E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF) MoAF

Tel: +975-02-322129/337003 Fax: +975-02-323153

Name Designation Email address Mobile No. Landline

Lyonpo Yeshey Penjor Hon'ble Minister [email protected] 17706535 02 322129 Choki Lhamo PA to the Minister [email protected] 17601880

Dasho Rinzin Dorji Hon'ble Secretary [email protected] 17142434 02 Tshewang Choden PA to the Secretary [email protected] 17334388 322379 Sr. Planning Officer, 02 Sangay Chophel [email protected] 17127478 PPD 323745 Chief Planning Officer, 02 Kencho Thinley [email protected] 17118384 PPD 323745 02 Rabgye Tobden Directorate, DSD [email protected] 17600072 324317 02 Pema Chief Finance Officer [email protected] 17648237 322230 Deputy Chief Finance Pema Wangda [email protected] 17999917 Officer Chief Human Resource 02 Khampa Tshering [email protected] 17662696 Officer 335760 02 Tenzin Dendup Dy. ICT officer [email protected] 321142 02 Ugyen Lhamo Assistant HR Officer [email protected] 77735476 332500 17603263 Phub Gyem HR Division [email protected] 77603263 02 Tashi Yangzom Planning Officer [email protected] 17613873 323745

Department of Agriculture (DoA), MoAF DoA

Tel:+975- 02-322228/331316 Fax: +975- 02-323562

Name Designation Email address Mobile No. Landline

Kinley Tshering Director [email protected] 17757240 02 322805

Sonam Choden PA to Director [email protected] 17784045 02 331317

1 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Department of Livestock (DoL), MoAF

Tel: +975- 02-322418/322795 Fax: +975- 02-322094 DoL Name Designation Email address Mobile No Landline 02 Tashi Samdup Director General [email protected] 17114221 323146 02 Chimi Eden PA to Director General [email protected] 17744899 322384

Dorji Gyeltshen Program Director, LBP [email protected] 17162251

Sonam Phuntsho Sr. Livestock Officer [email protected] 77736222

02 Min Prasad Timsina Livestock Specialist [email protected] 17718099 335401 Chief Livestock Officer 02 Kuenga Namgay Livestock Production Di- 335168 vision Chief Livestock Officer 02 Ganga Maya Razil Animal Nutrition Division 335399

Department of Agricultural Marketing and Coop- eratives (DAMC), MoAF

Tel: +975- 02-322909/335741 Fax: +975- 02-324898 DAMC Land- Name Designation Email address Mobile No. line 02 Ugyen Penjore Director General [email protected] 77607034 335685 02 Tshewang Zangmo PA to DG [email protected] 17609313 322909

Yonten Gyamtsho Chief Marketing officer [email protected] 17998400

2 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Ministry of Finance (MoF) MoF

Tel: +975-02-322223 /322514 Fax: +975-02-323154

Name Designation Mobile No Email address Landline

Lyonpo Hon'ble Minister 17743149 [email protected]

02 Kinley PA to Hon'ble minister [email protected] 324867 02 Dasho Nim Dorji Hon'ble Secretary 17612860 [email protected] 327362 02 Pema Lhaden PA to Hon'ble Secretary 17788802 [email protected] 322717 02 Tshering Dorji Director, DPA 17600755 [email protected] 324346, ext:112 02 Sangay Choki PA to Director, DPA 17518585 [email protected] 324346 02 Loday Tsheten Director, DNB 17171007 [email protected] 324992 02 Sonam PA to Director, DNB 17631040 [email protected] 322186 02 Lekzang Dorji Director General, DMEA 17619332 [email protected] 330087 PA to Director General, 02 Sonam Zangmo 17713126 [email protected] DMEA 330735 02 Lhaden Lotey Chief Program Officer 17600972 [email protected] 330110

Tshering Yangki Sr. Programme Officer 17907613 [email protected]

Budget Officer 02 Gawa Zangpo 17658564 [email protected] (6 eastern Dzongkhag 326770 Focal)

Kezang Lhamo Deputy Budget Officer 17368188 [email protected]

3 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) Tel: +975-02-325192/02-333230 Fax: +975-02-322928

GNHC Name Designation Mobile No Email address Landline

02 Dasho Thinley Namgyel Hon'ble Secretary 17621059 [email protected] 323176 02 Dorji Zam PA to Hon'ble Secretary 17621352 [email protected] 326786 02 Rinchen Wangdi Director 17609175 [email protected] 338946 02 Chimi Yuden PA to Director 17745008 [email protected] 333230

Office of the Programme Management (OPM), CARLEP, MoAF Tel: +975- 04-641236 Fax:+975- 04-641237

Name Designation Mobile No Email Address Landline CARLEP 04 Dorji Wangchuk Programme Director 17663138 [email protected] 641650 04 Karma Tenzin M & Evaluation Officer 17645356 [email protected] 641650 04 Component Manager, Agri 17546756 [email protected] 641646 04 Norbu Component Manager, Liv 17657105 [email protected] 641237 04 Ugyen Wangchuk Accountant 17695654 [email protected] 641652 04 Jigme Finance Officer 17360359 [email protected] 641649 04 Sangay Choda Programme Support Officer 17858497 [email protected] 641236 04 Chhimi Lhamo G & K Management Officer 17912077 [email protected] 641645

Ugyen Tshewang Driver 17647990 [email protected]

17603160/ Kelzang Namgay Driver 77247823

4 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Agriculture Research and Development Centre ARDC (ARDC), Wengkhar Tel: +975-04-680014, Fax: +975-04-641102

Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address line 04 Lhap Dorji Program Director 17644921 [email protected] 641149

Sonam Gyeltshen Dy. Chief Agriculture Officer 77301004 [email protected]

Loday Phuntsho Principle Horticulture Officer 17348216 [email protected]

Dorji Wangmo Sr.Agri.Supr.III/GFP 17988394 [email protected]

Tashi Gyelmo Account Assistant V 17526576 [email protected]

Tshewang Dema Sr. Adm. Assistant 17668545 [email protected]

Sangay Jamtsho Sr. Agriculture Supervisor III 17341961 [email protected]

Tshering Pem Communication Officer 17688913 [email protected]

Tashi Wangdi Jr. Civil Engineer 17695886 [email protected]

Agriculture Research and Development Sub- ARDSC Centre (ARDSC), Khangma & Lingmithang

Mobile Name Designation Email address Organization No. ARDSC, L/thang Thinley Wangdi Agriculture Officer 17705257 [email protected] Lingmethang Tashi Dema Agri- Supervisor II 17314608 [email protected] ARDSC, L/thang

Sonam Tashi Horti-Supervisor I 17699904 [email protected] ARDSC, L/thang

Choki Wangchuk Agri-Supervisor II 17954175 [email protected] ARDSC, L/thang

Thinley Gyeltshen Agriculture Officer 17565520 [email protected] ARDSC, Khangma

Tshering Pemo Agri- Supervisor II 17566846 [email protected] ARDSC, Khangma

Namgay Wangdi Sr. Agri-Supervisor II 17645299 [email protected] ARDSC, Khangma

Tshetrim Gyeltshen Agri-Supervisor II 16935175 [email protected] ARDSC, Khangma

Pema Yangdon Horticulture Officer 17380099 [email protected] ARDSC, Khangma

5 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Regional Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives (RAMCO), Mongar Tel: +975- 04-641322 Fax: +975-04-641252

RAMCO Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Landline

Dorji Rinchen RAMC 17628743 [email protected]

04 Sangay Jamtsho Marketing Officer 17903969 [email protected] 641227

Karma Tenzin Marketing Assistant 17275103 [email protected]

Karma Tshering Asst. Marketing Officer 17447595 [email protected]

Cheten Zangmo Accountant 17972355 [email protected]

Regional Livestock Development Center (RLDC),

Kanglung Tel:+975-04-535112 Fax: +975-04-535115

RLDC Land- Name Designation Email address Mobile No. line

Karma Jamtsho Accountant [email protected] 17906326

Wangchuk Sr. Feed&Fodder officer [email protected] 17890430

Yonten Feed & Fodder Supr-I [email protected] 17682568

Khandu Wangchuk LP Officer [email protected] 17829614

Kezang Wangdi Post Production Officer [email protected] 17943192

Thukten Sr. LPS-I [email protected] 17574629

Sangay Letho Sr. Veterinary Ofiicer [email protected] 17581416

Lungten Sr. Veterinary Officer [email protected] 17948695

Karma Phuntsho Sr. Veterinary Officer [email protected]

Karma Wangmo Sr. Veterinary Officer [email protected] 17936108

Tashi Zangmo Sr. LP Officer [email protected] 17900204

6 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Koufuku International Limited (KIL), Trashigang KIL

Name Designation Mobile No. Email address

Dr. Tshering Dorji CEO 17128830 [email protected]

Sanjok Biswakarma Operations Manager 17561674 [email protected]

Gyem Tshering HR & Finance Manager 17726613 [email protected]

Yonten Tshering Asst. Marketing Officer 17732531 [email protected]

Tshering Lhaden Accountant 17701466 [email protected]

Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative (SJI) SJI

Tel: +975-07-260173

Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Landline

Cheku Dorji Program Director - Zero Waste 17577034 [email protected]

Karma Dema Program Officer - Organic Agriculture 17291133 [email protected]

Program Officer - Menchari GNH Pilot Ngawang Chojay 17450796 [email protected] Village 07 260173

Karma Choki Admin & Account Officer 17983530 [email protected]

Yeshey Tenzin Program Officer - Youth Engagement 17509066 [email protected]

7 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Tarayana Foundation, Thimphu, Tel:+975-2-329-333 Fax no:+975-2-331-433

Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Address Tarayana

Chime P. Wangdi Secretary General 17155171 [email protected] Tarayana Center

Sonam Pem Programme Director 17638857 [email protected] Tarayana Center

Thukten Tshering Finance Officer 17655919 [email protected] Tarayana Center

Sonam Gyaltshen Field officer 17739621 [email protected] Mongar


Sonam Jamtsho Sr. Field Officer 17875698 [email protected] Trashigang

Trashi Yangtse

Ugyen Tshomo Field Officer 17536670 [email protected] Pematgatshel

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

IFAD Name Designation Email Address Mobile No.

Louise MC Donald Country Director for [email protected]

+39 06 5459 Mehry Ismaili Programme Liaison Associate [email protected] 2316 Omer Zafar Country Director for Bangladesh [email protected]

Jens Kristensen Value chain Specialist [email protected]

Michele Pirazzoli Infrastructure Specialist [email protected]

Pratu Dube Financial Management specialist [email protected]

Yangzom Procurement specialist [email protected] 17114775 Climate/ Env and Renewable Energy Karan Sehgal [email protected] specialist +91 11 46532 Michael Hamp Lead regional Technical specialist [email protected] 793

Chimi Dorji consultant [email protected] 17556306

Sonam Pem consultant [email protected] 17911813 Brian Ciccone +39 Communication Manager [email protected] Thomson 3666121101

8 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Lhuentse Dzongkhag, Administration Lhuentse Tel: +975-04-545136

Mobile Name Designation Email address Landline No. Dasho 04 Dzongdag 17619345 [email protected] Jambay Wangchuk 545101 04 Dzongrab 545102 04 Pema Cheki PA to Dzongdag 17693232 [email protected] 545101 Tshetrim Dorji 17589663 [email protected] 04 Account/Finance officer Manisha Biswa 17758545 [email protected] 545103 04 Pema Tshewang Planning officer 17264626 [email protected] 545182 04 Kelzang Lhundup Dzongkhag Engineer 17610251 [email protected] 545128 04 Tashi Dendup Procurement officer 17602684 [email protected] 545222 04 Ngawang Dorji CARLEP Accountant 17929595 [email protected] 545161 Economic Development 04 Tshewang Zangmo 17484473 [email protected] Officer 545272

Lhuentse Dzongkhag, Agriculture Telefax: +975-04-545127

Gewog/ Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Address line 04 Dorjee Sr. DAO 17670357 [email protected] Dzo HQ 545127 04 Sonam Phuntsho ADAO 17700688 [email protected] Dzo HQ 545127 04 Pema Lhaden Sr.ES III 17685296 [email protected] Dzo HQ 545127 Ugyen Wangchuk Sr. ES III 17709129 [email protected] Kurtoed

Sonam Norbu Sr. ES III 17596118 [email protected] Meadtsho

Kinley Wangdi ES I 17957518 [email protected] Gangzur Tashi Wangdi ES I 17748055 [email protected] Khoma Nancha ES I 17868482 [email protected] Jarey Pema Khandu ES II 17335796 [email protected] Minjey

Phub Dem ES II 77487108 [email protected] Maenbi Singye Dorji ES II 17782192 [email protected] Tsaenkhar

9 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Lhuentse Dzongkhag, Livestock Telefax: +975-04-545105

Gewog/ Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Address line 04 Dawa Dorji Sr. DLO 17948802 [email protected] Dzo HQ 545105 04 Phurpa Tshering ADLO III 17681429 [email protected] Dzo HQ 545105

Menda Lhamo Sr. LPS III 17688133 [email protected] DVH

Tshelthrim Tharchen LPS I 17485816 DVH

Dechen Lhendup LPS II 17285817 [email protected] DVH

Tshering Choden VO 17288188 [email protected] DVH

Kezang Jatsho Lab Tech 17453472 [email protected] DVH

Ugyen Dorji ES I 16924062 [email protected] Kurtoed

Sherub Thinley Sr.ES 77693272 [email protected] Gangzur

Dorji Jamtsho Sr. LPS I 17130559 [email protected] Khoma

Tashi Tshering ES I 17730823 [email protected] Minjey

Sonam Phuntsho LPS II 17523196 [email protected] Menbi

Surjay Gurung ES II 17705441 [email protected] Maedtsho

Sangay Dorji Sr LPS III 17813248 [email protected] Jarey

Nima Dorji Sr. LPS II 17499036 [email protected] Tshenkhar

Nima Tshering LPS I 17657090 [email protected] Zangkhar

10 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Mongar Dzongkhag, Administration Tel: +975-04-641184 Mongar

Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address line 04

Dasho Ugen Sonam Dzongdag 17610306 [email protected] 641100 Dasho Jamyang 04 Dzongrab 17381819 [email protected] Cheda 641267 04 Doekar PA to Dasho Dzongdag 77227442 [email protected] 641185 Sonam Tshewang Messenger to Dzongrab 17943415 [email protected] Tshering Yangdon Asst. Finance Officer 17955788 [email protected] 04 Tshewang Jamtsho Asst. Account Officer 17902240 [email protected] 641259 04 Sonam Tashi District Engineer 17770792 [email protected] 641367 04 Thinlay Sr. Planning Officer [email protected] 641337 04 Chimi Dem Asst. Procurement Officer 17849805 [email protected] 641198 Sonam Wangchuk CARLEP Accountant 17847320 [email protected]

Mongar Dzongkhag, Agriculture

Designa- Gewog/ Land- Name Mobile No. Email address tion Address line Kunzang Tshering Sr. DAO 77790331 [email protected] Dzo HQ Phub Dorji ADAO 17873164 [email protected] Pema Gayleg Sr. ES I 17697569 [email protected] Balam Changa Tshering Sr. ES II 17703224 [email protected] Chaskhar Lobzang Chophel Sr. ES I 17633205 [email protected] Chali Narang Sr. ES II 17882045 [email protected] Drametse Tenzin Rabgyel ES III 17883149 [email protected] Drepong Chimi Tshewang ES III 17575300 [email protected] Gongdue rowdyrowdyrow- Sangay Dorji EA 17655382 Silambi [email protected] Jurmey Gazin Lhamo ES III 16911270 [email protected] Kengkhar Kencho Pelden Sr.ES II 17627008 [email protected] Ngatshang Sangay Wangdi Sr. II 17912446 [email protected] Mongar

Sonam Yangden Sr.ES II 17162969 [email protected] Saling Tshokey Sr.ES III 17834021 [email protected] Sherimuhung Chungku ES III 17583957 [email protected] Thangrong Sonam Delkar ES III 1420880 [email protected] Tshakaling ES III 17583212 [email protected] Tsamang

11 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Mongar Dzongkhag, Livestock

Mobile Gewog/ Name Designation Email address Landline No. Address 04 Tenzin Dorji Dy Chief DLO 17682162 [email protected] Dzo HQ 641173 04 Norbu Tshering ADLO I 17703751 [email protected] Dzo HQ 641173 04 Cheda LPO 17626585 [email protected] Dzo HQ 641180 04 Chimi Jamtsho Sr. VO 17659426 [email protected] DVH 641180 04 Khamsang Wangdi LPS I 17685748 [email protected] DVH 641180 04 Yeshi Dema Sr. ES II 17751233 [email protected] DVH 641180 Karma Yangki ES II 17433850 [email protected] DVH

Sangay Dakpa Sr. ES II 17797800 [email protected] Balam

Sonam Tenzin ES II 17821084 [email protected] Chali

Cheten Norbu LPS I 17813458 [email protected] Chaskhar Dawa Lham ES II 17859495 [email protected]

Sonam Phuntsho ES I 17252404 [email protected] Drametsi

Kinley LHS III 17547108 [email protected] Drepong

Arun Thapa Sr LPS III 17601016 [email protected] Gongdue

Kezang Dorji ES I 17685312 [email protected] Jurmey

Yeshi Choden ES II 17912989 [email protected] Kengkhar

Tshewang Chezom Sr. ES II 17611311 [email protected] Mongar

Jigme Lhaden ES II 17235536 [email protected] Narang

Sonam Norbu Sr. ES II 17322635 [email protected] Ngatshang

Kezang Wangmo LPS I 17812883 [email protected] Saling

Dorji Tshering LPS II 17751281 [email protected] Sengor

Leki Dorji Sr LHS III 17708415 [email protected] Sherimuhung

Kezang Wangdi ES II 17359265 [email protected] Silambi

Yeshi Choden ES II 17970044 [email protected] Thangrong

Tshering Dorji ES I 17331564 [email protected] Tsamang Kezang Tshering ES I 17594003 [email protected]

Sonam Tobgay ES I 17594701 [email protected] Tsakaling


E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/ Pemagatshel Pemagatshel Dzongkhag, Administration Tel: +975-07- 471100

Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Landline 07 Dzongdag 471154 07

Dasho Pasang Dorji Offtg Dzongda/Dzongrab 17387753 [email protected] 471313 07 Shacha Dema PA to Dzongdag 17685459 [email protected] 471100 07 Sonam Pelki Messenger to Dzongrab 17641833 471313 07 Karma Dorji Account officer 17747246 [email protected] 471132 07 Dawa Tshering Planning officer 17630288 [email protected] 471133 07 Sonam Jamtsho Dzongkhag Engineer 17906527 [email protected] 471178 07 Pema Dukpa Procurement officer 17592956 [email protected] 471150 Kezang Phuntsho CARLEP Accountant 17788424 [email protected] Economic Development 07 Nima Zangmo 17640892 [email protected] Officer 471240

Pemagatshel Dzongkhag, Agriculture Telefax: +975-07- 471136/37

Gewog/ Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Address line Tashi Phuntsho Sr.DAO 17935122 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Tshering Dorji ADAO 17656688 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Karma Sr.ES II 17516556 [email protected] Norboogang Karma Chophel Sr.ES III 17706988 [email protected] Chimoong Pema Chorten Sr.ES III 17790348 [email protected] Dechenling Sangay Gyeltshen ES I 17808770 [email protected] Choekhorling

Pema Tshewang ES I 17860348 [email protected] Dungmaed

Dorji Wangchuk ES I 17799670 [email protected] Khar Sha Bahadur ES I 17772302 [email protected] Shumar Barakoti Sonam Dorji ES II 17979787 [email protected] Yurung

Tshering Yenten ES II 17371090 [email protected] Nanong

Sangay Thinley ES II 17418913 [email protected] Chongshing

Sonam Yangchen ES II 17566386 [email protected] Zobel

13 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Pemagatshel Dzongkhag, Livestock Telefax: +975-07- 471157

Designa- Gewog/ Name Mobile No. Email address Landline tion Address

Dy. Chief 07 Thinley Rabten 17618970 [email protected] Dzo HQ DLO 471157 07 Sangay Tenzin ADLO 17302959 [email protected] Dzo HQ 471157

Yonten Dorji LPO 17846090 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Sonam Zangpo Sr. LPS III 17691326 [email protected] DVH,Shumer

Sangay Tshering LPS I 17685746 [email protected] DVH,Shumer

Narayan Pokhrel Sr. DVO 17623508 [email protected] DVH,Shumer

Krishna M.Adhikari LES II 17682224 [email protected] DVH,Shumer

Sonam Wangchuk Asst.Lab T 17719534 [email protected] DVH,Shumer

Phub Dorji LHS 17810488 [email protected] Chokhorling

Karma Choki ES II 17485452 [email protected] Khar

Karma Dorji ES I 17432127 [email protected] Dungmaed

Leki Wangchuk ES II 17943565 [email protected] Norboogang [email protected] / Jagad Bdr. Rai LPS III 17703162 Nganglam)

Nima Wangchuk ES I 17855855 [email protected] Dechenling

Norbu Gyeltshen LPS I 17418849 [email protected] Shumer

Sangay Yeshi ES II 17903361 [email protected] Nanong

Tashi Wangchuk Sr. ES I 17903430 [email protected] Zobel

Tenzin Phuntsho Sr. ES III 17827355 [email protected] Dungmaed

Yeshi Dorji ES II 17969188 [email protected] Chimong

Sangay Phuntsho Sr. LHS II 17734682 [email protected] Yurung

14 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag, Administration S/Jongkhar Tel:+975-07-251191

Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address line Dasho Tharchin 07 Dzongdag 17760188 [email protected] Lhendup 251131 07 Dasho Pema Dorji Dzongrab 17672183 [email protected] 251132 07 Dawa Gyeltshen PA to Dzongdag 17419063 [email protected] 251625 07 Lobzang Dorji Messenger to Dashos 17678796 [email protected] 251625 07 Jigme Chozom Assistant Finance Officer 17678607 [email protected] 251235 07 Dechen Lhendrup Budget Officer 17851054 [email protected] 251172 07 Wangchuk Sr. Planning officer 17801734 [email protected] 251603 07 Pema Dechen C. Dzongkhag Engineer 77405602 [email protected] 251180 07 Sonam Tobgay Asst. Procurement officer 17512577 [email protected] 251594 07 Pema Dorji CARLEP Accountant 17645229 [email protected] 251172

Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag, Agriculture

Designa- Gewog/ Name Mobile No. Email address tion Address Chorten Gyeltshen DAO 17668400 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Chorten Tshering ADAO 17743932 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Sanga Choden Sr.ES II 17546115 [email protected] Dzongkhag HQ

Lungten Sr.ES II 17583309 [email protected] Dewathang

Pelden Tshomo Sr.ES II 17927899 [email protected] Orong

Sangay Phuntsho ES 17458889 [email protected] Gomdar

Cheten Gyeltshen ES II 17322468 [email protected] Wangphu

Sonam Tashi ES II 17995103 [email protected] Martsala Pemathang Tshering Norbu Sr.ES II 17682916 [email protected] Samrang Tenzin Dema Sr.ES II 17721310 [email protected] PhuntshoThang

Sonam Dorji ES II 17750173 [email protected] Langchenphu

Thinley Wangmo Sr.ES II 17943294 [email protected] Serthi

Phuntsho Wangdi ES II 17857306 [email protected] Lauri

15 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Samdrup Jongkhar Dzongkhag, Livestock

Gewog/ Land- Name Desig. Mobile No. Email address Address line 07 BN Sharma DCDLO 17732032 [email protected] Dzo HQ 251173 07 Chophel ADLO 17647874 [email protected] Dzo HQ 251039 07 Chang Chung Sr.LPS-III 17615950 [email protected] Dzo HQ 251205

Yeshey Jatsho LPO 17906350 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Kinzang Chedup VO 77627312 [email protected] DVH

Tenzin Choden ES-II 17656494 [email protected] DVH

Tshering Choden Sr.LPS-III 17656494 [email protected] DVH

07 Singye Norbu Sr.ES-II 17863131 [email protected] 260159 Deothang 07 Muna Giri Sr.ES-II 17680596 [email protected] 260159

Yeshi Wangpo Sr.ES-III 17690416 [email protected] Orong

Chado LPS-II 17763064 [email protected] Gomdar

Cheki Dorji ES-II 17238728 [email protected] Langchenphu

Tashi Pheljay ES-I 17679176 [email protected] Serthi

Nima Wangchuk ES-I 17855855 [email protected] Samrang

Kinley Phurpa ES-I 17583238 [email protected] Pemathang

Tshewang Norbu ES-II 17495985 [email protected] Wangphu

Namgay Wangchuk ES-II 17464055 [email protected] Martshala

Pema Gyeltshen Sr.ES-III 17721648 [email protected] Phuntshothang

Natshok Wangdi ES-II 17452819 [email protected] Lauri

16 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Trashigang Dzongkhag, Administration Trashigang Tel: +975-04-521549

Land- Name Designation Mobile No Email address line 04 Dasho Chekey Gyeltshen Dzongdag 17646518 [email protected] 521555

04 Dasho Wangchuk Dorji Dzongrab 17141618 [email protected] 521155 04 Tashi Dorji PA to Dzongdag 77857599 [email protected] 521100 04 Tshewangmo Messenger to Dzongrab 17834750 [email protected] 521377 Tandin Wangmo Asst. Finance Officer 17265714 [email protected] Dorji Duba Planning Officer 17514588 [email protected]

Thinley Dorji Procurement Officer 77100108 [email protected] Lakjay Dzongkhag Engineer 17831152 [email protected] Lam Dorji CARLEP Accountant 17514783 [email protected]

Trashigang Dzongkhag, Agriculture

Designa- Gewog/ Land- Name Mobile No. Email address tion Address line

04 Suraj Gurung ADAO III 17572373 [email protected] 521296 04 Subash Rana ES IV 17643536 [email protected] 521296 Tshering wangdi Sr. ES II 17641824 [email protected] Bartsham Tshering Penjor ES I 17886958 [email protected] Bidoong Sonam Yangdon Sr.ES III 17723477 [email protected] Kanglung Pem Dorji Moktan ES I 17437651 [email protected] Kangpar Pema Wangchuk ES I 16481175 [email protected] Khaling Leki Tshewang ES I 77202922 [email protected] Lumang Tshering Choki ES I 17527194 [email protected] MeraK Norbu Jamtsho ES II 77718203 [email protected] Phongmed Pema Wangchen ES I 17436036 [email protected] Radhi Chorten Wangchuk ES I 17238793 [email protected] Sakteng Tenzin Dema ES I 17876519 [email protected] Samkhar Nim Dem ES II 17735132 [email protected] Shongphu Lungten Tshering ES I 17508032 [email protected] Thrimshing Narayan Subba ES I 17321296 [email protected] Udzorong Sonam Yeshey ES II 77477969 [email protected] Yangnyer

17 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Trashigang Dzongkhag, Livestock

Gewog/ Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Address

Naina S. Tamang Sr.DLO 17701339 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Kinga Dechen ADLO 17664603 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Karma Tenzin LPO 17647678 [email protected] Dzo HQ

Jamyang Namgyal VO 17659427 [email protected] DVH

Dorji Wangchuk LHS 17926665 [email protected] DVH

Sheda Wangchuk LPS 16909348 [email protected] DVH

Pema Jamtsho Sr.LPS 17856681 [email protected] DVH

Karma Wangmo ES-II 17809339 [email protected] DVH

Deki Jamtsho ESII 17464915 [email protected] DVH

Tashi Norbu ES-I 17794290 [email protected] Radhi

Phurpa Wangdi ES-I 17786325 [email protected] Phongmey

Tshendu Zangpo SR.LPS III 17312431 [email protected] Kanglung

Pema Mashok Sr.ES 17453436 [email protected] Samkhar

Norbu Wangchuk ES-II 17461070 [email protected] Udzorong

Lhatru ES-II 17866351 [email protected] Khaling

Jigme Cheda ES-ll 17311963 [email protected] Yangneer

Kinley Tenzin ES-II 17402703 [email protected] Bidung

Ganga Ram Gurung ES-II 17519844 [email protected] Thrimshing

Rinzin Namgay ES-I 17830950 [email protected] Kangpara

Ugyen Tenzin Sr.LPS 17955342 [email protected] Lumang

C B Mongar LHS-II 17632141 [email protected] Shongphu

Sangay Tobgay LHS 17657817 Bartsham

Tshering Norbu ES-II 17714825 [email protected] Sakteng

Tshering Samdrup ES-II 17504825 [email protected] Merak

18 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag, Administration Trashi Yangtse Tel:+975-04-781109 Fax: +975-04 -781109

Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Landline

04 Dasho Thuji Tshering Dzongdag 17608432 [email protected] 781100 04 Dasho Lam Dorji Dzongrab 17318383 [email protected] 781103

04 Pema Choden PA to Dzongdag 17879342 [email protected] 781219 17271117 Yeshi Wangmo Messenger to Dzongrab [email protected] 77227443

Rinchen Dorji Asst.Finance officer 77285888 [email protected]

04 Sonam Thinley Planning officer 17629459 [email protected] 781142

Tshering Wangchuk Dzongkhag Engineer 77616363 [email protected]

04 Sangay Tenzin Procurement officer 17851152 [email protected] 781203

Dorji Phub CARLEP Accountant 17647643 [email protected]

Chimi Yuden Economic Develop. Officer 17962621

Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag, Agriculture

Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Gewog/Address line

04 Kuenzang Peldon Dy.CDAO 16910622 [email protected] 781104 [email protected] / 04 Chhimi Dakpa ADAO 17948653 [email protected] 781104

Ugyen Tshering ES-I 17873742 [email protected] Boomdeling

Dawa Dema Es-II 17297462 [email protected] Yangtse

Tshering Lhamo ES-I 17508032 [email protected] Khamdang

Dorji Laythro Sr.ES-III 17484349 [email protected] Toedtsho

Ugyen Gayleg Sr.ES-III 17742052 [email protected] Yallang

Karma Tobgay ES-I 17584165 [email protected] Ramjar

Buddha kumar Rai Sr.ES-III 17742175 [email protected] Jamkhar

Karma Choezang Sr.ES-II 17681461 [email protected] Tomijangsa

19 Office of the Programme Management, CARLEP, Wengkhar, Mongar Tele. No. 04 641236

Trashi Yangtse Dzongkhag, Livestock Telefax: +975-04-781111

Gewog/ Land- Name Designation Mobile No. Email address Address line 04 Phurpa Tshering DLO 17633265 [email protected] 781111

Chekey ADLO 17554013 [email protected],bt

Sangay Chedak LPO 17889353 [email protected] DVH,Yangtse.

Sonam Gyeltshen ES I 17665413 [email protected] Toedtsho

Dorji LPS II 17648068 [email protected] Khamdang

Chimi Dorji LPS I 17715109 [email protected] Yangtse

Sangay Phuntsho ESII 17800154 [email protected] Bumdeling

Tshering Dechen ESII 17715303 [email protected] Ramjar

Penden Dorji ES I 17913489 [email protected] Jamkhar

Phurpa Dorji ES I 17501839 [email protected] Yallang

Tenzin Phuntsho ES II 17827355 [email protected] Tomijangsa

20 E-Mail: [email protected] website: http://www.carlep.gov.bt/

Other Relevant Stakeholders Other

Name Designation Email address Mobile No. Agency

Shrijana Sunwar Deputy Director [email protected] 17799964 REDCL

Phub Dorji CEO [email protected] 17810340 BDBL

Chandralal Mongar Health Officer [email protected] 17604158 UNICEF

Hendrih Uissa WFP [email protected] 176050878 World Food Program

Tenzin Lhaden Acting Resident Rep. [email protected] 17119017 World Bank

Rinzin Pem Assistant Director [email protected] 17652535 SAARC

SAARC Development Tarun Mittal Asst Director-CRI [email protected] 17447282 Fund

Dungkar Drulga NPO [email protected] 17110187 World Food Program

Eastern Dzongkhag Human Resource Staffs HRS

Contact Name Designation Email address Dzongkhag No. Ngawang Lhamo HRO [email protected] 17708155 Lhuentse

Duptho C. Wangmo Receptionist [email protected] 17546037 Mongar Samdrup Nima dorji Helpdesk [email protected] 17807242 Jongkhar

Shacha Dema Help desk [email protected] Pemagatshel

Yegay HRO [email protected] 17721504 Trashigang

Ngawang Tenzin Asst. HRO [email protected] 04-781102 Trashi Yangtse