMMMFSLSFMRMF S. & A. M. Lindsay SoSP1890-074 N ZGS21907-001 A LITTLE WHILE SSMRSSRDSSDTLSSSMR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-117 A little while with weary ZGS21907-001 SSMRSSRDSSDTLSSSMR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S feet ZGSC1908-117 ZGS11900-028 A pilgrim here below I ZGS11902-028 SSFMSDTLDTLSMFMRMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S would no guidance know ZGS11905-028 ZGSC1908-028 A road there is beginning SSMDSTLFFFRSFMSSMD E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail PH561911-0100 N A SHELTER IN THE TIME V.J.C. SoSP1890-017 SSMFSSLDSDMMMDRMRS M.L. McPhail S OF STORM ¿V.J. Charlesworth? ZGSC1908-139 A THOUSAND YEARS SMFSDRDTDS,LDLSMSFMR H. Bonar M.L. McPhail HORC1894-122 N H. Bonar DAS JUBELJAHR SMFSDRDTDS,LDLSMSFMR M.L. McPhail EGDP1895-088 N E.C. Magaret A thousand years earth’s DTDRRRSSLTDS,DTDRRRF H. Bonar M.L. McPhail HORC1894-122 N coming glory Ein Jubeljahr nach Nach H. Bonar DTDRRRSSLTDS,DTDRRRF M.L. McPhail EGDP1895-088 N und Grauen E.C. Magaret A wonderful blessing divine SDMRDMLSMFFFRSFMMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail SoC1909-015 S ABIDE WITH ME MMRSFFFMLLLSTD H.F. Lyte M.L. McPhail pLC1885-010 N ABIDE WITH ME MMRSSDDRRMMFFMDTTDL H.F. Lyte M.L. McPhail pLC1885-010 N Abide with me fast falls the MMRSFFFMLLLSTD H.F. Lyte M.L. McPhail pLC1885-010 N even tide Abide with me fast falls the MMRSSDDRRMMFFMDTTDL H.F. Lyte M.L. McPhail pLC1885-010 N even tide AH COULD I WITH MMMR#MDSLLLFMRRMMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-058 N FANCY STRAY Ah could I with fancy stray MMMR#MDSLLLFMRRMMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-058 N ALAS AND DID MY WA11896-062 SSFMSSLTDSFMRRMFMM I. Watts M.L. McPhail N SAVIOR BLEED WA121899-062 Alas and did my Savior WA11896-062 SSFMSSLTDSFMRRMFMM I. Watts M.L. McPhail N bleed WA121899-062 ALDRIG ALLEN SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail (arr.) NPSA1903-272 N All for Jesus All for Jesus RMFTDRMD,MFSMF#FS,SS E.G Cherry M.L. McPhail HORC1894-036 N All glory all glory MRSFMDSLLRMRRSMMMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail P1905-006 N ALL GLORY TO HIS NAME SMMMRDSMSSSFFLLSSS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail P1905-006 N ALL HAIL THE DEAR NASS1899-xxx SDDRDDTSRRMRDDRMMF Mrs. F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail N FLAG VoM1899-170 All hail the dear flag of our NASS1899-xxx SSMSFRFMDSSMSFRFMM Mrs. F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail N country VoM1899-170 All hail the power of Jesus’ ¿E. Perronet? WA121899-2073 MFSMR#MDTLSSLDFMMR M.L. McPhail N name ¿John Rippon? WA21899-073

404 En mayúsculas indica el título de la obra; en letra normal indica primera línea; y, en letra normal subrayada indica primera línea del estribillo.


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ NASS1899-xxx All hail the royal colors SDDRDDTSRRMRDDRMMF Mrs. F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail N VoM1899-170 All the paths I lately trod SFMMMFSDDTDRTDSSLT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-056 N S4WW1900-110 All the wise will be invited SSDDRDLSMMSSFFLLSS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-110 N VoM1899-110 All things are ready Come PH121898-343 DMFLSDTDLLRDTMLSF# Julia H. Johnston M.L. McPhail N in come in PH21898-039 ALL THROUGH GRACE MFSMLMSRMRDDRRMMFS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-002 S ALTHOUGH THE FIG SoC1909-006 TREE SHALL NOT MMMMMMDTLMFFSRMMMM Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-149 BLOOM Although the figtree shall SoC1909-006 MMMMMMDTLMFFSRMMMM Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail S not bloom ZGSC1908-149 ALTOGETHER LOVELY SDDDDDSMFSSSLSDMMMM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-044 N ALWAYS ABOUNDING DRMMDTLRMFFRDTLSDDR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-018 N WA11896-132 ALWAYS SOMETHING MFSDDRMDSSLTDLSSSL F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail N WA121899-132 Always something for the WA11896-132 MFSDRMFLDLSMDMSRMF F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail N Master WA121899-132 AMAZING GRACE SDRMDRMFMSLDSMRRMF J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-075 N Amazing grace how sweet SDRMDRMFMSLDSMRRMF J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-075 N the sound ANCHOR TO THE CROSS SSSMMRRDDTTLSMSSSL John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-004 N PH11894-295 And above the rest this note DRMMFFLSSMSFFRFMMD E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH121898-295 N shall swell PH21898-220 And above the rest this note PH11894-296 DRMMFFLSSMSFFRFMMD ¿Thomas Ken? M.L. McPhail (arr.) N shall swell PH121898-296 And I shall see Him face to SSMSSMMDMMDDLDDRRLR F.J. Crosby M.L. McPhail SoC1909-019 S face AND IT SHALL COME TO SSFMRDLLSSLTDTLSSF M.L. McPhail WA341906-120 N PASS And it shall come to pass in SSFMRDLLSSLTDTLSSF M.L. McPhail WA341906-120 N the last days WA11896-184 AND THE PUBLICAN MMLLLMDRMLDDFFM#FFSL M.L. McPhail N WA121899-184 And the publican standing WA11896-184 afar off would not lift up so MMLLLMDRMLDDFFM#FFSL M.L. McPhail N WA121899-184 much And the road leads home SF#SMDDDDLSSDTLDSM E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail PH561911-0100 N And there were shepherds WA121899-2100 abiding in the field keeping SLMSRMDDFFMMMMMRDRF M.L. McPhail N WA21899-100 watch over Angels of Jesus angels of WA51914-008 MLMFFRSRMDMDTRDTTLL F.W. Faber M.L. McPhail N light WA561916-008 ANGELS WILL OPEN THE ¿? M.L. McPhail pLC1879—044 N BEAUTIFUL GATES Anywhere that Jesus Calls MRDTRDTL,SDMSMRDR,MR M.L. Mcphail HORC1894-084 N Me Irgendwo aus allen Pfaden MRDTRDTL,SDMSMRDR,MR E.C. Magaret M.L. Mcphail EGDP1895-106 N Anywhere that Jesus Calls TDRMSFFM,RMFSTLS,SF# M.L. McPhail HORC1894-084 N Me Irgendwo aus allen Pfaden TDRMSFFM,RMFSTLS,SF# E.C. Magaret M.L. McPhail EGDP1895-106 N ANYWHERE WITH JESUS SSSSMDLLLTLSRRRDTTT M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-064 N Anywhere with Jesus my RRRMFRRDDDRMSSSFMDD M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-064 N soul would gladly go Anywhere with Jesus says SSSSMDLLLTLSRRRDTTT M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-064 N the Christian heart ARE YOU IMPROVING ZGS21907-036 SLTDTDRDLLSSFMRRSFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S YOUR TALENTS ZGSC1908-096 Are you improving your ZGS21907-036 SLTDTDRDLLSSFMRRSFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S talents for Jesus ZGSC1908-096 Are you ready for the SDMMMMRDDLSDMSSSFMD John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-213 N mansions over there? ARE YOU READY FOR SDMMMMRDDLSDMSSSFMD John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-213 N THE MANSIONS? 125

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Arise shine for thy light is WA51914-078 SMRDTTTRRSSSSSSSTS M.L. McPhail N come WA561916-078 ARISE SHINE FOR THY WA51914-078 SMRDTTTRRSSSSSSSTS M.L. McPhail N LIGHT IS COME WA561916-078 Edward Grell ARM OF THE LORD MMMSMMFRMDTRSLRSF#S M. Lindsay (arr.) MAC1885-010 N AWAKE ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? Edward Grell Arm of the Lord awake MMMSMMFRMDTRSLRSF#S M. Lindsay (arr.) MAC1885-010 N awake ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? As a spring of crystal water MFSSLTDSSMRSSMFMFS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-007 S SoC1909-005 As I follow where He LLLLSMSMDDDDRMRDRM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-057 S leadeth ZGSC1908-242 AS PANTS THE HART FOR ¿? G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail (arr.) HoMD1968-334 S WATER BROOKS HoMD1936-334 HoMD1946-334 HoMD1950-334 As pants the hart for water MFMRLTRDLSMMSFRFLS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail (arr.) HoMD1959-334 S brooks HoMD1968-334 ZGS21907-038 ZGSC1908-098 HoMD1936-334 HoMD1946-334 HoMD1950-334 As pants the hart for water MFMRLTRDLSMMSFRFLS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail (arr.) HoMD1959-334 S brooks HoMD1968-334 ZGS21907-038 ZGSC1908-098 As swift and silent the SDDDTDLDSDMMMRMDMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-075 N moments glide Joseph Grigg ASHAMED OF JESUS MMFLSSFMMDTLSSF#SM M.L. McPhail HA1919-130 N Benjamin Francis (alt.) J.P. Webster AT THE BANQUET DRMRDRDLSDRMMMSSMR G.M. Bills ZGSC1908-247 S M.L. McPhail (arr.) At the banquet of glory and J.P. Webster DRMRDRDLSDRMMMSSMR G.M. Bills ZGSC1908-247 S love M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH31902-199 PH341907-199 At the cross I found my ZGS11900-025 MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S Savior ZGS11902-025 ZGS11905-025 ZGSC1908-025 At the feast of Belshazzar Knowles Shaw MFSSSSSDRMRMFSSSLFF Knowles Shaw SoSP1890-212 N and a thousand of his lords M.L. McPhail (arr.) J.P. Webster At the feast of the soul MFSSMRRMFFFFMRMMFS G.M. Bills ZGSC1908-247 S M.L. McPhail (arr.) At the mercyseat I linger DRMMMRRDMFSSSFMSSD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-138 N At the mercyseat I linger SDDTTRRDSSLDTLSSSS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-138 N AVALE MÔT DA TÔÑE Kate Ulmer MSLSMSD,DDDDRRMS,MSL M.L. McPhail ANCEPC2013-247 N YÉSUS F.K. Akora-Mongo (tr.) ZGS11900-023 Awake my soul to lofty ZGS11902-023 MMFSSF#LSMDDDTLSS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S praise ZGS11905-023 ZGSC1908-023 BE A JOYFUL WITNESS DMSMSDTLSFMLSDMSMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-154 S Be a joyful witness true DDTLSFMLLSFFMMDMSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-154 S BE CAREFUL FOR ZGS21907-025 SDMFSDRMFMRFTRMFTDR F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S NOTHING ZGSC1908-085 Be careful for nothing fear ZGS21907-025 SSMFSDDMRDLDDTLSDDR F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S not little flock ZGSC1908-085 Be careful for nothing why ZGS21907-025 SDMFSDRMFMRFTRMFTDR F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S fret thou my soul? ZGSC1908-085 Be joyful in God for His SSLTDMMRMFMSLTDSDMR Samuel Burnham M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-037 N mercy and grace BE KIND MFSDTLLSDRMMRMFMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail KM1910-052 N BE OF GOOD CHEER SF#SMDDTLSDLS#LFRRD L.H. Jameson M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-072 N


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Be of good cheer ye friends SF#SMDDTLSDLS#LFRRD L.H. Jameson M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-072 N of Jesus ZGS21907-033 BE SLOW TO SPEAK MMR#MDSLDDLSLDDRMDF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-093 ZGS21907-009 BE STEADFAST SMMRDSSLDRMMSFMRLLL Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-069 Be steadfast for Jesus ZGS21907-009 SMMRDSSLDRMMSFMRLLL Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S wherever you go ZGSC1908-069 ¿K.A. von Schlegel? BE STILL MY SOUL SMRDSDMSFMFFMRDTDTL M.L. McPhail SoC1909-060 S ¿J.L. Borthwick (tr.)? Be still my soul the Lord is ¿K.A. von Schlegel? SMRDSDMSFMFFMRDTDTL M.L. McPhail SoC1909-060 S on thy side ¿J.L. Borthwick (tr.)? ZGS11900-048 BE STRONG YE ZGS11902-048 SDDDDDRDTDRRMRDSMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS ZGS11905-048 ZGSC1908-048 ZGS11900-048 Be strong ye Christian ZGS11902-048 SSSSSSFMRMFFFMRRMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S soldiers ZGS11905-048 ZGSC1908-048 ZGS11900-048 ZGS11902-048 Be strong ye valiant soldiers SDDDDDRDTDRRMRDSMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-048 ZGSC1908-048 ZGS11900-032 BE TRUE TO YOUR ZGS11902-032 SSMFSDDDSDMSSRMFLTR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S COLORS ZGS11905-032 ZGSC1908-032 ZGS11900-032 Be true to your colors my ZGS11902-032 SSMFSDDDSDMSSRMFLTR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S comrade today ZGS11905-032 ZGSC1908-032 BE YE DOERS OF THE ZGS21907-061 SDDMRDDTLSSSLSFFFSF G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S WORD ZGSC1908-227 BEAR YE ONE ZGS21907-064 SMRDTLSFMSLTDFMRDR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S ANOTHER’S BURDENS ZGSC1908-116 GM1928-255 HCK2013-018 ZGS11900-054 BEFORE THE GREAT SDDDDDSDMFMRDSLLLTR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-054 S WHITE THRONE SDDDDDSDMFMRDSLLLT# ZGS11905-054 ZGSC1908-054 ZGSM1896-002 BEGONE UNBELIEF SSDMSMRMFMRDTDRDLSD J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-138 N Begone unbelief my Savior SSDMSMRMFMRDTDRDLSD J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-138 N is near Behold behold behold what SMMDSSSSF#LSSFMMMF M.L. McPhail WA561916-325 N manner of love the father BEHOLD I BRING YOU WA121899-2100 SLMSRMDDFFMMMMMRDRF M.L. McPhail N GOOD TIDINGS WA21899-100 BEHOLD WHAT MANNER SMMDSSSSF#LSSFMMMF M.L. McPhail WA561916-325 N OF LOVE BEHOLD WHAT MANNER WA11896-016 SSSSSF#SDDDDDDRDLSS M.L. McPhail N OF LOVE WA121899-016 WA11896-016 Behold what manner of love SSSSSF#SDDDDDDRDLSS M.L. McPhail N WA121899-016 Beloved sons of God are we SSLSMDSSLSDSLSMDLTL H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-134 S BELOVED SONS OF GOD SSMLSSMFFFRSFFRMSS H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-134 S ARE WE Beloved sons of God are we SSMLSSMFFFRSFFRMSS H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-134 S BENEATH HIS SSDDDRMFMRDSSRRRMFS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-044 N SHELTERING WING Beyond the city’s golden ¿S.C. Foster? CEE1895-039A MRDMRDDLDSMDRFMRMR E.A. Hoffman N portals M.L. McPhail (arr.) CS11895-016 BLESS THE LORD DRMSSDRRMMFFSSLDT M.L. McPhail CoS1886-171 N Bless the Lord bless the WA51914-003 Lord bless the Lord O my SSDRDTSSRMRDSLSF M.L. McPhail N WA561916-003 soul 127

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Bless the Lord bless the DRMSSDRRMMFFSSLDT M.L. McPhail CoS1886-171 N Lord O my soul BLESS THE LORD O MY WA51914-003 SSDRDTSSRMRDSLSF M.L. McPhail N SOUL WA561916-003 Bless the Lord O my soul for the grave that doth DRMR#MSSSLSSMDDTTSF John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-001 N abound Blessed is the man whose M. Lindsay MMR#MSSFMRRMRDRRRMF W.C. Martin HA1919-095 N great delight is in the Lord [¿M.L. McPhail?] BLESSED IS THE PEOPLE MMMFSDDMRDTDRRRRRRD M.L. McPhail CoS1886-133 N BLESSED IS THE PEOPLE SSSSDMMLLSDMRRRD#RL M.L. McPhail MAC1885-121 N Blessed is the people that MMMFSDDMRDTDRRRRRRD M.L. McPhail CoS1886-133 N know the joyful sound Blessed is the people that SSSSDMMLLSDMRRRD#RL M.L. McPhail MAC1885-121 N know the joyful sound BLESSED NEWS MFLSSMDTDRDDLSSFMSD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail HH1903-034 N ZGS11900-045 ZGS11902-045 Blessed promises are given DRMMFMR#MDDRMRRRMFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-045 ZGSC1908-045 PH121898-442 PH21898-146 Blessed rest O this is ZGS11900-038 DMSSMDMRSSTRFFRTSM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S blessed rest ZGS11902-038 ZGS11905-038 ZGSC1908-038 PH31902-199 BLESSED SUNSHINE MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail N PH341907-199 BLEST ARE THE PURE IN MMMSRMDDRMMSFRRR#M M.L. McPhail MAC1885-105 N HEART Blest are the pure in heart MMMSRMDDRMMSFRRR#M M.L. McPhail MAC1885-105 N Blissful years replete with WA11896-182 MMFFSDDLSF#SMRFMMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N gladness WA121899-182 BLOW YE BALMY MSFMMRDRD#RMSFRMSF M.L. McPhail CoS1886-092 N BREEZES BLOW Blow ye balmy breezes MSFMMRDRD#RMSFRMSF M.L. McPhail CoS1886-092 N blow BOW DOWN THINE EAR MMSDRMFFMSSLTDTLLSM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-182 N BOW DOWN THINE EAR DTDRSMRDDTLLSFMRRD M.L. McPhail WA561916-251 N O LORD Bow down thine ear O Lord and hear us bow down thine MMSDRMFFMSSLTDTLLSM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-182 N ear Bow down thine ear O Lord bow down thine ear bow DTDRSMRDDTLLSFMRRD M.L. McPhail WA561916-251 N down Breaketh upon us the evil SDTLSMDLFSFMFSSLLTT Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-135 S day WA121899-096 BRIGHTEST AND BEST SMDDTSSLTDD#RSMMLMR M.L. McPhail N WA21899-096 BRIGHTEST AND BEST SMFSSSLSFMMRFFMRSSS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-158 N Brightest and best of the WA121899-096 SMDDTSSLTDD#RSMMLMR M.L. McPhail N sons of the morning WA21899-096 Brightest and best of the WA121899-096 SMDDTSSLTDD#RSMMLMR M.L. McPhail N sons of the morning WA21899-096 Brightest and best of the SMFSSSLSFMMRFFMRSSS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-158 N sons of the morning BRING THE WANDERERS MFSMRDSSLDLSDRMMFSS C.B. Ogborn M.L. McPhail SL21895-143 N IN Bring them yes bring the MSFMSSLDLSDMMFSSFMD C.B. Ogborn M.L. McPhail SL21895-143 N dear wanderers home But for grace so free MFSMLMSRMRDDRRMMFS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-002 S provided By and by the welcome ¿S.C. Foster? CEE1895-039A TDRSSLMDDLFLSFMRMR E.A. Hoffman N greeeting M.L. McPhail (arr.) CS11895-016 BY GONE DAYS MFSLSDRMFMRD#RFMRM George Bennett M.L. McPhail pLC1885-016 N M. Lindsay By rivers of waters MFSSSLDTLSDMRRSMMR W.C. Martin HA1919-095 N [¿M.L. McPhail?]


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ M. Lindsay BY RIVERS OF WATERS MMR#MSSFMRRMRDRRRMF W.C. Martin HA1919-095 N [¿M.L. McPhail?] Calling calling SMLFDSSMRSMLFDMMR G. Tersteegen M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-159 N ZGS11900-024 ZGS11902-024 CARRY IT ALL TO JESUS SSLSMFSLDLSDMFMDRML H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-024 ZGSC1908-024 ZGS11900-024 ZGS11902-024 Carry thy burden to Jesus MFMDSLSDRMRTFLLSSS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-024 ZGSC1908-024 CASE SMFSLRSMSLDTLSFMFS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-118a N ZGS11900-044 Cast O Lord the bulwark of ZGS11902-044 DRMDFDMMRDDLSMFSSLS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S Thy presence round my soul ZGS11905-044 ZGSC1908-044 CAST THY BURDEN ON ¿? M.L. McPhail SCHW1911-xxx N THE LORD Cast your burden all on RD#RTSFMSSF#SRDLSM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-150 N Jesus Cast your burdens all on MR#MDLDSDMR#MSMDRM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-150 N Jesus CAST YOUR BURDENS MR#MDLDSDMR#MSMDRM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-150 N ON JESUS CHOSEN SSLLDRMDSSSSF#LSDD M.B. M.L. McPhail SoC1909-016 S Chosen chosen thou art SSLLDRMDSSSSF#LSDD M.B. M.L. McPhail SoC1909-016 S chosen CHRIST IS COMING DMSSMSDDTLSMDMRRMF J.R. McDuff M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-171 N Christ is coming Christ is SSDDTLSMSSLSFMRMFS J.R. McDuff M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-171 N coming Christ is coming let creation DMSSMSDDTLSMDMRRMF J.R. McDuff M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-171 N CHRIST IS RISEN MMSFMRDRMDLDLSMRDMR J.S.B. Monsell M.L. McPhail HA1919-046 N HALLELUJAH 128hristi s risen Hallelujah MMSFMRDRMDLDLSMRDMR J.S.B. Monsell M.L. McPhail HA1919-046 N WA11896-170 CHRIST OUR PASSOVER SDSFMFSLTDDTRDTLSLS M.L. McPhail N WA121899-170 CHRIST OUR PASSOVER SSDDDRMSFDMRLTDTLSS M.L. McPhail WA341906-020 N Christ our Passover is WA11896-170 SDSFMFSLTDDTRDTLSLS M.L. McPhail N sacrificed for us WA121899-170 Christ our Passover is SSDDDRMSFDMRLTDTLSS M.L. McPhail WA341906-020 N sacrified for us Christ the Lord is risen to WA51914-138 MFSDRDRMLLFMRDTDRM M.L. McPhail N day WA561916-138 Christ the Lord is risen HA1919-160 SSDDRRMSMFRMDRSSDD M.L. McPhail N today WA561916-379 CHRIST THE LORD IS WA51914-138 MFSDRDRMLLFMRDTDRM M.L. McPhail N RISEN TO-DAY WA561916-138 CHRIST THE LORD IS HA1919-160 SSDDRRMSMFRMDRSSDD M.L. McPhail N RISEN TO-DAY WA561916-379 Christian the morn breaks MFSLSMRDRMDSLDFLSMR Joseph Rusling M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-054 N sweetly over thee Christian the morn breaks MFSLSMRDRMDSLDFLSMR Joseph Rusling M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-054 N sweetly over thee CHRISTIAN VOLUNTEERS MFSSSSSFMFSLSDMFMRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-020 N CHRISTIAN WHEN THY MMMRDDTDRSFFFMRRDRM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-120 N WAY CHRISTIAN WHEN THY SSLSMDDLSDMDSMRSSL M.L. McPhail C.C. Converse ZGSC1908-205 S WAY Christian when thy way ¿? M.L. McPhail SCHW1911-xxx N seems darkest Christian when thy way MMMRDDTDRSFFFMRRDRM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-120 N seems darkest Christian when thy way SSLSMDDLSDMDSMRSSL M.L. McPhail C.C. Converse ZGSC1908-205 S seems darkest 129

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ CHSE1931-171 HPCS1922-085 HPN121931-085 ISSS1924-085 CLAIM THE PROMISE MFSF#SLSMDMSRMFMFSF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11900-031 ZGS11902-031 ZGS11905-031 ZGSC1908-031 CHSE1931-171 HPCS1922-085 HPN121931-085 Claim the promise plead it MMFMDSLDSMMFMDMRRR ISSS1924-085 Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S over and over MMFMDSLDSMMMMFMDMRR ZGS11900-031 ZGS11902-031 ZGS11905-031 ZGSC1908-031 CLAYTON SDTDSLLSSFFMSDF#SS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-115a N CD121896-227 CD21896-227 CLINGING TO JESUS ZGS11900-009 MMMMRDSLSSDMRRSFMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ALONE ZGS11902-009 ZGS11905-009 ZGSC1908-009 PH31902-146 CLINGING TO JESUS MMMMRDSLSSDMRRSFMM E.E. Hewitt (arr.) M.L. McPhail PH341907-146 N ALONE SoML1904-009 CD121896-227 CD21896-227 Clinging to Jesus alone is ZGS11900-009 MMMMRDSLSSDMRRSFMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S sweet ZGS11902-009 ZGS11905-009 ZGSC1908-009 COME SDDMRMFSDDTLDSMRSD M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-058 N Come almighty to deliver SSDSLSFFM,LTDLSRM,SSDSLS M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail MV1888-17-1-18 N Come and join us it is MRDSSDDTTLTFMRLLTLS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-004 N victory all the way COME GREET YE MAY MMR#MDTDLSFMFMRMRDD M.L. McPhail CoS1886-086 N Come greet ye may with MMR#MDTDLSFMFMRMRDD M.L. McPhail CoS1886-086 N garlands Come it is Jesus gently SDDMRMFSDDTLDSMRSD M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-058 N calling Come it is Jesus gently SDDMRMFSDDTLDSMRSD M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-058 N calling M. Lindsay COME THOU FOUNT SLSDTRTDSRMFMRLDTLS R. Robinson MAC1885-164 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Come thou fount of every M. Lindsay SLSDTRTDSRMFMRLDTLS R. Robinson MAC1885-164 N blessing ¿M.L. McPhail? Come to Him all ye that SF#SMDTDLSDDRMSRSS E.J. Davies M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-169 N labor COME TO HIM ALL YE SLSDRMFMRMRSSMRSLS E.J. Davies M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-169 N THAT LABOR Come to Jesus come and SLSMSLSMFMDRRSDRMR A. Midlane M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-148 N live COME TO ME LORD SDRMMMSDTTTLLRMFFFR H.V. Tebbs M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-103 N Come to me Lord O come SLSRRRSMRDDDSLSFFFR H.V. Tebbs M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-103 N to me Come to me Lord when first SDRMMMSDTTTLLRMFFFR H.V. Tebbs M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-103 N I wake COME UNTO ME YE G.F. Clayton MMSFMRLLLRMFMMMSFDD MAC1885-102 N WEARY ¿M.L. McPhail? G.F. Clayton Come unto me ye weary MMSFMRLLLRMFMMMSFDD MAC1885-102 N ¿M.L. McPhail? COME UNTO ME YE SMDSLLSSDDDFMMRRMF M.L. McPhail pLC1885-015 N WEARY Come unto me ye weary SMDSLLSSDDDFMMRRMF M.L. McPhail pLC1885-015 N TA1896-138 COME YE Thomas Moore MFSDTLSLSFMLTDFMRDT M.L. McPhail WA11896-158 N DISCONSOLATE T. Hastings WA121899-158


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ TA1896-138 Come ye disconsolate Thomas Moore MFSDTLSLSFMLTDFMRDT M.L. McPhail WA11896-158 N wherever ye languish T. Hastings WA121899-158 COMING BY AND BY MFSSSLSMSDDDRDLSSSL ¿Robert Lowry? M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGSC1908-119 S Coming by and by coming MSSLSLDDLSSSSDRMMDD ¿Robert Lowry? M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGSC1908-119 S by and by EP1901-094 S4WW1900-070 CONFESS THE CHRIST SSLSMDRMSDDTLSMFSF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N S4WW1903-070 VoM1899-070 EP1901-094 Confess the Christ believing S4WW1900-070 SSLSMDRMSDDTLSMFSF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N one S4WW1903-070 VoM1899-070 EP1901-094 Confess the Christ who S4WW1900-070 SLTDDSMFSSSLLLDTTS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N once was slain S4WW1903-070 VoM1899-070 CONSIDER THE LILIES MMMMSSFFMRRMMFSSLSF# M.L. McPhail CoS1886-139 N HA1919-088 CONSIDER THE LILIES SSSFMSFMRFMRDDDDTLD M.L. McPhail N WA561916-242 Consider the lilies of the HA1919-088 field how they grow SSSFMSFMRFMRDDDDTLD M.L. McPhail N WA561916-242 consider the lilies Consider the lilies of the field how they grow they MMMMSSFFMRRMMFSSLSF# M.L. McPhail CoS1886-139 N toil not W.A. Post PH31902-159 COUNTLESS BLESSINGS SMRDSFSMRDTSFMRLTLS E.E. Hewitt N M.L. McPhail PH341907-159 E.E. Hewitt B.B. McKinney (arr.) HAE1997-388 Cristo está conmigo SSMSDMR#MDDRDLSSSS N E. Turrall (tr.) ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HB1996-388 F.J. Crosby ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HAM1919-105 Cristo vén más cerca MMMRMFFRRSFMLSMMMR S I.P. Balderas H.B. Richards (arr.) HAM1925-105 CROWN HIM LORD OF ¿E. Perronet? WA121899-2073 MFSMR#MDTLSSLDFMMR M.L. McPhail N ALL ¿John Rippon? WA21899-073 CUMPLIENDO NUESTRA SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM ¿M.L. McPhail? CAJ1953-037 S COMISIÓN SeSLS1899-220 DAS WUNDER DER LIEBE F. Krueger SMFSDSMDRMRR,FRMFFMS M.L. McPhail PH121898-388 N LOVE’S REASON ¿G.M. Bills? PH21898-090 Matthew Lindsay DAUGHTER OF ZION DTTDMMSFMRFMRFFMSSD B.F. Barker CoS1886-165 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Daughter of Zion awake Matthew Lindsay DTTDMMSFMRFMRFFMSSD B.F. Barker CoS1886-165 N from thy sadness ¿M.L. McPhail? Dear Lord then help us do ZGS21907-061 RRD#RFRRDRMDDTDMDTL G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S Thy will ZGSC1908-227 Die Liebe ist tiefer als unser SeLSL1899-220 Verstand F. Krueger DTDRDSLLSMFFF#FSLS M.L. McPhail PH121898-388 N Love’s reason is ample ¿G.M. Bills? PH21898-090 Love’s measure is full CG21890-167 Do you feel your need of MFSMR#MDDTLSMSFMRM John McPhail M.L. McPhail CG121891-381 N cleansing SoSP1890-041 CG21890-167 DO YOU FEEL YOUR MFSMR#MDDTLSMSFMRM John McPhail M.L. McPhail CG121891-381 N NEED OF CLEANSING SoSP1890-041 Dort in Zions heil’gen SeSLS1899-222 F. Krueger Hallen SSDMFLSMDRMLSMRMFS M.L. McPhail PH121898-410 N ¿G.M. Bills? Listen to the wondrous story PH21898-112 Doth not doth not the eagle DDDMSDDDMSDDRRMMF H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-128 S mount EARTH TO EARTH MFSDSS#LFMRLSRMMFS M.L. McPhail MAC1885-142 N Earth to earth and dust to MFSDSS#LFMRLSRMMFS M.L. McPhail MAC1885-142 N dust C.K. Langley ELEMENTS OF MUSIC ¿? T.M. Towne USSS121904-027 N [NO ES PARTITURA] M.L. McPhail (arr.) ERE THE SUN GOES DRMMMFMDMRDRDRMFFF Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-104 N DOWN 131

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Ere the sun goes down MMRFFRRDRMMMFFFSLS Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-104 N Est ist uns ein Wunder die SeSLS1899-220 Liebe im Sohn F. Krueger SMFSDSMDRMRRFRMFFMS M.L. McPhail PH121898-388 N Some mortals may wonder ¿G.M. Bills? PH21898-090 how heaven can bend HA1919-091 EVEN ME MR#MSDMFMRLDDDTDRLR Elizabeth Codner M.L. McPhail WA51914-015 N WA561916-015 HA1919-091 Even me even me MFSRMFDDDTDRLRMR#M Elizabeth Codner M.L. McPhail WA51914-015 N WA561916-015 EVEN THOUGH IT BE A ¿? H.J. Zelley ¿M.L. McPhail? HMDM1909-337 S CROSS HoMD1936-337 HoMD1946-337 HoMD1950-337 EVEN THOUGH IT BE A SSMMDRDTDRMSSFMRRS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-020 S CROSS ZGS11902-020 ZGS11905-020 ZGSC1908-020 ANCEPC2013-247 PH561911-0232 RDRMSRMDRTLSDRMFSL ZGS11900-027 Ever in him abide Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S RDRMSRMRDRDTLSDRMF ZGS11902-027 ZGS11905-027 ZGSC1908-027 WA121899-2223 Ever of Thee precious Lord SF#SDTDRDTLLSMMMLTD W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail WA21899-223 S I am dreaming ZGS11900-059 Every one that thirsteth DDMRDMSSSFMDDSMFM John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-020 N WA121899-2048 WA21899-048 EVERY TEAR SDDTFFTLSMSSFRR#MS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11900-060 ZGSC1908-060 WA121899-2048 WA21899-048 Every tear will be a treasure MMMMMMMMRRRRRMFSLT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11900-060 ZGSC1908-060 WA121899-2048 WA21899-048 Every tear will be a treasure SDDTFFTLSMSSFRR#MS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11900-060 ZGSC1908-060 FAINT YET PURSUING SF#SMDDTRMFTLSFMSF ¿G.L. Taylor? M.L. McPhail SoC1909-062 S Faint yet pursuing thus we SF#SMDDTRMFTLSFMSF ¿G.L. Taylor? M.L. McPhail SoC1909-062 S tread FAITH HOPE AND LOVE MFSLSMRDDLSMFSLSMRD H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-148 S Faith will drive the doubtings out of mortal MFSLSMRDDLSMFSLSMRD H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-148 S mind Father divine Thy loving WA11896-096 MDRMDLDLSSDMSMMRDRR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N favor WA121899-096 ZGS21907-013 FEAR NOT CHRISTIAN SLSMDRRMFMLTLSMRRRL F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-073 Fear not ChristianGod is on ZGS21907-013 SLSMDRRMFMLTLSMRRRL F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S thy side ZGSC1908-073 Fear not fear not it is the ZGS21907-013 SSDSSLLLLSLTDTLSFMR F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S Lord’s command ZGSC1908-073 J.C.H. Fear not I am with thee SSMSDMMDDRDLSSSSRM E.E. Hewitt V.A. White. YPH31906-130 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? Fear not the host of evil MMRDRMMSSFMFSSLSFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-153 S TS121890-468 FIFTH RESPONSE SF#LSDRMFMLRDTD M.L. McPhail N TS21889-292 PH121898-476 FOLLOW ALL THE WAY SDMMFMMRSTRRMRRDDM E.W. Blandy (arr.) M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH21898-223 N SoML1904-118


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ CD121896-158 CD21896-158 FOLLOW HIM MMR#MDDTLSDRRMFTDRM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N GGN11894-186 GGN121896-186 ANCEPC2013-247 PH561911-0232 FOLLOW IN THE STEPS ZGS11900-027 MSLSMSDDDDDRRMSMSL Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S OF JESUS ZGS11902-027 ZGS11905-027 ZGSC1908-027 CH1910-164 FGH1907-108 FH1907-108 FOLLOW ME SDDRDTTTLTLLSMSDMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-142 N IP1902-130 JW1915-124 NE1911-120 CH1910-164 CoR1913-xxx EH1914-xxx FGH1907-108 FH1907-108 GB1918-xxx GH1899-142 Follow me O hear the MSDSSLTDDTSFRRRD#R IP1902-130 G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N Shepherd saying MSDSSLTDDTSFRRRD#RR JW1915-124 KS1915-106 MS1909-094 NE1911-120 SoR1912-xxx SoSS1916-xxx SS1909-083 TH1911-xxx WA121899-2223 FONDLY I THINK OF SF#SDTDRDTLLSMMMLTD W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail WA21899-223 S THEE ZGS11900-059 WA121899-2223 Fondly I turn to Thee when SMSSFFFRFFMMMMDTLSF W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail WA21899-223 S I have sadness ZGS11900-059 WA11896-113 For God so loved the world SSMRDTLLLFMRDTSSSF M.L. McPhail N WA121899-113 For He is Lord of heaven RRRMRRDTLLSDDDTTTLS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-128 N and earth For the road leads home MFSMDDLSSLDDLSMRDRR ¿J.M. Gray? M.L. McPhail SoC1909-022 S Sweet sweet home FOREVER HIS OWN MFSDSLDLSSDRMSMRDRM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-019 N Forever I will bless the day SMMMRDSMSSSFFLLSSS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail P1905-006 N TS121890-277 FORTH TO THE FIGHT DDSDMDSRFFMRDDR(SSL M.L. McPhail N TS21889-062 Forth to the fight ye TS121890-277 DDSDMDSRFFMRDDR(SSL M.L. McPhail N ransomed TS21889-062 FORWARD AND FEAR ¿E. Wakefield (arr. SMTRDSDTLTSSSFD#MRT M.L. McPhail SoC1909-024 S NOT From)? Forward and fear not speed ¿E. Wakefield (arr. SSSSSSSFFMLLLLLLLLS M.L. McPhail SoC1909-024 S thou on thy way From)? Forward and fear not though ¿E. Wakefield (arr. SMTRDSDTLTSSSFD#MRT M.L. McPhail SoC1909-024 S billows may roll From)? FORWARD BE OUR SMFSDMRDLFLFMRRMRS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-145 N WATCHWORD Forward be our watchword SMFSDMRDLFLFMRRMRS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-145 N Forward forward it is the MDSDMRDTLSSFFMFLLSS Julia E. Burnard M.L. McPhail SSV1910-026 N captain’s word FORWARD GO SF#SLSFMSDDTLSSLDTL Julia E. Burnard M.L. McPhail SSV1910-026 N Free as the air that ye SSLSMFMDLSDRRMRSSF# W.H. Gardner M.L. McPhail SL21895-062 N breathe O ye nations FULFILLING OUR SJP1950-037 SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM ¿M.L. McPhail? S COMMISSION SJP1962-037 FULNESS OF BLESSING MFSMDTLSMRMFRLSFMM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S4KB1909 N 133

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ PH121898-323 FULLNESS OF BLESSING MFSMDTLSMRMFRLSFMM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail N PH21898-019 ZGSC1908-167 FULLNESS OF JOY SSMRDTDRDLSDRRRRMFM J.G. Herr M.L. McPhail S ZGSM1896-007 Fullness of joy yes fullness ZGSC1908-167 MSFMDRDLSSDDDRMMSMR J.G. Herr M.L. McPhail S of joy ZGSM1896-007 ZGS11900-007 GATHERING SHEAVES ZGS11902-007 MRDSMSLSMRDSMSDRMR H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S FOR JESUS ZGS11905-007 ZGSC1908-007 Gently speeds the silver MFSSLSMDSRD#RRSLSM W.J. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-005 N brooklet (No es un himno) Gently speeds the silver MFSSLSMDSRD#RRSLSM W.J. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-005 N brooklet (No es un himno) GENTLY SPEEDS THE SILVER BROOKLET (NO MFSSLSMDSRD#RRSLSM W.J. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-005 N ES UN HIMNO) Give glory to Jesus the SSMSDDDDSDMMMMDMSMD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-084 N Savior of men HoMD1936-342 HoMD1946-342 HoMD1950-342 Gladness will come RRRRDRMMMFMDLDDRMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1959-342 S hallelujah it is coming HoMD1968-342 ZGS21907-031 ZGSC1908-091 HoMD1936-342 HoMD1946-342 GLADNESS WILL COME HoMD1950-342 MMRDSLDTLSMSDDRMRM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S TO STAY HoMD1959-342 ZGS21907-031 ZGSC1908-091 GLORIOUS THINGS OF MMMRDRMDRDTFMRDMMM J. Newton M.L. McPhail WA561916-288 N THEE ARE SPOKEN Glorious things of thee are MMMRDRMDRDTFMRDMMM J. Newton M.L. McPhail WA561916-288 N spoken CD121896-227 CD21896-227 Glory and honor and love ZGS11900-009 SSSSFMFFRFFFFSFMMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S untold ZGS11902-009 ZGS11905-009 ZGSC1908-009 Glory glory be to God in SSSSSDMRDSLLLLFMRDT R.J. Ball M.L. McPhail KM1910-151 N heaven Glory glory glory to God in WA51914-116 MDSDRRRRDRMSMMDDSSD M.L. McPhail N the highest WA561916-116 GLORY TO GOD IN THE WA51914-116 MDSDRRRRDRMSMMDDSSD M.L. McPhail N HIGHEST WA561916-116 Glory to God in the highest RRRSFMRDDSLLDDDDTD M.L. McPhail WA561916-334 N all glory PH31902-146 Glory to Jesus my glad MMMMRDSLSSDMRRSFMM E.E. Hewitt (arr.) M.L. McPhail PH341907-146 N heart sings SoML1904-009 Go forth go forth ye reapers M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGS21907-023 SMRDDRDTLSMFSMDMRS F.G. Burroughs S bold and true ¿¿A.J. Buchanan?? ZGSC1908-083 GO FORTH REAPERS M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGS21907-023 DMRDDDLSMSMDMRRMRD F.G. Burroughs S TRUE ¿¿A.J. Buchanan?? ZGSC1908-083 Go forward Christian TS341894-227 SSMFSLTDSDTLSFMSSM L. Tuttiett M.L. McPhail N soldiers TS41894-050 GO FORWARD TS341894-227 SSMFSLTDSDTLSFMSSM L. Tuttiett M.L. McPhail N CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS TS41894-050 Go forward Christian TS341894-227 SSSMSDMDMLLLRDTTLS L. Tuttiett M.L. McPhail N soldiers TS41894-050 PH121898-343 GO QUICKLY SSMSDSMSFFFFRFTFLLS Julia H. Johnston M.L. McPhail N PH21898-039 Go quickly go quickly and PH121898-343 SSMSDSMSFFFFRFTFLLS Julia H. Johnston M.L. McPhail N bring them in PH21898-039 ZGS11900-050 Go reap the sheaves that ZGS11902-050 MFSSSSSMRDTLRLSFMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S still remain in sadness ZGS11905-050 ZGSC1908-056


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Go wash in that stream RMFDRMMRRRRMF#SDRM R. Torrey Jr. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-154 N GO WASH IN THE DRMFFMDDRDLLSDRMFFM R. Torrey Jr. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-154 N STREAM WA121899-2146 GOD BE MERCIFUL MDLSFSDRR#MMMRRRRSRD M.L. McPhail N WA21899-146 God be merciful unto us and WA121899-2146 MDLSFSDRR#MMMRRRRSRD M.L. McPhail N bless us WA21899-146 GOD CALLING YET SMFSSLSSFMFRMFFSFFM G. Tersteegen M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-159 N God calling yet shall I not SMFSSLSSFMFRMFFSFFM G. Tersteegen M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-159 N hear God hath exalted him to his PH11894-169 RRMFFTTDRMMMFSDMRRR M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N right hand PH121898-169 ZGS11900-023 ZGS11902-023 GOD IS LOVE MMFSSF#LSMDDDTLSS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-023 ZGSC1908-023 ZGS11900-023 ZGS11902-023 God is love let all creation RMFSLTDSFMFSLFMRMF W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-023 ZGSC1908-023 TS121890-468 God of mercy God of love SF#LSDRMFMLRDTD M.L. McPhail N TS21889-292 GOD SO LOVED THE WA11896-113 SSMRDTLLLFMRDTSSSF M.L. McPhail N WORLD WA121899-113 GOD’S GRACE DRMSRMDSSSLDDLSTDR R. Whitaker M.L. McPhail SoC1909-001 S MC1901-025 GOD’S MIGHTY ARMY MMFSDTLSMRMFTLFFMM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-007 S ZGSC1908-067 GOING FORTH TO MEET MFSSSSSDTDRLLLLRMF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail SoC1909-020 S THE BRIDEGROOM Gone from my heart the Stephen C. Foster DMFSSLDTLSDMFSSLSFM PH561911-0035 N world and all its charms M.L. McPhail (arr.) GRACE MMFSLSDFFMMRRMFSLS ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail CoS1886-122a N Grace alone O tell the story SSSSRMFFMLLLLLTDTL A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-002 S M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGS21907-005 Gracious heavenly Father MMMRMFFRRSFMLSMMMR G.W. Seibert S H.B. Richards (arr.) ZGSC1908-065 Grant me O Lord an humble ZGS21907-063 SSF#LSDDTRDMMR#FMDR James Hay M.L. McPhail S mind ZGSC1908-229 GREAT GOD HOW SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM I. Watts M.L. McPhail SoPJ1928-080A S INFINITE ART THOU Great God how infinite art SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM I. Watts M.L. McPhail SoPJ1928-080A S thou GREAT IS THE LORD DSSMSDDRRMDSRRMDTTD M.L. McPhail HA1919-001 N Great is the Lord and DSSMSDDRRMDSRRMDTTD M.L. McPhail HA1919-001 N greatly to be praised GUIDE ME O THOU WA11896-187 MLSDTDRTSDSMFRMDTLS William Williams M.L. McPhail N GREAT JEHOVAH WA121899-187 Guide me O Thou great WA11896-187 MLSDTDRTSDSMFRMDTLS William Williams M.L. McPhail N Jehovah WA121899-187 Hail him hail him angels WA51914-180 DDDMSFFMRDFMSF#SDD ¿Thomas Kelly? M.L. McPhail N hail him WA561916-180 WA51914-180 HAIL THE KING DTLSSLMRDTDRMFMRDR ¿Thomas Kelly? M.L. McPhail N WA561916-180 SeSLS1899-222 Halleluja sel’ges Hoffen F. Krueger SSDDDSDTLLLRRLSFMS M.L. McPhail PH121898-410 N Hallelujah for the prospect ¿G.M. Bills? PH21898-112 HALLELUJA SEL’GES SeSLS1899-222 HOFFEN F. Krueger SSDMFLSMDRMLSMRMFS M.L. McPhail PH121898-410 N HALLELUJAH FOR THE ¿G.M. Bills? PH21898-112 PROSPECT PH121898-410 Hallelujah for the prospect SSDDDSDTLLLRRLSFMS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-112 N Halleluja sel’ges Hoffen SeSLS1899-222 HALLELUJAH FOR THE PH121898-410 PROSPECT SSDMFLSMDRMLSMRMFS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-112 N HALLELUJA SEL’GES SeSLS1899-222 HOFFEN Hallelujah hallelujah MMSMMMFRRRMRDMRRMM J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-075 N 135

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Hallelujah hallelujah SSDSSSMDDMSMDMRSSD F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail P1905-026 N Hallelujah hallelujah WA11896-078 SSSSDDDDDDDTDSSSFMF M.L. McPhail N hallelujah WA121899-078 Hallelujah hallelujah SSMDSSFRSSSTDDMSDTD M.L. McPhail WA561916-232 N hallelujah. Hallelujah He has ransomed IP1902-038 DRDLSMDLSLTLSMDRMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N me S1957-xxx HALLELUJAH I AM FREE DRMMMRRDMFSSSFMSSD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-138 N Hallelujah showers of MLMRDTDLRSRDTLSFML F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail IP1902-003 N blessing ZGS11900-053 ZGS11902-053 Hallelujah what a prize FFFLMMSRRSSF#MFSMS F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail ZGS11905-053 S ZGSC1908-053 ZGSM1896-009 HAPPY IS THE MAN THAT ZGS21907-050 SSF#SLTDRMMRMFLTRDL Virginia Noble M.L. McPhail S FINDETH WISDOM ZGSC1908-050 Happy is the man that ZGS21907-050 SSF#SLTDRMMRMFLTRDL Virginia Noble M.L. McPhail S findeth wisdom ZGSC1908-050 ZGS11900-042 Happy service blessed ZGS11902-042 MMFFLFFMMMMRRLLLTDR E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail S service ZGS11905-042 ZGSC1908-042 M. Lindsay HARK HARK MY SOUL DRRMRMFSDLSFSMFRRMD F.W. Faber HA1919-151 N [¿M.L. McPhail?] WA51914-008 HARK HARK MY SOUL DSDTTRSSRRDMLMFMRLL F.W. Faber M.L. McPhail N WA561916-008 CoS1886-172 HARK HARK MY SOUL MSFMDRRLLDTRMMFRMMF M.L. McPhail N MAC1885-126 Hark Hark my soul Angelic M. Lindsay DRRMRMFSDLSFSMFRRMD F.W. Faber HA1919-151 N songs are swelling [¿M.L. McPhail?] Hark hark my soul angelic WA51914-008 DSDTTRSSRRDMLMFMRLL F.W. Faber M.L. McPhail N songs are swelling WA561916-008 Hark hark my soul Angelic CoS1886-172 MSFMDRRLLDTRMMFRMMF M.L. McPhail N songs are swelling MAC1885-126 HARK IT IS THE SLSMSDTRTDDTLSMLT H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-029 N WATCHMAN’S CRY Hark it is the watchman’s SLSMSDTRTDDTLSMLT H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-029 N cry Hark the herald angels sing DMSMSDMRDLSDDSRDMS C. Wesley M.L. McPhail HA1919-060 N HARK THE HERALD DMSMSDMRDLSDDSRDMS C. Wesley M.L. McPhail HA1919-060 N ANGELS SING HARK THE HERALD WA51914-105 SSF#SLSMMRRFFMMDL [C. Wesley] M.L. McPhail N ANGELS SING WA561916-105 WA51914-105 Hark the herald angels sing SSF#SLSMMRRFFMMDL [C. Wesley] M.L. McPhail N WA561916-105 HARK THE VOICE OF SSDSMFLSMSDMRDMMLM R.J. Ball M.L. McPhail KM1910-151 N ANGELS SINGING Hark the voice of angels SSDSMFLSMSDMRDMMLM R.J. Ball M.L. McPhail KM1910-151 N singing ASLS1915-008 HARK THERE IS A CALL ESCS1898-034 HARK THERE IS A CALL SMSDTLSFMLLLSMMRRS E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail IP1902-053 N TO THE BRAVE TS121890-252 TS21889-034 ASLS1915-008 ESCS1898-034 Hark there is a call for the SMSDTLSFMLLLSMMRRS E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail IP1902-053 N brave and true TS121890-252 TS21889-034 Have mercy upon me O M. Lindsay God have mercy upon me O SDMMMRSFMMLFFTSSF#S MAC1885-169 N ¿M.L. McPhail? God HAVE MERCY UPON ME M. Lindsay SDMMMRSFMMLFFTSSF#S MAC1885-169 N O LORD ¿M.L. McPhail? Have you entered the race MFSSLSDRMMRDTLSDRMD J.G. Herr M.L. McPhail RoG1897-020 N for the prize my brother Have you heard the thrilling chorus ringing over the DRMMR#MSSFMRRMFMDTL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-130 S furnace tower


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Have you joined the royal MFSSSSSSDRMFMRRRRRF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-004 N army of the cross HE CALLETH FOR THEE LTDDRDDDTDRDDDMMFMD H. Hardie M.L. McPhail SSM1904-078 N HE CALLETH FOR THEE MFSSLSDDTDRDSSMMFMD H. Hardie M.L. McPhail SSGM1895-122 N SoC1909-047 HE CARETH FOR YOU MFSF#SLSDDDLTRMFMFT A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-126 He careth for you yes careth SoC1909-047 SSF#SLFFMFSDDMDTRT A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail S for you ZGSC1908-126 HE HAS RANSOMED ME MRDRMFSSF#SLSDLSMRD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail IP1902-038 N He is altogether lovely SFMSDMRLTFLSSFMSDM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-044 N TS341894-296 He is altogether lovely SSMMMRDTLLSDTDRSSM M.L. McPhail N TS41894-127 M. Lindsay He is altogether lovely SSMMSFRRFMDDMRMFLL S. & A. SoSP1890-074 N ¿M.L. McPhail? HE IS CALLING FOR SSF#SDRMRDSLS#LRMRR R.M. Offord M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-175 N THEE PH121898-394 He is just the same to-day SSDSMSDSSLDTLSMFLS E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail N PH21898-096 ZGS11900-028 He is my life my light His ZGS11902-028 SMMMRDTLDTLSMFMRMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S will is my delight ZGS11905-028 ZGSC1908-028 WA51914-103 HE LEADETH ME SMR#MFMMRDSRD#RMRDL J.H. Gilmore M.L. McPhail N WA561916-103 He leadeth me he leadeth WA51914-103 RRMFLSFMRRMFLLF#SS J.H. Gilmore M.L. McPhail N me WA561916-103 He leadeth me O blessed WA51914-103 SMR#MFMMRDSRD#RMRDL J.H. Gilmore M.L. McPhail N thought WA561916-103 CG21890-032 CG121891-246 He loves me I know it ESCS1898-086 SSTRFFTDMLSMMRDDTDR John McPhail M.L. McPhail N though helpless and poor SoSP1890-006 TS341894-187 TS41894-010 HE NEVER WILL MFSF#SDRMR#MMMRRMFF H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail CD161908-211 N FORSAKE He saves me today from the MRRMFRRMMFSMMRRMF#S John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-001 N bondage of sin He says He will be with us ZGS21907-009 SFFMRSSMMRDTLLTDDDR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S whatever betide ZGSC1908-069 He sealed me forever His DRMRDDTLSDDDDDDTDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-019 N own TA1896-120 HE SHALL COME DOWN SDRMDSSDTLS#S#LMLSF M.L. McPhail WA11896-090 N LIKE RAIN WA121899-090 HE SHALL COME DOWN SSFMDDDTRRDSLLSFFMRS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-155 N LIKE RAIN He shall come down like TA1896-120 rain like rain upon the SDRMDSSDTLS#S#LMLSF M.L. McPhail WA11896-090 N mown grass WA121899-090 He shall come down like SSFMDDDTRRDSLLSFFMRS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-155 N rain upon the mown grass He will bear He will bear DMSMSDSDMRDSSTRFFMM H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-128 S thee on eagle’s wings SoC1909-043 ZGS11900-047 He will dry the tears of RRMRDTDMRSSF#MFSMM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-047 S sorrow ZGS11905-047 ZGSC1908-047 SoC1909-005 HE WILL KEEP ME DRMDLDLSDMFSMDMDRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-057 S ZGSC1908-242 HE WILL KEEP THE ZGS21907-034 DRMMMMMRDMSSSLDTLSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S SOUL ZGSC1908-094 He will keep the soul in ZGS21907-034 SDTTTTLTDDMSFFFLSFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S perfect peace ZGSC1908-094 Hear Father hear our TS121890-469 SMLSDRMFMML#TLFMRD M.L. McPhail N humble prayer TS21889-293 137

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ HEAR OUR FERVENT CEE1895-068 DMRDSDMRDSLDSMMRDTD E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail (arr.) N PRAYER CS11895-103 CEE1895-068 Hear our fervent prayer MMRDLSFFMRSSSFFM E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail (arr.) N CS11895-103 Hear our prayer O heavenly MSLSSFFMMRDRMSF#LS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-117a N father HEAR OUR PRAYER O SDDTSMMRFTDMMRRFSM M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-170 N HEAVENLY FATHER Hear our prayer O heavenly SDDTSMMRFTDMMRRFSM M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-170 N father ASLS1915-008 ESCS1898-034 Hear the call hear the call SLSSSLSSFMRSDTLSSL E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail IP1902-053 N TS121890-252 TS21889-034 HEARTS ARE WANTED MSDDDDDSMSLLLLLSSM A. Midlane M.L. McPhail GS11897-044 N Hearts are wanted hearts for MSDDDDDSMSLLLLLSSM A. Midlane M.L. McPhail GS11897-044 N Jesus ZGS21907-039 HEAVENLY LOVE MFSDDLSMRMFTSFMMFS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-099 Here stands the cross of the TS121890-231 MDDRSSDRRMLTTDRMRLT C.C. Hunt M.L. McPhail N crucified one TS21889-013 Here we part with one M. Lindsay DRMLSMRDSSLSMDRDRM ¿John McPhail? SoSP1890-062 N another ¿M.L. McPhail? HIE THEE TO THE DMSDLDLSFSMDRDDMSD W.H. Wordley M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-044 N FOREST Hie thee to the forest old DMSDLDLSFSMDRDDMSD W.H. Wordley M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-044 N HIGH IN YONDER MSLSMRDLSFTTLSFFMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-137 N REALMS High in yonder realms of MSLSMRDLSFTTLSFFMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-137 N light ZGS11900-034 ZGS11902-034 HIS BLOOD AVAILS SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-034 ZGSC1908-034 His feathers shall cover me MFSSSSLTDSMFFFFSFMM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-008 S over HIS GLORIOUS SSLTDMMRMFMSLTDSDMR Samuel Burnham M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-037 N SALVATION IS FREE His glorious salvation is MRMFFMRMFSSF#MRRMF# Samuel Burnham M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-037 N free is free HIS SHELTERING WINGS MFSLSMDSDDRMFSFRMFM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-008 S ZGS21907-054 HIS WAY IS BEST SSF#SMDDLSDRMFMRDR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-191 His way is best His way is ZGS21907-054 RD#RFMR#MSLFLSMRDR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S best ZGSC1908-191 HO EVERY ONE THAT DDMRDMSSSFMDDSMFM John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-020 N THIRSTETH Ho every one that thirsteth SSF#SLDSMDRD#RMFFM John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-020 N Holy Holy Lord God of SSDSMSFMRRMMSSDLLTL M.L. McPhail CoS1886-167 N Sabaoth HOLY LORD GOD OF SSDSMSFMRRMMSSDLLTL M.L. McPhail CoS1886-167 N SABAOTH HOLY SPIRIT FAITHFUL WA11896-103 MDTLSFRDTDLLSDMMRRD M.M. Wells M.L. McPhail N GUIDE WA121899-103 WA11896-103 Holy Spirit faithful Guide MDTLSFRDTDLLSDMMRRD M.M. Wells M.L. McPhail N WA121899-103 Holy Spirit Truth divine MMMRSFMRMFRSLSMMMR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-120a N HOME AND FRIENDS (NO MSDMMRRLLLTLSFMMSD George Bennett M.L. McPhail pLC1885-011 N ES UN HIMNO) TS121890-388 HOME HOME HOME MSFFMSDTDLSSMMSFF G.R. Prynne M.L. McPhail N TS21889-187 TS121890-388 Home home home MSFFMSDTDLSSMMSFF G.R. Prynne M.L. McPhail N TS21889-187 Home home if ever we MSDMMRRLLLTLSFMMSD George Bennett M.L. McPhail pLC1885-011 N roam (No e sun himno) Home home if ever we MSDMMRRLLLTLSFMMSD George Bennett M.L. McPhail pLC1885-011 N roam (No es un himno)


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ HOW BEAUTIFUL UPON WA51914-022 SDTRDSMMRMFSTFMSD M.L. McPhail N THE MOUNTAINS WA561916-022 How beautiful upon the WA51914-022 SDTRDSMMRMFSTFMSD M.L. McPhail N mountains how beautiful WA561916-022 How blest is the message of SoC1909-047 MFSF#SLSDDDLTRMFMFT A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail S heavenly love ZGSC1908-126 CH11899-035 CSSH1902-355 JVSS1905-015 NCH1904-114 PH121898-475 How dear to my heart is the MFSLSMRDRDLSDRMRDSF J.H. Yates M.L. McPhail PH21898-181 N story of old PH31902-152 PH341907-152 SoML1904-086 SoP1904-092 SoV1902-590 How I love to think of the MFSMMFMRD#RTDDTLSM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail SL21895-109 N place prepared M.L. McPhail (arr.) How many times CHCH1959-534 SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford ¿B.B. McKinney N discouraged CSSH1902-091 (arr.)? M.L. McPhail (arr.) HOW MANY TIMES SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford ¿B.B. McKinney LSAS1913-133B N DISCOURAGED (arr.)? LSAS1913-133B M.L. McPhail (arr.) How many times PH121898-460 SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford ¿B.B. McKinney N discouraged PH21898-164 (arr.)? SH1922-253 HOW OFT HAVE I SAT BY THE BROOKSIDE (NO ES SMR#MFMR#DSSLRSMRDD J.W. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-006 N UN HIMNO How oft have I sat by the SMR#MFMR#DSSLRSMRDD J.W. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-006 N brookside (No es un himno) HOW OFT HAVE I SAT BY THE BROOKSIDE (NO ES SMR#MFMR#DSSSFFFLSF J.W. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-006 N UN HIMNO) How oft have I sat by the SMR#MFMR#DSSSFFFLSF J.W. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-006 N brookside (No es un himno) How oft I sat by the RRRRMMMFFFMMMRRRRS J.W. McCann M.L. McPhail pLC1878-006 N brookside (No es un himno) How shall I tell the SMRDSSFMSLDFMRLRSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-102 N matchless love How sweet the name of SDSFMRDLSFMSFMRDSD J. Newton M.L. McPhail CoS1886-116a N Jesus sounds How sweet to feel God’s ZGS21907-054 SSF#SMDDLSDRMFMRDR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S will is best ZGSC1908-191 HOW SWEET WAS THE M. Lindsay MFSSLSDRMFMRSDRMMRD SoSP1890-094 N SONG ¿M.L. McPhail? How sweet was the song of M. Lindsay MFSSLSDRMFMRSDRMMRD SoSP1890-094 N the angels of light ¿M.L. McPhail? HUR OFTA HÄR SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail (arr.) LSAS1913-033A N FÖRSAGDA Hur ofta här försagda SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail (arr.) LSAS1913-033A N Hur ofta under färden SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail (arr.) NPSA1903-272 N I ALWAYS GO TO JESUS MFSMFMRDDDRDLSDMRR Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-028 N I always go to Jesus MFSMFMRDDDRDLSDMRR Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-028 N TS341894-222 I ALWAYS GO TO JESUS MMR#MSDRMSFFMFRD#RM Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail N TS41894-045 TS341894-222 I always go to Jesus MMR#MSDRMSFFMFRD#RM Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail N TS41894-045 I always go to Jesus SSRRMDSMMTTDLLRRLL Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-028 N I am climbing climbing SSDLRDTTLSLSSMSSDD H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail GPCN1900-313 N I am glad salvation’s free MSMRMFMRDDRRMMF#DD W. Cowper M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-009 N PH31902-120 I AM HIS MMFSMMDRRRMFRRDMMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail PH341907-120 N SoML1904-065 139

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ PH31902-120 I am his and he is mine DTLLDTLSSLSFFLSFMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail PH341907-120 N SoML1904-065 I am looking beyond this GGN11894-082 MFSLTDFFMSDRMFTTDRR M.L. McPhail N abode of strife GGN121896-082 I AM LOOKING FOR GGN11894-082 MFSLTDFFMSDRMFTTDRR M.L. McPhail N HOME GGN121896-082 I am looking for home for GGN11894-082 MFSLTDFFMSDRMFTTDRR M.L. McPhail N my home sweet home GGN121896-082 WA11896-070 I AM NEARING THE WA121899-070 SSF#SMFMRLTDSLS#LFD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S GOAL ZGSC1908-118 ZGSM1896-004 WA11896-070 I am nearing the goal yes WA121899-070 RRD#RTFFMRMSLTDMRDR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S nearing the goal ZGSC1908-118 ZGSM1896-004 I am not what I ought to be DRMSRMDSSSLDDLSTDR R. Whitaker M.L. McPhail SoC1909-001 S I AM NOW A CHILD OF PH11894-160 SSDDSSMSSLLFFRRMFMF M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N GOD PH121898-160 I am now a child of God PH11894-160 through the all-atoning SSDDSSMSSLLFFRRMFMF M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N PH121898-160 blood HoG1925-029 I am on a shining pathway MRDDDTTLLSMMRDRMRD J.H. Lozier M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH31902-161 N PH341907-161 I am ready Yes I am ready SSLDDDTLSMMDRMMMMMM John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-213 N ZGS11900-030 I am resting in the arms that ZGS11902-030 never fail cannot fail cannot SSDDDDDSLSSSFFLSSSS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-030 fail ZGSC1908-030 I am running for the prize ZGSC1908-165 MSF#SSDRMMFMRDRSMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S divine ZGSM1896-008 I AM RUNNING FOR THE ZGSC1908-165 SF#LSDTRDDRDTLSSF# G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S PRIZE DIVINE ZGSM1896-008 I AM SAVED BY GRACE SMRDSSFMSLDFMRLRSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-102 N I am seeking the country SSMFLSDDTLTFFRMSFRR H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail GPCN1900-313 N where Jesus has gone M. Lindsay I AM TRUSTING IN JESUS SSLSMRDDLDSSSLSFMRR Kate Ulmer SoC1909-057 S ¿M.L. McPhail? I am trusting in Jesus and O M. Lindsay SSLSMRDDLDSSSLSFMRR Kate Ulmer SoC1909-057 S it is sweet ¿M.L. McPhail? I am trusting in Jesus He M. Lindsay RRMRTLSSDFMMMFMMDMR Kate Ulmer SoC1909-057 S careth for me ¿M.L. McPhail? I am trusting in my Savior SF#LSR#MSFTLSFRFMS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail IP1902-060 N I BRING YOU GOOD M.L. McPhail LOAMV1914-951 N TIDINGS I CAN NOT TELL WHY SSLTDRMFSFFMSLDLSDR John McPhail M.L. McPhail CG21890-032 N I can not tell why the dear CG21890-032 SSLTDRMFSFFMSLDLSDR John McPhail M.L. McPhail N Savior should love me CG121891-246 ZGS11900-034 I cannot comprehend the ZGS11902-034 MSMRDRMRMSMRDRRSMD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S love ZGS11905-034 ZGSC1908-034 I CANNOT FORGET THE G.M. Bills PH341907-481 MFSF#SDTR#MFMFLSDRM M.L. McPhail N HOUR E.A. Hoffman PH41907-138 I cannot forget the hour G.M. Bills PH341907-481 when the Lord of life and MFSF#SDTR#MFMFLSDRM M.L. McPhail N E.A. Hoffman PH41907-138 power CG121891-246 ESCS1898-086 I CANNOT TELL WHY SSLTDRMFSFFMSLDLSDR John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-006 N TS341894-187 TS41894-010 ESCS1898-086 I cannot tell why the dear SoSP1890-006 SSLTDRMFSFFMSLDLSDR John McPhail. M.L. McPhail N Savior should love me TS341894-187 TS41894-010


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ WA11896-015 I COME TO THEE SMTRDMFLSMFMFLRFMS M.L. McPhail N WA121899-015 I come to Thee I come to WA11896-015 SMTRDMFLSMFMFLRFMS M.L. McPhail N Thee WA121899-015 I DEPEND ON THEE SMRDSLDSSF#SDDTDRS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail IP1902-008 N ZGS11900-028 I GLADLY ALL ZGS11902-028 SSFMSDTLDTLSMFMRMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S SURRENDER ZGS11905-028 ZGSC1908-028 I HAVE A FRIEND MRDMDDTLLSSLDFMDMR Ada Blenkhorn M.L. McPhail KM1910-133 N I have a friend his name is MRDMDDTLLSSLDFMDMR Ada Blenkhorn M.L. McPhail KM1910-133 N all powerful L. Shorey ZGS21907-024 I have a friend so precious MFSSF#SMRDDRDLSSLT M.L. McPhail S ¿M.A.E.S. Lancaster? ZGSC1908-084 I have a message from the MFSMRDSSFMFRDTDMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail PH121898-471 N Lord PH21898-177 ZGS11900-015 I have a message from the MFSMRDSSFMFRDTDMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-015 S Lord ZGS11905-015 ZGSC1908-015 I HAVE FOUND A HORC1894-040 DRMFMRMRDLS,DLSLSMDM [J.G. Small] M.L. McPhail N FRIEND SSS1895-037 DER ALLERBESTE DRMFMRMRDLS,DLSLSMDM J.A. Mulsinger M.L. McPhail EGDP1895-082 N FREUND I HAVE FOUND A M. Lindsay SDSMSLSSMSFRFFMSDS J.G. Small SoSP1890-068 N FRIEND ¿M.L. McPhail? I have found a friend O such HORC1894-040 DRMFMRMRDLS,DLSLSMDM [J.G. Small] M.L. McPhail N a friend SSS1895-037 Den Freund den allerbesten DRMFMRMRDLS,DLSLSMDM J.A. Mulsinger M.L. McPhail EGDP1895-082 N Freund I have found a friend O such M. Lindsay SDSMSLSSMSFRFFMSDS J.G. Small SoSP1890-068 N a friend ¿M.L. McPhail? I HAVE FOUND AN ZGS21907-004 SSF#LSMDTFFMSFRFMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ANCHOR ZGSC1908-064 I have found an anchor for ZGS21907-004 SSF#LSMDTFFMSFRFMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S my soul ZGSC1908-064 PH121898-476 I have heard my Savior SDMMFMMRSTRRMRRDDM E.W. Blandy (arr.) M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH21898-223 N calling SoML1904-118 I have heard Thy voice, SSDDRRMD,SSLDTRD,DRM E.G. Cherry M.L. McPhail HORC1894-036 N Lord Jesus, ZGS11900-014 ZGS11902-014 I have left the world below MFSLSMDTLSMDMRRMFM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-014 ZGSC1908-014 BH1940-400 BSHR1961-334 CP1964-262 HoCL131904-509 I have seen the lightning ¿B.B. McKinney HoCL31904-101 flashing and heard the SSSMSDMR#MR#DDDRDLS (arr.)? HoGP1969-307 N thunder ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? MoP1957-197 NCH1976-337 NJG1936-053 PH1973-141 SHP1991-128 I have seen the lightning ¿B.B. McKinney flashing and heard the SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS (arr.)? BMIH1940-335 N thunder ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? I have seen the lightning W.A.H. (arr.) flashing and heard the SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS CHSE1931-210 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? thunder I have seen the lightning Fred Jacky (ar.) FhoP1973-312 flashing I have heard the SSSMSDMMMRDDRDLSSS N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HHOF1980-418 thunder I have work enough to do DRMMMFMDMRDRDRMFFF Josephine Pollard M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-104 N I HEARD THE VOICE OF MMFMSDRMMFSLLRRR#M M.L. McPhail MAC1885-157 N JESUS SAY 141

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ I heard the voice of Jesus MMFMSDRMMFSLLRRR#M M.L. McPhail MAC1885-157 N say I HEARD THE VOICE OF TS121890-269 MMMFMRSMMFFFLRRMRD H. Bonar M.L. McPhail N JESUS SAY TS21889-054 I heard the voice of Jesus TS121890-269 MMMFMRSMMFFFLRRMRD H. Bonar M.L. McPhail N say TS21889-054 I HEARD THE VOICE OF MRDMSSLSDRMMFLSMRDR H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-115 N JESUS SAY I heard the voice of Jesus MRDMSSLSDRMMFLSMRDR H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-115 N say TS121890-386 I journey to a better land SMMMFMRRRMRDDDRMSM E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail N TS21889-185 CD121896-179 CD21896-179 I know I am His and He is MSSFMMRDLSDRRRRDRMM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail HCK2013-020 S mine ZGSC1908-166 ZGSM1896-003 I know some day my Lord SSMDSLFLDTLSMRLRSS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail SoC1909-003 S will come I KNOW THAT MY SDTRDDLSMSSSLSFRMS H.A. Merrill M.L. McPhail (arr.) SoSP1890-053 N REDEEMER LIVES I know that my Redeemer SDTRDDLSMSSSLSFRMS H.A. Merrill M.L. McPhail (arr.) SoSP1890-053 N lives Stephen C. Foster I LOVE HIM DMFSSLDTLSDMFSSLSFM PH561911-0035 N M.L. McPhail (arr.) Stephen C. Foster I love him I love him SMSSMSSLDTLSDTDRTD PH561911-0035 N M.L. McPhail (arr.) I love to think upon the SDDDDDSMFSSSLSDMMMM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-044 N riches of my Savior’s grace I need Thy presence every MMRSSDDRRMMFFMDTTDL M.L. McPhail pLC1885-010 N passing hour I OFTEN SING THOSE ¿? H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail HoMD1968-337 S WORDS OF PRAYER I often sing those words of ¿? H.J. Zelley ¿M.L. McPhail? HMDM1909-337 S prayer HoMD1936-337 HoMD1946-337 HoMD1950-337 HoMD1959-337 I often sing those words of SSMMDRDTDRMSSFMRRS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail HoMD1968-337 S prayer ZGS11900-020 ZGS11902-020 ZGS11905-020 ZGSC1908-020 I once reclined in Satan’s ZGSC1908-165 SF#LSDTRDDRDTLSSF# G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S coils ZGSM1896-008 TS341894-247 I SHALL BE SATISFIED MFSLSDTLSSFMSLTLSFM G.C. Wells M.L. McPhail N TS41894-072 TS341894-247 I shall be satisfied RRD#RSRMMMR#MF#SLSL G.C. Wells M.L. McPhail N TS41894-072 PH11894-295 I sing the praise of him DRMMFFLSSMSFFRFMMD E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH121898-295 N today PH21898-220 MC1901-115 I want to know Jesus my SMRDSMSLDLSFMSDLTDR H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-020 S Savior so dear ZGSC1908-080 HA1919-156 I WAS GLAD SSMDLSSF#MRTDSSLLLF M.L. McPhail WA51914-112 N WA561916-112 HA1919-156 I was glad I was glad when SSMDLSSF#MRTDSSLLLF M.L. McPhail WA51914-112 N they said unto me WA561916-112 I WILL I GIVE THANKS Matthew Lindsay MMSDDLLSFFMMRMFMRDR CoS1886-138 N UNTO THE LORD ¿M.L. McPhail? I will I give thanks unto the Matthew Lindsay MMSDDLLSFFMMRMFMRDR CoS1886-138 N Lord ¿M.L. McPhail? I will anchor I will anchor SSLFFLLSDRMMFMRMFS John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-004 N SoC1909-033 I WILL BE WITH THEE MFSDFMMRSRDDRSMMFS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-035 S ZGSC1908-095


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ SoC1909-033 I will be with thee I will be SFMDTDMRRMFSLSMMFS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-035 S with tee ZGSC1908-095 I WILL EVERMORE REPEAT THE ¿? G.M. Bills ¿M.L. McPhail? S1957-xxx N WONDROUS STORY I will evermore repeat the IP1902-038 MRDRMFSSF#SLSDLSMRD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N wondrous story S1957-xxx I WILL EXTOL THEE MFFMRRDLSFFMRSFMLSF McPhail M. L. MAC1885-038 N WA51914-098 I WILL EXTOL THEE SSSSMSDSMSSRMRDMMM M.L. McPhail N WA561916-098 I will extol thee my God O WA51914-098 SSSSMSDSMSSRMRDMMM M.L. McPhail N King WA561916-098 I will extol thee O God my MFFMRRDLSFFMRSFMLSF McPhail M. L. MAC1885-038 N king I will follow my Savior DDDDDTLSMSSFMFSFMS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail PH561911-0072 N today I will follow Thee my MMSMFLLSMMSMRDRSLS James Lawson M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-131 N Savior I WILL FOLLOW THEE SLSDRMSLRFSLSFFTSL James Lawson M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-131 N MY SAVIOR I will follow Thee my SLSDRMSLRFSLSFFTSL James Lawson M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-131 N Savior I will go in the strength of MFSF#SLSMDTLSSFMDMR ¿Edward Turney? M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-088 N the Lord I WILL NEVER LEAVE MFSLSDMRRMFTDRMMFS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-133 S THEE I WILL NEVER LEAVE SMRDDTSFMRDMDDTTL H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-138 S THEE NO. 2 I will never leave you MDDTTLMMRDTDDRRMF H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-138 S I will never leave you SMRDDTSFMRDMDDTTL H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-138 S I will never never leave thee LSFLSFMSDTLLTLSMFS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-133 S I will not serve my Savior in HPCS1922-044 SSLTDFMRLDTFLSMMLLT W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail N a poor or selfish way HPN121931-044 I WILL OBEY SSMRDMSDTLSSSTDRMFM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail PH561911-0072 N M. Lindsay I WILL PRAISE THEE MSTDRRRMMMSMRRRMFFM MAC1885-176 N ¿M.L. McPhail? I will praise thee I will M. Lindsay praise thee with my whole MSTDRRRMMMSMRRRMFFM MAC1885-176 N ¿M.L. McPhail? heart I will praise thee O Lord MMRMMFFRRMDSLSSSSF# M.L. McPhail CoS1886-182 N with all my heart WA51914-146 I WILL SING MFSSDTLSSSFMMRDDRMRS M.L. McPhail N WA561916-146 I will sing I will sing I will WA51914-146 sing of the mercies of the MFSSDTLSSSFMMRDDRMRS M.L. McPhail N WA561916-146 Lord I will sing of that stream of DRMFFMDDRDLLSDRMFFM R. Torrey Jr. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-154 N that beautiful stream I WILL SING OF THE MFSSSSSDRMMRDDLSDM M.L. McPhail FA11903-009 N MERCIES I will sing of the mercies of MFSSSSSDRMMRDDLSDM M.L. McPhail FA11903-009 N the Lord forever PH31902-146 I will sing praises to him I SSSSFMFFRFFFFSFMMM E.E. Hewitt (arr.) M.L. McPhail PH341907-146 N love SoML1904-009 I WILL WALK WITH THEE DRMMRDDTTRMFRDRMMF Carus (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-129 N MY SAVIOR I will walk with Thee my MFSSLTDRMSF#FSLSFM Carus (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-129 N Savior dear IF I IN THY LIKENESS SSLSDRDMRDSSSRMRFRS G.C. Wells M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-098 N If I in Thy likeness O Lord TS341894-247 MFSLSDTLSSFMSLTLSFM G.C. Wells M.L. McPhail N may awake TS41894-072 If I in Thy likeness O Lord SSLSDRDMRDSSSRMRFRS G.C. Wells M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-098 N may awake IF YE LOVE ME SSDSSFFFMLLSFMSMMR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-144 N If ye love me keep my SSDSSFFFMLLSFMSMMR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-144 N commandments 143

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ If you cannot like the WA11896-132 MFSDDRMDSSLTDLSSSL F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail N Master WA121899-132 ZGSC1908-194 Immortality Immortality MSSMDLDDLSSDDMSRMS F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGSM1896-011 IN CHRIST’S OWN LOVE DDRDLSFDDRMRTLSSDD M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-040 N ABIDING In Christ’s own love abiding DDRDLSFDDRMRTLSSDD M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-040 N In Christ’s own love abiding DDRDLSFDDRMRTLSSDD M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-040 N In His day shall the WA11896-090 righteous flourish in His day SSSDSFMLSDMRTDRMFRT M.L. McPhail N WA121899-090 in His day IN LOVE HE PLANNED IT ZGS21907-032 SMMMR#MLSMRRRSRMMS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S ALL ZGSC1908-092 In spring I wander down the SMRDSLDSDRRSFMSMRD Paul Mathews M.L. McPhail pLC1885-009 N lane (No es un himno) IN THAT DAY SHALL THIS WA121899-2057 DDMDDSMDTLSFFMMMMRR M.L. McPhail N SONG BE SUNG WA21899-057 In that day shall this song be WA121899-2057 DDMDDSMDTLSFFMMMMRR M.L. McPhail N sung in the land of Judah WA21899-057 Luise Reichardt HA1919-044 IN THE HOUR OF TRIAL MMMMSFMRDDRRMMMMML J. Montgomery N M.L. McPhail (arr.) WA561916-276 Luise Reichardt HA1919-044 In the hour of trial MMMMSFMRDDRRMMMMML J. Montgomery N M.L. McPhail (arr.) WA561916-276 IN THE MORNING MFSF#SLSDTLSMRMFMFS M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail SL21895-046 N IN THE SECRET OF HIS E.L. Goreh SFMSDRDTFMRLSFMSFM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-076 N PRESENCE E. Yorek E.L. Goreh In the secret of His presence SFMSDRDTFMRLSFMSFM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-076 N E. Yorek In the shade of the cross MFSSDTFLSSMRRTFSFM H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-142 S Lord with Thee IN THE STRENGTH OF MFSF#SLSMDTLSSFMDMR ¿Edward Turney? M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-088 N THE LORD In the strength of the Lord I SSDDTLSMLSSSSLSRMFM ¿Edward Turney? M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-088 N will go In this world of strife and SoC1909-039 MRMSFFMFLSMFSSFMRMM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail (arr.) S sorrow ZGSC1908-160 In thy great love O let me FFMRRRSSFMMMFFMRRRS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-052 N hide INTO THY KINGDOM SSSSLTDSMRMFTDRDDS Ida L. Reed M.L. McPhail RoG1897-039 N Into thy kingdom of joy and SMRDTLSDSMFMMRDRRM Ida L. Reed M.L. McPhail RoG1897-039 N light Into thy kingdom of peace SSSSLTDSMRMFTDRDDS Ida L. Reed M.L. McPhail RoG1897-039 N and love IT GIVES ME SUCH SSMFSLSDDDRDDLSSSRM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-157 S REJOICING IN MY SOUL IT IS A GOOD THING TO HA1919-097 SSSMRDRMDTLMRDTDDD M.L. McPhail N GIVE THANKS WA561916-204 It is a good thing to give HA1919-097 thanks to give thanks unto SSSMRDRMDTLMRDTDDD M.L. McPhail N WA561916-204 the Lord It is beauty is filling my SRFMRLTDSFFFFSFMMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail SoC1909-015 S soul It is finished faintly spoken SMLSSMSFFRSFFRFMSM Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail SoC1909-030 S BoLS1936-xxx PH31902-142 PH341907-142 ¿E.E. Rexford? SUL1978-068 IT IS JESUS MFSSLSSMRDLDTLSSSL M.L. McPhail S G.M. Bills ZGS11900-002 ZGS11902-002 ZGS11905-002 ZGSC1908-002 BoLS1936-xxx PH31902-142 PH341907-142 ¿E.E. Rexford? SUL1978-068 It is Jesus Jesus TDRSMDFMRDRMFSSLSS M.L. McPhail S G.M. Bills ZGS11900-002 ZGS11902-002 ZGS11905-002 ZGSC1908-002


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ IT IS MAY UPON THE SLTDDTDRDRMDSLSFFMF M.L. McPhail CoS1886-102 N MOUNTAIN It is May upon the mountain SLTDDTDRDRMDSLSFFMF M.L. McPhail CoS1886-102 N It is not the hearer of the ZGS21907-061 SDDMRDDTLSSSLSFFFSF G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S Word ZGSC1908-227 PH121898-442 PH21898-146 IT IS SABBATH IN MY ZGS11900-038 SSDDDSMFSLSDMRRRTLS F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S SOUL ZGS11902-038 ZGS11905-038 ZGSC1908-038 It is sweet in the presence of ZGSC1908-167 SSMRDTDRDLSDRRRRMFM J.G. Herr M.L. McPhail S Jesus dwell ZGSM1896-007 It is the hand of God that is Knowles Shaw MFSSSMRDDDRRRLLSDR Knowles Shaw SoSP1890-212 N writing on the wall M.L. McPhail (arr.) It is with the heart we first SSSSSSDRMSSRMRDDSSS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-056 S believe HCK2013-019 JEHOVAH IS MY SMMRDLSDMRD#RFMSMM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-016 S SALVATION ZGSC1908-076 HCK2013-019 Jehovah is my salvation SMMRDLSDMRD#RFMSMM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-016 S ZGSC1908-076 Jehovah reigns his throne on SDTDSLLSSFFMSDF#SS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-115a N high Jehovah’s witness you must SJP1950-037 SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM ¿M.L. McPhail? S teach SJP1962-037 WA51914-132 Jesus all the day long SSLLLDTLLSMSMMFFFF ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail N WA561916-132 PH11894-169 JESUS ALONE CAN SAVE MMRDSMSDRMSSSSDMRM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N PH121898-169 Joseph Grigg Jesus and shall it ever be MMFLSSFMMDTLSSF#SM M.L. McPhail HA1919-130 N Benjamin Francis (alt.) JESUS AND SHALL IT Joseph Grigg SF#SMLSFMFFMFRSFMRM M.L. McPhail WA561916-316 N EVER BE Benjamin Francis (alt.) Joseph Grigg Jesus and shall it ever be SF#SMLSFMFFMFRSFMRM M.L. McPhail WA561916-316 N Benjamin Francis (alt.) JESUS BRINGS THE MFSLSMRDDLSMFSLSMRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-058 S SUNSHINE JESUS CALLS ME MRDTRDTL,SDMSMRDR,MR M.L. McPhail HORC1894-084 N IMMER BEREIT MRDTRDTL,SDMSMRDR,MR E.C. Magaret M.L. McPhail EGDP1895-106 N Jesus brings the sunshine MFSLSMRDDLSMFSLSMRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-058 S into gloomy hearts JESUS CAN MAKE YOU GGN11894-116 MMMR#MDLSLDFMDRRMM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N WHOLE GGN121896-116 JESUS FULL OF LOVE MRMDFMLS,DSFMLSDR,MRMD M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail MV1888-17-7-184 N DIVINE Jesus full of love divine MRMDFMLS,DSFMLSDR,MRMD M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail MV1888-17-7-184 N PH11894-295 JESUS HATH DONE ALL DRMMFFLSSMSFFRFMMD E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH121898-295 N THINGS WELL PH21898-220 JESUS HATH DONE ALL PH11894-296 DRMMFFLSSMSFFRFMMD ¿Thomas Ken? M.L. McPhail (arr.) N THINGS WELL PH121898-296 Jesus I my cross have taken MMMMMFSLSMSSFRFMMM H.F. Lyte M.L. McPhail WA561916-270 N JESUS IS MIGHTY TO DRMR#MSSSLSSMDDTTSF John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-001 N SAVE JESUS IS WAITING SSSLSMRDRMDLDFLSMMR Charlotte Murray M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-147 N Jesus is waiting He standeth RRRMMMSSFFMRRRMMMSS Charlotte Murray M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-147 N and knocketh Jesus is waiting to welcome SSSLSMRDRMDLDFLSMMR Charlotte Murray M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-147 N the weary Jesus Jesus RFMSLLLSF#FSDSLFR Ada Blenkhorn M.L. McPhail KM1910-133 N JESUS LOVE SSSSSLSSSMMMRDRRSS K.M. M.L. McPhail SSQ1879-084 N JESUS LOVER OF MY MLSMRDRDMFSLSMRMRM ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail MAC1885-107 N SOUL Jesus lover of my soul MLSMRDRDMFSLSMRMRM ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail MAC1885-107 N 145

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ JESUS LOVER OF MY SMFSDDLSFRMFTLSMS ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail WA561916-360 N SOUL Jesus Lover of my soul SMFSDDLSFRMFTLSMS ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail WA561916-360 N JESUS LOVER OF MY SSMRDSLSSDTDRSMSDM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-166 N SOUL Jesus lover of my soul SSMRDSLSSDTDRSMSDM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-166 N Jesus Master at Thy feet SMFSMMSFFRMFRRFMSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail SoC1909-023 S Jesus mighty Savior ever SMRMSLSMDMRFRD#RMSS John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-059 N dear to me JESUS OUR ALL MDRTDLSLDTDRMDRTDL ¿A.J. Morris? M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-180 S Jesus Redeemer of mankind MMSTDSSFRMSFLSDRRM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-120b N JESUS REFUGE OF MY WA11896-071 MMMFF#SLSFFFMRSFMM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail N SOUL WA121899-071 WA11896-071 Jesus refuge of my soul MMMFF#SLSFFFMRSFMM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail N WA121899-071 JESUS REFUGE OF MY WA11896-025 SLSMDSMFSFRLTLSSLS C. Wesley M.L. McPhail N SOUL WA121899-025 WA11896-025 Jesus refuge of my soul SLSMDSMFSFRLTLSSLS C. Wesley M.L. McPhail N WA121899-025 CD161908-119 JESUS SATISFIES MY SSDDMRDSLDSSFMSDMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail CD31898-076 N SOUL KS21918-xxx CD161908-119 Jesus satisfies my soul for I SSDDMRDSLDSSFMSDMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail CD31898-076 N am saved KS21918-xxx JESUS SAVES ME SF#LSR#MSFTLSFRFMS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail IP1902-060 N Jesus saves me hallelujah DTRDSLDTRD#MRLTDSF H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail IP1902-060 N Jesus Savior Thou art mine MRMDFMLS,DSFMLSDR,MRMD M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail MV1888-17-7-184 N Jesus Saviour precious MDRTDLSLDTDRMDRTDL ¿A.J. Morris? M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-180 S name JESUS THE ROCK OF DRMMMDLDSDMSSSMDMR S.S.J. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-002 N AGES Jesus Thine all-victorious M. Lindsay SMMRMRDRMSLDDTLSSS C. Wesley SoSP1890-105 N love ¿M.L. McPhail? Jesus Thou my perfect ¿Annie F. Harrison? ZGS21907-011 SLSMSFFMRLDMSFMSLS G.W. Seibert S pattern M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGSC1908-071 Jesus thy blood and J. Wesley SSSLDSDMMFMLRMRSSS M.L. McPhail WA51914-066 N righteousness N.L. Zinzendorf JESUS THY BLOOD AND J. Wesley SSSLDSDMMFMLRMRSSS M.L. McPhail WA51914-066 N RIGHTEOUSNESS N.L. Zinzendorf Jesus thy blood and J. Wesley SSSLDSDMMFMLRMRSSS M.L. McPhail WA561916-066 N righteousness N.L. Zinzendorf JESUS THY BLOOD AND J. Wesley SSSLDSDMMFMLRMRSSS M.L. McPhail WA561916-066 N RIGHTEOUSNESS N.L. Zinzendorf Jesus we look to thee MMFSLSDFFMMRRMFSLS ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail CoS1886-122a N Jesus wherever thy people WA11896-040 MMMMFFFFSSSSSSSSMM W. Cowper M.L. McPhail N meet WA121899-040 JESUS. I MY CROSS HAVE MMMMMFSLSMSSFRFMMM H.F. Lyte M.L. McPhail WA561916-270 N TAKEN ¿J.H. McNaughton? Joy abideth in my heart SMMRDLDSLSMRMFSMDL A.J. Morris SoC1909-055 S M.L. McPhail (arr.) JOY UNSPEAKABLE MFSMSDTLSMFFFSFMMM H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-132 S Joy unspeakable joy DDMSDTSSSSRDDDDTLS H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-132 S JOYFUL TIDINGS SSDMRDRLLRMFMRDTSS ¿M.L. McPhail? M.L. McPhail LACB1879-023 N JOYFULLY JOYFULLY SF#SMR#MFDRMDSLDFM M.L. McPhail WA561916-334 N ANGELS ARE SINGING Joyfully joyfully angels are SF#SMR#MFDRMDSLDFM M.L. McPhail WA561916-334 N singing WA11896-182 WA121899-182 JUBILEE ECHOES MMMFMRDSDRMSLSRFFF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-030 S ZGSC1908-090 ZGSM1896-005 WA51914-133 JUST AS I AM SSF#SLSSFMMMRMFFFMF Charlotte Elliott M.L. McPhail N WA561916-133


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Just as I am without our WA51914-133 SSF#SLSSFMMMRMFFFMF Charlotte Elliott M.L. McPhail N plea WA561916-133 PH121898-394 JUST THE SAME TO-DAY DRMFMDRDMFSLSFMSSL E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail N PH21898-096 ZGS11900-013 KEEP CLOSE TO THE ZGS11902-013 MFMMRDLDLSSDMSMDDRM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S MASTER ZGS11905-013 ZGSC1908-013 ZGS11900-013 Keep close very close very ZGS11902-013 MFFFFDRMMMMRSTRTSLT W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S close to the King ZGS11905-013 ZGSC1908-013 KEEP IN LINE WITH MFSDDTRMFLLSMFSDRMF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail IP1902-126 N JESUS Keep in line with Jesus if MFSDDTRMFLLSMFSDRMF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail IP1902-126 N you love the Savior Keep in line with Jesus SDSDDTFTFTLSSMSMMRL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail IP1902-126 N marching to the crowning LABOR ON DSDMDMSLSFFMRFMRDD John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-050 N Labor on with willing hand DSDMDMSLSFFMRFMRDD John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-050 N Labor on yes labor on DSDMDMSLSFFMRFMRDD John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-050 N Lamb of God my dearest MRDTRDLSDRMRLDRMRD C.P. Powley M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-141 S friend LAMB OF GOD MY MRDTRDLSDRMRLDRMRD C.P. Powley M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-141 S SAVIOR DEAR WA121899-2037 LEAD KINDLY LIGHT MFRMDSLTTSLRSFMMFR J.H. Newman M.L. McPhail N WA21899-037 Lead kindly Light amid the WA121899-2037 MFRMDSLTTSLRSFMMFR J.H. Newman M.L. McPhail N encircling gloom WA21899-037 Let no anxious care disturb SoC1909-039 DTLLDRDLSMDTLLDRDLS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail (arr.) S thee ZGSC1908-160 LET NO ANXIOUS CARE SoC1909-039 MRMSFFMFLSMFSSFMRMM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail (arr.) S DISTURB THEE ZGSC1908-160 Let not your hearts be MMMFRSS,DDFMMR,MMSSD M.L. McPhail BPCS1895-170 N troubled Ye believe in God LET US GO FORTH SF#LSFMFSDDTFMSFMRM Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail SoC1909-064 S Let us go forth to Him SF#LSFMFSDDTFMSFMRM Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail SoC1909-064 S without the city ZGS11900-051 ZGS11902-051 Let us pray for one another TDRFMRRDDRMMDDRMRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-051 ZGSC1908-058 LET US SPEAK FOR THE MFSSMDSLSDRMMRRMFRL E.R.V. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-025 N MASTER Let us speak for the Master MFSSMDSLSDRMMRRMFRL E.R.V. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-025 N whenever we meet Let us speak for the Master SSFFSLRLLSSFMSFFSLR E.R.V. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-025 N wherever we go Let us then refrain our ZGS21907-050 MMR#MDSLDMMRRD#RSFM Virginia Noble M.L. McPhail S tongues from evil ZGSC1908-050 LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE MFSSLSDRMMRDTLSDRMD J.G. Herr M.L. McPhail RoG1897-020 N OUT LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE SSDSRSMRDRMFFMDRMF Carrie E. Hall M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-093 N OUT Let your light shine out MMFFFFFMMMMMMRRRRMF J.G. Herr M.L. McPhail RoG1897-020 N clean and bright my brother Let your light shine out O SSDSRSMRDRMFFMDRMF Carrie E. Hall M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-093 N Christian Let your light shine out O SSDSRSMRDRMFFMDRMF Carrie E. Hall M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-093 N Christian Lift up the Blood red TS121890-277 SSTRFLSMDDDTDRR#MM M.L. McPhail N Banner TS21889-062 TS121890-231 LIFT UP THE CROSS MDDRSSDRRMLTTDRMRLT C.C. Hunt M.L. McPhail N TS21889-013 Lift up the cross Lift up the TS121890-231 RRRRMMMMFMMRDDTLLS C.C. Hunt M.L. McPhail N cross TS21889-013 Lift up your heads SMFSDRDTDS,LDLSMSFMR H. Bonar M.L. McPhail HORC1894-122 N desponding prilgrims 147

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Das haupt empor ihr H. Bonar SMFSDRDTDS,LDLSMSFMR M.L. McPhail EGDP1895-088 N Gottesstreiter E.C. Magaret Lift up your hearts lift up FMMMFSSSMRRRMFFFRD C. Wesley M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-067 N your voice CH1910-164 CoR1913-xxx EH1914-xxx FGH1907-108 FH1907-108 GB1918-xxx GH1899-142 IP1902-130 Like a chime of silver bells SDDRDTTTLTLLSMSDMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N JW1915-124 KS1915-106 MS1909-094 NE1911-120 SoR1912-xxx SoSS1916-xxx SS1909-083 TH1911-xxx CoR1913-xxx EH1914-xxx GB1918-xxx KS1915-106 LIKE A CHIME OF SDDRDTTTLTLLSMSDMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail MS1909-094 N SILVER BELLS SoR1912-xxx SoSS1916-xxx SS1909-083 TH1911-xxx LIKE A CHIME OF SSLSMRDDLDSSDDRMSMR W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail KS1915-063 N SILVER BELLS LIKE AS A FATHER DTDRSRRD#RMDMMRMFMR M.L. McPhail WA561916-213 N M. Lindsay LIKE AS A FATHER MFSTLSLTDRDDTDSLSFM HA1919-072 N [¿M.L. McPhail?] Like as a father pitieth his DTDRSRRD#RMDMMRMFMR M.L. McPhail WA561916-213 N children so the Lord pitieth Like as a Father pitieth his M. Lindsay MFSTLSLTDRDDTDSLSFM HA1919-072 N children so the Lord pitieth [¿M.L. McPhail?] ZGS21907-063 LIKE JESUS SSF#LSDDTRDMMR#FMDR James Hay M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-229 Like Jesus I would humble ZGS21907-063 RRD#MRRRDRMSF#LSMRR James Hay M.L. McPhail S be ZGSC1908-229 Like travelers toward a ZGS21907-064 SMRDTLSFMSLTDFMRDR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S distant land ZGSC1908-116 CEE1895-068 Linger near us blessed Spirit DMRDSDMRDSLDSMMRDTD E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail (arr.) N CS11895-103 WA11896-182 WA121899-182 Listen to the voice celestial MMMFMRDSDRMSLSRFFF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-030 S ZGSC1908-090 ZGSM1896-005 Listen to the wondrous story PH121898-410 Dort in Zions heil’gen SSDMFLSMDRMLSMRMFS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-112 N Hallen SeSLS1899-222 M. Lindsay LIVING FOR JESUS SMFSMRDLLSSRMFLLSDR SoSP1890-121 N ¿M.L. McPhail? M. Lindsay Living for Jesus day by day SMFSMRDLLSSRMFLLSDR SoSP1890-121 N ¿M.L. McPhail? M. Lindsay Living for Jesus everywhere DDDTLLSSLLLSDTDRMS SoSP1890-121 N ¿M.L. McPhail? C. Wesley LO HE COMES DTDSLSMFSMRDTLRSDT ¿J. Cennick? M.L. McPhail HA1919-016 N ¿M. Madan? C. Wesley Lo he comes with clouds DTDSLSMFSMRDTLRSDT ¿J. Cennick? M.L. McPhail HA1919-016 N descending ¿M. Madan? Looft nu den Heer Looft nu M.L. McPhail den Heer (Praise Ye the SMSDDTLSSSDRMMMMMR PPK2008-1155 N P.C. Eilander (arr.) Lord) ZGS21907-060 LONG LONG THE NIGHT MMFSMMMFMMRFFSLFFFS F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-115


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Long long the night with ZGS21907-060 MMFSMMMFMMRFFSLFFFS F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S sound of frequent weeping ZGSC1908-115 LONG NIGHT OF M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGS21907-057 MMMFMRSSSDRMFMRRMM H.O. Henderson S WEEPING Charlotte A. Barnard ZGSC1908-112 ¿S.C. Foster? CEE1895-039A LONGING FOR HEAVEN MRDMRDDLDSMDRFMRMR E.A. Hoffman N M.L. McPhail (arr.) CS11895-016 HoMD1936-334 HoMD1946-334 HoMD1950-334 LONGING FOR HOME MFMRLTRDLSMMSFRFLS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail (arr.) S HoMD1959-334 ZGS21907-038 ZGSC1908-098 LOOK TO JESUS DRMRDRSSDRMRDRTDMF A. Midlane M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-148 N Look to Jesus look and live DRMRDRSSDRMRDRTDMF A. Midlane M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-148 N Look to the Savior sinsick GGN11894-116 MMMR#MDLSLDFMDRRMM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N one GGN121896-116 Look unto Him and be ye SRRRMFDRMRLLLTSMMM W.P. Mackay M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-091 N saved Look unto Him your soul GGN11894-116 SSSMMFFRMSDTDRRMMM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N shall live GGN121896-116 LOOK UNTO ME MMMSMMRDDLDSMRMMMS W.P. Mackay M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-091 N Look unto me and be ye MMMSMMRDDLDSMRMMMS W.P. Mackay M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-091 N saved Look up lift up night is PH11894-009 DTLDTLSMRDTRDLLSMR Levi Gilbert M.L. McPhail N fleeing PH121898-009 Look ye saints the sight is WA51914-180 DTLSSLMRDTDRMFMRDR ¿Thomas Kelly? M.L. McPhail N glorious WA561916-180 ZGS11900-018 ZGS11902-018 Looking ever unto Jesus MMMMRDTLMMMRRDTLSS F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-018 ZGSC1908-018 HA1919-091 Lord I hear of showers of MR#MSDMFMRLDDDTDRLR Elizabeth Codner M.L. McPhail WA51914-015 N blessing WA561916-015 LORD LET ME COME TO SLTDDDTLTSTDRRRDTD H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-127 S THEE Lord we feel the showers of MLSMFMRLTLSFMR#MML F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail IP1902-003 N blessing WA51914-183 LOVE DIVINE DRMDMFSMLSFRSFMDRM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail N WA561916-183 LOVE DIVINE SF#LSMDTRDLSLSDMSFM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-141 N LOVE DIVINE SSLSLSFFM,LTDLSRM,SSDSLS M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail MV1888-17-1-18 N Love Divine all love SF#LSMDTRDLSLSDMSFM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-141 N exceiling Love divine all love WA51914-183 DRMDMFSMLSFRSFMDRM C. Wesley M.L. McPhail N excelling WA561916-183 Love divine all love SSLSLSFFM,LTDLSRM,SSDSLS M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail MV1888-17-1-18 N excelling Love doth suffer long and DTRDSLDTTRD#MRLTRDD Mrs. Frank A. Breck M.L. McPhail SSV1910-014 N love is kind Love that seeketh not her ZGS21907-003 FSMRRDMSSFRFFMDMFS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S own ZGSC1908-063 LOVE THAT SEEKETH ZGS21907-003 MFSLSMDTFTLLSMFSLS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S NOT HER OWN ZGSC1908-063 LOVE’S LESSON SWEET SMFSMMSFFRMFRRFMSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail SoC1909-023 S PH121898-388 LOVE’S REASON SMFSDSMDRMRRFRMFFMS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-090 N DAS WUNDER DER LIEBE SeSLS1899-220 Love’s reason is ample PH121898-388 Love’s measure is full DTDRDSLLSMFFF#FSLS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-090 N Die Liebe ist tiefer als unser SeLSL1899-220 Verstand PH11894-008 LOYALTY TO CHRIST SDDDDDSMFSF#SLSFMMR L.P. Barrett M.L. McPhail N PH121898-008 PH11894-008 Loyalty to Christ assures us DTLDTLSMRDTRDLLSMR L.P. Barrett M.L. McPhail N PH121898-008 MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE DRMMMFMRDMFSSSLSFM M.L. McPhail WA561916-351 N 149

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ WA51914-012 MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE MMMFSDTLSRMFMFSMMMF M.L. McPhail N WA561916-012 M. Lindsay MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE SSMLSMFSLDTLSFMFMFR HA1919-110 N [¿M.L. McPhail?] WA11896-021 MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE SSSSSSTSRSSSSTSRSF M.L. McPhail N WA121899-021 Make a joyful noise unto M. Lindsay SSMLSMFSLDTLSFMFMFR HA1919-110 N the Lord all ye lands [¿M.L. McPhail?] Make a joyful noise unto WA51914-012 the Lord all ye lands all ye MMMFSDTLSRMFMFSMMMF M.L. McPhail N WA561916-012 lands Make a joyful noise unto the Lord make a joyful DRMMMFMRDMFSSSLSFM M.L. McPhail WA561916-351 N noise Make a joyful noise unto WA11896-021 the Lord make a joyful SSSSSSTSRSSSSTSRSF M.L. McPhail N WA121899-021 noise MARCH ON MMFSSDSMMFMRFMRDDD W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-150 N March on against the MMFSSDSMMFMRFMRDDD W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-150 N common foe March on ye soldiers of the RRD#RSMRDRRD#RFMRD W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-150 N Kind Marching forth to meet the MFSSDTDRLRMFFTLTDD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail SoC1909-020 S Bridegroom Marching forth to meet the MFSSSSSDTDRLLLLRMF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail SoC1909-020 S Bridegroom MARCHING ON TO MFSSSSMRDSSFMFSMMF F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail P1905-026 N GLORY MARCHING TO THE MFSSF#SDDTDRLDTLTTF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail VoM1899-136 N GOAL May the love of Christ ZGS21907-003 MFSLSMDTFTLLSMFSLS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S abide ZGSC1908-063 Meek and lowly pure and ZGS21907-039 FMRTLSFMDTLSFMRMFS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S holy ZGSC1908-099 Meek and lowly pure and ZGS21907-039 MFSDDLSMRMFTSFMMFS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S holy ZGSC1908-099 FSVB1910-xxx MER OCH MER SFMMMFSDDTDRTDSSLT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N NPSA1903-247 Mer och mer ja mer oche FSVB1910-xxx DTLLDDLSSMRRRMFLSFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N mer NPSA1903-247 Merrily rolls the millstream MFRMDSDTDRMFFRRMDR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-061 N on MERRY MONTH OF MAY SSDDDRSSSSRRRMDDMR M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-042 N Mine eyes have seen the PH11894-009 SDDDDDSMFSF#SLSFMMR Levi Gilbert M.L. McPhail N tokens of another Pentecost PH121898-009 MINGO MARCH (NO ES SDDDDSDMSSSMSFRMDRSS M.L. McPhail pLC1885-012 N UN HIMNO) MORE AND MORE SFMMMFSDDTDRTDSSLT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-056 N ZGS11900-012 More and more of Jesus ZGS11902-012 MRDTRDTLSDMFMRD#MRT Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S learning every day ZGS11905-012 ZGSC1908-012 More and more yes more DTLLDDLSSMRRRMFLSFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-056 N and more Kate Ulmer Mòt a bo zambe ésaé MSLSMSDDDDDRRMSMSL M.L. McPhail ANCEPC2013-247 N F.K. Akora-Mongo (tr.) ¿Annie F. Harrison? ZGS21907-011 MORE LIKE THEE SLSMSFFMRLDMSFMSLS G.W. Seibert S M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGSC1908-071 MURRAY MSLSSFFMMRDRMSF#LS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-117a N MY FATHER’S MANSIONS MMMFRSS,DDFMMR,MMSSD M.L. McPhail BPCS1895-170 N My God I know I feel thee SMFSLRSMSLDTLSFMFS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-118a N mine My God my Father while I DRMMSMMRR.MFFLSFMMD Charlotte Elliott M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-163 N stray MC1901-115 MY GREATEST DESIRES SMRDSMSLDLSFMSDLTDR H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-020 S ZGSC1908-080 My heart in youth and joy MFSSF#SLSMDDTSRRD#R H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-142 S was gladly singing


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ MY HEART SMRDRDLSMLSDMMSFMMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-010 N OVERFLOWETH My heart overfloweth with SMRDRDLSMLSDMMSFMMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-010 N rapturous song L. Shorey ZGS21907-024 MY LORD AND I MFSSF#SMRDDRDLSSLT M.L. McPhail S ¿M.A.E.S. Lancaster? ZGSC1908-084 My Lord and I my Lord and L. Shorey ZGS21907-024 DDLDMMDMSLTDRMSLMRD M.L. McPhail S I ¿M.A.E.S. Lancaster? ZGSC1908-084 MY LOVE BEYOND THE SMRDSLDSDRRSFMSMRD Paul Mathews M.L. McPhail pLC1885-009 N SEA (NO ES UN HIMNO) PH31902-120 My Savior died that I might MMFSMMDRRRMFRRDMMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail PH341907-120 N live SoML1904-065 ZGS11900-036 ZGS11902-036 My Savior is precious to me SSFMMRDDDTLSFMMRDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-036 ZGSC1908-036 My soul’s supply is Jesus MFSDDRMRDSLDDLSSSR A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-037 S WA121899-2206 WA21899-206 My times are in Thy hand SSFMDTFFMRRDMFSMRD Jennie Wilson M.L. McPhail S ZGS11900-061 ZGSC1908-061 WA121899-2206 MY TIMES ARE IN THY WA21899-206 SSSF#SDMMRFTLSFRFM Jennie Wilson M.L. McPhail S HAND ZGS11900-061 ZGSC1908-061 WA121899-2206 My times are in Thy hand O WA21899-206 SSSF#SDMMRFTLSFRFM Jennie Wilson M.L. McPhail S Father ZGS11900-061 ZGSC1908-061 MY VERY BEST FOR HPCS1922-044 SSLTDFMRLDTFLSMMLLT W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail N JESUS HPN121931-044 My very best for Jesus is the HPCS1922-044 MMDFMMRRRRD#RMDDDLM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail N least that I can do HPN121931-044 MYRA MSFMLLSDSMDTLSMSFM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-117b N NEARER HOME SMSDSLFLRLDTLSDMSRM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-092 N Nearer home nearer home SMSDDDLFLRRRDDTTTLS M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-092 N NEARER MY GOD TO WA11896-049 MRDDTRFMRRDMSFMMRL Sarah F. Adams M.L. McPhail N THEE WA121899-049 WA11896-049 Nearer my God to Thee MRDDTRFMRRDMSFMMRL Sarah F. Adams M.L. McPhail N WA121899-049 NEARER MY GOD TO CoS1886-148 MSDTLLLSFMSLTDRMTT Sarah F. Adams M.L. McPhail N THEE MAC1885-099 CoS1886-148 Nearer my God to thee MSDTLLLSFMSLTDRMTT Sarah F. Adams M.L. McPhail N MAC1885-099 NPSA1903-272 Nej aldrig allen SMSDMR#MDRDLSSSSSR E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail (arr.) N LSAS1913-033A FhoP1979-314 NEVER ALONE ¿? ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? GhoF1968-281 N MS1981-0247 J.C.H. NEVER ALONE SSMSDMMDDRDLSSSSRM E.E. Hewitt V.A. White. YPH31906-130 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? Fred Jacky (ar.) FHoP1973-312 NEVER ALONE SSSMSDMMMRDDRDLSSS N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HHOF1980-418 BH1940-400 BSHR1961-334 CP1964-262 HoCL131904-509 ¿B.B. McKinney HoCL31904-101 NEVER ALONE SSSMSDMR#MR#DDDRDLS (arr.)? HoGP1969-307 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? MoP1957-197 NCH1976-337 NJG1936-053 PH1973-141 SHP1991-128 W.A.H. (arr.). NEVER ALONE SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS CHSE1931-210 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? 151

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ BMIH1940-335 CHCH1959-534 CSSH1902-091 PH121898-460 M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH21898-164 NEVER ALONE SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford ¿B.B. McKinney PH31902-068 S (arr.)? PH341907-068 SH1922-253 SoML1904-068 ZGS21907-006 ZGSC1908-066 CHSE1931-171 HPCS1922-085 HPN121931-085 Never let a shade of care ISSS1924-085 MFSF#SLSMDMSRMFMFSF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S rest on your brow ZGS11900-031 ZGS11902-031 ZGS11905-031 ZGSC1908-031 SoSP1890-116 NEVER MIND MFSMDRMDLTDRMDRMFS Mary E. McCleary M.L. McPhail N SSV1910-106 Never shall we part in M. Lindsay DRMLSMRDSSLSMDRDRM ¿John McPhail? SoSP1890-062 N heaven ¿M.L. McPhail? No I cannot count them all W.A. Post PH31902-159 SMRDSFSMRDTSFMRLTLS E.E. Hewitt N the gifts of love M.L. McPhail PH341907-159 No never alone no never Fred Jacky (arr.) FhoP1973-312 SMSDMMDRDLSSSSSRMF N alone ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HHOF1980-418 J.C.H. No never alone no never SMSDMMRMDRDLSSSSSR E.E. Hewitt V.A. White. YPH31906-130 N alone ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? ¿B.B. McKinney NJG1936-053 No never alone no never SMSDMR#MDRDLSSSSSR (arr.)? BMIH1940-335 N alone ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? BSHR1961-334 CHCH1959-534 CSSH1902-091 LSAS1913-133B PH121898-460 M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH21898-164 No never alone no never SMSDMR#MDRDLSSSSSR E.E. Rexford ¿B.B. McKinney PH31902-068 S alone (arr.)? PH341907-068 SH1922-253 SoML1904-068 ZGS21907-006 ZGSC1908-066 No never alone no never W.A.H. (arr.) SMSDMR#MDRDLSSSSSR CHSE1931-210 N alone ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? BH1940-400 No never alone no never B.B. McKinney (arr.) SMSDMR#MR#DRDLSSSS CP1964-262 N alone ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? PH1973-141 HoCL131904-509 HoCL31904-101 ¿B.B. McKinney No never alone no never HoGP1969-307 SSSMSDMR#MR#DDDRDLS (arr.)? N alone MoP1957-197 ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? NCH1976-337 SHP1991-128 No other name on earth to PH11894-169 MMRDSMSDRMSSSSDMRM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N men is given PH121898-169 M. Lindsay NO PARTING IN HEAVEN DRMLSMRDSSLSMDRDRM ¿John McPhail? SoSP1890-062 N ¿M.L. McPhail? HAM1919-154 Nó solo jamas SMSDMMRMDRDLSSSSSR ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? S HAM1925-154 HAM1919-154 NO TE DEJARÉ SSMSDMMDDRDLSSSSRM ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? S HAM1925-154 E.E. Hewitt B.B. McKinney (arr.) HAE1997-388 No tengo temor SMSDMR#MR#DRDLSSSS N E. Turrall (tr.) ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HB1996-388 E.E. Hewitt B.B. McKinney (arr.) HAE1997-388 NO TENGO TEMOR SSMSDMR#MDDRDLSSSS N E. Turrall (tr.) ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HB1996-388


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ SoC1909-035 ZGS11900-049 Not as I will my song shall SDTLSSFFLRDTLSSFMF Flora Kirkland M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-049 S be ZGS11905-049 ZGSC1908-049 ZGS11900-053 ZGS11902-053 NOW ARE WE THE SONS MMMDRMFMMRD#RFFMRM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail ZGS11905-053 S OF GOD ZGSC1908-053 ZGSM1896-009 ZGS11900-053 ZGS11902-053 Now are we the sons of God MMMDRMFMMRD#RFFMRM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail ZGS11905-053 S ZGSC1908-053 ZGSM1896-009 Now the sowing and the MSDSLTDLSMMMLMSF#MF F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-081 N reaping WA121899-027 O BE JOYFUL SSMRDLLFMRTTLTDDTL M.L. McPhail N WA21899-027 O BE JOYFUL IN THE DRMSFMRMFMRRMMFRMMF M.L. McPhail MAC1885-114 N LORD O be joyful in the Lord all DRMSFMRMFMRRMMFRMMF M.L. McPhail MAC1885-114 N ye lands WA121899-027 O be joyful o be joyful SSMRDLLFMRTTLTDDTL M.L. McPhail N WA21899-027 ZGS11900-010 O blessed Savior our Light ZGS11902-010 SMLSMDDTLSMLSSFMDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S and Salvation ZGS11905-010 ZGSC1908-010 O carry thy burdens no SSF#SDRMRDSLS#LRMRR R.M. Offord M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-175 N longer O CHRIST OUR ZGSC1908-194 SSSLSMSDMRD#RTLSMM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S IMMORTALITY ZGSM1896-011 O 152olden152152us ZGSC1908-194 SSSLSMSDMRD#RTLSMM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S immortality ZGSM1896-011 WA11896-122 O COME LET US SING SDTTDRRMMFFMMMRRRRR M.L. McPhail N WA121899-122 O come let us sing let us WA11896-122 SDTTDRRMMFFMMMRRRRR M.L. McPhail N sing unto the Lord WA121899-122 C.H. Rinck O COME LET US DDMSDDDRRSSMLLLLSS M. Lindsay(arr.) MAC1885-170 N WORSHIP ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? C.H. Rinck O come let us worship and DDMSDDDRRSSMLLLLSS M. Lindsay(arr.) MAC1885-170 N kneel before the Lord ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? TS121890-415 O COME TO THE FEAST SSMFSDDDTLSSFMRRMFL John McPhail M.L. McPhail N TS21889-215 O come to the feast my TS121890-415 SLFFRMFLSDDTLSFMMR John McPhail M.L. McPhail N brother TS21889-215 F.J. Crosby ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HAM1919-105 O Cristo mío SFMMRRMFFMLSSFMMR S I.P. Balderas H.B. Richards (arr.) HAM1925-105 F.J. Crosby ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? HAM1919-105 O CRISTO MÍO SFMMRRMFFMLSSFMMR S I.P. Balderas H.B. Richards (arr.) HAM1925-105 O dark was the long weary MFSDSLDLSSDRMSMRDRM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-019 N night O do not let the word depart DRMMMRDMSSLLLSFMRD E.H. Reed M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-123 N WA121899-011 O GIVE THANKS MFMSLTDRMSLSDRMFMR M.L. McPhail N WA21899-011 O give thanks give thanks WA121899-011 MFMSLTDRMSLSDRMFMR M.L. McPhail N unto the Lord WA21899-011 O GIVE THANKS UNTO MMMFF#SDSDDTRFFMLL M.L. McPhail FA21904-010 N THE LORD O GIVE THANKS UNTO SSDDDDDRDTLSSMMMMMF M.L. McPhail WA561916-260 N THE LORD O GIVE THANKS UNTO Matthew Lindsay SSLSDMSRMFSFMMSSLS CoS1886-127 N THE LORD ¿M.L. McPhail? O give thanks unto the Lord Matthew Lindsay SSLSDMSRMFSFMMSSLS CoS1886-127 N call upon his holy name ¿M.L. McPhail? O give thanks unto the Lord SSDDDDDRDTLSSMMMMMF M.L. McPhail WA561916-260 N call upon his name 153

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ O give thanks unto the Lord MMMFF#SDSDDTRFFMLL M.L. McPhail FA21904-010 N O give thanks unto the Lord M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGS21907-005 O GRACIOUS FATHER SFMMRRMFFMLSSFMMR G.W. Seibert S H.B. Richards (arr.) ZGSC1908-065 M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGS21907-005 O gracious Father SFMMRRMFFMLSSFMMR G.W. Seibert S H.B. Richards (arr.) ZGSC1908-065 CD161908-119 O He satisfies satisfies my SMMRRSRRDDDTLTDMRS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail CD31898-076 N soul KS21918-xxx O heart of mine SLTDDSMDLLFRRRMSFM H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-148 S TS121890-386 O help me on my way SDTTLLLFMRDTTSSFMD E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail N TS21889-185 TS121890-386 O HELP ME ON MY WAY SMMMFMRRRMRDDDRMSM E.A. Hoffman M.L. McPhail N TS21889-185 O home of rest for thee I SSFMMMMRDDMSLSMRRS Mrs. E. Mills M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-030 N sigh WA11896-054 O HOW AMIABLE SSLSSMMFMMDTLLSFMRRD M.L. McPhail N WA121899-054 O how amiable O how WA11896-054 SSLSSMMFMMDTLLSFMRRD M.L. McPhail N amiable are Thy dwellings WA121899-054 WA51914-132 O HOW HAPPY ARE THEY DRMFMRDMFSLSFMSSDS ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail N WA561916-132 WA51914-132 O how happy are they DRMFMRDMFSLSFMSSDS ¿C. Wesley? M.L. McPhail N WA561916-132 O how happy we shall be in SLTDTDRDSMSLSMRDTDR M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail SL21895-046 N that blest morning O how many blessings W.A. Post MSMFMRRSMRDLDTLSSDM E.E. Hewitt PH31902-159 N bountiful and true M.L. McPhail O how many blessings W.A. Post MSMFMRRSMRDLDTLSSDM E.E. Hewitt PH341907-159 N bountiful and true M.L. McPhail CD121896-179 CD21896-179 O I AM SO HAPPY SDDDDMRDLSDRRRDRMMR F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail HCK2013-020 S ZGSC1908-166 ZGSM1896-003 CD121896-179 CD21896-179 O I am so happy all the day SDDDDMRDLSDRRRDRMMR F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail HCK2013-020 S ZGSC1908-166 ZGSM1896-003 SoC1909-033 O it is sweet to serve the MFSDFMMRSRDDRSMMFS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-035 S Master ZGSC1908-095 O Jesus is a Rock in a V.J.C. SoSP1890-017 DRRRRRMRDLDDRRRDTLS M.L. McPhail S weary land ¿V.J. Charlesworth? ZGSC1908-139 HA1919-147 O land of love of joy and MDTLLMMRDDLS#LTTTLT Gurdon Robins M.L. McPhail SoC1909-054 S light WA561916-201 O let the light MMMMRDLSSRRRRRRRMF# H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-127 S 153olden153153us light ZGS21907-041 O let us then refrain our lips SSLFFFSMMMFMDRRDDS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-101 O light all light excelling SSDTLSFMLSFMSFRMRM H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-178 N O LIGHT OF LIGHT SSDDFMDLSDMRSSMMDL H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-178 N SHINE IN O Light of light shine in SSDDFMDLSDMRSSMMDL H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-178 N O LORD OUR LORD HOW WA51914-084 SMSDMSMDSLLDFDMM M.L. McPhail N EXCELLENT WA561916-084 O Lord our Lord how WA51914-084 SMSDMSMDSLLDFDMM M.L. McPhail N excellent WA561916-084 ZGS21907-010 O mighty shield of faith SSSSSSDDDDDDSDRMRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-070 O my soul seek thou the ZGS21907-040 SMFSSSMRDDTLSMSFMRM James Hay M.L. McPhail S Lord ZGSC1908-100 O MY SOUL TRUST IN ZGS21907-040 SMFSSSMRDDTLSMSFMRM James Hay M.L. McPhail S THE LORD ZGSC1908-100 O pilgrim as you journey SSMDSTLRMFRSFMSSMD ¿J.M. Gray? M.L. McPhail SoC1909-022 S O praise His name I am SFMRRSMRDDDDTLLDRR# Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-102 N saved by grace


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ O refreshing times are PH121898-314 SDMMMMMMMMFFFFMMMR J.H. Yates M.L. McPhail N coming PH21898-010 O refreshing times are PH121898-314 SFMMMMMMRDDFFFFFLL J.H. Yates M.L. McPhail N coming PH21898-010 O rest sweet peaceful rest MFLDFMMRLTDRSDMSDL H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-121 S O REST THAT MFSDRMDSLFLSDRMLSM B.B. Driscoll M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-045 N REMAINETH O rest that remaineth MFSDRMDSLFLSDRMLSM B.B. Driscoll M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-045 N WA11896-033 O SEND OUT THY LIGHT SSF#SDDTDMRDTLSFFM M.L. McPhail N WA121899-033 O send out Thy light send WA11896-033 SSF#SDDTDMRDTLSFFM M.L. McPhail N out Thy light WA121899-033 O SET THY LOVE ON SDTLSLDRMMFSLSDMRS ¿H.O. Henderson? M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-152 S THINGS ABOVE O set thy love on things SDTLSLDRMMFSLSDMRS ¿H.O. Henderson? M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-152 S above O shout and sing of Jesus MSSSSLLLLSMMRDRRSS K.M. M.L. McPhail SSQ1879-084 N love O sweet is the story of Jesus SDTLSFMMRFTLSFSFMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-020 N O that blessed home O that MFSLSRMFSFDRMFMDLLT Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-126 N happy home O that home so bright and SSDDSLDSSMMLLLLLTDT Mrs. E. Mills M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-030 N fair O THAT HOME SO SSFMMMMRDDMSLSMRRS Mrs. E. Mills M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-030 N BRIGHT AND FAIR O that will be a crowning WA11896-118 such as earth has never SSSSSSSMSSFFMFSSFFF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N WA121899-118 known B.D. Ackley W.C. Poole O that will be sunrise for me SSMRDLLFMRTDD#RTLSR J.J. Overholt (arr.) CHB41994-581 N ¿John McPhail? ¿M.L. McPhail? O the love which naught DTLDTLLSSMRDTDRRMR A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-007 S can sever ZGS11900-014 O the sunlight of the blessed ZGS11902-014 DRMDTLSLSMRTDRSLTSL H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S Savior’s love ZGS11905-014 ZGSC1908-014 PH31902-199 PH341907-199 O the sunshine blessed ZGS11900-025 MFSMDSLFLLSSDMRMFS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S sunshine ZGS11902-025 ZGS11905-025 ZGSC1908-025 O welcome merry month of SSDDDRSSSSRRRMDDMR M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-042 N May ZGS11900-010 O what a refuge in sorrow is ZGS11902-010 MRDSFMDTLSMDRMFMDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S Jesus ZGS11905-010 ZGSC1908-010 ZGS11900-024 O what is thy burden so ZGS11902-024 SSLSMFSLDLSDMFMDRML H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S heavy to day ZGS11905-024 ZGSC1908-024 O what pain and sorrow ZGS21907-033 MMR#MDSLDDLSLDDRMDF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S bitterness and woe ZGSC1908-093 O what tidings (blessed tidings) O what tidings TDMRRRRFFMMMMSSRRMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail HH1903-034 N (blessed tidings) O wonderful story of Jesus SMRDTRFLSMFTLRSFMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-020 N O wonderful wonderful SSFMMRMFFFFMRRDRMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MHPG1900-015 N peace O WORSHIP THE LORD SMMRMRDSSLLTDDDRDTD M.L. McPhail WA561916-195 N O worship the Lord in the SMMRMRDSSLLTDDDRDTD M.L. McPhail WA561916-195 N beauty of holiness Of all we meet on life’s DRMMMRDDTSSLRRMFMM Benjamin H. Barton M.L. McPhail SoC1909-027 S great stream Of Christ our Savior let us SSSSSLSSSMMMRDRRSS K.M. M.L. McPhail SSQ1879-084 N sing 155

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ ZGS11900-030 On Christ I lean amid ZGS11902-030 MFSDLDSLSDRMFSLSMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S alarms ZGS11905-030 ZGSC1908-030 SoC1909-043 ZGS11902-047 ON LIFE’S OCEAN MMFMRDRLSDMSFMRMMF W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-047 ZGSC1908-047 SL21895-010 ZGS11900-043 On the Christian’s path a ZGS11902-043 MRDSSDRDTTTTFMRLLLT F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S shining light appears ZGS11905-043 ZGSC1908-043 ZGSM1896-001 On the God that shielded DTLLLTDDDDRRDRMMML G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-130 S Daniel ZGS11900-035 ON TO THE HAVEN ZGS11902-035 MMMMFSDRMRFFFFSFFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ETERNAL ZGS11905-035 ZGSC1908-035 PH121898-353 PH21898-051 On to the haven eternal I ZGS11900-035 DDDDTLSLSMSRRRMFFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S glide ZGS11902-035 ZGS11905-035 ZGSC1908-035 ONCE FOR ALL SMLSSMSFFRSFFRFMSM Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail SoC1909-030 S Once for all the work was DSSSLL#L#LLRRDTLLS Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail SoC1909-030 S ended ONE HERE AND THERE DRMMMRDDTSSLRRMFMM Benjamin H. Barton M.L. McPhail SoC1909-027 S ZGS11900-042 OPPORTUNITIES FOR ZGS11902-042 MFSSF#SLSMSDDTRDSSL E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail S SERVICE ZGS11905-042 ZGSC1908-042 ZGS11900-042 Opportunities for service ZGS11902-042 come with every passing MFSSF#SLSMSDDTRDSSL E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-042 hour ZGSC1908-042 OSBORN MMSTDSSFRMSFLSDRRM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-120b N OTTIE MMMRSFMRMFRSLSMMMR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-120a N Our hearts have felt the PH11894-008 rapture of the presence of SDDDDDSMFSF#SLSFMMR L.P. Barrett M.L. McPhail N PH121898-008 our God OUR KING HAS COME MFSSDRMMRDLDDLSSDDD A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-122 S OUR LIFE’S OCEAN MMFMRDRLSDMSFMRMMF W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-047 S ZGS11900-010 OUR LIGHT AND ZGS11902-010 MRDSFMDTLSMDRMFMDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S SALVATION ZGS11905-010 ZGSC1908-010 Our Saviour though now MFSMSDTLSMFFFSFMMM H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-132 S unseen OUR YOUTH ARE PH11894-009 SDDDDDSMFSF#SLSFMMR Levi Gilbert M.L. McPhail N MARCHING ON PH121898-009 ZGS11900-007 Out in the fields on every ZGS11902-007 SFMMDRDLSMFSDMRDRS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S side ZGS11905-007 ZGSC1908-007 ZGS11900-007 Out in the harvest field we ZGS11902-007 MRDSMSLSMRDSMSDRMR H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S go ZGS11905-007 ZGSC1908-007 Out of my darkness into SLTDDDTLTSTDRRRDTD H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-127 S Thy light Out on life’s tempestuous SSSMMRRDDTTLSMSSSL John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-004 N ocean Over the hill the sun is SMSDSLFLRLDTLSDMSRM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-092 N setting


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ SoC1909-005 Over the rugged path of DRMDLDLSDMFSMDMDRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-057 S duty ZGSC1908-242 S4WW1900-158 OVER THE STARS SLSMDDRDLSSSDMLSMDR Jennie Wilson M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-158 N SL21895-159 S4WW1900-158 Over the stars is a SLSMDDRDLSSSDMLSMDR Jennie Wilson M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-158 N morninglit land SL21895-159 S4WW1900-158 Over the stars over the stars SRFMMTRDDDRLDTTLSS Jennie Wilson M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-158 N SL21895-159 ZGS11900-001 ZGS11902-001 OVERCOME THE WORLD MFSLSFMFSSLDTLSMFS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-001 ZGSC1908-001 ZGS11900-001 ZGS11902-001 Overcome the world RMFSFMFSLSSSLDTLS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-001 ZGSC1908-001 Pass along with a song DMSMSDTLSFMLSDMSMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-154 S Passing through this vale of MFSLSDMRRMFTDRMMFS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-133 S shadows Peace Peace wonderful DSMRDSLTDSMDDRMRDM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-050 S peace Peace which floweth like a SSSLTDDRDLSMSDRMRMF A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-050 S river PEACE WONDERFUL SSSLTDDRDLSMSDRMRMF A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-050 S PEACE ZGS11900-030 PEACEFUL IN THE TIME ZGS11902-030 MFSDLDSLSDRMFSLSMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S OF STORM ZGS11905-030 ZGSC1908-030 PILGRIMS OF THE ZGS21907-043 MFSSSMRDTLLLLRMFFFR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S MORNING ZGSC1908-103 Pilgrims of the Morning ZGS21907-043 blessed pilgrims of the MFSSSMRDTLLLLRMFFFR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-103 Light Pilgrims of the Morning yes ZGS21907-043 TDRRRSLTDTDRMMRDDRD G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S we are pilgrims of the Light ZGSC1908-103 Pilgrims with sad spirits Charlotte A. Barnard ZGS21907-057 MMMFMRSSSDRMFMRRMM H.O. Henderson S drooping M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGSC1908-112 Praise God from whom all PH11894-296 DRMMFFLSSMSFFRFMMD ¿Thomas Ken? M.L. McPhail (arr.) N blessings flow PH121898-296 PRAISE GOD IN HIS MMFFMDDSSFRLSSSF#M M.L. McPhail MAC1885-003 N HOLINESS Praise God in His holiness MMFFMDDSSFRLSSSF#M M.L. McPhail MAC1885-003 N Matthew Lindsay PRAISE HIM DSMDMRDTLLSSSSTS CoS1886-154 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Matthew Lindsay Praise Him DSMDMRDTLLSSSSTS CoS1886-154 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Praise His holy name I am SDDTTFLLSSMSFFFFRF H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail CD161908-211 N sav’d from fear PH121898-471 PH21898-177 ZGS11900-015 PRAISE HIS NAME MFSMRDSSFMFRDTDMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S ZGS11902-015 ZGS11905-015 ZGSC1908-015 WA11896-065 PRAISE THE LORD SMDSLSFMMRDMLTDLTLS M.L. McPhail N WA121899-065 WA51914-042 PRAISE THE LORD SSDDDTDRRSSSMRMFMF M.L. McPhail N WA561916-042 PRAISE THE LORD SSF#SMDRTDSMMRDTRDL M.L. McPhail CoS1886-161 N PRAISE THE LORD AND HA1919-103 SSDMMSMDDRRMRMFMLSF M.L. McPhail N CALL UPON HIS NAME WA561916-222 Praise the Lord praise the WA51914-042 SSDDDTDRRSSSMRMFMF M.L. McPhail N Lord and call upon his name WA561916-042 Praise the Lord praise the HA1919-103 SSDMMSMDDRRMRMFMLSF M.L. McPhail N Lord and call upon his name WA561916-222 157

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Praise the Lord ye heavens WA11896-065 SMDSLSFMMRDMLTDLTLS M.L. McPhail N adore Him WA121899-065 Praise the Lord ye heavens SSF#SMDRTDSMMRDTRDL M.L. McPhail CoS1886-161 N adore Him PRAISE YE THE LORD DRMFSLSDFMDMRDMFSL M.L. McPhail WA561916-306 N WA51914-149 PRAISE YE THE LORD SDRMMRDSSSF#SLRRRFF M.L. McPhail N WA561916-149 WA11896-001b PRAISE YE THE LORD SMSDDTLSSSDRMMMMMM M.L. McPhail N WA121899-001b Praise ye the Lord Praise ye DRMFSLSDFMDMRDMFSL M.L. McPhail WA561916-306 N the Lord Praise ye the Lord praise ye WA51914-149 SDRMMRDSSSF#SLRRRFF M.L. McPhail N the Lord WA561916-149 Praise ye the Lord praise ye WA11896-001b SMSDDTLSSSDRMMMMMM M.L. McPhail N the Lord WA121899-001b ZGS11900-051 PRAY FOR ONE ZGS11902-051 MRDSMSLDTLSSDMRMRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ANOTHER ZGS11905-051 ZGSC1908-058 CAMC1969-089 SJP1950-059 PREACH THE WORD MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF ¿M.L. McPhail? S SJP1962-059 SPJ1984-162 Preach the Word the God of CAMC1969-089 MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF ¿M.L. McPhail? S Heaven SPJ1984-162 Preach the Word the SJP1950-059 MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF ¿M.L. McPhail? S Heavenly Powers SJP1962-059 Precious Bible from thy SDTLLTLSDRMMSMDRDR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-100 N pages Precious blood of Jesus FFFFLLMMMMSRRRRF#M F.R. Havergal (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-077 N PRECIOUS BLOOD OF MMMRDLSMRRSFMMMMRD F.R. Havergal (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-077 N JESUS ZGS11900-036 ZGS11902-036 PRECIOUS IS HE SSFMMRDDDTLSFMMRDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-036 ZGSC1908-036 ZGS11900-036 Precious is He precious is ZGS11902-036 DTDSLFLSSFMRRMFLSFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S He ZGS11905-036 ZGSC1908-036 PRECIOUS MOMENTS MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF M.F. Ackley ¿M.L. McPhail? SoPJ1928-233A S Precious moments rich in MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF M.F. Ackley ¿M.L. McPhail? SoPJ1928-233A S blessing Precious precious blood of MMMRDLSMRRSFMMMMRD F.R. Havergal (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-077 S Jesus ZGS11900-012 ZGS11902-012 Precious precious Jesus MSDMRLTRSFMMSDMRL Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-012 ZGSC1908-012 PSALM 150 (Praise Ye the M.L. McPhail SMSDDTLSSSDRMMMMMR PPK2008-1155 N Lord) P.C. Eilander (arr.) PULL FOR LIFE SDDDTDLDSDMMMRMDMR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-075 N QUIT YOU LIKE MEN SDTLSMDLFSFMFSSLLTT Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-135 S Quit you like men be strong DDTLDTLLLDTLSMMRDM Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-135 S ZGS21907-045 Quit yourselves like men DDTLSLLSFMMMRDMFSD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-105 QUIT YOURSELVES LIKE ZGS21907-045 MMRDMFSLSFFMRSFMRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S MEN ZGSC1908-105 ZGS11900-050 ZGS11902-050 REAP THE SHEAVES MFSSSSSMRDTLRLSFMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-050 ZGSC1908-056 ZGS11900-050 Reap the sheaves reap the ZGS11902-050 TDRLTDSLTRRRMFSSSS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S sheaves ZGS11905-050 ZGSC1908-056 REAPER GATHER A ZGS21907-028 MFSMRDTLSDMRMFRDTLT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S SHEAF ZGSC1908-088


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Reaper gather a sheaf of the ZGS21907-028 TDRRMFTTDRMSSLFMRDT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S ripen grain ZGSC1908-088 Reaper lift up your eyes and ZGS21907-028 MFSMRDTLSDMRMFRDTLT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S behold the fields ZGSC1908-088 REDEMPTION’S SWEET SSMSDDDDSDMMMMDMSMD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-084 N STORY M. Lindsay REFINING FIRE SMMRMRDRMSLDDTLSSS C. Wesley SoSP1890-105 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Refining fire go through my M. Lindsay MSFMRDLSMSFMDRRSMM C. Wesley SoSP1890-105 N heart ¿M.L. McPhail? REFRAIN THY TONGUE ZGS21907-041 DDSDRMDRRSFMRDDDDS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S FROM EVIL ZGSC1908-101 REFRESHING AND SWEET IS THE STORY ¿? G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1968-341 S SUBLIME HoMD1936-341 HoMD1946-341 HoMD1950-341 Refreshing and sweet is the MFSLSMRDRDLSDRMRDSF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1959-341 S story sublime HoMD1968-341 ZGS21907-021 ZGSC1908-081 REFRESHING TIMES ARE PH121898-314 SDMMMMMMMMFFFFMMMR J.H. Yates M.L. McPhail N COMING PH21898-010 Laurentius Laurenti Rejoice all ye believers SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS ¿Sarah B. Findlater M.L. McPhail (arr.) CHB41994-564 N (tr.)? REJOICE ALL YE Laurentius Laurenti BELIEVERS (NEVER SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS ¿Sarah B. Findlater M.L. McPhail (arr.) CHB41994-564 N ALONE) (tr.)? GGN11894-096 REJOICE REJOICE SDMMSMDMRRSSDSLSDMR ¿J. Saunderson? M.L. McPhail N GGN121896-096 Rejoice rejoice the GGN121896-096 SDMMSMDMRRSSDSLSDMR ¿J. Saunderson? M.L. McPhail N promised time is coming GGN11894-096 REJOICE THE LORD IS SDDDRMRDSSFMRSDDDR C. Wesley M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-067 N KING Rejoice the Lord is King SDDDRMRDSSFMRSDDDR C. Wesley M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-067 N M. Lindsay CoS1886-147 REST OF THE WEARY SMSDSSDFFMRLSFFMRST N ¿M.L. McPhail? MAC1885-174 Rest of the weary Joy of the M. Lindsay CoS1886-147 SMSDSSDFFMRLSFFMRST N sad ¿M.L. McPhail? MAC1885-174 Rest sweet rest RMDLTLSSSSF#MRTSL B.B. Driscoll M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-045 N RING OUT THE BELLS WA51914-050 MFMRSRMRDDRDTFTLSM M.L. McPhail N FOR CHRISTMAS WA561916-050 Ring out the bells for WA51914-050 MFMRSRMRDDRDTFTLSM M.L. McPhail N Christmas WA561916-050 Ring out the bells for WA51914-050 SSRMFLSMSLDDRMSSRM M.L. McPhail N Christmas WA561916-050 RING THE BELLS THE TS121890-356 SMDSSLSFMSLDSDMRSM M.L. McPhail N CHRISTMAS BELLS TS21889-152 Ring the bells the Christmas TS121890-356 SMDSSLSFMSLDSDMRSM M.L. McPhail N bells TS21889-152 Ring the merry Christmas TS121890-356 SLSMRDSSLL#LFMRLDT M.L. McPhail N bells TS21889-152 ROCK OF AGES MLSMDRSDFMDLMRMLS A.M. Toplady M.L. McPhail WA561916-342 N ROCK OF AGES MR#MSLFMSF#SMRLRMR A.M. Toplady M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-172 N Henry Smart ROCK OF AGES SLSDSLSMMRDTLTLSDS A.M. Toplady M. Lindsay(arr.) MAC1885-136 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.) Rock of Ages cleft for me MLSMDRSDFMDLMRMLS A.M. Toplady M.L. McPhail WA561916-342 N Rock of Ages cleft for me MR#MSLFMSF#SMRLRMR A.M. Toplady M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-172 N Henry Smart Rock of Ages cleft for me SLSDSLSMMRDTLTLSDS A.M. Toplady M. Lindsay(arr.) MAC1885-136 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.) ROOT SDSFMRDLSFMSFMRDSD J. Newton M.L. McPhail CoS1886-116a N PH121898-353 SAFE IN THE LIFE-BOAT MMMMFSDRMRFFFFSFFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N PH21898-051 159

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ PH121898-353 PH21898-051 Safe in the lifeboat I ZGS11900-035 MMMMFSDRMRFFFFSFFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S joyfully ride ZGS11902-035 ZGS11905-035 ZGSC1908-035 Safely hiding beneath His MFSSMDTTLLRMFSRTLSF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-044 N shelt’ring wing HA1919-146 SAFELY SAFELY SSMDDTTFFMRRDDDDTL H.O. Dobree M.L. McPhail WA51914-071 N GATHERED IN WA561916-071 HA1919-146 Safely safely gathered in SSMDDTTFFMRRDDDDTL H.O. Dobree M.L. McPhail WA51914-071 N WA561916-071 SoC1909-043 ZGS11900-047 Sailor on life’s troubled MMFMRDRLSDMSFMRMMF W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-047 S ocean ZGS11905-047 ZGSC1908-047 M. Lindsay SALVATION SSMFRMFSSLDDLSSSMF I. Watts SoSP1890-146 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Salvation O Thou bleeding M. Lindsay SDSLSSFMMLSFMMRSSM I. Watts SoSP1890-146 N Lamb ¿M.L. McPhail? Salvation oh the joyful M. Lindsay SSMFRMFSSLDDLSSSMF I. Watts SoSP1890-146 N sound ¿M.L. McPhail? SAVED BY GRACE SDRMMSLTDDDRMFFLTDR F.J. Crosby M.L. McPhail SoC1909-019 S Savior breathe an evening SDRR#MLSMMRRMFSFMDR James Edmeston M.L. McPhail MAC1885-160 N blessing SAVIOR BREATHE AND SDRR#MLSMMRRMFSFMDR James Edmeston M.L. McPhail MAC1885-160 N EVENING BLESSING Seize the oar doubt no more MSRDMTLDSDMRDRMSRD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail GH1899-075 N ZGS11900-029 Serving the Master with ZGS11902-029 DDRMRDRMDRRMFMRMFR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S willing heart ZGS11905-029 ZGSC1908-029 SET THY WINDOWS M. Lindsay MSDRMDLTDRSLTDRMD R.M. SoSP1890-008 N OPEN ¿M.L. McPhail? M. Lindsay Set thy 159olden159 open MSDRMDLTDRSLTDRMD R.M. SoSP1890-008 N ¿M.L. McPhail? SHALL ANGELS SING SSSF#LSMDDDTFLSMSS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-039 N OVER YOU Shall they sing over your SSRD#RMDDSSRD#RSMM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-039 N SHALL WE MEET MFSDRDTLSMSLSDSFMR John McPhail M.L. McPhail (arr.) SoSP1890-039 N Shall we meet where MFSDRDTLSMSLSDSFMR John McPhail M.L. McPhail (arr.) SoSP1890-039 N crowns are given CH11899-112 GC1902-058 JPUJ1901-030 PH121898-332 Shining for Jesus SMDDTFSSFMMSMFMRL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-028 S PPUS1900-182 R31899-071 ZGS21907-022 ZGSC1908-082 Shout aloud in songs of DSMSDMDSLFLDTLLSDD A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-157 S gladness SHOWERS OF BLESSING MLSMFMRLTLSFMR#MML F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail IP1902-003 N Since thy Father’s arm M. Lindsay SoSP1890-162 DDDMSSLSMDRDDDMSSL ¿C.R. Hagenbach? S sustains thee ¿M.L. McPhail? ZGSC1908-202 SING AGAIN THE STORY SDDRMDRDDLLSSDDMSM W.H. Gardner M.L. McPhail SL21895-062 N Sing again the story SDDRMDRDDLLSSDDMSM W.H. Gardner M.L. McPhail SL21895-062 N SING ALOUD DDDMMMSSFMRFMRRRRMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-131 N Sing aloud sing aloud sing DDDMMMSSFMRFMRRRRMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-131 N aloud to God our Strength WA51914-174 SING O HEAVENS DSMRDDTLSMMMRMFRFFMF M.L. McPhail N WA561916-174


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Berthold Tours SING O HEAVENS SFMMDMRDDSLTDTDRMMRD M. Lindsay (arr.) MAC1885-073 N ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? Sing O heavens and be WA51914-174 joyful O earth and break DSMRDDTLSMMMRMFRFFMF M.L. McPhail N WA561916-174 forth Sing O heavens sing O Berthold Tours heavens and be joyful O SFMMDMRDDSLTDTDRMMRD M. Lindsay (arr.) MAC1885-073 N earth ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? Sing O sing ye saints in MFSSDTDRLRDTTLSFMM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-122 S heaven M. Lindsay SING O YE HEAVENS MMMSSSDDFMRDDFMMRF# MAC1885-181 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Sing O ye heavens and be M. Lindsay MMMSSSDDFMRDDFMMRF# MAC1885-181 N joyful O earth ¿M.L. McPhail? SING TO THE LORD A SLSMDSFSFMMFSLDFMR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-128 N JOYFUL SONG Sing to the Lord a joyful SLSMDSFSFMMFSLDFMR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-128 N song Sinner beed the invitation SLSDRMFMRMRSSMRSLS E.J. Davies M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-169 N TS121890-469 SIXTH RESPONSE SMLSDRMFMML#TLFMRD M.L. McPhail N TS21889-293 SLUMBER SWEETLY SF#SS#LS#LRRSLFMMD M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-098 N DEAREST CHILD Slumber sweetly dearest SF#SS#LS#LRRSLFMMD M.L. McPhail (arr.) CoS1886-098 N child Soldiers in the army MDTLSDRD#RDRMR#MRM John McPhail M.L. McPhail VoV1913-0131 N CGR1894-047 CG21890-178 CG121891-392 GS11897-040 Soldiers in the army MDTLSMFSLSFMFSFMM John McPhail M.L. McPhail HoHG11907-124 N IGHS1905-119 NSWS1926-115 SoSP1890-110 SSSS1895-160 CGR1894-047 CG21890-178 CG121891-392 GS11897-040 HoHG11907-124 SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY SF#SLSDRSMRDLS#LDS John McPhail M.L. McPhail N IGHS1905-119 NSWS1926-115 SoSP1890-110 SSSS1895-160 VoV1913-0131 SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY ¿? John McPhail M.L. McPhail BF1908 N CGR1894-047 CG21890-178 CG121891-392 GS11897-040 HoHG11907-124 Soldiers in the army SF#SLSDRSMRDLS#LDS John McPhail M.L. McPhail N IGHS1905-119 NSWS1926-115 SoSP1890-110 SSSS1895-160 VoV1913-0131 SOLDIERS OF THE TS341894-314 MMFSSLSDMMRDMRMMFSL I.D.K. M.L. McPhail N CAPTAIN TS41894-145 TS341894-314 Soldiers of the Captain MMFSSLSDMMRDMRMMFSL I.D.K. M.L. McPhail N TS41894-145 Soldiers of the Captain TS341894-314 MMFSSLSDMMRDMRMMFSL I.D.K. M.L. McPhail N Stand for Him and fight TS41894-145 SOLDIERS OF THE MFSSSSSSDRMFMRRRRRF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-004 N CROSS Soldiers true and loyal in SF#SLSFMSDDTLSSLDTL Julia E. Burnard M.L. McPhail SSV1910-026 N the service of the Lord Some build their hopes on SLDFLLLSDRMRRRSTTRD S.S.J. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-002 N the ever drifting sand 161

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Some day the silver cord SDRMMSLTDDDRMFFLTDR F.J. Crosby M.L. McPhail SoC1909-019 N will break SOME GLOWING MORN WHEN HEAVEN BENDS ¿? G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1968-342 S CARESSING HoMD1936-342 HoMD1946-342 HoMD1950-342 Some glowing morn when MMRDSLDTLSMSDDRMRM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1959-342 S heaven bends caressing HoMD1968-342 ZGS21907-031 ZGSC1908-091 Some mortals may wonder PH121898-388 how heaven can bend SMFSDSMDRMRRFRMFFMS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-090 N Est ist uns ein Wunder die SeSLS1899-220 Liebe Sohn M.L. McPhail (arr.) ¿F. Campana? ZGS21907-059 SOMEWHERE SLSMSFFFSFRFMMMFMD H.O. Henderson S ¿Alfred Judson (arr.)? ZGSC1908-114 ¿L.L. Pickett (arr.)? M.L. McPhail (arr.) Somewhere the light is ¿F. Campana? ZGS21907-059 SLSMSFFFSFRFMMMFMD H.O. Henderson S shining ¿Alfred Judson (arr.)? ZGSC1908-114 ¿L.L. Pickett (arr.)? M.L. McPhail (arr.) Somewhere there are no ¿F. Campana? ZGS21907-059 SLTDDTFFSLTLSMMFSL H.O. Henderson S shadows ¿Alfred Judson (arr.)? ZGSC1908-114 ¿L.L. Pickett (arr.)? ZGS11900-006 ZGS11902-006 SONG OF TRIUMPH SSMMDRDDLLSDRMSSRRM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-006 ZGSC1908-006 Soon the shadows of the TDRD#RMRSDRMDTLLLLL A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-145 S night shall clear away SOURCE OF ALL SDRMDDTLLDTLSMSDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-052 N BLESSING Source of all blessing O SDRMDDTLLDTLSMSDRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-052 N bless me SOURCE OF LIFE WA11896-096 MDRMDLDLSSDMSMMRDRR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N ETERNAL WA121899-096 Sovereign ruler Lord of all MSFMLLSDSMDTLSMSFM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-117b N HCK2013-021 STAND FIRM HPCS1922-003 SDMRDSDSLFMRDMLDTL STAND FIRM BE NOT G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail HPN121931-003 S SDMRDSDDSLFMRDMDMR AFRAID ZGS21907-012 ZGSC1908-072 HCK2013-021 HPCS1922-003 Stand firm be not afraid SFFFMRMLSSSFMFFFFF G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail HPN121931-003 S ZGS21907-012 ZGSC1908-072 HA1919-015 Stand up for Jesus TDRMRDDRMMFMRDRMDR George Duffield M.L. McPhail WA51914-122 N WA561916-122 HA1919-015 STAND UP STAND UP MFSMRDSMSLSFSFMFMRS George Duffield M.L. McPhail WA51914-122 N FOR JESUS WA561916-122 HA1919-015 Stand up stand up for Jesus MFSMRDSMSLSFSFMFMRS George Duffield M.L. McPhail WA51914-122 N WA561916-122 CHSE1931-197 HPCS1922-071 HPN121931-071 STEP BY STEP MRRDSDTLFMMRLTSMRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ISSS1924-103 SoC1909-063 ZGSC1908-200


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ CHSE1931-197 HPCS1922-071 Step by step He leads me HPN121931-071 MDFMRDTLRRMRDLSMRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S onward ISSS1924-103 SoC1909-063 ZGSC1908-200 STORY NEVER GROWS MFSLSMRDRDLSDRMRDSF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1959-341 S OLD STRIKE YOUR HARPS MRDSSSSSMSDDTLSDMRR A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-124 S Strike your harps ye saints MSDDMSDMMDMSSSDMRR A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-124 S in glory M. Lindsay SoSP1890-162 SUBMISSION DDDMSSLSMDRDDDMSSL ¿C.R. Hagenbach? S ¿M.L. McPhail? ZGSC1908-202 NCH1904-141 ZGS11900-040 Such love was never known SMDSLSSFRTSMMMDRMF W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-040 S ZGS11905-040 ZGSC1908-040 NCH1904-141 ZGS11900-040 SUCH LOVE WAS NEVER SSMDTTLLLTLSFFMSSM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-040 S KNOWN ZGS11905-040 ZGSC1908-040 WA51914-172 SUN OF MY SOUL MMRMFFFMFSMMMRMFTD John Keble M.L. McPhail N WA561916-172 WA11896-027 SUN OF MY SOUL SDMSFMMRDDTDMRDDTDR M.L. McPhail N WA121899-027 Sun of my soul my Father WA11896-027 SDMSFMMRDDTDMRDDTDR M.L. McPhail N dear WA121899-027 Sun of my soul thou Savior WA51914-172 MMRMFFFMFSMMMRMFTD John Keble M.L. McPhail N dear WA561916-172 ZGS11900-025 ZGS11902-025 SUNSHINE MFSDDTDRLDDTLSFMMF Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-025 ZGSC1908-025 SWEET DAY OF REST SSMDSLFLDTLSMRLRSS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail SoC1909-003 S ¿Walter Shirley (alt.)? SWEET THE MOMENTS SMFSDDTLLSSFMMRLSFF M.L. McPhail TA1896-110 N ¿James Allen? Sweet the moments rich in ¿Walter Shirley (alt.)? SMFSDDTLLSSFMMRLSFF M.L. McPhail TA1896-110 N blessing ¿James Allen? SoC1909-035 ZGS11900-049 SWEET WILL OF GOD MMFSDMRDDDFFLSSMMF Flora Kirkland M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-049 S ZGS11905-049 ZGSC1908-049 SoC1909-035 ZGS11900-049 Sweet will of God my MMFSDMRDDDFFLSSMMF Flora Kirkland M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-049 S refuge Thou ZGS11905-049 ZGSC1908-049 TAKE MY LIFE AND LET SMDTLSSDRMSMDDTDRLR F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-134 N IT BE Take my life and let it be SMDTLSSDRMSMDDTDRLR F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-134 N CD121896-158 Take up your cross and CD21896-158 MMR#MDDTLSDRRMFTDRM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N follow Jesus GGN11894-186 GGN121896-186 CD121896-158 Take up your cross and CD21896-158 RRD#RSMR#MDFFMFRSFM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N follow Jesus GGN11894-186 GGN121896-186 TEACH ME O LORD MMMSFMRLSFFMRMMFRRM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-164 N Teach me O Lord the way MMMSFMRLSFFMRMMFRRM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-164 N of thy statutes TS121890-446 TELL IT OUT SSMMRRDDSDTLLRMFRS F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail N TS21889-249 Tell it out among the people TS121890-446 SSMMRRDDSDTLLRMFRS F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail N that the Lord is King TS21889-249 TELL ME PILGRIM MFSMRDTRLDDTLFLSSS M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-124 N 163

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Tell me pilgrim faint and MFSMRDTRLDDTLFLSSS M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-124 N weary Testigos hay que enseñar SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM ¿M.L. McPhail? CAJ1953-037 S THAT BLESSED HOME SSDDDRMRDSLTDLSDRMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-126 N THE ARMY CORPS OF SSLTDDTLTSSFMRMMMDL H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail SoC1909-040 S CHRIST The Army Corps of Jesus SSLTDDTLTSSFMRMMMDL H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail SoC1909-040 S Christ is mustering above HA1919-147 THE BETTER LAND SSFMMMRDDLDFLDFMSS Gurdon Robins M.L. McPhail SoC1909-054 S WA561916-201 TS121890-284 THE BIRDS ARE SINGING MMRMDRMLSFFMFRSMMM M.L. McPhail N TS21889-072 The birds are singing on the TS121890-284 MMRMDRMLSFFMFRSMMM M.L. McPhail N trees TS21889-072 The blessed hope my Lord ZGS21907-004 FFMSFRFMMFMSFRFMSD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S hath given ZGSC1908-064 THE BLESSED TIME TO MFSMMFMRD#RTDDTLSM M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail SL21895-109 N COME THE BLOOD BOUGHT SDMMMMMRDSLDSDRMMMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-100 N HOPE ZGS11900-037 THE BLOOD BOUGHT ZGS11902-037 MMFSDDRTSSLTFMMMFS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S VICTORY ZGS11905-037 ZGSC1908-037 ZGS11900-044 THE BULWARK OF THY ZGS11902-044 DRMDFDMMRDDLSMFSSLS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S PRESENCE ZGS11905-044 ZGSC1908-044 M. Lindsay THE CALL FOR REAPERS SSMLSMSDLSMFFFRSFMM A.J. Morris SoC1909-026 S ¿M.L. McPhail? THE CHILDREN’S M.C. Gillington M.L. McPhail CURWEN1901 N PRAYER THE CITY OF GOLD MFSSSSMSDDDDSSLLLSM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-084 N GPCN1900-302 ZGS11900-004 THE CONQUERING LION SSLSMRDDLDSSDDRMSMR W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-004 S OF JUDAH ZGS11905-004 ZGSC1908-004 THE CROWNING DAY MFSSSSSMRDSSSLLLLLD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-163 S THE DAY IS GENTLY WA51914-041 MMFMDRMSFMRD#DRFMRR M.L. McPhail N DRAWING TO A CLOSE WA561916-041 The day is gently sinking to WA51914-041 MMFMDRMSFMRD#DRFMRR M.L. McPhail N a close WA561916-041 THE DUTY NEXT SMMFMRMDSRMRSMSMMF Mrs. F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail KM1910-049 N THE EAGLES DDDMSDDDMSDDRRMMF H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-128 S THE EARTH IS THE DDTLRTSLTLSSDTDSSSR M.L. McPhail HA1919-076 N LORD’S The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof the DDTLRTSLTLSSDTDSSSR M.L. McPhail HA1919-076 N world THE ETERNAL GOD IS SSDDDDTFLSSDMMMRDMR H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-121 S THY REFUGE THE FAIREST TIME SSF#SMDDTLSSFSRDTLT M.L. McPhail CoS1886-068 N The fairest time of all the SSF#SMDDTLSSFSRDTLT M.L. McPhail CoS1886-068 N year GPCN1900-302 KS1915-063 The glorious banner of ZGS11900-004 MMMMMLMMRDTLRRRRRSR W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S Christ is unfurled ZGS11902-004 ZGS11905-004 ZGSC1908-004 THE GOLDEN MRDSSLSDTTLLLFFMRL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-127 N SUMMERLAND THE GREAT WHITE WA11896-118 SDDDDDSDMFMRDSLLLTR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N THRONE WA121899-118


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ MC1901-115 The greatest desires of my MFMRRDRMDLSSLLLLRMR H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-020 S life are these SFMRRDRMDLSSLLLLRMR ZGSC1908-080 THE HANDWRITING ON Knowles Shaw MFSSSSSDRMRMFSSSLFF Knowles Shaw SoSP1890-212 N THE WALL M.L. McPhail (arr.) THE HOMELAND MMDMSRRMFRRDTDDDLD H.A. Haweis M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-073 N The Homeland O the MMDMSRRMFRRDTDDDLD H.A. Haweis M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-073 N Homeland GM1928-255 The hour is fast approaching HCK2013-018 when through a fiery stream WA11896-118 The hour is fast approaching WA121899-118 SDDDDDSDMFMRDSLLLTR when through the fiery G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-054 S SDDDDDSDMFMRDSLLLT# stream ZGS11902-054 The hour is fast approaching ZGS11905-054 when thro’ a fiery stream ZGSC1908-054 ZGSM1896-002 PH31902-032 PH341907-032 THE KEYS OF ZGS11900-021 SMTRDTLSLSMMFSLSDDD H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S TOMORROW ZGS11902-021 ZGS11905-021 ZGSC1908-021 THE LIFE OF LOVE MFSSLSMSDRMDDTRDTLS Mrs. Frank A. Breck M.L. McPhail SSV1910-014 N The life of love must be our MFSSLSMSDRMDDTRDTLS Mrs. Frank A. Breck M.L. McPhail SSV1910-014 N highest aim GPCN1900-302 KS1915-063 The Lion of Judah goes ZGS11900-004 SSLSMRDDLDSSDDRMSMR W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S forth in His might ZGS11902-004 ZGS11905-004 ZGSC1908-004 WA51914-032 THE LORD IS MY LIGHT SDDDDSMSDDRMMMMRDRMM M.L. McPhail N WA561916-032 THE LORD IS MY LIGHT SMFRSDTLMRDTRDMMMR M.L. McPhail Jr. WA561916-291 N The Lord is my light and WA51914-032 my salvation the Lord is my SDDDDSMSDDRMMMMRDRMM M.L. McPhail N WA561916-032 light The Lord is my light is my SMFRSDTLMRDTRDMMMR M.L. McPhail Jr. WA561916-291 N light and my salvation THE LORD IS MY WA51914-119 SMFMFSMDTLSSSSLSFFF M.L. McPhail N SHEPHERD WA561916-119 The Lord is my Shepherd I WA51914-119 SMFMFSMDTLSSSSLSFFF M.L. McPhail N shall not want WA561916-119 THE LORD REIGNETH SDRDSMFMSSLLSFFMS M.L. McPhail WA561916-279 N The Lord reigneth the Lord SDRDSMFMSSLLSFFMS M.L. McPhail WA561916-279 N reigneth THE LORD WILL SDMRDMSDDDDDRFMRSLT J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-078 N PROVIDE The Lord will provide yes MSSFMDDFFMRRMMRDDDT J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-078 N the Lord will provide The Lord’s our Rock in V.J.C. SoSP1890-017 SSMFSSLDSDMMMDRMRS M.L. McPhail S Him we hide ¿V.J. Charlesworth? ZGSC1908-139 THE LOVE WHICH MFSSLTDSSMRSSMFMFS A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-007 S NAUGHT CAN SEVER HoG1925-029 THE MAN OF GALILEE MRDDDTTLLSMMRDRMRD J.H. Lozier M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH31902-161 N PH341907-161 The Master is calling for M. Lindsay SSMLSMSDLSMFFFRSFMM A.J. Morris SoC1909-026 S reapers now ¿M.L. McPhail? THE MIGHTY GOD OF DRMMR#MSSFMRRMFMDTL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-130 S DANIEL THE MIGHTY SHIELD OF ZGS21907-010 SDRMRDMSLSMDMRSDRM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S FAITH ZGSC1908-070 THE MILLER MFRMDSDTDRMFFRRMDR M.L. McPhail CoS1886-061 N THE MOUNTAINS OF SSMFLSDDTLTFFRMSFRR H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail GPCN1900-313 N FAITH ¿W.J. McCann? THE OLD MILL ¿? M.L. McPhail pLC187---007 N ¿J.W. McCann? 165

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ THE PATHWAY LEADETH DRMMMMMMRMFFFFFFMF A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-052 S HOME The pathway through the MFSDTLLSDRMMRMFMFS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail KM1910-052 N world is long and lonely ZGS21907-060 The perfect day SSSSSLDTLLSLTLSMD F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGSC1908-115 WA11896-040 THE PLACE OF PRAYER MMMMFFFFSSSSSSSSMM W. Cowper M.L. McPhail N WA121899-040 RoG1897-084 ZGS11900-016 THE POWER OF SSDDDDMFSLSMDSDMMMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-016 S JEHOVAH’S ARM ZGS11905-016 ZGSC1908-016 WA11896-046 THE PRICELESS PEARL MFMRRDSDRDTRMRDMFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N WA121899-046 THE ROAD LEADS HOME SSMDSTLFFFRSFMSSMD E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail PH561911-0100 N THE ROAD LEADS HOME SSMDSTLRMFRSFMSSMD ¿J.M. Gray? M.L. McPhail SoC1909-022 S The saints are marching MFSSDRMMRDLDDLSSDDD A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-122 S forward now to meet The secret of salvation MMDFMMRRRFMRDDDDLDL H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-056 S praise God we all can learn THE SHADE OF THE MFSSF#SLSMDDTSRRD#R H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-142 S CROSS SL21895-010 ZGS11900-043 ZGS11902-043 THE SHINING LIGHT MRDSSDRDTTTTFMRLLLT F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-043 ZGSC1908-043 ZGSM1896-001 GPCN1900-165 THE SOLDIERS OF ZION SSMFSDDDSDMSSRMFLTR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N GS11897-045 The sounds so sweet that reach my ear (No es un SMRDSLDSDRRSFMSMRD Paul Mathews M.L. McPhail pLC1885-009 N himno) The sowing time is over M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGS21907-023 DMRDDDLSMSMDMRRMRD F.G. Burroughs S now ¿¿A.J. Buchanan?? ZGSC1908-083 THE SPRING’S FREE SMRDSDMDMSLSRR#MMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-109 N SUNSHINE FALLETH The Spring’s free sunshine SMRDSDMDMSLSRR#MMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-109 N falleth CH11899-035 CSSH1902-355 JVSS1905-015 NCH1904-114 PH121898-475 The story that never grows DDTLDTLSDMMMRDMRDRS J.H. Yates M.L. McPhail PH21898-181 N old PH31902-152 PH341907-152 SoML1904-086 SoP1904-092 SoV1902-590 HoMD1936-341 HoMD1946-341 HoMD1950-341 The story that never grows DDTLDTLSDMMMRDMRDRS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1959-341 S old HoMD1968-341 ZGS21907-021 ZGSC1908-081 CH11899-035 CSSH1902-355 JVSS1905-015 NCH1904-114 PH121898-475 THE STORY THAT NEVER MFSLSMRDRDLSDRMRDSF J.H. Yates M.L. McPhail PH21898-181 N GROWS OLD PH31902-152 PH341907-152 SoML1904-086 SoP1904-092 SoV1902-590


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ HoMD1936-341 HoMD1946-341 THE STORY THAT NEVER MFSLSMRDRDLSDRMRDSF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail HoMD1950-341 S GROWS OLD ZGS21907-021 ZGSC1908-081 THE SWEETEST STORY SDTLSFMMRFTLSFSFMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail IP1902-020 N EVER TOLD THE TRUMPET CALL IS SDSMSDDRMRDRMSSDFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-153 S SOUNDING The trumpet call is sounding SDSMSDDRMRDRMSSDFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-153 S The trumpet of the jubilee is SSMFSLSDDDRDDLSSSRM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-157 S sounding far and near THE VOICE OF JESUS SSDDRRMD,SSLDTRD,DRM E.G. Cherry M.L. McPhail HORC1894-036 N The voices of Zion are GS11897-045 SSMFSDDDSDMSSRMFLTR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N singing a gain GPCN1900-165 PH31902-068 M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH341907-068 The way that leads us SSSMSDMR#MR#DDRDLSS E.E. Rexford ¿B.B. McKinney SoML1904-068 S heavenward (arr.)? ZGS21907-006 ZGSC1908-066 NCH1904-141 ZGS11900-040 The world has never known SSMDTTLLLTLSFFMSSM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-040 S a love ZGS11905-040 ZGSC1908-040 MC1901-025 The young man’s heart was MMFSDTLSMRMFTLFFMM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-007 S filled with fear MMFSDTLSMRMFTLSFMM ZGSC1908-067 Then ask me not to linger SSSSSSSDSSSSSSSDSD H.A. Merrill M.L. McPhail (arr.) SoSP1890-053 N long Then be always abounding MFSMSSFRMFRFFMDTLTD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-018 N then be always abounding Then fear ye not fresh ZGS21907-007 DMLSMRMDMLDTSLF#SS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S courage ZGSC1908-067 Then fear ye not fresh DMLSMRMDMLDTSLF#SS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail MC1901-025 N courage take CG21890-167 Then for cleansing precious MFSMSSLFRDTLFLSMFS John McPhail M.L. McPhail CG121891-381 N cleansing SoSP1890-041 Then go ye forth to follow RD#MRTLSSDRMRD#MRTS Douglas MacMillan M.L. McPhail SoC1909-064 S after Jesus Then hast O hasten day of MSMDTTLLRFRTLLSSSD G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail SoC1909-003 S rest Then let Him in O heart of SLTDDSMDLLFRRRMSFMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-058 S sin Then let us speak the kindly ZGS21907-064 SSTRFSSDRMMSMDLMRR G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S word ZGSC1908-116 PH31902-032 PH341907-032 Then lift up your head ZGS11900-021 MMTRDDDRLDTTDRMRTSL H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S though your eyelids are wet ZGS11902-021 ZGS11905-021 ZGSC1908-021 Then list to the voice of the MSFMRMFMDDMRDTDRDD R.M. Offord M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-175 N Savior Then overcome the Spirit ZGS21907-015 STLSLSRMMMRDTDRMS# G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S saith ZGSC1908-075 Then wheresoever He ZGS21907-032 SFFFRTLSDDDDLFMRSM G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S leadeth ZGSC1908-092 There are perishing souls all MFSMRDSSLDLSDRMMFSS C.B. Ogborn M.L. McPhail SL21895-143 N around you to-day There are times when we PH121898-394 DRMFMDRDMFSLSFMSSL E.E. Rexford M.L. McPhail N grow weary PH21898-096 There is a city that looks MFSSSSMSDDDDSSLLLSM M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-084 N over the valley of death THERE IS A FOUNTAIN SDDMDTDRDSLTDRDLSS W. Cowper M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-009 N There is a fountain filled SDDMDTDRDSLTDRDLSS W. Cowper M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-009 N with blood THERE IS A FRIEND FOR TS121890-268 SFMMMSSFRMFFSRMMFS A. Midlane M.L. McPhail N LITTLE CHILDREN TS21889-053 167

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ There is a friend for little TS121890-268 SFMMMSSFRMFFSRMMFS A. Midlane M.L. McPhail N children TS21889-053 There is a glorious work to DRMMDTLRMFFRDTLSDDR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-018 N do but the laborers are few HA1919-147 There is a land mine eye SSFMMMRDDLDFLDFMSS Gurdon Robins M.L. McPhail SoC1909-054 S hath seen WA561916-201 There is a pearl of priceless WA11896-046 MFMRRDSDRDTRMRDMFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N worth WA121899-046 There is joy among the SSSF#LSMDDDTFLSMSS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail MC1901-039 N angels ¿J.H. McNaughton? There is joy there is joy LFMMDSMFSMDLDSSFTD A.J. Morris SoC1909-055 S M.L. McPhail (arr.) THERE IS LIFE FOR A SDDDDMFSSSSDRMMMMFM A.M. Hall M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-164 N LOOK There is life for a look at the SDDDDMFSSSSDRMMMMFM A.M. Hall M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-164 N Crucified One There is life for a look at the SDDDDMFSSSSDRMMMMFM A.M. Hall M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-164 N Crucified One THERE IS NEVER A DAY Lilla M. Edwards SLLSDMMRDTRSFMMSLL M.L. McPhail SoC1909-025 S SO DREARY ¿Lilla M. Alexander? There is never a day so Lilla M. Edwards SLLSDMMRDTRSFMMSLL M.L. McPhail SoC1909-025 S dreary ¿Lilla M. Alexander? THERE IS PEACE WITHIN MFSDDRMRDSLDDLSSSR A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-037 S MY SOUL HPCS1922-156 There is victory there is SDDTTTFLLSSSMSSRRMF Lizzie DeArmond M.L. McPhail HPN121931-156 N victory ISSS1924-156 THERE SINGS A BIRD ON MFSSF#SLSMDSSSSFMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-046 N YONDER TREE There sings a bird on MFSSF#SLSMDSSSSFMM M.L. McPhail CoS1886-046 N yonder tree There stands a Rock on DRMMMDLDSDMSSSMDMR S.S.J. M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-002 N shores of time There the sun never sets SDTLTDSSLSMRMFSSSS M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-084 N There was nothing within LTDDRDDDTDRDDDMMFMD H. Hardie M.L. McPhail SSM1904-078 N me that justly I might There was nothing within MFSSLSDDTDRDSSMMFMD H. Hardie M.L. McPhail SSGM1895-122 N me that justly I might These are hours of ¿S.C. Foster? CEE1895-039B TDRSSLMDDLFLSFMRMR E.A. Hoffman N wondrous blessing M.L. McPhail (arr.) CS11895-017 They are gathering in glory MLS#LTDTLTDDRRMS#DT H.E. Hollister M.L. McPhail SoC1909-040 S to attend the Grand Review RoG1897-084 ZGS11900-016 They have witnessed the TDRSSSDRMMDRMFFMRMD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-016 S power of Jehovah’s arm ZGS11905-016 ZGSC1908-016 THEY SHALL BE MINE SSSMRDDTLSMSDRRSRM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail SoC1909-017 S They shall be mine saith the MMMSFMMRD#RFFFLSFFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail SoC1909-017 S Father divine This is my heart’s sincere ¿? H.J. Zelley ¿M.L. McPhail? HMDM1909-337 S desire HoMD1936-337 HoMD1946-337 HoMD1950-337 HoMD1959-337 This is my heart’s sincere SSMMSSFFFFRRFMMDDS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail HoMD1968-337 S desire ZGS11900-020 ZGS11902-020 ZGS11905-020 ZGSC1908-020 PH121898-323 This is that oh halleujah FMFRLSFMSFMFRLSFMM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail PH21898-019 N S4KB1909 ZGS11900-037 This is the blood-bought ZGS11902-037 MMFSDDRTSSLTFMMMFS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S victory ZGS11905-037 ZGSC1908-037


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ ZGS11900-037 This is the victory day by ZGS11902-037 SMRDMRDLLTLSFMSMRD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S day ZGS11905-037 ZGSC1908-037 Those who remember the SSSMRDDTLSMSDRRSRM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail SoC1909-017 S infinite name ZGS11900-044 Thou canst shelter me Thou ZGS11902-044 SMRD#RSRDTDSSLDDLL W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S canst calm the sea ZGS11905-044 ZGSC1908-044 Thou didst go to Calvary RTDRMMTDDLTDLTLSSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail SoC1909-023 S THOU LINGERING STAR MMRDMSFMSLTDFMRRSM Robert Burns M.L. McPhail pLC1885-004 N (NO ES UN HIMNO) THOU LINGERING STAR SMRDMSFMSLFMR Robert Burns M.L. McPhail pLC1885-004 N (NO ES UN HIMNO) Thou lingering star with lessening ray (No es un MMRDMSFMSLTDFMRRSM Robert Burns M.L. McPhail pLC1885-004 N himno) Thou lingering star with lessening ray (No es un SMRDMSFMSLFMR Robert Burns M.L. McPhail pLC1885-004 N himno) THOU WILT KEEP HIM IN MMDRMMMFFMMSMLF#RSSS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-152 N PERFECT PEACE Thou wilt keep him in MMDRMMMFFMMSMLF#RSSS M.L. McPhail CoS1886-152 N perfect peace whose mind HCK2013-019 Though a host should SSFFMRR#MDDDTLSSSM F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail ZGS21907-016 S encamp against me ZGSC1908-076 Though dark be my way SSLSMSDTDRFFSFRRMSF J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-138 N since He is my guide Though dark the way and ZGS21907-032 SMMMR#MLSMRRRSRMMS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S lonely ZGSC1908-092 Though I dwell among the G.M. Bills PH341907-481 FMRD#RMFSFMRMFSLSF# M.L. McPhail N blest in the palaces of rest E.A. Hoffman PH41907-138 THOUGH IT BE A CROSS SSMMDRDTDRMSSFMRRS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail HoMD1959-337 S Though the hosts of sin HPCS1922-156 oppose where the King MFSDTLSDRMFMRDRMFMF Lizzie DeArmond M.L. McPhail HPN121931-156 N Eternal goes ISSS1924-156 Though the way be dark yet MFSF#SDRMR#MMMRRMFF H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail CD161908-211 N the Lord hath said Though thunders crash SSSSSFMRSMMMFSMFSM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-037 S around me Though troubles assail and SDMRDMSDDDDDRFMRSLT J. Newton M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-078 N dangers affright ZGS11900-006 Through Jesus Christ who ZGS11902-006 SMMFMMRRMFRSFMSLTD W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S loved us ZGS11905-006 ZGSC1908-006 Through the ages past the MFSF#SLSDDRMDDLSDRM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-145 S shadows have obscured ZGS11900-001 Thus speaks our risen ZGS11902-001 MFSLSFMFSSLDTLSMFS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S glorious Lord ZGS11905-001 ZGSC1908-001 THY WAY NOT MINE O MR#MFMSLS#LDLSMR#M H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-150 N LORD Thy way not mine O Lord MR#MFMSLS#LDLSMR#M H. Bonar M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-150 N THY WILL BE DONE DRMMSMMRR.MFFLSFMMD Charlotte Elliott M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-163 N ZGS11900-032 Till the marching time is ZGS11902-032 SSSSSSFSSSSSSMMMRS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S over ZGS11905-032 ZGSC1908-032 To Him that hath shall more ZGS21907-036 SSDDTLLRDTFTLLSMSS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S be given ZGSC1908-096 ZGS11900-045 TO HIM THAT ZGS11902-045 DRMMFMR#MDDRMRRRMFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S OVERCOMETH ZGS11905-045 ZGSC1908-045 169

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ TO HIM THAT OVERCOMETH ZGS21907-015 SMRDSSMFFRDTFFLSSM G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S TO HIM THAT ZGSC1908-075 OVERCOMETH. NO. 2 To my Home sweet home MFSDSSSLDDLSMFSSSL A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-052 S To the 169olden SMMRRD#RRFFMMR#MMS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-127 N summerland To the haven of our dreams MRDSSLSDTTLLLFFMRL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-127 N To thy royal gates the MFSSF#SDDTDRLDTLTTF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail VoM1899-136 N ransomed are returning To whom my Savior shall I DRMMRDDTTRMFRDRMMF Carus (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-129 N go TORONTO WALTZ (NO ES SDTDMSSFMRLTRMFLTDRM M.L. McPhail pLC1882-008 N UN HIMNO) ZGS11900-018 ZGS11902-018 TOWARD THE MARK MFSSLSDSSSSRD#RMMF F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-018 ZGSC1908-018 ZGS11900-018 Toward the mark I am daily ZGS11902-018 MFSSLSDSSSSRD#RMMF F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S pressing ZGS11905-018 ZGSC1908-018 Traveling on the way to DRMMMMMMRMFFFFFFMF A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-052 S glory ZGS11900-011 ZGS11902-011 TRUSTING MFSSLSSMDRRMFFSFFMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-011 ZGSC1908-011 TRUSTING CHRIST AND SSSSSSDRMSSRMRDDSSS H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail ZGS11900-056 S SAYING SO ZGS11900-011 Trusting in Jesus by night ZGS11902-011 SFMDTLSMDRFMRLSFFMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S and by day ZGS11905-011 ZGSC1908-011 ZGS11900-011 Trusting in Jesus I find ZGS11902-011 MFSSLSSMDRRMFFSFFMR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S sweetest rest ZGS11905-011 ZGSC1908-011 GSSB1923-xxx HP1910-xxx PYCS1913-114 S4WW1900-126 TRUSTING IN THE SSF#SLSDMSFFFFMFTLS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-126 N MIGHTY ONE SCUP1923-xxx SoRP1907-030 VoM1899-126 WHV1905-087 GSSB1923-xxx HP1910-xxx PYCS1913-114 S4WW1900-126 Trusting in the Savior who SSF#SLSDMSFFFFMFTLS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-126 N has ransomed me SCUP1923-xxx SoRP1907-030 VoM1899-126 WHV1905-087 GSSB1923-xxx HP1910-xxx PYCS1913-114 S4WW1900-126 Trusting trusting SMSFRMFSTLSFMFLSSM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-126 N SCUP1923-xxx SoRP1907-030 VoM1899-126 WHV1905-087 ZGS11900-045 ZGS11902-045 Unto him that overcometh MFSSSLSF#SMMRDRRFFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-045 ZGSC1908-045 Unto the source of life WA11896-096 MDRMDLDLSSDMSMMRDRR G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N eternal WA121899-096


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ FSVB1910-xxx Vägen som jag vandrat har SFMMMFSDDTDRTDSSLT G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N NPSA1903-247 HPCS1922-156 VICTORY WITH JESUS MFSDTLSDRMFMRDRMFMF Lizzie DeArmond M.L. McPhail HPN121931-156 N ISSS1924-156 WA11896-145 WAKE THE SONG MFSSSSDSMRMFFFFRTD M.L. McPhail N WA121899-145 Wake the song the song of WA11896-145 MFSSSSDSMRMFFFFRTD M.L. McPhail N jubilee WA121899-145 HA1919-142 WAKE WAKE THE SONG DMDLRDRDLSDRRMRFMR M.L. McPhail WA51914-058 N WA561916-058 HA1919-142 Wake wake the song the DMDLRDRDLSDRRMRFMR M.L. McPhail WA51914-058 N song of jubilee WA561916-058 HA1919-142 Wake wake the song the DMDLRDRDLSDRRMRFMR M.L. McPhail WA51914-058 N song of jubilee WA561916-058 ZGS11900-014 WALKING IN THE ZGS11902-014 MFSLSMDTLSMDMRRMFM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S SUNLIGHT ZGS11905-014 ZGSC1908-014 ZGS11900-012 WALKING WITH MY ZGS11902-012 MRDTRDTLSDMFMRD#MRT Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S SAVIOR ZGS11905-012 ZGSC1908-012 Wash me in the Savior’s SMDTLSSDRMSMDDTDRLR F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-134 N blood M. Lindsay Watch and pray day by day SSMFFRMMDDLRSMMSSF R.M. SoSP1890-008 N ¿M.L. McPhail? Watch for the rise of the Charlotte A. Barnard ZGS21907-057 MMMFMRSSSDRMFMRRMM H.O. Henderson S Day Star M.L. McPhail (arr.) ZGSC1908-112 We are battling in our ZGS21907-010 SDRMRDMSLSMDMRSDRM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S Master’s name ZGSC1908-070 We are longing for the MFSF#SLSDTLSMRMFMFS M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail SL21895-046 N dawning of the morning We are marching on to MFSSSSMRDSSFMFSMMF F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail P1905-026 N glory We are marching on to SFMSDMFLRRDTTLSMMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-020 N victory We are marching to the goal MFSSSSSSDMMSFMRRFM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail VoM1899-136 N of the ransomed We are pilgrims we are SSDDDRMRDSLTDLSDRMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MC1901-126 N strangers in this changing We are soldiers in the army MFSSSSSFMFSLSDMFMRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-020 N of the mighty King of kings WE ARE THE CHILDREN SSSSF#SLSMSMDDTLSS G.R. Prynne M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-118 N OF A KING We are the children of a SSSSF#SLSMSMDDTLSS G.R. Prynne M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-118 N King WE GATHER WITH ¿S.C. Foster? CEE1895-039B MRDMRDDLDSMDRFMRMR E.A. Hoffman N GLADNESS M.L. McPhail (arr.) CS11895-017 We have blessed news to bring it is a message from MFLSSMDTDRDDLSSFMSD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail HH1903-034 N the King We know there is a bright DRMMFSSLSMDRMFFSLS# W.C.W. (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-035 N and glorious home We shall meet where FSLSFMFSFMRRTLSFMR John McPhail M.L. McPhail (arr.) SoSP1890-039 N crowns are given PH121898-442 PH21898-146 We who have believed do ZGS11900-038 SSDDDSMFSLSDMRRRTLS F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S enter into rest ZGS11902-038 ZGS11905-038 ZGSC1908-038 We will do the duty next at SFMSFRFMMLSF#FSSMM Mrs. F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail KM1910-049 N hand We will do the duty next at SMMFMRMDSRMRSMSMMF Mrs. F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail KM1910-049 N hand 171

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ SL21895-010 ZGS11900-043 ZGS11902-043 We will follow its leading MFSSFMMRMFFMRRMRDD F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-043 ZGSC1908-043 ZGSM1896-001 We will sing a song of by- MFSLSDRMFMRD#RFMRM George Bennett M.L. McPhail pLC1885-016 N gone days We will sing a song of by- MFSLSDRMFMRD#RFMRM George Bennett M.L. McPhail pLC1885-016 N gone days WE WILL WORK FOR MSDSLTDLSMMMLMSF#MF F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-081 N JESUS We will work work for MMLMSFRSRFMSSDDMDD F.R. Havergal M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-081 N Jesus WA51914-160 WE WOULD SEE JESUS SDLSDMSRMFFMRRRRRMT M.L. McPhail N WA561916-160 We would see Jesus for the WA51914-160 SDLSDMSRMFFMRRRRRMT M.L. McPhail N shadows lengthen WA561916-160 WHAT A GREAT MSLSMDLDRDLSDDMMSSM John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-059 N SALVATION What a great salvation Jesus MSLSMDLDRDLSDDMMSSM John McPhail M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-059 N crucified WHAT A SAVIOUR MFSSSLSFMSDDTLSDRMM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-143 S What a Saviour blessed SSLFLLSMMMMRRLTDRD A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-143 S Saviour HPCS1922-013 HPN121931-013 WHAT A WONDERFUL SDMMR#MDDDTLSSSSLTD G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail ISSS1924-013 S CHANGE ZGS21907-014 ZGSC1908-074 HPCS1922-013 HPN121931-013 What a wonderful change RRRD#RFMMMR#MSLLLSM G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail ISSS1924-013 S what a wonderful change ZGS21907-014 ZGSC1908-074 HPCS1922-013 HPN121931-013 What a wonderful change SDMMR#MDDDTLSSSSLTD G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail ISSS1924-013 S when our Lord shall appear ZGS21907-014 ZGSC1908-074 WHAT ARE THESE SSMDSSFRSSSTDDMSDTD M.L. McPhail WA561916-232 N WA11896-078 WHAT ARE THESE? SSSSDDDDDDDTDSSSFMF M.L. McPhail N WA121899-078 What can I give to Jesus SDDMRDSSDRMFSSFMRF M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-107 N WHAT CAN I GIVE TO SDDMRDSSDRMFSSFMRF M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-107 N JESUS WHAT DO THE LITTLE ¿? F.G. Burroughs M.L. McPhail SSLV11900-029 N ONES SAY What is the use of always SoSP1890-116 MFSMDRMDLTDRMDRMFS Mary E. McCleary M.L. McPhail N fretting SSV1910-106 What is the use of always SoSP1890-116 MFSMDRMDLTDRMDRMFS Mary E. McCleary M.L. McPhail N fretting SSV1910-106 PH121898-323 What is this that like the MFSMDTLSMRMFRLSFMM H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail PH21898-019 N sunshine S4KB1909-172 What saith the blessed ZGS21907-041 DDSDRMDRRSFMRDDDDS G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S Word of God ZGSC1908-101 ZGS11900-006 What thing shall separate us ZGS11902-006 SSMMDRDDLLSDRMSSRRM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S from the love of Christ ZGS11905-006 ZGSC1908-006 What wondrous love what PH11894-160 SSFMSLFFLSMMDRRMDR M.L. McPhail M.L. McPhail N matchless love PH121898-160 Whatever comes I have SFMSFRR#MMDDDDDTDRR W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail IP1902-008 N relief Whatever the Master SSMRDMSDTLSSSTDRMFM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail PH561911-0072 N commands me to do When all thy mercies O my MMSDDRMFMMRMFF#SMM Joseph Addison M.L. McPhail CoS1886-122b N God


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ ZGS11900-034 When bowed in sorrow guilt ZGS11902-034 SMDTRDTLSSLDTRDDSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S and fear ZGS11905-034 ZGSC1908-034 When I read the wondrous SDMMMMMRDSLDSDRMMMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail RoG1897-100 N story of redeeming grace WHEN I REAP SSSSLSDSSSSRD#RMSS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail MHPG1900-108 N When I reap what I have SSSSLSMMMMMF#FSSSS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail MHPG1900-108 N sown B.D. Ackley WHEN I SHALL COME TO W.C. Poole SMMMRDTDRDSF#SLSMDF J.J. Overholt (arr.) CHB41994-581 N THE END OF MY WAY ¿John McPhail? ¿M.L. McPhail? B.D. Ackley When I shall come to the W.C. Poole SMMMRDTDRDSF#SLSMDF J.J. Overholt (arr.) CHB41994-581 N end of my way ¿John McPhail? ¿M.L. McPhail? When life’s stormy billows SSDDDRMFMRDSSRRRMFS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-044 N rise like mountains high ¿J.H. McNaughton? WHEN MY LORD I SEE SMMRDLDSLSMRMFSMDL A.J. Morris SoC1909-055 S M.L. McPhail (arr.) When our days of toil are over and our Lord takes full MFSSSLSFMSDDTLSDRMM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-143 S control WHEN OUR LORD WITH MFSF#SLSDDRMDDLSDRM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-145 S HIS SAINTS When shall the voice of SSDMRDRLLRMFMRDTSS ¿M.L. McPhail? M.L. McPhail LACB1879-023 N singing When stormy billows try SMRDSLDSSF#SDDTDRS W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail IP1902-008 N my soul ZGS11900-002 When the Bearer of our ZGS11902-002 MFSSLSSMRDLDTLSSSL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S sorrows ZGS11905-002 ZGSC1908-002 S4WW1900-110 WHEN THE MFSMFMFLSDRMFMRDMF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-110 N BRIDEGROOM CALLETH VoM1899-110 S4WW1900-110 When the Bridegroom MFSMFMFLSDRMFMRDMF G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S4WW1903-110 N calleth from the skies VoM1899-110 WHEN THE CROWNING MFSSSSSMRDSSSLLLLLD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGSM1896-006 S DAY SHALL COME When the crowning day ZGSC1908-163 MFSSSFMDLSDDMRRRRRM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S shall come Hallelujah ZGSM1896-006 When the crowning day ZGSC1908-163 MFSSSSSMRDSSSLLLLLD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S shall come Hallelujah ZGSM1896-006 RoG1897-084 ZGS11900-016 When the deluge had buried SSDDDDMFSLSMDSDMMMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-016 S the mountains crest ZGS11905-016 ZGSC1908-016 When the floodtides of SSDDDDTFLSSDMMMRDMR H.O. Henderson M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-121 S sorrow surround you When the gates of pearl GPCN1900-165 SSSSSSFSSSSSSMMMRS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N unfold GS11897-045 When the ransomed all are gathered around the MRDSSSSSMSDDTLSDMRR A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail ZGSC1908-124 S Saviour’s When the seeds that I have SSSSLSDSSSSRD#RMSS G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail MHPG1900-108 N scattered CHSE1931-197 HPCS1922-071 When the shadows thickly HPN121931-071 MRRDSDTLFMMRLTSMRR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S gather ISSS1924-103 SoC1909-063 ZGSC1908-200 When the storms are raging WA11896-103 ¿? M.M. Wells M.L. McPhail N sore WA121899-103 When wearied with toiling SSSSSLTDDDRRRRSFMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MHPG1900-015 N and care PH121898-476 Where He leads me I will SDMMFMMRSTRRMRRDDM E.W. Blandy (arr.) M.L. McPhail (arr.) PH21898-223 N follow SoML1904-118 173

Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ WA11896-070 While on the broad road to WA121899-070 SSF#SMFMRLTDSLS#LFD G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail S destruction I strayed ZGSM1896-004 ZGSC1908-118 While the sun is shining SSF#SLSMDDRRMMSSF#S W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail IP1902-086 N brightly on thy way Who dwelleth in God’s MFSLSMDSDDRMFSFRMFM A.J. Morris M.L. McPhail SoC1909-008 S secret place BoLS1936-xxx Who is this who for our ¿E.E. Rexford? PH31902-142 sorrows offers comfort and MFSSLSSMRDLDTLSSSLD M.L. McPhail N G.M. Bills PH341907-142 relief SUL1978-068 Who overcomes the Spirit ZGS21907-015 SMRDSSMFFRDTFFLSSM G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail S saith ZGSC1908-075 Why not to-night DRMRDMFSFMSDTLSDR E.H. Reed M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-123 N WHY NOT TO-NIGHT? DRMMMRDMSSLLLSFMRD E.H. Reed M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-123 N WILL YOU BE THERE DRMMFSSLSMDRMFFSLS# W.C.W. (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-035 N AND I Will you be there will I be SLLSMFFMDRRMF#SLTS W.C.W. (arr.) M.L. McPhail SoSP1890-035 N there WILSON MMSDDRMFMMRMFF#SMM Joseph Addison M.L. McPhail CoS1886-122b N With gladness here again ¿S.C. Foster? CEE1895-039B MRDMRDDLDSMDRFMRMR E.A. Hoffman N we gather M.L. McPhail (arr.) CS11895-017 WITH JOY WE HAIL SDDMDTLSLDDFMRSDDM Harriet Auber M.L. McPhail CoS1886-130 N With joy we hail the sacred SDDMDTLSLDDFMRSDDM Harriet Auber M.L. McPhail CoS1886-130 N day PH31902-126 PH341907-126 Witnesses for Jesus ye who ZGS11900-039 SMSMDSMSDRTTFRFRTFL E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail S know his power ZGS11902-039 ZGS11905-039 ZGSC1908-039 PH31902-126 PH341907-126 ZGS11900-039 WITNESSING FOR JESUS SMSMDSMSDRTTFRFRTFL E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail S ZGS11902-039 ZGS11905-039 ZGSC1908-039 PH31902-126 PH341907-126 Witnessing witnessing ZGS11900-039 MR#MDLSMSDRTTFMFRTF E.E. Hewitt M.L. McPhail S proving every day ZGS11902-039 ZGS11905-039 ZGSC1908-039 WONDERFUL BLESSING SDMRDMLSMFFFRSFMMS Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail SoC1909-015 S OF PEACE WONDERFUL PEACE SSSSSLTDDDRRRRSFMM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MHPG1900-015 N Wonderful wonderful RMRTLSSDMFMDRMRSFM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-010 N Savior WORK WHILE THE SUN SSF#SLSMDDRRMMSSF#S W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail IP1902-086 N SHINES Work while the sun shines SSSSDRDTLSSFFFFRTDT W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail IP1902-086 N while the day is thine ZGS11900-029 ZGS11902-029 WORKING WITH JESUS DDRMRDRMDRRMFMRMFR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S ZGS11905-029 ZGSC1908-029 ZGS11900-029 Working with Jesus service ZGS11902-029 SSFMDLDTLSDDRMSMRRM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S is sweet ZGS11905-029 ZGSC1908-029 ANCEPC2013-247 ZGS11900-027 Would you glorify the Lord MSLSMSDDDDDRRMSMSL Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail ZGS11902-027 S ZGS11905-027 ZGSC1908-027 Would you know God’s will MSLSMSDDDDDRRMSMSL Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail PH561911-0232 N alone


Usado PRIMERA LÍNEAS INCIPIT AUTOR AUTOR HIMNARIO por EIB Y TÍTULOS404 MUSICAL LETRA MÚSICA y TCJ Would you know the gift ZGS21907-034 DRMMMMMRDMSSSLDTLSM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S the father doth bestow ZGSC1908-094 ZGS11900-013 Would you live nobly the ZGS11902-013 MFMMRDLDLSSDMSMDDRM W.C. Martin M.L. McPhail S years of your life ZGS11905-013 ZGSC1908-013 CH11899-112 GC1902-058 JPUJ1901-030 PH121898-332 WOULD YOU SHINE FOR SDRDMSLFDRMMSMFMRL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-028 S JESUS PPUS1900-182 R31899-071 ZGS21907-022 ZGSC1908-082 CH11899-112 GC1902-058 JPUJ1901-030 PH121898-332 Would you shine for Jesus SDRDMSLFDRMMSMFMRL G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail PH21898-028 S PPUS1900-182 R31899-071 ZGS21907-022 ZGSC1908-082 ZGS21907-012 ZGSC1908-072 SDMRDSDDSLFMRDMLDT Ye soldiers of the cross G.W. Seibert M.L. McPhail HPCS1922-003 S SDMRDSDDSLFMRDMDMR HPN121931-003 HCK2013-021 Ye who have entered the ZGS21907-045 MMRDMFSLSFFMRSFMRD Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S glorious fray ZGSC1908-105 Ye who love the Savior and ZGS21907-033 SSF#SMDLDDRMRRD#RSR Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail S would win His smile ZGSC1908-093 Yes tell out the story the SSMSDDDDTLSSSSMSDDM Kate Ulmer M.L. McPhail MS1903-084 N story so sweet Kate Ulmer Yésus a to nye nlem RDRMSRMDRTLSDRMFSL M.L. McPhail ANCEPC2013-247 N F.K. Akora-Mongo (tr.) WA11896-046 Yet the pearl of price untold MFSSMFMMRRMFFRDRMM G.M. Bills M.L. McPhail N WA121899-046 HAM1919-154 Yo estaré contigo SSMSDMMDDRDLSSSSRM ¿M.L. McPhail (arr.)? S HAM1925-154 ZGS11900-021 You are groaning today ZGS11902-021 SMTRDTLSLSMMFSLSDDD H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail S beneath a burden of care ZGS11905-021 ZGSC1908-021 You are sighing today PH31902-032 SMTRDTLSLSMMFSLSDDD H.J. Zelley M.L. McPhail N beneath a burden of care PH341907-032



Código Himnario AKOA-MONGO, François Kara. Les 250 anciens et nouveaux cantiques de l’Église Presbytérienne ANCEPC2013 Camerounaise : avec les histoires de leus inspirations. [S.l.]: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013. 3 vols. ISBN 9781484042267 EXCELL, E.O. (ed.). The Anti-Saloon League Song Book. Westerville, Ohio: American Issue Publishing ASLS1915 Company, 1915. McPHAIL, M. L. (music); McPHAIL, John (words). Soldiers in the Army. [Staff and tonic sol-fa notation.] BF1908 (London, Glasgow : Bailey & Ferguson, [1908])” McKINNEY, B.B. (ed.). The Broadman Hymnal : Great Standard Hymns and Choice Gospel Songs New and BH1940 Old, for Use in all Religious Services, such as the Worship Hour, Sunday School, Young Peope’s Meetings, Assemblies, and Evangelistic Services. Nashville, TN: the Broadman Press, cop. 1940. BMIH1940 MAXWELL, Richard (ed.). BMI Hymnal. New York: Broadcast Music, Inc., cop. 1940 BoLS1936 Banner of Love Songs. Athens, Ten.: Church of Jesus Christ, 1936 BPCS1895 BEIRLY, A. (ed.). Beirly’s Popular Choir Serial, 1895, may, 5(11), p.170-173 TOWNSEND, A.M., Mrs. (ed.). The Baptist Standard Hymnal with Responsive Readings : a New Book for All BSHR1961 Services. Washington, D.C.: Sunday School Publishing Board. National Baptist Convention, 1961. Cánticos de alabanza a Jehová. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. : International CAJ1953 Bible Students Association, 1953. Cantando y acompañándose con música en su corazón. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, CAMC1969 Inc. : International Bible Students Association, 1969 HALL, J.H.; RUEBUSH, J.H.; KIEFFER, A.S. (eds.). Crowning Day, nos. 1 & 2 combined : a book of songs CD121896 for prayer, praise and gospel meetings. Dayton, Va.: The Ruebush-Kieffer Co., 1896. HALL, J.H.; RUEBUSH, J.H.; RUEBUSH, W.H. Crowning Day 1-6 combined. Dayton, Va.: The Ruebush- CD161908 Kiefer Co., 1908. HALL, J.H.; RUEBUSH, J.H.; KIEFFER, A.S. (eds.). Crowning Day no. 2 : a collection of gospel songs for CD21896 Sunday schools, revivals, young people’s meetings, etc. Dayton, Va.: Ruebush Kieffer Co., 1896 RUEBUSH, J.H.; HALL, J.H.; KIEFFER, A.S.; RUEBUSH, W.H. (eds.). Crowning Day no. 3 : a collection of CD31898 choice gospel songs for Sunday schools, revivals, Young People’s Meetings, and all the Services of the Sanctuary. Dayton, Va.: Ruebush Kieffer Co., 1898 HOFFMAN, E.A. (ed.). Christian Endeavor Echoes and Manual of Services. Chicago: Hope Pub. Co., cop. CEE1895 1895. CG121891 BILHORN, P.P. The Crowning Glory nos. 1 and 2 combined. Chicago, Ill.: P. Bilhorn, [1891?] CG21890 BILHORN, P.P. The Crowning Glory no. 2 : a Collection of Gospel Hymns. Chicago, Ill.: P. Bilhorn, [1891?] BILHORN, P.P. Crowning Glory revised : for use in The Church, Evangelistic Meetings, Sunday School, CGR1894 Young People’s Societies, and the Home. Chicago, Ill.: Bilhorn Bros., 1894. HALL, W.P.; CHAPMAN, J.W. (compils.); WEEDEN, W.S. (ed. Of music). Christian Hymns no. 1 : for use CH11899 in Church Services, Sunday-Schools, Young People’s Societies, etc. Philadelphia, Pa.: Hall-Mcak Co., 1899. CH1910 EXCELL, E.O. (ed.). Coronation Hymns. Chicago, Ill.: E.O. Excell Co., 1910 OVERHOLT, J.J. (ed.). The Christian Hymnary : books 1-4. 14th printing. Sarasota, Florida: The Christian CHB41994 Hymnary Pub., 1994. Christian Hymnal : a Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs Suitable for Use in Public worship, Worship in CHCH1959 the Home, Evangelistic Meetings, and General Occasions. Hesston: Kansas: Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1959. The Covenant Hymnal : authorized by The Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant of America. 3rd ed. Chicago, CHSE1931 Ill. : The Covenant Book Concern, 1931. CoR1913 SCOVILLE, C.R.; EXCELL, E.O. (eds.). Crowns of Rejoicing. Chicago, Ill.: Charles Reign Scoville, 1913 McPHAIL, M.L.; ROOT, G.F. The Crown of Song : for the Use of Musical Conventions, Choirs, and Singing CoS1886 Schools. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., 1886. CP1964 Christian Praise. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1964. ROSBOROUGH; W. (ed.). Celestial Showers no. 1 : a collection of gospel songs used in Rev. I. Toliver’s CS11895 Meetings : adapted to the use of churches, Sunday schools and the home. Nashville, Tenn.: The National Baptist Publishing Board, 1895 BRUNK, J.D. (ed.). Church and Sunday School Hymnal : a Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs, appropriate for Church Services, Sunday Schools, and General Devotional Exercises [with] Church CSSH1902 and Sunday School Hymnal Supplement : a Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs, Arranged as a Supplement to Church and Sunday School Hymnal [mit Deutscher Unhang]. Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1902, 1911. McPHAIL, M.L. (music); GILLINGTON, M.C. (words). The Children’s Prayer. [S.l.]: J. Curwen & Sons, CURWEN1901 1901 Evangelisches Gesangbuch : die kleine Palme mit Anhang. Harrisburg, Pa.: Verlag der Vereinigten Evangelischen Kirche, [1895?] [Podría ser también: MAGARET, Ernst Carl; MEYER, George John EGDP1895 (eds.). Die Kleine : neueste Liedersammlung für Sonntagschulen und Jugendvereine sowie für sonntag Abend und andere Gottesdienste. Chicago, Ill.: Meyer & Brother, 1895] EXCELL, E.O.; HACKLEMAN, W.E.M. (eds.). Enduring Hymns. St. Louis, Mo.: Christian Board of EH1914 Publication, 1914 ENTWISLE, J.H.; FITHIAN, P.G. (eds.). Exalted Praise : twentieth century collection of sacred hymns for the EP1901 church, Sunday school and devotional meetings. Philadelphia: MacCalla & Company Incorporated,


Código Himnario 1901. ESCS1898 EXCELL, E.O. Excellent Songs for the Church and Sunday School. Chicago, Ill.: E.O. Excell Co., 1898 FAIRBANK, H.W. Fairbank’s anthems no. 1 : a new collection of choice anthems from the portfolios of FA11903 Towne, Gabriel, Trench, McPhail, Tonney, Dungan and others. Chicago: H.W. Fairbank Pub. Co., 1903 FAIRBANK, H.W. Fairbank’s anthems no. 2 : a new collection of choice anthems by the best church anthem FA21904 writers. Chicago: H.W. Fairbank Pub. Co., 1904 TOWNER, D.B.; EXCELL, E.O. (eds.). Famous Gospel Hymns. Chicago, IL: The Bible Institute Colportage FGH1907 Association, cop. 1907. EXCELL, E.O.; TOWNER, D.B. (eds.). Famous Hymns. Chicago, IL: The Bible Institute Colportage FH1907 Association, cop. 1907. FhoP1973 Favorite Hymns of Praise. Wheaton, IL: Tabernacle Publishing Co., 1973. FhoP1979 Favorite Hymns of Praise. Wheaton, IL: Tabernacle Publishing Co., 1979 Fridsroester Sangbok foer Vaeckelsemoeten, Boenemoeten, Ungdomsmoeten, Soenddagsskilan och Hemmet. FSVB1910 Chicago, Ill.: Swedish Baptist General Conference, 1910 EXCELL, E.O.; HACKLEMAN, W.E.M. (eds.). Gospel Bells. St. Louis, Mo.: Christian Board of Publication, GB1918 1918 BLACK, J.M. (ed.). The Gospel Chorus : for use in prayer meetings, Young People’s Societies and Revivals. GC1902 New York: Eaton & Mains ; Cincinnati: Jennings & Pye, 1902 GGN11894 BEIRLY, A. Golden Grain : No. 1. Chicago, Ill.: Alfred Beirly, 1894. BEIRLY, A. Golden Grain : Nos. 1 and 2 Combined [Título en la cubierta: Golden Grain Hymns no. 1 and 2 GGN121896 Comb’d]. Chicago, Ill.: Alfred Beirly, 1894, 1896. EXCELL, E.O. The Gospel Hymnal for Sunday School and Church Work. Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings ; New GH1899 York: Eaton & Mains, cop. 1899. GhoF1968 PETERSON, J.W. (ed.). Great Hymns of the Faith. Nashville, TN: Brentwood-Benson Music Pub., 1968. COLEMAN, R.H. (comp. & ed.). Gospel Melodies : a Choice Compilation of New and Old Hymns and Gospel GM1928 Songs Most Suitable for Present Day Needs in Churches, Schools, Young People’s Meetings and Evangelistic Services. Nashville, TN.: Baptist Sunday School Board, 1928. SHOWALTER, A.J.; SEWELL, E.G. (eds.). Gospel Praise : a Collection of New and Old Hymns and Tunes GPCN1900 for All Occassions of Christian Work and Worship. Nashville, Tenn.: Gospel Advocate Pub. Co., 1900. OGDEN, W.A. (ed.). Good Seed No. 1 : a Collection of Songs for Sunday Schools. Chicago: The Hope Pub. GS11897 Co., cop. 1897. COUTTS, J.D. (ed.). Gospel Searchlight Songs : a book of selected gospel hymns of the world greatest GSSB1923 composers. Ft. Worth, Tex.: Quartet Music Co., 1923 HA1919 McPHAIL, M.L. (ed.). Hope Anthems. Chicago : Hope Publishing Company, 1919. NELSON G., E. (ed.). Himnario de Alabanza Evangélica. El Paso, Tx. : Editorial El Mundo Hispano, 1989; 2ª HAE1997 ed., 1997. [¿Himnario de la Aurora del Milenio. Brooklyn, N.Y.: IBSA, 1919. [¿106 p., 155 himnos?], o [¿”Himnario de HAM1919 la Aurora del Milenio.” En: La Torre del Vigía. Heraldo de la Presencia de Cristo, 1919-1920, 1 de diciembre-1 de enero, número especial?] Himnario de la Aurora del Milenio : colección de cantos espirituales con el objeto de ayudar al pueblo de HAM1925 Dios a hacer melodía con sus labios y también con sus corazones. [Nueva ed.]. Brooklyn, N.Y.: International Bible Students Association, 1925 HB1996 NELSON G., E. (ed.). Himnario Bautista. El Paso, Tx. : Casa Bautista de Publicaciones, 1978; 5ª ed., 1996 The Herald of Christ’s Kingdom, 2013, November-December, Special Hymn Edition, 31 hymns, 42 p. HCK2013 [29-11-13] LORENZ, E.S. (ed.). Hymns that help: in Sunday schools, young people’s societies and other church services. HH1903 Dayton, Oh.: Lorenz Pub. Co., 1903 HHOF1980 Hymns of Faith. Wheaton, Ill.: Tabernacle Publishing Co., 1980. Hymns of the Millennial Dawn : with Music : a Choice Collection of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs : HMDM1909 to Aid God’s People in Singing and Making Melody in their Hearts unto the Lord. Brooklyn : Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1909 HoCL131904 Hymns of the Christian Life. Nos. 1, 2, 3 combined. Ca. 1904. SIMPSON, A.B.; STEPHENS, M.A.; SIMPSON, M.M (compils.). Hymns of the Christian Life. Nos. 3 HoCL31904 combined. New York: Alliance Press Co., 1904. WHITE, A.; WHITE, A.K. (eds.). The Harp of Gold, or, Pillar of Fire Praises no. 2. Zarephath, New Jersey: HoG1925 Pillar of Fire, 1925, cop. 1911. HoGP1969 Hymns of Glorious Praise. Cleveland: The Church of God of Prophecy. General Offices, 1969. BILHORN, P.P.; FISCHER, F.G.; CLEMENTS, John R.; MARTIN, W. Stillman (eds.). Hymns of his grace HoHG11907 no. 1 : for the Evangelist, Church, Sunday School, and Young People’s Society. Chicago, Ill.: Bilhorn Brothers, 1907. Hymns of Dawn : a Choice Collection of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs : to Aid God’s People in HoMD1936 Singing and Making Melody in Their Hearts Unto the Lord. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Dawn Publishers, 1936 Hymns of Dawn : a Choice Colletion of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs : to Aid God’s People in HoMD1946 Singing and Making Melody in Their Hearts Unto the Lord. East Rutherford, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Dawn Bible Students Association, 1946 Hymns of Dawn : a Choice Colletion of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs : to Aid God’s People in HoMD1950 Singing and Making Melody in Their Hearts Unto the Lord. East Rutherford, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Dawn Bible Students Association, 1950 HoMD1959 Hymns of Dawn : a Choice Colletion of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs : to Aid God’s People in 177

Código Himnario Singing and Making Melody in Their Hearts Unto the Lord. East Rutherford, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Dawn Bible Students Association, 1959 Hymns of Dawn : a Choice Collection of Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs : to Aid God’s People in HoMD1968 Singing and Making Melody in Their Hearts Unto the Lord. East Rutherford, N.J.: Dawn Bible Students Association, 1968. NICKLE, W.S.; MEYER, G.J. Honey out of the rock : a compilation of sacred songs and hymns for use in HORC1894 gospel meetings and other religious services. Chicago, Ill.: Meyer & Brother, 1894. HP1910 BROWN, J.A. (ed.). Heart Praise. Ft. Worth, Tex.: Southern Music Co., 1910 KINGSBURY, F.G. (ed.). Hymns of Praise : [for the Church and Sunday School]. Chicago: The Hope Pub. HPCS1922 Co., cop. 1922. KINGSBURY, F.G. (ed.). Hymns of Praise numbers 1 and 2 combined: for the Church and Sunday School. HPN121931 Chicago, IL: Hope Pub. Co., 1931. IGHS1905 BILHORN, P.P. International Gospel Hymns and Songs. Chicago, Ill.: Bilhorn Bros., 1905. EXCELL, E.O. (ed.). International Praise for the Sunday School and Church. Favorite ed. Chicago: E.O. IP1902 Excell, Publisher, 1902. FINK, N.W.; LUTZ, J.B.; ROSE, W.B. (compils.). Inspirational songs : for the Sunday school, social worship, ISSS1924 missionary and evangelistic work. Chicago, Ill.: Light and Life Press, 1924. BLACK, J.M. (ed.). Junior Praises for use in junior societies and on special occasions. Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham ; New York: Eaton & Mains, 1901. JPUJ1901 BLACK, J.M. (ed.). Junior Praises for use in junior societies and on special occasions. Cincinnati: Jennings & Pye ; New York: Eaton & Mains, 1901. DOANE, W.H.; KIRKPATRICK, W.J.; HOFFMAN, E.A.; GABRIEL, C.H. Jubilant Voices for Sunday JVSS1905 Schools and Devotional Meetings. Chicago : Hope Pub. Co., 1905. EXCELL, E.O. (ed.). Joy to the world : for the church and Sunday school. Printed in round and shaped notes JW1915 with orchestration. Chicago, Il.: Hope Pub. Co., 1915 LORENZ, E.S.; WILSON, I.B. (eds.). The King’s Message : a Collection of Sunday School Songs. New York ; KM1910 Dayton, OH : Lorenz Pub. Co., 1910. Kingdom Songs : for Sunday-School, Prayer Meeting Christian Workers’ Societies and All Seasons of Praise. KS1915 Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Publishing House, 1916 KS21918 Kingdom Songs no. 2. Elgin, Ill.: Brethren Publishing House, 1918 LESLIE, Ch.E. Leslie’s Anthem and Chorus Book. Chicago Ill.: Chicago Music Co. : New York: William A. LACB1879 Pond & Co., cop. 1879 McPHAIL, M.L. “I Bring You Good Tidings.” En: LORENZ, E.S. (ed.). Lorenz’s Octavo Anthems for mixed LOAMV1914 voices No. 951. Dayton, OH: Lorenz Publishing Co., [1914] Lutherförbundets Sangbok : anbefalld till bruk inom Augustana-Synodens Ungdomsföreningar och Lutherförbund. Rock Island, Ill: Augustana Book Concern, 1912, cop. 1913. The Luther League LSAS1913 Hymn Book : authorized by The Augustana Synod. Rock Island, Ill.: Augustana Book Concern, 1912. McPHAIL, M.L. McPhail’s Anthems for Chorus or Quartet Choirs : Consisting of New and Original Music, MAC1885 with Choice Selections and Arrangements from the Best Standard Authors, Adapted to All the Various Uses of the Church Service. Cincinnati: The John Church Co., 1885. LORENZ, E.S.; GABRIEL, Chas. H.; TENNEY, J.H.; McPHAIL, M.L.; MARKS, Wm. Edie. The Master’s MC1901 Call : a Collection of New Songs and Standard Hymns for the use of Sunday-Schools, Young People’s Societies, Devotional Meetings, etc. Chicago, IL : Hope Pub. Co., 1901. EXCELL, E.O. Make His Praise Glorious : for the Sunday School and Church. Chicago, IL.: E.O. Excell, MHPG1900 1900. MoP1957 Melodies of Praise. Springfield, Missouri: Gospel Publishing House, cop. 1957. FAIRBANK, H.W. (ed.). The Message in Song: for use in Sunday Schools, young people’s meetings, prayer MS1903 meetings, church services and special occasions. Chicago: Hope Pub. Co., 1903 MS1909 EVERETT, W.C.; EXCELL, E.O. (eds.). Ministry in Song. Nashville, Tenn.: Smith & Lamar, 1909. MS1981 Melodiboken for Sangboken. Syng for Herren og Ungdomssang. [S.l: s.n.], 1981. The Musical Visitor: a Magazine of Musical Literature and Music. Cincinnati: The John Church Company, MVxxxx 1883-1897 NASS1899 LORENZ, E.S. (ed.). New Anti-Saloon Songs. New York, N.Y.: Lorenz & Co., 1899 THOMPSON, W.L. (ed.). The New Century Hymnal : for Church Services, Prayer Meetings, Young People’s NCH1904 Meetings, Sunday Schools. East Liverpool, Ohio: Will L. Thompson & Co., 1904. CARMICHAEL, R. … [et al.] (eds.). The New Church Hymnal. Newbury Park, Calif.: Lexicon Music Inc., NCH1976 1976. COLEMAN, R.H. (ed.). The New Evangel : songs people sing for all religious gatherings. Boston: American NE1911 Baptist Publication Society, 1911 MOORE, J.E.; BENSON, J.T.; CUMMINGS, M.H.; TILLMAN, Ch.D. (eds.). New Joy and Gladness: a NJG1936 Collection of Choice Gospel Songs for Church Services, Sunday Schools, Revivals and Camp Meetings. Nashville, TN: John T. Benson Pub. Co., [1936?] Nya Psalmisten, Sanger foer Allmaen och Enskild Uppbyggelse. Minneapolis, Minn.: Skoog & DeLander, NPSA1903 1903 BILHORN, P.P. New Soul Winning Songs : for the Church, Sunday School, Evangelism and Social Service. NSWS1926 Chicago, Ill.: Bilhorn Bros., [1926?] P1905 EXCELL, E.O. (ed.). Praises. Chicago, Il.: E.O. Excell Co., 1905 DATE, H.; HOFFMAN, E.A.; OGDEN, W.A.; TENNEY, J.H. (eds.). Pentecostal Hymns : a Winnowed Collection for Evangelistic Services, Young People’s Societies and Sunday-Schools. [Standard ed.]. PH11894 Chicago: The Hope Pub. Co., cop. 1891, 1894.

DATE, H.; HOFFMAN, E.A.; OGDEN, W.A.; TENNEY, J.H. (eds.). Pentecostal Hymns : a Winnowed


Código Himnario Collection for Evangelistic Services, Young People’s Societies and Sunday-Schools. [Economy ed.]. Chicago: The Hope Pub. Co., cop. 1891, 1894. DATE, H. (ed.); HOFFMAN, E.A.; OGDEN, W.A.; TENNEY, J.H. (music eds.). Pentecostal Hymns, no. 1 and 2 combined. [DATE, Henry (ed.); HOFFMAN, E.A.; OGDEN, W.A.; TENNEY, J.H. (music eds.). Pentecostal Hymns no. 1 : a Winnowed Collection for Evangelistic Services, Young People’s PH121898 Societies and Sunday-Schools; DATE, Henry (ed.); HOFFMAN, E.A.; TENNEY, J.H. (music eds.). Pentecostal Hymns no. 2 : a Winnowed Collection for Evangelistic Services, Young People’s Societies and Sunday-Schools]. Chicago: The Hope Pub. Co., cop. 1894, 1898. LISTER, M. (compil.). The People’s Hymnbook : Favorite Gospel Songs and Hymns. Kansas City, Missouri: PH1973 Lillenas Pub. Co., 1973. DATE, H. (ed.). Pentecostal Hymns, no. 2 : a winnowed collection for evangelistic services, Young People’s PH21898 Societies and Sunday-schools.. Chicago: The Hope Pub. Co., cop. 1898 DATE, H. (ed.); HOFFMAN, E.A. (music ed.); O’KANE, T.C. (music ed.); BENTLEY, W.W. (music ed.). PH31902 Pentecostal Hymns, number three : a Winnowed Collection for Evangelistic Services, Young People’s Societies and Sunday Schools. Chicago: The Hope Pub. Co., 1902. PH341907 DATE, H. (ed.). Pentecostal Hymns, no. 3 & 4 combined. Chicago: The Hope Pub. Co., cop. 1907 DATE, H. (ed.); HOFFMAN, E.A. (music ed.); TOWNE, T.M. (music ed.). Pentecostal Hymns, number four : PH41907 a winnowed collection for young people’s societies, church prayer meetings, evangelistic services and Sunday schools. Chicago ; New York: Hope Pub. Co., cop. 1907. DATE, H. (compil.); GABRIEL, Ch.H.; STEBBINS, G.C.; KIRKPATRICK, W.J. (music eds.). Pentecostal PH561911 Hymns, no. 5 & 6 combined : a Winnowed Collection for Young People’s Societies, Church Prayer Meetings, Evangelistic Services and Sunday Schools. Chicago: The Hope Pub. Co., cop. 1911. pLC Partituras localizadas en la Library of Congress ( Copyright PromusicPublishing 2008. PPK08.1155. Partitura localizada en PPK2008 BLACK, J.M.; McCABE, C.C. (eds.). Praise and promise : for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, PPUS1900 revivals, Young People’s meetings and on special occasions. Chicago, Il.: R.R. McCabe & Co., 1900 LORENZ, E.S.; WILSON, I.B. Praise Ye! : a Collection of Sacred Songs for Sunday Schools, Young People’s PYCS1913 Societies, Church and Evangelistic Services. New York ; Dayton, OH : Lorenz Pub. Co., 1913. TILLMAN, Ch.D. The Revival No. 3 : [Songs for Sunday Schools & Special Services : Suitable for All Kinds R31899 of Religious Meetings]. [Atlanta, Ga.: Charlie D. Tillman, 1900?]. LORENZ, E.S.; GABRIEL, Ch.H.; OGDEN, W.A.; GEIBEL, A.; MYERS, G.E. (eds.). Riches of Grace : a RoG1897 collection of new songs and standard hymns for the use of Sunday schools, devotional meetings, Young People’s Meetings, and other services. Dayton, Oh.: Lorenz & Co., 1897 S1957 ELMAJIAN, E.E. (ed.). Spiritual hymns of worship. Pasadena, Calif.: [s.n.], 1957 BELDEN, Franklin Edson. Songs for the King’s Business : special selections for all occasions. Chicago, Ill.: S4KB1909 Sunday School Supply House, 1909 LORENZ, E.S.; ENTWISLE, J.H.; FITHIAN, P.G.; GEIBEL, A.; LEHMAN, R.D. (eds.). Songs for work and S4WW1900 worship : for use in Sunday Schools, Young Peoples’ Societies, Devotional Meetings, Camp Meetings, etc.. Dayton, OH: Lorenz & Co., 1900. LORENZ, E.S.; ENTWISLE, J.H.; FITHIAN, P.G.; GEIBEL, A.; LEHMAN, R.D. (eds.). Songs for work and S4WW1903 worship : for use in Sunday Schools, Young Peoples’ Societies, Devotional Meetings, Camp Meetings, etc.. Dayton, OH: The Lorenz Pub. Co., 1903. WARREN, B.E.; BYERS, A.L.; BROOKS, C.M. Select Hymns for Christian Worship and General Gospel SCHW1911 Service. Anderson, IN.: Gospel Trumpet Pub. Co., 1911 BERRY, J.F. (ed.). Songs of Conquest : for use in public worship, prayer services, etc. New York, N.Y.: SCUP1923 Abingdon Press, 1923 The Saints' Hymnal : a compilation of hymns for the use of Church and Church School congregations of the SH1922 Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Independence, Missouri: Herald Publishing House, [1922?] ZIMMERMANN, C.F. Silberklänge : Eine Sammlung von Liedern für Sonntagschulen, Jugendvereine und SeSLS1899 Conventionen. Cleveland, Ohio: Lamb, 1899 [También: ¿Harrisburg, Pa.: Evangelical Publishing House?] SHP1991 Sing His Praise. Springfield, Miss.: Gospel Publishing House, 1991. SJP1950 Songs to Jehovah’s praise. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., 1950. SJP1962 Songs to Jehovah’s praise. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc., 1962. LORENZ, E.S. Spirit and life no. 2 : a Collection of New Songs for the Sunday School, Young People's SL21895 Societies, Gospel and Devotional Meetings, etc., etc. Dayton, Oh.: Lorenz Co., 1895. McPHAIL, M.L. Songs of Comfort for all Christian Gatherings and the Home. Chicago, Ill.: M.L. McPhail, SoC1909 [cop. 1909?] BUTTS, B.F.; HOFFMAN, E.A. (eds.). Songs of Matchless Love : for evangelistic services, devotional SoML1904 meetings and Sunday Schools. Chicago: Hope Pub. Co., 1904 CHAPMAN, J.W. (ed.). Songs of Praise : Number One. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and SoP1904 Sabbath School Work, 1904 SoPJ1928 Songs of Praise to Jehovah. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1928 SoR1912 Songs of Redemption. St. Louis, Mo.: Christian Board of Publication, 1912 LORENZ, E.S. (ed.). Songs of Revival Power : for evangelistic campaigns, gospel meetings, revival services SoRP1907 and devotional meetings. Dayton, Oh.: Lorenz Pub. Co., 1907 McPHAIL, J.; McPHAIL, M.L. Songs of Saving Power : a Collection of Sacred Songs : Especially Prepared SoSP1890 for Evangelistic Meetings, Camp Meetings and Sunday Schools. Chicago, Ill.: Clayton F. Summy, 1890. SoSS1916 CUMMINGS, H.M. (ed.). Songs of Salvation and Service. Wheeling, W.V: M. Homer Cummings, 1916 179

Código Himnario BELL, A.W. (compil.). Songs of victory: a collection of hymns and solos for evangelistic meetings, christian SoV1902 worship, conferences, and the home circle, with additional hymns and choruses. Glasgow: R.L. Allan ; London : Alfred Holness, [¿1902?]. Sing praises to Jehovah. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. : International Bible SPJ1984 Students Association, 1984 SS1909 LAWRENCE, M.; BROWN, F.L. (eds.). Service in Song. Cincinnati, Oh.: Standard Pub. Co., 1909 GABRIEL, Ch.H. Salvation Songs : for Gospel Meetings, Endeavor Societies, Epworth Leagues, Baptist SSGM1895 Unions, Sunday Schools and Prayer Meetings. Cincinnati, O.: Fillmore Bros. cop. 1895. KIRKPATRICK, W.J. (ed.). Sacred Songs for Little Voices No. 1 for use in the Primary and Junior SSLV11900 Departments of the Sunday School. Chicago, Il.: Hope Pub. Co., 1900. GABRIEL, Ch.H. (compil.). Sacred Songs for Men : together with Some Home, Patriotic and Secular Songs SSM1904 for Special Occasions. Chicago: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1904. SSQ1879 LESLIE, Ch.Eddy The Sabbath School Queen. Chicago, Ill.: Chicago Music Co., 1879. SSS1895 GABRIEL, Ch.H. Sunshine : Songs for Sunday School. Chicago, Ill.: Meyer & Brother, 1895. GABRIEL, Ch.H. (ed.). Sunday School Voices : a Collection of Sacred Songs : selected by a Committee of SSV1910 Twelve. Chicago : Hope Pub. Co., 1910. SUL1978 Sing Unto the Lord. Hazelwood, Missouri: Word Aflame Press, cop. 1978. TA1896 ROSCHE, G.F.; GABRIEL, Ch.H. (eds.). Triumphal Anthems no. 2. Chicago: Geo. F. Rosche, 1896. LEHMAN, R.F.; EXCELL, E.O.; MILLER, R. (eds.). Treasured Hymns. Philadelphia, Penn.: Heidelberg TH1911 Press, 1911 TS121890 EXCELL, E.O. Triumphant Songs Nos.1 & 2 Combined. Chicago, Ill.: E.O.Excell Co., cop. 1890. TS21889 EXCELL, E.O. Triumphant Songs No. 2. Chicago, Ill.: E.O.Excell Co., cop. 1889. TS341894 EXCELL, E.O. Triumphant Songs nos. 3 & 4 combined. Chicago, Ill: E.O. Excell Co., 1894. EXCELL, E.O. Triumphant Songs no. 4 : a collection of gospel songs for Sunday-schools, revivals, hymns of TS41894 prayer and praise for devotional meetings. Chicago, Ill.: E.O. Excell Co., 1894 McPHAIL, M.L. (arr.). "Elements of music". In: LANGLEY, Ch.K.; TOWNE, T.M. (eds.); OGDEN, W.A. USSS121904 (assistant ed.). Uncle Sam’s School Songs : nos. 1 and 2 combined : for use in Schools, Colleges, Institutes, and the Home Circle. Chicago: Hope Pub. Co., 1897, 1904. LORENZ, E.S. (ed.). The Voice of Melody : a Collection of Sacred Songs for the Sunday-School and Young VoM1899 People’s and other Devotional Meetings. Dayton, OH : Lorenz & Co., 1899. VoV1913 BILHORN, P.P. Voices of Victory. Chicago, Ill.: Bilhorn Bros., [1913?]. McPHAIL, M.L. (ed.). Winnowed Anthems for quartet and chorus choirs : no. 1. Chicago : Hope Pub. Co., WA11896 1896. McPHAIL, M.L. (ed.). Winnowed Anthems no.1 & 2 combined. Chicago ; New York : Hope Pub. Co., 1896, WA121899 1899. McPHAIL, M.L. (ed.). Winnowed Anthems for quartet and chorus choirs : no. 2. Chicago : Hope Pub. Co., WA21899 1899. [McPHAIL, M.L. (ed.)?]. Winnowed Anthems no.3 & 4 combined : for quartet and chorus choirs : a collection WA341906 of one hundred and six anthems and sacred songs by forty-three composers. Chicago : Hope Pub. Co., 1903, 1906. McPHAIL, M.L. (ed.). Winnowed Anthems no.5 : for quartet and chorus choirs, a collection of eighty-five WA51914 anthems by forty-six composers. Chicago : Hope Pub. Co., 1914. McPHAIL, M.L. (ed.). Winnowed Anthems no.5 & 6 combined for quartet ad chorus choirs : a collection of WA561916 one hundred and fifty-five anthems by seventy composers. Chicago : Hope Pub. Co., 1914, 1916. LORENZ, E.S. (ed.). With heart and voice: a collection of songs for use in Sunday schools, Young People’s WHV1905 Societies and other devotional meetings. New York: The Lorenz Publishing Co., 1905 ATKINS, J.; KIRKPATRICK, W.J. The Young People’s Hymnal No.3 : Adapted to the Use of Sunday Schools, YPH31906 Epworth Leagues, Prayer Meetings, and Revivals. Nashville, Tenn. ; Dallas, Tenn.: Publishing House Methodist Episcopal Church, South : Smith & Lamar Agents, 1905 McPHAIL, M.L. Zion's Glad Songs for all ...Christian Gatherings... Allegheny, Pa.: Zion’s Watch-Tower and ZGS11900 Tract Society, [1900]. ZGS11902 McPHAIL, M.L. Zion's Glad Songs for all ...Christian Gatherings... Allegheny, Pa.: Watch Tower Bible and ZGS11905 Tract Society, [1902?], [1905?]. ZGS21907 McPHAIL, M.L. Zion's Glad Songs No. 2 for all ...Christian Gatherings... Chicago, Il.: K. McPhail, [1907]. ZGSC1908 McPHAIL, M.L. Zion's Glad Songs for all ...Christian Gatherings... Chicago, Il.: K. McPhail, cop. 1908. [McPHAIL, M.L] "Zion's Glad Songs of the Morning". En: Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's ZGSM1896 Presence, 1896, February 1st, vol. XVII, no. 3.

180 181

LISTADO DE OBRAS DE M.L. McPHAIL PROGRAMADAS O INTERPRETADAS DESDE FINALES DEL S.XIX HASTA MEDIADOS DEL S.XX Alcance de sus obras musicales a partir de la consulta a diarios de la época

Se indica la iglesia/denominación religiosa que donde se programó/interpretó la obra, el año, y la ciudad y estado. Como podrá observarse las obras de McPhail fueron programadas por denominaciones diversas: congregacionalistas, metodistas, bautistas, evangélicas, luteranas, reformadas, etc. Este listado es únicamente una aproximación, una muestra de que las obras de M.L. McPhail tuvieron cierta difusión durante un tiempo y fueron aceptadas por una gran variedad de denominaciones religiosas.

Alas and Did My Savior Bleed. Methodist Church (1920, Billings, Montana); Bethel American Methodist Episcopal church (1930, Monongahela, Pennsylvania)405 And It Shall Come to Pass. Derry St. United Brethren Church (1918, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania); Methodist Protestant Church (1930, Coshocton, Ohio)406 And the Publican. Véase: The Publican And There Were Shepherds. First Baptist Church (1914, Oswego, New York)407 As the Hart Panteth. First Christian Church (1917, Coffeyville, Kansas)408 Ashamed of Thee. Baptist Church (1917, Glovesville & Johnstown, New York)409 Awake, Jerusalem, Awake. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church (1926, Appleton, Wisconsin); First United Presbyterian Church (1927, Zanesville, Ohio)410 Be Glad in the Lord. German Evangelical Church (1916, Porstmouth, Ohio)411 Behold I Bring You. Fleet Street Methodist Episcopal Church (1901, Brooklyn, New York)412 Behold I Bring You Glad Tidings. St. Paul’s and Grace Methodist Churches (1918, Decatur, Illinois)413 Behold I Bring You Good Tidings. Christian Church of Hartwick (1901, Otsego, New York); Congregational Church (1901, Cortland, N.Y.); Christ’s Reformed Church (1901, Baltimore, Md.); Sunnyside Congregational Church (1901, Portland, Oregon); Baptist Church (1904, Glenn Falls, New York); Saint Mark’s Lutheran Church (1904, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania); Buckeystown Methodist Presbyterian Church (1905, Frederick, Maryland); Emory Methodist Episcopal Church (1907, Ellicott City, Maryland); Embury Methodist Episcopal Church (1908, Paterson, New Jersey); Grace Methodist Episcopal Church (1908, Warren, Pennsylvania); Second Reformed Church (1909,

405 Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana), 1920, June 13, p.4; The Daily Republican (Monongahela, Pennsylvania), 1930, April 18, p.7; April 19, p.2.

406 Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania), 1918, May 11, p.3; The Evening News (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), 1918, May 11, p.7; The Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio), 1930, June 7, p.3.

407 Oswego Daily Times (Oswego, New York), 1914, December 26, p.6.

408 The Coffeyville Daily Journal (Coffeyville, Kansas), 1917, April 28, p.6.

409 The Morning Herald (Gloversville & Johnstown, New York), 1917, January 20, p.4.

410 Appleton Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin), 1926, July 24, p.5; Zanesville Signal (Zanesville, Ohio), 1927, June 18, p.5.

411 Porstmouth Daily Times (Porstmouth, Ohio), 1916, November 25, p.10.

412 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), 1901, December 21, p.11.

413 The Decatur Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1918, December 21, p.8.


Syracuse, N.Y.); First Primitive Methodist church (1910, Scranton, Pennsylvania); Baptist Church (1915, Ogdensburg, New York); Immanuel Baptist Church (1917, Auburn, New York); River Park Methodist Episcopal Church (1917, South Bend, Indiana); Emmanuel Evangelical Church (1924, Sandusky, Ohio); Hopwood Methodist Church (1950, Uniontown, Pennsylvania); Cranesville Reformed Church (1962, 1965, Amsterdam, New York)414 Behold what Manner of Love. Locust Street Methodist Episcopal Church (1897, Greencastle, Indiana); Saint Paul’s Evangelical Church (1916, Carlinville, Illinois)415 The Better Land. Methodist Episcopal Church (1919, Frankfort, New York); Forest Avenue Methodist Church (1920, Amsterdam, New York)416 Bless the Lord. Croton Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church (1911, New Castle, Pennsylvania); St. John’s Evangelical Church (1928, Woodland, California); St. Paul's Lutheran Church (1934, Mason City, Iowa)417 Bless the Lord,O My Soul. First Evangelical church (1933, Hutchinson, Kansas)418 Brightest and Best. Fleet Street Methodist Episcopla Chuch (1906, Brooklyn, N.Y.); First Baptist Church (1910, Alexandria, D.C.); Christian Church (1928, Piqua, Ohio); Cranesville Reformed Church (1964, Amsterdam, New York).419 Christ Is Risen. Methodist Church (1919, Ogden City, Utah); Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church (1919, Butte, Montana)420 Christ Our Passover. Christian Presbyterian Church (1897, Mattoon, Illinois); Ninth Street Christian Church (1897, Washington, D.C.); Twelfth Presbyterian Church (1897, Baltimore, Md.); Ambler Methodist Episcopal Church (1897, Ambler, Pa.); Sixteenth Street Lutheran Church (1899, Sacramento, Calif.); First Baptist Church (1898, Bristol, Pennsylvania); Methodist Episcopal Church (1900, Cortland, New York); Central Methodist Church (1902, Richmond, Virginia); Fleet Street Methodist Episcopal Church (1902, Brooklyn, New York); Methodist Thirteenth Avenue Church (1902, Minneapolis, Minn.); Immanuel Baptist Church (1903, Richmond, Va.); West Duluth Baptist Church (1903, Duluth, Minn.); Methodist Church (1906, Mexico, New York); First Baptist Churcn

414 The Otsego Farmer (Otsego, New York), 1901, December 20, p.2; Cortland Standard (Cortland, N.Y.), 1901, ¿?; The Sun (Baltimore, Md.), 1901, December 24, p.9; The Sunday Oregonian (Portland; Oregon), 1901, December 22, p.12; The Morning Star (Glenn Falls, New York), 1904, December 23, p.4; The Conshohocken Recorder (Conshohocken, Pennsylvania), 1904, December 23, p.3; The News (Frederick, Maryland), 1905, December 19, p.7; December 22, p.1; The Sun (Baltimore, Md.), 1907, December 22, p.11; The Paterson Morning Call (Paterson, New Jersey), 1908, December 19, p.15; Warren Evening Mirror (Warren, Pennsylvania), 1908, December 19, p.3; The Syracuse Herald (Syracuse, N.Y.), 1909, December 18, p.7; The Scranton Truth (Scranton, Pennsylvania), 1910, December 24, p.8; The Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, New York), 1915, December 18, p.6; The Auburn Citizen (Auburn, New York), 1917, December 22, p.7; South Bend News-Times (South Bend, Indiana), 1917, December 23, p.4; Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1924, December 19, p.3; Evening Standard (Uniontown, Pennsylvania), 1950, December 23, p.9; Evening Recorder (Amsterdam, New York), 1962, December 22, p.9; 1965, December 18, p.9.

415 The Daily Banner Times (Greencastle, Indiana), 1897, October 9, p.4; The Daily Enquirer (Carlinville, Illinois), 1916, May 29, p.1; Maccoupin County Enquirer (Carlinville, Illinois), 1916, May 31, p.6.

416 Utica Herald Dispatch (Utica, New York), 1919, October 4, p.?; Amsterdam Evening Recorder (Amsterdam, New York), 1922, May 27, p.9.

417 New Castle News (New Castle, Pennsylvania), 1911, January 27, p.11; Woodland Daily Democrat (Woodland, California), 1928, November 26, p.1; Mason City Globe Gazette (Mason City, Iowa), 1934, December 6, p.14.

418 The Hutchinson News (Hutchinson, Kansas), 1933, March 25, p.9.

419 The Daily Standard Union (Brooklyn, N.Y.), 1906, December ¿22?, p.4; Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, D.C.), 1910, December 22, p.3; The Piqua Daily Call (Piqua, Ohio), 1928, December 29, p.5; Evening Recorder (Amsterdam, New York), 1964, December 19, p.8.

420 The Ogden Standard (Ogden City, Utah), 1919, April 19, p.7; The Butte Daily Bulletin (Butte, Montana), 1919, April 19, p.5


(1907, Ogdensburg, New York); Methodist Church (1907, Clinton, New York); Fleet Street Methodist Church (1907, Brooklyn, N,Y.); Ferry Avenue Bapstist Church (1910, Detroit, Michigan); Congregational Church (1912, Dison, Illinois); St Peter’s American Methodist Episcopal Church (1912, Decatur, Illinois); Methodist Episcopal Church (1914, Denton, Maryland); First Methodist Protestant Church (1914, Keokuk, Iowa); Free Baptist Church (1916, Kennebac, Maine); Grace Memorial Church (1916, Norwich, Connecticut); Lents Baptist Church (1916, Portland, Oregon); Immanuel Baptist Church (1918, Auburn, New York); First Methodist Church (1919, Duluth, Minn.); First Christian Church (1927, Ogden, Utah); Cranesville Reformed Church (1956, 1958, 1960, Amsterdam, New York)421 Christ the Lord’s Is Risen. Bethel American Methodist Episcopal church (1930, Monongahela, Pennsylvania)422 Christ the Lord’s Is Risen To-day. Ninth Street Christian Church (1897, Washington, D.C.); First Baptist Church (1898, Bristol, Pennsylvania); Lents Baptist Church (1916, Portland, Oregon); Baptist Church (1918, Wadesboro, North Carolina); Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church (1919, Butte, Montana); ¿Methodist church? (1921, Woodland, California); Congregational Church (1931, Appleton, Wisconsin)423 Claim the Promise. First Baptist Church (1927, Niagara Falls, New York)424 Consider the Lilies. Methodist Episcopal Church (1927, Chino, California)425 Crown Him Lord of All. West Duluth Baptist Church (1903, Duluth, Minn.); Sturgeon Creek United Methodist Church (Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1944); Cranesville Reformed Church (1958, Amsterdam, New York)426 Crown Him With Many Crowns. Memorial Presbyterian Church (1922, Appleton, Wisconsin)427

421 Mattoon Gazette (Mattoon, Illinois), 1897, April 16, p.7; The Evening Times (Washington, D.C.), 1897, April 17, p.6; The Sun (Baltimore, Md.), 1897, April 16, p.7; The Ambler Gazette (Ambler, Pa.), 1897, April 22, p. 1; The Record-Union (Sacramento, California), 1899, April 1, p.4; The Bucks County Gazette (Bristol, Pennsylvania), 1898, April 7, p.3; Cortland Standard (Cortland, New York), 1900, April 17, p.5; The Times (Richmond, Virginia), 1902, March 30, p.8; The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (Brooklyn, New York), 1902, March 29, p.8; The Minneapolis Journal (Minneapolis, Minn.), 1902, March 28, p.17; The Times-Dispatch (Richmond, Va.), 1903, April 5, p.?; The Duluth Evening Herald (Duluth, Minnesota), 1903, April 11, p.¿?; Mexico Independent (Mexico, New York), 1906, April 11, p.3; The Ogdensburg Journal (Ogdensburg, New York), 1907, March 30, p.4; The Utica Sunday Tribune (Utica, New York), 1907, March 31, p.?; The Daily Standard Union (Brooklyn, N.Y.), 1907, March 30, p.¿5?; Detroit Free Press (Detroit, Michigan), 1910, December 24, p.6; Dixon Evening Telegraph (Dixon, Illinois), 1912, April 5, p.5; Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1912, April 5, p.16; Denton Journal (Denton, Maryland), 1914, April 11, p.5; The Daily Gate City (Keokuk, Iowa), 1914, April 12, p.6; Daily Kennebac Journal (Kennebac, Maine), 1916, April 22, p.5; Norwich Bulletin (Norwich, Connecticut), 1916, April 22, p.8; The Oregon Daily Journal (Portland, Oregon), 1916, April 22, p.5; The Auburn Citizen (Auburn, New York), 1918, March 28, p.15; The Duluth Herald (Duluth, Minnesota), 1919, April 19, p.4; Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 1927, April 16, p.2; Evening Recorder (Amsterdam; New York), 1956, March 31, p.6; 1958, April 5, p.6; 1960, April 16, p.7.

422 The Daily Republican (Monongahela, Pennsylvania), 1930, April 19, p.2.

423 The Evening Times (Washington, D.C.), 1897, April 17, p.6; The Bucks County Gazette (Bristol, Pennsylvania), 1898, April 7, p.3; The Oregon Daily Journal (Portland, Oregon), 1916, April 22, p.5; The Messenger and Intelligencer (Wadesboro, North Carolina), 1918, March 28, p.4; The Butte Daily Bulletin (Butte, Montana), 1919, April 19, p.5; Woodland Daily Democrat (Woodland, California), 1921, March 25, p.4; March 26, p.5; Appleton Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin), 1931, April 3, p.14.

424 The Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, New York), 1927, June 25, p.3.

425 Chino Champion (Chino, California), 1927, January 14, p.3.

426 The Duluth Evening Herald (Duluth, Minnesota), 1903, April 11 p.¿?; Winnipeg Free Press (Winnipeg, Manitoba), 1944, April 8th, p.7; Evening Recorder (Amsterdam; New York), 1958, April 5, p.6.

427 Appleton Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin), 1922, January 7, p.12.


Even Me. First Methodist Church (1929, Ogden, Utah)428 Every Fear. St. John’s English Lutheran Church (1904, Duluth, Minn.)429 Fondly I Think of Thee. St. Peter’s American Methodist Episcopal Church (1909, Decatur, Illinois)430 For God so Loved the World. Shiloh Baptist Church (1938, Tarrytown, N.Y.); Grace Methodist Episcopal Church (1939, Franklin, Pennsylvania)431 Forjdens Herranom Alla Lander. First Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church (1914, Duluth, Minn.)432 Freuet Such des herrn (¿Rejoice in the Lord?). 1901433 Give Unto the Lord. First Baptist Church (1911, Sandusky, Ohio); First Methodist Episcopal Church (1915, Brainerd, Minnesota)434 Glad Christmas Story. First Baptist Church (1931, Medicine Hat, Alberta)435 Glory to God in the Highest. Forest Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church (1918, 1920, Amsterdam, New York); Swedish Baptist Church (1922, Brainerd, Minnesota)436 God Be Merciful. Baptist Church (1903, Westfield, N.Y.); First Baptist Church (1911, Sandusky, Ohio); Grace Methodist Episcopal Church (1916, Duluth, Minn.); Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (1916, 1923, 1924, 1926, Kingston, New York); Trinity Methodist Church (1940, Frederick, Maryland)437 God So Loved the World. Bethlehem Evangelical Association Church (1916, Chicago, Illinois); Methodist Episcopal Church (1921, Porstmouth, Ohio); Sturgeon Creek United Methodist Church (Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1944); Swedesburg Lutheran Church (1945, Mount Pleasant, Iowa)438 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Sunnyside Methodist Church (1900, Portland, Oregon).439 Hail, the King. East Chestnut Street Baptist Church (1918, Louisville, Kentucky); Methodist Church (1919, Ogden City, Utah)440

428 Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 1929, June 8, p.3.

429 The Duluth Evening Herald (Duluth, Minnesota), 1904, December, p.3

430 The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1909, April 6, p. 4

431 The Daily News (Tarrytown, New York), 1938, April 16, p. ¿?; The News-Herald (Franklin, Pennsylvania), 1939, January 6, p.11.

432 The Duluth Herald (Duluth, Minnesota), 1914, February 21, p.10

433 Der Deutsche Correspondent (Baltimore, Md.), 1901, December 7, p.6?; December 10, p.5?

434 Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), 1909, April 6, p.4; The Sandusky Star-Journal (Sandusky, Ohio), 1911, February 11, p.12; The Brainerd Daily Dispatch (Brainerd, Minnesota), 1915, July 24, p.3

435 Medicine Hat News (Medicine Hat, Alberta), 1931, December 26, p.5.

436 Amsterdam Evening Recorder (Amsterdam, New York), 1918, December 21, p.7; 1920, December 24, p.5; The Brainerd Daily Dispatch (Brainerd, Minnesota), 1922, December 23, p.1 y 5.

437 Westfield Republican (Westfield, N.Y.), 1903, August 26, p.8; Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1911, April 1, p.4 o 12; 1911, April 2, p.4 o 7; The Sandusky Star-Journal (Sandusky, Ohio), 1911, April 1, p.1 y 2; The Duluth Herald (Duluth, Minn.), 1916, March 25, p.¿?; The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, New York), 1916, January 22, p.5; 1923, July 28, p.3; 1924, August 16, p.4; 1926, July 31, p.¿5?; The Frederick Post (Frederick, Maryland), 1940, July 6, p.2.

438 The Star Publications (Chicago, Illinois), 1916, February 17, p.3; Porstmouth Daily Times (Porstmouth, Ohio), 1921, October 26, p.12; Winnipeg Free Press (Winnipeg, Manitoba), 1944, April 8, p.7; The Mount Pleasant News (Mount Pleasant, Iowa), 1945, February 9, p.2.

439 The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1900, January 7, p.19.

440 Courier-Journal (Louisville, Kentucky), 1918, March 30, p.2; The Ogden Standard (Ogden City, Utah), 1919, April 19, p.7


Hark, Hark My Soul. First Methodist Episcopal Church (1929, Ogden, Utah); Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church (1938, Butte, Montana)441 Haste the Song. Howard Place Methodist Episcopal Church (1910, Indianapolis, Indiana)442 Holy Spirit from Above. Bethlehem Evangelical Association Church (1916, Chicago, Illinois)443 I Bring You Glad Tidings. St. John's Reformed Church (1914, Williamsport, Pennsylvania).444 I Bring You Good Tidings. First Baptist Church (1914, The Tonawandas, New York); First Baptist Church (1914, 1915, Oswego, New York); First Methodist Church, South (1914, New Smyrna, Florida); Kingsboro Presbyterian Church (1914, 1939, Gloversville & Johnstown, New York); Pierce Avenue Presbyterian Church (1915, Niagara Falls, New York); Bethany Presbyterian Church (1915, Fort Wayne, Indiana); First Baptist Church (1916, Porstmouth, Ohio); First Presbyterian Church (1916, Bismarck, N.D.); Methodist Episcopal Church (1917, Otsego, New York); Second Baptist Church (1917, Auburn, New York); Broadway Methodist Church (1920, Schenectady, New York); Methodist Episcopal Church (1924, Denton, Maryland); First Church of Christ (1925, The Tonawandas, New York); Presbyterian Church (1926, Hopewell, New Jersey); Swedish Congregational church (1926, 1927, Warren, Pennsylvania); First Evangelical Church (1931, Olean, New York); First Presbyterian Church (1931, Pittston, Pennsylvania); La Porte Methodist Church (1932, Elyria, Ohio); Cyrene American Methodist Episcopal church (1933, Piqua, Ohio); First Evangelical Church (1939, Olean, New York); South Eliot Methodist Church (1940, Porstmouth, New Hampshire); Pilgrim Church (1945, Fitchburg, Massachusetts) 445 I Bring You Tidings. Swedish Congregational Church (1925, Warren, Pennsylvania)446 I Come to Thee (o O, Come to Thee). First Baptist Church (1918, Sandusky, Ohio); Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (1927, Kingston, New York); Calvary Evangelical United Brethren Church (1947, Circleville, Ohio)447 I Have Set Watchmen Upon Thy Walls. Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran Church (1925, Appleton, Wisconsin)448

441 Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 1929, April 27, p.3; Montana Standard (Butte, Montana), 1938, May 8, p.10.

442 The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana), 1910, March 27, p.30.

443 The Star Publications (Chicago, Illinois), 1916, February 17, p.3.

444 Gazette and Bulletin (Williamsport, Pennsylvania), 1914, December 24, p.8.

445 The Evening News (The Tonawandas, New York), 1914, December 19, p.4; Oswego Daily Times (Oswego, New York), 1914, December 26, p.6; 1915, December 24, p.7; New Smyrna Daily News (New Smyrna, Florida), 1914, December 25, p.9; The Morning Herald (Gloversville & Johnstown, New York), 1914, December 19, p.7; 1939, December 23, p.5; The Leader Republican (Gloversville & Johnstown, New York), 1939, December 23, p.9; The Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, New York), 1915, December 24 p.4; The Fort Wayne Daily News (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1915, December 18, p.10; Porstmouth Daily Times (Porstmouth, Ohio), 1916, December 23, p.7; The Bismarck Daily Tribune (Bismarck, N.D.), 1916, December 23, p.5; The Otsego Farmer (Otsego, New York), 1917, December 21, p.5; The Auburn Citizen (Auburn, New York), 1917, December 21, p.6; Schenectady Gazette (Schenectady, New York), 1920, December ¿23 o 25?, p.5; Denton Journal (Denton, Maryland), 1924, December 24, p.5; The Evening News (The Tonawandas, New York), 1925, December 19, p.4; The Hopewell Herald (Hopewell, New Jersey), 1926, December 22, p.1; The Warren Tribune (Warren, Pennsylvania), 1926, December 18, p.10; 1927, December 17, p.8; Olean Evening Herald (Olean, New York), 1931, December 19, p.5; Times Herald (Olean, New York), 1931, December 19, p.7; Pittston Gazette (Pittston, Pennsylvania), 1931, December 18, p.6; The Chronicle Telegram (Elyria, Ohio), 1932, December 17, p.10; The Piqua Daily Call (Piqua, Ohio), 1933, December 23, p.5; Olean Times Herald (Olean, New York), 1939, December 23, p.7; Porstmouth Herald (Porstmouth, New Hampshire), 1940, December 21, p.7; Fitchburg Sentinel (Fitchburg, Massachusetts), 1945, December 22, p.7.

446 The Warren Tribune (Warren, Pennsylvania), 1925, December 24, p.2.

447 Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1918, October 13, p.6; The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, New York), 1927, January 29, p.5; The Circleville Herald (Circleville, Ohio), 1947, October 11, p.3.

448 Appleton Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin), 1925, November 28, p.11.


I Heard the Voice. Calvary United Brethren (1914, Fort Wayne, Indiana)449 I Heard the Voice of Jesus. Logan Avenue Baptist Church (1902, Winnipeg, Manitoba); Methodist Episcopal Church (1916, Belvidere, Illinois)450 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. Methodist Episcopal Church (1916, Belvidere, Illinois)451 (1929, Havre, Montana)452 I Waited Patiently. First Christian church (1930, Monongahela, Pennsylvania)453 I Will Extol Thee. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (1923, Niagara Falls, New York); United Presbyterian Church (1927, Piqua, Ohio); St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (1936, Clinton, New York)454 I Will Love Thee. Reformed Church (1925, Alto, Sheboygan, Wisconsin).455 I Will Magnify Thee. Methodist Episcopal Church (1899, Huntington, New York)456 I Will Praise Thee. Methodist Episcopal Church (1913, Denton, Maryland)457 I Will Sing Unto the Lord. Christian Reformed Church (1927, Sheboygan, Wisconsin); Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church (1939, Butte, Montana); St. Johns English Lutheran Church (1949, Council Bluffs, Iowa)458 It is a Good Thing to Give Thanks. First Baptist Church (1919, Pittston, Pennsylvania)459 Jehovah Reigns. St. Paul English Evangelical Lutheran Church (1911, Newark, Ohio); Presbyterian Church (1916, Fairbanks, Alaska)460 Jesus, and Shall It Ever Be? Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (1923, 1931, Niagara Falls, New York)461 Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Religious sevices at Pythian Encampment (1889, Warsaw, Indianapolis); First Methodist Church (1932, Ogden, Utah).462

449 The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1914, May 3, p.17.

450 Winnipeg Free Press (Winnipeg, Manitoba), 1902, March 29, p.10 [o, Manitoba Morning Free Press].

451 Belvidere Daily Republican (Belvidere, Illinois), 1916, October 21, p.6; 1916, November 25, p.5.

452 The Van Wert Daily Bulletin (Van Wert, Ohio), 1920, April 10, p.2; Havre Daily News Promoter (Havre, Montanag), 1929, December 15, p.2.

453 The Daily Republican (Monongahela, Pennsylvania), 1930, January 25, p.2.

454 The Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, New York), 1923, February 17, p.3; The Piqua Daily Call (Piqua, Ohio), 1927, December 17, p.5; The Clinton Courier (Clinton, New York), 1936, December 17, p.4.

455 The Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin), 1925, April 10, p.4.

456 The Long-Islander (Huntington, New York), 1899, November 4, p.4.

457 Denton Journal (Denton, Maryland), 1913, December 20, p.5.

458 Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin), 1927, September 7, p.7; September 13, p.6, Montana Standard (Butte, Montana), 1939, February 5, p.8; Council Bluffs Nonpareil (Council Bluffs, Iowa), 1949, September 25, p.27.

459 “Union Services at Churches Here.” En: The Scranton Republican (Scranton, Pennsylvania), 1919, November 27, p.7.

460 The Coshocton Daily Age (Coshocton, Ohio), 1911, August 19, p.5; The Newark Daily Advocate (Newark, Ohio), 1911, August 22, p.8; Fairbanks Sunday Times (Fairbanks, Alaska), 1916, May 21, p.3.

461 The Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, New York), 1923, May 26, p.13; 1931, February 21, p.3.

462 “The Pythian Encampment.” En: Indianapolis Journal (Marion County, Indianapolis, Indiana), 1889, August 11, p. 2; Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 1932, August 6, p.3.


Jesus, Refuge of My Soul. Sunnyside Methodist Church (1900, Portland, Oregon); Bethlehem Evangelical Association Church (1916, Chicago, Illinois); The Lynden Choral Society at Christian Reformed Church (1920, Lynden, Washington); Emmanuel Evangelical Church (1921, Sandusky, Ohio)463 Jesus. Shall Reign. Calvary Baptist Church (1920, Duluth, Minn.); Presbyterian Church (1921, Thief River Falls, Minnesota); First Presbyterian Church (1927, Murphysboro, Illinois)464 Jesus Shepherd of my Sheep. Saint Marks Lutheran Church (1949, Gloversville & Johnstown, New York)465 Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness. First Methodist Church (1929, Ogden, Utah); McSherrystown Lutheran Church (1936, Hanover, Pennsylvania)466 Joyfully, Joyfully Angels. Methodist Episcopal Church (1927, Lowville, N.Y.)467 Joyfully, the Angels are Singing. Congregational Church (1921, Colville, Washington); First Methodist Episcopal Church (1931, Dansville, New York)468 Jubilee Echoes. First Baptist Church (1918, Sandusky, Ohio)469 The Keys of Tomorrow. Emmanuel Baptist Church (1905, San Francisco, Calif.); First Methodist Episcopal Church (1931, Oakland, California)470 Lead Kindly Light. Congregational Church (1902, Cortland, N.Y.)471 Like as a Father. New Britain Baptist Church (1905, Ambler, Pennsylvania)472 The Lord is My Light. Presbyterian (1911, Mommouth, Polk County, Oregon)473 The Lord is My Shepherd. Third Presbyterian Church (1925, The Tonawandas, New York)474 Love Divine. McSherrystown Lutheran Church (1936, Hanover, Pennsylvania)475 Make a Joyful Noise. Congregational Church (1915, Princeton, Minnesota)476 Nearer My God, to Thee. Congregational Church (1915, Princeton, Minn.); St. Paul English Lutheran Church (1920, Sandusky, Ohio); First Baptist Church (1922, 1924, 1925, Porstmouth, Ohio)477

463 The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1900, April 29, p.18; The Star Publications (Chicago, Illinois), 1916, February 17, p.3; The Lynden Tribune (Lynden, Whasington), 1920, January 1, p.5; Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1921, May 1, p.5.

464 The Duluth Herald (Duluth, Minnesota), 1920, May 29, p.15; Thief River Falls Times (Thief River Falls, Minnesota), 1921, September 8, p.1; The Tribune (Thief River Falls, Minnesota), 1921, September 9, p.1; The Daily Independent (Murphysboro, Illinois), 1927, June 11, p.4.

465 The Leader Republican (Gloversville & Johnstown, New York), 1949, April 14, p.26; The Morning Herald (Gloversville & Johnstown, New York), 1949, April 18, p.21

466 Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 1929, June 15, p.3; The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pennsylvania), 1936, October 24, p.5.

467 The Journal and Republican and Lowville Times (Lowville, N.Y.), 1927, December 22, p.6

468 The Colville Examiner (Colville, Washington), 1921, December 17, p.1; Dansville Breeze (Dansville; New York), 1931, December 19, p.?.

469 Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1918, October 13, p.6.

470 San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, Calif.), 1905, November 5, p.42; Oakland Tribune (Oakland, California), 1931, July 18, p.2.

471 Cortland Evening Standard (Cortland, N.Y.), 1902, January 13, p.¿?

472 The Ambler Gazette (Ambler, Pennsylvania), 1905, September 21, p.1

473 Polk County Observer (Mommouth, Polk County, Oregon), 1911, October 27, p.5

474 The Evening News (The Tonawandas, New York), 1925, January 9, p.4.

475 The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pennsylvania), 1936, October 24, p.5.

476 The Princeton Union (Princeton, Minnesota), 1915, August 5, p.3.


O Be Joyful in the Lord. First Presbyterian Church (1892, Frankfort, Kentucky); University Park Methodist Episcopal Church (1902, Portland, Oregon); Friedens Evangelical Church (1937, The Tonawandas, N.Y.)478 O Come Let Us Sing. First Congregationalist Church (1900, Portland, Oregon); Baptist Church (1907, Mansfield, Ohio); Methodist Episcopal Church (1911, Denton, Maryland); Congregational Church (1915, Princeton, Minnesota); Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (1927, 1928, 1930, Kingston, New York); Fair Oaks Baptist Church (1931, Zanesville, Ohio); Fourth Street Methodist Church (1932, 1933, Moberly, Missouri); St. Peter’s Evangelical Church (1933, Elyria, Ohio); Methodist Episcopal Church (1933, Ogden, Utah); First Reformed Church (1932, 1933, Mount Vernon, N.Y.); Methodist Church (1934, Ogden, Utah); First Baptist Church (1927, Lowville, New York); Zion Lutheran Church (1950, Geneva, New York)479 O Give Thanks. Presbyterian Church (1900, Belvidere, Illinois); Baptist Church (1903, Westfield, New York); St. John’s German Lutheran Church (1903, Albany, New York); Bethel Evangelical Church (1911, Fort Wayne, Indiana); Baptist Church (1916, Glovesville & Johnstown, New York)480 O Happy Are They. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (1923, Niagara Falls, New York)481 O, How Amiable. Chew Street Methodist Episcopal Church (1900, Allentown, Pennsylvania); Westfield Methodist Church (1918, Westfield, New York); The Lynden Choral Society at Christian Reformed Church (1920, Lynden, Washington)482 O Sing Unto the Lord. Methodist Bridge Street Church (1896, Brooklyn, N.Y.)483 O Worship the Lord. McSherrystown Lutheran Church (1936, Hanover, Pennsylvania)484 The Passover. Baptist church (1909, Salina, Kansas)485 Place of Praise. Bethlehem Evangelical Association Church (1916, Chicago, Illinois)486

477 The Princeton Union (Princeton, Minn.), 1915, September 9, p.3; The Sandusky Star-Journal (Sandusky, Ohio), 1920, November 23, p.5; Porstmouth Daily Times (Porstmouth, Ohio), 1922, March 25, p.4; 1924, November 8, p.4; 1925, October 10, p.4.

478 The Frankfort Roundabout (Frankfort, Kentucky), 1892, December 24, p.2; The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1902, June 8, p.22; The Evening News (The Tonawandas, New York), 1937, August 3, p.3.

479 The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1900, May 6, p.18; Mansfield News (Mansfield, Ohio), 1907, September 21, p.8; Denton Journal (Denton, Maryland), 1911, April 15, p.5; The Princeton Union (Princeton, Minnesota), 1915, August 12, p.3; The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, New York), 1927, January 22, p.¿3?; 1928, January 21, p.¿5?; 1930, January 25, p.7; The Times Recorder (Zanesville, Ohio), 1931, November 14, p.7; Zanesville Signal (Zanesville, Ohio), 1931, November 14, p.5; Moberly Monitor-Index (Moberly, Missouri), 1932, October 22, p.2; 1933, September 9, p.2; The Chronicle Telegram (Elyria, Ohio), 1933, November 13, p.10; The Daily Argus (Mount Vernon, N.Y.), 1932, November 19, p.7; ¿1933 o 1934?, June 24, p.¿?; Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 1933, September 23, p.3; 1934, February 10, p.3; Black River Democrat (Lowville, New York), 1937, September 23, p.6; Geneva Daily Times (Geneva, New York), 1950, January 26, p.7.

480 Belvidere Daily Republican (Belvidere, Illinois), 1900, November 24, p.3; November 26, p.2; Westfield Republican (Westfield, N.Y.), 1903, August 26, p.8; The Albany Evening Journal (Albany, New York), 1903, April 25, p.2; The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1911, May 27, p.18; The Morning Herald (Gloversville & Johnstown, New York), 1916, November 25, p.5.

481 The Niagara Falls Gazette (Niagara Falls, New York), 1923, June 9, p.4.

482 The Allentown Leader (Allentown, Pennsylvania), 1900, March 9, p.2; Westfield Republican (Westfield, New York), 1918, February 27, p.2; The Lynden Tribune (Lynden, Whasington), 1920, January 1, p.5.

483 The Daily Standard Union (Brooklyn, N.Y.), 1896, April 4, p.10.

484 The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pennsylvania), 1936, October 24, p.5.

485 The Salina Daily Union (Salina, Kansas), 1909, April 10, p.1 y 4.


Praise the Lord and Call Upon His Name. First Christian Church (1901, Los Angeles, Calif.)487 Praise the Lord. Fayette Street Methodist Episcopal Church (1889, Baltimore, Md.); First Baptist Church (1919, Kingston, New York)488 Praise We The Lord. Emmanuel Evangelical Church (1921, Sandusky, Ohio)489 Praise Ye The Lord. Methodist Episcopal Church (1911, Hudson, N.Y.); First Presbyterian Church (1914, Richfield Springs, New York); First Presbyterian Church (1924, Freeport, Illinois); Saron Lutheran Church (1930, Benton Harbor, Michigan); First Methodist Episcopal Church (1931, Moberly, Missouri); McSherrystown Lutheran Church (1936, Hanover, Pennsylvania); First Methodist Church (1939, Moberly, Missouri); Methodist Wesley Church (1950, Mason City, Iowa); First Christian Church (1950, Chillicothe, Missouri); Zion Lutheran Church (1951, Geneva, New York); First Presbyterian Church (1954, Corinth); Calvary Evangelical United Brethren Church (1955, Van Wert, Ohio); St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (1959, Saratoga, N.Y.); Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren Church (1961, Manitowoc, Wisconsin); First Baptist Ford Memorial Methodist (1965, Kittaning, Pennsylvania); Grace Lutheran Church (1965, Elyria, Ohio); United Church of Christ, Congregational (1974, Oswego, New York)490 The Priceless Pearl. Sunnyside Methodist Church (1900, Portland, Oregon)491 Psalm no 100. First Mission Church (1935, Jamestown)492 The Publican (o And the Publican). First Baptist Church (1912, Woodland, California); First Church of Christ (1913, Van Wert, Ohio); Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (1923, Kingston, New York); Bethel American Methodist Episcopal (1940, Monongahela, Pennsylvania)493 Rejoice in the Lord. Centenery Methodist Church (1900, Portland, Oregon); St. Paul Lutheran Church (1938, Mansfield, Ohio); First Baptist Church (1950, Warren, Pennsylvania)494 Ring out the Bells for Christmas. Methodist Episcopal Church (1927, Lowville, N.Y.)495 The Roads Lead Home. Baptist Church (1915, Bemidji, Minnesota)496

486 The Star Publications (Chicago, Illinois), 1916, February 17, p.3.

487 Los Angeles Herald (Los Angeles; Calif.), 1901, July 14, p.¿1?

488 The Sun (Baltimore, Md.), 1889, December 21, p.3; The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, New York), 1919, May 3, p.8. Muy posiblemente se trate de la pieza Praise We the Lord o Praise Ye the Lord.

489 Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1921, May 1, p.5.

490 The Columbia Republican (Hudson, N.Y.), 1911, November 24, p.5; Utica Herald Dispatch (Utica, New York), 1914, June 6, p. ¿6?; Freeport Journal-Standard (Freeport, Illinois); 1924, March 1, p.2; News Palladium (Benton Harbor, Michigan), 1930, May 24, p.5; Moberly Monitor-Index (Moberly, Missouri), 1931, January 17, p.2; The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pennsylvania), 1936, October 24, p.5; Moberly Monitor-Index (Moverly, Missouri) 1939, October 21, p.2; Mason City Globe Gazette (Mason City, Iowa), 1950, November 14, p.2; The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune (Chillicothe, Missouri), 1950, October 20, p.2; Geneva Daily Times (Geneva, New York), 1951, January 27, p.?; July 21, p.7; The Saratogian (Saratoga Springs, NY.), 1954, January 22, p.10; Van Wert Times Bulletin (Van Wert, Ohio), 1955, June 24, p.12; The Saratogian (Saratoga, N.Y.), 1959, January 24, p.¿?; Manitowoc Herald Times (Manitowoc, Wisconsin), 1961, October 13, p.4; Palladium Times (Oswego, Nw York), 1974, September 14, p.10

491 The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1900, April 29, p.18.

492 Jamestown Evening Journal, 1935, January 12, p.5.

493 Woodland Daily Democrat (Woodland, California), 1912, June 1, p.4; The Van Wert Daily Bulletin (Van Wert, Ohio), 1913, June 7, p.4; The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, New York), 1923, August 11, p.5; The Daily Republican (Monongahela, Pennslylvania), 1940, March 2, p.3.

494 The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1900, May 6, p.18; The Mansfield News Journal (Mansfield, Ohio), 1938, November 19, p.3; Warren Times Mirror (Warren, Pennsylvania), 1950, June 16, p.11.

495 The Journal and Republican and Lowville Times (Lowville, N.Y.), 1927, December 22, p.6


Rock of Ages. Bethlehem Evangelical Association Church (1916, Chicago, Illinois)497 Send Out Thy Light. Emmanuel Evangelical Church (1922, Sandusky, Ohio); Grace Lutheran Church (1931, Bradford, Pennsylvania)498 Sing Aloud Unto God. First Christian Church (1925, Porstmouth, Ohio); First Methodist Episcopal Church (1929, Moberly, Missouri); First United Presbyterian Church (1929, Zanesville, Ohio)499 Sing Unto the Lord a New Song. Presbyterian Church (1910, Mommouth, Polk County, Oregon); First Baptist church (1911, Sandusky, Ohio)500 Soldiers of Christ, Arise. First Methodist Episcopal church (1923, Moberly, Missouri)501 Source of Life Eternal. Zion English Lutheran Church (1932, La Grande, Oregon)502 Stand Up for Jesus. First United Presbyterian Church (1925, 1926, Zanesville, Ohio)503 Step by Step. Southern Presbyterian Church (1947, Amarillo, Texas)504 Sun of My Soul. First Methodist Episcopal Church (1929, Ogden, Utah); Zion English Lutheran Church (1932, La Grande, Oregon)505 Sweet the Moments. Baptist Church (1903, Kalispell, Montana); Union-Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church South (1913, Portland, Oregon)506 Teach Me, O Lord. Grace Reformed Church (1915, Fort Wayne, Indiana)507 Thou Art Praised in Zion. Saron Lutheran Church (1929, Benton Harbor, Michigan); Baptist Church (1929, New York); Fair Oaks Baptist Church (1930, Zanesville, Ohio)508 Trust Ye in the Mighty God. Reformed Church (1925, Alto, Sheboygan, Wisconsin)509 Wake the Song. Frist Baptist Church (1896, New Brunswick, New Jersey); First Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1901, Portland, Oregon); Congregational Church (1905, Princeton, Minn.); West End Christian Church (1916, Atlanta, Georgia); Methodist Church (1919, Frankfort, New York);

496 The Bemidji Daily Pioneer (Bemidji, Minnesota), 1915, May 22, p.1.

497 The Star Publications (Chicago, Illinois), 1916, February 17, p.3.

498 Sandusky Star Journal (Sandusky, Ohio), 1922, October 21, p.4; Bradford Evening Star and Bradford Daily Record (Bradford, Pennsylvania), 1931, October 31, p.9.

499 Porstmouth Daily Times (Porstmouth, Ohio), 1925, March 14, p.5; Moberly Monitor-Index (Moberly, Missouri), 1929, April 27, p.2; The Times Recorder (Zanesville, Ohio), 1929, January 12, p.5.

500 Polk County Observer (Mommouth, Polk County, Oregon), 1910, November 4, p.1; The Sandusky Star-Journal (Sandusky, Ohio), 1911, September 16, p.8; Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1911, September 17, p.4 o 12.

501 Moberly Monitor-Index (Moberly, Missouri), 1923, April 28, p.5.

502 La Grande Observer (La Grande, Oregon), 1932, March 11, p.9.

503 The Times Recorder (Zanesville, Ohio), 1925, February 21, p.5; 1926, March 27, p.7.

504 Amarillo Daily News (Amarillo, Texas), 1947, November 1, p.6.

505 Ogden Standard Examiner (Ogden, Utah), 1929, September 7, p.3; La Grande Observer (La Grande, Oregon), 1932, May 27, p.7.

506 The Kalispell Bee (Kalispell, Montana), 1903, April 10, p.2; The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1913, September 28, p.10

507 Fort Wayne News (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 1915, October 30, p.3.

508 The News-Palladium (Benton Harbor, Michigan), 1929, December 14, p.5; The Evening Post (New York, New York), 1929, November 30, p.15; The Times Recorder (Zanesville, Ohio), 1930, October 11, p.7.

509 The Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, Wisconsin), 1925, April 10, p.4.


Emmanuel Evangelical Church (1924, Sandusky, Ohio); Lincoln Heights Methodist Church (1934, Lincoln, Nebraska)510 Wake the Song of Jubilee. Immanuel Baptist Church (1900, Richmond, Virginia)511 What Are These. First Baptist Church (1898, Bristol, Pennsylvania); Walter American Methodist Episcopal Church (1911, Chicago, Ill.); Congregational Church (1915, Princeton, Minn.); Methodist Episcopal Church (1919, Frankfort, New York); Park Service (1956, Hanover, Pennsylvania)512 What Shall I Render. Redeemer Evangelical Church (1929, The Tonawandas, New York)513 When the Lord Turned Again the Captivity. Grace Methodist Church (1921, Corning, New York)514 Ye, Soldiers of the Cross. First Methodist Episcopal Church (1926, Olean, New York)515

510 The Daily Times (New Brunswick, New Jersey), 1896, December 28, p.1; The Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 1901, May 26, p.22; The Princeton Union (Princeton, Minn.), 1905, January 26, p.1; The Princeton Union (Princeton, Minn.), 1915, July 29, p.3; The Atlanta Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia), 1916, April 23, p.4; Utica Herald-Dispatch (Utica, New York), 1919, October ¿11?, p.11; Sandusky Register (Sandusky, Ohio), 1924, June 25, p.1; The Lincoln Star (Lincoln, Nebraska), 1934, March 18, p.22.

511 Richmond Dispatch (Richmond, Virginia), 1900, April 15, p.9

512 The Bucks County Gazette (Bristol, Pennsylvania), 1898, April 7, p.3; The Chicago Defender (Chicago, Ill.), 1911, April 22, p.8; The Princeton Union (Princeton, Minn.), 1915, September 9, p.3; Utica Herald Dispatch (Utica, New York), 1919, October 4, p.?; The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pennsylvania), 1956, July 26, p.1; July 30, p.1.

513 The Evening News (The Tonawandas, New York), 1929, November 27, p.4.

514 The Evening Leader (Corning, New York), 1921, May 28, p.6.

515 Olean Evening Times (Olean, New York), 1926, February 6, p.7.