Volume 6, Issue 10 – January – June – 2020 E C Journal- Republic of Nicaragua O ISSN-On line: 2414-8830 R F A N ® ECORFAN ECORFAN- Republic of Nicaragua Chief Editor ECORFAN Journal-Republic of ZAPATA-MONTES, Nery Javier. PhD Nicaragua, Volume 6, Issue 10, June 2020, is a journal edited semestral by ECORFAN. First Executive Director Avenue Southwest, San Sebastian area, León, RAMOS-ESCAMILLA, María. PhD Republic of Nicaragua. P. C. 21000. WEB: www.ecorfan.org/republicofnicaragua/, Editorial Director
[email protected]. Editor in Chief: PERALTA-CASTRO, Enrique. MsC ZAPATA-MONTES, Nery Javier, PhD. ISSN Online: 2414-8830. Responsible for the latest Web Designer update of this number ECORFAN Computer ESCAMILLA-BOUCHAN, Imelda. PhD Unit. ESCAMILLA-BOUCHÁN, Imelda, LUNA-SOTO, Vladimir, First Avenue Web Diagrammer Southwest, San Sebastian area, León, Republic LUNA-SOTO, Vladimir. PhD of Nicaragua. C.P. 21000, last updated June 30, 2020. Editorial Assistant SORIANO-VELASCO, Jesús. BsC The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor of the Translator publication. DÍAZ-OCAMPO, Javier. BsC It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part of Philologist the contents and images of the publication RAMOS-ARANCIBIA, Alejandra. BsC without permission of the Intellectual Property Register, Republic of Nicaragua. ECORFAN Journal Republic of Nicaragua Definition of Journal Scientific Objectives Support the international scientific community in its written production Science, Technology and Innovation in the Field