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Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick Earl of Warwick in December 1561

Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick Earl of Warwick in December 1561

Ambrose Dudley, 3rd of

“Ambrose Dudley” redirects here. For the American 1 Youth diplomat, see Ambrose Dudley Mann.

Ambrose Dudley, 3rd , KG (c. 1530[1] – 21 February 1590) was an English nobleman and general, and an elder brother of Queen 's favourite, , Earl of . Their father was John Dudley, , who led the English government from 1550–1553 under Edward VI and unsuccessfully tried to establish on the English throne after the King’s death in July 1553. For his participation in this venture Ambrose Dudley was imprisoned in the Tower of London and condemned to death. Reprieved, his rehabilitation came after he fought for Philip II of Spain (then England’s co-monarch) in the Battle of St. Quentin. On Queen Elizabeth’s accession in November 1558 Dud- ley was appointed Master of the Ordnance, in which ca- pacity he was to unofficially assist William the Silent in his struggle against Spain by delivering English weaponry. As the senior member of his family, Dudley was created Quartered arms of Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick Earl of Warwick in December 1561. In 1562–1563 he commanded the army Elizabeth sent to Le Havre to garri- Ambrose Dudley was the fourth son of Sir John Dud- son the town and assist the Huguenots in the First French ley, later Viscount Lisle, Earl of Warwick and Duke War of Religion. This campaign ended in failure when of Northumberland, and his wife Jane Guildford.[1] The the French belligerents agreed on a peace and the English Dudleys had 13 children in all and were known for their surrendered because of the plague which was decimating Protestant leanings as well as for their happy family their ranks. Dudley, who had acted honorably through- life.[2] Ambrose Dudley and his brothers were trained out, returned with a severe leg wound which was to hin- by, among others, the mathematician John Dee and the der his further career and ultimately led to his death 27 rhetorician Thomas Wilson.[3] In August 1549 Dudley years later. His last military engagement was against the went to with his father and his younger brother Northern rebels in 1569. From 1573 he served as a privy Robert to fight against the rebel peasant army of Robert councillor. Kett.[4] Back in London, Dudley was knighted[5] and mar- Despite three marriages, Ambrose Dudley remained ried Anne Whorwood, daughter of William Whorwood, childless after the death of an infant daughter in 1552. deceased Attorney-General. In 1552 they had a daughter This had serious repercussions for the survival of his dy- who died soon. Anne also died in 1552 of the sweating nasty, since his only surviving brother Robert equally died sickness.[1] Dudley soon married for the second time: without legitimate issue. With him, Ambrose Dudley had Elizabeth Lady Tailboys (or Talboys, 1520–1563[1]), who a very close relationship, and in business and personal was a baroness in her own right with large possessions in life they did many things together. Like Robert Dudley, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.[6] Ambrose was a major patron of the Elizabethan Puritan After the death of King Edward VI on 6 July 1553, John movement and supported non-conforming preachers in Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, who had led the young their struggle with the Church authorities. Due to his King’s government for the last three and a half years, homely way of life—and in contrast to the colourful Earl tried to install his daughter-in-law Lady Jane Grey on of Leicester—Ambrose Dudley became known to poster- the English throne; she was the King’s Protestant cousin ity as the “Good Earl of Warwick”. to whom Edward had willed the Crown, bypassing his half-sisters Mary and Elizabeth.[7] When Mary Tudor as- serted her right to the throne, an expedition against her base in East Anglia became inevitable.[8] Northumber-

1 2 2 SERVING ELIZABETH I land marched on 14 July, accompanied by his eldest sons, John and Ambrose.[9] Five days later the Privy Council changed sides; on hearing this on 20 July, Northumber- land, who had been staying at Cambridge, gave up and was arrested with his party the next day.[10] Ambrose Dudley was imprisoned in the Tower of London with his father and his four brothers. All were attainted and condemned to death, but only the Duke and Guildford Dudley, the second youngest brother, were executed.[11] After the natural death of John, the eldest brother, in Oc- tober 1554, Ambrose Dudley was the family’s heir; he re- mained longest in the Tower, being released late in 1554 after a plea by his wife, Lady Tailboys.[12] On the whole, the brothers’ release was brought about by their mother , the ancient seat of the of Warwick. Am- and their brother-in-law Henry Sidney, who successfully brose Dudley welcomed Queen Elizabeth at the castle in 1572. lobbied the Spanish nobles around England’s new co-ruler and king consort, Philip of Spain.[13] Out of prison, in December 1554 or January 1555, Ambrose and Robert which the Queen visited on her 1572 summer progress— Dudley took part in one of several tournaments held by became his seat, while the neighbouring Kenilworth Cas- [14] Philip to celebrate Anglo-Spanish friendship. tle became that of Robert Dudley.[20] Like their father, Also in January 1555, Dudley’s mother died, leaving Ambrose and Robert Dudley adopted the bear and ragged him her lands, which Queen Mary allowed him to in- staff, the heraldic device of the medieval Earls of War- herit despite his attainder.[1] However, the Dudley broth- wick.[1] ers were only welcome at court as long as King Philip In 1562 the First War of Religion started in France, and [15] was there; later in 1555 they were even ordered out of Elizabeth was under pressure from her Protestant coun- London and the next year, in the wake of a conspiracy cillors to help the Huguenots. These were in possession by their distant cousin Henry Sutton Dudley, the French of Le Havre, which was besieged by the Catholic Duke ambassador Antoine de Noailles reported that the gov- of Guise, and offered it to the English in return for mil- ernment was seeking to apprehend “the children of the itary help—later, they promised, they would exchange Duke of Northumberland”, who were said to be on the it for Calais, which England had lost to France only in [16] run. By January 1557, the brothers were raising per- 1558. Elizabeth agreed to send 6,000 men to garrison Le sonal contingents in order to fight for Philip II, now also Havre.[21] Ambrose Dudley was chosen to lead the expe- King of Spain. Ambrose, Robert, and Henry Dudley dition in place of Robert Dudley, whom Elizabeth would joined the Spanish forces in France and took part in the not let go despite his strong desire to do so.[1] Battle of St. Quentin, where Henry Dudley was killed. For these services the two surviving brothers were re- Warwick arrived at Le Havre in late October 1562. He stored in blood by Act of Parliament in 1558.[17] The cost was sceptical from the start as to the chances to hold Le of the campaign almost bankrupted Ambrose Dudley and Havre, writing: “I fear [you] are too much abused in the [1] his wife, however, so that they had to reduce their house- good opinion you have in the strength of this town”. hold significantly.[1] Elizabeth soon made it clear that she did not wish his army to engage in any active support for the Huguenot side, the purpose of the English contribution remaining somewhat obscure. In March 1563 the warring French agreed to a 2 Serving Elizabeth I peace, while Elizabeth decided to hold on to Le Havre un- til Calais was returned to the English, as had been agreed With the accession of Elizabeth I in November 1558, with the Huguenot party.[1] The reconciled French, how- Robert Dudley came into great favour and was made ever, turned jointly against the English garrison.[22] Le Master of the Horse. Ambrose Dudley received the post Havre’s fortifications would have needed major expansion of Master of the Ordnance, though he pressed his in- and repair to withstand a prolonged siege. Still, Dudley fluential brother to delay the appointment somewhat, so tried his best until the town’s walls were crumbling un- that he could not be held accountable for his predeces- der French bombardment and the Queen permitted him sor’s embezzlement of funds.[18] When their attainder to surrender honourably in July 1563 on account of the had been lifted in 1558, the Dudley brothers had re- plague that was decimating his troops.[23] Ambrose Dud- nounced any rights to their father’s possessions or titles.[1] ley himself had been shot in the leg when parleying with Yet on 25 and 26 December 1561 Ambrose Dudley was the French and returned to England seriously ill. He created Baron Lisle and Earl of Warwick, and the next wrote to his brother that he was happy “rather to end my year received a large portion of the lands confiscated life upon the breach than in any sickness. ... Farewell from the Duke of Northumberland.[19] Warwick Castle— my dear and loving brother, a thousand times.”[24] Robert 3

Dudley went to welcome him at Portsmouth despite the plague and much to Elizabeth’s annoyance.[25] Politically the expedition had been a disaster, yet War- wick gained recognition for his leadership since morale had been high and the civilian population had been treated with unusual respect.[1] The Earl’s rewards were the Welsh lordship of Ruthin and the , which was awarded to him while still in France in April 1563. His war injury—which never properly healed— made him ineligible for posts like Lord President of the Council of the North or Lord Deputy of Ireland when they were suggested for him in the future.[1] Elizabeth Lady Tailboys had also died while her husband was in France,[1] and on 11 November 1565 Ambrose Dudley married for the third time. His bride was the 16-year-old Funeral effigy of Ambrose Dudley in the Beauchamp Chapel of Anne Russell, daughter of Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick Bedford. Robert Dudley, meanwhile , had arranged the match.[26] It was an extraordinary court 3 Private nobleman event. In between tournaments and banquets, the bride was given away by the Earl of Leicester in the presence of the Queen; she later became one of Elizabeth’s closest Ambrose Dudley became one of the leading patrons of friends.[27] moderate Puritanism, the principal concern of which was the furtherance of preaching.[32] Discouraged by the of- In November 1569 the Northern Rebellion broke out ficial Church, this was largely dependent on private ini- with the aim to install Mary, Queen of Scots (who tiatives by influential noblemen. In 1567 the two Dud- [28] was in English captivity) on the English throne. The ley earls, together with local gentry, founded a consor- Earl of Warwick was one of the commanders appointed tium which provided for “the preachers of the Gospel in to march against the revolt, which was disintegrating the county of Warwick.”[33] Ambrose Dudley also helped [1] rapidly, though. Due to his bad health Warwick was the preacher John Field when he got into trouble over a soon allowed to return to his Midlands estates. In Jan- subversive book he had published in 1565; and when he uary 1570 Robert, Earl of Leicester saw his reconvales- was imprisoned in 1572, Leicester and Warwick worked cent brother at Kenilworth and reported to Elizabeth: “all his transfer into comfortable confinement in a London al- this hard weather [he] hath every day travelled on horse, derman’s house before he was released altogether by his Your Majesty’s service hath made him forget his pain ... patrons’ means.[34] Like his brother, Ambrose Dudley in- assuredly he is marvellous weary, though in my judgment vested in exploration and privateering voyages; in Martin [1] it hath done his body much good”. Frobisher's 1576 search for the Northwest Passage he was As Master of the Ordnance Warwick presided over an the principal patron, although he contributed only the rel- increasingly important government department, which atively modest sum of £50.[35] centrally managed the storage and commissioning of The two Dudley brothers were on the closest personal the state’s artillery, munitions, and small arms. Prince terms and Ambrose said of Robert: “there is no man [1] William of Orange valued English cannons, and [that] knoweth his doings better than I myself”, while Warwick—who fervently believed in the international Robert’s recurrent phrase about Ambrose was: “him [29] Protestant cause —seems willingly to have supplied I love as myself”.[1] Elizabeth, who liked Warwick,[36] him with what he wanted. The Spanish ambassador of- loved to joke that he was neither as graceful nor as hand- ficially protested against this practice in 1576, since the some as his brother—and stouter as well.[37] Lacking a weapons would have been used against Spanish rule in grand London residence of his own, Warwick had his [1] the Netherlands. In 1573 Warwick was admitted to suite of rooms in the palatial Leicester House: “the Lord the Privy Council. His attendance to business was quite of Warwick’s bedchamber, the Lord of Warwick’s closet, regular until it declined sharply due to his deteriorating the Lord of Warwick’s dining parlour”.[38] In the adminis- [1] health in the 1580s. At the 1587 trial of Mary Stuart tration of their lands the brothers shared their estate man- he acted as a commissioner and was asked by the Scot- agers and lawyers, while their local affinities consisted of tish Queen to plead for her with his brother, the absent the same gentry families. Privately, they were “almost [30] Earl of Leicester. The day sentence was pronounced inseparable”, passing time together whenever possible.[1] [31] on her, Warwick did not attend. When Robert Dudley had incurred the Queen’s wrath while serving in the Netherlands as Governor-General in 1586, Ambrose wrote to him: “if I were you ... I would go to the furthest part of Christendom rather than ever come into England again. ... Let me have your best ad- 4 5 NOTES

vice what is best for me to do, for that I mean to take such [5] Wilson 1981 p. 41 part as you do.”[39] [6] Wilson 1981 p. 46 After his first marriage Ambrose Dudley remained child- [7] Loades 2008 less. His second wife, Elizabeth Tailboys, suffered a phantom pregnancy in 1555.[1] Anne Russell, though [8] Loades 1996 pp. 259–261 nearly 20 years her husband’s junior, turned out to be [9] Adams 2008a; Loades 2008 a congenial partner.[26] Through their paternal grand- mother the Dudley brothers descended from the famous [10] Ives 2009 pp. 241–242, 243–244 15th century earls, John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrews- [11] Loades 1996 pp. 266, 271 bury, and Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick.[40] The Beauchamp descent especially—which was represented [12] Adams 2008a; Adams 2002 p. 157 [41] by the earldom of Warwick—filled them with pride. [13] Adams 2002 p. 157 Ambrose’s childlessness deeply concerned the widowed Robert Dudley, who for many years dared not to remarry [14] Adams 2002 pp. 157, 170 for fear of the Queen’s displeasure,[42] and eventually died [15] Loades 1996 p. 280 without direct heirs himself in September 1588. Most [16] Adams 2002 p. 161; Adams 2008c of Leicester’s estate—and debts—passed on to Warwick and encumbered his remaining lifetime. He also took [17] Wilson 1981 p. 75 care of his deceased brother’s illegitimate teenage son [18] Owen 1980 pp. 145, 146; Adams 2008a Robert, who was his godson and whom Leicester had willed to inherit after Warwick’s death.[1] [19] Adams 2008a; Wilson 1981 p. 132 From the 1570s the Earl of Warwick often resided at [20] Jenkins 2002 pp. 191–192 North Hall, his house in Northaw, Hertfordshire.[1] He [21] Wilson 1981 pp. 134–135; Hammer 2003 p. 63; Jenkins travelled little as he was often unable to move about, 2002 pp. 89 having “no use of his legs”.[43] At the end of January 1590 he finally had his gangrenous leg amputated; as a [22] Hammer 2003 p. 65 consequence he died at Bedford House in the Strand, [23] Adams 2008a; Hammer 2003 p. 65 London, on 21 February. Two days before, the diplo- mat Sir Edward Stafford visited him and described his [24] Jenkins 2002 p. 96 spasms and pain “which lasted him unto his death”.[1] [25] Wilson 1981 p. 137 He also saw the Countess sitting “by the fire so full of tears that she could not speak”.[26] The Earl of War- [26] Adams 2008b wick was buried in the Beauchamp Chapel of Collegiate [27] Jenkins 2002 pp. 127–128; Adams 2008a Church of St Mary, Warwick, in the vicinity of his an- [28] Jenkins 2002 pp. 167–168 cestor Richard Beauchamp, his brother Robert, and his little nephew Robert Dudley, Lord Denbigh, Leicester’s [29] Bruce 1844 pp. 150–151 son who during his short life had been heir to both Dudley [30] Warwick 1903 pp. 265–266 earldoms.[44] Ambrose Dudley’s widow commissioned his monument,[1] but on her request was buried with her [31] Owen 1980 p. 75 ancestors in Chenies, Buckinghamshire, when she died in [32] Stone 1967 p. 338; Adams 2002 pp. 230–231 1604.[26] Ambrose Dudley entered tradition as the “Good Earl of Warwick"; this probably came about through his [33] Stone 1967 p. 339; Wilson 1981 p. 199 quiet life style, which contrasted with the colourful per- [34] Stone 1967 p. 340 sona of his brother, the Queen’s favourite.[1] [35] Adams 2008a; Wilson 1981 p. 164 [36] Jenkins 2002 p. 54 4 Ancestry [37] Jenkins 2002 pp. 94, 221; Adams 2008a [38] Jenkins 2002 p. 162 5 Notes [39] Bruce 1844 p. 151; Adams 2008a [40] Wilson 1981 pp. 1, 3; Adams 2002 pp. 312–313 [1] Adams 2008a [41] Adams 2002 p. 321; Adams 2008a [2] Ives 2009 pp. 114–115, 307; Loades 2008 [42] Adams 2002 pp. 144–145 [3] French 2002 p. 33; Chamberlin 1939 p. 56–57 [43] Adams 1995 p. 390 [4] Adams 2008a; Wilson 1981 p. 31 [44] Adams 2008a; Adams 2002 p. 149 5

6 References • Stone, Lawrence (1967): The Crisis of the Aristoc- racy, 1558–1641: Abridged Edition Oxford Univer- • Adams, Simon (1995): Household Accounts and sity Press ISBN 0-19-500274-1 Disbursement Books of Robert Dudley, Earl of Le- • Warwick, Frances Countess of (1903): Warwick icester, 1558–1561, 1584–1586 Cambridge Univer- Castle and its Earls Vol. I Hutchinson & Co. sity Press ISBN 0-521-55156-0 • Wilson, Derek (1981): Sweet Robin: A Biography of • Adams, Simon (2002): Leicester and the Court: Es- Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester 1533–1588 Hamish says in Elizabethan Politics Manchester University Hamilton ISBN 0-241-10149-2 Press ISBN 0-7190-5325-0

• Adams, Simon (2008a): “Dudley, Ambrose, earl of Warwick (c.1530–1590)" Oxford Dictionary of Na- 7 External links tional Biography online edn. Jan 2008 (subscription required) Retrieved 2010-04-06 • “Dudley, Ambrose, Earl of Warwick (DDLY564A)". A Cambridge Alumni Database. • Adams, Simon (2008b): “Dudley, Anne, countess University of Cambridge. of Warwick (1548/9–1604)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online edn. Jan 2008 (subscrip- tion required) Retrieved 2010-06-11

• Adams, Simon (2008c): “Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester (1532/3–1588)" Oxford Dictionary of Na- tional Biography online edn. May 2008 (subscrip- tion required) Retrieved 2010-04-03

• Bruce, John (1844): Correspondence of Robert Dud- ley, Earl of Leycester, during his Government of the Low Countries, in the Years 1585 and 1586 Camden Society

• Chamberlin, Frederick (1939): Elizabeth and Leycester Dodd, Mead & Co.

• French, Peter (2002): John Dee: The World of an Elizabethan Magus Routledge ISBN 0-7448-0079- X

• Hammer, P.E.J. (2003): Elizabeth’s Wars: War, Government and Society in Tudor England, 1544– 1604 Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 978-0-333-91943- 9

• Ives, Eric (2009): Lady Jane Grey: A Tudor Mystery Wiley-Blackwell ISBN 978-1-4051-9413-6

• Jenkins, Elizabeth (2002): Elizabeth and Leicester The Phoenix Press ISBN 1-84212-560-5

• Loades, David (1996): John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland 1504–1553 Clarendon Press ISBN 0-19-820193-1

• Loades, David (2008): “Dudley, John, duke of Northumberland (1504–1553)" in Oxford Dictio- nary of National Biography online edn. Oct 2008 (subscription required) Retrieved 2010-04-04

• Owen, D.G. (ed.) (1980): Manuscripts of The Marquess of Bath Volume V: Talbot, Dudley and Devereux Papers 1533–1659 HMSO ISBN 0-11- 440092-X 6 8 TEXT AND IMAGE SOURCES, CONTRIBUTORS, AND LICENSES

8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text

• Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambrose_Dudley,_3rd_Earl_of_Warwick?oldid= 625980147 Contributors: Deb, Jdforrester, John K, Charles Matthews, Lord Emsworth, Faedra, Chmod007, D6, Bender235, Craigy144, Danaman5, FeanorStar7, Matjlav, Kmorozov, Choess, PKM, Peterkingiron, Bluebot, Jwillbur, OrphanBot, Tryde, Cydebot, Lord Loxley, TicketMan, JustAGal, Phoe, Dsp13, Ericoides, Xn4, Ling.Nut, The Mystery Man, CommonsDelinker, DrKiernan, Johnbod, The Duke of Waltham, Omegastar, LarRan, Rs-nourse, EstherLois, Boleyn, RogDel, Surtsicna, Addbot, Download, Lightbot, Luckas-bot, Grem- lin Scholar, 1exec1, LilHelpa, Jezhotwells, Buchraeumer, FrescoBot, Full-date unlinking bot, Trappist the monk, Miracle Pen, GA bot, OAC89, ZéroBot, LoveActresses, Helpful Pixie Bot, VIAFbot, Inglok, Mugsalot and Anonymous: 8

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