Butler County Elected Officials Board of County Commissioners Honorable Charles L
BUTLERBUTLER COUNTYCOUNTY OHIOOHIO Popular Annual Financial Report Rendering of the Symmes Monument located in Hamilton’s Ludlow Park. The monument, erected in 1873, marks the grave of Capt. John Cleves Symmes and is a testament to Symmes’ hollow Earth theory. YYearear EndedEnded DecemberDecember 31,31, 20062006 Your Butler County Butler County, Ohio was established in 1803 and was vidual office. These officials, each elected to a four- named after General Richard Butler. The County was year term, are the Auditor, Clerk of Courts, Coroner, a key focal point in military strategy due to its prox- Engineer, Prosecuting Attorney, Recorder, Sheriff and imity to the Great Miami River, which spawned Fort Treasurer. Serving six-year terms are six Common Hamilton (for which the County seat, the City of Pleas Judges, two Juvenile Court Judges, two Do- Hamilton, is so named.) Encompassing over 471 mestic Relations Court Judges and three Area Court square miles, the County is located in the southwest Judges. corner of the State of Ohio. With a history spanning more than 200 years, Butler The County has only those powers conferred upon it County has more than its fair share of historic sites by the State of Ohio Constitution and Statutes. A three and structures. Interspersed within the pages of this member Board of County Commissioners is the pri- report is just a small sampling of some of these trea- mary legislative and executive body of the County. sures. Included is the Sorg mansion in Middletown, Each Commissioner is elected at large for a four- West Chester Township’s Station Road Schoolhouse, year term.
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