Lative Committee, Announced That 14 Bills Sponsored by the Florida Sheriffs Association Have Been Introduced in the Current Session of the Legislature
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oc S, ~~ THE FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION SOLICITS NO, ADYERTISI~„ &~( l Ppia L PUBLISHED FOR AND DEDICATED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF GOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT IN FLORIDA Yoi. 5, No. 2 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA APR+ 196l i s ponsore y eii s ssn. ntro uce in egisature TALLAHASSEE —Monroe County Sheriff John Spottswood, chairman of the leg's- lative committee, announced that 14 bills sponsored by the Florida Sheriffs Association have been introduced in the current session of the Legislature. He said one of them, a bill to make forgery a felony regardless of the amount of money involved, has already passed the house and is pending in the senate. Present law makes forgery a mere mis- demeanor if the amount in- LI II L ~ Six bills have been favorably Four iqew Ne rs Appoinced to reported- - -"by house-"--committees- he added. Boys Ranch Board of Trustees They would: Four new members were re- Born on a farm near Rich- (1) Authertze the Sheriff cently appointed to the board land, Ga., he entered business to be custodian of the prop- of trustees of the Florida Sher- early as a clerk in his father' s erty of his ofiice. iffs Boys Ranch, the body that general store but his first love (2) Repeal an archaic and supervises operation of the was baseball. At the age of 16 little used law authorizing Ranch. he was pitching in the Ceorgia Boards of County Commis- They are: Syde P. Deeb, Tal- State League and he moved on sioners to establish their own lahassee Builder; Cecil Webb, to the now defunct Jacksonville road patrols, independent of president of Dixie Lily Milling Tars, but a career that might other law enforcement func- Co.; Levy County Sheriff James have led him to the big leagues tions in the county. W. Turner and Okaloosa Coun- was cut short when doctors told (3) Make it unlawful to ty Sheriff Ray Wilson. him he had a defective heart deface any church, synagogue The appointments were made Seeking other fields to con- or other building belonging by the Board of Directors of the quer, he eventually hit the "big to s civic or charitable or- Florida Sheriffs Association and leagues" in business as the ganization, or to injure will give the four men import- founder of Dixie Lily Milling the contents and furnishings ant roles in development and Co.; and in government as thereof. operation of the Ranch, a home Chairman of the Florida Game (4) Require that permits for needy and worthy boys (Continued on Page 8) for fireworks displays be ob- founded by the Sheriffs Associ- tained from the Beard of ation. County Commissioners. SYDE P. DEEB (5) Provide that prisoners Mr. Deeb was born in Talla- could not be sentenced to the hassee Nov. 27, 1913, and has county jail for more than become one of the capital city' s FT. LAUDERDALE —DELECTABLE DEPUTY —It isn't often that a deputy one year after January 1, leading citizens. He attended sheriff wins o beauty contest. Therefore the Editor of the STAR is proud 1963. the University of Florida and ond pleased to present this picture of Broward County Deputy Sheriff (6) Permit State and went into the construction busi- Eleanor (Enle) Rauch being crowned "1961 Valentine Queen" at the ness in 1937. annual Sweotheort Ball Beta County oi5cials to submit as of Sigma Phi. She is employed in the Deten- a part of their audit reports Today he heads building op- tion Division of Sheriff Allen Mlchell's Department and is assigned to erations that fan out to fugitive warrants. s statement of explanation many concerning any matter cov- parts of Florida as well as to ered in the audit. Georgia and Puerto Rica. He is Other bills still in committee also interested in building sup- at this writing would: ply, wholesale grocery, heating Widespread Stakeout hy Posse and air conditioning firms. (1) Authorize the various He is a member of the Cath- SYDE P. DEEB sheriff' efnces throughout olic Church, the Optimist Club, Aids Sheriff in Extortion the state to obtain liability American Legion and other or- 4se insurance to cover pezsible ganizations. He formerly served damages arising from false CRESTVIEW —Smart as Post Commander, District police 28, were under arrest on extor- arrest, false imprisonment Commander and Vice Area work by Sheriff Ray Wilson plus tion charges. and false or improper serv- valuable assistance Commander in the American from the "This is the largest o"era- ice of process. Legion and is currently serv- Sheriff's mounted posse result- tion of its kind ever tried in ed in " (2) Require that a copy ing as Department Historian. the arrest of two men in Okaloosa County, said Sheriff of each motor vehicle reg- He is an extortion case. Wilson, " married and has two and it would have been istration be supplied to the children. His interest in youth When Sheriff Wilson learned impossible to bring it to a sheriff's ouice in each county. has been shown both in his ac- that Miss Doris Bolton, pretty speedy close without the assist- ance (3) Establish a special tivities as a member of the Op- circuit court reporter had been of the posse. study timist Club; and in his threatened "These committee to study and sponsor- by extortionists, he men came from all make recommend atiens en ship of an annual trip to the told her to play along with parts of the county at their own State and Gator Bowl Football them and " County retirement Game for he secretly called out expense to assist in this, he laws, particularly including the entire Leon High School the members of his posse. Said. provisions for lsw enforce- Football Team. The unidentified extortionists ment officers. CECIL M. WEBB had contacted Miss Bolton by Mr. telephone (4) Make it unlawful and Webb is best known as and had threatened a s u c c e s s u 1 to go to her fiance with provide a penalty fer the f businessman, a story anonymous use of obscene sportsman and top level state that would break off their en- Hurray for Ray oi5cial. SHERIFF RAY gagement unless she paid them and indecent language on a WILSON, $500. They had also told her Commenting on the arrest telephone. they would call back at 8 p.m. of two young men charged (5) Provide that unless snd to make final arrangements. with extortion by Sheriff Ray until the County Civil De- By 8 o'clock Sheriff' Wilson Wilson, the Pensacola News fense Council oi5ciallv ap- had every public telephone said he has "set a remarkable points a director, the Sher- booth in the area staked out record which has changed iff of each county shall serve under the watchful eyes of his the complexion of the coun- in such capacity, so as to posse members. ty." eliminate the existence of any At precisely 8 p.m.. Larry Di- Pointing out that Wilson vacancy. Polo, a member of the posse, is widely famed for solving (6) Authorize the sheriff's notified the Sheriff that a sus- the 20-year-old murder of department, chiefs of police pect had made a call from a his father, the News added: and Florida Highway Patrol pay phone in a tavern. DiPolo "Undoubtedly his work is ap- to designate emergency ve- got the man's license number preciated by good citizens hicles and to limit the use of as he drove away and identi- and by the officers of the red lights snd sirens te just flcation was quickly made from large military establishment such vehicles. car registration records and ra- in his county. It will count (7) Revise the bail bond dioed to deputies. heavily in the" future growth lsw to authorize the setting Within a short time Charles of the area. aside of a judgment of for- Rayburn Elliott, 22, and his feiture only within 36 days brother Edward Maxie Elliott, thereafter. CECII. M. WEBB SHERIFF J. W. TURHER PAGE 2 TH&'-. SHERIFF'S STAR APRIL, 1$6i THE SHERIFF'S STAR Published For and Dedicated Ta the Advancefrieut af Good Law Enforcement In Florida e By THE FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION At Tallahassee,~s Fla. EDITORIAL BOARD Monraas County Sheriff John Spattswaod Key West Clay CaitrLty Sheriff John P. Hail Green Cove Springs Florida SIferiffs Bureau Director Don McLead. Tallahassee Lee County Sheriff Flanders Thompson .Ft. Myers Levy County Sheriff James W. Turner Bransan EDITOR Ca~rtauffer Field Secretary Florida Sheriffs Association ST. AUGUSTINE —FIREARMS SAFETY—Members of the School Boy Safety Patrol sponsored by Sheriff L O. Davis and the local American Legion Post receive instruction in marksmanship and firearms safety as of their training. Pictured above is a grouir of the boys on the firing line at the rifle range. With Enter(ec ao Second Class Maii Matter at Tallahassee, Florida. Pubushoe monthly part them is Sheriff Davis (right) and Deputy Sheriff Harry Jensen, instructor and Director of the Safety Potrol. the Florida Sherlas Aooooiation, P. O. Eox $44, Tallahassee, Florida. by (Photo Rupert Chastain. ) Subscription rate $1.5$ per year. by No Truth iu Do-it-Yoursolf Frustration TALLAHASSEE —Here's a 'lI' message from Sheriff Bill Payoff Hints financing of Joyce to the hard working burglar who sweated over the Tucker and Sons safe with jury Reports Sborift lauded an acetylene torch and heavy , =t hammer and failed to get it g PALATKA —When The Put- KISSIMM1SE ~ The Orlando open: nam Sun, weekly newspaper, sentjiiett-41$(sly newspaper, gave "In the first place the safe stated that Bolita (lottery) Osceola County Sheriff Bob wasn't locked but after ham- tickets were being sold in Pal- Buckels an editorial pat on the mering and burning the atka and raised a question back after learning that for sev- combination dial you jammed about who was getting paid off eral years he had been advanc- it so that it couldn't be op- to let the illegal operations ing the Sheriff's Department ened.