Temporal Predicative Particles in Sanapaná and the Enlhet-Enenlhet Language Family (Paraguay)
Leiden University Leiden University Centre for Linguistics Jens Van Gysel Temporal Predicative Particles in Sanapaná and the Enlhet-Enenlhet Language Family (Paraguay) A Descriptive and Comparative Study Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Linguistics: Language Diversity of Africa, Asia and Native America 2017 Supervisor Dr. Mily Crevels Leiden University Centre for Linguistics Second reader Prof. dr. Maarten Mous Leiden University Centre for Linguistics Acknowledgements Even though this Master’s Thesis is relatively limited in size and scope, the help of many people was essential in its creation. Most importantly, since this thesis is based on original fieldwork, I need to express my deep gratitude and friendship for the Sanapaná people of the La Esperanza community. Without their help, time, energy, kindness, and patience, this work would not have been possible. In particular, I wish to thank don Marino Ortega, the community leader, for his hospitality and willingness to accept me into his community and to allow me to live and work amongst the Sanapaná for two months. My language teachers as well were essential to the creation of this thesis. Valerio Chávez, Regino Echeverría, Silio Recalde, Doto Teytaro, Cecilio Teytaro, Civito Montes, Esteban López, Cristino Benítez, Pisoa Cabrera, Roberto Álvarez, Enrique Loma and Venancio González on a systematic basis volunteered their time and knowledge to help me learn about the Sanapaná language and customs, and many others offered their help and opportunities to practice my Sanapaná skills more sporadically. Adolf Kehler and his family, John and Patty Stucky, and Luís Martínez and his family also helped make my stay in Paraguay as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
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