Baltica. a Synopsis of Vendian-Permian Palaeomagnetic Data and Their Palaeotectonic Implications

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Baltica. a Synopsis of Vendian-Permian Palaeomagnetic Data and Their Palaeotectonic Implications Earth-Science Reviews, 33 (1992) 133-152 133 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, Amsterdam Baltica. A synopsis of Vendian-Permian palaeomagnetic data and their palaeotectonic implications Trond H. Torsvik a, Mark A. Smethurst a, Rob Van der Voo b, Allan Trench ax, Niels Abrahamsen d and Erik Halvorsen e a Geological Sureey of Norway, PB 3006 Lade, N-7002 Trondhelm, Norway t, Department of Geological Sciences, The Unwerslty of Mwhtgan, 1006 C C Little Butldmg, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1063, USA Department of Geology, Unwerstty of Western Austraha, Nedlands, Perth, Western Austraha 6009, Austraha d Laboratory of Geophysics, Department of Earth Sciences, Arhus Unwerstty, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark e Sogn of Fjordane College, P B 39, N-5801 SogndaL Norway (Received February 14, 1992, revised and accepted July 3, 1992) ABSTRACT Torsvlk, T H, Smethurst, M A., Van der Voo, R, Trench, A, Abrahamsen, N and Halvorsen, E, 1992 Baltlca. A synopsis of Vendlan-Permmn palaeomagnetic data and their palaeotectonlc implications Earth-Sci. Rev, 33 133-152. In light of recent additions to the Palaeozoic palaeo-magnetlc data-base, particularly for the Ordovlclan era, a revised apparent polar wander (APW) path for Baltica has been constructed following a rigorous synthesis of all Late Precambrlan-Permlan data The APW path is characterized by two prominent loops Firstly, a Late Precambrlan-Cambrlan loop probably relating to a rifting event and secondly, a younger loop relating to a Mid-Silurian (Scandlan) colhsion event These features Imply major change In plate-tectonic reconfiguratlon Baltlca probably represented an individual continental unit m Early Palaeozoic times and was positioned m high southerly latitudes in an "'inverted" geographic orientation In such a reconstruction Baltlca was separated from the northern margin of Gondwana by the Tornqulst Sea and from Laurentla by the Iapetus Ocean The Tornqulst Zone is thus interpreted as a passive or dextral transform margin during the early Palaeozoic While undergoing counter-clockwise rotations (up to 1 6°/Ma), Baltica drifted northward through most ol the Palaeo- zoic, except for a short period of southerly movement in Late Silurian-Early Devonian times after colhslon with Laurentla. Rapid movements in latitude (up to 9 cm/yr) are noted m Late Precambrlan/early Palaeozoic times and slgmficant decrease in velocities throughout Palaeozoic time probably reflect the progressive amalgamation of a larger continent by Early-Devonian (Euramerlca) and Permian (Pangea) times The Tornqulst Sea had a principal component of palaeo-east-west orientation. Hence it is difficult to be precise in the timing of when micro-continents such as Eastern Avalonla and the European Masslfs ultimately collided along the southwestern margin of Baltica These micro-continents are considered to have been peripheral to Gondwana (m high southerly latitudes) during the Early Ordovlclan. Eastern Avalonla clearly had rifted off Gondwana by Llanvlrn-Llandedo times and may have collided with Baltlca during Late Ordovlclan times, although the present available Sdunan palaeomag- netlc data from Eastern Avalonia may suggest colhslon in Late Silurian times Across the lapetus facing margin of Baltica, Laurentla was s~tuated in equatorml to southerly latitudes during most of the Lower Palaeozoic These continents collided in Mid-Silurian times, l e a first collision between southwestern Norway and Greenland/Scotland which gave rise to the early Scandlan Orogeny (425 Ma) in southwestern Norway possible followed by a later, but less dramatic, Scandlan event in northern Norway at around 410 Ma Since Baltlca was geographically reverted m early Palaeozoic times, the colhsional margin could not have been a margin that once rifted off Laurentm as assumed in a number of plate-tectonic models INTRODUCTION to the north by the Trollfjord-Komagelv Fault Zone (Fig. 1), to the east by the Ural The Palaeozoic palaeocontinent of Baltica mountains, to the south by the Variscan- is bounded to the west by the Iapetus suture, Hercynian suture, and to the southwest by the Tornquist Zone (Pegrum, 1984). As such, Correspondence to: T H. Torsvik, Geological Survey of Baltica includes parts or all of Norway, Swe- Norway, P B 3006 Lade. N-7002 Trondhelm, Norway. den, Finland, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Es- 0012-8252/92/$15 00 © 1992 - Elsevier Science Pubhshers B.V. All rights reserved 134 T H TORSVIKET AL Trond H Torsvlk (34) was awarded a Dr. Phdos from the Allan Trench: Born September 27, 1963 Present position Umversaty of Bergen m 1985 From 1982 to 1988 he was a Reserach Fellow m Geophysics, Umv. of Western Austraha research fellow at the Umversltles of Bergen and Oxford and Previous position and Degrees' BSc (HONS) Geology, Lon- later held a visiting sc~entlst stipend at the University of don Umverslty in 1985 Ph D m Geophysics, Glasgow Umver- Oxford (1989 and 1090) Dr Torsvlk is now a senior scwntlst slty m 1988 Research Fellow m Geophysics, Oxford Unwer- at the Norwegmn Geological Survey Current works empha- slty m 1989-91 Geophysicist at the Norwegmn Geological size the global perspectwes in palaeomagnetlc palaeogeo- Survey m 1991 graphical reconstructions In 1991 he was awarded the Out- standing Young Scientist Award from the European Umon of Geosclences Enk Halvorsen, born July 8, •942. Master of Science m Dr Mark Andrew Smethurst (31) BSc Honours degree m Geophysics (Umverslty of Bergen, Norway) 1966 Semor Geology Umverslty of Lwerpool 1979-1982 PhD University lecturer, Sogn og Fjordane College, Norway. of Leeds 1983-1986 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow' Univer- sity of Oxford 1986-1989 Semor Geophysicist Norwegian Geological Survey 1989 to present. Rob Van der Voo, born August 4, 1940. B Sc, M Sc. and Nlels Abrahamsen, born Aprd 25, 1939 Mag sclent (Aarhus Ph D. degrees m 1961, 1965 and 1969 all from the University Umvers~ty, Denmark) m Geology 1965 Ph D m Geophysics of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Chairman and Professor of (Aarhus University, Denmark) 1971. Semor lecturer, Dept of Geological Sciences at the Umverslty of Michigan, U S A Earth Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark. BALFICA SYNOPSIS OF VENDIAN PERMIAN PALAEOMAGNETIC DATA 135 tonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. During constrain the geotectonic history of the con- Palaeozoic time, a number of orogenic events tinent's margins. A newly-determined appar- occurred along the margins of Baltica, ulti- ent polar wander (APW) path for Baltica will mately leading to the incorporation of Baltica be described in detail. The generation of that into the supercontinent Pangea. APW path followed thorough re-evaluation In this paper, we quantify the Palaeozoic of all published poles for Baltica made dur- drift history of Baltica using a rigorous syn- ing the European Geotraverse Palaeomag- thesis of presently available palaeomagnetic netic workshop in Lulefi, Sweden (Pesonen data. In so doing, we attempt to further and Van der Voo, 1991). rOOt r4 °L r Zo~. J RUSSIA A ,0 \ B NORWAY B FINLAND C SWEDEN ~"~ O~ ~] PHAN~ROZOIC SEDIMENTS AND ICINEOUS ROCKS (PLATFORM COVER AND OSLO GRAI~N) ALLOCHTHONS OF THE CALEDONIAN OROGEN ( GOTHIAN OROGEN SVECOFENNIAN OROGEN KARELIAN ~o~ -~. CALEDONIAN MAFIC AND UL|RAMAFIC INTRUSIONS D TRANS-SCANDINAVIAN BATHOLITH STUDY LOCATIONS Fig. 1 Simplified geological map of Western Baltlca (Baltic Shield) and palaeomagnetlc sampling areas listed in Table l 136 ~ H TORSVIK ET AL TABLE 1 Permian to Vend±an Palaeomagnetic data from Scandinavia, Spitsbergen (entries 5-24, 5-25 and 5-28), Ukraine (5-27) and Russia (2-11) Code Formation a95 P Age Ma Lat Long Grading Q 1234567 Permian 7-19 Ytter0y dyke (HB) 8.0 R 256 ± 10 256 - 44.0 323.0 1010101 4 7-03 Arendal diabases (A) 5.2 R M-Permian 260 - 43 6 341 3 1010101 4 7-05 Arendal dlabases (C) 3.7 R M-Permian 260 - 38.5 332.9 1110101 5 7-04 Arendal diabases (B) 8.9 R M-Permian 260 - 46.6 320 2 1110101 5 7-07 Arendal dlabases (D1 + D2) 5 7 R M-Permian 260 -47 8 317 6 1110101 5 7-15 Bohuslan dolente dykes (D) 29 1 R M-Permian 260 - 55.6 341 9 1110101 5 7-11 Bohuslan dykes (RPM) 8.8 R M-Permian 260 - 44.7 349 2 1010101 4 7-12 Bohuslan dykes (RPC) 3.6 R M-Permian 260 - 47 2 345 6 1110101 5 7-14 Bohuslan porphyry dykes (PD) 20 8 R M-Permian 260 -57 1 354.6 1110101 5 7-09 Ny-Hellesund dykes 2.9 R 273-255 265 - 38 7 340.7 1110101 5 6- l l Oslo Graben lavas (HB) 13 4 R 280-260 270 -44.6 337.1 1110101 5 6-01 Oslo Igneous rocks (B) 8.8 R 280-260 270 -39.9 339.9 111(/101 5 7-08 Oslo Igneous rocks (1) 3 0 R 280-260 270 -47.7 337 0 lll0101 5 7-01 Scanla melaphyres 11.0 R 278-260 270 - 54.0 351 5 1100101 4 6-03 Sarna body (1) 11 0 R 281 ± 14 281 -38.0 348 0 1010101 4 6-02 Sarna body (2) 8.8 R 281 ± 14 281 - 38 5 345.0 1010101 4 7-17 W-Vastergotland sill 6 3 R 284 ± 8 284 -38 0 346 0 1110101 5 Carboniferous 6-06 Scanla dolerltes (A) 11.0 R U-Carbon. 290 - 39.0 361)0 lll0101 5 6-07 Scanla dolerites (B) 6.5 R U-Carbon 290 - 38.5 348.5 1110101 5 6-09 Stabben sill (hb) 24 R 291± 8 291 -32.1 3544 1110101 5 6-05 E-Vastergotland sdl 4.0 R 293 ± 15 293 - 31 0 354.0 1110101 5 5-25 Billefjorden Group (R) 24 9 R Tourn-Nam. 350 -26.0 344.0 1010111 5 5-24 Billefjorden Group (N) 12.6 R Tourn-Nam 350 - 22 0 327 0 10101ll 5 Devonian 5-27 ORS W.
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    Downloaded from by guest on September 27, 2021 Pannotia to Pangaea: Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic Orogenic Cycles in the Circum-Atlantic Region: A celebration of the career of Damian Nance J. Brendan Murphy1,2*, Robin A. Strachan3 and Cecilio Quesada4 1Department of Earth Sciences, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5, Canada 2Earth Dynamics Research Group, the Institute for Geoscience Research (TIGeR), School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin University, WA 6845, Australia 3School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth PO1 3QL, UK 4Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), C/Ríos Rosas, 23, 28003 Madrid, Spain JBM, 0000-0003-2269-1976 *Correspondence: [email protected] Special Publication 503 celebrates the career of between tectonic events and biogeochemical cycles, R. Damian Nance. It features 27 articles, with more as exemplified in the late Neoproterozoic–Early than 110 authors based in 18 different countries. Cambrian by the amalgamation of Gondwana span- The wide range of topics presented in this volume ning a time interval characterized by dramatic climate mirrors the breadth and depth of Damian’s contribu- swings, profound changes in the chemistry of the tions, interests and expertise. Like Damian’s papers, oceans and atmosphere, and the evolution of multi- the contributions range from the predominantly con- cellular animals (see Hoffman 1991; Hoffman et al. ceptual to detailed field work, but all are targeted at 1998; Narbonne 2010; Knoll 2013). understanding important tectonic processes. Their As reconstructions became more refined, scope not only varies in scale from global to regional several authors proposed that Gondwana was part to local, but also in the range of approaches required of a larger entity called Pannotia that included Lau- to gain that understanding.
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