List of Cities of Moldova
Census Census 2004 2004 Census Census Census Census Census Administrative SNo City without 1930 1959 1970 1979 1989 with unit suburbs suburbs 526,023 661,410 Chisinau 1. Chisinau 117,016 213,078 358,890 589,446 712,218 (667,082) (717,853) municipality 2. Tiraspol N/A 62,000 105,700 138,698 181,862 158,069 158,069 Transnistria 3. Balti 30,667 65,514 101,428 123,068 158,517 122,669 127,561 Balti municipality Bender Bender 4. 31,698 43,000 72,300 101,292 129,969 97,027 100,169 (Tighina) municipality 5. Ribnita N/A 32,400 61,352 53,648 53,648 Transnistria 6. Cahul 10,437 16,068 26,572 32,695 42,904 35,488 35,488 Cahul district 37,788 7. Ungheni 12,595 19,558 27,062 35,311 35,311 Ungheni district (40,489) 8. Soroca 14,661 14,895 24,465 31,831 42,297 28,362 28,362 Soroca district 31,843 9. Orhei 14,805 14,131 25,707 30,260 25,641 25,641 Orhei district (37,517) 10. Dubasari N/A 35,806 23,650 23,650 Transnistria 11. Comrat 25,822 23,327 23,327 Gagauzia 12. Ceadar-Lunga 23,161 19,401 19,401 Gagauzia 13. Straseni 20,119 18,320 19,090 Straseni district 14. Causeni 20,761 17,757 17,757 Causeni district 15. Drochia 15,355 21,298 16,606 16,606 Drochia district 16. Edinet 19,586 15,624 17,292 Edinet district 17. Vulcanesti 18,230 15,462 15,729 Gagauzia Chisinau 18.
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