The Bronze Wolf Le Loup De Bronze
Bronze Wolf Holders Update 2019 Bronze Wolf Holders Update 2019 The Bronze Wolf Le Loup de Bronze WHACWHAC CHAIRPERSONCHAIRPERSON MESSAGE WOSMWOSM SCOUT SCOUT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE WOSMWOSM SECRETARYSECRETARY GENERALGENERAL MESSAGE CHAIRPERSON MESSAGE MESSAGE "The Bronze Wolf Award is the highest CHAIRPERSON MESSAGE MESSAGE World Scouting honour and award that is “The Bronze Wolf Award is the highest “As"As Baden-Powell once once said: said: ‘No ‘No one one can “Being"Being a volunteer-based and and volunteer - given to an adult volunteer in Scouting. World Scouting honour and award canpass pass through through life, anylife, more any morethan hethan can volunteerledled Movement, Movement, the value of the the contribution value of thatThe Bronzeis given Wolf to an is adultpresented volunteer to people in hepass can through pass through a bit of a country,bit of country, without theof adults contribution in Scouting of adults cannot in be Scouting underes - Scouting.that have encouraged and exemplified withoutleaving tracksleaving behind, tracks andbehind, those and tracks cannottimated. be Through underestimated. the Bronze Through Wolf, the those tracks may often be helpful to the Bronze Wolf, the highest honour the virtue of good citizenship, shown may often be helpful to those coming highest honour conferred by World The Bronze Wolf is presented to those coming after him in finding their conferred by World Scouting, we show ongoing initiative, leadership and after him in finding their way.’ Scouting, we show our utmost appreciation, people that have encouraged and way.’ our utmost appreciation, recognition dedication, devoted themselves to sustai- recognition and respect to the volunteers exemplified the virtue of good Bronze Wolf holders are exceptional and respect to the volunteers for ned and selfless voluntary service and for committing their time and resources citizenship, shown ongoing initiative, Bronzepeople Wolfwith holdersa clear beliefare exceptional in Scouting.
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