Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-57162-3 — the Cambridge History of Science Edited by Alexander Jones , Liba Taub Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-57162-3 — The Cambridge History of Science Edited by Alexander Jones , Liba Taub Index More Information INDEX Aaboe, Asger 26 external testimonies 471 abacus 613 future research 480–2 prototypes 559 historiography 469–70 Abusir papyrus 105 ingredients 474 Abydos, Egypt initiation into 479 Osireion temple 137, 139 occultism of 479–80 tomb Uj 103 origin of word 469 accounting origins 468 and development of writing 59 papyrus compilations 470 new book-keeping system (Ur) 60 and philosophy 469 Achaemenid Empire 488 processes 474 Acron of Acragas, Empiricist 332 and production of gold 474, 476 addiction, Aristotle on 313 as revealed religion 480 Adrastus of Aphrodisias 442, 443–4 sources for 470–1 Advaita Vedānta 533 texts and authors 471–4 Aelius Aristides 317 theorization of 473 Aeschylus 450 theory of transmutation 476–8 “Aetna” poem 269 and unity of matter 471, 473, 476, 477, afterlife, celestial, Egyptian 131 478 Agatharchides 410 Alcinous, Didaskalikos 262 Agathinus, Claudius 336 alembic, alchemical distillation apparatus Agathodiamon 472 475, 477 Agniveśa 543 Alexander of Aphrodisias 188, 340 Agrippa, astronomer 395 and Aristotle’s celestial spheres 283 agronomists, Roman 238 commentaries of 279, 280, 282 Ahmose, pharaoh of Egypt 113 Alexander the Great 241, 316, 455, 503 air, Anaximenes’s concept of 167 death (323 BCE) 248, 322 aither (fiery material), role in Stoicism 259, 260 rout of Darius III 17 Akhethotep, scribe 106 Alexandria 321 Akkadian language 60 anatomy in 325–31 alchemy, Chinese 592–3
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