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Cass City Chronicle Volume 32, Number 3

Cass City Chronicle Volume 32, Number 3


DECKER~BOND. FORMER EDUCATOR HERE Tn $ 00 nnn i Arlington Hoffman and Cass City King me rant ..... gen Pose for Picture at ~u~ New Home AXE TO OPEN ATU[ of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Decker, and Charles Edwin Bond, son of Mr. BASEBALLSEASON and Mrs. Charles Bond, both of GENERTI IG PL{ I' Greenleaf Township were united in TUS[;OLASUPERVISORS marriage Saturday, April 10, at REA Engineer Outlined the Five Ho~ae Games Featuring 2:00 p.m. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Paul J. Allured at Was Made the Unanimous Thumb Project in Talk Caro, Bad Axe and Harbor the Presbyterian Manse. o Choice for Chairman at The bride and groom were at- Here Friday. Beach on Local Schedule. tended by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Opening of Session. Jackson. Mrs. Jackson is a sister J of the bride. A $300,000 generating plant to Bad Axe will open the local base- At four o'clock, a sumptuous din- Fred Mathews of Mayville, su- furnish power for the Rural Elec- ball season here next Friday, April ner ~as served at the home of Mr. pervisor of Dayton township, was trific~tion Admmlstratio• " " " n' s Thumb 23. This will be the first game for and Mrs. Decker to immediate rela- elected chairman of the Tuscola of Michigan project is a possibility the Maroon and Grey squad. ,tires. The table and a three-story Coun~ Board of Supervisors on for Cuss City, said C. A. Winder, The starting line-up is still un- wedding cake were beautifully dec- Tuesday, th e opening day of the consulting engineer .of the Michi- certain, but the following men look orated. April session of .that body. Mr. gan Public Utilities Commission, in the best at present for the follow- The bride and groom left for HARLEY W. HOLMES Mathews was made the unanimous a short talk at the dinner given ing positions: First base, L. Phil- Detroit where they will spend the former superintendent of schools at choice for the office. Friday evening by Rotary Club lips, B. Bearss; second base, G. week with relatives. Cuss City, is the new president of At Tuesday afternoon's session, members in honor of 30 of their Reagh; short stop, F. Wright; third the Michigan Education Associa- Mr. Mathews announced the "ap- farmer at the Hatel Gor- base, A. Reagh; catcher, M. McA1- tion. Mr. Holmes has been at the pointment of the following com- don. pine, B. Kelly; pitchers, L. Profi.t, Capacity Audience head of the Marshall schools since mittees: The site will be decided within V. Crane, G. Reagh; outfielders, F. leaving Cass City on November 1, Fort, C. Simmons, K. Warner, B. Ways and Means- McAlpine, the next six to eight weeks. While at Music Festival "1929. Profit, MacFarlane. Cuss City is ideally located geo- Smith, R. Dewey, R. Courliss and graphically for the power site, be- Claims and Accounts~Hutchin- M. Fordyce. A capacity audience, estimated son, Willits, Barriger. ing in the center of the proposed Following is the schedule for .this from 300 to 350, filled the audi- Card Man Dies County Officers' Claims~Acker- project area, the quality of water season: torium and chapel of the Cass City supply, transportation facilities April 23, Bad Axe here. man, Kelley, Miller. Baptist Church on Monday evening on Way to the Equalization~Mas soll, Keinath, and other factors will also be con- April 30, CarD here. to hear the music festival in which sidered by the administration. It May 4, Fairgro~e here. Luder, Haines, Burns, Willits, were featured Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Doctor's Office Profit, Ross, Green, Schott, Brown. is probable, according to Mr. Wind- May 7, Sebewaing there. las Hines, radio singers of Cleve- er, that four different sites will be I May 11, Mayville here. Bank Depository~MacFarlane, No, the animal is not masquerad- riser, to make the purchase which land, Ohio, and the young people's Milford Snyder, 25, of Caro died Blackmore, Gunsell. considered. Ubly citizens~are mak- May 21, Vassar there. orchestra of .the First Baptist ing" an effort to locate the plant in i ing. Neither did he forget to comb was done a few weeks ago. The ~y 25, Marlette there. very suddenly at Vassar shortly County Finance--Miller, McA1- animal came from Ilderton, On- Church of Bay City. after midnight Saturday while he pine, Massoll. that village. Engineers are mak- his hair after tumbling out of bed June 1, Harbor Beach here. Mr. and Mrs Hines appeared in ing chemical analysis of Michigan .this morning. That hirsute adorn- tario. was being .taken in an automobile County Buildings~Burns, Van- "We were looking for him~at the solo and duet numbers and Mr. to the office of Dr. E C. Swanson Wagnen, MacFarlane. coals to determine whether coal or ment is natural. If you doubt it, Hines conducted chorus singing in oil will be used as fuel in the gen- ask "Barney" (Arlington) Hoffman dock at Sarnia," said Mr. Campbell, for treatment. Coroner H. T. Don- Printing ~ Higgins, Hutchinson, "when snddenly 'Barney' spotted a which the audience entered heartily. ahue, who was called on the ease, Luder. erating plant. Nine thousand gal- at the Miltma Hoffman farm, ½ Rev. John Raymond of Bay City crate on the back of a passenger ROTARYENTERTAINS said death was due to acu.te dilation County Officers' Salaries~Kelley, tons of water will be needed each mile north of Cass City, who has contributed a short address on the been appointed special "care taker" car. 'The barber shop for you,' of the heart. Hutchinson, Haines. hour for three turbines and many subject, "Ye Are Not Your Own." said the youthful stockman as he While dancing" in the Commercial times that amount for cooling pur- of Cass City King Ben, the steer Delegations came from Bay City, State and County Tax--Profit, unfastened the rope preparatory Hotel at Vassar, Mr. Snyder be- Burns, Miller. poses/Nine to 12 men will be em- pictured above. to FAHHEH FRIENDSCarD, Deckerville, Vassar, North ployed in the plant. Of the 24 steer projects entered transferring him .to the pick-up." came ill and went to an adjoining County Drain and Drainage As far as club members here Branch and other points of .the room with a pain in his side. At As stated in the Chronicle last by members of the Cuss City Live- Thumb to attend the festival. Keinath, Ackerman, Brown. week, the Thumb project, one of stock Club this season probably know, Cass City Big Ben is the only Thirty-two Guests with Club his request, three young" men placed To Settle with Co. Clerk and animal of its breed in the United four in Michigan, includes Sanilae, none is creating more interest than Members Heard Burr Lin- him in an automobile to be taken Treas.--Blackmore, Green, Acker- Tuseola and Huron counties, and the one undertaken by the club as a States. They have knowledge of but Kingston Couple to a physician's office. He died man. parts of Saginaw and Bay. The whole that of feeding a Scotch two Scotch Highland herds in Cana- coln Give Address. on the way. Snyder had been suf- To Settle with Drain Commis- Thumb project embraces 1,800 Highland steer as an educational da. The raising of this breed was Married 25 Years fering with rheumatic heart trouble sioner--Willits, Luder, MacFar- miles of electric lines and 5,500 program. "Barney" was chosen to started in Sco.tland where their for some time. lane. farmers have signed for it. care for this animal, but club mem- meat is considered the best obtain- Thlrty-two prominent farmers Born July 5, 1911, in Caro, he To Settle with Supts. of Poor~ From Kingston Correspondent. According to Mr. Winder, there bers will contribute toward the able. It is not uncommon to find from Tuscola, Sanilac and Huron had lived in that village all his life, Haines, Ross, Barriger. has beeh allocated to the Thumb feeding program and all wilt feel a Highland calf winning the blue Counties were guests of the Cass Mr. and Mrs. William McCool and was employed by the Robert To Settle with Road Commission project by federal authorities $2,- great pride in being part owner of ribbon at some of the leading stock City Rotary Club at a Farmer- celebrated their 25th wedding an- Park Co., wholesale egg merchants. ~Brown, VanWagnen, Higgins. 000,000. The largest single allot- this unusual specimen as they ex- shows in Scotland. Friend dinner served at the Hotel niversary Saturday, April 10, at Funeral services were held Tuesday Roads and Bridges~Gunsell, merit previous to this time was hibit him with their other 4-H club The first "public appearance" of Gordon Friday night. The enter- their farm home, north and east of afternoon in the Huston Funeral Massoll, ~McAlpine. $700,000 to a Cailfornia area. The animals at the big fairs this fall. .this Scotch Highland steer will be taining of a group of agricultural- Kingston. About 40 were in at- Home in Caro, conducted by Rev. Rejected Tax~Schott, Gunselt, Thumb project is three times great- He has been insured with a reliable at the school auditorium here, at a ists is an annual event of the Ro- tendance and they left many useful W. F. Boetteher. Higgins. er than any other area now es- livestock insurance company for a poultry meeting tonight (Friday) tartans and the club on Friday saw and valuable gifts. Mr. Snyder leaves his father, Resolutions ~ Barriger, Black- tablished because heretofore proj- year. sponsored by the Frutehey Bean almost an entirely new set of faces William McCool and Flossie Percy Snyder, Sr., a step mother, more, Keinath. ects have been county projects. Grant Hutchinson, Arlington Company. from those of las.t year's guests. Hampshire were united in marriage a brother and a sister, and three Footing" Rolls ~ VanWagnen, Electricity for rural communities Hoffman and Meredith McAlpine The home of the Scotc~h High- A Rotary quartet of G. W. Lan- at Kingston, April 10, 1912, by Rev. half-brothers and sisters Ross, Kelley. has been serviced by utilities in the were appointed as a committee to land breed is the highland of Perth, don~ A. C. Atwell, G. A. Tindale Mr. Sutphin, and to this union Agricultural Extension~Green, more densely populated farm areas act with Willis Campbe!l, club ad- Turn to page 8, please. and Leslie Townsend sang the me- four children were born, Mrs. Earl Schott, Keinath. with five ,to seven customers to the lodious strains of "0, Marnie Ri- Sarles, Mayville; Mrs. Ronald Band Goes to Elkton On Wednesday, the board wres- mile. In sparsely settled'areas now President, Alton Reavey, Akror~ ley!" and responded with an encore. Congdon, Kingston; E. J. and Wil- tled with welfare problems and untouched by the utilities, elec- Vice president, Walter Goodall, J. Henry Smith combined farmer liam, at home. Festival Today spent several hours discussing tricity will be within reach of all SPORTSHELP SlOP Cuss City. and Rotarian voices in leading the Mr. and Mrs. McCool were both ~m them. farmers of the Thumb district Secretary-treasurer, Marguerite group singing of "Auld Lung Syne" reared in this community, having The Cass City High School sixty- through the REA, said Mr. Winder. Carpenter, Card and "Home on the Range." attended Beverly School together. piece band leaves today, Friday, Outside of highly specialized OUTH DELINQUENCYReporter, Spencer Dunham, Cart>. President Willis Campbell was in A lunch, consisting of sandwich- April 16, for Elkton to participate Mrs. Lenzner 80 labor, the work of erecting rural iRecreation committee, Mildred a generous mood and showed his es, pickles, ice cream, cake and in the annual band and orchestra lines by the administration may be Hover, Akron, and Ills Fox, Vas~- liberality in assessing and collect- coffee, was served .to guests at a festival to be held there. Years Old Monday done by farmers who may con- C. C. C. C. Speaker Advocated sat. ing fines, right and left, from Ro- late hour. Mrs. Earl McCool and The Cass City organiaztion will tribute labor in exchange for wir- Donald Gager, membership and tary members. Vice President H. Mrs. Otto Sheffield made the wed- be one of the youngest of the ten Mrs. C. O. Lenzner arrived at ing their farm buildings, thereby a Directed Recreational resale representative of £he Farm Theron Donahue scattered advice ding cake. Cards, visiting and mu- bands to take part in ,the festival, her eightieth milestone on April 12, securing this equipment without a Bureau in Huron Country, was and was kept busy acknowledging sic passed the evening and all de- yet it will be one of the largest. and on the day preceding the event, cash outlay. In an Arkansas proj- Program' speaker. Mr. Gager spy]re on the gifts for Richard Theron, his new parted for their homes, having The band was organized a year ago her two children and their families ect, 98% of the farmers paid for. sales tax bill which has 7~een in- born son--bank books showing spent a very enjoyable time. and since that time has made rapid and her sister, Mrs. George Mast, wiring .their farm buildings in this treduced in the present legislature. gift deposits by the two local progress. of Sebewaing staged a surprise manner. A project is financed by With a great deal of leisure i~me The Junior Farm t~reau urges banks and a large package of gar- KIRBY--WAGNER WEDDING. Cass City will be represented by party and birthday dinner in her a loan from the government to the at their command during the sum- alI farmers to write to tire gover- ments for the youngster from his eleven members in the massed band, honor at the home of her son, H. F. cooperating company in which the mer vacagion months, school Chil- nor, their state senator, or their Rotary uncles. which is to play in the evening: Lenzner, here. owners are the consumers. A mort- dren have great need of a directed representative and u~ge ~hem to J. Henry Smith, F. A. Bigelow A quiet wedding took place at Delbert Henry, Pauline Silvernail, Those from. a distance in attend- .gage on the lines "is taken for t~e recreational program, C. H. Nickle, oppose the bill and Wm. Miller were appointed "a the Methodist Parsonage in Owen- Charlotte Auten and Glenna Asher, ance at the gathering included Mrso loans and is the only security re- professor of speech of the extension committee to setec:t a Rotary boWl- dale on Wednesday, April 7, at Mx clarinets; Donald Allured and Isabel Lenzner's daughter, Mrs. H. Lee" quired, not a cent of liability being department of Michigan State Col- ing team to compete with a town o'clock in the evening when Miss Bradshaw, cornets; Kenneth Hig- Pocklington, and husband, Village: assumed on the part of any indi- lege, told members of the Cass Horse Specialist group who have "champeen" 'am- Ruth M. Kirby, the oldest daughter gins, horn; Jean Tuckey, baritone; President Pocklington, of Algonac,. vidual farmer. City Community Club, at the April bitions. of Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Kirby, be- Caroline Auten, alto saxophone; and two sons, Robert and Herbert;: Every farmer is .entitled to rural came the bride of Herbert C. Wag- meeting of th~ society Tuesday to Visit Tuscola Co. State Representative Audtey and Marjorie Cr of.,~- tenor saxo- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pocklington: electrification, sa~d Mr. Winder, her, the youngest son of Mrs. John night. Grade and high school pupils ..... Rawson introduced Hon. Burr L'in- phone. The massed band is com- and twin daughters, Ann Lee an~ and it will be as wide-spread as Wagner Of Cuss City. Rev. Mr. 'have recreatJonal facilities ,during Harry Moxley, ho~se specialist of coln, state commissioner of "~gri- posed of players who will represent Janice; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moody Blackmore of Owendale performed Turn to page ~8, l~lease. ghe school year, but vacati~m time, Michigan State Coltege, will spend culture, as the speaker of ±he eve- all the organizations taking part in and two children, Jack and Marian; the ceremony• The couple were at- with many leisure hours presents an two days next week Jin Tuscola ning. the festival. It will play two num- and Mr. and Mrs. James Pockling- vpportunity for ~ community recre- County. Mr. Moxley Will demon- Mr. Lincoln, a Huron county tended by Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kirby, bers "Panora Overture" by Holmes ton, all of Algonac; and Miss Phyl- McCuIlough Group :ational program. An all-year pro- farmer, in his opening remarks, brother and sister-in-law of the and Selections from Tannhauser" lis Lenzner of Fenton. strate and discuss :proper handling bride. ~gram of this chaa~ac£er is recited for of untrained or unra~ 'horses. He referred to the posperity of the by Wagner, under the direction of Mrs. Lenzner, born in Philadel- Leads Bowlers youths just out of high sch-odt who will particularly stress proper care Thumb of Michigan, and s~/id it Immediately after the wedding', Mr. Norton of Flint, who will als( phia, Pa., came to Cass City in 1869 are Without jdbs and not defk~/itely of feet of growing troTses, empha- ranked welt in the production of the young people returned to .the act as critic at the festival. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. home of the bride's parents where a The McCuIlough team are leading seJtled as to their life work. sizing the importance of keeping live stock and the 13 major crops Each band will play two numbers Gottlieb Ahr, and has been a resi- &ctive in recreational programs the feet well balanced thereby. of Michigan. He told his audience wedding dinner awaited them. on the evening program. The num- dent of this community since that ideal borders by a safe "margin and They will make their home on the are assured of first honors of the in Lans:ing, Prof. Nickle has f~und making a more valuaNe horse at of some of the functions of his de- bers to be played by the local band ,time. Previous to coming here, that softball and baseball games i maturity. Horsemen may see Mr. partment~ and its regulations re- Milton Hoffman farm, one and one- under the direction of Robert B. she resided near Bay Port for si~: series v~hich ends in ~hree weeks. half miles north of Cass City where 'The Knapp group are also hopeful. and other clean sports in that city Moxley in action: • garding sanitation and other stan- Clayton, local music instructor, will years. Mr. Wagner is employed. They have occupied the cellar posi- dur~n.g the summer morechs ~ve Tuesday, April 20, 1":'30 p. m., at dards. be the well known Sousa march, She was united in marriage witt~ tion for a long period and new have gone u long way "in the elimination the Robert Horner farm, 2½ miles The western producer gets ~he On Friday and Saturday nights "The Thunderer," and the overture, Christian Oscar Lenzner, Jr., i~ advanced to shwre the low spot by of juavenile del:inquency. •These east of Deford. high dollar for his crops i~ Chicago miscellaneous showers were given "The Hermit of Kildare" by 1879. He was engaged in the fur- tieing the Wallace team. "The lat- sports, provided at no expense %o Tuesday, April 20, 7"~00 p. m., and other large marketing centers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Holmes. niture business in Cass City for 40: ter, hewever, have played .ghree 'less youths, have t~:ken care of much ~:f lTuscola "Horsemen Banquet, Hotel because of his methods of grading Kirby for Mr. and Mrs. Wagner~ The orchestra program is to years and passed away in June, games ~han the Knapps a-nd l~ve their leisure time, has kept them Montague, CarD. and marketifig. Mr. Lincoln said the first evening by neighbors and start at two ~o'clock and .the bands 1927. a chance to "come out from undeff' out of g~..:gs and hel~ed them de~ Wednesday, April 21, 1':30 p. m., Michigan is behind the procession friends and the second by relatives. will begin to play at seven o'clock Since last fall, Mrs. Lenzner has ~n their next evenln~.s l~lay. vetop h0bMes. Robert Robinson farm, 5 north, 1 ½ with its old marketing system and Friends and relatives from Merrill, in the evening'. made her home with her sister, Mrs. The standings on Wednesday Preceding "his address, Mr. Nickle .west of CarD Standpipe. has remained so because of its di- Flint and Pontiac attended the George Mast, in S ebewaing. This led the a~dlence in group singing, showers. The bridal couple re- night: Farmers should bring horses versified crops. The importance of COMING AUCTIONS. is the first time in 68 years that she W L Pct. With George Dillman at the piano. about which they have questions grading was emphasized and he ceived many useful gifts. has been absent from her home in McCullough ...... 37 8 .822 The merchants° committee spon- to either of the afternoon meetings. advised each community to enter Cass City for more ,than a few sored Tuesday night's pr6gram. Frank Lebaczewski, because of Kelly ...... 29 16 .644 Purebred horsemen and colt devel- into the study of marketing to the weeks at a time. Dceagald Krug, committee chair- best advantage its particular crops Winton School ill health, will hold an auction sale Parsons ...... 26 16 .629 opment owners ~re invited to at- of horses, cows and farm ,tools, 2 man, introduced the speaker. A tend the Tuesday banquet to dis- so that better prices may be real- Kirton ...... 22 23 .488 miles south and ½ mile west of MRS. HUDSON TO SPEAK Landor ...... 20 22 .476 chicken dinner was served by ladies cuss a county horsebreeders • as- ized. Votes to Close of the Catholic Church. sociation. Representatives of the Rural Gagetown on Monday, April 19. AT UNION SERVICE HERE Reid ...... 19 23 .453 Worthy Tait is the auctioneer and President B. H. Starmann an- Electrification Administration were At a special meeting of patrons Starmann ...... 20 25 .445 the Cass City State Bank is clerk. nounced that C. M. Wallace was present at the meeting and out- of the Winton School, District No. 'Krug ...... =..17 28 .377 Mrs. James JackSon is announc- Mrs. Grant Hudson of Lansifig Wallace ...... 14 28 .333 chairman of the bankers' group re- Revolver Shot lined the Thumb project of rural 3, Elkland, on Tuesday evening', it will speak at a union service at the sponsible for the ladies' night pro- electrification, a report of which is was voted to close the school next ing an auction of horses, dairy cat- Knapp ...... 15 30 .333 tle, purebred Herefords and farm Presbyterian Church here next Sun- gram of the Community Club in Breaks Finger Bone given in another column of this year and transport the pupils to day evening in the interest of the May. machinery on Tuesday, Apr. 20. --; : 7 number of the Chronicle. the Cass City School for their in- The sale will be held at the Jack- Woman's Christian Temperance MARRIAGE LICENSES. Clare Rawson, son of State Rep- The annual gatherings of farmers struction. The vote stood 31 to 2. Union. She will be pccomparded u resentative and Mrs. Audley Raw- and Rotarians have been truly en- • On March19, the proposition was son farm 7~ miles east and 1 mile north of Cass City. Win. Turnbull by her husband, Hon. Grant Hud- Willis M. McComb, 26, Vassar; Junior Farm son, had the flesh of one finger cut joyable events and have tended to defeated 23 to 19, but later patrons son, former congressman. Nina D. Schulz, 23, Saginaw. and the bone of another broken in cement friendships and enlarge the petitioned the board for another is the auction'eer and the Pinney State Bank is clerk. Mrs. Hudson is chairman of the John O. Smith, 22, Colwood; Ruth Bureau Organized several places by a revolver shot. circles of acquaintance of the men election which was held Tuesday state W. C. T. U. committee of W. Smith, 20, Ellington. The accident happened when Clare of the community. night. Mrs. E. P. Smith has decided to quit farming and will sell live stock national alcohol education and cor- Charles E. Warren, 41, Wahja- The Tuscola County Junior Farm and a boy companion were playing The Winton School is ,the third responding secretary of the state mega; A. Drucilla Gilkey, 43, Wah- with .the weapon Saturday after- within the past year in which pa- and farm tools a~ auction 3½ miles Bureau was organized last Tuesday At the close of the regular meet- south of Cass City on Thursday, union. jamega. 120012 trons have voted to close their evening at the Recreation Room of ing of Echo Chapter, O. E. S., held April 22. Worthy Tait will cry the Harold J• Vollweiler, 27, Fos- the Court House• Thirty members Wednesday night in Masonic Hall, grade school and send pupils to the toria; Vera Lyon, 20, Mayville. Cass City School. sale. The Cass City State Bank is The Queen Esther Society will were~ present. The Cass City Grange will meet a social hour was enjoyed. Sand- clerk. meet with Christina Graham and Elgan J. Sellers, 53, Akron; Officers of the newly formed Tuesday evening, April 20, with wiches, friedcakes and coffee were Mabel L Evans, 42, Akron. These three sales are advertised Sharlie VanWinkle at the Graham organization are: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benkelman. served. Advertise it in the Chronicle. in detail on ~page 7• home on Monday evening. PAGE TWO. " ~" CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937. Cass City, Michigan. SHABBONA. family of Cass City had Sunday CASS CITY CHRONICLE .7- dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Little. Entered as second class matter at the pe~ ,office at Cast City, Mrs. Cassio Willerton of Argyle Michigan, under Act of March 8, 1879. spent last wetc wtih her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Clair Tuckey, Mr. Mrs. C. Berman, and family. and Mrs. J. D. Tuckey, Mr. and Subscription Price in Advance. Mrs. Stephen Moore and Pauline The Women's Department of the Silvernail visited Mr. and Mrs. John In Tuscola, Huron ~r Sanilac counties, L D. S. Church met Thursday af- Tuckey near Elkton Friday after- ternoon with Mrs. Arthur Meredith. $1.00 a year in advance. In other parts noon. Mr. and Mrs,. John Tuckey of Michigan, $1.50 a year. In United DinRrophenol Mrs. Claud Kirkpatrick of Deck- are rejoicing over the arrival of a ~ States (outside of Michigan) $2.00 a you are not hearing or reading orville visited Mrs. J. P. Neville on daughter to their home. She has Friday afternoon. f ...... t (nnr~ropnenm ~or reaucmg wetgnt. I ±,x~. li~iVbllZt iviililiie aiid ~tlgh- Mrs. Joseph Parrott and her son, The Tri-County Chronicle and Cast City Enterprise ,consolidated The fact that about one in every t ter, Betty, and George Phetteplaee Kent Parro,tt, of Croswell visited in April 20, 1906. seven using it develops a skin rash, I .of Port Huron spent the week-end Detroit last week-end. Published every Friday. H.F. Lenzner~ Publisher and that cases of cataract, collapse, t with their father, William Phette- and even death have resulted has place, and other relatives here. naturally made overweights some- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parker and Kingly Cabbage by a New kind of ZL/VC Coating THE FARMER'S BOY. what afraid of this drug. family of Utica were week-end It is perhaps fortunate, generally guests of Mrs. Parker's sister and Bows to Worm What inducement has the boy or young man of today to stay on speaking, that many husband, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ter- A NEWLY perfected electrolytic process known as bethanizlng his father's farm ? He hears all .the talk about surplus production of are afraid to use loski, and family, returning home It or~ly takes a lowly worm to applies a zinc coating to bethanized fence that in its entire thick- dinitrophenol be- Monday. make Michigan's kingly crop of farm products, and he asks what hope ,of a happy life there is for him, cause its use by ness is 99.99 per cent pure zinc, the purest ever applied to wire. if he is in business which constantly produces more than the country Mr. and Mrs. Frank Townsend cabbage bow down, yet wise grow- anybody and every- and family of Decker were dinner ers whether in commercial produc- Free from the embrittIing, rust-inviting iron contamination and will buy. The majority of these boys are asking how they can get body without a phy- away from the farm. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Niehol tion or just trying to make a few other impurities unavoidable in older zinc-coating processes, the sician's supervision Sunday. heads burst into size in a backyard Some day this surplus of farm products is going to be taken care is dangerous. garden can take steps to cut down bethanized coating has remarkably high resistanceto the weather. of. Either new markets will be discovered, or so many men will leave However, Dr. W. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Phetteplaee er~tertained the latter's sister, Miss the cabbage maggot population and It is also so ductile and tightly bonded to the steel base that there the farms that there won't be any surplus. When that ti~ne comes, G. Campbell, chief insure a crop. of the federal food Jennie Cullen, of Detroit from Fri- is no loss of protective value from the wrapping at the joints in the young man who knows farming scientifically will be sure of com- ""i@!.... day until Sunday. Two methods are suggested. One fort and health at least. and drug adminis- commonly used in field production weaving. It affords the same heavy protection here as on the un- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Furriest tration (Washing- is to treat both seedbed and also bent wire. ton), and daughter, Lorraine, and Mr. Dr. Bar~on points out treat plants at transplanting ,time "that dinitr0phenol and Mrs. Lewis Travis spent from PERMANENT C. C. C. with a corrosive sublimate solution. Yet bethanlzed fence costs no more. While bringing greater now forms the basis of a half dozen Friday until Sunday with Mr. and One ounce in eight gallons of water or more patent medicines the Mrs. Norman Kritzman in Detroit. value and longer fence life it sells for usual fence prices. Ask to President Roosevelt is asking that the Civilian Conservation Corps on poured on the ground in a seedbed market. The indiscriminate use of Marian Kritzman returned with see this new, better-protected fence. every seven days is suggested by be made a permanent agency of ,the government. This form of relief these preparations will most likely them to spend this week with her C. B. Dibble, extension entomolo- has provided employment for hundreds of thousands of young men/ be followed by poisoning." grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Travis. Just received a carload of this fencing. Also have very gist of Michigan State College. many of whom otherwise might have been idle and drifting. If it had Fortunately one of the physicians Mr. and Mrs. Van Arendt of good prices on spools of Barb Wire. not been for this opportunity to work, some of these boys might be who has done most of the research Flies lay eggs near the stem of Flint were Sunday vis£tors at the .the plant soon after planting in the stealing rides on freight cars, or even degenerating into plain ordinary work on dinitrophenol, Dr. M. L. a. P. Neville home. Tainter, , outlines in field, or sometimes these eggs are bums. Mr. and Mrs. George Gotham, the Journal of the American Medi- laid along rows in seedbeds or along The Farm Produce Co. The boys employed in this form of relief have done much to make~ Bill Ehlers and Milton Hyatt at- hardening rows. The maggot hatch- American forests a source of greater wealth. Probably this agency cal Association a form of treatment for those poisoned by this drug. tended, the funeral of Mrs. Goth-t es and eats roots or may tunnel should become permanent to some extent, to care for boys who can't "As there is no special drug that am s ,s~ster at New Haven Tuesday. I into the stem of the plant. The find work. But it is not intended to be a substitute for a real job. It overcomes dinitrophenoI, the treat- results include dead plants or is up to every hoy to wear out shoe leather and spend many patient days ment is directed toward getting the plants so weakened that there are seeking for a job in industry, business, or farming~ drug out of the body. When the pa- ELLINGT ND /tfewer tons of cabbage .to the acre tient is first seen the stomach should Jor fewer heads to the garden. FARMERS! ATTEHTJl]H! be washed out with large volumes NOVESTA. In gardens the application is COMMUNITY SIT-DOWNS. of water containing baking soda slow and expensive. So an inventor i (about a tablesponiul to the quart Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tuckey of has shown up with a tarpaper disc :~ We Remove Dead Horses and Cattle. of water). A large amount of water Pontiac visited relatives here over to hang: around the stem of the :~: A New York minister, Rev. J. B. Langstaff, preached at St. Ed- the week-end. mund's Church in that city, against what he called spiritual sit-down may be left in the stomach to take plant at planting time These discs i~.:~ We Pay Top Market Price Mrs. Mack Little and daughter, now are available at supply houses. ,,:, strikes. His idea was that ,many church members, who have received the place of the water lost by pro- fuse sweating. If pure oxygen is Joyce, and D. E. Turner of Cats Once on the root they provide pro- ~:' ¢, a commission ,to go out and do the work of the kingdom of God, don't available the patient should breathe City and Clare Turner and son, ,tectionthrought the period during '$" ~5 f0[ H0[S6~ $4 f0[ COW8 do anything about it, and they sit comfortably at home and demand their it in through a mask. To reduce James, of Elmwood visi.ted Cressy which the maggots may be appear-' ~: share of eternal bliss. If they ,sit still doing no evil, they feel they are fever, the victim should be placed Steele at Vassar on Sunday. ing. ~.~ entitled to the same reward as .those who go about doing good. in a bath tub containing ice water Mi's. Alice McCormick of Cass Other crops as well can be pro-~ :~ Service men will shoot old or The members of churches are not the only ones who can be said or in an ice pack." City spent Saturday night and tected from maggots, either by the :i." disabled animals. to indulge in such sit-downs. We are all ,of us called on to do certain The point then is that by washing Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen application of chemical or use of .~ ,:. work for the benefit of humanity, to take our share of the labors of out the stomach and putting the vic- Wanner. the disc. These include only cauli- -*.. Prompt service. Telephone collect. :~i flower, Brussels sprouts and broc- ~! ":* the community. "Let George do it" has become the popular motto. tim in a bath tub of ice water~a Maurice Parrott og Wheaton, Il- treatment that can be given at On the days when elections and primary meetings are held, it is linois, came Friday night to spend colt, but no other types of vege- -l, CHEMICAL COMPANY home--the lives of these victims tables. :!'. VALLEY the duty of good citizens to get out and vote. Even the most hotly his spring vacation with his par- may be saved in many eases. ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Parrott. -:" Telephone 210 Car0, Michigan ':" contested election may see 20,000,000 people staying at home and letting Poisoning Cases Rare. Overreaching Gree~l Viola Procure of Pontiac is spend- somebody else do the work of carrying ,on the government. However, poisoning occurs only at There never were greed and curt- If a meeting is called in the home town to plan for needed rare intervals and usually from us- some time wi,th her grandparents, ning in the world yet that did not measures for the benefit of the community, only a handful of people ing doses that are too large. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hall. do too much and overreach them- t will probably be present. Tainter and his associates, Drs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little and selves. From A to Z ...... You'll find it in the Liners All the folks who without good reason thus fail .to take their part B. Stockton and W. C. Cutting, who of the work of the community, could be called sit-downers. It may be have studied this drug for over five said that they do not prevent other people from working, as striking sit- years report as follows on its value treatment overweight: downers usually do. Yet their lack of co-operation throws a cold blan- for the of "One hundred and seventy selected ket of discouragement over all useful work overweight patients (20 males and The country is tired of sit-downers who stop the work of industrial 150 females) were given sodium di. PROVE plants and it ought to be tired of the ,sit-downers who fail in their nitrophenol by mouth for an aver- community to do the active work that needs to be done for the benefit age of 88 days, each being given o~ all, fii~ average daily dose of 5~/~ grains. The average increase in metabolic rate (rate at which the body proc- THE PEOPLE STILL RULE, esses work) was about 11 per cent for each 1~ grains daily dose. The They had an eiection in Michigm~ a ~ew days ago, in which the average loss of body weight results were fairly close, and quite di~erent from those recorded on was 17 pounds for each patient with November 3 last. Which ~s an indication that the people .still have an average loss of about 1½ pounds absolute cont~oI over politics and government. Dictators may ,order weekly. Their food intake was not reduced but they were not to eat the people of Europe as to every ~step .they must take during the day, more food than had been their cuso @ but the American people still control their own affair~, ~ om,' $ The most disturbing things about that election was that less -than Now why were these physicians 800,000 people voted, whereas 1,800,000 we~t to the polls last Novem- able to get such excellent results ber. Yet the officials chosen the past week had great and important from dinitrophenol? It was because responsibilities to carry, largely affecting the welfare of their state. the drug was free from impurities Why should not the good citizen go to ,the polls for every election ? and the patients were under super- vision at all times. "These research physicians from 95 H, Po SIX ONE CONFLICT ENDED. results obtained feel justified in giv- ing dinitrophenol to almost all over- The country heard with thankfulness that the great strike of weights as it "will promptly and employes of the Chrysler automobile plants had been settled. This certainly 2ncrease the rate at which the body processes work, greatly conflict lasted almost a month. Business people in Detroit .say it will increase the heat and thus reduce cost $10,000,000 in loss of payrolls, and $14,000,000 in retail and whole- weight in a manner and to an ex- " e Check eVerY sale distribution" tent not approached by any drug t~sl d~v " --as~aObilem "Try ¢Ot~ When people stop work, and fail to gain the ~noney they might previously tried. It has the disad- ~ke ~ have earned, there is just as great a loss of wealth as if they had vantage, however, of producing un- I)h~se o~ taken the 10,000,000 or 14,000,000 dollars, and dumped them in Lake desirable reactions in some patients these t( Michigan. There would be a great outcry, if somebody should take $14,- which cannot be known beforehand 000,000 worth of gold and dump it into the lake. So far the country and which occasionally are alarm- ing. "Turret sees all this loss of productive power going on, and finds no way to IO 'The axouUd" EcST way to find out what any persuade people to settle their disputes without such loss of production. Stop s" Dizziness Safety ( ar can do is to drive it. Do that When an attack of dizziness oc- with Oldsmobile! You'll discover STILL BORROWING: curs there is often the feeling on a new world of finer performance, the part of the patient that there comfort, safety and saving. You'll is something wrong with his heart. thread traffic with ease, take hills The government will have to borrow some more money before its As a matter of fact most cases of in your stride, and round curves on fiscal year ends June 30. Hopes have been held out ,that the govern- dizziness come from a disturbance an even keel. You'll find that Olds- ment's receipts would equal its expenditures in the year 1939, but the dn the ear or in the liver. Gener- mobile Aas everything and does way things are going now, this seems very doubtful. The states and ally but not always when the ob- everything.., all at economical cost. the cities ar e clamoring for liberal aid from the government to reduce jects about the patient seem to be Place your order now for prompt their relief expend£tures. Unless these expenditures can be cut, or going "around and around", or the delivery! unless the receipts from taxes can be greatly raised, the government patient himelf seems to be going will have to keep borrowing a good deal longer than 1939. around and around, the trouble is in the ear, whereas when things aP- The people know what happens to a business when it keeps bor- pear to be going up and down or rowing indefinitely. They know also that when a family's expenses the patient feels that he is going up constantly exceed its earnings, it either has to cut its expenses or in- and down the liver is at fault. IO~ de" crease its income. When the ear is at fault, that is, the part of the ear that "balances" the body, it is very often due to DEAD TOWNS. some trouble in the nose and the sinuses adjoining the nose. Acute av~ e : The newspaper humorist tells how the real estate man took the or chronic catarrh, or infection of visitor around a certain town. The visitor remarked that it was the the sinuses immediately behind the first cemetery he had seen that had lights, nose are the commonest causes of Now that real estate man did not probably realize that his town this dizziness which is usually ac- did not look like a live one. He had ,seen it so many times, that its companied by nausea or a "tink- faults did not impress themselves on his mind. The decadent looking ling" noise in the ear, Treatment during attacks consists places seemed good enough to him. of any quieting medicine such as It takes the visitor who sees everything with fresh eyes, to dis- phenobarbital. While this is a most cover how everything; really looks. He can tell in a short time whether helpful drug, there is the chance a town is a live one or not. If the business places are neat, substantial, that the patients may acquire the IIII r I well cared for, if the homes are well repaired and with orderly grounds, "barbital habit." . II I ''THE CAR~ THAT HAS EVERYTHING'' he knows those folks are on earth and going ahead. The attacks of dizziness due to the liver are prevented or controlled by cutting doom on rich starch or Automobile travel i.s easy now, because guideposts mark the way fat foods. CASS MOTOR SALES, Cass City ~)n every important road. Advertising is the guidepost that re,arks the © Bell Syndicate.~WNU Service. best way to find the goods you desire. Cass City, Michigan. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937. PAGE THREE. RESCUE. Saturday evening after helping his NEW SOVIET OFFICIAL Our Lord." Rev. C, W. Harvey on [brother-in-law, Levi Helwig, for a "Reminiscences of the Welsh Re- few days. vival." Rev. H. W. Ambrose, in the Mrs. Wilbert Ellis and son, Floyd, gharchX , Mrs. Ralph Britt and daughters evening', on "Pentecost." Meals a~d daughter, Ilene, and Mrs. Ag- were in Cass City Friday evening. Novesta Free Will Baptist Ghurch on the potluck basis. Plan to at- nes Roberts visited Mr. and Mrs. --The church with the glad hand. tend all or part of the day. Emanuel Duffield at Yale last Mr. and Mrs. Alton Young were Sunday visitors at the Herbert Dul- ~"~':.'~!)" :i;;iiii!!i!i!i Robert T. Burgess, Pastor. Sunday, May 9, to Sunday, May Back from Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Duffield Market madge home in Eas,t Grant. Sunday services as follows: Wor- 23--Advance notice of special evan- ~re Mrs. Ellis' parents. ship at 11:30 a.m. Subject, "Deso- gelistic services in the Baptist Henry Mellendorf purchased a 'The Premo Sunday School class horse from Clifford Martin near lations." Church, Cass City. The Vander ~ilI meet at the Dugald MacLach- s City Monday;, Young people's service at 7:30. Jagt Evangelistic Party of Grand Jan home Friday evening', April 16. I Ca~.r~:;,~u2 c~:g'}J: do~a;.i::. ~;.:~:: t~,.k.:~ Happy Hour service subject, "Time Rapids. Hear them play, sing and Week! The Woman's Home Missionary; ~speak. , in by the Ladies ,• Aid at the eieetion We have just returned from'., spe~dmg an entire week in the Society will meet with Mrs. Arthm'i dinner and supper at the John Midweek meetings~Junior choir each Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. Young :Moore on Friday afternoon. I MaeCallum home Monday, ApriI 5. Erskine Church, eight vniles north New York Market making selections o,f the newest styles of people's choir each Tuesday at 7:30 Robert Knight/ returned home Everybody was glad to see Mr. of ,the junction of M-53 and M-81. Spring and Summer Wearing Apparel and Accessories. p. m. Bible Study and prayer Sunday, April 18: Trom the Peasant Home Hospital in and Mrs. Frank Reader out to ser- meeting' Tuesday at 8:00 p. m., You cazl always depend or~ Berman's having the new things Cass City on Sunday. vices Sunday. Mr. Reader has been 2:00 p. m., Bible School studying synthetic study of Acts, 7th chap- the standard lessons. the minute they are new. Just come and see for yourself that James Jarvis returned home last laid up with his foot for a long ter. Bring your Bible. Tuesday from .the Morris Hospital time. 3:00 p. m., church service. L.A. you can have the advantage of selecting advance merchandise Kennedy speaks on, "Wilt Thou Not long before it is shown in the average store. ~in Cass City. Mrs. Ralph Britt and children Revive Us Again ?" William Ashmore and daughter, were callers at .the Harvey Britt Cass City Nazarene Church -- We welcome rich and poor. i, I Lula, and son, Justus, attended a home near Ivanhoe Sunday after- Sunday, April 18: uhower for the newly-weds, Mr. noon. 10:30, Sunday School. HUNDREDS OF NEW DRESSES and Mrs. Herbert Waggoner, at the 11:30, morning worship. Theme, Samuel Kirby home Friday eve- Bank Lies Mean Jail "Sanctification." ELKLAND. A recent photograph of Vice Pre- o HAVE JUST ARRIVED .v ning. Maliciously circulating rumors by Union service in the Presbyterian mier Valery Iwnovitch Mezhlauk, Church, under the auspices of W. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maharg spent making the showing this week one of t~,e most important Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mellendor~ inferefice derogatory to banks is not who has been appointed to the post ~nd son, Milton, were Sunday viM- allowed in Indiana, where the guilty C. T. U. Speaker, Mrs. Grant Saturday in Saginaw. of the Spring Sea~n. ~ new group corLsists of Chif- of commissar of heavy industry of Hudson. fans, Laces, Bemberg% Washable Crepes, New Styles in tots at the Levi Helwig home in party may draw a year in jail and the U. S. S. R. to succeed Gregory Clair Rawson had two fingers Cottage prayer meeting every injured Friday while playing with Navy and Prints. Elkland. a healthy fine, and Michigan ~akes K. Ordjonikidze, who died recently. James Jarvis accompanied Lee the offense a felony ~ith a four Tuesday evening'. a revolver. The size range is e~mplete from 12 to 52, including Clemons to Detroit Monday and year maximum. Mezhlauk is well known in the Rev. Libbie Supernois, Pastor. United States, having traveled ex- Bethel Ladies' Aid mat Thursday a very large selectio~t of half-sizes from 16Vz to 241/z. remained for a visit £here. for dinner and work with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Karr and tensively about industrial centers Prices from $4.95 to $7.95 and the quality is far above "~an's Inhumanity to Man" here. Methodist Episcopal Parish -- Alfred Maharg. the price of any dress y o~t select here. daughter, Jane, visited at the Stan- "Man's inhumanity to man makes Grant-Elkland Grange met on ley B. Mellendorf home in Elkton eountless thousands mourn" appears Charles Bayless, Minister. Sunday, April 18: Thursday evening with Mr. and Sunday in the poem written by Robert Burns Mrs. Herbert Maharg. Perry Mellendorf returned home entitled "Man Was Made to Mourn." Cass City Church--Class ~neet- COATS .v ing, 10:00, John Mark, leader. Mrs. Claud Root is spending a Morning worship, 10:30, with few weeks with Mrs. Charles Bay- You can select iv.ore Boxy Strollers, Ballerinas, Toppers, vested choir. Sermon by William less in Cass City Tuxedos, Fitted or Belted Coats, priced from $10.75 to $19.75. Turnbult. Mrs. Sam Blades and Mrs. John All sizes 12 to 52, also quarter and half-sizes for Little Women. Sunday School, 11:45, Ernest Guisbert attended the class in ex- Beardsley, supt. Classes for every tension work at Caro, April 9. MgLLgNERY member of the family. Bring the Many times in this column I Mrs. Hugh Crawford of Brook- Now showing new styles in Spring and Summer Felts in have brought .out the fact that children, rather than send them. field spent a few days this week Pastel Colors and White, priced from $1.45 to $2.45. courtesy is a very important item Bethel Church--Sunday School, with her daughter, Mrs. Homer in ,the prevention of automobile ac- 11:00, Herbert Maharg, supt. A Muntz. friendly welcome always. cidents. Personally, I believe that Residents of Winton School dis- CLOTHING DEPARTMENT through the practice of courtesy on Morning worship, 12:00 (noon), trict voted on Tuesday evening in The hottest clothing values to be found anywhere await the part of pedestrians and the with sermon by William Turnbull of Deckerville. favor of having pupils attend Cass you at BERIVfAN~S, priced from $17.50 to $24.50 on fine quality automobile driver, 90 per cent of City School. worsted fabrics. our accidents could be avoided. Rev. Charles Bayless has been The Bethel Extension Group will The other day I saw an unbeliev- granted a leave of absence for health reasons for the period April meet Friday, April 23, at the home able thing! A truck driver stopped of Mrs. Edward Knight. Ladies his truck at a bu@ dowr~town cross- 5 .t6 23 inclusive. The pulpits on Berman's Apparel Store the Methodist Parish will be sup- are requested to bring" finished ing- to help an old lady across the pur~es. Store Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday street to safety. One reads about plied by speakers acceptable to the Evenings. these things occasionally, but this Pastoral Relations Committee on Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Maharg, was the first time I had personally April 11 and 18. Mr. Bayless left daughter, Nora, and Miss Ethel KINGSTON, MICHIGAN Tuesday, April 6, for an unnamed Reader called on Herbert Reader had an opportunity to see it. The i ...... ~_~_ .,~ action of this driver not only built destination. Emergenoy calls should in Caro Sunday afternoon. be placed with Mrs. Bayless at the up good will towards the firm he _ represented, but he impressed me parsonage. During the minister's with the fact that courtesy will I absence, Dr. Frank M. Field, of prevent accidents. Had he been t Port Huron, is available for any reckless, careless, or had he taken I imperative duties. seriously the fact that the "Go" 1 sign was with him, this old lady! Evangelical Church--G. A. Spit- might have been involved in an ac- ler, Minister. i cident. Church School at 10:00. Senior I Courtesy builds good wilI--cour- and adult classes study the Scien- !tesy prevents accidents. Try it! .tific Approach to the Liquor Prob- l lem. Morning worship at 11:00. Ser- mon theme: Overcomers. Christian Endeavor at 7:00. Top- ic: "The Good Church Member Is Community Minded." Leader is Clark Helwig. Union service at 8:00 p. m. at Six Exclusive Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Grant Features Hudson, prominent in State W. C. T. U. work, will speak. Prayer and Bible Study Thursday Found Only in a evennig at 8:00. Read Matt. 5 for meditation and discussion.

Mennonite Church--Riverside Ap- Stewart - Warner pointment--Preaching at 10:00 a. m. Sunday School, 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening. Mizpah Appointment--Preaching, 11:30 a. m. and Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. The evening service will be held SAVE -A - STEP . . . . in the Riverside Church. makes all shelf space front space. Swings on B. Douglass, Pastor. its hinges or can be mounted on the door. Can Presbyterian Church~Paul J. Al- be removed and carried to the table when pre- lured, Minister. Sunday, April 18: paring meals. Morning" worship and church school. Special music by .the choir. Sermon: "Grapes vs. Giants." Text: Numbers 13:30. SLID - A- TRAY . ... Guild class, Study II--"The Di-

lemma of Jesus." Adult class: 1 a hidden removable tray for serving or re- "The Effects of Alcoholic Bever- arranging food in the refrigerator. ages." Christian Endeavor, 6:00. Union mass meeting, 8:00, at this 1b-Point Illuminated Cold Control church. Address by Mrs. Grant Hudson of Lansing. Ch GE MOTOR0IL... MANE i airplane type dial set in jade green panel of Guild meeting Monday evening with Mrs. Willis Campbell. Tenite. Provides summer-winter economy Church night, Wednesday, 7:45. range. A report of Flint Presbytery meet- ing at Harbor Beach. Reversible Evaporator Door... /SO First Baptist Church.--L. A. Ken- easily and quickly changed to open either nedy, Pastor. YOUR STANDARD OIL DEALERIS THE "DOCTOR" left or right. Thursday, 7:30 p. m., prayer ser- vice at the home of Ira Reach. just as you start drawing pretty heavily on your own physical reserves Friday, 7:30 p. In., Synthetic this time of year, after months of sunlessness and cold, so does your study of the Gospel of John. VAPOR SEALED CABINET.... Sunday April 18--10:30 a. m., car begin to use itself up more rapidly--unless you give it this timely worship. "The Fury .of the Op- tonic: Drain and change motor oil/ for safe, economical and dependable food pressor. The congregation will No matter how good the oil was when you put it in--or how many preservation. decide the matter as to whether the quarts you have added since--if you've been driving all winter with- Sunday morning services and their out draining and flushing the crankcase, chances are you're wearing hours shall be changed. All mem- SLO-CYCLE TWIN CYLINDER bers urged to be present. out your motor with dirty oil. THREE FINE MOTOR OILS 11:45 a. m., Bible School. Your car knows--it can feel it in its bearings--and now's the time, "D" isofVis in cans 30¢*a quart COMPRESSOR , . . . 6:30 p. m., B. Y. P. U. before you get into the heavy summer driving season, to prevent Is0=Vis "D" in bulk 25¢*a quart 8:00 p. m., Union W. C. T. U. costly motor troubles which are bound to come if you're forgetful P0larinein bulk . 20#* a quart runs less costs less. Its slow speed assures meeting: in Presbyterian Church. long life. Mrs. Grant Hudson of Lansing will about your motor oil. Change grades, for the warmer temperatures. Stan01indin bulk . 15#* a quart address the meeting. Make it long-lasting Iso =Vis "D."• *Plus Taxes © mcr:~ Wednesday, April 28, 7:30 p. m., The Crusaders from Chicago. A Cass City Oil and Gas group of four students, musicians, STOP 8 MINUTESAT ANY STANDARDOIL. DEALER'Sii singers and speaker. They will be with us only one night. Friday, Apr. 23--Monthly Thumb Company Bible ConferenCe at the Baptist Church, Vassar. Conference theme, Change to Spring Iso-Vis "D" at Stanley Asher, Manager Phone 25 "Easter t o Pentecost. Theme verse, Acts 1:8. Opening session, 10:30 a.m. Rev. R. Nyburg speaks in the morning on "The Great Com- MAC'S STANDARD SERVICE mission." Rev. F. W. Deane in the Cass City, Michigan Telephone 168 afternoon on "The Ascension of Cass City, Michigan. PAGE FOUR. CASS CITY CHRONICLE---FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937...... Alfred West~ of St. Clair spent ~CA[ N ~S I daysMrs" the A" firstJ" Knapp of the spent week a withfew Saturday and Sunday with his rlatives in Detroit. parents, Mr and Mrs. George West, ¢o here. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hartt at- ~,~::~.~ ~ ,: -~ _ _ _ : __~-~ =---72_ tended the funeral of a cousin in E. Randall and daughter of La- t,, J ~ ~ ' Kingston Tuesday afternoon. peer spent the week-end with their Mrs. Alex Skripy. ~,. daughter and sister, Mrs. Willard We Appreciate The Guild will meet Monday, Funeral services were held Mon- Dennis Haley of Plymouth spent Fred Wright, Otto Prieskorn and Agar. the week-end with Cass City April 19, at the home of Mrs. Will- Willis Campbell spent Monday day morning in St. Michaels Church is Campbell. Miss Helene McComb, who is in Flint for Mrs. Alex Skripy who _ the patronage given us in past years ~nd desire friends. night at Tawas smelt fishing. • • .. , . : employed at the Pontiac State Hos- died Saturday, April 10, at her Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Pin- Vernie Cluff of Caro visited his Miss Mac Williamson of Owen- pital, spent the week-end with her to thank our customers for: their loyalty. daughter at the Hugh McBurney home, eight miles south and two hey spent Thursday and Friday in dalewas the guest of Miss Lura ?arents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mc- mile.~ east of Cass City. Mrs. Detroit. DeWitt the first oi the week. Oomb~ Mr: and Mrs. Ted Kettlewell Mrs. Ed Rose and son, Jack, of Mrs. Ward Law is veryill at her Mrs. Mar.tha Clement of Cass Hungary. j$ Argyle spent Friday at the Hugh Our New Quarters spent Sunday with relatiyes in home with pteuro pneumonia. Mrs. City was quietlymarried to Ray • Croswell. " McBurney :home. -Mary Geke!er is :caring for her. Welch of Lapeer on Wednesday • <~qillllillll I I I III [[U[ I II .1 Mrs, George Hall of imlay City Miss Dorothy O'Dell underwent :: Mrs. :Blake Sackett returned to evening at the Baptist Parsonage was the Sunday guest of Mr. and an operation at Morris Hospital Detroit Monday after a week's visit by the pastor, Rev. L. A. Kennedy. Funeral e hel give ~smmre room to display our Jewelry stock :Mrs. Isaac W, Hall. Monday and :is doing nicely. with her mother, Mrs. Andrew They were attended by Mr. and 1:so Monday afternoon in the tlo , }~ and to give better service in our optical depart- " ~ :~Ir. and Mrs. Evans Rose of Mr. and Mrs. Har~old Tuckey of Seeger. Mrs. 5. Sowden of Cass City. 1 mile west and 1¼ miles south .of 1~ Cavo visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pontiac spent J~rom Saturday until Frank and William Brondige of The Intermediate Class. of the Cass City, for William Thiel. Rev. t ~* mont. Drop inand see us in our new store, McBurney Sunday afternoon. Monday wLth relatives here. Pontiac were callers at the home Presbyterian Sunday School and P. J Allured, pastor of the Presby-t~ door east of the Cass City StateBank. .first ~ (.I .~Mrs. A. D; Gillies left Sunday to Miss Edn~ Linderman of Cass of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bigelow their teacher, Mrs. R. L. Kilburn, terian Church, officiated and burial I ~¢ spend the week as the guest of her City left Monday morning for St: Sunday. enjoyed a social evening with Ag- was in Caro Cemetery. son, Blake Gillies, at Plymouth. Clair :where she is employed. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Morgan of nes Ausburn at the Mrs. Kirkpat-: William Thiel was born August ~" Lucile and Dorothy Loomis of Mrs. Margaret Levagood spent Wayne spent Saturday and Sunday rick home, on West Street, Tuesday 22, 1870, on a farm near Watrous- ~ evening, April 6. Games were A. H. Hi,gins , Gagetown spent ,the week-end with from Tuesday until Saturday after- with Mrs. Morgan's sister, Mrs. M. ville and passed away in his home played and refreshments were their • grand~nother, Mrs. Henry Mc- noon with relatives in Flint. D. Hartt. Saturday morning, April 10. served. Conkey. Mrs. Jennie Bentley returned on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilsie of He is survived by his wife; four brothers, H. J. Hughes, Vassar; Mr. and Mrs. James Parsons and Saturday from Caseville, where she Caro were guests at the home of The Greenleaf Extension Club has been empolyed as a nurse. the former's aunt, Mrs. J. L. met at the home of Mrs. E. L. Evan and Quin Hughes, Fairgrove; son, Howard, of Caro were Sunday John Hughes, Lapeer; and one sis- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn Bearss, Sunday. Jackson Tuesday, April 13, for an Mrs. Andrew Bigelow, Mrs. Har- all-day meeting. Several visitors ter, Mrs. Mary Lovejoy of Munger. Mrs. Arnold Callan and daugh- Parsons. old Jackson and Mrs. Herman were present. A plate lunch of Miss Frances Seed and Miss D0err spent Monday in Detroit. ter, Arnalee, of West Branch visit- sandwiches, salad, cottage cheese, Seaphes Ad~ey Karr. Georgene VanWinkle were guests Mrs. C. M. Wallace, Mrs. E. W. de Cass City relatives on Monday pie, cakes and assorted cookies and Funeral services were held at of Miss Lucile Bailey at Mr. Pleas- Douglas and Mrs. W. Mann spent night and Tuesday. coffee was served at one o'clock. IE'$ ant Sunday .... Wednesday, April 7, in Detroit. Mrs. Harry E Fromm, who has 2:00 p. m. Thursday in the Richard ~ ! The lesson, "Modern Dress Fin- Karr home, Gagetown, for his l Mr. and Mrs.. Floyd Ottoway Mr and Mrs. Edward Mark and been the guest .of her daughter, ishes," was presented, officers were were guests at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Martus and Mrs. H. T. Donahue, left Sunday brother, Seaphes Adney Karl who' $|[$T re-elected for the coming year and died early Tuesday morning, April ~, Ottoway's brother, B. Ottoway, in children were visitors in Standish I for her home in Detroit. exhibits were planned for Achieve- Flint Sunday. i13, in Pleasant Home Hospital. Sunday. I Friends of Mrs. William Crandell, ment Day at Sandusky, May 14. Seaphes Adney Karr was born , 'oUvE M~s. Ione Sturm and Miss Mary Mrs. Alma Schenck and son, lwho has been very ill with pneu. The Woman's Study Club met in Ontario, October 23, 1875, ,and Striffler of Detroit were week-end Donald, visited their daughter and! monia, will be gad to hear that Tuesday afternoon at the home of has made his home with his brother Ell guests of their parents, Mr. and sister, Miss Ruth Schenck, at Mr. !.she is slowly improving'. Mrs° Willis Campbell. In ,the ab- for the last twenty years. Mrs. W. D. Striffler. t Pleasant Sunday. I Robert Wallace, Edward Graham sence of the president, Mrs. M. I).. Burial was in Elkland Cemetery. |ND Mr. and Mrs Charles Nixon and 1 Mrs. W. E. Keeble returned to.l and Keith Gowan, who are em- Hartt, the first vice president, Mrs. ployed in Detroit, spent the week- daughter, Miss Marth.a, of,,London' / ber home in Detroit Monday a~ter Edward Baker, had charge of the TheodoTe Burdo~. Ontario, were week-end guests ~of t a week's visit with her daughter, end at their respective homes here. meeting. Mrs. L. I. Wood read a ;AVE Full military rites were ob- Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sehwaderer' l Mrs. Charles Bayless. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Genshaw of paper on "Cabinet Members~Privi- served at the burial service of tEY Mrs. Levi Bardwell, Mrs. Lyle t Mrs. Eliza Schwaderer, Mr. and Detroit spent from Saturday until leges and Duties" and Mrs. G. A. Tindale discussed the subject "Com- Theodore Burden, G. A. R. veteran, Bardwell and daughter, Barbara l Mrs. Albert Dunham and daughter, Tuesday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. SALE |$ ON~ M. C. McLellan. Mrs. Genshaw is munism-Its Foothold in the Unit- at Elktand Cemetery here Sunday. Jean, visLted relatives and friends Alice, of Royal Oak visited Cass Mr. Burdon died at the home of a a sister of Mrs. McLellan. ed States." Miss Mary Jayne Camp- in Flint Saturday night and Sun- City relatives Sunday. grandson in Flint at the age of 90 Once again tilts year we have arranged with Bradley & Vrooman Com. day. Mrs. Anna Patterson entertained bell favored the club with a piano Mr. and Mrs. ~Park Zinnecker of solo. Miss Mae Williamson of year~. pany. whose paint we handle, to set aside a certain quantity of their • Mr. and Mrs. John Zinneeker and a few~friends at her home on South Flint were visitors at the home of Owendale was a guest. The next For many years, Mr. Burdon was son, Billie Jack, of Kingston and Seeger Street Tuesday. A noon din- highest grade House Paint to be sold for a limited period of time at= the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. meeting will be held in the home of a thrifty and respected farmer in Clark Zinnecker of Detroit spent ner was served and .the ladies en- Win. Zinnecker, Tuesday night. : Mrs. Alice Nettleton on Tuesday, the Gagetown community. He left Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William joyed the day sewing and visiting. Sam Vyse was a visitor in Flint April 27. there abottt 20 years ago He leaves Zinnecker. Saturday. Mrs. I W. Hall and Mrs: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Doll and a son, Ed Bt~rdon, of Fenton, three A GALLON Lewis and Horace Pinney, stu- Vyse, who had spent the week in Mr. and Mrs. John Doll and chil- grandchildren and a great grand- ,269 IN GALLON CANS ' dents at University of Michigan, Flint, returned to Cass City with dren, Donald and Ruth Ann, ~f BEAULEY. child. Ann Arbor, came Friday and are him. Midland were Sunday guests at the Don t confuse thts with cut-rate paint made down to a low prsc¢ spendirig the spring vacation at Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Copland home of Mr. and Mrs. Detmar their home here. Youngs. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Thompson NOVESTA. by the use of cheap ingredients. This as Bradley-Vrooman'sHighest and children of Detroit spent Sat- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sahlmark of Ludington Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ober and two Grade House Paint--Read the time-tried and proven formula that urday and Sunday with Mrs. Cop- T. J. Heron. Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer and was the week'end guest of Miss land's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sire daughters, Alice and Janet, and appears on the can labels as your assurance of quality and absolute little granddaughter, Ruth Ann, of Mrs. Lydia Russell and Mrs. three children were Sunday callers Florence S chenck. Mr. Sahlmark Bardwell. at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy is a student at the University of Saginaw were Sunday callers at Harriett Fay are still in very poor satssfacuon. : • Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schwaderer, Read. Michigan, Ann Arbtr. the home of Mr. and Mrs E. W. health. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Schwaderer and William Gillis and son, Kenneth, You will have to act promptly, however, because as soon as the Fred and Frank Morris and Kercher. Mrs. C. E. Hartsell, Mrs. Alv~ Mrs. Harold Benkelman spent of Imtay City were Sunday guests Maurice Parrott, who are attending Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kilburn at- MacAlpine and Jimmy Wallace quantity set aside for this sale has been u~ed up. the price will ad. Thursday with relatives and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, in Detroit. tended services in the Madison called on Mrs. Adam Batie Mon- vance. If you expec~ to paint at all--even later on--better let us set day afternoon. Mrs. Batie is much McArthur. came Saturday and are .spending Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pease of North Avenue Methodist Church in Bay aside what you will need before it's all gone the week at their homes here. City Sunday morning and were improved in health after her serious Carl Scotarczyk was called back Muskegon spent a few days the illness with the flu and pneumonia. to work in Detroit after spending A daughter, Eva Carolyn, was first of the week with the latter's guests of Mr. Kilburn's son, Charles horn Monday, April ~, to Rev. and Kilburn, at Essexville for the day. Mrs. Henry Smith, Mrs. Letha two weeks with his parents during parents, Mr. and Mrs' B. F. Ben- the strike. His mother and sister, N. Bigelow C& Sons Mrs. John Tuckey of Colfax Town- kelman, Sr. Mrs. John Vance, Sr., Mr. and Matt, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Walk- ship. Mr. Tuckey is a son of Mr. Mrs. George Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. er and baby, Mr. and Mrs. ALton Antone, accompanied him and re- Frank Striffler of Detroit was a Young, Mrs. Archie MacAlpine, turned Monday afternoon. and Mrs. James D. Tuckey of Cass Cass City visitor Sunday. His Leonard Copeland and children spent Sunday in Pontiac where they Mrs. Delbert MacAlpine and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Peasley visit- City. mother, Mrs. Solomon Striffler, re- and Mrs. Frank Reader were Mi.ss Fiorence Schenck, a student visited John Vance, Jr., who is ill ed Monday evening at the home of ...... ili turned to Detroit with him, and is among those who called at the Her- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Henderson. at the University of Michigan, Ann spending the week there. with pneumonia in a Pontiac hos- pital. bert Dulmage home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zollner and Arbor, came Friday and is spend- The Cass City Home Extension ing a week's vacation with her Billie, eight-year-old son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashmore, Jr., John and Helen Zollner of Detroit Attention Group will meet next Tuesday, parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. A. and Mrs. Harold Benkelman, while are the proud parents of a son visited from Saturday until Mort- April 20, in the high school build- born April 12 at Pleasant Home Schenck. skating on Main Street Saturday clay at the John Stienman home. ing. Members are requested to Hospital in Cass City. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Lee were bring sewing equipment. afternoon, was knocked down by an Miss Maude Allurd, teacher of ,~a~ 4-~ha. 4- visitors in North Muskegon Satur- automobile. Fortunately,~'" ' ~~,~ ^ es- We are sorry to ~ our the Ferguson School and her pupils Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Vader and caped the encounter with a few genial mail carrier, Millington Mc- day. Miss Leone Lee, a teacher in son, Carlos, of Cass City and Miss of the 4-H club, exhibited their Farmers bruises. Donald, is not enjoying the best of the North Muskegon school, re- Macell Mitchell of Deckerville spent work at .the Kingston High School turned home with them to spend the The regular meeting of the W. C. health. Here is wishing him a Tuesday. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED the week-end with realtiEes and speedy recovery. spring vacation. friends in Flint and Detroit. ,~ T. U. will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Henderson Mrs. Robert Warner instead of and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pratt and TO ATTEND A Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jersey and visitors in Grand Ledge a few days Mrs. B. A. Elliott on Fri~lay after, When Big Talk Comes:. family visited Sunday at the home two children of Boyne City spent noon, April 23. A large attendance "De man. dat kin:keep: rum ~' con- of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Henderson last week. Mr. Taylor's .mother, from Friday until Sunday evening is desired as a splendid program tinually sayin' all dat's on his at Kingston. Poultry Meeting i i who has ,spent several weeks with with Mrs. Jersey's father, Alfred her son here, returned to Grand will b e presented. mind," said Uncle Eben, "is liable Mr. and Mrs. George McArthur J. Wallace, and other relatives here. to store up enough, so Oat when he Ledge with them. Mrs. Gertrude Ertel has received were Sunday visitors at the home WHICH WILL BE HELD IN THE CASS CITY Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Townsend ~loes talk he'll be wuth listenin' to." of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderson. Mrs. Charles Wilson of Clarkston word of the arrival of an 8~ pound and children, Betty and Tommy, son born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ON came Saturday to spend a week Miss Irene Hall and James Gulick caring for her aunts, Mrs. Sco,tt Lewis of Kalamazoo on Sunday, were entertained at dinner Monday April Ii. He has been named Brotherton and Mrs. John Mark. evening at the Robert Milligan Both Mrs Brotherton and Mrs. Robert Leland. Mrs. Lewis was home. formerly Lillian Ertel, daughter of Frtday, April 16 Mark are ill at their home on South In honor of the birthday of Mrs. Seeger Street. Mrs. Gertrude ErLel. Week- End commencing 'at 8:00 p. m .... Charles Donnelly, members of the "W'e have had an enjoyable win- 5. W. Ryland left last Wednesday Malfem Club met at her home on night for Milwaukee, Wis., to board ter but will be ;glad to renew old We will have plenty of good entertainment Thursday and enjoyed a social af- friendships in Cass City and com- . i ¸ the freighter, the Harry Croft, ternoon. Refreshments were served. also awarding of prizes which will consist of where he will be employed as sec, munity," writes P. S. McGregory Mrs. Donnelly was presented with a from Clearwater, Fla. "We expect POULTRY FEED, FERTILIZER and ROPE ond assistant engineer on the boat. basket of fruit. Mrs. Ryland accompanied him as to leave here for home April 17 HALTERS. Everyone has an equal opportunity Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Striffler were and will be glad to soon be back in far as Imlay City. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford the grand old state of Michigan. to win one of these prizes. The Rope Halters will Chester VanHorn of Metamora Guyette at East Tawas over the Please request our very welcome Symon's Best Tomato be made during the meeting by the Cass City spent Saturday night with rela- week-end and enjoyed smelt fishing. weekly visitor, The Chronicle, to : Juice, per can ...... ].~J~C High School students ...... tives here. Mrs. VanHorn, who Mr. Striffler returned with 160 meet us in Cass City in place of had been the guest of her grand- smelt with which he has been treat- ,One of the main attractions of the meeting FlOrida." Symon's: BestGrape- mother, Mrs. Andrew Wooley, for ing his friends. Twenty-four friends of Ltoyd will be an exhibit of an imported SCOTCH HIGH- ten days, returned to her home at • fruit Juice, lg. can.. IIJC Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hutzel and Reagh surprised him at his home Syrflofl's LAND STEER. There are a very few of these Metamora with him. three children and Miss Olive Monday evening in celebration of Mrs. Margaret Houghton, who Buchner of Detroit were callers at his birthday. Progressive euchre Excell lb. cattle outside of their native land (Scotland) and has had rooms at the residence of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh was played. George Mercer and Crackers .... 2 box 19c this calf is arousing much curiosity in this com- Mr. and Mrs. William I. Moore for McBurney Sunday morning. Mrs. Ralph Partridge tied for first prize , the winter, has moved to her o~m Best • munity. IN FACT WE ARE TOLD THIS IS Hutzel and Miss Buchner are cous- for the men. Harry Goodall and home on Houghton Street. Her ins of Mrs. McBurney. G. A. Striffler were even for the Pumpkin, THE ONLY ONE OF THIS BREED IN THE large can 10c daughter, Mrs. Etta Rowley, of A family dinner was held Sunday consolation award. Messrs. Mercer UNITED STATES. This is one of twenty-five Lansing spent last week with her...... in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. and Goodall won in the day. Mrs. steers being fed by the Cass City Livestock Club. Mrs. R. A. Rich and daughter, Ricker in honor of the birthdays of Lyle Zapfe and Mrs. Ed Golding Soups Raisins, lb. Belva, and Mrs. Mabel Rich and Mrs. Ricker's mother, Mrs. Sophia received the prizes for the ladies' now selling. 2 bag 17C We will have an expert on Poulty manage- daughter, Mary Elizabeth, all of Striffler, Mrs. Ricker and C. J. group. A luncheon was served and ment and disease control. If you have any disease Deckerville, spent Thursday with Striffler, whose anniversaries are two beautiful birthday cakes were Gloss pkgs. problems confronting you or any questions regard- Mrs. R. A. Rich's sister, Mrs. G. W. near that date. Guests were Mr. enjoyed. Mr. Reagh was presented Starch ...... 3 for 25c Landon. Miss Belva remained .to and Mrs. Otto Nique of Decker, with a billfold. 2 ing poultry state them and if possible they will spend a few weeks in Cass City. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smiley of Dray- Miss Bernita Taylor of Cass City be answered. Mrs. Sophia Striffler, who has ton Plains, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Old Dutch participated as a model in the an- Gans for Cleanser. 4 cans Should you wish to bring in diseased poul- spent the last few months with her Weaver and two sons of Flint, Mr. nual fashion show sponsored by 29c daughters, Mrs. A. W. Weaver in and Mrs. Calvin 5. Striffler, Mr. the Home Economics club of Michi: try, we will gladly post them and determine the Flint and Mrs. F. A, Smiley at and Mrs. George Dillman. gan State College Thursday eve- Borax, disease after the lueeting. Drayton Plains, returned Saturday The Mennonite Brethern in Christ ning, April 8. The purpose of the pound box... 15c to remain at the homes of her Parsonage in Colfax Township, five show was to demonstrate the work 23c This meeting will be FREE to all' Come daughter, Mrs. A. A. Ricker, and miles northeast of Elkton, was done by students in the clothing and bring the family. We are sure this Will be Baum's Paint Cleaner, son, C. 5. Striffler. destroyed by fire Sunday afternoon. construction classes during winter 20 c of interest to you as well as an evening of enter- Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tindale and The fire which started from the term. The students modeled hats, (bulk), per lb ...... tainment. Mr. and Mrs Curtis Hunt were roof was discovered by Miss Hulda dresses, coats and suits of their own A Full Line of Package and Bulk Seeds. entertained at a dinner Sunday at Klemmer, who was employed in the workmanship. Miss Taylor mod- Sponsored by the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warn home by Rev. and Mrs. John eled a dark brown silk bolero cos- Jackson in Detroit in honor of the Tuckey. Mrs. Tuckey and week old tume, with interesting small white birthday of Mrs. Jackson's father, daughter were taken to a neigh- bone fasteners. Only ,the best of A. Henry Frutchey Bean Co. the garments are chosen to be mod- G. A. Tindale, Mr, Tind~e re- bor's home. Neighbors were able WE GIVE • GOLD STAMPS mained in DetrOit until Monday and to save the furniture. The parson- eled in the show, as less than 50 REMEMBER THE DATE---APR. 16 at 8:00 P. M. Mrs. ~indale, who had spent nearly age, valued at $3,000, was burned per cent of the students model their a week with her daughter, returned to the ground and was partly cov- work. More than 70 girls partici- Cash Paid for Cream and Eggs Telephone 82 to Cass City.with him [ered with insurance. pated. ~3ass:Ci~y, Mich~a~ CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937. P~GE FIVE. f • ON THE STAGE and On the Air-- BROODER house, 12x12, for sale. I WISH to thank the doctors and Saginaw Auditorium, Thursday, [took a whack at the state's emer- Ways of Using Snuff William Merchant, 2 north, ½ nurses for their care during my gency relief commfssion by with- April 22, "A1 Pearce in Person There are two way~+ of using sn~. [ Chronicle Liners west of Cass City. 4-16-1p stay at the hospital. Also Evan- holding ~ requested $1,000,000 de- 'The fashionable way of the Victo- and Your Stars at Home." Fa- gelical Aid, Malfem Club and for ficiency appropria~m. mous radio comedian assembles rian period was to pinch up a little ROOMS at reasonable prices. Day .the Birthday Card shower and Dr. William ~r, relief ad- the talent of the .town for a jam- between the thumb and forefinger : RATES---Liner of 25 words or WANTED--Young girl to assist or week. 52 North Seeger St. all •others who kindly remem- ministrator, declared that Michigan ~ess, 25 cents each insertion. with housework in small home. boree of music and mirth--7:30 Chase's. 4-16-1 bered me. Mrs. Levi Helwig. and draw it into the nostrils with strikes have stepped up the cost of sharp inhalations. In a few min- ~. Over 25 words, one cent a word References exchanged. W r i t e to 9:30 p.m. Broadcast from the relief and' that a:nother million is utes it produces a ticklish sensa- • for each insertion. Mrs. M. J. Bgennan,. 184,75 Goul- stage over WBCM and the Michi- FOR RENT--120-acre farm on ~IY SINCEREST thanks to friends gan Radio Network, 8:00 to 8:30 shares, either furnish half or all. needed to carry Ivi:s department tion which is rumored to be highly burn A+¢enue, Detroit, Michigan. and neighbors for kindness shown through the fi:sca$ year ending WANTED--Small house in or near 4-16-tp. :. .. p.m. Free tickets at G. A. Tin- Man with a small family pre- to me during my illness, also gratifying. "Dipping" is the other dale, Ford Sales. 4-16-1 ferred. J.S. Parrott, 4-16-1p June 30. He+ warn~ that relief cli- method. Cass City with large garden Baptist Church for lovely plant. ents--striI~ers and non-strikers-- ~n~ ~ALE gevez: ...... r FOF. SALE--Light weight team FO~, SALE--Seed a ~a eating ~^*-, woui(t s~e~ ~ i~ were no~ forth- 4-16-1p. sey~. Your choice of i9, ten eomi;ng.. co~s, 9 heifers 2 years old. One- with harness, ready to work. toes. John Kennedy. Phone 99- BEING unable to express my grat- ONE TON of alfalfa hay for Sale. Four miles east, 3 miles north, F-12. 4-16-1 Members of the house are de- half mile east of Ubly. J. E. itude to friends personally, I de- manding, that the ERC make an Mrs. Fred Ball, 5 miles south and Bukowski. 4-16-1p mile west of Cass City. T. sire by this means to thank all ½ mile east of Cass City. 4-16-1p Chmielewski. FOR SALE--Brooder house, 10xl0, accounting ~f l~w relief money is who so kindly remembered me being spent. BOX SOCIAL and entertainment and eight pigs, weighing about with a birthday card shower FOR SALE--Early potatoes No. 2, HORSES, cows and two teams of 80 pounds each. Melvin O'Dell, Rep. Harry G~uss, Jr., of Grand : Irish Cobblers at 85 cents a bush- will be conducted by Cumber M. Mrs C. 0. Lenzner. Rapids, a~ able fighter when in E. Ladies' Aid, on •Thursday, mules for sale. Elkland Roller 3 south and 1½ west of Cass ~ el. One mile east and ½ mile Mills. 4-16-2 City. 4-16-1p action, decIared ~no ground has :~i south of Shabbona, on west side April 22, in church. Ladies been mare serenely contemptuous" please bring boxes. 4-16-1 i of the road. 4-16-1p FOR SALE--Two Durham yearling ROOMS with or without board at of Iegislatfve effgnity. steers. Jacob Linderman. five reasonable prices. 52 N. Seeger FOR SALE--Registered Shorthorn miles east, one south of Cass Street. Chase's. 4-16-1 Michigan Mediatian Beard ] bulls and heifers; also some City. 4-16-1p grade heifers in calf. Dan Hen- USED CARS Governor Murphy is expected to I LISTEN TO RADIO '29 CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE--Purebred Aberdeen Mirror nessy, Cass City. 4-9-2p FOR SALE--6,000 feet of new lum- Angus bull, 20 months old, also take full advantage of the United I '29 CHEVROLET COACH ber reasonable; 2,000 cedar posts, A Non-Partisan S~ates supreme court's rulings giv- Wood's Drug Store FOR SALE--McCormick llhoe two yearling Holstein bulls. the states full power +to regu-[ '28 FORD SEDAN l0 and 15 cents. Call at Ingle- State News Letter ing grain drill and Whippet 1928 Three miles north and 2½ miles late industrial relations through! automobile. Dan Olah, 1 east, '28 CHEVROLET COACH hardt's Mill on Deford road, 5 east of Sandusky. Joe Davis. By GENE ALLEMAN 4-16-1p. mfnimum wages, maximum hours, I 3½ north of Cass City. 4-16-1p '35 FORD PICK-UP miles east of M-81. 4-16-1p Michigan Press arbitration, and price fixing. It Assoeiatio~ CEMENT CONSTRUCTION is nat '33 CHEVROLET TRUCK FOR RENT--The Mrs. W. O. was being forecast freely that the expensive, because you can de- '32 CHEVROLET TRUCK Marshall farm is for rent. Call ~_ ...... Lansing Iegistature will consider before adjournment (1) a "little pend upon a lifetime of service '30 CHEVROLET TRUCK at farm house for terms. 4-16-1 COHE IN Lansing--The next big act on at no extra cost. Phone 138-F- NRA" that will set minimum wages Chicken Dinners '30 FORD TUDOR Michigan's industrial stage, on and maximum hours and (2) a "lit- 23 for an estimate on your job. BAKE SALE next Saturday after- DRIVE A BARGAIN which the sit-downers have occu- tie Wagner act" in which collective Roy Anthes. 4-16-1p noon, April 17, at Krug's Store R. & G. USED CARS pied the spotlight by force for three Cass Motor Sales by the Evangelical Ladies' Aid. bargaining rights would be estab- 8 1929 FORD MODEL A'S months, promises to~ be a long lished and mediation machinery :FOUND--Coin purse containing 4-16-1. drawn out fight between C. I. O. Sebewaing set up to adjudicate differences. skate key. Enquire at Chronicle FOR SALE--Keystone side rake 1933 ESSEX SEDAN Leader Lewis: and flivver famed office. 4-16-i and Keystone hay loader in good FOR RENT--80 acres of pasture 1933 CHEV. MASTER COACH Ford. JUSTICE COURT. condition. Harry Raduchel, She- land 3 miles south of Cass City. 1934 CHEV. 'MASTER COACH Capitol observers size up the sit- :FOR RENT--My blacksmith shop ver. 4-16-1p Spring" water. Phone 189-F-3. in Sandusky, complete with tools 4 1935 FORD TUDORS ua~ion about as follows: Sarah McAr~thur. 4-16-2 Ford defied the NRA a~d "got J. R. Cook of Silverwood paid a ,or will rent without tools. See CALL ON US for tractor plowing 1934 PLYMOUTH COUPE $10 fine and $10.90 costs i~ Justice Jay Black for particulars, or away with it" when Gov. Hugh and harrowing. Phone 29-F-2. WANTED--15 yearling. A. Doerr, 1935 FORD COUPE Johnson discovered that the Dear- Atwood's court on Saturday. He write Lawrence Boysen, 8275 Ep- Ralph Partridge. 4-16-4p Cass City. 4-16-1p was charged with failing to give a worth Blvd., Apt. 327, Detroit, 1932 CHEVROLET COUPE born industrialist paid unusually CASS titIe to the purchaser of a second- high wages to his employees and Thumb's Finest Theatre Mich. 4-2-3p IF YOU have a good flock of hens FOR YOUR vaonuments and mark- 1930 FORD ROADSTER hand car. othet~vise was a "good boy." See ~he Cream of Latest FOR SALE--Seed oats. Frank have your eggs custom hatched ers see Joseph McCarty, Bad 1932 CHEV. STAKE TRUCK Wilson Young: was in at McLellaa's Hatchery. 3-26-tf Axe, phone 226-M. 4-9-4p Ford plants at Detroit furnish Pictures ! Merchant, 2½ north, ~/+ west of 1934 CHEV. L WB TRUCK employment to about 87,000 work- Millington on Sunday on a drunk Cass City. 4-9-2p 1934 FORD S WB TRUCK und disorderly charge. He was Frl. - Sat. April' 16 - 17 BALED HAY for sale. Harold EVERYTHING .that is needed to ers at a scale of near $7 a day and 1936 FORD PICK-UP a five-day 40-h~ur week. The auto- bound over to the :circuit court for $120 Cash Nite Friday 40-ACRE FARM with buildings for Putnam, R. R. 2, Cass City. give the chick the required nu- trial as a fourth offender, he having The latest Hopalong Cassidy 3-26-4p. trients in the needed amounts is 1928 FORD PICK-UP mobile workers receive high wages. rent, 8 miles east, 2 south of Cass Under present circumstances they been found guil.ty of offenses three Hit! , City, at $75 a year. Martin in Economy Starting and Grow- Lots of Real Bargains previous times, according to offi- "HILLS OF OLD WANTED--150 old horses for fox ing Mash and comes to you-- do not contribute any amount of Mendler, 6445 Theodore Avenue, earning to unions. cers. Bonds of $500 were furnished Detroit. 4-16-2p feed. Must be alive. Otto Montei, Fresh--Safe--Feed. Elkland Rol- WYOMING" Fairgrove. Caro Phone 954-R-5. G. A. TINDALE for his appearance in court next let Mills. 4:16-4 Monday. with William Boyd :FOR SALE--One battery-radio, ll-8-tf FORD SALES AND SERVICE General Maters Penalized -- and Brunswick phonograph and rec- 120-ACRE FARM for sale--All in By carrying the ball for the auto- ords, a six octave organ and a FRANKENMUTH Auto Insurance. good state of cultivation, clay "DANGEROUS ECONOMY DAIRY will give bet- mobile manufacturers at a time Elkland and Elmwood morris chair. Mrs. Garfield Leish- You can buy property damage loam soil, fair buildings, 12-room NUMBER" ter results than many feeds thai when the referees wouldn't enforce man. 4-16-1p and public liability for $10.50 house, 3 good wells, 6 acres of Townline. with Robert Young and Ann cost more money. Get our price the rules, General Motors is regard- Southern. per year. Phone 30 or 232. wheat, 20 acres of alfalfa, 3 acres ed as the principal sufferer in the WHEN YOU have livestock for Cass City. Otis Heath. 4-16-1 of standing timber. Reasonable on this excellent feed. Phone 15. Elkland Roller Mills. 4-16-2 sit-down warfare. Governor Mur- C. J. Bingham was a caller at Special Sat. Midnight Hit sale, call Grant Patterson, Cass down payment. Wm. L. Lapeer, the Glenn Terbush home Sunday. City. Phone 32. 6-19-ff CASH-PAID for cream at Kenney's, phy and the White House afforded JOE E. BROWN in I east and 1½ north of Cass TRY OUR lunches+ and meals. 52 the opportunity for labor to get its Mrs. May Daus and P. F. Living- "POLO JOE" Cass City. City. 4-16-3p FOR SALE Horses--Good heavy North Seeger Street. Chase's. inning while public sentiment was ston made a business trip to Imlay horses, mares and mules, always WE HAVE a complete line of oil FOR SALE--Six or seven cows and 4-16-1. slowly crystalizing against the new City one day last week. Sun. - Men. April 18 - 19 on hand. Time given with no ex- brooder stoves; also some used 125-pound base, and good cheap labor technique, imported from Mrs. Anna Sehaas is numbered Attend the matinee Sunday. tra charges. B. O. Watkins, coal and kerosene brooder stoves. work team. Six south, I east, ECONOMY Starting and Growing Europe. with the sick. See "POLO JOE" Marlette, Michigan. 2-19-13 McLellan's Hatchery. 3-26-tf Mash is made with one purpose With the automobile workers 1½ south of Cass City. Perry The electric men are busy in .this Bo~th Tarkington's Famous Sadler, Deford. 4-16-1p in mind, to grow your chicks openly defying the court and warn- vicinity. FOR SALE--Three fresh cows. NOW IS THE TIME to lay in a cheaper and better. Get good ing the governor not to enforce .the novel comes to the.screen! George Kloc, 5 so~th, 1½ west year's supply of Printed Sta- WANTED--40 acres with build- chicks and then feed them "Econ- court's edict, General Motors was Arthur Livingston has the wall "PENROD AND SAM" of Cass City. 4-16-1p tionery. Offered for the month ings. William Zemke, Deford. omy" feed. You will be agree- helpless. built for his new house. -- and- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Terbush and Victor McL~glen and Big SINGLE MAN wanted to do gen- of April only, Rytex Tweed- 4-16-1p ably surprised. Elkland Roller Chrysler, victim No. 2, fared bet- Weave in Coral White and This- Mills. 4-16-4 ter than G. M. when Murphy ap- family visited Sunday at the Chas. Cast in eral farm work. Thos. Humphrey, FOR SALE--Brown mare, weight Smith and Dan Terbush homes in "NANCY STEEL IS 1½ east, ½ south, 1~ east of tle Blue. 200 single sheets and plied pressure against labor to 100 envelopes, or 100 double sheets 1,600, sound. George H. Russell, BLOODTESTED Baby Chicks-- abandon its organization of illegal- Care. MISSING" Ellington. 4-16-1p Phone 93-F-31. 4-16-2p and 100 envelopes printed with Barred Rocks, White Leghorns. ly seizing" private property. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Himmel-* TUES. - WED. - THURS. FOR SALE--One Oliver No. 11 your name and address or mono- YOUNG WORK horse for sale. E. We set only extra large eggs spach and children of Pontiac spent A pril 20- 21- 22 • riding plow. Price $20.00. Er- gram, blue, black or brown ink, V. Evans farm, Wilmot. 4-16-1p from breeders .sired by sons of Principle Established Sunday at the William Donnelly Superb Mid-Week Hit! nest Beardsley, 4 west, ~£ south $1.00. Of -course, you will want pedigreed 200 egg or better home. The Chrysler settlement is re- Simon Sim~ne and James of Cass City. 4-16-1p this stationery for your own use males. You will be pleased with CUSTOM Hatching done in a garded as a costly victory for labor The Malfem Club had a birthday Stewart in and we suggest that you buy ad- Jamesway Isolated Hatcher as- the vigor, tivability and high egg party for Mrs. Donnelly Thursday, WANTED Boy or man to work on ditional boxes for birthday and production. 100% live delivery whose lost wages run into millions "SEVENTH HEAVEN. sures you that your setting of dollars. The United Automobile it being her 80th birthday. well drilling machine, or will sell Christmas gifts. Now on sale at hatches by themselves in a small guaranteed. Write today for full $120 Cash Nite Tuesday machine. George Burr, Cuss City. Chronicle, Cass City. particulars. Lial Gifford, St. Workers' union gained the right to + • isolated compartment. Ideal for organize without interference and Advertise it in the Chronicle. 4-16-1p. turkeys. Limited capacity. Kind- 5ohns, Michigan. 4-9-3p SEE THE 1937 "Travelcar" house- to bargain collectively for its mem- BABY CHICKS that axe hatched ly arrange for your setting trailer at your Cass C~ty Oldsmo- FOR SALE cheap--150-egg hatch- bers. This is nothing more or less right of culled and blood ,tested in advance. Sparton Hatchery, bile dealers. Priced as low as er and a six-tube electric radio, than unofficial recognition of the flocks. Call for prices and de- Gagetown. 4-9-2p • $423.00, delivered complete, in- table model. Isaac Gingrich, Cass Wagner labor act .to which big cor- livery dates. McLellan's Hatch- cluding sales tax. Cass Motor TO RENT--40 acres on shares. porations have thumbed •their noses ely. 3-26-tf City. 4-16-1 Sales. 4-16-1 Twenty of these are alfalfa sod on advice Of the counsel. ANOTHER LOT of dresses to close The Roe and Hudson strike set- QUALITY CHICKS from blood I AM IN the market for all kinds plowed under last year. Good tested stock. Stained antigin for oats. Mrs. E. P. Smith, 3½ out at 59c and 79c; also some tlements follow closely the formula of junk. Iron, rags, copper, nice new patterns in wall paper. laid down in the Chrysler pact. method. Flocks under own su- radiators, batteries, brass, alumi- south .of Cass City. 4-16-1 Ella Vance's Variety. 4-16-1p pervision. All popular breeds. num. Come to me and get the EXPERIENCED woman or girl Legislature Acts Place orders early for early de- best prices. Abe Kline, just Z. B. CHASE has opened a res- livery. Mayville Hatchery, Phone wanted for general housework. north of Sunoco Gas Station, taurant, ½ block north of Cass In the meanwhile, developments 9, Mayville, Mich. 3-12-tf Enquire at Chronicle office. Cass City. 3-26-tf 4-16-1. City State Bank, at 52 N. Seeger at Lansing have been favorable to Street. Try us, we can satisfy. the automobile workers' next op- FOR SALE--Good heavy Belgian FOR SALE--Seed oats from 1935 ponent, Henry Ford. colt, 3 years old; ready for work. FOR SALE--Pair of aged mares, 4-16-1. •crop; Rural Russett potatoes; weight 2,800. Ralph Loney. Phone Not heeding Murphy's wish to Frank Hegler, 5 south of Cass Dolce lighting plant in good con- make an outright issue, Michigan's City. 4-16-1 154-F-31. , 4-16-1 ON THE STAGE and On the Air-- dition. John Caister. Phone 145- Saginaw Auditorium, Thursday, state senate, led by Democratic ATTENTION Poultry Raisers-- F-21. 4-9-2 UPRIGHT ELGIN piano in good April 22, "A1 Pearce in Person Leader Palmer, passed a bill mak- condition for sale; also iron bed ing a felony for workers to en- Buy Hy-Grade Chicks at reduced NOTICE to Pickle Growers--Our and Your Stars at Home." Fa- prices. Why reduced ? Because with springs. Clare Stafford, Cass mous radio comedian assembles gage in a sit-down strike and an- 1937 contracts are now available City. Phone 63-F-12. 4-16-1 other measure making it a felony of an over supply of chicks in the at the following places: Bigelow's the talent of the .town for a jam- boree of music and mirth--7:30 for employers to negotiate with South and Southwest, and flash- Hardware, Cass City; Joe Leish- 80-ACRE FARM, one mile east of ing ,their amazing low price to 9:3Qp. m. Broadcast from the employes holding- property illegally. man's store, Elmwood; and the Holbrook, for rent. Albert Price. Word of the senate's courageous throughout the community. We New Greenleaf general store. On 4-16-2. stage over WBCM and the Michi- will likewise offer you a reduced gan Radio Network, 8:00 to 8:30 action was greeted by Homer Mar- account of condition of roads, it tin, president of the U. A. W.: price on our Quality Hy-Grade is impossible for me to call on FOR SALE--Horse colt 10 months p.m. Free tickets at G. A. Tin- Chicks. The following prices are old, light bay with narrow white dale, Ford Sales. ~ 4-16-1 "That is like locking the stable everyone personally. If you will after ,the horse is gone." in effect: Hy-Grade "AAA" Baby sign your contract at any of the + stripe, weight about 900. A real Chicks hatched from eggs averag- block. Price reasonable or will Which just about tells the story. -- • i~,---+~ 6-PIECE LAUNDRY ENSEMBLE three business places named Labor "stole a vnarch" on industry ing 24 oz. per dozen and up. Big above, it will be greatly appre- trade for young cattle. Two • -~ ~ by employing a mass seizure of Type S. C. Hollywood White Leg- ciated. Libby, McNeill & Libby, south, 1 :t~ east of Deford. John FARMERS kern and all Heavy Breeds, $9.50 property. It was fine for the or- .~ + by W. L. Penfold. 3-12-tf + Slickton. 4-16-1 Saturday and Monday, April per 100, $27.75 per 300, $45.00 per ganizers as long as they could get FIFTEEN HEAD of horses and A GOOD used piano for sale, rea- 17 and 19, will pay the follow- away with it. 500, $85.00 per 1,000. Hy-Grade ing for prime poultry. "'AA" Baby Chicks, White, Brown brood mares and two yearling sonable. Enquire at Cass City Buff Leghorns, and Anconas, colts for sale or trade. Walter Furniture Store. 4-16-1 Heavy hens and pullets, Walkout May Be Different all sizes ...... 19c $8.00 per 100, $23.25 per 300, Myslabowski, .three miles west 40-ACRE FARM for sale, 2 miles If the legislature adopts the and one south of Argyle. 4-2-4p $37.50 per 500, $70.00 per 1,000. south, 3 east of Deford. I'm 70, Leghorn hens, Palmer bill at Lansing, Henry Ford Assorted Heavy Breeds $7.00 per too old to farm. George Balla. 3 lbs. and over ...... 16c will find himself fortified with the 100. Assorted All Breeds $6.40 WE SELL Baby Chicks. We take 4:16-2. Rock broilers, moral, if not legal, backing of the per 100. Remember these chicks orders for single comb White 2 lbs. and over ...... 25c state government at a time when are from Bloodtested parent Leghorn and Plymouth Rocks for FOR SALE--Load hay and of Leghorn broilers ...... 20c congress at Washington is making stock. Guaranteed to be free reasonable prices; we also take chicken house, suitable for brood- ano.ther investigation of the whole for~n, all disease. Phone your orders for four week old pullets. ing purposes. G. W. Landon. We buy all kinds of poultry mess. order at our expense. We have See our own flocks before 4-16-1. at all times. Phone 145. It is one thing for workers to sit some splendid s.tarted chicks at a you buy. Deckerville Hatchery, down in the plants and thus pre- Phone 43. 3-12-6p CARO POULTRY PLANT, -oo .+.i bargain. Hy-Grade Chick Hatch- GUARANTEED ROOFS all for Care, Mich. venting use of machinery in pro- cries, Pigeon, Mich., Phone 143. types of buildings. We are well duction by other workers. Sebewaing, Mich., Phone 145. FARMERS--Longer term loans ACTIVATOR WASHING ACTION equipped to do your fiat roofs. But it is quite another thing, it QUaL~ WASHING ACTION 4-9-2. for any agricultural purpose, Terms if desired. Estimates with- I WISH to thank all my friends through your own organization is pointed out, for labor to rely up- NO OIUNG out obligation. Maxson Roofing for the lovely flowers, fruit, cards PERMADRIVE ~u~o~r t~mMm moMm msttu~ | WANTED--Man with car to take at 5%. See, write or phone Ed on a walkout £o force Ford to Co., 143 Burnside, Care. Phone and other gifts sent to me during recognize the new U. A. W. Lan- tOVl~ WRINGER ! ~,o~,,j ~,J e-~. ~,,~ s~ | over pnofitable Rawleigh Route Color, Fairgrove, Michigan; 4 415. 3-26-40 my recent illness. Betty McCal- in Northeast Tuscola County. miles west and 1½ miles north sing deVelopments appear to favor I~.~op Ck,tlm S~ Ium. the industrialist rather than the Established customers. Must be ~ Dust P~ of Care Standpipe, or 3 miles FOR SALE--:Bay mare, wt. 1,400, U. A. W. satisfied with earnings of $30 a east and ½ mile south of Fair- cheap if taken at once. Calvin "CROWN Jewels Mystery," a be- SO Ft. ~ U~, W~ hAe* week to start. Write Rawleigh's, grove. Phone Care 957-Rll. Hiser, 3 miles west, 2 north, ½ hind-the-scenes thriller by the ..... i,ii i 1 Dept. MCD-64-101M, Freeport, Quick service. Lapeer Production west of Cass City. 4-16-1p famous British author, Augustus Costly for Taxpayers OUR CONVENIENT TERMS MAKE PURfiHASE EASY Ill., or see Scott McCrea, 203 E. Credit Association. 2-12-tf Muir, starts next Sunday in This Michigan's sit-down strikes have Grant St., Care, Mich. 4-2-4p FOR SALE--First and second Week, £he magazine with the been costly to the consumer who is ALL KINDS of hay wanted. Mar- Grimm alfalfa seed, June clover Detroit News. Be sure to read footing the bill, in part, through an , Baker Electric Shop FOR-sALE--Good eating potatoes. ket prices paid. We bale hay at seed and 500-size brooder stove. this exciting story of crown jew- Charles Nemeth, 4s£ south of increased cost of unemployment re- Cass City, Michigan your farm. Harold Putnam, R. Hubert Root. Phone 140-F-22. el s stolen during Coronation lief. This time it was the house of Cass City ...... 4-16dp R. 2, Cass City. 3-26-4p 4-16-1p. Week. 4-.16-1 representatives at Lansing that ~------#~.-_-~¢~#_-#:_-_-~_-::_-.-_-#~###~~ ...... ~A~:~=-=__. : PAGE SIX. CASS CITY CHRONICLE~FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937. Cass City, Michigan; 1 Madelyn O'Rourke, Edna Ellis, El- the 27th day of July, A. D. 1937, i Notice of Hearing Claims Before REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CASS CITY STATE BANK Directory. mer Stockwell, Harold Cummins, and that said claims will be heard l Co~rt.--State of Michigan, the AT CASS CITY, MICHIGAN [ RURAL SCHooLs l Patricia Stockwell and Arvilla by said court on Tuesday, the 27th] Probate Court for the County of at the close of business March 31, 1937, as called for by ,the Commis- MORRIS HOSPITAL Webster. day of July, A. D. 1937, at ten l Tuscola~ sioner of the Banking Department. Sand Valley School. o'clock in the forenoon. In the matter of the F. L. MORRIS, M. D. Dated March 25th. A. D. 1937. RESOURCES Commercial Savings • Lucile Anthes, teacher. Estate of Claude Root, Office hours, 1-4 and 7-9 p. m. H. WALTER COOPER, Judge of Deceased. LOANS AND DISCOUNTS, viz: •Phone 62-F-2. Reporter, Agnes Windy. GAGETOWN ] Probate. 4-2 -3 Notice is hereby given that four b Unsocured (including endorsed Dorothy Klinkman and Evelyn months from ,the 31st day of March, paper) ...... 139,217.00 20,000.00 159,217.00 L. D. MaeRAE, M. D. Nowland colored the April calendar Notice of Hearing~ Claims Before A. D. 1937, have been allowed for REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES: ;Birthday Party--- Court.--State of Michigan, the No office hours on Tuesday and for us. creditors to present their claims a Mortgages in Office ...... 865.00 91,165.88 92,030.88 Thursday evenings except by ap- ! Twenty guests were invited to the Probate Court for the County of against said deceased to said court The little folks are learning the Tuscola. BONDS AND SECURITIES. viz: pointment. i home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. for examination and adjustment, poem~ "The Secret," for language. In the matter of the a~d tb~t er~di~or~ n¢ g~id de- a ]~unicipal Bond~ in office ...... !0g,41!069 Gagetown. Phone 8. ~,,~,'~g ~]1 Furdy ia~L ~u~day t~ a Estate of Edward W. Keating, ceased are required to present their c Uo S, Government Obligations 6:30 dinner. The occasion was Mr. B. H. STARMANN, M. D. willows in our achoolroom. Deceased. claims to said court, at ,the probate Direct and Fully Guaranteed Purdy's birthday. The evening was Physician and Surgeon The seventh graders are through Notice is hereby given that four office, in the Village of Caro, in in Office ...... 19,428.89 spent in singing songs and visiting. e Other Bonds and Securities in with their arithmetic books. months from the 30th day ~f said county, on or before the 3rd Office hours, 10:00 to 12:00 a. m. Among the guests were Mr. and March, A. D. 1937, have been al- day of August, A. D. 1937, and that office ...... 44,950.40 2.*00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. We have a poster in our school. Said claims will be heard by said The eighth graders are studying Mrs. George Ford, Mr. and Mrs. F. lowed for credLtors to present their Telephone 189-F-2. J. Shipp and Mrs. F. J. Reaume of claims against said deceased to court on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Totals ...... 170,790.98 ~he World War. Gaylord; Mr. and Mrs. Preston said court for examination and ad- August, A. D. 1937, at ten o'clock RESERVES, viz: L D. McCOY, M. D. The little folks colored April in the forenoon. Purdy and daughter, Jean, of Sagi- justment, and that all creditors of Due from Federal Reserve Bank.. 42,827.99 H. T. DONAHUE, M. D. pictures this week. said deceased are required to pre- Dated March 31st, A. D. 1937. naw; Mrs. Cynthia Fuller and son, H. WALTER COOPER, Judge of Due from banks in Reserve Cities Surgery amt Roentgenology. Miss Anthes read the story of sent their claims to said court, at and Cash on Hand ...... 18,699.87 10,982.63 "Raindrops" to the little folks for Preaton, and Mrs. Charles Whiting the probate office, in the Village Probate. ~ 4-9-3 Office in Pleasant Home Hospital. of Brighton; and Mrs. E. Purdy and Exchanges for Clearing House .... 199.38 language. Now they are learning of Car.o, in said county, on or be- ...... Phone, Office 96; Residence 69. Clare Purdy of Caro. Order for Publication.--Appoint- a poem, "Raindrops." fore .the 2nd day of August, A. D. ment of Administrator.--State of Totals ...... 18,699.87 54,010.00 72,709.87 The seventh graders are studying 1937, and that said claims will be of Michigan, the Probate Court for COMBINED ACCOUNTS, viz: P. A. SCHENCK, D. D. S. '~/Ir. and Mrs. Howard Loomis heard by said court on Monday, the County of Tuscola. Dentist. prefixes and suffixes for orthog- the 2nd day of August A. D. 1937, Overdrafts; secured and unse- raphy. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O. Wood At a session of said Court, held cured ...... 83.85 Graduate Of the University of at ten o'clock in the forenoon. at the Probate Office in the Village The story that we are reading attended a mail carriers' meeting" at Dated March 30th, A. D. 1937. Banking house ...... 3,000,00 Michigan. Office in Sheridan Bldg., for morning exercise is very in- Fairgrove last Wednesday. of Caro, in ,said county, on the 3rd Customers' Bonds Deposited with Cass City, Michigan. H. WALTER .COOPER, Judge of day of April, A. D. 1937. teresting. Donald McIntyre, who has been Probate. 4-2-3 Bank for Safekeeping " 28,500.00 Present, Hon. H. Walter Cooper, Stock of Federal Reserve'B'ank::[: 1,650.00 We are sorry .to hear that Robert in the hospital at Mayville for the Judge of Probate. DENTISTRY Connell is ill. past several weeks, was taken to Notice of Hearing Claims Before In the matter of the I. A. FRITZ, Resident Dentist. Court.--State of Michigan, the Total ...... $527,982.58 the home of Frank Seeley last Estate of Blanche May, Office over Burke's Drug Store. Cedar Run School. Wednesday where he will remain Probate Court for the County of Deceased, LIABILITIES Tuscola. Common Stock paid in ...... 40,000.00 We solicit your patronage when Teacher, Mrs. Arlington Gray. until he is able to be at home. Marian Douglass, having filed in Surplus Fund ...... 15,000.00 in need of work. In the matter of the said court her petition praying that Reporter, Clayton Turner. Mrs. John Munro of Albion, who Estate of Anna McCrea, Undivided Profits, net ...... 9,561.34 Our 4-H Club Achievement Day formerly resided here, is in the the administration of said estate Deceased. be granted to Earl Douglas, or to COMMERCIAL DEPOSITS, E. W. DOUGLAS was held at Akron Wednesday eve- University Hospital at Ann Arbor, Notice is hereby given that four some ather suitable person, Commercial Deposits Subject to Funeral Director. ning. We have been very busy pre- for treatment of anemia. months from t!4e 12th day of April, It is ordered, that the 4th day of Check ...... 86,070.29 paring for this event and enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rocheteau A. D. 1937, have been allowed for May, A. D. 1937, at ten o'clock in Certified Checks ...... : ...... 975.00 Lady assistant. Ambulance service. it very much. and two sons of Unionvitle were creditors to present their claims !the forenoon~ at said probate office, Cashier's Checks ...... 157.70 Phone 188-F-3. Esther Feagan visited us last Sunday dinner guests of Mr and against said deceased to said court be and is hereby appointed for Public Funds--No assets pledged 19,665.06 Thursday. Mrs. Jerome Rocheleau. for examination and adjustment, hearing said petition; A. McPHAIL and that all creditors of said de- It is further ordered, that public Total ...... 106,868.05 106,868.05 Dorothy Hendrick and Bob Rut- Mr. and Mrs. John Fournier went Funeral Director. land were absent on Friday due to ceased are required to present their notice therof be given by publica- SAVINGS DEPOSITS, to Ann ~Arbor Friday to visit their claims to said court, at the probate tion of a copy of this order, o~ce Lady Assistant. illness. each week for three successive Book Accounts~Subject to Sav- daughter, Mrs. Marie Thomas. office, in the Village of Caro, in ings By-Laws ...... 300,322.77 Phone No. 182. Cass City. James Schmeck colored the April Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Shirley, said county, on or before the 16th weeks previous to said day of hear- calendar. ing, in the Cass City Chronicle, a Certificates of Deposit--Subject accompanied them home for a short day of August, A. D. 1937, and that to Savings By-Laws ...... 27,730.42 CLARENCE CHADWICK Our primer class, Leone South- said claims will be heard by said newspaper printed and circulated stay. l Deford, Michigan. worth, Pauline Hendrick and Jo- court on Monday, the 16th day of'in .said county. Total ...... 328.053.19 328,053.19 anne Schmeck, are busy reading" Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Beadle left August, A. D 1937, at ten o'clock ! H. WALTER COOPER, Judge of Well Drilling and Contractor. Tuesday for Scotts, Mich., where in the forenoon. I Probate. Customers' Bonds Deposited with in their new books. They enjoy Bank for Safekeeping ...... 28,500.00 4-inch to 16-inch wells. them very much. they will reside for the present. Dated April 12th, A. D. 1937. l A true copy. Mr. Beadle has been pastor of the H. WALTER COOPER, Judge of Almon C. Pierce, Register of Pro- This week Was test week. Next Probate. 4-16-3 bate. 4-9-3 Total ...... $527,982.58 Monuments and Markers. month will be finals. Our last day Nazarene Church here for the past year. Roy. Mr Weaver of Ellington State of Michigan, County of Tuscola, ss. Chas. F. Mudge of school is to be Wednesday, May REPORT OF CONDITION OF "THE PINNEY STATE BANK" I, C. M. Wallace, Cashier of ,the above named bank do solemnly Phone 99-F-14. Cass .City. 19. will occupy the pulpit until such time as another minister will be of Cass City, in the State of Michigan, a member of the Federal Reserve swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge Local representative of Frances Chaffee br, ought us some System, at the close of business on March 31st, 1937. Published in appointed. and belief and correctly represents the true state of the several mat- A. B. Cumings. pussy willows. accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank of this district ters therein contained, as shown by the books of the bank. We sold enough good seeds so Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hobart, Mr. on a date fixed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve C. M. WALLACE, Cashier. that our share was $2.50. We are and Mrs. Ed Kehoe and Mrs. Con- System pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. rad Mosack spent Saturday and Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of April, 1937. going to purchase a bat and ball ASSETS Dollars Cts. Irene Stafford, Notary Public. Caro Health Service for boys and girls. Sunday in Detroit visiting relatives. 1. Loans and discounts ...... $186,997.62 My commission expires April 9, 1940. 212 W. Lincoln, Caro, Mich. The eighth grade pupils have James J. Phelan spent last week 2. Overdrafts ...... 288.97 Cass City, Michigan 3. United States Government obligations, direct andlor Mineral Vapor Baths,' Massage, finished their grammar workbooks in Detroit and Pontiac with rela- Correct Attest: Physical Corrections, Diet, Physio- tires. fully guaranteed ...... 85,898.00 and are nearly through the arith- 4. Other bonds, .stocks, and securities ...... 208,167.50 M. B. Auten, Therapy, Modern Equipment. For metic ones. They are doing sup- Miss Marie Shinska, daughter of 6. Banking house ...... 2,500.00 B. F. Benketman, Rheumatism, Stomach, Kidney, plementary work for civics and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shinska, entered 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank ...... 164,715.81 J. A. Sandham, Prostate, Sinus Trouble, and other reading. Pleasant Home HospLtal for treat- 9. Cash, balances ~ith other banks and cash items in Directors. Chronic and Acute Conditions, see We are having: a clean hands ment of a leg infection. ' process .of collection ...... 32,454.22 A. MeGILP campaign. Many .of us are on the Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Auten have 10. Cash items not in process of collection ...... 421.34 13. Other assets ...... 5,124.17 Reg. Drugless Physician honor roll. moved from the home of Mr. and REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE PINNEY STATE BANK Telephone 114 Lady Attendant The third and four.th grade lan- Mrs. Joe Young to the Mrs. Abigail guage classes are studying history Total ...... $686,567.63 at Cass City, Michigan, at the close of business March 31st, 1937, Howell apartment as called for by the Commissioner of the Banking Department. stories for language. The third LIABILITIES Miss Elizabeth Yost, who has RESOURCES Commercial Savings •grade people are reading in sup- 14 ¸. Demand deposLts of individuals, partnerships, and Position for Good Re- ben employed in Saginaw the past plementary readers. corporations ...... :...... $176,563.38 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS, viz: winter, returned home Sunday. 15. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor- a Secured by collateral ...... 2,214.00 liable Local Man porations ...... 402,031.35 b Unsecured (including endorsed Greenwood School. 16. State, county, and municipal deposits ...... 28,087.25 paper) ...... 104,335.64 who can work steady helping man- Teacher, Mildred Everett. Toudhing Off the Crazy Streak 18. Deposits of other banks, certified and officers' checks ager take care of our country busi- We are finding our new step in People. outstanding, etc. 1,332.62 Totals ...... 106,549.64 106'549.64 Total of Items 14 to 18, Inclusive: ness. Livestock experience desira- ladder very useful. Professor Donald A. Laird, of Not secured by the pledge of loans REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES: ble. Men make $75 a month at We made and sent Virginia a Mortgages in Office ...... 80,447.98 80,447.98 Colgate University, explains in The andlor investments ...... $608,014.60 fiTst. Address Box 9117, care of Vorhes birthday cards. Several American Weekly, with the April BONDS AND SECURITIES, viz: bought and sent cards to her. 18 issue of The Detroit Sunday Total deposits .: ...... $608,014.60 a Municipal Bonds in Office ...... 74,060.00 this paper. The seventh and eighth grade 30. Other liabilities ...... 5,124.17 Times, how trivialities may arouse c U. S. Government Obligations Name ...... agriculture are studying about corn, hidden manias in apparently normal 31. Capital account: Direct and Fully Guaranteed in wheat, and weeds. Common stock, 500 shares, par $100.00 Office ...... 85,898.00 people, driving them to irrational per share ...... $50,000.00 Address ...... Th first graders are reading the and often cruel acts.--Adver~ise- e Other Bonds and Securities in Sfirplus ...... 10,000.00 Office ...... 30,500.00 101,807.50 story book, "The Overall Boys," meat. Undivided profits--net ...... 13,428.86 for reading. Totals ...... , 30,500.00 261,765.50 292,265.50 We received our reports of the Total Capital Account ...... 73,428.86 4-H club back from Mr. Benton's RESERVES, viz. GET UP NIGHTS DUE TO Due from Federal Reserve Bank 89,715.81 75,000.00 office. We are to put them with LBG Total, Including Capital Account ...... $686,567.63 BLADDER IRRITATION? our exhibit in Kingston, April 13. I, Ernest Croft, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly Due from Banks in Reserve Cities and Cash on Hand ...... 27,454.22 5,000.00 It's not normal. It's nature's Reporters, William Kubat and swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and "Danger Signal," Make this 25c James Burrows. Notice of Meeting of Drainage belieL Board. ERNEST CROFT, Cashier. Totals ...... 117,170.03 80,000.00 197,170.03 test. Use buchu leaves, juniper oil, COMBINED ACCOUNTS, viz. and 6 other drugs, made into little To Whom It May Concern: Correct.--Attest: green tablets called Bukets. Flush Sharrard School. Federick H. Pinney, Overdrafts, secured and unse- Teacher, Miss Agnes E. Mac- Notice is hereby given, that on out excess acids and impurities. G. H. Burke, cured ...... 288.97 Excess acids can cause irritation Lachlan. the 1st day of March, A. D. 1937, a H. F. Lenzner, Banking House ...... 2,500.00 petition was filed with William 5. resulting, in getting up nights, Reporters, Fred Cooley and Ed- Directors. Customers' Bonds Deposited with scanty flow, frequer~t desire, burn- ward Wiechert. i Steadman, County Drain Commi.s- State of Michigan, County of Tuscola, ss: Bank for Safekeeping ...... 58,581.00 ing, backache, and leg pains. Just Kathryn Woolner is our new ismner of ,the County of Huron, Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of April, 1937. Outside Checks and other Cash 'asking for the deepening, widen- say Bukets to your druggist. In C. M. Wallace, Notary Public. Items ...... 421.34 four days if not pleased your 25c pupil this week. !ing, straightening, extending and My commission expires June 14, 1938. The ball diamond is dried up SO!cleaning out of the Shebeon Drain Stock of Federal Reserve Bank.. 1,800.00 will be refunded. L. I. Wood & "wat/ch out other schools." We in the Townships of Fairhaven, TRUST DEPT. RESOURCES, viz. Co.-Advertisement. have been playing ball at noon and Windsor, Brookfield, Grant, County REPORT OF CONDITION OF "THE CASS CITY STATE BANK" Cash ...... 2,124.17 recess. : of Huron, Townships of Elkland of Cass City, in the State of Michigan, a member of the Federal Reserve Due from banks in reserve cities 3,000.00 The eighth grade is having out- and Elmwood, County of Tuscola System, at the close of business on March 31st, 1937. Published in And whereas, a certified copy of accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve bank of this district Total $745,148.63 ARE YOU NERVOUS? line in civics, said petition has been served upon on a date fixed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve LIABILITIES •'~" ... ]~/~RS.Nellie Hanrath of 1324 Everyone is enjoying the new Roscoe J. Black, County Drain System pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act. LVJt 56th St., I(enosha, Wis., Common Stock paid in ...... 50,000.00 .... .r~.::. said: "Fol|owing an illness books. !.Commissioner of the County of ASSETS Dollars Cts. Surplus funff ...... ,.:, ...... 10,000.00 few years ago my nerves went Spring is just around the corner. :,Tuscola, and the Commissioner of 1. Loans .and discounts ...... $251,247.88 Undivided Profits, net ...... 13,428.86 to pieces, I didn't sleep very Many of the pupils have seen rob-iAgriculture, by William ft. Stead- 2. Overdrafts ...... 83.85 well and felt too weak to do COMMERGIAL DEPOSITS, ~:.~ any work. I took Dr. Pierce's ins. :man, County Drain Commissioner 3. United States Government obligations, direct and]or • Favorite Prescription as a ton- Those having 100 in spelling are :of `the County of Huron fully guaranteed ...... ~...... 19,428.89 Commercial Deposits Subject to ic and I soon found it was ! Now therefore, in accordance Check ...... 167,345.49 helping me. I was surprised Harold Kin~, Alfred Dombrowski, 4. Other bonds, stock, and securities ...... 153,012.09 the way I picked up. My appetite increased Albertus Kipfer, Marion King, Ai- with Act N.o. 316, P. A. 1923, as: 6. Banking hou.se ...... 3,000.00 Demand Certificates of Deposit.. 9,217.89 and then I improved just wonderfully." amended by Act No. 318, P. A. 1929 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank ...... 42,827.99 Certified Checks ° 1,000.00 New size, tabs. 50c. Liquid $1.00 and $1.35, Ieen Kirby, Eva Kipfer, Olga Dom,- and Act No. 121, P. A. 1931, a 9. Cash, balances with other banks~and cash items in Cashier's Checks ...... 332.62 Buy of your neighborhood druggist now. browski, Fred Cooley and Edward meeting of the Drainage Board of process Of collection ...... 29,881.88 Public Funds~No assets pledged 28,087.25 Wiechert. said drainage district will be held Aileen Kirby and Eva Kipfer re- at Weft, Section 15, in the Town- Total ...... $499,482.58 Total ...... 205,983.25 205,983.25 ceived spelling certificates this ship of Fairhaven, County of Hu- LIABILITIES SAVINGS DEPOSITS, week. ron, on the 22nd day of April, A. D. 14'. Demand deposi~ts of individuals, partnerships, and Book Accounts~Subject to Say: The primary grades drew pic- 1937, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ings By-Laws ...... 399,531.35 to determine the practicabilLty of corporations ...... $ 86,070.29 Paperh n.giflE tures for art Friday afternoon 15. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor- Certificates of Deposit--Subject said improvement. to Savings By-Laws ...... 2,500.00 Fifth graders are studying the I Now therefore, all persons own- porations ...... 328,053.19 country of Canada for geography. ing lands liable to an assessment 16. State, county, and municipal deposits ...... 19,665.06 The seventh grade are memo- for benefits or whose lands will be 18. Deposits of other banks, certified and officers' checks Total ...... 402,031.35 402,031.35 and Pa[ntinE rizing a few lines from the play, crossed by said proposed drain, or outstanding, etc ...... 1,132.70 Customers' Bonds Deposited with "The Merchant of Venice," by WiN any municipality affected, are re- Total of Items 14 to 18, Inclusive: Bank for Safekeeping ...... 58,581.00 quested to be present at said meet- Not secured by the pledge of loans TRUST DEPARTMENT: Work Guaranteed. liam Shakespeare. andtor investments ...... $434,921.24 ng, if they so desire. Trust Deposits--Totals • 5,124.17 ] Dated at Lansing, Michigan, this Rescue School. Total Deposits ...... $434,921.24 ]16th day of March, A. D. 1'937. Total ...... $745,148.63 WALL PAPER Teacher, Catherine MacLachlan. t BURR B. ~ LINCOLN, Commis- 31. Capital account: Reporter, Frederick Britt. I stoner of AgricuLture. Common stock, 400 shares, par $100.00 State of Michigan, County of Tuscola, ss. Leonard Hartsell visited us this'By John Hudson, Deputy. 4-16-1 per share ...... $40,000.00 I, Ernest Croft, Cashier, of the above named bank do Surplus ...... 15,000.00 solemnly swear, that the above statement is true to the best of week. ! ,roo 6C °' Eighth grade are finished wtih Notice of Hearing Claims Before Undivided profits~net ...... 9,561.34 my knowledge and belief and correctly represents .the true state of Court.--State of Michigan, the the several matters therein contained, as shown by the hooks of the their history book and are review- Probate Court for the County of Total Capital Account ...... :.- 64,561.34 bank. See my samples in your ing. They are studying the poem,~ Tuscola. ERNESTT CROFT, Cashier. own home and compare "America," for language. ! In the matter of the Total, Including CapLtaI Account ...... $499,482.58 Subscribed and sworn to before this 10th day of April, 1937. priees with others. Just We had a spelling match Friday. t Estate ~f Charles W. Heller, I, C. M. Wallace, Cashier, of the above-named bank do solemnly D. W. Benkelman, Notary Public. swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and drop me a eard and tell me Lawrence Summers~and Frederick Deceased My commission expires March 24th, 1941. Britt were captains. It was a tie. ! No`tice is hereby given that fou~ belief. Correct Attest: where you live and I will The lower grades had a spelling months from the 25th day of C. M. WALLACE, Cashier. Correct.--Attest: Frederick H. Pinney, eM1. match also. ffackie O'Rourke and March, A. D: 1937, have been al- G. H. Burke, Harold Cummins were captains, lowed for creditors to present their M..B. Auten, B. F. Benkel~n.an, H. F. Lenzner, Harold's side won. claims against said deceased to said Directors. LEE H. BARTOW • court for examination and adjust- J. A. Sandham, We have been having some very meat, and that all creditors of said Directors. Owendale, Mich. interesting ball games lately, deceased are required to present State of Michigan, County of Tuscola, ss: Those having 100 in spelling all their claims to said court, at the Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of April, 1937. If It's Worth Anything, It's Worth R. F. D. No. 2 Jhis week are Marie Martin, Law- probate office, in the Village of Ernest Croft, Notary Public. fence Summers, Clifton Summers, Caro, in said county, on or before My commission expires April 14, 1937. Advertising in the Liner Columns Cass City, Michigan. CASS CITY CHRONICLE--FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937. PAGE SEVEN. kitchens and fresh fruits were used NEW USE FOR OLD MILK CAN J in addition to canned supplies. Turnin~ RacR Potatoes had a total weight of 20,505 pounds. A little more than the Pages ~ O an egg a day meaI~t orders for 4,035 fresh eggs. American cheese Items from the files of Cass and cottage cheese, plus meat, fish City Chronicle of 1'902 and 1912. and some poultry were additions to the diet. The menus, according to the survey, were ample as; far as Twenty-five Years Ago. present knowledge of the nutrition April 19, 1912. ~.~e.~ vf bi~e averag~ ~ai~hy adui£ ±-he ra:,ir~ad depo~ a~ 0wendale ii0n are known. was burned to the ground shortly Other foods included head lettuce, after the evening train on the G. approximately one head of lettuce T. R. R. passed through that village served each person each week. on Tuesday evening. Because of the death of my husband, I will sell the following Whole grain cereal products were The lecture course for .the next placed with refined cereal products season will exceed in cost the personal property at auction, 7~ miles east and I mile north of on the tables and students eating amount paid for this year's course. in the dining room were encouraged There will be five numbers. Cass Ci ty, on to choose. Rev. J, A. Schweitzer, who has Beef served in meals weighed been pastor here for four years, more than 5,300 pounds, pork more was returned by the Evangelical than 3,200 pounds, bananas more Conference to serve the local ,than 3,300 pounds and cabbage church another year. about the same amount. As for W. E. Harnish, science teacher in spinach, the girls ate more than the high school, has accepted a Tuesday, April20 _ * _ ~ 1,100 pounds of this vegetable pur- similar position in the township • Aa-z old milk can makes an ideal place in which to put rolls of seeds chased fresh and freshened their high school at Marshall, Illinois, at one o'clock to be tested for germination, says H. R. Pettigrove, above, scanning the breath with 610 pounds of onions. for the coming year. results of beans he has had in the container at Michigan State College. The W. C. T. U. elected the fol- lowing officers at their last meet- j HORSES Purebred Hereford bull, 11 months, eligible WILMOT. ing: President, Mrs. William Mc- to registration Seed Germinator rubber bands. Then water is poured Kenzie; vice presidents, Mrs, Chas. Bay mare in foal, age 13, weight 1,400 into the open end of the roll until McCue, Mrs. M. M. Schwegler and Horse colt, one year old Grade Hereford cow, 12 years, due in May Uses Milk Can it is well soaked. When seed is to be Funeral of Mrs. Wade~ Mrs. L~ E. Karr; secretary, Mrs. H. or early June tested in quantity as mal~y as 20 The funeral of Mrs. Edgar Wade D. Schiedel; treasurer, Mrs. H. to 24 rolls of seed can be placed in was held at the Methodist Church Willis. DAIRY CATTLE Grade Hereford cow, 6 years, due in June Use of an old milk can to make a milk can. A small amount of an easier job of farm quantity seed at Kingston on Tuesday afternoon John Fisher was 83 years old water may be placed in the bottom and was conducted by Rev. George Sunday and he is remarkably spry Angus cow, 8 years, fresh ~with calf by side FARM MACHINERY testing is recommended following of the can, but rolls must be 1 tests of the process at Michigan Marsh. Burial was in Kingston at that age. Holstein cow, 7 yrs., fresh with calf by side placed on top of some small con-[ New Ideal all-steel wagon State College. Cemetery. Members of the Odd Fellow and tainer in the bottom to keep them l Mrs. Wade was ill for 12 days Rebekah Lodges met at Odd Fel- Holstein cow, 9 yrs., fresh with calf by side The milk can keeps temperatures Deering mowing machine out of this extra water. Readings, with pneumonia and her death low Hall Friday evening and gave a Ayreshire cow, 5 years, due in May uniform and prevents the prepared may be made in from four to eigh~ ,! farewell party in honor of Mr. and Oliver two-horse cultivator rolls of seeds under test from dry- occurred in Grace Hospital in De- days. In the meantime a can cover 1troit on II. Mrs. Maynard Delong, previous to Holstein cow, 9 years, due in May or early ing out while waiting for germina- j April John Deere grain binder is kept lightly on top of ,the can to Miss Willoline B. Hawkins was their departure for Everett, Wash- June tion, says H. R. Pettigrove, crops I prevent excessive drying. If the ington. McCormick corn binder specialist who developed .the idea, 1 born in Wilmo,t on Dec. 7, 1912. Holstein cow, aged, due in May rolls dry out, they can be soaked On Jan. 28, 1934, she was united in The Misses Kleinsehmidt, who Syracuse riding plow Farmers can obtain the same condi- t again and the can covered more have conducted the Gordon Tavern tions for making tests w~th these J marriage with Edgar Wade. tightly, Besides her husband and little here the past year, have leased the HEREFORDS ..... New0!iver weeder cans as the college obtains in using daughter, Barbara Ann Wade, she Heasty House at Pigeon for a peri- Martin ditcher a more scientifically built gerrni- od of five years. Purebred registered Hereford cow, 9 years, nator. leaves her parents and a brother, Tons of Food Thomas Hawkins. with calf by side New McCormick-Deering cream separator Seeds as small as timothy or as with pawer attachment large as corn, beans or peas ~an be Eaten by Coeds Thirty-five Years Ago. Purebred registered Hereford c~w, 10 yrs., tested, although beans were used Mina Clark is able to be out April 18, 1902. bred Letz chopper in good condition in the experiment because they are again after his illness. R. J. Brumm, one of our prom- Bean cooker Palates and hunger were well Purebred registered Hereford cow, 3 years PettiaTove's specialty at ~the col- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Evaons and lsing young men who is a university Two ten-gallbn milk cans lege. satisfied, if the tons of food con- Purebred Hereford cow, age 6, due in June two children, Miss Bernice Evans student, has kindly consented to Beet fork Strips of newspaper first are sumed in Mary Mayo women's deliver a letcure on "Ideals and dining room at Michigan State and Sam Miller of Pontiac visited Purebred Hereford heifer, 2 yrs., due soon prepared. Two double sheets are friends and reJatives here. What They Stand For" at the Hay fork spread out and then folded to make College can be used for a guide. Evangelical Church Sunday eve- Purebred Hereford heifer, 10 months Hand clothes wringer a layer of paper about 11 inches The 200 girls consumed 6,942 Mrs. Pearl Crandell and two grandchildren .spent the week-end ning. wide and about 36 inches long. gallons of milk and 5,860 pounds .of Purebred Hereford bull, 11 months Numerous small articles with friends and relatives in Fos- The Cass City Brick and Tile Co. Seeds are spread on this so that no butter in addition to cream and ice ,toria. has received an order for 1,000,000 two touch, beginning, about 10 cream supplied by the college dairy brick Sebewaing Sugar TERMS--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 7 months' time inches from the end which will be in the last school year. A survey Robert Atfield of Sandusky was from the Co., to be delivered during the the inside of the roll, spread out to was conducted by Mildred Jones, home over the week-end. Mrs. At- will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7% interest. coming season. within t.wo inches of each border instructor in institution manage- field and son .and daughter, Robert and to within six inches of the other ment at the college, to determine and Ina, spent Sunday with Mrs. F. P. Thompson left Monday for or outside end. Then a corncob is if the menus were containing suf- Atfield's mother, Mrs.. Sarah La- Northwest Territory. He has not used for a center of roll and the ficient variety and proper foods. Croix, of Kingston. decided whether he will remain newspaper is rolled up just tight More than 30,000 oranges were Dale Penfold, Gerald Hurshburg- there or not. Mrs° James Jackson, Owner enough to hold the seeds inside the supplemented with grapefruit and or, Robert Hawkins, and Miss Ada C. W. Hulburt and M. L. Bilder- roll. tangerines during the year. More Barrons were called to Detroit be- beck have leased the Clifford roller William Turnbull, Auctioneer Pinney State Bank, Clerk Ends are kept together by String than five tons of fresh vegetables cause of the illness of Mr. Hawkins' mills and will manage the same the tied loosely around the roll or with other than potatoes went into daughter, Mrs. Edgar Wade. coming year. Thos. Henderson returned from his Montana .trip on Tuesday. .... At a meeting of the uthletic so- ciety of the high school, the follow- ing officers were elected: Presi- dent, Ira Gale; se~etary, Marc Wickware; treasurer, George Cole. At a meeting ef the senior class on Monday afternoon, the following were chosen: Prophet, Etta Keat- ing; orator, Mamie Whalen; poet, Nellie Weaver; historian, Marc "aim IlC e Wickware. [ll'fi] Oil q[i e Because of ill health, I will sell the following personal KINGSTON. Rllth Frost and Alice Churchill Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell property at auction, 2 miles south and ½ mile west of Gagetown, of Cuss City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wilkinson at Royal the following personal property at auction, 3½ miles south of or 4 miles west, 2 miles north and ½ mile west of Cass C ty, on Oak over the week-end. The°H()me Extension Class met Cass City, on Thursday, April 15, with Mrs. Ethel

Soper...... • MONDAY, APRIL 19 Mrs. Jane Bell is in Pontiac visiting relatives. Beginning at 1:00 p. m., sharp Mrs Thomas Harneck is visiting her sister in Detroit for a couple of Thursday, April 22 weeks. HORSES Holstein cow, 3 years old, due June 7 Max Patrick and friend of De- at one o'clock troit visited his parents, Mr. and Bwy gelding coming 4 yrs. old, weight 1450 Holstein cow, 6 years old, due May 23 Mrs. Russell Patrick, Sunday. Bay mare 11 years old, weight 1400 Durham bull, 15 months old A group of Epworth Leaguers LIVE STOCK FARM TOOLS went to Sandusky Monday night to Dapple grey gelding coming 4 years old, a rally. FARM TOOLS Black mare, 12 years old, weight 1,600 Wagon rack weight 1400 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sarles and Wagon and rack family of Mayville spent the week- Black mare, 9 years old, weight 1,600 Farm wagon Bay mare, 5 years old, weight 1550 end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McCool. Mare colt, 9 months old Bay mare coming 3 years old, in foal, Grist mill . Double harness Mr. and Mrs. Allison Green and Guernsey cow, 3 years old weight 1400 Buzz saw daughter of Columbiaville spent the Single heavy harness week-end here. Bay colt, 2 years old Guernsey cow, 5 years old Osborne mower Samson tractor in good condition On Friday, the Kingston High Bay colt, 2 years old School Band will go to Elkton to Jersey cow, 8 years old Spike tooth drags Tractor 2-bottom plow, 14-inch take part in the music festival. Bay mare colt, 8 months old Holstein cow, due to freshen Cutter Tractor 2-bottom plow, 12-inch Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mills and Light brownish red m:~re colt, 7 mos. old family of Dearborn spent the week- Black cow Side delivery rake end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buggy John Mills. Jersey cow, 4 years old COWS Spring tooth drags Single harness Roan cow, 2 years old Holstein cow, 8 years old, due August 14 Two one-horse cultivators Memorial to Strauss Cutting box The most important memorial to Jersey cow with calf at side Bob sleighs Holstein cow, 6 years old, due April 27 Fanning mill Strauss in Vienna, a statue unveiled in 1921, stands in the Stadtpark, in Jersey heifer, 2 years old, in calf 2 cultivators Red cow, 9 years old, due Dec. 13 One set double work harness the heart of the city. The composer is represented in gilded bronze, Guernsey heifer, 2 years old, bred Holstein cow, 9 years" old, due Dec. 15 Eight horse collars Spring tooth drags playing a violin, while behind him 3 Holstein heifers Holstein cow, 6 years old, due Oct. 27 11/~ h. p, gasoline engine rises a pergola of white marble Side scraper from which figures in relief seelIr 2 Jersey heifers Holstein cow, 6 years old, due no~ 1927 Chevrolet truck, in good condition to break, as if from the waves of McCormick plow, new the Danube, and to dance to his Jersey bull, 15 months old Numerous other articles Guernsey cow, 3 years old, due in May Some household goods famous waltz. Other parts of Vienna, too, have memorials of the life of Strauss. His birthplace is 15 Lerch- TERMs--All sums of $10,00 and under, cash; over that amount, 7 months' time on enfelderstrasse, and the cottage in TERMs--All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 7 months' time on good, approved, endorsed notes at 7% interest. which he composed his first waltz, good, approved, endorsed notes at 7% interest. at the age of six, stands at Sal- mannsdorf, near the city.

Frank Lubaczewski, Owner Ducked Offenders in River At Cincinnati in the early days Mrs. E, P. Smith, Owner the men took the law into their own Worthy TaR, Auctioneer Cass City State Bank, Clerk hands on many occasions and would ceremoniously cluck offenders in the Worthy TaR, Auctioneer Cass City StateoBank, Clerk Ohio river. Illl II I I PAGE EIGHT. CASE CITY CHRONICLE-.FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937. Cass City, Micbigam

Mr. and M_vs. W:ill~a~ B. Hicks :~t his home at Johannesburg. On Mr. and Mrs. M. C. West spent tricia Mclntyre, Gagetown. Elmer C. Stieg, Bad Axe; secre- CASE CITY MARKETS. entertanied t~eir :c~..dren on :Sun- Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart- the week-end in Detroit, returning Declamation--First ply:co, Doro- tary, Mrs. Ruth Vrandemair, Caro; [~ DEFORD ] day, Mr. and Mrs. 3. D: Hicks ,of wick took Mrs. Nye to see her fa- home Monday. They were accom- thy Moran, Port Austin; second treasurer, Martin Fisher, Ubly; di- April 15, Detroit and M~. and Mrs. Jesse ther, Dan Weber, who had suffeerd panied by ,their daughter, Mrs. place, Hazel Corkins, Cass City. rectors, Joseph Romain, Caro; Guy 1'937 Elmer Bruce is laid up with a Kelley of Care. a stroke from which he did not Raymond Roberts, and grandson, Extemporaneous ~ First place, Petiprin, Unionville; Robert Spen- Buying price-- sick foot. Mr. and Mrs. Ho~.ard Parks en- regain consciousness. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Roy, of Urbane, Ohio. James Woodworth, Bad Axe; sec- cer, Cass City; and Albert Gifka, Wheat, No. 2, mixed, bushel .... $1.31: Mrs. Joe Pulaski is spending this i tertained on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Weber formerly were .residents at William Zemke reports three real ond place, Helen Tschiphapt, Har- Tyro Oats, bushel ...... 52; week at Detroit. William Snyder and Mrs. Mary Deford. estate sales as follows: Henry bor Beach. Rye, bushel ...... 1.15 C. E. McDonald, Bay City Cen- Beans, cwt ...... 7.15; ~ Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Crosby of Hack of Detroit Mrs. May Decker, Mrs. Harriet Cooklin of Deford has sold his POSE FOR PICTURE tral High School instructor, was Light Red Kidney Beans, cwt. 6.50 Tawas City are "Deford visitors this Mrs. Mabel Burgam, Mr. and McIntyre. and Miss Malone Mc- garage and restaurant to O. Ham-. AT KING,S NEW HOME week. bleton of Detroit. Joe Barrons of critic judge. Dark Red Kidney Beans, cwt. 7.50 SparLv~i ~aricy, cw:~...... i.~5 Mr. and ~rs. Plerbert Case are [ UiEI:iiI£ ~li~. (511/ILtLCL£ Wei~ Wi!mot has sold inis farm in Section ]~irg]ail'i at, ~agiiiaWo Concluded xrvm~ 2irsg page. Malting. Barley, cwt ...... 2.10 spending a time .at ~onroe and Sunday guests at the home of Mr. 13, Kingston, to Joseph Oswaldo .of TO ERECT $300,000 Inverness, and Argyll, and the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rock and Detroit. Adam J. Borck of Canon Shelled Corn, bushel ...... 1.15. Detroit. and Mrs. Hazen Warner and moth- GENERATING PLANT Hebrides off Western Scotland. It Buckwheat, cwt ...... 2.00 er, Mrs. Emily Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Phillips were i City, Colorado, sold his farm in ;[ames Ort sper~ Sunday at the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. is commonly supposed to be de- Butter, pound ...... 30 home of his uncle, ~ack Ellis, near Wells Township, Section II, to An- Mrs. Boney Daugherty is getting Bud Millikan at Vassar. Concluded from first page. scended from the native wild white Eggs, dozen ...... :...... 20 Shabbona. better, we are glad to report. Mrs. drew Czapla of Hamtramck on cattle of Britain. The ~isses Leone Martin and April 8. Mr. and Mrs. Borck came rural mail delivery. Daily delivery Cattle, pound ...... 04 .06½ Misses Genevieve and Mary Woi- Daugherty and son, Homer, have The animal is of blocky build. Lenora Stewart, Warren Kelley, to Michigan to make the transac- of mail in country areas was Calves, pound ...... L...... 09½ dan and Jesse Bruce ,of Deford purchased a home at Oxford, and The animals are rather small, the Hogs, pound ...... 09 Arteon R etherford and Roy Cour- tion. l thought impracticable when first spent the week-end in ~trdit. expect to live at Oxford within the proposed. male weighing abo~t 1200 pounds Hens, pound ...... 15 .18 next month. Mrs. Effie Warner is liss u~tended a Methodist Young L. A. Walkling of East Lansing, and the female about 900. The Springers, pound ...... ,. .14 .18, ii The Farmers' Club--,gill-meet to- People's gathering: and banquet at WINNERS IN DISTRICT day, Friday, April 16, for .dinner buying" their Deford pr.operty and secretary and manager of REA in body is covered with long shaggy will occupy it when it is vacated. the Methodist Church at Sandusky ORATORICAL~ CONTEST I Macaroni Chinese Invention with Mr. and Mrs. Robert ~Brown at lVionday ~e~:g. Michigan, was a guest at the Ro- hair and on the face it is a veri- Caro Mrs. George McIntyre and com- tary dinner. table mane. The horns are very Facts that are hard to believe- Frank Hegl~er and daughters, Miss should lead off with this one:, Mac- Jesse Sole is again able "co ~e ,otlt. panions returned to their home on Winners of the district oratorical Temporary officers and directors long'. The breed matures slowly Saturday after a delightful two Olive Hegler :and Mrs. Albert Gal- contest held in the high school at of the Thumb Electric Membership but the meat is unsurpassed in aroni is a Chinese irrvention. This: Mr. Sole has been confined to ~?¢he !ether, of Cuss City drove to Alym- months of time in Florida. Bad Axe Thursday night will repre- Association, an organization set up quality. The grain is very fine and . paste, which we associate with gon- house for the past three months. er, Ontario~ on Wednesday to visit dolas and balcony serenades, was A surprise party was given M~. ~nd Mrs~~ Donat Gaudreau and two sent .this area in the regional con- to administer the $2,000,000 Thumb the fat is well mixed with the lean. relatives. test. originally a product oi those clev- Mrs. Sole on Sunday by ~heir boys and Harvey Pelten of Detroit, REA program, were elected at a The Scotch Highland cattle are Mr. and Mrs. (George Spencer The successful contestants' in a meeting in Ubly Tuesday night. very rugged and winter on the er Orientals across the Pacific. It grandchildren from Pontiac, ~- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crittenden was introduced into Europe entertained a nu.m:her of friends field of 13 entries were: Officers who are also members range in the Scottish Highlands. by lette and Clifford. and three children of Kingston and and did notfind a and relatives Sunday in honor of Oration--First place, Mildred of the directorate are: President, They thrive on what they are able way of Germany Mr. and Mrs. Verne Stewart and ~Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins of home, and fame in ItaIy until the birthdays of their sisters-in- Woelke, Pigeon; second place, Pa- Frank Wilson, Ubly; vice president, find, often under the snow. some daughter, Lenore, and Miss Leone Decker were Sunday guests of Mr. to time later. and Mrs. Fred Ball. law, Mrs. Wesley McCain and Mrs. Martin spent Sunday at Pontiac. Fred McCain. Those who were The Deford School ball team :Bob Groth ancl Mr. and Mrs. present were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley played a game with the Crawford Rutsetl McNabe of Pontiac visited McCain and daughter, Carrie, of School team, winning the game tl ~,.er the week-end with their par- Pontiac; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- to 6. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells Spen- Cain .of Oxford; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartwick of Flint spent c.~r. George VanOrden and daughter, Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Florence Kelley and brother, Mary Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle Mrs. Fred Hartwick. Mr. Craft and friend of Detroit and two children of Pontiac; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter and spent .S~unday at the Alvah Spencer and Mrs. Roy Colwell and children Mrs. Truth of Lapeer spent Sunday home. of Saginaw; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fo// ert $ StOre afternoon at the William Bentley Mrs. Grace Kelley was called ,to Colwell of Cass City; Mrs. McIn- ...... 1 ...... home. Mayvitle by the illness of her moth- tyro and Ben Gage of Deford. Mrs. Caroline Lewis announces or, Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Kelley will Callers were Mr. and Mrs. Smith GIRLS' FAST COLOR PRINT the arrival of a fine son, born to remain for the week. and Miss Ida Wilson of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Le~s at Paw Mrs. Myr~l,e Nye received a mes- .and Mr. and Mrs. Bergman .of Sagi- DRESSES Paw. sage telling of her father's illness naw. $1.00 TENNIS SHOES 69c Ladies' ~ ...... _ _ "SOUPS ON $&LE MEN'S SHOP CAPS New LADIES' 25c HATS ...... $1.00 SYMON~S BEST SOUPS MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 49c ~o 98c MEN'S WORK PANTS

Chiffon and 98c ,o $1.49 ...... Crepe MEN'S LEATHER OR COMPOSIo ~/ ~41::ili:=:i::iiiii~i::i;iiil;iiii;iiiiii? TION WORK SHOES tP&GHETT| and Mop $,ick Sizes 14 to 50 $1.98 `0 $3.49 2 15c forall 2/e MEN'S WORK RUBBERS 98c i MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS NO-MEND WAX-RITE FLOOR WAX $1.00 .os~ ...... $1.00 LADIES • i LADIES' RAYON STRIPE KNIT $1.00 MEN'S FELT HATS BIX~MERS v.,.e 39c r '1.00-'1A9-'1.98 LADIES' FANCY SILK PANTIES 29c ,o 49c MEWS PRESHRUNK OVERALLS WEEK-END SPECIALS ON FRESH PRODUCE 29c '° 49c 50 AND 54 INCH OILCLOTH $1.19 29c GIRLS' ANKLETS ...... i i ir MEN'S SUMMER SHIRTS AND NEW PATTERNED BED SPREADS 10C and 15C Eco.omy Food Market DRAWERS Size 84x105 We Deliver. S.A. Striffler, Prop. Phone 211 and 27 FANCY BUTTONS AND BUCKLES 49c $1.69 .~° $1.98 • 10c fll ~ .... H .... . __ ==...... _ -- BOYS' DRESS OXFORDS WINDOW SHADES FAST ,COLOR DRESS PRINTS $1.69 a~d $2.29 49c i i i MEN'S ROCKFORD WORK SOCKS .COTTAGE SET KITCHEN CURTAINS LADIES' SUMMER UNIONSUITS 19c An~zes49 c ~na 59C 79c w[[i/'[NI) SI'[CIAI__S BOYS' OVERALLS r, i i LADIES' COTTON HOSE LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES 69c Iona Flour 24~ ibs. 81c .. bb1.$6.45 15e $1.00 BOYS' GOLF HOSE i .. ii .i . SCRATCH 100 lb. DAIRYFEED, 100 lb. LADIES' CREPE NIGHT GOWNS FEED ...... bag $2.89 STEVENS' ALL LINEN TOWELING $38.00 Ton. Buy Now. 23c 18 inches wide 23c / 79c .od 98C EGG .ll ' MASH ...... 100 ~.~l~"$2.89 ALASKA .. i ...... 10 C EXTRA WIDE RUFFLED SALMON, can. CHILDREN'S SILK BLOOMERS 46 INCH OILCLOTH CHIPSO, reg. or 2 pkgs. CURTAINS gram, large: ...... for CHEESE, ...... 37c per pound ...... 25c 23c 25c _ $1.49 ~oa $1.69 i i OXYDOL, 2 pkgs. .~r.1 ASSORTMENT OF GREETING large ...... : ...... for 37c POWDERED 6C LADIES' EXTRA LARGE PANTIES SASH CURTAINS SUGAR, per pound ...... AND BLOOMERS CARDS PILLSBURY FLOUR, 245 lb. sack ...... $1.09 CORN FLAKES, 10c 39c per package ...... : ...... lc 59c i I N. B. C. EXCELL (['~,,~ GIRLS' SLACKS BO~£S' ANKLETS CRACKERS, pound ...... FANCYSLICED 3 lc LADIES' MERCERIZED HOSE BACON, pound. Sizes 4 to 20 98c

19c i i, i 19c ,~H~H s~, '31c p ( i,,,¸1 i/ , i ,tl i DRESSING, quart ...... CHERRIES, 75c ii ,i,i gallon can ...... FANCY LINEN TOWELS 42 INCH PILLOW TUBING BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS BANANAS, yellow, 5C cocoA, 2 lbs. Linen Finish 29c,~a ripe, po~_n~...... , ...... now...... selling ...... ,o~ 17c i 69c a°a 79C 25c i i il i ii i i illl i,i inul.ll 0RANGES, iarge GINGER FAST COLOR LUNCH CLOTHS 54 INCH OILCLOTH SQUARES BOYS' COVERALLS size, dozen ...... t~ C SNAPS, pound ...... 10c Sizes 3 to 7 49c HEAD LETTUCE, 5C WALLPAPER ~ cans 25c 49c ...... for 59c _. Jllll I i i i Special head ...... CLEANF~R ...... 1 11 t ii 11 ii i m i l t ii ...... FAST COLOR CRETONNES LADIES' DRESS SLIPPERS PEAS, CORN AND 1" FANCY COTTON CREPES FANCY BLUE 15c GRAPES, pound TOMATOES, No. 2 can ...... IL~ C 22c yard 19c yard $1.98 ,o $3.49 ,MEN'S DRESS CAPS ...... LADIES' COTTON SLIPS LADIES' FELT HOUSE SLIPPERS A & P Food Store 49c ~o 79c 49c 49e " i ? r i ' III II1(11,