Participants Challenges to Democracy in the Americas October 16-18, 2000

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Participants Challenges to Democracy in the Americas October 16-18, 2000 Participants Challenges to Democracy in the Americas October 16-18, 2000 Council Members and Current Leaders Genaro Arriagada, former Chilean Ambassador to the United States of America, representative of President Aylwin Jimmy Carter, former President of the United States Rosalynn Carter, former First Lady and Co-Chair, The Carter Center Vinicio Cerezo, former President of Guatemala Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela Leonel Fernandez, former President of Dominican Republic Osvaldo Hurtado, former President of Ecuador Luis Alberto Lacalle, former President of Uruguay Antonio Lacayo, former Minister of the Presidency, Representative of former Nicaragua President Violeta Chamorro Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, Chair of the Mexican Commission for Reforming the State, representative of President-Elect Fox, Mexico Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada, former President of Bolivia Jennifer McCoy, Executive Secretary of the Council of Presidents and Prime Ministers and Director, Latin American and Caribbean Program, The Carter Center, USA Lloyd Erskine Sandiford, former Prime Minister of Barbados Juan Gabriel Valdes, Chilean Ambassador to the United Nations, representative of President Lagos Development Banks and Multilateral Organizations Debora Benchoam, Assistant to the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Organization of American States (OAS) Santiago Canton, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Organization of American States (OAS) Enrique Garcia, President, Andean Development Foundation (CAF) Edmundo Jarquin, Chief, State and Civil Society Division, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Daniel Kaufmann, Lead Economist, Development Economics Group, The World Bank Luis Lauredo, US Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS) Elena Martinez, Regional Director, Latin America & Caribbean, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Johanna Mendelson, Senior Advisor, Democracy and Governance, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Margaret Sarles, Democracy and Human Rights Chief Officer, Latin American and Caribbean Bureau, USAID, USA Elizabeth Spehar, Executive Coordinator, Unit for Democracy, Organization of American States (OAS) Scholars Max Cameron, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of British Columbia Juan del Aguila, Professor of Political Science, Emory University Manuel Antonio Garreton, Professor, University of Chile Jonathan Hartlyn, Professor of Political Science, University of North Carolina Keith Henderson, Co-Chair, Center for Transnational Crime and Corruption, American University Richard Joseph, Professor of Political Science, Emory University and Executive Director, The Institute of Caribbean and International Studies (ICIS), St George’s University, Grenada Miriam Kornblith, IESA-UCV, former Vice President, Consejo Nacional Electoral, Venezuela Marta Lagos, Director, Latinobarometro, Chile Barry Levitt, Ph.D. Candidate, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Philip Oxhorn, Assistant Professor of Political Science, McGill University Robert Pastor, Professor of Political Science, Emory University Eduardo Pizarro, Professor, National University of Colombia and Visiting Fellow, Notre Dame University Kenneth Roberts, Professor of Political Science, University of New Mexico Harold Trinkunas, Assistant Professor, Department of National Security, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA Glenn Weidner, Colonel, Commandant, U.S. Army School of the Americas Kurt Weyland, Associate Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University Laurence Whitehead, Official Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College, Oxford University Government Representatives Paulo Roberto de Almeida, Minister-Counselor of Political and Financial Affairs, Brazilian Embassy to the USA Hugo Concha, Advisor on Democracy and Participation, Transition Team of President- Elect Fox, Mexico Guillermo Gonzalez, Ambassador of Argentina to the USA Marc Lortie, Personal Representative of the Prime Minister on the Summit of the Americas, Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Kenneth “Buddy” MacKay, Special Envoy for the Americas, USA Elizabeth McQuerry, Coordinator of Latin America Analysis, Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, USA Juan Molinar, Electoral Advisor, Federal Electoral Institute, Mexico 2 Paco Moncayo, Mayor of Quito, Ecuador Adolfo Nanclares, Argentine Undersecretary for Latin American Politics Michael O’Malley, Policy Planning Officer and Bureau Planning Coordinator (Resources), US Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, USA Juan Esteban Orduz, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Colombia to the USA Michael Orfini, Military Advisor for National Security Affairs to Vice President Gore, Office of the Vice President, USA Juan Jose Pons, Deputy, Congress of Ecuador (DP) Peter Romero, Acting Assistant Secretary of State of the Western Hemisphere Affairs Bureau, USA Alfredo Toro Hardy, Ambassador of Venezuela to the USA Ombudsmen and Anti-Corruption Commissions Ramiro Larrea, President, Civic Commission for Control of Corruption, Ecuador Jorge Santistevan de Noriega, Ombudsman, Defensoria del Pueblo, Peru Civil Society Nancy Cardia, Research Director, Center for the Study of Violence, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Andrew Crawley, Director, IRELA, Spain Joaquin Cuadra, President, Unidad Nacional, Nicaragua Carolyn Gomes, Director, Jamaicans for Justice, Jamaica George Jones, Director, Democracy and Governance Center, Development Associates Ambler Moss, Director, North South Center, University of Miami, USA Nobina Robinson, Executive Director, FOCAL, Canada Rafael Roncagliolo, Secretary General, Transparencia, Peru Elias Santana, Executive Director, Queremos Eligir, Venezuela Michael Shifter, Program Director and Senior Fellow, Inter-American Dialogue, USA Jorge Vargas Cullel, UNDP Consultant, Estado de la Nacion, Costa Rica George Vickers, Executive Director, Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA), USA Jose Miguel Vivanco, Executive Director, Americas Division, Human Rights Watch, USA Daniel Zovatto, International IDEA, Costa Rica Private Sector Luis Aguilar, General Counsel, INVESCO U.S. Institutional Group, USA Luis Manuel Bonetti, President of the Technological Institute of the Americas, Dominican Republic Ken Churchill, Vice President Public Affairs, United Parcel Service (UPS), USA Joe Creamer, Vice President, Legal Counsel, UPS, USA Pedro Pablo Diaz, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Latin America, The Coca- Cola Company, Chile 3 David Greeley, Senior Director, External Affairs, Latin America, Merck & Co., Inc., USA Ana M. Guevara, Vice President, Public Affairs for the Americas, United Parcel Service (UPS), USA Tim Haas, Senior VP and President of the Latin American Group, The Coca-Cola Company, USA Felix Jimenez, E. Leon Jimenez Industries, Dominican Republic Raj Lalsare, General Manager, Strategy and Business Development, Delta Airlines Jacinto Peynado, Private Businessman and former Vice-President of the Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic Beatrice Rangel, Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategies, Cisneros Group of Companies, Venezuela Horace Sibley, Senior Partner, King & Spalding, USA Michael Skol, Managing Director, New York Office, Decision Strategies Fairfax International L.L.C. (DSFX), USA Media Luis Alvarez, Chief Editor, Qué Pasa Magazine, Chile Marco Arauz, Editor, El Comercio, Ecuador Oscar Camacho, Political Editor, Milenio Magazine, Mexico Oliver Clarke, Chairman and Managing Director, The Gleaner Company Limited, Jamaica Maria O’Donnell, Washington Correspondent, La Nacion, Argentina Nelson Ortiz, El Nacional, Venezuela Alejandro Santos Rubino, Director / Editor in Chief, Semana Magazine, Colombia Eduardo Torres Cisneros, Director, Editorial Board, Telecorporacion Salvadoreña, El Salvador Carter Center Participants David Carroll, Associate Director, Democracy Program Chuck Costello, Director, Democracy Program John Hardman, Executive Director Shelley McConnell, Associate Director, Latin American and Caribbean Program Laura Neuman, Senior Program Associate, Latin American and Caribbean Program Gordon Streeb, Associate Executive Director for Peace Programs Confirmed attendance 4.

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