75c A Year in Advance. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 25, 1890. Second Year—No 56 CANDIDATES ALL NOMINATED. Chas. Fanner of Ovid, in a <piite, THE MOTION DENIED.! Found! .A gold pin and chain. Call Young cow for sale. lengthy way reviewe<l <»fther.*s ponsibilities He fresh in January. Inquire at Putt’s The Clinton County ItepiihlieaiiH Noinin* at this office. of the office presentetl th(* name of .1. W. Tlie U. a. Court Deiileit tlir Motitiu for a grocery. C. A, Putt . ate County OMcem, TneHtlay. Fitzgerald, who has fille<l the office so ac­ Now Trial hi the Fainoiin Mi^r Ivon Ditch German day will lx» celebrated at Grand ceptably for four yeais. Watertown and Orilor Chho—The JuilKouieiit Keiideroil Rapids and the D. & M. will run an ex­ The eonveution whh oi)eiie<l by county Paper rags wanted at Stejihenson ’s. Duplain follownl suit. The first ballot ai tiio Foriiior Trial to Stand. chairinun Switfart callintr Hon. L. W. cursion train Monday, (X*t. C, at f 1.75 AA'wnicd. stood: J. W. Fitzgerald .HO; W. M. Le- (Fruin the Ithaca Journal. Hill of Eatrle, to the chair, llyron V. land 05; J. F. Clemons of Hath, (>. Mr. for round trip. Train leaves St. Johns Fifteen cords of four foot hard dry 8onle of Ovid, wji« eleebnl aeoretary. Clemons withdi’ew. .\k there was no Readersof the Journal are amiady fa­ at7:.H2u. III. and leaves Grand Rapids wood. T. Stockton . choice a second informal ballot was tak­ Mr. Hill aaiil he was not hen? to make miliar with the facts in what/Mkaown ns to I'etnrn at 8 pr ------------- ^--------------- » L'Idcr. en and as therewere more ballots than the tlcriveu ditch order Caiife, tlie full {uxr- asix^h and would simply s iy that the there ought to be the result was not giv- .A gootl audience assembleil at Newton I will Sturt niy Cider Mill Sept. 15, for .ticulai's of which have/uei'u detailed in bull lust evening to hear Mrs. Mary Lath- convention had met to nominate the eii. .Another ballot was taken with same custom work and cash will be paid for /J winniug ticket. result. The fourth ballot resulte<l: J. W. these columns, Suffimit to say, however, ilop, of .fuekson, discuss tlie issues of the cider apples. E, E. Em.mons. Fitzgemid 81; W. M. Ix'land 41. The that an action waglironght against the A commitb'e on credentials was ni>- campaign from the jirohibitiou stain - sheet Miiklc! vote was made formal. county in the spniig of 1889, by Henry pointtHl H8 follows: Mr. Howard, Eagle; J. (’. Rrunson ])rt»»eiite<l the name of {loint. Hhe devoteil the main portion of And Music Folios a siieciality.. ]dui*8hall Hand, Olive: Geo. Faxon, Ovid. J. W. Heckwith fortn'osurer. C.C. Taylor Aylesworth o Fa ’ivw York, to recover pay­ her speech to the liquor traffic and show- S. A. Stukgis . A committ***? on i>ermaneut organiza ­ of Ovid, nametl L. H. Allen of Ovid town ­ ment forAiie construction of what ii e<l that under high license the saloons A .Secuiid-HantI ship; Duplain 8upporte<l Mr. Allen; Hing- tion and order of business was appointed known as the Newark and .Vrcuda ditch. were increasing in numlxir, and then ask- Coal stove for sale or will e.xcliange for hnm seconded Mr. Heckwith; .I. H.Stone They ytere signed by the county drain us foliowd: C'has. Farmer, Ovid; Willard of Riley, pi*es«*nt<Hl the name of Edward e<l how long it would take to blot out tlie wood. T. ST(X KTON. King, Watertown; J. II. Stone, Riley. H. Lyon of Hengal, but without .Mr. commissioner and endorsed by the chair-, saloon at this rate. Shtr reviewed the To Teueliers. I—it) WOH voted that when delegaHom T.ynnn entisent An itiTfirmnl hnlbif was UimL-fiL tb<? board <)f sappr^dsocg anti . fork along moral anm tTfeirtaken giving K. H. Lyon 20: J. W. county clerk. Tliese orders remained uii- and said that the saloon wasoiien all the ' There wilt be a Hpecinl examination at were not full or when there were not Heckwith 81; L. H. .Allen 21. paid, and were conseipieutly sold to time to catch tho.se who were trying to DeWitt, Sept. 26. R. M. AV inhto .v , enough present from each town to fill, A secoml informal ballot was then S«*cretary Hoard of Scliool 'Examiners. that the delegates pj*eseut cast full vote. en, as follows: ,). W. Heckwith 81; 1^ H. Henry Aylseworth of New York, who reform and that only two iswcent held r. (’. Taylor, Ovid; E, C. McKee, Vic- Lyon 10; L. H. .Allen 22. The luinne of broughtsuitto recover payment as above out. The only way is to out-law the sa­ E. H. Lyon w'ns withdrawn. X. tor; .1. C. Ilatchelder, Hath were appoiut- stated. The case was tried before Jndgi* loon, then there is liojie for those who are Cider Mill! A-third ballot resulted o b ItfllowB: L, Dro wn Of Detroit, loi n : no vwtnfter , ano n ;* ed a committee on resolutions, and the H. Allen 29: J. W. HeckwitK 48, giving trying to throw Off the bonddgA Of di'IbU. R. H. Forbers, 2 miles north suited in a jiidgeinent against the county convention adjoumini for dinner. him thenomination. At the close of Mrs. Lathrop’s sjieech. and % of a miles west of St. The delegates emi)loyed the i*eces8hour Daniel Tunier of Gi^mbush, named for thesnm of 14,868.74. In other words Mr. St. John gave a brief account of the A’unon C. Hotsford os^udidate for pros ­ Johns, will run his Cider Mill to talk over the availablecandidatesand the court decided that the suiiervisors snccesH of prohibition in his home, ecuting attorney. The convention then spread a tax necessary to cover tliis it was pretto ’ generally s«*ttle«l who would took an iriformaf l^llot. VarionC. Hots ­ Oalalhe. It is a place of 8,500 inhabi­ every Tuesday and Fridato be the noniinees, and yet the “best laid ford received ‘il'/L. AV. Hill 29; G. M. amount U])Ou the lands situated in tliis tants and not an open saloon in it, and do eustom grinding. Every- I>lans of mien gang alt a glee. M^wrill 10 region and beuefitted by this ditch. there has not l»een a drunken man in the The name^.lohu W. Clemons of Rath, bodA' bring in 3'our apples. It was after on.e o ’clock liefore chair­ The attorneys for the county tlien move jail for five years. Prof. P. W. Hill and was presiai^l for the office of surveyor for a rehearing before a full bench. This man Hill callwl the convention to order. by C. .1. (^ipman and on informal bal­ M. R. Hill sang stirring prohibition songs lot resulted: Mr. Clemons 58; G. E. Hol- motion was argueil last April before at both the afternoon and evening meet­ l^r Sale or Exenanae, The comiTiittee on credentials >vere the \ hou.so and one acre of land on Lans­ first to report and report every delegation listei^l. Thomas Hutler of Hingliam, Judge Drown and Jackson, and last ing. _____ ^ ^__ prejiented the name of Ezra Smith of St. ing sti-iH-t, half way to the fair gi-ound. present except AVestphalia. week a decision was hmidcil down denying LiceiiHSM to AVe<1. •T^ins for circuit court commiKsioner the motion, 'i'herefore the judgement Newly repaired amLjtddition built. Plenty Duplain —A. H. Way, .V. E. Cobb, Win. /find inovecl that be be nominated Win. A. Abel, county clerk, .has issued of fruit, including 50 clioiinx j)lum tn ’es. Arnjour, .1. C. Rcbinson, J. A. Watson/ by acclamation, whicli was done. Frank stands as formerly reiidensl. The the following liceuses for the week ending J. H. Daily, Luther Eddy. • ^ Rogers of Tjebanori was nominated by amount of orders together with accuinu- Thursday: AA'ell and cistern. Will sell or exchange Groenbusli —Daniel Turner, .Addiwn acclamation forthesecond commissioner. lated interest and costs, now aniniiiits Hrpt. 18—Frederick H Doles, St. .To Huh , 2H; for more larM. AV. E. Sl.vdk . Dulse, \V. 'r. Davies, James J. AVaVreii, A. J. Smith of Watertown, ami FTenry Miir.v iqilll|)H, Hciine; ii<i to something over ^5,000. a sum siiffici .8eia. 18 —Alexander .Sharp, Kast Satcianw, Chas. A. Hi/lse. y A. Smith of Grrenbush, were nominated .84: Vhllth K. OoKiie, Duplain, an. Essex—H. .S. FrislM>e, RolsTt TiOive, for coroners by acclamation. cntly large to admit of its being taken to Sept. 18 —('liarleH F. .Moreland, St. Johns, Jacob Hoover, O. (). Peiry, (ViHubbell. F. AA’. Retlfern was prewuited for repre­ the United States supreme court, if either 21; Frunees H. Nixon, sanie, 21. DOWN SHE GOES Sejit. 22—John I’niiK. I’ortlnnd, 22; Julia Ix?banon —-L. (i. Hurch, Fpfink .Abbott, sentative in the legislature; L. AA”. Part- party should so desire. SiininonH, Westphalia. 111. TO ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. Johm W. Henuet t.--------/i------ low of Eagle, who withdrew his name. Sept. 2'J—.Milo VanDeusen, Elsie, 22; I HAVE ■ Hengal —.lohn Drown,, "Charles Corwin, .All informal ballot was tnkiMi: Isaac Blanche E. SneltinK. suiim *. 17. IVEWSLETS. Sept. 22—John Schllcht, I’ortlnnd, 20; Charles Hlakeslee. / (’ressman 4; F. AA’. Redfern 65; J. T. Marv E. Martin, Westphalia, 10. 300,000 ft Pine Lumber, Dallas—AVm. M. A’Oungs, AA’in.H, Sage.
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