Detection of Dehalococcoides Spp. by Peptide Nucleic Acid Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization
This article was published in Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 24, 142- 149, 2014 Detection of Dehalococcoides spp. by Peptide Nucleic Acid Fluorescent in situ Hybridization Anthony S. Dankoa, c Silvia J. Fonteneteb Daniel de Aquino Leiteb, e Patrícia O. Leitãoa,c Carina Almeidab, d Charles E. Schaeferf Simon Vainbergf Robert J. Steffanf Nuno F. Azevedob aCentro de Investigação em Geo-Ambiente e Recursos (CIGAR), Departamento de Engenharia de Minas, Faculdade de Engenharia, and bLaboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, and Energy and Biotechnology Engineering (LEPABE), Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, cCentro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA), Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, and dInstitute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (IBB), Center of Biological Engineering, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal; eLANASE, Departamento de Engenharia de Alimentos, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, Brazil; fCB&I Federal Services, LLC., Lawrenceville, N.J., USA Abstract Chlorinated solvents including tetrachloroethene (perchloroethene and trichloroethene), are widely used industrial solvents. Improper use and disposal of these chemicals has led to a widespread contamination. Anaerobic treatment technologies that utilize Dehalococcoides spp. can be an effective tool to remediate these contaminated sites. There- fore, the aim of this study was to develop, optimize and validate peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes for the detection of Dehalococcoides spp. in both pure and mixed cultures. PNA probes were designed by adapting previously published DNA probes targeting the region of the point mutations de- scribed for discriminating between the Dehalococcoides spp. strain CBDB1 and strain 195 lineages.
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