LAPORAN DELEGASI DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK Ke Sidang the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) 25 - 30 Agustus 2019, Bangkok, Thailand


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Sidang Tahunan ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) yang ke-40 tahun ini digelar di kota Bangkok, Thailand dari tanggal 25 sampai 30 Agustus 2019, dengan Parlemen Thailand sebagai tuan rumah. Tema tahun ini yaitu “Memajukan Kemitraan Parlemen untuk Komunitas Berkelanjutan”. Menginjak usianya yang ke-52 tahun sejak pertama kali didirikan, terlepas dari berbagai tantangan regional dan global terhadap eksistensinya, ASEAN sebagai sebuah organisasi regional, telah cukup berhasil dalam memelihara stabilitas dan perdamaian di kawasan Asia Tenggara sebagai sebuah pra-kondisi yang mutlak diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Berkaitan dengan pencapaian tersebut, DPR RI menyambut baik visi para Pemimpin ASEAN yaitu “Partnership for Sustainability”, melalui kebijakan yang berorientasi keberlanjutan dalam menciptakan stabilitas keamanan, pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, serta keamanan manusia, melalui kemitraan dengan para pemangku kepentingan di ASEAN dan Komunitas Internasional.

Terlepas dari pencapaian-pencapaian tersebut, tantangan yang harus dihadapi oleh negara- negara ASEAN juga semakin meningkat. seiring dengan menguatnya ancaman keamanan non-tradisional di kawasan seperti; terorisme dan ekstremisme, perdagangan narkoba, perdagangan manusia, bantuan kemanusiaan dan kesiapsiagaan bencana, keamanan maritim dan ancaman dunia maya. Untuk mengatasi berbagai tantangan global dan regional ini, DPR RI mendorong terciptanya kerjasama dan kemitraan yang lebih erat antara negara-negara di ASEAN. Oleh karena itu tema yang diambil dalam Sidang Umum AIPA ke-40 ini, yaitu “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, sangatlah relevan.

Di tengah ketidakpastian global, permasalahan internal kawasan yang mendesak seperti krisis kemanusiaan di Rakhine, yang perlu diatasi oleh AIPA, pandangan yang berbeda diantara Palemen anggota AIPA mengenai bagaimana AIPA seharusnya bersikap, seringkali terjadi. Tidak jarang, perbedaan pandangan tersebut mengakibatkan tidak tercapainya konsensus.


Prinsip konsensus sejauh ini sangat penting untuk proses pengambilan keputusan AIPA. Namun, kita juga harus mengakui bahwa ada kalanya prinsip tersebut membatasi efektivitas organisasi dalam menghadapi tantangan regional. Oleh karena itulah, DPR RI juga kembali mengajukan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan melalui voting, sebagai alternatif bilamana tidak tercapai konsensus mengenai permasalahan tertentu. Hal ini tentunya didasari oleh semangat untuk menjadikan AIPA organisasi yang dinamis dan responsif dalam mengahdapi tantangan-tantangan regional, dengan tetap menghormati prinsip non-intervensi dalam urusan domestik masing-masing negara anggota.

Dalam Sidang Tahunan AIPA yang ke-40 ini, DPR RI berhasil memperjuangkan usulan draft resolusi mengenai ekonomi untuk diadopsi dan digabungkan dengan usulan dari negara lain. DPR RI juga berkontribusi dengan memberikan usulan perubahan paragraf dalam draft resolusi yang diajukan oleh negara lain, serta menjadi co-sponsor dari sejumlah resolusi terkait ekonomi dan perdagangan, serta Meeting of WAIPA, yang kemudian diadopsi oleh sidang untuk menjadi resolusi.

Demikian pengantar singkat saya, semoga tulisan ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi perkembangan legislasi nasional kita di masa mendatang.

Terima Kasih dan Semoga Bermanfaat. Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Dr. Fadli Zon Ketua Delegasi/ Wakil Ketua DPR RI Bidang Korpolkam






Partisipasi Delegasi DPR RI dalam Sidang Umum ke-40 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) pada tanggal 25 – 30 Agustus 2019 di Bangkok, Thailand didasarkan pada Keputusan Pimpinan DPR RI Nomor 166/PIMP/V/2018-2019 tanggal 14 Agustus 2019.


Susunan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Sdr. Dr. Fadli Zon, SS Ketua Delegasi Wakil Ketua DPR RI bidang Korpolkam 2. Sdri. Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf Wakil Ketua Delegasi Ketua BKSAP / F-PD 3. Sdr. Drs. KRMT. Roy Suryo Notodiprojo, Anggota Delegasi / F-PD M.Si 4. Sdr. KH. Jalaludin Rakhmat Anggota Delegasi / F-PDI P 5. Sdri. Dwi Aroem Hadiatie,S.I.Kom Anggota Delegasi / F-PG 6. Sdri. Hj. Siti Masrifah, M.A. Anggota Delegasi / F-PKB 7. Sdri. Amelia Anggraini Anggota Delegasi / F-Nasdem 8. Sdri. Hj. Kartika Yudhisti, M.Sc. Anggota Delegasi / F-PPP 9. Sdri. Hj. Saniatul Lativa Anggota Delegasi / F-PG

1 10. Sdri. Dwi Ria Latifa, SH, M.Sc Anggota Delegasi / F-PDI P 11. Sdr. Timbul Parulian Manurung Anggota Delegasi / F-Hanura 12. Sdr. Ahmad Yohan, M.Si Anggota Delegasi / F-PAN

Tema Sidang Umum AIPA ke-40 adalah “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Development”. Selama persidangan berlangsung, Delegasi DPR RI didampingi oleh Duta Besar RI untuk Kerajaan Thailand dan staff, Pejabat/ Staff Setjen DPR RI, Tenaga Ahli BKSAP, Pejabat/ Staff Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, dan Jurnalis.


Visi Delegasi DPR RI mengikuti Sidang Umum AIPA ke-40 yaitu:

1. Berpartisipasi aktif dalam Sidang Umum AIPA ke-40 sebagai anggota dari organisasi antar parlemen ASEAN (AIPA), berdasar pada prinsip-prinsip universal untuk perdamaian kawasan, kemerdekaan, demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia; 2. Melakukan peran diplomasi parlemen dalam rangka memperkuat kebijakan politik luar negeri RI untuk mewujudkan kepentingan nasional. Indonesia sebagai salah satu inisiator pembentukan ASEAN dan AIPA memiliki komitmen terhadap perwujudan visi Masyarakat ASEAN 2025. DPR RI sebagai perwakilan rakyat Indonesia memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memastikan pelibatan Indonesia dalam berbagai kerangka kerja sama regional maupun internasional sejalan dengan kepentingan masyarakat Indonesia.


Adapun misi Delegasi DPR RI mengikuti Sidang Umum AIPA ke-40, antara lain adalah: 1. Menjalin persahabatan dan mempererat kerja sama bilateral dengan negara-negara anggota AIPA dan organisasi-organisasi yang menjadi mitra wicara AIPA; 2. Memperdalam pemahaman mengenai kebijakan, pengalaman dan praktik terbaik negara-negara di Asia Tenggara terkait isu-isu yang menjadi tantangan bersama; 3. Memberikan kontribusi terhadap upaya menciptakan kawasan ASEAN yang damai, stabil, dan lebih sejahtera; 4. Mendorong AIPA agar menghasilkan resolusi-resolusi yang implementatif dan mampu memberikan solusi terhadap berbagai tantangan regional.


a. Persiapan Materi Materi yang dijadikan referensi bagi Delegasi DPR RI diolah oleh Tenaga Ahli dan Sekretariat BKSAP berupa rancangan-rancangan resolusi dan posisi Delegasi disusun berdasarkan masukan yang komprehensif dari Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. b. Persiapan Teknis Sebelum keberangkatan Delegasi DPR RI, Sekretariat Bagian Kerja Sama Regional BKSAP DPR RI melakukan persiapan teknis keberangkatan Delegasi DPR RI.



Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA yang mengambil tema “Advancing Parliamentary Partneship for Sustainable Development” ini, pada awalnya mengajukan sejumlah agenda dan rancangan resolusi yang akan dibahas dan disepakati secara konsensus melalui Sidang Executive Committee, sebagai berikut:

Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) 1. Draft Resolution on Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in ASEAN; 2. Draft Resolution on Closing the Gender Gap in Technology-Based Disciplines

Committee on Political Matters 1. Draft Resolution on Promoting Parliamentary Diplomacy to Move Forward the ASEAN Community; 2. Draft Resolution on the Rise of Terrorism, Extremism, Radicalization and Transnational Crime; 3. Draft Resolution on Common Legislative Initiatives on Combatting Graft and Corruption; 4. Draft Resolution on Responding to the Humanitarian Crisis of the Rohingya People;

3 Committee on Economic Matters 1. Draft Resolution on Fostering Inclusive Economic Development in ASEAN; 2. Draft Resolution on ASEAN Cooperation to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR); 3. Draft Resolution on Improving Digital Connectivity to Support the Growth of MSMEs; 4. Draft Resolution on The Standardization and Liberalization of Air Services Under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market

Committee on Social Matters 1. Draft Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community; 2. Draft Resolution on Enhancing the Quality of Life of Older Persons; 3. Draft Resolution on Strengthening Road Safety in ASEAN; 4. Draft Resolution on Eliminating All Forms of Violence and Exploitation of Children; 5. Draft Resolution on Regional Parliamentary Initiative for Enhancing Climate Action in ASEAN; 6. Draft Resolution on Access to Justice for Migrant Workers (Philippines)

Committee on Organizational Matters 1. Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat; 2. Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat; 3. Secretariat’s Annual Report FY 2018-2019; 4. Amendment to the Statute of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly; 5. Guidelines of AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers; 6. Rules and Recommended Guidelines of AIPA General Assembly; 7. Transformation of AIPA Secretariat; 8. Standardizing the Format in Drafting AIPA Resolutions; 9. Institutionalization of AIPA-ASEAN Dialogue; 10. The Establishment of the an Effective and Sustainable Organizational Mechanism on ASEAN and AIPA; 11. Collection and Exchange of Information of Laws of AIPA;

4 12. Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between AIPA and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) on “Capacity Development Program for Staff of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Member Parliaments”; 13. Appreciating the Federal Republic of Germany for its Continued Support to AIPA; 14. Establishing AIPA-ERIA Joint Dialogue to Support the Waste Management for Sustainable Development; 15. Status on the Relocation of AIPA Premise; 16. AIPA Distinguished Service Award A. AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Mr. Charles Chong; B. AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs 17. Appreciating the Service of H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai as President of AIPA; 18. Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Fourth AIPA to Secretary General Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut; 19. Appointment of the Fifth Secretary General of AIPA; 20. Date and Venue of the 41st AIPA General Assembly.


Sidang Umum ke-40 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) telah berlangsung di Bangkok, Thailand, pada tanggal 25 – 30 Agustus 2019 dengan tema ”Advancing Parliamentary Partneship for Sustainable Development”, dan dihadiri oleh 176 Anggota Parlemen dari 10 Parlemen Anggota AIPA. Sidang ini juga dihadiri oleh 5 (lima) Parlemen Peninjau yakni: Australia, Kanada, China, Republik Korea, dan Russia, serta Maroko dan Norwegia sebagai Guest of the Host.

Executive Committee Meeting (Excom)

Executive Commitee Meeting (Excom) dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2019 dan diketuai oleh H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai yang merupakan Presiden Parlemen Thailand sekaligus Presiden AIPA. Sedangkan yang bertindak sebagai Wakil Ketua Sidang melalui penunjukan dan persetujuan Sidang adalah H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan yang juga merupakan Presiden Parlemen Vietnam, dan Sekretaris Jenderal AIPA Mr. Isra Sunthornvut yang bertindak sebagai Sekretaris Sidang.


Delegasi DPR RI dipimpin oleh Wakil Ketua DPR RI bidang Korpolkam Dr. Fadli Zon dan didampingi oleh Sdri. Amelia Anggraini dari F-Nasdem dan Sdri. Kartika Yudisti dari F-PPP. Excom membahas agenda-agenda sidang yang telah disusun oleh Parlemen Thailand sebagai tuan rumah, untuk kemudian disetujui sebagai agenda yang akan dibahas di Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA), Komisi Politik, Komisi Ekonomi, Komisi Sosial dan Komisi Organisasi. Excom juga mengesahkan pertemuan dialog dengan negara-negara peninjau yaitu; Australia, Kanada, Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, Republik Korea dan Federasi Russia.

Disamping itu Sidang juga mendengarkan presentasi dari laporan beberapa laporan yaitu; Laporan dari AIPACODD Meeting ke-2 yang diselenggarakan pada 12-15 Maret 2019 di Chiang Mai, Thailand. Laporan dari AIPA Caucus Meeting ke-10 yang diselenggarakan pada 16-19 Juni 2019 di , . Kemudian laporan ASEAN-AIPA Interface Meeting yang ke-34 di ASEAN Summit, diselenggarakan di Bangkok, Thailand. Excom juga menyepakati penyelenggaraan Sidang Umum AIPA ke-41 pada tanggal 25-30 Agustus 2020 yang bertempat di Halong City, Vietnam.

Opening Ceremony

Upacara pembukaan dari Sidang Umum AIPA ke-40 diselenggarakan pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2019 di hotel Shangri-La, Bangkok, Thailand. Hadir membacakan pidato sambutan kepada Delegasi Parlemen se-ASEAN adalah Perdana Menteri Kerajaan Thailand yaitu Jenderal Prayut Chan-o-cha. Dalam pidato sambutannya, Jenderal Prayut Chan-o-cha menyampaikan rasa terimakasihnya kepada Parlemen anggota AIPA, Negara-negara Peninjau dan Organisasi Internasional yang selama ini konsisten dalam memberikan dukungannya bagi ASEAN.

6 Dr. Fadli Zon menghadiri Opening Ceremony sebagai Ketua Delegasi Indonesia

Perdana Menteri Kerajaan Thailand tersebut menggarisbawahi pentingnya peran AIPA sebagai perwakilan masyarakat ASEAN, khususnya dalam mengkomunikasikan dan mensosialisasikan Tiga Pilar ASEAN kepada masyarakat ASEAN, serta mendorong peningkatan kerjasama antara negara-negara ASEAN dalam mencapai tujuan pembentukan Komunitas ASEAN.

Pada kesempatan tersebut Jenderal Prayut Chan-o-cha memuji kinerja AIPA dalam memerangi bahaya Narkoba di kawasan melalui penyelenggaraan Sidang ke-2 AIPACODD yang telah diselenggarakan pada Maret 2019. Sidang tersebut telah berhasil menentukan panduan bersama yang bisa digunakan oleh negara-negara di ASEAN dalam mewujudkan ASEAN yang bebas dari bahaya Narkoba. Perdana Menteri Thailand juga menambahkan pentingnya Sekretariat AIPA dan Sekretariat ASEAN untuk bisa bekerja sama lebih dekat dan konsisten dalam mencapai hasil-hasil yang konkrit.


Delegasi Indonesia berfoto Bersama Presiden AIPA

Pidato pembukaan dibacakan oleh H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai. Pada pidato pembukaan tersebut, ditekankan pentingnya Parlemen anggota AIPA untuk memperhatikan empat hal yaitu; (1) Menetapkan skala prioritas mengenai apa yang harus dikerjakan ditengah minimnya sumber daya, untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal bagi rakyat, (2) Mewujudkan secara permanen mekanisme kerja bersama antara ASEAN dan AIPA, (3) Memperhatikan kondisi 647 juta rakyat ASEAN, (4) Menghormati peraturan dan undang-undang yang berlaku di masing-masing negara dimana semua orang seharusnya ditempatkan setara dimuka hukum. Sebelum secara resmi membuka Sidang Umum AIPA yang ke-40, H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai menutup sambutannya dengan mengakui bahwa AIPA masih membutuhkan pengakuan dari rakyat ASEAN.

8 First Plenary Session

Ketua-ketua delegasi pada First Plenary

Sidang Pleno pertama diselenggarakan pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2019. Pada Sidang Pleno pertama ini para Ketua Delegasi dari masing-masing Parlemen anggota AIPA berkesempatan untuk secara bergantian menyampaikan Statement of the Head of Delegation atau Pernyataan Resmi dari Ketua Delegasi. Ketua Delegasi DPR RI, Dr. Fadli Zon dalam pernyataannya menyambut baik ASEAN Leaders Vision Statement on Partnership for Sustainability yang disahkan pada KTT ASEAN yang ke-34, serta diadopsinya ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific sebagai sebuah acuan bersama bagi terwujudnya stabilitas, keamanan dan perdamaian di kawasan. Isu kemanusiaan di Rakhine, Myanmar, serta perlunya AIPA mereformasi mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dengan mengadopsi sistem voting menjadi titik berat dari pernyataan Ketua Delegasi DPR RI pada Sidang Umum ke-40 ini.

Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA)

Sidang Komite WAIPA diketuai oleh Hon. Ms. Pikulkeaw Krairiksh dari Parlemen Thailand. Sidang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2019, pada pukul 14:00 waktu setempat.

9 Komite WAIPA membahas dan menyepakati dua resolusi yaitu; Rancangan Resolusi Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in ASEAN yang diusulkan oleh Parlemen Thailand, dan Bridging the Gender Gap in Technology Based Disciplines yang merupakan usulan Filipina. Pada sesi ini Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Amelia Aggraini dari F-Nasdem, Sdri. Dwi Aroem Hadiatie dari F-Golkar dan Sdri. Kartika Yudisti dari F-PPP.

Delegasi Indonesia berfoto Bersama dengan seluruh delegasi WAIPA

Sidang-sidang Komisi Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Organisasi

Pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2019, dilaksanakan Sidang-sidang Komisi Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Organisasi secara paralel yang dimulai pada pukul 9:00 waktu setempat. Sedianya Komisi Politik juga ikut bersidang. Namun demikian, karena Executive Committee Meeting tidak berhasil mencapai konsensus terkait Rancangan Resolusi dari DPR RI, dan DPR RI menarik dukungan untuk terselenggaranya Sidang Komisi Politik, maka Komisi Politik tidak bersidang.

10 Sidang Komisi Ekonomi diketuai oleh Hon. Miss Wiboonlansana Ruamraksa, dan bertindak sebagai rapporteur adalah Hon. Mr. Katerut Laothamatas. Keduanya perwakilan dari Parlemen Thailand. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdr. Jalaludin Rakhmat dari Fraksi PDI-P, Sdri. Dwi Aroem Hadiatie dari Fraksi Partai Golkar dan Sdri. Saniatul Lativa, juga dari Fraksi Partai Golkar. Sidang Komisi Ekonomi menyetujui untuk mengadopsi Rancangan Resolusi usulan DPR RI yaitu Improving Digital Connectivity to Support the Growth of SMSE’s, yang menekankan pentingnya dukungan negara bagi konektivitas digital yang lebih baik, untuk mendukung pertumbuhan UMKM. Dukungan bagi UMKM penting mengingat selama ini UMKM memiliki peran yang cukup signifikan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi di ASEAN.

Rancangan Resolusi lainnya yang disepakati pada Sidang Komisi Ekonomi adalah; Resolution on Fostering Inclusive Economic Development in ASEAN, Resolution on ASEAN Cooperation to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), serta Resolution on the Standardization and Liberalization of Air Services under ASEAN Single Aviation Market.

Sidang Komisi Sosial diketuai oleh Hon. Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat dan bertindak sebagai Rapporteur adalah Hon. Mr. Nattapong Supriyasilp. Keduanya merupakan anggota parlemen Thailand. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Kartika Yudisti dari F-PPP, Sdr. Timbul Parulian Manurung dari F-Hanura serta Sdri. Dwi Ria Latifa dari F-PDI P. Komite Sosial menyetujui enam resolusi dengan rincian sebagai berikut; (1) Report of the 2nd AIPACODD Meeting (2) Enhancing the Quality of Life of Older Persons (3) Strengthening Road Safety in ASEAN (4) Eliminating All Forms of Violence and Exploitation of Children (5) Regional Parliamentary Initiative for Enhancing Climate Action in ASEAN (6) Access to Justice for Migrant Workers.

Sidang Komisi Organisasi diwakili oleh Ketua Delegasi DPR RI, Dr. Fadli Zon yang didampingi oleh Sdri. Amelia Anggraini dari Fraksi Nasdem dan Sdri. Siti Masrifah dari Fraksi PKB. Komite Organisasi membahas duapuluh (20) rancangan resolusi, menyetujui tujuh belas (17) rancangan resolusi, dan menunda pembahasan dua rancangan resolusi (Rules and procedures of AIPA General Assembly dan Transformation of AIPA Secretariat), hingga Sidang Umum AIPA ke-41 di Halong City, Vietnam pada tahun 2020.

11 Pada sidang komisi organisasi Delegasi DPR RI juga menyampaikan penarikan atas usulan Rancangan Resolusi mengenai amandemen Statuta AIPA (Pasal 9 ayat 7), yang memperbolehkan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan melalui voting apabila tidak tercapai konsensus. Penarikan ini disampaikan sebelum delegasi dari negara-negara lain menyampaikan pandangannya atas usulan tersebut.

Pertemuan Komisi Organisasi

Sidang Joint Communique

Pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2019 dilaksanakan Sidang Joint Communique yang membahas inti sari/hasil dari diskusi yang telah dilaksanakan melalui Executive Committee Meeting, Komisi Ekonomi, Komisi Sosial, WAIPA, dan Komisi Organisasi. Joint Communique juga memuat ringkasan statement para Ketua Delegasi yang telah disampaikan pada Sidang Pleno Pertama.

Dialogue with AIPA Observer Countries

Wakil-wakil dari negara-negara anggota AIPA melaksanakan dialog dengan negara- negara peninjau AIPA yaitu Australia, Kanada, China, Korea dan Russia. Pertemuan berlangsung pada tanggal 27 Agustus 2019 pada pukul 14:00 waktu setempat dan

12 berlangsung secara paralel. Tema pokok yang diangkat dalam dialog ini adalah Good Regulatory Practice.

Pertemuan tahunan antara negara-negara anggota AIPA dan negara-negara peninjau memberikan ruang untuk saling berbagi pengalaman, informasi dan pertukaran pendapat dengan para wakil dari parlemen negara-negara peninjau, khususnya mengenai tema pokok yang diangkat. Selain itu pertemuan ini juga dimaksudkan untuk mempererat persahabatan antara Parlemen anggota AIPA dengan Parlemen negara peninjau.

Dialog Observer dengan Kanada


Dialog Observer dengan Republik Korea

Second Plenary Session dan Penutupan

Seluruh rangkaian persidangan AIPA berakhir pada Sidang Pleno Kedua yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2019 dengan agenda penyampaian dan pengadopsian Report dari masing-masing Ketua Sidang Komisi, sekaligus mengesahkan sejumlah Resolusi AIPA. Agenda dilanjutkan dengan penandatanganan Joint Communique oleh para Ketua/Wakil Delegasi AIPA sebagai salah satu pencapaian Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA. Selanjutnya dilaksanakan juga serah terima kepemimpinan AIPA kepada H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan dari Thailand yang akan menjabat Presiden AIPA selama setahun kedepan dan akan menjadi tuan rumah Sidang Umum ke-41 AIPA tahun 2020. Sidang Umum AIPA ke-40 kemudian secara resmi ditutup melalui Sidang Pleno Kedua oleh Presiden AIPA sekaligus President of Thailand National Assembly, H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai.


Second Plenary session

Delegasi Indonesia diwakili oleh Hj. Kartika Yudhisti menandatangani Joint Communique didampingi oleh seluruh delegasi Indonesia

Pada Sidang Pleno ke-2 ini Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Kartika Yudisti dari Fraksi PPP, Sdri. Siti Masrifah dari Fraksi PKB, Sdri. Saniatul Lativa dari Fraksi

15 Golkar dan Sdr. Ahmad Yohan dari Fraksi PAN. Penandatanganan dokumen Joint Communique dilakukan diakhir sesi dimana Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Kartika Yudisti dengan didampingi oleh seluruh anggota delegasi yang hadir.


Delegasi DPR RI telah berpartisipasi aktif dalam setiap rangkaian persidangan. Berikut uraian partisipasi aktif Delegasi DPR RI pada Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA:

Executive Committee Meeting

Pertemuan ini dipimpin oleh Presiden AIPA sekaligus President of Thailand National Assembly, H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai. Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Dr. Fadli Zon didampingi oleh Sdri. Amelia Anggraini dan Sdri. Kartika Yudisti.

Dr. Fadli Zon didampingi oleh Ibu Kartika Yudhisti dan Amelia Anggraini menghadiri pertemuan Executive Committee

Pada Sidang Umum ke-40 ini, Delegasi DPR RI memasukan kembali rancangan resolusi mengenai situasi kemanusiaan di Rakhine State, Myanmar untuk dibahas di Komisi Politik AIPA. Setelah melalui pembahasan panjang, Executive Committee Meeting tidak

16 berhasil mencapai konsensus untuk menyetujui pembahasan rancangan resolusi tersebut pada Komisi Politik. Perbedaan pendapat dan diskusi yang cukup panjang terjadi karena Myanmar meminta AIPA untuk tidak menyetujui rancangan resolusi dan tidak memasukkan sama sekali agenda mengenai isu kemanusiaan di Rakhine State, dengan alasan prinsip non-interference diantara negara-negara anggota ASEAN, dan Myanmar merasa langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh pemerintah Myanmar terkait permasalahan di Rakhine State telah memadai.

Mengingat bahwa DPR RI telah berupaya untuk memperjuangkan secara tiga kali berturut-turut (termasuk pada Sidang Umum ke-40) dan tidak mencapai konsensus. Maka DPR RI menarik dukungan atas pembahasan rancangan resolusi lainnya di Komisi Politik. Sehingga Komisi Politik tidak bersidang karena tidak tercapainya konsensus terkait agenda yang akan dibahas.

First Plenary Session

Sidang Pleno Pertama dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2019 dipimpin oleh Presiden AIPA sekaligus President of Thailand National Assembly, H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai. Dalam sidang tersebut, masing-masing delegasi menyampaikan statement.

Delegasi Indonesia pada First Plenary Session

17 Ketua Delegasi DPR RI Dr. Fadli Zon dalam statement yang dibacakan memberikan pandangannya, bahwa Parlemen negara-negara ASEAN hendaknya mengambil sikap melalui sebuah Resolusi terkait permasalahan di Rakhine. Melalui diadopsinya sebuah resolusi, maka dapat mendorong penyelesaian yang lebih cepat bagi isu kemanusiaan di Rakhine. Disamping itu, tidak mungkin membicarakan mengenai pencapaian keberlanjutan jika masih ada sebagian masyarakat ASEAN yang masih mengalami diskriminasi sebagaimana yang dialami oleh orang-orang Rohingya di Rakhine, Myanmar.

Ketua delegasi, Dr. Fadli Zon menyampaikan pidatonya pada first plenary session

Oleh karena itulah untuk menghindari terjadinya kegagalan dalam pencapaian konsensus terkait sebuah resolusi, sebagaimana yang terjadi pada Rancangan Resolusi usulan DPR RI mengenai isu kemanusiaan di Rakhine, AIPA dirasa perlu untuk mereformasi mekanisme pengambilan keputusannya dengan mengadopsi sistem voting. Mekanisme voting bisa dilakukan apabila melalui mekanisme konsensus tidak dicapai kesepakatan mengenai permasalahan yang dibahas. Mekanisme voting diyakini dapat menjadikan AIPA oganisasi regional yang lebih responsif dan signifikan dalam menjawab dinamika dan tantangan-tantangan regional yang lebih kompleks, terutama terkait isu-isu yang bersifat darurat.

18 Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA)

Delegasi DPR RI yang diwakili oleh Sdri. Amelia Aggraini dari F-Nasdem, Sdri. Dwi Aroem Hadiatie dari F-Golkar dan Sdri. Kartika Yudisti dari F-PPP menekankan pentingnya mempromosikan pelatihan berbasis teknologi kepada perempuan guna mengurangi kesenjangan kemampuan dan meningkatkan literasi digital. Hal ini mengingat bahwa masih ada kesenjangan di antara negara-negara ASEAN, terkait pengembangan teknologi dan penggunaanya di masyarakat. Terutama bagi kalangan masyarakat tertentu seperti perempuan di pedesaan yang belum sepenuhnya melek teknologi.

Pertemuan WAIPA

Delegasi DPR RI juga menekankan pentingnya pertumbuhan inklusif dan pemberdayaan perempuan, sehingga perempuan bisa turut memanfaatkan berbagai potensi yang dihasilkan oleh revolusi industri 4.0. Terkait dengan hal ini, Delegasi DPR RI juga mengusulkan agar Resolusi Empowering Women in ASEAN to Harness the Potential of Industrial Revolution 4.0, yang merupakan resolusi usulan DPR RI pada Sidang Umum ke-39 yang lalu, dijadikan referensi utama bagi resolusi yang akan dihasilkan pada Sidang Umum ke-40.

19 Sidang Komisi Ekonomi

Pada sidang Komisi Ekonomi Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh diwakili oleh Sdr. Jalaludin Rakhmat dari Fraksi PDI-P, Sdri. Dwi Aroem Hadiatie dari Fraksi Partai Golkar dan Sdri. Saniatul Lativa, juga dari Fraksi Partai Golkar. Pada kesempatan ini, rancangan resolusi Indonesia yang berjudul Improving Digital Connectivity to Support the Growth of SMSE’s, Rancangan resolusi ini menekankan pentingnya negara-negara anggota ASEAN untuk mendukung tersedianya konektivitas digital yang lebih baik. Konektivitas digital menjadi penting di era ekonomi digital seperti sekarang ini, karena dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi terutama bagi Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM).

Sidang Komisi Ekonomi

Selama ini UMKM memiliki peran yang signifikan sebagai tulang punggung ekonomi ASEAN yang dinamis dan beragam. UMKM juga berperan penting dalam hal penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat ASEAN. Jika didukung, bukan tidak mungkin UMKM dapat lebih mengembangkan diri menjadi Korporasi dan mampu menyerap lebih banyak tenaga kerja. Sehingga turut membantu upaya-upaya pengentasan kemiskinan tidak hanya di tingkat nasional, tetapi juga di tingkat regional.

20 Sidang Komisi Sosial

Pada sidang Komisi Sosial Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Kartika Yudisti, Sdr. Timbul P. Manurung serta Sdri. Dwi Ria Latifa. Selama berlangsungnya sidang, Delegasi DPR RI berhasil memberikan beberapa masukan terkait Rancangan-rancangan Resolusi yang dibahas. Masukan yang diberikan antara lain menyarankan kepada Parlemen Anggota AIPA untuk mengaksesi International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, sebagai landasan hukum internasional untuk perlindungan hak-hak pekerja migran dan keluarga mereka, dan juga konvensi internasional lainnya yang terkait.

Sidang Komisi Sosial

Disamping itu Delegasi DPR RI juga memberikan usul berkaitan dengan Rancangan Resolusi mengenai perubahan iklim yaitu, mengusulkan pembentukan mekanisme kerjasama antar Parlemen yang khusus menangani permasalahan-permasalahan seputar perubahan iklim. Serta memperkuat koordinasi dalam hal pemberantasan kejahatan transnasional yang berkaitan dengan anak, eksploitasi anak di daerah wisata, perdagangan anak dan pornografi anak.

21 Dialogue with AIPA Observer Countries

Pada sesi dialog dengan Peninjau, masing-masing Anggota Delegasi DPR RI berpartisipasi aktif dan menyampaikan kepentingan Indonesia dalam pertemuan yang dilaksanakan secara paralel.

Pada pertemuan dengan Australia Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdr. Roy Suryo Notodiprojo dari Fraksi Partai Demokrat dan Sdr. Timbul Parulian Manurung dari Fraksi Partai Hanura. Selain membahas mengenai tema pokok seputar Good Regulatory Practice, pertemuan juga membahas seputar permasalahan Cyber Security, Indigenous Rights dan Diversity.

Dialog Observer dengan Australia

Pada pertemuan dengan Kanada Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdr. Jalaludin Rakhmat, dari Fraksi PDI P. Pada pertemuan ini Kanada menyampaikan bahwa dalam hal Good Regulatory Practice (GRP), Kanada bersepakat dengan Parlemen Anggota AIPA bahwa GRP penting bagi upaya-upaya pelasanaan reformasi peraturan dan hukum. Disamping itu Kanada mendukung pelaksanaan ASEAN Work Plan for Good Regulatory Practice.


Dialog Observer dengan Kanada

Pada pertemuan dengan China Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Saniatul Lativa dari Fraksi Partai Golkar dan Sdri. Kartika Yudisti dari Fraksi PPP. Pada pertemuan ini selain membahas mengenai GRP, juga dibahas mengenai hubungan antara ASEAN dan China. Kerjasama antara ASEAN dan China telah berlangsung cukup lama dalam berbagai bidang strategis melalui mekanisme ASEAN, seperti ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) dan juga melalui ASEAN Regional Framework (ARF). Kemudian untuk mewadahi kerjasama dengan hasil yang lebih konkrit, kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk menjalin kerangka kerjasama baru yang dinamakan China- ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030.


Dialog Observer dengan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok

Pada pertemuan dengan Republik Korea Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Dwi Aroem Hadiatie dari Fraksi Partai Golkar dan Sdri. Amelia Anggraini dari Fraksi partai Nasdem. Selain membahas mengenai GRP, pertemuan juga menekankan pentingnya hubungan antara ASEAN – Korea yang berkelanjutan dan strategis. Mengingat bahwa kedua belah pihak telah sejak lama membangun dialog dan kerjasama dalam bidang perdagangan, investasi dan turisme yang memiliki kontribusi positif kepada pembangunan berkelanjutan di kawasan. Korea juga berharap Parlemen anggota AIPA dapat menghadiri peringatan 30 tahun hubungan diplomatik antara Korea dengan ASEAN, yang direncanakan untuk diadakan di Busan, Korea pada tanggal 25- 26 November 2019.

Pada pertemuan dengan Federasi Russia Delegasi DPR RI diwakili oleh Sdri. Amelia Anggraini dari Fraksi Nasdem. Selain membahas mengenai GRP, pertemuan juga membahas mengenai perlunya penguatan hubungan diplomatik antara kedua belah pihak yang telah dimulai sejak lama. Pertemuan menekankan pada perlunya GRP untuk memeperkuat perdagangan dan investasi antara ASEAN dan Federasi Russia. Selain itu Parlemen Russia juga mengundang Parlemen Anggota AIPA untuk bisa

24 menghadiri Eastern Economic Forum yang rencananya akan diselenggarakan di Vladivostok, Russia pada tanggal 4-6 September 2019.

Dialog Observer dengan Federasi Rusia

Lain-lain a. Courtessy call dengan Presiden AIPA Pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2019, pada pukul 8:15 sampai dengan pukul 8:45 waktu setempat, dilaksanakan Courtessy call antara Presiden AIPA/Presiden Parlemen Thailand, H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai dengan seluruh ketua Delegasi dari Parlemen anggota AIPA. Pada agenda ini, Indonesia diwakili oleh Ketua Delegasi/ Wakil Ketua DPR, Dr. Fadli Zon.

25 Courtessy Call ketua delegasi dengan Presiden AIPA b. Pertemuan Bilateral dengan Malaysia Pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2019, telah dilaksanakan pertemuan bilateral antara Ketua Delegasi/Wakil Ketua DPR Dr. Fadli Zon dengan Ketua Delegasi Parlemen Malaysia H.E. Dato Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof. Pertemuan membahas mengenai usulan Parlemen Malaysia untuk membentuk Forum Parlemen bersama antara Indonesia dan Malaysia sebagai wadah resmi parlemen dalam melaksanakan diplomasi kelapa sawit, khususnya dalam menghadapi politik dagang yang diskriminatif terhadap produk kelapa sawit dari Eropa.

Ketua Delagasi/Wakil Ketua DPR menyambut baik usulan Malaysia dan meminta kepada Parlemen Malaysia untuk mengirimkan concept note mengenai usulan tersebut, untuk menjadi bahan pembahasan lebih lanjut di DPR-RI. c. Pertemuan antara Sekretariat ASEAN dengan Delegasi Parlemen Anggota AIPA Pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2019 pukul 17.20, diadakan pertemuan antara perwakilan Sekretariat ASEAN dengan Delegasi Parlemen Anggota AIPA. Pertemuan dipimpin oleh Hon. Mr. Virasakdi Futrakul, Anggota Senat Thailand. Pertemuan juga

26 dihadiri oleh Hon. Kung Phoak, Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Komunitas Sosial Budaya ASEAN, dan Hon. Isra Sunthornvut, Sekretaris Jenderal AIPA.

Tujuan daripada diadakannya pertemuan ini adalah untuk membangun kerangka kerja formal antara ASEAN dengan AIPA untuk bertukar informasi, pengetahuan, wawasan tentang kemitraan antara AIPA dan ASEAN dalam rangka mengimplementasikan Rencana Integrasi ASEAN berdasarkan ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together.

Keprihatinan dari Parlemen Anggota AIPA tentang hubungan antara AIPA dan ASEAN, terkait status AIPA sebagai "entitas asosiasi ASEAN" di bawah Lampiran 2 Piagam ASEAN, disampaikan kepada perwakilan Sekretariat ASEAN. Sebagian Parlemen Anggota AIPA berpandangan bahwa seharusnya AIPA diberi status sebagai mitra strategis ASEAN.


Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25-30 Agustus 2019 di Bangkok, Thailand menghasilkan dokumen Report of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA, Joint Communique dan 29 (dua puluh sembilan) resolusi di Komisi WAIPA, Komisi Ekonomi, Komisi Sosial dan Komisi Organisasi. Berikut adalah uraian resolusi yang dihasilkan tersebut:

Komisi WAIPA

1. Resolution on Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in ASEAN Resolusi ini menekankan pada kesetaraan gender dan pemberdayaan perempuan dan anak perempuan, khususnya dalam ketersediaan akses yang sama ke pendidikan, perawatan kesehatan, keadilan, peluang ekonomi dan pendapatan, perlindungan sosial, dan perwakilan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan bagi perempuan dan anak perempuan.

2. Resolution on Bridging The Gender Gap In Technology-Based Disciplines Resolusi ini bertujuan untuk Mendesak Negara-negara Anggota ASEAN untuk mengimplementasikan komitmen, tujuan, target mereka untuk akses yang setara ke

27 teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi untuk mempromosikan pemberdayaan perempuan, serta mendorong Parlemen Anggota AIPA untuk mempromosikan pelatihan, pendampingan, dan pendidikan berbasis teknologi guna mempersempit kesenjangan keterampilan dan meningkatkan literasi digital bagi perempuan terutama di daerah terpencil dan terpinggirkan.

Komisi Ekonomi

1. Resolution on Fostering Inclusive Economic Development in ASEAN Resolusi ini menekankan pada pentingnya Agenda 2030 untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, ditambah dengan Visi Komunitas ASEAN 2025, sebagai instrumen utama untuk membuka jalan menuju pencapaian integrasi ekonomi regional dan pertumbuhan inklusif, terutama dalam konteks perdagangan global dan proteksionisme. Disamping itu, resolusi ini juga menggarisbawahi peran penting AIPA untuk memfasilitasi dan mengimplementasikan perjanjian dan kerangka kerja ASEAN untuk mempromosikan pembangunan ekonomi yang inklusif dan seimbang di semua sektor termasuk UMKM. Resolusi ini juga mendorong Negara-negara Anggota AIPA untuk memperluas kekuasaan legislatif mereka dalam meninjau perdagangan dan menerapkan kebijakan fiskal dan moneter yang efektif untuk merangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi secara berkelanjutan.

2. Resolution on ASEAN Cooperation to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Resolusi ini menekankan pada perkembangan teknologi, 4IR dan ekonomi digital yang akan membawa manfaat dan penciptaan peluang bisnis dari inovasi dan teknologi baru. Tetapi di sisi lain, akses ke pengetahuan teknologi yang efektif, hukum dan peraturan yang memadai, dan dampak dari teknologi yang tumbuh, juga memiliki dampak pada tenaga kerja. Oleh karena itu resolusi ini menganjurkan kerjasama antara Negara Anggota AIPA dan dari pemerintah masing – masing negara untuk memprakarsai kerangka kerja dan kebijakan yang efektif yang mendukung literasi digital, serta inklusi keuangan sehingga masayarakat dapat secara optimal mendapatkan keuntungan dari Revolusi Industri Keempat.

28 3. Resolution on Improving Digital Connectivity to Support the Growth of MSMEs Resolusi ini sepenuhnya mendukung visi Komite Ekonomi ASEAN 2025 dalam menciptakan ekonomi ASEAN yang sangat terintegrasi dan sangat kohesif yang akan mendukung pertumbuhan dan ketahanan ekonomi yang tinggi secara berkesinambungan. Resolusi menekankan pula pentingnya memperdalam integrasi ekonomi regional di ASEAN dan menegaskan kembali komitmen mereka untuk ekonomi yang sangat terintegrasi dan kohesif mencapai pasar bebas dan terbuka di ASEAN. Diharapkan ini akan menghasilkan penciptaan lapangan kerja dan peningkatan standar hidup.

4. Resolution on Good Regulatory Practices in the ASEAN Economic Integration Resolusi ini mengakui keenam prinsip inti Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) yang diidentifikasi sebagai bidang fokus yang relevan, mengingat perkembangan GRP saat ini baik di kawasan ASEAN maupun secara global. AIPA sepakat bahwa GRP akan berupaya meningkatkan daya saing ASEAN dan meningkatkan keterlibatan dengan para pemangku kepentingan. AIPA berharap dapat secara berkala meninjau GRP dengan pandangan memperbaiki peraturan yang ada tentang GRP dan meningkatkan keterlibatan para pemangku kepentingan dalam implementasi GRP.

5. Resolution on Regional Effort to Address the Impact of Global Trade Tension between Economic Powerhouses Resolusi usulan DPR-RI ini menekankan pentingnya peningkatan daya saing dan kemampuan E-Commerce dari UMKM di ASEAN, yang merupakan tulang punggung pembangunan ekonomi nasional dan regional. Resolusi ini juga menganjurkan adopsi teknologi digital yang memainkan peran penting dalam pertumbuhan UMKM, berkontribusi signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, keberlanjutan, dan mempersempit kesenjangan ekonomi di antara Negara-negara Anggota ASEAN.

6. Resolution on the Standardization and Liberalization of Air Services under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market Resolusi ini menganjurkan pada Parlemen Anggota AIPA mengenai implementasi dan kontribusi yang efektif untuk Standardisasi dan Liberalisasi Layanan Udara di bawah Pasar Penerbangan Tunggal ASEAN yang (1) mendorong hukum dan kebijakan dalam negeri, (2) mendorong operator penerbangan dan operator penerbangan di negara masing- masing untuk meningkatkan standar layanan dan infrastruktur yang efisien, (3)

29 menyelaraskan prosedur dan persyaratan dalam perizinan dan sertifikasi peralatan personel dan teknisi dan (4) memastikan sumber daya yang cukup untuk pelaksanaan inisiatif di bawah Rencana Strategis Transportasi ASEAN.

Komisi Sosial

1. Report of the 2nd Meeting of the AIPA Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) and the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community Komisi Sosial dengan suara bulat mengadopsi resolusi tentang Laporan ke-2 AIPA Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) dan Resolusi Pembangunan Alternatif menuju Komunitas ASEAN Bebas Narkoba.

2. Resolution on Enhancing the Quality of Life of Older Persons Resolusi ini mengedepankan pentingnya menghormati hak-hak orang lanjut usia, yang masih berkontribusi aktif kepada masyarakat. Mereka adalah prioritas Komunitas Sosial Budaya ASEAN. Oleh karena itu, Komite mendorong Parlemen Anggota AIPA untuk memberikan bantuan kepada orang yang lebih tua dan memiliki kebijakan yang lebih inklusif di bidang-bidang yang dianggap perlu untuk mendukung kehidupan orang yang lebih tua seperti dukungan keuangan, asuransi, cakupan kesehatan universal, dan pertukaran informasi bonus demografis di antara Parlemen Anggota AIPA.

3. Resolution on Strengthening Road Safety in ASEAN Resolusi ini menekankan pentingnya meningkatkan kesadaran publik dan keterlibatan hukum keselamatan jalan kepada masyarakat umum. Juga disetujui oleh Komite untuk mendorong Negara-negara Anggota ASEAN untuk meningkatkan undang-undang keselamatan jalan mereka.

4. Resolution on Eliminating all forms of Violence and Exploitation to Children Resolusi ini menekankan bahwa masalah Eksploitasi Seksual Anak-anak dalam Perjalanan dan Pariwisata (SECTT) adalah penting. Mengenai rekomendasi untuk membentuk Komite Ad-Hoc atau Kelompok Kerja mengenai masalah ini, Komite setuju untuk menugaskan Sekretariat AIPA dalam mengeksplorasi segala kemungkinan yang tersedia.

30 5. Resolution on Regional Parliamentary Initiative for Enhancing Climate Action in ASEAN Resolusi ini mengedepankan pentingnya penguatan kerja sama dalam menghadapi tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh perubahan iklim dan untuk membangun mekanisme kerja sama antar-parlemen untuk tujuan menanggapi perubahan iklim.

6. Resolution on Access to Justice for Migrant Workers Resolusi ini menekankan pada pentingnya untuk menerapkan standar umum dan memberikan solusi yang dapat ditindaklanjuti untuk lebih melindungi hak-hak pekerja migran. Juga perlunya peningkatan mekanisme koordinasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah pekerja migran dan membantu mereka yang menjadi korban perdagangan untuk sepenuhnya menerapkan prinsip-prinsip di bawah Konsensus ASEAN tentang Perlindungan dan Promosi Hak-hak Pekerja Migran.

Selain resolusi di bidang ekonomi dan sosial, Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA juga mengesahkan 15 (lima belas) resolusi terkait organisasi AIPA, yakni:

a. Resolution on the Financial Report FY 2018-2019 b. Resolution on the Budget Estimates FY 2019-2020 c. Resolution on the Secretariat’s Annual Report FY 2018-2019 d. Resolution on the Guidelines of AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers e. Resolution on Standardizing the Format in Drafting AIPA Resolutions f. Resolution on the Establishment of an Effective and Sustainable Organizational Mechanism in Every AIPA Member Parliament to Deliberate on All ASEAN and AIPA- Related Matters g. Resolution on the Collection and Exchange of Information on Laws of AIPA Resolution on the Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between AIPA and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) on “Capacity Development Program for Staff of the ASEAN-Inter Parliamentary Assembly Member Parliaments” h. Resolution on Appreciating the Federal Republic of Germany for Its Continued Support to AIPA i. Resolution on Establishing AIPA-ERIA Joint Dialogue to Support the Waste Management for Sustainable Development j. Resolution on the Relocation of AIPA Secretariat Premise k. Resolution on AIPA Distinguished Service Award

31 l. Resolution on Appreciating the Service of His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai as President of AIPA m. Resolution on Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Fourth AIPA Secretary General Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut n. Resolution on the Appointment of the Fifth AIPA Secretary General o. Resolution on Date and Venue of the 41st General Assembly



1. Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA yang berlangsung dari tanggal 25 – 30 Agustus 2019 di Bangkok, Thailand telah berlangsung dengan relatif lancar. Sidang telah mengesahkan 29 (duapuluh sembilan) resolusi terkait bidang WAIPA (2 resolusi), Ekonomi (6 resolusi), Sosial (6 resolusi) dan Organisasi (15 resolusi). Sementara resolusi bidang Politik tidak bersidang karena sidang Komite Eksekutif tidak mencapai Konsensus untuk agenda yang akan dibahas pada Komisi Politik.

2. Tema SIUM AIPA tahun ini yaitu “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Development”, merefleksikan keinginan AIPA untuk menjadi mitra strategis ASEAN, sehingga AIPA dapat terus beradaptasi dan bergerak dinamis dalam menghadapi dinamika regional dan tantangan-tantangan kawasan yang semakin berat.

3. Meskipun Rancangan Resolusi mengenai situasi kemanusiaan di Rakhine, Myanmar tidak berhasil mendapatkan dukungan dari Parlemen Anggota AIPA, namun demikian Misi Delegasi DPR RI relatif telah tercapai antara lain melalui peran aktif selama rangkaian acara SIUM dan diterimanya Resolusi Indonesia di Komisi Ekonomi, dan melalui usulan-usulan perubahan paragraph pada tiap-tiap Resolusi yang dibahas.

4. Partisipasi Delegasi DPR RI dalam SIUM AIPA ke-40 merupakan wujud nyata komitmen DPR RI dalam mendukung terbentuknya Masyarakat ASEAN yang inklusif, yaitu dengan menyuarakan kepentingan masyarakat Indonesia di forum regional/internasional.


1. Hasil Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA berupa resolusi-resolusi di bidang WAIPA, Ekonomi, Sosial dan Organisasi memerlukan tindak lanjut implementasi dari masing- masing parlemen dan pemerintah negara-negara anggota AIPA. Oleh karena itu, resolusi yang telah disepakati dalam SIUM AIPA 40 sebaiknya segera didistribusikan ke Komisi-Komisi yang terkait di DPR RI untuk disampaikan ke Departemen/Institusi/ Kementerian terkait untuk ditindaklanjuti.

2. Berkaca dari pengalaman keikutsertaan Delegasi DPR RI pada SIUM 38, 39 dan 40, khususnya terkait dengan tidak tercapainya konsensus atas Rancangan Resolusi usulan Delegasi DPR RI, maka dapat dipertimbangkan untuk terlebih dulu melakukan pendekatan diplomatis (soft diplomacy) melalui komunikasi intensif dengan Kedutaan Besar negara-negara ASEAN di Jakarta guna mensosialisasikan Rancangan Resolusi yang akan diusulkan oleh DPR RI terutama terkait dengan isu-isu sensitif. Dengan demikian, Kedutaan Besar negara-negara ASEAN di Jakarta diharapkan dapat mengkomunikasikan Rancangan Resolusi DPR RI kepada Parlemen masing-masing negara.

3. Dalam hal penyusunan Rancangan Resolusi, perlu kiranya untuk mempertimbangkan Rancangan Resolusi alternatif dari Rancangan Resolusi utama yang diusulkan oleh DPR RI, terutama apabila Rancangan Resolusi berkaitan dengan isu-isu yang dianggap sensitif di ASEAN. Dengan harapan, apabila pada pelaksanaan SIUM Rancangan Resolusi utama mengalami resistensi, maka dapat diajukan Rancangan Resolusi alternatif yang secara substansi sama dengan Rancangan Resolusi Utama, namun dari sisi bahasa, diharapkan dapat lebih diterima oleh Parlemen negara-negara ASEAN.



Biaya yang digunakan untuk melakukan perjalanan 11 (sebelas) Anggota DPR RI, 3 (tiga) orang Pejabat dan Staf Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI (Sekretaris Delegasi), 1 (satu)

33 orang Tenaga Ahli, 1 (satu) orang Penerjemah, 1 (satu) orang wartawan dari TV Parlemen serta 1 (satu) orang jurnalis media nasional adalah sebesar Rp. 958.581.650,-


Laporan ini dilengkapi oleh lampiran hasil-hasil persidangan sebagai berikut: • List of Delegates • Report of the Executive Committee Meeting • Report of the 39thAIPA General Assembly • Report of Committee on Political, Economic, Social, WAIPA and Organizational Matters • Report of Committee on Joint Communiqué • Joint Communiqué • Resolutions


Demikianlah pokok-pokok Laporan Delegasi DPR RI ke Sidang Umum ke-40 AIPA tanggal 25 - 30 Agustus 2019 di Bangkok, Thailand. Dokumen terkait akan dijadikan lampiran. Atas nama delegasi, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada delegasi untuk melaksanakan tugas berat yang mulia demi bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Jakarta, September 2019 Ketua Delegasi,


Dr. Fadli Zon A-347



Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



1 The Fortieth (40th) General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) was held from 25 – 30 August 2019 in Thailand.


2 Delegates from the AIPA Member Parliaments, Observer Parliaments, the AIPA and ASEAN Secretariats, and other guests of the Host participated in the 40th General Assembly.

3 For the AIPA Member Parliaments, Brunei Darussalam was led by H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib, Speaker of the Legislative Council; Kingdom of Cambodia was led by H.E. Samdech Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly; Republic of Indonesia was led by Hon. Dr. Fadli Zon, Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives; Lao People’s Democratic Republic was led by Hon. Mr. Bounpone Bouttanavong, Vice-President of the National Assembly, Malaysia was led by H.E. Dato’ Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Republic of the Union of Myanmar was led by H.E. Ms. Su Su Lwin, Member of the House of Representatives; Republic of the Philippines was led by Hon. Raneo E. Abu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives; Republic of Singapore was led by H.E. Tan Chuan-Jin, Speaker of the Parliament; Kingdom of Thailand was led by H.E. Prof. Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate; and Socialist Republic of Viet Nam was led by H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly.

4 For the Observer Parliaments, Australia was led by Hon. Mr. Kevin Hogan, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives; Canada was led by Hon. Mr. Joseph Day, Senator; the People’s Republic of China was led by Hon. Mr. Si Yuan, Member of the National People’s Congress; Republic of Korea was led by Hon. Mr. Lee Seok Hyun, Member of the National Assembly; Russian Federation was led by Hon. Ms. Liudmila Talabaeva, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly.

5 The delegation from AIPA Secretariat was led by Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, Secretary General.

6 The delegation from the ASEAN Secretariat was led by Mr. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN.

7 For the Guests of the Host, Kingdom of Morocco was led by H.E. Mr. Habib El Malki, President of the House of Representatives; Norway was led by Hon. Mrs. Elin Agdestein,

Member of Parliament; Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) was led by Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, President; Freeland Foundation was led by Mr. Steven Galster, Executive Director; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was led by Mr. Bernado Jr Agawin, GIZ Principal Adviser AIPA for ASEAN Integration Project; and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) was led by Mr. Dararith Kim-Yeat, Executive Director.

8 The complete list of delegates is appended as ANNEX A.


9 The Meeting of the Executive Committee of AIPA was chaired by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA, and Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, AIPA Secretary-General, was the secretary to the meeting. The Meeting’s decisions were (1) taking note of the presentation of the reports of the 2nd AIPACODD Meeting, the Report of the 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting, and the Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface Meeting at the 34th ASEAN Summit (2) adopting of Programme of Activities, Draft Agenda Items for the 40th General Assembly and Topic for Dialogue with the Observer Countries (3) adopting of the Establishment and Composition of Committees and Panels and (4) taking note that Indonesian Delegation stated its reservation on “Establishment and Composition of Committee on Political Matters” at this General Assembly, therefore, the Committee on Political Matters was not convened.

10 The meeting agreed to hold the 41st General Assembly of AIPA in Ha Long City, Viet Nam, from 25 to 30 August 2020.

11 The report of the Executive Committee Meeting is appended as ANNEX B.


12 On 26 August 2019, at 8:15 hrs and 8:45 hrs, the Heads of AIPA Member Delegations and the Heads of Observer Delegations, respectively paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA.


13 Written Messages were received from the following Heads of States/Governments of ASEAN Member States.

Head of States/Governments ASEAN Member States

His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzadin Waddaulah Brunei Darussalam His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni Cambodia H.E. Mr. Joko Widodo Indonesia H.E. Mr. Bounnhang Vorachith Lao PDR H.E. DR. Mahathir bin Mohamad Malaysia


H.E. U Win Myint Myanmar H.E. Mr. Rodrigo Roa Durtete Philippines H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob Singapore H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.) Thailand H.E. Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong Viet Nam

14 The written messages are appended as ANNEX C.


15 The Opening Ceremony of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA was held on 26 August 2019 at Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. H.E. General Prayuth Chan-o-cha (Ret.), the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand welcomed the delegates to the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

Welcoming Speech by General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.), Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand

16 H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.), Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand welcomed delegates to the 40th General Assembly in Thailand and expressed thanks to AIPA Member Parliaments, Observers, as well as international organizations for their continued support to the ASEAN Community. He underlined the importance of AIPA’s role as representatives of ASEAN citizens in enhancing the third ASEAN Community Pillar and its role in communicating with the public to foster partnership in pursuing the goals of an ASEAN Community.

17 He expressed his admiration for the work of AIPA in combating the drug menace in the region. He noted the successful outcomes of the 2nd Meeting of the AIPA Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) in March 2019 which could serve as a guide and model for AIPA Member Parliaments to achieve a Drug-Free-ASEAN Community. However, ASEAN still faces various challenges, especially environmental issues. He suggested that AIPA could play a role in the process by taking the Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris as a framework of AIPA.

18 The Prime Minister said that Thailand’s ASEAN theme in 2019 is focusing on cooperation for ASEAN sustainability under the concept “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”. Hence, in creating a sustainable region in all aspects, he said that it was necessary for AIPA to intensify its cooperation in harmonizing the legal frameworks among AIPA Member Parliaments that will lead to a strong and highly competitive community. In addition, he urged the AIPA Secretariat and ASEAN Secretariat to work closer together and restructure the cooperation with more consistency in order to reach concrete outcomes.

19 The Welcome Speech by H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.) is appended as ANNEX D.

Opening Address of H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA

20 H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA addressed the Meeting.


21 In his Opening Address, he said that it was a pleasure and honor to welcome all delegates from AIPA Member Parliaments to the 40th General Assembly of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly which was last held 10 years ago in Thailand. For about 4 decades, AIPA was first set up from humble beginnings to the expansion of all 10 Member Parliaments of ASEAN countries, as well as 12 Observer Parliaments from around the world. Now, AIPA becomes as a platform for collaboration of ASEAN Parliamentarians.

22 Historically speaking, AIPA had become truly stronger together but the world is facing threats which have posed challenges for the whole community. Reaching for quick-fixes had accomplished little except delaying the inevitable which would pile highest on the poorest, the weakest, and the most vulnerable in our society. Therefore, that was the reason for the main theme of this General Assembly focusing on the advancement of regional parliamentary partnership. Also, as legislatures of ASEAN, the closest organs to our constituents and which was well positioned to see the true causes of their woes.

23 He went on to speak about four key lessons that AIPA parliamentarians should bear in mind. These are (1) to prioritize what should be done, with limited resources, to benefit all of our peoples, (2) to take another step of collaboration by working together and creating a permanent forum between ASEAN and AIPA, (3) to look after the 647 million residents of ASEAN citizen and their wellbeing and (4) to respect the rule of law aiming to maintain order in our society as all people should be seen as equal under the law.

24 Before declaring the opening of this General Assembly, he concluded his address by admitting that AIPA still needs much recognition from the peoples of ASEAN and this occasion is an opportunity for AIPA to discuss related issues and earn a place in peoples’ hearts and minds.

25 The Opening Address by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai is appended as ANNEX E.


26 The First Plenary Session of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA was held on 26 August 2019 at 11.00 hrs. It was presided over by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Thailand and President of AIPA, who called the session to order and invited delegates to introduce themselves.

Nomination of the Vice-Presidents of 40th General Assembly

27 Pursuant to Article 10 of the Statutes of AIPA, the General Assembly elected the Heads of Delegations of the AIPA Member Parliaments as Vice-Presidents of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

Discussion and Adoption of Items in Order of Business

28 The General Assembly then proceeded to consider and adopt the following items in the Order of Business: a) Program of Activities for the 40th General Assembly (ANNEX F); b) Agenda Items for the General Assembly (ANNEX G); c) Composition of the Meeting between AIPA Delegates and ASEAN Secretary General (ANNEX H); d) Composition of Committees (ANNEX I).


Statements of Heads of AIPA Member Delegations

29 The Heads of Delegations of the AIPA Member Parliaments then delivered their respective statements at the session.

30 The Statements by Heads of Delegations of AIPA Member Parliaments are appended as ANNEX J. The summaries of their Statements are contained in the Joint Communique are appended as ANNEX T.

Statements of Heads of Observer Delegations

31 After the lunch-time adjournment, the First Plenary session continued on 26 August 2019 at 14.30 hrs. with the delivery of Statements by Heads of Delegations of the Observer Parliaments, namely: Australia, Canada, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation presented their statements at the General Assembly.

32 The Statements of Heads of Observer Delegations are appended as ANNEX K.

Statements of the Guests of the Host: Parliaments

33 The Guests of the Host delivered their statements at the session, namely: Morocco and Norway.

34 The Statements of Morocco and Norway are appended as ANNEX L.

Statement of the Guests of the Host: ASEAN Secretariat

35 The Statement by Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN is appended as ANNEX M.


36 The Committees proceeded with their meetings from 26 to 28 August 2019 to consider the agenda assigned by the General Assembly.

37 The Reports of the Committees are appended as: ANNEX N - Report of the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) ANNEX O - Report of the Committee on Economic Matters ANNEX P - Report of the Committee on Social Matters ANNEX Q - Report of the Committee on Organisational Matters ANNEX R - Report of the Committee on Joint Communiqué

Dialogue with the Observer Parliaments

38 Five AIPA Dialogue Panels were formed and met in separate meeting with the five Observers Parliaments. The topic for the dialogue meeting was the “Partnership for Good Regulatory Practices”. In addition, each panel was given a free hand to exchange views and ideas on other issues of interest. The dialogue panels were each chaired by delegates from Thailand.


Chairperson Dialogue panel Hon. Mr. Virachai Virameteekul Australia Hon. Gen. Surapong Suwana-Adth Canada Hon. Mr. Sora-at Klinpratoom People’s Republic of China Hon. Mr. Korn Chatikavanij Republic of Korea Hon. Mr. Sombat Srisurin Russian Federation

39 The Reports of the Dialogue Panels with Observers are appended as ANNEX S.


40 The second plenary was held on 29 August 2019 at 9.00 hrs., chaired by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA.

Presentation and Adoption of Committee Reports

41 The Chairperson of the Committee on WAIPA and Rapporteurs of the Committee on Economic Matters, Social Matters, Organizational Matters, Dialogue Panels with Observer Parliaments, and Joint Communique presented their respective reports. The reports were approved by the General Assembly.

Date and Venue of the 41st General Assembly of AIPA

42 It was announced that the 41st General Assembly of AIPA will be held in Ha Long City, Viet Nam, from 25 to 30 August 2020.

Signing of the Joint Communique

43 H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA signed the Joint Communique.

44 The Joint Communique of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA is appended as ANNEX T.


45 The Closing Ceremony of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA was held on 29 August 2019 immediately after the Second Plenary Session.

Transfer of Office of the AIPA President

46 H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai handed over the AIPA gavel and the signed instrument of transfer document to the incoming President of AIPA and President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

47 The instrument of transfer is appended as ANNEX U.


Acceptance Speech by H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, incoming President of AIPA and President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.

48 The acceptance speech by H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan is appended as ANNEX V.

Closing Speech of H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of AIPA and President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand

49 The closing speech by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai is appended as ANNEX W.

50 With the conclusion of the acceptance speech, the 40th General Assembly of AIPA was officially concluded.




Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ LIST OF DELEGATES AIPA Member Delegations

Brunei Darussalam 1 H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib, Leader of Delegation Speaker of Legislative Council 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Judin Hj Asar Member 3 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Hasrin Hj Sabtu Member 4 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Abdul Ghani Rahim Member 5 Hon. Hj Abdul Hamid Arsad Member 6 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman Member 7 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii Member 8 Hon. Khairunnisa Hj Ash`ari Member 9 Hon. Iswandy Ahmad Member 10 Hon. Hj Mohimin Hj Johari Member 11 Hon. Hj Ramli Hj Lahit Member 12 Ms. Rose Aminah Ismail Secretary 13 Ms. Ajeerah Najib Secretary 14 Mr. Faiq Yassin Secretary 15 Mr. Amalul Muttaqin Ismail Secretary 16 Ms. Linda Hidup Secretary 17 Datin Edah Mohamed Noor Accompanying Person 18 Datin Hjh Zaharah Hj Ja’afar Accompanying Person 19 Datin Hjh Kamriah Shari Accompanying Person 20 Datin Jaliha Bujang Accompanying Person 21 Mrs. Asiah Mohammad Accompanying Person 22 Mrs. Syarifah Maryani Syarif Mahmud Accompanying Person 23 Mrs. Hjh Dayang Norsiah Hj Ahmad Accompanying Person

Cambodia 1 Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Leader of Delegation Heng Samrin, Speaker of the National Assembly 2 Hon. Post. Dr. Cheam Yeap Member 3 Hon. Mr. Chheang Vun Member

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Cambodia – con’t 4 Hon. Mrs. Nin Saphon Member 5 Hon. Mr. Yang Sem Member 6 Hon. Mrs. Mean Som An Member 7 Hon. Mr. Hou Sry Member 8 Hon. Mrs. Ban Sreymom Member 9 Hon. Mr. Chhit Kim Yeat Member 10 Hon. Mr. Sok Sokan Member 11 Hon. Mr. Chay Borin Member 12 Hon. Mr. Keo Piseth Member 13 Hon. Mr. Yim Leat Member 14 Hon. Mr. Ai Khan Member 15 H.E. Mr. Ouk Sorphorn Ambassador 16 Hon. Mr. Leng Penglong Secretary General 17 Hon. Mr. Kim San Advisor 18 Hon. Mrs. Sao Ty Accompanying Person 19 Hon. Mrs. Hak Chou Accompanying Person 20 Hon. Mrs. Heng Peou Accompanying Person 21 Hon. Mr. Prom Virak Secretary 22 Hon. Mr. Hang Vichet Secretary 23 Hon. Mr. Kem Sophona Secretary 24 Hon. Mr. Heang Thul Secretary 25 Mr. Tim Vanna Secretary 26 Mr. Ly Meng Tyth Secretary 27 Mr. Sem Pysey Secretary 28 Mr. Seng Bora Secretary 29 Ms. Nhim Dalin Secretary 30 Mr. Mel Phanseyha Secretary 31 Ms. Kang Moniketeya Secretary 32 Mr. Phala Scheatamony Secretary 33 Mr. Nhep Navin Secretary 34 Mr. Srey Sarin Secretary 35 Mr. Chan Vannak Secretary 36 Mr. Kann Pha Secretary 37 Mr. Keo Rady Secretary

Indonesia 1 Hon. Dr. Fadli Zon, Leader of Delegation Vice Speaker 2 Hon. Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf Member 3 Hon. Mr. Jalaludin Rakhmat Member

A - 2

Indonesia – con’t 4 Hon. Mrs. Dwi Ria Latifa Member 5 Hon. Mrs. Dwie Aroem Hadiatie Member 6 Hon. Mrs. Saniatul Lativa Member 7 Hon. Mr. Roy Suryo Notodiprojo Member 8 Hon. Mr. Ahmad Yohan Member 9 Hon. Mrs. Siti Masrifah Member 10 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti Member 11 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini Member 12 Hon. Mr. Timbul Parulian Manurung Member 13 Ms. Endah T. D. Retnoastuti Secretary 14 Ms. Warsiti Alfiah Secretary 15 Ms. Anne Widyana Secretary 16 Mr. Ahmadi Secretary 17 Ms. Mustika Wati Secretary 18 Mr. Supratman Secretary 19 Mr. Chilman Arisman Advisor 20 Mr. Niwa Rahmad D. Advisor 21 Mr. Tide Aji Pratama Advisor 22 Mr. Muhammad Tri Andhika Advisor 23 Mr. Muhammad Dady Ramadhan Press 24 Mr. Iman Nurizqi Press 25 Ms. Pauline T. Mulyono Interpreter

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Bouttanavong, Leader of Delegation Vice President of the National Assembly 2 Hon. Prof. Dr. Eksavang Vongvichit Member 3 Hon. Dr. Vilayvong Bouddakham Member 4 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Sisoulath Member 5 Hon. Mrs. Suanesavanh Vignaket Member 6 Hon. Dr. Phonephet Boupha Member 7 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh Member 8 Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly Member 9 Hon. Mr. Amphay Chitmanonh Member 10 Hon. Mr. Sanya Praseuth Member 11 Hon. Mrs. Thavisay Phasathanh Member 12 Mr. Khemphone Anothay Secretary 13 Mr. Phetla Thanthavongsa Secretary 14 Mrs. Seng Outhay Chandala Secretary 15 Mrs. Kanthina Pan Inhuan Secretary 16 Mr. Soutsakhone Anantha Secretary

A - 3

Lao PDR – con’t 17 Mrs. Saliphone Outhachack Secretary 18 Ms. Anyphet Keola Secretary 19 Mr. Phonexay Phonemani Secretary 20 Ms. Annia Keosavang Secretary 21 Mr. Somchit Phomthavong Secretary 22 Mr. Phosy Temmerath Secretary 23 Mr. Bounelome Keobouahome Secretary 24 Mrs. Soudsada Keomany Secretary 25 Mrs. Sengdavanh Vongsay Secretary 26 Mr. Chindasack Vankham Accompanying Person

Malaysia 1 H.E. Dato Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof, Leader of Delegation Speaker of the House of Representatives () 2 Hon. Dato Rashid Hasnon Member 3 Hon. Mr. Kor Ming Nga Member 4 Hon. Mr. Member 5 Hon. Mr. Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh Member 6 Hon. Mrs. Member 7 Hon. Datuk Member 8 Hon. Datuk Wiramas Ermieyati Samsudin Member 9 Hon. Mr. Ahmad Hassan Member 10 Hon. Mr. Poay Tiong Khoo Member 11 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto Member 12 Hon. Mr. Awang Hashim Member 13 Hon. Mr. Muslimin Yahaya Member 14 Hon. Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid Member 15 Hon. Dato Member 16 Hon. Mr. Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir Member 17 Hon. Dato Sri Member 18 Hon. Mr. Manolan Mohamad Member 19 Hon. Mr. Member 20 Hon. Mr. Prabakan M Parameswaran Member 21 Hon. Mr. Ahmad Amzad Hashim Member 22 Hon. Dato Chong Swen Ong Member 23 Hon. Datuk Roosme Hamzah Member 24 Mr. Azri Norfikri Aziz Secretary 25 Ms. Fatihah Salahuddin Secretary 26 Mrs. Lay Choon Tam Secretary 27 Mr. Nur Azman Abdul Rahim Secretary 28 Mr. Klaus Rangga Julias Louis Secretary A - 4

Malaysia – con’t 29 Datin Hakimah Hassan Accompanying Person 30 Datin Nor Azizah Haron Accompanying Person 31 Mrs. Wei Cheng Lee Accompanying Person 32 Datin Sharifah Mahiza Syed Abdul Kadir Accompanying Person 33 Mrs. Rebecca Rajatin Accompanying Person 34 Mrs. Nur Diana Ahmad Takri Accompanying Person 35 Mr. Mohamad Sharil Redzuan Abdul Rauf Accompanying Person 36 Mr. Wan Emir Astar Wan Mohamad Khairil Accompanying Person Anuar

Myanmar 1 H.E. Mdm. Su Su Lwin, Leader of Delegation Member of Parliament 2 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein Member 3 Hon. Mr. Bo Bo Oo Member 4 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than Win (Mr.) Member 5 Hon. Dr. Wai Phyo Aung (Mr.) Member 6 Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung Member 7 Hon. Mrs. Pyone Kathy Naing Member 8 Hon. Dr. Soe Moe Thu Member 9 Hon. Mrs. Naw Hla Hla Soe Member 10 Hon. Mr. Maung Maung Latt Member 11 Hon. Mr. Nay Myo Kyaw Member 12 Hon. Mr. Sai Hlaing Kham Member 13 Hon. Mr. Min Lwin Member 14 Hon. Mr. Win Myint Member 15 Hon. Mrs. Shwe Shwe Sein Latt Member 16 Dr. Myat Soe (Mr.) Secretary 17 Mr. Kyaw Kyaw Aung Secretary 18 Mr. Thant Zin Tun Secretary 19 Ms. Khin Sabal Thein Secretary 20 Ms. Zin Mar Soe Secretary

Philippines 1 Hon. Mr. Raneo Abu, Leader of Delegation Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives 2 Hon. Mr. Luis Raymund Villafuerte, Jr. Member 3 Hon. Ms. Maria Lourdes Acosta-alba Member 4 Hon. Ms. Dulce Ann Hofer Member 5 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace Yu Member A - 5

Philippines – con’t 6 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-sato Member 7 Hon. Ms. Samantha Louise Vargas Alfonso Member 8 Ms. Corazon Alano Secretary 9 Mr. Novel Bangsal Secretary 10 Ms. Lourdes Rajini Rye Secretary 11 Mr. Renato Camelon Iii Secretary 12 Ms. Ann Marie Santos Secretary 13 Mr. Joel Atienza Secretary 14 Ms. Kathleen Joy Abante Secretary 15 Ms. Jonielyn Pearl Ylagan Secretary 16 Ms. Maejca Nezeil Cortas Secretary 17 Ms. Emerine Legaspi Secretary 18 Mr. Jose Manuel Alba Accompanying Person 19 Mrs. Lara Maria Villafuerte Accompanying Person 20 Ms. Mikaela Jena Vargas Alfonso Accompanying Person 21 Mr. Dennis Duay Accompanying Person 22 Mr. Roderick Magsino Accompanying Person 23 Mr. Mark Gaylord Monserat Accompanying Person

Singapore 1 H.E. Mr. Tan Chuan-Jin, Leader of Delegation Speaker of the Parliament 2 Hon. Mr. Biow Chuan Lim Member 3 Hon. Dr. Ho Pin Teo Member 4 Hon. Mr. Hin Kee Ang Member 5 Hon. Mr. Thiam Poh Gan Member 6 Hon. Mr. Pritam Singh Member 7 Hon. Ms. Cheryl Chan Member 8 Hon. Mr. Darryl David Member 9 Hon. Mr. Henry Kwek Member 10 Hon. Ms. Joan Pereira Member 11 Hon. Ms. Rahayu Mahzam Member 12 Hon. Mr. Chia Hsing Yee Member 13 Hon. Prof. Sun Sun Lim Member 14 Ms. Lin Hwee Chua Secretary 15 Ms. Siew Joo Yip Secretary 16 Mr. Faizal Bin Ali Secretary 17 Mr. Cedric Sun Secretary 18 Mr. Veeramany Pannir Selvam Secretary 19 Ms. Siti Aisyah Safuan Secretary A - 6

Singapore – con’t 20 Mr. Yong Hui Lim Secretary 21 Mr. Chong Wah Lim Secretary 22 Mdm. Siew Khoon Goh Accompanying Person 23 Mdm. Christina Sim Accompanying Person 24 Mdm. Caroline Seah Accompanying Person

Thailand 1 H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of AIPA President of the National Assembly 2 H.E. Prof. Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, Leader of Delegation President of the Senate 3 Hon. Mr. Suchart Tonjaroen Member 4 Hon. Mr. Kiat Sittheeamorn Member 5 Hon. Mr. Pisan Manawapat Member 6 Hon. Adm. Saksith Cherdboonmuang Member 7 Hon. Ms. Theerarat Samrejvanich Member 8 Hon. Mr. Paradorn Prissananantakul Member 9 Hon. Ms. Wiboonlasana Ruamraksa Member 10 Hon. Mr. Manoon Sivapiromrat Member 11 Hon. Mr. Jakkaphon Tangsutthitham Member 12 Hon. Mr. Katerut Laothamatas Member 13 Hon. Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat Member 14 Hon. M.L. Panadda Diskul Member 15 Hon. Mr. Anusak Kongmalai Member 16 Hon. Mrs. Pitcharat Laohapongchana Member 17 Hon. Mr. Nattapong Supriyasilp Member 18 Hon. Mrs. Pikulkeaw Krairiksh Member 19 Hon. Mrs. Suwannee Sirivejchapun Member 20 Hon. Ms. Yaowalux Wongpraparat Member 21 Hon. Ms. Pechdau Tohmeena Member 22 Hon. Ms. Chitpas Kridakon Member 23 Hon. Mr. Virasakdi Futrakul Member 24 Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol Member 25 Hon. Mrs. Kanchanaratt Leevirojana Member 26 Hon. Mr. Thani Onlahiad Member 27 Hon. Ms. Nateepat Kulsetthasith Member 28 Hon. Mr. Samerkun Thiengtham Member 29 Hon. Mr. Kitti Wasinondh Member 30 Hon. Mr. Sora-at Klinpratoom Member 31 Hon. Mr. Korn Chatikavanij Member

A - 7

Thailand – con’t 32 Hon. Mr. Virachai Virameteekul Member 33 Hon. Mr. Sombat Srisurin Member 34 Hon. Mr. Sathit Limpongpan Member 35 Hon. Gen. Surapong Suwana-adth Member 36 Hon. Mr. Sungsidh Piriyarangsan Member 37 Hon. Gen. Teeradej Meepien Member 38 Hon. Gen. Thawip Netniyom Member 39 Hon. Mr. Yuttapong Charasathien Member 40 Hon. Pol. Gen. Chatchawal Suksomjit Member 41 Hon. Mr. Pichate Satirachaval Member 42 Hon. Mr. Julapun Amornvivat Member 43 Hon. Mr. Klaikong Vaidhyakarn Member 44 Hon. Ms. Watanya Wongopasi Member 45 Hon. Mr. Korrawee Prissananantakul Member 46 Hon. Mr. Siripong Angkasakulkait Member 47 Hon. Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn Member 48 Hon. Ms. Saratsanun Unnopporn Member 49 Hon. Ms. Pada Vorakanon Member 50 Hon. Col. Settapong Malisuwan Member 51 Hon. Mr. Chakkrapan Pornnimit Member 52 Hon. Ms. Anusree Tubsuwan Member 53 Hon. Ms. Jiraporn Sindhuprai Member 54 Hon. Mr. Pisit Leeahtam Member 55 Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs Advisor 56 Dr. Wiwat Mungkandi Advisor 57 Asst. Prof. Issara Sereewatthanawut Advisor 58 Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Digital Economy Advisor and Society 59 Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour Advisor 60 Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Advisor Resources and Environment 61 Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice Advisor 62 Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Advisor Sports 63 Commissioner General, Royal Thai Police Advisor 64 Secretary-General of the National Security Advisor Council 65 Secretary-General of the Office of the National Advisor Counter Corruption Commission 66 Secretary-General of the Office of the Council of Advisor State

A - 8

Thailand – con’t 67 Director-General, Department of ASEAN Affairs Advisor 68 Director-General, Department of Trade Advisor Negotiations 69 Director-General, Department of Disaster Advisor Prevention and Mitigation 70 Director-General, Department of Children and Advisor Youth 71 Director-General, Department of Older Persons Advisor 72 Director-General, Department of Women’s Affairs Advisor and Family Development 73 Director-General, The Civil Aviation Authority of Advisor Thailand 74 Director-General, the Office of Small and Medium Advisor Enterprises Promotion 75 Mr. Paradorn Arawan Secretary 76 Mr. Panya Kotthen Secretary 77 Ms. Kanteera Leelanond Secretary 78 Mr. Russdy Khantanit Secretary 79 Mr. Komsak Boonpleung Secretary

Viet Nam 1 H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Leader of Delegation President of the National Assembly 2 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Giau Member 3 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Hanh Phuc Member 4 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan Member 5 Hon. Ms. Nguyen Thuy Anh Member 6 Hon. Mr. Duong Quoc Anh Member 7 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang Member 8 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha Member 9 Hon. Mr. Don Tuan Phong Member 10 Hon. Mrs. Duong Minh Anh Member 11 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyet Member 12 Hon. Mrs. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa Member 13 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy Member 14 Hon. Mr. Dinh Cong Sy Member 15 Hon. Mrs. Tran Hong Nguyen Member 16 Hon. Mr. Bui Thanh Son Member 17 Mr. Nguyen Tien Thinh Secretary 18 Mr. Nguyen Duc Thuan Secretary 19 Ms. Ho Hoai Secretary 20 Mr. Dao Duy Trung Secretary 21 Mr. Do Hoang Viet Secretary 22 Mrs. Tran Kim Chi Secretary 23 Mr. Hoang Manh Quyet Secretary

A - 9

Viet Nam – con’t 24 Mr. Nguyen Van Ninh Secretary 25 Mrs. Hoang Thi Thanh Hoa Secretary 26 Mrs. Nguyen Thi Cam Nhu Secretary 27 Mrs. Pham Thi Thu Hang Secretary 28 Mr. Ta Le Thanh Secretary 29 Mr. Vu Tran Nam Secretary 30 Mr. Vu Khac Dinh Secretary 31 Mr. Ba Dinh Truc Secretary 32 Mrs. Nguyen Huong Quynh Secretary 33 Mrs. Bui Le Thu Secretary 34 Mr. Nguyen Dang Nam Secretary 35 Mr. Nguyen Minh Quang Secretary 36 Mr. Tran Hong Duc Secretary 37 Mrs. Nguyen Tuong Van Secretary 38 Mr. Phan Sy Minh Secretary 39 Mr. Nguyen Duc Quan Secretary 40 Mr. Luu Anh Tuan Secretary 41 Mrs. Nguyen Phong Lan Secretary 42 Mr. Le Minh Thang Secretary 43 Mr. Dang The Viet Secretary 44 Mr. Nguyen Quang Hung Secretary 45 Mr. Nguyen Van Hung Secretary 46 Mr. Tran Van Than Secretary 47 Mr. Duong Van Hieu Secretary 48 Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Secretary 49 Mr. Dao Viet Thuan Secretary 50 Mr. Tran Huu Dung Secretary 51 Mr. Bui Thanh Hai Secretary 52 Mr. Vuong Khanh Tran Linh Secretary 53 Mr. Pham Hoang Hai Secretary 54 Mr. Phan Minh Tuan Secretary 55 Mr. Nguyen Quang Hung Secretary 56 Mrs. Le Thi Thu Secretary 57 Ms. Dao Ngoc Mai Thy Secretary 58 Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hoang Van Secretary 59 Mr. Nguyen Truong Son Secretary 60 Mrs. Tran Thi Thu Trang Secretary 61 Mr. Le Manh Tien Secretary 62 Mr. Le Quang Hoa Secretary 63 Mr. Ly Duc Trung Secretary

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AIPA observer country delegations

Australia 1 Hon. Mr. Kevin Hogan, Leader of Delegation Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives 2 Hon. Dr. John McVeigh Member 3 Hon. Mr. Alexander Gallacher Member 4 Ms. Natalie Cooke Secretary

Belarus 1 H.E. Mr. Vladimir Goshin, Leader of Delegation Ambassador 2 Mr. Igor Bely Minister-Counsellor 3 Mrs. Koranun Sukonritikorn Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in the Kingdom of Thailand 4 Mrs. Lyudmila Belaya Spouse

Canada 1 Hon. Mr. Joseph Day, Leader of Delegation Senator 2 Hon. Mrs. Irene Mathyssen Member 3 Hon. Mr. Jim Munson Member 4 Hon. Mr. Victor Oh Member 5 Mrs. Georgie Day Accompanying Person 6 Mr. Keith Mathyssen Accompanying Person 7 Mr. David Chandonnet Secretary

China 1 Hon. Mr. Si Yuan, Leader of Delegation Member of the National People's Congress 2 Hon. Ms. Wei Lyu Member 3 Hon. Ms. Qiao Xiang Member 4 Mr. Quan Yuan Secretary 5 Mr. Junxian Dong Secretary 6 Mr. Juntao Xu Secretary

Republic of Korea 1 Hon. Mr. Lee Seokhyun, Leader of Delegation Member of the National Assembly 2 Hon. Mr. Yun Jae Ok Member 3 Mr. Zeon Daeyoung Secretary

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Republic of Korea – con’t 4 Mrs. Chang Heeseung Secretary 5 Mrs. Kim So Hyun Secretary

Russia Federation 1 Hon. Ms. Liudmila Talabaeva, Leader of Delegation Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly 2 Mr. Boris Osokin Delegate 3 Ms. Irina Zolotareva Secretary

AIPA Secretariat

1 Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, Leader of Delegation Secretary General 2 Mr. Mario Dewono Deputy Secretary 3 Ms. Putri Lima Director of Policy, Education and Publicity 4 Mr. Adi Witjaksono Director of Finance and Administration 5 Ms. Putri Lubis Secretary to Secretary General 6 Ms. Royyan Isnanda Publicity Officer 7 Ms. Anggayasti Ajengpadmitha Communication Officer 8 Mr. Sandi Nursahamdani Education Officer

ASEAN Secretariat

1 Mr. Kung Phoak, Leader of Delegation Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community 2 Mr. Yoong Yoong Lee Director of Community Affairs 3 Ms. Destya Pahnael Secretary

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Guests of Host

Morocco 1 H.E. Mr. Habib El Malki, Leader of Delegation President of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco 2 Mr. Amal Belcaid Secretary 3 Mr. Said Meskini Secretary 4 Mr. Mohammed Doukha Secretary 5 Mrs. Daniele Marie Sourisse Accompanying Person

Norway 1 Mrs. Elin Agdestein, Leader of Delegation Member of Parliament 2 Mr. Helge André Njåstad Member 3 Mrs. Margrethe Saxegaard Secretary

ERIA 1 Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, Leader of Delegation President of ERIA 2 Dr. Ayumi Kodama Deputy Director General for ASEAN and East Asian Affairs 3 Dr. Michikazu Kojima Senior Economist 4 Mr. Shimpei Taniguchi Director of Planning and Coordination 5 Mr. Fusanori Iwasaki Secretary 6 Ms. Noviawaty Noviawaty Secretary

Freeland Foundation 1 Mr. Steven Galster, Leader of Delegation Executive Director of Freeland Foundation 2 Ms. Bussara Tirakalyanapan Accompanying Person 3 Ms. Chia Wei Yang Accompanying Person 4 Mr. Petcharat Sangchai Accompanying Person 5 Mr. Peter Collier Accompanying Person

GIZ 1 Mr. Bernardo Jr. Agawin GIZ Principal Adviser AIPA for ASEAN Integration Project 2 Mr. Joachim Hecker Counsellor, The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

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PIC 1 Mr. Dararith Kim-Yeat Executive Director 2 Mrs. Chantre Mann Assistant to Executive Director

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Doc 40GA/2019/Excom Rep)


1 The AIPA Executive Committee met on 25 August 2019 at 8.00 hrs. to discuss and approve matters according to the Order of Business.

2 Pursuant to Part IV Article 10(6) of the AIPA Statutes, the President of AIPA shall be the Chairperson of the Executive Committee. The meeting was presided over by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, Secretary-General of AIPA, was appointed as Secretary of the meeting.


3 The following delegates were present at the meeting:

Brunei Darussalam 1 H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hasrin Sabtu 3 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii

Cambodia 1 Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin 2 Hon. Post. Dr. Cheam Yeap 3 Hon. Mr. Cheang Vun 4 Hon. Mr. Keo Piseth

Indonesia 1 Hon. Dr. Fadli Zon 2 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti 3 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Boutthanavong 2 Hon. Prof. Eksavang Vongvichit 3 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh

Malaysia 1 H.E. Dato Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof 2 Hon. Dato Roshid Hasnon 3 Hon. Mr. Kor Ming Nga

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Myanmar 1 H.E. Mdm. Su Su Lwin 2 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 3 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than Win

Philippines 1 Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu 2 Hon. Mr. Luis Raymund F. Villafuerte, Jr. 3 Hon. Divina Grace C. Yu

Singapore 1 H.E. Mr. Tan Chuan-Jin 2 Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan 3 Hon. Dr. Teo Ho Pin

Thailand 1 H.E. Prof. Pornpetch Wichitcholchai 2 Hon. Mr. Virasakdi Futrakul 3 Hon. Mr. Kiat Sittheeamorn

Viet Nam 1 H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan 2 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Giau 3 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha

Appointment of Vice Chairperson

4 The meeting agreed to the appointment of H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly of Viet Nam, as the Vice-Chairperson of the meeting.

Presentation of Report

5 The following reports were presented to the meeting:

 Report of the 2nd AIPACODD Meeting held from 12 to 15 March 2019 in Chiang Mai, Thailand;  Report of the 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting held on 16 to 19 June 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;  Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface Meeting at the 34th ASEAN Summit, held on 22 June 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand.

6 The meeting agreed that the Report of the 2nd AIPACODD Meeting would be tabled for consideration at the Meeting of Committee on Social Matters, while the Report of 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting and the Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface Meeting at the 34th ASEAN Summit would be tabled at the Meeting of Committee on Political Matters.

Consideration of Items

Program of Activities

7 The meeting considered and approved the Program of Activities for the 40th General Assembly of AIPA. B - 2

Agenda Items for the 40th General Assembly of AIPA

8 For the effectiveness of the meeting, the Chairperson proposed recommendation to the meeting to adopt unanimously on items that were non-controversial and focusing on particular items that were still under scrutiny.

9 For item no. 8 of B. Committee on Political Matters “Draft Resolution on Responding to the Humanitarian Crisis of the Rohingya People” proposed by Indonesia, the Chairperson extended the opportunity to Indonesia and Myanmar delegations to convey their stances and explanations on the contents and backgrounds of the issues. Despite extensive deliberations from both delegations, with intentions and special requests from the Thai delegation to continue and move forward on this issue which has been tabled at the General Assembly’s Agenda since 2017. Also, with efforts made by the Chairperson asking each delegation to agree to the adoption of items no. 1 to no. 7 with an exclusion of item no. 8, all but Indonesian delegation approved, therefore, the Committee on Political Matters was not convened.

Agenda Item for Dialogue with Observer Countries

10 The meeting unanimously agreed that “Partnership for Good Regulatory Practices” will be the topic of the Dialogue with Observer Countries.

Establishment and Composition of Committees and Panels for Dialogue

11 The meeting also agreed to the Establishment and Composition of the following:  Committee of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA);  Committee on Economic Matters;  Committee on Social Matters;  Committee on Organisational Matters;  Committee on Joint Communique;  Panels for Dialogue with 5 Observer Countries which were Australia, Canada, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation.

Following the development on the deliberation of item no.8 of B. Committee on Political Matters, Indonesia Delegation stated its reservation on “Establishment and Composition of Committee on Political Matters”, therefore, the Committee on Political Matters was not convened.

Guests of the Host

12 The meeting was informed that delegations from the ASEAN Secretariat, the Parliaments of Morocco and Norway, GIZ, ERIA, FREELAND and PIC had been invited as Guests of the Host.

Date and Venue of 41st General Assembly of AIPA

13 The meeting agreed to hold the 41st General Assembly of AIPA in Ha Long, Viet Nam, from 25 to 30 August 2020.

14 The meeting ended at 09.50 hrs.

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Your Excellency, The President of the AIPA, Honourable Delegates.

It is with great pleasure that I extend my best wishes to the National Assembly of Thailand for hosting the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in Bangkok, Thailand.

The theme of the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) this year, “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, fits in well with the theme of this year’s ASEAN Summit and is timely as we strive towards achieving the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. Moving towards a sustainable ASEAN Community requires support, cooperation and partnership among all parties, including the legislative bodies in ASEAN. Hence, AIPA parliamentarians, as representatives of the people of ASEAN, have an instrumental role to play in communicating ASEAN’s vision and aspirations of the people.

Since becoming a member of AIPA, Brunei Darussalam has greatly valued AIPA’s role in ensuring that the people of ASEAN remain a united, integrated community through promoting an understanding of ASEAN’s regional policies. Following the establishment of the ASEAN Community in 2015, our vision should now expand to outside ASEAN wherein AIPA should continue to look at constructive avenues for better engagement and joint ventures between our respective governments and those outside ASEAN. Sustainable community can only be achieved through better understanding of the issues related to sustainable development goals, which are not just concerns prioritized by ASEAN Member States, but also the world in general.

I would also like to highlight the important partnership between ASEAN and AIPA. Through the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with AIPA during the 34th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok this year, ASEAN leaders and AIPA had the opportunity to discuss on the works of ASEAN at all levels and ways to further enhance cooperation between ASEAN and AIPA. ASEAN very much appreciates this high-level dialogue and strategic partnership with AIPA.

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I am also pleased to note that the agenda for the 40th AIPA General Assembly this year continues to touch on issues that serve to reinforce AIPA’s past developments, including those which Brunei Darussalam places great emphasis on. Brunei Darussalam shall continue to support the work of AIPA to achieve a common goal for ASEAN for the collective benefit of our people.

Finally, I wish the 40th AIPA General Assembly and its delegates much success in their deliberations. I am confident that moving forward, AIPA will remain an important component in ASEAN’s plans and efforts to achieve a sustainable ASEAN Community.


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Message from His Excellency U Win Myint, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, to the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)

(Bangkok, Thailand, 25-30 August 2019)

The Honourable AIPA President,

Honourable Members of Parliaments and

Distinguished Delegates,

On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, I take great pleasure in extending my warmest greetings to H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Honourable President of the AIPA and Speaker of the House of Representative of the National Assembly of Thailand as well as to the Honourable Members of Parliaments and Distinguished Delegates participating in the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA).

I first wish to congratulate AIPA and Member of Parliaments for building closer cooperation among the ASEAN Parliaments over the past four decades. Solidarity and close ties among our Parliaments reflects close relations with our peoples as you all represent ASEAN citizens.

The theme of this Year’s 40th AIPA General Assembly, “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community” is closely aligned with ASEAN Chair’s Theme of ‘“Advancing Partnership for Sustainability’. Such alignment demonstrates close coordination and harmony between ASEAN inter-governmental and inter-parliamentary processes, which need to be further strengthened in the future.

As this year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Assembly since its first gathering in 1975 in Indonesia, it is important for AIPA to build upon the achievements made thus far in contribution to the ASEAN Community building process.

As ASEAN has been embarking on building the ASEAN Community for the last four years, it is imperative to sustain and strengthen efforts for greater regional integration, which is priority for all ASEAN Member States. ASEAN has been undertaking these efforts in the contexts of challenging political, socio-economic conditions in the region and the world at large. Spread of terrorism and violent

C - 11 extremism, as well as increasing threat from Climate Change, disruptive forces of technology and other non-traditional security issues call for stronger regional and global partnership. And thus, closer cooperation and collaboration among ASEAN Member States become even more essential than ever before. Such cooperation needs to take place at every level; intergovernmental, inter-parliamentary and among our business communities and our peoples in general.

Being the representatives of ASEAN peoples, ASEAN Parliaments and Members of Parliaments need to further capitalize its role in reflecting the voices, concerns and aspirations of our peoples and harmonizing the laws and policies of ASEAN Member States so that ASEAN vision for integrated, people-centred, people-oriented and rule-based Community be realized while contributing to peace and prosperity in the region and beyond.

In conclusion, I would like to extend our best wishes to the Distinguished Delegates of the 40th General Assembly of the AIPA for successful deliberations in fostering ASEAN solidarity, closer inter- parliamentary cooperation and partnerships aiming to realize the goals of the ASEAN Community.

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Since its establishment 52 years ago, ASEAN has been a catalyst for peace, prosperity, and mutual cooperation in Southeast Asia. Created in 1967 against the turbulent backdrop of the Cold War, ASEAN’s five founding members came together as a bulwark against external threats, creating a platform to promote regional peace and stability. ASEAN’s role has since evolved and expanded. Today, it seeks to foster greater integration and deepen linkages among its 10 members.

Propelled by the strong commitment of its Member States, ASEAN is one of the most successful regional groupings in the world. The historic ASEAN Community was established in 2015, with three pillars of political-security, economic, and socio-cultural cooperation. We have achieved significant results in poverty alleviation, sustainable development, and strengthening people-to-people ties. With a growing middle class and a young workforce, ASEAN is poised to become the fourth-largest economy in the world by 2030.

ASEAN has not taken its success for granted, and the process of regional integration remains an ongoing one. The ASEAN Community Vision 2025 outlines our aspirations for the next 10 years. We continue to deepen existing aspects of collaboration, including through the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III, and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025. Cognisant of the opportunities and challenges that accompany technological advancements, ASEAN strives to stay ahead of the curve as well. The ASEAN Smart Cities Network, which provides a common framework for smart city development in the region, is one such example.

ASEAN’s commitment to Community-building is especially relevant given the geopolitical headwinds buffeting the global economy today. Protectionist and nationalist sentiments are on the rise, with the benefits of globalisation increasingly coming under question. The open and rules-based multilateral system which has underpinned ASEAN’s growth and stability has hence come under significant stress. I am therefore heartened that ASEAN Member States have redoubled efforts to conclude the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) expeditiously. Once concluded, RCEP will be the world’s largest trading bloc, and will send a clear signal of the region’s commitment to trade liberalisation and economic integration.

Seen in this context, the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) serves a crucial function as it deliberates different ways in which ASEAN can further its regional integration agenda. As representatives of our peoples, AIPA members are uniquely positioned to communicate the role and importance of ASEAN to our citizens. I congratulate AIPA on the convening of its 40th General Assembly, and wish our parliamentarians fruitful and beneficial exchanges as we build a vibrant and cohesive ASEAN Community together.

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On behalf of the State and people of Viet Nam, allow me to extend my sincerest greetings to Your Excellency President of AIPA, Heads of Delegation of member countries and delegates attending the 40th AIPA General Assembly organized in this beautiful country of Thailand.

Having gone through 40 sessions of General Assembly, AIPA has showcased its crucial role in making active contributions to the process of building a cohesive and united ASEAN, in exerting great efforts to broaden and deepen relations with dialogue partners. I highly value the theme of this 40th AIPA General Assembly “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, which is in alignment with the theme of ASEAN this year, “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”, expressing AIPA’s clear message that is to become an important partner, to stand side by side with ASEAN in developing and building a resilient, cohesive and dynamic Community.

During the course of the past 52 years, ASEAN has recorded significant accomplishments but at the same time is facing multiple challenges, including how to effectively execute its plans, maintain its centrality, strengthen solidarity and internal unity to address regional and global issues, especially those related to regional peace and security. In the process of building the Community and realizing ASEAN Vision 2025, AIPA and ASEAN need to further foster more substantive and effective cooperation, enhance connectivity and mutual support, allocate necessary resources to achieve goals at both national and regional levels, helping to bring practical benefits to the peoples in the Community. Being an active and responsible member of AIPA, the National Assembly of Viet Nam has been and shall be actively engaging in AIPA's activities, in regional and international integration for the sake of peace, prosperity and sustainability of ASEAN Community.

I am confident, under the chairmanship of Your Excellency Mr. President, given the close cooperation among delegates and along with the thorough preparation of the National Assembly of Thailand, that the AIPA 40 General Assembly will be crown with great success.

Please accept, Your Excellency Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


President of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, AIPA Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN, Distinguished Parliamentarians, Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Royal Thai Government and people of Thailand, allow me, first of all, to extend my warm welcome to all of you to the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly or AIPA in Thailand. Today, it is indeed a great pleasure for me to be here with all of distinguished delegates from AIPA Member Parliaments, Observers and also AIPA Partners at this propitious occasion since we are a part of the key driving mechanism in enhancing our community in order to achieve ASEAN’s goals.

Throughout 40 years, AIPA as a closer partnership of ASEAN was established to be a parallel organization of executive branch through the legislative process and play its significant roles in enhancing the third ASEAN Community Pillar – the Pillar of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community which based on people oriented. Let me emphasize that executive branch of ASEAN Nations need the mutual effort and support from AIPA to push forward the policies given by executive branch to the public for successful policy implementation. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all togetherness from legislatures, from Members of Parliament and also partnership from the observer countries who have lent full support for our community by sharing the great experiences and valuable suggestions. This leads to the realization of ASEAN as we know today.

Currently, ASEAN has confronted with global challenges such as the problem of human trafficking, transnational crime, and environmental issue. I am also extremely pleased to note that AIPA has been continuing to support the sustainability of ASEAN Community, in particular, the building efforts in combating the drug menace in the region in order to achieve a Drug-Free-ASEAN Community. In addition, I am admired with successful outcomes of the 2nd meeting of the AIPA Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPA CODD) in Chiang Mai, March 2019. The meeting unanimously agreed the alternative development as a tool to cope with the illicit drug and also agreed to strengthen people’s immunity by integrating all development aspects of communities. In the meantime, the AIPA Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs paid a study visit at the Royal Agricultural Station Inthanon – the empirical successful Royal Project in order to cope with illicit drug which based on people centered. I, therefore, hope that this model would ignite the new paradigm to fight against the drug menace D - 1

- 2 - in our region and AIPA could use as a guideline and measure on drug prevention for our people toward a Drug-Free-ASEAN Community. Furthermore, the environmental issues have become one of the leading issues in the World and ASEAN. Thailand as Chair of ASEAN, we intend to work in tackling environmental problems in the region. The Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris reaffirms ASEAN's commitment to protect the marine environment and strengthen regional cooperation in addressing marine debris issues. Hopefully, this Bangkok Declaration could be a framework of AIPA for the benefit of ASEAN’s people.

Distinguished Participants,

The Year 2019 is regarded as a year of cooperation for ASEAN sustainability. Indeed, the chosen ASEAN theme of Thailand for this year is "Advancing Partnership for Sustainability" to enhance regional sustainability in all respects. No country can go it alone. We must go forward together. In this regard, cooperation and participation from all stakeholders are necessary for achieving our goal. More broadly and fundamentally, I am very confident that cooperation of AIPA, as legislative branch of ASEAN through the AIPA framework and as people’s representatives can apply their domestic laws and facilitate the harmonization of laws and regulations among ASEAN Member States that will bolster the ASEAN mutual recognition agreement and move towards ASEAN sustainability in all aspects. Also, this could lead to strong ASEAN Community with high competitiveness accordingly.

Lastly, in order to achieve the ASEAN community, let me emphasize that Thailand has pledged the readiness to support the role of the AIPA Secretariat and ASEAN Secretariat in coordinating with Member countries, Inter-Parliamentary Organization and Legislative Branches. We expect that the two Secretariats should work together more closely and restructure our partnership with more consistent cooperation, which will lead to the substantial outcomes and promote the ASEAN sustainability in all dimensions.

Once again, I wish to welcome all of you to this meeting and thank you for AIPA Member Parliaments to present at this important meeting. In particular, I would like to thank Secretary General of AIPA and Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN for invaluable support to the AIPA and ASEAN cooperation and last, but not least, the President of the National Assembly of Thailand, a Chairman of AIPA for General Assembly meeting.

In closing, I wish you all a very successful meeting and come up with recommendations that will lead the valid framework between AIPA and ASEAN in order to enhance ASEAN community and cope with internal and external challenges sustainably.

Thank you.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Distinguished Colleagues, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my pleasure and honor to welcome all of you to Thailand for the 40th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary General Assembly. The last time Thailand hosted AIPA was 10 years ago, and this time we are delighted to receive our ASEAN family again.

For forty-two years, AIPA has served as a platform to promote collaboration between ASEAN Parliamentarians. From humble beginning, we have grown to encompass all 10 Member Parliaments, as well as 12 Observer Parliaments from around the world. This is a remarkable achievement; for a region as vast and diverse as ours, standing under one banner all these years is a testament to our shared aspirations. Whether it be our Security, our Economy or our Socio-Equality, history has shown that we are truly stronger together.

But history is always being written and we must remain vigilant, lest we be swept away by the tide of change. The rise of extremism, the threat of climate change, the perils of migration and the rot of corruption remind us that the world has not stopped turning and, even as we fight to keep our heads afloat, new challenges threaten to undermine our accomplishments. In these turbulent times, it is tempting to reach for quick-fixes that fail to solve the underlying problem. By doing so, we accomplish little except delaying the inevitable which, when it comes, will pile highest on the poorest, the weakest, and the most vulnerable in our society.

That is why, this year, the theme for our General Assembly is “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”. As the legislative body of ASEAN, we are the governing body closest to our constituents and uniquely positioned to see the true causes of their woes. By hearing them speak out, we can attack the root of the problem and ensure the longevity of their wellbeing. I believe there are four key lessons to keep in mind.

First, we must prioritize. There is always more to do than our capacity could ever allow. As Parliamentarians it is up to us to decide which of our peoples’ issue takes precedence, so we must ensure that our limited resources optimally benefit the masses.

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Second, we must work together. Whether it be amongst our countries, or with our colleagues in the ASEAN Secretariat, collaboration is necessary if we want to succeed long into the future. Previously, at the AIPA-ASEAN Interface, We proposed that a forum for coordinating the activities of the ASEAN and AIPA Secretariats be created. The ASEAN Chair has accepted that proposal, so let us begin taking steps towards that collaboration.

Third, we must put the people first. Whether we are looking at our own fellow citizen, the 647 million residents of ASEAN, or further beyond at the citizens of the world, it is crucial that we measure our success by their wellbeing. If we empower people to stand on their own by providing opportunity and security, the community will naturally thrive and endure.

Fourth, we must respect the rule of law. As legislators, laws are our be-all and end- all; it is through law that we maintain order in our society but, from the other side, law is how society treats its people. No country can endow its citizens with equal wealth but all people, regardless of who they are, should still be seen as equals under the law.

Let me tell you of a time when the people of Thailand, despite being under democratic rule, suffered clear injustice when the Executive branch selectively acted against those who held different political views from them. But there is still hope: as the legislature, we can defend against executive discrimination and preserve legal equality.

I’ve had the privilege of serving both in the executive and the legislative branches.

I’ve witnessed the absent of proper checks-and-balances, graft and corruption will rot away a society from within. A Community that does not uphold rule of law cannot have true equality.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The peoples of ASEAN are rich in culture and geography. That is why no one definition of sustainable community can apply across the board. There is no Silver Bullet. But that is also why we have a critical role to play.

I admit that, in Thailand, few know of AIPA and our responsibilities. But if this week we can solve some issues directly related to our peoples’ lives, we will have earned a place in their hearts and minds. Our ability to embrace diversity, respect them and still forge onward will create an ASEAN worthy of future generations.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to repeat my sincere appreciation for your participation in this General Assembly. I wish you all a fruitful week of engaging consultation. At this auspicious moment, I now declare the Fortieth AIPA General Assembly open.

Thank you.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



Sunday 25th August 2019

- Arrival of all Delegates at the airport - Access to airport VIP rooms - Proceed to the Hotel - Registration of Delegates Venue: Grand Ballroom Foyer (Lobby Level)

17.00 – 17.45 hrs. - Meeting of the National Secretariats of the AIPA Member Parliaments Venue: Next 2 Chao Phraya Room (Level 1)

After the Meeting, AIPA Secretary-General to meet with the AIPA Member National Secretariats.

18.30 hrs. - Dinner Hosted by H.E. Mr. Suchart Tonjaroen, First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Venue: Ballroom I (Lobby Level) Attire: Smart Casual

20.00 – 21.30 hrs. - Meeting of the AIPA Executive Committee Venue: Next 2 Chao Phraya Room (Level 1) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress Discussion and Approval of:  Program of Activities for the 40th AIPA General Assembly  Agenda of the 40th AIPA General Assembly  Topic for Dialogues with Observers  Membership of Committees of the 40th AIPA General Assembly - Committee on Political Matters - Committee on Economic Matters - Committee on Social Matters - Committee on Organizational Matters

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- Committee on Joint Communique - Meeting of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA)  Date and Venue of the 41th General Assembly of AIPA  Other matters


Monday 26th August 2019

06.30 – 08.30 hrs. - Breakfast Venue: Next 2 café (Level 1)

08.15 – 08.30 hrs. - Courtesy Call on H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Thailand and President of AIPA, by Heads of AIPA Member Delegations, Secretary General of AIPA, and ASEAN Secretary General Venue: The Study (Level 1) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress

08.35 – 08.50 hrs. - Courtesy Call on H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Thailand and President of AIPA, by Heads of AIPA Observer Delegations, Guests of the Host, and AIPA Partners Venue: The Valley Room I-II (Level 1) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress

09.00 – 10.30 hrs. - Opening Ceremony of the 40th AIPA General Assembly Venue: Ballroom II-III (Lobby Level) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress  Cultural Presentation  Welcome Address by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand  Opening Address by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Thailand and President of AIPA  Photo Session

10.30 – 11.00 hrs. - Coffee Break Venue: Grand Ballroom Foyer (Lobby Level)

11.00 – 13.00 hrs. - First Plenary Session Venue: Ballroom II-III (Lobby Level) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress

- Nomination of Vice-Presidents of the 40th AIPA General Assembly

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- Discussion and Adoption of  Program of Activities for the 40th AIPA General Assembly  Agenda of the 40th AIPA General Assembly  Topic for Dialogues with Observers  Membership of Committees of the 40th AIPA General Assembly

- Statements of Heads of AIPA Member Delegations 1) Brunei Darussalam 2) Cambodia 3) Indonesia 4) Lao People’s Democratic Republic 5) Malaysia 6) Myanmar 7) Philippines 8) Singapore 9) Viet Nam 10) Thailand

13.00 – 14.00 hrs. - Lunch Venue: Ballroom I (Lobby Level)

13.00 – 14.00 hrs. - Lunch for WAIPA Delegates hosted by Chairperson of WAIPA Meeting Venue: Shangri-La Palace (Level 3)

14.00 – 17.00 hrs. - Meeting of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) Venue: Next 2 Chao Phraya Room (Level 1) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress

14.30 – 17.00 hrs. - First Plenary Session (Continuation)

- Statements of Heads of Observer Delegations 1) Australia 2) Canada 3) People’s Republic of China 4) Republic of Korea 5) Russian Federation

- Statements by the Guests of the Host 1) Morocco 2) Norway 3) ASEAN Secretariat

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17.15 – 18.00 hrs. - Meeting between AIPA Delegation and Secretary General of ASEAN Venue: Next 2 Chao Phraya Room (Level 1)

18.00 – 18.30 hrs. - Meeting of Thai National Secretariat and Secretaries to Observer Delegations Venue: Next 2 Chao Phraya Room (Level 1)

19.00 – 20.30 hrs. - Dinner Hosted by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Thailand and President of AIPA Venue: Grand Ballroom II-III, Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress


Tuesday 27th August 2019

06.30 – 08.30 hrs. - Breakfast Venue: Next 2 café (Level 1)

09.00 – 12.00 hrs. - Committee Meetings Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress  Committee on Economic Matters Venue: Meeting Room C (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)  Committee on Social Matters Venue: Meeting Room F (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)  Committee on Organizational Matters Venue: Meeting Room H (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)

12.00 - 13.30 hrs. - Lunch Venue: Ballroom I (Lobby Level)

14.00 – 15.30 hrs. - Dialogue with Observer Countries  Australia Venue: Meeting Room C (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)  Canada Venue: Meeting Room F (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)  People’s Republic of China Venue: Meeting Room H (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)

F - 4

 Republic of Korea Venue: Meeting Room G (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)  Russian Federation Venue: Meeting Room D (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)

15.30 – 16.00 hrs. - Coffee Break Venue: Krungthep Wing Foyer (Krungthep Wing, Level 3)

19.00 – 21.00 hrs. - Dinner Hosted by H.E. Prof. Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate Venue: Ballroom I (Lobby Level) Attire: Smart Casual


Wednesday 28th August 2019

06.00 – 15.30 hrs. - Golf Fellowship Venue: Riverdale Golf and Country Club

06.30 – 08.00 hrs. - Breakfast Venue: Next 2 café (Level 1)

08.30 – 15.30 hrs. - Excursion Venue: Don Kai Dee Village, Samut Sakhon Province

12.00 hrs. - Lunch Venue: Ballroom I (Lobby Level)

15.00 – 18.00 hrs. - Meeting of Committee on Joint Communiqué Venue: Next 2 Chao Phraya Room (Level 1) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress

19.00 hrs. - Embassy Night


Thursday 29th August 2019

06.30 – 08.30 hrs. - Breakfast Venue: Next 2 café (Level 1)

09.00 – 10.30 hrs. - Second Plenary Session Venue: Ballroom II-III (Lobby Level) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress

F - 5

- Presentation and Adoption of Reports 1) Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) 2) Committee on Economic Matters 3) Committee on Social Matters 4) Committee on Organizational Matters 5) Committee on Dialogue with Observer Countries 6) Committee on Joint Communiqué

- Announcement of the Date and Venue of 41st General Assembly of AIPA

- Signing of the Joint Communiqué

10.30 – 11.00 hrs. - Closing Ceremony Venue: Ballroom II-III (Lobby Level) Attire: Lounge Suit/National Dress  Closing Speech by the President of AIPA  Transfer of Office of the President of AIPA  Acceptance Speech by the Incoming President of the 41st General Assembly of AIPA

11.00 – 11.30 hrs. - Press Conference by the outgoing and incoming Presidents of AIPA with the participation of Chairpersons of each Committee Venue: The Study (Level 1)

12.00 – 14.00 hrs. - Lunch Venue: Ballroom I (Lobby Level)

18.00 – 21.30 hrs. - Solidarity Dinner Hosted by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Thailand  Presentation of Cultural Performances by AIPA Delegations Venue: Grand Ballroom (Lobby Level) Attire: National Dress


Friday 30th August 2019

06.30 – 08.30 hrs. - Breakfast Venue: Next 2 café (Level 1)

- Departures of all Delegations

F - 6


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

(Doc 40GA/2019/Agenda)


A. Committee on Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) 1. Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in ASEAN 2. Bridging the Gender Gap in Technology-Based Disciplines

B. Committee on Economic Matters 1. Fostering Inclusive Economic Development in ASEAN 2. ASEAN Cooperation to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) 3. Improving Digital Connectivity to Support the Growth of MSMEs 4. The Standardization and Liberalization of Air Services Under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market

C. Committee on Social Matters 1. Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community 2. Enhancing the Quality of Life of Older Persons 3. Strengthening Road Safety in ASEAN 4. Eliminating All Forms of Violence and Exploitation of Children 5. Regional Parliamentary Initiative for Enhancing Climate Action in ASEAN 6. Access to Justice for Migrant Workers

D. Committee on Organizational Matters 1. Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat for the Period of 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019 2. (1) Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat for the period of 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020; (2) Special fund the period of 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020; and (3) Estimated supplementary budget from 1 August 2020 to 31 October 2020 3. The Secretariat’s Annual Report FY 2018-2019 4. Guidelines of AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers 5. Standardizing the Format in Drafting AIPA Resolutions 6. Institutionalization of AIPA-ASEAN Dialogue 7. The Establishment of an Effective and Sustainable Organizational Mechanism in Every AIPA Member Parliament to Deliberate on all ASEAN and AIPA- Related Matters 8. The Collection and Exchange of Information of Laws of AIPA 9. The Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between AIPA and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) on “Capacity Development Program for Staff of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Member Parliaments” 10. Appreciating the Federal Republic of Germany for its Continued Support to AIPA 11. Establishing AIPA-ERIA Joint Dialogue to Support the Waste Management for Sustainable Development 12. The Relocation of AIPA Secretariat Premise

G - 1

13. A. AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Honorable Mr. Charles Chong B. AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Honorable Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs 14. Appreciating the Service of His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai as President of AIPA 15. Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Fourth AIPA Secretary General Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut 16. The Appointment of the Fifth Secretary General of AIPA 17. Date and Venue of the 41st AIPA General Assembly

E. Dialogue with Observers Topic for the Dialogue with Observers: “Partnership for Good Regulatory Practices”

G - 2



Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Doc 40GA/2019/AIPA-ASEAN Rep)


Mr. President,

1 It is my great honor to submit the following Report of the Dialogue between AIPA Delegation and ASEAN Secretariat.

2 The Meeting was held on 26 August 2019 at 17.20 hrs. It was presided over by Hon. Mr. Virasakdi Futrakul, Member of the Senate of Thailand. Also present in the dialogue; Hon. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community and Hon. Isra Sunthornvut, Secretary General of AIPA.

The following delegates attend the meeting:

Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Judin Hj Asar 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Hasrin HJ Sabtu 3 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii 4 Hon. Hj Abdul Hamid Arsad

Cambodia 1 Mr. Leng Peng Long* 2 Mr. Prom Virak* 3 Mr. Heang Thul* 4 Mr. Ly Mengtyth*

Indonesia N/A

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh 2 Hon. Dr. Phonephet Boupha 3 Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly

Malaysia 1 Hon. Wong Chen 2 Hon. Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh 3 Hon. Datuk Wiramas Ermieyati Samsudin

H - 1

Myanmar 1 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 2 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than win (Mr.)

Philippines 1 Hon. Josephine Ramirez-Sato 2 Hon. Samantha Louis Vargas Alfons

Singapore 1 Hon. Dr. Teo Ho Pin

Thailand 1 Hon. Mr. Kiat Sittheeamorn 2 Hon. Mr. Kitti Wasinondh

Vietnam 1 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha 2 Mrs. Dinh Cong Sy

3 The First Dialogue between AIPA Delegation and ASEAN Secretariat was conducted at the AIPA General Assembly, and was the initiative of the AIPA Secretary General. The overall objective of this dialogue is to establish a formal platform to exchange information, knowledge, insights on the partnership between AIPA and ASEAN to implement the ASEAN Integration Plan based on the ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together.

Opening Statement by AIPA Secretary General

4 The AIPA Secretary General, Hon. Isra Sunthornvut explained the purpose of the initiative, which is to formalize the communication mechanism between AIPA and ASEAN as legislative and executive branch. AIPA and ASEAN have already good communication as it is. However, exploring on what roles can ASEAN Secretariat and AIPA play in promoting and getting the message of the ASEAN Blueprint 2025 out to the people, is crucial to close the gap between the ASEAN and its peoples.

Opening Statement by Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)

5 The Deputy Secretary General of ASCC, Hon. Kung Phoak supported enhancement of AIPA-ASEAN collaboration following the ratifications of the ASEAN Agreement. He further conveyed his support in institutionalizing the AIPA Delegation and ASEAN Secretariat Dialogue on an annual basis. Further, recognizing the important role of AIPA as the concord lawmakers in the region, he recommended ASEAN parliamentarians to prioritize the ASEAN Leaders’ vision for ASEAN Community in their legislative agenda.

Dialogue Session

6 All delegations expressed their agreements on the proposal of having a regular dialogue between AIPA Delegates and ASEAN Secretariat to collaborate on the realization of the ASEAN Vision 2025 and the ASEAN Connectivity Master Plan 2025. Further, there was a recommendation to establish a Standing Committee, which was agreed by some of the

H - 2 delegates, to bring in relevant actors between ASEAN-AIPA to discuss the identified issues and to strengthen the cooperation between two bodies.

7 Concern was expressed about the relations between AIPA and ASEAN, due to the status of AIPA as “associated entity of ASEAN” under Annex 2 of ASEAN Charter. As AIPA consists of Parliaments of ASEAN Member States, AIPA should be accorded the status of strategic partner of ASEAN. 8 Suggestions were made to enhance communication between AIPA and ASEAN by requiring Cabinet member responsible for ASEAN affairs of all ASEAN Member Country to inform their respective Parliaments on any agreements, treaties, or other regional commitments made, approved or adopted by their respective Executive branches. It was emphasized during the meeting, that the works of AIPA is not the business of AIPA alone but also the business of ASEAN, and vice versa, as the regional commitments made by the ASEAN governments have to be ratified by the legislative.

9 The issue of harmonization of laws was also discussed during the dialogue. In this regard, information sharing amongst ASEAN and AIPA on the national laws related to ASEAN matters should facilitate such harmonization. Hence, it was proposed to establish stand-alone committee on AIPA-ASEAN Matters or a sub-committee on this matter under the Committee on Foreign Affairs in each AIPA Member Parliament. This measure will allow AIPA Member Parliaments to intensively deliberate the common issues and interests of ASEAN peoples, which will contribute in facilitating the implementation of ASEAN Vision 2025.

10 Proposal was made to request the ASEAN secretariat to convey the messages from AIPA to the peoples of ASEAN. The ASEAN Secretariat suggested that the promotion of ASEAN identity May be the first Message to be conveyed.

11 Proposal was made for mutual legal assistance among the Parliaments of the ASEAN Member Countries to be coordinated by the AIPA Secretariat.

Thank you.


H - 3



Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community




Chairperson: H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai

Brunei Darussalam

1 H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Judin Hj Asar 3 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Hasrin Hj Sabtu 4 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii


1 Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin 2 Hon. Post. Dr. Cheam Yeap 3 Hon. Mr. Chheang Vun 4 Hon. Mr. Keo Piseth 5 Hon. Mr. Leng Peng Long


1 H.E. Dr. Fadli Zon 2 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti 3 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini


1 H.E. Mr. Bounpone Bouttanavong 2 Hon. Prof. Dr. Eksavang Vongvichit 3 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh


1 H.E. Dato Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof 2 Hon. Dato Rashid Hasnon 3 Hon. Mr. Kor Ming Nga

I - 1


1 H.E. Mdm. Su Su Lwin 2 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 3 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than Win (Mr.)


1 Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu 2 Hon. Mr. Luis Raymund F. Villafuerte, Jr. 3 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace C. Yu


1 H.E. Mr. Tan Chuan-Jin 2 Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan 3 Hon. Dr. Teo Ho Pin


1 H.E. Prof. Pornpetch Wichitcholchai 2 Hon. Mr. Virasakdi Futrakul 3 Hon. Mr. Kiat Sittheeamorn

Viet Nam

1 H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan 2 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Giau 3 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha

I - 2


Chairperson: Hon. Mrs. Pikulkeaw Krairiksh

Rapporteur: Hon. Ms. Chitpas Kridakon

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman 2 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii 3 Hon. Khairunnisa Haji Ash’ari


1 Hon. Mrs. Nin Saphon 2 Hon. Mrs. Mean Sam An 3 Hon. Mrs. Ban Sreymom


1 Hon. Mrs. Dwi Ria Latifa 2 Hon. Mrs. Dwie Aroem Hadiatie 3 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti 4 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini


1 Hon. Dr. Ms. Phonephet Boupha 2 Hon. Ms. Thavisay Phasathanh


1 Hon. Mrs. Natrah Ismail 2 Hon. Datuk Wiramas Ermieyati Samsudin 3 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 4 Hon. Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid 5 Hon. Datuk Roosme Hamzah 6 Hon. Dato Hanifah Hajar Taib 7 Hon. Dato Chong Swen Ong


1 Hon. Ms. Naw Hla Hla Soe 2 Hon. Mrs. Shwe Shwe Sein Latt 3 Hon. Mr. Nay Myo Kyaw

I - 3


1 Hon. Ms. Maria Lourdes Acosta-Alba 2 Hon. Ms. Ann K. Hofer 3 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace C. Yu 4 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-Sato 5 Hon. Ms. Samantha Louise Vargas Alfonso


1 Hon. Ms. Cheryl Chan 2 Hon. Ms. Joan Pereira 3 Hon. Ms. Rahayu Mahzam


1 Hon. Mrs. Suwannee Sirivejchapun 2 Hon. Ms. Yaowalux Wongpraparat 3 Hon. Ms. Pechdau Tohmeena

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Ms. Nguyen Thuy Anh 2 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha 3 Hon. Mrs. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa 4 Hon. Mrs. Tran Hong Nguyen 5 Hon. Mrs. Duong Minh Anh 6 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy 7 Hon. Mr. Dinh Cong Sy

I - 4


Chairperson: Hon. Ms. Wiboonlasana Ruamraksa

Rapporteur: Hon. Mr. Katerut Laothamatas

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Hj Abd Hamid Arsad 2 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman


1 Hon. Mr. Sok Sokan 2 Hon. Mr. Chay Borin


1 Hon. Mr. Jalaludin Rakhmat 2 Hon. Mrs. Dwie Aroem Hadiatie 3 Hon. Mrs. Saniatul Lativa


1 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Sisoulath 2 Hon. Dr. Vilayvong Bouddakham 3 Hon. Mr. Sanya Praseuth


1 Hon. Mr. 2 Hon. Mr. Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir 3 Hon. Mr. Poay Tiong Khoo 4 Hon. Dato Hajah Hanifah Hajar Taib 5 Hon. Mr. Mohd Shahar Abdullah 6 Hon. Syed Ibrahim Bin Syed Noh


1 Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung 2 Hon. Mr. Bo Bo Oo


1 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace C. Yu 2 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-Sato


1 Hon. Ms. Joan Pereira 2 Hon. Mr. Yee Chia Hsing I - 5


1 Hon. Mr. Pisit Leeahtam 2 Hon. Mr. Manoon Sivapiromrat 3 Hon. Mr. Jakkaphon Tangsutthitham

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mr. Duong Quoc Anh 2 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang

I - 6


Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat

Rapporteur: Hon. Mr. Nattapong Supriyasilp

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Iswandy Ahmad 2 Hon. Khairunnisa Hj Ash’ari 3 Hon. Hj Ramli Hj Lahit


1 Hon. Mr. Yang Sem 2 Hon. Mrs. Mean Sam An 3 Hon. Mr. Yim Leat


1 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti 2 Hon. Mr. Timbul Manurung 3 Hon. Mrs. Dwi Ria Latifa


1 Hon. Dr. Phonephet Boupha 2 Hon. Mr. Amphay Chitmanonh


1 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 2 Hon. Mr. Wong Chen 3 Hon. Mrs. Natrah Ismail 4 Hon. Dato Sri Rohani Abdul Karim 5 Hon. Mr. Muslimin Yahaya 6 Hon. Datin Mastura bt Mohd Yazid 7 Hon. Datuk Haji Hasanuddin bin Mohd Yunus 8 Hon. Mr. Haji Awang bin Hashim


1 Hon. Mr. Maung Maung Latt 2 Hon. Dr. Soe Moe Thu 3 Hon. Mr. Sai Hlaing Kham


1 Hon. Ms. Ann K. Hofer 2 Hon. Ms. Samantha Louise Vargas Alfonso

I - 7


1 Hon. Mr. Ang Hin Kee 2 Hon. Ms. Cheryl Chan 3 Hon. Prof. Lim Sun Sun


1 Hon. M.L. Panadda Diskul 2 Hon. Mr. Anusak Kongmalai 3 Hon. Mrs. Pitcharat Laohapongchana

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyet 2 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy 3 Hon. Mrs. Duong Minh Anh

I - 8


Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol

Rapporteur: Hon. Mr. Samerkun Thiengtham

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Judin Hj Asar 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Hasrin Hj Sabtu 3 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Abdul Ghani Rahim 4 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii 5 Hon. Hj Mohimin Hj Johari


1 Hon. Mr. Hou Sry 2 Hon. Mr. Chit Kim Yeat


1 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini 2 Hon Mrs. Siti Masrifah


1 Hon. Ms. Suanesavanh Vignaket 2 Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly 3 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh


1 Hon. Mr. Hj Ahmad Hassan 2 Hon. Datuk Wira Hajah Mas Ermieyati binti Samsudin 3 Hon. Mr. Haji Ahmad Amzad Bin Hashim 4 Hon. Dato Chong Swen Ong


1 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than Win (Mr) 2 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 3 Hon. Dr. Win Myint (Mr) 4 Hon. Mrs. Pyone Kathy Naing 5 Hon. Mr. Nay Myo Kyaw 6 Hon. Mr. Min Lwin


1 Hon. Ms. Maria Lourdes Acosta-Alba

I - 9


1 Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan 2 Hon. Mr. Darryl David 3 Hon. Mr. Henry Kwek


1 Hon. Mrs. Kanchanaratt Leevirojana 2 Hon. Mr. Thani Onlahiad 3 Hon. Ms. Nateepat Kulsetthasith

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha 2 Hon. Mrs. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa 3 Hon. Mr. Dinh Cong Sy

I - 10


Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Kitti Wasinondh

Rapporteur: Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii 2 Hon. Hj Abd Hamid Arsad 3 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman


1 Hon. Mr. Sok Sokan 2 Hon. Mr. Yang Sem 3 Hon. Mr. Yim Leat 4 Hon. Mr. Leng Peng Long


1 Hon. Mrs. Saniatul Lativa 2 Hon. Mrs. Siti Masrifah 3 Hon. Mr. Timbul Manurung


1 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh


1 Hon. Mr. Wong Chen 2 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 3 Hon. Mr. Ibrahim Syed Noh


1 Hon. Mr. Bo Bo Oo 2 Hon. Mrs. Shwe Shwe Sein Latt


1 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-Sato 2 Hon. Ms. Samantha Louise Vargas-Alfonso


1 Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan 2 Hon. Mr. Pritam Singh 3 Hon. Ms. Cheryl Chan

I - 11


1 Hon. Ms. Anusree Tubsuwan 2 Hon. Mr. Paradorn Prissananantakul 3 Hon. Ms. Yaowalux Wongpraparat

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mr. Duong Quoc Anh 2 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha 3 Hon. Mr. Don Tuan Phong

I - 12



Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Virachai Virameteekul

Rapporteur: Hon. Ms. Pada Vorakanon


1 Hon. Mr. Kevin Hogan 2 Hon. Dr. John McVeigh 3 Hon. Mr. Alexander Gallacher

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii


1 Hon. Mrs. Nin Saphon 2 Hon. Mr. Ai Khan


1 Hon. Mr. KRMT. Roy Suryo N. 2 Hon. Mr. Timbul Manurung


1 Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly 2 Hon. Ms. Thavisay Phasathan


1 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 2 Hon. Mr. Mohd Shahar Abdullah 3 Hon. Mr. Prabakan M Parameswaran


1 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than Win (Mr.) 2 Hon. Dr. Win Myint (Mr.)


1 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-Sato

I - 13


1 Hon. Mr. Darryl David 2 Hon. Prof. Lim Sun Sun


1 Hon. Gen. Thawip Netniyom 2 Hon. Ms. Watanya Wongopasi

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyet 2 Hon. Mr. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa

I - 14


Chairperson: Hon. Gen. Surapong Suwana-Adth

Rapporteur: Hon. Ms. Saratsanun Unnopporn


1 Hon. Mr. Joseph A. Day 2 Hon. Mr. Jim Munson 3 Hon. Mr. Victor Oh 4 Hon. Mrs. Irene Mathyssen

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Iswandy Ahmad 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Hasrin Hj Sabtu


1 Hon. Mr. Chhit Kim Yeat 2 Hon. Mrs. Mean Som An


1 Hon. Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf 2 Hon. Mrs. Dwi Ria Latifa 3 Hon. Mr. Jalaludin Rakhmat


1 Hon. Dr. Vilayvong Bouddakham


1 Hon. Dato Hanifah Hajar Taib 2 Hon. Dato Chong Swen Ong


1 Hon. Mrs. Pyone Kathy Naing 2 Hon. Dr. Soe Moe Thu (Mr.)


1 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace C. Yu


1 Hon. Mr. Gan Thiam Poh 2 Hon. Ms. Rahayu Mahzam I - 15


1 Hon. Mr. Sungsidh Piriyarangsan 2 Hon. Mr. Julapun Amornvivat 3 Hon. Mr. Pisan Manawapat

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang 2 Hon. Mrs. Duong Minh Anh

I - 16


Chairpersonn: Hon. Mr. Sora-at Klinpratoom

Rapporteur: Hon. Col. Settapong Malisuwan

People’s Republic of China

1 Hon. Mr. Si Yuan 2 Hon. Ms. Wei Lyu 3 Hon. Ms. Qiao Xiang

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Khairunnisa Hj Ash’ari 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Abdul Ghani Rahim


1 Hon. Mr. Chheang Vun 2 Hon. Mr. Chay Borin


1 Hon. Mr. Saniatul Lativa 2 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti Lao PDR

1 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Sisoulath 2 Hon. Mr. Amphay Chitmanonh


1 Hon. Mr. Kor Ming Nga 2 Hon. Mr. Muslimin Yahaya 3 Hon. Dato Sri Rohani Abdul Karim 4 Hon. Mr. Poay Tiong Khoo


1 Hon. Mr. Bo Bo Oo 2 Hon. Mrs. Naw Hla Hla Soe


1 Hon. Samantha Louise Vargas Alfonso

I - 17


1 Hon. Ms. Joan Pereira 2 Hon. Mr. Yee Chia Hsing


1 Hon. Gen. Teeradej Meepien 2 Hon. Mr. Klaikong Vaidhyakarn 3 Hon. Dr. Sathit Limpongpan 4 Hon. Mr.Direkrit Jenklongtham 5 Hon. Mr.Sawas Samakpong 6 Hon. Mrs.Jariya Jariyatarasit 7 Hon. Mr.Charnwit Polcheewin

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mr. Don Tuan Phong 2 Hon. Mrs. Tran Hong Nguyen

I - 18


Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Korn Chatikavanij

Rapporteur: Hon. Ms. Jiraporn Sindhuprai

Republic of Korea

1 Hon. Mr. Lee Seokhyun 2 Hon. Mr. Yun Jae Ok

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Hj Ramli Hj Lahit 2 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman


1 Hon. Mr. Sok Sokan 2 Hon. Mr. Yim Leat


1 Hon. Mrs. Dwie Aroem Hadiatie 2 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini


1 Hon. Mr. Sanya Praseuth


1 Hon. Mr. Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir 2 Hon. Mrs. Natrah Ismail 3 Hon. Mr. Prabakan M Parameswaran


1 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 2 Hon. Dr. Wai Phyo Aung (Mr.)


1 Hon. Ms. Ann K. Hofer


1 Hon. Mr. Kee Ang Hin 2 Hon. Mr. Pritam Singh

I - 19


1 Hon. Mr. Pichate Satirachaval 2 Hon. Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mr. Duong Quoc Anh 2 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy

I - 20


Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Sombat Srisurin

Rapporteur: Hon. Ms. Anusree Tubsuwan

Russian Federation

1 Hon. Ms. Liudmila Talabaeva 2 Hon. Mr. Boris Osokin

Brunei Darussalam

1 Hon. Hj Abdul Hamid Arsad 2 Hon. Hj Mohimin Hj Johari 3 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Judin Hj Asar


1 Hon. Mr. Yang Sem


1 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini


1 Hon. Dr. Ms. Phonephet Boupha


1 Hon. Mr. Wong Cheng 2 Hon. Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid 3 Hon. Mr. Awang Hashim


1 Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung 2 Hon. Mr. Maung Maung Latt 3 Hon. Mrs. Shwes Sian Latt


1 Hon. Ms. Maria Lourdes Acosta-Alba


1 Hon. Mr. Henry Kwek

I - 21


1 Hon. Pol.Gen. Chatchawal Suksomjit 2 Hon. Mr. Siripong Angkasakulkait 3 Hon. Mr. Paradorn Prissananantakul 4 Hon. Ms. Wiboonlasana Ruamraksa 5 Hon. Mrs. Benjarat Jariyatharasit 6 Hon. Mr. Chanvit Phalajivin 7 Hon. Gen. Lertrat Ratanavanich

Viet Nam

1 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha

I - 22



Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Bismillah-Hir-Rahmannir Rahim

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and Good Morning

His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kingdom of Thailand, and President of the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA).

Your Excellency Speakers of Parliament, Honorable Secretary-General of AIPA, Honorable Heads of Delegation and Parliamentarians of AIPA Member Parliaments, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is with great honor and privilege for my delegation and I to be here in this vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand. I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to the National Assembly of Thailand for the excellent arrangement and warm hospitality accorded to the Brunei Darussalam delegation.

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Your Excellency Mr. President for hosting the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and for being elected as the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Thailand. I also like to further congratulate the Government of Thailand for its ASEAN Chairmanship this year.

Mr. President,

The theme of the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly this year, “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, instils our expectation to pursue a people-centered ASEAN Community that leaves no one behind and promote sustainability in all dimensions.

With the inception of ASEAN came the creation of AIPA as its legislative branch which was intended to strengthen the sense of “ownership” of members in the ASEAN Community. AIPA is constantly facing new and emerging challenges, in representing the voice of the people. However, it is crucially important to recognise and respect among AIPA member countries, the basis of non-interference and develop cooperation, consultation and consensus. I am pleased to note of the growing strategic partnership between AIPA and ASEAN over the years. The ASEAN Leaders Interface with AIPA during the 34th ASEAN Summit in J - 1

Bangkok this year, demonstrates our commitment and engagement to realise ASEAN’s vision and ultimately ensure that our people, both present and future, can continue to enjoy sustainable peace, stability and prosperity. It is also important to recognise that narrowing the gaps among ASEAN countries specifically in relation to good health, knowledge and standard of living, are key to ensuring peace and harmony.

Mr. President,

The executive branch of ASEAN and the legislative body of AIPA, share the visions and aspirations to bolster up the voices of the people. The AIPA General Assembly is a great platform to support the theme of advancing parliamentary partnerships and achieving our goal for a sustainable community in ASEAN. This platform will promote discussion and the sharing of experiences, views and opinions not only among AIPA member parliaments, but also with our significant dialogue partners on legislative practices, regulations and policies which protect the interests and rights of the people. Brunei Darussalam appreciates the continuous relationship of our dialogue partners and external parties.

I acknowledge that this year’s AIPA General Assembly will discuss important issues relating to the development of the ASEAN Community through the committees of WAIPA, Political, Economic and Social matters. Issues such as empowerment of women, fostering inclusive economic development, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and caring for the life of Older Persons are just some of the concerns that Brunei Darussalam also wish to respond to effectively. We will continue to support efforts to address global and regional challenges through partnerships and multilateralism that broaden and deepen our connectivity.

Finally, in the spirit of friendship and cooperation, I would like to wish the 40th AIPA General Assembly much success. I hope our discussions in the next few days will bring our inter-parliamentary partnerships to greater heights and provide an opportunity for us to explore new areas in which we can strengthen our partnership as we advance towards our goal for a sustainable ASEAN Community.

Thank you.

Wabillahi Taufique Walhidayah Wassalammualikum Warahmatullahi Wab

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Hon. Chuan Leekpai, President of the 40th AIPA and Speaker of the House of Representatives of Thailand

Hon. Heads and Members of Delegations from AIPA Member Countries and other Distinguished Participants

It is indeed a great pleasure and privilege to lead the Cambodian parliamentary delegation to participate in the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in Bangkok. On behalf of the delegation, I would like to express my profound thanks to the Government and Parliament of the Kingdom of Thailand for their warmest hospitality and excellent arrangements for this General Assembly.

This historic gathering reflects the long 40-year journey of AIPA which has made numerous remarkable achievements in fostering its solid transformation, increasing membership, strengthening more effective and closely integrated cooperation mechanisms and becoming close partners in supporting the establishment of the ASEAN Community. Regular AIPA-ASEAN interfaces have reflected the great attention and strong will exerted by the leaders in building a region of peace, stability and prosperity.

This gathering offers a great opportunity for us to share views and positions in connecting with the theme of “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community” which is very central and relevant to the current complex, fast-evolving regional and global context. The world today is facing mounting challenges from geopolitical rivalries between major powers and a heightening trade war. Globalization is under siege and multilateralism is under unprecedented assault due to rising protectionism and unilateralism.

Cambodia supports a rules-based multilateral system as international law is the guardian of the interests of all nations. We can manage and resolve our differences peacefully as long as we play by the rules. The firm foundation of lasting peace is based on mutual respect, understanding and interests, non-interference in the internal affairs of others, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Peace and stability is indispensable for development, while equitable and inclusive development is a prerequisite for maintaining peace and social stability. Based on our experience, Cambodia highly values all efforts made in contributing to the preservation of peace and stability as well as speeding up inclusive development which is today bearing fruit and benefiting all Cambodians from all walks of life. J - 3

Promoting sustainable development is a fundamental principle and central to the ASEAN Community to achieve a more-closely integrated future based on inclusive principles. In this sense, we are going to fulfill our wishes in building an ASEAN Community that enjoys political cohesion, economic integration and social responsibility.

Hon. President, Ladies and Gentlemen

Today, parliamentary diplomacy and partnerships are of great importance. No country should be alone or isolated from the others. We should therefore build parliamentary diplomacy that helps strengthen cooperation within both bilateral and multilateral frameworks in the region and the world.

Enhancing AIPA partnerships needs a common vision and position consistent with national and regional interests. Although we sometimes put priority on our national interests, I believe those interests are not separate from our ultimate goal of building the ASEAN Community, a community of peace and prosperity.

Inclusive economic growth is vital for our community to ensure long-term stability and sustainability. Boosting trade and investment is imperative. We should pay more attention to maintaining our common ground to support multilateralism with the aim of promoting trade liberalization and deepening regional integration. In the name of AIPA, we urge our governments to speed up negotiations for a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and other free- trade agreements.

Hon. President, Ladies and Gentlemen

In the past, AIPA has adopted many important resolutions aimed at addressing common concerns such as political and economic matters, trade, gender equity, terrorism, transnational crime, illicit drugs, climate change, human trafficking and migration.

Nowadays, each country needs to effectively use labor for their national development. All member states should therefore pay more attention to the implementation of social protection systems to ensure that all migrant workers and their families are legally protected and get equitable access to public services. We express our satisfaction with all efforts and progress made by ASEAN in protecting and promoting the rights of migrant workers. I take this opportunity to extend my thanks to all fraternal countries, particularly Thailand, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Malaysia, for receiving Cambodian migrant workers in your countries.

To conclude, on behalf of the Cambodian parliamentary delegation, I highly appreciate the excellent organization of the 40th AIPA General Assembly, and I wish the Assembly smooth proceedings with great success.

Thank you


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Good Afternoon, May peace by upon you,

His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai the President of the National Assembly of Thailand and President of AIPA; Excellency Speakers of Parliaments and Honourable Heads of Delegations; Secretary General of AIPA; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia allow me to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Thailand National Assembly and to the people of Thailand for the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to us during the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia would like to commend the President of AIPA His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai for expressing hope for the continuous cooperation between AIPA and ASEAN and the continued interaction between both secretariats, in order to enhance cooperation between legislative and executive branches in addressing various challenges in the region during the recently held ASEAN Leaders Interface meeting.

We also welcome the ASEAN Leaders’ Vision Statement on “Partnership for Sustainability” adopted at the 34th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok which aims to ensure sustainability in security, economic growth, development as well as human security through ASEAN’s Community-building efforts. The ASEAN Member States has also agreed on ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. The endorsement of this Outlook is a new chapter for ASEAN to reflect its commitment on maintaining ASEAN’s centrality and the security as well as enhancing prosperity in the region. As parliamentarians, it is therefore important for us to keep this momentum in supporting and enhancing ASEAN’s unity and centrality in facing the ever-changing landscape of our region.

After fifty-two years since its establishment, ASEAN has successfully maintain peace and stability in the region as prerequisite in achieving economic growth and sustainable development. However, the uncertainties over the future of the multilateral trading system and globalization, increasing protectionist tendencies and the urgent need to adjust to the new realities of the digital economy, would require a better and more enhanced partnership among its stakeholders, including between parliaments.

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I should also remind you to the great humanitarian challenge we are facing today. The fact that the global community has adopted Global Compacts to address both refugee and migrant issues are a testament that these are one of the pressing issues of our time. ASEAN is no immune to these. We have seen several refugees and displaced persons cases in the region, including the plight of the humanitarian situation in Rakhine state.

In that regard, the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has proposed draft resolution, three consecutive times on this matter, but always fail to gain consensus. AIPA should address the humanitarian situation in Rakhine, and the only way to address it is through a resolution. There are more than one million of Rohingya people, part of our community that we cannot ignore. Referring to the words of the President of AIPA in his speech at the opening ceremony that “we have to put people first”. A sustainable community cannot be fully realized without addressing the situation in Rakhine through AIPA.

Honourable Members of AIPA Parliament,

In this era of disruption, uncertainties an grave challenges, there are serious pressing issues for AIPA to address and divergent views can be expected from Member states on how AIPA should position itself towards the challenges. The principle of consensus has been so far essential for AIPA decision making process. However, we also need to admit that there are times when the principle is limiting the organization’s effectiveness in addressing to regional challenges. Thus, in the spirit of making AIPA a dynamic and responsive organization so that it can offer new solution and to be able to answer urgent regional and international issues, and without undermining the principle of non-interference in the domestic affairs of each member states, it would be strategic for AIPA to improve and renew its decision-making system.

Distinguished Parliamentarians,

ASEAN integration cannot be fulfilled without maintaining its centrality. It requires adequate awareness and understanding from its citizens. Further, the lack of sense of belonging could also be a major setback that delay process of a regional integration. This shall be the tasks of parliamentarians to build communication and grow awareness about ASEAN among constituents as they are an inseparable part of ASEAN, while at the same time also building their constituents capacity as stakeholders in regional integration.

Thank you.


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Your Excellency Chuan Leekpai, AIPA President and President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand, Honourable Speakers, Heads of Delegation of AIPA Member Parliaments, Heads of Delegation of Observer Parliaments, - Fellow AIPA Parliamentarians, Secretary-General of AIPA and Secretary-General of ASEAN, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the National Assembly of Lao PDR and on my own behalf, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to H.E. Chuan Leekpai, President of AIPA, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand for your cordial invitation extended to the delegation of the Lao National Assembly and myself to attend the 40th ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) General Assembly, and for the warm hospitality accorded to us since our very first arrival to this beautiful capital, Bangkok. I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my congratulations to the Government, the Parliament and the people of Thailand on Thailand’s successful assumption of ASEAN Chairmanship, particularly the preparations and excellent arrangements made for this Meeting.

Mr. President, In 2019, ASEAN has made remarkable progress in the ASEAN community building process, through the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 consisting the blueprints of the three community pillars, as well as the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III. Furthermore, our region has continued to maintain stability, security, and sustained economic growth. Importantly, ASEAN has consistently maintained its centrality in strengthening cooperation with external partners through ASEAN-led mechanisms.

Despite the above-mentioned positive momentum, there remains heightened tensions and unpredictable situation in some parts of the world as well as internationally. In addition, the frequent terrorist activities in various forms in many parts of the world, territorial dispute, civil war, trade dispute, natural disaster, drought, poverty, development gap, environmental pollution, transnational crime, and cyber-security, among others, continue to pose a threat to the maintenance of peace, stability and development cooperation and the realisation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. These challenges also constitute direct and indirect impacts on the socio-economic development of ASEAN, including the Lao PDR.

Against this backdrop, it is imperative for countries in the region and the world, including ASEAN to strengthen cooperation and adapt ourselves in order to cope with the challenges and changes; while preparing to reap benefits of technological advancement. Importantly, ASEAN as the driving force of regional, political, economic and social architecture J - 7 must continue to maintain ASEAN Centrality and promote ASEAN Way, particularly the principle of ASEAN consensus as well as respect for the fundamental principles as stipulated in the ASEAN Charter and other important ASEAN instruments. At the same time, it also calls upon ASEAN to promote effective partnership, enhance cooperation in the areas of trade and investment, tourism, connectivity, and people-to-people exchange within ASEAN with a view to building a resilient and self-reliant ASEAN community, thereby ensuring a sustainable and equitable economic growth towards prosperity.

Mr. President, Fellow AIPA Parliamentarians,

The National Assembly of Lao PDR highly values the theme of the 40th AIPA General Assembly: “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, aiming at promoting the role of AIPA in realising the goals of ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the blueprints of the three community pillars. It is also in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Goals.

In order to realise this year’s theme, AIPA, as the representative of the people and the legislative body of ASEAN Countries, must further strengthen its role in consultative responding to important regional issues based on the principle of consensus through its various existing mechanisms such as AIPA General Assembly, AIPA Caucus, AIPACOOD, and ASEAN-AIPA Leaders’ Interface, among others, thereby ensuring substantive deliverables. At the same time, it is imperative to further encourage the implementation of these deliverables by all ASEAN Member States, enhance effective coordination between the ASEAN Secretariat and AIPA in carrying out their activities. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote public awareness through establishing a specific mechanism for such endeavour.

AIPA Member Parliaments must take ownership in promoting legislative cooperation through developing and amending domestic legislations of their respective countries to ensure legal harmonization among ASEAN Member States, including ratifying legal instruments under ASEAN cooperation frameworks. All these measures will contribute to creating a conducive environment for the realisation of the goals of ASEAN community building while promoting solidarity, mutual understanding and closer cooperation among AIPA Member Parliaments as well as cooperation between AIPA and ASEAN and observer parliaments.

Mr. President,

The Lao PDR as well as the Lao National Assembly attaches great importance to the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the blueprints of the three community pillars, particular the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III. In this connection, the Lao PDR has been cooperating closely with neighbouring countries with an emphasis on socio-economic development, including infrastructure development such as railway and highway road construction, highway and electricity transmission lines, among others. These will significantly contribute to the overall efforts of the Lao PDR in transforming the country into a land-link hub with other countries in the region, thereby promoting trade and investment facilitation, tourism and people-to-people linkages within the region. In order to realise such endeavour, the Lao National Assembly has actively contributed to making and amending economic and sociocultural related legislations, including considering ratification of other legal instruments under the ASEAN cooperation frameworks.

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The Lao National Assembly supports the ASEAN Leaders’ Vision Statement on Partnership for Sustainability adopted at the 34th ASEAN Summit, which reaffirms the importance of continuity and sustainability in ASEAN community building efforts and effective partnership with a view to building a sustainable ASEAN Community and stronger partnership between ASEAN and the international community.

I highly commend ASEAN’s efforts in narrowing the development gap within ASEAN through bilateral and multilateral cooperation frameworks based on the priorities and needs of individual ASEAN Member State. Furthermore, with the onset of the digital economy and the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), ASEAN must strengthen cooperation and promote mutual assistance, particularly in the field of capacity building in preparation for responding to the challenges, thereby creating an enabling environment for ASEAN Member States to be able utilise innovative technologies in the development as well as the implementation of the ASEAN smart cities network.

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,

In advancing parliamentary partnership for sustainable community, we, AIPA Member Parliaments, must strengthen cooperation aimed at promoting effective coordination and stronger partnership among AIPA Member Parliaments through consultation and closer collaboration under various mechanisms towards realising the goals of a resilient and sustainable ASEAN community with one vision, one identity and one community that is truly people-oriented and people-centred.

Finally, I would like to extend my best wishes to AIPA President, Heads of Delegation of AIPA Member Parliaments and distinguished guests for good health, prosperity and greater success in your noble tasks.

I wish this 40th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) General Assembly a great success.

Thank you.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Bismillahirrahmaanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

His Excellency Mr Chuan Leekpai, President of AIPA and Speaker of the House of Representatives of Thailand;

Excellencies Speakers of AIPA Member Parliaments and Heads of Delegations;

Hon. Mr. Issara Sunthornwat, Secretary-General of AIPA;

Excellencies Leaders of Observer Delegations;

Honourable Delegates;

Distinguished Guests;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, on behalf of the Malaysian delegates, allow me to extend our most sincere gratitude and heartful thanks to our host, especially to His Excellency Mr Chuan Leekpai and the officers and staff of the National Assembly of Thailand, for the warm hospitality and assistance extended to us since our first day here to ensure that our stay is as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Without doubt, Thailand is a beautiful country and this is complemented by its beautiful people and culture. Thank you again.

NEW GOVERNMENT – GREATER EXPECTATIONS Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

It has been more than a year, since a new government was formed in Malaysia. The people of Malaysia have made this historic decision to have a new government in place and with it come the high expectations for the new government to fulfil. There have been many developments in the legislative sphere over the last year, and the general outlook has been in the direction of greater space for human rights, further democratisation and better public governance, including the governance of Parliament.

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There is, for instance, a clear indication of better press freedom in Malaysia. The latest World Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) which is based in Paris, France, has ranked Malaysia, in terms of press freedom with a score of 36.74. This is a jump up of 22 places from the previous year’s ranking.

The 2019 Press Freedom Index Report states:

“The general environment for journalists is much more relaxed, self-censorship has declined dramatically and the print media are now offering a fuller and more balanced range of viewpoints, including support for the new ruling coalition led by Prime Minister , and support for the old ruling coalition, now in the opposition.”

In the legislative sphere, very recently in July of this year, the House of Representatives, the Dewan Rakyat, unanimously passed a constitutional amendment bill to lower the voting age and the age of eligibility to contest as a Member of Parliament to 18 years old from the previous 21 years old. This lowering of the voting age has aligned our requirement with those of most jurisdictions in the Asean region and elsewhere.

In addition to the lowering of the age of voting and eligibility, the registration of votes is now made automatic.

This constitutional amendment is indeed historic for us in Malaysia; never before have both the Government and Opposition benches voted unanimously to pass a constitutional amendment bill with more than a two-thirds majority. The same Bill has also been passed by the Upper House (the Dewan Negara), albeit with a lower number of Senators voting in favour although achieving the two-thirds majority.

Of significance too, is the amendment made to our Peaceful Assembly Act which has significantly reduced the pre-requisite notice requirement to hold a peaceful protest, clarified the legal position of street assemblies, whilst allowing some related offences to be merely compounded.

PARLIAMENT OF MALAYSIA – REFORM INITIATIVES Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

In line with the new mandate given by people of Malaysia, has also embarked on a series of reform initiatives to improve the efficacy and efficiency of parliamentary proceedings.

There are now in place six working parliamentary special select committees covering a number of priority areas. These are the select committee on (i) the annual budget, (ii) rights and gender equality, (iii) defence and home affairs, (iv) federal -state relations, (v) major public appointments and (vi) consideration of bills. We believe that the establishment of these parliamentary select committees will strengthen the workings of democracy in Malaysia. In addition, four more select committees are expected to be formed before the end of 2019 which will bring the number of select committees in Parliament of Malaysia to ten by the end of this year. The additional special committee will cover the areas of (i) elections (to include electoral reform), (ii) science, environment and climate change, (iii) human rights and constitutional affairs and (iv) international relations and international trade. J - 11

We have also looked elsewhere around the globe to learn from more advanced and mature democracies to learn about best practices in their democratic institutions. The objective is clear and that is to see whether we can emulate some of their best practices. But ultimately, we know that it is up to us to decide what is best for our country and our people.

And what we have found in our quest around the globe is that we have many friends who are more than willing to share their experience and knowledge with us to help us improve the workings of democracy in our country. They have invited us to their parliaments and engaged us in various forums, discussions and private meetings to enable us to have a clear view of the possible path ahead. I have also found that our friends in this region, in particular AIPA, are also supportive of our endeavour. I wish to record our appreciation here to the heads of delegation and the several country representatives who very kindly attended the 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Kuala Lumpur from 17.5.2019 to 18.6.2019. The Malaysian Parliament was very honoured to be the host for this important and significant gathering.

In another context, we wish also to thank in particular the Indonesian and Singapore speakers and representatives. The MPR-RI, DPR-RI and DPD-RI have been kind enough to allow us to have a first hand insight into the Indonesian legislative system, in particular to understand Indonesia’s Komisi system during our visit to Jakarta last year.

In relation to the Parliament of Singapore, His Excellency Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, the Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore led a-thirteen-member delegation to Parliament of Malaysia in March this year and Speaker Tan had kindly agreed to deliver a lecture in our Speaker’s Lecture Series on “Governance in Singapore – A Parliamentary Perspective”. His Excellency spoke on the challenges ahead for parliament and the role of parliament as a beacon of trust. As you are well aware, Singapore and Malaysia have a long history together and it is indeed precious to hear from our closest neighbour on a subject that concerns both our countries. We would like to put on record our appreciation to His Excellency Mr Tan Chuan- Jin for his participation in our Speaker’s Lecture Series.

SPEAKER’S LECTURE SERIES, CAUCUSES AND APPGS Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

In our pursuit of best parliamentary practices, we have established what we have described as a “Speaker’s Lecture Series”. The lecture series aim to invite a range of diverse speakers to give fresh and innovative perspectives on a wide spectrum of issues that touch on parliamentary affairs and democratic practices. The idea is to listen to a wide variety of views and opinions about a wide range of subjects that would help us in arriving at a holistic perspective of things to come.

This is another feature of our conscious attempt to render the Parliament of Malaysia fully accessible to the Malaysian public and our international stakeholders too.

Efforts have been initiated to encourage the growth of cross-party caucuses and friendship groups. As far as inter-parliamentary friendship groups are concerned, at last count we have established 30 such groups, and continuing. As for caucuses, the Caucus on Parliamentary Reform and Governance has been active in obtaining useful feedback from stakeholders.

To bridge the gap between the work of the parliamentary caucuses and committees, we are currently encouraging the growth of All Party Parliamentary Groups along the lines of J - 12 the U.K model in order to allow a greater scope for feedback from our stakeholders in a less formal setting, whereby representatives from CSOs and specialised organisations can have a continuing link with Parliamentarians by being “partners” in a common interest platform. We expect the first APPG to be operational very soon will be the APPG on Sustainable Development Goals.

PARLIAMENT IN AN ERA OF DIGITAL ECONOMY Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

We now live in an era of digital economy. The digital economy permeates all aspects of society today. It includes the way people interact and communicate, the ever changing and evolving economic landscape, the different set of skills needed to secure jobs, and even the mechanism in the sphere of political decision-making. Our emerging digital economy has the potential to generate new scientific research and breakthroughs, fuelling job opportunities, economic growth, and improving how people live their lives.

In Malaysian Parliament, we recognize the role of digital technology. Just recently, Parliament of Malaysia has created history of some sort, by becoming the first public institution to feature a smart convenience store in its premises. The outlet, known as the ‘Ximplicity Smart Convenience Store’, operates round the clock without the need for cashiers, and is equipped with security systems. It is a cashless and cashier-less system, and is by and large the product of local innovation. The store is the first of its kind and features advance monitoring and interactive systems to help facilitate its daily operations.

The smart store is actually a representative of our commitment to propel our legislative body to greater heights in the digital technology era. We are continuing our work to improve our social media presence and to improve the depth and quality of the Malaysian Parliament portal and its dedicated Apps.

CLOSING REMARKS Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

As we move forward, the advance in the communicative technology has made the world a little smaller than what we know when we were young. The society today can follow an event across the globe within minutes of it happening and the spontaneity of reactions means that we as a regional society needs to develop a mechanism where we could assist and support each other when and where it matters most.

We need to strengthen our partnership. We must uphold our continuous endeavour to help one another for the good of mankind and our societies. So, as we embark on another annual meet of parliamentarians in this region, let us renew our resolve to continue to strengthen this partnership. Let us share experiences, knowledge and ideas that would ensure future generations would benefit for our work today.

Thank you.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


The Honourable AIPA President, Honourable Members of Parliaments and Distinguished Delegates,

On behalf of the Government and the people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, I take great pleasure in extending my warmest greetings to H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Honourable President of the AIPA and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Thailand as well as to the Hounourable Members of Parliaments and Distinguished Delegates participating in the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA).

I wish to congratulate AIPA and Members of Parliaments for building closer cooperation among the ASEAN Parliaments over the past four decades. Solidarity and close ties among our Parliaments reflects close relations among our people as you all represent ASEAN citizens.

The theme of this Year’s 40th AIPA General Assembly, “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community” is closely aligned with ASEAN Chair’s Theme of “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”. Such alignment demonstrates close coordination and harmony between ASEAN inter-governmental and inter-parliamentary process, which need to be further strengthened in the future.

As this year marks the 40th Anniversary of the Assembly since its first gathering in 1975 in Indonesia, it is important for AIPA to build upon the achievements made thus far in contribution to the ASEAN Community building process.

As ASEAN has been embarking on building the ASEAN Community for the last four years, it is imperative to sustain and strengthen efforts for greater regional integration, which is priority for all ASEAN Member States. ASEAN has been undertaking these efforts in the contexts of challenging political, socio-economic conditions in the region and the world at large. Spread of terrorism and violent extremism, as well as increasing threat from Climate Change, disruptive forces of technology and other non-traditional security issues call for stronger regional and global partnership. And thus, closer cooperation and collaboration among ASEAN Member States become even more essential than ever before. Such cooperation needs to take place at every level; intergovernmental, inter-parliamentary and among our business communities and our peoples in general.

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Being the representatives of ASEAN peoples, ASEAN Parliaments and Members of Parliaments need to further capitalize its role in reflecting the voices, concerns and aspirations of our peoples and harmonizing the laws and policies of ASEAN Member States so that ASEAN vision for integrated, people-centred, people-oriented and rule-based Community be realized while contributing to peace and prosperity in the region and beyond.

In conclusion, I would like to extend our best wishes to the Distinguished Delegates of the 40th General Assembly of the AIPA for successful deliberations in fostering ASEAN solidarity, closer inter-parliamentary cooperation and partnerships aiming to realize the goals of the ASEAN Community.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Your Excellency Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Assembly of Thailand and President of AIPA; Your Excellencies, Speakers of AIPA Member Parliaments; Heads of AIPA Member Delegations and Observer Delegations; Secretary General of AIPA; Distinguished Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am most honored to lead the Philippine delegation to the 40th AIPA General Assembly. On behalf of Speaker Alan Peter S. Cayetano, I wish to convey our heartfelt appreciation to the host, the Kingdom of Thailand, for the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to our delegation.

The theme of this year’s General Assembly—“Advancing Partnership for Sustainability” —could not have been more timely as we chart the future direction of the ASEAN Community into the next decade. As we embark on this journey, we need to ensure sustainability in all dimensions, including sustainable security through the deepening of strategic trust, sustainable economic growth and sustainable development, as well as sustainable human security.

The ASEAN Community Vision 2025 will help guide the region over the next six years through this kind of development approach in strengthening regional security and in aligning economic policies. If ASEAN Member States are to achieve its community-building aspirations, they will need the strong support and close cooperation of ASEAN Parliamentarians.

ASEAN is facing manifold challenges with major shifts in the geo-political and economic landscape that impacts on peace, security and stability of the region. These challenges require all of us to build on from our gains, refrain from complacency and strive to be deserving of the trust and confidence reposed in us as the people’s representatives.

The ASEAN’s drive for a common regional identity and integrated community has encouraged AIPA to be more visible and active. Since the adoption of its new statute in 2007, AIPA has slowly transformed itself from an annual social gathering of parliamentarians to an assembly of legislators expressing their commitment to work for the realization of an integrated ASEAN. AIPA thus complements ASEAN’s vision of a caring and sharing community through its mandate and through activities that seek actively to partner with all stakeholders at the local and international level and to represent, discuss and respond to key issues faced by people in the region. J - 16

ASEAN’s major bottleneck in the implementation of regional integration measures is in the slow ratification of agreements by member countries. ASEAN can benefit from AIPA’s participation in fully harmonizing the legal frameworks of the Member States and building common standards by promulgating domestic laws in line with ASEAN agreements and commitments. I am confident that the ASEAN recognizes the necessity of participation and partnership with parliamentarians if the envisaged ASEAN Community Vision 2025 is to be realized.

To this end, the Philippines would like to underline a number of key points in line with the future direction of the ASEAN community.

Regional arrangements promoting peace, security, stability, and prosperity must be maintained and expanded. We must continue to support ASEAN-led mechanisms that promote a rules-based order, mutual trust, and mutual respect and cooperation among the Member States.

We must take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution to accelerate economic growth, maximize the benefits to be gained from a digital economy, alleviate poverty, and bridge socio-economic gaps while minimizing adverse effects on our local communities.

In this regard, we must invest in our greatest resource, our people, by continuing to promote access to education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and other capacity-building initiatives, as well as greater mobility among our students and skilled workers.

We must support the development of our Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs which form the backbone of our economies. Let us help MSMEs harness digital technology so they can play a bigger role in the global value chain and fulfill their potential as powerful engines of growth and job creation.

We must also continue efforts to implement the ASEAN Single Window or ASW in order to facilitate fast and efficient trade with fellow ASEAN Member States. Recently, the Philippines released new guidelines to facilitate the processing of E-Certificates of Origin or E-CO which will enable paperless acceptance of E-CO between the Philippines and ASEAN Member States. This will help reduce tariff rates on certain goods for Southeast Asian countries, which in return will help the creation of an ASEAN single market.

Moreover, regional connectivity should be enhanced by accelerating the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 in order to promote the region’s competitiveness in the international trading system.

It is also imperative that we continue to address issues that are most directly related to our people’s daily lives. Efforts to promote women’s rights, gender equality and women empowerment, and the rights of persons with disabilities should be continued to help create more inclusive and sustainable societies in the ASEAN region. We should also continue to support the ASEAN Smart Cities Network as a collaborative platform that can help our cities move toward sustainable urban development, particularly given today’s trend of increasing and rapid urbanization.

Most importantly, we note with increasing concern the multi-faceted impact and risks of climate change and climate-related disasters on the people of ASEAN. We recognized J - 17 the challenges of biodiversity conservation and the impact of climate change in ASEAN, in particular activities relating to the loss of biodiversity. We welcomed the positive outcome in the 34th ASEAN Summit held here in Bangkok last June 2019 where Heads of Governments of ASEAN Member States, expressed their recognition to the progress made in implementing conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity of the region to achieve the Global Biodiversity Targets, with the help of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity.

We also laud the adoption by the ASEAN Heads of Governments of the Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris, which demonstrates the commitment of the ASEAN Member States in protecting and conserving the region’s rich marine resources. These important milestones demonstrate the increasing commitment to contribute to the protection of biodiversity in the region, and in the process, achieve sustainable development in the region.

Given that these initiatives in the ASEAN recognize the need for sustainability, predictability and institutionalization of biodiversity conservation plans and programs, the role of ASEAN parliaments are now becoming more important and relevant. In line with these developments, the Philippines proposes the establishment of a Committee on Biodiversity and Environment within this Assembly. This is to synergize our efforts so that these opportunities are translated to common legislative agenda in the region, for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. This can contribute to the well-being of the people of ASEAN, as well as to ensure that our biodiversity is well-taken into account in the development planning process in the region.

With these in mind, let us today join hands to build upon the legacy that is ASEAN. I am confident that AIPA Member Parliaments will work together to strengthen our united front that will show a caring and sharing ASEAN that is prepared to overcome the challenges, ready to capture present and future opportunities, and firm in our faith in the region's sanguine prospects.

Rest assured that the new House leadership under Speaker Alan Peter S. Cayetano firmly supports the AIPA aspiration for a more integrated and cohesive ASEAN Community by 2025.

Let me conclude this message by conveying our high appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency President Chuan Leekpai, for the kind and warm hospitality granted to AIPA as well as for the friendly gesture extended to all its delegates. We wish you a successful and productive General Assembly and, most of all, a peaceful, stable and prosperous ASEAN!

Thank you very much and Mabuhay!

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His Excellency Chuan Leekpai, Speaker of the Thai House of Representatives Distinguished Colleagues Your Excellencies Ladies and Gentlemen

Allow me to extend my warmest greetings to my friends and colleagues here. On behalf of the Singapore delegation, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency Chuan Leekpai, Speaker of the Thai House of Representatives, for the warm hospitality extended to me and my delegation at the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly. It is my pleasure to join my distinguished colleagues and fellow Parliamentarians here today. Before we start, I would also like to congratulate our Thai colleagues for their able chairmanship of ASEAN this year.

It is my pleasure to be back in Bangkok – a thriving, vibrant cosmopolitan hub with a rich cultural heritage. Bangkok shares a number of commonalities with many of our other capital cities across ASEAN – many of us are hubs for finance, transport, connectivity, and tourism, and we each have our own rich traditions of arts and culture. Urbanisation is at the heart of this process, with many of our cities expanding faster than ever. Half of ASEAN’s peoples already live in urban areas, and by 2025, an additional 70 million people in the region will make the move from the rural regions to cities. Creating sustainable and liveable cities in ASEAN will be a shared challenge we face, which will be crucial to narrowing the existing development gaps, strengthening resilience, promoting innovation, improving the well-being of our people, and enhancing connectivity.

ASEAN is at a crossroads, and how we cope with the issues of sustainability and urbanisation will define the landscape of our region in the decades to follow. The regional nature of such challenges calls for a coordinated and well-calibrated approach, which is where Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship theme of “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability” comes in. The theme is indicative of how ASEAN is taking steps not just to survive, but to thrive. It also stresses the importance of ensuring sustainable development so that the benefits from ASEAN’s integration, can be enjoyed by our citizens now, as well as in the future by their grandchildren and beyond.

Collectively, ASEAN today is the sixth largest market in the world, and is poised to become the fourth largest economy after the US, China, and the EU by 2030. We have a large population of more than 640 million, of which sixty per cent are below the age of thirty-five, and with the number of middle-class households in Southeast Asia expected to double by 2025. Our citizens are also well-plugged into technology and social media – if ASEAN were a single country, it would rank second in the world in terms of the number of Facebook users! J - 19

Taken together, this represents a huge demographic divided and development opportunities that are waiting to be reaped.

As we gather in Bangkok this week, I would like to reaffirm the positive contributions of AIPA to building mutual understanding, trust, and confidence across ASEAN. As parliamentarians, we play a unique role in linking ASEAN, the organisation, with the people we each represent at home. As representatives of our citizens, we are in a strong and unique position to promote understanding and awareness of ASEAN, and to communicate the ASEAN Community to all our citizens. It is our duty to give voice to the real-life issues that affect our people, and to underscore that a people-oriented, people-centred ASEAN is one that provides tangible benefits, while at the same time allows for pursuit of individual hopes and ambitions.

With that, I would like to thank my friends and fellow Parliamentarians. I hope the week ahead will be both productive and enjoyable. Thank you.

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President of AIPA, Heads of Delegation, Honorable Parliamentarians, Mr. Secretary General, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honor for the Thai Parliament to host the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (or AIPA) in Bangkok this year. On behalf of the Thai Delegation, it gives me a great pleasure to welcome head of delegations, all honorable parliamentarians and distinguished guests to this General Assembly. In the Meantime, please allow me to express my appreciation to President of AIPA – His Excellency Mr. Chuan LEEKPAI – for his exceptional Chairmanship and my sincere thanks go to the parliamentary officials for their effortlessly hard-working devoted to this historic event.

President of AIPA, Fellow Parliamentarians, Ladies and Gentlemen,

To be inspired by the theme of ASEAN Chairmanship – “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”, the theme of the 40th AIPA General Assembly is focused on Sustainability. To create a sustainable region for our peoples, AIPA Member Parliaments have played active roles to bring about regional sustainability. Based on this ground, this distinguished approach significantly encompassed the notion of keeping ASEAN’s resilience in the face of increasingly emerging challenges. In this event, it is our crucial responsibility to pursue the success of the AIPA General Assemblies.

Notably, I would like to strengthen that AIPA reiterates the importance of strengthening of ASEAN Community, which is based on rule-based, people-oriented and people- centered approaches. To be rule-based ASEAN Community, we have to deliberately contribute to establish the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. To be people-oriented and people-centered ASEAN Community, we have to create the sense of togetherness among our peoples. To this respect, strengthening the interaction between parliamentarians and the peoples is an approach to ensure that they would be at the heart of ASEAN centrality. As parliamentarians are elected as key persons to represent people’s interests, we are appropriate to create and raise awareness of ASEAN policies among their electorates and communities. This in turn empowers the people to participate in the ASEAN Community development process.

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In the light of these prominent efforts, the key contributors to successful implementation lie on institutional connectivity of ASEAN. To implement this, a number of this crucial matters, such as ASEAN peoples’ needs for development of physical connectivity, would be concretely discussed between the most two prominent leaders – President of ASEAN and President of AIPA. This significantly leads to policy formulation and policy implementation which consequently entail balance in economic, social and environmental dimensions.

Mr. President, Parliamentarians, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Last but not least, to contribute to the fulfillment of sustainable achievement of AIPA, we have to ensure that all AIPA members will move forward together. I strongly hope that this General Assembly will inspire all AIPA Parliamentarians to keep up this value and continue to perform all important tasks to help build the better region for our peoples.

Lastly, with the hospitality, I hope that each and every one of you has a pleasant stay in Bangkok, and very much enjoy our excursion program, and safely return to your Home with good memory.

Thank you very much.

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Your Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of Thailand, President of the 40th AIPA General Assembly, Exellencies Speakers, heads of delegations of AIPA Member Parliaments, and observers, Distinguished delegates,

On behalf of the National Assembly of Viet Nam, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and congratulations to the President AIPA, Speakers and Vice-Speakers of AIPA Member Parliaments, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, the Secretary-General of AIPA, and all delegates present today. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude for the warm welcome and excellent arrangement accorded by the host Parliament to our delegation since arrival.

Your Excellency Mr. President, Ladies and gentlemen,

During the past year, the world has witnessed rapid and complex developments. The ASEAN Community continues to be presented with increasingly harsh challenges, including strategic competitions among major powers and both traditional and non-traditional security issues while global economy faces potential risks and instabilities. Despite this, ASEAN Community has accomplished encouraging progress in all three pillars, member states have maintained their promising economic growth (averaged approximately 5.1% as of 2018).

Recently, complex developments in the region have been cause for concern. At the recently-concluded 52nd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, countries have spoken up frankly on unilateral actions undertaken in the South China Sea that have violated sovereignty and legitimate interests of coastal nations, eroded trust and negatively impacted peace, security, stability, freedom and safety of navigation and overflight in the region. Therefore, we need to reiterate common principles and perceptions widely recognized by ASEAN members and the international community regarding the South China Sea. This includes the emphasis on compliance with international law and the UNCLOS 1982, self-restraint, non-militarization, avoidance of actions that may further complicate the situation, full implementation of the DOC and efforts to conclude an effective and legally binding COC that aligns with international law.

Against this backdrop, we need to continue our efforts to consolidate ASEAN’s solidarity and unity, enhance its centrality, and deepen our relations with partners. By doing so can we reaffirm ASEAN’s role as the driving force behind dialogues, collaboration and development in the region.

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Your Excellency Mr. President,

Our gathering today is a strong testament to show that AIPA and Members of Parliaments are willing to stand side by side with ASEAN to build a community that is sustainable, peaceful and stable. The one that upholds the rule of law, centers on the people, and strives for unity for development. In this process, AIPA and its Member Parliaments have and will further contribute to building the ASEAN common home, synergizing laws, and strengthening the monitoring of the implementation of commitments and master plans on ASEAN community building and policies on cooperation.

Ladies and gentlemen,

For the sake of ASEAN Community and AIPA’s development, I would like to reaffirm Viet Nam’s continued and consistent pursuit of a foreign policy based on principles of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralization of international relations and international integration. The National Assembly of Viet Nam will continue to engage actively and responsibly in the works of AIPA and make efforts to elevate AIPA-ASEAN partnership. With this in mind, I would like to direct the AIPA General Assembly’s attention to the following matters:

First, we should continue to uphold international law, establish and share ASEAN’s principles and norms, maintain ASEAN’s central role in the regional security architecture, effectively deal with issues impacting regional peace, stability and security, including traditional and non-traditional security challenges.

Second, we should further consolidate and renew the organization and operation of AIPA in order to enhance its role and position as an important partner of ASEAN in building a sustainable ASEAN Community.

Third, AIPA actively and vigorously supports ASEAN’s efforts in mutually implementing the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and realizing the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainble Development. At the same time, AIPA also supports ASEAN’s initiatives on promoting comprehensive regional connectivity and sustainable development, including environmental protection, response to climate change, and reduction of plastic and maritime waste.

Fourth, Members of Parliament and AIPA Member Parliaments should thoroughly review domestic legal frameworks to promote the alignment of laws or mutual legal recognition to effectively implement three pillars of ASEAN Community Vision 2025.

Fifth, we should increase cooperation in information technology within ASEAN, the region, and the world as a whole. We should also utilize resources, technical, technological and financial assistance to enhance national capacity to adapt to developments in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, such as narrowing the digital divide and tackling cybersecurity challenges.

Sixth, AIPA should further disseminate information on AIPA and ASEAN to the people, especially strengthen the participation of young AIPA Members of Parliament toward building a sustainable, people-oriented and people-centered ASEAN Community.

On this occasion, I would also like to reaffirm that in 2020 Viet Nam will have the honor of serving as non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and assume Chairmanship of ASEAN, and our National Asssembly will assume the Chairmanship

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of AIPA. We will make every effort to elevate AIPA to an effective inter-parliamentary organization that represents the aspirations and the rights of every ASEAN citizen.

I am confident that, under the chairmanship of Mr. President, given the close cooperation of all distinguished delegates and thorough preparation by the House of Representatives of Thailand, the 40th AIPA General Assembly will be crown with great success.

To the stronger growth and development of AIPA!

To the continued sustainable development of ASEAN!

To the good health and success of Mr. President, Heads of delegation and all distinguished delegates!

Thank you.

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Mr Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Honourable Heads of Delegations Distinguished Colleagues Ladies and Gentlemen

I am pleased and honoured to address the 40th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly here in Bangkok. On behalf of the Australian delegation, allow me to express our sincere appreciation to Mr Chuan Leekpai, and to the people of Thailand, for the warm hospitality extended to us.

Australia greatly values our participation as observers of this Assembly, and the opportunity it brings to renew the very valuable relationships Australia enjoys with ASEAN people and their parliamentarians. We are keenly aware of our privileged position, as representatives of our people, to raise awareness of what ASEAN does in our parliaments and in our communities, and work towards strengthening dialogue and cooperation in our region.

Australia is proud to be one of ASEAN longest-standing partners.

Australia became ASEAN’s first dialogue partner 45 years ago in 1974, and since that time we have forged close ties with the countries of Southeast Asia. Our economic relationship is underpinned by the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement signed in 2009. Together, ASEAN countries have become one of Australia’s most important economic partnerships, surpassing our trade with the United States.

While our trade with ASEAN is smaller than with China, the number of Australian businesses exporting to ASEAN is almost double those exporting to China. In 2018, two-way investment between Australia and ASEAN countries was valued at $225 billion.

On the government to government level, Australia and ASEAN have a number of partnerships that reflect the comprehensive nature of our relationships. In 2013 Australia’s resident Ambassador to ASEAN was accredited, and in 2014 we entered into a new Strategic Partnership with ASEAN to deepen our collaboration, including at the Leaders’ level.

In 2018 Australia was honoured to host the first Special ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in Sydney. At the Summit we committed to working with ASEAN for a more secure and prosperous future, and announced a number of new initiatives to strengthen regional economic integration, and drive sustainable and inclusive economic growth. These announcements provide a sense of the depth and breadth of our relationship with ASEAN, and include: K - 1

• a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation to Counter International Terrorism. • a joint initiative to promote Digital Trade and support inclusive economic growth in the region, which will help Australia and ASEAN countries reap the benefits of joining the digital economy. • the ASEAN-Australia Infrastructure Cooperation initiative, which will develop a pipeline of high-quality infrastructure projects to attract private and public investment and improve regional connectivity. • working with ASEAN to help develop cities across Southeast Asia in smart and sustainable ways, including through the development of an ASEAN Smart Cities Network. • cooperation on a new A$80 million counter people-trafficking program • deeper collaboration on water resource management in the Mekong, and regional maritime initiatives.

Australia also enjoys strong people-to-people connections with Southeast Asia. People from Southeast Asian countries make up a significant part of Australian society [1,023,000 in June 2018, or around 4.1 per cent of the total population], helping to make it one of the most – we like to think the most – successful multicultural countries in the world.

Education scholarships and student exchanges, including the New Colombo Plan, tourism and cultural links all help to make our relationship a vibrant one.

These relationships are also evolving. When Australia’s cooperation programs with ASEAN commenced in 1974, their early focus was on the development of food processing and agricultural industries, reflecting the nature of Southeast Asian economies at that time. Since then our cooperation has expanded and adapted to match the remarkable progress ASEAN countries have made over this time. Cyber security and digital economies have replaced food and fisheries as the key topics. Australia is pleased to have played a part in that development.

The theme of this year’s Parliamentary Assembly, Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community, could not be more relevant to the challenges we face in 2019.

Today, we understand more clearly than ever that questions of sustainability are vital to everything we do: what technologies we invest in, how we protect our natural environment and resources, how we build infrastructure, how we make our economies more resilient to shocks, and on a social level, how we ensure the more vulnerable members of our societies share the benefits of economic growth.

We share many of the same concerns. All of Australia’s collaboration with ASEAN has, at its core, a vision of prosperous, stable, vibrant and open societies throughout the region, advancing the goals of sustainable, inclusive development, and the principles of free trade, democratic accountability, and adherence to a rules-based order.

At Australia’s Dialogue with ASEAN at last year’s Parliamentary Assembly, we agreed that climate change is a major threat to the region and beyond, and that combatting it must begin at the highest levels. This issue has become all the more important as the globe experiences more extreme weather events, underlining the risks to vulnerable populations. We also noted that an ageing population is also a significant issue throughout the region. Very sensibly, we noted that living longer should not be viewed as a problem but rather as a blessing. As the Australian delegation reported back to our Parliament last year, we will surely be judged by future generations on how we treat the environment and our elderly. K - 2

Southeast Asia’s proximity to Australia and location at the junction of the Indian and Pacific Oceans means its stability, security and prosperity directly affect our own. Through successive decades, Australia has reaped the benefits of a relatively peaceful and stable region.

We recognise that in such a diverse region, peace and stability owes much to the good sense and ability of Southeast Asian leaders. We are also indebted to the role of ASEAN and its founding principles, which continue to play a critical role in resolving common problems, shaping norms of behaviour and promoting a rules-based order in the region.

I’d like to underscore the importance of partnership to our shared future. If I may once more quote from last year’s Assembly, in his welcoming address His Excellency Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, Speaker of the Singapore Parliament, noted the importance of the unity of ASEAN. He commented that this unity is not guaranteed, but is a testament to human will and a collective recognition that the region and its people are better off when ASEAN is united. In particular, he went on to note that this unity gives ASEAN weight and relevance beyond the region.

We wholeheartedly agree with these sentiments. ASEAN is at the centre of what is arguably the world’s the most economically dynamic and strategically contested region, the Indo-Pacific. However, we are now in the midst of increasing major power rivalry, and must contend with the disruptions that brings.

The challenges we now face have no easy solutions, but I am confident that they would be much harder to address without the regional architecture ASEAN provides. ASEAN and its forums have for several decades brought countries together, opened dialogue, built trust and confidence, and allowed for collective problem solving.

An approach based on unity and consensus may at times require patience, but it may also be most likely approach to achieve durable solutions. ASEAN’s work on disaster relief, maritime security and non-proliferation and disarmament are just some examples of the vital work ASEAN is doing to strengthen regional stability and prosperity.

It is in all our interests for ASEAN and the ASEAN-centred regional architecture, to maintain its central role and helps set the rules and norms for behaviour in our region.

In closing, I would again like to express our appreciation of this opportunity to join you and discuss these issues and more. As parliamentarians, we have unique opportunities to encourage and influence public debate on issues of national importance, issues such as inclusive and sustainable development in our region. And as participants of the AIPA, we are also committed to helping our parliaments understand and value the role ASEAN can play and the benefits it can bring.

We have achieved much in this respect already. I am very much looking forward to continuing our discussions over the coming days and learning more from our ASEAN Parliamentary counterparts.

On behalf of the Australian delegation, I wish you a fruitful and successful Parliamentary Assembly.

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Honoured Speakers, Fellow Parliamentarians, Special Guests,

 It is an honour to be here in Thailand to represent the Parliament of Canada in this observer address to the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.  Our presence here today marks the eighth time in the past 10 years that a Canadian observer delegation has attended this important inter-parliamentary assembly. Our engagement is a testament to the growing importance that Canadian parliamentarians from all parties, and both chambers of our Parliament, attach to the region of Southeast Asia.  For example, during the last Parliament, our Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade conducted a multi-year study of Canada’s relations with the Asia-Pacific. In the end, and in reflection of this region’s importance and potential, the Committee narrowed its focus to Southeast Asia, travelling to Indonesia and Singapore.  While Canada is currently preparing for a general election, we can rest assured that regardless of the result, Canadian parliamentary engagement in Asia will continue to grow.  There is a strong history on relations to build on. In fact, the first diplomatic exchanges between Canada and our host country, the Kingdom of Thailand, occurred in 1924, when the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Vancouver first opened. That is a tangible example of the long-standing ties between Canada and Southeast Asia – ties which we continue to strengthen at gatherings such as this one.  Today, ASEAN and the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly are essential forums for building cooperation not only within the region itself, but between Southeast Asia and other countries around the world.  On the 8th of August 1967, right here in Bangkok, ASEAN was founded by the foreign ministers of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.  The foreign minister of Thailand at the time was Thanat Khoman. Reflecting on the creation of ASEAN 25 years later, in 1992, he wrote the following: “[I]t is common knowledge that cooperation and ultimately integration serve the interests of all – something that individual efforts can never achieve.”  The parliamentary cooperation between ASEAN member states and their dialogue partners reminds us of the vision of ASEAN’s founders. While ASEAN started as a partnership between governments, exchanges between the legislative branches of ASEAN member states soon developed as well. It was 40 years ago that the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization, the predecessor of AIPA, decided to engage in dialogue with parliaments from other countries. This parliamentary diplomacy, which both complements and enriches the partnership between governments, embodies the vision of ASEAN’s founders.

K - 4  Of course, the relationship between Canada and ASEAN countries runs far deeper than diplomatic and parliamentary exchanges. There are thousands of people in communities across Canada who have a connection to Southeast Asia, whether based on family, business, culture, tourism, education – or all of the above.  Trade is one of the strongest aspects of relations between Canada and ASEAN nations.  In 2018, the value of total trade in merchandise between Canada and the 10 ASEAN nations was approximately 19 billion US dollars – an increase of 33% compared to the value only five years earlier. Indeed, we can only assume that trade between Canada and countries in the region will continue to expand thanks to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, or CPTPP, which unites Canada with some ASEAN states in a free trade agreement.  While trade between Canada and Southeast Asia has grown, there is still more progress that can be made. In September 2018, Canada’s Minister of International Trade Diversification at the time, along with his counterparts in ASEAN, endorsed a joint feasibility study to examine the potential mutual economic gains that a free trade agreement would bring all parties. In the conclusion of that study, it was “recommended that ASEAN and Canada engage in a deeper trade and investment relationship that could include the negotiation of a comprehensive free trade agreement between both trading partners.”  Later in 2018, the Government of Canada held public consultations to seek the views of Canadians on a Canada–ASEAN free trade agreement. Based on the submissions it received, the government found that most stakeholders supported moving forward.  Another important area of collaboration between Canada and ASEAN is education.  In 2017, the Government of Canada launched the Canada–ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development, or SEED program, which provides successful students from ASEAN member states with scholarships for exchange and study opportunities at Canadian universities. The government has pledged the equivalent of 7.6 million US dollars over five years to facilitate this program.  Importantly, educational exchanges between Canada and ASEAN countries go both ways. I was pleased to learn that St. Stephen’s University – one of Canada’s smallest universities, located in my home province of New Brunswick – recently launched an Asia Study Abroad Program, through which students aim to gain an understanding of the histories, philosophies, cultures, religions, languages and arts of Southeast Asia. In 2017, this program took students to Thailand and Cambodia, and is just one example of the educational connections between Canada and Southeast Asia.  And of course, perhaps the most important aspect of Canada’s relationship with ASEAN states are the people-to-people ties that unite our countries. One of the Canadians who embodied those ties so well was my late colleague, Senator Tobias Enverga Jr., who represented the Parliament of Canada at the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly when it was held in Manila two years ago. At that time, Senator Enverga, who was the first Filipino–Canadian senator, shared the tremendous pride he felt at representing the Parliament of Canada at this important assembly in the country of his birth. He said at the time, “I am an example of the people-to-people ties in action and of the achievements arising from Canada’s opportunities and rich social fabric.”  Sadly, Senator Enverga passed away shortly after delivering those remarks in the Philippines, but along with my Canadian colleagues, Senator Jim Munson and the Member of Parliament Irene Mathyssen, I am thinking of him today.  Ladies and gentlemen, in the days ahead we will discuss some important topics that affect all of our nations, including inclusive economic development; road safety; the quality of life of older persons; and parliamentary diplomacy.

K - 5  As an observer delegation, Canada is keen to listen and to learn about how Southeast Asian countries are approaching these issues, and to strengthen our relationships with our fellow parliamentarians along the way.  We are also looking forward to the dialogue with observer countries on the topic of Good Regulatory Practices. As the co-chair of the Parliament of Canada’s Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations, I am keen to hear about best practices – and opportunities for collaboration – in an area that has long been important to me.  On behalf of the Parliament of Canada, we look forward to an exchange of ideas with you over the next few days on the topics that are of importance to ASEAN countries, Canada, and the other observer delegations here today.  Thank you very much.

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Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen:

I am really glad to be here in the beautiful city of Bangkok, the "City of Angels”, to attend the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA). I hereby, on behalf of the delegation of the National People's Congress of China, would like to express my warmest congratulations on the opening of the general assembly and express my sincere gratitude to the host country Thailand, and the Thai Parliament for the meticulous preparation and thoughtful arrangements for this assembly.

The theme of this general assembly is "Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable ASEAN Community." The theme fully reflects the mainstream appeals of most countries in the world, and it also meets the general expectations of all member states of ASEAN. This is also in line with the overall layout of China's “Five In One" coordination to comprehensively promote economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological civilization constructions, and the concept of "Forge a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" proposed by Chinese President, Mr. Xi Jinping.

This year's ASEAN general assembly’s theme also includes "sustainable development". The issue of sustainable development concerns the future of the planet and the destiny of future generations of human beings. For ASEAN, achieving sustainable development is an important goal of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the core content of the “people-oriented” ASEAN Community construction, it is also an extremely important part of the ASEAN integration process.

China attaches great importance to the implementation of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and has taken the lead in releasing national programs and progress reports on the implementation of the agenda, coordinating the overall layout of the “five in one” layout, achieving early harvest in multiple areas, and achieving the goal of sustainable development that by 2020, all the rural population under poverty standard will be out of poverty, so that the goal of sustainable development in poverty mitigation is achieved ten years ahead of schedule. ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Vongthep has praised China for its great achievements in implementing the UN Millennium Development Goals. At the meantime, China continues to make unremitting efforts and make positive contributions to the global K - 7 progress of the 2030 Agenda by continually providing high quality international public products. China will also leverage the influence of the international events such as "One Belt, One Road" International Cooperation Summit, the G20 Summit, and the BRICS Leaders' Conference etc, to promote all parties to locate development issues at the core of the global macro policy framework. In addition, China has also provided strong support to other developing countries in implementing the 2030 Agenda through pragmatic measures such as the China-United Nations Peace and Development Fund and the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund.

The traditional friendship between China and ASEAN countries is not only a strategic partner for close cooperation, but also a shared future for common development. China first established a dialogue with ASEAN and took the lead in joining the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia and signed a free trade agreement. China and ASEAN countries adhere to mutual respect, understanding, trust and support, the political mutual trust has therefore been continuously enhanced. Especially in recent years, under the framework of “One Belt, One Road”, fruitful results have been achieved in various fields. China will continue to work hard, and dedicate to build China - ASEAN relation into the most meaningful and dynamic group among all ASEAN Dialogue partnerships, bringing tangible benefits to the people of all parties, stabilizing and prospering the region, contributing peace and development to Asia as a whole. China congratulates ASEAN on its development achievements, supports the ASEAN Community, supports ASEAN's central position in regional cooperation, and supports ASEAN's greater role in international and regional affairs.

China and ASEAN are facing important opportunities for cooperation and broad prospects in achieving sustainable economic and social development. China is willing to help ASEAN countries to carry out infrastructure construction, improve the level of interconnection and intercommunication in the region, promote personnel and trade exchange within the region, promote industrialization and industrial upgrading, and enable a deep integration of the economy between China and ASEAN countries at a higher level, in a larger scale, in the spirit of cooperation and mutual benefit. This will allow the people in the region to share the dividend of cooperation and development and realize the common and sustainable development of China and ASEAN countries. During the progress of sustainable development, every country has accumulated rich experience. China also hopes to learn from each other with ASEAN countries, enrich exchange contents, enhance exchange effectiveness, and further strengthen cooperation in sustainable development.

As the core of rule of law, parliament as a representative of the people can provide guarantee to the rule of law for mutually beneficial cooperation between countries and promote the gradual realization of the development goals of all countries. In the face of a major change for the first time in 100 years, it is particularly important to strengthen the cooperation among the parliaments. In the process of cooperation and common development between China and ASEAN countries, National People’s Congress of China would like to hand by hand cooperate with fellow parliaments, to play an irreplaceable and unique role.

AIPA is an important link for strengthening communication and ties between ASEAN countries. It is an important platform for regional countries to seek common development and deepen cooperation, and is also an important part of the ASEAN community. In recent years, AIPA has continued to grow and develop and has achieved a series of remarkable achievements. The National People's Congress of China attaches great importance to the positive role of AIPA. Since becoming an observer in 1991, it has been committed to consolidating and developing friendly exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation with AIPA and ASEAN parliaments as an important part of our foreign exchanges. The National People's Congress of China basically sends a delegation to participate in the AIPA general assembly every year, and has maintained K - 8 multichannel communications with AIPA. The Chinese and ASEAN parliaments have always maintained good cooperative relations. The parliamentary exchanges have shown distinct characteristics of multilevel, wide-ranging, diverse forms and fruitful results, and have continuously added vitality to the continuous development of inter-state relations. After years of unremitting efforts, the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides have made great progress from content to form. They have not only consolidated and developed the friendly exchanges between the National People's Congress of China and AIPA and ASEAN parliaments, but also promoted good-neighborly friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and ASEAN countries. It has become an important part of China - ASEAN cooperation.

The National People's Congress of China is willing to carry out and strengthen the exchange of experience in governing the country with the AIPA and ASEAN parliaments on issues such as sustainable development, and provide solutions to many of the problems and challenges we face together. What I want to introduce in particular here is that in recent years, around the strengthening of parliamentary capacity building in developing countries and achieving the goal of sustainable development, the National People’s Congress of China has received a number of ASEAN national parliamentary delegations to China to hold separate seminars for national representatives. For several times we were invited to ASEAN countries to introduce Chinese experience on a special topic. In cooperation with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), we also organized four seminars for developing country parliamentary representatives, including parliamentarians and parliamentary staff of developing country parliaments, including ASEAN countries. In the setting of issues, we highlighted the goal of achieving sustainable development, and the key issue was discussed is how other countries benefit from the development of China, and highlighted the complete process of pragmatic cooperation especially the guarantee on the rule of law. The above activities have achieved great success and achieved the goal of “mutual learning and mutual reference and deepening exchanges”. China welcomes more ASEAN national parliaments and the National People's Congress of China to carry out various forms of exchanges and cooperation concerning sustainable development.

Ladies and gentlemen:

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of The people’s Republic of China and is a special year for China and Chinese people. Over the past 70 years, especially since the time of reform and opening up, China has undergone earth-shaking changes, successfully achieved a great historical turning point from a highly centralized planned economic system to a dynamic socialist market economic system and from closed to semi-closed to all-round opening policy. In today's China, the economy is developing rapidly, various social undertakings have made remarkable progress, and people's lives have generally reached a comfortable level. For a large developing country with a population of one-fifth of the world, China's achievements are major contributions to world peace and development.

At the same time, China is still the largest developing country in the world. The population and development imbalance are still the basic national conditions. China must fully build a higher-level well-off society that benefits more than one billion people, and then basically realize modernization and common wealth for all people. There is still a long way to go, and we need to work together with developing countries around the world to strengthen cooperation and work hard. China's development cannot be separated from Asia, and Asia's prosperity and stability cannot be separated from China. Firmly developing good- neighborly and friendly relations with ASEAN is a strategic choice of the Chinese government. China will continue to adhere to the principle of "being good neighbors and partners" and deepen exchanges and pragmatic cooperation with ASEAN countries to achieve better and faster development. K - 9

Hereby, we sincerely hope that the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and the ASEAN national parliaments will play an increasingly active role in promoting ASEAN integration and enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between ASEAN and dialogue partners and other countries. The NPC of China is willing to work with ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and ASEAN parliaments to deepen China - ASEAN strategic partnership and make new contributions to building a harmonious Asia with lasting peace and common prosperity.

I wish this year's assembly a complete success.

Thank you all!

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



Honorable Chuan Leekpai, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Thailand, Distinguished Members of the AIPA Delegations, this is Lee Seok-Hyun, the leader of the Korean Delegation.

First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to House Speaker Chuan Leekpai, the Thai House of Representatives and relevant staffs for the warm hospitality extended to me and the outstanding work in putting together this extraordinary General Assembly.

Distinguished Members of the AIPA Delegations,

Since the establishment of dialogue relations in 1989, the Republic of Korea and ASEAN have deepened robust cooperation across the board, in the political, economic, social and cultural fields. Especially, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of dialogue relations, the ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit and the Mekong-ROK Summit will be held in Busan later this year from November 25th to 26th. These two special summits are expected to help the ASEAN-ROK relations take a leap to the next level.

Even at the parliamentary level, the Korea-ASEAN Inter-parliamentary Diplomacy Forum comprised of 15 members of Congress was launched on June 28th this year to diversify the relations between ROK and ASEAN on the occasion of the 30th anniversary and boost inter-parliamentary diplomacy. And I have assumed the co-chairmanship of this Forum. It is my great pleasure to visit Bangkok in this meaningful year and address you on behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea.

Korean government has been promoting the ‘New Southern Policy’, designed to strengthen ties with countries situated south of the Korean Peninsula including ASEAN Member States since 2017. While the existing ASEAN-ROK relations mainly focused on economic area, the New Southern Policy is aimed at expanding the framework of our cooperation into diplomatic, social and cultural areas through exchanges in all sides.

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To list specific, concrete accomplishments, we have ▲ visited 7 ASEAN Member States since November 2017, received Heads of State from 3 ASEAN countries, and held bilateral meetings on the sidelines of major multilateral conferences. ▲ People-to-people exchanges between Korea and ASEAN have reached the threshold of 10 million in 2018 while the number of high quality ASEAN students studying in South Korea increased 4.3 times during the last 5 years. Also, ▲ in 2018, the ASEAN-ROK trade volume reached around $160 billion, up more than $10 billion year-on-year.

Distinguished Members of the AIPA Delegations,

I highly appreciate the development prospects and boundless potentials of partnership with ASEAN countries and would like to reiterate ROK’s commitment to solidify our companionship for co-prosperity.

Since genuine companionship is born out of free trade based on openness, inclusiveness, non-discrimination and transparent rules, the Republic of Korea plans to advance companionship with ASEAN Member States and countries in the Asia Pacific region by signing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

The Korea-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which entered into force following the 2007 Trade in Goods Agreement at the first onset, laid the foundation for our close companionship that has evolved into a comprehensive and far-reaching partnership until now.

The recent unilateral export restrictions placed by Japan for political and historical purposes constitute a violation of World Trade Organization norms and threaten free trade, economic exchange and ultimately the global value chain.

It is evident that Japan’s measures will also have a chilling effect on ASEAN Member States that play a pivotal role in the final production with Korean electronic parts and equipment. I would like to ask leaders of the ASEAN parliaments to support and actively participate in ROK’s efforts for an open trade environment where goods and services move freely on a level playing field.

Given that the 1st and 2nd US-North Korea summits were held in the ASEAN region, ASEAN’s importance cannot be stressed enough even in the political field of the Korean Peninsula that has been dramatically changing over the past year. Korean government is making earnest efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue for the complete denuclearization and the establishment of a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

I would like to request leaders of the ASEAN parliaments to show consistent interest and unwavering support for the ROK’s efforts towards regional security and peace on the Korean Peninsula. It would be a great boost if you support such ROK’s efforts in this ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.

Lastly, I would like to ask for your ardent interest in the Korea-ASEAN Inter- parliamentary Diplomacy Forum and join us in making the Forum act beyond a bilateral parliamentary friendship level and encompass ASEAN countries as a whole. The Korea- ASEAN Inter-parliamentary Diplomacy Forum also vows to play its required roles for legislation activities to further advance the ASEAN-ROK relations.

Thank you for your attention.


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



Dear Mr Chair, Dear Mr Secretary General, Distinguished fellow parliamentarians!

Above all, I’d like to thank you for inviting Russian delegation to take part in the work of the 40th AIPA General Assembly.

The strengthening of ties with ASEAN has always been one of the Russia’s foreign policy priorities in Asia. This has been another time reaffirmed by the resolution adopted at the ASEAN summit in Singapore in November 2018 urging to attach strategic importance to dialogue partnership with Russia. We welcome this resolution and view ASEAN as one of the most successful integration associations in Asia-Pacific, and stand for enhancement of its central role in regional affairs.

We value the trust and mutual understanding inherent of Russia’s dialogue with the ten ASEAN member states. Another manifestation of it has become Russia-ASEAN Foreign Ministers meeting which took place here in Bangkok this year on July 31st. We stand ready to further work together on creating a balanced and transparent system of inter-state relations in Asia-Pacific based on the principles of equality, supremacy of international law, non-interference into internal affairs, renunciation the use of force and threat to use it, and peaceful settlement of international disputes. It becomes even more important in today’s turbulent world when coerciveness is on the rise while international law is being replaced by a “rulesbased order” defined by vested interests of certain groups of states.

What is damaging is that such policy of restrictions impacts us, parliamentarians. Sadly, some states introduce restrictions on free movement of parliamentarians thus preventing them, among other things, from participating in the events of inter-parliamentary organisations and even deprive parliamentary delegations of their voting rights. We believe the imposition of sanctions against parliamentarians inadmissible and urge you to support our stance. We hope to further develop a constructive dialogue with ASEAN member-states’ parliaments.

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There has been established a long-lasting tradition of cooperation between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and ASEAN member-states’ parliaments, regular bilateral and multilateral exchange of delegations. We are convinced that an open, equal and fair dialogue between parliamentarians contributes to finding common ground and building mutually beneficial contacts even in most challenging situations. The central task of the parliamentary community is to shape a positive constructive agenda and to enhance trust between our states.

Apart from that, parliamentarians traditionally make a great contribution to fighting poverty and inequality as well as to prevention and peaceful settlement of conflicts and also to achieving other SDGs.

Interaction of parliamentarians is especially relevant today when the world is facing the whole range of threats and challenges. It’s necessary to work out joint parliamentary solutions for ensuring international security and strengthening inter-ethnic and inter-faith peace.

Our regular AIPA meetings make this ever possible. For us, this association is an important mechanism of maintaining peace and stability.

We call on you to establish parliamentary ties with other prominent regional organisations including SCO and EAEU with a view to creating new cooperation mechanisms in Greater Euroasia. It becomes especially relevant after signing on the sidelines of the 2018 Summit in Singapore an MU between EEC and ASEAN.

We note with satisfaction the growing contacts between our business communities including this platform. Another good platform is an annual SPIEF. We also invite our ASEAN partners to come to a regular Eastern Economic Forum which as always will take place in Vladivostok, the capital of the region I represent in the Federation Council, on September 4-6th this year. Traditionally, within the framework of the Forum there will be held Russia-ASEAN business dialogue.

We also commend the progress made in economic cooperation between Russia and ASEAN member-states. In 2018 our trade turnover has increased by 6.8% reaching $19,6 bln. We emphasise the build-up of cooperation in high-tech and innovation spheres. Our achievements in digital economy could be used for creating ‘smart cities’ in ASEAN countries, as it was demonstrated to ASEAN participants to the thematic economic forum in Kaluga (Russia) in March this year. To this regard, we initiated the creation of a permanent cooperation platform with ASEAN. We are ready to share with you knowledge and good practices in the field of integration of remote territories, facilitation of their economic development and improvement of their education and healthcare systems.

Another promising dimension of our interaction capable of adding to sustainable growth of Asia-Pacific is Russia-ASEAN financial cooperation. At the Russia-ASEAN ministerial meeting we proposed to consider the possibility of exploitation in ASEAN countries the Russian national payment system MIR, and also, perhaps, in the future to use national currencies in mutual settlements, with current situation in global economy and embattled world trade system strongly suggesting this.

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Dear fellow parliamentarians!

High level of cooperation between Russia and ASEAN states and broad prospects of its development prompt the necessity to further strengthen our parliamentary contacts.

I’m sure that the outcome of the work of the 40th AIPA General Assembly will become concrete resolutions contributing to further enhancement of the legal framework ASEAN community is based on.

In conclusion, I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our hosts for the warm hospitality they rendered to the Russian delegation in Bangkok and congratulate them for the excellent organisation of the forum.

Thank you for attention.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



Honourable Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Speaker of the National Assembly of Thailand, And Chair of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA, Dear colleagues, Excellencies, Dear Members of Parliament, Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the authorities and the Parliament of Thailand for the successful organisation of this important parliamentary event. I would like also to thank you for inviting us to attend this General Assembly of AIPA as a guest of the host Parliament.

In our part of the world, we consider AIPA as an important inter-parliamentary forum which facilitates a closer cooperation among South-Asian nations and with observer members.

Morocco shares the philosophy and the spirit of AIPA. Our presence here at the 40th General Assembly illustrates our subscription to the ideals, the principles and the objectives of your Assembly.

It is our wish though to consolidate further our institutional cooperation with AIPA members. Your Parliamentarians could participate as guests of honour in parliamentary events that take place in Morocco.

Honourable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen,

We are proud in Morocco to share with AIPA members the common universal vision that popular will is the foundation of any sustainable democratic system.

That is what Parliaments are all about. We are in the business of translating the ambitions and concerns of voters into governmental policies. From this perspective, Parliamentarism, though it may not be the best system, it is surely the most reliable system human civilization could come up with.

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During the last two decades, we witnessed an unprecedented intensification of international parliamentary cooperation on regional, continental, and world levels. Indeed, parliaments are getting increasingly mindful of the necessity to mutualise their experiences and exchange their good practices, in order to form together a global driving force towards the peaceful, tolerant, and sustainable world we all wish to pass on to future generations.

Honourable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen,

I firmly believe that parliamentary diplomacy should be our main course of action. True, Governments make foreign policy, but it is up to Parliaments to make sure that governmental actions are consistent with what the people want. Parliamentary diplomacy is second to none, simply because it was there first. We all tend to overlook the obvious fact that the Inter-parliamentary Union was there long before the United Nations.

We have to keep in mind, however, that any efficient global parliamentary action has to start at home, nationally, then on the level of our respective regions and continents.

May I recall that the Moroccan Parliament is an active member of: • the African Parliamentary Union; • the Pan-African Parliament; • the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of the Mediterranean; • the Arab Parliamentary Union; • the Arab Parliament; • the Parliamentary Assembly of French-speaking Countries; • the Parliamentary Union of the Islamic Cooperation Organization, of which I presently assume the chairmanship. • We also enjoy the status of ‘’Mediterranean Partner’’ at the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO; and • The status of ‘’Partner for democracy’’ at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Historically, Morocco held the chairmanship of a large number of parliamentary organisations including the Inter-parliamentary Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, the Arab Parliamentary Union, the African Parliamentary Union, the Parliamentary Union of the Islamic Cooperation Organization presently, and others.

We also have observer status at most Latin-American sub-regional parliamentary assemblies, namely the Andean Parliament, the Central American Parliament, the Latin American Parliament, the Forum of Presiding Officers of Central America and the Caribbean Basin, and the list is far from exhaustive.

As you may notice, from this important parliamentary network, only Asia is missing. Which explains our official application for observer status brought to your kind attention at the 39th General Assembly of AIPA, which took place in Singapore last year.

Based on our genuine belief in the virtues of parliamentary cooperation, particularly among countries of the Southern hemisphere, I would like to express my solemn wish before this honourable Assembly, that our application for observer status at AIPA, will be given serious consideration at the present General Assembly. L - 2

With Morocco among observer countries at AIPA, an important potential of parliamentary cooperation will be available to our respective regions and continents.

Morocco is a key actor on the African scene. High level parliamentary exchange is a main pillar of its continental strategy promoted by His Majesty king Mohammed VI. It falls within the broader framework of South-South cooperation based on solidarity and co- development.

Our future partnership will give us the opportunity to jointly organize parliamentary events on strategic issues such as climate change, international security, human rights, and others.

Honourable Mr. Chairman, Ladies and gentlemen,

We are very happy to be here in Bangkok, and we will be all the more honoured to attend next year’s General Assembly as observer.

Thank you.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



President, Delegates, Parliamentary Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honour for me to address the AIPA General Assembly as Head of the Norwegian Delegation. Allow me to start by expressing my gratitude to the President of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Thailand, Mr. Chuan Leekpai, for inviting us to participate as guests from the Norwegian Parliament, the Storting. This is the second time a delegation from Norway attends the AIPA General Assembly. We hope this is the start of a longstanding and close partnership with AIPA.

Norway already enjoys a close cooperation with ASEAN including a sector dialogue partnership since 2015. Historically our cooperation back several decades, from our early engagement in different peace and reconciliation processes, to close trade and economic relations. Today, we have a dedicated and resident ASEAN ambassador, and our cooperation covers important political dialogues and common projects in areas such as education, maritime, marine and energy sectors.

ASEAN is Norway’s third largest trading partner in services and fifth largest in goods. We look to you for inspiration and for valuable knowledge, be it of regional development or peaceful and respectful political cooperation.

The geographical distance between the ASEAN Member States and Norway might seem large. We are a relatively small country “up north”; you are a relatively large region “down south-east”. However, even if we are far apart on the physical map, we share similar values and common interests.

We are all members of the international community, dependent on common rules and regulations and a mutual understanding of international affairs. We share a strong and common belief in the need for a well-functioning multilateral world order – be it through the UN, the WTO or the global climate cooperation. In the current international climate, this belief becomes ever more important. We depend on working together on the regional and global stage, and do so very well already.

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We also share common interests, as trading partners, overlooking ever-increasing trade volumes, and as partners within the UN sustainable agenda. Many of us are coastal states and share a common interest in good ocean management. The latter is an area where our Prime Minister has taken a global initiate and where we appreciate the support of the ASEAN Member States.

It is our hope that the close cooperation that already exists between Norway and ASEAN, can now be extended to the parliamentary level as well, where AIPA could serve as a platform for regular dialogue and exchanges of views between our respective parliaments on issues of common interest.

Bringing our cooperation forward, we would very much like to strengthen the ties between the Norwegian Parliament and AIPA. We would propose identifying common topics and projects that we can all benefit from, where we can all learn from each other, and where we can all approach regional and global challenges together. Possible areas could be renewable energy, ocean management including marine pollution, to support the broader sustainable development agenda. But first of all we would like to hear what areas you see as possible areas for closer cooperation.

With that, Mr President, I thank you again for inviting the Norwegian Parliament to this General Assembly and for giving us the floor to present our gratitude and our ideas for our future cooperation.

On behalf of the Norwegian Parliament, I wish you all a very successful General Assembly. Together with my colleagues, I look forward to the many opportunities over the coming days to get to know you all better and to see where our cooperation can go from here!

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community



Excellency Speaker Chuan Leekpai, President of AIPA & Speaker of Parliament of the House of Representative of the Kingdom of Thailand; Honourable Speakers of AIPA Member Parliaments; Honourable Secretary-General of AIPA, Isra Sunthornvut; Honourable Members of AIPA Delegations; Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon. On behalf of H.E. Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General (SG) of ASEAN, please allow me, on this auspicious occasion of the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), congratulate H.E. Chuan Leekpai, Speaker of Parliament of the House of Representative of the Kingdom of Thailand for assuming the role of AIPA President. I would also like to thank the host, Thailand, for the warm hospitality accorded to my delegation and I.

At the same time, I would like, on behalf of SG of ASEAN, to convey our sincere condolences to the Members of Parliament of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on the loss of lives and properties from the flooding and landslide that occurred in the southern part of the country.


ASEAN today is a stable and economically-viable community. While still a work-in- progress, ASEAN, with all its diversities, bound by ties of friendship and legitimate shared interests, has, so far, delivered to its peoples the dream of a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations, through regional integration and meaningful cooperation. Efforts to build a Community have underpinned regional peace and stability, and the impacts is an ASEAN with enhanced political cohesion, economic integration and social responsibility, narrowed development gaps within and among the ASEAN Member States and greater physical, institutional and peopleto-people connectivity.

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Gathered today are the lawmakers from all ASEAN Member States. As Member Parliaments (MPs), you are not only the peoples’ voices, you also hold the key to ASEAN’s aspiration to be a people-centred and people-oriented community. After all, you are well-placed to reach out directly to the peoples, and act as intermediates between the states and the people.

Similarly, AIPA, as the regional parliamentary organisation, is very well-positioned to strengthen the ASEAN’s integration process. AIPA holds a crucial role in transposing regional agreements into local actions where ASEAN citizens are directly involved and their sense of ASEAN identity and ownership are built upon. AIPA is also expected to assist the ASEAN Member States in expediting ratifications of the signed ASEAN Agreements, aligning domestic laws and regulations with regional commitments as well as monitoring the implementation of these laws.


On 8 August 2019, as we celebrated the 52nd anniversary of ASEAN and the inauguration of the new ASEAN Secretariat building, officiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Pak Joko Widodo, it reminded us of what to expect in the future.

As ASEAN looks forward to the next 5 decades of regional integration, the new ASEAN Secretariat building will provide a sound foundation to deepen our community building efforts, by creating more opportunities for physical meetings and face-to-face interactions that will further deepen our political, economic and social ties. This means strengthening our engagements with various stakeholders not only in Jakarta but outside the region as well.

In this regard, the ASEAN Secretariat stands ready to work with AIPA and the AIPA Secretariat in bringing ASEAN closer to the people. As an institution that has played a central role throughout the growth and evolution of ASEAN, the ASEAN Secretariat has become a trusted partner in the region, bringing all stakeholders together to navigate through the successes and challenges of promoting regional stability and development.

We have no doubt that the future of ASEAN is in the hands of its people, as they will be the one driving the integration and cooperation. The role of ASEAN Member States – with support from the ASEAN Secretariat and stakeholders like AIPA and the AIPA Secretariat – is to render the relevant enabling environments and platforms for peoples and their ideas to grow.

On that note, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, let me wish the 40th AIPA GA a great success. I look forward to having a dynamic exchange and fruitful engagement in this conference.

Thank you.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Mr. President,

1. It is my great honour to submit the following Report of the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA).

2. The Meeting was held on 26 August 2019 at 14.00 hrs. It was presided over by Hon. Ms. Pikulkeaw Krairiksh of Thailand as the Chairperson, and Hon. Ms. Chitpas Kridakon of Thailand was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attend the meeting:

Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman 2 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii 3 Hon. Khairunnisa Haji Ash’ari

Cambodia 1 Hon. Mrs. Nin Saphon 2 Hon. Mrs. Mean Sam An 3 Hon. Mrs. Ban Sreymom

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mrs. Dwi Ria Latifa 2 Hon. Mrs. Dwie Aroem Hadiatie 3 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti 4 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Dr. Ms. Phonephet Boupha 2 Hon. Ms. Thavisay Phasathanh

Malaysia 1 Hon. Mrs. Natrah Ismail 2 Hon. Datuk Wiramas Ermieyati Samsudin 3 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 4 Hon. Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid 5 Hon. Datuk Roosme Hamzah 6 Hon. Dato Hanifah Hajar Taib 7 Hon. Dato Chong Swen Ong

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Myanmar 1 Hon. Ms. Naw Hla Hla Soe 2 Hon. Mrs. Shwe Shwe Sein Latt 3 Hon. Mr. Nay Myo Kyaw

Philippines 1 Hon. Ms. Maria Lourdes Acosta-Alba 2 Hon. Ms. Ann K. Hofer 3 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace C. Yu 4 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-Sato 5 Hon. Ms. Samantha Louise Vargas Alfonso

Singapore 1 Hon. Ms. Cheryl Chan 2 Hon. Ms. Joan Pereira 3 Hon. Ms. Rahayu Mahzam

Thailand 1 Hon. Mrs. Suwannee Sirivejchapun 2 Hon. Ms. Yaowalux Wongpraparat 3 Hon. Ms. Pechdau Tohmeena

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Ms. Nguyen Thuy Anh 2 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha 3 Hon. Mrs. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa 4 Hon. Mrs. Tran Hong Nguyen 5 Hon. Mrs. Duong Minh Anh 6 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy 7 Hon. Mr. Dinh Cong Sy

3. The Meeting of the Committee of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) was held in the traditional ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following Resolutions were discussed and approved:

a) Resolution on Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in ASEAN

4. The discussion among the delegates of WAIPA Committee Meeting focused on gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment, notably on providing equal access to education, healthcare, justice, economic and income opportunities, social protection, and representation in decision-making processes for women and girls.

5. Thus, the meeting encouraged AIPA Member Parliaments to adopt, develop and strengthen laws, and policies related to equal access to education, healthcare, justice, economic, and income opportunities, social protection and representation in decision- making to end gender inequality and help spur inclusive economic growth which will benefit society as a whole.

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6. Through the adopted resolution, the meeting then further urged AIPA Member Parliaments to strengthen the monitoring mechanism on the implementation of laws and policies on gender equality, and to fight against gender stereotyping, discrimination and violence.

7. The Committee of WAIPA meeting collectively agreed on Goal Five of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a basis to enhance the use of technology, in particular information and communications technology, to bridge the gender gap in ASEAN.

8. Following the existing AIPA Resolution on ‘Empowering Women in ASEAN to Harness the Potential of Industrial Resolution 4.0’, the meeting encouraged the AIPA Member Parliaments to promote and implement their commitments to narrow the gender-gap in technology and strengthen joint efforts to enhance women’s capacity in digital literacy.

9. I hereby present the Report of the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) with the adopted resolutions to the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

Thank you.


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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/WAIPA/01)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recognizing that the provisions of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, ASEAN Declaration on the Gender-Responsive Implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and Sustainable Development Goals and other relevant conventions and treaties provide international legal frameworks for realizing gender equality and the empowerment of women;

Emphasizing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the core goal to ensure that “no one is left behind”, particularly Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) on Achieving Gender Equality and the Empowerment of all Women and Girls, which calls for action by all countries to promote gender equality and women and girls’ empowerment;

Recalling the AIPA Res 36GA/2015/WAIPA/01 on Recognition of Post – 2015 Development Agenda on Gender Equality, adopted at the 36th General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Resolution 39GA/2018/WAIPA/01 on Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship for Development and Resolution 39GA/2018/WAIPA/02 on Empowering Women in ASEAN to Harness the Potential of Industrial Revolution 4.0, adopted at the 39th General Assembly in Singapore;

Affirming that gender equality and women’s empowerment are part of the fundamental human rights and a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and stable society, while gender inequality is an impediment to achieving overall sustainable development;

Acknowledging also that providing women with equal access to education, healthcare, justice, economic and income opportunities, social protection and representation in decision-making processes is crucial to ending the gender inequality and helps spur inclusive economic growth which will benefit society and people as a whole;

Recognizing that ASEAN Countries have made significant efforts in addressing gender inequality, but barriers still remain;

Recognizing that responses to the challenges of gender equality and women’s empowerment require political will, and continuous vigorous efforts including strong legal frameworks and enforcement, comprehensive approaches, mechanism, partnership and cooperation from all

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Hereby resolves to:

Call on AIPA Member Parliaments to contribute, facilitate, and monitor the implementation of the CEDAW, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ASEAN Declaration on the Gender-Responsive Implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and Sustainable Development Goals and other relevant conventions and treaties as well as previous AIPA Resolutions concerning gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls;

Encourage AIPA Member Parliaments to adopt, develop and strengthen laws and policies related to equal access to education, healthcare, justice, economic and income opportunities, social protection and representation in decision-making processes to end gender inequality and help spur inclusive economic growth which will benefit society and people as a whole;

Support the sharing of national research findings amongst AIPA Member Parliaments and continuously updating gender statistic database to measure and monitor the realities of the lives of women and men as a resource to perform the necessary functionality in order to formulate and monitor policies and plans, monitor changes, and inform the public;

Urge ASEAN Member States to redouble their efforts to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment remain priorities in all plans and programs, and allocation from national budget/of appropriate resources in the field of women development;

Urge AIPA Member Parliaments to strengthen monitoring mechanism of the implementation of laws and policies on gender equality, and prevention of gender-based discrimination and violence;

Also Urge AIPA Member Parliaments to fight against gender stereotyping, discrimination, to promote gender-balanced program, and equal opportunities in the ASEAN region, including sharing knowledge, best practices and create awareness to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment;

Encourage AIPA Member Parliaments to develop a gender-based innovation and an inclusive digital economy.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand 40TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 25 - 30 AUGUST 2019 BANGKOK, THAILAND

Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/WAIPA/02)


The Fortieth General Assembly:

Recalling that the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action confirms that science and technology, information and communication are economic resources; and equal access to these resources is a means to further the advancement and empowerment of women and girls;

Recalling that the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women are consistent priorities of ASEAN and would always be included in the laws, policies and programs of ASEAN Member States;

Reiterating the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 to promote in quality of life, protection of human rights, and provide equitable access to all opportunities;

Acknowledging that the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development complements the ASEAN community building efforts to raise the living standards of our peoples; as well as Goal 5b of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls for action by all countries to enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women;

Further acknowledging the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly’s Resolution on Empowering Women in ASEAN to Harness the Potential of Industrial Revolution 4.0 that underlines the importance of strengthening joint efforts on harnessing new technology to tackle inequality and achieve inclusive growth in ASEAN Member States and enhancing women’s capacity in digital literacy;

Noting that in empowering women in the field of technologies, equality must be addressed by bridging the gender gap;

Aware that promoting gender sensitivity and eliminating gender-stereotyping in schools and societies will motivate women to pursue training and education in the field of science, technology, engineering and math;

Convinced that information and communication technologies are integral tools in which men and women may substantially contribute and interact;

Mindful that greater participation of women in technology-based disciplines will spur innovation and help achieve socio-economic growth and development.

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Hereby resolves to:

Urge ASEAN Member States to implement their commitments, goals, targets for equal access to technology, information and communication to promote empowerment of women;

Encourage AIPA Member Parliaments to promote technology-based training, mentoring and education that narrows the skills gap and enhance digital literacy for women especially in remote and marginalized areas;

Urge AIPA Member Parliaments to formulate legal frameworks to bridge the gender gap and empower women’s rights by providing equal access and opportunities in technology-based disciplines;

Call upon ASEAN Member States to share resources and research finding in science and technology, engineering, math, and information and communication technology, and develop strategies in which men and women may participate in the use of technologies for the achievement of socio-economic growth and development.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand REPORT COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Doc 40GA/2019/Eco Rep)


Mr. President,

1 It is my great pleasure to submit the following Report of the Committee on Economic Matters.

2 The Committee met on 27 August 2019 at 9.00 hrs. The meeting was chaired by Hon. Miss Wiboonlasana Ruamraksa of the National Assembly of Thailand, and Hon. Mr. Katerut Laothamatas of the National Assembly of Thailand served as the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the meeting:

Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Mr. Hj Abd Hamid Arsad 2 Hon. Ms. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman

Cambodia 1 Hon. Mr. Sok Sokan 2 Hon. Mr. Chay Borin

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mr. Jalaludin Rakhmat 2 Hon. Mrs. Dwie Aroem Hadiatie 3 Hon. Mrs. Saniatul Lativa

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Sisoulath 2 Hon. Dr. Vilayvong Bouddakham 3 Hon. Mr. Sanya Praseuth

Malaysia 1 Hon. Mr. Kor Ming Nga 2 Hon. Mr. Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir 3 Hon. Mr. Poay Tiong Khoo 4 Hon. Dato Hanifah Hajar Taib 5 Hon. Mr. Mohd Shahar Abdullah

Myanmar 1 Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung 2 Hon. Mr. Bo Bo Oo

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Philippines 1 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace C. Yu 2 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-Sato

Singapore 1 Hon. Ms. Joan Pereira 2 Hon. Mr. Yee Chia Hsing

Thailand 1 Hon. Mr. Pisit Leeahtam 2 Hon. Mr. Manoon Sivapiromrat 3 Hon. Mr. Jakkaphon Tangsutthitham

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mr. Duong Quoc Anh 2 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang

3 The meeting of the Committee on Economic Matters was held in the traditional ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following Resolutions were discussed and approved:

a) Resolution on Fostering Inclusive Economic Development in ASEAN

4 The Committee unanimously agreed that Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, coupled with ASEAN Community Vision 2025, is a key tool to pave the way towards the achievement of regional economic integration and inclusive growth, especially in the context of global trade tension and protectionism. The meeting, therefore, underlined the significant role of AIPA to facilitate and implement related ASEAN agreements and framework in order to promote inclusive and balance economic development in all sectors including MSMEs by enhancing creativity, connectivity, and competitiveness in the region. The Committee also encouraged AIPA Member Countries to extend their legislative power in reviewing trade instruments and implementing effective fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate economic growth in a sustainable way. More importantly, the Committee reiterated the importance of multilateralism with a strong commitment to conclude the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations within 2019. These Commitments aimed to create more opportunities for people and engagement in the strengthening of regional cooperation and inclusive growth.

b) Resolution on ASEAN Cooperation to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

5 The Committee realized that in a world driven by technology, the 4IR and digital economy would bring about benefits and creation of business opportunities from innovation and new technologies. But on the other hand, access to knowledge of technology, effective laws and regulations, and the impact of fast-growing technologies on labor with unmatched skills are all considered crucial. To tackle these challenges, the Committee agreed to seek cooperation among AIPA Member Countries and from their respective governments to initiate effective framework and policies that support digital literacy, financial inclusion which would effectively deal with technological challenges and allow people to take advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

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c) Resolution on Improving Digital Connectivity to Support the Growth of MSMEs

6 The Committee recognized the past work of AIPA that aimed to improve competitiveness and capability of E-Commerce and MSMEs in ASEAN, which are the backbone of national and regional economic development. The Committee also acknowledged the adoption of digital technology playing a significant role in the growth of MSMEs, contributing significantly to economic growth, sustainability, and narrowing economic differences among ASEAN Member States. For this, the improvement of national laws, regulations, and broad range of policies would complement the distribution of technological infrastructure, the advancement of digital connectivity and innovation, and the competitive environment that support MSMEs.

d) Resolution on the Standardization and Liberalization of Air Services under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market

7 The Committee strongly agreed that the ASEAN Single Aviation Market (ASAM) is a strategic goal under the ASEAN Transport Strategic plan for 2015-2016 and a key component of the roadmap for the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community. Many ASEAN Member States face infrastructure inadequacies and lack of a common regulatory framework to provide safety standards and air traffic management capacity and efficiency across the region. The Committee resolved to encourage AIPA Member Parliaments to come up with the effective implementation and contributions for the Standardization and Liberalization of Air Services under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market which are (1) fostering domestic laws and policies, (2) encouraging carriers and airlines operators in their respective countries to improve the services standards and efficient infrastructure, (3) harmonizing procedures and requirements in licensing and certification of personnel and technician equipment and (4) ensuring sufficient resources for the implementation of the initiatives under the ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan.

Note: The committee unanimously agreed to assign AIPA Secretariat to prepare a progress report of the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions to be presented at the meeting of Economic Matters of the 41st AIPA General Assembly.

8 I hereby present the Report of the Committee on Economic Matters to the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

Thank you.


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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

(Res 40GA/2019/ECO/01)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Adhering to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aims to, among other things, eradicate all forms of poverty and take the bold and transformative steps to shift the world towards a sustainable and resilient path;

Reaffirming ASEAN’s commitment to promoting Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and noting the planned establishment of an ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue (ACSDSD) in Bangkok in 2019 to institutionalize sustainable development cooperation in the region;

Taking into account the importance of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 and the ASEAN Framework for Equitable Economic Development, these are cornerstones of regional economic integration, to achieve higher levels of economic dynamism, sustained prosperity, resilient and inclusive growth and well-prepared responses for emerging global megatrends such as the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well as the initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III, which aims to further regional integration in order to narrow the development gap within ASEAN;

Emphasizing AIPA RES. 38GA/2017/ECO/02 on Supporting the Implementation of Financial Inclusion Programs in ASEAN and RES. 38GA/2017/ECO/04 on Intra-Regional Economic Cooperation for Equitable Development and Inclusive Growth in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), which reflect AIPA’s commitment to narrowing the development gap and building inclusive economic growth in ASEAN Member States;

Recalling AIPA RES. 39GA/2018/ECO/05 on Regional Effort to Address the Impact of Global Trade Tension Between Economic Powerhouses, which reflect AIPA’s adherence to multilateral trade rules and a rules-based regime for implementation of economic commitments and the reduction of all barriers to regional economic integration;

Bearing in mind the rise of global trade tension and protectionism that continue to plague the global economy and put the multilateral trading system under threat;

Realizing that people in remote areas, the underprivileged, and vulnerable groups have limited access to education, health, infrastructure, financing, ICT, and economic growth; and that the development in the future should be endowed with some crucial factors, namely, self-reliance, environmental protection, infrastructure, ICT, promotion of agricultural products, trade, capacity-building and resilience, which will help pave the way towards wealth, strength, and most importantly, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals;

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Hereby resolves to:

Call on AIPA Member Countries to exert more efforts to ratify, facilitate, and implement all related agreements and initiatives regarding the ASEAN Framework for Equitable Economic Development;

Call upon AIPA Member Countries to continually review international trade instruments to the extent of their legislative power and to ensure implementation of effective fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate economic growth and employment in a sustainable way;

Urge AIPA Member Countries to step up efforts towards economic development by embracing open trade and investment and facilitating the free movement of goods, services and capital, as well as establishing quality standards, rules, guidelines under the World Trade Organization and also reiterating our strong commitment to conclude the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations within the year 2019;

Call upon more developed countries to play more active roles in encouraging trade and investment with less developed countries based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and shared responsibility to promote inclusive economic development;

Encourage AIPA Member Countries to translate both the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 into national strategies, laws and action to raise public awareness on sustainable development;

Encourage AIPA Member Countries to allocate and mobilize budget into education and public health for sustainable development, particularly in the subjects of innovation and entrepreneurship;

Urge AIPA Member Countries to create a common framework and to share information on sustainable development to collectively address both national and regional challenges;

Urge AIPA Member Parliaments to take into account the five strategic areas of focus of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 as their working priority as a means to promote competitiveness, inclusiveness and a greater sense of Community;

Call on the governments of ASEAN to promote a self-reliant, community-based and value- based ecosystem development by using capacity-building schemes on ICT and innovation as key drivers for enhancing inclusiveness, connectivity, creativity and competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the sub-region and region;

Enhance a balance of economic development in all sectors which are individuals, families, communities, and societies to pursue green growth strategies and benefits of sharing economy as part of their response to the economic crisis and beyond by taking into consideration of the social, cultural, and environmental contexts to enhance life-long learning, resilience, and prosperity;

Urge AIPA Member Countries to create opportunities for their peoples, to access the public services for further development of the regional cooperation in the furtherance of inclusive growth;

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/ECO/02)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recall AIPA Resolution RES.39GA/2018/ECON/03 on Deepening Regional Economic Integration in ASEAN aiming to enhance cooperation among member parliaments to build strong institutions in preparing ASEAN for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the digital economy, with an aim of bringing about benefits to the region and creating new business opportunities from innovation, creativity and new technologies;

Also recalling AIPA Resolution number 39GA/2018/WAIPA/02, on Empowering Women in ASEAN to Harness the Potential of Industrial Revolution 4.0, and on the need for the AIPA Member Parliaments to strengthen joint efforts on applying new technologies to tackle inequality and achieve inclusive growth in ASEAN Member States;

Welcome the role of the ASEAN Leaders and the ASEAN Economic Ministers in recognizing the need for ASEAN to be well prepared and to be able to maximize opportunities from 4IR, as well as for coming up with a well-organized plan and initiatives to build a collective readiness for ASEAN Member States to foster the region’s economic growth, and promote inclusive and equitable economic development;

Recognize the importance of 4IR, as highlighted in ASEAN both at the national and the regional levels. Various existing elements under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025, as well as work under the other two pillars of the ASEAN Community, also serve as building blocks towards achieving a 4IR-ready ASEAN Community;

Acknowledge that 4IR has been bringing about unprecedented, transformative, and dramatic changes to the way people produce, work, live, and interact. Driven by new technologies such as big data analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), advanced manufacturing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), 4IR provides new opportunities for urban and rural areas to access to the technologies and could play a key role as the main driver of economic progress and engines of growth to improve the quality of life, productivity, efficiency, transparency and even reduce inequality in the socio-economic system;

Understand 4IR also presents challenges to ASEAN. Without effective measures, new technologies can widen the social gap and digital divide through uneven access to knowledge and technologies. 4IR awareness and technology accessibility are also not equally distributed among the ASEAN people. Hence, ASEAN needs to have a holistic approach to come up with appropriate policy responses, roadmap, governance, and regulations to address 4IR and to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth for all;

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Accept that 4IR and the digital revolution will impact workforce, especially low-skilled workers, in the near future. Advanced robotics and artificial intelligence will increasingly replace low-skilled employees in routine manufacturing. At the same time, highly-skilled workers could also be affected thereby the need for reskilling and upskilling for those people to be able to work alongside emerging technologies;

Hereby resolves to:

Assert the importance for ASEAN member states to consider the potential of financial inclusion to overcome challenges of the development stage, as well as to efficiently distribute technology resources, invest in human capital development and contribute to inclusive economic development;

Urge ASEAN member states to support the economic activities and initiatives related to the preparation of ASEAN for 4IR in several dimensions including enhancing knowledge through scientific and technological research, develop human capital in preparation for the new technologies, improve the regulatory framework in support of digital development, promoting technological and policy exchange to bridge the digital divide , develop digital infrastructure and connectivity, digital government, digital inclusion for all citizens and facilitate inclusive growth by promoting MSMEs adoption of new technologies;

Encourage ASEAN governments and parliaments to develop a favorable regulatory framework to provide full support directly and indirectly while achieving shared benefits for financial accessibility for e-commerce and Start Up businesses;

Call for the development of an ASEAN roadmap or action plan related to the preparation for 4IR to support the interaction among parliament, government, academia and industry, which will help to identify ways and means to deal with the highlighted challenges and to move the ASEAN member countries towards a common goal in which all countries join hands and share benefits in impartial and equal manners as well;

Encourage AIPA Member Countries to not only review their existing laws and regulations, but to also endorse an up-to-date legislative framework concerning the emergence of the 4IR that consider both its feasibility and important challenges;

Promote AIPA parliamentarians to be educated on the 4IR, digitalization, and adoption of new technologies to gain knowledge, share information and better understanding, as well as insight into its importance, so that they can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges effectively;

Request AIPA Member Countries to consider budget allocation to ensure the ASEAN people, especially those in rural areas can access fundamental infrastructure to be able to access and utilize technologies to improve their standards of living and well-being without leaving anyone behind;

Suggest AIPA Member Countries to promote technological literacy to people so as to enable them to use, understand, and to make the most of latest technologies.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand 40TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 25 - 30 AUGUST 2019 BANGKOK, THAILAND

Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/ECO/03)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recalling AIPA resolution RES.37GA/2016/ECO/02 on “Strengthening the Growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Entering and Optimizing the Global Value Chains by Improving Access to Finance and Technology, and Enhancing Productivity and Innovation”, adopted at the 37th AIPA General Assembly in Myanmar;

Recalling AIPA resolution RES.38GA/2017/ECO/03 on “Promoting an Inclusive and Innovation-led Growth for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)” adopted during the 38th AIPA General Assembly in the Philippines;

Further recalling AIPA resolution RES.39GA/2018/ECON/02 on “Promoting Innovation and E-Commerce in ASEAN”, adopted on the 39th AIPA General Assembly in Singapore;

Reaffirming connectivity as one of the five interrelated and mutually reinforcing characteristic of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025, that supports the AEC Vision as envisaged in the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, which consists of: (1) A Highly Integrated and Cohesive Economy; (2) A Competitive, Innovative, and Dynamic ASEAN; (3) Enhanced Connectivity and Sectoral Cooperation; (4) A Resilient, Inclusive, People-Oriented, and People-Centered ASEAN; and (5) A Global ASEAN;

Recognizing the important role of MSMEs as the backbone of ASEAN’s diverse and dynamic economy where it contributes significantly to economic growth, sustainability, and narrowing economic differences among Member States through the creation of job opportunities, MSMEs also promote the local wisdom, encourage the innovation of entrepreneurs and among MSMEs;

Knowing that through the improvement of digital connectivity MSMEs would be able to access knowledge and technologies to improve competitiveness and have a better chance to grow, as digital connectivity would provide an easier access to markets and consumers through e-commerce platform;

Acknowledging that MSMEs adoption of digital technologies will allow them to achieve significant uplift in productivity, efficiency, and market expansion within the region, as identified in the ASEAN Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2016-2025;

Recognizing that compared to other key economic players such as large firms and companies, MSMEs are still left behind in terms of digital connectivity. Hence, supporting the digitalization of MSMEs is important to avoid negative impact to MSMEs businesses that could further hinder the growth of ASEAN economy;

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Hereby resolves to:

Encourage AIPA Member Countries to identify and amend their national laws and regulations as necessary to support the distribution of technological infrastructure requires by MSMEs to improve digital connectivity;

Call upon AIPA Member Countries to contribute to the development of a broad range of policies that are encouraging investment; integrating micro, small, and medium enterprises in the digital economy; and promoting competitiveness and innovation;

Call upon AIPA Members to urge their governments in improving digital infrastructure requires to support the improvement of digital connectivity such as; Internet access, network affordability and interoperability, promote affordable and universal broadband access, and develop an enabling and competitive environment with pro-investment policies for the development of digital infrastructure;

Encourage AIPA Members to urge their governments to provide financial support and work with business sector to support the regional digital trade connectivity initiated by ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) which will help to increase ASEAN trade and support the development of MSMEs;

Call for AIPA Members to urge their governments to improve access to information on digital technologies for MSMEs owners and senior managers, as well as making it available in local languages for better understanding. Also to Provides training and education programs that encourage learning and mentoring.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

(Res 40GA/2019/ECO/04)


The Fortieth General Assembly:

Recognizing that the ASEAN Single Aviation Market, also known as the ASEAN Open Sky Agreement, is the region’s major aviation policy and a key strategic goal under the ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan for 2016-2025;

Recognizing further that the ASAM is a key component of the roadmap for the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community;

Recalling the ASEAN Leaders’ Vision Statement issued at the end of the 32nd ASEAN Summit held in Singapore from 25 to 28 April 2018 reaffirming ASEAN’s commitment towards a seamless ASEAN sky and promising to harmonize safety standards and increase air traffic management capacity and efficiency;

Affirming that an ASEAN Single Aviation Market is aimed to expand and deepen integration in all aspects of the aviation sector, including air services liberalization, aviation safety and security, and air traffic management;

Appreciating that all frameworks for the operationalization of ASEAN Open Skies and ASEAN Single Aviation Market have been completed, which include the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on the Full Liberalization of Air Freight Services, the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Air Services and the ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on the Full Liberalization of Passenger Air Services;

Acknowledging the significant work done by the ASEAN Air Transport Working Group to advance the ASEAN Single Aviation Market including adoption of an Air Traffic Management Master Plan and the agreement for mutual recognition of licensing requirements for flight crew and pilots as well as further liberalization of air services within ASEAN and with ASEAN dialogue partners;

Noting further that many ASEAN Member States face infrastructure inadequacies to cater to the growth in air traffic and that ASEAN also lacks a common regulatory framework to provide universal training and safety standards across the region, impeding efforts to improve the region’s safety reputation and encourage the mobility of skilled labor;

Noting the work done to further liberalize of air transport ancillary services, with the planned signing of the Protocol to implement the 11th Package of Commitments on Air Transport Services under ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) in 2019;

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Highlighting that the ASEAN Single Aviation Market can establish a well-integrated and sustainable air transportation network among member states

Noting further that various proposals on advancing the ASEAN Single Aviation Market have been deliberated by the ASEAN Air Transport Working Group and ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting with the recommendations that ASEAN’s focus and resources should be used to progress the initiatives identified under the ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan also known as the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan;

Hereby resolves to:

Call upon AIPA Member Countries to foster domestic laws and policies to support the liberalization of air services under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market;

Call for the AIPA Member Countries to encourage carriers and airport operators in their respective countries to improve the services standards and invest in efficient infrastructure and facilities for airline operations, without compromising safety and security;

Urge AIPA Member Countries to harmonize procedures and requirements in licensing and certification of personnel and technical equipment;

Urge AIPA Member Countries to ensure that sufficient resources are allocated for the implementation of the initiatives under the ASEAN Transport Strategic Plan to pave the way for the ASEAN Single Aviation Market.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand REPORT COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Doc 40GA/2019/Soc Rep)


Mr. President,

1 It is my great honor to submit the following Report of the Committee on Social Matters.

2 The Committee met on 27 August 2019 at 09.00 hrs. The meeting was presided over by Hon. Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat of Thailand as the Chairperson, and Hon. Mr. Nattapong Supriyasilp of Thailand was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the meeting:

Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Iswandy Ahmad 2 Hon. Khairunnisa Haji Ash’ari 3 Hon. Haji Ramli Haji Lahit

Cambodia 1 Hon. Mr Yang Sem 2 Hon. Mrs Mean Sam An 3 Hon. Mr Yim Leat

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti 2 Hon. Mr. Timbul Manurung 3 Hon. Mrs. Dwi Ria Latifa

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Dr. Ms. Phonephet Boupha 2 Hon. Mr. Amphay Chitmanonh

Malaysia 1 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 2 Hon. Mr. Wong Chen 3 Hon. Mrs. Natrah Ismail 4 Hon. Dato Sri Rohani Abdul Karim 5 Hon. Mr. Muslimin Yahaya 6 Hon. Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid 7 Hon. Datuk Hasanuddin Mohd Yanus 8 Hon. Mr. Awang Hashim

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Myanmar 1 Hon. Mr. Maung Maung Latt 2 Hon. Dr. Soe Moe Thu 3 Hon. Mr. Sai Hlaing Kham

Philippines 1 Hon. Ms. Ann K. Hofer 2 Hon. Ms. Samantha Louise Vargas Alfonso

Singapore 1 Hon. Mr. Ang Hin Kee 2 Hon. Miss Cheryl Chan 3 Hon. Prof. Lim Sun Sun

Thailand 1 Hon. M.L. Panadda Diskul 2 Hon. Mr. Anusak Kongmalai 3 Hon. Mrs. Pitcharat Laohapongchana

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyet 2 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy 3 Hon. Mrs. Duong Minh Anh

3 The Meeting of the Committee on Social Matters was held in the traditional ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following Resolutions were discussed and approved:

a) Report of the 2nd Meeting of the AIPA Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) and the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community

4 The meeting unanimously adopted the resolution on the Report of the 2nd Meeting of the AIPA Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) and the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community.

b) Resolution on Enhancing the Quality of Life of Older Persons

5 The Committee agreed to respect the rights of older persons, who are still actively contributing to society. They are a priority of the ASEAN Socio Cultural Community. Hence, the Committee encouraged AIPA Member Parliaments to provide assistance to older persons and have a more inclusive policy in areas that are deemed necessary for supporting the life of older persons such as financial support, insurance, universal health coverage, and the exchange of information of the demographic bonus among the AIPA Member Parliaments.

c) Resolution on Strengthening Road Safety in ASEAN

6 The Committee agreed on the importance of increasing public awareness and engagement of the road safety laws to the general public. It was also agreed by the Committee to encourage ASEAN Member States to improve their road safety laws. Following the discussion, the Committee adopted the resolution.

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d) Resolution on Eliminating All Forms of Violence and Exploitation of Children

7 The Committee expressed their agreement that the issue on the Sexual Exploitation of the Children in Travel and Tourism (SECTT) is important. Concerning the recommendation to set up an Ad-Hoc or Working Group Committee on this issue, the Committee agreed to task AIPA Secretariat in exploring the possibility.

e) Resolution on Regional Parliamentary Initiative for Enhancing Climate Action in ASEAN

8 The Committee agreed to adopt one additional operative paragraph on strengthening cooperation in addressing challenges posed by climate change and to build a mechanism for inter-parliamentary cooperation for the purpose of responding to climate change.

f) Resolution on Access to Justice for Migrant Workers

9 The Committee agreed to apply common standards and provide actionable solutions to further protect the rights of migrant workers. It was also agreed to enhance the mechanism of coordination to resolve the problems of migrant workers and assist those who are victims of trafficking to fully implement the principles under the ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers.

10 I hereby present the Report of the Committees on Social Matters to the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

Thank you.


P - 3


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


(Res 40GA/2019/Soc/01)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recalling Resolution 23GA/2002/Soc/07 on the Terms of Reference of the AIPO Fact- Finding Committee (AIFOCOM) to Combat the Drug Menace which stated that the AIFOCOM shall meet at least once a year, preferably in the country where the AIPA General Assembly is to be held that year, and Resolution 39GA/2018/Org/16 which resolved that the 40th General Assembly shall be held in Thailand;

Further recalling Resolution 38GA/2017/Soc/02 on The Terms of Reference of the AIPACODD which stated the transformation from AIFOCOM to AIPACODD as a parliamentary tool to fight dangerous drugs and mandated the AIPA Secretariat to ensure legal and mutual cooperation and the sharing of information and best practices among AIPA Member Parliaments to fight the drug menace;

Noting that the 2nd AIPACODD Meeting was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 12 to 15 March 2019 and the report of the 2nd AIPACODD Meeting including the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community;

Recognizing that the Report of the Second AIPACODD Meeting and the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community demonstrated unified concern and action by AIPA Member Parliaments of achieving a drug-free ASEAN region.

Hereby resolves to:

Adopt the Report of the Second AIPACODD Meeting and the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


(Res 40GA/2019/Soc/02)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Welcoming UN General Assembly resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, in which the General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and stressing the need to ensure that issues of relevance to older persons are taken into account in its implementation in order to ensure that no one is left behind, including older persons;

Recognizing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 3 on Good Health and Well- Being which calls for healthy lives and promotion of well-being at all ages, which is essential to sustainable development;

Recalling UN General Assembly resolution 57/167 of 18 December 2002, which endorsed the Political Declaration and the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, and subsequent resolutions on the Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing;

Recalling the Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health 2016 – 2020 adopted at the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly in 2016 of the World Health Organization (WHO), which focuses on the commitment to take action on Active ageing in every country; and development of age-friendly environments, including sustainable and equitable systems for long-term care and improvement in measurement, monitoring, and research on Active ageing;

Also recalling in ASEAN’s collective commitment in the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Ageing: Empowerment Older Persons in ASEAN (2015); and the Brunei Darussalam Declaration on Strengthening Family Institution : Caring for the Elderly (2010); including ASEAN Plus Three Statement on Active Ageing (2016), which focus on elderly care, health, social inclusion, economic empowerment and supportive environment for older persons;

Further recalling the AIPA RES.36GA/2015/SOC/01 on Protecting the Rights of Older Persons and Enhancing Their Quality of Life, which aims for integrated social development and provision of health and material needs for the acceptable quality of life for older persons;

Acknowledging that population aging is an achievement of the development process but also creates social, economic and cultural challenges for nations. Therefore, older person is one of the priority issues of the ASEAN Cultural and Social Community.

Hereby resolves to:

Call upon AIPA Member Countries to support social protection measures that provide assistance for older persons and promote greater inclusion for active ageing and older persons’ needs in national policy-making and action plans especially in such areas as financial support, - 2 - insurance, retirement age expansion, employment opportunities and universal health coverage particularly through the development and support of concrete deliverables such as the Center for Active Ageing and Innovation (ACAI) in Thailand;

Encourage Member States to enhance law and regulations that protect the right of older persons to live with dignity and security, the right to reach proper medical treatment and cares, the right to receive proper aids if needed and the right to have opportunities in learning and developing skills; as well as prevent discrimination against older persons;

Urge AIPA Member Countries to develop their laws and regulations relating to universal design, construction and instrument for achieving the best health outcomes and ensuring high quality of life of older persons;

Encourage Member States to promote the culture of respect for the rights of older persons, changing social perceptions and attitudes towards aging and older persons, recognizing that older persons are active contributors in society.

Encourage AIPA Member Parliaments to facilitate intergenerational dialogue so as to function as a platform for constructive exchange of experience, knowledge and practices between the older and the younger generations;

Encourage ASEAN Parliament Member to strengthen cooperation and exchange of information and experience in taking advantage of the demographic bonus and adapting to population aging.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand 40TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 25 - 30 AUGUST 2019 BANGKOK, THAILAND

Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


(Res 40GA/2019/Soc/03)


The Fortieth General Assembly:

Bearing in mind that traffic accidents may cause deaths and loss of property, AIPA should develop legislative framework and regulations that can reduce the number of traffic accidents and in turn the number of deaths and injuries arising from the accidents;

Affirming the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Goal 3 Good Health and Well-Being which calls for healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all ages;

Also affirming the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Goal 3 Target 3.6: By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents;

Recalling the ASEAN Regional Road Safety Strategy, officially adopted on 6 November 2015 at the 21st ASEAN Transport Ministers Meeting; which provides appropriate strategies for all ASEAN Member States and aims to reduce number of deaths and injuries from traffic accidents.

Hereby resolves to:

Call on ASEAN Member States to improve road safety laws and regulations through increasing public awareness, engagement and capacity building for relevant stakeholders, including road safety program in schools;

Promote information and best practice sharing in law enforcement procedure for road safety and related factors among AIPA member countries through both administrative and legislative channels;

Urge AIPA Member Countries to construct modern, safe and scientific transport infrastructure and to set standards for all equipment and enforcement of laws and regulations related to traffic safety, including the use of proper helmets for all ages, seatbelts for all passengers, and child safety seats;

Call on AIPA Member Parliaments to increase monitoring of the implementation of road safety laws; propose mechanisms and enforcement measures to strictly deal with violations of traffic rules and regulations.

Call on AIPA Member Parliaments to support respective governments to launch campaign on reducing various causes of accident, including speeding, driving under the influence, irresponsible driving and also strengthening legal support to increase seat-belt use, child safety seats and motorcycle helmet; - 2 -

Call on AIPA Member Parliaments to encourage their respective governments to upgrade and utilize big data and statistics on road safety to develop strategies to ensure the road safety in order to reduce number of deaths and serious injuries;

Recommend AIPA Member Parliaments to support the networking and regional cooperation between national research, vehicle industries to share experience and knowledge on technology and innovations for road safety and related factors in driving safely.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand 40TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 25 - 30 AUGUST 2019 BANGKOK, THAILAND

Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


(Res 40GA/2019/Soc/04)


The Fortieth General Assembly of AIPA:

Recalling the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography;

Reaffirming the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Goal 5 on Gender Equality and Goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions;

Emphasizing the need to promote and protect the rights of children as one of the characteristics and elements of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint 2025;

Further recalling the AIPA Resolution No. Res.36GA/2015/WAIPA/03 on “Strengthening Legal Framework to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Children in ASEAN” which resolved to support the ongoing efforts of the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC) as stipulated in the Regional Plan of Action on the Elimination of Violence against Children (RPA on EVAC) 2016 – 2025;

Recognizing the implementation of AIPA Resolution No. Res.38GA/2017/ORG/09 on “Formulating and Implementing Project Based Initiative on Strengthening Legal Framework to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism” by the AIPA;

Recognizing the efforts of regional and international communities including ECPAT International and UNICEF East and Asia Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) in eliminating all forms of violence and exploitation of children;

Taking into account the endorsement of the Legal Checklist made at the 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting in Malaysia, to be used as a tool to strengthen and harmonize child protection laws in ASEAN Member States;

Alarmed by the number of cases of violence against child and sexual exploitation of children in ASEAN that has been intensified in recent years, as reported by ECPAT International and other international organizations;

Reaffirming the purpose and duty of AIPA Secretariat as stipulated in the “Agreement on the Establishment of AIPA Secretariat”, to engage with international organizations, governments and parliaments which support AIPA, in particular its purposes and principles and to provide procedure and criteria for the engagement as approved by the General Assembly. - 2 -

Hereby resolves to:

Call upon AIPA Member States to strengthen and realign their national plan of action for children according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and incorporate elimination of all forms of violence and exploitation of children into its countries’ shared values;

Encourage ASEAN Member States to build better communication and coordination in combating transnational crimes related to children, child pornography and crimes against children in travel and tourism, through law making, policy development and capacity building initiative in protecting children from sexual exploitation, as well as better sharing of information and best practices;

Call upon ASEAN Member States to implement mechanisms to assist children who are victims of trafficking and slavery;

Recommend AIPA Secretariat explore the establishment of AIPA Ad-Hoc Working Group on Children as a formal avenue to discuss and develop effective methods in combatting all forms of violence and exploitation of children;

Encourage the AIPA Member States to effectively use the Legal Checklist as a mechanism to protect children’s rights.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand 40TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 25 - 30 AUGUST 2019 BANGKOK, THAILAND

Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


(Res 40GA/2019/Soc/05)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recalling Resolution RES.37GA/2016/SOC/03 on Enhancing Cooperation in Response to Climate Change in ASEAN and Resolution RES.35GA/2014/ECO/01 on Fostering Green Growth Development Strategy in ASEAN;

Emphasizing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG) in taking actions to address climate change and its impacts under Goal 13 - Climate Action and other climate change related goals and decisions made under multilateral fora such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC);

Welcoming the scientific findings on climate change outlined in the Assessment Reports (AR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other IPCC Special Reports on global impacts of climate change.

Referring to the Strategic Paper on ASEAN Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Strategic Consideration in 2014 as stated in ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025 concerning carbon levels in the ASEAN member states;

Noting that the ASEAN cooperation on the environment is currently guided by the ASEAN Socio Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025 to support the establishment of concrete actions towards the promotion of sustainable development;

Noting further that climate actions should be anchored on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities according to respective capabilities;

Aware of the importance in sustaining the implementation of forest conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks within ASEAN;

Aware that the role of Parliamentarians is crucial in building the political will to advance and enhance the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions and climate action solutions including carbon pricing policies, to ensure the fulfilment of national obligations and contribution towards the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC and the UN SDG ; and

Realising that of late, there has been a significant increase in profound climate change related activities that is negatively affecting the people, the environment and the economies of ASEAN.

- 2 -

Hereby resolves to:

Promote more public awareness of the need for climate actions and to prepare measures on adaptation, mitigation and resilience towards climate change, in view of recent increase in profound climate change activities;

Encourage Member States to strengthen cooperation in addressing challenges posed by climate change and to build a mechanism for inter - parliamentary cooperation for the purpose of responding to climate change;

Urge Parliamentarians to better and continuously encourage and monitor the implementation of emission-reduction projects in ASEAN to achieve the emission reduction targets pledged by countries in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to the Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC;

Emphasise upon ASEAN of the need for better climate actions by increasing knowledge share and encouraging greater green technology transfers within ASEAN;

Call upon ASEAN to strive towards a common measurement, reporting and verification platform of greenhouse gases (GHG) inventory so that reports on ASEAN are better defined and more uniform;

Call upon AIPA to encourage ASEAN to expedite the implementation of clean energy policies to reduce GHG emissions into the atmosphere;

Encourage ASEAN to scale-up economic and financial efforts towards zero-emission industries and ensure climate friendly investments;

Recommend AIPA as a platform for the exploration and promotion of carbon pricing initiatives;

Recommend impactful global warming reduction efforts to be accelerated, encouraging more renewable energy development and harmonising better climate actions within ASEAN.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand 40TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 25 - 30 AUGUST 2019 BANGKOK, THAILAND

Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


(Res 40GA/2019/Soc/06)


The Fortieth General Assembly:

Recalling the 2007 ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers and the 2017 ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers which aim to, among others, “strengthen the political-security, economic and social-cultural pillars of the ASEAN Community by promoting the full potential and dignity of migrant workers in a climate of freedom, equity, and stability in accordance with the laws, regulations, and policies of respective ASEAN Member States;”

Noting that the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs estimated about 20 million migrant workers from Southeast Asia as of 2015, almost 7 million of whom migrated to other countries within the region;

Acknowledging the contribution of migrant workers to their respective countries in terms of improved livelihood, increased labor market efficiency, and enhanced economic stability due to remittances;

Acknowledging also that migrant workers contribute positively to the economic and socio- cultural development of their countries of destination;

Recalling that the United Nations has adopted the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration on 11 December 2018, an intergovernmentally negotiated non-binding agreement which has human rights and sustainable development as its two fundamental principles;

Concerned that many ASEAN migrant workers, especially those who are in irregular status, work under precarious conditions wherein they are exposed to apparent violations of their human rights including labor exploitation, physical and sexual abuse, lack of access to health and other basic social services, and misrepresentation of the terms of employment;

Emphasizing the growing concern by ASEAN Member States on the continued lack of access points for migrant workers to seek redress for the abuses committed against them, aggravated by other major obstacles to filing and resolving complaints such as fears of retaliation, high cost of legal assistance, language barrier, and employer-tied visas and work permits;

Aware that the International Labour Organization, in its 2017 “Access To Justice for Migrant Workers in Southeast Asia Report,” stated that while some progress had been made in recent years regarding increasing access to justice for said migrant workers, there is still a substantial and largely unmet demand for legal assistance where fair and responsive remedies are provided to migrant workers in Southeast Asia;

- 2 -

Recognizing the significant role played by non-governmental organizations in providing gateways for migrant workers to seek legal assistance in times of distress;

Reaffirming the commitment of ASEAN Member States to provide clear and effective channels for migrant workers to seek the proper remedy against all forms of abuse.

Hereby resolves to:

Call upon AIPA Member Parliaments to develop linkages with non-governmental organizations and enhance their contribution toward the enforcement of labor and human trafficking laws;

Encourage AIPA Member Parliaments to consider accession to the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families as well as other relevant international legal instruments which aim to strengthen the commitment on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and their family members;

Call upon ASEAN Member States to enhance the mechanism of coordination to resolve the problems of the migrant workers and assist those who are victims of trafficking to fully implement the principles under the ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers;

Urge ASEAN Member States to undertake a comprehensive study on the effectiveness of legal mechanisms currently available to migrant workers with a view of guiding the strengthening of relevant legal frameworks in their respective countries.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand REPORT COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Mr. President,

1 It is my great honor to submit the following Report of the Committee on Organizational Matters.

2 The Committee met on 27 August 2019 at 09.00 hrs. The meeting was presided over by Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol of Thailand as the Chairperson, and Hon. Mr. Samerkun Thiengtham of Thailand was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the meeting:

Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Judin Hj Asar 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Hasrin Hj Sabtu 3 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Abdul Ghani Rahim 4 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii 5 Hon. Hj Mohimin Hj Johari

Cambodia 1 Hon. Mr. Hou Sry 2 Hon. Mr. Chit Kim Yeat

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini 2 Hon Mrs. Siti Masrifah

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Ms. Suanesavanh Vignaket 2 Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly 3 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh

Malaysia 1 Hon. Mr. Hj Ahmad Hassan 2 Hon. Datuk Wira Hajah Mas Ermieyati binti Samsudin 3 Hon. Mr. Haji Ahmad Amzad Bin Hashim 4 Hon. Dato Chong Swen Ong

Myanmar 1 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than Win (Mr) 2 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 3 Hon. Dr. Win Myint (Mr) 4 Hon. Mrs. Pyone Kathy Naing 5 Hon. Mr. Nay Myo Kyaw 6 Hon. Mr. Min Lwin Q - 1

Philippines 1 Hon. Ms. Maria Lourdes Acosta-Alba

Singapore 1 Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan 2 Hon. Mr. Darryl David 3 Hon. Mr. Henry Kwek

Thailand 1 Hon. Mrs. Kanchanaratt Leevirojana 2 Hon. Mr. Thani Onlahiad 3 Hon. Ms. Nateepat Kulsetthasith

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha 2 Hon. Mrs. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa 3 Hon. Mr. Dinh Cong Sy

3 The Meeting of the Committee on Organizational Matters was held in the traditional ASEAN spirit of friendship, unity and cooperation. The following Reports and Resolutions were discussed and approved:

a) Resolution on the Financial Report FY 2018-2019

4 The resolution on the financial report of the AIPA Secretariat was adopted by the delegates. The Committee also discussed and exchanged their views pertinent to overseas trips. The Committee agreed that all AIPA business trips should be approved by the President of AIPA and the report should be submitted. The Secretary General noted the committee’s view that the traveling expenditure should be within the approved budget.

b) Resolution on the Budget Estimates FY 2019-2020

5 The committee agreed on the resolution. The Committee noted that the AIPA Secreatariat’s finances were tight for the past few years. Hence, to have a sustainable arrangement, four recommendations were proposed to be studied and considered in the next AIPA General Assembly: 1) use the budget from the Special Fund, 2) use the Reserve Fund, 3) increase the contributions, and 4) amend the financial rules and regulations.

c) Resolution on the Secretariat’s Annual Report FY 2018-2019

6 The Committee agreed that the Secretariat’s Annual Report was well written. It was suggested, however, that to add more details, update reports such as on the status of the AIPA House and the travel reports of the Secretary General should be included.

d) Resolution on the Guidelines of AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers

7 The Committee unanimously agreed with the set of guidelines that was studied during the Ad-Hoc Working group meeting held on 27 - 28 April 2018 in Bali, Indonesia. The report of the Ad-Hoc Working Group was also presented during the committee meeting.

Q - 2

e) Resolution on Standardizing the Format in Drafting AIPA Resolutions

8 Following the workshop on AIPA Organizational Matters held in Bali on 23 - 25 August 2019, which involved AIPA Secretariat core staff and representatives of the National Secretariats, it was suggested that the technical details in standardizing the format of AIPA Resolutions should be developed. Hence, the committee agreed to adopt the resolution.

f) Resolution on the Institutionalization of AIPA-ASEAN Dialogue

9 The Committee unanimously adopted the Resolution. It was agreed that having a regular dialogue between AIPA and ASEAN is crucial. It was, therefore, agreed that as the ASEAN Secretariat is invited every year to the AIPA General Assembly. The Committee noted that having the dialogue at the GA would be convenient or other suitable platforms.

g) Resolution on the Establishment of an Effective and Sustainable Organizational Mechanism in Every AIPA Member Parliament to Deliberate on All ASEAN and AIPA-Related Matters

10 Realizing the importance of having an effective and sustainable mechanism on ASEAN and AIPA matters, the Committee unanimously agreed to adopt the resolution. It was, however, informed that some AIPA Member Parliaments have already established stand-alone committees on AIPA matters.

h) Resolution on the Collection and Exchange of Information on Laws of AIPA

11 In order to support the process of harmonization of laws, the Committee unanimously agreed to exchange information on the laws of their respective countries by publishing their parliaments’ legal database and/or websites. They also agreed to make such information accessible to all AIPA Member Parliaments.

i) Resolution on the Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding Between AIPA and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) on “Capacity Development Program for Staff of the ASEAN-Inter Parliamentary Assembly Member Parliaments”

12 The Committee expressed appreciation to the Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia for the assistance in developing the capacity of parliamentary staff of AIPA Member Parliaments. Hence, the Committee fully supported the continuation of the cooperation between AIPA and PIC.

j) Resolution on Appreciating the Federal Republic of Germany for Its Continued Support to AIPA

13 The Committee expressed its gratitude and appreciation to the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for its continued support to AIPA through the Capacity Development Project and AIPA4ASEAN Integration Project, which has been implemented for the last seven years. However, there was a concern for the changes in the financing mechanism which now involves cost sharing to create sense of ownership. In this regard, it was agreed to amend the draft resolution and that the cost sharing shall be flexible and on a case by case basis.

Q - 3

k) Resolution on Establishing AIPA-ERIA Joint Dialogue to Support the Waste Management for Sustainable Development

14 The Committee supported the establishment of AIPA-ERIA Joint Dialogue with minor amendments in the operative clause and exclude the three steps of action, in order to simplify the sentence and to focus on the joint dialogue.

l) Resolution on the Relocation of AIPA Secretariat Premise

15 The Committee unanimously agreed that the AIPA Secretariat stay in the Indonesian Parliament Compound and not relocate to new premises. However, the Committee mandated AIPA Secretariat to keep negotiating with ASEAN Secretariat for possibility of cost- dispensation.

m) Resolution on AIPA Distinguished Service Award

16 Following the criteria and guidelines, the Committee unanimously agreed to confer the AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Hon. Mr. Charles Chong, as nominated by the Parliament of Singapore, and Hon. Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs, as nominated by the National Assembly of Thailand. n) Resolution on Appreciating the Service of His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai as President of AIPA

17 The Committee expressed its gratitude and appreciation to Hon. Mr. Chuan Leekpai for his leadership and valuable contribution. Hence it was unanimously agreed to adopt the draft resolution.

o) Resolution on Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Fourth AIPA Secretary General Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut

18 The Committee expressed its appreciation to the AIPA Secretary General Hon. Isra Sunthornvut for his service in three years of his term.

p) Resolution on the Appointment of the Fifth AIPA Secretary General

19 The Committee supported the appointment of Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Tuong Van as the fifth AIPA Secretary General.

q) Resolution on Date and Venue of the 41st General Assembly

20 The Viet Nam Delegation informed the meeting that the 41st AIPA General Assembly will be convened from 25 to 30 August 2020 in Ha Long City, Viet Nam.

21 I hereby present the Report of the Committee on Organizational Matters with its approved resolutions to the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

Thank you.



Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/01)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Noting that AIPA adopts the new Financial Year to be from 1 August of each year to 31 July of the following year as resolved by Resolution RES.35GA/2014/ORG/03 at the 35th AIPA General Assembly held in Vientiane, Lao PDR;

Having considered the Audited Financial Reports of the AIPA Secretariat covering the period of 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019 as contained in Doc. 40GA/2019/FinRep/01;

Noting the Balance Sheet of the AIPA Secretariat as of 31 July 2019.

Hereby resolves to:

Approve the aforesaid Financial Report covering the period of 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Bearing in mind that the Estimated Budget of AIPA for the Financial Year 1 August to 31 July of the following year and the Supplementary Budget for the months of August to October of the next Financial Year will be contained in a single audited report for the approval of General Assembly;

Further bearing in mind that Special Fund started operating in Financial Year 2017/2018 and is contained in a single audited report for the approval of General Assembly;

Having considered the details of the Estimated Expenditures and Explanatory Notes for Financial Year 2019/2020 covering the period from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020, the Special Fund covering the period from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020 and the Supplementary Estimate from 1 August 2020 to 31 October 2020.

Hereby resolves to:

Approve the estimated expenditure as contained in Doc. 40GA/2019/Org/02 of US$ 413,470.00 for the period of 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020, US$ 50,000.00 being the expenditure of AIPA Special Fund covering the period of 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020 and Supplementary Estimates of US$ 83,900.00 to cover the expenditure for three months from 1 August 2020 to 31 October 2020 respectively.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Having considered the AIPA Secretariat’s Annual Report FY 2018-2019 submitted by the Secretary General.

Hereby resolves to:

Approve the aforesaid Secretariat Annual Report FY 2018-2019.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/04)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Considering that the AIPA General Assembly is the policy-making body of AIPA and it is mandated to meet at least once a year, unless otherwise decided by the Executive Committee, as provided for in paragraph (2) Article 9 of AIPA Statutes;

Noting Resolution No. WC8/PL2/OR/RES.05 on Enhancing the Achievement and Effectiveness of AIPO which resolved a set of procedures for AIPO committees and contacts with other Parliaments;

Considering the desire of other Parliaments to engage as Guests and Observers, as well as to enhance a closer relation with AIPA;

Recalling the request by the Committee on Organizational Matters of the 38th AIPA General Assembly to task AIPA Secretariat to draft Guidelines on the Accreditation of Observers of AIPA;

Further recalling the mandate by the Committee on Organizational Matter of the 39th AIPA General Assembly to AIPA Secretariat to convene an Ad-Hoc Working Group Meeting to discuss the draft Guidelines on AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers;

Taking into account the inputs and recommendations from the Ad-Hoc Working Group Meeting, which was convened from 27 to 28 April 2019 in Bali, Indonesia;

Calling upon the AIPA Member Parliaments to unanimously adopt the guidelines.

Hereby resolves to:

Approve and adopt the Guidelines of AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers.

Amend the Article 8 point 2.b of AIPA Statutes to follow the new guidelines, which shall henceforth read as follows: 2.b) Observer delegations shall be permitted to attend and make statements at the first plenary session of the General Assembly.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/05)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Considering that an AIPA Resolution has been the main legal and parliamentary instrument used by all AIPA Member Parliaments when they proposed measures to be adopted by the AIPA General Assembly;

Acknowledging that the extensive use of an AIPA resolution as a parliamentary instrument is explicitly prevalent in various provisions of AIPA Statues, to wit, as follows: 1. The Secretary General of AIPA is mandated to transmit all resolutions and decisions taken by the General Assembly for noting or implementation to the AIPA Member Parliaments, as provided for in Article 15, paragraph 5 (d) of AIPA Statues; 2. Each AIPA National Secretariat is mandated to submit an annual report of their AIPA- related parliamentary activities, particularly on the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly at least two (2) months prior to the next General Assembly, as provided for in Article 16, paragraph 3 of AIPA Statues; 3. Each AIPA National Secretariat is mandated to disseminate resolutions approved by the General Assembly to their respective Parliaments and Governments to promote their implementation, as provided for Article 16, paragraph 4; and 4. All AIPA National Secretariats should inform the AIPA Secretariat of any action taken by their respective Parliaments and Governments on resolutions approved and policy and legislative initiatives adopted by the General Assembly and such information shall be included in the AIPA Secretariat’s Annual Report to the General Assembly, as provided for in Article 16, paragraph 5 of AIPA Statues;

Recognizing, however, that there is no existing standard format of an AIPA resolution that is being used in the AIPA General Assembly.

Hereby Resolves to:

Enjoin AIPA Member Parliaments to use a standard format of an AIPA resolution which shall henceforth be used in every AIPA General Assembly;

Direct AIPA Secretariat, together with AIPA for ASEAN Integration Project, to draft guidelines and conduct training in drafting the standard format of AIPA resolution for the secretariat of AIPA Member parliaments.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/06)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Considering that one of the most important reasons why the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly was conceived and organized was to facilitate the achievement of the goals of ASEAN and to offer parliamentary contributions to ASEAN integration and to familiarize the peoples of ASEAN with policies at accelerating the realization of an ASEAN community, as stipulated in Paragraph Nos. 2 and 3 of Article 3 of AIPA Statutes;

Acknowledging that with the implementation of the latest blueprint or plan of ASEAN integration, the “ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together,” AIPA Member Parliaments are expected to pass various parliamentary measures such as the ratification of various protocols and treaties, enactment of new legislation and amendment of existing laws to implement the ASEAN Integration Plan;

Stressing that being the parliamentary arm of ASEAN, AIPA should play a crucial role as a strategic partner of ASEAN in so far as the implementation of ASEAN Integration Plan is concerned because its member parliaments are the only entity with authority to promulgate laws and to conduct oversight activities to make sure that the laws that were passed are consistent with its goals, spirit and intent;

Realizing that AIPA is being relegated as just one of the “Entities Associated with ASEAN” in the Annex 2 of the ASEAN Charter;

Observing that existing mechanisms to meaningfully engage in a dialogue both ASEAN and AIPA leaders on substantial matters regarding the implementation of ASEAN Integration Plan is limited and ceremonial in nature as practiced in the ASEAN-AIPA Leader’s Interface during every ASEAN Summit.

Hereby Resolves to:

Call upon AIPA Member Parliaments to institutionalize a meaningful dialogue mechanism between AIPA and ASEAN to discuss the plan and status of implementation of the ASEAN Integration Plan and other matters in every AIPA General Assembly/or suitable platform;

Direct AIPA Secretariat to establish guidelines and procedures for this regular AIPA and ASEAN dialogue AIPA General Assembly/or suitable platform.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/07)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Considering that one of the most important reasons why the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly was conceived and organized was to facilitate the achievement of the goals of ASEAN, and to offer parliamentary contributions to ASEAN integration and to familiarize the peoples of ASEAN with policies to accelerate the realization of an ASEAN community, as stipulated in Paragraph 2 and 3 Article 3 of the AIPA Statutes;

Recognizing that in a democratic system of governance, Parliaments, being the voice of the collective will of the people, play a critical role in passing parliamentary measures to promote good governance and sound public policy and conducting oversight activities to make sure that the laws that were passed are consistent with its goals, spirit and intent;

Realizing that with the latest blueprint or plan of ASEAN integration, the “ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together,” AIPA Member Parliaments need to pass various parliamentary measures such as the ratification of various protocols and treaties, enactment of new legislation and amendment of existing laws to implement the said Plan;

Realizing further that AIPA Member Parliaments also have to coordinate very closely with the executive arm of their government that deals with ASEAN-related matters to make sure that the required parliamentary measures to be acted upon are appropriate in form and in substance;

Being aware that AIPA Member Parliaments also need to prepare resolutions to be proposed during the annual General Assembly of AIPA and position papers on other resolutions proposed by other members;

Recognizing further that only the parliament of Myanmar has a focused and permanent parliamentary committee called “AIPA Joint Committee” which is composed of parliamentarians who deliberates and tackles on matters pertaining to ASEAN and AIPA matters;

Recognizing that there is a diversity of the political system, structure and processes of every AIPA Member parliament in fulfilling their law-making and oversight functions of the State;

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Taking into account all of these aforementioned premises, there is therefore a need to establish an effective and sustainable organizational mechanism in every member parliament to facilitate implementation of the ASEAN Integration Plan, and the achievement of the goals of ASEAN and AIPA.

Hereby Resolves to:

Encourage every AIPA Member Parliament to establish an effective and sustainable organizational mechanism to deliberate on all ASEAN and AIPA-related matters to facilitate implementation of the ASEAN Integration Plan, and the achievement of the goals of ASEAN and AIPA;

Direct AIPA Secretariat to monitor the implementation of this resolution and help establish a network among these parliamentary bodies to facilitate their lines of communication and coordination, and the sharing of knowledge and best practices.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/08)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recalling to the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025, Part A. 2.4, which aims at mutual support and assistance among ASEAN Member States in the development of strategies for strengthening the rule of law, judicial systems and legal infrastructure;

Further referring to the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025, Part A. 1 which aims at eliminating import tariffs in accordance with the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and working towards trade facilitation by accelerating the implementation and harmonization of standards and technical regulations, improving quality and capability of conformity assessment, exchanging information on laws, rules, and regulatory regimes on standards and conformity assessment procedures;

Bearing in mind that the performance of AIPA in initiating the harmonization of laws among ASEAN Member States in order to contribute to the ASEAN’s legislative affairs through the resolutions of previous AIPA General Assemblies concerning political, economic and social matters, for example the Resolution No. Res. 28GA/2007/Pol/05, Res. 24GA/2003/Eco/01 and Res. 30GA/2009/Soc/03, etc.;

Realizing that the legal development in ASEAN Member States, at present, should be implemented by considering the social demand in each individual state and the necessity to take into account the existing laws in ASEAN Member States in legislative process to fulfill needs of ASEAN citizens;

Considering that ASEAN needs the common legal database which provides updated, easily searchable and accessible information to the public sector, private sector and civil society sector for utilizing those legal information in preparing, strengthening and increasing the competitiveness of ASEAN efficiently and in the same direction.

Hereby resolves to:

Call for the active participation of AIPA Member Countries in enhancing the collection and exchange of information on laws with one another through existing websites or databases in each individual country in order to obtain accurate, credible and updated information on laws for facilitating AIPA’s functions in supporting the legislative works of ASEAN;

Agree to urge AIPA Member Countries to publicize the existing legal databases or websites of the respective parliament of each individual state in respective languages to ensure that information on laws is accessible and easily searchable for being utilized by other relevant affairs undertaken by the public sector, private sector and general people.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/09)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recalling the Resolution number RES.37GA/2016/ORG/01 on (C) Capacity Development Program for Staff of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Member Parliaments with Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC), which approves the cooperation between AIPA and PIC;

Noting with satisfaction the cooperation between AIPA and PIC in the last three years, which has been significantly contributing to the strengthening of capacity of the staff of AIPA Member Parliaments through training and fellowship programs;

Considering that the Memorandum of Understanding between AIPA and PIC signed by the AIPA Secretary General of AIPA and the Executive Director of PIC on 4 April 2016 was expired on 4 April 2019.

Hereby resolves to:

Approve the Renewal and Amendment of the Memorandum of Understanding for “Capacity Development Program for Staff of ASEAN-Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Member Parliaments” with the Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC), which has been signed on 13 June 2019.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/10)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recalling Resolution 32GA/2011/ORG/07 on the Joint Programme between AIPA and the German Federal Foreign Office (FFO) through Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Hanns-Seidel Foundation (HSF) adopted by the 32nd AIPA General Assembly held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from 18 to 24 September 2011, which stated that the General Assembly agreed and approved the establishment of joint projects between AIPA and GIZ and HSF for the year 2012-2013 (referred to as ‘Pilot Project’);

Recalling Resolution 34GA/2013/ORG/10 on the Continuation of Joint Programme between AIPA and the German Federal Foreign Office (FFO) through Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit GIZ and Hanns-Seidel Foundation (HSF) adopted at the 34th AIPA General Assembly in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, from 17 to 23 September 2013 which stated that the General Assembly approved the continuation of the joint programme between AIPA and the German FFO through GIZ and HSF and its implementation for the year 2014-2015 (referred to as Project ‘Phase I’);

Recalling Resolution 36GA/2015/ORG/11 on the Continuation of Joint Programme between AIPA and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ) adopted by the 36th AIPA General Assembly held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 6 to 12 September 2015 which stated that the General Assembly approved the continuation of the Joint Program between AIPA and the German FFO through GIZ and its implementation for the year 2016-2017 (referred to as project ‘Phase II’);

Recalling Resolution 37GA/2016/ORG/01 on the Continuation of the Joint Programme between AIPA and the Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ) adopted at the 37th AIPA General Assembly held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, from 29th September to 3rd October 2016 which stated that the General Assembly approved the continuation of the Joint Programme between AIPA and the German FFO through GIZ and its implementation for the years 2016-2018 (referred to as Project ‘Phase III’);

Noting that the cooperation started in 2012, and three phases of the project have been implemented where two (2) years is the period of each phase to perform trainings and workshops aimed at the institutionalization of AIPA, legislation process, human capacity development, public outreach, communication, re-branding and knowledge management. - 2 -

Mindful that the AIPA4ASEAN Integration Project will be terminated by the end of February 2020.

Hereby Resolves to:

Recognizing the capacity development’s project’s significance and positive impact that benefit AIPA as the sole regional parliamentary organization associated with ASEAN, as well as on each respective National Parliament;

Taking into accounts the distribution of the ownership of the project among the AIPA Member Parliaments that reflects the spirit of sharing, and further proved the project to be an effective change agent that has reached a different meaning and a higher level of acknowledgement that enable AIPA Member Parliaments to look beyond the actual existing situation of AIPA;

Sincerely express appreciation to the Federal Republic of Germany and the implementing agency Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) for the cooperation and assistance accorded to the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) through the three (3) phases of projects that started in 2012.

Affirm AIPA’s full support and commitment to pursue any possible future collaboration and/ or extension of the existing project, by considering the possibility of, among others, cost- sharing, to increase project ownership.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/11)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Considering that ASEAN has been actively promoting green development by developing a sustainable growth agenda that promotes the use of clean energy and related technologies, including renewable energy through green technology, as well as enhances sustainable consumption and production, and including it in the national development plans of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025;

Taking into account that waste management is vital for sustainable development in ASEAN, which has population of over 600 million, where production, consumption, and disposal volumes have increased significantly;

Realizing that an increase in the volume of disposal without waste management causes serious environmental problems such as marine plastic debris, water and soil pollution, and emission of greenhouse gases;

Realizing further that garbage collection services are not fully provided in ASEAN region, and that even collected waste is dumped without separating it into compostable, recyclable, and burnable waste;

Convinced by the crucial role played by Member Parliaments of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in developing national plans and regulations which include appropriate actions and systems for waste management;

Viewing with appreciation the interest expressed by Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East ASIA (ERIA) to support AIPA in taking concrete actions to sustainably implement proper waste management.

Hereby resolves to:

Support the creation of joint dialogue between AIPA and ERIA to support the proper waste management for sustainable development.

Task AIPA Secretariat to coordinate with AIPA Member Parliaments and ERIA in the materialization of the Joint Dialogue.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/12)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recalling Resolution 36GA/2015/Org./08 on Proposed Relocation of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Secretariat adopted at the 36th AIPA General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 11th day of September 2015 in which it was resolved that the AIPA Secretariat:

(1) Negotiate for relocation into the new ASEAN Headquarters with ASEAN.

(2) Obtain the approval of the House of Representatives of Indonesia to move to the new location.

Noting that Resolution 36GA/2015/Org./08 stipulated that during the negotiation of the relocation, the House of Representatives of Indonesia has to agree to the relocation and to continue to provide such assistance and logistics support to AIPA Secretariat, including access to the House of Representatives of Indonesia to AIPA, and that there will be no additional expenses incurred, such as payment of rental or sharing of the cost of maintaining security at the ASEAN Secretariat.

Bearing in mind that there will be additional cost incurred such as the cost of maintaining security, cleaning, electricity, and phone (among others) at the ASEAN Secretariat.

Hereby resolves to:

Approve the AIPA Secretariat to remain in its current premise;

Push forward the negotiation with ASEAN for possible dispensation of the above-mentioned expenses, prior to relocation into ASEAN Headquarters.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/13a)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recognizing the valuable service, outstanding contribution and tireless efforts of Honorable Mr. Charles Chong, Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Singapore towards the pursuit of the goals and objectives of AIPA;

Considering the nomination of Honorable Mr. Charles Chong, Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Singapore, with the unanimous support of all Delegations;

Hereby resolves to:

Agree that this General Assembly confers AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Honorable Mr. Charles Chong as recognition of their meritorious services to AIPA.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/13b)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Recognizing the valuable service, outstanding contribution and tireless efforts of Honorable Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs, former member of the National Assembly of Thailand towards the pursuit of the goals and objectives of AIPA;

Considering the nomination of Honorable Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs, former Member of the National Assembly of Thailand, with the unanimous support of all Delegations;

Hereby resolves to:

Agree that this General Assembly confers AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Honorable Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs, former Member of the National Assembly of Thailand as recognition of their meritorious services to AIPA.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/14)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Acknowledging that the term of office of His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai as the President of AIPA ends at the conclusion of the 40th AIPA General Assembly;

Recognizing His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai’s valuable contribution to the success of the 40th AIPA General Assembly during his term of office;

Sincerely expressing its deepest appreciation and gratitude for his leadership of the organization and welcoming his continued participation and contribution in the development and growth of AIPA.

Hereby resolves to:

Adopt this resolution on appreciating the Services of His Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/15)


The Fortieth General Assembly:

Noting that the term of office of the Fourth Secretary General of AIPA, Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, expired on 30 September 2019;

Acknowledging that the official inauguration and the transfer of office for the fifth AIPA Secretary General will take place on 30 September 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia;

Hereby resolves to:

Express its appreciation for the completion of three years of devoted and distinguished service of the fourth AIPA Secretary General, Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/16)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Referring to Article 15 (1) of the Statutes of AIPA that the Secretary General of AIPA shall be appointed by the President of AIPA with the approval of the General Assembly for a term of three years on rotational basis and in alphabetical order;

Basing on Res.35GA/2014/Org/09 the Date of Appointment of the Secretary General of AIPA should commence on 1 October for a term of three years and terminate on 30 September of the third year;

Bearing that the Viet Nam National Assembly has nominated Hon. Nguyen Tuong Van

Hereby resolves to:

Accept the nomination Hon. Nguyen Tuong Van as a Secretary General of AIPA and appoint Hon. Nguyen Tuong Van as a Secretary General for the period 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2022.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Res 40GA/2019/Org/17)


The Fortieth AIPA General Assembly:

Referring stipulation of Chapter IV, Article 9 Paragraph 3 of the AIPA Statutes that the venue of the General Assembly shall be on rotational basis in alphabetical order among the Member Parliaments;

Hereby resolves, that the 41st General Assembly shall be held in Ha Long City between 25 - 30 August 2020 in Viet Nam.

Adopted on the twenty-ninth day of August 2019 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand



Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community

___ (Doc 40GA/2019/Dia Rep)


Mr. President,

1 It is my great honour to submit to you, Your Excellency, the Report of the Committees on Dialogue with Observer Countries.

2 The Committees met on 27 August 2019 at 14.00 hrs. which was attended by delegations of all AIPA Member countries and delegations from Australia, Canada, China, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation.

3 Myself I was the chair in the dialogue meeting with Australia.

4 The dialogue meeting with Canada was chaired by Hon. General Surapong Suwana-Adth, Member of the Senate.

5 The dialogue meeting with China was chaired by Hon. Mr. Sora-at Klinpratoom, Member of Parliament.

6 The dialogue meeting with Republic of Korea was chaired by Hon. Mr. Korn Chatikavanij, Member of Parliament.

7 The dialogue meeting with Russian Federation was chaired by Hon. Mr. Sombat Srisurin, Member of Parliament.

8 The meetings proceeded in with amicable and cooperative atmosphere.

9 The Committees discussed ASEAN and AIPA relations with Observer Countries, on ASEAN Centrality, Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community, and Partnership for Good Regulatory Practices. The long-standing relationship and strategic partnerships have been affirmed by all being active partners in the ASEAN Community pillars and through trade and economic agreements which have benefited both sides.

10 The Observer Countries extend support to several ASEAN Member States in their national development, human resources development, education and sustainable development.

11 Both sides affirmed their commitments to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and have recognized that the parliamentary role and exchanges of visit are important contributing factors to strengthen further the cordial ties of ASEAN-Observer Countries' relations.

S - 1

12 Both sides reaffirmed ASEAN Centrality in the regional architecture which help set the rules, and norms and behaviors for the region.

13 The meeting emphasized adherence to Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) and the rule of law in national administration and global connectivity. Most importantly, GRP brings stability and social justice, ensures equality and inclusivity, promotes economic competitiveness and good governance, and enhances regional and global integrations.

14 The meetings agreed that GRP facilitates domestic and international harmonization of laws and regulations and is beneficial to legal and regulatory reform.

15 The meetings strongly stressed the importance of adhering to public interests in considering and implementing laws and regulations, in order to be compatible to the changing in domestic situations as well as regional and international commitments

16 The meeting concluded that people are the most important pillar of GRP and legislative procedures. GRP is not solely dependent on the State and lawmakers but it is instilled in people’s daily lives and their ethical standards. Therefore, it is important to foster citizen engagement in law drafting and law enforcements.

17 The meetings supported the six core principles in the ASEAN Work Plan on Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) 2016-2025 which is helpful guidance for ASEAN to embark on GRP regionally and globally.

18 The meetings took note on the similarities and differences of the core policies and GRP procedures among ASEAN Member States and also acknowledged that the diversities in cultures, languages, and geographical territories may constitute challenges on GRP .

19 The meetings acknowledged that some AIPA Member Parliaments are in the early stages of developing their GRP system and implementation.

20 In this regard, AIPA Member Parliament shared their action plans on GRP including reviews of the existing regulations, removals of regulatory burdens, synchronizations of laws and strict implementations of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). They noted the effectiveness of the Philippine GRP-oriented Project Repeal, and the ASEAN Regulatory Management System (RMS) Baseline Study in Myanmar supported by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Economic Research Institute (ERIA).

21 The Meeting agreed to encourage regular knowledge-sharing and in-depth discussions to strengthen cooperation on GRP.

22 The AIPA Secretariat has a significant role to facilitate the implementation of these cooperation initiatives in the future AIPA General Assemblies as well as to monitor and report on the outcomes of the implementation.




Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community ___

(Doc 40GA/2019/Dial/Australia)


The Dialogue session with Australia took place on 27 August 2019 at 14.00 hrs. The session was chaired by Hon. Mr. Virachai Virameteekul of the National Assembly of Thailand as the Chairperson, and Hon. Miss Pada Vorakanon of the National Assembly of Thailand was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the session:

OBSERVER PARLIAMENT Australia 1 Hon. Mr. Kevin Hogan 2 Hon. Dr. John McVeigh 3 Hon. Mr. Alexander Gallacher

AIPA MEMBER PARLIAMENT Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii

Cambodia 1 Hon. Mrs. Nin Saphon 2 Hon. Mr. Ai Khan

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mr. KRMT. Roy Suryo N. 2 Hon. Mr. Timbul Manurung

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Thanta Kongphaly 2 Hon. Ms. Thavisay Phasathan

Malaysia 1 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 2 Hon. Mr. Mohd Shahar Abdullah 3 Hon. Mr. Prabakan M Parameswaran

Myanmar 1 Hon. Prof. Dr. Than Win (Mr.) 2 Hon. Dr. Win Myint (Mr.)

Philippines 1 Hon. Josephine Ramirez-Sato

Singapore 1 Hon. Mr. Darryl David 2 Hon. Prof. Sun Sun Lim

Thailand 1 Hon. Gen. Thawip Netniyom 2 Hon. Miss Watanya Wongopasi

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Van Tuyet 2 Hon. Mrs. Mai Thi Phuong Hoa

2 The session discussed the following issues:

ASEAN - Australia relations: Australia is one of ASEAN's longest-standing partners and have maintained close ties with Southeast Asian nations in bilateral and regional cooperation. Australia and ASEAN have strengthened their relationships at both government-to-government level and people-to-people level to achieve common goals in three main aspects: trade and investment, cultures and education, and regional peace and security.

Australia commended the ASEAN regional architecture which play roles in addressing global challenges and stressed the need for ASEAN to maintain its central role in the regional architecture which help set the rules and norms for the region.

Australian fully supports advancing parliamentary partnership for sustainable community because of the vitality of sustainable development to everything we do.

Good Regulatory Practices (GRP): The meeting endorsed the essentiality of Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) as it promotes economic competitiveness, transparency and good governance in the region.

The Australian government are committed to improving the quality of regulation, including minimizing the burden of regulation on businesses, community organizations, and individuals. Parliament regularly called the Australia Office of Best Practice Regulation to share its experiences, including with ASEAN Member States.

Australia has gained tangible advantages from GRP for economic growths which includes balancing of innovations for small businesses. The legislative process also compliments GRP as Parliament has to go through public hearings before passing laws. The legislative community in Australia also takes careful considerations about legislations being introduced and drafted in parliament.

Australia has been supporting ASEAN countries in sharing knowledge on parliamentary works on GRP though parliamentary exchanges and visits. Australia looks forward to sharing its experiences and learning about GRP from ASEAN member states.

AIPA acknowledged the ASEAN Work Plan for Good Regulatory Practices in 2016- 2025 which will sustain and maintain ASEAN competitiveness and the ASEAN Centrality. Furthermore, the meeting heard about the GRP-oriented Project Repeal in the Philippines which helps to cut legal red tapes in legislation through regulatory impact assessment (RIA) to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of government agencies on legislative draftings and law enforcements.

3 The meeting also made the following points: 1) Diversity: Australia is a successful multicultural nation resulting from two main factors: effective migration policy and public education to close people’s gap. 2) Indigenous rights: The situation remains complex and Australia is aware of the situation and continue to work on the issue. 3) Cybersecurity: The digital world has brought the region to a challenging and vulnerable context, necessitating nations to adopt cyber security to address them.

4 As there were no further comments from delegates, the Chairperson concluded the session at 3.30 pm.

5 The Report of the Dialogue with Australia will be included in the main Report of the 40th AIPA General Assembly.


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community ___

(Doc 40GA/2019/Dia/Canada)


The Dialogue session with Canada took place on 27th August 2019 at 2.00 pm. The session was chaired by Hon. Gen. Surapong Suwana-Adth of the National Assembly of Thailand as the Chairperson, and Hon. Miss Saratsanun Unnopporn of the National Assembly of Thailand was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the session:

OBSERVER PARLIAMENT Canada 1 Hon. Mr. Joseph A. Day 2 Hon. Mr. Jim Munson 3 Hon. Mr. Victor Oh 4 Hon. Mrs. Irene Mathyssen

AIPA MEMBER PARLIAMENT Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Iswandy Ahmad 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Hasrin Hj Sabtu

Cambodia 1 H.E. Mr. Chhit Kim Yeat 2 H.E. Mrs. Mean Som An

Indonesia 1 Hon. Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf 2 Hon. Mrs. Dwi Ria Latifa 3 Hon. Mr. Jalaludin Rakhmat

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Dr. Vilayvong Bouddakham

Malaysia 1 Hon. Dato Hanifah Hajar Taib 2 Hon. Dato Chong Swen Ong 3 Hon. Datuk Roosme Hamzah

Myanmar 1 Hon. Mrs. Pyone Kathy Naing 2 Hon. Dr. Soe Moe Thu (Mr.)

Philippines 1 Hon. Ms. Divina Grace C. Yu

Singapore 1 Hon Mr. Thiam Poh Gam 2 Hon Ms. Rahayu Mahzam

Thailand 1 Hon. Mr. Sungsidh Piriyarangsan 2 Hon. Mr. Julapun Amornvivat 3 Hon. Mr. Pisan Manawapat

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mr. Nguyen Huu Quang 2 Hon. Mrs. Duong Minh Anh

2 The session discussed the following issues:

ASEAN - Canada relations: ASEAN and Canada are active partners and enjoy close relationship in several fields specifically through trade and economic agreements. Trade strengthen Canada-ASEAN cooperation. Both sides benefit from the ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Area. Canada also extends support to several ASEAN Member States in their national developments, human resources development, education and is instrumental to national peace process, democratization and sustainable development.

Both sides affirmed their commitments to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and recognize the parliamentary role and exchanges of visit as an important contributing factor to strengthen further the cordial ties of ASEAN-Canada relations.

Good Regulatory Practices (GRP): Canada strictly adheres to Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) and has long implemented GRP in national administration. In considering and implementing law and regulations, Canada stressed the importance of adhering to public interests. People are the most important pillar of GRP and legislative procedures. GRP is not solely dependent on the State and lawmakers but it is instilled in people’s daily lives and their ethical standards. Therefore, it is imperative for the State and lawmakers to foster effective citizen engagements in law drafting, enacting legislation and law enforcements.

Canada highlighted that GRP forms a fundamental basis for Canada's economic development, investments, and free trade. GRP strengthens Canada’s stand concluding international trade and investment. GRP also facilitates domestic and international harmonization of laws and regulations. For example, Canada has harmonized its regulations with the US through the Canada-US Regulatory Cooperation Council. GRP significantly reduced Canada-US trade imbalances. Canada also introduced the Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulation as an effective mechanism for an example of good practice.

AIPA Member Parliaments and Canada agreed that GRP is beneficial to legal and regulatory reform. Canada supports the six core principles in the ASEAN Work Plan on Good Regulatory Practices (GRP) 2016-2025 as a helpful guidance for ASEAN to embark on GRP regionally. The meeting also took note of the similarities and differences of the core policies and GRP procedures among ASEAN Member States. All Members acknowledged Malaysia's notion that diversities in cultures, languages, and geographical territories may constitute GRP challenges. Canada informed of similar challenge and ready to share its experiences and best practices with AIPA Member Parliaments. 3 The meeting recognized Thailand’s statement that expect the AIPA Secretariat to have a significant role to facilitate the implementation of these cooperation initiatives at future AIPA General Assemblies and to monitor and report on the outcomes of the implementation.

4 As there were no further comments from delegates, the Chairperson concluded the session at 4.00 pm.

5 The Report of the Dialogue with Canada will be included in the main Report of the 40th AIPA General Assembly.


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community ___

(Doc 40GA/2019/Dia/China)


The Dialogue session with the National Assembly of China took place on Tuesday 27th August 2019 at 14.06 hrs. The session was chaired by Hon. Mr. Sora-at Klinpratoom, a member of the Thai Parliament and Hon. Col. Settapong Malisuwan was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the session:

OBSERVER PARLIAMENT: People’s Republic of China 1 Hon. Si Yuan 2 Hon. Wei Lyu 3 Hon. Qiao Xiang

AIPA MEMBER PARLIAMENT: Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Khairunnisa Hj Ash’ari 2 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Abdul Ghani Rahim

Cambodia 1 H.E. Mr. Chheang Vun 2 H.E. Mr. Chay Borin 3 H.E. Mr. Ly Mengtyth

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mr. Saniatul Lativa 2 Hon. Mrs. Kartika Yudhisti

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Sisoulath 2 Hon. Mr. Amphay Chitmanonh

Malaysia 1 Hon. Mr. Kor Ming Nga 2 Hon. Mr. Muslimin Yahaya 3 Hon. Dato Sri Rohani Abdul Karim 4 Hon. Mr. Poay Tiong Khoo

Myanmar 1 Hon. Mr. Bo Bo Oo 2 Hon. Mrs. Naw Hla Hla Soe

Philippines 1 Hon. Samantha Louise Vargas Alfonso

Singapore 1 Hon. Ms. Joan Pereira 2 Hon. Mr. Yee Chia Hsing

Thailand 1 Hon. Gen. Teeradej Meepien 2 Hon. Mr. Klaikong Vaidhyakarn 3 Hon. Dr. Sathit Limpongpan 4 Hon. Mr.Direkrit Jenklongtham 5 Hon. Mr.Sawas Samakpong 6 Hon. Mrs.Jariya Jariyatarasit 7 Hon. Mr.Charnwit Polcheewin

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mr. Don Tuan Phong 2 Hon. Mrs. Tran Hong Nguyen

2 In their introduction, all delegations expressed their sincere gratitude to Thailand for the excellent arrangement of the General Assembly, warm welcome and hospitality extended to them. They hoped that this Dialogue will be fruitful for learning and improving the Good Regulatory Practices in their respective countries and could be a great occasion to foster and enhance their cooperation.

ASEAN-China Relation The Meeting appreciated the long and firm relationship at all levels. Both sides appreciated and highlighted the China-ASEAN strategic partnership. Their economic cooperation has increased sharply with fruitful outcomes in which experienced an upward trend. China has been ASEAN major trading partner for the past ten years and ASEAN is recognised as the second-largest trading partner of China.

The meeting welcomed ASEAN-China collaboration on regional political and security issues through the regional frameworks such as the Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). In addition, more concrete cooperation is envisaged through China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030.

Regarding China relations with the national parliaments of the ASEAN Member States and AIPA, both sides enjoyed long and well-established relationship as reflected by regular participations of China in the AIPA General Assembly since 1991. The China-AIPA relation was inaugurated with China’s intention to learn about ASEAN's experiences in sustainable development in order to improve China's national development and further China's involvements in regional as well as global affairs.

AIPA Member Parliaments expressed their sincere appreciation for the strong bilateral cooperation with China and for China's development assistance in their respective countries in various fields such as human resources development, infrastructure, energy, investment, poverty eradication and development of Mekong Sub-region. Particularly, China’s One Belt One Road Initiative would contribute to the successes of Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC).

Good Regulatory Practices (GRP): Regarding the GRP, China highly stressed on the significance of the GRP, citing five lessons learnt from implementing the GRP. Firstly, although China is aware that the rule of law is the key to govern the state, it is aware of its own national context when drafting and passing laws. Secondly, legislations uphold governance and comprehensive development. Therefore, several domestic laws have been revised such as criminal law, labour law, anti-corruption law, ecology law, and environment protection law. Thirdly, China has taken better public governance based on the legal concept of “governance by law is the most reliable and stable governance" which is done through decentralisation, simplification of public administration and law improvements in areas such as water management, renewable energy, pollution and fisheries. Fourthly, the rule of law should be carried out to maintain social fairness and judicial justice. Hence, today accountability is a basic value for Chinese officials handling legal cases. Fifthly, China has widely promoted the rule of law into the minds of the people through education in the rule of law and law enforcement, so that the country could be well governed by laws and settled diverse disputes derived from national reform.

The Meeting acknowledged the importance of the Good Regulatory Practice (GRP) and the cooperation on this issue based on the principles suggested by the 2016-2025 ASEAN Work Plan for Good Regulatory Practices. The Meeting agreed that GRP is closely related to good governance and lessen the burdens of policy and regulatory implementations on their citizens through public engagements as well as provide more efficient governance services. Furthermore, GRP enables ASEAN Member States to embark in the global markets. In addition, GRP is a factor to facilitate and enhance achievements of regional frameworks, namely, the ASEAN Economic Blueprints, the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity as well as other relevant regional cooperative frameworks with China. An example of assistances from the Economic Research Institute (ERIA) and the ASEAN Secretariat on ASEAN Regulatory Management System (RMS) Baseline Study in Myanmar have helped Myanmar to pass new economic and investment laws with citizens involvements in legislative drafting. The Meeting agreed for more exchanges on GRP in order to pursue legal harmonization on areas of mutual interests and concerns.

Future cooperation Both sides affirmed the intentions and commitments to continue and foster their partnership. The Meeting reaffirmed their contributions to China-AIPA activities as well as to regional cooperation frameworks which would facilitate regional harmony. Without any further comment, the Meeting was successfully adjourned at 16.00 hrs. The Report of the Dialogue with People’s Republic of China will be included in the main Report of the 40th AIPA General Assembly.


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community ___


The Dialogue session with Republic of Korea took place on 27 August 2019 at 2.00 pm. The session was chaired by Hon. Mr. Korn Chatikavanij of the National Assembly of Thailand as the Chairperson, and Hon. Miss Jiraporn Sindhuprai of the National Assembly of Thailand was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the session:

OBSERVER PARLIAMENT Republic of Korea 1 Hon. Lee Seokhyun 2 Hon. Yun Jae Ok

AIPA MEMBER PARLIAMENT Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Hj Ramli Hj Lahit 2 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman

Cambodia 1 H.E. Mr. Sok Sokan 2 H.E. Mr. Yim Leat

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mrs. Dwie Aroem Hadiatie 2 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Sanya Praseuth

Malaysia 1 Hon. Mr. Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir 2 Hon. Mrs. Natrah Ismail 3 Hon. Mr. Prabakan M Parameswaran

Myanmar 1 Hon. Mr. Zaw Thein 2 Hon. Dr. Wai Phyo Aung (Mr.)

Philippines 1 Hon. Ann K. Hofer

Singapore 1 Hon. Mr. Ang Hin Kee 2 Hon. Mr. Pritam Singh

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Thailand 1 Hon. Mr. Pichate Satirachaval 2 Hon. Mr. Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mr. Duong Quoc Anh 2 Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thuy

2 The session discussed the following issues:

ASEAN - Republic of Korea relations: AIPA Members affirmed the close friendship with the Republic of Korea, underpinned by longstanding dialogue relations since 1989. AIPA Members expressed deep appreciation for ASEAN-Republic of Korea's cooperation, particularly in trade, investment, and tourism, which contributes to the development and capacity building in the region. Republic of Korea noted the on-going cooperation with AIPA Members through the ‘New Southern Policy,’expanding from trade relations into diplomatic, social and cultural exchanges to enhance lasting peace, prosperity and people-to-people exchanges in the region.

Good Regulatory Practices (GRP): The Republic of Korea emphasized the importance of Good Regulatory Practice in minimizing regulatory burdens and enhancing economic performance across sectors. The adopted strategies are evaluation and removal of redundant legislations as well as review of new regulations to ensure the standard compliance. AIPA Members agreed that GRP is an imperative for enhancing trade facilitation, transparency, accountability and inclusive growth and that Parliament has a pivotal role in fostering the implementation of GRP. Each AIPA Member Parliament shared their action plans on GRP including reviews of the existing regulations, removals of regulatory burdens, synchronizations of laws and strict implementations of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA). Republic of Korea and AIPA Members encouraged regular knowledge-sharing and in-depth discussions to strengthen cooperation on GRP.

The Meeting also made the following points: 1) Further ASEAN-Republic of Korea cooperation in trade, investment, infrastructure and tourism could be fostered. Republic of Korea’s assistance for ASEAN is also sought in human capacity building and technology. 2) As this year marks the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Korea - ASEAN dialogue relations, AIPA Members looks forward to participating in ASEAN-Republic of Korea Commemorative Summit to be held in Busan from November 25-26, 2019. Republic of Korea also urges that AIPA member parliaments actively support Republic of Korea’s effort through New Southern Policy to accelerate the regional development.

3 As there were no further comments from delegates, the Chairperson concluded the session at 4.00pm.

4 The Report of the Republic of Korea will be included in the main Report of the 40th AIPA General Assembly.


Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community ___

(Doc 40GA/2019/Dia/Russian Federation)


The Dialogue session with Russian Federation took place on 27 August 2019 at 2.00 pm. The session was chaired by Hon. Mr. Sombat Srisurin of the National Assembly of Thailand as the Chairperson, and Hon. Miss Anusree Tubsuwan of the National Assembly of Thailand was the Rapporteur. The following delegates attended the session:

OBSERVER PARLIAMENT Russian Federation 1 Hon. Ms. Liudmila Talabaeva 2 Hon. Mr. Boris Osokin

AIPA MEMBER PARLIAMENT Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Hj Abdul Hamid Arsad 2 Hon. Haji Mohimin Haji Johari 3 Hon. Pehin Dato Hj Judin Hj Asar

Cambodia 1 H.E. Mr. Yang Sem

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mrs. Amelia Anggraini

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Dr. Phonephet Boupha

Malaysia 1 Hon. Mr. Wong Cheng 2 Hon. Datin Mastura Mohd Yazid 3 Hon. Mr. Awang Hashim

Myanmar 1 Hon. Mr. Naing Htoo Aung 2 Hon. Mr. Maung Maung Latt 3 Hon. Mrs. Shwes Sian Latt

Philippines 1 Hon. Maria Lourdes Acosta-Alba

Singapore 1 Hon. Mr. Henry Kwek

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Thailand 1 Hon. Pol.Gen. Chatchawal Suksomjit 2 Hon. Mr. Siripong Angkasakulkait 3 Hon. Mr. Paradorn Prissananantakul 4 Hon. Miss Wiboonlasana Ruamraksa 5 Hon. Mrs. Benjarat Jariyatharasit 6 Hon. Mr. Chanvit Phalajivin 7 Hon. Gen. Lertrat Ratanavanich

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha

2 The session discussed the following issues:

ASEAN-Russian Federation Relations: The Russian Federation congratulated the success of ASEAN integration. Both parties highlighted their long-standing relations where Russian Federation has become an ASEAN strategic partner. The two parties recalled their shared values in building trusts and mutual understandings.

The session also mentioned ASEAN-Russia Ministerial Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, on 31 July 2019 which discussed ways to expand ASEAN-Russia cooperation in various areas, such as in counter-terrorism, violent extremism, and transboundary crimes. Russian Federation asked AIPA Member Parliaments to support a Russian Federation proposal for a payment system and mutual settlements in international currencies. Russian Federation further proposed a joint investment in natural gas production infrastructure in ASEAN countries.

Both parties emphasized the importance of further dialogues and cooperation through AIPA platforms and bilateral parliamentary channels.

Good Regulatory Practice (GRP): AIPA and Russian Federation shared the same aspiration of building a people-centered society and endorsed the principles of GRP as a way to achieve this desired goal. However, the implementations of GRP could vary from country to country. In addition, both parties realized that regulatory impact assessment (RIA) contributed to the successes of GRP in their respective countries.

Russian Federation shared their best practices of GRP, adding that RIA being undertaken in Russian Federation is consisted of a problem analysis, stakeholder consultations, while ensuring transparency throughout the process. These steps resulted in the best options chosen by Parliament to pass laws amongst the available rules or regulations.

The meeting affirmed that the effective implementation of GRP will facilitate trade and investment by building trust and consistency, as well as encourage innovation by reducing non-tariff barriers and unnecessary requirements for businesses. Nevertheless, some AIPA Member Parliaments are in early stages of developing their understandings of GRP in order to establish their own system of GRP.

The meeting further expressed their enthusiasms to exchange more ideas and experiences with fellow AIPA Member Parliaments, Russian Federation and the Observer Parliaments on GRP in the future.

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Other matters: Russian Federation invited AIPA to attend the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok from September 4th-6th 2019.

3 As there were no further comments from delegates, the Chairperson concluded the session at 3.45 pm.

4 The Report of the Dialogue with Russian Federation will be included in the main Report of the 40th AIPA General Assembly.



Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


(Doc 40GA/2019/Joint Rep)


1 The Committee met on 28 August 2019 at 15.00 hrs. The meeting was chaired by Hon. Mr. Kitti Wasinondh, Member of the Senate of the Kingdom of Thailand, and Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol, Member of the Senate of the Kingdom of Thailand, was the Rapporteur.

2 The following delegates were present at the meeting;

Brunei Darussalam 1 Hon. Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii 2 Hon. Hj Abd Hamid Arsad 3 Hon. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Hj Abd Rahman

Cambodia 1 Hon. Mr. Sok Sokan 2 Hon. Mr. Yang Sem 3 Hon. Mr. Yim Leat 4 Hon. Mr. Leng Peng Long

Indonesia 1 Hon. Mrs. Saniatul Lativa 2 Hon. Mrs. Siti Masrifah 3 Hon. Mr. Timbul Manurung

Lao PDR 1 Hon. Mr. Viengthavisone Thephachanh

Malaysia 1 Hon. Mr. Wong Chen 2 Hon. Ms. Kasthuriraani Patto 3 Hon. Mr. Ibrahim Syed Noh

Myanmar 1 Hon. Mr. Bo Bo Oo 2 Hon. Mrs. Shwe Shwe Sein Latt

Philippines 1 Hon. Ms. Josephine Ramirez-Sato 2 Hon. Ms. Samantha Louise Vargas-Alfonso

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Singapore 1 Hon. Mr. Lim Biow Chuan 2 Hon. Mr. Pritam Singh 3 Hon. Ms. Cheryl Chan

Thailand 1 Hon. Ms. Anusree Tubsuwan 2 Hon. Mr. Paradorn Prissananantakul 3 Hon. Ms. Yaowalux Wongpraparat

Viet Nam 1 Hon. Mr. Duong Quoc Anh 2 Hon. Mrs. Le Thu Ha 3 Hon. Mr. Don Tuan Phong

3 The meeting proceeded in the true ASEAN spirit of consensus amicable discussion, within a truly cooperative atmosphere. The Committee drafted the Joint Communique of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA, which reflected the key elements as follows; - Delegations - Opening Ceremony - Statements by Heads of Delegations of the 10 AIPA Member Parliaments - Committee Meetings  Executive Committee  Meeting of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPA or WAIPA  Committee on Economic Matters  Committee on Social Matters  Committee on Organizational Matters (Committee on Political Matters was not convened) - Dialogues with Observer Countries - Dialogues between AIPA delegations and ASEAN Secretariat - The date and venue of the 41st General Assembly

4 The Joint Communique of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA is attached hereto.


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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community




1 The 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) with the theme, “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community” was held in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand on 25 – 30 August 2019 pursuant to the Statutes of AIPA and the decision of the 39th General Assembly of AIPA, held in Republic of Singapore, on 3 – 7 September 2018.

2 H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA presided over the 40th AIPA General Assembly.


3 The 40th General Assembly of AIPA was attended by delegations from all AIPA Member Parliaments, 5 Observer Parliaments, ASEAN Secretariat, and other Guests of the Host.

4 For the AIPA Member Parliaments, Brunei Darussalam was led by H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib, Speaker of the Legislative Council; Kingdom of Cambodia was led by H.E. Samdech Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly; Republic of Indonesia was led by Hon. Dr. Fadli Zon, Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives; Lao People’s Democratic Republic was led by Hon. Mr. Bounpone Bouttanavong, Vice-President of the National Assembly, Malaysia was led by H.E. Dato’ Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Republic of the Union of Myanmar was led by H.E. Ms. Su Su Lwin, Member of the House of Representatives; Republic of the Philippines was led by Hon. Raneo E. Abu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives; Republic of Singapore was led by H.E. Tan Chuan-Jin, Speaker of the Parliament; Kingdom of Thailand was led by H.E. Prof. Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate; and Socialist Republic of Viet Nam was led by H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly.

5 For the Observer Parliaments, Australia was led by Hon. Mr. Kevin Hogan, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives; Canada was led by Hon. Mr. Joseph Day, Senator; the People’s Republic of China was led by Hon. Mr. Si Yuan, Member of the National People’s Congress; Republic of Korea was led by Hon. Mr. Lee Seok Hyun, Member of the National Assembly; Russian Federation was led by Hon. Ms. Liudmila Talabaeva, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly.

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6 The delegation from AIPA Secretariat was led by Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, Secretary General.

7 The delegation from the ASEAN Secretariat was led by Mr. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN.

8 For the Guests of the Host, Kingdom of Morocco was led by H.E. Mr. Habib El Malki, President of the House of Representatives; Norway was led by Hon. Mrs. Elin Agdestein, Member of Parliament; Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) was led by Prof. Hidetoshi Nishimura, President; Freeland Foundation was led by Mr. Steven Galster, Executive Director; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was led by Mr. Bernado Jr Agawin, GIZ Principal Adviser AIPA for ASEAN Integration Project; and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) was led by Mr. Dararith Kim-Yeat, Executive Director.


9 The Opening Ceremony of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA was held on 26 August 2019 at Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. H.E. General Prayuth Chan-o-cha (Ret.), the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand welcomed the delegates to the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.

Welcoming Speech

10 H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.), Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand welcomed delegates to the 40th General Assembly in Thailand and expressed thanks to AIPA Member Parliaments, Observers, as well as international organizations for their continued support to the ASEAN Community. He underlined the importance of AIPA’s role as representatives of ASEAN citizens in enhancing the third ASEAN Community Pillar and its role in communicating with the public to foster partnership in pursuing the goals of an ASEAN Community.

11 He expressed his admiration for the work of AIPA in combating the drug menace in the region. He noted the successful outcomes of the 2nd Meeting of the AIPA Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) in March 2019 which could serve as a guide and model for AIPA Member Parliaments to achieve a Drug-Free-ASEAN Community. However, ASEAN still faces various challenges, especially environmental issues. He suggested that AIPA could play a role in the process by taking the Bangkok Declaration on Combating Marine Debris as a framework of AIPA.

12 The Prime Minister said that Thailand’s ASEAN theme in 2019 is focusing on cooperation for ASEAN sustainability under the concept “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”. Hence, in creating a sustainable region in all aspects, he said that it was necessary for AIPA to intensify its cooperation in harmonizing the legal frameworks among AIPA Member Parliaments that will lead to a strong and highly competitive community. In addition, he urged the AIPA Secretariat and ASEAN Secretariat to work closer together and restructure the cooperation with more consistency in order to reach concrete outcomes.

Opening Address

13 H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA addressed the Meeting.

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14 In his Opening Address, he said that it was a pleasure and honor to welcome all delegates from AIPA Member Parliaments to the 40th General Assembly of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly which was last held 10 years ago in Thailand. For about 4 decades, AIPA was first set up from humble beginnings to the expansion of all 10 Member Parliaments of ASEAN countries, as well as 12 Observer Parliaments from around the world. Now, AIPA becomes as a platform for collaboration of ASEAN Parliamentarians.

15 Historically speaking, AIPA had become truly stronger together but the world is facing threats which have posed challenges for the whole community. Reaching for quick-fixes had accomplished little except delaying the inevitable which would pile highest on the poorest, the weakest, and the most vulnerable in our society. Therefore, that was the reason for the main theme of this General Assembly focusing on the advancement of regional parliamentary partnership. Also, as legislatures of ASEAN, the closest organs to our constituents and which was well positioned to see the true causes of their woes.

16 He went on to speak about four key lessons that AIPA parliamentarians should bear in mind. These are (1) to prioritize what should be done, with limited resources, to benefit all of our peoples, (2) to take another step of collaboration by working together and creating a permanent forum between ASEAN and AIPA, (3) to look after the 647 million residents of ASEAN citizen and their wellbeing and (4) to respect the rule of law aiming to maintain order in our society as all people should be seen as equal under the law.

17 Before declaring the opening of this General Assembly, he concluded his address by admitting that AIPA still needs much recognition from the peoples of ASEAN and this occasion is an opportunity for AIPA to discuss related issues and earn a place in peoples’ hearts and minds.


18 Pursuant to Article 10 of the Statutes of AIPA, the General Assembly elected the Heads of Delegations of AIPA Member Parliaments as Vice-Presidents of the 40th General Assembly of AIPA.


19 The Heads of Delegations of the AIPA Member Parliaments delivered their respective statements at the First Plenary Session of the 40th General Assembly.

Brunei Darussalam

20 H.E. Pehin Dato Abdul Rahman Taib, Speaker of the Legislative Council of Brunei Darussalam, stated that the theme of the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly this year, “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, instills our expectation to pursue a people-centered ASEAN Community that leaves no one behind and promotes sustainability in all dimensions.

21 AIPA is constantly facing new and emerging challenges, in representing the voice of the people. However, it is crucially important to recognise and respect among AIPA member countries, the basis of non-interference and develop cooperation, consultation and consensus.

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22 He is pleased to note of the growing strategic partnership between AIPA and ASEAN over the years, which demonstrates our commitment and engagement to realise ASEAN’s vision and ultimately ensure that ASEAN’s people, both present and future, can continue to enjoy sustainable peace, stability and prosperity.

23 The AIPA General Assembly is a great platform to support the theme of advancing parliamentary partnerships and achieving our goal for a sustainable community in ASEAN. This platform will promote discussion and the sharing of experiences, views and opinions not only among AIPA member parliaments, but also with our significant dialogue partners on legislative practices, regulations and policies which protect the interests and rights of the people.

24 He acknowledged that this year’s AIPA General Assembly will discuss important issues relating to the development of the ASEAN Community. Issues such as empowerment of women, fostering inclusive economic development, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and caring for the life of Older Persons are just some of the concerns that Brunei Darussalam also wish to respond effectively. Brunei Darussalam will continue to support efforts to address global and regional challenges through partnerships and multilateralism.

Kingdom of Cambodia

25 Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia, said that parliamentary diplomacy and partnerships are of great importance today. No country should be alone or isolated from the others. AIPA should therefore build parliamentary diplomacy that helps strengthen cooperation within both bilateral and multilateral frameworks in the region and the world.

26 Promoting parliamentary partnership, civic engagement and multi-stakeholder dialogues are vital to realize a sustainable community. Furthermore, with a belief that actions speak louder than words, AIPA need to promote practical, concrete actions on the ground to ensure that no one is left behind. More efforts are needed to narrow the development gap within and between the ASEAN Member States, especially with regard to women empowerment, gender equality, and inclusive digital economy.

27 Building synergies between AIPA and the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN-led mechanisms are critical for the future of ASEAN. The Members of Parliament from ASEAN should further integrate ASEAN agenda into their domestic agenda in order to harmonize national interests with those of ASEAN and yield tangible results.

28 Enhancing AIPA partnerships needs a common vision and position consistent with national and regional interests. Although Cambodia sometimes puts priority on national interests, he believes those interests are not separate from AIPA’s ultimate goal of building the ASEAN Community, a community of peace and prosperity.

29 Peace and stability is indispensable for development, while equitable and inclusive development is a prerequisite for maintaining peace and social stability. Based on experiences, Cambodia highly values all efforts made in contributing to the preservation of peace and stability as well as speeding up inclusive development, which is today bearing fruit and benefiting all Cambodians from all walks of life.

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30 Inclusive economic growth is vital for the ASEAN community to ensure long-term stability and sustainability. Boosting trade and investment is imperative. AIPA should pay more attention to maintaining common ground to support multilateralism with the aim of promoting trade liberalization and deepening regional integration. In the name of AIPA, they urge their governments to speed up negotiations for a Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and other free-trade agreements.

31 Nowadays, each country needs to effectively use labor for their national development. All Member States should therefore pay more attention to the implementation of social protection systems to ensure that all migrant workers and their families are legally protected and get equitable access to public services. Cambodia expressed satisfaction with all efforts and progress made by ASEAN in protecting and promoting the rights of migrant workers. The President took this opportunity to extend his thanks to all fraternal countries, particularly Thailand, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Malaysia, for receiving Cambodian migrant workers in those countries.

Republic of Indonesia

32 Hon. Dr. Fadli Zon, Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, stated that the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia commends the hope expressed by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of AIPA on the need for continuous cooperation between AIPA and ASEAN, to enhance cooperation between legislative and executive branches in addressing various challenges in the region. He also welcomed the ASEAN Leaders’ Vision Statement on “Partnership for Sustainability”, and ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific, which is important in supporting and enhancing ASEAN’s unity and centrality. ASEAN has successfully maintained peace and stability in the region as prerequisite in achieving economic growth and sustainable development. However, regional challenges would require a better and more enhanced partnership.

33 It is also important for AIPA to address the humanitarian situation of the Rohingya People in Rakhine state through a resolution. Bearing in mind that a sustainable community cannot be fully realized without addressing the situation in Rakhine through AIPA. Divergent views can be expected from Member States on how AIPA should position itself towards the challenges. The principle of consensus has been so far essential for AIPA decision making process. However, AIPA also need to admit that there are times when the principle is limiting the organization’s effectiveness in addressing regional challenges.

34 A new solution is required to answer the urgent regional and international issues. Without undermining the principle of non-interference in the domestic affairs of each Member State, it would be strategic for AIPA to improve and renew its decision-making system.

35 Parliamentarians should engage more with communities in order to build communication and grow awareness about ASEAN among constituents as they are an inseparable part of ASEAN, while at the same time also build their constituents’ capacity as stakeholders in regional integration.

Lao People’s Democratic Republic

36 Hon. Mr. Bounpone Bouttanavong, Vice-President of the National Assembly of Lao People’s Democratic Republic expressed sincere appreciation to the President of AIPA and T - 5

President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand for the warm hospitality extended to the delegation of Lao PDR National Assembly during the 40th ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) General Assembly.

37 The National Assembly acknowledged remarkable progress that ASEAN has been made in the ASEAN community building process, through the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 consisting of the blueprints of the three community pillars, as well as the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III. In addition, ASEAN as the driving force of regional, political, economic and social architecture, will continue to maintain ASEAN Centrality and promote the ASEAN Way, particularly the principle of ASEAN consensus as well as respect for the fundamental principles as stipulated in the ASEAN Charter and other important ASEAN instruments.

38 In addition, the National Assembly of Lao PDR highly values this year’s theme of the 40th AIPA General Assembly which aims at promoting the role of AIPA in realising the goals of ASEAN Community Vision 2025, the blueprints of the three community pillars and in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Goals. The National Assembly stresses that AIPA, as the representative of the people and the legislative body of ASEAN Countries, must further strengthen its role in consultative responding to important regional issues based on the principle of consensus through its various existing mechanisms such as AIPA General Assembly, AIPA Caucus, AIPACODD, and ASEAN-AIPA Leaders’ Interface, among others, thereby ensuring substantive deliverables.

39 To realise ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the blueprints of the three community pillars, particular the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan III, Lao PDR has been cooperating closely with neighboring countries with an emphasis on socio-economic development, including infrastructure development such as railway and highway road construction, highway and electricity transmission lines, among others. These will significantly contribute to the overall efforts of the Lao PDR in transforming the country into a land-link hub with other countries in the region, thereby promoting trade and investment facilitation, tourism and people-to-people linkages within the region. In order to realise such endeavour, the Lao National Assembly has actively contributed to making and amending economic and socio-cultural related legislations, including considering ratification of other legal instruments under the ASEAN cooperation frameworks.

40 Finally, in order to advance the parliamentary partnership for sustainable community, the National Assembly of Lao PDR will strengthen cooperation aiming at promoting effective coordination and stronger partnership with AIPA Member Parliaments through consultation and closer collaboration under various mechanisms towards realising the goals of a resilient and sustainable ASEAN community with one vision, one identity and one community that is truly people-oriented and people-centred.


41 H.E. Dato’ Mohamad Ariff bin Md Yusof, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malaysia, remarked that several developments have taken place since the new government was formed a year ago, in particular on human rights, democratisation and governance. It is reflected in the fact that Malaysia has achieved a better ranking in terms of press freedom for the year 2019. In addition, the amended bill to lower the voting age and the age of eligibility to contest as a Member of Parliament to 18 years old; and the amended bill to reduce the pre-requisite T - 6

notice requirement to hold a peaceful protest were also passed in parliament. A series of reform initiatives were also made to improve the efficacy and efficiency of parliament proceedings. Already in place are six parliamentary special select committees covering a number of priority areas with another four select committees are expected to be formed before the end of 2019.

42 He expressed his appreciation to the Heads of Delegation and the several country representatives who had attended the 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting held recently in Kuala Lumpur. He further expressed his appreciation to the Indonesian and Singaporean speakers and representatives for sharing with the Malaysian Parliament the Indonesia’s komisi system and the challenges faced by the Parliament of Singapore during the Speaker’s Lecture Series respectively. The Speaker’s Lecture Series was established with the aim to give an innovative perspective on parliamentary affairs and democratic practices. Other initiatives include establishing cross-party caucuses, modelled after the UK All-Party Parliamentary Groups and encourage more friendship groups. In particular, an all-party group was created to monitor and advance all SDGs for Malaysia.

43 In his closing remark, he called upon AIPA Member Parliaments to strengthen partnership by sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas to benefit the future generations.

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

44 H.E. Ms. Su Su Lwin, Member of House of Representatives of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, remarked that "Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, is of significant import, apt especially at this juncture in AIPA. It is also a reflection of the ASEAN Leaders’ vision for the effective implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations since the Declaration of the ASEAN Concord in 1976 in Bali, has evolved, expanded, progressed, and emerged as a leading voice in the Global Community.

45 While many institutions around the world have resorted to negative means to address the humanitarian issue in Northern Rakhine, the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre) has provided Myanmar with one of the most effective external assistances Myanmar has received. Myanmar is a country still in the midst of a significant transition for achieving a genuine Democratic Federal Union. Since the emergence of the Democratic Movement in 1988, the present government has adhered firmly to its basic principles of Non-Violence and National Reconciliation. With the participation of representatives of all ethic nationalities and stakeholders, the parliament is undertaking a Constitutional Reform which will bring about sustained peace, stability and development for all the peoples in Myanmar.

46 Myanmar would like AIPA to adhere to its valued cultural norms - unique and specific to the region and the practice of compromise, meaningful consultation and consensus. Only then, the strength of ASEAN and AIPA will be more than the sum of its total.

Republic of the Philippines

47 Hon. Mr. Raneo E. Abu, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of the Philippines, said that the theme of this year’s General Assembly “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community” generally suggested that as the ASEAN pursues its vision for 2025, it is essential that sustainability in all dimensions must be ensured. The region is facing manifold challenges with major shifts in the geo-political and economic landscape T - 7

that impacts on peace, security and stability of the region. These challenges require all of us to build on from our gains, refrain from complacency and strive to be deserving of the trust and confidence reposed in us as the people’s representatives.

48 With these in mind, AIPA Member Parliaments need to work together to strengthen their united front that will show a caring and sharing ASEAN that is prepared to overcome the challenges, ready to capture present and future opportunities, and firm in our faith in the region's sanguine prospects. Towards this end, there are a number of key points that need to be underscored in line with the future direction of the ASEAN community.

49 Most notable is the increasing concern in the multi-faceted impact and risks of climate change and climate-related disasters on the people of ASEAN. As such, varied initiatives in the ASEAN has already recognized the need for sustainability of biodiversity conservation plans and programs. In line with these developments, the Philippines proposes the establishment of a Committee on Biodiversity and Environment within this Assembly. This is to synergize efforts so that these opportunities are translated into a common legislative agenda in the region.

Republic of Singapore

50 H.E. Mr. Tan Chuan-Jin, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Singapore, opened his speech with an observation – almost all ASEAN capital cities are now hubs for finance, transport, connectivity and tourism, each with its unique and rich traditions of arts and culture. In ASEAN’s forecasted progress, he anticipated rapid urbanisation of each Member State’s terrain individually, as well as that of ASEAN collectively. He observed that ASEAN is at a crossroads, and how the region copes with the issues of sustainability and urbanisation will define the region’s landscape in the decades to follow. In this march forward, a crucial principle to bear in mind, is ‘sustainability’, as is the theme of Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”. This is especially since ASEAN has become a force to be reckoned with, being the sixth largest market in the world, and en route to becoming the fourth largest economy after the US, China and the European Union by 2030.

51 He also pointed out that ASEAN has a combined population of more than 640 million, with a young and tech-savvy population; the number of middle-class households is expected to double by 2050. Thus, the potential for further development is colossal. Mr. Tan noted that AIPA is a vehicle through which parliamentarians build mutual understanding, trust and confidence across ASEAN, while representing their people back home. It is for this reason that AIPA must faithfully discharge its duties based on its creed to benefit and inspire people at an individual level.

Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

52 H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, emphasized ASEAN’s need to consolidate its solidarity and unity, promote its central role, and deepen its relations with its partners in a world that is witnessing rapid and complex developments. Against such background, at the recently-concluded 52nd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, countries have spoken up frankly on unilateral actions undertaken in the South China Sea that have violated sovereignty and legitimate interests of coastal nations in the region, eroded trust and negatively impacted peace, security, stability, freedom and safety of navigation and overflight in the region. Therefore, we need to reiterate common principles and perceptions widely recognized by ASEAN members and the T - 8

international community regarding the South China Sea. This includes the emphasis on compliance with international law and the UNCLOS 1982, self-restraint, non-militarization, avoidance of actions that may further complicate the situation, full implementation of the DOC and efforts to conclude an effective and legally binding COC that aligns with international law. The President also emphasizes the role of AIPA and Members of Parliament who are willing to stand side by side with ASEAN to build a sustainable community through synergizing laws and strengthening the monitoring of the implementation of commitments and master plans on ASEAN community building and policies on cooperation.

53 The President reaffirms Viet Nam’s continued and consistent pursuit of a foreign policy based on principles of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralization of international relations and international integration. The National Assembly of Viet Nam will continue to engage actively and responsibly in the works of AIPA and make efforts to elevate ASEAN-AIPA partnership. The President put forth several proposals, putting particular emphasis on upholding international law and ASEAN’s principles and norms, consolidating solidarity and unity and maintaining ASEAN’s central role in the regional security architecture, further renewing the organization and operation of AIPA, calling for AIPA’s support for ASEAN’s initiatives, promoting the alignment of laws or mutual legal recognition, increasing cooperation in information technology within ASEAN, expanding partnerships with international organizations to implement the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and lastly, disseminating information on AIPA and ASEAN to the people and strengthen the participation of young AIPA Members of Parliament.

Kingdom of Thailand

54 H.E. Prof. Pornpetch Wichitcholchai, President of the Senate of the Kingdom of Thailand, said that “Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”, the theme of the 40th AIPA General Assembly, is focused on Sustainability. To create a sustainable region for our peoples, AIPA Member Parliaments have played active roles to bring about regional sustainability. Based on this ground, this distinguished approach significantly encompassed the notion of keeping ASEAN’s resilience in the face of increasingly emerging challenges. In this event, it is our crucial responsibility to pursue the success of the AIPA General Assemblies.

55 Notably, he would like to reiterate the importance of strengthening ASEAN Community, which is based on rules-based, people-oriented and people-centered approaches. To achieve rules- based ASEAN Community, we have to deliberately contribute to the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. To become a people-oriented and people-centered ASEAN Community, we have to create the sense of togetherness among our peoples. To this respect, strengthening the interaction between parliamentarians and the peoples is an approach to ensure that they would be at the heart of ASEAN Community. As parliamentarians are elected to represent people’s interests, it is appropriate for us to create and raise awareness of ASEAN policies among our electorates and communities. This in turn empowers the people to participate in the ASEAN Community development process.

56 In the light of these prominent efforts, the key contributors to successful implementation lie on institutional connectivity of ASEAN. To implement this, a number of crucial matters, such as ASEAN peoples’ needs for development of physical connectivity, would be concretely discussed between President of ASEAN and President of AIPA. This significantly leads to policy formulation and policy implementation, which consequently entail balance in economic, social and environmental dimensions.

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57 Finally, he mentioned that in order to fulfill sustainable achievement of AIPA, AIPA have to ensure that all AIPA members will move forward together. Thailand strongly hopes that this General Assembly will inspire all AIPA Parliamentarians to keep up this value and continue to perform all important tasks to help build the better region for the people of ASEAN.


58 Heads of delegation of Observer Parliaments, namely Australia, Canada, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation presented their statements at the General Assembly.


59 The Guests of the Host, namely ASEAN Secretariat represented by Mr. Kung Phoak, Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN, Morocco represented by H.E. Mr. Habib El Malki, President of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco; and Norway represented by Hon. Mrs. Elin Agdestein, Member of Parliament, delivered their respective statements at the First Plenary Session of the General Assembly.


60 The 40th General Assembly of AIPA received messages from the following Heads of States/Governments; - His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam - His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni, the King of the Kingdom of Cambodia - H.E. Mr. Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia - H.E. Mr. Bounnhang Vorachith, President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic - H.E. Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohamad, Prime Minster of Malaysia - H.E. U Win Myint, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar - H.E. Mr. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, President of the Republic of the Philippines - H.E. Mdm. Halimah Yacob, President of the Republic of Singapore - H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.), Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand - H.E. Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, President of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam


61 The Committees proceeded with their meetings to consider the agenda approved by the General Assembly.

Executive Committee

62 The Meeting of the Executive Committee of AIPA was chaired by H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA, and Mr. Isra Sunthornvut, AIPA Secretary-General, was the secretary to the meeting. The Meeting’s T - 10

decisions were (1) taking note of the presentation of the reports of the 2nd AIPACODD Meeting, the Report of the 10th AIPA Caucus Meeting, and the Report of the ASEAN-AIPA Interface Meeting at the 34th ASEAN Summit (2) adopting of Programme of Activities, Draft Agenda Items for the 40th General Assembly and Topic for Dialogue with the Observer Countries (3) adopting of the Establishment and Composition of Committees and Panels and (4) taking note that Indonesian Delegation stated its reservation on “Establishment and Composition of Committee on Political Matters” at this General Assembly, therefore, the Committee on Political Matters was not convened.

Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA)

63 The Meeting of Women Parliamentarians of AIPA (WAIPA) was chaired by Hon. Mrs. Pikulkaew Krairiksh and Hon. Miss Chitpas Kridakon was the Rapporteur. The Meeting considered and approved two resolutions for adoption by the General Assembly:

a) Resolution on Promoting Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in ASEAN

64 The WAIPA Meeting urged AIPA Member Parliaments and Member States to realize the importance of gender equality and women and girl’s empowerment as one main pillar of ASEAN sustainability, especially as a precursor to peaceful society, in accordance with the provision proclaimed in the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, ASEAN Declaration on the Gender-Responsive Implementation of ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and Sustainable Development Goals as well as previous AIPA Resolutions concerning gender equality.

65 Moving forward on gender equality and women’s empowerment, the Meeting encouraged AIPA Member States to develop their legislation and policies related to equal access to resources and participation in decision-making of women in order to ensure gender equality in all aspects. Moreover, AIPA Member Parliaments should do more to support their national research and update the gender statistic database to monitor the realities of people’s life as a resource with the view to formulating the policies.

b) Resolution on Bridging the Gender Gap in Technology-Based Disciplines

66 The Meeting focused on the importance of women participation in technology-based disciplines in the ASEAN Community, in accordance with Goal 5 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In furtherance of this, the Meeting agreed on bridging the gender gap in the field of information and communication technology by supporting women in providing access to training and educational opportunities in technology, especially in remote areas, and formulating the proper legal frameworks. In addition, the delegates of WAIPA urged ASEAN Member States to share resources and research findings in science and technology, engineering, mathematics, and information and communication technology to achieve sustainable socio-economic growth and development.

Committee on Economic Matters

67 The Committee on Economic Matters was chaired by Hon. Miss Wiboonlasana Ruamraksa and Hon. Mr. Katerut Laothamatas was the Rapporteur. The Committee considered and approved T - 11

all four resolutions for adoption by the General Assembly and requested the AIPA Secretariat to prepare progress reports on the implementation of the following resolutions for the 41st General Assembly.

a) Resolution on Fostering Inclusive Economic Development in ASEAN

68 The Committee underlined the important roles of AIPA to facilitate and implement related ASEAN cooperative frameworks to promote self-reliance, competitiveness, open trade and investment, and balance of economic development in all sectors while leaving no one behind. The Committee also reiterated a strong commitment to conclude the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations within 2019.

b) Resolution on ASEAN Cooperation to Prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

69 The Committee agreed to draw attention to the 4IR and to promote favorable conditions such as effective laws and knowledge of technology, in response to the challenges of 4IR. The committee also called for adequate digital and technological infrastructure for the benefits of the people of ASEAN.

c) Resolution on Improving on Digital Connectivity to Support the Growth of MSMEs

70 The Committee agreed to promote the development and distribution of technological infrastructure required by MSMEs to improve digital connectivity. The Committee encouraged ASEAN governments to consider working with digital platforms relevant to MSMEs and also to facilitate information and knowledge for MSMEs entrepreneurs.

d) Resolution on the Standardization and Liberalization of Air Services under the ASEAN Single Aviation Market

71 The Committee mutually agreed to enhance a safe and efficient environment for aviation market in the ASEAN region and to collaborate more closely for further standardization and liberalization of air services to pave the way towards the ASEAN Single Aviation Market.

Committee on Social Matters

72 The Committee on Social Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat and Hon. Mr. Nattapong Supriyasilp was the Rapporteur. The Committee considered and approved all six resolutions for adoption by the General Assembly:

a) Resolution on the Adoption of the Report of the 2nd Meeting of the AIPA Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) and the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community

73 The Committee considered and adopted the Report of the 2nd AIPACODD meeting and the Resolution on Alternative Development towards a Drug-Free ASEAN Community which was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 12 - 15 March 2019. The resolution identified mutual concern and action by AIPA Member Parliaments to achieve a drug free ASEAN region. The Committee focused on the alternative development as a basic principle for reducing narcotic drugs production and preventing the reproduction of the activities in affected areas by developing their own ways of living by their principles with governmental contribution and encouragement. T - 12

The AIPA Member Parliaments also should share their alternative development, practices and innovation to reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

b) Resolution on Enhancing the Quality of Life of Older Persons

74 The Committee expressed concerns that the aging society has become a major problem in the world, including in ASEAN. Hence, active ageing must be supported to enhance the quality of life of older persons through measures, such as demographic bonus, social protection measures, culture of respect for the rights of older persons, laws and regulations relating to the protection of rights of older persons to live with dignity and security, as well as universal design in all infrastructures for older persons. Inter-generational dialogue should also be supported in order to encourage the exchange of experiences, knowledge and practices.

c) Resolution on Strengthening Road Safety in ASEAN

75 The Committee shared concerns about the losses from road accidents, including deaths, injuries, disabilities, as well as health care cost and grief. The meeting emphasized the need of enforcement and implementation of road safety laws and regulations in various ways, such as construction of modern, safe, and scientific transport infrastructure, campaigning against speeding, driving under the influence, irresponsible driving, utilization of big data and statistic on road safety. Networking and regional cooperation should be supported to share experience and knowledge on technology and innovations for road safety.

d) Resolution on Elimination of All Forms of Violence and Exploitation of Children

76 The Committee discussed the national action plans for children in compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and call for elimination of all forms of violence and exploitation of children as the countries’ shared values. These include the building of better communication and coordination in combating transnational crimes related to children in travel and tourism. The Committee also agreed to explore the establishment of “AIPA Ad- Hoc Working Group on Children”, to be further studied by AIPA Secretariat, to discuss and develop effective methods in combatting all forms of violence against children by using the legal checklist as a mechanism to protect children’s rights.

e) Resolution on Regional Parliamentary Initiative for Enhancing Climate Action in ASEAN

77 The Committee expressed their concerns about the impacts of climate change on people, environment and economies. The Committee agreed to promote the reduction of the problems by monitoring the implementation of emission-reduction projects in ASEAN and encouraging inter-parliamentary cooperation for responding to climate change. These include knowledge sharing, implementation of clean energy policies, increasing of economic and financial efforts on this matter, including the encouragement of carbon pricing, more renewable energy development and better harmonization of climate action within ASEAN.

f) Resolution on Access to Justice for Migrant Workers

78 The Committee considered that many ASEAN migrant workers work under precarious conditions, wherein they are exposed to apparent violations of their human rights including labor exploitation, physical and sexual abuse, lack of access to health and other basic social services, and misrepresentation of the terms of employment. The Committee agreed to develop linkages with non-governmental organizations, to consider accession to the International T - 13

Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, as well as other relevant international legal instruments. The meeting also highlighted enhancement of the mechanism of coordination to resolve problems and to assist victims of human trafficking, to fully implement the principles under the ASEAN Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers.

Committee on Organizational Matters

79 The Committee on Organisational Matters was chaired by Hon. Mr. Anusart Suwanmongkol, and Hon. Mr. Samerkun Thiengtham was the Rapporteur. The Committee discussed 20 resolutions and approved 17 resolutions for adoption by the General Assembly and deferred 2 resolutions (the Draft Resolution on Rules and Procedures of the AIPA General Assembly and the Draft Resolution on the Transformation of the AIPA Secretariat) until the next General Assembly, upon further consultation and study. The Draft Resolution on the Amendment of AIPA Statutes was withdrawn by Indonesia.

a) Resolution on Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat

80 The Resolution on the Financial Report of the AIPA Secretariat was adopted by the Committee. The Committee also discussed and exchanged their views pertinent to overseas trips taken by the AIPA Secretary General. The Committee agreed that all AIPA business trips beyond Southeast Asia should be approved by the President of AIPA and a report should be made for each trip. The Secretary General noted the Committee’s view that the total travelling expenditures must be within the approved budget.

b) Resolution on Estimated Budget for the AIPA Secretariat

81 The Committee agreed to the resolution with recommendations that budgetary sources should be considered in the next General Assembly as follows: (1) the budget from Special Funds (2) the reserve funds (3) increasing the contributions from Member Parliaments. The Committee further discussed possible amendments of the financial rules and regulations in the AIPA Statutes.

c) Resolution on Secretariat’s Annual Report FY 2018-2019

82 The Committee adopted the resolution with recommendations that every financial status and details of every foreign trip should be included in the report.

d) Resolution on Guidelines of AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers

83 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Guidelines of AIPA Engagement with Guests and Observers.

e) Resolution on Standardizing the Format in Drafting AIPA Resolutions

84 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Standardizing the Format in Drafting AIPA Resolutions.

f) Resolution on Institutionalization of AIPA-ASEAN Dialogue

85 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Institutionalization of AIPA-ASEAN Dialogue. T - 14

g) Resolution on the Establishment of an Effective and Sustainable Organizational Mechanism on ASEAN and AIPA

86 The Committee adopted the Resolution on the Establishment of an Effective and Sustainable Organizational Mechanism on ASEAN and AIPA.

h) Resolution on Collection and Exchange of Information of Laws of AIPA

87 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Collection and Exchange of Information of Laws of AIPA

i) Resolution on Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between AIPA and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) on “Capacity Development Program for Staff of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Member Parliaments”

88 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between AIPA and Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia (PIC) on “Capacity Development Program for Staff of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Member Parliaments” with appreciation for the partnership.

j) Resolution on Appreciating the Federal Republic of Germany for its Continued Support to AIPA

89 The AIPA Secretary General explained the background of AIPA-GIZ cooperation which has been developed during the nine-year term. With the proposal of cost-sharing issue, the Committee noted that the current format of the cooperation should be maintained, but the principle of cost-sharing should be considered on a case-by-case basis.

k) Resolution on Establishing AIPA-ERIA Joint Dialogue to Support the Waste Management for Sustainable Development

90 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Establishing AIPA-ERIA Joint Dialogue to Support the Waste Management for Sustainable Development.

l) Resolution on the Relocation of AIPA Secretariat Premise.

91 The Committee adopted the Resolution on the Relocation of AIPA Secretariat Premise which approved the AIPA Secretariat to remain in its current premises and continue consultations with the ASEAN Secretariat.

m) Resolution on

A. AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Hon. Mr. Charles Chong

B. AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs

92 There were three nominees for AIPA Distinguished Service Award this year, however the AIPA Statutes states that only two persons can be awarded per year. Therefore, the Committee, based on the existing criteria of five years service to AIPA, adopted the Resolution on AIPA Distinguished Service Award to Hon. Mr. Charles Chong from Singapore and Mr. Charoen Kanthawongs from Thailand.

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n) Resolution on Appreciating the Service of H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai as President of AIPA

93 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Appreciating the Service of H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai as President of AIPA.

o) Resolution on Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Fourth AIPA Secretary General Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut

94 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Expressing Appreciation on the Completion of the Service of the Fourth AIPA Secretary General Hon. Mr. Isra Sunthornvut.

p) Resolution on Appointment of the Fifth Secretary General of AIPA

95 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Appointment of the Fifth Secretary General of AIPA, Hon. Mrs. Nguyen Tuong Van.

q) Resolution on Date and Venue of the 41st AIPA General Assembly

96 The Committee adopted the Resolution on Date and Venue of the 41st AIPA General Assembly to be held in Ha Long City, Viet Nam on 25 -30 August 2020.


97 The General Assembly conducted separate meetings with five (5) Observer Parliaments, namely; Australia, Canada, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation. The general topic for the dialogue meetings was “Partnership for Good Regulatory Practices”. AIPA Member Parliaments were urged to monitor and review the existing regulations on GRP, to justify government actions, to consider a range of policy options, to consult with interested parties and enhance engagement of stakeholders in the implementation of GRP.


98 The Dialogue between AIPA Delegations and ASEAN Secretariat was the initiative of the AIPA Secretary General. This was the first time such Dialogue was held at the AIPA General Assembly. The AIPA Secretary General, Mr. Isra Sunthornvut started the Dialogue by explaining that the main idea of the initiative was to formalise a communication channel between AIPA and ASEAN which represent the legislative and executive branches in ASEAN. Then, the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, Mr. Kung Phoak made his statement supporting further AIPA-ASEAN collaboration with the ratification of the ASEAN Charter. He also recommended that ASEAN parliamentarians internalize the ASEAN Leaders’ Vision in their legislative agenda. After both statements, the meeting discussed several topics including:  Status of AIPA as a strategic partner of ASEAN;  Ratification of regional commitments made by ASEAN Leaders through legislative means. In this regard, AIPA and ASEAN Secretariats can also help promote mutual legal assistance among Member Parliaments;  Establishment of stand-alone committee on AIPA-ASEAN Matters for sharing of information and deliberating issues of interest to people of ASEAN;

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 Voices of the people, represented by AIPA, ought to be conveyed to ASEAN through ASEAN Secretariat; and  Further collaboration between AIPA and ASEAN to promote the ASEAN identity and to enhance complementarities among them as well as other ASEAN sectoral bodies.


99 Pursuant to Article 9 of the AIPA Statutes which stated that the venue of the General Assembly shall be rotated among the Member Parliaments in alphabetical order, unless otherwise decided by the General Assembly, H.E. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam confirmed the hosting of the 41st General Assembly of AIPA, which will be held on 25 - 30 August 2020 in Ha Long City, Viet Nam.


100 The 40th General Assembly focused on AIPA’s mutual desire to pursue a sustainable ASEAN Community through close cooperation and partnerships with our friends and the international community. This is to realise a people-centred Community that leaves no one behind and looks to the future, in the face of challenges and opportunities in the rapidly changing regional and global environment. As the representatives of the people and an integral stakeholder of ASEAN, the convening of our AIPA General Assembly has significantly contributed to the ASEAN founders’ dream of securing “for their peoples and for posterity the blessings of peace, freedom and prosperity”.


101 The Delegations attending the General Assembly expressed their sincere gratitude and appreciation to H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Thailand and President of AIPA, for his leadership of the organization and welcomed his continued participation and contribution in the development and growth of AIPA. In this regard, the 40th General Assembly and related meetings proceeded in an amicable and cooperative atmosphere. Their discussions on various matters reflected ASEAN Spirit and their intentions to advance “Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community”.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Your Excellency Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Thailand, President of AIPA and President of the 40th AIPA General Assembly, Excellencies Speakers of House of Representatives, Presidents of the Senate of AIPA members, Distinguished guests,

On behalf of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, I am honored to accept the responsibility as President of AIPA from H.E. Mr. Chuan Leekpai, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Thailand. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Speaker and MPs of Thailand on your efforts and dedication in successfully assuming the Presidency of AIPA for 2018 – 2019 as well as in hosting activities within AIPA framework, especially AIPA General Assembly this year. Your persistent efforts have helped promote the engagement of parliamentarians in fostering a peaceful, stable environment in Southeast Asia, contributing to the building of a resilient, dynamic and sustainable ASEAN Community.

From the history of AIPA and ASEAN, we are proud to witness that ASEAN has overcome difficulties to strive towards the building of a common Community, common vision and common identity. In response to on-going complex developments, it is essential for MPs of AIPA to further uphold the spirit of solidarity, maintain ASEAN's central role in addressing regional issues in accordance with international law, implementing preventive diplomacy, fostering cooperation for development; At the same time, AIPA needs to promote its role and position in legislation, monitoring and deciding on the allocation of budget and necessary resources. AIPA should stand side by side with ASEAN governments to build an ASEAN that is cohesive, innovative, creative and adaptive to the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, to promote sustainable development for the benefits of all peoples.

Distinguished delegates,

2020 is a pivotal year to assess ASEAN's development since the official formation of the ASEAN Community in 2015, and to draw experience for the following 5 years. In 2020, Viet Nam also takes on the role as non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and Chair of ASEAN 2020, the two great responsibilities delegated by the international community. Along with that, as President of AIPA in 2020, the National Assembly of Viet Nam will further promote the renewal of AIPA's activities, enhance the position and role of AIPA in the ASEAN Community building process. We will host activities within the framework of AIPA, strengthen cooperation between AIPA and ASEAN, international organizations and other multilateral mechanisms to implement commitments and plans set out in ASEAN Community building -

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Vision 2025. In addition, given the support from AIPA member parliaments, the National Assembly of Viet Nam will also hold the first meeting of AIPA young MPs to foster a closer connection among AIPA-ASEAN, the youth of ASEAN, making active contribution to the building of ASEAN Community.

In that spirit, the National Assembly of Viet Nam is committed to making our best efforts to successfully assume the Presidency of AIPA. We look forward to the support, close cooperation of the National Assembly of Thailand, AIPA Member Parliaments, AIPA Secretariat and ASEAN Secretariat to achieve success for AIPA and shape a prosperous future for ASEAN Community. I would like to conclude my speech by quoting a well- known statement of President Ho Chi Minh - the beloved leader of the Vietnamese people:

"Solidarity, solidarity, great solidarity, Success, success, great success".

I wish Mr. Speaker and distinguished guests good health and success!

I look forward to welcoming you soon in Ha Long in August 2020!

Thank you very much.

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Advancing Parliamentary Partnership for Sustainable Community


Distinguished Colleagues, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.

We have come to the end of the conference, allow me to say some concluding remarks.

The world is rapidly changing and new challenges beset us on all sides. These are pivotal times in the history of ASEAN. We are facingTechnological leaps and economical transformation forces us to preemptively act, lest we find ourselves doing too little too late. These threats and opportunities remind us that an enduring, sustainable community is not guaranteed; it is painstakingly earned.

But communities cannot be sustainable without a firm foundation, built from the ground up. As parliamentarians, our connection to the people makes AIPA more important than ever. The insights we shared this week paints a portrait that reflects our varied situation and priority. To chart a shared course forward that preserves our unique identity, we must remember that the answer to tough conversations isn’t less talk, but rather more talk. Although much remain to be done, the march of progress exists.

This time we successfully engaged in dialogue with the ASEAN secretariat, taking the first step towards a new key collaboration. We also successfully agreed to establish an international legal database. This is a milestone in communication, ensuring that cross-referencing each nation’s legal position becomes more standardized.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is happening around us as we speak, and we position ourselves to reap its potentials by supporting a critical portion of our economy: our MSMEs. If we want to grow sustainably, it is essential that we do so inclusively; we cannot risk leaving pockets of inequality behind. We also integrated ourselves further by moving towards a Single Aviation Market.

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Expanding our view, the fight for woman’s rights is the same as the fight for human rights, we cannot build sustainable community if half of our population remains disenfranchised. This year we’ve taken steps to ensure they are not excluded from the rapidly expanding, highly innovative Technology sector. This is a complicated endeavor affected by numerous facets of history and culture, so we have also pledged to expand accessibility to the institutions of education, healthcare, finance, politics and justice.

The scope of AIPA is expansive and we wouldn’t be as successful as we are without the help of our dear colleagues and associates. This year, we wish to recognize the PIC, the GIZ and ERIA for their steadfast assistance. AIPA is grateful for all you have done. Thank you again to Dr. Chareon Kanthawongse and His Excellency Charles Chong, whose dedicated services have helped AIPA throughout the years. Finally, on behalf of AIPA, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Issara Sunthornwat, the Secretary of AIPA, whose tenure is ending this year. We wish you every success in your next endeavor.

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my privilege to pass on the Presidency of AIPA to Madame Nguyen Thi Kin Ngan, President of the National Assembly of Vietnam. Your country’s unwavering contribution to ASEAN leaves me confident that AIPA will reach new heights under your leadership. I look forward to ongoing collaboration as we work towards a strong, united and sustainable future for ASEAN.

I want to thank you all for attending this General Assembly. It was a pleasure to host you here in Bangkok, and I hope the conversations we shared will bind us long into the future. I now declare the 40th AIPA General Assembly closed.

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Badan Kerja Sama Antar Parlemen Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Gedung Nusantara III, Lantai 6 Telp.: 021-5715294; Faks.: 021-5715295 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: Instagram @BKSAPDPR; Facebook: BKSAP DPR; Twitter: @BKSAPDPR; Youtube: BKSAP DPR LAPORAN DELEGASI DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIA Ke Sidang the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) 25 - 30 Agustus 2019, Bangkok, Thailand