T r a IiIT LANTING FALL POTATOES t t s s s s s s e s DYNAMITE KILLS TEN OYSTERS INSPIRE AN INVENTION frtRaratl for C E DEPARTMENT- rofitable Crop R t S BE country espe- I Should Begin Now t i i f f FIVE OTHERS THOUGHT TO Women all over the THREE DIAMOND RINGS FATALLY INJURED cially in middle west Ii The Work cf Christian the and k Tke aill Endeavor Mage or proparaoUon again owe thanks to the inventive i alag is in in Florida Ligthed Cigarette Thrown Into Box of Tills must be deep and We have genius of the masculine sex for a new t8fM G II received the followra Fuses Caused the ExplonMen Prom 10 to 16 Inches message To be Given Away to the Ladles of Marlon GOtJll Y- llrr If is ne from the leader cf the Aaa Were Working Over Big Charge and uptodate method of transport- eRe OXP °°ts gOod Saloon League t >K results and would like for it Ready for Firing- ing oysters to as fresh- deems the home just I the son Is plowed the to be carefully many By Houses Ocala fto atM les read by the real the Business of k PacUy for holding wa ers of this paper As a result of an explosion at noon as when they were taken from the rt whkl4 Is the brine b channel To the Florida Christian Endeavor Friday of 700 pounds of dynamUe at t u wkdek I tke plant roots assim Unio- Boca Chica twelve miles from Key We say that the women of the the ¬ fOrttItt of the soil I the West on the Florida East Coas rail- ¬ south and middle west should espe- ABSOLUTELY FREE- tl nGreetingAt the request of your I rieHr or lumP3 it must be way ten men are dead five probably cially be grateful because in the by secretary and responding to the nu twoelts of harrow cult ira fatally and others seriously wounded south the warm weather begins about ii I pulses tot + of my own heart I am exec 3d- t wet4t or all and at leaSt a dozen others are suf¬ the first of April and really does not + Bu e atfaL tJK whined beI insly glad to issue this word of gray- A number of Ocalns Lending nMi mln seed bed racist bo of as fine fering from less serious injuries The cease until near the middle of a ing to the hosts of young people of decided to give away three valuable prisrag bo lrtt f ax1tt1 a all ashhitalt to get re explosion was caused by a member of October and the middle west is so tin I the Christian Endeavor Union in Fli r be od IM i1 IMirittilliu the railroad construction force care ¬ far removed from the oyster beds Marion County and the method to us t ida My plea for your activities eau Mer pl wig-a the next step in lessly throwing a lighted cigarette- that while the summer is not so long Lion is a VOTING CONTEST Each of tht firm 1 Mgt tJs4 be very briefly made- s apP loation of the fertili Into a box of fuses the unusually long shipping trip the below will issue VOTING COUPONS to tJwMel- FntN ttw foe we It can be all summed up in one oysters leave not yet arrived at Nine of the workmen met instant must take frequently becomes- tirthe full value of every purchase made dtirin g t- tf sentence Up be- ¬ aw of l rtillty In and Doingthat death and the died while be ¬ a menace s4- the southern tenth on basis a Ballot boixttg K IIIM ft 4J bust w r ing the rallying cry for Florida right a of One Cent Vote s4 seat afford to I ing taken to the hospital at Key West When packed in of ice dispense now tubs the 1rtUa tM K1NtJtO In this connection I want to in each establishment represented- sack s- The men were hurled into the air and Ioysters invariably the water The of your absorb call I errt111e w ed pass a yen important attention to two editorials the bodies of the dead were almost which not only bloats them but ruins recently printed by ¬ nc s reeWltL and we must use two of our excel- beyond recognition arms and legs be ¬ their delicate flavor Incidentally lent Florida papers IWMMNMMI a wtllHkutetttl plant food to get this- The first is from ing torn from the bodies of some they are bruised and broken by the In order to give the residents of nil tef Ito the Orlando ReporterStar and is as A a11ralsaoed plant ration for an while the faces of others were masses- ice in transit and on arrival at your county an equal opportunity to enter the contw4 tikt ttll wily follows- of flesh risk potato ems will analyze about 4 home they are certainly anything but ty has bas been divided into three sections AS ftriiwwKc It strikes us some of Flor-¬ When the explosion ota t W oaal sit nitrogen 10 to 11 per that the occurred the appetizing- city Hjai tI ida papers urge Section includes the territory within the a that the people to workmen were standing in water four ¬ N sj fta and about 4 per cent I The oyster farmers are now culti r ¬ ern Section includes all of the county north I4i j wait ere they adopted measures look feet deep and directly beneath them ofrl1L C ftofic aol This grade of fer I vating the luscious bivalves to such ing to prohibition was 700 Railway between and Dunnellon north of Uk S A L t Biter te wily made by manufactur statewide and the pounds of dynamite perfection In great clean welltended Ocala e P again urged them to wait and not ready for the blast when the men Railway Ocala to Silver Springs north anti YtNt of r oatwtog to the trucking and pro I beds that the new plan of putting force the discussion of the disturbing should stop work for dinner Iee1ie farming section of the coun- ¬ them up will give the people of the Springs run and the Ocklawaha river South rn Stiltlt aII question are not waiting very According to one of a ter aeld i< fe difficult to obtain except much the wounded south and those of inland towns an the county south of the dividing line excopt Ocala themselves They do not hesitate to workmanone of the nine to meet W XHrtws 9t that olass of soil work- ¬ opportunity throughout the oyster hurry hurry hurry to cry instant a lighted cigar ¬ er Th nUctary farmer can do his failure deaththrew season to eat with safety this food Certainly no one who ette to one side not noticing that it ea a MtoiKg Wy getting the raw mat- ¬ bears this delicacy It takes from three to five fell into a box containing fuses erial wjKwmding them as he greeting has failed to note that the the years to mature an oyster and always SIL VER TIPPED HEL YRXS74 a4 which were with the heavy ataM a tlHftNt Te get the above anal y great paper of the state of Florida connected several transplantings- fAJ s ¬ charges of explosives beneath them- ti ke wwW require to use 1000 which are taking the side of the li This new method is not only to LIVERY JIfJ A few seconds and the men water pwMWs rt hph grade cottonseed meal quor question in the controversy have carefully select these oysters but urged mud and tons of dirt were thrown 11 t Weed atal VHWO 000 pounds of 14 in season and out of season place them in airtight packages kept- seventy and ninety feet in the air SPLENDID TURNOUTS CAREFUL DRY GOODS SDNN UAflMT At8J- pw MM HW phosphate and 400 that we on the prohibition side let all at the freezing point with ice Tugs at once took the dead and the that p4HMMt at mftplMUo of potash These agitation go for not only weeks but does not touch them and by this DRIVERS BEST OF SERVICE O r1MlI lllJBI more seriously wounded to Key West l1PSf to ttMftr rmfteoulvo Quantities as not months to come In the meantime means they are delivered as fresh as papers the latter being placed in the Louise A IT WfIM Mtotoi wWI give the above these same are doing just what when taken from their wet shells ¬ Maloney hospital t U the ReporterStar says and their ac- ¬ MMdprtft w hl la as good a mix This system of growing packing ship North Magnolia Street South f CJIMHIt tivity is strongest I Those less seriously injured were HHi tnwv M aMptMftg be oaR buy any the appeal that ping and selling is the Sealshipt sys ¬ placed on opposite 1 can young Stock island Eoca I I conceive for the people of tem In this manner they are pre- ¬ Chica and will be taken to Key West I Florida to get busy right away so to OCALA NEWS CO OCALJlE- U1W1U11- tjtftrmg tkfe fertilizer should be later served perfectly as retain all l a reaa Ayaew a wank Isefre planting the The other editorial to which I refer- their flavor and tender freshness no very Most of tne victims of the explosion rs t1Ml tell aeal thoroughly in is from a recent number of the matter how far they have traveled the arrived from New York last Sunday STATIONERY BLANK BOOKS ALL NILD Pq t 101 m-il twM DeFuniak Breeze adn it reads thus from native beds 0t7S wtr the meat suitable tool on The dead their b The antiprohibition forces in this ¬ NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES VHRY T Kelly G Surky J Brennan T With esiecial force does the infor state and in the United States as well ¬ 1ft i4Mlfe g the fmrrows should be Convery Gallagher mation of this new method of ship ¬ J T Linnehan- j are losing notime in the fight to pre oysters ¬ taws uPte tot apart somewhat deep J Garrity T Travis J Mohor T Do- ping come to every house- pj toohes or so the seed cut vent the adoption of the prohibition holder So much has been said about South Main Street North Matnea SlvitN amendment to the constitution next ran and twc unidentified IN If fie pteoos as noarly as possl Probably fatally injured oysters arJ the dangers that exist in year They are even now flooding the Ith kMvftMg tike out plooos somewhat James Gallagher aged 40 Brooklyn eating them during the wramer state with literature on the subject in YONGE c SOX KsYIGJirT- JJJJ- ttftik b w4 tko eye If there are too N Y months that the traffic of them has the attempt to create a sentiment M l MM v w tko piece cut out all Timothy McDonald aged 54 Black been really curtailed to an unusual against On our desk now is a people grown very taw IW tHMt MO Lay cut side down it sack Cork extent as have 118 batch of this stuff printed in New Irelrad i PLUMBERS TINNERS and DEAL- DUGOUtS WAS fi- MNwttit Inolms apart in the fur Hannon foreman aged wary und the oldtime method klvt York ann mailed from there and the E assistant ERS IN ALL SUPPLIES n ft wet Ottor slightly at first then 33 140 Grand St Brooklyn Now not cult does the new method AD FARIM PM mails are full of it If the friends of Agents for Maxwell Autos a the progresses keel workin- James McMahan aged 45 54 Fulton- remove all danger but at the same rf morality and temperance expect to s Mi tidy gs closing up at the sec St New York time brings the oysters right to the win they have got to be up and do¬ tsA tkird working and finish off James Sands New York City table in an appetizing shape and as South Main Street North If Curt H + ui- ing from slightest contamination- lq I u1i K a slight bod on which the Late Friday afternoon six addition- ¬ free the M awiag- The only feature of our work in as if they were eaten at the seashore- raw al of the more seriously injured were 1R tineuristt3 most suitable for this Florida at present that bears the taken to the hospital at Key West Mrs Mary E Bryan in Uncle Re ¬ TT P ED WARDS I li UltflIn slightest resemblance of being dis ¬ mus seatla Wi tke Triumph either red Their injuries are not cbnsidered fa ¬ compara ¬ swt 14 adapted couraging is the fact that a wlme in particularly tal They are WESTERN AND FLORIDA FRESH DIAMONDS WATaJII l to wt s01 and always gives good rev- tively strong number of those who Pat Sullivan Stick John JUST LISTEN- iw11a will eventually be among the leaders- Mullen Patrick Gift Peter Bryan and MEATS AND PRODUCE ETC RBiAiiRH f9 A SII M pact Tk rest time for fall planting i- in the fight for statewide prohibition- Meekly Foley I If we to grumble and growl strn rent the middle of August up- are clinging tenaciously to the opin- About fifty men were at work all vituperate and denounce spit tobacco ion is yet too early in the fight juice on tin lawn grass and swear at Merchants t C fee civet of September anyone that it close together when the bOiL of fuses City Market 0Ik- rrMld to for us to do anything at all Let the the government says the veteran ed ¬ liaad available will do well was discovered ablaze and had it not I H In get hold Brooksville Argus nil f tI IB a about that time It w- lines the above editorial been for the sounding of the alarm by itor of the declare ori ¬ him to do so if he of your mini and conscience and take the dredge Manteo it is doubtful if a that Uncle Sam and the state of Flor 0 1C GROCERY 1IISS QIIg y 4F illeona3 you will to a mighty cat- ¬ wa tk re ghly uses the proper such a firm hold that realize third of the men would have escaped ida were about suffer not waiting- aclysm get society- pa4e et fertilizer In sufficient quan that the liquor people are with their lives and kittened that year come they be¬ world Happy MILLUVERY- TKIINMlllr e it IlI tRy at oast 1000 pounds per acre for next to before the church the and GROCERIES FLED GRAN FIELD ¬ and- I gin their fight The AntiSaloon Lea Hooligan were rotten at the core 1 ftd tafaw proper care of the growing FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS- AND GARDEN SEED ETC AN D SWPIM1 i gue is ready to do its part now It is a putrefying sore at the skin howl C K McQuarrie In Our South I onn doing everything that can vortex of things was a crater Home in fact Sax Lumler Cmpany New York that the now Ue done but the action of the 10000 acres of of corruption and the circumference I has purchased about South Main Street Munroe Manic in session this spring plac ¬ of humanity and all it contained a d Ghamillb S r THE NEWS IS FOR IT legislature timber land in Bradford and Clay j ed the entire responsibilities for the counties Florida and has sold the monstrosity of iniquity that smelled I I upon voters of ¬ like a in the nostrils of high Nows to eoi outcome next year the timber in tracts to the Starke Lum- polecat The IoMacla hastens eye I 1- the state of Florida They alone must heaven assert with blood in our i 1M Impression that It IntenI ber Co Starke Fla who will build riot ¬ a a BANNERPr- involved and that re that we would call spade spade I ttbe call for a state decide the issue tra road and establish mill l THE OCALA e trH6Ig Tribunes it hew to speak the plain t is so weighty that the line oeavontion slightingly and sponsibility ioorrak I would seem to demand the most ear ¬ truth wag an unvarnished tail re- of all kinds of Stationery Letter ll wick N 4i IKwufo M M heartily in line with tit Aripeka Sawmills Fivay Fla T inters aka activity every moment from now gardless of whom it bit or how it J by this paper lh- nest H Martin manager will build two Bill Heads Statements Envelopes sttera I alilallllm atlw Hrtde on until the election next year additional mills at a cost of 250000 hurt we say if we had to do all that Cards Blank Forms oLe 114rra bra to make a readable newspaper obtain- t And so I make my plea to the young each now operates two double band K M particular to lay aSltl people of the Florida Christian En ¬ mills with daily capacity of 150000 a living or air our grouch we would STRIZJST till editorial which was or NORTH MAIN r company ¬ emigrate to some lonely island in the we s- deavor Union a of the feet of timber planing mill with dai- 111 dimensions that who vast Pacific which is fjrever lapped- t iE Lords own a company of those ly capacity of 75000 feet etc steam emti swep a particularly particular j not by sad sea waves slobbered on by find have been saved for service and power plant electric lighting etc psaw tist we Jtlst now cannot 1 sorrowing tides and grief swept by RULES OF THE CONTEST I for luxury in the kingdom 1M pwtietlkC place this parUcJar I American Mahogany Company Chi ¬ wailing winds We would slink intoj for ouri- Members of the Florida Christian but fear ¬ a cavern of gloom wrap our form in ratlbaal repsoiIn will you not get busy- cago Ill s understood to be com I Anyone living with he lines above mi aMil m t 1shtatpti caatoniporary might Endeavor Union lay lrtietrtd pleting arrangements for constructon habiliments of woe and down onj rns on this po at once If any of you hear in this elligible to entry except that tlw t Nr stand saw mills for handling a bed of sighs wher we went to our County a4u1rrMd uow- greeting of mine a call for special of and veneer amyo a wn1s its MC say here and I mentioned have the right to eliminate 1r N W to ¬ nightly snore We would intensify me at box 755 Jack- ¬ cedar and mahogany lumber at Tam I + > of service write n tlrlit a w been ill favor uld i ¬ the gloom of our waking hours by opinion may be undesireable as cnbaswu or call at our office- pa Fla to be shipped from Hondu- for mAn sonville Florida Tom rein Iw a QtMtatfon ¬ pursuing the lamentations of No attache of any business lionet li tat the Bisbee building and r will be ras where company contrals exten t 1M S I in Watson on tbe decay of democracy glad to give you work to do that will sive tracts mill buildings of concrete j candidate nor any immediate relative primary nd and the mournful melange of the l Ake are 1yaF staid the advancemnet of the and steel entire plant to cost 250 I Any differences arising duriz tl ile who fear a count for wet newspapers wherein are re- 1I1Lt i ur 1111 the Mate us make this a hard 000 i prohibition- kingdom Let corded horrifying details of the ex- referred to the above uamod n1lJtl lIILHIU w thin a ¬ rH pull and a long pull and a pull all to decisions MJlIIt s bad in fact titsi victory ENTER THE HUSBAND treme depravity and wetness prevail are to render a us I M ALt I gether and may God grant In ¬ ing in the dry counties and states In two l wr >rpMss eC It gets them Lawrence J Anhait business man I Should any candidate desire R T I REV C L COLLINS ¬ y w trot guilty tc- ager David Warfield brings in fact we would 1ft our disordered liv- caladMllttNl 1 i t11 yt pIN AntiSaloon League for contest the votes cast for such will IN Supt Fin ¬ er and impaired digestion have their 111 ¬ from the road the story of the mana ie ilk C E secretary Au out and not counted for nn iciest tea tttlltrw bAttoved that Copied by state in one perfect work in secret before we w 1111e a- IS ti ger of a thrilling melodrama made by dfco M state otfi gust 27 1909 one would run E newspaper grouch But All nominations mi Is > fK of which a husband enters JrLd r N Meting scene erCMItl- 4f1 but we art an admirer of some newspapers make their living Contest Dept Ocala Banner yaw Mw Ls1 iht thery THIS IS SOME COTTON door an instant after ¬ way To frank with our 1 of the exit an that be the his wife ha made his from J 1 J 1 M rwMril tst friends our grouch and gruesome are I 2 J the pea jti itf oars that Mr W E Yeldon who lives two other During a run of a week in one 1 too sepulchral for coinage into cur- ¬ I M nAwCf la practiw Tawp- milesasouth of town city the manager noticed that one tt a and onehalf ¬ rency Arcadia News GOOD FOR TEN VWTII Mf JrLR r brought a stalk of cotton to this of- man obviously from the country PE contained 145 went in every night Finally he re ¬ fice Tuesday which I OCALA BUSINESS MEWS D11AM 8 erIJ as en¬ CLOSER TO THE ROOT afSfiLTH AND Y1TUTY well matured bolls It is known marked to the man that he must 10 t1S about NERVINE PILLS the double joint cotton and is joy the performance MOTTS ¬ Mr so replied playgo- Governor Johnson says the west I Ten Votes fo- Tte pr i wiry aMt brain restoia the most prolific we have seen Tolerably the Count a women produces s of is should throw off the shackles of the u w ttMt and Weldon says that hehas fifty acr er but some night that husband + builds up the a meagtk aM vitality Of course his entire going to be on hand and I want to be east We suspect however that the vigor this variety < renews the normal I M BI HM aM 5 the stalk he on hand to see what happensLip easts interest In the west is one of awle kjr dmgists or by mail crop is not so good as all good Magazine shekels rather than shacklesSt- per ti rues for 6 brought to town but it is pincotts tx Co- x are that Paul Pioneer Press JtIW l3r Tyitug3 cotton and the probabilities r acre on his What bas become of Push and all good will make a bale to the 15 W a e ke U arters tor he New Powell e have not seen The biplane airship won Not Good After Sept 1819 Good service farmRochelle Ga Smile R rTltlauPon X- at and drink entire recently I honors at Rheims lc Hogan the- Ian of his scintillations the JH 1 attention Era rrkWk4T Man + i61 rioo ttfah aafr f f2Zt e r i 1 LI 1i dii tfI j