PRIF-Report No. 118 Pakistan's Rise to Nuclear Power and the Contribution of German Companies Klaus-Peter Ricke the Translation: Matthew Harris © Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) 2013 Address: PRIF x Baseler Straße 27–31 x 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 69 95 91 04–0 x Fax: +49 (0) 69 55 84 81 E-mail:
[email protected] x Internet: ISBN: 978-3-942532-50-1 € 10.00 Summary The amendment of the Foreign Trade and Payments Act (Außenwirtschaftsgesetz) has prompted the preparation of this paper because of concerns over potential setbacks in advances achieved over the past twenty years in regulating German exports to non-EU countries and shipments to member states of the EU and the watering down of export restrictions to correspond to the low standards in place at the EU level (with the objective of streamlining the Foreign Trade and Payments Act and nullifying special German re- quirements which place German exporters at a disadvantage compared with their Euro- pean competitors, according to a spokesperson of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology). This would send the wrong signal on combating prolifera- tion. From the 1970s to 1990s the Federal Republic of Germany played an extremely negative role because it opened the doors wide to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction through lax legislation and even more slipshod enforcement. Alarmed by several scandals, in recent years the German government has taken the lead regarding this issue and it would be appropriate for it to continue to fulfill this role.