75c A Year in Advance. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 25, 1890. Second Year—No 56

CANDIDATES ALL NOMINATED. Chas. Fanner of Ovid, in a . Mr. for round trip. Train leaves St. Johns Fifteen cords of four foot hard dry 8onle of Ovid, wji« eleebnl aeoretary. Clemons withdi’ew. .\k there was no Readersof the Journal are amiady fa­ at7:.H2u. III. and leaves Grand Rapids wood. T. Stockton . choice a second informal ballot was tak­ Mr. Hill aaiil he was not hen? to make miliar with the facts in what/Mkaown ns to I'etnrn at 8 pr ------^------» L'Idcr. en and as therewere more ballots than the tlcriveu ditch order Caiife, tlie full {uxr- asix^h and would simply s iy that the there ought to be the result was not giv- .A gootl audience assembleil at I will Sturt niy Cider Mill Sept. 15, for .ticulai's of which have/uei'u detailed in bull lust evening to hear Mrs. Mary Lath- convention had met to nominate the eii. .Another ballot was taken with same custom work and cash will be paid for /J winniug ticket. result. The fourth ballot resulte- campaign from the jirohibitiou stain - sheet Miiklc! vote was made formal. county in the spniig of 1889, by pointtHl H8 follows: Mr. Howard, Eagle; J. (’. Rrunson ])rt»»eiiteermaneut organiza ­ of Ovid, nametl L. H. Allen of Ovid town ­ ment forAiie construction of what ii elans of mien gang alt a glee. M^wrill 10 region and beuefitted by this ditch. there has not l»een a drunken man in the The name^.lohu W. Clemons of Rath, bodA' bring in 3'our apples. It was after on.e o ’clock liefore chair­ The attorneys for the county tlien move jail for five years. Prof. P. W. Hill and was presiai^l for the office of surveyor for a rehearing before a full bench. This man Hill callwl the convention to order. by C. .1. (^ipman and on informal bal­ M. R. Hill sang stirring prohibition songs lot resulted: Mr. Clemons 58; G. E. Hol- motion was argueil last April before at both the afternoon and evening meet­ l^r Sale or Exenanae, The comiTiittee on credentials >vere the \ hou.so and one acre of land on Lans­ first to report and report every delegation listei^l. Thomas Hutler of Hingliam, Judge Drown and Jackson, and last ing. _____ ^ ^__ prejiented the name of Ezra of St. ing sti-iH-t, half way to the fair gi-ound. present except AVestphalia. week a decision was hmidcil down denying LiceiiHSM to AVe<1. •T^ins for circuit court commiKsioner the motion, 'i'herefore the judgement Newly repaired amLjtddition built. Plenty Duplain —A. H. Way, .V. E. Cobb, Win. /find inovecl that be be nominated Win. A. Abel, county clerk, .has issued of fruit, including 50 clioiinx j)lum tn ’es. Arnjour, .1. C. Rcbinson, J. A. Watson/ by acclamation, whicli was done. Frank stands as formerly reiidensl. The the following liceuses for the week ending J. H. Daily, Luther Eddy. • ^ Rogers of Tjebanori was nominated by amount of orders together with accuinu- Thursday: AA'ell and cistern. Will sell or exchange Groenbusli —Daniel Turner, .Addiwn acclamation forthesecond commissioner. lated interest and costs, now aniniiiits Hrpt. 18—Frederick H Doles, St. .To Huh , 2H; for more larM. AV. E. Sl.vdk . Dulse, \V. 'r. , James J. AVaVreii, A. J. Smith of Watertown, ami FTenry Miir.v iqilll|)H, Hciine; iie, RolsTt TiOive, for coroners by acclamation. cntly large to admit of its being taken to Sept. 18 —('liarleH F. .Moreland, St. Johns, Jacob Hoover, O. (). Peiry, (ViHubbell. F. AA’. Retlfern was prewuited for repre­ the United States supreme court, if either 21; Frunees H. Nixon, sanie, 21. DOWN SHE GOES Sejit. 22—John I’niiK. I’ortlnnd, 22; Julia Ix?banon —-L. (i. Hurch, Fpfink .Abbott, sentative in the legislature; L. AA”. Part- party should so desire. SiininonH, Westphalia. 111. TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. Johm W. Henuet t.------/i------low of Eagle, who withdrew his name. Sept. 2'J—.Milo VanDeusen, Elsie, 22; I HAVE ■ Hengal —.lohn Drown,, "Charles Corwin, .All informal ballot was tnkiMi: Isaac Blanche E. SneltinK. suiim *. 17. IVEWSLETS. Sept. 22—John Schllcht, I’ortlnnd, 20; Charles Hlakeslee. / (’ressman 4; F. AA’. Redfern 65; J. T. Marv E. Martin, Westphalia, 10. 300,000 ft Pine Lumber, Dallas—AVm. M. A’Oungs, AA’in.H, Sage. Dannds 8. (DifTerent Grades). Olive—Mui-shall^-Hand, Zepheniali Sex­ Mr. Retlfern was called for and thanked Horn to Mr. and Mrs.. C, C. Stanhope, Democratic convention to nominate Hemlock Build Stuff, ton, John AA’eth^lI, .Alson Hamilton. the convention and Newland Irish of De Owosso, a daughter. county officei-H Sept. 27. Riley—H. Nyvarixiiitcr, Clmrles Dane, AVitt, an aged Republic in of 84 and who Square Timber, J. H. Stone,/ has voted the the ticket for 63 years was L. J. f’alkins and children went to Clare Ovid —tJgirles Faraier, Geo. Faxon, also called for and addressed the conven ­ y«*Hterday morning on n visit. Business Locals . 200,000 Sliingles James .\/Cox, Hyrou V. Soule, C. C. Tay­ tion for a few moments in a happy vein. “A Midnight t^all,” at Newton hall next AVhich I will sell at the Lowestt-ush Pi-ices lor, D^id Armstrong, Nicholus.O. Smith Dress Flannels. N. I. Daniels of Watertown was ask**

t ^ ^ TOi Tlm-e terrible iliHeaHee and their con- Hood ’s SurHaparillu is in favor with ail Business Directory . foaniniin i» nfUntrfnif iiPmwMwy and VV ^ P»f- • Hr^ro * - - - P»¥KB4AN;:C ------TKODTPBMPSr ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ vilirkltiuphobia, \fM. T^nui-omo.; T)i*tn^Kt*ABrifiTht's DiHease,lkiuu»\uu 1)r. strength. KM) doses One Dollar. AKY P. HAVKNH, M. I». OrtlteoverR. at CONN & BROWN’S. THl’KSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1800. ('raiHi_ Dr. Praijc’e Kidney and Liver Electric Httten|. M .f. Woodruff's •tore. K€. JofiiMt. Oftlc# Cure iu an infallible njjnedy. To be liad This remtsly is IsMxmiing ho well kuow u liourti: t) to 11 Hill and 2 to .1 pin. 1 and so popular as to m-eil no sjsi ia! KUKEKA. of all druf^iptute. artin WKLI.KK, M. I». Offlreuearly THK IIKSr ITlir 0.\Tlli;.M.lllKKT mention. .Ml wiio hav? used Ele<;tric M CuiiKregatltdiifl church, Mt. Joliu. 2a Hev. and .Mrs. Woodard of Ovid vlaiteei Ititters sing the same song of irruise.—A K. a . j. WItUJINM, I'livHlcluii and Sur- at F. II. I’ortt ’H on Friday last. Afra. W. C«nHu.u„tlon incurable T pun ‘r intMlicine does not exist and it is D ireoii. Office over SulUviin ’M flothlng 080. i'JKROj AGEKT, - ST.J0H8S wfw formerly HattieBeainettofElaie,who] tj,e f„iiowiii|f ; W. C. H. MbrnH, gimrnnte «sl to do all that is daimeil. Kton*. 4Htf Electric Ilittei-s will cure iilT dtseiTsw of liuH been a teacher for jiboot twenty'-five Newark, Aak., Haya: “SVas down with tlie 'Liver and Kidueys, will rwiiove MONEY IfOANLNO. years and liaa uoneiuded she would like a ! Aiiwess of Lnnu:H, and friendsand jihysie- Pimples, Boils, Salt liheiim and other IC'IIIUAN MORTtiAOK COMPANY. affef'tions cauB^ liy iiiijium blood. —Will (IJinited.) Capital $75,000. Conawr of uithoat a axed Rutnyitive. Hep^fm taking l>r. Kbfg ’a^iew MWalker and Spring HtrectM, St. .f«>hiJH, Mon ­ .Miss Bennett isiH a very tstiinable lady d rive Mabtria fn>m the system Hml prn- ey to limn, InveHtmeiita marte, mortgages for I)i."M;oTer5~fT7r44«Msui«ption, am now on reiit as well as cure all MulariuI fevers. sale. A few plwes of land f<»r Hale. 1 and a Hijceessful leatdier and may joy and iii.v third bottle, and able ti) oversee the —For cure of Headiuihe, Constipation Five mill one-half nillen Huuthnnd one HiiccesH attend tliis new ventun*, is tlie work on my farm. It. is tlie finest inedi- md Indigestion try EI*H-tric Bitters—En- AITOKN’EYS. nilleeoat of St. .lolitiM. Mli-h. eine ever made. ” 'Jre satisfaidion guaranteeil, or money wisli of.ull her friends. .lesse Middlewart, Deentnr, Ohio, says: C. IIOTHF«>KO, Circuit Court Cominla- Uriuulera aiul iiturpera o Wm. .A»fH>n ^ol Pensylvania ouuie to *^f:indeKisiitlrij? xtrompy. lister house, lie wants to rent a farm near ; ‘l^*^** laing Ti-oubles. W as given ujiliy Kt. ilohnN Market*. Office at Ct)urt Houat*. St. .lohnw. Polacil Ctiaa acd Fertshlro Swine, I I doctors. Am now iu Ix^st of health.” (Cnrrected thiH murnlnK. Scjit. 2.%.. •’\foRTON ii IIHUNSON. Office formerly No 1 White w’heat...... 1l()(f/5).1c r » »» 1 rn a • aa * a i Tr.v it. Sauipie bottlss ffec ut Fildew & occupied by Auten & .Mohh , .St.Johns. AMERICAN MERINO SHEEP, j 1 he wile of Mr. .1. tlutz, lu a fit of tem-v Drugstore N(» 2 •' ...... i^.sfUaHHc Wyandotte and Plymouth Rock Fowls. No 2 Red wheat.....;...... l)2frJ l*4c EUEWA « LYON, Attorneys at Law, lafr'AII FtnrK elljflble forreKlnter. Intliviilu- ; porury iusuuity started for Oliio ou foot No n “ ...... SH«[i y ilHi'ley,...... fti 1 F ed and Inapwiton inviteil. , a few ihiya ago. Slie went to Bannister (late...... JUiaSTV^ ItiK-klln ’H AriiicH Salve. roru...... HOd/U.-ii^e M. H. C’AMTI.E, Attorney and .Money. Y ouiik Stoek for Hale, and Kfrpi in Heanon. I and from there down the railroad* track: rpi i a • ai . Loaner. St. Johns. I , a 1*1 t 1 r - 1 » li 1 he tiest in the world for cuts. Bruises, riover Seed...... 4-.00(f/'4.1() W nearly to Elsie where her friends found Sores, FIcei-s, Salt Hheum, Fever Sores! IteiiuH...... '...... l..'>04ft.7. ’'> . BRAT BEOS. & LOOMIS, iiuy...... UfttS INSCRANCE. 123’1 Pont office St. .lohnH. Mleli. I her and brouglit her lionie. j Tetter, Chaiiped Hands,ChilldaiuH,Corns, Potstfiee, new...... j S. IMaver of ('arlaiid visited at U. > Skin Eruptions, and positively Rutter—Fresh (ns to iiuiilltyl...... 14uJ.'>< eo . W. ESTES. Mre Insurance Agent. — , Ekkh ...... Id FlrHt-<-laH8 Insurance at lowest rates. Of­ Inark s. oil S iturdav. ' Piles, or no pay re(]uin ‘d. It is Tam.w...... »c Gfice with St. Johns News. f^nm-l-mifanjil ffi jnvn povf.w.f w!i»^iiT.intir>ii f.nrd ...... * ...... Mt’ Society Cards .______Uwe 1>II. INOIIA.M L<»IUiE, 4.3», K. ofH. —.Meets Flrat ami Third Wednesda.vH In every not put on so much style if tliey would Bmonth. M. F. I’lTTS. Dictator, / ftrif!,inil Kidimy and l.ivCT finrn iDiv their didits aiul that Mr. U. had never •fltf .1. O. WISE. Itworder. / piiitl buck lie borrowed when he was o<|Wheat Brotherb^ Crown Plasters and Pills. nmrriiHl. This was soon carried to Mrs. rriAii; ;— IL wlio is- “iluiiiler l ix,” ..She went d own Detroit, Grand Haven & Railway They sri* the <»nlv Safe Ueiuedh'H to use for , . i xi i- i- x a. i ------Taking effect M^oJ^ IKUO those nad.trd with Rrijfhfs DiKease, jjver | town and tiudlug K. at the store, slapped 1 roinplalnt and rHnarv .\fr«H tloiiH his iiioutli uiid ill a very “lady like hiii- ^ Until ftirther notice tyafns wfll fenvp St.Johns tluiHc preixin^d In tlie Dill !• if h.M an* tlieorl- , ... . UH below, central HtaiidarU time: irlnal anil the onlv .Kidney and Liver ('ure OI.NO WKHT. glnal gunge' told hint what she thought of him. Night expri*R>uT...... S:.’>8 am that will restore yon to perfiKt health. K had her arrested and the court fined .Mixed for Unind UapidH only ...... SrUO am Mt)rnlinpfnHn ...... am All Ladlw I'sa her flO and costs or stiid she might Ex\tnMHfov (irand Haven ...... 2:20 jan Fall Winter Goods! Gtarnd UapidH exprcHs...... S:.‘l2 pm board at Swigart'stweiiLv days. Ma*. B, IIUINU' K.VHT liustled around and got tlie ‘‘filthy lucre” DetrUHe at liouie. Mall for Detroit ...... 12:17 pm Our justice IS no r(*Hj»e)fng w«‘Ht and to assist ill some work in the new lodgi teWESF HOUSE IN TOWN! 8:28, 5:40 gie1i gant, Medium or Com­ j withJiglBiiiiig sp»H*d striking Mr<^"Bli.ss mon Grades at the ' on the hi|) and liead, iiiflietiiig.^evere in- fiuries. He was taken to liU home in a Lowest Prices. Iniggy. , CLINTON COUNTY j (’. (Jriiler has cy^iiiieiicinl breaking ! ground for a layge wheat elevator. j IjMwyer I*a(t«^'son was in St. .Tohiis, | I Tm*s(lay, qjrijusim*ss. INaiiier. Will jui’M'i-ve bodies from tlie outside elc- FAIR F'AIR iiieiits, iiiid we keeji them on hand. UREKMli:sU. . '1.1. H. .Vndrus and Mis# Lowerly Sun- FH R THE INDi-sritUCTIHLE Oar Facllitios for Caring for Bodies^^ (layed ill Ovid. Miss Kafio (loildard is visii.ini^ .Mrs. .1). AT ST. JOHNS. Holding Post Mortems are th^st. Pork ills at Ionia. BURIAL GA8KETI The untlersigtied has securetl th«* Agency Mrs. Moor and dauglitor, of Dushvillo for the above artirle wlilcb Is sonietbiiig new (let Our Prices iK'foee TNae’p Ord- , aro visitiiip: in tliis vioiiiity, It Is perfe<-tly air tight and made of a frame ers for Furniture or Pialertukiiig. Mr. Dunning, an old jiioiiwr of Essex, of woven Ht<*el wire surrounded fiy cement which win endure for all time and ’will pre- was buroied iu ('ometory on the Reddout SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER 1,2, 3. Kcrye-a. luuly. £ur yiuuai. . farm last Friday. R.M, STEEL SCO., Tlie subjwt of tlie Ejiwortli rx»fii?ue r next Sunday evening is ‘‘.V Teni|ieraiioe CHANGE 0F“3ASE. WnJLcr Street, St. Johns. About April Ist. 1 will n'luove my Furniture Prayer Meeting' ’^ulLuru earnestJ,yinvited aiul I'lidertakiiig lliiMiiieHH to the Sickles to come. lllock, nt the corner of Laurel Avenue and THE FIGURE ••9.'* . Mrs. Nancy 1. Ellis has returned from M State street where ! will fiave more room. TIm figure 9 In our dates will make a tong stay. her visit ntColemuii. No man or woman now living will ever date a (). .\. Whitlock ereidfHl a new w ulinill Special Room-Post Mortem Examioations document without using the figure 9. It stands on his farm, and marble slshs for laying out the dead. in the third place in 1890, where it will remain ten sermon liy our n(*w minister isexjs'ct- Soliciting a continuance of the generoim years and then move up to necoud place in 19001 oo given to cliildren as soon as Entrance Free. they can cat them. In this way the teeth liegin to grow hcaltliy, and .'--gff*' gradually harden with time and use. The chowinw gmn girl gives her molars SPECIAL PREMIUMS. plenty of wholesome ami unwholesome We will offer a special premium on colts from our Percher- exercise. But chewing gum is not especially healthy, because only part on liorse, Colin , at our coming county fair, as follows : fe£?2!r.55^ tolTTreT*" of the teeth are u.sed. It is jaw exor­ Colt one year or over —1st, $6, 2(3, $4; 3d, $2. Colt cise more than anything else. But in THE *• COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. eating hard, wholesome food all the under one year—1st, $6; 2d, $4; 3(3, $2. Tliis prenlium teeth come in contact with the sub­ is to be applied on the services of the horse. Boys bring rubber“"■“v* L tlrwui_ Tnia ollpptng cilnas to ©g. tba sIkm and »»»»•■*•M«v«ata iwth* stance. Tobacco chewing i.s not h(*a1thy CaU for the ** Colchester ** for the teeth, because the tobacco out you colts. Bird & H olbrook . “ADHBSIVB COUNTBR8 .’' is generally placed in one location, like AT RKTAIL I»Y chewing gum, and there remains, un­ I hereby offer the services of cither one of my horses for the til thrown out. The Southern negroes year 1891, for the best yearling colt shown; also the DDTCHEB BROS.. WHEELEB ft WILSON ITFO Oa, hare better teeth than most any race, same for the best sucking colt, got by Brennus . Also ST. lOHIS lERCAXTILE CO.. 18S and 107 Wabash A t#., Chioi^ because they use them from childhood $•1# by W. M. IIUNTLKV * €:0„ up in mastieating iiard loodP'—>(/ood same offer for best general purpose colt of any breed. R. J. WOODRUFF, 44yl JgfeBa, - W. B. Warren . I. I. flLDROR. Mrs. J. (J.Oroul haHb«*en I^ere on a visit Rert Hulef-.t, who <*nrrie<»ratur, t-upatrity aoo Mr. G. W. Oles did not fail to pleas«; the pounds per day, for all kliida of fruit and lier- Mrs. W. T. Davie« is attending the crowd with his numerous st'lecfions on rl«a. t'oMt f :)UO and l>een uaed •'! yeara. Will Chicagoex))ositiou and visitingrelatives. the violin. The local talent also rex^ived With Everv Cash Purchase of 12.50 or more we give one ticket to Clinton County be Mold dirt t lieup. rKTEK LITWlLKIt, J. H. Corbit has n*turneeen working at It is with the greatest confidence that time your X kwk ia |Mtid to. If your time .\lma for some time post spent Sunday Hood ’s Sarsaparilla is recommended for hB8 expired we invite you to renew the with his )>nrents. loss of apjxetite, indigestion, sick heiul RgMgaygBaB.! Huba‘Hption. Our terina are 75c a year acln;, and similar troubles. This nM*d- in advnnw and if not renewed. digestion aind makes one “ival hungry’’ IVe never change our prices wlieii we make this offer, it' is simply a gift to our Cus­ southern .Michigan. Perstms iu xh'licate, h»?ulth, after taking -At the low i»riee we c ini^ot truat. Hood ’s Sarsaparilla a few days, find tomers as an apprec’ation of their liberal patronage. We Guarantee Messrs. Thorflas niTxzard, Geo. Tncker thems«*lves longing for and eating the 1VK’\VHT..X1TH. and Misses Groce and TIattie Cook, siwiit plainest food with uuexjiectexl relish. •ur Prices as Low as an,v retail dealers in the state Sunda.v in Lansing. on tame (juality of goods. Groce Hmmoim viaited friends in Ovid, Rev. M’. ('. .\llen attended the Genessee Legal Notices . over Sunday. conference of Congngational churches at Otto .lohOin -is attending the Detroit Laingsburg this week. (^t'HKDULK OF medical'college. Mrs. Jl. F^Williams has urHvtnl home GREAC SPECIAL SALE •I.-V. Holbrook and wife visiterr «1, IHIM). day with the family of Rev. R. D. Sterns. KeKiilar KxaiiiInntlonH, St. .Johns, Tlnnn Mitchell & (’o. of Detroit, luis charge of 41hv >»wI FvUUtv, MarvU StU -and —Utli, Daiiforth Shattuck of Watertown, is Klsla, Friday, April 24tli, ISOI. the democratic nominee for senator in Hegnlar Kxaiiiiiiatloii, St. .Io Iiiih.Thursday and Frl.la.v, Aug. Uth ainl 7th. IHin. ■this district. Arthur Corbin left Monday moining St. .Pdins, Frldifv, Aug. 2Sth. IMDl. First and .S«H‘oiid (Iradfs grantfd xaily at he chilly winds of Fall are Mrs. F. H. Rose and. children of Lans ­ for Njishville, Tenn., where he will enter the lU^gulur Kxaialnatlons. ing are visiting relatives and friends in the dental department of Vanderbilt un ­ At the Kcgular I’uldle Examinations, ex- aiiiliiations f<»r Thlnl (Jra«le ('erlltl4-ateM will here, and the still more chilly this village and vicinity. iversity. Is-gln at 1 o ’x-loek on the first 4la,v, and ehxse at 4pm the next ei»artmt*nt of State, I^aasing, Ang. TJ, ISUO. To the Slu^rlff of the couut.vof.l ’linton cold with all its train of ills, you fltno P. M. at the M. K. chimdi. All the T. W. P'reeman, who has b«‘en visiting —.sir: Y«>n are hert-hy notlhe*! that at the ifeaeral ehHj;tl<»n J_o he held In this state, f»n members are n.Hiin'stetT to be present. the Davies in Oi eeiiliush and .frSr theTm^iTay Huee**eTIIiig ITfeTJrsT" XTonda.v ' of need a warm suit of clothea and ~3ra.dame Co iey, lab* with L. A. flmith in this vilhtge. left here Tic-^Mlav morning November next, the fon<>wliig oftleers are to for Sussex, England, his old home. ernor, Sia-retarv of State, State Trensuivr, overcoat. Now, to meet the large Co. of Detroit, suiMTiutends the dress- .\nr ' the Raptist chuivh next Sunday at 5:4.5. voiircoiint.v; also, an assoclati-./nstlcc«»f the you fail to visit that establishment. ’ Snprelne O’mrt t«» till the vacancy caused hy Subject, “The Wages of Sin. Teinj^^r- thedeath of .lam<*s V. Cnmphcll. The term ThcOwo-iso fajr was a great success FILL Ml mm CLOTIIilC. anx^p M»*eting.' - • l.\(iK .SAI.K.—Oefault havinghn-n The officers of the fair and citizens offer made in the conditions «(f a mortgage a juirse of |i4,000 for a fn ‘e-for-all trot daughter made an affidavit la-fore the Mcxecnteil hy I*et**r Fliik and his wife Allcc Fliik nr tse latest st7 i.es . t«i Samuel" S. \Valk<-r anil Edwin E. White, the Iasi da.v of the fair; f2,000 to first, warrent was issm-d and when the exum- whl«-ii mortgage hcjirs d)ite one thousand ination took i)lace sin- absolutely refnsHl eight hundred )ind six. ninl r**corded I)«-c«“iii- |tHoo to sx^'ond, ^700 to third to her .•$<». ISMd. nt H o'cha k P. .M, in the «»tflcc fourth f20(» tofifth. All distance waived. to testify against her father, and the of the n-gistcr of 4leeds for Clinton county In the state of .Mh-hlgan, In llher C,J) of mortga ­ There will bo a business me<>ting of the pros<*cnting attorney could not do dif- ges on jmge 4h. oirwhhh mortgage there is The Goods axe nice, warm, well tnThcrmatter., — . ” eiHlme4l to4w due ut..-.tLi:* date of tJtls not h’c Epworth League next Friday evening at the sum of two Inindred 4hdlnrs. and no suit Rev. C. G. Thomus, the returmvl pas­ <»r proceeding at law »»r in e4|Ulty having hcen the M. E. church. Every member is re- instituted to n-ccjver any jiart of sahl sum. made and durable, and will bring ne o ’chick in the afternoon, tla-re will He able wife were given to understand that sold at ptihllc auction t«» the highest bidder, Dennis Marshall, will enter the twenty- nt the w«*st front sloor «)f the Clinton county six mile road race, lield at Detroit some they wc-re welcome to stay in our midst court house, in the vllhige of St. .lohns, Ml«;h- the wearer. . another venr at least. \ handsome set Igan, thc. prcmlses d)*scrllM-«nh said mortgage day next wwk. They start from Pontiac , ,, , . , , (f<»r the i*uri»osc i»f satisfying th«-amofjut d)ie <)| wo re pi-eH<‘litPtlMtor vU; T4o«-smtt4v eight, u.u.1 and tlnish in front xd the D. .V.-AL-clnL n'alM In whlth 4>frthe w«-st halfaf hh»ck neven house. Then; will be over thirty entries. and wife were invitcKl out to tea nnd dur ­ In the village ol EmmoiiMvIllc.lnCllnloiiceiin- ing their ubsence the jnirsoiuige wjis tv. Michigan, according t«» the n-c«»r(le. IKUO, Jiy the ludge of Probate of hours. His first xpiarterly mwting was ShlawasKii' ('onnty, Michigah. to sell n-nl »-h- neat speech on ,their arrival and nmde tate belonging to Chaney Jlill, di-ceascd. 1 arxd LoW Prices. flxexl for Ovid next Sunday. them welcometothechurch another year. will sell nt piihllc auction to the highest bld- era houseJast Friilay evening did not ropnir shop and is doing a good businoss. far east as land on the south heretofore own ­ ed by .J. C. Terrill, on block K In sabl addit ­ drawn full house, although the enter­ He is building a handsome house and ion. Paris Ideal Range, tainment was well worthy of it. The will soon fioriipy it. We found the ('httMc IJated, Augnst 2M. IHDO. H. ccdd Ehack . Baxter’s, Welcome and Philharmonic orchestra nuiderxnl sx'veral Bros, of the Ithaca Journal doing ai sat­ .":iw7 .\dmlnlstrntor. delightful pix'x'es and demonstrated the isfactory bnsiiH'HM nnd getting to the Matcliless Cooking Stoves! fact that they undei-stand their several front. At 8t. Louis we met several old hcrt-bylglTcn that hy virtue anil In imr- aiianceA' <>f license anil authority grnnteu to Also a Complcto Line of parts. Mr. and Mrs. Heth added gnmt- friends. W. H. has been engvig- me, the undemlgneil, »)n the eleventh ila.v of .June, A. 1). IHtm. bv the .luilge of Probate of ly to the enjoyment of the ocaision., ed in the drug business for seventeen .ShiawasseeCounty, Michigan, to sell real es­ years nnd has built up a good business tate belonging to (‘hancy Hills, ilei-eascil. I Cool and Wood Heaters, \ very quiet wedding took place in this will sell at public auction to the highest hbl- village, at the residence of C. H. Rennett, nnd now thkes his comfort. Geti. L. (ler on the ‘.iail «la.v of August, A. I>. IMIM), at one o ’clock r. M.. at the west front floor OliYer PlowsEmpire Drills_ "last Thursday cvenintj, the eont -i'aeting --Pubekia juflt-OS Uiuchji lover of a fln^ -of tbo Clinton County Court Hfiiise In the vll- horse os ever and he hastwo extra good lage of Ht. .Jf)hns, In snhl county, subject to —M fttrdware at Low Prices. parties l>eiiifc Frt-d Rowlo, of the Mutual all Incumbrances nne- Walker Street West. Iveing handh>d this fall and shows extra trolt and .Milwaukee Knilrnnil, lielng off of present. Rev, Nierthriip officiated. The the southeast quarter of_ the south­ band boys were on ham! and furnished fast gait. Another fine horse is the five east quarter of section 7. town 7 north «>f range 2 west, and containing seven Bonie very fine selections of music after years-old stallion, Passmont, sired by aeres of larid, more or less, sulOect to the Posocos, which i>romiseswt*lI. Mr. Green right of snhl railroad. If It has any : also the which tln'y did full justice to the fine sup­ north half of the southeast miarter of sec­ FALLEN! per provided by Mrs. Rennett. The bride brother of Mrs. R. J. Woodruff is engaged tion 7, town 7 north of range 3 west. Dated June U8d. IHOn. ___ __ PrkTH have fallen on Handkercliu*fs! is a daughter of Joshua Phillips, and in the furniture business and doing well. H.rCDDEBACK, 4nw7 Administrator. Something new in themouth organ line. Call and See. sister of Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. F. H. Rose, There are evidences of prosperity in The above sale has beentpostponed to Hep- Mrs. Wilton Andersen and Reuben Gratiot county on every hand. The tenil>er2ad,lHl)0,nt the time and placeaimve mentlnneil. , Tinware at the Lowest Bottom Pricea. Phillips. . 8he is well known in Northern new village of Pomiieii has sprung np Datefl, Haturda.r, Hentember 2ad. 1H90. H.CEDDKBACK, Glassware aud Water St-ts Sold Clieap. Michigan, having had charge of the tele­ almost like a mushroon, but its build ­ Administrator. phone line at Traverse City some time ings are of the substantial kind nnd de ­ The above sale Is again postponed to t)cto- Everything kept at the Lowest IMces in School Supplies. ber 17. 181K), at the time and place above and for the past two years has been em­ notes prosperity. Ithaca is getting over mentioned. _____ ^ ' ployed in the manager ’s office at Grand the late Are and brick blocks are D...d. Tm..!.,. NEW YORK BAZAAR Itapldg: ------o o vering the burnt di striet.------Admla krtsato r.

'jsK____ POLTOAMT ON THE i'NCMKASE. I noul.*iiiKer ir&« bound in honor t/) ovorthnitv or ronds are to ls_- orranlz^ TH NEWS Report or .1.. rtorT^ornn.l-Mon K.oom- ^ul tlutl th« pa. tU*. dl.u.. under J, K. Giuldard ’s managcuiciit. OneS'rj of THE SENATE AND HOUSE. nieudlnv Further l eglHlMtiuii, j Colorado Kepiibllcen*. Uould's scheme - may iv*i*lbly l>i- realized. BY THE ST. JOHNS ircWS CO. — The retail v..iiiiit>>.>liti> hu uiudL -d-ta-j — The Htutu M i>«*n- ^ Count Tolstoi tiiariouHly Hi. - VVORK OF OUR NATIONAL LAW­ the Sorrelury of tliu Interior a Itiijrtliy re- j ver. C 1.. hue unminuU'd Uio f< lloWljur t-* ’!' I omit Tol.>tol, till! famous Kusslun author. MAKERS. THriJHDAy, HEPT. lir>. 18W‘. port of it'i (iperiitlrey: Tre:isurer. .Io!m country seat. The Count'* health has lieen feature of the report 1m tin-reeuinniendntl<»u , U. Kes.il.ir; Herietary of State, E. J. Eaton: fulling for —jine time. 1^' b now CO years Prooaoilinga of tho Ronato and Hoaso- of TUE NEWS REOORD of furtherlealMlatlirulii Mupinut oftlioex- j Audll ANO THERE. ------j A }»u>8 en«e.r tnln n » the New York, Xew Urea found i-ni >king cigarettes and will hold In conclusion, tho commissiun repeats what dar and then resumel the conslderution of i OrleariK and T»*xaM Itoad wjiM wrecked by a them liiitil they tell w.lio -ohl tho contra It said 111 Its last ixipurt: •That In this the Senate bill tj establish a United States Polltloal, Comraereiel «udIiUiniirial N«wa nilsplarod »wlt«-h at Vlcksherg. MUs.. and band gisKls to them. land court and to provide for tlie settle- iinUter the Oovernmeiit and Congies.s should th? euzlnecr aud fiiemun weio killed. A fiom AU Over the Lend—Fit^ea. Aool* take no backward or even waveilng step, Lou ght Ure Mltwaukow uml ment of private land claims Iti tho States freight train .vas derailed at WyoininR, evaaai UblonuTo, "WyoiliTnir." ffiTd in the dents And Crimes—The Gist uf the News hut should Cinitliiue the active and vigor- The Chicago, Milwaukee and N. Y., by a swltcti^ that had beeneen taken | Uoad'has ulMuit coiisumniuted a deuJ by Territories of New Mexico., Arizona and —in n Fow Unofl.______-o ua eufiiccemont o f-the Jaws, and tlio im- dUsC ors JUUOwero — Min wig/.i-Wo rk of,,e i „Meh U will neuuli t' ptwiesslon nf the Mil Utah. After a long discu.ssion the hlH was provemunt of them by the umendment of train wr«*<*ker«. •niia • asiao; wliliuut -aetluu. The prlvAfa WEATUKK ANO CROPS. such as would make thoni more effeetlve, waukec and .Northern line. The price Is la pension bills on the calendar were taken up ami by enacting such other laws us expe­ <*en. Ko weraiiH Uoiinro.!. the neigbborh'-HKl at Jio.ooo.noo, and eighty of them were passed In tlilrty The Signal Service Report of Tempera- At Toledo the Society of tho Army of nilnutes. Tlie Senate then adjourned. turc and Kmtnfall. rience may show to bo wise and more elll* Diasatintlett Htuekhohlera Meet. "rarluuH to uceuiupllsh the desired end. ” the Cutnberluiid elected officers. General In tho House, Mr. Haugen (Wis.) Tho Sii^nal Office at WashlnKton furnishes At a meeting held Ih Hartfor Atlantic and Gulf coasts. In At New York City, Electric-Light Line­ Steel Made from Southei*n iron, the lake region and central valleys the bus. ference report. Mr. Haugen then calletl up man Koop was tortured to death by it --t — The flrst successful attempt to luuko steel daily average has Iwen from h> 4 gn*es “Jive” wire on tho polo at Thirty-fifth the election cage, against which Mr. O’Fer- Offloial Figures ft*om Maine. from Southern iron occurred at Chattanooga, rall raised the question of consideration- l)elow normal e.vcept lu Illinois, where It has street and Broadway before tho eyes of tho been ul>oul 0 degrees, in e.xtreim* N’oi thern An Augusia (Me.) dispatch says: Official Tenn., and explodes tho Idea that Sout hern Ihirlng tlm roll-call nearly all tho Demos Minnesota tlie deffidency lias raiigeil from lieoplo wlm wore streaming out of Park returns of the vote for Governor are as fol ­ Iron contained too much phosphorus to cratlc moiiniers deserted the chamber, leav­ to 10 degM*« ‘s. Tlie temiMM-at lire for tlie s4>a- Theater. Many of the people saw the line­ lows: Burleigh, 04,100; Thompson, 45.2.'50; make steel. ing but a bare dozen present to look out for non continues in excivss. i>xc«>p| in northern man mounting the iiole. He was about to Clark, 2,M9: scattering, 950. Total, 113,363. their interests. The result of tho vote wut pjirtions of tin* Kpiier Lake region, and the fix something iilxnit tho lanip.s, when sud ­ Burleigh’s plurality, 18,040. There has Ix'cn Potter and Lovell Arre.sted. announced: Yeaa, 136; nays, 15—the clerk Upper iMIssi.ssIppi and Missouri valleys, in denly lie Itecame limp, and tho awful sizzle no Change In tho ll.'it of Senators us piib- Walter Potter and 'W. I>, Ixivull, business noting a quorum. Mr. llaugen Immediately' tho North w«‘st tin* di'llclency ranges of huriiing tlosh could he heard by tlio partners, of New York, were arrested on demanded tlio previous question on th« ll.Hlu'd. The next House will stand 110 Kc- election case, and the direction “AH from-i to degrees. Tlie rainfall for tlie crowd below. It bnppened that Suiiorlnteii- the churge.H of embezzlement and larceny. neasoii lias lieen in exce.!s in tlie dlstrleis on pnhlicuiis to 41 Democrats. go out, ” wa* given by Gio Democratic dent (’harb».s W. Kipps of the Brush Electric Each furiiislicd a bond of $75,000. the Atlantic coast, ami in Iowa. Missouri, MuHked Oesporadues Terrorize a Family. managers. It was not necessary to put Light Company was a visitor at the theater. this direction Into force, for after an em­ Arkaiisjis, and E.-isterti Kaiisa.s. TJiere lias Two masked men entered tho house of Presl'Iontlal Nominations. been u detlclency ill all other districts. In He came out and took In the situation at a Tlie following nomiiiutiuns liave been phatic protest of Mr. ('headle (Ind.) against the Lake Kegioii there has tieen from one- glance. With flie a.ssistance of Manager Timothy Carroll at Lenioiit. Ill., with tho stifling of debate, Mr. Haugen withdrew drawn revolvers, and ordered him and his made: Indian Agent.s —Davis Wade Mat­ his demand aud proceeded with an argu ­ ___ half to three-«inarters of an Inoh. There Ilnnleavy ho succeeded In releasing the thews, at Klamath Agency, Oregon; A1 TTm. I Tl..... ' liii iMrtil .JVl. Ttinr Hnr-I-HT- r»n.,ce -rTrrt dluaxtun tunTn hie -rnyT-tHtn --Krr» family to throw up their Imnds and turn ment of the case. Mr. Cheudle, of Indiana, itiptr iiumcy. Huaan , atflraiulo B^ltldn Ur«^|->n. sniike iicalnst the maloritv resolution and "only light sTniw'ers In tlie eolinlry frotu Tho late 'o save tlio vlctlm’.s life. A pliy.slclan Dakotas southw'ard to Nortlieni Texas. tho matter went over. The Speaker an- worlvcd over the m.^n for half an hour in to resist, when they fired at him. striking Langdon Exonerated from All Klame. Ha rvestlng iias lH*en completed in Dakota, him In the leg. and then beat liltn Into in- William Langdon. wlio shot J. W. Bevan, iiuutu*ed his signature t© the river and-har- the vain effort to resuscitate him. hor appropriation bill and the House look a but has been delayed in Minnesota by ex- 8 onsiblllty. They se<*ured fl2 and fled. who had a moment h«>foro killed Mrs. Lung- cesslvi* rains. Killing frosts have occurred IT IIUIITS TRADE. recess, theeveiiiriK session to be for tho con ­ 111 Nebraska and Iowa, w.ltli sllglil damage Oram iii aight. don, was exoncratod from all blame by the sideration of bills reported by tho Commit ­ coroner ’s Jury at cTintou, Iowa. . to late corn. Corn Is considered safe in Wheat Values Here aii«L Abroad Tend to The following is a statement of the visi­ tee on Military Affairs. At the evening Indiana and Illinois, wlicre winnit seeding Check a Free Movement. ble supply of grain In store and afloat, as Michigan Farmers' Alliance. session Mr. Allen (Mich.) presided. Several , and corn cutting are progressing, Tlie Senate bills were passed and tlie Hou^e at R. G. Dun & Cb.'s weekly review of trade Issued by the Now York Produce Exchange: A State I’ariiiers’ Alliance has lieen or ­ 10:30 adjourned. toniperafuFC and sunshine havi- been lielow says: ganized af Lan.sing. Mich. Aliout seventy-, the average in Kansas and Missouri, and Wheat, 17,.509.729 hushols; liicr**ase. 09,.3.38; In the Senate,, on tlie 18th Inst,, tho c:il- warm wmitlier Is needed for corn in tlie The root of the pre.scnt flnatirlul diffi ­ corn. 8.130..'>30; d< ‘<*rcase. 120.097; oats, live delegatc*s, representing eleven counties, endar was taken up fur an hour and tho fol ­ latter State. culty Is that wheat Is ijuoted at 1)3*4 cents 3.999,180; Increase. l.'>.3..'>09; rye, .'19s.392; In- were present. ' at Chicago, 8l.02Ji here, giid only about lowing bills, among otllirrs, were passedr TliKEK .MKN KIDLED IN IOWA. cre:ise, 27.092; barley, 823,420; Iticrca.'-c. j Killed with ail Umbralla. House filllRo amend tli6 articles of war i*el- Si.03 at Ll%'ei*pool for the same grade, so 201,132. tliii^t no free and natural movement to tho Cerile PeiirMiii was killed In a quarrel atlve to punishment on conviction by Wrock of a Feplglit Train Noiir C'uiineil seuOoaid. or hence to Einoju*. can t ike J^estroyine the Gatos in the Daiiulio. with a farim r iiameid Howard, at Wlniiepeg, «*tmrt-mttrtlttl: Senate bill to pi'tivhle for Rtrmjr. ------place. SlmltaT objeettr cticclr The-TnrTvx~- i .-A- V^Uuum. cable . sayai, Tiu; work of «le- I t y his antagonist shoving an umlirella Jntsi the bispe4*tioii of live c:ittle. hogs, and the- ATTIsiidrous wft^Tf occurred on tliO TVa- meiit of 8411110 other prodnct.s. E.\- sifiiylng till* Iron gai«‘s In the Danube has j his left eye. Hfwes ami prmliu'-ts tbtavsif wlihiU bnsli , Kailway eight miles sontlieasi of poFTs ?tf" w heal* rmrl—corn —mr—no t the suhjei’ts of interstate ,commerce; .Seti- "iH'gllll ill (he piI'M'iirc—rrf—the Hupg !i!'i!in Fo rty Poise weii hy Cann ed FiuiH tlio- grt oie of Lieiito ir.iiit Council KlulTs, Iowa. A frclglit train from half fhewe of last year at corre.spondiiig and SiTvlan Premiers, tin* Austrian .Sllnister Forty iwi*ddliig gu«st.s at Monongahela ~l;:TiTtt A. TTinsl-.t itig of —eigliteen —all duie.-i. while Imports arc coming forward in General In the army of tho United States; of C iiiiinerce. and other Ministers and offl- | City, Pa., were pol>o i4‘d oix Monday by eat- Senate bill for the relief of wotnt ‘ii eii- loaded wlt^i mercliandi.se, raTiTnld~a hurn- la4«ti v-oluiuo.. a-iixicty Xo get guoUs ouloruii lien* bi*forc the new tariff goes Into effect ctalsof tin* three countries InUTested. and ing (tinned fruit. All have renivered. Tnllcff ■ffi?—ffTiny--- tnirseh;-----Sen;itu —bttt- Ing Inddge or trestle-work and the eiiglee bt'ing great. Tlie Interior money markets a largo coneonrsi* of iieoplo. grantiiig the right of way to Hie Slier- and tliirieeii cars wejit througli to tlic are gi*nerally cl«i.ser. witli ilie strong di*- . Kx-CoiigresKinaii Thornburgh Dead. man aiul Nortliwestern Railway tkimpany -g rtiun d. forty feel belug. XLe bridge Ls. EricNKun'ii Last Itestiiig Flaco. Jac'ob M. Tiiornlmrgli. ex-memher of Con- Hir.iiigh Hie Indian Territoryl; tlie Setuito* luaud -WbiclL an _uuprecMt ‘uLC*on ’s l«Hly at I*'lplpst4id. Sw*4en, dipil at Knoxville, aged .'>3 years. Ing at Coloradi) Springs, t'ol. Mr. Mainler- too lute to prevent a wreck. Tlio killed 100, as compared with 103 last wei-k and 2ii3 111 * entin* population of tho pl.'ice as^etn- son pr4*sented re.solutions relative to tluv the we4*k previous to the last. Kor tlu* eor- bh“d at tho doiHit to «io ho lor to the dead. Tho Miiiiioapollfi Flour Output. de;itliof the late Reprc*s4*nlative Ltiird. :ind were; .M.artln Eskridge, the engineer; Tlu* flour output at .Mfnni'npoli.s la.st week after ix'inarks by .Messrs. I’addjX'k and Maii- Josepli ilnrke, (ireman; liobert Williamson, rcspondlng wtVk of last year lliu ligures The coffin was d«*podte;l in a cliapel espe­ were 10ft. cially constrncti-d to r.*celve It. was 1T2.000 barr.'ls. against 100,92.> the pre­ derson tlie S«*nat4; adjoiirni'dr In ihe Htinse, hcati Inak'ehfan. Eskrltige was buried un ­ ceding week. .\ dull market is noted. while atfemptiiig t > get a quorum for tho der Ills engine ami burned to dmvUu Tho FIVE HUNDRED L<).8T. Gave tpieeii Victoria a Lion. approval of tlie Journal, tlic doork«*eper» A Silk House Assigns. firoiiuin was caiiglit iindm* a ear coipainlng The SuHaii of Sokoto. who rules ov<*« 12,- looked tin? diMirs to prevent D«*moci*ats An assignment Inis heeji made by the T. a tank (>f oil and mot a horrible deatli. His A liulf Thuusantl of tho Crow of a Tiirkisti 000.000 lu'opli* in West .Afrlea, has presiMited leaving tlie 4*liaml or. Hardly luid this l»eeii War-Sliip I’erl.Hh. H. Salter Silk Conipany of Boston. Tho Clotlies were saturated wltli tlie stulT. and his fellow sovereign. Queen Vk’t'Oria. with iloiie liefore R«*i)r«*seiitaHve Kilgore (Tex.) Advices from Hiogo state that tin* Turk­ a. magnificent lion. Tlu* animal has ar­ liabilities ari; alxuit :?2.'>.000. liri'sented lilm.s<*lf :U the door on tin* .'speak­ Wlicn the fire reaelie<| lilm lie was literally er's l«;ft liand ami sought to go out into the ish man-of-WTiT- Ertogronl has foundered rived at Liverpool and will iirolmhly be A Strike iii .Salt Lake. rotisted alive. When dlsotjvered by tin* at sea. and that .'>00 of her crew wi*u* lobby. He found tnnt the door conductor atid anutin'r brakoman he was taken care of at the Z(hi At Salt Lake. Utah, a general strike has drowned. Usman I’asba, whose victory ov 4*r locked, and Hio doorkeeper refused not yet dead, and talked freely alsnit his Flro Horror in Rerlln, belli lnangural4*(l on Hi * elect rlc and streot- to unlock ,lt. Mr. Kilgore gav*.* a- tlie Kn.ssians at Pleina gave him a liigli Citr line.s. sudden ami vigorous kick aud tlib- perilous situation. Hii eompaiiloiis could rank as a fighting general, was on iKnird By fi fire which desti*oy«*d tlu< rO'>id<*nce do iiotliing luit console him. Tin* he:nl of ji rich merchu'it name 1 Fi’Icli.s. in KrleJ- frail lialze structure flow open and Mr. and was lost. He had lH*en oii/iin official Tiiniielefl Tiito a Rank VaiilE Kilgore strode out. He was followeil by" brakeman was thrown about tifty feet. He visit to Japan, liavlng been Inf rust»*d with rlcb street. Benin, two of his daughter**, Koblu ’rs tunneled Into a bank building at Roi)res4*ntatIves (’rain (Tex.). C.'uiiiiiiiiigs lived two hours. a speebH-mission from the Sultan to tho aged sixteen and fourteen resjiecllvely. i Tin* Dalli*sr, Ore., filew open the vault, and (N. Y.), and t'oleman (La.), who in turn HIE NATIONAL GA.ME. Mikado. The Ertogronl w.as .a woo 4U*ii ami tlie governess and a maid W4*re burned I siicnred alimit $10,000. ; forced the lo<*k open without opjxisltkm: frlgute-bullt crii.sler of 2.344 tons displace ­ to death. from tho d4X)r-kecper, At Hie moment Mr. How tho CTuhs in the Itaso-Uail Leagues Funny Davenport Ill. Kilgtire drove the door flying wide open ment. She mountt'd forty-one guns of No Money for the Rati Flayers. Fann.v Diiv4*nport. the actres.s. Is serious- . k4«iid. R4*pr«*soiitatlvo Dliigl«riilslng lil3 Chicago .... .77 ;)1 .60*2 Brooklyn . .73 51 .580 Hnit Hiere Is no money t > pay their iii.-.se tnidly. —Ihirtlier pua erdlngs un rirr the BoHtdII ...... 71 40 .(X)2|New York. .60 .7 ‘i ..">70 jiri4*s. a ml Hiat tliosi? wiio want tlu-lr re­ Rad Flai'e lor a Nup. c:iH were dlsj.ensed with. The Journal was Philii(riiihia73 40 .r/Js!Chicago ... ..CO (’>0 A Slenugorle Terrorizes tho I’eople of a A fireman on a I’eiinsylvaida freight train .South African Town. leases e.'iii liuve tluun. Sums ranging tlien approved, the.Clerk noting a teml4*r near Elizabeth, New York.. u7 64 .47i i’ittsimrg . 64 M:iil advices from Kimberley, South from $300 to $'>00 are . ' cages in I’lllls' inen:igerl<* cont:ilnhig tin* h:is in his possession Hi?* writU‘n confessions cut l.s given b.v tho Cen.sn.s Bureau as 745,- wit.s order»*d. Tliero'w t re i)ul 151 members- filimic-apuliB .74 42 .638 St. Louis. . .,70 48 .o'.M Jlilwuiik'x?. 73 .43 .(2.1 (kiluiiilnts. .67 .51 .■)68 wild animals and set tlieni all free. Tlu: of Held. C:iln, ami Bnett. givin-g all tlu* de ­ ftOl; increase. 133,101. present, aiul Hie House an City (Nev. j illspatcii says: («ov- MURDERED ItY THE INDIANS. liter ;ind liarhor bill. . Tim Georgia eotton crop show»;d a de ­ banks and to rettorl* to the ehajinelsof e:-iii'.r Ciiaiics C. St«*V4*jiisori. of Ni*va(la. crease of 2.) per cent. It sutTered from rust. trade tlie exc4*ssh'o accumulntioiis of law­ Two Miners In New .Mexico .Shot anil Thinks He Hus Found Defaulter Tate. [ dh years (dd. was sliot .1. McBey. of SprIiiglieUl. Mo., thinks lie j TUE MARKETS. reai.’lied on th.a ealeiular. Mr. S]u?i— lias- locat<*f —No. 2...... 46 (<« .47 " would flnally rexnll In a ctmtracMon of Hie Conist >ek and he has lieen in tniniii ever i also by Indians. Mcce islii tracks wen* Wool Growers and the McKinley Rill. Gats —No...... 36'<;>3I .b7>A (;iiir«*ncy.. After further discussion tlu; 1)111 ninee. He held many pnlilh*. oiiices. Till* I found in tlu* vicinity. A posse has left At Ctilumims, at the ineetlngof Ohio wisil K VK—No. 2...... ;...... 60 S ,02 went OV4T. Adjounu'd. In tlie Hons4-tl)e de.'ifli of Lieuleniint (Mivir ior Davis jiliout growiTs, resolntlons were.ndopted Indorsing BuTTV.n —(’boice Creamery...... 19 9 .22 day was spent Jn roll calls, tho Speaker’s Chloride to warn miners and get Informu- (’tiEKSE—Full Cream, flats...... 08 .00 u year a'.ri> leaves tln> Stall* wllliont :i he,ad. the sehedule of wixil duties < o;itained in Hu* 9 count of a (inornni being several 1km as to the killing of botii men. Eoos —Fresh...... 17 <9 .18 times questioned and tellers being Mi’Klnley tariff 1)111 as affording the host Fotatoks —Hebron, per ba...... 80 9 .65 5l.\V RESUoT IN A STRIKE. FI.SASTER IN MEXICO. appointed to verify the . cuiiiit The proteellon to be obtained under the elrcnni- INDIANAPOLIS. rATTLK —Shipping...... 8..W & S.OO iinestion of Veiial)le lM*lng duly ek*<*ted w:is Indiana aungii tin* en ­ wlille piislilng a train uji the grade ex-* ■ ft^.'iO 5.00 Four Million People iii One Frovinco Reii- 9 MORSELS OF GASTRONOMY. tire e.impetltive ill-lrlci, Inelndlng Illlinds, plofl»-d Its iMilter, kiiiing tin* fireman and 3.0J 9 4.00 ilereii n«»uictwxxr- ' ------injurnrg Hie engTheer' aiuT'a TM-akemair. ' Whi;\t—No. 2 Re«l...... 90 1.01 -Indiana. UIdo, ami a part of i'eniisyiv;inla ('ldiM*s«* advice*, say that the ^'ellow River No. 2...... ,.W 9 ,51 Nobody wbo lias ever been to seacaros O ats —No. 2.Mixed ...... snd V'it—i»jtn. flmxl and oth4*r f!o ngre*s frorn flu* First Otilo (’..n.v —No. 3...... 48 9 .48 to crawl out of the gastronoinical calen ­ A I'4-Ycur-Olil Il4»y FerlHliOH In tha Ruins misery in Shantung Is almost as great, District, lias writt«*n a letter to lik. eoiiHilt- j ...... 38 >^(9 .891^ dar. .68 9 .86 s, S>(M\v:iy vUI:i, tint ctniiitr-y uvsidfiuH* of t-iioiera is previil»-nl in .'“tTaiiglinl nnTpnnTttT^ ItXX—No, X.- .63 9 .65 t iystcr pKr.agraphIc facotlon.<»ne>«.s is In erii districts, and several Europeans have a candidate for re-<*l«‘<'tlon. DKiltOlT, order. boi;io of it Is of tflo vintage of 5Ir. Mancin-st; r. a wealthy New York UATTt.E...... 3.00 ® 4.75 bisiker, situated on tin* “tone road, three buccutn]M?d to It. I’rosparlt.v of the .wwlteliiiieii’* Union, IBsis...... 3.00 a i,6o 14'.>2. ■ . miles ea-'-t of Troy, N. Y., Ims lu-i-n totally Llroctor ot the Worhl’s Fair. Re|)orts h:i ve lu*4*ii preseiiti-d to tho Switch­ SheUp...... 3.00 9 4.50 It Is reinarkablo how disgusting a. Whkai -^No . 2 lletl...... iff 9 .og ik':- -O ats No , 2 Whli,*...... 40 9 ,41 peach. ytrar's i<*ceti)ts t-$9'<,.372i, $'6,100 was paid for TCiLI.O g . fr>m a two-story window. Late.i* it waa t.'uliimblan Exposition. lie waa recom- y^i-AT...... 9 .98 Salmon croquettes are Tory-good In- di-covereil tlnil Mr. Maiu*i;c-al of dl?:cusslon regarding It Is annonn. ‘<*d ih.at tin? Atchison. To ­ p'reneh cooks now make a very pala­ hoii^i*. Cat -r.i; -Good to Prime...... 4.09 « 5.09 the merit : of oilier candidates, I'lerted to peka and Santa I'l? U:illway has bought a H ooh - Medium aud Heavy...... 4.75 5.2.> table sauce of a grecji color to go on- Raising the iiaies. .the vitally imi ortnnt place of Director controllliiK lnt4Tt?st in the Colorado Midland Wheat -No. I Hard...... 1.13 9 1.15 frog-leg.s. I General. His elei’tiori was unanimous. C«)KN—No. 2...... 51 » .51^ Hates by biko* ami rail will lu* advanced Bailroarl. The Colorado Midlaml Oper:itc; EAST LinERfy. Soinebody claims to have discovered Oet. 1 liy Northwer; roc.ils on gr:ilii. flour, CATn,K—Common to Prime.. Hi I Itoulangor (haileuged to Fight. 274 nilk ’s of mad. 9 4.75 at a New Kngiand resort a llshbalJ eon- and mlllstuffs to N4*w York. Bo-ton. Ptdla- -Light...... 4.25 9 S.OO I Gen, Boulanger lias heen eiiHlleiiged to lilg Land Mult Decided. Hhkrp —Mudiuin to Good ...... 4.25 luining flsi). deiplilu. Ballinuirt*. Allmtiy • n I (Blca. » 5.25 fight a duel* by the -on of the Duchess The Wisconsin Railway waa beaten In a Lambs...... 4.50 9 6.00 California pears continue more and .Collapun of tlie I.iiiia (MI Ex.'hange. d'U?-.-,. Boulanger recently xaid some lawsuit over the ixx-.ncsnlon of 200,000 acre* NEW YORK. CA-rruB...... 3.50 9 6.00 more a wonder, and taste ‘'just as good I'lu- Lfiiia, Uliln, Ull Excliaiige has clor-xl liarsh thing* alxiiit the Duchess, which of land. Hoo* ...... 4.(jo 9 5.25 as they look. ” for want of bnslm- <. TIte ftiut.dard Would , greatly offended'her and her frlrnda. The Rumored Railway Combination, ...... 4.00 9 5.50 More physieiuns than ever are lerlt- not rei’oanize exebange prlce-», lienco iU ‘ Wh*at—No, 2 Ked...... l.oa 9 1.03 Figarocontinues to publish Roulanger rev- At Now Y'ork It Is announced that the Corn—No. 2...... 56 m talathina. Tho Ula.it bhi ..t, that .57 ing now about tho modlcloal atUcaQy of COtlxp'U'.------Ml2:y)Url Pacific. Atchlcon, and several oth- O ats —No. a ...... 4>H9 .44H the wateriD8lo

, ..77Si Ilr’d WslU SINGLE TAX DEPAllTMENT. and all other property exempted, it MICUIGAH llAPrEXlNGS. SMILES 0F< :ONTENTMEXT ‘New peaches?" ho asked, .as hia would not be necc-ssary to raise the rato ; eyes rested on five or aix bushels of the In order to obtain the full amount of ISSUED FROM THE ^ENS OF luscious fruit. THE SINGLE TAX WILL DO IT. taxes now levied. If we want our city INCIDENTS THAT HA>»E LATELY VARIOUS HUMORISTS. "Yes.” A Labor Paper of Alabuina StaiKbi Hqoare- to prosper lot us endeavor to have a •OCCURRED. “How much?” ly ou Our Plat tor ui. change made in our constitution and Plaaituiit Ot riirilni; tho World “Four dor»\rrt a bushel.” The Labor Advocate, of llirmhighani, laws that will enable us to adopt tho An Intemstlng Sninmary of th« Mora Im.-. Ovor —NMytiiK’* Hint Aro t.'lieorlul to tli« “That’s for canning?" Ala., Is tho official organ of tho trades common sonso plan of exempting tho porUuit l>oluga of Our Noighbora —Wad.) — Ul«l ur Vouiii;' Jo U uh tliwt KvorylMxly ‘Ytw." council of that city, and Is indorsed by products of industry and cjntorpriso, and dinga and Daatha —Crimea, Caaualtioa., —Wm El-joy Kriullna. - __ . ‘Will they be any higher?" the Knights of Labor und the Farmers’ taxing nothing but land values. Land and Oanaral Nows Kotoa. ‘‘The.-ie are liarij times, Jerry," ob- ‘Most certainly. Probably go to $7 Alliance o f Alabama It is an exponent values are created by the community. O nk Hu>’imKi» delegates met in Ibei servitl the Uejofted jioiicciuan, as he inside of two weeks.” of the principles of trades unionism, but and it is nothing but plain amTsimple Uapltt)} at Lansing and formed a State- “Then I’ll wait and got a bushel to Farmers’ Alliance and Industrial Union. leaned up aRaiu>t the fruit atand and especially advofStnarTho single tax,-and Justice that they alone should be taxed A. E. Colo, of Fowlorville, was eloetedi start a museum on .* Try and boost ’em Here la its argument in to pay the nocossary expenses of tho -his tinger a mefbauioally oUw ed in on ttr$lO if yoiTcauT —He/rolf JPret iVcsa iTesUleit^i ^ —Anthony,—Marg^nga.-ij = the finest epecimen in the orarge pile. favor of the single tax: Ico I’resident; John M. Hotter, Lan-* "Ye’re ritrht. Mr. Muruby," said tlie \ Unemployed It les Is it wise to use tho taxing power to sing, Sf-cretary; A. D. Carloton, Dinion- fruit man. "It’s ail we kiu du lu ■Tor liusines^ but the rout collector enrich owners of vacant land and to Quick pen (a^ book-keeper) — Hello, dale, Treasurer; Luther Ripley, Port a livin ’." makes his unfailing monthly round, and diminish tho power of productive enter­ Hope, State f.4U’turer; ilrs. Emm A "An* Home of us,“ imrsuRd the man in- Thumper, whore to ? gas and water bills must l)0 met, rain or prises, when by exempting improve ­ Moure, Delta, Chaplain; II. W. Cobb,; fhe uniform, "ain ’t makin ’ even that. Thumper (a typowritist) —I’m going ments we would encourage land owners Perrv, Steward; and A, McKclvey, Delta, to the country for a month’s vacation. shine. It’s hard luck when a man that’s aluavs To aggravate matters, the asaeaSQJ mprovo -.tlinir-property? If capital DoorkeejMir. Executive Committee — done his duty an ’ never given no cause I’ve just been di8chsrgeken the Ilonevinoon WaneT. then can compote with them. purposes, does it really make any dif ­ chains but broke away. Johnson ’s 14-t Ga'sar a quarter Mr. Paddock Field —Komember that If wo take tho taxes oft houses, goods ference to tho community in which the year-old son was standing a few feet from "Guy! ina8sa,Ti^>er see you look so you took me for better or for'worse. and furniture, tho cost of living, will bo land is lorn tod whuthor tho owner livo.s his father and saw the old man ’s brains fierce iu ail my lile. You look jis as Mrs. Field —O Paddy! I know tbat less. Wages are tho lastthlng thatshould in the community ' or on tho other side battered out before his eyes, ; 1)0id as u lion 1” ' — . I took jem for a gotni deal better than be rndneed , for go o d wage s mean goo d TTftho globe?^ it ix no t apparent^-tbat H . TitE total earnings of Michigan ralL “.‘V lion ; What do vou knoAV about a you arel—tuck. times. Reduce tho workingman ’s abil- is the land ownership and not the .pres I roads for 1889 were $87,219,720, an In- lion? Y'^u never saw one, Ca'sar.” ity to buy, and hard times are tho nec- efcftse over 1888 of $7.440,318, —Earnlngg once or absence of tho owner which is 1 per mile of road, $.’>,924. The total pas- ----“Vp.linr ki.»u itliiin, irias>a! Ciuv ! I sec .sii« Wusii’t siirprisetl. ^SHo ry result. thagreat^vlL . ______Masha Peyton's Jim ride one ober do t^engef o arning fl were »27t7. ’>4,1 IG; th» Friend —Madam, you have not heard We also hear tho senseless cry of over-, If oAo man or oho thou.sand men. or total freight earnings were $59,4G5',616., mill ebery d.ay. ” from your husband since he went out production at tho very time when those one million men can ow ’n all ^Ke lands Tho total number of passengers carried “Why, you fool, that's a donkey! ” iu the wild Wost, have yo:i? whoso labor produces all wealth are suf- to the positive and unquestioned oxclu- was 31,136,0.')0, an Increase over 1888 oft “(ian ’t help dat, ma-isa.” said Ctusar, _ Wife—No; John has not written tot forlruT from want of the things they slon of all other men, then tho land 3.699.944; average distance traveled by ■“you look jis like him. a long time. have produced. owners, be they few or many, can take each passenger, 31 miles; average rate ot ------I It is rav painful dutv to tell vou that Ruinous taxation is tho cause of from the non-owners all the products of passenger faro per mile, 2 43-100 cents., \ irginia | strung him up. these industries aro wholly or partly one niil^, 7,790,632,203; average ton hanl» •county seat. practically a condition of slavery with­ 143 miles; average rate per ton per mile,, I am not surprised. John was always exempt from taxation, but hero all tho out thonamo,and is the condition which “Say, Jedge, hole on dar er minit. ” high strung. —Auterira. 7 .^4-100 mills. Tons of freight moved “Well, Bob, what do you want?” costlj ’ buildings and machinery are tax­ tho product's of This country ^ro rapidly from Michigan stations, 21,106,826; aa asked the Judge ns he turned his quid Aii OptW'al ed to tho tullost extent, some paying as approaching, as Is evident from Ajicroasn over last year of 3,0.59,650 tons.- over. Bobby —Mr. Popinjay, your eyesight high as ST.AjO por year. tho mortgage-debt of tho farmers of tho The Chicago and West Michigan Rail­ “Judge, yon ’s got my brother Jim is nil right, isn ’t it? Wo want a boom, not a boom in sand land, this mortgage ‘debt being only road is to bo extended from Travers® dar in jail for etealin ’ sheep. Is you Mr. Pi})injay;—I have excellent sight. lots, but a boom in business, in building another form of rent. But If tho man City north to tho Straits of Mackinac. gwiue try him ter-day? ” Bobby —I thought so, and manufacturing, and legitimate en ­ who claims the land were compelled to Tho effect of this will be to divide the “Yes; why?” IMr. Popinjay —Why do you ask that terprises of every kind. Wo wanttomako pay into the public treasury tho rental northern passenger and freight traffic ‘Hit’s jes’ like dis. Do angel flabr’l | question? work plenty and businessbrislc, and place value which the community gives to the from the Straits, which heretofore has our city • on a broader basis of prosper ­ land, no man would hold any more land teen monopolized by tho Michigan Cen­ come ter me las’ night an ’ he sez ez Bobby —Popper was telling mamma tral and the Grand Rapids and Indianfi,| how my brotlier didn ’t stole no sheeji. this morning that whnu yon are away ity. Therefore wo must abandon this than ho wants to use, and immense stupid plan of taxing industry and en ­ b4isides onabllug the Chicago and West He say he jos ’ ez iuuercont as new born from home, you aro coins ’aatly looking quantities of land now unused would bo Michigan to compete for all through, babv. Now, w’at you gwine do ’bout through glasses. —Jcwtlers' Circular. terprise. ^ thrown open to tho use of tho landless, business. The extension will pas* d at?’’______Wo have great natural advantgos that which would broaden tho field for the through five counties rich in hardwood “Humph! 1 reckon you'd better TeTT WoiilU J^or, Wait. should give ua th(T forenius t rank in al- einployinr;nt~'of labor, aiut would give timber. the .Sheriff to summon Gabriel at once. ” Book Agent —I should like to meet most every branch of manufacture. every man who did not want to work for Bv tho running away of their liorse, rUtaburgh Dispatch. . your hu.sbai)d, madam, and show him Work can bo performed to advantage others a chance to work for himself. In Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Cheboygan, this valuable book on —Heavens and -every day in tho year.- It is never too ■thort it would bring about that condi ­ were thrown from their buggy and tho earth! Listen to that I There is a mod hot nor too cold. All wo need is tlia. tion of affairs—freedom of natural op ­ latter killed. bull loose in the street! I----- wo shall cease to hamper and discourage portunities —which hasmadethe Uhited A t their annual State convention, held Latly of the House —Oh, no ! That our industries by unwise, unjust and States tho Mecca of the poor and dis ­ In SagliTaw lust week, the pharmacists is iny husband roaring, about having to ruinous vuxatioii. tressed of the wliolo world. —The Age, elected tho following officers: President, pay his dog tax. lie will see you in a Taxes aVo nocesfiary, if justly laid and Boulder, Mont. D. Prall, Saginaw; First Vice Presi­ few moments, and ----- ' honestly O5^*ndod, thej' are a boneiit, dent, H. G. Colnian, Kalamazoo; Second Book Agent —Good day! —Miinsey ’s not an injiu ’y.X It paj’S to hav(! effoctivo Thr Chicago Times says tliat the as­ Vico President, Prof. Alb(‘rt A. Prescott, Ann Arbor; Third Vico President, James Weekly. lire and police uepartmeut^, good sew­ sessed value of property in "West- Town ers and woH-pav^x^nd lighted streets. has been increased this year from Vernor, Detroit; Secretary, C. A. Bug- bee, Cheboygan; Treasun^r, .1. Dupont, The Ini'ercntinl. Then why do we grtinible at paj'ing for $o0,000.000 to 840,000,000. Tiie increase Clara—Wliat do you think ? Tbat comes largely on lands owned by specu­ Detroit. them? \ The State Convention of tho Gorman young naval cadet. Sibniore^ sent me a 'J'ho principal ro.ason iKthat those who lators. West Town is tho district of which Mr. Cantwell—of whom tlie Catholic Benevolent Association of Mich­ “true lover ’s knot ” iu gold cord yester­ pay tho taxes do not get\lieir just i)ro- igan was in session at Detroit last week, day. portion of tho boneiit.s. Sonie paj’ heav­ Standard has told sold so much lately— wltli a good- attendance. Franz Hertz, Maud (all sympathy)—What did you ily and got but little benefit, While oth­ is the assessor. To give an idea of of Detroit, was elected President. do? ers who are greatly l>onofitod p^’ little whore tho extra 84,000,000 has come Micuigax patents: Campana, Milton Kveiytlilne l*rovl«le«l For, Clara (scornfully) —Sent him back a from, wo cite two instances: One tr.act, Guest—I’m glad there’s a rope here or nothing; E. , Hamilton, extensible car step; Crom ­ Boarfpin represeuting a pair of sister Who pays them? \ which was assessed last year at $900, has well, Wlllfain L., Ro.scommon, gate; Cur­ iu case of fire; but what is the idea of j hookfi.~p]uiad€li>hiaPress. been assessed this jear a,t S.yoOO; and ran, Alfred, Grand Rapids, caster; Illcks, i putting a Bible in the room iu such a Tho man who is industrious and etiv terprising; Iho inan who builds a house \even that figure, says the Times, ropro- Walter S., Ann Arbor, tonic beverage; prominent position? Tor?Is it any wonder that men are ont of work when we punish capital tliey are to bo congrhUiilated that tlioy sion table. ^ ^rs. CuffiTiissinghim)—Oh, darling! give it careful cunsideVation. have an assessor brav^enough to give for employing them’? Wo h.avo adapted Jim Messmore , of Macomb County, it breaks my heart to part with you. them as much as they haVo got in this Why—oh, why—cannot you be always Tim l>iir»*r«*iiCB. tho Turkish, inothdd'of taxation: ‘’When has harvested 604 bushels of good oats from twelve acres of ground. with me? Small Boy (looking up from his his­ you see anj ’ thing, grab it.’’ instance. \ tory) —Papa, the Union soldiers were It is a great injustice to tax one man But It seems it is not In WekK Town A DEATii-ni.ow to dudes. Saginaw Rosie (from the )iearth-rug)—What a laundrymen have combined and will give for the benefit of others, when ho has only that tho good work is being oqno, one you are, ma! Y*on can never think | paid only $13 a month. Seems to me no more credit. ^ of anything fre.^h to say. j that’s awful small when a Congress- already increased tho value of their for wo road an Item from the Chicago? . The reports of the cannon during the Mrs. Cuff—What do yon mean, | man is paid $13 a day. Why ain ’t sol- property by his Improvements. The Herald, which says that Assessor Maber^ ^ Ml Pleasant reunion w«>re heard twenty child? i diets paid ns much as Congressmen? burden of taxation falls mainly upon of Hj'do Park is working in tho same direction as Assessor Cantwell, lie also milevaway. Rosie —Why, them's the very words j Pa|>a- Soldiers, my «ou, do not fix the man who impeovoa, wixilo llioso who TiTR^Hwth Atlantic States’ exhibit at you said to Mr. .Tunes the day before ])irTtheir own salaries.—N'exv York Weekly. stand in the w.sy of improvements are liasTalseff tho asiessmont in bis district $4,000,000. He said he was led to do it tho Washte>u)-w Fair covered 1,000 square came iiome. I was on the stairs and loft off with a nominal tax. feet. beard them 1—Pick-Me-Up. An Avorujfe Store. This is not equitable. TlibsO' who re­ bocanso of tho complaints of owners of improved propoi'tj ’, that they wore be­ . The Kern Brewing Company elcvatof Modish Lady —I wish to look at some ceive tho benefit of taxes spent shpuld in Port Huron was partially burned re­ MnrrtHife In I.lfo. ing assessed at a much higher j^ercent- —some uaderclothiiig. pay them. This Is but simple justice, cently, with 75,000 bushels^of barley and “Y'ou know Miss Highroller?" Floor Walker—Y'es, Madam. Mr. and the on ly question sliould bo who ago of tho values of their holdings imilt. Damage, 810,000. “Oh, ves.” Counter! attend to this lady, jilease. thmr'xverc Irhtr trwners^-trf— reaps the benefits? La okii ’pk still exists limon^'tSa In-' "Well, she has been engaged to do Bashful Gentleman —Have you men ’s Do public iniprovomonts increase tho property. Tho assessor has Increased habitants of the Saginaw Valley. the balloon wedding act at the county undergarments ? value of buildings? No; but they do in ­ the rato on that class from 40 to 300 por fair for the season. She appears twice Floor Walkcr — Y'es, sir. Miss Psyche! cent. Alpena Is to have four free mail car- crease the value of land. Therefore, if ------' a day and is married to any aspiring this way, please.—Pwjk. Tx the Bojieman Chronicle of JTrlySrtd,' we wish to tax tho man who receivea Kalkaska CorxTY farmers are indig ­ jotiDg man of lofty ideas, who will vol- the benefit- wfr must tax the Value of was an article on tho single tax, w'rit- unteerTd'gb up in tliS^batloon. ” ---- apoilliqgr n Child. nant over a statement recently made in the laud only. ten by Mr. F. Latus, of 'Creamery. In one of tlio Detroit papers to tho effect “But isn ’t that bigamy?" Caller—How perfectly devoted you referring to tho article tho editor of tho “Ob, no! She has a sperint - wire to are to your bnslauid ! It may be said that tho rato would that their crops had all been destroyed Young Wife—Y'es, I am trying to pet have to ho raised. Well, suppose it Chronicle said: “While wo aro not pre­ by frosts. The damage was in reality the great divorce renter, and ten No. 1 pared to take the advanced position of trifling. red wheat divorces are telephoned to her and spoil him, so that if I dio, and ha were, what difference would it make marries again, no other woman can live whether a man paid $r>0 a year on his the single tax men, wo must admit that The State Union Sabbatli School As­ ■every day between acts.” Mr. Latus’s arguments in its favor aro sociation will bold a convention at Lan ­ “Well, these affairs come high, and with him.—New York Weekly, bouse and lot, or $.*>0 a year on his lot alone? Not any; but it would make a well-nigh unansworahln. ” Tho slngld sing Dec. 2, 3 and 4. no mistake!” tax men of Montana may feel much en­ The Northwestern Michigan Soldicni Horrors! great differonce to the speculator, who couraged when a pap(-r of tho blocks improvements by asking big standing of tho Citron iclo is and Sailors ’ Assm-lation hold its annual Joiiriiiilifltlc HoIX'ttM. Qniggs —I tell you what Boggs, I nninlon at Reed CBj' weak. Thi^re Dif?nifioi UtH old Indi an saw: “Hi ag body buya iL- -New York U eekly. Press. thick cjm husk—heap cold winter. time the ever sang in public, and they did splendid, too. I.iust was a tableau, THE NEWS the actois beiugGraeople._Thev ■------lost their hous»* and nearly all tlie con ­ tents sometime during thesummer. DUI’LAIN. 'S W. Norris and wife visit«*d relatives Mi»w X Margaret ^Kelley of St. Johiie, in Isiiising Satnrda.v and Sunday.^ ■Rtiud uy ill *' vary MU'Jf liny yet 11 SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! Mrs. lVti^r Moor b ou tlie wck li«t. is pitiful to see him sick so lopg. For Lenter Tufker iM home again. six wet'ks he has not Is'en able to sit up. Mrs. iVrry of (Jrand UapidHiHHponding He is ver3* patient through all his suffer­ a few wwkn with herparentHat,tIiiHi»lace. ings. An annual meeting will be held at the Mrs. Eh>cttt Norris has gone to Gratiot TREIENDUDSXUra P^dple churtdi, counneneing Friday county wh(>re Mr. Norris has a saw mill. afternoon, .Sei)t. 2Cth. All are invited to Perhujis the iieople that love melons attend. so well, near Glive center, but had rather Fair T7eelE vre wrlll run 2B00 '7ds of Fruit of the Xiooxn Cotton Mr. Jerry .Moore and little hou Leo, other jieople would raisi-theni, had better ; from Gladvvin are viHitiug here. look out for guns as several threaten to at So; only 10 Vds Bold to One Ferson.C"’" |!!;"hS.“") The M. E. jmlpit w’aa o< ‘cupled lant list' guilt if anyone is caught stealing Sunday evening by the new minmter Rev. melons or other fruits.______Km, Ghk . 3Ir. Sturgirt. Mr. William SLowell, Mass. ST'. JOHNS ANO DETROIT. cold water, puie and free. It was the first [ too Doses One Dollar iWE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW:


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wiLinnvF- FRE T TO OUR COUNTY With us you are not Compelled to Spend the Whole $5.00 for DRY GOODS, GRO­ CERIES or BOGTS-^drSHOES ALONE; but a pair of BOOTS or SHOES, and ^ what little DRY GOODS you need, & .what GROCERIES you want — WILL GET THE TICKET. H FREE Dviripg the fo\jr days of ovjr Co\jr\ty Fair Sep. 30tK ar\d Oct. 1st,2d. arvd 3d.

To each jxjrson presenting a Ticket from Owosso, , Ovid, Shepards villc, FowTcr.^cwamp, Muir' and Ionia, the price of their T?ouhd-trip

will be REFUNDED, together with a Free Ticket to the Fair for each $10.00 Cash Pitrchasc.

^ 70U CJurxroT mzss thz pz «agz : fozi wz iljelk
