Sherubtse College Royal University of Bhutan Student Handbook 2021-2022

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Sherubtse College Royal University of Bhutan Student Handbook 2021-2022 Sherubtse College Royal University of Bhutan Student Handbook 2021-2022 Dear Students, This handbook provides comprehensive information to the students, staff and faculties of Sherubtse College. You must read the contents of this booklet carefully and make good use of your time at the College. As an institution for higher learning and research, the College is committed to providing an environment conducive for the holistic development of every individual. You must take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to learn at Sherubtse. At Sherubtse you are expected to demonstrate a high level of maturity and respect the learning culture of the College. You should act within the boundary of your rights and responsibilities as a student. The section on the student code of conduct will orient you about your responsibilities as a student of the College. It is our sincere hope that you will live here with dignity and humility, and make the most out of the richness of the environment. Always remember that the Royal Government of Bhutan has made important investments in your education. Sherubtse is an Alma Mater to two of our Prime Minister (s), Cabinet Minister (s), Secretaries, Civil Servants, Public Servants, Armed Forces and Business Leaders of Bhutan. It is our sincere wish that you graduate from Sherubtse with good knowledge, skills and personal qualities that will be a source of pride for your parents, the people of Bhutan, our beloved Kings and, of course, yourself. Management Sherubtse College Royal University of Bhutan Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 1 GOVERNANCE 1 1.1 Vision 1 1.2 Mission 1 1.3 Key aspirations 1 1.4 Management 1 1.4.1 The President 1 1.4.2 Dean of Student Affairs (DSA) 1 1.4.3 Dean of Academic Affairs (DAA) 2 1.4.4 Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages (DRIL) 2 1.4.5 Head of Department (HoD) 2 1.4.6 Programme Leader (PL) 2 1.4.7 Year/Semester Guide 3 1.4.8 Student Service Officer (SSO) 3 CHAPTER 2 4 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 4 2.1 Academic Year 4 2.2 Duration of the Programmes 4 2.3 Academic Structure 4 2.3.1 The Department of Arts and Humanities (DoAH) 5 2.3.2 The Department of Social Sciences (DoSS) 5 2.3.3 The Department of Environment & Life Science (DoELS) 5 2.3.4 The Department of Physical Science (DoPS) 5 2.3.5 The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DoMS) 6 2.5 Non-Credited Certificate Courses 6 2.5.1 Sherubtse Student Leadership Programme (SSLP) 6 2.5.2 Driglam Namzha 7 2.7.1 Registration 7 2.8 Assessment Mode 9 2.8.1 Continuous Assessment (CA) 9 2.8.2 Semester-End Examinations 9 2.9 Examinations 10 2.9.1 Exam Cell 10 2.9.2 Examination Regulations 10 Registering for Examinations 10 Examination Hall 10 Absence from and Illness during an Examination 12 Provisions for candidates with Disability 12 Breaches of Examination Regulations 13 Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism 13 Communication of Examination Results 14 Judgment of Performance Marks 14 Appeals 14 2.10 Promotion/Progression Rule 16 2.10.1 Progression to Honours Year: 17 2.11 Awards 18 2.11.1 Academic Excellence Awards 18 2.11.2 The Jigme Dorji Wangchuck Gold Medal for the best graduating students 19 2.11.3 The President’s Gold Medal for Social Service 19 Page | ii 2.11.4 Certificate of Special Award 20 2.11.5 Other Awards 20 CHAPTER 3 21 ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE 21 3.1 Academic Attendance 21 3.2 Residence hall Attendance 22 3.3 Attendance for other College functions 23 3.4 Leave 23 CHAPTER 4 25 STUDENT SERVICES 25 4.1 On-campus Accommodation/ Residence Halls 25 4.1.3 Residence Halls requirements for the resident 26 4.1.4 General Rules and Regulations for Residents 26 4.1.5 Room allotment and facilities 29 4.1.5 Maintenance and Cleanliness of the residences 30 4.1.7 Residence Security 30 4.1.8 CCTV 30 4.1.9 College Vehicle Policy 31 4.1.10 College Pet Policy 31 4.1.11 Various Residence Hall Charges 31 4.1.12 Residence Hall Check-in/Check-out Procedures 32 4.1.13 General Rules and Regulations for Residences of Centrally Catered Residence Halls 33 4.1.14 Mess Timings 33 4.1.15 Mess Committee 33 4.1.16 Day-scholar Students 34 4.1.17 END OF ACADEMIC YEAR 35 4.1.18 Roles and Responsibilities of Student Service Officer 35 4.2 Counseling Service 37 4.3 Games and Sports 38 4.3.1 Sport Facilities 38 Football Ground 38 Basketball courts 41 Other out-door and indoor Games and Sports facilities 41 Gymnasium (GYM) 41 4.3.2 Major Tournaments and events within the College 41 Chancellor’s Cup Open Football Tournament. 41 Monsoon and other Tournament (s) 41 4.3.3 General guidelines on Games and Sports at Sherubtse 42 4.3.4 Fees 42 4.4 Other Resources within the College 44 4.4.1 College Library 44 Procedure for borrowing books: 44 Library Timings 44 General Library Rules& Regulations: 44 4.4.1 Internet and Computer Services 45 Computer Labs 46 Lab Timings 46 Wi-Fi Use 46 Hardware and PC maintenance 47 Computer Lab Use Rules 47 4.4.2 On Campus Facilities 48 Page | iii Photocopy and Printing 48 Cafeteria 48 Auditorium 49 College Zangdopelri 49 Sherubtse FM Radio Station 49 4.5 Offices and Facilities in and around the Community 50 4.5.1 Kuensel Corporation 50 4.5.2 Bhutan Telecom 50 4.5.3 Kanglung BHU 50 4.5.4 The Indian Military Training Team (IMTART) Hospital 51 4.5.5 Bhutan Post 51 4.5.6 Food Corporation of Bhutan (FCB) 51 4.5.7 Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC) 52 4.5.8 Banking Services 52 4.5.9 ATM Services 52 4.5.10 Community Police Centre 52 4.5.11 Photocopy and printing Services 52 4.5.12 Public Zangdopelri – Thubten Choekhorling Shedra 52 CHAPTER 5 54 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS 54 5.1 Non Departmental Organization 54 5.1.1 Forum for International and National Awareness (FINA) 54 5.1.2 Social Service Unit (SSU) 55 5.1.3 Singye Karm 55 5.1.4 Democracy Club 56 5.1.5 Sherubtse Disaster Management Unit (SDMU) 56 5.1.6 Sherubtse Student Welfare Scheme (SSWS) 56 5.1.7 Sherubtse Student Activities Audit Committee (SSAAC) 56 5.1.8 Youth Volunteer in Action (Y-VIA) 57 5.1.9 Sherubtse Media Society (SMS) 57 5.1.10 Sherubtse Cultural Club 57 5.1.11 Sherubtse Health Club 58 5.1.12 Sherubtse Art Club 58 5.1.13 Sherubtse Tarayana Club 58 5.1.14 Gayjor Dechen Tshokpa 58 5.1.15 Sherubtse Rovers Scout 58 5.1.16 Y-PEER 59 5.1.17 Sherubtse Organic farming Society 59 5.1.18 Bhutan Youth Foundation (BYF) and Go Youth Go (GYG) 59 5.1.19 Sherubtse Film Society (SFS) 59 5.1.20 Sherubtse Theatre Ensemble 60 5.1.21 Sherubtse GNH Youth Club 60 5.1.22 Sherubtse UN Club 61 5.2 Departmental Organizations 61 5.3 Roles and Responsibilities of Staff Moderators 62 5.4 Roles and Responsibilities of Club Coordinators 62 5.5 Procedure for initiating new student body 63 CHAPTER 6 64 COLLEGE DISCIPLINE POLICY 64 6.1 Article I: Introduction 64 6.1.1 Objectives 65 6.2 Article II: Jurisdiction 65 Page | iv 6.3 Article III: Definition of Terms 65 6.3.1 Definition of General Terms 65 6.3.2 Definition of Disciplinary Offences and their grading 66 Academic Dishonesty 66 Disruptive Classroom behavior 66 Attempts to Injure or Defraud 66 Possession of Stolen Property 67 Defamation 67 Libel 67 Prowling 67 Public Intoxication 67 Illegal Transaction of Controlled Substances and Tobacco Products 67 Malicious Mischief in the use of College Facilities and Services 67 Unauthorized Access or Trespassing 68 Disruptive Behavior 68 Hazing 68 Rioting 68 Tampering with Computer Programme 69 Violation of University/College Rules 69 Violation of national Laws 69 Persistent Violations 69 6.4 Article IV: Meaning of misconduct 69 6.5 Article V: College Rules 70 6.5.1 Drug policy 71 6.5.2 Alcohol Policy 71 6.5.3 Smoking and Tobacco Policy 71 6.5.5 Dress Code 71 6.5.6 Earrings among boys 72 6.5.7 Hair style and hair coloring 72 6.5.8 Timing and Punctuality 72 6.5.9 Automobiles 72 6.5.10 Pregnancy Policy 72 6.5.11 Apprehension by Police 73 6.5.12 Other Policies 73 6.6 Article VI: Disciplinary Sanctions 73 6.6.1 Warning 73 6.6.2 Probation 73 6.6.3 Required Compliance 73 6.6.4 Confiscation 74 6.6.5 Restitution 74 6.6.6 Restriction of Privileges 74 6.6.7 College Housing Suspension 74 6.6.8 College Housing Expulsion 74 6.6.9 Withholding of Stipend 74 6.6.10 Confession 74 6.6.11 Suspension 74 6.6.12 Interim Suspension 74 6.6.13 Withholding of Diploma or Degree 75 6.6.14 Revocation of Admission or Degree 75 6.6.15 Expulsion/Termination 75 6.6.16 Enhanced Punishment 75 CHAPTER 7 75 Page | v CODE OF PRACTISE FOR LEARNING AND TEACHING 75 7.1 Introduction 75 7.2 Responsibilities of Students 76 7.3 Responsibilities of the staffs 76 7.4 Responsibilities of Department 77 7.5 Responsibilities of College 78 7.6 Responsibility of the University 79 CHAPTER 8 80 POLICY ON FACULTY/STAFF-STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS 80 8.1 Policy Statement 80 8.2 Reason for Policy/Purpose 80 8.3 Definition 80 8.4 Procedures 81 8.5 Noncompliance with Policy and it’s consequences 81 CHAPTER 9 82 CAMPUS DIRECTORY 82 9.1 College Key Management Team 82 9.2 Key Staff Members 82 9.3 Head of Department (HoD) 83 9.4 Programme Leaders (PL) 83 9.5 Staff Moderators of Clubs and Units 84 9.6 Student Service Officer 84 9.7 Leaders (June 2021– June 2022) 85 Page | vi CHAPTER 1 GOVERNANCE 1.1 Vision An Internationally recognized institute in Liberal Arts and Sciences with an emphasis on GNH value-based learning.
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