Everystudent A Collection of Allegorical Plays

In the Style of the Medieval

“The Summoning of

By Students of the 2011-12 MYP 10 Class

Gyeonggi Suwon International School

- 1 - Table of Contents

Introduction by Daren Blanck ...... page 3

Seven by Nick Lee and Lyle Lee ...... page 4

Slayers by Mike Lee, Daniel Choi and Eric Cho ...... page 9

True Friendship by Yealim Lee and Hannah Seo ...... page 12

Graduation by Judy Oh and Jaimie Park ...... page 16

FC society by JH Hyun and Jacob Son ...... page 19

It’s Just Too Late by Jeeho Oh, Ryan Choi and Jee Eun Kim ...... page 22

The Freedom of Will by Eric Han and Bryan Ahn ...... page 26

Everystudent Justine Yun, Rick Eum, and Seong Soo Son ...... page 32

Everystudent by Lilly Kim, Seungyeon Rho, Erin Yoon ...... page 37

Appendix: The Summoning of Everyman abridged by Leslie Noelani Laurio .... page 39

- 2 - Introduction An allegory is a narrative having a second meaning beneath the surface one - a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. In an allegory objects, persons, and actions are metaphors or symbols for ideas that lie outside the text.

Medieval drama was wrapped in the stories and doctrines of the medieval Christian church. Most plays could be classified as Mystery Plays - plays that told the stories of the Bible, Miracle Plays - plays that told the stories of saints and martyrs, and Morality plays - allegorical works that sought to convey a moral or some doctrine of the church.

Everyman is perhaps the most famous of this last category. It was written in the late 1400's. The source for it has not been established, however, a Flemish work entitled , with the same story and theme, was written about 1495 by Peter van Diest. It is possible that van Diest borrowed his material from Everyman, that both borrowed from an earlier, now lost work, or that the English Everyman was based on van Diest.

Everyman portrays a complacent “Everyman” who is informed by “Death” of his approaching end. The play shows the hero's progression from despair and fear of death to a "Christian resignation that is the prelude to redemption." First, Everyman is deserted by his false friends: his casual companions, his kin, and his wealth. He falls back on his Good Deeds, his Strength, his Beauty, his Discretion, and his Knowledge. These assist him in his journey, but at the end, when he must go to the grave, all desert him save his Good Deeds alone. The play makes its grim point that we can take with us from this world nothing that we have received, only what we have given.

After reading and analyzing Everyman, students in the MYP 10 Drama class were asked to write an allegorical morality play for middle school kids which would teach them how to overcome obstacles in school or one based upon images and/or moral concerns in the contemporary news. Working individually or in small groups, they were to follow the morality play format, as demonstrated in Everyman, including naming their characters allegorically and identifying a clear moral.

As the MYP 10 instructor during the 2011-12 school year at GSIS, the first year of full MYP implementation at our school, I'd like to thank the sophomores for their hard work, steady interest in the history and themes of theatre and drama, and for their patience as we worked within a limited space implementing new curriculum, and a new timetables in our school this year. I hope you have learned much and enjoy this collection. Please note that although the contents of these plays have remained virtually unchanged I have made some minor edits to maintain internal consistency within this collection.

Daren Blanck, MS, PGDip GSIS MYP Drama and High School Theatre

- 3 - Seven by Nick Lee and Lyle Lee

Based on the seven deadly sins The number seven is special to God. It took seven days to create the world. A week has seven days in it. God rested on the seventh day. In ancient Israel, they were to rest on the Sabbath and the seventh day was a commanded day of rest and assembly for worship of God and it was the fourth commandment given. The root word for the number seven in Hebrew means “to be full” or “to be complete.” Seven, being full and complete, means that nothing could be added to it or taken away from it. It is a number of completion and perfection. So if anyone has these particular seven sins, they are in a sense, in a complete state of sin as far as God is concerned. What are these seven, or complete and deadly sins that Solomon warned us about in the Book of Proverbs? Solomon was said to be the wisest man ever to live – except of course Jesus Christ Who is both God and man.

Characters Lust (to have an intense desire or need) “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28). Everystudent has lust with girls. Later on during the school year, Everystudent only sees woman lustfully and sexually. Lust is a female character. Gluttony (excess in eating and drinking) “for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags” (Proverbs 23:21). Everystudent has gluttony with alcohol. Everystudent tries alcohol once and cannot come out from its pleasure. Greed (excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness) “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more” (Ephesians 4:19). Everystudent is greedy with almost anything and even if he has something, he wants more. Few greedy things Everystudent feels is money, electronic devices, friends, drugs. Laziness (disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous) “The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway” (Proverbs 15:19) Everystudent loses interest in studying and wants to rest the whole time. Wrath (strong vengeful anger or indignation) “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1) Whenever somebody jokes around with Everystudent or disrespects him, Everystudent takes action negatively. Pride (quality or state of being proud - inordinate self esteem) “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). After Everystudent becomes the most popular and the smartest student in the school, he becomes prideful and looks down on other students. At the end, - 4 - even when Everystudent is taken over by the deadly sins, he is still prideful of himself and believes he is the best. He does not take anyone’s device (such as quitting alcohol, and drugs) and ends up in the hospital. But even in the hospital (before he meets the school pastor), he does not listen to anyone and tries to go his way. Envy (painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage) “Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:1-2). Envious of the popular kids. He is jealous and wants to be like them. School pastor (The one that leads Everystudent back to Jesus and brings him on the right track.) Almost at the end of Everystudent’s journey due to the greed of drugs, gluttony of alcohol and every other factors, Everystudent is in the hospital close to dying. Then the school pastor comes, talks to him and makes him have faith in Jesus that everlasting happiness and satisfaction does not come from those 7 deadly sins. It may bring happiness and satisfaction temporarily, but everlasting happiness comes from Jesus. The school pastor brings him on the right track and Everystudent is changed. Student1 (Another student in Everystudent’s school) Lust2 and Lust3 (Girls Everystudent comes to see only as objects)

Summary A student named Everystudent moves to a new school, and meets seven kids one by one starting from: Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Laziness, Lust, Wrath, Pride.


Everystudent: This is my first day at school.

Envy: Hello there, my name’s envy. Looks like you have no one to talk to.

Everystudent: This is my first day. I have to get used to the school all the students here.

Envy: I know everyone in this school and having a fun time with them every day. But you are alone. Aren’t you lonely?

Everystudent: I want to have friends, too. Why are you making me feel like this?

Greed: Ha! That emotion will corrupt you and make you feel miserable.

Everystudent: Go away! I will never see you again!

Greed: Hey, Everystudent.

Everystudent: Hey. How are you doing? - 5 - Greed: You look lonely. Hey, if you want to play, buy a nintendo. Everyone in our class has one.

Everystudent: Is that so?

(The next day, Everystudent brings a nintendo.)

Greed: Hey, you bought one! Let’s play with it.

Everystudent: This is really exciting!

Greed: Hey, the boy over there has 6 games.

Everystudent: I only have one.

Greed: Don’t you want more games? It will be much more fun. If we take his games quietly, he will not notice that we took it.

Everystudent: Should we?

Greed: Yes, then we can have much more fun!

Everystudent: Let’s do it. (They steal the games.)

Everystudent: This is a lot of fun. But I feel guilty...

Gluttony: Hi, everystudent. You look stressed out.

Everystudent: Yes, I am.

Gluttony: I have some alcohol to cheer you up.

Everystudent: Alcohol? But we’re not supposed to drink them!

Gluttony: Who cares? It will be fine if we keep it as a secret.

Everstudent: Really? Maybe trying once can be a good idea...

(Everystudent and Gluttony drinks alcohol)

Everystudent: This is nice. Can I have some more?

Gluttony: Yes, absolutely. (They drink some more)

Everystudent: I feel good. Maybe we should drink some more later.

Glutony: As you please.

- 6 - Everystudent: Uhh...I’m so tired. Maybe I should miss school tomorrow and rest at home.

Laziness: Yes. you should.

Everystudent: No, I should go to school... It’s my duty.

Laziness: Well, you can rest at home for a few days, then you can work hard again!

Everystudent: Yeah, I should do that. (Everystudent rests for 3 days)

Everystudent: Ohh... I rested well for 3 days and I still feel weak and unready to go to school.

Laziness: Then you can just stay at home the whole time.

Everystudent: But that isn’t right!

Laziness: Just keep your thoughts to yourself and rest. It’s comfortable, isn’t it?

Everystudent: I guess this isn’t bad after all.

(A few days later)

Everystudent: Umm...Maybe I should go to school now. I can make some more excuses and go home again.

(He walks into the school. Lust sees him and she walks up to him alluringly)

Lust: Hi, it’s been a long time since I saw you last.

Everystudent: Yes. I was resting at home.

Lust: I bet you didn’t meet many girls doing that, cowboy.

Everyone: Of course. Hmm... I should be making my moves.

Lust: That’s it! Going out is a great thing!

Everystudent: Yeah, I’ll try it. (Everystudent walks across the stage with his arm around Lust, then he sees Lust2 so he leaves Lust to talk to her, he does the same when he sees Lust3. Every time he sees them more and more as objects. Lust and Lust2 start whispering a bad rumor about Everystudent that goes around the school. Eventually all of the characters hear it and are whispering in a half circle around him.)

Everystudent: Uhh... Everyone’s talking about me. I bet they are saying things that I should not be hearing. (Characters keep talking.) - 7 - Wrath: Everyone’s saying bad things about you! Aren’t you angry?

Everystudent: Yes. I am angry! What did I do to make them say bad things about me? I’m going to show them who’s the boss!

Pride: (to the audience) After a month, Everystudent became a star in the school, as one of the smartest kids in the school and the student president.

(Everystudent struts and waves. Pride goes up to him and slaps him some skin. Student1 enters and watches this.)

Student1: Hey Everystudent! Can you take a picture with me?!

Everystudent: No! I’m not going to take a picture with a person like you! I’m much beyond your class!

(Pride laughs)

Student1: That’s not fair!!!

Everystudent: Huh, I don’t care! I’m a much better person than you!!! (Pride laughs again and Everystudent laughs with him. Suddenly, Everystudent feels dizzy and falls to the ground. He loses consciousness.)

Everystudent: Uhh... Where am I?

School Pastor: Everystudent, you have been drinking too much alcohol and have put too much stress on yourself to be popular. You have forgotten who you are. That’s why this kind of incident happened.

Everystudent: I am so sorry. I don’t know what to do.

School Pastor: Then, give your heart to Jesus. Pray from your heart and the Lord will free you from your sins.

Everystudent: Alcohol, drugs and popularity give me temporary excitement, but the Lord gives me eternal happiness! Thank you Lord!

The End

- 8 - Slayers by Mike Lee, Daniel Choi, and Eric Cho

Theme We must work together to live.

Characters A tennis team named Slayers Narrator Passion Leadership Pride New Comer

Conflict character vs character

Exposition Mike and Daniel playing on the tennis team, and the team have been winning 10 games straight and Eric comes in as a newcomer. The team was very coherent and harmonized.

Rising Action Eric takes a negative lead to the team, having bad sportsmanship and creating fights among other teams during games. Not only this, but the team has been losing 15 games in a row.

Climax Eric at the 20th time losing in a row irated by the team’s bad performance. He begins to throw away all the things in a mess and denigrates all the members’ dignity.

Falling Mike and Daniel addresses the problem and attempts to resolve it by talking to Eric about the current state of the team and Eric’s bad actions that moved the team’s state badly.

Resolution Everything solved


Leadership: Hey Passion! Have you been practicing?

Passion: Like always! (laughing)

Leadership: Ready for the new upcoming tennis season? - 9 - Passion: Yea of course! Lets win ‘em all like last season.

Leadership: Let me practice with you.

Passion: You should! These days I’ve been seeing you that you’re in a slump; but I know you are responsible since you are a great team leader. (Practicing)

Leadership: Hey I heard that there was a new member joining our team.

Passion: Is it a girl?

Leadership: I would hope so, though its a he and I don’t know much about him. His name was Pride I think. Our manager scouted him for his excessive height, from what I had heard.

(Pride comes in)

Passion: Don’t tell me its him; Dang He’s really tall...

Leadership: Yea that’s him.

Passion: (turning to Pride) Hey man are you the new member that’s supposed to play on the team?

Pride: Of course I am! How did you not know that I was going to play for the team. Damn this place stinks

Passion: It’s obvious that I didn’t know; Frankly I was expecting a girl.

Pride: What the.....you should be grateful that I am scouted to your team

Leadership: Hey guys break it up.

Passion: Whatever, I’m gonna go back to practice.

Pride: I don’t need to practice, I’m already the best hmmf

------Narrator: A few days later the first season match began Team Slayers was versing their rival for their preliminary round. It was team SD which meant silver dragons.

Pride: Okay guys.. I’ll win the game for you guys

Leadership: Don’t get too cocky, this is the real deal.

Passion: I can do this!!

- 10 - Narrator: The rule of the game was to win 2 matches first and you get to advance to the next round

Pride: Yesss! I won! See that 6:0 perfect game you guys should learn from me (play tennis)

Passion: Okay, I hope we win the tournament.

------Narrator: The team loses all throughout the season.

Pride: Wow, you guys really do suck. We’re keep losing because you guys cannot play tennis at all.

Passion: After you came we went from 3rd place to the last place.

Pride: What did you say? Just go bring me a water and sit on the bench, you scrub.

Passion: I’ll show you the skills of a bench. (fighting stance)

Leadership: Woah guys, stop fighting. Pride, since you’re that good, wouldn’t you consider teaching and helping the team learn tennis to win some more? And Passion, shouldn’t you be trying to help the team up not to criticize them?

Pride and Passion: I guess so..;

Pride: Okay I’ll start teaching you guys some tennis. Sorry for the rant before.

Passion: I’m sorry for being aggressive about my shortfalls in tennis.

Leadership: Now that’s a good team right there.

Narrator: The team improved vastly over the end of the season and won the KAIAC tournament and ultimately made the school a solid division one school.

The End

- 11 - True Friendship by Yealim Lee and Hannah Seo

Characters: Loyalty Fickleness Fame Wealth Aesthetic Narrator


(Before they entered high school)

Loyalty: Hey Fickleness, lets’ go to school together!

Fickleness: (open the door widely) Come in! I am almost ready.

(Loyalty and Fickleness walks right next to each others to go to the school.)

Narrator: Fickleness and Loyalty were best friends since elementary school. As they entered high school, Fickleness became so popular that all the girls wanted to go out with him; however, unlike Fickleness, Loyalty was not noticeable at school. Now, as they enter high school, their friendship does not seem to be as amicable as the old days. We join them after school.

Scene One (After school, Loyalty decided to go visit Fickleness to ride skateboard.)

Loyalty: Hey Fickleness, do you want to ride skateboard with me?

Fickleness: (Opens the door halfway) Um... I am sorry, but I have other friends who came first.

Fame: (Distant Voice from Fickleness’ room) Hey Fickleness, hurry up! Our girls are waiting for you!

Fickleness: I’ll be there! (Turning towards Loyalty) I have to go, bye. (Slams the door)

(Loyalty stands and waits in front of Fickleness’ house for few minutes, hoping Fickleness would change his mind to go skateboarding with him. But Fickleness does not open the door again.)

Scene Two: (A few days later.... at school during lunchtime.)

- 12 - Fickleness: Hahahhahahahahahaha

(Fickleness, with his friends, sits with his back against Loyalty. Loyalty turns around and looks at Fickleness, but Fickleness does not care. Loyalty carefully tries a conversation with Fickleness. )

Loyalty: So, what are you doing after school?

Fickleness: Nothing... (Without thinking)

Loyalty: Oh! That’s great! We can hang out at the movies with extra large popcorn and soda just like we used to. We are going to finally spend time with each other! Doesn’t it sound great!

Fickleness: (Hurriedly makes up an untruthful excuse) Oh... wait... Oh! I forgot that I have a basketball practice right after school today. Sorry. (Turns around)

Loyalty: Oh.... no, it’s fine. (Fickleness does not even listen to Loyalty and starts his conversation with his popular friends again.)

(After school, Fickleness and Loyalty both head home, but they walk across each other without saying “hi” to one another.)

Scene 3 (Brakes squeeling as in the darkness a car hits Fickleness as he crosses the street)

Scene 4 Narrator: Few weeks later after the incident, Fickleness is diagnosed with waist- down paralysis. From that day on, everyday, Fickleness sits on his wheel chair staring out his bedroom window. One day, Aesthetic comes visit Fickleness.

Aesthetic: Hey, Fickleness, what ya doin? Dude, we’ve got our homies in front of yo house waitin fo you. Oh! And we’ve got these hot girls outside expecting you to take them out to some expensive dinner. Dude, you’ve gotta come with us to hook us up with them.

Fickleness: Dude, I’m sorry. Since you don’t sound like you heard the news, I’ll tell you now. From the car accident, my legs are paralyzed and it means my life is OVER!!!!! I can’t play football, I can’t flirt with girls, I can’t walk, I am stuck in this stupid wheelchair forever. (Takes a deep breath and tries to calm down) I need some condolence dude... Will you stay with me for a while and just spend time with me here, like we used to?

Aesthetic: I ain’t gonna stay with you and your crippled legs yo. You ain’t going to hold me up here just for yourself. Just because your life is over does not mean mine should be wasted for you. I’m gonna go man, bye. (Fickleness stares blankly at his bedroom door, feeling betrayed and abandoned. Another friend, Fame comes in.)

- 13 - Fame: Hey, I just saw Aesthetic storming out of the house. He was really pissed off, what the heck happened between you and him?

Fickleness: Let’s just say, he is not my friend anymore, never was, and never will be.

Fame: That doesn’t make any sense, you guys were all cool with each other the whole time!

Fickleness: I guess, that was before I realized he was a jerk, who could not give up small portion of his time to give a little condolence to his injured best friend. Fame, you are better than him, could you please stay with me for awhile, I really could use some of your compassion.

Fame: Really? Are you serious? You did not forget you are like a vegetable, right? With a vegetable friend like you, my social life will be over. (Fickleness shows his facial expression of anger and sorrow) Oh, poor thing, don’t worry, our life will be the same without you, we’ve got Aesthetic, Wealth, and myself too, so we don’t need you anymore. (As he leaves the room, he says,) Have a nice life, loser. (Mumbling to himself) Giving up my precious time to be with a cripple, what a selfish loser he is.

Fickleness: (mumbles to himself) I have no one left, I have no more friends. Wait, wait, I still have another friend, WEALTH!! Yes, he wouldn’t abandon me for sure.

Wealth: Hey Fickleness!! Why is it that all our guys are mad at you? (Looks at Fickleness’ legs) Oh, shoot, What happened to you?

Fickleness: I got into car accident and...

Wealth: Woah, woah, wait. That does not mean you are poor right?

Fickleness: (Putting his head down) No... but, I did spend a large amount of our family money on keeping me alive and now for the medication for the recovery of my waist- down paralysis. But Wealth, (Putting his head up), you won’t leave me like the other ones, right?

Wealth: If they did, why shouldn’t I? You lost your legs and now you lost your money? Wow, I was fine with you even when you had the paralysis, but the fact that you lost your money bewilders me. You’ve got nothing left, Fickleness, which leaves me no reasons to be friends with you anymore. I’m gonna go. This will be the last time you will hear from all of us. (Wealth slams the door and leaves.)

Fickleness: I had no friends after all. I am useless. I am nothing.

(Door slams open. Loyalty enters.)

Loyalty: Fickleness! Are you okay now? - 14 - Fickleness: (Turns his face away from Loyalty.) Why are you here, are you here to abandon me and make fun of me just like all the other guys, whom I thought were my true good friends? Well, if you are, just leave me alone for I now know, apparently I was not a good friend before I was injured to deserve any condolences from any of my friends.

Loyalty: (Draws nearer to Fickleness and grabs his shoulder to look straight into each other’s eyes.) I am not here to abandon you, or to make fun of you. I am here because I am your friend, you need a companion.

Fickleness: (From shame, Fickleness is not able to look into Loyalty’s eyes and he starts tearing up into tears.) I am sorry, Loyalty. I have not been a good friend for you ever since we entered high school. I teased you, I treated you with indifference, I excluded you from my social group, I made up stupid excuses to get rid of you because I thought you weren’t cool enough for me. I am so sorry. But, now I know, that you are truly far better and cooler friend than me and my group ever were.

Loyalty: Hey, dude, Don’t sweat it. You were always my friend and you always will be. Now I am here with you. We’ll get through this together, okay? (Holds Fickleness’ hands with both of his hands tightly) Here, let me pray for you.

Narrator: From that day on, Loyalty pushes Fickleness’ wheelchair to school everyday. Walking together like the old days. Both have finally found what true friendship is. (Loyalty pushes Fickleness off stage in his wheelchair)

The End

- 15 - Graduation by Judy Oh and Jaimie Park

Characters Everystudent Procrastination Knowledge Grades Homework Future Graduation


Future: Look at Everystudent He doesn’t care about me. Actually, he doesn’t care about anything at all! Everystudent only lives for the short pleasures in life, and totally forgot about me in his own selfishness and laziness. I must make him realize what is most important in his life. Graduation, where are you?

Graduation: Here I am. How may I help you?

Future: Graduation, take Everystudent on a journey that will make him reflect upon his present behaviors and ultimately realize the importance of me. Do not waste any time!

Graduation: Yes sir, I will make sure that he learns his lesson from the journey I am about to send him. There he goes. Hey, Everystudent! I have to speak to you.

Everystudent: Who are you? Why do need to speak to me?

Graduation: Ah, you may not notice me because you have been so distant with me. However, I am closer to you than you think I am. I am Graduation. Future has sent me to deliver a message to you. He demands a reckoning of your four years’ work, and if you fail, I will have to abandon you. Everystudent: What! No way, I’m only in Middle School. Give me more time!

Graduation: No, you must take this journey right away.

Everystudent: Then can I at least bring a friend along with me?

Graduation: Fine. But make sure the friend will be beneficial to you in this journey that you will take.

Everystudent: Okay I will speak to him right away.

Procrastination: Everystudent! Why so gloom? Is Homework bothering you again? Do you want to ditch him and play some video games?

- 16 - Everystudent: Actually, Procrastination, I have a favor to ask you.

Procrastination: Anything you need! I mean, you’re my best friend after all. We spend nearly the entire day together.

Everystudent: I know, that’s why I came for you. The thing is, I have to go on a journey, to be reckoned by Future. Can you come along with me?

Procrastination: Oh... I’m sorry, Everystudent. This is a really sudden notice. I mean, I have things to do, you know? Maybe if you gave me more time.. I’m sorry.

Everystudent: My best friend Procrastination wouldn’t help me! Maybe I’ll ask Homework. He’s been bugging me for so long, he must feel bad about me. Hey Homework!

Homework: Oh, Everystudent! I almost didn’t recognize you there. What’s been up?

Everystudent: Homework, I need you to come with my reckoning so that I can graduate.

Homework: But Everystudent, I barely know who you are anymore. You never spend time with me. I wouldn’t be able to help you in your reckoning. I’m sorry, but you have to find somebody who knows you better than I do.

Everystudent: I will ask Grades, then. He’s been with me throughout the whole school year.

Grades: Oh Everystudent! What brings you here? You used to be so careless towards me...

Everystudent: Grades! I need your help. I’m sorry I didn’t come visit for a long time, but I am going on a journey and I need you to come with me.

Grades: I would Everystudent... But I am so weak. Your carelessness led me to my poor health...

Everystudent: What will make you feel better?

Grades: Uhhhhhhhhh... I’m not sure... why don’t you try asking Knowledge?

Everystudent: KNOWLEDGE!

Knowledge: What is it, Everyman?

Everystudent: You have to make Grades feel better! I need to bring him to my journey.

- 17 - Knowledge: Well, you made me hang out with Procrastination too much, I don’t know if I still got what it takes.

Everystudent: Procrastination is not here anymore. You have to help him!

Knowledge: Uh, okay I will try


Everystudent: Grades! Are you feeling better now?

Grades: Yes, I’m feeling much better now that Knowledge worked with me. But he can’t follow us to the journey. Only I can be the most effective impact to your success.

Everystudent: Okay, Grades. I’m nervous! I finally realized what was most important to me. Procrastination... never helped me in my life. I needed to keep you and Homework close to me but I instead pushed you away.

Grades: It’s okay. Now that I am feeling better, I will speak for you in this journey.

Counselor: Come Everystudent, let us begin with your reckoning. Future and Graduation are near.

The End

- 18 - FC society by JH Hyun and Jacob Son

Characters Narrator Pep good deeds (Manager) Captain lampard (midfield) Christiano good looks (Forward) Patrice friendship (Defense) Greedy (later Friendly) Hernandez (midfield)


Narrator: In 2012 Madrid, Spain. there once was a football team called FC society. Their star players consisted of forward, Christiano good looks, midfield Captain Lampard, defense Patrice friendship, and finally pep good deeds the manager of FC Society. In 2011 FC society won the Spanish league title and the Spanish cup. Things were going good for FC society they had good teamwork and good individual characteristics that led to a better team. However things changed when FC society decided to recruit Greedy Hernandez.

Pep: (Talking to the team before the game) Hey guys there is a new guy that just came in our team his name is greedy hernandez. Take some time to get to know him before our first game which is right around the corner.

Captain Lampard: Yes Sir! I hope we have a successful season this year too.

Pep: Alright lets do this

Captain Lampard: Ok team lets go out to the feild and practice for tomorrow's match

Christiano good looks: Ok lets see how good Greedy Hernandez is!

(They go out)

Narrator: After practice....

Christiano good looks: (after practice talking to captain) Lampard I do not think Greedy Hernandez likes to pass the ball to us. He keeps hogging onto the ball and either loses possession or dribbles around defenders which does not help the team

Captain Lampard: Maybe he is just getting used to the team lets see how he does on tomorrows game.

Christiano good looks: Are you sure? ok maybe he will be different tomorrow and gives quality passes to us. - 19 - Captain Lampard: Overall good looks? how do you think the team is doing?

Chritiano good looks: I think we are doing great except for mr hernandez not passing the ball. Yea evrything is fine. We are all doing great. Looking forward to a good match tomorrow

Captain Lampard: Ok see you tomorrow. (They go out)

Narrator: The next day...

Pep good deeds: (Talking to the team the next day) Guys now its our first game of the season lets get off to a good start and get our first w of the sesason. Greedy Hernandez good luck on your first game and welcome to FC society.

Captain Lampard: Come on lets go guys the game has started!

Narrator: As the first 45 minutes pass by Greedy Hernandez did not pass the ball once to his teammates. This causes the team to let up 2 goals in the first half. Patrice friendship now is curious about Greedy Hernandez and tries to help him if he has a problem.

Patrice friendship: Hey Greedy whats up with you man? Are you sick or anythings? Whats up with you not passing the ball to me or the team in general. I mean if something is wrong tell me lets sort things out.

Hernandez: I do not work for the benefit of others I like to work for myself and be the star on this team. So I will not pass to any of you guys because I would like to score all the goals by myself and I will be the best player on the team.

Patice friendship: Really is that what you think? I thought you were a better person. But oh well if that is the way that you decide to role. My only option is to not pass to you too so good luck. I thought we were on the good side of each other but I guess not now. I have no other option than to end our relationship. I thought you were better than this but you’re not giving me a choice other than to abandon you.

(They go out)

Narrator: After the game...

Pep: (To some of the players) This is shocking you guys should have won this game easily but you guys lost 3:0?! Does that even make sense? I didn’t even watch the game because I was quite sure that you guys were going to win. What happened? any one know the answer to why we lost?

Captain Lampard: That guy over there (He points to Greedy) is ruining our team, Pep. Greedy Hernandez is a really good player but for some reason he is not using his talents well. He does not pass the ball and likes to do everything by himself so this does not help our team at all. Also because of his selfish acts players - 20 - on our team also get affected. This game normally Patrice usually does a good job defending but after his little quarrel with greedy hernandez he seems to be less active. He does not run for the ball and he cannot concentrate. This is a definite negative impact towards our team. Greedy Hernandez is ruining the whole team Pep you should do something about it. Or else our team is going to have some serious issues just because of this one guy. This one guy could change our team, Pep...

Pep: Okay Lampard I got it I will talk with Greedy Hernandez as soon as possible.

Narrator: Now pep knows what he was going to do. He was going to change Greedy hernandez and get his team back to normal before the next game.

Pep: (Talking to Greedy Hernandez) Greedy I think that you are being too selfish on the field. I would like to teach you a few things about FC society. FC society is a team compromised of very talented players like you. However there is one thing that separates you from all the other on the team. All the others work for the benefit of others and maximizes other players abilities, by working together. Now I know that you are able to pass the ball really well but I believe that you are being too selfish and stubborn to realize how this would help the whole team and also yourself. Do you get this Greedy? Perhaps maybe your nickname should be changed. From now on your jersey is going to say that you are “friendly Hernandez” Now off you go you are not going to talk back to me. Next time I would like you to make those killer passes that you are capable of generating.

Hernandez: (Thinking to himself) hmmm.... is he really right. Ok he seems like a nice person and knows what he is talking about I guess I will give it a try.

Narrator: Next game Hernandez decides to play differently. He is going to pass the ball to other players and become more of a playmaker for FC society. Now the next game ended with FC society winning 5:0 with Greedy now called Friendly Hernandez making all the 5 assists.

Patrice friendship: That was great. You possess some good talents boy. Those were some good assists.

Hernandez: Thanks man sorry for being so selfish the other day. I will be better from now on. keep up the good defending

Pep: Now FC society is working together again I feel relieved. One person could really change up a whole team you know......

Narrator: Now that FC society has settled they continue on with their win streak. Pep is a good role model for the players and he does a good job encouraging them. However if it wasn’t for Hernandez changing his attitude towards the team the results may have been bad for FC society.

The End - 21 - It’s Just Too Late by Jeeho Oh, Ryan Choi, and Jee Eun Kim

Inspiration and Setting This play is inspired by a Korean news story about a kidnapping and murder in which the police did not respond in time to prevent the crime or save the victim. Sometimes all the apologies in the world are futile when its just too late. Our story takes place in the Animal Kingdom where all types of animals coexist not as prey and predators, but as civil members of the animal society.

Characters Hamster (The Female Victim) Hamster M (The Mother of Hamster) Snake (The Killer) Sloth (The Police) The Owl


Hamster M: Cough...Cough

Hamster: Oh, no, mothership! You are so sick!

Hamster M: Indeed, my daughter.

Hamster: The pills Doctor Fox prescribed you don’t seem to be helpful at all! Mothership, I must go to Doctor Giraffe and get a proper medication.

Hamster M: But daughter, it is ten o'clock at night. It is so dark and dangerous outside.

Hamster: Not a problem, mothership. Your health is more important! [starts getting ready to go outside]

Hamster M: No, just wait til tomorrow morning! I can hold til then! [Hamster leaves] Oh, daughter... I have a bad feeling about this

(Hamster begins walking across the prairie, looking at the moon, talking to herself)

Hamster: Hmmm... it’s strangely so empty on the prairie tonight. It seems so desolate...and so dark...so lonely.... in fact, I’ve never seen it look so haunting. [Looks up] Yet the moon still manages to shine brighter than any other nights. Yes, my friend, I look up to you and admire you as you guide me. [Suddenly trips while walking with her head up] Whoops

Snake: Watch it, you little rodent!

- 22 - Hamster: [startled] I’m so sorry, Mr. Snake. I didn’t see you slithering by!

Snake: [hissing] Pssssss... Walking in the desolate woods in the night. Yet you keep your head up as if there is nothing to fear...

Hamster: Yes this place is so gloomy and haunting. But there is the moon to guide my way! That is why I was walking with my head up. My deepest apologies Mr. Snake.

Snake: Foolish hamster...How simple and happy would the world be if all things could be solved by mere words of apology?

Hamster: [dumbfounded] ….uh.....

Snake: Now let’s teach our poor innocent little hamster a lesson, shall we? [begins slowly wrapping around the hamster]

Hamster: [nervous laughter] haha....oh...Mr. Snake...you’re such a jokester...haha.....I.. I would love to make up for my terrible mistake but... I... I really must get going...haha..

Snake: [sarcastic] Ohhhh~ you have to get going ey??? Don’t you worry little one it’ll be over before you know it. [Evil laugh] HAHAHA!

Hamster: [starting to be choked] M...Mr...Snake..... I.... I.... I... Please Please spare my life.... Plea...Please...

Hamster: [Spots the sloth up in the tree nearby] [Squeaking] Mr... Mr Sloth!!! Please... Please come... and.... Help... You.. are... the keeper .. of the woods!!

Sloth: [Sleeping] z...z.z.z....z

Hamster: Mr Sloth!!!

Sloth: [Sleeping] zz.z...z...

Sloth: Is anybody there?

Hamster: Mr Sloth!!! Please come... and ...help.!!

Sloth: Is there any problem?

Hamster: I need your HELP Mr Sloth!!

Sloth: What’s wrong with you? I can’t see.....

Hamster: What??! You are still in your dream!?!? Wake up and Help me......

- 23 - Sloth: Is there any problem?

Snake: Don’t worry Sloth.

Hamster: [Choking. Trying to call Mr. Sloth] M...Mr.S....Mr.Slo..th..

Sloth: [Looking down] Mr. Snake what are you doing. Let her go! or I will force you to let her go!

Snake: I’ll let her go...... if you can force me to do so. [Evil laugh] HAHAHA

Sloth: [Slowly coming down from trees] Okay

Hamster: Can’t you come faster!?!? Mr. Sloth

Sloth: I’m coming!! [Moving slowly]

Hamster: uh... Mr.S!!! You are still in the tree!!

[Sloth continues to move painfully slowly down the tree approaching Hamster]

Hamster: uh..uh.uh... hurry Mr.Sloth. I can’t breathe

Sloth: I’m nearly there!

Snake: [imitating Hamster in a high-pitched voice] Oh, run, run, Mr. Sloth, run for my life! [back in snake’s voice] Now, now, Hamster, where were we...? We must end this before your brave keeper catches up to save you. [tightens around the hamster]

Hamster: Have mercy, Mr. Snake, have mercy!!! Mr. Sloth!! Mr. Sloth!!

Sloth: H..hold on!! Ew, oh, shoot, I think I just stepped in a pile of dung.

Hamster: Mr...... Sl.....oth....!!!

Sloth: Dang it, I just washed yesterday!!! Ugh, I’ll just have to wait another six months to get this clean...my wife is going to kill me....

Hamster: Mr...... !!

Sloth: Oh, right! Hamster, here I come!!!

Hamster: [makes gurgling noises and then...dead]

Snake: [bitterly looking at the dead hamster] Should’ve known who you were dealing with, little fool [slithers into the darkness]

- 24 - Sloth: [long after snake’s gone] ….whoo! That took a while, I’m sorry, but I’m still here...... ? Hello....? Hamster? [looks around] Hamster? Oh, Ms. Hamster, I’m finally here! [waits for a response but hears only the night crickets] How foolish of me! The lady hamster must have been toying with me! How rude and selfish of her to tease a committed keeper like me! [turns around and unknowingly walks toward the dead body of the hamster] Ugh, these animals do NOT know how to appreciate my loyalty to the animal kingdom. Really, I think I deserve a better recogni- [finds the dead body of the hamster and shrieks] AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Ms..... Ms. Hamster?!?!?!?!?

Owl: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sloth, I’ve been watching the whole time, and you do not deserve the title of a keeper. Be ashamed of what you have done to the Hamster.

Sloth: [kneels before Hamster and cries] NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Oh, Hamster!! I’m so sorry!!!!! I....I..... I am sorry i could not save you!!!

Owl: No use crying, Sloth. It’s just too late.

The End

- 25 - The Freedom of Will by Eric Han, Jacob Son, and Bryan Ahn

Characters Everyperson. Companions. Wealth. Video Games. Tiredness. Hunger. Laziness. God. Messenger.

The Setting The play takes place in Everyperson’s home. On stage right, there is the door (which is the entrance to Everyperson’s house). At center stage, there is a desk (with basic work materials such as a stapler, papers, and a computer) on which Everyperson will work. On stage left, there is another entrance (without a door), which leads to, presumably, the rest of the house, but most importantly, to Everyperson’s bedroom. The background is to be painted like a normal house would be, to represent the house of a normal man in society.


Everyperson: (Everyperson enters from stage right, walking at a leisurely pace, only to stop at center stage) The sun shines so brilliantly today, and almost like any other day, today seems like a day filled with opportunity and chance! (Everyperson stops where his own personal desk lies) I’ll waste no minute of today, working furiously until my arms fall off! (Everyperson begins to work furiously at his desk, never relenting, for a a few seconds)

Companions: (Companions enter the scene from stage right) Oh, what a beautiful day it is! If only I could make the best of it...(Notices that Everyperson is working rigorously at his desk) Ah! Everyperson! How’re you doing?

Everyperson: (Remains to work hard, his eyes still on his work) Don’t distract me from my work, my dear Companions! Today, I need to finish all the work that I have to do. Every minute of this time is precious to me!

Companions: (Perplexed) But my friend, the day is only so long, and the sun has never been so bright! Do you plan on spending your entire day cooped up in this room, working on such tedious tasks? Come, play with me!

Everyperson: (Assertively) Of course! What better day than today to complete everything that I have to do? Surely the sun is shining so that I can concentrate on my work.

- 26 - Companions: (Sullen) No, no! You have it completely wrong! The sun speaks the complete opposite of what you’re thinking of! In truth, the sun is shining so that nothing else can hinder your time to play! The rain, the snow, the clouds, and the winds have all gone so you can enjoy today for what it is!

Everyperson: (Abruptly stops what he was working on) I see the logic in what you’re saying. (Begins to think, with the pen to the lips) Perhaps, for a few hours, spending time with you won’t affect my work too badly. (Everyperson slowly rises from his chair)

Companions: (Overjoyed) Come on, then! We’ll make the best of today while nothing gets in our way! You just wait and see!

(The two exit via stage right, and the scene suddenly transitions into nighttime; soon, Everyperson comes back in, appearing to be very tired)

Everyperson: (Yawning) Another day has gone, and in truth, I’m glad to have played than to have worked. (Looks at his desk) Although I would very much prefer to get my work done, I would rather sleep and have more energy to work tomorrow early in the morning. (Everyperson exits the stage via the left side, and the lights go off)

(Once again, the lights turn on to signify that the night has turned into morning, and Everyperson reenters the scene, yawning and stretching his arms)

Everyperson: I’ve slept like a log, and now I’m ready to get to work! (Looks outside) Ah...just as Companions predicted, I wouldn’t have been able to play today...it sure is raining quite hardly today. It doesn’t matter! I’ll work to the rhythm of the raindrops falling on my rooftop! (Once again, Everyperson begins to work furiously on his work)

Wealth: (Enters from stage right) Everyperson, you seem to be working harder than ever! What’s happened to you?

Everyperson: (Looks up to see who it is) Oh, I thought it might be you, Wealth. Provided with such a miserable day, I decided to make the most of it by completing as much as my work as possible.

Wealth: (Perplexed) What are you talking about? There are so many things that you can be doing other than work! And at that, much more interesting things.

Everyperson: (Scoffs) Please, enlighten me. What could I possibly do other than do the work that I have been assigned? Nothing comes to mind when I think about it.

Wealth: (Ponders how he should reply for some time) Take a look at yourself first! Do you call those things on your body clothes? What a disgrace! Come with me, and I’ll provide you with the best of clothing. You name it, I buy it! - 27 - Everyperson: (Taking a good look at himself) Well, now that you mention it... (stands up and investigates his clothes)...I haven’t gone shopping in a while. The rain really doesn’t put me in any mood to do my work either...just today, I suppose, would be fine?

Wealth: (Puts a hand on Everyperson’s shoulder) Think about it! Wouldn’t it be better to cast out all of those temptations today and fully concentrate tomorrow?

Everyperson: Of course! I should have thought of that earlier! Let’s go, Wealth, off to the world of shopping adventures!

(The two of them depart via stage right, and the stage turns dark once more to signify that it time has transpired; Everyperson enters once more, alone)

Everyperson: (Exhausted and weary) Another day well spent, in my opinion. Tomorrow, nothing shall distract me! But for now, I must reenergize.

(Everyperson exits via stage left, and lights turn back on to signify that it is now daytime; Everyperson reenters).

Everyperson: No more distractions today. It’s late in the week and I must finish my work. I have an idea! I’ll just lock the door as to prevent anyone from coming in! (Takes the keys from his pocket and walks to stage right, where the door is)

Video Games: (Barging in) Why hello there, Everyperson! How do you feel about...

Everyperson: (Shaking his head) No, no, I’ve had enough! Please, be kind enough as to leave my house without any other objections.

Video Games: (Shocked) How rude! Are you saying that you’ll just simply kick out a guest who took some of his own time to visit you? And you don’t even bother to hear him out!

Everyperson: I’m really sorry, but I’ve just been under a lot of pressure lately. (Frustrated) I have much work to do, but so many things are getting in my way from completing it! Argh! The stress is flooding my veins and I can’t concentrate!

Video Games: (Consoling) Ah, I see. I know lots of people who feel the same way as you do; so much work to do yet so little time. You know, I know the perfect way to cope with such stresses and hardships. Everyone seems to think it works well! Why not give it a try?

Everyperson: (Curious) What’s your method?

Video Games: Just spend some time alone with me, and I’ll help you get over your troubles. Spend time with me, and I promise you that your troubles will fly by! - 28 - Everyperson: (Doubtful) You promise?

Video Games: I pinky promise. (Holds out his pinky to promise)

Everyperson: (Still doubtful, but makes the pinky promise) Okay, but you better not be lying to me....or else!

Video Games: (Begins to lead Everyperson to the exit on stage left) Don’t worry about it, and leave it all to me!

(They both exit, and the lights turn off once more to signify that the sun has fallen, but this time, Video Games enters through stage left and exits through stage right very quitely and secretively; then, lights turn back on to signify daytime)

Everyperson: (Reentering from stage left in a bad posture, looking more tired than ever) The next time I see Video Games, I’ll kill him! I’ve become more tired than ever and time is running ever so short! No more distractions! I must concentrate!

Tiredness: (Voice only) Are you sure you’re ready to start working? I mean, you do look very tired and all.

Everyperson: (Obviously in denial) Of course not, tiredness! (Yawns for a very long time) Even if may be...a little tired, I can always take Redbull, Monster, or any other energizing drink at any time!

Hunger: (Voice only) Come to think about it, aren’t you pretty hungry? I mean, after doing all of those activities, don’t you feel like having a snack, or a meal? I could make a nice meal for you if you want to!

Everyperson: (Still in denial) No, no, I’m quite fine! I can deal with it for some time! I’ll eat only when I feel really hungry. The earlier I work, the better it is. Yes, I should start working. (Obviously paranoid) Work, work, work, so much to do, so little time. Begone now, my friends, I must start my work!

Laziness: (Voice only) But in truth, you don’t really feel like working, do you? I mean, I certainly don’t feel like doing anything at all today! I just want to sit back in a chair, recline, and relax...to the max!

Everyperson: (Insane) Just leave me alone! What could you possibly want from me? All I want to do is do some of my work so that I can be less burdened! Everything and everyone seems to go against what I want to do! Why can’t you just leave me alone?

Tiredness: Jeez, just calm down! What are you getting so worked up for? We’re not doing anything bad at all...

- 29 - Laziness: All we’re doing is giving you ideas and suggestions on what you should do next...geez...so fiesty!

Hunger: In the end, the one following our suggestions is you, so why blame us for all of your faults? So selfish and arrogant!

Laziness: Whatever...I don’t feel like staying here much longer than I have to...see you never, I hope. Come call us when you get some sense knocked back into you, you hear?

Tiredness: He’s got a point. Later!

Hunger: Bye!

Everyperson: (Rambling on by himself, still insane) All I wanted to do from the beginning of this week was to complete my work...but no! Everyone had to get in my way! It’s not my fault! Is it? How could it possibly be my fault? It can’t be my fault when everyone is simply forcing me to do what they’re telling me to do! Yes, all of them; they’ve been nothing but trouble! But now, I shall be alone! (Runs frantically to the door and locks it) Alone...in this room...I shall finish everything that I have been assigned! Yes...yes I shall...

(Still mumbling to himself silently, he begins to walk crookedly to his own desk, where his papers lie all scattered; he picks up the papers and neatly organizes them on the desk, and begins to work, although very nervously)

Everyperson: (After a few minutes, at the verge of insanity) Good, good...the seeds of my efforts are seeming to bloom...with no one to interrupt my work, everything’s been going perfectly well and I wouldn’t have wished it any other way!

(At this point, every thirty seconds or so, the lights turn off/on to signify that several days and several nights have passed)

Everyperson: Almost...a quarter of the way there...this neverending task...so burdensome.

God: (Entering from stage right) Everyperson, have you completed the task that I have assigned to you quite some time ago?

Everyperson: (Suddenly awakened from his insanity and obviously at a panic) I’m so sorry God, I just simply haven’t had the time to do it...

God: (Completely calm, yet slightly disappointed) I gave you all the time in the world...how could you have possibly not completed it?

Everyperson: (Still very panicked, stammering) Well, you see, Companions, Wealth, Video Games, Tiredness, Laziness, and Hunger all took their turns in visiting me...and...and...they all distracted me from my work! - 30 - God: Well, if that be the case, why not bring them to the scene and ask their opinions on what really happened? (Snaps fingers as to summon the characters)

(Enter Companions, Wealth, Video Games, Tiredness, Laziness, and Hunger from stage right, in the order mentioned)

God: Tell me, my friends, was it really you who distracted him from doing the work that I had assigned to him?

Companions: No, Father, we were simply trying to help relieve him from the work that he had to do...

Video Games: Yes, we only wanted to do the best for him...

Wealth: All we gave were suggestions on what he could do! We never forced anything upon him to waste his time!

Hunger: Yeah, by no means was he obliged to follow our suggestions! In fact, he didn’t follow our suggestions at all!

Laziness: He could have refused the others’ suggestions as well! Why blame us for the choices that you blatantly made?

Tiredness: Exactly! Don’t be so narrow-minded and selfish!

Everyperson: (Shocked and speechless at the responses of his mates) Will you seriously go so far to betray me? You convinced me otherwise with -- (to be cut off by God)

God: Enough, my children! Come with me, and we shall resolve this matter elsewhere.

(They all depart through the door on stage right, and all the lights are killed; then, the Messenger enters from stage left, and the spotlight focuses on him)

Messenger: May this be a lesson to everyone in the world. The past will always look so short, and the future will always look long. But do not be fooled by the petty games that time likes to play; the past, the present, and the future all carry the same length, weight, and depth. Use the time you are given to the fullest extent. Reasons are nothing but excuses for procrastination and logical fallacies for what you have failed to accomplish. As God has given you the freedom of individual will, it is ultimately yourselves who pave out the road of your personal lives. Thus, listen well and heed the warnings of the message that Everyperson had once failed to notice.

(The Messenger exits via stage left, and the spotlight turns off to reveal a completely darkened stage, completely silent)

The End - 31 - Everystudent Justine Yun, Rick Eum, and Seong Soo Son.

Characters Everystudent Electronics demon Justice (Teacher) Drowsiness Faith Friend Guilt Fear Skipping Man Thief Someone Bully Trust


Scene: Morning. Everystudent arrives in class, with a tardy slip in his hand. He gives it to the teacher (Justice) and apologizes for coming to school late. He sits down and opens his computer. Electronics Demon smiles, comes closer, and sits down next to him.

Electronics demon: Hey, what’s up?

Everystudent: Nothing really.... so bored.....(yawning)

Electronics demon: Why don’t you do something more fun than just staring into space??

Everystudent: What is there to do??? His classes are so boring......

Electronics Demon: Hey..try these sites! It would be better than just doing nothing.

Everystudent: Wow.... this is great!

Electronics Demon: I know.... right? Here is another one!

Everystudent: Hahaha that’s funny...... !

Justice: Why are you smiling at your screen? Didn’t you listen when I told you to close your laptop? Bring your laptop.

Everystudent: Urgggghhhh (grumbling - hands over the laptop) - 32 - Electronics Demon: I don’t think it would be any better to stay here now.

He leaves and Everystudent sit backs down. Then, drowsiness comes up closer to Everystudent.

Everystudent: I have nothing to do now...... without my laptop. Is there something else to do?

Drowsiness: Why don’t you take a nap? Justice’s classes are no fun anyway...right?

Everystudent: But...... I guess I AM tired....(yawning) I was up so late last night..

Drowsiness: Yeah... you should just get some sleep. You can’t do anything if you’re not really awake.

Everystudent: Hmmm.. alright. zzzzzzz....

Justice: (Later) Everystudent, wake up!

Everystudent: Huh? What?

Justice: Sleeping in my class? Why don’t you stand up until you’re awake.

Everystudent: Oh...right... sorry. (Bell Rings)

Justice: See you guys tomorrow~ and Everystudent, try to pay attention in my class. (Everystudent and the others leave class and goes to the next classroom.)

Faith: Hey, Everystudent. Did you study for the math test?

Everystudent: WHAT??? We have a test?????

Friend: Did you not study..AGAIN???

Everystudent: I totally forgot about it..... urggghhhh (Faith, Friend, and Everystudent go into the math classroom. Later, during the test...)

Fear: Hey what’s the answer for number 5?

Everystudent: (Whispering) We’re not supposed to talk.

Guilt: Oh come on! It’s fine if we don’t get caught~

Everystudent: Oh, alright.....

Justice: Everystudent, what’s going on? - 33 - Everystudent: Oh I’m asking for an eraser.

Justice: Oh, alright...please keep quiet.

After the test ...

Guilt: See...? It’s fine if we don’t get caught.

Fear: Yeah~ It was nothing, you know?

Everystudent: I guess......

Faith: Hey... you shouldn’t do that....

Friend: Yeah.... if you get caught... you might get expelled! You know???

Guilt: Who cares? It’s fine if you guys don’t tell~

Everystudent: Oh well...it’s over now......

Friend: Hey what class is next?

Faith: Hmm.. let’s see.. it’s history.

Everystudent: Urggghh I hate history... hey you guys can go first. I have to go to the bathroom.

Friend + Faith: okay.... see you!

Skipping man: (Sees Everystudent coming out of the bathroom...) Hey, everystudent! What’s up?

Everystudent: I don’t feel like going to class.... It’s history. What’s up with you?

Skipping man: Oh... I don’t feel like going to class either... I was just walking.

Everystudent: Oh well, I guess I’ll have to go. Bye~

Skipping man: Hey, do you want to skip just this class?

Everystudent: What?? But we’ll get in trouble!

Skipping man: Oh come on! We’ll go to the mall near the school. We can spend the hour there. Let’s go!

Everystudent: Oh...alright.... maybe just this time.. (Skipping man and Everystudent go. The two come back in time for PE class.) - 34 - Everystudent: That was great!

Skipping man: Yeah~ Want to do it again for the next period?

Everystudent: Oh, it’s my favorite class. It’s PE, so I have to go.

Skipping man: Oh, very well then... bye~

Everystudent: Yeah.. See ya!

In the lockerroom..

Thief: Hey Everystudent. Do you have an extra shirt?

Everystudent: Nope... sorry.

Thief: Oh, darn. I’ll just have to take someone elses...

Everystudent: haha good luck with that.

Thief: Here it is!! Hey, there is a wallet here. I’ll just take a little bit.

Everystudent: You shouldn’t do that... You might get caught..

Thief: It’s fine.... whatever.

After PE

Justice: (Someone is standing by) Someone has just told me that some of their money is gone. Does anyone know anything about this??

Everyone is about to speak but only sounds come. He looks around and then is quiet.

Justice: Who was the last one to come out of the locker room?

Everystudent: It was me.

Justice: Did you do it?

Everystudent: No. It was...... nevermind.

Justice: Well, I’ll just have a talk with you afterschool.

Everystudent: But it wasn’t me!

Justice: Still, just come to my office.

- 35 - Friend: Everystudent, what’s going on?

Faith: Yeah.... You didn’t do it...right?

Everystudent: Of course I didn’t!! It was Thief who did it.

Trust: Why didn’t you say so to Justice?

Everystudent: I would feel bad for telling on my friend.

Faith: Oh dear.... well...good luck.

Friend: Let’s just go to lunch...

Lunch. While getting food, Everystudent bumps into Bully.

Everystudent: Oh I’m sorry.

Bully: Is that it? All you say is sorry?

Everystudent: Well....what do you expect me to say?

Bully: (Bully throws food at Everystudent’s face and laughs. The others with Bully laughs with him. ) You’re funny. Aren’t you the one who stole money from a classmate?

Everystudent: No, I’m not.

Bully: Well, a thief never admits himself to be a thief. (The group of kids with Bully leaves the cafeteria. Trust, Faith,and Friend come closer to Everystudent.)

Friend: You okay?

Everystudent: Yeah I’m fine.....

Faith: You don’t look like you are. Let’s go outside and get some fresh air.

Trust: Yeah, then you might feel better, you know.

Everystudent: I guess so. I’m surprised you guys have not gone with them.

Faith: What do you mean? We’ll always be with you.

Trust: Yeah, don’t worry about it. We’ll always be there for you.

The End

- 36 - Everystudent by Lilly Kim, Seung yeon Rho, Erin Yoon

Characters Narrator Everystudent Popularity Stress Addiction Truefriend Graduation


Narrator: There was once a guy named Everystudent at Everyschool. He was just an ordinary kid who would go to school and study and come back home and have nice chat with his parents. He was the one everybody loved but he was looking for a good friend.

Popularity: Hey amigo, do you wanna join my group? People will see you differently and do whatever you tell them to do.

Everystudent: Is it okay for me to join? really?

Popularity: Yeah! of course! Come join!

Everystudent: Um... ok!

Truefriend: Everystudent! you should think more wisely! Are you sure you wanna join? Will you not regret it?

Popularity: Go away you corny Truefriend!

Everystudent: I wanna be like Popularity! Bye, Truefriend

Popularity: Let’s go! I’ll introduce you my friends. Addiction and Stress, this is our new friend Everystudent!

Addiction & Stress: Hi Everystudent. Let’s go hang out and drink

Narrator: The four of them got really close together and they always went everywhere together but one day, Stress and Everystudent got in a big fight and everystudent started to lean upon Addiction

Addiction: Hey! Everystudent! do you wanna go out tonight?

Everystudent: Um... but I have homework that is due tomorrow..

- 37 - Popularity: O my gosh, Everystudent, homework? You can copy another friend’s homework tomorrow!! lets go out! we are going to go to a club tonight~~

Everystudent: But..then..

Addiction: Hey !! Why do you think so much? just go out and hang out together!! let’s have fun tonight~~

Everystudent: I have to think for a sec.. guys..

Popularity: You don’t wanna hang out with us? huh? okay go ahead, leave...

Everystudent: I will go!! I wanna hang out with you, don’t leave me alone...

Narrator: Later...

Everystudent: I’m going to go clubbing with popularity and addiction. I’ll copy your homework tomorrow, ok? Got it?

Truefriend: What? No!! You are not allowed to go clubbing!! And it is inappropriate to copy homework!!

Everystudent: Are you trying to teach me? Okay I will never copy your homework! I will ask others!!! (He turns to go)

Truefriend: Everystudent... don’t be like that...

Everystudent: Forget it. Just don’t worry about me anymore “Truefriend”. I don’t need any help. I am fine by myself.

This play is unfinished.

- 38 - - Appendix -

The Summoning of Everyman

14th century - abridged by Leslie Noelani Laurio from the modern English text in the Fordham University Medieval Sourcebook

Characters Messenger God Death Everyman Friendship Kindred Cousin Worldly Goods Good Deeds Knowledge Confession Strength Discretion Five Senses Beauty Angel Doctor

Setting The heavenly realm and here upon the Earth.


Messenger: Listen to this moral play about the summoning of Everyman. It shows how, at the end of our lives, we are shown to be transitory. You think sin in the beginning full sweet, which in the end causes the soul to weep when the body lies in clay. You will see how Friendship, Kin, Worldly Goods and Possessions, Strength and Beauty will fade from you like a flower fades in May. You will see how our heavenly King calls Everyman to a general reckoning. Listen to what he says:

God: Everyman lives only for their own pleasure, and yet their own life is not assured. They forget completely the shedding of my son’s red blood. The more patient I am, the worse they are from year to year. Therefore I will have a reckoning of Everyman's person. If I leave the people alone, they will become worse than beasts. They devour one another with jealousy, forget to be charitable to their fellow man, and become preoccupied with material possessions. Therefore I must do justice on Everyman. Death, my Mighty Messenger, where are you?

Death: I am here, ready to do your bidding.

God: Go to Everyman and tell him as my representative that he must take a journey that he cannot escape from, and he'd better bring a reckoning without delay.

- 39 - Death: Ah, I see Everyman walking over there; meeting me is the last thing on his mind, for he is preoccupied with his own self and possessions. He will dread standing before the Lord, heaven's King. Everyman, stand still, where are you going so cheerfully? Have you forgotten your Maker?

Everyman: Who wants to know?

Death: I have been sent to you from heaven by God.

Everyman: What does God want from me?

Death: He demands a reckoning from you right away.

Everyman: Oh Death, you've come when I least expected you. Save me - I'll give you whatever you want if you'll be kind to me - a thousand dollars if you'll leave me alone and come back another day.

Death: Everyman, that is not possible. I don't stop for gold, riches, pope nor emperor. Many have offered me gifts, but that is not my way. Come on, be quick.

Everyman: What? Not even a warning? To even think of you makes my heart sick. I'm not ready to give a reckoning! Come back in a few years and I might be more prepared. Please spare me until I'm better prepared.

Death: It's no use to cry, weep or pray. But see if any of your friends might accompany you. For death waits for no man. All living creatures must die for Adam's sin.

Everyman: Oh God in heaven, have mercy on me! Shall I have no company to join me on this journey?

Death: See if any are daring enough to accompany you on this journey.

Everyman: I have no one to help me on my journey! I wish I'd never been born! I fear great pain, and I don't know what to do! Who might come with me? Maybe Friendship; we've been close for years. Surely he'll help me. I'll speak to him right away.

Friendship: Hello, Everyman, why do you look so sad? If something is wrong, please tell me so that I can help you.

Everyman: Yes, dear Friendship, yes, I am in real trouble!

Friendship: My true friend, tell me what's wrong; I will never forsake you. Through thick and through thin, you can count on me.

Everyman: Then you truly are a friend indeed; you have never disappointed me before. - 40 - Friendship: And I never will; I swear, even if you were to go to hell, I would stay with you.

Everyman: I have been commanded to go on a journey - a long, hard, dangerous journey to give a reckoning before God, the high judge. Please come with me as you promised.

Friendship: That's tough luck. But if I were to accompany you, it would be painful for me, and the very thought scares me.

Everyman: Indeed, Death was with me here just now.

Friendship: If Death was the messenger, then I will not go with you. I would not go on that journey even for my own father!

Everyman: But, my friend, you promised!.

Friendship: Not even our friendship can persuade me to go.

Everyman: You won't come, Friendship? You're forsaking me?

Friendship: Yes, I'm sorry, but I leave you in God's hands.

Everyman: Where else can I turn for help if even Friendship fails me? I know - I'll go to my family. My kinsmen will help me, because blood is thicker than water. Kindred, are you there?

Kindred: In riches or poverty, you can always depend on your family.

Everyman: God has called me to give account for my life, how I've lived and spent my days, and my ill deeds. Please come and help me give account.

Kindred: What! But you're so young and merry! Take heart! But, no, I won't go with you.

Everyman: My Cousin, will you go with me?

Cousin: No, I have a cramp in my toe.

Everyman: Tell me the truth - will you go with me, or stay behind?

Kindred: Stay behind? You'd better believe it! Farewell, I'll see you later.

Everyman: All my life I have loved riches; maybe now they'll help me. My goods and possessions have made my heart light before, I'll speak to them in this distress. Where are you, my goods and riches?

- 41 - Worldly Goods: Here sir; if you have any trouble or adversity in the world, I can help.

Everyman: It is something else that grieves me; I am sent to give an account before the highest judge of all. All my life you've given me pleasure, therefore, come with me and speak to God for me. They say that money can make all wrongs right.

Worldly Goods: No, Everyman, I sing another song, I follow no man in such voyages. If I did go with you, it would go worse for you because you set your hope on me. I have made you forget that this day of reckoning would come. Your love for me will be your undoing.

Everyman: Yes, I have loved you, and had great pleasure in the good things your treasures have provided for me.

Worldly Goods: That is to your damnation, because love of money goes against eternal love. If you had loved me more moderately and shared some of me with the poor, you would not be in this trouble and sorrow.

Everyman: Curse you, false hope! You deceived me, you traitor, and caught me in your trap! Oh, who shall go with me on my journey? Friendship, although he promised to be true, left me alone. Kindred, although he spoke pleasantly, also refused to go with me. Then I went to the possessions that meant the most to me, and they said that my love for them may send me to hell! It's my own fault, I alone am to blame. Who might help me now? I can ask Good Deeds, but she is so weak that she hasn't the strength to speak much less accompany me. Nevertheless, I have nothing to lose by asking. Good Deeds, where are you? Please say you'll go with me or else I'm forever damned. Help me to make a reckoning before the redeemer and king.

Good Deeds: Everyman, I am sorry for your fall, and I would help you if I were stronger and more able.

Everyman: Good Deeds, at least give me some advice.

Good Deeds: I'll be happy to, although I'm so weak I’m not able to get on my feet; I have a sister named Knowledge who will go with you in your dreadful reckoning.

Knowledge: Everyman, I will go with you, and be your guide. In your need, I'll stay by your side. We'll go together to the cleansing river of Confession.

Everyman: Oh, glorious river that cleans all filth, wash me so that no sin is seen on me. I come with Knowledge for my redemption, I repent with hearty and full contrition. I am commanded to make a journey and give account to God. Oh, please, Mother of Salvation, I beg of you to help my Good Deeds.

- 42 - Confession: I know your sorrow well, Everyman; since you have come to me with Knowledge, I will comfort you as best I can. I will give you a precious jewel called Penance; it shall punish your body and cancel out your adversity.

Everyman: Oh, God, heavenly Figure, good and right Vision, Who descended in a pure virgin to redeem Everyman who was forfeited by Adam's disobedience - Oh, blessed God, forgive my great offense and have mercy on me!

Knowledge: Everyman, I leave you in the hands of our Savior to ensure your reckoning.

Good Deeds: I thank God, now I can turn and go; I am delivered from my sickness and sorrow and now I am able to go with Everyman and help him declare his good deeds.

Everyman: Welcome, my Good Deeds; now I hear your voice and I weep for the very sweetness of your love.

Knowledge: Don't be sad anymore, but be glad. God has seen your confession from his throne. Put on this garment which is wet with your tears of repentance so that He might remember your tears when you come to your journey's end. Now you must lead three more mighty persons on your journey.

Everyman: Who are they?

Good Deeds: Discretion, Strength and Beauty.

Knowledge: Also, you must call your Five Senses as your counsellors.

Good Deeds: You must have them always ready at all hours

Everyman: My friends, come here and be with me - Discretion, Strength, my Five Senses and Beauty.

Strength: We will all bring him there, to help and comfort, believe me.

Discretion: So we will go with him all together.

Strength: And I, Strength, will by you stand in distress, and help you in any fight.

Five Senses: Through thick and through thin, we will not depart from you in good times or bad.

Beauty: Even to death, I will stay with you, whatever may happen.

Knowledge: Everyman, listen to me; Go to Priesthood, I advise you, he will give you the holy sacrament and ointment. Then return here to us. We will wait for you here. - 43 - Five Senses: Yes, Everyman, there is no emperor, king, duke, nor baron, that is greater in importance than the least priest, for he bears the keys and therefore has the cure for man's redemption. God gave that cure out of of his own heart with great pain. In this earthly life there are seven sacraments - baptism, confirmation, priesthood, communion, marriage, the holy extreme unction, and penance; these are gracious sacraments of high divinity.

Everyman: I will receive holy communion.

Five Senses: Everyman, that is the best that you can do; God will bring you to salvation, for Priesthood exceeds all other things; he teaches us the Holy Scriptures.

Knowledge: When priests are good then it is true; when Jesus hung on the cross with great pain, he gave, out of his blessed heart, that same sacrament in great torment. But that sacrament is not for sale and those priests who take money for giving the sacraments have God's curse on them for being such a sinful example.

Everyman: Now may Jesus help me. I have received the sacrament for my redemption, blessed be you who gave me the suggestion! And now, friends, let us go on without further delay. I thank you for waiting for me so patiently. Oh, dear, my legs are so tired I can barely stand! I'm sorry, but I can't go a step further, I must creep into this cave and rest.

Beauty: But, alas! This is a grave!

Everyman: Yes, there you shall consume more and less.

Beauty: What, would you have me smother here? I'm out of here, goodbye, I'm taking my things and leaving.

Strength: Everyman, this is no longer any fun, I'm leaving as well.

Everyman: He that trusts in his Strength will find that it deceives him in the end. Both Strength and Beauty have forsaken me, although they promised me so faithfully.

Discretion: Everyman, I will also be leaving you alone now that Strength has gone.

Everyman: Why, Discretion, why must you abandon me, too?

Discretion: When Strength goes, I follow him.

Everyman: Everything fails except God alone; Beauty, Strength, and Discretion; for when Death blows his blast, they all run from me as fast as they can.

Five Senses: Everyman, I must be going, too; I am following the others. Here's where I leave you. - 44 - Everyman: Oh Jesus, help, all have forsaken me!

Good Deeds: Not all, Everyman, I will stay with you. I will never abandon you. You will find me a good friend when you need one.

Everyman: Thank you, Good Deeds; now I see who my real friends are; the rest have forsaken me, every one, although I loved them better than my Good Deeds. Knowledge, will you forsake me too?

Knowledge: Yes, Everyman, I will leave when you go to death; but not until I see what happens to you.

Everyman: I think it's time for me to go, to make my reckoning and pay my debts, I see my time is up. Heed my example, everyone, note that those I loved best left me, every one except my Good Deeds who stayed ‘til the end.

Good Deeds: Don't be afraid, I will speak for you.

Everyman: Here I plead, Oh, God, have mercy! Into your hands I commend my soul. Receive it, Lord, that it may not be lost. As you bought me, so defend me and save me from the fiend so that I may appear with the angels and be saved on the day of doom.

Knowledge: Now he has suffered so that we all shall endure; Good Deeds shall make everything certain. Now he has ended, I think I hear angels singing and making great joy and melody where Everyman's soul shall be received.

Angel: Come, beloved of Jesus: Hereabove you shall go.

Doctor: You who hear, this is the moral: let go of your pride! Beauty, Five Senses, Strength, and Discretion; they all abandoned Everyman in the end...everyone except his Good Deeds. But beware, if your Good Deeds are small before God, you will have no help at all. No excuse will be found there for Everyman, and what shall he do then? For after death, no man may make amends, for then even Pity will forsake him if his reckoning is not clear when he comes. So ends the moral play of Everyman. Look well and take good heed. This matter is wonderfully precious, but the intent of it is more gracious.

The End

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